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/v/ - Video Games

The Vidya
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File: 10271cfc1f25011⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 2507x3541, 2507:3541, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_dr….jpg)

File: c9c625e0a771ab1⋯.jpg (396.41 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, __flandre_scarlet_and_remi….jpg)

c2aad3 No.14298226

yoruny Edition.

Last thread (Still accessible but you can't bump it.): https://8ch.net/v/res/14166365.html

Welcome back to the HOTTEST secondary thread on the jay /v/ where we will discuss nothing to do with any of the video games ever. Post your favorite character that you've never played with, doujin, virtual youtuber, undertale crossover, or just about any other cancer you can dig up. It's all kosher certified goy!


TH16 Hidden Star in Four Seasons


TH15.5 Antimony of Common Flowers



Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Versus shooting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/TH09%20~%20Phantasmagoria%20of%20Flower%20View.7z

Hisoutensoku + Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Fighting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/Touhou%2012.3%20Hisoutensoku%20v1.10a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%2010.5%20Hisouten%20v1.06a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%20Sokuroll%20v1.3.7z

Urban Legend in Limbo (JP v1.11, don't upgrade if you want to play online):

Aerial fighter.


Meddlesome Magician 2

Party game with races and fights.


Touhou Hack and Slash

Dungeon crawler with a leveling system.


Touhou Boushuen - Age of Ethanols (2.18 jp)

Simple Age of Empires clone. Suitable for those unfamiliar with RTS.


Touhou Puppet Dance Performance

Expansive Pokemon Clone. Netplay unlockable in postgame.


Check the Moriya Shrine for more games famalam.


#2hu8ch on irc.rizon.net - "Official" 8chan channel used for netplay of various secondary material. (Including the fighting games.)

#kusoplay on irc.rizon.net - Cuckchan channel, used by superplayers to post their high scores/strms. Not recommended.

#hisouten on irc.rizon.net - Channel dedicated exclusively to the fighting games, and tournaments for them. Elitist.



Secondary board.


Primary board.


Stay out of /jp/.


Moriya Shrine has fallen for the web 3.0 meme, making their popular website harder to navigate. You'd think that after Jewsh you humans would learn, but you continue to disappoint.

Many potential champions are clamoring for their shot at the Puppet Master title. (For those not in the know, the title alludes to Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, a fully fleshed out pokemon clone.) The current champion shows no signs of giving up easily, as he keeps swatting away challengers as if they were flies. When asked for an interview, the only thing that elitist prick would tell me was


We can only hope someone stops his reign of terror soon.

The player drought continues as members of the netplay IRC have started to resort to even MORE desperate measures than before. This reporter was alerted to some kind of orgy via posters found downtown. Upon arrival I found leaders of the channel fucking eachother (and new prospective members) vigorously, in which I can only presume to be one of their "soku matches". One anonymous source described the group as a bunch of raving lunatics, but that's not unusual due to the fact that they are all niggers. God knows when conditions will improve.

I've just been informed that the /jp/ teenbros have made a move to consolidate their power sometime last Thursday. This information is compounded with the fact that their leader was recently ousted as a Reisen crossplayer, leading some members to bully him into action. There's a shadow over /jp/ now, and as Tenko tries to stop the inevitable insurrection, another darker faction vies for control. More on this later.

If anyone has a HOT LOAD TIP they want to share with their friendly local reporting agency, this tengu is MORE THAN WILLING to perform sexual favors in exchange for information. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Handjobs, Blowjobs, Footjobs, Paizuri, Ballbusting, and anal sex. Give me a call for more details.

This has been your friendly local reporting tengu, signing off.

480354 No.14298339

File: a7890a36e8b415f⋯.jpg (372.04 KB, 1068x740, 267:185, 17182597.jpg)

People aren't kidding about Subterranean Animism Stage 5. The patterns just after the mid boss fight are evil. Stage 6 is a breeze in comparison, and Okuu is a blast.

d9470b No.14298528

File: a07264841827fa2⋯.png (112.57 KB, 450x354, 75:59, image.png)


Learn to post newfag

c2aad3 No.14298581

File: 6841f39b2074f47⋯.jpg (1010.92 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, f778e32080eda31d985d17b6d1….jpg)


Not enough green arrows for you?

9df86d No.14298598

File: d3062ea65b84748⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 350x212, 175:106, jkgf3je.gif)


>Moriya Shrine has fallen for the web 3.0 meme

How bad could it be?

>visit page


081d64 No.14298695


Try to search for them on booru websites.

You should find at least ten of them on pools.

These fake news always manage to make me smile.

b4eed4 No.14302962

File: d877123b286a801⋯.webm (14.88 MB, 852x480, 71:40, sm32677821.webm)

0a5703 No.14303007

File: 966165a0875bcf1⋯.jpg (665.82 KB, 760x1083, 40:57, 25236590 - ぬえちゃんは正体不明かわいいっ….jpg)


It's not actually uncommon for the 5th stage to be harder than the 6th. Yuyuko pales to Youmu, and Shou's curvy lasers are a bitch-and-a-half compared to anything Byakuren throws out. The obvious exception is Reisen.


Panda you lazy bum.

bcdeb7 No.14303048

Hwuts a toohoo?

d9470b No.14305082

Bumping in case anyone wants Soku later

e234b3 No.14305100


>Touhou Thread #2

Do not number your threads

22eb09 No.14305169

File: 9bc32c17f6ad078⋯.gif (602.62 KB, 307x161, 307:161, 7K85D.gif)

Cute 2hue > Sexualized 2hue

i have never played a 2hue game, because they all look like garbage. I really should play one i guess

b873ed No.14305217

>brother is 10

>beat touhou 7 and 8 on normal

>claims to have arrived before 5 am even though he used a continue

>now just started playing touhou 10

Should I get him one of the newer touhou games?

I don't play it that much to be honest, all I did was beat touhou 7 without continues a few years ago.

d9470b No.14305265

File: 751d97e83301a97⋯.png (210.74 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Secondary Scum.png)

>The player drought continues as members of the netplay IRC have started to resort to even MORE desperate measures than before.

If there was a consistent time where they were active I'd jump in more.

But more seriously, what do you lads think of having a soku tourney? I want it and the other netplay tohos frankly to be active, but there's nothing to do besides wait for the one guy who knows how to host to show up and murder everyone.




To be fair, a 10 year old probably has more time on his hands.

353fae No.14305280

File: 72b2dfe102a78db⋯.jpg (62.67 KB, 474x503, 474:503, 4eb.jpg)

>clown president

>has a clown waifu


b444a1 No.14305296

File: 50865f0a85bd4a1⋯.jpg (155.55 KB, 850x628, 425:314, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best.

b873ed No.14305317


He has plenty of time. Also started when he was 7, back when I was playing Th07. He didn't get really into it until some months ago though, could have easily spent a year without playing.

He also has a TV with a 100ms delay as his screen which is a big handicap. I would buy a new one for him but he keeps on eating on his computer.


His computer has a GTX 650.

At least Touhou got him away from Roblox.

99e17c No.14305756

File: 2fa9378ca520028⋯.jpeg (226.29 KB, 2080x1560, 4:3, IMG_20180210_190300.jpeg)


Here is him right now, made it to the boss of the fourth stage without a continue(touhou 10, which he started playing some hours ago, not continuously).

I think you can see it's a child playing, even though the image is really dark. I can't check if you can see him since I'm phoneposting.

b873ed No.14305933


It's not dark, the window right next to him is halfway open. Everything else just got really dark because I focused on his screen to show how he's doing.

27c712 No.14305940

I just 1cc'd Ten Desires with Reimu, feels good but now I can't reach Mamizou consistently. I haven't beaten any EX stages yet but I think I might as well try and dedicate to this since it's the freshest one I've unlocked.

fcbda4 No.14306029

File: 6f47307e8d42819⋯.jpg (296.17 KB, 820x642, 410:321, ss (2018-02-11 at 12.58.07….jpg)


>but there's nothing to do besides wait for the one guy who knows how to host to show up and murder everyone.

I'm almost always lurking the threads, so if you want me to host just post something or go to netplay IRC around 4 pm CST and ask for games. Speaking of, if anybody wants to play soku, pls reply.

In other news, been clearing Plus Disk content in the meantime. Got to the Shadow Orochi, can't beat him yet because didn't level enough - half his stuff one-shots support characters. If you know bosses's weaknesses in the expansion, it helps a lot because Flandre with Ame-no-Murakumo subclass and proper items absolutely eviscerates half the bosses because of the access to a SPI nuke.

162d37 No.14306143


Is there any reason to finish LoT 1? I got a little ways through it before stopping. It was fun but I feel like I'm missing something more deserving of my time.

fcbda4 No.14306191


LoT1 is mainly to see how the mechanics were in the original. Dropped it after getting through a bunch of fights because there's no HP bar on the enemies, switching costs TP and there's no skill system. Gonna go back to it after completing PD.

0bc108 No.14306229


>Average level:384

What is max level in that game?


>Is there any reason to finish LoT 1?

Gameplay mechanics were too rough for me.

I gave up shortly before Cirno.

fcbda4 No.14306244

File: bd0cc8e6c69df25⋯.jpg (184.17 KB, 820x642, 410:321, ss (2018-02-11 at 01.47.03….jpg)


>What is max level in that game?

Presumably it's more than this.

0bc108 No.14306287


This is some high powerlevel autism.

I will give it a try.

f572d0 No.14306294

File: e6ed683c7f59992⋯.png (9.25 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

I want to get into bullet hells, so I've been playing several including TH16, and I've noticed this seems to be the general trend at least on easy/normal. Is this just how the genre is? And are the main points to getting gud just playing a lot and memorizing levels/boss attacks?

0bc108 No.14306323


>Is this just how the genre is?

No, just touhou.

In majority of touhou games level 5 is hardest one, mainly because boss gimmicks.

I can describe them, if you want.

Final levels are easier, because you can just bomb spam final boss spellcards.

>And are the main points to getting gud just playing a lot and memorizing levels/boss attacks?

Yes, but sometimes luck helps too.

dd2534 No.14306330

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This surely wouldn't bring in thousands of secondaries, no siree.

0bc108 No.14306343


You forgot to mention it will have NISA (((localization))).

6c703c No.14306357


If Kobuto didn't, I don't think this will either.

f572d0 No.14306402

File: a2ff6fa63916173⋯.jpg (175.03 KB, 850x1076, 425:538, sample_9efa53b849d6bf3216c….jpg)


>I can describe them, if you want.

Sure, I'm not familiar with any boss gimmicks.

0bc108 No.14306510


I didn't play them all, so I will only mention these that I played.

Touhou 6: Sakuya

Za Warudo

She stops entire movement on screen and creates multiple knife bullets at point blank range.

I didn't cleared her stage yet.

Touhou 7: Youmu

Sword that cleaves everything including space-time continuum

She slows entire movement on screen for very short time.

It's sometimes helpful.

Touhou 8: Reisen


Entire screen is getting messed up, when her red eyes show up.

It's very annoying and I didn't cleared that spellcard without bombing multiple times.

Touhou 9: Komachi/Eiki Shiki

Every touhou has gimmicks.

It has more stages and is very different than games previously mentioned.

I will only mention last stages for majority of starter PC.

Komachi is very difficult opponent in that game.

She throws millions of shekels at you.

To win against Eiki you must defeat her in less than 90 sec.

Otherwise she will be able to make very painful multiple spellcard barrage. Pure JUSTice.

0bc108 No.14306519


I could made better formatting for this.

Well shit.

bcca03 No.14306779

File: 837c82a67e77213⋯.jpg (105.31 KB, 1090x1200, 109:120, 837c82a67e772132368320af9b….jpg)


>if anybody wants to play soku, pls reply.

I'd love to, but seeing as how I haven't played it since the year it came out and don't feel like getting murdered because I don't even remember what character's attacks are, I'll pass.

d9470b No.14307272


I'll play

fcbda4 No.14307294

File: 54c47fe58a82133⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 200x163, 200:163, AAAAAAAAAAA.gif)


soku up at

b4eed4 No.14307378

File: 24d9bc4ac660e58⋯.webm (7.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, [Touhou MMD] Kasen's Biza….webm)

Suddenly, Kasen.

d9470b No.14307469


GGs, sorry for the poor performance.

fcbda4 No.14307474


it's ok I'm terrible too

GGs, try to play game properly next time

96a249 No.14307493

Touhou isnt enough for you bastards. You want every IP to be touhou. This is why you were contained to /jp/ on 4/v/ before it got out of hand. All you want is all females all the time. Why doesn't anybody want video games to just be normal again.

You're helping the jews!

e54c70 No.14307507


You better watch out,one of the ara touhous are gonna pop outta the screen and nab him for being too good.

dd2534 No.14307523


Don't act like you didn't come here after your shitty D&C attempts at the SNK Heroines thread failed, goon.

22eb09 No.14307533

File: c1619291fbcb35d⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 392x391, 392:391, 0ee72d96a1d99cf87a57958ae1….jpg)



i honestly don't know what you are talking about because I never played a huehue game before. Some of the shoot em ups look ok, the Casilvania clone looks sorta interesting but over all none of them seemed like genuinely good video games. I just like to collect the cute artwork.

90a2ae No.14307564

File: 862c5ccc0b26733⋯.png (29.15 KB, 800x473, 800:473, 516f14918f23d8490261bc9d13….png)


>all shitposts are goons

78a67d No.14307577

is this going to be another general?

if so, dubs

fcbda4 No.14307596

File: 0948248ebd30937⋯.jpg (212.29 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1470593487842-0.jpg)



if anyone wants to play more soku just give a (you)

12a17c No.14307675


The second Castlevania clone is genuinely good. It's right up there with CV3 and Rondo.

The first one is unplayable trash with excellent music.

d9470b No.14308037

File: 68ed614ca20db5b⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 680x771, 680:771, merely pretending.jpg)


pic related.


Then you are a secondary touhou fan. You like parts of it but not the actual series. That is what being a secondary fan of something is.


I'm back if you wanna go again.

92dcb6 No.14308066

File: 4df6e37a57d207a⋯.png (228.04 KB, 358x408, 179:204, 1469523425367.png)


If I used to enjoy the games, but stopped playing them because I stopped finding them fun, but still like the derivative works, do I still count as a secondary despite 1ccing 3 games on lunatic?

fcbda4 No.14308070


I'm here. Same IP, game's up.

d9470b No.14308142

File: 714a698da88d2ec⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, !!.jpg)


According to the definition I pulled out of my ass, yes. But if we're going by consensus, you're fine.


I forgot Iku existed

e54c70 No.14308171


22eb09 No.14308207

File: 030ca39c27d6291⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.88 KB, 508x550, 254:275, 8CC.jpg)


but I'm not a "fan". I'm indifferent. I just like the cute artwork and have been procrastinating for years on actually playing any of the games on account that none look spectacular enough just in terms of superficial visual fidelity and watching a few minutes of gameplay to actually ever take the time to download and play them. I am almost certain that they are likely fun to play. Instead name calling could you point me towards one of the better games to in the library?

is Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 devils is 2hu because I like that game

fcbda4 No.14308241

File: 5d4af687f5ab706⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 600x570, 20:19, 5a4e53602b41f1e10826152577….jpg)

As Yuyuko, spam ghosts, punish with melee and watch your opponents fuck up!

0d2f55 No.14308249


-rape -group -yuri -futa -mindbreak -netorare -cheating

Start there. Alternatively gravitate towards the artists who draw it. I already said Itou Life.


Reisen's gimmick is that her stage is easy.

d9470b No.14308263

File: 0df02c7c8405b2e⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 615x615, 1:1, Mokou and smaller Mokou fl….jpg)


GGs, I feel like I'm improving with her and Suika, I think I'll stick with them.




If you're actually interested, I suggest either Mountain of Faith or Perfect Cherry Blossom.

393fef No.14308272

File: 80b59de56a86273⋯.png (286.23 KB, 421x323, 421:323, 1516210479452.png)


Are you still up for some matches? I want to get my ass kicked for a while

fcbda4 No.14308277


sure serb up

fcbda4 No.14308392

GGs, sorry, gotta run

gonna lurk tomorrow if you want to play more games

393fef No.14308402

File: f1dbbb5b045bf02⋯.png (8.7 KB, 1249x262, 1249:262, 1513775860852.png)


Good games, I need to practice more, it felt like I actually got worse.

e54c70 No.14308410


Gimme more please.

d9470b No.14310441

File: 1d54a584613552d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 720x1017, 80:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Only because I want to bump the thread.

747e1f No.14310794

File: 6f9997576b0f370⋯.jpg (354.7 KB, 572x1192, 143:298, 1353601344534.jpg)


Post more sluthus.

f0a19b No.14310828


Why are milky white thighs so good, you guys?

I really want to lick and kiss the inside of shameimaru's thighs.

1bc075 No.14310857

File: eaf9ac16e3a313f⋯.jpg (678.28 KB, 1215x1728, 45:64, 63125464_p0.jpg)


aya is slug

f0a19b No.14310943


They're just so majestic.

2e0ccf No.14310963

How to I get to Gensokyo? How much rope do I need?

d9470b No.14310972

File: 39891c5815422f6⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 454x615, 454:615, Shorts Mokou.jpg)


Kaguya fags keep moving

This is a Mokou neighborhood

95ec4a No.14311004

File: c500e1f0eb5efae⋯.gif (965.57 KB, 247x248, 247:248, 1453352114786.gif)

>flat flan

>no delciously thicc patchy

>not a single post of the best girl

you people fucking disgust me


1bc075 No.14311009

File: a6c21a5ce8f594c⋯.jpg (609.88 KB, 837x1000, 837:1000, 00d6652c4a48aa046235a40e22….jpg)

File: 603a16798e40516⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, f4a3e8f3cfaf643af7aff0cebe….png)

File: 5d01efeda184d05⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 2507x3541, 2507:3541, 60514401_p0.jpg)

File: 64f4b9cc56138b0⋯.jpg (519.26 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 33716535_p0.jpg)

File: 97c94b781bdd2f3⋯.jpg (151.26 KB, 850x1288, 425:644, sample_692e76b292c78aaead8….jpg)


there is better thighu

95ec4a No.14311018


>thighs with no breasts





e234b3 No.14311112

File: bb531bbaf906a53⋯.jpg (917.28 KB, 1000x1050, 20:21, ついったーまとめ7_p7_master1200.jpg)


>>flat flan

>>no delciously thicc patchy

doesn't have to be that way

95ec4a No.14311122

File: cae8f45b6723da9⋯.png (40.02 KB, 286x257, 286:257, okay.png)

64e1b1 No.14311261

File: b3fb5e205b99cee⋯.jpg (193.12 KB, 600x800, 3:4, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_draw….jpg)


>not a single post of best girl

Lets fix that.

fcbda4 No.14311274

File: d940ee6eab855b0⋯.jpg (278.18 KB, 850x788, 425:394, living the NEET dream.jpg)

Anyone wanna play some more soku?

95ec4a No.14311306

File: ef55294b8a905e7⋯.png (126.69 KB, 205x581, 205:581, hang on.png)


she's maybe a close number 3 for mestill a respectable pick

f182e2 No.14311321

File: e360c0ebfb55a85⋯.jpg (337.63 KB, 1200x1255, 240:251, babe5aa95ec2aeb2065945dbe8….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best

95ec4a No.14311326

File: 52c82852a15bdec⋯.png (99.7 KB, 330x369, 110:123, 1441650857600.png)


why do you people exist?

bb930a No.14311330



Weren't there some glitches on the system? Like, didn't dodge/evasion/whatever just not work?

fcbda4 No.14311342


One official patch to LoT1 removed the effect evasion stat had on characters. It's possible to raise ACC/EVA in that game with library points, maybe that was the reason.

393fef No.14311354

File: 8dbda1aeb238a1c⋯.jpg (276.85 KB, 780x523, 780:523, 1514312562347.jpg)


Sure, I'm up for a few rounds

fcbda4 No.14311359

e234b3 No.14311509

File: 7cba58297b726a9⋯.jpg (640.87 KB, 1062x1500, 177:250, 1419671389874.jpg)


some people just like fairies

16b90b No.14311531

File: 3594bad47a0bee7⋯.jpg (162.07 KB, 850x798, 425:399, maga_autism.jpg)

Does anywhere know where to find high quality flacs of ZUN's CDs and the soundtracks of the games? It's impossible to find online, they only exist as compressed files or shitty recordings.

393fef No.14311679

File: 86824532efcf1d4⋯.jpg (181.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 58916340_p3_master1200.jpg)


Good games, I'm liking Suika better than Meiling, I might practice with her a bit more

fcbda4 No.14311681

File: dc1cffd18b1ed09⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 700x700, 1:1, dc1cffd18b1ed09200757a05f0….jpg)


GGs. Your Suika needs work, learn some combos from the wiki. Server still up for like ten minutes.

c8d135 No.14311695



16b90b No.14311973


That site doesn't offer it in complete form, however. Half of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise is missing and his albums after Neo Traditionalism of Japan are absent. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

c8d135 No.14312042


you can always bitch to the site owner on rizon #cloveros and he can have it added. I would like those added as well.

d9470b No.14312234

File: b24a6f40cfeff0d⋯.png (675.35 KB, 900x597, 300:199, oh.png)

>Playan IN

>Just beat stage 4

>Game fucking crashes

>"A new touhou community patch has been released"

d9470b No.14312237


you still up?

dd6955 No.14312384


At least your game didn't crashed on game clear.

Touhou 9 Marisa normal.

fcbda4 No.14312422

File: f84c761a3680595⋯.jpg (696.94 KB, 1082x758, 541:379, 1455455106575.jpg)


yes, pls reply

d9470b No.14312458

File: c453c7dd2e43939⋯.jpg (221.31 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Officer Eiki.jpg)

fcbda4 No.14312468

fcbda4 No.14312517

Stick to one character and find out what works.

d9470b No.14312518


>mirror match

I was not ready for today

brb, have to take doggo out

d9470b No.14312630

File: cf93a584a8a13ca⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 500x453, 500:453, Aki Sisters 6.jpg)


I'm really sorry for the interruptions.

fcbda4 No.14312650

File: 0dc8b10e1e4ea1b⋯.jpg (644.67 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 0dc8b10e1e4ea1b586be8236ae….jpg)


Serb still up.

b4eed4 No.14314411

File: 841469cfc62e1a9⋯.webm (13.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32330032-1.webm)

Here is a video of cute buddhist doing cute buddhist things, like buy clothes, renting a ship, stopping crazy anchor ghosts, you know, the normal buddhist things.

b4eed4 No.14314413

File: b1a7d72b027be37⋯.webm (14.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32330032-2.webm)

b4eed4 No.14314414

File: a339a4c784d76bd⋯.webm (13.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32330032-3.webm)

no I have no idea what they are saying.

0d2f55 No.14314425

File: cefadaa04c49590⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 244x236, 61:59, 1274961475880.jpg)


>mokou is the queen of sluthu neighborhood

fcbda4 No.14314683

File: 7bc35d009603519⋯.jpg (74.76 KB, 800x732, 200:183, hell yeah motherfucker.jpg)


Help make this game less dead!

b4eed4 No.14315209

File: 4f6c5ed4b95006d⋯.webm (15.39 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32712817.webm)


b4eed4 No.14315758

File: 83765eda73fcde0⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32682562.webm)

Suddenly, more Kasen.

d9470b No.14316008

File: 59be269cde45215⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 9.28 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Cirno's perfect slav clas….webm)


Sorry for dropping out without saying anything, have some baka on the house.

2e0ccf No.14316046


How do touhou maintain their lifestyles, this fucker even has a tiger. What does she feed it? This constantly nags at me.

b4eed4 No.14316061

File: 894b8f6a6053eec⋯.webm (8.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32635687.webm)


>How do touhou maintain their lifestyles,


> this fucker even has a tiger. What does she feed it?

What ever it wants I guess. Kasen particularly is a pretty old spell caster and a very well connected oni completely normal human. Youkai's themselves actually give no fucks about sleeping on the floor of forest. Fairies, if european legends are to be believed, can make awesome shoes and clothes for people. as well as steal children warndering outside at night because those little fucks need to go to sleep to work the fields in the morning, this is a family farm.

Humans themselves have an economy in the human village. They obviously have money of some sort and trade with youkai who don't mind living hobo lives since they are one with nature anyway, so the skies the limit.

d9470b No.14316218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you anons think of this here Soku mod?

Flan kind of looks like a straight up clone of Remillia.

b4eed4 No.14316233


Fighting game mods always struck a werid place for me, but it looks very nice. I wouldn't mind trying it out later.

fcc49c No.14316239


Kasen buys groceries from the village, or rather she gets her giant fucking eagle to buy it. I'm not entirely certain why she feels the need to have it done that way, but given that she is supposed to be a hermit, I guess that is the excuse for that bout of laziness. Hell, how does Kasen even have money?

dd2534 No.14316246


Spritework seems inconsistent between the modded characters but it looks alright. Not really a fan of mods that replace characters instead of making new slots for them.

77853b No.14316293


>Hell, how does Kasen even have money?

Probably she has some animals/cryptids that give her/steal for her some rare things too sell/swap for something else.

bd4372 No.14316334


Every time Kasen shows up at the Hakurei shrine to lecture Reimu, some of the preciously few coins in the donation box disappear under the most mysterious of circumstances.

43b04d No.14316374


>Robbing the poor

I bet she picks on Shion too while she's at it.

4c5db4 No.14316736

Is it just me or are the bullets in the 1st stage of TH16 really blending with the background? I don't think I've ever died so many times on the 1st stage in any Touhou. It is especially bad during Eternity's spell cards.

fb355d No.14316739

File: 4259755fa74974a⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 600x600, 1:1, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best

77853b No.14317201

I must admit that Labyrinth of Touhou 2 is harder than I thought.

Komachi can go screw herself with her scythe.

She instantly killed my team two times in row.

Also I unlocked Kasen on 4th floor.

bd4372 No.14317271

File: 793ab6e853bc586⋯.mp4 (70.82 KB, 192x320, 3:5, hopping vampire.mp4)

Hopping Vampires are best vampires.

d9470b No.14318803

File: 559f9ac42fff789⋯.gif (7.22 KB, 112x160, 7:10, m u n c h.gif)


92d16a No.14320199


modders said it was just not possible to add character so they had to replace

also thats a werid choice of added 2hus its like hipster/meme characters

d9470b No.14320955

File: 28c4609acb42cf0⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 512x384, 4:3, The fuck.jpg)

>>14320199 (checked)

I don't see how Flan falls into either of those. Is it even possible to have a hipster touhou character?

2db3b9 No.14321061


Didn't you ever saw these autistic meme videos with Flandre?

d9470b No.14321176

>irc shitting itself


Someone want to try this?

d9470b No.14321178


In soku I mean shit

c499cf No.14321359



gonnegshin failed :DDD

c499cf No.14321386

d9470b No.14321393

File: 545b6610a468a53⋯.png (645.93 KB, 900x900, 1:1, [Bakas Externally].png)

my b to whoever just played, I needed to test my port.

Thank you though, now I know it works.

c499cf No.14321400

File: 4ad32c3d519e1a8⋯.gif (14.75 KB, 133x133, 1:1, Yukari.gif)

2e0ccf No.14321421


Ive never seen those videos, is it because those death battle fucks had flandre fight some character and she won in their video?

d9470b No.14321453

File: f57b4bb978f3e2d⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Remilia fucking dies.mp4)


I'm assuming he's talking about stuff like this.

c8d135 No.14321467


do not die die the remilia

d9470b No.14321476

File: 271253adf0b19e2⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 850x883, 850:883, Remilia's Life.jpg)


I'm afraid it has to be this way.

2db3b9 No.14321527

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



No, I meant this one.

97abd2 No.14321557

File: eed12056121f0fc⋯.jpg (584.6 KB, 900x1440, 5:8, dd18aedaa83fd42bcfa1de8de7….jpg)


Please do not expose your Remi to direct sunlight

2db3b9 No.14321567


She will survive it.

She only gets weaker when exposed to sun's rays.

8a1b94 No.14321834

File: 7cee60c97b8a1fb⋯.jpg (213.78 KB, 850x1430, 85:143, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best

22eb09 No.14321863


>If you're actually interested

yes and tanks for the suggestions

c2aad3 No.14328406

File: cef966bececc585⋯.png (223.83 KB, 796x727, 796:727, 2ae9dc0bdd542d4e107e810c1b….png)


Imperishable Night is the most feature complete and in my opinion the best representation of what a Touhou game should be.

eac64c No.14328682

File: c86d8f54a697193⋯.jpg (216.54 KB, 850x1027, 850:1027, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best

90a2ae No.14330203

File: 2a3e5ab323ad36a⋯.webm (8.65 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 04 - 迷子のエコー [ハルトマンの妖怪少女].webm)

I've never once played a fighting game.

Should I start with soku?

79ae29 No.14330222


Start with Darkstalkers

29cb95 No.14330394

>try playing LLS after months of not touching it

>get to stage 5 on Normal without game over on my first try

>finally game over near the tail-end first Yuuka fight

>decide to keep playing to at least see how Stage 6 was and if I could feasibly do it when I stop playing like a baka and subsequently discover that Yuuka was the boss that introduced the Master Spark

>find out the hard way this was back when ZUN locked you out of playing Stage 6 unless you're going for 1cc, get bad ending

>every other time has been a vicious cycle of me either getting close or trying ways to play it better and go through growing pains of stage 1 deaths in doing so just like in HSiFS


c2aad3 No.14333413

File: 88a9f7f0441f17b⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1229x1700, 1229:1700, __shameimaru_aya_forbidden….png)


Tragedy has befallen the /jp/ teenbro cabal leader, as he recently dropped some acid, vowed reform his ways, and threw out all of his Touhou merchandise. (Except his fuckdolls, he couldn't bring himself to lose those.) When asked about what made him want to change his life around, the only thing he to me said was


With the leader still coming down the cabal has been thrown in complete turmoil, as a new internal power struggle begins to compete for leadership. But that's okay because they were only in it for the drama anyways. The greater /jp/verse seems to be safe from the Ruinous Powers, for now. Don't do drugs kids.

The netplay IRC has once again sunk to a new low, as it has come to light that they have tried to create a soku tournament unsuccessfully. The goal of such an act being what this reporter can only presume to poz unsuspecting negs. Once their new thread was created, a lot of bullying followed because it was revealed that OP was a CIA reddit mod nigger who didn't realize that the board name wasn't /V/. He later edited this mistake away in shame, but it was too late as the damage had already been done. It is unknown whether or not the tournament will get off the ground at this point, or if it will be just another failure to launch like OP.

If anyone has a HOT LOAD TIP they want to share with their friendly local reporting agency, this tengu is MORE THAN WILLING to perform sexual favors in exchange for information. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Locker♂ Room♂ Talk♂, gay wrestling matches, gokkun, watersports, ballbusting, and anal sex. Find me on kik for more details.

This has been your friendly local reporting tengu, signing off.

f132b0 No.14333588


Why is this tengu so lewd?

8abe7a No.14334821

File: 98d228a393117a4⋯.jpg (216.41 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Daily reminder who's best

c2aad3 No.14338248

File: c81811bfbe5137f⋯.png (49.83 KB, 421x248, 421:248, 007810.png)

Bullet Doppler Effect or BDE is a Zil approved scoring technique frequently used in PoDD and to a lesser extent in PoFV. Often mistaken for point-blanking or shotgunning (moving close to make all bullet streams of a spread shot hit the boss), BDE can be done to great effect in games where speedkilling spell cards nets a big bonus, like in MoF, it is often done by abusing spell card startup times (when the boss is invulnerable) to move away from the boss, only to move back closer once the boss starts to take damage. Reverse BDE is being close to the target and then backing away, making the DPS lower for a while. Despite being an effective strategy in all touhou games, not many players are even aware of this technique!

4deef5 No.14338297

Tell me about the tous, why do they hu the huus?

c2aad3 No.14339902

File: e463dae684a543a⋯.jpg (207.24 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_01.jpg)

File: 62f606f8a00efff⋯.jpg (382.74 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_02.jpg)

File: 389ad9524a503d6⋯.jpg (342.59 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_03.jpg)

File: 82c45741edd333b⋯.jpg (398.59 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_04.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14339904

File: 9391ecf58f72448⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 505.51 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_05.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14339905

File: 5f8a150e29bace2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 618.74 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_06.jpg)

File: 7945267adc03880⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 643.26 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_07.jpg)

File: d39ee80d012e43d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 611.24 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_08.jpg)

File: 935d7c07bf4fbac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 570.65 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_09.jpg)

File: 131f6d3160ca325⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 306.78 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_10.jpg)

19f0fe No.14339919

File: 11a883ad8e6c2cb⋯.jpg (106.77 KB, 750x600, 5:4, IMG_4596.JPG)


What the fuck?

c2aad3 No.14339942

File: 14b7094b8e07e47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 278.14 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_31.jpg)

File: 2698c94a851eb87⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 713.84 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_32.jpg)

File: 9e9b9de6da527cb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 715.91 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_33.jpg)

File: f8648b50bd2af76⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 735.71 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_34.jpg)

File: f4054d939fc9065⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 741.15 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_35.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14339945

File: 987182ee67744e8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 688.49 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_36.jpg)

File: a5f3f06695e5e5e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 734.93 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_37.jpg)

File: eea86fbff46d7ca⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 727.22 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_38.jpg)

File: 37fb53d87b308e9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 735.11 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_39.jpg)

File: d1da6ef12f19e44⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 467.26 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_40.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14339947

File: b292244b243f63b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 344.79 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenHokan_41.jpg)

2e75dd No.14339951


Some villager with power to change something into straw took Rumia while she was sleeping and turned her into strawloli.

It is even more stupid, when I wrote about it.


This is bait.


She needs to get her info somehow.

b53744 No.14339966

File: 265318aee15bc1e⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 345x259, 345:259, 265318aee15bc1e308570ec054….gif)

>inanimate TF

This isn't the VN thread

19f0fe No.14339982


I gathered as much, but just why? TF is such a fucking autistic thing.

2e75dd No.14339983




Either that artist is completely fucked in head, or whoever that paid commission for that.


Honestly, it would fit LOL thread more.

2e75dd No.14340013


>but just why?

<Someone paid for that

<Artist has fetish for this

<For shit and giggles

It's probably first one.

c2aad3 No.14340048

File: 5f768faffcd6c88⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 524.5 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_21.jpg)


>that artist is completely fucked in head


c2aad3 No.14340049

File: dd54e8b1c4d1fde⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 503 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_22.jpg)

File: e9a788f375f56a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 479.17 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_23.jpg)

File: 383f60d5f3f7707⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 471.15 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_24.jpg)

File: deedf9058ec2b30⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 476.74 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_25.jpg)

File: b406283b6e3c393⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 523.73 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_26.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14340051

File: 8414b9c19e9c3e4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 523.55 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_27.jpg)

File: c7b14eebe663762⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 498.68 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_28.jpg)

File: 316dba36bfea432⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 479.84 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_29.jpg)

File: d120def59c3ac97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 476.08 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_30.jpg)

File: 2543d88bc6da67d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 447.07 KB, 1200x1760, 15:22, biribiri_HenkaEien_31.jpg)

that's all for now

f78b60 No.14340067




Alright I'm done laughing, now its time to masturbate.

2e0ccf No.14340097

My waifu is the best.

b4eed4 No.14340136

File: cbc912201efe667⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32700351.webm)

b4eed4 No.14342484

File: 2d9575d887197d9⋯.webm (15.98 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32725727.webm)

90d378 No.14342496



Don't tell me they keyframed every single hand move on that piano. Gotta be a script for converting midi into animation or something.

bdaab6 No.14342588


The complicated but most fluid way would be a motion tracking someone real. Or modeling their movements manually.

As for the piano, depress the piano keys first then move the hands and fingers over to them. Chord animations can save a ton of effort by using the same hand posture, then you only need to focus on the melody hand. It can also be done cheaply by putting the hands out of the shot.

Toho follows the same tune and melody, repetition saves time for other stuff like body animation, background, hair, etc.

Likewise, someone could've also already programmed hand frames for piano models. But this would work only with midis, as opposed to the Tokyo Active Neets video which is directly off a track.

90a2ae No.14343046

File: d05a05412ec7a1c⋯.webm (3.97 MB, 480x270, 16:9, RhythmHeavenRemix8.webm)


Stuff like that is easier when you have a midi visualizer.

79a69c No.14343384

Why is there so many fags that think every new characters sucks? Is this just a massive case of hipsterism or has the design quality really declined?

A lot of this seems to be focused around Clownpiece and Hecatia too which does make me think it's some strange sort of tangential butthurt

3a9080 No.14343456


Hecatias design is pretty meh though. She also advocates (((open borders))) for Gensokyo. Both she and Jo'on are too 3DPD.

Shion is currently one of the most popular characters though.

bdaab6 No.14344127

File: 52d03b2d1cb2db3⋯.png (29.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 66519965_p0.png)


Those mexican sister subordinates of NotYukari were pretty shit.

BumNewhu is pretty neat. Don't know what to say about her sis though.

bdaab6 No.14344134



Oh wait, let me rephrase that: NotMokou.

919a55 No.14344167


In this year popularity poll she was just called: Blue Mokou.

She got highest place from all newhus. 17th.

bdaab6 No.14344246

File: dbb7bcd9fd5463d⋯.png (426.06 KB, 641x641, 1:1, Th155Mokou.png)

File: ad86536a70516e6⋯.png (459.38 KB, 701x698, 701:698, Th155Shion.png)


That's pretty neat. The talisman design is rather appealing, even more so since her clothes looks more casual than Mokou's. Looking at the protraits, they are rather different.

d9470b No.14346699

File: b08f3fe06346c89⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 405x405, 1:1, Them hoes.jpg)

Give opponent



I personally liked the new chinkhu introduced

c71303 No.14346868

File: e0bc989e3b3e7b7⋯.jpg (112.84 KB, 374x387, 374:387, 藤原.jpg)



It looks like Reisen is…

Rock hard.

d9470b No.14346891

File: 2f3b1bd130677c6⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 163x157, 163:157, Save Me.jpg)

2ad01f No.14347299

this concludes your week of daily reminders

c59357 No.14348580


The new designs suck. I've done rants why in prior threads but most of the new designs are just plain bad. They don't effectively communicate anything about the character and several completely fail to be anything distinctive. The last three cunts in HSiFS have ultra-generic designs that could be from literally any Chinese anime and don't tell you anything about what the character is about.

I mean, fuck, I thought Okina was literally a palette swap of Junko at first.

Compare that to classic designs like Meiling or Wriggle, who aren't just distinctively touhou-esque designs but also effectively tell you basically everything you need to know about them from a single glance. One's a Chinese martial artist and the other has insect powers. They have unique silhouettes (not that that's particularly relevant in the game itself) and have recurring visual motifs about what they do, like antenna and a bug wing cape.

I don't think Junko and Okina actually have any real silhouette differences and both of them are just "chick in asian clothing with glowing lights behind them."

Even if Shion's basically just a p2 Mokou, she's still got enough visual thematic elements related to poverty to stand out.

29cb95 No.14348611



c59357 No.14348633

File: 00bbbecbba26c9c⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 1208x860, 302:215, 7b06738c0fb7c8689127660da6….gif)


I don't have a Clownpiece folder.

It's all in a single half-terabyte folder of stuff I've saved off imageboards dating back to '06.

29cb95 No.14348781


Damn. Nevermind then.

9d7895 No.14351878




ah yes, personification. Kinda like my fetish, but not enough for me to get off/

9d7895 No.14351891



The fuck? I could have sworn I said petrification. Did I right click by accident?

2f5bfb No.14351945

soku tourney needs 1 more participant, be a hero this board needs but not wants

a2240e No.14351994


Is the tourney on IRC?

2f5bfb No.14352163


it's in the other thread >>14316422

610a1e No.14352284


Zun needs to forget about digital art.

My biggest worry though is the music. I still don't care about anything.

f182e2 No.14352580

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Desire Drive is excellent. Futatsuwa from Sado is great.

…I can't remember a single song past Ten Desires. You might be on to something.

c2aad3 No.14354306

pofv tiers

S Rank: Reimu, Marisa

A Rank: Shikieki, Komachi, Youmu

B Rank: Medicine, Lyrica

C Rank: Cirno, Mystia, Lunasa, Sakuya, Yuuka, Reisen

D Rank: Merlin, Tewi, Aya

bdaab6 No.14357145

File: 919684bf083569f⋯.png (32.42 KB, 325x308, 325:308, Koaf.png)


That's some well done bait.

b4eed4 No.14357164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Very Aya news piece worthy. Now I feel sad.

c2aad3 No.14357175

PoFV tournament when?



What was it?

bdaab6 No.14357193

File: fc5a9d8d0692dff⋯.jpg (132.82 KB, 668x924, 167:231, 67319049_p1.jpg)


It was >>14357164 's video

but it seems he noticed just after posting.

a5c937 No.14357701


>Moriya Shrine has fallen for the web 3.0 meme


c2aad3 No.14357758

File: b39a187ca19a00c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 156.88 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 17727409_p3.jpg)

File: a01e04dc1639e7c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 157.98 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 17727409_p4.jpg)

e58828 No.14357807

File: c90be7f5541aa9f⋯.jpg (27.66 KB, 680x383, 680:383, culture.jpg)


>desire drive

c2aad3 No.14358205

File: 0acd61af14f0fc8⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9def8a4768294fc4cb8be38a34….jpg)

29cb95 No.14358239


>Very Aya news piece worthy.

You should apply to Cirno News Network, Anon.

194049 No.14358271

File: 4338aa5c14068e5⋯.jpg (105.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1469666529724.jpg)

Best Touhou bondage doujins?

a5c937 No.14358385

I think i finally figured out what was wrong with my soku client.

I'm up for a game if anyone is willing to test if it works.

c2aad3 No.14358745

File: 9fc10e6d21e5473⋯.gif (36.22 KB, 679x604, 679:604, 1438417509861.gif)

File: 474cd04db05e14d⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 350x262, 175:131, 474cd04db05e14d5ae7ac0bfbc….jpg)


Do you really want to go there? It's a long way down.

194049 No.14358760

File: 0d4c601a9938783⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 504x561, 168:187, 1391632203471.jpg)


Absolutely. Preferably if it focuses more on them being kept against their will rather than just raped.

41aebb No.14358806


That's what the thread is for.

c2aad3 No.14358818

File: 819f4a8cff5f689⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 1400x2000, 7:10, 7.png)

File: 74e6d10dfce7e64⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 458.34 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 10.jpg)

File: 5141cbd29db80bf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 513.05 KB, 1280x1830, 128:183, 014.jpg)

File: df0d439fcc59fe2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 570.11 KB, 1200x1733, 1200:1733, 15.png)

File: ce77dcf43e774e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 445.3 KB, 1280x1808, 80:113, biribiri_Shokubaku_2_5_17.jpg)


bbc56b No.14358828

File: a75c82b6ad59fb7⋯.gif (113.05 KB, 351x398, 351:398, 20a74cbdd839aed0101d7f67c4….gif)


>my hands are moving on their own

I love how retarded the japs make doujin dialogue.

194049 No.14359259

File: 926032d90d8c369⋯.png (19.49 KB, 165x165, 1:1, teddi.png)


This is some weak shit.

bdaab6 No.14359337

File: e09757693cafa70⋯.jpg (291.34 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p1.jpg)

File: e7c1063c9a460d7⋯.jpg (406.32 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p3.jpg)

File: 1ea177c684e1c84⋯.jpg (368.95 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p4.jpg)


>weak shit.

Be careful what you wish for.

bdaab6 No.14359352

File: bd73249d477a4fe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 402.31 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p13.jpg)

File: 4fa05c9a5338116⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 465.76 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p14.jpg)

File: 30b0249f1b2cbac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 455.24 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p15.jpg)

File: 6df93bf3d53c25e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 450.24 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p16.jpg)

File: dd1997b80037c9e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 526.14 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 67166492_p17.jpg)


I'll skip ahead.

f1e624 No.14359373


>human centipede porn

delet urself plz

194049 No.14359378


Why does she wear the mask?

08261b No.14359479

File: a2a8b3a08b306ec⋯.jpg (133.15 KB, 800x563, 800:563, Reisen ellipses.jpg)







2hus are for tender consensual lovemaking; not for rape and extremely deviant fetishes.

bbc56b No.14359499

File: 1028e70ea36a529⋯.gif (920.28 KB, 446x374, 223:187, 1433556500203.gif)


Nigger, 90% of 2hu porn is deviant art sonic tier fetishes.

194049 No.14359518

File: 95c3c001a724e63⋯.png (571.67 KB, 1541x1080, 1541:1080, original_drawn_by_tokinohi….png)


I already said I didn't want rape ya dumb nig. I just wanna tie one up and be gentle with them while they're crying and begging me to let them go.

bdaab6 No.14359559

File: f33d18a83dd6abc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 438.52 KB, 992x893, 992:893, tiedupsatorin.jpg)


>I just wanna tie one up

I have the doujin just for you.

08261b No.14359576

File: ef15fbd04431be0⋯.png (375.91 KB, 626x1252, 1:2, ef15fbd04431be02b81314d3d4….png)


That doesn't make it fine.


Kidnapping/imprisonment is bad.


bbc56b No.14359587


delitized and loving it?

ef6eb8 No.14359912

File: c2e26e971b3d924⋯.png (971.21 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1381842930350.png)

I just found Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity, its really fun.

Also anyone got Touhou music arranges on deck, its pretty much what makes the games for me. Inb4 horns and trumpets.

b4eed4 No.14361803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Super Marisa Land, New Super Marisa and ofcourse Megamari sound tracks are amazing. Especially Megamari.

ef6eb8 No.14362956


I played SML and SML2 but not Megamari, know any Castlevania Symphony of the Night type Touhous?

c2aad3 No.14362969

File: 6a781cc8e8b0ade⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 1420x1932, 355:483, satori.jpg)

ef6eb8 No.14363180


too lewd

29cb95 No.14365601

File: a6fbf465fcb72fc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 313.1 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, cirno getting raped.jpg)


How's this for lewd?

008eaf No.14365689

File: 27ba1ce74acf5ff⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 250.46 KB, 1200x1861, 1200:1861, Abandon your Gods and giv….jpeg)


Real talk: Headpats are the undisputed best displays of affection in 2D.

Prove me wrong

Pro-tip: You can't

c8d135 No.14365722



b4eed4 No.14366018

File: c9459031a3a5d60⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Touhouvania.jpg)

File: 53810876cd28e06⋯.jpg (197.57 KB, 600x324, 50:27, Touhouvania2.jpg)

File: 8d6989b3968e481⋯.jpg (325.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Koumajou Densetsu 1.jpg)

File: 961cd542419d696⋯.png (547.24 KB, 800x480, 5:3, koumajou4.png)


> Castlevania Symphony of the Night type Touhous?

In what way? Did you mean these 2? Koumajou Densetsu 1 and 2 ?

08261b No.14366070


They're good for your waifu too.

a18e31 No.14366125

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


He meant metroidvania-style since he mentioned SotN. Those two are Classicvanias despite the rather liberal change of the control scheme to accomodate flight.

Difference being with level design, which would be Arcade style chapters/levels for classic. As opposed to large, explorable but non-linear castle for metroid-lke.

I guess, something like Remidoki? Though it has a few differences from standard metroidvanias, it plays more like OoE except you don't explore Gensokyo but rather separate areas of the SDM.

90a2ae No.14366768

File: bd5bca0e0659d5f⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.9 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Pure vanilla.webm)


2D can make any fetish look good.

c2aad3 No.14368418

File: 4037e63b95b1986⋯.jpg (104.76 KB, 650x414, 325:207, 1417734167060.jpg)

If only there were a way to promote discussion without dumping increasingly degenerate and hotter lewds.

c12cc3 No.14369132

File: 0115475341a1069⋯.jpg (399.53 KB, 1552x1600, 97:100, image.jpg)


We can start by posting wholesome images.

bdaab6 No.14369324

File: 1a09d91cb9aa597⋯.jpg (332.46 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 52337b2cf833bdd5be8e12d91b….jpg)


Yuuka is best.

bdaab6 No.14370829


Who is it?

a14d2d No.14371055


Okay, you just proved yourself wrong there, mate.

What the fuck

ef6eb8 No.14371257

File: c42ab4bcae7ccc5⋯.jpg (217.27 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1380580445612.jpg)


Wheres the item that lets me fly

bdaab6 No.14371497

File: bd170e88d7a06c3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 783.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 67398878_p0.png)


Uggg, thicccckkeeerrrr

a18e31 No.14371526

File: c341dfae625c06f⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 328x400, 41:50, 62324050_p0_master1200.jpg)


It's on the second floor of the mansion IIRC. You need High Jump and an item that lets you walk on certain blocks from the groundfloor rooms first though.

Just keep exploring, i haven't played it in a while but the amount of backtracking is huge so just explore every area like 2-3 times once you get more abilities. The difficulty is also a bit jarring at first, but it drops greatly when you get Flight as you can abuse it to flank and outmanouver enemies with it easily.

5e5871 No.14373448

File: 6a2c8f2b07e1e22⋯.jpeg (549.69 KB, 1560x2080, 3:4, IMG_20180222_115553.jpeg)

>being worse than a 10 year old

Geez, anon.

So proud of him, wish I had banned roblox from our router sooner.

We spent 20 days going to the beach every single day, that's why he is so tanned.

c80988 No.14373470



Call me back when he beats Nitori on Lunatic blindfolded, on drugs and vodka while screaming "PERKELE" so hard his neighbors hear it. At five AM.

0d2f55 No.14373508

File: 125ee3a4db86b11⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 2102x3000, 1051:1500, 03.jpg)


He says, to a deformed chibi. What set that off?

f8082f No.14374586


Chibis are great for tenderly loving.

12d5d3 No.14374910

File: d4b5fb41669834c⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2090x3000, 209:300, Life_of_Reimu_06.png)

File: 3eb4bd6c6346639⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2090x3000, 209:300, Life_of_Reimu_07.png)

bdaab6 No.14374918



b4eed4 No.14381031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Suddenly Tanks become the newest fad in Gensokyo. Skip to 4 minute or tanking action.

ef6eb8 No.14381073


Thats completely adorable but arn't the girls themselves stronger then tanks? Wouldn't a Youkai just obliterate a tank with one magic bullet?

b27023 No.14381105


Fatchouli bestchouli.

b4eed4 No.14381123


True, but they could still do it for sport.

b4eed4 No.14381316

File: 8fc5156e102a1b4⋯.jpg (467 KB, 1094x866, 547:433, 8fc.jpg)

File: 076191b847fff19⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 500x283, 500:283, 076.gif)

File: c15f35db41aa717⋯.jpg (212.02 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, c15.jpg)

File: 8fe83529be5c45f⋯.jpg (441.36 KB, 960x1216, 15:19, 8fe.jpg)

File: ffc9d4dfe45a6e6⋯.png (989.19 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, __hakurei_reimu_hong_meili….png)


Also don't forget to apply closed captions. The CC button for those who aren't into moon runes.

fc9168 No.14381565

File: 1fa2031d90f8f81⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Yuuka oficially white.png)


Best 2hu is admitted in the ethnostate

ef6eb8 No.14383442

God bored of Touhouvania, any Touhous like Advanced Wars 2 or SRPGs besides Labyrinth?

7ecf8b No.14383663

File: 1c35e85c79edbde⋯.jpg (300.82 KB, 578x818, 289:409, 60b4937ec925c96641522d2b9c….jpg)

File: 6492b3b1c1ef047⋯.jpg (157.3 KB, 475x1001, 475:1001, 28642401_p3_master1200.jpg)

File: 9fbef91f237c463⋯.jpg (491.32 KB, 622x1400, 311:700, __cirno_and_kazami_yuuka_p….jpg)

File: f2e275dd418200a⋯.jpg (207.04 KB, 850x1303, 850:1303, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_draw….jpg)


I want to be someone who Yuuka would be upset over!

b4eed4 No.14384301

File: 2aeecfcf3378668⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Sengoku-Gensokyo.jpg)

File: 9e846a49bcb84eb⋯.jpg (73 KB, 636x475, 636:475, Touhou SenJutsusei Gaiden ….jpg)

File: 7ac7f6157aa041b⋯.webm (11.06 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Jam-sm29311072.webm)


Sengoku Gensokyo

Touhou SenJutsusei Gaiden - Imachiyua Saga

Yabou No Gensoukyou

Satori No Dungeon Oukoku 1 and 2

Gensoukyou Taisen, Eihana No Shou/Chirei No Shou/ Seiren No Shou

Touhou Enburemu 2 and 3

Touhou Enburemu is pretty much Fire Emblem. The is also the much loved Gensou Shoujo Taisen, aka Fantasy Maiden Wars series.

023ceb No.14384681


beating Raiko's drums!

08261b No.14386668


I really need to play Fantasy Maiden Wars.

9d71b2 No.14386726


If you're gonna get around to it, Marisa route in the second game has her missing from the endgame maps because of some fuckup on the developer's part, so plan around that.

c2aad3 No.14387408

File: d167ae8f63197e9⋯.webm (3.96 MB, 480x360, 4:3, d167ae8f63197e9d234c659c0….webm)

8903b7 No.14387457

Why is Hecatia so perfect?

7ae3ff No.14387833

File: f35ca354530899c⋯.jpeg (222.94 KB, 798x1181, 798:1181, image.jpeg)


This is worse than the Cirno prolapse

2e8115 No.14388141


You realise the dialogue is "Translated" from japanese by English speakers, right?

I doubt it's quite so terrible in the original.

c2aad3 No.14392147

File: 58c76f4ecc1299a⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1080x1200, 9:10, 7daa6c782840f006917e820e27….png)

c2aad3 No.14392182

File: 2394766ad91a7b0⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1750x2453, 1750:2453, e9220dffa540d2f8f935b67c84….jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392183

File: 1cc4df5c4e21aaf⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1160x1552, 145:194, 1442184266760.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392185

File: c4fcc67d1152314⋯.jpg (450.24 KB, 1506x965, 1506:965, dac6ce71300f13ee653bc56b4f….jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392186

File: d07eff214df34c5⋯.jpg (293.25 KB, 1080x610, 108:61, 1437020403742.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392202

File: 4510c66211ec236⋯.jpg (566.17 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, 61a0511e11a862bd6e83d32c70….jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392206

File: a1946e0c9858b6f⋯.png (844.59 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 99eae371ba66b9dc9a2d02bef2….png)

c2aad3 No.14392209

File: f6ec7bad2bd3985⋯.png (748.12 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 059dd13a303b078b5e51a3c729….png)

08261b No.14392221


Why one image per post?

847c72 No.14392223

File: 85e8fe232b5a83a⋯.jpg (334.25 KB, 1280x1829, 1280:1829, IMG_0006.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392234



She was being mind controlled by Koishi.

ef6eb8 No.14392401


That got dark real quick

b53744 No.14392419


Watch where you're going, fag boy

c2aad3 No.14392479

File: e354acca5ecb491⋯.jpg (315.63 KB, 900x1851, 300:617, efa9d834326bd0723520f0a297….jpg)

ef6eb8 No.14392494

ef6eb8 No.14392522


I thought auto embeds were on

7ae3ff No.14392751

File: d364780c6e34f28⋯.png (375.39 KB, 878x1618, 439:809, Nazi Marisa.png)


He's probably from cuckchan

c2aad3 No.14392766

File: 5cfbbe687e4a4c8⋯.jpg (155.6 KB, 435x551, 15:19, 1440553377806.jpg)



It was so we could reach the bump limit faster.

7ae3ff No.14392773

File: c8a1914aebd4ed0⋯.jpg (102.78 KB, 781x944, 781:944, Desk Remilia.jpg)

Anyone wanna soku?


Shit nigger, should have just said so

9d71b2 No.14392795

File: 32080e7341823c2⋯.jpg (191.03 KB, 848x703, 848:703, __kirisame_marisa_and_mori….jpg)


host tbh

7ae3ff No.14392808

File: 5d3dfa625e295df⋯.png (491.59 KB, 700x500, 7:5, It just works.png)


Can't, I switched internet provider and forgot my router info.

9d71b2 No.14392816

File: 8b47e6e897042b5⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 824x1061, 824:1061, __kirisame_marisa_hidden_s….jpg)



c2aad3 No.14392820

File: c2e51553d783300⋯.png (3.59 MB, 2400x3100, 24:31, funholdingrabbit.png)

7ae3ff No.14392823

File: df8c639d8e0ec80⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 407x616, 37:56, peachy.jpg)

c2aad3 No.14392826

File: e7a98ec4ff09ce4⋯.png (150.09 KB, 440x1026, 220:513, 2hupill.png)

c2aad3 No.14392844

File: 98291d85d54af94⋯.jpg (333.11 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, mwsewq_TEENBROPILL.jpg)

7ae3ff No.14392846

Well shit

c2aad3 No.14392848

File: 6dc8743c692b3b7⋯.png (19.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5f36e41134761224f76d3d05da….png)

9d71b2 No.14392849

the game is spiking harder than tyrone on cocaine


c2aad3 No.14392850

File: a6b9db37aab4263⋯.jpg (304.95 KB, 980x750, 98:75, 4a5b1c6bd4120df8e341b3bd6a….jpg)

thanks for the help friends

7ae3ff No.14392859


It's probably on my end. I'll go fuck with it for a little bit and see if it works.

9d71b2 No.14392867


gonna keep the serb up for a little longer, so connect whenever

7ae3ff No.14393043

GGs, sorry for the poorer performance, I haven't played in a while.

9d71b2 No.14393053

y-yeah GGs

git gud

c499cf No.14393099

was there soku here

9d71b2 No.14393119



now host if you want to play homo

c499cf No.14393137


Y-yeah about that

My ISP owns my router/modem hybrid due to it being local. I can't into portforwarding

9d71b2 No.14393140

9d71b2 No.14393452


GGs Yukari, sorry to quit early but I'm getting really tired.

c499cf No.14393460

good games marisa stop being able to remember what has melee invulnerability

also can anyone else host

c499cf No.14394060


y-you too

bdaab6 No.14395634

File: 293a2c1dff42368⋯.jpg (225.38 KB, 913x1280, 913:1280, 38164922_p0.jpg)

File: 07caed8784d2ad2⋯.jpg (216.56 KB, 865x1280, 173:256, 38164922_p1.jpg)

File: 3c39af6e8444863⋯.jpg (155.9 KB, 904x1280, 113:160, 38164922_p2.jpg)


I want to beat Raiko's drums!!! (*´∇`*)/

c2aad3 No.14396369

File: 3f3f4217628c9fd⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 542x616, 271:308, 3f3f4217628c9fdd5ebc0fee95….jpg)


I see Raiko in a whole new light.

1efb2c No.14397330

File: 6283eba5726ee41⋯.jpg (179.05 KB, 816x551, 816:551, Touhou_Bun.jpg)

Is playing with vpatch recommended or is it actually harder than normal? I suck either way but it made me curious.

a18e31 No.14397892


It's recommended if your FPS is unstable or you want to play windowed mode.

ef6eb8 No.14398337

File: 742ca7d23d6a09b⋯.jpg (26.93 KB, 600x742, 300:371, 1458097978923.jpg)

Fug we at page 10 and bumplocked

c2aad3 No.14398589


slide this thread by bumping others below it if you want a new one faster

1efb2c No.14399568

File: aaa0988f9bc2329⋯.png (272.97 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Touhou_HongMei_sad.png)

>finally decide to swallow my pride and just use Continues to the end

>actually excited to fight Remilia (EotSD)

I liked how she shrugs bombs when in bat form.

>Bad End N°2

Well that's something I didn't know, and it clarifies the fact that I might have inadvertently 1cc'd Phantasmagoria of Flower View some years ago. Too bad I hadn't applied the english patch then.

This might be the day I definitely become a secondary.

29cb95 No.14399860

File: 4e55d0873cef99f⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 800x800, 1:1, junko's angry.gif)


Just keep trying, and eventually you'll get far enough with enough lives to 1cc it and get your well-deserved good ending.

>keep trying to 1cc HSiFS on Normal

>keep getting fucked over by Stage 5

>finally have a hell of a good run today with every bit of point-grinding I've learned how to do in the past week or so

>go into the final stage with 5 lives, lose two of those to the enemies, go into the final boss with 3

>get stupidly excited because I might actually get it this time

>die on the third non-spell

>every single other run has been nothing but garbage skill and fuck-ups everywhere



c2aad3 No.14399981


pofv doesn't have any bad ends

c2aad3 No.14403878

we finally page 13 boys

new thread



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