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File: 0009cc54871641f⋯.jpg (179.38 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, vohu manah chocolate.jpg)

c21cad No.14793037

Vohu Mama


May Event Schedule

04/30~05/08 - A Thousand Reasons

05/09~05/14 - The Girl who Leapt Through Mountains (rerun)

05/15~05/22 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (rerun)

05/23~05/30 - Unite and Fight (Water enemies/Earth favored)

05/31~06/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

d4de25 No.14793046

How is chrome required? I tried the game out using palemoon and umatrix, and after a small amount of tinkering with the site everything went perfectly fine.

c21cad No.14793050

File: 2e5349be6574e72⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1399x2018, 1399:2018, 7377098ea02aec2f01d959d926….png)

Balance patch and other stuff has hit and some of the characters still suck

c21cad No.14793060


Their official site say it's for chrome but like you said, you can tinker with it to make it work with other web browsers.

f5bea2 No.14793061


It isn't. No one said it was.

c6d975 No.14793067


Who's up for round 4 of Chat Noir rebalances?

6ce571 No.14793128

File: eb5be1a8cc0d282⋯.png (678.07 KB, 631x795, 631:795, As.png)

I started playing the first time Xeno Vohu came through and got my ass spanked trying to run the hard showdown. Now, even with my shit tier GRIDS, I am slapping her tiddies around on NM120 and giving her a little motorboat action. She has until I complete my harp to give me the two swords I need to make my second Last Sahrivar then I am done with this event besides clearing out the shop of elixirs.


Fake onee-chans need to go and stay go.

c6d975 No.14793151


What do you have against Seruel that you must deny his very existence?

377041 No.14793153


>skill lvl 1 harp

why though

ebc410 No.14793163

File: b14a48814e4399c⋯.png (552.12 KB, 480x598, 240:299, VohuGrid.PNG)

File: b45f6f9409b2dcc⋯.png (544.25 KB, 482x499, 482:499, VohuSummonGrid.PNG)

File: 585372b756741f8⋯.png (196.76 KB, 434x255, 434:255, VohuHuntingParty.PNG)

Besides not having the Wind GW 5*s, This is the most I've been prepared for a Xeno event.

6ce571 No.14793164

File: c466586f46bc3eb⋯.png (80.96 KB, 147x232, 147:232, die.png)


Fuck the police


pic related

a540f1 No.14793312

File: 5d7f40f71671ce3⋯.jpg (133.34 KB, 529x386, 529:386, 5d7f40f71671ce396ed6108027….jpg)

I fucking hate this peice of shit event, the fucking sword is pretty shite too.

b6d1bd No.14793470

File: f36b1c0ae7ac5cc⋯.png (632.09 KB, 633x625, 633:625, windamere.png)

File: 7ae20ece079538d⋯.png (628.44 KB, 623x794, 623:794, windaweps.png)

Vohu is much easier this time around.

933b5b No.14794077

File: 9e0253f9e15bacf⋯.jpeg (25.28 KB, 281x523, 281:523, Candi.jpeg)

Daily reminder that Candi is the best waifu of Granblue fantasy. I'm only 24k crystals away from sparking her.

1b3e6f No.14794683

File: c40a362d44899b1⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 713x619, 713:619, DZRP1PNVwAEuIlq.jpg)


What'd you do to get it working on a Firefox fork? When I tried it back when I was using Firefox it was massively laggy when it did work.

6178f9 No.14794836

File: 67bcf0b3258b48c⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 320x180, 16:9, suffering.jpg)

>Sen, Skasaha and Petra won't ever team up as in Mahou Shoujotai Arusu.

>No mahou shoujo skin ever for them

0b1c35 No.14794894

File: 5f07a375f504484⋯.jpg (247.95 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, 1521984754800.jpg)


>current year

>he still didn't spank Candi

0309d4 No.14794989

File: 5776dc8ebd22508⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, oh my gwad.png)

I see it's /gbfg/ time.

75f13d No.14795066


I still don't understand why they went with a bathtub in her 2nd art.

caade7 No.14795080

File: dbd72b9f9d72bde⋯.jpg (148.12 KB, 588x985, 588:985, dbd72b9f9d72bdeb50a076beeb….jpg)



>Candiposting this early in the thread

Mistakes were made.

Also, fuck off, both of you.

She is mine.

c40264 No.14795176

File: 982c82ce4035e4b⋯.jpg (4.08 MB, 2392x3800, 299:475, 27325e344ee20cddd9711d7487….jpg)

File: 8693418034ae632⋯.png (801.41 KB, 673x950, 673:950, 8c8e97f507a9926e0c83599662….png)

File: d06056b5336feab⋯.png (415.73 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 80472ea43350b716dc5a33d596….png)

File: a146afeb956adad⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1000x1600, 5:8, 7eaf6705601d6377da0ed94731….jpg)

File: 3fe9b5a6d2f12f0⋯.jpg (106.3 KB, 779x1153, 779:1153, 37272c220318de8571464c5f4f….jpg)

> you will never have hot and heavy, messy, baby-making, lovey-dovey sex with a cute erune girl

579079 No.14795206


Fenrir is the only anthropomorphic animal girl for me.

75f13d No.14795398

So Sahrivar is some good shit on Sword Master. Awakening it is literally double trouble 3 with a spear without the guaranteed triple and the resonating adds in that triple hit.

c40264 No.14795408

File: 6ebb03e786c922f⋯.png (2.08 MB, 950x1472, 475:736, 71a3a56720ee9d015ebb9d9b84….png)

File: 590daaefc572529⋯.png (824.49 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, 73b41e4698807ecd2a77f81d46….png)

File: 826402e72a425b3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1500x1295, 300:259, 133cddcaa5ecac820ada278a2a….png)

File: d352c729569810b⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1429x2000, 1429:2000, b07dcbaa66fe2646a7ab6668ff….png)

File: 662c44bd580bf28⋯.jpg (255 KB, 667x800, 667:800, c4c16464b435c5aece3282a4ff….jpg)


Fenrir is cute too, I don't know if I could with Cerberus though, I'd get sick of those annoying puppet things commenting on everything pretty quick.

3d1078 No.14795472


Its a worse Ridill.

75f13d No.14795641


Well shit. I didn't even know that weapon was a thing. At least it's good until I get one.

c6d975 No.14795656


Not really since

>Stackable DEF up

>not Echoes

a540f1 No.14795666

File: b5b1ef96e35f40c⋯.gif (894.56 KB, 640x534, 320:267, 28bf7cb47d0abf4c583645224c….gif)

Is Ridill worth doing on a better element than earth? and is the new sword a decent grid weapon?

e0cc72 No.14795670

File: 265a4378c68da56⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: 5616328c01225c8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


Fenrir the qtest

fb8251 No.14795676

File: 2bae6345ed36204⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 602x338, 301:169, that's hell you're walking….jpg)



I want perverts to leave /gbfg/.

6ce571 No.14795680


Are you fucking shitting me?


I have one in every flavor. It is amazing in Light and Dirt but in light the True Purity Blade is pretty damned good for the stamina and clarity in an element that needs it. Fire Ridill is pretty good if you don't have top tier character which in fire can mostly self buff Da and TA.

caade7 No.14795687

File: 8bffd8018caf5e4⋯.png (1.09 MB, 850x1199, 850:1199, 8bffd8018caf5e447c2bcaa914….png)


>this guy

c6d975 No.14795689



>Devil's Trips

Was this part of your master plan?

As a grid weapon it has marginally better stats than the Harp. And more characters have a sword proficiency than a harp one.

Your main choices for Ridill are Dirt and Light.

a540f1 No.14795690

File: 0b28d719166df5b⋯.png (269.4 KB, 883x882, 883:882, 0b28d719166df5b1cb8cf3e55a….png)


Thanks I may try and pick up an event sword then to save making multiple Ridills as I'm a lazy fuck.

6ce571 No.14795694


If you are going to only make one Ridill make it dirt.

a540f1 No.14795695

File: a6a7f72a5404e5e⋯.jpg (155.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, e6918c808dd82ead4eb66a0dca….jpg)


Always part of the plan.

a540f1 No.14795697


So fuck this dirt weapon or use it as an ex for the grid? I already have the harp.

6ce571 No.14795707


Now, this dirt sword is a better stat stick for your grid than the harp. You want a copy of the harp for mainhand and a copy of the sword for grid.

a540f1 No.14795721

File: c77e9253f5150fb⋯.jpg (121.09 KB, 924x720, 77:60, sathapp.jpg)


Ah thanks dude, will suffer through this event then.

75f13d No.14795735

File: 6796d45dd524041⋯.png (592.12 KB, 474x600, 79:100, current earth.PNG)



I don't have much better to work with.

c6d975 No.14795775


Trade one of the Sephira weapons for another one of Vohu Manah's weapons.

6ce571 No.14795786

Farm a Ridill for mainhand right now while Xeno anima is easy as fuck to get. Upgrade your baka to coda. Upgrade your Seraphic to SSR. Can't get a baihu fist so you may as well replace the arcanim knife with an atma trium. Farm up a second FLB xeno sword and replace one Yggs sword and the Aranum fist with the two of them. Uncap the 4 Yggs swords you will have to 4* and uncap Yggs to 4*. Mainhand the ridill when you are solo farming meat in GW. Switch class to Elysian and main hand a xeno harp and replace one of the xeno swords with a yggs sword when you are fighting the nightmare boss. That should be good enough for you to make the barest minum contribution to your team's score next GW.

75f13d No.14795896


Any of that change if I mention owning Alexiel as a summon?

6ce571 No.14795979


No, you are still going to want to main 4* yggs and support summon an Alexiel. That just gives you two summons of Alex during a raid. When you get to Mag II you are going to want to switch to double Yggs. Until then Yggs/Alex.

75f13d No.14796268


Shame I'm still a while off from rank 101.

6ce571 No.14796286

File: 4caff6369969bd7⋯.jpg (141.11 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, …また星の民の仕業か….jpg)


Don't talk to me, plebeian.

75f13d No.14796314


Rank 98 is close enough, isn't it?

fb8251 No.14796335

File: 08c7849423d30b9⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, damn it all.jpg)


Death to the HLs. Gao skins will be the fabric of our new empire, and our flag will be statstick grids.

f12eae No.14796343

File: 1f173da014bc775⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1f173da014bc775653a4bd695e….jpg)


We're farming magna II, we're already dead.

c6d975 No.14796379


>The magna II grind is so awful people have been desensitized to grinding and got their Vohu Manah sword in one or less hours.

This is what we are now.

e947c0 No.14796380

>Another Summon flip

I'm not surprised honestly.

fb8251 No.14796387

File: c2e9a2897903c74⋯.png (27.51 KB, 360x360, 1:1, life shits hell-dicks.png)


Still have enough time to drop into Magna 1 raids and take a flaming shit all over them. Never forget, gaos aren't people.

6ce571 No.14796407

File: 646ad5d40212340⋯.jpg (83.7 KB, 680x960, 17:24, Please do not hesitate to ….jpg)


Oh god, I was just sitting here trying to figure out how many hours I would have to grind this for the last sword to drop so I could finish my second true sword and I was so happy that I was enjoying the break from grinding public Alexiels.

Only the dead can know peace from this evil.

f5bea2 No.14796798


Her voice actor slipped in the bathtub and had to go to the hospital.

fb9f36 No.14797286

Would it be faster for me to co-op quest Vohu mats for raids or should I just keep doing EX and NM70 then host a raid?

Already got 2 harp drops today, day is still not over but I want to speed it up a little, trying to get 1 harp and 1 sword at least to 3

please respond

e947c0 No.14797310

>R floor with a guardian

This is bullshit. I needed those fucking seraphia stones too.

0309d4 No.14797311

File: ec74508077e02d2⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 480x382, 240:191, Dc7OX1HUQAA9S7Y.jpg)

File: fe7f8c3baada069⋯.jpg (64.23 KB, 573x456, 191:152, Dc7OW1IVQAAeZiE.jpg)

File: 1621a2c5d3d386b⋯.jpg (69.22 KB, 573x456, 191:152, Dc7OVOqVwAE16Sx.jpg)

7d2a38 No.14797314


definitely do ex as that has a chance to drop xeno weapons while coop doesn't.

fb9f36 No.14797342


I get more mat drops for hosting Xeno raids from co-op Vohu than EX and NM70

I guess what I'm asking is would I get a 3* Xeno weapon faster from doing EX & NM70 or from hosting Xeno raids?

7d2a38 No.14797717

File: d3c2ace2a962a0c⋯.webm (9.11 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Sword race.webm)

If a zeph whale tries to steal your sword mvp chest with smug slut refresh memes, just steal it back.

fb9f36 No.14798081

File: 77829dff8dcae8c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.84 KB, 700x826, 50:59, Smug Old Man.jpg)

>join Xeno raid

>use white/black rabbit support sub

>leave immediately after

thanks for the tome's & anima's nerds

538a55 No.14798168

File: 3ed34835c0241ec⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 600x663, 200:221, Dcrcn-DVwAAqQeN.jpg large.jpg)

Is potato crew still open? I'll leave my crew this weekend so I can join you guys.

67d0bb No.14798177

File: 5e4ba1f378be77a⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, DZTQgSLVoAA5vAV.jpg)

File: 36db5ea6cad893e⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 581x1000, 581:1000, DZSifwcVwAADTXh.jpg)


Yes, Potato Danchou here, post ID whenever you're ready, we will try our best this autism wars.

183645 No.14798202

File: 77e58d475fc74ff⋯.png (245.88 KB, 871x752, 871:752, broke.PNG)

Did the game just break?

6ce571 No.14798233

File: c76f39a8fd75ec2⋯.png (444.23 KB, 541x992, 541:992, placebo pill.png)

File: ada886644219a3b⋯.png (649.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Hitler has very pretty eye….png)


I appreciate you not racing, friend.

fb9f36 No.14798336

File: 8625df1fa6676b9⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 800x593, 800:593, Smug Choco Cat.jpg)


really like the 1st picture you posted there, friend

it almost captures the pure essence of hit & run players

If I had any computer editing skills I'd add 2 red chests, 1 silver chest, 2 gold chests on Sailor Moons panel then 3 gold chests, 2 silver chests, and a 4th gold chest being the flip chest animation on the last Tuxedo Masks panel

7d2a38 No.14798708

File: 0d2130aab0dc191⋯.png (63.26 KB, 332x428, 83:107, summer granbluefest merch.png)

6ce571 No.14798724


I just wanted to buy my life size Gisla.

7d2a38 No.14798783

File: ee5c34bb08d15aa⋯.mp4 (613.24 KB, 720x360, 2:1, 7qaspzNee1G9toro.mp4)

File: 3fc18e41956c811⋯.mp4 (546.86 KB, 720x360, 2:1, IUZJV4eb8xEoit24.mp4)


933b5b No.14798813


He took it from reddit

6ce571 No.14798821


I took it from here about nine threads ago. But good to know you browse reddit enough to know where it came from.

d9484e No.14798822


Too much shit in here are reposts from reddit.

c21cad No.14799073

File: 0cbe2b03b38da90⋯.jpg (116.27 KB, 800x554, 400:277, DdT9w1bV0AAcSX1.jpg)

a540f1 No.14799453

File: d82e1c7760f5e1d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 599x852, 599:852, advice.PNG)

Actually looked at rebalance changes and summer percy is fucking amazing now. I have to retire out Magisa though! Can I bring myself to remove a human whose titties put every single draph to shame just for a better team?

d84e59 No.14799872

>almost two days from the start of the Xeno Vohu Mana raid

>I've already farmed out three swords

>I'm not even trying, I spent most of that time in raids except for the four Maniac to NM fight chains

Either I have transcended farming or I finally become /comfy/. Not sure which.

933b5b No.14800018


Do you mean 3 FLB swords?

bf0f17 No.14800463


As if.

I'm ready to bet he farmed the mats and bought 3 swords from the shop and now thinks he's done god knows what grind.

3e95a1 No.14800935

File: f4ef735d9bd1c32⋯.png (185.66 KB, 350x360, 35:36, smug for days.png)


where do you think we are anon?

6ce571 No.14800998

File: ac9afd5b1b32d11⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 850x850, 1:1, dokkans respectfully towar….jpg)


I understand your frustrations with the Granblue community, and in fact, I also have a confession to make: I become deeply upset when people here post - or even just allude to - Granblue pornography. Granblue Fantasy has become a major part of my life. It has helped me through difficult times, has shaped my life philosophy, and has done far more for me than other people ever have. I view the characters not as crewmates or comrades- we have, after all, never met - but instead almost as a part of me.

Thus, to see them reduced to mere objects to serve your bodily lust is nothing short of a travesty. I am usually reasonably good at empathy, but such an act simply stirs my emotions too much for me to be able to "live and let live" or anything similar. The best I can do is ignore it, and that isn't much of a solution - especially when it is waved in front of my face by fellow posters here.

I hate that I am posting this, because I know that people reading this who have sexualised the Granblue girls may feel unnecessarily guilty for my sake. Well, an open message to anyone reading this: if you care even slightly about my plight, please, I beg of you, don't post anything here related to Granblue pornography, and don't encourage or respond to others who do. I've no doubt there are plenty of other places on the internet far away from the eyes of overly sensitive fools such as myself.

bf0f17 No.14801029

>>14800998 (off by one)

This is quite the explicit invite to post granblue girls getting raped (and Stan getting cucked),is it not?

6ce571 No.14801044


I posted that in all earnestness.

3d1078 No.14801062

File: afb7a6f06f66106⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 238.66 KB, 700x990, 70:99, 0a7c05a21537cc1b.jpg)

File: b50bc240acd1f03⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 479.49 KB, 1182x1181, 1182:1181, ea4935b987c70784654dc31a36….jpg)

File: 1d077444d5bbdc5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.84 MB, 2265x1447, 2265:1447, 0468ba3d730ff3bd77a4128dd6….png)

File: 478d2456278196e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 798.77 KB, 1100x1553, 1100:1553, e964808a03c35a31338cf8c46c….jpg)


I got you covered.

00c4f2 No.14801082


Is this some shitty pasta or what.

caade7 No.14801099

File: ff4da02b215889e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1696x2400, 53:75, ff4da02b215889e761997052fb….png)


That's what I've been wondering about myself.

I mean, what kind of a person doesn't want to fuck the Grabbu girls?

1b1599 No.14801104


He sounds like a flaming faggot, we need to turn up the porn posting to 12, then.

6ce571 No.14801107



A sensitive old fool who values his crewmates. Who wants to travel to the far reaches of the skies, expeience mystery and adventure. Uncover lost civilizations and esoteric secrets. A wander who is not lost.

3d1078 No.14801115


granblues are for hard rape and torture, especially your waifu.

6ce571 No.14801123


Lyria is pure

caade7 No.14801140

File: 22ac2543882474b⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 1316x2048, 329:512, bbd5ca678ef621eac6896439f0….jpg)


Let me rephrase the question: say you really liked pic related, would you also not like to marry her?

You understand you would have marital obligations to fulfil, yes?

She'll get pregnant a bunch of times, will have many children with you and you will all live happily ever after.

Does that not sound nice?


Pure sex, that is.

1b1599 No.14801162

The only girls not fucking allowed to be near us are Aldora, Bandages, Yae and Potato daughter NPC, and Funf.

6ce571 No.14801169


Korwa is a part of me. She is the creative aspect that is hopelessly romantic, putting others ahead of herself, and always searching for someone to show the cloth they are cut from measures up to my, admittedly, stringent standards. Seeing Korwa lewded degrades all that. It drags down her pure ideals and noble pursuits into the gutter and invalidates everything she believes in. Please refrain form lewding Korwa in /gbfg/ I am sure reddit would have no compunction with you posting your degeneracy everywhere.

1b1599 No.14801186


>Korwa is pure

>the same Korwa who makes rape dresses

Yeah nah fuck off, eat shit, lad, we're about to start porn posting the thread to pieces.

caade7 No.14801213

File: b7ff6644d8dd0f5⋯.jpeg (51.7 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 1469361619436.jpeg)


You are beyond saving.


Is that even canon beyond that one doujin?

My memory of her fate episodes is a bit murky.

6ce571 No.14801223


I am sorry. I do not want to have to do this, but if you proceed to flood the thread with lewds I will be forced to report you.

3d1078 No.14801242

File: ffc40bb29709429⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 15c18de5b51d55c940aab15dda….png)

File: 5645787f4f5fb1b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 706.99 KB, 1076x1600, 269:400, 1756b4f8aee2d68a087a603d21….jpg)

File: b2f9839679dacca⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 997.51 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 4346293022cb6dffc8160d3147….png)

File: 5b63224d2e5414a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 123.9 KB, 1000x1415, 200:283, c2015cb4a53dbc98a95d3bcb05….jpg)



You asked for it. Hope you enjoy your happy end!

1b1599 No.14801248


motherfucking faggot, go back to tumblr if porn is that bad for you

6ce571 No.14801262


I am sorry. You force my hand. A report has been issued.


Please refrain from using profanity. /gbfg/ is a thread of peace.

3d1078 No.14801295

File: f986ba686c6ef41⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 819.77 KB, 2105x2400, 421:480, 64039617_p4.jpg)

File: 815d9bafe195642⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 830.49 KB, 2102x2400, 1051:1200, 64039617_p3.jpg)



0a477b No.14801311

File: 0cac07ee1c831fc⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 450x636, 75:106, 1521746751860.jpg)


>danua isnt for sexual

Thats where you're wrong, friendo.

6ce571 No.14801318


He is talking about the Halloween event NPC.

6cff30 No.14801327

File: 180af4a774dee3f⋯.jpg (276.42 KB, 1446x1500, 241:250, IMG_4801.JPG)

Is she playable yet?

fb9f36 No.14801333

Look I know you guys are going to keep posting porn because of this fag ruining the thread with his "no porn of my life please" shtick

Can it at least be ecchi or vanilla, no need to go full on guro/rape crazy

a540f1 No.14801339

caade7 No.14801341



How is it a happy end if she is not in my bed, waiting for me?

836631 No.14801350

File: 8b142a4ccf6e639⋯.png (502.2 KB, 790x559, 790:559, 8b142a4ccf6e6395c82b044e8a….png)

Can someone explain to me the appeal of this game?

9a5480 No.14801359


Shiny things on the screen and waifus.

Don't take the "game" part seriously, there is nothing to do.

a540f1 No.14801361

File: ad5fb28119d4692⋯.png (224.11 KB, 407x517, 37:47, 32eb0165b2d8e90805b693f71c….png)


Austistic stamp collecting but with waifus.

6ce571 No.14801370


Soul crushing endless grind with excellent art, voice acting, and lewds.

Evidentally Chodemonkey doesn't even play because he has a real job but collects the art.

fb9f36 No.14801378



collect .jpg of waifu


collect more .jpg of different girls




level up


new bosses and weapons

grid not good enough


shitpost on /gbfg/



collect .jpg of males


roll for new girls


yes this is all very true, if this game didn't have interesting characters and I wasn't burnt out of MMORPG's then I wouldn't have got sucked up into this

7b19d3 No.14801422

File: d323ca7dddfe5cf⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 133x234, 133:234, 1410916782911.jpg)

>Get 4 swords to drop

>Not a single harp.

This is actually really frustrating

6ce571 No.14801431


git gud fagit

9e184b No.14801459

File: dfbe189375d6478⋯.png (185.75 KB, 680x275, 136:55, JUST.png)

File: f82de91c604b99c⋯.jpg (134.56 KB, 1184x750, 592:375, DdUm5hHV4AEhjbk.jpg)


I have yet to get a single sword drop.

00c4f2 No.14801465


>esoteric secrets.

Read Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano and shut up. You flaming faggot.

6ce571 No.14801472



Haha what a fucking queer.

00c4f2 No.14801480


You're a flaming nigger faggot, we know.

6ce571 No.14801485





e947c0 No.14801494


>Complains about getting 4 swords

>I have to buy out the shop

Fuck off.

3e95a1 No.14802561

File: 75305105ecf9790⋯.jpg (217.62 KB, 1013x1433, 1013:1433, 5837333c95912ead86676ce67e….jpg)

File: 17b8e5c7d513d3a⋯.jpg (210.61 KB, 984x1377, 328:459, 2245a5c262dae31d44bafab33c….jpg)

File: 3904607237ca92e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1200x1900, 12:19, f1a4156940b0440723f4896023….jpg)

File: 20d2cc9d71b45f1⋯.png (1.08 MB, 754x1142, 377:571, 2a93d0877ac6a53658109a9618….png)

File: 256506dd51f29d2⋯.png (753.85 KB, 706x1000, 353:500, 8fff3a4142c88efd0a4c80c615….png)


this must be a pasta


pretty much what >>14801361 says



I've only gotten two guns and a Vohu to drop. I'm still 3 books short of being able to trade in for Sword.

f5bea2 No.14802908

File: c8a43c169e7c30e⋯.jpg (237.61 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Samurai II.jpg)


fb9f36 No.14803201


look at that smug

makes me want to bully

bully with my penis that is

caade7 No.14803256

File: e3fd458e8d6ee31⋯.jpg (203.84 KB, 1463x2048, 1463:2048, 464b52cafa71940a87cbef6bf0….jpg)


That's a very nice tanned Korwa you have there, friend.


>not reading the mandatory /fringe/ works


a24018 No.14803366

File: 93e3706fea35671⋯.png (673.85 KB, 672x752, 42:47, snekgirl.png)


To collect cute girls you can already look at the art of on the internet.

c21cad No.14803380

File: 676a0c4b4fba53f⋯.jpg (182.83 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, DWeX6-HUQAADhW3.jpg)

>>14803366 (double dubs of perfection)

God damn. Why is she so perfect.

7d2a38 No.14803398

File: fb06b35c74db5a0⋯.png (989.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

e0cc72 No.14803453


pretty sure her ass isn't supposed to be that flat

a24018 No.14803512

File: 1a6715d1631b069⋯.jpg (217.56 KB, 599x717, 599:717, Fenawoo.jpg)


Looks pretty normal to me.

c21cad No.14803571

File: 39d10e0d7284aea⋯.png (159.35 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Medusa_A.png)


Here. Medusa's ass according to the game.

a77180 No.14803975

File: e6f621ecd96f5cd⋯.jpg (155.65 KB, 1024x851, 1024:851, titanfall_2_mrnofacee_bot_….jpg)


It's shit. Where's my extra 2 gun class.

cd4f0e No.14803990


that robot is gay and you know it

a77180 No.14804011


How can you tell?

a540f1 No.14804019

File: 2e131a36b6f3538⋯.png (429.53 KB, 918x630, 51:35, 7ZxlKe6.png)

Wait I forgot how this event works, it's just 4 swords I need right?

6ce571 No.14804023

File: 537a762d31a4406⋯.webm (1.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lion-Eating Poet in the S….webm)

Dear china, fuck your language.

6ce571 No.14804024


Then you go to the weapon shop and in the xeno section upgrade it to it's true form, so you will need mats.

cd4f0e No.14804027


look at those clothes

nothing straight wears a scarf that high, not man nor machine

a540f1 No.14804029

File: 37565fdf69d7d98⋯.gif (46.33 KB, 500x373, 500:373, werwerw.gif)


Thanks, somehow I'd been under the misapprehension I needed all five. Silly me.

cd4f0e No.14804032


that story wouldn't be understandable to the average chink

it's like saying the phrase "buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo" is perfectly understandable to the average english speaker

a77180 No.14804043


Unless it's cold as fuck, or want to shield your nose and mouth or something. As a human of course.

6ce571 No.14804050


It probably has a hydraulicly actuated neck.

a540f1 No.14804055

File: 1109d62f949b68c⋯.png (267.05 KB, 442x687, 442:687, kxmXmIo.png)


He's right about scarves, they're pretty gay.

f12eae No.14804067

File: 267944b50e3c638⋯.png (850.05 KB, 607x866, 607:866, ClipboardImage.png)

Narmaya's 5* came.

d9bc6c No.14804071

File: 4cdfdde443ff864⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 466x560, 233:280, capture_001_17052018_11572….jpg)

File: 8e2ca111d32342b⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 482x513, 482:513, capture_003_17052018_11580….jpg)

File: dd0d5aadac6af1a⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 465x373, 465:373, capture_004_17052018_12001….jpg)

File: ee1ce675f495171⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 212x139, 212:139, capture_005_17052018_12011….jpg)

File: 714a816e16e6cfb⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 237x141, 79:47, capture_007_17052018_12011….jpg)

c21cad No.14804088

File: a5b98fb0d47f671⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 390x340, 39:34, holy shit cag.jpg)



One FUCKING job.

06b2f9 No.14804136

File: 585e6b2108463fd⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 181x246, 181:246, Vira thinks ill of you.jpg)


>Fake onee-chans need to go and stay go.

6ce571 No.14804154


Vira needs to be correctively raped

caade7 No.14804158

File: 71c6d43be3c25be⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 754x1100, 377:550, 71c6d43be3c25bedacc1d88248….jpg)


Have you seen her SR fate episodes?

She just needs someone to fight by her side until she hopelessly falls in love and gets the pounding of the century.

a77180 No.14804160


This. Lesbians need that badly.

6ce571 No.14804171

File: a501b09101f3ab9⋯.png (293.82 KB, 590x545, 118:109, Yes, I think I do.png)


Corrective rape

56328f No.14804182

File: dede65508b0eddd⋯.jpg (209.53 KB, 1250x1500, 5:6, 62690491_p0.jpg)

>everyone in the crew talking about Naru's uncap

>I don't have her SSR ver

6ce571 No.14804188

File: 5909eef0d9c95a8⋯.png (27.57 KB, 623x272, 623:272, OH NO NO NO NO.png)

7d2a38 No.14804190

File: e1d2158b3ff1df8⋯.webm (592.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Naru singing.webm)

File: 4524d1e6cb1da4e⋯.png (167.81 KB, 203x365, 203:365, complete.png)

27fdfd No.14804217

File: ea2d77982448748⋯.png (277.89 KB, 567x332, 567:332, party.png)


Lucklets please leave.

56328f No.14804281



I have pretty much every other dark waifu of note. It's just bad luck. I do have her swimsuit ver. though.

d9bc6c No.14804368

>151 crystals and 0 ticket left

Free rolls when? ;_;

a540f1 No.14804882

File: cf13ec763ddfa0b⋯.png (90.4 KB, 452x118, 226:59, ClipboardImage.png)

I should really do something with these…

d8b3a3 No.14804915

File: ec888417f24b0ba⋯.png (132.76 KB, 364x210, 26:15, prisms.png)


Hoard them so that you can craft stuff with them when you need to.

75f13d No.14804945

File: 872821f0c336d13⋯.png (612.06 KB, 479x570, 479:570, wew.PNG)

d9bc6c No.14805009

File: 042ac8225d33812⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 457x572, 457:572, capture_001_17052018_17194….jpg)

>do maniac and nightmare 120 with kaguya support and all the other shit, farm 160 books, enough to buy 4 copies of each weapon without getting a single xeno drop

Fuck this shit.

e0cc72 No.14805044

>no flashfest

>current gacha banner doesn't end until the 21st

>we probably won't get a flashfest this month

this is dumb

a540f1 No.14805307


Jesus that's a lot.

8bf95c No.14805352

File: e5ab2256d432bd7⋯.png (343.9 KB, 878x825, 878:825, Klutz.png)


933b5b No.14805460


>Farm NM70 with bounty and double Kaguya

>host hundreds of raids and MVP them

>no Xeno weapon drops

>everyone in the crew gets Xeno weapon and gold bricks in their first Maniac

Luckshitters should explode.

1b3e6f No.14805476

File: fe07f6f7791228d⋯.png (252.17 KB, 340x379, 340:379, fe07f6f7791228d58e208d3dc8….png)


>Beatrix and Razia crossfate

That's a deadly team to be around for all the wrong reasons.

a77180 No.14805622


Now we need Beatrix versions of a harvin, erune and a primal then we're set.

8bf95c No.14805704

786a7c No.14805723



bf0f17 No.14805920


what the actual fuck?

c17569 No.14805985

File: 93be09f641c4611⋯.jpg (124.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1525652549773.jpg)

File: 1816b7ab387c4ac⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 251x261, 251:261, assadg.jpg)

antwiler heret crew millad fuck, xeno, recrui autism frwasr wsid and we, need slaeep.

b6d1bd No.14806218

Planning to host UbahaHL. What's the nip to put into the co-op room name?

d9bc6c No.14806233

ebc410 No.14806278

File: d5e0ef338c99c7a⋯.png (121.73 KB, 442x163, 442:163, UltimaWeapons.PNG)

File: b37175bf691ccb5⋯.png (15.37 KB, 75x99, 25:33, ClipboardImage.png)


I usually put in "アルバハHL 180↑",

If you want to post the room ID here, I can join and help.

Anything in the chat lobby coop is them mentioning their roles (スパ or セト, Spartan and Sage respectively), and their Thor position (ト10,ト30, ト70).

3b8f2c No.14806368

>fight Xeno EX

>No Kaguya

>No Rabbit

>No bounty

>get flip chest



I can't wait to bully the fuck out of Snek

I'm coming for you Xeno Ifrit

2861f8 No.14806497




>being this much of a thirsty faggot

Fucking kill yourselves.

75f13d No.14806688

File: f8a4d232e5992e1⋯.png (290.15 KB, 473x409, 473:409, jesus fuck.PNG)

I got 4 summons and 2 guns as drops in the process. And 2/3 of the rainbow prisms needed for an eternal.

a540f1 No.14806730

File: a704f2322d87b9f⋯.webm (11.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, rape.webm)


Checked and I think I got like 4 guns and summons. Anyone know if the vohu summon is better than the standard omega if you haven't HM uncapped it yet?

6ce571 No.14806745


It's not. It is an elemental aura and decidedly inferior to a shiva. It is worth keeping as a stat stick for your summon grid if it is under developed.

a540f1 No.14806751



6ce571 No.14806762


It's also a blind all foe on call so if you need to wipe a shield or you are facing a GW boss with multi-attack the occasional miss can mean the difference between life and death.

0a477b No.14806763

File: fd36fd694d699b4⋯.gif (3.99 MB, 1040x1040, 1:1, 68661090.gif)


Yggy omega is a lot better than the vohu summon if you have a few yggy swords with some Skill Levels pumped into them, not to mention that when you eventually hit rank 120, you can FLB yggy and grind really broken weapons off alexiel for your grid which improves yggy omega's potential even higher. Vohu is for stat stick or reducing for earth quartz, which you will need eventually.

a540f1 No.14806781

File: ba710663c5cd5fd⋯.webm (11.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, znzuof.webm)


Thanks I'll reduce them then, better to reduce uncapped I assume?

6ce571 No.14806790


Yeah, just stack them all and reduce them along with your excess xeno weapons. You really only need one for your grid and it doesn't need to be FLBed for the stat bonus to kick in. The rule of thumb is to keep on 0* of each summon/weapon, uncap the rest until max then reduce the uncapped for bonus quartz/stones.

a540f1 No.14806804



fb8251 No.14806822

File: 88116905105f6ab⋯.jpg (389.01 KB, 850x631, 850:631, tfw no snake mommy gf who ….jpg)

6ce571 No.14806854

File: 37fdcb69bf91ae1⋯.png (912.4 KB, 1060x630, 106:63, Dirt Team.png)

File: f45e06ce56f4f50⋯.png (688 KB, 640x862, 320:431, Dirt Weapons.png)

File: 71197e6b8143c6c⋯.png (890.95 KB, 640x862, 320:431, Dirt Summons.png)

Someday I will stop being shit. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but someday.

783ca4 No.14806858


I see japan getting worse and worse.

>moe tier slice of life artstyle that doesn't fit the scene

>brutal murder and blood happening

6ce571 No.14806861


You don't know about Nanoha, do you? That is like the third or fourth spinoff of Lyrical Girl Magic Nanoha which was a spinoff of an eroge from the early 2000.

7d2a38 No.14807822

File: b03897796e7c4aa⋯.webm (14.09 MB, 350x452, 175:226, Jutenshu fight.webm)

Siete's final fate episode was like a jutenshu event

6ce571 No.14808505


▲ ▲

6ce571 No.14808555

File: e2915dc846cb442⋯.webm (660.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, JACK.webm)

67d0bb No.14808744

File: 88e390c5beca2f3⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 543x725, 543:725, 88e390c5beca2f3d89a5de6f00….jpg)


DKNN collaboration when.

Girl's last tour collaboration when.

71002b No.14808751

File: b8bce73ff7d1182⋯.webm (2.19 MB, 900x506, 450:253, Jack.webm)

6ce571 No.14808760


I would be hype as fuck if bombergrape did a dounjinshi like hee used to back in the day for Touhou or Kancolle.

8bf95c No.14808821



6ce571 No.14808867

File: c960939f15f2a57⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 292x459, 292:459, Simple Landscape Art.jpg)



They will have to take the memes from my cold dead hands

6ce571 No.14809120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wtf I want to fug siero now?

67d0bb No.14809171

File: e61edfa51135931⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 492x670, 246:335, 67909100_p29.jpg)

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: 03a5f5925e75030⋯.png (525.74 KB, 1380x1760, 69:88, 56713988_p1.png)

File: 5fbb42eca904081⋯.png (471.77 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 56713988_p0.png)


Siero a cute.

Not as cute as Balurga, but she's cute.

6ce571 No.14809348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not Siero the potatojew. Siero's VA who is pretty funny to be honest. She host's Granblue strategy guide videos with Lowain and Lyria both in character and as her self. When she is not playing potato jew she is pretty dang cute. Lowain's seiyuu is a dork and Lyria's seiyuu is a spastic retard.

6ce571 No.14809389

File: 902bdb8d9f4d358⋯.webm (8.11 MB, 500x360, 25:18, 『Reckless Fire』.webm)



bf0f17 No.14809441

File: 22e316608a12a71⋯.png (175.92 KB, 431x246, 431:246, Lyria's face when.PNG)


I'm in love with Lyria's VA.

6ce571 No.14809473


I would fuck Nao Toyama if she wore a bag on her head and did Lyria's AWAWAWAWAH sound while I was taking her to pound town.

67d0bb No.14809916

File: 9533473e9773a9b⋯.png (202.97 KB, 467x578, 467:578, Balurga Bio.png)


>there's people here wanting 3dpd

Also, yeah, shame she didn't got a part in the GrandSky Rumble, AlKhalid kinda fucked it up saying there was no other melee oriented potato but him and Charlotta, when Baruru was the only Melee Harvin until Halloween 2017 brought Mimlemel and Pumpkin and gave Normal toot melee spec.

6ce571 No.14809962


Sandspud got DQed for performance enhancing tech. Unless Balurga want's to out and bare stump brawl I don't think she is going to be allowed to compete. Orchid is a melee character and that is because she throws a giant doll at people and let's it smack them around. Sara is melee but it is because a giant pile of sand is beating the shit out of people.

6ce571 No.14809967

>Balurga wants to bare stump brawl

My brain meats are pretty pickled this morning.

67d0bb No.14810117

File: 0a3bdffbf54f497⋯.jpeg (133.68 KB, 912x847, 912:847, CvsKRUEUEAAkxfF.jpeg)

File: 81dac79276125d9⋯.jpeg (96.72 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMzlDUoAAOQxP.jpeg)

File: 4fad3fbb0f57cf1⋯.jpeg (75.53 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMxVNUoAARoHv.jpeg)

File: 1228661fcdaffa2⋯.jpeg (75.71 KB, 698x843, 698:843, CxpMvDOUoAAO9uA.jpeg)


I want to bare brawl with her like you got no idea.

7d2a38 No.14810561

File: 156ea8ae3e56baf⋯.png (678.32 KB, 1174x681, 1174:681, djeeta.png)


>not waifuing Djeeta

d9484e No.14810596

File: 6f0a7a3c1c4b7af⋯.png (241.85 KB, 1058x983, 1058:983, Screenshot_2018-05-18-14-3….png)

Turns out KMR is a harvinfag and he's going to self-insert hard in the next event.

75f13d No.14810655




d9484e No.14810711

File: 75355b19200855f⋯.png (684.56 KB, 1038x1382, 519:691, Screenshot_2018-05-18-15-1….png)



It takes less time to google it than to post who.

b6d1bd No.14810752


You may know him by his given name: Monkey Man.

a540f1 No.14810877

File: ed38b93564999fb⋯.webm (7.9 MB, 832x474, 416:237, lyria va spazzing out.webm)

File: 84a56b99504eea4⋯.mp4 (457.86 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, Lyria sing.mp4)

8bf95c No.14811067

>Lunalu event nexy month

Wooohoo, Fujo Harvin SR here we go.

> Next GW boss attacks inflict DATA down every turn.

What a sadistic fuck through this is good.

933b5b No.14811157


>implying it wouldn't be a Lunalu SSR gacha character

a540f1 No.14811224

File: 67bf40844deb0f1⋯.png (108.56 KB, 350x421, 350:421, Happiest picture in the wo….png)

Anyone know the most efficient way to get fury pebbles not using the casino? I'm farming side stories now but it's slow and fucking boring.

377041 No.14811418


the answer is why you need fury pebbles

a540f1 No.14811437

File: 2e3ee45b276e88c⋯.png (216.01 KB, 747x433, 747:433, Hei.png)


To upgrade my fury stones to sl2.

377041 No.14811463


use an sr or 4 rares

a540f1 No.14811475

File: 6138142e584c48f⋯.jpg (208.78 KB, 850x954, 425:477, VernySad.jpg)


I need my other sr's to upgrade my ssr's. I've only like 3 r's and I use them for 99% top ups.

1b3e6f No.14811565

File: 5bd61f237e20048⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1026x1200, 171:200, 62063013_p0.png)


>Snow White

>No skill with 7 status effects

One job!

0ce753 No.14811616

post thicc horned midgets and kemonomimi

67d0bb No.14811662

File: dddb2b87e096d89⋯.jpg (125.15 KB, 843x1200, 281:400, 1526643164852.jpg)

File: e588732f475db92⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 851x601, 851:601, 1526657083745.jpg)

File: 6ff437a3bddd25f⋯.jpg (231.77 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1526656914954.jpg)

File: 09fb7540b72900e⋯.png (683.63 KB, 815x654, 815:654, 1526462845629.png)

File: e31ca0fa5303b55⋯.jpg (165.78 KB, 994x700, 71:50, 1526640455481.jpg)


>not even the best kind of midgets

Here enjoy potatoes

d9484e No.14811721

File: 8b288445d98d767⋯.png (583.59 KB, 1028x1095, 1028:1095, Screenshot_2018-05-18-19-1….png)

Not so cruel then

b6d1bd No.14811811

File: e14e7902e4f01d4⋯.png (304.28 KB, 977x400, 977:400, don't need eyes were we're….png)

>help Lulu make an yaoi manga


>make your own yaoi manga

Just wonderful.

a540f1 No.14812738

File: 8bd0febb07c3cae⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Moommy.webm)

Three hours since last post, does everyone have a social life or something?

b9c3fe No.14812802

File: b6d30b2c147c9de⋯.png (14.38 KB, 500x560, 25:28, b6d30b2c147c9de3250a19fc89….png)


If your entire day is used on playing a videogame maybe you'll need to reevaluate you're entire set of decisions.

a540f1 No.14812847

File: 03194c2bd77fdef⋯.webm (340.41 KB, 608x464, 38:29, lain-baka.webm)


You'r saying I should be writing a book on the secret of my success?

0d79e0 No.14812853


>If your entire day is used on playing a videogame maybe you'll need to reevaluate you're entire set of decisions.

That's the majority of this board, they're either playing games or bitching about games they haven't played.

6417ce No.14812884

File: 6a1d960d8b9f8ac⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 640x608, 20:19, 6a1d960d8b9f8acf10cb9193f4….jpg)


We also work lame jobs so that we can continue supporting a life of playing games and disliking 70% of them

bf0f17 No.14812896


>tfw wageslaving

At least when you get home, you fire up the grandblues and are met with a Sara sidestory that turns your whole day upside down.

d84e59 No.14812908


<that turns your whole day upside down

That's a funny way of saying

>genociding the whole population of Sable Island

a540f1 No.14813196

File: 188ad71c2e67e7c⋯.jpg (138.56 KB, 363x418, 33:38, fully_erect_Bongis.jpg)


Just so we're clear, everyone is okay with lewding Sara right?

6ce571 No.14813211

File: f7f23a0aeb5f522⋯.webm (363.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Sara.webm)

766a16 No.14813234


>disliking 70% of them

It's good to be optimistic anon.

7d2a38 No.14813365

File: 82ab7840a1b5df7⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Siete ougi.webm)

>that siete boosted ougi damage

>that mirin 7mil ougi

6975e1 No.14813424


I switched from Chrome to Firefox and irritatingly chrome ran better than firefox, seriously videos dont even fucking load on this shit. I need a new, good, fast non shit browser. anyone know any decent ones?

also is the game fun?

a540f1 No.14813453

File: 8287be960fe3d93⋯.jpg (13.96 KB, 292x315, 292:315, Yes.jpg)

6ce571 No.14813485

File: c3096b227dec287⋯.png (770.16 KB, 800x1566, 400:783, Amira.png)


lmao@u grannyfucker. You planning to clean her cobwebs with your rafter?

Patricians know 5<Shit

a540f1 No.14813489

File: ea002cc08fb8c7f⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ea002cc08fb8c7f959b65a718b….mp4)


yeah you gotta suck it up and use chrome. The game is fun if you like gacha collection games of which it is the best by far. Good story, great looking characters and a world class soundtrack. If gacha games aren't you're thing and you don't like soul sucking autistic grinding it's probably shit though.

The best time to start playing is during a special event with lots of free rolls for characters or a new player signup event really though. Otherwise going can be hard at the start.

5dd497 No.14813499



You don't have to use Chrome, any Chromium-based browser should work. I use Brave.

6975e1 No.14813523



Just switched to iridium and it's a lot faster than firefox thank god plus the game works, some flash things dont work though, I'll have to find some way around that I guess

1b3e6f No.14813567

File: e69d73a9e3291b3⋯.webm (206.25 KB, 800x452, 200:113, Loli hate water.webm)


Didn't they age up Sara with the gacha version? Suddenly I can't see anything like that; did Cygames decide against it while I wasn't looking?


Not surprising since phone shit is made to be supported by android which is just Chrome on a phone. I stopped using Firefox when they turned it into a botnet and supported the SJW lunacy and switched over to Waterfox. Almost if not all Chrome alternatives are botnets and don't believe anyone saying otherwise unless they show actual proof that it isn't sending data to Google or whoever made the alternative.

6ce571 No.14813596


They gave her a birthday. She is nine now

a540f1 No.14813610

File: a6d62142099a769⋯.webm (695.25 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Get the fuck out.webm)


Well that's just ruined it for me.

6975e1 No.14813721

File: d5226436e9e5859⋯.png (888.59 KB, 617x775, 617:775, ClipboardImage.png)

>start the game

>here have some free premium shit for no reason

>have a loli too

why do games do this, it always annoys me when they give you op gear in the beginning

6ce571 No.14813738


None of the stuff you get at the beginning is OP. Also if you are jsut starting ask Roll anon to give you an OP as fuck account.

a540f1 No.14813761

File: be6743ae86af005⋯.jpg (119 KB, 650x850, 13:17, char meal.jpg)


Charlotta is ranked 9 out of ten and a really good first ssr.

6975e1 No.14813769


I'd rather start from the beginning, looks like a nice little game to play when I'm bored.


I thought it was predetermined that I'd get her. Am I the luckiest anon or not? got no fucking clue what the fuck is even happening in this game

a540f1 No.14813782

File: 3c2d5acc2386015⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 560x544, 35:34, cogchabully.jpg)

File: 5704cc881832fd1⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 800x845, 160:169, potato stack.jpg)

File: 9dd50e1dccca8b9⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 359x500, 359:500, DFZ7450XYAA4ilh.jpg)


There's a small pool of ssr chars you can get from the start. All are pretty good but some are better than others.

I wouldn't say the luckiest but she's a very good char and a top tier waifu.

6ce571 No.14813783


You say that now, but trust me having a pool of characters at the start of the story isn't going to effect the story. It will save you a ton of frustration and regret while you wait months for the next major event when they shower you with pulls. Kicking yourself in the ass for not taking Roll Anon up on his open offer and being so far into the story you don't want to start at the begining with on of his accounts.

6ce571 No.14813791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Charlotta a cute.

6975e1 No.14813797


b-b-but thats cheating. I do get what you're saying though, I most definitely will kill myself in about a week but I'd still prefer to start at the beginning.


charlott is defintely fucking cute

a540f1 No.14813804

File: d3b25088631141d⋯.jpg (3.6 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, 64339520_p0.jpg)


The cutest, also thank you anon I've not seen this before and it's made my day.

6ce571 No.14813810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's not cheating. We just got out of a huge string of magfests, free pulls, and the anniversary. It is going to be a dry spell for a while of events designed towards gearing players up. I'm not going to press it, but you really are missing out.

fedc50 No.14813843

File: 2ad87994ae59134⋯.png (1 MB, 665x940, 133:188, ClipboardImage.png)


>Am I luckiest anon or not?

Lucky enough to gain a SSR for your water team, and have something to help you in a couple of chapters? Yes.


No one's going to judge you, and if anything, you're putting one of those accounts into good use instead of letting it collect dust or in this case crystals. However, if you want to work for your gains without burning yourself out, then that's fine too.

6975e1 No.14813860


>help you in a couple of chapters?


>instead of letting it collect dust or in this case crystals

I'll probably be not playing this within a few days, I have a really short attention span and most games only occupied for a long time when they're really fun. Not sure how the account thing works but it'd be better for it to go to someone actually interested in the game enough for one. I'm just having a quick game before sleeping to see if I enjoy it.

b6d1bd No.14813888

File: e7bc59f60f41499⋯.png (1.01 MB, 853x1204, 853:1204, your're under arrest.png)


That's what I thought, now I've been here nearly two years. Would have loved one of those accounts back then.

75f13d No.14813914


Just do it fag. I was in your position 2 months ago- if I knew about account anon here at the time I would've grabbed one. The worst case that happens is that you give it back to account anon.

6975e1 No.14813919



where even is account anon?

6ce571 No.14813921

File: 0b1c0bcd5c8780c⋯.jpg (349.79 KB, 1280x920, 32:23, __charlotta_and_gran_granb….jpg)


You were warned. Everyone that posts in these threads is warned. You could have had 4/6 primals and SSRs for days.

6ce571 No.14813932


Account anon is an anon who makes accounts, doesn't play the game, but collects every freebie the game offers.

0ce753 No.14813936


gaaay post thicc midgets

fedc50 No.14813942

File: 5182016b50b23cf⋯.png (332.26 KB, 538x600, 269:300, ClipboardImage.png)


>Not sure how the account thing works but it'd be better for it to go to someone actually interested in the game enough for one. I'm just having a quick game before sleeping to see if I enjoy it.

Fair enough. Good luck in your progress, and enjoy the slow ride then anon.

>>14813888 (checked)

Been playing for almost a year, and while I did enjoy the experience of gaining a decent roster and grinding by my lonesome, I would also love having a starter account to save me the trip and frustration.

a540f1 No.14813945

File: 425f58595094c39⋯.png (451.03 KB, 550x737, 50:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Arcanum officially confirmed for better drop rate than chev.

6ce571 No.14813958

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)


I see you are an honest man.


Pulled two olden cortanas off a single Discarded Puppet the other day ago.

a540f1 No.14813969

File: 48e05a4904e4aec⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 9a7a52d572938d6117880e5615….jpg)


Noice, I guess they know the pecking order.

0ce753 No.14813978

File: dea68e27848bcb7⋯.png (1.44 MB, 984x1377, 328:459, __narumeia_granblue_fantas….png)


I'm gonna post a thicc midget, pls post more

6ce571 No.14813992

File: 57b98b278dfa4cf⋯.png (1.84 MB, 950x1350, 19:27, MAXIMUM BULLI BULLIOVERDRI….png)


Fake onee-chan need to go.

b6d1bd No.14814053


I want those two to have their own event.

6ce571 No.14814061

File: fc482ba1a5f2a58⋯.png (382.57 KB, 610x861, 610:861, Yaia.png)

File: 1da6124ad2997da⋯.jpg (104.67 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, Yaia Supertie.jpg)

File: 903c7eeebabbd20⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, yaia pomf.jpg)

File: db32f912c0a9cd2⋯.jpg (401.41 KB, 1800x2400, 3:4, Yaia joy.jpg)

File: e43e6d3dada2c38⋯.jpg (542.89 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, yaia smile.jpg)

This is the ideal body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


They literally just got a crossfate in the last 24 hours.

b9c3fe No.14814290

File: 665da0255841279⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 426x566, 213:283, 1526659874461.jpg)

File: bb88313fe0e1124⋯.jpg (195.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1526659992792.jpg)

File: dd272b6fd023bd7⋯.png (485.72 KB, 902x593, 902:593, 1526641768740.png)


Correction, account anon does play and sometimes hates himself over what the alt accounts get.

a540f1 No.14814319

File: 45bd7277002791e⋯.jpg (55 KB, 540x579, 180:193, 121309_de5769cb83300dccea8….jpg)


Account anon has good taste.

Also I recognise that doujin…

6ce571 No.14814327


Everyone does


He also likes to spy on you if you don't change the email.

f12eae No.14814381


I don't mind it, if I gave a shit I'd change the log in info. This way if he notices me doing something horrendously wrong I have someone to let me know rather than keep fucking up. I also know I'd enjoy watching an account grow after leaving my hands.

b9c3fe No.14814497

File: d94b70e38c5d8c8⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1526676433943.png)



He doesn't spy on you, that case was because his stupid friend never changed passcode and because he dropped the best account

6ce571 No.14814522


I have seen him lecture people on not using the right characters in their teams.

f12eae No.14814643


Nah, he never told anyone who to use. He was telling me I should uncap characters as at the time the only uncapped characters I had were my main dark team.

6ce571 No.14815173

File: d8663de12497132⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 1000x992, 125:124, sara 1.jpg)

File: 8cc5af9ff69b9a2⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 1000x992, 125:124, sara 2.jpg)

File: c4b96dea8281f98⋯.jpg (107.78 KB, 1000x992, 125:124, sara 3.jpg)

bf0f17 No.14815495

File: 45ad6b70ca99808⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1853x1658, 1853:1658, Accounts 1-5.jpg)

File: 4416eedbca88286⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1853x1357, 1853:1357, Accounts 6-10.jpg)


>start the game

Hold the phone and take a look at these. If you like the game and you think you'll be playing for a while, come pick one. Accounts 2, 4 and 9 are taken, everything else is up for grabs.

We've been having free gibs since last christmas, every account has about 800-850 gacha rolls on it, a shitton of characters, summons, a gold bar and a sunlight stone.

I made 10 alts and made them race against each other during the free rolls period, all to give a close friend a hand in starting the game. said friend picked account 9, played for a week and disappeared to play ecape from tarkov with some russian faggots

Now I'm giving the rest away to 8ch.


Account Anon was in bed, because he's an italian fag who has to wake up at 5 AM to go to work.


Not really, my main account is stacked to the point where I don't have enough slots to make all the teams I want, but I am salty over accounts with CheVira on them.




I do spy on people, but only to check if the account is still alive or if there's something blatantly wrong with it. But as far of touching or interfereing goes, I try not to do that. Most I've ever done was set SSR weapons and summons as favourites, just in case.


Nigga I told Account 2 he kept getting Grea Moons because his Grea was still 0* and was crying or attention. I never said which team to use, all I've said is Account 2 had a lot of good characters it it'd be a waste not to use them.

6ce571 No.14815504

6ce571 No.14815519

File: e9c0e3f307040c5⋯.png (462.24 KB, 640x700, 32:35, To HECK with you dude.png)

This is why God doesn't speak to us any more.

24f58a No.14816021

File: 6eaf8c4e824a79a⋯.png (307.7 KB, 640x599, 640:599, sexy desu ne.png)

>that one threesome doujin with Yuel and Socie having a threesome with dancho got translated

ebc410 No.14816146

File: dff4c1161744764⋯.png (126.44 KB, 451x224, 451:224, InspectTool.PNG)

>there are people in this thread that haven't built an earth CCW for gw

0b1c35 No.14816156


ok I gotta ask, why two ridills?

27fdfd No.14816199

File: cc8ea0d88403768⋯.jpg (75.28 KB, 1000x960, 25:24, d932fe7942a42e5e2d0f48816a….jpg)


I bet you aren't even going to make 14 of each true weapon this xeno run.

0b1c35 No.14816215


>only 14

You gotta make more, someone already did that

e947c0 No.14816374

File: 9302ed44b59d3a3⋯.png (149.09 KB, 320x286, 160:143, ClipboardImage.png)

I have no idea why I'm so low on champion merits.

377041 No.14816474


not enough baha in your diet

933b5b No.14816512


No more baha pls

a540f1 No.14817511

File: ed66eea769db491⋯.png (714.25 KB, 592x627, 592:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6779208dcc54eec⋯.png (310.57 KB, 570x449, 570:449, shit weaps.PNG)

My current earth grid and what other weapons I have, not sure what I should be using as the old basic magna setup is all wrong now.

So basiclly I have a Sephira sword I might be able to fully uncap ,a spare yugu sword and I suppose I could do a Tribunal Thunder if I had to. Any of those better in place of my unupgraded Baihu?

e947c0 No.14817538

File: 44b660ccf1a533a⋯.png (269.63 KB, 324x448, 81:112, ClipboardImage.png)


Keep Bahasword. But I don't know what your team is like.

a540f1 No.14817548

File: b9a4621b512596a⋯.png (240.15 KB, 520x285, 104:57, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry that's my party, humansm yugu and halle. Generally just run a defend halle team as my grids a bit weak for ayer autos.

6ce571 No.14817556


Coda your baka sword. If you are running sword mainhand replace it with a dirt ridill or a dirt atma trium. SSR your seraphic ASAP that is a 10% increase in damage.


So you don't have to farm up 10 Astaroth anima every time you want to switch between Devilry and Humanity.


Disregard the Atma

a540f1 No.14817581

File: 4974c321c8356f8⋯.png (501.17 KB, 597x565, 597:565, ClipboardImage.png)


Won't have time to get sword coda'd, hell not even nova'd in time probably. No way to get wasteland fragments to upgrade my serpahic yet and not sure I can take out the last stage of the seraph trials anyway sadly. Thanks though.

28afda No.14817584

File: 447227a08e412cc⋯.png (512.17 KB, 630x724, 315:362, fastestexpedition.png)

File: eaf857908204f7f⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 270x270, 1:1, gibs.jpg)

Did they ever mention this shit in the patch notes? It seems they graciously made the daily arcarum grind much more bearable, thank fuck. What an unexpected and pleasant surprise seeing that button was.

ebc410 No.14817590

File: c403831e7cf956e⋯.png (184 KB, 446x674, 223:337, May17PatchNote.PNG)


They did mention this, yes.

6ce571 No.14817596


Because fast traveling skips a lot of fights and causes you to lose out on drops.

28afda No.14817814

File: 9c2ceb6002467a0⋯.png (217.88 KB, 480x400, 6:5, 1484995184419.png)


Well fuck. Guess I should start reading the actual news pages. I don't remember seeing that in the pre-patch snippets.


Manual exploration is frustrating even if you do get to bounty stack loot pinatas. It requires lots of clicking, but your clicking gets interrupted constantly by ui animations and server updates. I can't deal with that shit on days I feel particularly autistic, so being able to skip is welcome.

6ce571 No.14817824


Tickets are a time locked resource. If you are going to SSR your summons you need to use them efficiently which may be tedious, but whateves.

82d33c No.14819484

Is it viable to have 2 baha weapons in a grid? I have a nova sword and dagger coda on my grids and was wondering when to replace one, both of them SL 10.

6ce571 No.14819511

7d2a38 No.14820792

File: 158eb46c72738a9⋯.png (1.78 MB, 850x1183, 850:1183, ClipboardImage.png)

6975e1 No.14821115

Is there a crew for anons here?

760b27 No.14821123

>Phone game you still cannot play on your phone

Whats the point in that?

fae5a1 No.14821135

File: 33795395e9ac668⋯.jpg (158.87 KB, 720x649, 720:649, 62226546_p5_master1200.jpg)


>Bea's oddly drawn face


There are many crews. Post your ID and

someone will send you an invite at some point.


You can play this fine on the phone. I'm doing it right now.

6975e1 No.14821142

File: 6b6ac8d9acd1abb⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 500x271, 500:271, cat cry.jpg)


>Post your ID

don't know where my ID is also last night I made my own crew to get the pinboard reward so I'll have wait 24 hours now.

fae5a1 No.14821152


You can check your ID from your profile page.

You should be able to find that yourself.

6975e1 No.14821182


to be fair I didn't actually look yet

1b3e6f No.14821948

File: c42b74c68e8fd36⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 2436x3492, 203:291, a32e328d66bebe031bafc8540f….jpg)


Japs always find a way to make Beas chest look smaller.

e947c0 No.14821976

File: a30db8f4c3af1d3⋯.png (40.5 KB, 298x211, 298:211, ClipboardImage.png)

So weapons exist in blue chests. Holy shit.

a540f1 No.14821989

File: b276f0fdcd800f6⋯.png (699.25 KB, 900x880, 45:44, futaba_anzu_and_moroboshi_….png)


This bullies the Bea.

0a477b No.14822025

File: b0e332d0164ab2b⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 96x194, 48:97, 68630513_p3_master1200.jpg)


They don't exist in gold chests whatsoever, you have to flip from from blue chests or you have to get a red chest.

e947c0 No.14822050


Really, shit I never knew that. Thanks SO much for telling me, I'm such a fucking moron.

739f17 No.14822292

File: 75b9286bf057179⋯.png (573.04 KB, 378x726, 63:121, getting ready.PNG)

Finally one grid at a decent point. The 4th magna sword might leave space for an Alex Katana if I get lucky with drops.

How's everyone getting ready for the next GW?

a540f1 No.14822314

File: 7c1313e2fd4216c⋯.png (708.43 KB, 592x614, 296:307, ClipboardImage.png)


Still some way to go, I'm harvesting fodder furiously though. Might replace my baihu with the emerald blade from arcanum though, not sure.

739f17 No.14822341


Nah m8, you still need 1 source of Normal atk modifier. Also, you should have one lv 100 SL 10 magna weapon per type from the anniversary gifts. Go look for 'em in your inbox.

e947c0 No.14822350

File: 6f3691e39ca4e2e⋯.png (63.6 KB, 271x162, 271:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03c7bf341049cf5⋯.png (238.12 KB, 314x408, 157:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 829ec60d3d7cdce⋯.png (230.27 KB, 314x325, 314:325, ClipboardImage.png)


My dirt team is ready.

82d33c No.14822375

File: 3d7bcbed585c1e6⋯.jpg (184.24 KB, 686x535, 686:535, dirt.jpg)


not even close

a540f1 No.14822383

File: 27923c2c2b8011f⋯.jpg (140.12 KB, 1242x703, 1242:703, p3n60oobjio01.jpg)


I wasn't playing when that happened, I took a long break. Sadly they don't exist for people who were inactive for some reason. Ah good, I did think I'd need the normal thanks.

d8b3a3 No.14822453

File: e9b3c534e76990a⋯.png (418.79 KB, 477x613, 477:613, earth grid.png)


I can replace the harp with another xeno sword if I farm more fodder and angels but I'm too burnt out to do that now.

f12eae No.14822524


Doesn't the baha sword count as a normal modifier?

6ce571 No.14822904

I will never get enough skill food to feed my grid in time.

6ce571 No.14822919

Does anyone competent want to grind Astaroth for anima later? I can pull my own weight. That Paragon's Devilry on Ridill is top tier.

80dbf2 No.14822921


how much is that

6ce571 No.14822926


50AP we can do a round for host.

80dbf2 No.14822932

File: 63cdd2bec2e62ab⋯.png (60.78 KB, 480x516, 40:43, no fap destroyer.png)


i mean how much is devilry emblem reduction

6ce571 No.14822942


I don't think they give any bonus on reduction of a CCW. They just cost 10 anima, 3 darkblades, 5 knights, and 5 sages to make.

ebc410 No.14822954


He is asking how much the guard passive on the Ridill Devilry skill is.


I would be willing to help, just give a heads up by 15-30 minutes or so before you host the room, since you would want to buff the room and use it to the fullest.

a540f1 No.14822962

File: da18853cd2732d0⋯.jpg (113.16 KB, 758x958, 379:479, obrien_must_suffer.jpg)


I know the feeling but GW's happen all the time so meh, don't worry about it. Just do your best.

6ce571 No.14822967


I aint buffing the room again. I fell for that meme last time and people came into the fight one taped and then left. Myself and the other guy actually fighting couldn't carry the fight ourselves and the fight had to be retreated and all the buffs lost.

I don't know what the reduction is, but every drop of damage mitigation helps.

0d79e0 No.14823229

How the hell am I supposed to burn AP at low levels when the main story quest is free and none of the raids I can start are worth a fuck?

82d33c No.14823246


I used to do angel halo and the trails at normal just to level and burn ap, if you can do the higher difficulties on angel halo then do them to burn ap. you'll need everything from angel halo eventually.

0d79e0 No.14823253


The main issue I have with that is it tends to stack up EP, I just recently got back below 10 after having 57 with the recent Xeno trial, and I have to wait for an event to dump them because I'm extremely behind on the story.

6ce571 No.14823267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can't you do at least one omega? Even if you can't significantly contribute you should still host them every day for Mag I weapons.


Dude there is no rush to catch up on the story. You have plenty of time and we ended on a cliff hanger at the close of the second part, Dawning Sky. Just enjoy the journey. It is long and there is so much to see and experience along the way.

e0165d No.14823546

File: 1b6fdcb82a90911⋯.png (419.1 KB, 421x529, 421:529, earth grid.png)

File: e61aca4ac7856b3⋯.png (539.95 KB, 423x708, 141:236, earth characters.png)


I've been slacking off this whole time, mostly working on wind if I do anything at all. I should've farmed some animas to 5* my Ygg swords.

6975e1 No.14823609

File: a611e62b1e995ac⋯.png (10.5 KB, 255x188, 255:188, cat cry gun.png)

>20 angel weapons into one weapon

>2500 exp

>only uses 500 of that and the rest goes to waste because I didn't check the level cap

the angel quest gives you so many angel weapons it feels like cheating

a540f1 No.14823634

File: b86035787028830⋯.png (448.78 KB, 608x638, 304:319, ClipboardImage.png)


Use autoselect to stop that happening, just make sure not to change it from the default setting of angel only with no skill and no bonus selected.

6975e1 No.14823648


Will do, at least I got those angel weapons with like 10 minutes of grinding though. If it were a few hours I'd be dead.

a540f1 No.14823700

File: 2ab18a22871a41d⋯.mp4 (324.68 KB, 640x352, 20:11, 0aa1d9f3988fa2483a2769cee7….mp4)


Nice, grinding for hours would be awful.

b49fd2 No.14823757

File: 341b0b90645ca11⋯.png (236.37 KB, 464x577, 464:577, GBF_2018-05-20_Vohu.png)

At last. At least 1 sword dropped (never had any harp)

I would need some 20 more books and I should be good to fetch the harps and remaining sword from the store.

6ce571 No.14823761

File: c650e0f522dc1ab⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 2436x3492, 203:291, Once you enter the angel m….jpg)


I shudder to think.

6975e1 No.14823769



It's going to happen in the future no doubt though

I'm scared

0d79e0 No.14823808


I can't do any Omegas yet and I haven't even unlocked all the regular primal fights yet.

It's less about rushing to the end of the current story and more that I'm only on chapter 16 and have few ways to spend resources.

That leads to me not doing anything unless there's an event so I don't go over 99EP.

All the events lately have leveled me up and given me nearly limitless AP/EP and no real ways to spend them without getting more due to being low rank.

6975e1 No.14823816

File: 3158122a6012b83⋯.png (7.78 KB, 156x38, 78:19, ClipboardImage.png)

If someone could invite me to a /v/ crew or something, that'd be appreciated. I won't be able to join until 1 tommorow though. hopefully this is the right ID thing

27fdfd No.14823849

6ce571 No.14823909


Yeah don't stress on it too much. You are going to eventually reach a point in the game where you will be puzzling dozens of 1/2 elixirs a day to grind some shit out. EP scales pretty well and that surplus you have right at the begining is something to help ensure you can play enough of the game to familiarize yourself with the story and gameplay to decide if you want to play. If you are the kind of person who really wants to grind things out and get the most of their play time you might want to check out the side stories. You can unlock new characters, get some weapons and summons, and generally improve the strength of your parties. New characters means new fates and those burn AP too.

a540f1 No.14824163

File: 15d0e09ff303048⋯.mp4 (176.36 KB, 360x360, 1:1, disorder.mp4)

Is 6 snek daggers still the basic water grid?

739f17 No.14824945

File: c8f004184b317d9⋯.png (595.97 KB, 1062x1068, 177:178, Screenshot_2018-05-21-05-4….png)

933b5b No.14825294


It is and it's trash

6ce571 No.14825353

File: 89fcf18e1cba7df⋯.png (906.15 KB, 640x932, 160:233, Audition to Stardom.png)

Was kind of looking forward to a character song at the end of this.

933b5b No.14825747

Hosting a Baha HL train.

Rank 120+


Pls bring Song if you have her

6975e1 No.14825984


Thanks, got about three hours left till I can join.

7d2a38 No.14826073

File: 7a92cfbc7cb7f17⋯.png (192.48 KB, 480x471, 160:157, ClipboardImage.png)

>gacha character

>not a free story SR

Don't do this to Pholia, monkeyman

6975e1 No.14826092

File: 37c3d5c9bcfbf54⋯.png (130.18 KB, 599x646, 599:646, cat cry 2.png)

>Trying to get another qt water loli

>gets the hulk instead

d9484e No.14826149

File: b8635b569cbf715⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180521-124445.png)


2 tickets in

SRs are very easy to get

d9484e No.14826189

File: e9dd807937ce490⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180521-125220.png)


28afda No.14826541

File: 8a1c716ac8c1884⋯.png (393.11 KB, 640x688, 40:43, cute_uncle.png)

Do any of the casual gbfg crews have a strike time somewhere between 9 pm and 4 am JST? I'd love to join, but dropping current nip crew is hard to justify otherwise.

Being able to hit one ST a day is enough for me.

27fdfd No.14826559

File: 2478737e0718135⋯.png (88.81 KB, 615x321, 205:107, st.png)


got you covered, post ID.

b6d1bd No.14826577

File: 051b36052489e37⋯.jpg (423.96 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 10 days of 10.jpg)

Ten days of Ten rolls coming to Princess Connect, starts next reset I think. Come get your elves. Too bad I already rolled pink elf twice.

28afda No.14826579


Thanks! ID is 5791507

24h cooldown in effect, obviously.

27fdfd No.14826586

File: 8aaa80bf0f635f3⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 28b5257374bcc2f744f3ef355b….jpg)


sent, you should add the incredibly sexy FO of the crew with those summons.

28afda No.14826710

File: 1d4788959ff66f3⋯.png (838.11 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, draphhole.png)


I'll get to it after joining. Really, if anyone in the guild wants access to them just pop me a friend invite. I'm not selective at all.

fdc7ac No.14826715

File: 5524b5344e3ae6d⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 3283x2249, 3283:2249, spark 2.JPG)

80 tickets and 22 ten draws later

6975e1 No.14826771


>80 tickets

How the fuck did you get that many?

933b5b No.14826780


80 tickets is a lot?

6975e1 No.14826808


I've been playing for three days now so I've only ever had 1 or 2 at a time…

933b5b No.14826814


>Spending your tickets


a540f1 No.14826822



Thanks no xeno weapons for me and I guess a long time off for the next event? I'll go with 6 for the moment and change later. Cheers guys.

6975e1 No.14826826


I keep trying to save up 3000 crystals, I got to 1k yesterday but ended up not being able to wait. I feel like I'll be getting a gambling addiction one day

933b5b No.14826830


You should be saving 300 rolls for the guaranteed SSR

And you should only roll during special events for the doubled SSR chance

6975e1 No.14826842


I see, I'll do that in the future. Thanks.

>tfw could've had about 3k crystals if I didn't keep spending them

b6d1bd No.14827195

File: a637d6abfa28e2f⋯.png (38.97 KB, 311x220, 311:220, stash.png)

Spark number three coming this summer.

28afda No.14827199

File: 0d8135d0c976529⋯.png (20.21 KB, 241x143, 241:143, Capture.PNG)


3k is a drop in the sea, don't sweat it. GBF gets shit on for many things, but it gives out freebies rather generously.


Me too

6975e1 No.14827211

File: 8c8ae8b637641ba⋯.png (13.41 KB, 80x103, 80:103, i1976^cimgpsh_orig.png)



>all those tickets and crystals

How do you get lots of crystals though? Is it just saving them up for the big event or is there some way of getting loads through a bunch of difficult raids?

93169f No.14827214


the hell is this

a540f1 No.14827217

File: 06916ec60dec1a1⋯.png (123.39 KB, 529x208, 529:208, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm still in the early stages of a spark, thankfully I've hardly touched the side stories or main quest. Just have to stay strong and resist the urge to roll this early on.

28afda No.14827318

File: 8ed2148c22f1577⋯.png (58.71 KB, 960x800, 6:5, jewish gnome.png)


You just save up every scrap you get. Logging in daily during special periods like anniversaries or christmas usually gets you a huge amount of crystals. Actually even logging in daily for a month is worth 3k. Other than that you complete every quest in sight for the 50c first clear bonus. It may not seem like much but there are a lot of quests. There's also incidental stuff you get, i.e. Cygames fucks up a patch and gives out apologems to everyone that logged in around that time.

Tl;dr log in daily and prioritize getting limited time crystals such as those from events.

6975e1 No.14827480


I did assume so, was hoping it'd more active honestly but that's ok. I'm actually hoping for them to fuck up a patch which is a first

6ce571 No.14827689


Riruru's new Idol group from Audition to Stardom.

b6d1bd No.14827823

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Is this a real one or another one from the same world as Lyria's idol group.

a540f1 No.14827827

File: add06215a959745⋯.png (607.55 KB, 597x753, 199:251, ClipboardImage.png)

I couldn't help myself fuck sparking, seems it paid off though.

0d79e0 No.14828358

Why are there weapons that give characters that don't match their elements?

I spent two minutes looking for a new water SSR when the character it gave was light.

93169f No.14828521

File: 27217a753595280⋯.png (75.77 KB, 598x157, 598:157, ClipboardImage.png)


found it, its on golonzo

7d2a38 No.14828642

File: 208fe990ba4f163⋯.png (111.77 KB, 450x209, 450:209, spark.png)



My spark is ready for summer too. We'll have to see who gets the biggest haul

75f13d No.14828703

File: a6e572033f06bbf⋯.png (16.67 KB, 241x154, 241:154, spark progress.PNG)

Any bets on when I'll be done? I've got at least 3k crystals left in quests to do and I haven't gotten any tickets from any of the side stories yet.

a540f1 No.14828867

Does treasure hunter effect the drop rate of fragments from the rotating trials?

f12eae No.14828953


You get 450 crystals and three tickets from daily logins every 15 days. Assuming you also do your daily co-op missions you can figure 450 crystals and 4 tickets every 15 days.

A spark is a total value of 90,000 crystals. To make the math simple we'll just decide that a ticket is worth 300 crystals, bringing the 15 day crystal haul to 1,650.

If we ignore crystals/tickets from events, side stories, and quests it'll take 740 days for you to gather the needed 81,476 remaining crystals for your spark.

5dd497 No.14828970

File: 383616e62731b35⋯.png (159.14 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Leona_A.png)

File: 00f262e6a10165a⋯.png (14.24 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Leona_SDA.png)

File: d66a3f10d59ccbd⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 260x260, 1:1, d66a3f10d59ccbd4c271d83674….gif)

I didn't think it was possible to beat Sophia in the thighs category.

6ce571 No.14829069


The funny part when you realize the sprite is bigger than the actual guy in the gif.

b6d1bd No.14829187

File: 0b632d8a5d6d376⋯.jpg (218.21 KB, 888x1110, 4:5, flat monika.jpg)

Some Princess Connect menu translations for those starting out with the free draws.


f12eae No.14829204


Does this not play in browser like GBF?

7d2a38 No.14829218

File: 4146f06400646b0⋯.png (964.81 KB, 850x800, 17:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Flat Monika is heresy

ebc410 No.14829221


The Browser version will come out soon for those with a VPN (or those in Japan) on DMM in the near future.

0a477b No.14829345

File: ec58d2137eb2b54⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180521-133143….jpg)

Tell me to explode, thank

81b563 No.14829368

File: 8ebbec5aa42428d⋯.png (909.99 KB, 720x947, 720:947, you mirin.png)



82d33c No.14829375


you're not gonna trick me into blowing my load before summer

7d2a38 No.14829416

File: 398bca94824aaef⋯.png (89.07 KB, 480x230, 48:23, vohu weapons.png)

well I'm done with vohu. Just need to get some fodder to upgrade that 2nd sword

933b5b No.14829425


>he didn't make a 14 sword grid


a540f1 No.14829581

File: 98efc84bb845a13⋯.webm (1.61 MB, 300x300, 1:1, (「・ω・)「.webm)

Farming fucking sand bricks is going to cost more in pots than the past 5 events combined.

I mean seriously, why make it so fucking costly and annoying?

e947c0 No.14829600

File: 83386baa3ec643c⋯.png (34.26 KB, 294x127, 294:127, ClipboardImage.png)

>Got a Katana yesterday

>Axe today

This is either going to be a good week, or it's all a lie.

538a55 No.14829806

File: 4c3f88cfa0bf884⋯.jpg (3.78 KB, 130x40, 13:4, 2018-05-21_18-54-36.jpg)

File: 027d4adaa4aea8a⋯.jpg (408.27 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DcjH8ZMUQAA9mpX.jpg large.jpg)

Okay potato danchou, add me to the crew.

f12eae No.14829910

File: 86f8c644de9cb08⋯.png (653.6 KB, 631x498, 631:498, ClipboardImage.png)

Baha broke.

0a477b No.14830020

File: 185c61b6c9876a1⋯.png (592.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 7483ab672da52da69bddc7db43….png)


>those three white dots on his fire head

He just wanted to be a cute cat girl for you, anon.

c21cad No.14830700

New thread


a540f1 No.14832671

File: 2c76a7dc18c1daf⋯.png (18.17 KB, 790x306, 395:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck this shit.

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