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File: 7a6a91abb928112⋯.jpg (161.88 KB, 1200x704, 75:44, DcxE0t6V0AApEav.jpg)

ca14f0 No.14769632

Comfy Camping


May Event Schedule

04/30~05/08 - A Thousand Reasons

05/09~05/14 - The Girl who Leapt Through Mountains (rerun)

05/15~05/22 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (rerun)

05/23~05/30 - Unite and Fight (Water enemies/Earth favored)

05/31~06/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

ca14f0 No.14769634

File: b42198c93e0ab2d⋯.jpg (131.96 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, DcweUJIU8AAuW4M.jpg)

Rough translation of the balance patch


fde2b3 No.14769703

File: e9f3469506c33ec⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 410x532, 205:266, 1525977752055.jpg)

>kamigame says hermanubis is shit for any respectable dark grid

>then also says 4* bolts are better than a 0* last storm harp

5aee54 No.14769926

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue_fantasy_in_a_nut….webm)

I hope you didn't spend money on this.

e2d01f No.14769931

File: 2bd0bc5c1b7cf22⋯.jpg (234.11 KB, 771x633, 257:211, shekels_goblin.jpg)

757d3d No.14769965

File: bc53db6d78e2eda⋯.jpg (167.08 KB, 1054x1080, 527:540, 1525203190479.jpg)

e2d01f No.14769997

File: e60cf36bcdcfaf5⋯.png (61.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1501409053365 (1).png)

abd3ff No.14770040


While the hermanubis being shit is debatable Parazonium is better, FLB SL15 Tiamat Bolts are, indeed, better than a 0* SL10 Last storm Harp. After all, by itself, a single Last Storm Harp is a bit less than 10% stamina at full health and 7% crit chance. Which you gotta admit is pretty lackluster compared to 14.5% at any health % plus 7% enmity .

fde2b3 No.14770268

File: dce14add43743c0⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 99.83 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, Dc1ywQ2UwAAl70v.jpeg)


I'd spend top gold moons on this.

4801d3 No.14770294

File: 0d40e14e2fb96a8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, f46da094b5e2220a21d70016dc….png)

Do we have a Crew I can join? I just cleared Chapter 4 and would rather not make my own since I'm not really sure what all goes into it.

Yuel get when?

b7fb5d No.14770307


There's an anon giving out free accounts filled with gacha characters, look for him.

And you should join crew 3, just post your ID here.

e2d01f No.14770312


Stick you're id from your profile in a post and someone should recruit you.

95ff8f No.14770317


Best harvin

fde2b3 No.14770322

File: fdff48261c72f7c⋯.png (542.61 KB, 845x881, 845:881, 1525115305196.png)

File: 9124d7379cad658⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1024x960, 16:15, 64001376_p25.png)

File: 623ab88b871dc84⋯.jpg (137.93 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 1524414488959.jpg)

File: d9e1f6651142109⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 276x334, 138:167, 1525111772857.jpg)


Post ID, potato crew needs new people to banter with.

4801d3 No.14770323

File: 570f6fe89bf6406⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1ff454bd8676e46d3470340104….jpg)

My ID is 22802114


> giving out accounts

oh. I'd rather just keep my current account and characters and get Yuel. I don't suppose you can just trade Characters though, can you?



dca50a No.14770329


You should really just get an account, he probably has one with a Yuel. It'll make the game a lot more enjoyable having a decent selection of characters/summons.

abd3ff No.14770331


No trading of any kind, but I admire your "I'll stick with this account" gusto.

bed939 No.14770333




Scouted, get in. Remember to use crew chat.

abd3ff No.14770336


Impressive, do these trips mean the nuke rebalance will save Cerberus?

009db1 No.14770342


he might have yuel on some of those accounts.

757d3d No.14770350

File: 9a250f71f9418b3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 91.28 KB, 552x797, 552:797, 9a250f71f9418b3e02244a8357….jpg)

4801d3 No.14770374

File: 21125975b8bd33d⋯.png (157.95 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 35bf07809afd1041be17f803ac….png)



but I didn't earn those characters or weapons and such, I didn't put any work into it, I don't want a handout. If we could trade I'd happily trade my Carmelina for Yuel; oh well though. It's not like not getting Yuel is a dealbreaker for me or something, i'm still having fun with this so far. I already cleared the event story too.



ccf91e No.14770382

File: 1adf4d94779874f⋯.png (986.22 KB, 1902x1431, 634:477, dbcd9c8e4e76904ce2e7aa3b76….png)


>oh. I'd rather just keep my current account

Don't be an idiot like me, get a free account with the characters you like instead.

It's all milk and honey now, but once you realize that you can't even make a proper full team with all of your characters combined for a single element, a lot of the encounters are going to become very painful.

You missed a many of the free draws that we were getting for a while, so don't feel too bad about getting decent stuff for no effort.





I always thought Siero was a man.

abd3ff No.14770388


>I always thought Siero was a man.

I have to ask: How?

e2d01f No.14770393

File: b852acafb9c598d⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 266x189, 38:27, conspiring_hands.jpg)


>I always thought Siero was a man.

This is very common with the chosen…

abd3ff No.14770405


You can always be the goodest goy and pay for both SSR Yuels if you want to. see






You'll be waiting for a long while before a Gratitude and Forgiveness rerun if you want SR Yuel though

fe09f7 No.14770408


>but I didn't earn those characters or weapons and such, I didn't put any work into it, I don't want a handout

Account Anon has done nothing to "earn" those characters aside from roll for them with the free rolls all accounts have gotten over the past several months. No one who got good rolls during the free rolls earned them, the people telling you to grab an account from him just don't want you getting screwed because you weren't around for the free rolls.

fde2b3 No.14770417

File: a1082f11c44bd55⋯.gif (654.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, shekels goblin 3.gif)

File: 3a82ba77d166c89⋯.png (5.6 KB, 366x286, 183:143, 1516413199823.png)

File: d55f423b51fc97e⋯.jpg (146.02 KB, 960x745, 192:149, d55f423b51fc97e58735a7c7fa….jpg)

File: 9acc9608eb9ca69⋯.png (322.51 KB, 622x469, 622:469, Rackam3.png)


how did you managed to think that. I want to hear this reasoning.

4801d3 No.14770418

File: fde9478616759d4⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 850x755, 170:151, sample_01ad0fd3ecabb696a62….jpg)


> spoiler

oh well then


I see, I'll still stick with what i'm at though.

ccf91e No.14770420

File: 4a438260c2814f9⋯.jpg (373.6 KB, 1300x1944, 325:486, 4a438260c2814f9ccdb262bc89….jpg)

File: fe4e7b8da41798b⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 599x902, 599:902, fe4e7b8da41798b93a52675b86….jpg)



It actually came as a revelation to me during the last event when someone mentioned that "he" was actually a she.

It's because of the voice – it sounds stupid and emasculated, but not girly in the slightest. Not to mention that Siero herself looks ugly as fuck.

I mean, just look at the other female potatoes.

They're all cute and wonderful girls.

How could that merchant ever be a female if the rest of them are like this?

2d3f9b No.14770425


>how did you think this character that looks and sounds like a boy was a boy?

fde2b3 No.14770444

File: b54828934275e02⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 600x426, 100:71, CaovkltUkAAm7f4.jpg)

File: ca236cfa96b6a53⋯.jpg (169.6 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 212.jpg)

File: 73fc19ec65e7706⋯.png (169.63 KB, 750x400, 15:8, アリステラ.png)

File: ba64cc26d17569a⋯.jpg (169.07 KB, 1028x772, 257:193, CrbP1SNXYAAZGp-.jpg)



>siero is ugly

>sounds like a boy

you both are on some fucking drug, I'd expect you both to think sarasa is a man as well. But yes, most other girl potatoes are cute, and girly, fuck, there's Alister too, that looks way too much like a girl.

009db1 No.14770449

File: 1173c94af46e1b0⋯.png (350.48 KB, 700x461, 700:461, ClipboardImage.png)


well hopefully they do a rerun of forgiveness and gratitude soon then.

With playable kou

6a6f76 No.14770456


>potato crew needs new people to banter with.

How far along should I be? I don't want to be a leech if I join.

4801d3 No.14770459

File: 40932e1b5107fe2⋯.jpg (135.34 KB, 770x924, 5:6, 93fb7b2e72eb9e3462d6ff9ea0….jpg)


maybe so

e2d01f No.14770464

File: 45bd7277002791e⋯.jpg (55 KB, 540x579, 180:193, 121309_de5769cb83300dccea8….jpg)


Leeching is absolutely fine it's the best way to get up to speed in a reasonable time.

fde2b3 No.14770476

File: 53edbbdacee18c8⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Bach - Brandenburg Concert….mp4)

File: 1d45e29f2034569⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 240x280, 6:7, coffee_instant.jpg)


we accept anyone, honestly we arent even pros ourselves.

ccf91e No.14770498

File: ef1d43d2862308b⋯.jpg (488.76 KB, 900x1197, 100:133, d59880609881619fdaa1795f0e….jpg)


If you just want to stick to it until you get a better feel for the game and see whether you actually like it or not, good.

But honestly, don't fall into that "this is my account, my luck" trap that I did.

You will REALLY wish you hadn't once you put something like 100 hours into this, but by that point it will be too late.

Seriously, get one of the free accounts.


Alister looks girly, but the moment you hear his voice, you know you're dealing with a guy.

Siero is very ambiguous overall.


You're going to be leeching all the way until you get the tier 4 classes anyway, so don't worry about it.

Bringing miserable mist, phalanx or clarity for your crew raids will be the pinnacle of your contributions in the beginning.

6a6f76 No.14770514


ID: 20695328


Her fucking smile reminds me of a faggot cat.

f26292 No.14770515

File: c2d4595b3f51f37⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 277.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, f4170511660d9de98669428e4a….jpg)


The only even slightly ambiguous thing about potato jew is her looks. Once you hear her voice you should be able to tell right away she is female.

4801d3 No.14770525

File: 45147679f5e826f⋯.jpg (41.56 KB, 233x347, 233:347, 1449041554694-0.jpg)


I'll consider it that way then, if it's really as bad later on as you say.


> spoiler

fde2b3 No.14770532

File: 4ed37cdeb947036⋯.png (875.34 KB, 750x1066, 375:533, 1524609381633.png)



sent, lad, welcome to the potato crew.


damn straight

6a6f76 No.14770538


Fug, got hit by the cool down for leaving my previous crew.

fde2b3 No.14770556

File: 1b4d7e1a9fea3e1⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 1518500511678.png)

File: ed6a2916ae0d18d⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Billy_Gunn_Entrance_Music_….mp4)

File: be07dc883436e94⋯.png (407.43 KB, 672x800, 21:25, 6047f27e6b3f9c58ffbb7462b3….png)

File: 59d198fa375b6af⋯.png (127.69 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 59d198fa375b6afe179c4e9d51….png)


happens to everyone, we'll see you probably tomorrow, banter's good, and the few of of us around can help on daily magnas,.

757d3d No.14770558

File: 0426c98ba83e4ee⋯.png (92.68 KB, 1637x704, 1637:704, 0426c98ba83e4ee7a56c8c8d9c….png)


This is the newest list of the shit on each account, 2 and 9 are taken.

Pro tip: look at the SSR characters on the wiki and choose a waifu, then look at the list and look for the character you want in one of the accounts.

Forbidden pro tip: if you want raw anus pounding power, take account 4. Its full to the brim of the strongest summons in the game, which means you'll eventually be a lot more powerful than anyone who has not rolled those summons. For fucking real, it has 4/6 primals and grimnir,shiva and alexiel. I'm astounded it hasn't been picked up yet, and it has some real cuties to make teams with for a few elements.

e2d01f No.14770564

File: 552b2ffcebf8620⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 552b2ffcebf8620592f2b009d4….jpg)


Trying typing and shouting


as you click the button.

757d3d No.14770572

File: aa6ed98aa4f00dc⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 615x391, 615:391, Adolf-Hitler.jpg)




ccf91e No.14770603

File: b5d302207fb1915⋯.jpg (247.27 KB, 1195x1826, 1195:1826, b8af2ffa7c11086d27c5835435….jpg)


Just keep fucking her until she gives you a smile you like.

She's here to please you and be useful.


I spent about 2 months with just one dark SSR when I first started I now have 2, although I did have some decent SRs.

With a very bad grid and a lot of patience, I could take down magna Chevi to 50% on my own during my first month or so.

The point is that it is not impossible to perform well with low tier characters, but it just becomes a drag later on to do anything of importance quickly enough.

5c1f5c No.14770624

My elements other than Light are finally starting to get online. Wind is a lot of fun and with Xeno Vohu coming up and an Ultima Sword in the works (waiting on element check with Vohu Sword), Earth is going to skyrocket.

Now that I can actually play things other than Light.. Boy is it complete and utter dogshit.

abd3ff No.14770633

File: fc482ba1a5f2a58⋯.png (382.57 KB, 610x861, 610:861, Yaia monochrome.png)


>She's here to please you

6/10 She doesn't have a passive called "I live to see your smile"

Albert is a better fashion designer

009db1 No.14770634

File: 4f1b38d37188a27⋯.webm (1.57 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Yuel and socie.webm)


account 4 and 5 have W. Yuel. 4 has her best friend Societte too (they will talk to each other during combat).

f26292 No.14770638

File: 8bffd8018caf5e4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 850x1199, 850:1199, yaia no.png)


Yaia a best.


Why would you do that to him? Do you want him to get cucked?

5c1f5c No.14770640


Wrong person. I'm gay, Yaia shit.

fde2b3 No.14770647

File: 7d233eecb30de48⋯.jpg (338.42 KB, 766x806, 383:403, Soriz sees his english lin….jpg)


>defiling yaia

this is why we dont deserve good thing, she for hugs not fugs

f26292 No.14770660

File: 203d93d1345252d⋯.png (1020.53 KB, 928x1424, 58:89, yaia.png)


Cute things are for hug and fug.

e2d01f No.14770661

File: 09affd2f5ea9ee7⋯.jpg (549.29 KB, 930x1974, 155:329, mind_blown_misakaimoto.jpg)


Ardora however…

fde2b3 No.14770679

File: 1228661fcdaffa2⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 75.71 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMvDOUoAAO9uA.jpeg)

File: 81dac79276125d9⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 96.72 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMzlDUoAAOQxP.jpeg)

File: 4fad3fbb0f57cf1⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 75.53 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMxVNUoAARoHv.jpeg)

File: 0a3bdffbf54f497⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 133.68 KB, 912x847, 912:847, CvsKRUEUEAAkxfF.jpeg)


Here, this potato is fuggable, but only by brave fightin' men with a manly spirit.

abd3ff No.14770687


Balurga still remains as the only Harvin that fights with her fists. Even if one of them is a chain powered rocket fist.

dca50a No.14770690

File: 3d96d3a4d5cc3e9⋯.jpg (69.93 KB, 522x873, 58:97, 3d96d3a4d5cc3e9891cb989cf9….jpg)

File: 39d25edf71244ae⋯.png (4.31 MB, 1748x2554, 874:1277, 39d25edf71244ae57f2dcc76f3….png)

File: a85ff23284a73d6⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1097x1899, 1097:1899, a85ff23284a73d61627eb57390….png)

Best potato coming through.

e2d01f No.14770699

File: 7783690e64c573b⋯.png (803.64 KB, 806x1138, 403:569, bully1.png)

fde2b3 No.14770703

File: f6b9ed5463e76a5⋯.jpg (276.91 KB, 473x2070, 473:2070, episode_558.jpg)

File: f2df174ef4b50ea⋯.jpg (292.16 KB, 473x2070, 473:2070, episode_533.jpg)

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: e61edfa51135931⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 492x670, 246:335, 67909100_p29.jpg)

File: 9533473e9773a9b⋯.png (202.97 KB, 467x578, 467:578, Balurga Bio.png)


she is something magical, but best potato is Baruru.

dca50a No.14770708

File: d283b3ff4ebe0ab⋯.png (115.57 KB, 576x432, 4:3, 0f9b0511fc8d7e4c0974efc799….png)

208aba No.14770730

File: 7d16828b453a460⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 338.94 KB, 2338x1653, 2338:1653, 5732892 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ….jpg)


umad bro?

f26292 No.14770760

File: 49a13f87b66c432⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1000x1400, 5:7, yaia2.png)



It's like you don't want tons of fried rice loving draph daughters.

29cf2f No.14771389

File: 2cd1e59672f7098⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1200x1274, 600:637, DE7m17zVYAI1rze.jpg)


>loose lipped

Self hatred's a bitch.




Yaia's been eating one too many plates of fried rice.

f11023 No.14771420


I need to update this with the golden week rolls as well.

But seriously, Anon, take one. I'll make a new Google account, link the gbf account to it and give you access to both, at that point you can transfer the ownership of the account to your own e-mail and it will be yours only.

You can change the in-game name for free every 90 days, so you should be able to set that to your liking as well.

Starting out has become a lot easier thanks to the side stories, but we've has free rolls since december of last year, each account has about 400+ gacha rolls on it.

They are all rank 3 or 4 and I've not touched the story on any of them. They all have SR Mahira and SSR Conan from the recent collab as well.

You can pretty much pick one and start saving for a spark (300 rolls in a a single sitting, pick a character you want afterwards) right away.

All I want in return is that the account gets played with.

I started all this shit to help out a friend start the game, he got account 9, "played" for a week, then abandoned everything.

Just don't be that guy.

ca14f0 No.14771600

File: dc1e34ae2517217⋯.jpg (37.18 KB, 283x457, 283:457, Dc499PmW4AERieh.jpg)

File: 6c72e0c21d8bff4⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 279x740, 279:740, Dc4-h7QW0AMqvqN.jpg)

File: 45552ef4ff4d5fd⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 288x570, 48:95, Dc4_I3YXUAA3s8O.jpg)

Just solo your proto baha HLs

ca14f0 No.14771605

File: fb64d61b8da0f25⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 261x174, 3:2, Dc5BJUJWsAMvmMq.jpg)

File: 98e8c7d97a546c5⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 277x288, 277:288, Dc5BKfJWkAEi3T5.jpg)

File: 253dfd6bda9625f⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 283x294, 283:294, Dc5BLmUW0AAW-4Q.jpg)


Characters, grid, and summons

23c4b9 No.14771679

File: fc8268435e540a1⋯.jpg (355.32 KB, 1169x768, 1169:768, 1525993825320.jpg)



How much have you spend on this gay baby jail game

757d3d No.14771795

File: c4e3ad9c78d77d5⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 96x194, 48:97, 68630513_p2_master1200.jpg)

67475d No.14772191

File: 623cf13c84b391e⋯.png (754.62 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, f01f0812cc12bc992213b94442….png)




> They are all rank 3 or 4 and I've not touched the story on any of them.

Now THAT i can get behind. Tell you what then, I'll take account 4 then. You've talked me into it. I just got home from work, so I don't even know if you're up and kicking still right now. But I'll do it. Do you need an email address to reach me at, or will you be able to PM me the details in GBF?

> just don't be that guy

Considering I've already been playing this for over a week now, off and on, I don't think I'll have that problem. Besides, I'm too wrapped up in the story now.


>The point is that it is not impossible to perform well with low tier characters, but it just becomes a drag later on to do anything of importance quickly enough.

I see I see

67475d No.14772376

for the sake of clarity i'm 4801d3 from yesterday

3a1d63 No.14772388

File: 42b1c3368ddf22a⋯.gif (204.27 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1425699946506.gif)


>he thinks people pay attention to IDs

>he doesn't have a VPN which causes his ID to change every day

4ea3ab No.14772406


I'm at work now, I'll be home in 3 to 4 hours. Leave me an e-mail to contact you on and I'll let you know.

67475d No.14772426


my id changes every time I put my computer to sleep and come back to it, because the VPN disconnects when the PC's asleep, then it changes my ID once I come back to it again.


sure thing, send it to 2DCleric@protonmail.com

I'll be going to bed in another hour or or so; I won't get it until after I get up in about 8 or 9 hours.

c38190 No.14772550

File: 5a35d89bec528bf⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 400x480, 5:6, 1406768670581.jpg)

Should I dama Reunion?

41bc24 No.14772581


ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , love eternal is better for non zeph

23c4b9 No.14772885


>we live in the time where Algebra exists

>and not the one with playable Aldora as a cute magical sword girl

f11023 No.14773192

File: 45ad6b70ca99808⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1853x1658, 1853:1658, Accounts 1-5.jpg)

File: 4416eedbca88286⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1853x1357, 1853:1357, Accounts 6-10.jpg)

I took a little tour of the accounts to save some pictures, now everything's laid out and maybe clearer to see.

If I could get Account 9 back, I'd happily give it away since it has both Fire Yuel and the Sociocopter, it pains me to keep an account with those characters dead, but the faggot has his real life name on the e-mail and I'm not enough of a bastard to go and reveal that, even though he deserves it for making me roll all this shit and then disappear to "play escape from tarkov with guys from disagreement", I haven't heard from him in months.

On the other hand I have to congratulate myself with Account 2, since bullying him a couple months ago, the nigga managed to uncap and level up everyone, as well as get an Eternal, great job!

Just remember that characters have a little thing called EMPs, Threo at the moment has 63 ready to be spent and 0 points put in her crit nodes, get on it!

Also, do try and uncap your SR Carbuncles, 50% Elemental Damage cut is very handy in a lot of situations, it also lasts 3 turns and you can stack it with Athena's dmg cut for a pseudo-phalanx.



f11023 No.14773274

File: 66203c3f82438ec⋯.png (235.03 KB, 266x480, 133:240, nine eleven.PNG)

File: 89fc072150c2d93⋯.png (160.6 KB, 457x223, 457:223, bold gar.PNG)


A couple pointers for Account 4:

There's 911 items in your inbox, most of them are R weapons, a ton of them have Plus Marks.

Pick up the +1s and stack them on a Baha Dagger and on your best summons.

Save the SR and SSR weapons to reduce them for Weapon stones when you need 'em.

Do not reduce weapons unless you're absolutely sure they're garbage.

They can be in yout inbox forever so you can avoid clogging your inventory.

All the accounts have a Gold Bar, 2 Damascus bars and a Sunlight stone. The Gold Bar is for getting the Eternals, don't waste it. The Damascus can uncap any weapon and they're best used on limited character weapons. Keep 'em until you're sure you have a weapon you want to uncap. The Sunlight Stone is for uncapping SSR summons and you might be tempted to use it on Shiva. Don't. At least for now, try to save 3 of the damn things, then decide.

What else…

There's quite a few Carbuncles in under the SR Summons tab, don't throw them away, uncap them and show them some love, +50% Elemental Atk up and +50% Elemental DMG Cut for 3 turns are a godsend.

Other than that, enjoy the game and good luck!

f1a8c5 No.14773313


May I have an account with BK? Asking for a friend

abd3ff No.14773325


If you still have access to the account, can't you change the e-mail to another salted one before giving it to someone else?

f11023 No.14773338


Sure, Account 5 is free, albeit cursed.


Nope, the confirmation code gets sent to his private adress.

abd3ff No.14773349


Ah, that's a shame then.

f1a8c5 No.14773373


I'll get back to you in a bit to make sure my friend will actually play the fucking game for his waifu and not be a faggot (he'll probably be a faggot)

e2d01f No.14773565

File: 1a58228dd48c454⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 226x255, 226:255, a83a1150879529d9f57aca694f….jpg)


These are better than my account by far kek.

b35f5a No.14774558

File: e321d2918765c40⋯.png (417.29 KB, 471x684, 157:228, ayyyyyyyyy.png)

today it was a good day

f9c228 No.14774646


Is me, Hitler. I don't know why that got deleted when it was the only post I had on the board. Scout me, my cooldown is almost over.

a09fb7 No.14774675

File: ede042e0ece5977⋯.gif (627.36 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 1521748690996.gif)


Youll be added soon, danchou needs to get off work

f1a8c5 No.14774688


I've always wondered, are you that autist that streams on Twitch too?

3a249b No.14774729

What's the best to farm to obtain magna weapons: omga, omega impossible or omega 2?

abd3ff No.14774769


Might as well farm Omega 2 since you can get everything you need from Omega Impossibles, the Omega weapons, the Ancient/not Ancient series and the animas you're going to need.

Also I guess they sometimes drop Magna 2 weapons.

f1a8c5 No.14774777


Magna 2 has an insane droprate on M1 weapons, but only Alexiel and Grimnir will die fast enough at any time of day to really benefit from this. Metatron is really good during magnafest, but the others die slow enough that you're best off blue chesting them whenever you join one, assuming you have a capable grid. THE BIG DRAWBACK is you won't get selfies, so you'll be lacking in Quartz for 4* upgrades.

In theory, HL raids would be best, and you should try to catch Raid Lobbies for those trains. With maximum Leech setup during 2x Shop Boosts, I would usually get 3-4 flips throughout a 30-person HL train, of course half of those being selfies. Doing that several times daily throughout magnafest produces a lot of fodder, but Leviathan HL and Colossus HL are unpopular because their respective magna grinds are more focused on T1s.

Outside of trains..? HL raids tend to die a little slow… This is good for trying to get your blue chest, but if you really want to be super optimal about your leeching, it's not quite enough, although some leeching is fine because you'll want Crystals and Plusses.

So if it's not a Magna 2 raid you can effectively leech without wasting time waiting for them to die, and you're not doing a Raid Lobby, you should still be wanpanning the Magna 1s. When I was making the foundation of my Earth grid from nothing, I wanpanned Ygg over the course of 3 days pretty hardcore and got ~14 Swords, which was 3/5 MLBed. Of course, working on the Alex grind, I've now at least tripled that.

93e801 No.14774787

Speedwise omega.

Efficiencywise omega impossible

Why do I keep getting banned? I hid one bing wahoo joke in a post many days ago, got banned, waited out my ban, and now I keep getting banned for ban evasion.

a99082 No.14774826


No that isn't me. Also, isn't that thing a botnet like disagreement?

mirin those digits

095eba No.14774899



Thank you very much! I'm gonna get started as soon as I get woke up well enough.

b7fb5d No.14774930


That's a cuckchan joke, maybe you should go back to cuckchan if you love that place so much.

fe09f7 No.14774966

File: 5921f8c6bc10eed⋯.gif (207.9 KB, 354x534, 59:89, 5921f8c6bc10eeddb526b200be….gif)


T-thanks, anon. I like to save up EMPs then go on a spending spree, plan is to build up some more then spend before GW. As for buncles, I've been too busy to farm chips for moonstones, and I don't really want to uncap them with other buncles in case I ever need more than one.

d2a63c No.14774989


I haven't been to 4chan in going on 4 years. I had Mark come to a board I frequent and post an autistic video saying he was challenging the moderator of my board to a fight because he was angry about it. I thought it was a dank meme because it makes sense since that is what the mario games are and how the fuck am I supposed to know it is from a website I never visit. I get banned for making a single post about the video and hiding the letters that spell out the joke in my response. I get banned for it, wait my ban out, and now keep getting banned for something I originally didn't do, ban evasion.

Now I just don't care. It is dumb as fuck and demonstrates how autistic and upset Mark really is that he keeps banning me for something I did not do, but will keep doing. You faggots need to chill the fuck out and stop jumping at every shadow imagining it is the big bad cuckchan boogeyman come to make fun of you. Funny jokes are funny. If they make sense people are going to laugh at them regardless of where they come from. When you throw a giant shitfit about it and make videos challenging people to fights and spam their catalogs talking about how angry you are it just makes the joke funnier. It's like that soyboy thing. I didn't think it was funny at first because nazibeans are serious business. Then I saw a bunch of people who fit the stereotype perfectly getting legit asshurt about it and it became hilarious. Striesand effect is the realest shit.

b35f5a No.14775005

File: 8d12b0135fdd7f2⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 448x408, 56:51, 1513697963830.jpg)


Maybe you're the autistic faggot for trying to push that shit into this general? What do we even got to do with that gay jew?

e2d01f No.14775015

File: c7225f08fc5738f⋯.jpg (437.2 KB, 1508x1493, 1508:1493, (you).jpg)

b7fb5d No.14775016


Assimilation into a culture is an important aspect that many people on this board agreed about back in the day. That you are bringing in foreign memes shows on some level that you are unfamiliar with the board. It also doesn't help tha

There has been a definitive drop in posting quality ever since we've had the cuckchan rapefugee invasion. It's not jumping at shadows when you see someone using memes that only outsiders use while at the same time ignoring the local language. Why don't you try using the word cuck? That got them far more buthurt than the insult soy which is easily deflected by the left as pseudoscience. How many retards other than Hbomberguy do you see getting as butthurt over soy as they did over the insult cuck?

43da94 No.14775022

>play autism game

>expect people not to be autistic faggots

I wonder where I could have gone wrong.

e2d01f No.14775039

File: ea2ad6f1c04869c⋯.webm (5.08 MB, 720x416, 45:26, 2nd_Coming_-_It's_finally….webm)


Honestly I was impressed the level of autism some players here have. I mean these people are a level above your average spergtard.

I love it, I've never felt so normal in my life.

b7fb5d No.14775045



>hurr durr wanting people to follow the local culture is gay and autistic (1)

>I agree goy *rubs hands* culture is autistic and must be eradicated for the good of capitalism (1)

Nice IP change fag.

e2d01f No.14775057

File: 2e164173c66ed36⋯.webm (1.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (You).webm)


Are you retarded? I'm saying I love the autism of our group.

095eba No.14775078

File: caf00b3d17f5b2f⋯.png (746.57 KB, 475x661, 475:661, Screenshot (1034).png)

I'm in business lads. Thank you very much for this! Time to hunker down and start leveling my classes and doing story.

a5a97e No.14775085

File: 6347913d8c14747⋯.png (648.3 KB, 724x481, 724:481, 6347913d8c147476b62906d2c1….png)


But Anon, now you have to get the other two Yuels. You don't want people think you're a fake fan, do you?

abd3ff No.14775086


Remember to re-get Farah and reread the event for crystals.

e2d01f No.14775092


Good luck, don't forget to leech magnas and if you can run you're own stick em up and let others kill them so you can at least have a shot at the items you need.

095eba No.14775105


> now you have to get the other two yuels

in time, surely.


ah right, thanks for reminding me.


> leech magnas

whowhatsit now?

009db1 No.14775107


Better set up a wind team to do the event before it ends. Put grimnir as your main summon and Scatcha, Lecia and Carmelina will make a good team.

b7fb5d No.14775123


Post your ID so people can recruit you.

a5a97e No.14775125


>whowhatsit now?

Join the Omega raids (they're called Magnas in Japanese and the name stuck across translation) other people host. Hit the boss a couple times; you won't do much damage, but any amount of damage entitles you to loot drops. It is pretty much impossible to underestimate how important these weapon drops are. A good set of Omega weapons for an element will do you more good than a team of five SSRs.

a09fb7 No.14775126

File: 9a4491242cd4f2d⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 675x687, 225:229, 1525215308514.jpg)


Theyre a set of raids that unlock once you hit rank 30, no need to worry about them quite yet. You should take the time to set up teams and summons for all of the elements. You should set alexiel as your primary earth summon, grimnir for wind, shiva for fire, zeus for light, and macula for water.

e2d01f No.14775127


Magna or omegas are the third tier of raids you can eventually run (might be storyline gated I forget). The cost to run magnas are animas the first two drop. You're main gear will be dropped in omega raids.

095eba No.14775157

File: 18858e3f8883163⋯.jpg (277.96 KB, 1700x2000, 17:20, 508b825520c21d1999d69be2d0….jpg)

post cute Djeetas


oh right, it's 19867403


> Hit the boss a couple times; you won't do much damage, but any amount of damage entitles you to loot drops. It is pretty much impossible to underestimate how important these weapon drops are. A good set of Omega weapons for an element will do you more good than a team of five SSRs.

wow, so omegas are THE end-game basically then?


> unlock after rank 30

Oh i'm only rank 2 on this account, it'll be a while before I get there.

> You should set alexiel as your primary earth summon, grimnir for wind, shiva for fire, zeus for light, and macula for water.

ah okay, thanks anon!


>The cost to run magnas are animas the first two drop

oh right i've seen those animas in the shop, wondered what they were for.

a09fb7 No.14775175

File: a39a7faf0c8cc7b⋯.png (526.78 KB, 1280x1298, 640:649, c26faced-bf2f-4ffa-92a1-79….png)


Omega raids are extremely important because theyre where youre going to grind the bulk of your weapons for your grids. Theyre more along the lines of early-mid game, except for the guns that tiamat drops because goddamn are they strong. You probably shouldnt think so far ahead quite yet, but the reason I recommended that account was because it has four out of six Primal-series summons, which, besides the Eternals characters, hold the key to the true autism end game of granblue.

b7fb5d No.14775190


>wow, so omegas are THE end-game basically then?

You have no idea just how wrong you are

Though the weapons they drop are sometimes used in endgame.

009db1 No.14775214

File: 9a47c49cf52dd60⋯.png (105.37 KB, 280x160, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>wow, so omegas are THE end-game basically then?

>laughs in magna 2

095eba No.14775225

File: 695abf4dbfc611a⋯.png (431.88 KB, 956x714, 478:357, 695abf4dbfc611a9fc1ca25630….png)





> but the reason I recommended that account was because it has four out of six Primal-series summons, which, besides the Eternals characters, hold the key to the true autism end game of granblue.

ah I see, so with this account I'm already well on my way for end-game stuff. Thanks.

dca50a No.14775239

File: 9535cb1fbc51569⋯.jpg (161.12 KB, 803x700, 803:700, __djeeta_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)


Just so you're aware, we can't rescout you until you finish chapter 4 of the story.

f1a8c5 No.14775242


Hahahahahaha, you're not ON YOUR WAY to end-game stuff.

You just have one of the few keys that drop at a 0.064% chance every time you spend $20 on this game that unlocks the door that punches you down the stairwell when it swings open which leads you to the dank flooded basement filled with whales and dolphins.

b7fb5d No.14775244


Complete chapter 4 already so we can scout you for our crew.

f1a8c5 No.14775256



Just for reference, in the current state of the game, F2P has access to the strongest (or near strongest) grids for the four mainwheel elements, so those keys that we're talking about currently aren't even the strongest unless it's for Light and Dark, which has a strict space whale entry fee to access regardless of having the key.

6a6f76 No.14775269


>space whale

Space whale?

a5a97e No.14775275


Cosmic scale of whale, anon.

a09fb7 No.14775280


Kind of, the ultra powerful weapons for primal grids are attached to the limited characters that can only be drawn during Legendfest and Flashfest, which are the periods during the end and the middle of the month where premium gacha draw rates are doubled. Obviously you shouldnt be drawing from the gacha until the legendfest or flashfest appear anyways, but that is where the ultra powerful weapons are. You already have one weapon, its a dagger called Reunion that came from your SSR lecia. Its a decent weapon, but you shouldnt uncap it or anything.

You should keep an eye out for and never ever get rid of these weapons:

Murgleis (legfest katalina)

Ak-4A (Legfest eugen)

Benedia (legfest rackam)

Gambattein (legfest io)

Love Eternal (legfest rosetta)

Reunion (legfest lecia)

Blue sphere (flashfest drang)

Ixaba (flashfest sturm)

Parazonium (flashfest orchid)

Blutgang (flashfest black knight)

Certificus (flashfest vira)

Eden (flashfest lucio)

Cute Ribbon (flashfest zooey)

Mirror blade shard (flashfest alexiel (not the summon, the playable version))

d7e6f1 No.14775281


Magna water got jack SHIT. How the fuck is it better than F2P Varuna?

abd3ff No.14775284


I think he did mean F2P Varuna anon.

095eba No.14775297


i'd forgotten that too

I'm gonna get right on that then.


>You just have one of the few keys that drop at a 0.064% chance every time you spend $20 on this game that unlocks the door that punches you down the stairwell when it swings open which leads you to the dank flooded basement filled with whales and dolphins.



screencapping that for later viewing, thanks anon.

abd3ff No.14775301


And remember not to draw outside flashfest and legfest.

f1a8c5 No.14775309


europa harps are underrated and you have a grid full of auberons anyway. it's like saying magna fire got shit when the ecke sachs grid was pretty good anyway.

It's a good grid, it just has a very narrow and specific playstyle unlike the mindlessness of stamina, enmity, or stamnity. the only real drawback to it is that it's not a racing grid, which is slowly becoming moderately less relevant with the introduction of blue chests and all of the important UBHL drops moved to a gold chest.

besides all that, Varuna is actually a pretty shitty grid either F2P (all over the place on weapon types) and Whale - Murgleis are becoming more and more outdated as a Zephyrus build theoretically outperforms Varuna in a vacuum, and Agni, Zeus, and Hades grids have far better points in every single way. The only thing that enables Varuna is that it has access to the most OP characters, which incidentally are completely F2P: Uno and Quatre. A magna grid still has access to those two characters.

009db1 No.14775310


actually, this makes me curious. How many crystal have those accounts accrued from magnafests? How close are they to a spark?

e2d01f No.14775324

File: 3aa341f55bd6901⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 460x355, 92:71, 3aa341f55bd6901a24e31901c0….jpg)

Are they employing scaling on event raids now? I was having no problems yesterday then today two tia guns drop for me. I stick uncap and level up then I'm doing significantly worse today…

Kinda freaking me out.

a09fb7 No.14775328

File: de86fab5bf28089⋯.gif (207.99 KB, 560x400, 7:5, de86fab5bf280890901533f861….gif)


Im going to give you extremely important advice here, so please do not forget this. Please do not use any of these limited weapons to uncap other weapons you luck yourself into. This also somewhat applies to magna weapons as well. The real power of a weapon doesnt come from stats, but rather the weapon skills that it has. For example, for a wind magna grid, you want to grind 6 0* tiamat omega bolts before you use any further drops to uncap with. Another example is having four AK-4As before you use any others you miraculously luckshit before using any new AKs to uncap your existing AKs. The limited leg/flashfest weapons are weapons that people advise using dmascus ingots on, but please anon, dont use any before you know what youre doing.

29cf2f No.14775332

File: 2b7fa686ebdb5cb⋯.jpg (748.28 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60288017_p0.jpg)

File: 6b508f26a4285ef⋯.jpg (708.99 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60300664_p0.jpg)

File: c42bce76efbae67⋯.jpg (748.77 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60311029_p0.jpg)

File: af159862e1b1c32⋯.jpg (803.07 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60410793_p0.jpg)

File: 9294ef7ff950ca6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1000x1416, 125:177, 63004499_p0.png)



I wonder if the Zodiac weapons will become desired after they start getting their FLBs.

096404 No.14775338


>ignoring meta bow grid for light

f1a8c5 No.14775348


it's a good grid but it holds nothing to what intergalactic whales can put together with edens and gambas. plus the main problem with light is and has always been its shitty character pool. the fact that lucio getting sword prof is considered to be gamebreaking for light by some is.. sad.

096404 No.14775364


I'd argue with that. The crit rate is good enough to keep you capping constantly and there are also the meta daggers which are essentially light's eggsacks. The only difference is that the intergalactic whales have more DATA, but with both grids you'd be hitting about the same.

e2d01f No.14775374

File: 025997f7e78ab11⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 480x342, 80:57, 025997f7e78ab1121cfda59c80….jpg)


Oh shit never mind, I've had a stressful day and I just realised I've been using water summons not wind.

095eba No.14775378

File: 9e3788b5aaed865⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2966x2471, 2966:2471, 63c33fe97240ae840e655b129f….jpg)

File: 217ecc8b88833de⋯.jpg (72.88 KB, 571x800, 571:800, 26305ddeaa495a30a87ae3e5b8….jpg)

File: 6f01fead21b7cd0⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 3679x5264, 3679:5264, f5644843eb6052909ef387aa64….jpg)

File: 127e473966eb02c⋯.jpg (575.74 KB, 831x1236, 277:412, 20c6c0ce7a8a33446aa3f79942….jpg)

File: 279ec4493bb12cf⋯.jpg (119.59 KB, 664x900, 166:225, 4263d4a35ba2852993d2796512….jpg)


>Please do not use any of these limited weapons to uncap other weapons you luck yourself into

wouldn't dream of it. I won't touch those limited weapons besides use in battles

> dont use any before you know what youre doing.

understood amigo


Djeeta's so fucking cute

abd3ff No.14775380


>Zephyrus build theoretically outperforms Varuna in a vacuum, and Agni, Zeus, and Hades grids have far better points in every single way.

Anon, please explain your reasoning because it sounds like bullshit when you just say that without explaining your thought process .

a5a97e No.14775381


>weapon proficiency


Does that little thing actually change your stats at all? I thought it was half a step away from flavor text and only mattered for meme quests like Gransky Rumble.

abd3ff No.14775393


I think the whole point is Atmemes.

Though characters do gain 20% extra stats from weapons matching their proficiency in your grid.

6bcc69 No.14775406


you get an appreciable bonus when around 1/3-1/2 of your grid matches your weapon profficiency

f1a8c5 No.14775451


Like I said, it's in a vacuum. Practically speaking I don't think anyone does it because Tiamat is already really strong, especially now that we have the absurdity that is Grimnir Harps, but Love Eternal produces theoretically better results than Murgleis. (I'm pretty sure 2x Tiamat with your full Magna 2 grid is better than anything you can piece together with Zephyrus).

Agni, Zeus, and Hades should be no-brainers. Gislalords are still the strongest in the game, it's just they're doing everything in their power to push out the mistake that was S. Zoi. Zeus is made of Edens and Gambas and played to ridiculous success despite Light's horrible character pool, and Crimson Fingers although currently ignored are still very strong. No one wants to whale for Fire, but that doesn't make the grid less strong.

Murgleis grids are effective but it's less because Murgleis is good and more that 5* Uno and 5* Quatre are an unholy combination forged in the fires of hell. The state of water characters is almost worse than the state of light characters - because any new water character that gets introduced is literally competing against singularly Altair for a spot, because the titanic eternals are unbudging in the line-up. People would sooner run Nighthound to swap out MC if CyGames were to develop another SSR unit so good.. and they just made fucking Cucoroux, who lands a local UNIQUE Paralyze on ougi. What a broken piece of shit she is and people are still like "eh".

Drang Orbs could change it a bit, but the problem is and will always forever be Uno 5* until they start designing content that counters specifically him, just like how they had to start designing content that countered specifically S. Zoi.

ccf91e No.14775499


Is S. Zoi not worth sparking for any more?

Asking because I'm halfway through to my first spark and have no idea who I should be aiming for.

d29ea0 No.14775511

post more thicc horned midgets

b7fb5d No.14775520


Grand series characters tend to be a good pick. Even if you roll then again, at least you get a good weapon.

60eacf No.14775525


Absolutely. Let me put it this was. Cantankerous Leopard is an Arcarum enemy with an entire set up design to party wipe if you try and fight him with conjunction. Yet with six 0* celes claws you can one shot him.

They aren't going to nerf her and they are going to gradually weaken her abilities in new raids they introduce. That doesn't make her useless on stop her from being broke as fuck in old stuff.

60eacf No.14775528


She is still a great character

a5a97e No.14775537

File: 2c239e77cf02d84⋯.png (120.41 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 1400820856658.png)

>tfw rank 75

>have not had a single significant mag drop (Colo Cane, Levi Dagger, Ygg Sword, Tia Bolt, Chev Sword, or Celes Claw)

>closest is two Celeste Horns and a Chev Bolt

Am I boned for HL?

fe09f7 No.14775577


Are you not raiding or is your luck fucked?

f1a8c5 No.14775580


Ranks come really fast early on. Rank 75 means that I have obtained 1300% the RP you have in my GBF lifetime.

It's a little easy to get jaded about weapons in the rainbow era for 2016 players whom had the experience of focusing on a singular element and barely cobbling it together by HL. New players can really be spread thin trying to work on rainbows - honestly, I wouldn't expect anyone to have a halfway decent grid put together well until Rank 120+. Incidentally, that's when you can start leeching

f1a8c5 No.14775592


I mean, ranks come REALLY FAST. Your entire 1-75 experience is a little more RP than what I need for 159-160.

29cf2f No.14775598

File: 061e02ed0c5a233⋯.png (1007.08 KB, 741x942, 247:314, 56749832_p0.png)


There ya go, Champ!

e2d01f No.14775603


Get some crew mates to let you come vice mvp their raids for a week or so and you'll be fine.

ccf91e No.14775610



All right then lads, thanks.

a5a97e No.14775615

File: 985d83cbb8bad61⋯.jpg (494.11 KB, 700x671, 700:671, 1397966050047.jpg)


A little of column A, a little of column B. Seems like 75% of my time on this treadmill is spent in the miniature hamster wheel section of events. There's too many of the bastards.

fe09f7 No.14775687


You can safely just grab the crystals from events and fuck off early game. Once you get actual grids up you can just auto through events for whatever you want.

a5a97e No.14775703


But muh summons, muh tickets.

fe09f7 No.14775770


I can't imagine why you would want to farm the 500/300/240 treasures needed to MLB the summon, that 50% earth elemental boost will be quickly outshined once you have actual Yggy weapons in your grid. But yeah, the tickets should be quick enough to get alone.

e2d01f No.14775792


One drop of the sr sword would be worth getting and keeping too.

f62c73 No.14776022


Auberons are a dead meme.


Zephyrus sucks and Agni sucks. What are you going on about?

a09fb7 No.14776041

File: 0cac07ee1c831fc⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 450x636, 75:106, 1521746751860.jpg)


4 love eternals outperforms the best magna wind grids and agni might be getting saved in a couple days with the ixaba FLB, and otherwise has access to crimson fingers.

6a6f76 No.14776066

File: 8e65d339ada7db2⋯.png (395.98 KB, 453x566, 453:566, chars1.PNG)

File: f1090f2703b7fbf⋯.png (379.29 KB, 454x570, 227:285, chars2.PNG)

File: 623335c1a6dc156⋯.png (380.37 KB, 452x562, 226:281, chars3.PNG)

File: 60ad5822de019fd⋯.png (369.03 KB, 451x572, 41:52, chars4.PNG)

File: afff1a3d2bc156f⋯.png (313.62 KB, 454x563, 454:563, chars5.PNG)

I want some opinions on my character pool; I'd like to know if I'm well enough off to start saving for a spark or if I should splurge on the next gala.

a5a97e No.14776073


>actually posting your Rs when asking if you should roll, as if they actually matter

>not sorting by element within rarity

6a6f76 No.14776115

File: 36978ecd313ff5e⋯.png (393.02 KB, 453x570, 151:190, chars1.PNG)

File: cef480cf2eb218f⋯.png (378.08 KB, 450x565, 90:113, chars2.PNG)

File: f8148d84a0c14f7⋯.png (385.64 KB, 448x567, 64:81, chars3.PNG)

File: 043b1bf02023d96⋯.png (149.55 KB, 452x228, 113:57, chars4.PNG)


Like this?

f62c73 No.14776131

File: ed158c13d823175⋯.png (33.35 KB, 352x104, 44:13, Mistakes.png)


I just checked the numbers myself and even "in a vacuum" Zeph is weaker than magna. Also, Crimson fingers aren't worth it. Source: My crimson fingers. I'm hoping Ixaba will save me.

e2d01f No.14776173


You got like 4 rough teams of SSR's, I'd start saving for the spark.

1acb15 No.14776212


more of her?

a5a97e No.14776239

File: ed562d0f433528e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1401755072940.png)

e2d01f No.14776279

File: 1b57f755e5e7cf2⋯.png (637.34 KB, 1224x472, 153:59, aldorable.PNG)

095eba No.14776312

File: 82252b0d85b3c23⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1493x2317, 1493:2317, 00ecd39cf023477710a8d0fae2….jpg)

Finally done clearing Chapter 4. I'm gonna chill out on this for a bit and do some other things; you guys can scout me now: 19867403

Also is proto bahamut worth investing in at all?

b7fb5d No.14776331


No, there's a better summon you can get from the Lyria side story.

dca50a No.14776350

File: fc32ce6dbffcccc⋯.jpg (247.01 KB, 993x1500, 331:500, fc32ce6dbffccccfc3dacf7c7b….jpg)


Scouted you.

095eba No.14776371

File: 98114930671e6e9⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4333x3000, 4333:3000, 5665e0bee420a5ffc4376eac97….jpg)




10-4 compadre

f11023 No.14776487


I didn't save crystals so they only have like 3k left from the golden week gibs, but with all the early game crystals, side stories and about 120~150 fate episodes to go through, I think you can get a spark up in 2 to 3 months worth of saving.

e2d01f No.14776511

For arcanum should I use a team that's not weak or string to the two elements in an area or just say fuck it and use one that's strong against one?

e2d01f No.14776515


Nm I see how it works now, silly me.

162100 No.14776516


lol u mad

b7fb5d No.14776525


Just use Ground Zero bro

7fccd3 No.14776548


Press conjunction to win arcanum

a5a97e No.14776559


t. whale

e2d01f No.14776596

File: 7ebccbe8246ad73⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 692x610, 346:305, sx28e3wyaj101.jpg)

Some light enemies tried to bully me, but arcanum was nice and I got a tia bolt. That makes three today!

e2d01f No.14776603

File: 412084b1bff3b02⋯.png (323.2 KB, 572x568, 143:142, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay 4 bolts now, this is taking the piss.

e2d01f No.14776676

File: 7794aab17e42d74⋯.png (412.58 KB, 555x731, 555:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay I'm starting to like this place, are these weapons any good?

6a6f76 No.14776705


They're good for fillers in your grid since they possess magna skills. The second skill is only active in arcanum, but is usually pretty big from what I've seen. I personally have seperate loadouts for arcanum where I use the arcanum weapons inplace of the usual magna stuff.

97d31a No.14776706


You're "probably" going to need them for characters you "may not" be able to make until rank 120.

They also work as placeholders while you don't have a base omega grid.

6a6f76 No.14776713


>You're "probably" going to need them for characters you "may not" be able to make until rank 120.

This is the first I've heard of this.

e2d01f No.14776717

File: 8558859310053b3⋯.png (180.1 KB, 386x406, 193:203, 07d0a47c6ac537648bd232f0aa….png)



Thanks, I'll give it a try and see how it works. My yugu swords are sl7 but not uncapped. I'll blase this guys sl up and see how it goes.

97d31a No.14776720


That's the reason I'm using quote marks.

I have no proof you are going to need the arcarum weapons nor the SSR FLB arcarum summons to make the oracles, but I think it's safe enough to assume.

6bcc69 No.14777015


both the sword and katana can be used to slimeblast

f11023 No.14778687

File: 9979a733db16e76⋯.png (348.63 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Kengou.png)

So, I'm trying to decide what element to make the Samurai Katana into.

The Kengou is supposed to gain a shitton of charce bar and overougi. The current Samurai first skill gives a self buff that increases multiattack until you get hit, it's going to get buffed somehow, could be more that just multiattack, could be something to help it stay up.

So maybe it can support characters with good buffs on ougi, or it might be fun to have 6x+ ougis if chained correctly, so:

Fire: Only Yuel is getting the mastery, the Katana 5*s would need some insane skills to make people unequip the Xeno Ifrit Axe.

Water: Vajira getting buffed might be fun to combo with it.

Dirt: Decent amount of Katana Characters, including Alex, Sieg Aletheia and Okto. hell, Dirt could make use of an Atma Katana.

Wind: Might be interesting to go for ougi spam if you have Siete. The buff to Petra can synergise with the Samurai first skill, so can Carmelina's ougi and 4* Tiamat's call as well.

Light: Already has the Xeno Sword to kelp with C.A. gains. Only has Homos who use katanas.

Dark: I would make an Atma katana for Naru-nee alone, might be interesting to run with Nicholas.

Wind looks like a decent choice looking only at the first skill, going with all the Mirror images.

Dirt and Water can 6x ougi with Vajira/Octo.

Dark gives me an excuse to use Nicholas.

What's everyone planning to do?

b7fb5d No.14778750


I was thinking either Earth or Wind too. Wind foe the mirin memes and Earth because of the Alex Katanas. It's a shame having a Katana Atma team removes the chance to use a healer for the dirt team.

4fdbda No.14778776


I'm still waiting on details of the class/class weapon before deciding on what to element change my CCW to. If the class is an attacker that doesn't want to be hit, I'll change it to Wind/Water. If it's a mash friendly class that helps the team, then I would make an Ultima Bow and use it on my Light team with Song+Samurai II.

b32161 No.14778841

File: 9004e9f34bd11a8⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1684x1191, 1684:1191, 9004e9f34bd11a81480e34bdf9….jpg)


Thats a smug Djeeta.

ccf91e No.14779365

File: 4d7dd70386317c4⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1003x1417, 1003:1417, 00e4d8c4e79bf694f7ef62576c….png)

File: e1901db69fa4231⋯.jpg (188.24 KB, 1208x1840, 151:230, 29ca18b758ad462cee1b5ecaf5….jpg)


>a lovely potato and a 5000 year old would-be loli


And why are these Erunes so sexual?

000000 No.14779422

For Yuel, 1500 atk, 750 hp, 14% debuff success and triple attack +5 or

2700 atk, 1350 hp, stamina +9?

096404 No.14779439


well the astrals lost the war because they were too busy breeding erunes

97d31a No.14779441


Probably +9 stamina.

She can reliably hit DA and Fire has the Hellscythe too.

6a6f76 No.14779456

>>14779422 (checked)


What's stamina?

000000 No.14779482


It's the equivalent for enmity but the more hp you have, more atk.

000000 No.14779488


It's triple, dummy. But I guess I'm going with stamina anyway, better stats too

ccf91e No.14779568

File: 1f3c5dbaf335f6b⋯.jpg (303.56 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, f4b540c571fb7a4becf4c92b9e….jpg)


>you will never invade the Skydom and fuck all the Erunes your dick can handle

97d31a No.14779576


Yeah, but y'know, 5% TA isn't really that impressive when you have a 30% boost to your TA chance plus a pretty decent chance to DA at least.

So going with stamina is the better choice. Plus she is a healer so she can keep her HP up too.

000000 No.14779589


What if I'm not using the scythe? I do play spartan too.

97d31a No.14779601


>Not playing Berserker or Apsaras in fire

Then just use the Trident of Brahman as a mainhand, it gives 20% TA on ougi plus it has a TA skill.

000000 No.14779625


But Agni

97d31a No.14779643


Then you just stick a bunch of Erichtonius in your grid and call it a day.

f11023 No.14779646


Agni still uses at least one source of magna skill, doesn't it?

000000 No.14779654

Also, What cykagames will do to save Agni? Magna 2 killed it, they can't release a big atk 2 like Alex's dagger otherwise it's hecking dead.

97d31a No.14779655


And there's this too.

Also, why are you worrying about skill type for a weapon you're using as a mainhand? Sure if it has something good that's great, but what matters in the end is the ougi.

000000 No.14779663


Things we do when you make a fire ultima sword.

97d31a No.14779673



You do you buddy.

f11023 No.14779677


>fire ultima sword.

But why, you're never going to mainhand it.

Unless you don't have a xeno ifrit axe I guess, but if you can make an atma, you probably were around for the ifrit rerun.

000000 No.14779696


I use it for ubaha hl. Also it's the best chaos ruler mainhand. You sure want an ultima sword for your main element, even if it's fire or dark.

97d31a No.14779737


I wouldn't know about it being the best Chaos Ruler mainhand. I mean, just in fire there is the Original Sin, the Scimitar of Brahman or the Sword of Michael.

And in Dark there are the Qilin Sword, the Parazonium and the Original Sin again.

000000 No.14779765


Oh, true, totally forgot parazonium. Maybe it's dumb to make a dark ultima sword. I REFUSE TO ACCEPT ABOUT BEING DUMB TO MAKE FIRE ULTIMA SWORD.

Oh, I made it because I had 0 swords out of my 3 ultima too, not everyone has 3 ultima sword.

97d31a No.14779773


Like I said, you do you buddy. Just pointing out there are other options.

7314b2 No.14780057

File: 0c360d1f6f5575a⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180512-131837….jpg)

File: 9a5bfc1237f1e53⋯.jpg (853.61 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180512-132002….jpg)

At long last.

a48c6a No.14780178

File: becfa43d39865bf⋯.jpg (664.17 KB, 1280x1796, 320:449, Kyou no Yuel.jpg)


Erunes are born for dicking & baby-making


> ywn have a harem of Erune women

f11023 No.14780234

File: 58be8d2f2c909c8⋯.png (221.72 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Smug Yuel 2.png)

File: 24329f3e477f3db⋯.png (236 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Smug Yuel.png)

File: 30f7b8d5365388a⋯.png (31.11 KB, 443x57, 443:57, Y u el.PNG)

File: c3dd7dcea1523fc⋯.png (56.91 KB, 457x121, 457:121, We trained her wrong, as a….PNG)

File: f98bb5984bec952⋯.png (303.32 KB, 479x505, 479:505, we all want to boogey with….PNG)

why is she so perfect?

f11023 No.14780239

File: 0632fa510f0b021⋯.png (263.77 KB, 477x525, 159:175, dancing yuel.PNG)

File: 9b644f37c2e649f⋯.png (198.25 KB, 483x399, 23:19, rbh art.PNG)

also is there anywhere we can find high res of the illustrations that appear to be exclusive to the events?

b86670 No.14780559

Kihou is the greatest, if not the greatest crew known to man.

29cf2f No.14780569

File: 43159c01cd6b5d9⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2560x2752, 40:43, 43159c01cd6b5d9205a6b7cbe5….jpg)


Credit card and buying their artbooks most likely.

ed75c9 No.14780620

How hard are the fate episode fights for recruiting/uncapping gw characters? No idea which of my teams would benefit the most from having a gw harp so I might just make it fire to fight Nio

b86670 No.14780665


Recruiting is not hard at all. But yeah you have to fight them with the weapon at 80 so elemental advantage always helps.

3a249b No.14780762

File: 3a02c43f45de011⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 489x710, 489:710, capture_001_13052018_01491….jpg)

File: 5f2570c7b8ad2e3⋯.jpg (63.96 KB, 486x535, 486:535, capture_002_13052018_01494….jpg)

>want Jeanne Dark

>can't resist the urge

>roll my 6000 crystals

>of course, doesn't get her but obtain instead Altair and my second dark carbuncle

I won't complain.

b86670 No.14780985

File: f08837512e4a470⋯.png (1.71 MB, 609x2259, 203:753, Traumatized.png)

b86670 No.14781127

File: 9c5d67e4b974803⋯.jpg (162.29 KB, 1789x639, 1789:639, then and now.jpg)


So any suggests on what to stone?

7314b2 No.14781215


You have no primals besides zeus and he's already MLB'd. You could stone thighsworn I guess because her damage cut is upgraded from 70% to 100%, but if I were you, Id dave my stones and use then on arcarums.

b86670 No.14781311

File: b68d9ba16752306⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 150.59 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Gay sex with hats ON.jpg)


7314b2 No.14781317

File: 28eee8a893a9dc8⋯.jpg (115.56 KB, 862x400, 431:200, 28eee8a893a9dc8188f9764aee….jpg)

1f009d No.14781320


Alexiel is a big quality of life improvement, upgrade that

d370b3 No.14781337


>anon gets water character during dark rate up

>I get a dark character during water rate up

Good on you for Altair though.

b86670 No.14781461

File: 76470c989edc159⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 422x574, 211:287, 76470c989edc159c8dc25e650f….jpg)

Spaghetti spaghetti never forgetti

ca1b37 No.14781472

File: f1b282f943faefb⋯.png (576.77 KB, 1036x960, 259:240, Fetus Deletus.PNG)

e2d01f No.14781485

File: 2ab18a22871a41d⋯.mp4 (324.68 KB, 640x352, 20:11, 0aa1d9f3988fa2483a2769cee7….mp4)

e2d01f No.14781519

File: 94d044a64c6247e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 811x813, 811:813, Testacles of fucking point….PNG)

I never want to see these things again.

d370b3 No.14781711

File: a77dea3200c98ca⋯.png (179.88 KB, 450x487, 450:487, Arcarum where dreams come ….png)

So this happened.

Not incredibly good but still pretty neat.

4fdbda No.14781858

File: 128d1263c74e1d7⋯.png (74.15 KB, 441x136, 441:136, Chevsword.PNG)

File: ee8d527fcf869e5⋯.png (60.62 KB, 444x118, 222:59, ChevSword2.PNG)

Today was a good day.

f670f8 No.14781989

File: 73bc737d67d3c40⋯.png (117.09 KB, 812x530, 406:265, birthday.png)

Korwa's wishes were good, but I never expected an R to tug at my heart like that.

I think I will bring Grandma along more often.

b1228b No.14782305

File: 94b9a5436619e77⋯.png (187.34 KB, 640x688, 40:43, scene_evt180228_08.png)

File: 0670c7619318e28⋯.png (219.85 KB, 640x688, 40:43, scene_evt170630_01.png)


If you replay the event in question in journal and get to the part with the art, you can press F12 on chrome and browse the game assets, there's several folders of that but once you find it, you get the art in jpg format

9eee4a No.14782319

File: 5035438b95534c6⋯.png (424.56 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>Waldur event

I hope that gets a rerun, I really missed out on that event.

d370b3 No.14782329

File: bf9ff2fda1dcab1⋯.jpg (498.93 KB, 1534x2202, 767:1101, Ranger Sign Bravo.jpg)

f670f8 No.14782336


Waiting for What Makes the Sky Blue III to see if Belial actually fucks Lucifer's headless body.

I was actually surprised they went out of their way and killed a character that brings a lot of fujobucks, or that they killed a character at all. That leaves the question if Lucio is actually Lucifer since there's some contradictory shit in their stories.

fb486e No.14782435

File: 061b1fa005256c7⋯.png (43.13 KB, 519x173, 3:1, crew3.png)

b7fb5d No.14782463


No amount of ass licking will stop Metera from being a slut, she loves dicks too much.

f26292 No.14782529


That sounds like a good way to catch AIDs

b32161 No.14782775


Im glad there is never discussions like this in my crew. Everyone is too much focused on gearing upand getting more characters.

ccf91e No.14782783

File: a6162aa5e81803d⋯.jpg (130.25 KB, 654x900, 109:150, e4b74ff2774c2ad497e0021deb….jpg)


>missing out on the best part of being in a crew

Dicking around is half the reason I'm still here.

b86670 No.14782789


This, but unironically. The chat shitposting is some of the best part of it. I mean for fucks sake you can only spend four or five hours a day talking about the game itself. You need something to distract you form the never end soul crushing grind.

b7fb5d No.14782792


What a coincidence, Meters loves dicks around her.

3a249b No.14782845

File: 811992dfc803b94⋯.jpg (76.21 KB, 485x682, 485:682, capture_001_13052018_12083….jpg)

File: 673616a7cbc0182⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 493x486, 493:486, capture_002_13052018_12085….jpg)

>boost to fan favorites

>Jeanne dark is in

>plan to use my 15 tickets

>get her with my first ticket

What the flying fuck.

b86670 No.14782849



8dd8aa No.14782946

File: 0a2cecb1df81887⋯.png (309.12 KB, 641x917, 641:917, daki.png)

Now I need to get some chocobars.

4b1e92 No.14783453

Man magnafest going on for a month straight spoiled me, now I'm too stingy to spend double the AP and BP on anything. Guess I'll just wait for Xeno Clash and guild wars to come and then take a break until next magnafest.

e2d01f No.14783644

File: 2dc9a0a84a97335⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 2dc9a0a84a97335cb2ef15f13d….gif)


Have you tried to see if that will work with LF?

I'm sure Candi wouldn't mind volunteering.

ccf91e No.14783754


Candi is a pure girl, she'd never.

b7fb5d No.14783782


That's right, Candi is the true waifu of Grubble.

ccf91e No.14783827

File: 6a13b05d55a42e2⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 6c61088d5beefde3bed1510b5e….jpg)


Got that right, my friend.

e2d01f No.14783840

36a964 No.14784002

File: 8d167975940b531⋯.webm (7.81 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jewdownthewell.webm)


We're suppose be the h8chan crews and a little shitposting is frowned upon? where the fuck are we then?

b7fb5d No.14784197


>implying Candi isn't the best waifu in the game

>implying she isn't pure

e2d01f No.14784209

File: 8ab8c96f33037e6⋯.webm (259.32 KB, 640x360, 16:9, bully.webm)


Pure evil maybe.

a4836e No.14784269

File: 5dd8c2dd0bed947⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 1c9005b850d10d61ae12f30876….jpg)




Thats a man, bruv.

b7fb5d No.14784299


She couldn't be a man, she called herself Candi and has no idea what Jizz is.


Name one evil thing Candi has ever done, other than be a girl.

36a964 No.14784435


You honestly don't fucking belong here. You're more reddit territory.

00296f No.14784518

File: 8314f70ad60fca3⋯.jpg (29.98 KB, 500x309, 500:309, no idea.jpg)


>Plebbit spacing.

>With one sentence.

What the fuck am I witnessing here?

e2d01f No.14784551


When you put it like that, it may be bait.

e2d01f No.14784610

File: 8b9a3027da3d104⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 531x652, 531:652, AJ_Gay_Community_37.jpg)


Promotes faggotry and enables LF. Which amounts to the same thing really.

ccf91e No.14784669

File: 549f88b15400068⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1062x1500, 177:250, 549f88b15400068acf09c7f2d2….jpg)


LF is a good captain and a good crew member, he's just slightly autistic.

Candi is a lovely girl worth sparking for.

e2d01f No.14784701

File: 2b2a7e758b985ac⋯.jpg (137.04 KB, 640x592, 40:37, 1498781849026.jpg)


LF pls…

ccf91e No.14784735


Actually, I'm the guy who was just kicked.

Despite what he might say, I can tell LF cares about the crew and wants it to do well.

He's just terrible at expressing himself.

Or is unconsciously tsundere as fuck.

d679e4 No.14784743


LF is the true best girl

e2d01f No.14784764

File: 1b5ce2c7ce05f8a⋯.png (272.93 KB, 518x465, 518:465, ClipboardImage (5).png)


See this is why you were kicked, not abusing LF is a capital offence.

ccf91e No.14784768

File: f1233d94ad3204b⋯.jpg (260.96 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, f1233d94ad3204bfb9f03aadfc….jpg)



A close second to Candi, though.

LF route when?

Anyway, I think we should stop here, the thread is a mess thanks to our nonsense.

a4836e No.14784809

File: 695f55984849655⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 487x432, 487:432, 695f5598484965572e7409c71f….jpg)



Potato Crew (Actually called Crew 6) is willing to welcome your kicked butt, also, LF isn't that autistic, he just can't deal with much, and needs time alone constantly, once you understand that, the dude pretty much is OK.

f11023 No.14784824

File: 19641f8fdbff6a8⋯.png (226.48 KB, 484x476, 121:119, the v.png)

File: 27f3c58fef9550d⋯.png (310.71 KB, 383x705, 383:705, Little Faggot 1.PNG)



Bullying LF should be a cross-crew activity.

ccf91e No.14784842




Thanks, but I love my crew too much to just jump ship on first notice.

a4836e No.14784874

File: be07dc883436e94⋯.png (407.43 KB, 672x800, 21:25, 6047f27e6b3f9c58ffbb7462b3….png)

File: 59d198fa375b6af⋯.png (127.69 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 59d198fa375b6afe179c4e9d51….png)


You and most everyone is welcome to join us, at any point, donñt worry, lad appreciate the loyalty to them.


Yeah, bullying Candi is better though.

Quetion, whats best mechanic setup, I just got bothered to get the class.

d370b3 No.14784884


Anything with Energy maneuver.

f26292 No.14784895

File: 04783a5bbc5fa06⋯.png (358.43 KB, 797x752, 797:752, boom.PNG)


A light team with energy maneuver ghost armpits/maids/alchemic abortion works really well.

a4836e No.14784921

File: 2b85314c9380975⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 707x782, 707:782, 1516183930237-0.jpg)


I´ve got ghost blowjob, chevira, rosamia, laberty, sandy, conan, and feather and vermeil.

a4836e No.14784939

File: 10ca9d20bdf6221⋯.gif (518.94 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 10ca9d20bdf6221ec30697b4c5….gif)


Albert* nice word fuck up, lad, laberty, jesus

f26292 No.14784966

File: 79df57bb6e405c9⋯.mp4 (23.72 KB, 300x230, 30:23, munch.mp4)


Ferry plus two others is fine. Take shiva as your support for maximum first turn ougi damage.

c89344 No.14785023

File: 0ddf23e829732a2⋯.png (87.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, worry.png)

fuck men i cannot get row iv in time for xeno judge unless i ele change oliver into light. that's like an inferiority of life change. send help

fe09f7 No.14785051


I don't understand, if you already have Oliver what's stopping you? You can use any weapon in the fights with the twitchy grandma.

f11023 No.14785062


You'll be fine as long as you have a clear or a mirror image

c89344 No.14785070


Shit, really? I thought you had to ele change it as well. Thanks a lot for chiming in, getting to keep those materials is very very welcome.

f26292 No.14785072


You do have to element change it.

c89344 No.14785089


I see. I'm not hugely worried about the granny fight. Having Oliver in light just locks me out of efficient zoimeme leech maneuvers which I think is going to be annoying.

fe09f7 No.14785129


Oh, I was thinking you had already changed its element and were having a tough time against the granny, thinking you were supposed to use the CCW in the fight. At least if you plan on making it wind you'll be able to grab the animas from xeno Vohu while farming.

9eee4a No.14785215

File: d58ede789410214⋯.png (578.61 KB, 600x671, 600:671, ClipboardImage.png)


>That leaves the question if Lucio is actually Lucifer.

Seeing how Lucilius created Lucifer, Sandals, and most of the primal beasts, Lucio could be just a failed product that got discarded but ended up surviving and living on the islands until he joined the crew.

>Waiting for What Makes the Sky Blue III to see if Belial actually fucks Lucifer's headless body.

That or someone is now using his body like how Dio used Jonathan Joestar's body, or they were successful in finding and using Lucilius' research in making more primals which means more Lucifer clones and Avatar clones to take down or to recruit. Have a feeling after Part 3, Sandals is going to leave the crew, and the recruitable character is probably Belial or some failed Lucifel shota clone.

096404 No.14785232

File: a5b8702544f0b37⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 46.57 KB, 460x744, 115:186, F.jpg)


I'm sorry

9eee4a No.14785260

File: 34ffe19554d2e72⋯.png (126.15 KB, 400x478, 200:239, ClipboardImage.png)


>Belial desecrating Lucifel's body

Not even surprised.

e2d01f No.14785280

File: 243dbc3cc709b62⋯.png (146.26 KB, 422x493, 422:493, 243dbc3cc709b62583f1c96e65….png)


My sides, I do miss bullying LF and Candi.

29cf2f No.14785424

File: 40fa07f9e86bdec⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 744x779, 744:779, 40fa07f9e86bdec14e5d920c1f….jpg)


Anyone running a wind grid and can't easily beat granny, is a fucking idiot.

e2d01f No.14785455

File: ee1fd4fcc029d29⋯.png (649.36 KB, 598x708, 299:354, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not good with emp stuff, think I should slot in another DA or skill damage or skill damage cap?

b7fb5d No.14785468


>mirror image

Where's a good source for that other than Lyria? Any SSRs or summons I could use?

Alternatively, who should I replace in this lineup. Yuisis, Birdman, S. Siegfried.

b86670 No.14785472


One more in DA, 3* in debuff, 3* Skill Cap up.

b86670 No.14785473


Tiamat and Petre

d7e6f1 No.14785476


Lecia (Grand), Tia, and Petre.

e2d01f No.14785480

File: 4a64c6bb80db746⋯.webm (10.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, uraras_levitating.webm)


Thanks dude.

b86670 No.14785499

File: fb56f3e830d4bbd⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 480x360, 4:3, My disappointment is immea….mp4)




>Sakurako posting

f26292 No.14785501

File: d550dfd14f56af8⋯.jpg (398.05 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, 5123fea9775f6f6ecbffa07a23….jpg)


Yuisis is shit man. She is super cute but gameplay wise she is useless.

b86670 No.14785506


She has some niche use in wind dancer meme teams farming Alexiel along with Seofon and Nio.

f26292 No.14785520


The only thing she has going for her is sword proficiency, Her skill set is not only clunky the actual effects are nothing impressive. She fails both as a tank and as an attacker and can do neither on demand. She only has a niche if you have absolutely no one better.

d370b3 No.14785523


General tips for EMP:

There's no point in getting the third star of a TA node. It's worth half as much the previous two stars

Get crits if available. Max them because crits get better the more you invest in them.

Max Skill cap up if character has at least two hard hitting nukes. Ougi Cap up always.

DA is for scrubs. Most characters that have many DA nodes have high base DA or some skill that buffs DA anyway, and one or two DA nodes isn't going to do you much good if you're buffing TA anyway.

b86670 No.14785528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like and subscribe

e2d01f No.14785555


I'll go with skill cap and damage then thanks as she has no crit ups.

d370b3 No.14785566


Nice quads bro.

I don't know about damage. Unlike the MC's 3k ATK node, characters only get about 1k. At that point you should consider maxing the Wind ATK node instead, since it works as a %.

f26292 No.14785570


Again, nothing in that video was particularly amazing about her. Any other decent sword character in wind could have done the same job just as well if not better.

b7fb5d No.14785574


She has 4 million damage ougis while the rest of my team does 500k damage. She can be useful if used right.

e2d01f No.14785580


Nice double dubs. She's only a placeholder character really so I'm not too worried about messing her up. Just need her workable to get that vohu sword. Wind damage does seem nice as she'll never be fighting off element.

b86670 No.14785603


She is an ougicentric character in an element that isn't ougicentric(outside of creeper memes) on a team built around ougi racing. You litterally need to stop taking your opinion from ratign charts and start using character on your own. She is usually a shit character because the rest of wind isn't built for what she does. When she is in her element, literally and figuratively, and the raid is CCed enough she doesn't have to worry about dying in her atk stance, she shines like a diamond.

b7fb5d No.14785650


But muh redditwith ratings

Maids are also shit, muh redditwith ratings say so

096404 No.14785656



84177b No.14785715

Play a better game.

ae1933 No.14785760

Do you guys think they would have stored chip count as a signed 32-bit integer?

I almost want to grind to 2 billion chips to find out if they were that incompetent.

b7fb5d No.14785767


It's probably easier to grind rupies to find out. They'll probably use the same integer for both.

096404 No.14785777


computer baka here, how would that be incompetence?

ae1933 No.14785784


I mean… Do you think they would have had the foresight to store it as a 64-bit integer? When they've made such glorious fuckups such as baalfest?


hi trips

a 32-bit integer has a maximum positive value of a little bit over 2 billion, afterwards it would overflow to negative 2 billion. best case scenario this would brick your casino to unusable, worst case (unlikely) scenario it would seriously fucking with the game on a massive scale, like causing serious server lag whenever the chip count value is called, etc.

so as a fun little story, originally 1000-chip poker didn't exist, so your best bet was a 100-chip poker, which made grinding out millions extremely difficult. now that 1000-chip poker exists, it would actually be feasible albeit incredibly time-consuming to grind to 2 billion chips…

b7fb5d No.14785788


Considering how well they coded the rest of the game, they did it using 8 bit floats.

d370b3 No.14785803


256 chips won't buy you anything anon

d370b3 No.14785804


255 chips, actually.

b7fb5d No.14785810



It buys a single soul berry. We all know how useful they are.

ae1933 No.14785863


bonus points: actually true, and they just have extra 8 bit floats for each added thousandths place

b86670 No.14786027

File: ec9c5804113295d⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 441x528, 147:176, STATE ENFORCED.jpg)

File: d193ad22a427495⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 498x509, 498:509, HOMOSEXUALITY.jpg)

They are coming for you crew 2

b7fb5d No.14786323

Where did you go Cheeki? We need your wisdom on asslicking more than ever.

8dd8aa No.14786344

File: fe022825bd4ccb8⋯.png (549.7 KB, 632x774, 316:387, brobot.png)

Ignore me, showing crewm8 how to get in the fucking robot.

b86670 No.14786370


Amazing how bad you are at it.

40de0f No.14786506

File: 7e69baffc4da8d8⋯.png (471.38 KB, 400x574, 200:287, Granblue Profile.png)

File: 164b6873d82572f⋯.png (606.74 KB, 400x802, 200:401, Shitty Wind Grid.png)

File: b8e7f4cf4b343b5⋯.png (616.96 KB, 400x802, 200:401, Shitty Summons.png)

>05/15~05/22 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (rerun)

Great, came back after a break from the grind to this shit

Looking for a crew

Here's my wind characters, grid, and summons

on a scale of "are you even trying to royally fucked" what are my chances of getting a Xeno weapon with what I got?

d370b3 No.14786530


You don't need a grid. You just need the autism to grind with.

b86670 No.14786540


I got my True Light Xeno just leeching raids with a team of rares and one event light SSR.

b7fb5d No.14786571

File: 4367c5781feaf44⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180514-134126.png)


I have a better grid than you and I started after you did

a4836e No.14786574



Sent, we're a buncha ex crew 3/4 rapefugees so you'll feel at home.

b7fb5d No.14786576


My plan is to swap the GW axe for a Xeno weapon when that comes, and then the two celestial weapons are swapped for Grim harps when I get those drops.

757d3d No.14786876

File: 18114aa12a7b309⋯.png (414.77 KB, 473x478, 473:478, wind2.PNG)

File: 75f1a2c9e81d035⋯.png (303.01 KB, 316x473, 316:473, wind5.PNG)

File: 7a03653b9610088⋯.png (519.8 KB, 472x598, 236:299, wind1.PNG)

File: 9aca759912d04bd⋯.png (614.98 KB, 468x602, 234:301, wind3.PNG)

Xeno vohu gave my rank 50 self a lot of trouble when she first came around. I'm intending on making her pay.

f11023 No.14787620

File: 24c966448b37238⋯.png (691.08 KB, 972x553, 972:553, Screenshot_2018-05-14-10-4….png)

File: 1d201e61547c540⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1019x788, 1019:788, Screenshot_2018-05-14-10-5….png)

I've been playing with Lecia, Gawain, Korwa for an eternity, this time around I wanna try something different and see of the buffs to Petra are any good.

41bc24 No.14788025

File: 3c2d5acc2386015⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 560x544, 35:34, cogchabully.jpg)

1AAD4F22 baha hl

3a249b No.14788162

File: 2198523643ed221⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 474x720, 79:120, capture_001_14052018_14423….jpg)

Holy fuck, finally. Farming these primarch anima took fucking forever. I think I spent at least 900-1000 berries to do it. I even installed raid finder a few days ago just for that. I can't believe I've been playing for months without that extension. I can finally take a break without having to jump at a raid whenever a new entry appeared while hoping it wasn't full already. Well, at least I got enough seraphim cradle in the process to put him to 150 right away.

b86670 No.14788172


Dude, you could have done that in about three hours farming UBaha. Plus you would have got like 70 or 80 meteorite fragments.

3a249b No.14788225


I leeched that raid a couple of times and both times it failed. Since then I avoided it.

bed939 No.14788313


>farming UBaha

e2d01f No.14788503

File: 643398665e96bbc⋯.png (655.43 KB, 591x626, 591:626, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88e390c5beca2f3⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 543x725, 543:725, 1515711683094.jpg)

My team and grid are shit. Need to get some more fodder to do what I can. Still I already got my harp with a much worse grid last time so just the sword this time around.

6e526f No.14789314

File: bd59237bad3966d⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 384x384, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)

File: 30755ab4b709778⋯.png (135.47 KB, 500x221, 500:221, C_0H0T5XUAEKRGq.png)

File: c536341eee41fcd⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 28765960_573886496318500_5….jpg)


Get the baha dagger from the side story. You'll need it.

e2d01f No.14789493


Thanks I keep forgetting they put that in, I didn't make it a priority as I have zero erune SSR's and like the rest are 90% draph weirdly enough.

My one erune is wind sutera though so it may help thanks. Still just had another two bolts drop so it's improving. Seriously the new drop rate for omegas is a joke.

29cf2f No.14789539

File: bc748b56d7ef40a⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 63183714_p0.jpg)


If you don't have any erune and have a ton of Draphs, then the sword is the correct one to choose; especially since you need Coda to make it affect Erune instead of only human/unknown characters.

096404 No.14789674


>not needing ubaha HL host mats

b86670 No.14789836



You know coop raids are a thing and most rooms set the entry level pretty low. You jump in, leech for a couple of hours, and badda bing badda wahoo you have all the primarch anima and meteorite fragments you can use for a while.

36a964 No.14789846


Send me another scout you faggots, i was just merely pretending. a bit too much.

6e526f No.14789873

File: 37281d2fd350e58⋯.jpg (165.87 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, 1526313750911.jpg)

File: 81fe2131ec496c1⋯.png (668.73 KB, 699x736, 699:736, 1526307120583.png)

File: d37c940972e3099⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, 1526016856581.jpg)

If anyone is crewless remember to contact your potato friends in Crew 6, we take any Rank, any kind of casuls, and newfags. Can't promise a GW qualification, but we will try our best.

d7e6f1 No.14790209

I might trade JK or Lecia out for Tia in the front line since I really need that mirror image.

b86670 No.14790213

File: f500fb0d966d0b1⋯.png (702.3 KB, 632x793, 632:793, snek meme.png)

This grid gets you 3rd in Shiva during burger time.

fe09f7 No.14790220

File: 4a4089c57af728f⋯.png (795.28 KB, 630x644, 45:46, Have a giggle.png)

PSA for any newlads; Try to learn a bit about grids before finding something to slap together whatever fits your summon. Otherwise you end up with something like this.

096404 No.14790221

File: 988bed6acd26449⋯.png (471.49 KB, 443x569, 443:569, ClipboardImage.png)


This one gets you mvp

d370b3 No.14790228


You sure about that third place boss? :^)

b86670 No.14790235


No I dipped out to make the screen cap, did Julie come in and steal my spot?

d370b3 No.14790279


Yes. And if it weren't for those meddling nips I would've stolen second place too!

e2d01f No.14790522

File: 23121548230c75a⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, me.webm)

It's okay to use silver moons for half pots right?

757d3d No.14790546

File: b0e332d0164ab2b⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 96x194, 48:97, 68630513_p3_master1200.jpg)


Yes, both bronze and silver moons can be safely spent on half pots and berries.

e2d01f No.14790573

File: 85ec6d398514152⋯.jpg (285.39 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DLEKWKdVoAAXAEo.jpg)


Thanks dude.

b86670 No.14790608

File: 22e0a384689ca22⋯.webm (5.81 MB, 1280x1080, 32:27, me.webm)

b7fb5d No.14790613


Post your ID faggot

36a964 No.14790633

File: c8a80e5a96124d6⋯.gif (680.35 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1459063230975.gif)



e2d01f No.14790647


Heh, I wish there were more of these.

b86670 No.14790661


What was this from the shitty glasses kyoanus show?

32035c No.14790739


are those corn chips

ed75c9 No.14790982

File: 4bc283b54098741⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 741x590, 741:590, DdAPKXkU8AAwuku.jpg large.jpg)

Just reached 101 recently, which hl raids are ok to leech? I want to upgrade baha weapons but I also don't want to be a shit that causes the raid to fail.


Is that the potato crew?


Best girl in the game, prove me wrong.

d370b3 No.14791006


It's OK to leech Magna impossibles, because they have 30 slots.

It's absolutely unforgivable to leech 6-man raids.

Bahamut HL has 18 slots so try to do your best. Go Spartan/Holy saber with clarity so you're at least useful.

b7fb5d No.14791013


No HL raid is okay to leech, they all last too long.

e2d01f No.14791031

File: 5e4964f97a24894⋯.png (836.94 KB, 596x857, 596:857, ClipboardImage.png)


Also best VA work, especially this scene

b86670 No.14791041

File: 266c67f4126a7cd⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 620x800, 31:40, Best Joints.jpg)

File: 5a76c74e76ba463⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1062x1500, 177:250, Best Spud.png)

File: 7f6aeaf8bf0ad33⋯.jpg (783.67 KB, 1000x825, 40:33, Best Dragon.jpg)

File: cd527c33432abc0⋯.jpg (251 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, Best Slut.jpg)


>prove me wrong.

Checkmate, gaytheist

009db1 No.14791055

File: a219ffaa5e5a789⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Nyan.webm)

e2d01f No.14791066

File: 4aa5241ad556d1e⋯.gif (182.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, original.gif)


Checked and that little meow just makes me heart go doki doki.

b7fb5d No.14791085

File: 4463f3a43e2965d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 114.91 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Nene_A.png)


Real best girl coming through

d370b3 No.14791094


They should have kept the original design if they really intended to use the VA.

10f82f No.14791100

any leaks of the sword yet? I'm ready to make my ultima sword but I'm waiting on an element check

b86670 No.14791101


Otose is great

4aa2a9 No.14791202


You're referring to Yae, right?

5e9033 No.14791800

File: 9a3842e7d5a3714⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 624x801, 208:267, 1526333464266.jpg)

File: 3772744066b2f8f⋯.png (531.02 KB, 712x1005, 712:1005, 1526123563289.png)


Yes, we're actually named Crew 6, name TBD, we never reached consensus, but mostly formed by rapefugees from other crews.

ed75c9 No.14792057


I might consider joining you guys. I'm in a 2 man crew right now, but I'm not sure there's a point in switching if you guys can't qualify in gw.

a41111 No.14792093

File: 7afc793e5a88220⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 250x445, 50:89, 1526163434569.jpg)


Last month it was three of us and we nearly managed to, we're 7, and average rank is 105, we might do it this time, it's possible.

b86670 No.14792113

File: 38b4e75d9f7655b⋯.jpg (54.01 KB, 634x487, 634:487, Just BEE yourself.jpg)


You should be able to qualify at that level unless you are casual as fuck.

009db1 No.14792514

File: 7bc093533165b92⋯.png (70.63 KB, 479x128, 479:128, sword.png)

Good start

ccf91e No.14792538

File: 6c67533c919c5c2⋯.jpg (116.89 KB, 638x874, 319:437, just be yourself.JPG)

3a249b No.14792786

>tried maniac twice

>failed both times


b86670 No.14792799


Lanchan, Scatcat, Tia with Warlock Gran is easy modo for the whole event.

e2d01f No.14793024

File: c765174b9707f5a⋯.jpg (370.91 KB, 840x700, 6:5, 1475983003711.jpg)

This event is bullshit now I remember why I quit last time.

ca14f0 No.14793043

New thread


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