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File: 531d05d14d8aecf⋯.png (288 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Cucouroux_(SSR)_B.png)

d04634 No.14747705

Gunsmith Sisters


May Event Schedule

04/30~05/08 - A Thousand Reasons

05/09~05/14 - The Girl who Leapt Through Mountains (rerun)

05/15~05/22 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (rerun)

05/23~05/30 - Unite and Fight (Water enemies/Earth favored)

05/31~06/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

d04634 No.14747716

File: f919f3763cbd0e5⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 640x605, 128:121, Dcf-wEAV4AIVdj9.jpg)

Banner for the upcoming rerun

1db39c No.14747733

File: 4b3530b86b44006⋯.png (51.32 KB, 108x319, 108:319, __camieux_cucouroux_lyria_….png)

ba1c33 No.14747789

Just hit 100 on Seig and am hype for his second skill to stop being shit.

e2be9a No.14747820


Fuck if fags.

ba1c33 No.14747827


lmao make me, nerd.

6f9345 No.14747850

File: 09644d5767832f0⋯.jpg (114.48 KB, 741x834, 247:278, beatrix_granblue_fantasy.jpg)

How is the crew doing?

ba1c33 No.14747867

File: 32bb7f888a77ac2⋯.png (860.67 KB, 633x899, 633:899, coronation meme.png)


Just got this off a coronation ring I pulled off the event box.

78d361 No.14748121

File: 12842c5f5b49c03⋯.png (562.4 KB, 417x584, 417:584, well fuck.PNG)

File: 16759fe7c2e07db⋯.png (393.13 KB, 425x750, 17:30, fuck2.PNG)


Intricacy and Lineage…

1db39c No.14748143


Does that skill dmg cap up affect ground zero as well? If so that might be a decent roll.

7de4a6 No.14748162


Yes. Tested it, can conform.

e55ac1 No.14748284

Gold bar plz, I just need one to finally get Threo.

efd5b0 No.14748634

File: 74af6908fddd078⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 480x603, 160:201, capture_001_06052018_17330….jpg)

File: 20a5b4f7fb739b4⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 494x690, 247:345, capture_003_06052018_17420….jpg)

Row 4, here I come!

Man, that old hag must have been something crazy when she was younger.

Then I realized I have 7520 CP and each class needs 2500. What are the priorities?

Chaos ruler, berserker and luchador first, then warlock and spartan?

267611 No.14748657

File: 5f564e0429c5a53⋯.png (4.94 KB, 443x376, 443:376, 1367778750887.png)

Are any crews recruiting?

ID: 17588406

fca580 No.14748720


luchador is a meme class, sparta sage ad zerk are far better choices

45c75c No.14748783

I'm almost done with my revenant weapon. The only things stopping me are anima and rainbow prisms. Is there any more efficient way of grinding the prisms other than to go raid for like a few hours?

94bea6 No.14748888

File: 9bd7bfca26e304f⋯.png (66.47 KB, 181x197, 181:197, Advance Dubs.png)


fca580 No.14748920


reduce selfies or spam baha you need the papers anyway

84a969 No.14748929


Quads of truth.

361dda No.14748997

File: e5b897972cc212e⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 481x1048, 481:1048, 2018-05-06_00-18-06.jpg)

Not like this

e55ac1 No.14749018


Spartan, Sage and Elysian.

Then I recommend Bandit Tycoon to do your daily Magna raids with

Then you got all the good ones and canI unlock the rest at whatever order you want

864582 No.14749269

Who the fuck do I sunstone between shiva, alex and kaguya? I reckon alexiel has priority because of her 3* buffs.

Every primal is a candidate as well, I guess, but I don't have grids to support them.

e207dd No.14749364

File: db90437c1d4a915⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Just the Two of Us Donald ….mp4)

File: d8c0317cd6790d0⋯.webm (1.3 MB, 360x600, 3:5, I have no vodka and I mus….webm)

3ca257 No.14749385

I think they have upped the half-elixir from 50AP to 52AP

fca580 No.14749406


no they didnt , getting a "better" exchange just means your ap limit is above 100

4e5b30 No.14749413


Half pots used to give players exactly half of their stamina maximum per use but this was pretty unfair for beginners so they changed them to always restore at least 50AP regardless of rank. This happened pretty early on from what i remember someone telling me. You ranked up enough to increase your stamina maximum beyond 100 thus restoring more AP per pot.

ba1c33 No.14749466


Bonito is always the first choice. If you don't have bonito you hold on to your g-d stones until you get one. I recommend using the suptix to snag it now if you have to.

267611 No.14749480

File: 1f45eb399d76dad⋯.png (266.23 KB, 600x589, 600:589, lunalu nose.png)


Thank you.

779e60 No.14749647

File: f15ed488c472aaa⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, smirkinguncle.jpg)


Thank you for your sage advice.

fca580 No.14749672

File: c946313dbb2131f⋯.png (114.05 KB, 538x988, 269:494, angry pihna.png)

485C1D4E baha hl

efd5b0 No.14749736

File: 40af457e8139a51⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 471x537, 157:179, capture_001_06052018_22064….jpg)

>got a snow white

Now they need to add a water primal that I'll manage to roll to be sure to get that 100% bonus all the time.

45c75c No.14749741

File: fffa957862a2124⋯.png (794.72 KB, 478x681, 478:681, fire sutera.PNG)

I don't know what this RNG is, but now I both Meteras and Suteras. I just got another bahamut dagger drop with my latest train, what should I do with it?

e55ac1 No.14749831

I plan to host a coop room for low level Ubaha. Is there anyone who wants to join?

It'll probably happen two days from now.

267611 No.14749964

File: fba3fe162d9db34⋯.png (447.08 KB, 583x432, 583:432, ClipboardImage.png)

I suppose three +1's is kinda nice to be honest.

ba1c33 No.14750330


I would have waited until roll over since it is likely we would have had a Summon Up draw pool and Uriel would be nice to have going into the GW.

267611 No.14750344


Ah didn't realise it was coming, oh well these things happen, cheers anyway.

cb9b1c No.14750815

File: 452bdd1c4c560b5⋯.mp4 (901.66 KB, 326x326, 1:1, howboutno.mp4)

>drew the golden mop THREE FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW from my free draws

efd5b0 No.14750854

File: 1347ba958821483⋯.jpg (64.77 KB, 483x662, 483:662, capture_001_07052018_01093….jpg)

>r char only against max hp and atk and different elements in the same battle

Fuck this shit.

45c75c No.14750926

File: ba08163ab322e15⋯.png (385.81 KB, 476x493, 28:29, so close.PNG)

I'm almost to my first revenant weapon boys.

ba1c33 No.14750944


I need 37 more Blue Sky Crystals for my next one.

e33853 No.14750955


Start joining some GO trains

ba1c33 No.14750965


Trying to squeeze out 5 more Alexiel Omega anima out of this magfest. If I can get it then I will. Six is pretty low priority until we see what his reblance brings

3ca257 No.14750987



I see, thanks for the info.

3e2b97 No.14751204

File: 49d34c0b6917143⋯.png (962.38 KB, 577x757, 577:757, GO bullshit.png)

What team have you guys been fielding for Grandsky Rumble?

9eb7d1 No.14751274

File: dc0f320f3ebf790⋯.png (274.01 KB, 557x280, 557:280, gsr.png)


Probably could have fielded a GO team but this let me clean the rewards in about 2 days.

45c75c No.14751289


For the short time that I did, I ran Orchid, SR Randall and Lyria. I couldn't win the hardest version of the rumble so I quit after getting two Rs from my melee character tickets.

592db5 No.14751300

File: fb7a968f57b6b19⋯.png (202.17 KB, 454x268, 227:134, fighting.png)

ba1c33 No.14751321

File: e1f26b8ef06aafd⋯.png (270.14 KB, 573x335, 573:335, GSR.png)


easy modo

3e2b97 No.14751335

So I hit upon a snag with Grandsky Rumble. Feather will ignore Substitute when doing his CA, so of all the midbosses in this one, you'd better kill him fast if your grid is shit.


Nice. I can field a full team on certain elements myself, but going in as Water with GO off-element support made Grandsky Rumble WAY easier just due to being element advantage on two of the three final bosses, plus Six doing like no damage when Sara has defenses up.


Yeah I found this surprisingly annoying, and I've gotten nothing but codices myself. One more ticket to go though.


Legitimately jealous of this fire team.


Water really does make this one easy.

567e1d No.14751354

File: 3507c39b4e702fa⋯.png (157.78 KB, 429x220, 39:20, water.PNG)


Not much but it works. Varuna is the real MVP of this team.

361dda No.14751394

File: e6cea91f5dcbdea⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 410x205, 2:1, chrome_2018-05-06_18-11-06.jpg)

File: d9a4ad781b5c1bb⋯.jpg (111.12 KB, 474x406, 237:203, chrome_2018-05-06_18-12-53.jpg)

File: 21e190de4561b5c⋯.jpg (264.13 KB, 476x1048, 119:262, chrome_2018-05-06_18-12-11.jpg)


I'm somehow managing to do the hardest difficulty just fine with this, even with Ghanda showing up as the boss. It helps to have a second grminir via support summon.

7de4a6 No.14751473

File: 2eef245e3679efd⋯.png (78.4 KB, 287x166, 287:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d21f5fb8b0b5256⋯.png (261.33 KB, 319x442, 319:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e04b1e6d6b37cdc⋯.png (231.55 KB, 317x329, 317:329, ClipboardImage.png)


This is the team I used to get fucking Codexes.

efd5b0 No.14751484

File: 87b81bb4da7dac0⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 444x265, 444:265, capture_001_07052018_03313….jpg)

File: 75021fc1a4d014d⋯.jpg (130.87 KB, 475x895, 95:179, capture_002_07052018_03325….jpg)

File: 96e3bb226294ecd⋯.jpg (77.09 KB, 481x484, 481:484, capture_003_07052018_03330….jpg)


I take only one debuff for the last fight. Can't seem to do it with more.

69b098 No.14751486

File: 83d1a24513b5a6d⋯.png (779.31 KB, 549x687, 183:229, Weirdest fight team.png)


Ar first I was using Orchid, Cerberus, Azazel, Predator, and Claudia but they weren't strong enough for the later rounds. Lyria was in Chloes position but I wanted more attackers while Sen charges.

12706c No.14751490


Farrah is cute, shame she's not popular

4e95f4 No.14751499

File: d0ef6fe44f8369f⋯.png (156.74 KB, 420x249, 140:83, ClipboardImage.png)

45c75c No.14751511

File: 2679a6fb9dc2206⋯.png (498.14 KB, 482x494, 241:247, GR Grid.PNG)

File: 296991be6d349d9⋯.png (546.2 KB, 481x498, 481:498, GR summons.PNG)

The final round was honestly where I hit my limit even with purchased buffs. I just don't have the raw power to push through.

3c85bc No.14751547

Those melee character tickets were a trick.

I got Tiamat with my first one and the following two only gave rare codexes.

0b853b No.14751558

File: 98a0c90696ee587⋯.png (490.63 KB, 850x495, 170:99, Untitled.png)


Not that the rewards from GSR are worth a shit

234538 No.14751568

File: e98d35436df73b5⋯.png (162.6 KB, 414x205, 414:205, darklucha.png)


Got all the GSR points I needed in the first few days, autoattacking through fights 1-8 with Ring Ruler and Puppet Strings up, using an ATK up/dark carbie summon on fight 9, and then taking the max penalty on last fight. In case of teamwide confusion, broke it with Urkin. Think I was getting 8900 points per run, so it was pretty quick to get done.

45c75c No.14751582

File: a8e6ff29b346afb⋯.png (29 KB, 154x101, 154:101, effective EP.PNG)

Spamming bahamut has just been destorying my EP items. Can anyone give me a quick run through on what I should do to unlock swordmaster and get a running slimeblast setup?

ba1c33 No.14751585


Unlock swordmaster and equip Disparia

efd5b0 No.14751617

12706c No.14751863

>Water still has no playable primal characters

So when is you know who getting added to the gacha

ba1c33 No.14751893



4d1373 No.14751928

File: 5320f45ad7331c3⋯.png (577.38 KB, 479x602, 479:602, Beato's Grid.png)

File: fdc36c82073016b⋯.png (550.22 KB, 475x606, 475:606, Djeeta'sGrid.PNG)

File: c467c4685a2e0b1⋯.jpg (385.75 KB, 1280x1854, 640:927, ShiritsuGraBlueJogakuen.jpg)

12706c No.14751934

File: 48d843b3fb69ebc⋯.jpg (68.99 KB, 863x610, 863:610, DaAYdwsVAAAFGuN.jpg)


If Europa is playable before fenny-kins then I'm quitting this game

a5ec51 No.14751935


Thanks anon, I have been looking for that. Do you happen to have the rest?

ba1c33 No.14751957


Never ever dog-fucker

e55f7b No.14751964

File: 02f790d3b627d68⋯.png (666.42 KB, 579x819, 193:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f7fa0e7d4d3a88⋯.png (269.63 KB, 320x364, 80:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d9455b66f93300⋯.png (668.05 KB, 477x798, 159:266, ClipboardImage.png)


Gave up on getting the third melee ticket because all I've been getting from it were Rs, and can't really dish out 20000 pts due to extreme mode kicking my ass on the final fighter.


>Europa being a possible playable primal for water

Wouldn't mind having her or Kaguya on the team.

e207dd No.14751970



117eff No.14752011

File: bf7ca92b0ca53e8⋯.png (111.25 KB, 328x192, 41:24, g142603r.png)

45c75c No.14752018

File: fcec67ac0255051⋯.png (383 KB, 475x502, 475:502, The time has come.PNG)

File: 3ee5e105aa82aac⋯.png (98.9 KB, 418x198, 19:9, Tien.PNG)

Fuck doing this shit again, I'm gonna put off the axe for a long while. I barely managed to pull through without using an elixir.

ba1c33 No.14752022

File: b483b33b8e0ba16⋯.jpg (125.54 KB, 927x432, 103:48, s-CRY-d.jpg)










ba1c33 No.14752024

File: 902bdb8d9f4d358⋯.webm (8.11 MB, 500x360, 25:18, 『Reckless Fire』.webm)

45c75c No.14752036

File: 0ab490d0558bfda⋯.png (203.1 KB, 433x257, 433:257, Bitches everywhere.PNG)


I think I'm gonna need an Erune boosting Bahamut weapon now as a side note.

ba1c33 No.14752040


There is a reason baka knife is the suggested first baka weapon.

45c75c No.14752058


Well shit, I guess I need to pump it up some more then.

ba1c33 No.14752073

Finally working on my firememe. Generally speaking how many twigs to I want to run in Magna? S. Bea, Percy, Therese, Yuel, Sturm party.

1a0c72 No.14752075

File: 7bf211070ca12ea⋯.jpg (157.17 KB, 800x505, 160:101, ZOOEY IS A PRIMAL'S NAME.jpg)

File: 8cbf1d7ef9d1c26⋯.png (198.72 KB, 960x800, 6:5, better rock howard.png)


They do this often, to say the least.

567e1d No.14752088

File: 4465761ea4a1ff3⋯.png (651.55 KB, 597x657, 199:219, 1510559911883.png)


6 ancient ecke sachs are the number you need to get 100% crit chance with double FLB colossus. It also makes beato's damage go sky-high even with just shiva x colo FLB because of her natural enmity mechanic and jammed. Seriously, you haven't felt damage until you walked into a wind discarded puppet on arcarum extreme and blasted more than half it's HP with just beato.

ba1c33 No.14752092


Whelp that is the next project I guess. Going to need to farm up another Ultima Core while I am at it.

1a0c72 No.14752114

Working on a wind grid since I got some characters for it Korwa, JK, Birdman, Scat. Got Zephy as well, but is it any better than Tiamat? Which weapons should I farm for a primal build in any case?

69b098 No.14752131

File: 1fb8f06faf71563⋯.jpg (134.75 KB, 649x906, 649:906, Daf_1VTVwAAOHCY.jpg)


Keep Tiamat unless your grid is shit and Tiamat is not MLB; better to have something like Grimnir as your rental.

567e1d No.14752137

File: c4535d878f437a2⋯.jpg (402.74 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 1498537151102.jpg)


Zephyrus is right in front of hades as being the worst F2P primal to build. Stow that zephy away in a safe place until you luck your way into 2-3 FLB love eternals, only when you have that should you consider primal wind over magna. Magna wind is just that strong.

ba1c33 No.14752196

Jesus I am so burnt out from all these magfests sandwiching a GW. I spent almost all day just staring at the screen and draining my AP/EP whenever they got full instead of farming what I need for the next GW.

1a187c No.14752605

File: 6b137ffd8c1bd18⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1108x1500, 277:375, 4bc961503ab099daed4b033c09….png)


I want to do things with these strange Erune ladies.

ba1c33 No.14752637

File: a5265e305c0ba89⋯.png (314.2 KB, 451x552, 451:552, kino.png)


Anon I…

592db5 No.14752675

File: 3fa297a05751371⋯.png (1.25 MB, 850x1020, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)


>wanting erune when draph exist in this game

a42820 No.14752691

File: c3ca3eebe8f91e5⋯.jpg (170.63 KB, 500x502, 250:251, neet.jpg)

Decided to reach rank 120 so that I can try and leech Omega 2 raids and man, is it a lot better than doing Yggs Impossible. Alexiel raids end in the blink of an eye so I can just hop from raid to raid without stopping once, and the drop rate for SSRs are a lot better than Yggs Impossible. Already got 5 swords in the hour I spent hopping from raid to raid, I'll be ready for whatever GW throws at us.

16490e No.14752699


I leeched over 300 Alexiel raids today before I lost count. 101 regular anime, two bows, one dewbranch. Wasted insane amounts of resources for nothing to show for it other than getting my dirt ridill to 200.

1a187c No.14752704

File: 20d91d0adcf911d⋯.jpg (970.64 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 008d6560d35528ed08116bd39c….jpg)

File: 11f64cc3d409db7⋯.jpg (418.23 KB, 1280x987, 1280:987, 11f64cc3d409db70502a810d95….jpg)


Draphs are pure fucktoys, but that's about it.

Erunes are for love, cumming inside and marriage.

Potatoes are for cute.

e55ac1 No.14752729


>Draphs are pure fucktoys

Rude, are you saying Camieux is only good for lewds?

fca580 No.14752768


camieux in particular yes

6d0cf0 No.14752776

File: bc0094ffc766c88⋯.png (6.29 MB, 2854x2507, 2854:2507, 59741110_p0.png)


>not good for comfy autumn feels

592db5 No.14752805

File: 67196f7fb2a3486⋯.png (1.05 MB, 850x1189, 850:1189, ClipboardImage.png)


>implying a girl can't have a big heart as well as a big chest.

e33853 No.14752817

File: 6194312a494a520⋯.jpg (181.15 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __noa_granblue_fantasy_dra….jpg)

girls are shit

make room for best boy to sail into your heart

e55ac1 No.14752825


Don't forget about the handholding in her fate episode.

d04b29 No.14752867

File: d33dae48162d63b⋯.png (496.37 KB, 709x611, 709:611, umamusume.png)

Suzuka helped break into another prereg tier. Almost there.

69b098 No.14753315

File: 1e283ddd65019ea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.84 KB, 650x906, 325:453, 0c300aba097be773183770d232….jpg)

File: d6fcd95e95b94f7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 610.61 KB, 822x737, 822:737, 118090_20160221221911_0.jpg)

File: bce75704dd9c252⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 422.21 KB, 1200x1097, 1200:1097, 9662ed2a46e9613c267bbf17ec….jpg)



Cami is for bullying.

267611 No.14753424

File: 50f4f83cb415e94⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 511x449, 511:449, 205502_47f9fed9392a6aac163….jpg)

Do the melee draw tickets from the event count towards sparking?

358806 No.14753426


things on the rupie tab do not give sparks

so no

b2a95d No.14753427


I'll sail something into his butt

267611 No.14753430


Cheers dude.

ba1c33 No.14753619

File: 3b91f4a91ab4244⋯.jpg (696.1 KB, 887x1250, 887:1250, smug doll joints.jpg)


>Implying your impotent rage can do shit

d04b29 No.14753665

File: 6070c7c9a9987a7⋯.jpg (166.37 KB, 602x972, 301:486, doll joints.jpg)

45c75c No.14753666

File: d617abb570bcfa5⋯.png (636.08 KB, 482x702, 241:351, Sword master unlock.PNG)

Any other EX1 classes I should grab? I already have Dancer, Drum Masters, and Engineer unlocked.

1a187c No.14753681


All of them for the mastery bonuses, but get Mystic as well.

I hear that it is practically mandatory for easy farming, but I've yet to see it shine.

ba1c33 No.14753694


Halo, Vyrn, press attack to win

efd5b0 No.14753748

File: 4e070b396ff7b5a⋯.jpg (66.44 KB, 494x692, 247:346, capture_001_07052018_20185….jpg)

>first melee ticket gives a R char

>second melee ticket gives a codex

>say fuck it and doesn't bother with the third one

>read post saying they got tiamat

>decide in the end to farm the last ticket

>get Amira

Well, it wasn't a complete waste.

efd5b0 No.14754122

File: e65d4c773363253⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 485x609, 485:609, capture_001_07052018_22020….jpg)

>one of each moon for the last day of free rolls


45c75c No.14754138

>>14754122 (checked)

I think I'm gonna watch for the gacha to roll over before I make my free pull. I really don't need more fire characters.

78d361 No.14754143

File: f3c247c3cd36b12⋯.png (833.71 KB, 471x688, 471:688, saving the best for last.PNG)

File: c8bb0f0188957ea⋯.png (521.04 KB, 483x622, 483:622, aw yeah motherfucker.PNG)

Zahlmamenina, Altair and a Magisa Gold Moon out of all the free rolls.

ba1c33 No.14754171

Ayyy I now have all the Annas

ed2e9c No.14754173


Get the fuck out.

78d361 No.14754177


lmao cry more fag

ed2e9c No.14754194

>There are people on 8/v/ spending money on gachashit.

>inb4 "we don't spend money!"

You know damn well you fags are spending money on this shit. You're addicted and need to take this faggotry to Reddit along with the rest of the phonefags. Get the fuck off this board.

ba1c33 No.14754203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lol make me faggot.

78d361 No.14754208


I just bought myself a new waifu whose company I'll enjoy greatly during my daily grind.

I'll think of your hot red rage while I fap to a doujin of her as her VA whispers in my ear.

ed2e9c No.14754234

You're all nonmalfags in denial.

3ca257 No.14754282


>you fags are spending money on this shit

Someone is projecting really hard.

Show me on the gacha screen where the big man touched you.

45c75c No.14754291



>playing mobage

Pick one.

063f36 No.14754299


You can't be this delusional.

69b098 No.14754403

File: 1d34bcc5db4fceb⋯.jpg (418.73 KB, 1409x1983, 1409:1983, DaWHX3oVQAoC9Sv.jpg)


I think you mean

>Playing anything other beyond Nintendo and Fate mobage

45c75c No.14754452


Really? I haven't seen anyone else out there doing it. Maybe I don't know better.

7de4a6 No.14754577

I got Heles. On one hand, I'm glad I got another big titty sister. The other, she's kinda bad. Hope her rebalance is a major stat increase.

ba1c33 No.14754625


>big titty sister


>titty kitty

You had one job.

267611 No.14754922

File: c04e6634a0987cf⋯.png (677.59 KB, 578x774, 289:387, ClipboardImage.png)

I have happier about this pull off the ticket than I am with getting an SSR. Finally got my retard neet waifu.

ba1c33 No.14754944


She isn't retarded, just autistic.

a42820 No.14754947

File: 7d0fed2859ada2b⋯.jpg (107.51 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 1.jpg)

File: 6cbf73024a1d708⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 2.jpg)

File: b0dc438f98e8cf7⋯.jpg (135.64 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 3.jpg)

File: 6726a076947376e⋯.jpg (149.5 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 4.jpg)

File: 7b1bc2a062798ea⋯.jpg (148.98 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 5.jpg)


Nice, her fate episodes are pretty damn enjoyable. However she's not retarded, just has aspergers or autism since she can only express herself through her horn

08103b No.14754953


worse, her horn is gone and she magicked a bazooka and a pumpkin to serve her now.

267611 No.14754958

File: da098c303fa60cb⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 720x720, 1:1, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg)



Thanks but we tend to count them all the same over here, besides I mean retarded in an adorable way. Also she is literally the best character I have for my wind team now I've been so screwed on wind rolls.

ba1c33 No.14754959


RIP in peace Stumpeye


ba1c33 No.14754963

File: 62eef14e381aa5f⋯.webm (725.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, i'm_retarded.webm)

08103b No.14754966


plus she got a plugged tail and she is truly autistic, she claims she cant feel pain at all from it.

6db6b0 No.14755074

File: be29c551622cb7f⋯.png (1006.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-173642.png)

File: 6ad1e1b1a91a4a9⋯.png (875.44 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-173652.png)

Which one is more in need of a suptix?

567e1d No.14755089


Your wind, water, fire or light team.

6db6b0 No.14755097

File: 1d5a640be59b5a7⋯.png (1021.23 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-175235.png)

File: a9459a759c88a81⋯.png (1023.42 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-175226.png)

File: 91e81406a66eb06⋯.png (1020.4 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-175218.png)

File: df346e062817c9f⋯.png (1021.22 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180507-175209.png)

ba1c33 No.14755105


08103b No.14755112

File: 04a4eff4296b84d⋯.jpg (354.41 KB, 1920x2160, 8:9, the islamic municipality o….jpg)



567e1d No.14755119

File: 8791f932f0f60e8⋯.png (114.81 KB, 231x467, 231:467, 68630513_p1.png)


Light jeanne, dark jeanne, SSR vira, earth vaseraga, earth siegfried, or SSR ayer. Choose one.

69b098 No.14755125

File: 2fe010c633ce933⋯.jpg (957.35 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, 151107_20160228164225_0.jpg)


Nah, she just doesn't give a shit about you enough to waste air and time better spent doing the thing she loves.


Tits or get the fuck out.

f2826d No.14755189

why are you fellas playing cookie clicker?

88816b No.14755224


why are their legs like tree trunks

69b098 No.14755242

File: a25ae4cdb3c8fbb⋯.png (327.64 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 53619213_p0.png)


Stumpeye has an infectious personality.

I think the artist really likes Classic Mega Man.

08103b No.14755272

File: d85058778c8d5f9⋯.jpg (401.27 KB, 1000x1192, 125:149, 68404980_p0.jpg)

File: 202fb35c7003b91⋯.jpg (1016.41 KB, 1410x2000, 141:200, 63317020_p0.jpg)

File: 71a77a316c01b08⋯.png (3.4 MB, 2193x1099, 2193:1099, 58944223_p0.png)

File: fd86afa840781f6⋯.jpg (122.54 KB, 1000x1473, 1000:1473, 57895936_p0.jpg)

File: 21efcdc47df2249⋯.jpg (629.52 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 54867302_p0.jpg)


because these jaypegs tug our heartstrings or ourdicks and they have amazing voice work, and some of them even pretend to love you, and its better than not having anyone in this life to tell you that they love you. and the banter when people get fucked by the gacha god.

08103b No.14755286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When I read Nio's episode when she tells you you are most beautiful concert in this universe and slowly breathes next to you asking you to hug her and let her listen to your entire being, I was listening to this, ever since, it was enough for me to keep playing this, it's the closest thing I've had to a relationship in two years, and I felt more love from a talking jpeg than from any human ever. Also, there's a waifu/husbando for nearly every type of guy here, whats not to like.

3f3544 No.14755303


That 3rd comic happened to me in school I was extremely embarrassed and I still think about it occasionally to this day and feel embarrassed for no reason. I am also yelled at all the time for the shit in the 2nd comic. Fuck did a stupid yonkoma just make me realize I have ass burgers?

ba1c33 No.14755325


Well bro I hate to say it

267611 No.14755331

File: 7783690e64c573b⋯.png (803.64 KB, 806x1138, 403:569, bully1.png)

a5ec51 No.14755343

File: f4e9622f7dd8d84⋯.jpg (342.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 56174592_p0.jpg)


Assburgers is not a real thing anon, its a made up kike disease created to sell drugs like most other excuses they use to hop up children on dangerous and untested pills.

ba1c33 No.14755370

File: c31f886b4b24593⋯.webm (7.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, True Autism.webm)


Big guy,

it really is a really real thing just not in the way that imageboards like to use it.

Now I understand that a lot of things are over diagnosed and jews use it as an excuse to scam social services

God damn though it does exist.

What you didn't know is that real autism isn't like The Big Bang theory or Chris Chan

A friend of mine has an autistic son and it is really sad. The kid is like 13 wears diapers, can't speak, and randomly screams.

He has hit my friend before for no reason and my friend can't really hit him back.

Other times he has had to go to school and pick up his son from school because he has attacked other children.

One time when my friend was drunk he confessed that he wanted to kill himself because of it. It's really fucking sad, dude.

vid related

bab2b2 No.14755382

File: dcf5b08eaf476c7⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 393x326, 393:326, goober.jpg)


>guy who posts pregnant lolis on imageboards telling me aspergers isn't real

69b098 No.14755384

File: bb609077bb64c45⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1243x888, 1243:888, bb609077bb64c457edf6f46719….jpg)


I've seen that picture multiple times and just now realized her armor's adjusted.

a5ec51 No.14755387

File: 194dcc561bae017⋯.gif (95.31 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 1321314142.gif)


Autism is a real thing yes, but assburgers and most other types of "high functioning autism" are really just personality types. Categorizing every personality type that is not a lobotomized normalfag as a mental illness does nothing but hurt those who really do have problems.

ba1c33 No.14755398


Charlotta is a grown damned woman



7de4a6 No.14755560

Come kill this Meta since high rank nips are leechers. 6EDE6CC8

267611 No.14755588

File: 03ab422c911f411⋯.png (891.72 KB, 570x846, 95:141, ClipboardImage.png)

There finally done the last ricket at nearly 3am and what do I get?

Fucking Cailana that's who.

592db5 No.14755627


best R in the game (outside of lunalu memes)

267611 No.14755640

File: 85c159b443327fe⋯.png (24.14 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 85c159b443327fe2b418e88425….png)


Oh really? Guess that's not so bad then thanks.

ba1c33 No.14755650


Bridgette is pretty great. Her skills give stackable strength. If you are running a pendant farming team it is pretty snazzy buffing the crap out of Gran.

ba1c33 No.14755654


Oh and they stack additively.

45c75c No.14755656

File: 1c1385ff53fda57⋯.png (744.28 KB, 478x688, 239:344, ramenman.PNG)

Since everyone else was doing it, I decided to grind out the last one I had. Is he any good? It's pretty steep composition to get into my fire team.

592db5 No.14755665

File: c82ee6cac6ad8d9⋯.png (128.37 KB, 932x547, 932:547, cailana.png)


yep. 30% echo with water def down. Better than some SR skills. Plus she has 3 TA nodes and stackable attack.

ba1c33 No.14755668


He has no use in fire teams. In dark teams he has some limited memery in conjunction with a Prom Stick and summer Zoi

267611 No.14755673

File: dc81a49d4204062⋯.png (325.63 KB, 561x590, 561:590, r6yiBnH.png)



That's nice as I have Bridgette too. Time to sort out my pendant team also someone told me I need r's for arcanum which I haven't tried yet. So I guess it's she's a nice get after all.

a5ec51 No.14755787


Vermeil is better. 50% echos with a 100% uptime + 60% echos until hit trumps 30% echos on a 5/7 uptime and 10% water defense down.

7de4a6 No.14755808

>All these raids where I get like 100k honor and some from of MVP

>Every Red and Blue chest is either a Balm, True Anima, and/or Centrum

Why is magna II such ass to get anything from? The only weapon I got from magna II drop was a Scimitar from Shiva.

592db5 No.14755839

File: 12a9ae1a6b82855⋯.png (377.54 KB, 525x675, 7:9, ClipboardImage.png)

7de4a6 No.14755867


Well if they wanted me to whale, they failed considerably because Magna grids (except Water) are far stronger than Primal grids.

7de4a6 No.14755899


At least the partially F2P grids anyway.

6db6b0 No.14756077


Magna 2 was designed to last a year

Or at least a lot longer than UBHL turned out

260fa9 No.14756174


They fucked up pretty hard when they designed it. They made earth need to farm a whole new grid so those raids are hard to even get inside, meanwhile they added shit for to water so nobody even wants to do those raids. Then the raids themselves were poorly designed, grim punishes you for using a skill that is almost entirely on subpar characters, alexial's plain damage is retardedly large and adding a def boost on top is just aggravating since these raids last so short you end up only having one turn to do any sort of damage since the next 2-3 turns will just be the def buff trigger.

464413 No.14756376

File: 3692fa8aa511f10⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 5197636 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ….png)

File: 47902a250232688⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 452.66 KB, 1693x2049, 1693:2049, 5732746 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ….jpg)

File: 7b521b86796ba46⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.12 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 5399454 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ….png)

File: 9d99bb6caff9d1a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 482.44 KB, 1615x2050, 323:410, 5746733 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ….jpg)


Potatoes are living onaholes.

117eff No.14756743

File: 955894ed8565767⋯.jpeg (13 KB, 500x281, 500:281, t1r15253670.jpeg)


I don't know why but these comics made me kind of sad. My big brother has diagnosed aspergers syndrome though.

44d0d4 No.14756748


What do you mean by these?

567e1d No.14756749


Why do they make you sad, anon?

9d363f No.14756794

File: b336aa828cd11f3⋯.jpg (54.97 KB, 787x866, 787:866, 809ef2b27d189e037c593d4c57….jpg)


This hit home really hard

567e1d No.14756812

File: a5898ef00a6b20a⋯.jpg (21.16 KB, 226x467, 226:467, IMG_20170806_200618.jpg)


As a sperg, I can relate 100% to this comic. Fuck man, I still can't understand what people mean when they give vague directions, and getting yelled at by my family and the small amount of friends I had over the course of my life always hurt, and still does to this day.

117eff No.14756910


I don't know. It could be because my brother has aspergers and I can understand him a little bit better now. He must have had harder life than I could even think.

1a187c No.14757030

File: b424b76fb28fb1c⋯.jpg (901.05 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, b424b76fb28fb1c6867586fb9a….jpg)


That picture is disgusting.


These are wrong.

I mean, won't they get hurt?


She's 24.


This one is confusing.

On the one hand, I think a tall Charlotte would be very hot, but on the other, it would kill her cuteness.

You wouldn't be able to tease her properly either.

ba1c33 No.14757053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My board owner is challenging the cakekike to a fight.

464413 No.14757064


Don't you know onaholes are stretchy?

361dda No.14757083

I was thinking about ticketing Melissabelle because she's cute and I want to have a harvin in my team, but my wind team seems pretty stacked already, especially with a Nio coming soon. Does she have her uses still, or is she overshadowed by my other characters? Any other other suggestions on who to ticket and/or spark later?


ba1c33 No.14757095


Yeah the current meta for farming Brodia is Nio, Seofon, and either Lanchan or Melisabelle teamed up with a dancer Gran equiped with Love Eternal(prefered) or a GW wind dagger. Your choice of Lanchan or Mellisabelle is entierly dependant on the strenght and comp of your grid. If you can TA enough then you want to take Lanchan. If not you want to bring Melissabelle for her ignition.

1a187c No.14757115

File: acbeca957d33804⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 408x360, 17:15, acbeca957d3380445d822155f6….jpg)


I never used one.

It's all right if she doesn't get injured.

4d1373 No.14757143

File: 2f832d5f420f0a6⋯.png (60.04 KB, 447x82, 447:82, RewardingContent.PNG)

File: af1a982a89bf141⋯.png (31.17 KB, 449x142, 449:142, AlexWeapons.PNG)

2 of the 3 Alex weapons are good, so I'm destined to get the 1 bad one.

ba1c33 No.14757159



I would keep one for a kind of hybrid Startomizer/Bandage mainhand. There aren't any decent dirt daggers outside GW and a little enmity/ougi cap up isn't bad.

efd5b0 No.14757418

File: 58c8a2bce9ea001⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 486x637, 486:637, intricacy.jpg)

267611 No.14757456

File: 5aa17d2b1482076⋯.png (51.51 KB, 330x341, 30:31, 5aa17d2b1482076e4df95aeed9….png)

Is it better value to unlock some row 4 classes before getting an eternal?

b72f3c No.14757466

File: c7c17cb5d2290b9⋯.png (648.78 KB, 600x849, 200:283, 64195151_p0.png)


>no debuff success up

Time to reroll.


Definitely yes, since row 4 is a whole different game compared to row 1-3.

45c75c No.14757480

File: 9fd9109722b7f6d⋯.png (62.99 KB, 336x105, 16:5, draw 5.8.18.PNG)

I think I got some good characters today. Not sure if waiting for the gacha to roll over influenced it though.

e55ac1 No.14757519

The ability to change all 3 subskills is worth it.

267611 No.14757568

File: b5b1ef96e35f40c⋯.gif (894.56 KB, 640x534, 320:267, 28bf7cb47d0abf4c583645224c….gif)


Cheers, will use the event downtime to sort it out. Is Oliver still the safest bet for first weapon?

592db5 No.14757572


oliver is the weapon you would use the most, but now that you have to make an ex class weapon to unlock the ex2 classes, it may be more efficient to make one of them to unlock row 4 and an ex2 class at the same time.

267611 No.14757590


Ah glad you mentioned that thanks, that's completely knew to me. Will go read up on it.

e55ac1 No.14757648


Make a wind samurai weapon, for the 200% ougi memes

d04b29 No.14757775

When does magnafest start?

267611 No.14757892

File: f43b23429552e46⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1101x1284, 367:428, 1469744362032.png)


Sounds good but I just checked what stage I need for the Aschallon and it's fucking earth. My wind team is shit, ree.

cbb8cc No.14758351

File: 0f62f051c219228⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180403-132009.png)

File: cd0870c0eaa4b13⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1065x965, 213:193, superlewd demon.png)


Do they even interfere with each other?


I would have loved some DA/TA up instead of the Def up, but I can't really complain.


Aschallon might be a better idea, it will also allow you to unlock glorybringer (and a +3% atk when using swords)


Fuck, the class is coming out soon and I haven't even started working on mine.

On an unrelated note, how old is Amira again?

a5ec51 No.14758378


Like 4 or 5 or something

cbb8cc No.14758514

File: ee34272b43b756a⋯.png (13.88 KB, 1355x210, 271:42, 06 golden week final.PNG)

Today's the last roll, right?

It was quite a brutal day for everyone and all in all, Account 5 got a little revenge.

267611 No.14758522


Not interfere but blue skycrystals are a limited resources for me. So I either have enough to do one eternal or get 2 or 3 row 4's.

I'll be giving Aschallon a go now, not sure my shit tier wind team is up to farming the replica though but we'll see how it goes. Thanks again.

890bf0 No.14758566


Anon, you only need the BSC to make one CCW, you do not have to make a weapon for each tier four. You do have to make the class weapons for EX II though.

267611 No.14758585


Ah thanks.

267611 No.14758600

File: 48c7514356df5c6⋯.jpg (512.62 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, 007.jpg)

a5ec51 No.14758639

File: 70dfebf9dfeff73⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.22 MB, 1042x1500, 521:750, 52753341_p1.png)


Just try and stop me.

I am surprised at how little lewd art she has and how bad most of it is.

ba1c33 No.14758790


Contrast how much there is of her with how much there is of FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOO

a5ec51 No.14758836


They have about the same actually.

ba1c33 No.14758880

So my download folder is a horrible mess and I can't find the coop farming graphic. Can someone post it please?

69b098 No.14758897

File: 6fdec3d5fa33d69⋯.jpg (326.88 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, Co-Op Drops.jpg)

ba1c33 No.14758913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good lad

45c75c No.14759190

File: 2e1a5b2386d5019⋯.png (372.6 KB, 476x491, 476:491, second rev.PNG)

Gonna be taking my sweet time on this instead of rushing it. It helps that working on the first one gave me almost all the wind material I need. It's also comforting knowing that I can now just slimeblast for more berries/pots.

91a917 No.14759635

File: c89f127bdd10621⋯.png (99.66 KB, 960x800, 6:5, jewsilla.png)

Why won't this silly cunt fight? What's the point of even having her in my lineup if she won't attack?


this hit home too hard too fast

ba1c33 No.14759665


SSR Drusilla and her army of hired thugs when?

To give you a fate episode and power up veight.

91a917 No.14759674

File: 466fec84708b442⋯.png (179.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1462f0a8222b3cd606f25b310c….png)


> SSR Drusilla nad her army of hired thugs when?

that'd actually be pretty neat

> spoiler

I don't even have that character, gdi mobage

1a187c No.14759677


It really annoys me because I have her and like her design, but she is completely unusable in combat.

267611 No.14759705

File: 6ed309a931d3184⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 210x240, 7:8, rina-endo-20.1.jpg)


She's actually voiced by a twelve year old.

91a917 No.14759728

File: 00ab0a81be0f27e⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 517x536, 517:536, 00ab0a81be0f27e49e3de74fef….jpg)


i just swapped her out with Rackam



ba1c33 No.14759729


If, and this is a big if, you can win the luckshit lottery she can do some amazing things. 4 turns of 70% cut with a 8000HP shield on all characters, Full Heal with Full ignition, 2 turns TA, 2-hit party wide mirror are all pretty cool effects.

267611 No.14759753

File: 5278285a47fd6cf⋯.png (97.77 KB, 493x248, 493:248, WQGjah6.png)


Come to think of it she's like 12 now so she'd have been a lot younger when she recorded those lines.

7de4a6 No.14759902

Oh boy, they'r changing the stones you get from reductions from 80 to 4 for cosmos weapons. Fuck.

12706c No.14759908


what in the actual fuck, why is competitive gbf a thing

91a917 No.14759949


doesn't sound like a good trade-off considering how low the odds are for that


w e w

e e

w e w

ba1c33 No.14759963


It's not. However if you are in arcarum extreme and have R only Harvin only eh maybe you can luckshit something not completely useless.

9f0951 No.14759974

File: ffbf17aa83b6fb5⋯.png (35.4 KB, 689x252, 689:252, fukkinobliterated.PNG)

File: c1f98f4209d487b⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 426x240, 71:40, itftsf.gif)


A regrettable development, but at least this made me smile.

267611 No.14760011

File: 0a40bbf947890a7⋯.png (633.45 KB, 584x585, 584:585, ClipboardImage.png)

Trying to fix my god awful wind grid. I have no main hand ssr. Would I be better switching to superstar and using the froggy bell from the side quest or just stick with Dark Fencer until I can get a decent wind main hand weapon?

ba1c33 No.14760030


What wind characters do you have?

592db5 No.14760034


you could grind rose queen and buy the dagger for wind dark fencer

c2c3bc No.14760041


Just use Holy Saber with the spear as a main hand weapon.

You can then choose between MM and DTIII

567e1d No.14760042

File: dd5281226616bc3⋯.png (144.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, giving newbies info.png)


First off, buy the searph bow in the sierokarte shop. Its a free 10% damage increase for your wind units against earth enemies and it is extremely cheap to make. Second, go grind the shadowverse sidestory and get an MLB bow, that is an EX modifier and it'll boost your wind damage up significantly if you put some skill levels into it. After that is done, use two of the guns you replaced with the bows to uncap one of your tiamat guns. After this, all you have to do is sink some SR fodder into your guns so their skill level increases. Also, I assume you already know this, but you need a MLB omega tiamat summon for your guns to really be powerful.

c2c3bc No.14760059


Also, I have to ask: Why aren't you using the free MLB SL10 Tiamat Bolt Omega they gave us instead of one of these 0* ones?

267611 No.14760073

File: e3190d30c8cc0a4⋯.png (257.23 KB, 520x321, 520:321, ClipboardImage.png)


Bugger all really, that's why I've neglected that grid.


Not sure I can do that yet.


Sounds good but I'd have to unlock dt3.


I've not done arcanum yet but this sounds like a good idea. Also yes I have also neglected doing the angel fighting stuff.


I came back to the game from a 2 year or so break so I guess I missed that sadly.

be1b92 No.14760078


>I came back to the game from a 2 year or so break so I guess I missed that sadly.

You can still get them from a quest

567e1d No.14760079



I meant to type seraph, you can find it under Shop > Weapon Series > Seraphic Weapons. Also, the froggy bell is also an acceptable weapon with an EX modifier that should be in your grid even if it is not your mainhand. You can switch the spear to your mainhand and go Bishop as your class for xeno vohu manah, you need clears in order to not fucking die. So tl;dr

MH = Qingong spear

6x tiamat bolts

1x froggy bell MLB

1x seraph bow

1x bahamut sword (you really want to get the MLB bahamut dagger from the What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory looking at your team, the sword only benefits humans and draphs.)

c2c3bc No.14760080


It should be on your non-time limited crate or you need to do the main story.

267611 No.14760098


Thanks will do that for vohu.



I've no idea what quest sadly. I'm only at 53 in the mainquest I think. Googling seems to suggest it was an anime reward or something??

592db5 No.14760117


we got a 0* weapon from the anime, but we got an mlb sk10 weapon when magna 2 came out

c2c3bc No.14760118


The anime bolt was a normal weapon, 0*, SL1 and level 1.

Close to the birthday this year they gave us one of every element weapon that matters, SL10 and MLB (except light and dark which got a Boat Horn and a Vira Harp whoopee).

They then said all accounts that didn't get them from that point on would get those weapons during the main story.

But if they aren't in your crate, and you've passed that point of the story, then I don't know what happened to them.

ba1c33 No.14760127


>Of every element weapon that matters

Except light and dark

267611 No.14760130



Thanks I've no idea then I didn't have it in the crate when I came back. I'll check my inventory again once I've bullied colo but I don't think I missed it.

ba1c33 No.14760132


God damn it

464413 No.14760158

File: 4e5231dba7eb8ce⋯.png (371.42 KB, 1000x696, 125:87, five year old Amira.png)



Hey, she's only five years old you sick, sick bastard.

267611 No.14760162

File: 536b5dc2adaf6f6⋯.png (478.58 KB, 566x744, 283:372, ClipboardImage.png)

Nope no sk10 bolt anywhere to be seen.

c2c3bc No.14760179


There are three things left that you can do:

1. Check your crate if it isn't empty.

2. Replay the first arc of the story from the start until you defeat Tiamat and see if she gives you the gun.

3. Embrace oblivion.

267611 No.14760188

File: 0d75c49ba5a1016⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 703x675, 703:675, 0d75c49ba5a101626710f50fff….jpg)


Crate is empty, will go try the first arc thank you.

b76a80 No.14760199

File: 0b0589da09be98a⋯.jpg (158.52 KB, 768x512, 3:2, lineup.jpg)

Can one of you faggots explain why this game is somehow at animevo?

ba1c33 No.14760203


It's replacing SFV

12706c No.14760226


it's japanese

it's popular

it's fun

0b853b No.14760462


They're making an actual game for the PS4

91a917 No.14760569

File: 919ea7195d92c8e⋯.png (836.65 KB, 852x974, 426:487, a32cbc08042b716ca7032db83a….png)


that's not even out in Japan yet though. Even if it WERE that game, they'd put the title as Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link and not just Granblue Fantasy. Read the thread faggot >>14759908

ba1c33 No.14760593


Well Granblue is getting pretty popular on twitch.

3ca257 No.14760700

I think I should have waited last night (japan time) to roll my last free 10-roll in hope of Cucouroux.

Oh well. I will go cry in a corner

Spark status: 243/300

ba1c33 No.14760723

File: 01d3600eabb002d⋯.png (289.26 KB, 620x529, 620:529, Cucouroux.png)

File: cbfd2d469031058⋯.png (38.35 KB, 294x143, 294:143, The guns are good at least.png)


Don't worry, the bitch is almost as bad as Eusless.

267611 No.14760726

File: 37a09445e0a0cc0⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 720x389, 720:389, arisu del toro.jpg)


Stay strong brother, nearly there.

12706c No.14760754


how is she bad

45c75c No.14760755




Should it say something that she was a massive upgrade for my water team?

7de4a6 No.14760757

File: dc3ea5451fced9c⋯.png (63.51 KB, 273x158, 273:158, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1944c432ef14b32⋯.png (245.37 KB, 319x439, 319:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c6c38a08bf2ee7⋯.png (232.28 KB, 321x333, 107:111, ClipboardImage.png)

I wasn't ready the last two time, but now I'm ready for round three of Xeno Vohu. Even wagecucking won't stop me from getting a true harp and true sword at least.

ba1c33 No.14760762



I'm not saying she is bad, just obnoxious. When you are hurting for characters in an element and you get a bunch or free draws getting the same one over and over again is a disappointment.

48ed46 No.14760768


How is she good?

267611 No.14760789


Delay plus attack and defence debuffs that stack with mist. Not top tier but she's useful.

ba1c33 No.14760872

File: 4fcfc9ab7669879⋯.png (178.61 KB, 541x316, 541:316, meme.png)

File: 33b3c0e3f550e75⋯.png (684.76 KB, 632x795, 632:795, Grid.png)

File: 075de40744d42d1⋯.png (716.96 KB, 632x650, 316:325, summons.png)


Wind has always been my fuck you element, but I am prepared to expend as many elixirs and berries needed to get my harp and sword.

45c75c No.14760890

File: 09cdaf30d5b353e⋯.png (207.49 KB, 438x261, 146:87, wind lineup.PNG)

File: cbf573b91d98fb0⋯.png (385.17 KB, 461x403, 461:403, wind grid.PNG)

File: fc3952b4e943b43⋯.png (599.75 KB, 479x603, 479:603, wind summons.PNG)


A lot better than what it used to be at the start of April at least.

a5ec51 No.14761041


Also good multi attack rate, a unique one turn paralysis on ougi that also stops triggers, a reoccurring nuke of ok strength and a targetable DA/TA/Attack buff with good uptime that stacks with everything. She is good, but water is already overloaded with excellent characters so just good is not enough. If she was some other elements she would honestly be a contender for top tier.

9e902f No.14761192

File: 4019c71671778fb⋯.png (881.57 KB, 632x823, 632:823, The Gun Meme.png)


Now that I've finally finished skilling all weapons that actually matter, I can finally live the 2016 dream once I FFLB Nebuchad, get that Pistol of Bahamut to Coda and get the two Amuro guns to SL15. And then get everything to level 150 or 200

Maybe I'll even FLB the last Tiamat Bolt for the heck of it, though I won't use it in my real wind grid

ba1c33 No.14761429

File: 0bbd3eebf6e9f70⋯.png (181.99 KB, 541x316, 541:316, Dirt Meme.png)

File: 63a84b2516174c0⋯.png (179.4 KB, 540x314, 270:157, Dirt Long.png)

File: 1f612c031d336ab⋯.png (708.19 KB, 632x795, 632:795, Yggs Grid.png)

File: 615f30de7602f8b⋯.png (809.18 KB, 624x794, 312:397, Dirt Summons.png)

Alright getting my dirt ready for next GW obviously going to replace the Dew Branch with a xeno sword and the yggs harp with a xeno harp.

On the matter of atma swords. Should I replace one of my Yggs blades in the Glorybringer grid with a trium dirt atma sword and the dew branch on the Makira grid with it? The extra DATA would help stack drums faster but would there be a significant trade off in damage?

48ed46 No.14761456

File: cd6c168af12a73a⋯.png (312.44 KB, 832x434, 416:217, waiting.png)

Nothing left to farm, all I can do is wait.


You need to calm down.

ba1c33 No.14761476


I can't I only have a week until Xeno begins and I have to grind out 7 more wasteland fragments in a couple of hours. Then I need to farm up 13 more silve relic fragments for my axe. Then I have to farm Qilin and Huanglong in the hopes I can get some selfies. Then I need to rebuild my RotB teams. I can only play 14 or so hours a day and there is way to much I need to catch up on. My rank growth has slowed to a crawl since I hit 101 and I only get a level every other day or so. There is too much I have to do.

d04634 No.14762398

File: 761c98e49b96f2f⋯.png (908.57 KB, 756x693, 12:11, DbOioa1UMAAjXn5.png)

4e5b30 No.14762522


The changes to Vajra, Petra and Funf seem pretty nice from what i can gather. I'm gonna wait for a decent translation to look at the other changes.

454ca2 No.14762531

File: 2160a25e03f4d2c⋯.png (16.75 KB, 976x42, 488:21, Screenshot_2018-05-09-11-5….png)


Reading the patch notes through google translate is always fun

9eb7d1 No.14762560


kingdom hearts crossover confirmed?

1a187c No.14762574

File: 4aca59d9ecf38db⋯.png (257.66 KB, 573x430, 573:430, 4aca59d9ecf38db5979b06756b….png)


Don't even joke about that.

592db5 No.14762581


Some notes that weren't initially announced.

Magisa, Anila, Societte, Arulumaya, Christina, Lennah, De la Fille, Rosamia, Cerberus, Vaserage, and Vira will have the damage limit of their abilities increased.

Also the following will gain weapon proficiencies:

Fire Yuel - katana

SSR Yoda - katana

R Yoda - katana

SSR Vane - axe

SR Vane - axe

Event Vane - axe

Chat Noire - dagger

Melleau - axe

Nemone - spear

Christina - dagger

yuisis - katana

Lucio - sword

Lady Grey - melee

Black knight - gun

Characters who gain a spirit/effect at the start of the battle will now recover those on revive.

Using counter against Grimnir and Xeno corow (presumably xeno sagi too) won't trigger their ougi anymore.

You can now buy tier 3 animas, though I'm not sure if it's with renown or prestige, but probably the latter.


it also gives deepest lore such as

>"Tecnology of Todai Queen" Australia

Gandagoza is Australian

>Vajira Mystic "Gang Dragon"

Vajira is part of a gang.

ba1c33 No.14762609

>Lucio - sword

That is really really really nice. Now if we can get some sword prof on Chevira and Jannu we will be in flavor country. The spirit/resource thing hopefully applies to Dokkan cause that lady likes to abort herself. Wish the anima thing had come a couple of days ago.

All in all a very nice update to examine in detail tomorrow.

592db5 No.14762639


the anima thing worries me. You could already buy the weapons with prestige, and the animas are only used to buy the weapons for the other part of the shop. Maybe they're finally growing sick of making primarch animas be required for everything and want to make these animas the next overused thing. Upping the supply allows them to up the demand.

9eb7d1 No.14762640

File: 824d18b6c614ccc⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 287x176, 287:176, ffgkutrvcdkyil6r.jpg)


if jannu was getting sword prof she would have got it this time.

454ca2 No.14762658


I was looking into what element to make the Samurai Katana for and checking the wiki I noticed that there is a severe lack of katana characters. This eases the issue a little bit.

I still kinda want to make it water and run an ougi team with Vajira

890bf0 No.14762669


>Black knight - gun

Why, I guess they want to make Avatar's guns a bit more appealing?

cc50cb No.14762676


Makes sense since it's Eugen bastard child and as you said to make avatar guns more appealing

234538 No.14762689

File: b43006b69385b24⋯.png (36.38 KB, 139x139, 1:1, black knight triple attack.png)


Her triple attack animation finishes with her whipping out a pistol for a quick follow-up shot, so could just be a 'lore appropriate' decision.

592db5 No.14762708


silva should get melee weapon proficiency since she kicks more than she uses her damn gun

1fff00 No.14762834

Translation of changes


1fff00 No.14762862


About Eustace, there have been a mistake and the debuff probability is up instead of down

1fff00 No.14762876

Also Cosmos weapon ATK skill has been changed to ougi damage up, HP penalty removed

91c9ca No.14762883

File: 5563a320c66f870⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 121x176, 11:16, wha.jpg)


Dangit, I was almost done writing up the changes myself. I need to type faster. Those Eustace changes are funny though, they pretty much took out his entire gimmick. The Catherine changes are drastic too, but they actually let her function as a character instead of a charmbot so I'm happy about them.

Oh, and Lunalu Facsimiles immediately now, copying the previous ally skill. A bunch of random attack skills also have their damage cap boosted.

3ca257 No.14762952

>In May 15 (JST) update, certain changes are scheduled to be made regarding cosmos weapons.

>It will become possible to hold more than one cosmos weapon.

>Treasure obtainable by reducing the following cosmos weapons will change.

>Before: 80 stones of respective weapon type

>After: 4 stones of respective weapon type and 2 azure feathers

890bf0 No.14762978


I never noticed that as I keep her in the backline, figured with how much she hates her father she'd never touch a gun just to spite him in some way.


The reduction nerf is bullshit, but do you think same cosmos weapons will stack?

d04b29 No.14763004

Maybe I should remake my atma sword into a fist for Aliza and big G.

45c75c No.14763127


>The reduction nerf is bullshit, but do you think same cosmos weapons will stack?

Beats me. I'm halfway wondering if it will just end with us being allowed all the Cosmo weapons we want.

Did anyone else notice that 5-1of the even appears to reference Pokemon with the monsters?

69b098 No.14763674

File: 04db584ab991300⋯.png (361.13 KB, 1000x1184, 125:148, 977836318bc5443866b0300583….png)


All depends on Disney since Square seems to not to bother with collabs outside of their company.


>Vajira is part of a gang

Not surprising; can't trust them Erune.

ba1c33 No.14763988

Did anyone notice Six isn't useless any more?

d04b29 No.14764046

Are they gonna have to keep buffing GW people every year after they keep getting power creeped?

567e1d No.14764064

File: 2241e47999f20cd⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 418x467, 418:467, FB_IMG_15216535673570398.jpg)


The only GW unit left that really needs buffing is Tien because her offensive kit sucks dick outside of very niche situations. It's going to be a long time, probably when oracle 5*s are released, before they're dethroned as the strongest.

ba1c33 No.14764178

Does anyone know the address of the tumblr that translates Grand Blues!? It was posted here a couple of times but


So I never bothered to save it.

45c75c No.14764227

Should I use the Yggs branches as fodder or keep them on hand? At this rate I'm gonna have more branches than swords.

69b098 No.14764267

File: 92b36ed608f1ac7⋯.jpg (625.55 KB, 1100x966, 550:483, ab20ef7841e6b25ec3ccc005ca….jpg)


People say to keep them for running UBaha but then that was said before Alexial weapons.

0f95e7 No.14764345

File: 9c006a1ae930e99⋯.png (66.99 KB, 434x176, 217:88, Bolt drop nigga.png)

File: 2444bb59facc082⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, it was 3am, and the superv….jpg)

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: e61edfa51135931⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 492x670, 246:335, 67909100_p29.jpg)

File: 5fbb42eca904081⋯.png (471.77 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 56713988_p0.png)

And more or less my day was getting a Wind Crystal, but Im like 15 ranks away from even seeing Grimnir.

ba1c33 No.14764558

You think Yodarha banged Farrah when he was training her? Made her earn training from one of the world's greatest swordsmen? Gave her the H?

91bd24 No.14764838

When the fuck will there be another Fire biased event? The last one was back in February, since then it's been nothing but focusing on every other element except water, but we just had a water biased event recently.

Also now that they're removing the max hp debuff on cosmo attack weapons, would it be decent enough to grab alongside a balance sword?

fca580 No.14764974

267611 No.14765166

File: 27923c2c2b8011f⋯.jpg (140.12 KB, 1242x703, 1242:703, p3n60oobjio01.jpg)

>Starts event.

>Six chapters I have to skip through.


88816b No.14765614

File: 656c42bf5955a1a⋯.png (311.02 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)




why would she carry a gun if she never intended to use it?

1804be No.14765634

File: 3b1048f3f92f938⋯.png (140.84 KB, 226x334, 113:167, unwise financial decisions.png)

e55ac1 No.14765659


How else could she shoot a man, before throwing him out of an airship?

c2c3bc No.14765846


Lotta loyalty for a gacha skyfarer!

267611 No.14765920

File: 3f6f66a7634388a⋯.png (822.55 KB, 584x845, 584:845, ClipboardImage.png)

I'll take that from a coronation ring.

45c75c No.14766750

So I want to get this straight about Arcanum summons since the wiki's wording is a little inconsistent. As a sub-summon, do I only get their sub-aura or do I get their main one as well?

69b098 No.14766797

File: f241847edbc8f82⋯.jpg (287.57 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, DXRYSspUQAAv0Q4.jpg)


There'd be no point in sub auras.

567e1d No.14766834

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)


If they're your main summon, you will not get the sub aura. If they're a sub summon, you get the sub aura but not the primary effect that you'd receive from it being your main summon.

000000 No.14766837


Let me make this perfectly clear. As a sub-summon, you will ONLY receive the sub-aura.

As a main-summon, you will only receive the main-aura.

Riddle me this Batman, what would happen if I doubled up and had one as main AND one as sub? Would I get both?

567e1d No.14766847

File: 8ac3c4e64e35d85⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1560x1315, 312:263, 1521755710443.jpg)


You can only make one copy of each arcarum summon, dummy. But if we were to look at something like Uriel for example, if you have two copies, one in the main slot and one in one of your four sub slots, then the main summon uriel would give you only the 100% earth elemental bonus while the sub slot uriel only gives the 5% earth damage cap increase. You are able to use the calls multiple times per battle as their calls are not single use, nor do they cancel eachother out/ reset eachother's cooldowns upon use.

000000 No.14766898


Hey I'm not a dummy. Okay well maybe a little bit.

But I suppose it would be possible if one were to have say "The Sun" and "The Devil" but light and dark would be screwed on this deal.

82ee2e No.14766920

Arcanum characters are still going to be a thing right? Grinding for these uncap materials are a giant pain because everything's time gated, I wish we got those characters already to make the grind more appealing to me.

454ca2 No.14766963


I'm still only hoarding mats and buying sunstones when I hit the cap.

Info fucking when?

044642 No.14766978

File: e790e17baf260a9⋯.webm (3.46 MB, 650x404, 325:202, 5hoursinffmpeg.webm)

Nerf Kyouka

d04634 No.14767249

File: d772b70e4a3891d⋯.gif (10.54 MB, 600x600, 1:1, yugu.gif)

cute yugu incoming

d04b29 No.14767866


PC soon, but little elf never.

d04b29 No.14767876

File: 714b53835ee8c58⋯.png (367.25 KB, 924x814, 42:37, prereg.png)

d04634 No.14769638

New thread


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