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The Vidya
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File: a13d4aa04d09358⋯.png (200.31 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Jeanne_d'Arc_(Themed)_B.png)

File: 4542f6fb415bb9b⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, DYaIkP6VwAQi-a3.jpg)

ad3b52 No.14497354

Crashing the servers with no survivors


March Event Schedule

02/28~03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost

03/12~03/18 - Rise of the Beasts

03/18~03/24 - Xeno Corow

03/24~03/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)

03/31~04/08 - New Scenario Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

ad3b52 No.14497374

File: 63e83adca6c25e9⋯.jpg (124.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DYY2_8jVoAAWVut.jpg)

If you weren't online when swimsuit Jeanne came out, the servers crashed and went on emergency maintenance.

26d274 No.14497375

041ba5 No.14497387

File: f904e7496f2d93b⋯.png (827.38 KB, 1024x766, 512:383, Screenshot_SmartSelect_201….png)


7d1354 No.14497408

File: 89e8b3c502545ba⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 600x720, 5:6, french tiddies.jpg)

>want to spark Jannu

>have everything else in the spark pool but the dudes

Luckshitter problems man.

b9821c No.14497425

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)

File: 250d1f304a4edbe⋯.png (744.98 KB, 635x903, 635:903, 250d1f304a4edbe97ed0082f5e….png)

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)


77eb93 No.14497574

File: a38c96c1402a956⋯.webm (3.18 MB, 666x1078, 333:539, varuna reduce.webm)

Thank god KMR made f2p primals fucking worthless, Needed the rainbows


sorry for your lots

de26e8 No.14497625

File: 96f12f25a3cc5a6⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_Screenshot_20180316-07….png)

File: 98fb0eab6c5b888⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_Screenshot_20180316-16….png)

Top pic is this morning's pull and bottom is this afternoon's pull. Not bad for 2 free 10 rolls.

2bf178 No.14497630

>Don't have enough for a spark even with 100 draws

>Got Baal from 30 draws

Please stop adding characters, I can't choose who to spark now. Also still didn't get any fucking hazes from Arc.


>Reducing Varuna

Even if you don't plan on whaling, Magna water still fucking blows since Magna II added nothing for it.

666718 No.14497700

File: ec4b9ab41bcbeeb⋯.jpg (352.01 KB, 971x959, 971:959, fug.jpg)

37c9f5 No.14497709

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue fantasy in a nut….webm)

You didn't spend money on this, right?

b9fcdd No.14497719

File: b2a6fed3869c958⋯.png (446.38 KB, 480x800, 3:5, Screenshot_2018-03-16-15-4….png)

File: 9a17657a721ec79⋯.png (434.19 KB, 480x800, 3:5, Screenshot_2018-03-16-15-4….png)

File: 0a2bd0fe163483d⋯.png (437.99 KB, 480x800, 3:5, Screenshot_2018-03-16-15-4….png)

I decided to go full retard and burn my saved crystals in an attempt to get Lucio and S.Izmir along the way, and lo and behold.

Now I'm terribly paranoid about the possibility of Light characters rate up or Lucio rate up later on. I still have in my alt account but my autism makes me want him on my main.

229d63 No.14497779

File: 605f257b314958a⋯.png (532.53 KB, 482x708, 241:354, Finally all Zetas are mine….png)

I'm happy, I mean 20 draws, 19 were inane shit, but I finally got my last Zeta. I still won't cough up for the Platinum Sky outfit, but I love Zeta.

b9fcdd No.14497836

File: c35e5fab13f1ca2⋯.jpg (418.08 KB, 874x1200, 437:600, 1520285021961.jpg)


Pic related


Seeing as I shot myself in the wrong way and didn't die, should I attempt to spark for Lucio on my alt since it has about 22k crystals? Or just attempt it on my main too since I have nothing better to do.

229d63 No.14497864

File: d5ed86451ab0392⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1165x2000, 233:400, some cuckchanner is hangin….png)


be glad you aren't this retarded fag.

b9fcdd No.14497927


To be fair I had 28k crystsls and was saving for Summer Izmir, specifically. Once I got her I didn't have much reason to burn them in that second. At least now having a new character goal will keep me coming back and save for Lucio and there's no limited fear since he's in every flash gala.

>pic related

Jesus I have nothing clever to say beyond agreeing with you.

229d63 No.14497947

File: 43bf1bcb8b612a6⋯.jpg (175.97 KB, 848x1199, 848:1199, Now we need a dark summer ….jpg)

File: a13d4aa04d09358⋯.png (200.31 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Summer Jeanne B.png)


Imagine getting the 100 draws on the Jeanne D'DoS Banner, only to not even get a fucking SSR. Everyone in that thread started bullying the guy to near death.

cd4dbc No.14497958

File: ddca15453c486af⋯.png (144.61 KB, 361x269, 361:269, Pre1.PNG)

File: 84ac0c1fb271f28⋯.png (24 KB, 341x84, 341:84, Pre2.PNG)



Good, somebody's absorbed all of my bad luck for the day

e429b4 No.14497976


I did 68 rolls and only got Vira. I'm still happy for you guys and your good rolls though.

229d63 No.14498015

File: 0d005c2ea202155⋯.webm (366.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, this_is_the_end_of_my_jou….webm)


With the exception of Zeta and Heles, this is what my entire celebration has been

b9fcdd No.14498022



Isn't everyone guaranteed at least 100 pulls in this anniversary? Still this is condensing the misfortune of an entire thread into one anon. Hopefully the others had better luck.


There's still a few days of pull roulette, anon. Be hopeful, but cautious.

a28063 No.14498040

File: 4c977f00544157d⋯.jpg (208.32 KB, 675x890, 135:178, fuckingjustwhy.jpg)

alt acocunt. at least it im not a cuckchanner

a895e6 No.14498052


Didn't she have a new SR somewhat recently? I know she's popular, but why release a new version of her so soon? Are they going to do a dark Jeanu swimsuit one too? Don't answer that.

2ac3b2 No.14498055

>Cerberus duplicate


ad3b52 No.14498063



Her SR came out June of last year.

7d1354 No.14498075


Dark Jeanu's story is over.

229d63 No.14498094

File: d55f423b51fc97e⋯.jpg (146.02 KB, 960x745, 192:149, d55f423b51fc97e58735a7c7fa….jpg)


yes, but that fail safe will only be activated if you logged every day of this second BIGGEST and never got the 100, well, turns out that gay nigga didnt logged once, so that 100 wasnt the guaranteed one, and he wont get it now that he did rolled a 100, basically his luck bricked to shit.

ad3b52 No.14498116

File: d6d1f1f6086c866⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 578x634, 289:317, DYZ_5uKVoAAkSbP.jpg)

File: a32c3c3f935ae8e⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 538x624, 269:312, DYadcjLVMAAbHrL.jpg)

File: fae88ec065bf508⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 637x637, 1:1, DYbs7NSU8AAV_dk.jpg)

File: 6b823e0b1b7deac⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 545x610, 109:122, DYam-4uU0AAGYF8.jpg)

File: d4acaa0d051cc32⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 581x675, 581:675, DYaYmbJV4AEfD1E.jpg)

229d63 No.14498128


>that Zeta

Dick Status: Muh

d5f745 No.14498143

In a best-case scenario, I could be at 268 Sparks after the next two free roulettes. Should I start devoting my time into gathering tickets and crystals instead of working on more Beasts gear (I've already gotten 3 weapons, their respective seals, and the honor dagger)?

1b5fd3 No.14498192

>get Summer Zoey

Not complaining. And it matches the theme.

1d548e No.14498234

Auberons still suck, anyone who uses them is a retard.

229d63 No.14498248

File: 9acc9608eb9ca69⋯.png (322.51 KB, 622x469, 622:469, Rackam3.png)


You're still green, my child, do come back when you have better ways to nuke these threads.

9f8665 No.14498249


they all use the same body with a redrawn head

and you cucks pay money to get a chance to have these still images in your virtual collection? This is why gacha is the laughingstock of /v/. At least the nasuverse threads also cover some non-gacha games.

0d9ccb No.14498253


They're fan edits

229d63 No.14498256

File: 9cee466793ee0e1⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 529x752, 529:752, 610d61.jpg)


You, too, have not yet mastered the ways of thread breaking. Seek higher scales of knowledge, and try your best another day.

5f109f No.14498259


Retard, they're edits of a newly released chaaracter, people are making them for fun.

1d548e No.14498265


I'm serious about this. Someone was shilling them last thread and I'm not happy about it.

9f8665 No.14498336


I don't need to kill the threads, and I'm not trying to. playing this "game" is its own punishment.

28172c No.14498422

File: 7c9f3105da6c13a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 64.86 KB, 706x674, 353:337, kingu.png)


t. Sandalphon

229d63 No.14498442

File: de60e09a7ee2423⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 0fa00d213c6459bf4cb04c6cfd….gif)


lmao dude, just like stop playing if it makes you this much damage.

229d63 No.14498698

File: 96e1fd9f20d83a0⋯.jpg (614.96 KB, 1553x916, 1553:916, I bring more fresh cocks.jpg)

File: 28043b383bfb969⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 283x356, 283:356, IMG_4046.jpg)

You wanted to see more bad luck? Here do I bring you more bad luck in one another cuckchanner who thought he was gonna get showered in waifus and got a bunch of suicidal desires afterwards.

e429b4 No.14498731


I can see taking screenshots after the fifth, but why would you start at the first?

229d63 No.14498737

File: 9a20674ed690cc9⋯.png (469.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1518379462354.png)


hey, he got a 100, right, he would get a long list of waifus, right, had to take screenshots and then post it to be humiliated.

c4cd95 No.14498742


maybe you should go back to cuckchan. Stop posting their shit here

229d63 No.14498762


its like you hate having something to laugh at, cant you find a small ray of light in seeing a guy getting dick all for his 100 rolls?

fffd4e No.14498860

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?

0e81b1 No.14498877

File: 88829cc4852d052⋯.png (1.04 MB, 850x1303, 850:1303, bfe60da90afa0f396a447b3f99….png)


Here you go. Got a ten pull draw, and got nothing but bronze moons. Maybe next time.

df6df3 No.14498938

File: 6b137ffd8c1bd18⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1108x1500, 277:375, 4bc961503ab099daed4b033c09….png)


Erunes a cute. Draphs are pure sex toys and very good.

Potatoes a cute and silly.


Where is the picture of that guy who pulled a 100 during the homo knight banner and got nothing?

I'm honestly surprised people haven't committed suicides over this crap, especially when you see some of the posts even here.

You can truly feel the pure hatred and disdain whenever someone rolls something good and the other person gets nothing.

aaaf0e No.14498965

File: 8bce335eef94fa9⋯.png (851.36 KB, 557x1020, 557:1020, Roll10part1.png)

File: 66c0d33c6146a1f⋯.png (742.71 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Roll10part2.png)

>roll for summer skins

>get an idol

253c66 No.14498980

File: c3038e91e2ec18f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 375x274, 375:274, c3038e91e2ec18f5ec17c5511e….gif)

RNG really hasn't been in my favor during this roulette thing. So far the only SSR I've gotten from it was summer Percival.

cd4dbc No.14498983

File: a0162e951b5191a⋯.png (54.37 KB, 286x96, 143:48, Jeanne_GET.PNG)



SSR: 16 (5.333%)

SR: 69 (23%)



Azazel, Cagliostro (Earth), Sophia, Siegfried (Wind), Arulumaya, Dorothy and Claudia, Sturm, Yggdrasil, Metera (Wind), Vira (Dark), Beatrix (Themed)


Chloe, Farrah, Sevilbarra, Will, Vampy, Jin, Ange, Helnar, Ezecrain, Charlotta (Summer)

That was fun. Now back to saving up.

5fed57 No.14499060


I didn't log for one day. I just want Lucio now, I want the Sakurai characters.

de63a0 No.14499171

File: e0c4f0c69157153⋯.jpg (149.96 KB, 723x1023, 241:341, DXVtXpLVQAAUzFR.jpg)

File: d6f7e5ba8ecc7ac⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 723x919, 723:919, DXVtbhiU0AAiyfH.jpg)

File: 4a5ffcf1811b201⋯.jpg (124.56 KB, 689x934, 689:934, DWUdaFbUMAAGSRK.jpg)

File: ce50cc595ae504a⋯.jpg (93.37 KB, 699x699, 1:1, DYAqw33VwAAECMP.jpg)

File: 83586d7c7e4430d⋯.jpg (219.9 KB, 1114x1745, 1114:1745, DXc6_HqU0AAQvF-.jpg)


>Everyone in that thread started bullying the guy to near death

No one with that level of shit luck should be bullied for getting absolutely nothing unless they paid money and are drawing outside of flash/legfest.


Now I know why I drew Orchid, Summer Izmir, and The Maids.


Can't wait for the Yaia art for that 5* I heard of.


>You can truly feel the pure hatred and disdain whenever someone rolls something good and the other person gets nothing

Seems more like goofing than hatred to me.

7708fa No.14499252

File: ed8bd73ae169b71⋯.png (828.13 KB, 661x831, 661:831, ClipboardImage.png)

Ignoring Ghandgaoza, and Zooey who was my spark target, this is how my spark turned out.

27aea5 No.14499293


I'm at 6 for now: Beatrix, fire Societte, Izmir, black knight, summer Zooey and Summer Jeanne.

And still waiting for a 100 draws.

84fd76 No.14499315

File: a0dc7ca8e5fd13d⋯.png (498.83 KB, 665x487, 665:487, ClipboardImage.png)


These were also my SSR summons, including those two Athenas.

b745b0 No.14499378

File: a9297e2a9e68841⋯.png (487.73 KB, 598x600, 299:300, Characters.png)


That's a good sword, dude. You can only ever get one Baihu fist malus so two of those swords will let you reach max damage cap with weapon skills


I pulled everything I had because I could resist. I am 80 short of spark with 2750 crystal. If I grind out SS tomorrow I can get a few more tickets and crystal. I still have yet to pick up map tickets. Tomorrow I get a log in ticket. With some roulette luck I can spark and collect whatever I want. Suggestions would be appreciated.


He's pretty awesome, dude.

Man I kinda feel bad for all the people farming magnashit. Lately I have just been swooping in, nuking everything, and then leaving with I've Got Your Back sticker.

5c3d9c No.14499554

File: 8993f65732c67a0⋯.png (105.7 KB, 512x314, 256:157, disaster.png)

There's still going to be a chance to spark summer Jeanne when ACTUAL summer comes right guys?


7d1354 No.14499568


Swimsuit Beato was in the last summer legfest and she jumped in a frozen lake.

b745b0 No.14499578


Probably not, dude. Bettter test your luck now. Trust me

170d9b No.14499623

Got a 100 draw and got Lucio, Light Vira, Carmelina and Sara on the draw. I think I did alright but didnt get what i wanted.

a08d65 No.14500024


I thought that these were real for a second. Holy fucking shit, I want summer Clarisse, Therese and Ilsa so bad now.

000000 No.14500028

Got my 100 draw today and walked away with Aliza, Magisia, Melleau, & Macula Marius

>Blows brains out

c4cd95 No.14500030

File: b2eb28d99b7e69a⋯.png (1.21 MB, 850x1336, 425:668, ClipboardImage.png)

11a5ac No.14500324

File: 0ea9a2f36d85fd4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180317-031712.png)

File: 06319d44c81b8c0⋯.png (977.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180317-033228.png)

Anyone else using their phone to play? For some reason instead of bringing the roulette wheel when I start it up, the app crashes. When I start it up again, it skips the event and runs as normal (though it still gives me the free rolls). How long will we be getting them anyhow?

>30 draws

>Got Summer Charlotta

I'm pretty happy about this.

5f109f No.14500350

File: 7aef7bfcb7c0843⋯.png (32.85 KB, 1376x267, 1376:267, Day 7.PNG)

This comes a little late, but work and grind don't leave much time, so let's quickly go over Day 7 and move on!

Account 8's lead gets threathened by Account 7, which pulls up with an Apollo summon, all while Account 9 tries to stay relevant with a nice Earth Vaseraga pull.

Account 4 leaves the 3 points mark with a Grea and is joined by Account 10's Europa!

Running behind them, Account 2 gets flanked by Accounts 1 and 3, determined to keep the black beast down.

Account 6 seems to have used up all its luck pulling that Shiva and there's no way to comment on Account 5's performance other than "oh wow" (but still 1 point ahead of that cuckchanner).

c4cd95 No.14500468


just like last time, account 10 is the esports account while account 4 is the waifu one

5f109f No.14500558

File: 16350b9d6191818⋯.png (58.97 KB, 1533x489, 511:163, FINAL.PNG)

File: a1288e8fd598379⋯.png (20.66 KB, 589x438, 589:438, delivery.PNG)


Speaking of the last time.

Friendly reminder that I'm giving these account away to new players (and even not-so-new players who want to reroll).

Instead of rerolling a bunch only to end up with 3 characters and maybe one you like, you can pick one of these and be set for life. Most of them will end up with 20-30 SSRs by the time this other roulette is over and you can start saving for a spark right away.

All you have to do is leave a random e-mail here and I'll send you the log-in information for a fresh gmail account linked to the gbf one. Other than that, all I want is that you play with them and enjoy them, 'cause Account 9 playing for 5 days and quitting broke my fucking heart.

If you just want to try the game out, it's fine if you don't change the login information and simply return the account if you dislike the game.

The accounts are the same as last time, just add the new rolls to the ones in this image.

All accounts minus 2 and 9 are available.

27aea5 No.14500911

Do you think lower ranks have better draw rates?

Like, I got Summer Zooey & Jeanne yesterday with the roulette but then I hit rank 100 and I started getting paranoid and wondering if increasing my rank cap won't reduce my luck or something.

8ea234 No.14500930


The higher your rank the more draws you will have done, and the more characters you will have, which of course leads to more moons. That's just natural.

5f109f No.14501007

File: 54dd12cd62ccc7c⋯.png (3.34 KB, 111x293, 111:293, main vs alts.PNG)


No. All the alts are rank 2-3. My main is rank 149.

5f109f No.14501064

File: 160f6e700d89ddb⋯.png (26.64 KB, 1375x295, 275:59, Day 8.PNG)

And speaking of alts, let's go see how the 8th day of the race treated our little guys!

Account 8 puts the pedal to the metal, shooting up in front of everyone with yet another incredible roll!

It puts itself at a 2 points advantage over the ex leader Account 7, which struggles to keep up, probably due to che sheer weight of that Baotorda pull!

Fighting for the 3rd place we have Account 4, reclaiming all its waifufag fame with a cute little loli dragon pull and Account 10 rocking its way up with Aodios. Met with these pulls, how will Account 9 ever recover? Does it still have some ace up its sleeve?

In the quality over quantity category, we See Account 6, finally standing up after some real unlucky days.

Accounts 1, 2 and 3 can't seem to catch any of the luck that's being stolen down the lane, but we all know how Account 2 likes to play things.

Meanwhile Account 5 it up to 130 rolls and only has an Odin to show for them, the living demonstration that "it could be worse".

df6df3 No.14501250

File: 0c3ff913da66495⋯.png (558.39 KB, 1638x1701, 26:27, 0c3ff913da66495500a356f0f6….png)


>8 has 10 SSRs

>5 has 1

de26e8 No.14501491


Account 5 has had a rough life.

3501c4 No.14501493

File: aa3eee720ce5146⋯.png (302.38 KB, 322x624, 161:312, UBHL.PNG)

File: 9aa6f95a1a1965a⋯.png (209.62 KB, 321x300, 107:100, UBHL2.PNG)

Is this grid good to go for U. Baha HL?

a49808 No.14501528


I'm rank 142 with 6 swords and did not horribly on my ubaha HLs, I guess it's good enough. I use cosmos tho. Just be careful of who you put on your frontline because Virtuous Verse trigger on 75%, it changes two chars on your frontline. Other than that just pray you won't die for random shit like sirius.

cdf9e7 No.14501596


use a fire carbuncle instead of gay angel and post cahracters (also please ditch taht useless ex spear)

a49808 No.14501610



This. Now that this guy said it why are you using 3 ex?

3501c4 No.14501700

File: 6b2185e0c76feaa⋯.png (190.21 KB, 394x287, 394:287, lighchar.PNG)


Here are my light characters

e266d9 No.14501727

File: 6bc92ec9c2d98be⋯.png (493.83 KB, 519x556, 519:556, characters.png)

File: a349f21cce5cb6a⋯.png (665.77 KB, 506x655, 506:655, grid.png)


How many swords do you think you need before you can do it comfortably? Here's what I'm working with right now. Mainhand would probably be switched to the EX spear, or an Eden if I can get enough damascus.

e266d9 No.14501732


Oh, and I'd swap out Lucio for Io for UBaha HL. Forgot to do that.

a49808 No.14501738


It actually depends, if you have rank 155 hp EMPs I think 4 swords should be enough.

48fc21 No.14501750

File: d7a623ff8d780b1⋯.png (610.13 KB, 752x940, 4:5, b7eba22f4ae535685b8d943821….png)


Question, how good is Light Vira?

e266d9 No.14501757


I think she's pretty good, even outside of situations where you need someone capable of tanking xbox hueg damage. If you have her, 5* Song, and little bit of luck/buffs, you can ougi on turn 3 and still have Call of the Abyss ready to go when Song's crit buffs are up.

a49808 No.14501779

File: f67c0b5a665859b⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 600x796, 150:199, bakemono_tits.jpg)


Use her with lucha tag team and Ferry, get 6 turns of guaranteed TA and a ougi right after. Alternatively you can save your tag team for after your first ougi with Song 5* on the team, then use mic hype with her guaranteed TA and tag team, then Ferry's TA to get full crit memes with echoes, if you have enough swords to cap you can do at least 3 turns of 6-7 mil dmg AND another ougi right after.

Also she is a very good tank with her 1000% def up and substitute, great for Ubaha HL.

If you don't want to use Ferry because muh cooldowns you can do what this >>14501757

guy said. It works even better if you have 5* Langeleik mainhand.

e266d9 No.14501808


Not quite there yet, still only in the 140s. Would slotting out a gun for a Corow fan be too much of a damage loss?

cdf9e7 No.14502003


i take no damage thanks to my 9000% def up self heal and i get hit instead of everyone and i give you 100% ta for one turn (she's good shit cds)

48fc21 No.14502548

When is the next 10 draw? I want to go back to not playing the game in first place.

b9821c No.14502560

File: 187a3a863b69c9f⋯.jpg (105.59 KB, 1100x1048, 275:262, 1521235258206.jpg)


45 minutes from this post

cdf9e7 No.14502637


dont fucking do it little shit

27aea5 No.14502749

30 draws today and only ssr was prometheus.

2bf178 No.14502751

>20 draws

>Only got Morrigna

Well, at least my Morrigna is at 1*.

0628d6 No.14502768

File: 24e95be42a114f1⋯.png (960.12 KB, 1268x860, 317:215, dr0jh9bg0hjjbohinoi.png)

I only got 20 draws but I'm ok with what I got from it.

b745b0 No.14502772

20 draw and got dark Vaseraga

d5f745 No.14502847

30 draws today. Got Black Knight, Grea, and summon Oceanus.

Is tomorrow the day people get guaranteed 100-draws if they haven't been lucky enough before? If so, that'll put me at 274 sparks, and I do have enough crystals and tickets to get me to 300 from there. What should be my order of priority (granted I don't get some of these characters through luck tomorrow)?

- Lucio

- Summer Jeanne

- Summer Izmir

- Summer Zooey

b745b0 No.14502860

ad3b52 No.14502873

File: 749304c1de6e791⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, tfw flip.jpg)

>10 draw today

>Get Swimsuit Jeanne

Everything is alright

0628d6 No.14502894

Should I be focusing on completely uncapping the SSR weapons I need for my grid or getting enough of them for my entire grid first?

90e939 No.14502907


Get enough first, then uncap. The skills matter more than the stats.

666718 No.14502910

File: 3439b9372839026⋯.webm (11.94 MB, 573x717, 191:239, wat.webm)

I didn't know this was possible.

27aea5 No.14502912


>Is tomorrow the day people get guaranteed 100-draws if they haven't been lucky enough before?

No, there is still 5 days of roulette.

d5f745 No.14502916


Oh shit… well that screws my plans.

5f109f No.14502920


The guaranteed 100 is on the last day of the roulette, that's the 23rd.

Characterwise, just follow your dick.


Sturm for an atma sword team

Summer Jeanne for a better attacker/alternative in wind

Summer Zooey because Summer fucking Zooey


Get all you can first and start skilling them up, then slowly uncap them as you get more copies.

cb3e9d No.14502960

File: fe81e19a54dda84⋯.png (4.34 MB, 1439x1625, 1439:1625, 100 tickets worth.png)

I'll finish my spark tomorrow since I'm now at 150 sparks after today's rolls.

b745b0 No.14503014

File: d8c4fcac3695c9c⋯.png (620.48 KB, 639x932, 639:932, Parazonium.png)

So I burned through another 3kP crystals and got another Parazonium. How many of these do I want to stack in my Hades grid?

cdf9e7 No.14503075


1 as mh only

367eb5 No.14503330

File: 9e0b0071a31568c⋯.png (437.82 KB, 642x719, 642:719, get.png)

File: 7aa04f452860971⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 600x678, 100:113, d86.jpg)

Too late for gw but I got DAO. She was my spark target so I'm not complaining.

0e81b1 No.14503368


>Is tomorrow the day people get guaranteed 100-draws?

No, it'll most likely come out in the random in the next couple of days.

>30 draws today. Got Black Knight, Grea, and summon Oceanus

Lucky. I got a 10-draw, and all I got from it was two R characters and a onyx carbuncle. Don't really feel bad about it since you get free crystals from recruiting characters, and it's better than what pic related got >>14497864

90e939 No.14503488


Too bad she is still kinda mediocre as fuck.

367eb5 No.14503536


it was for my dick, not the team.

7d1354 No.14503541


Don't believe her lies.

367eb5 No.14503563


Write this shit down now because I'm calling it, she's in WMTSB3. And her kit is going to be core.

b745b0 No.14503582


Do you really think the game will exist then? GBF, like lolis, is dead.


7d1354 No.14503592


We'll get a swimsuit Scathacha this summer, just you wait.

aaaf0e No.14503599

File: 607674d492da61d⋯.png (594.27 KB, 556x715, 556:715, Sums.png)

File: 489f5b58aea8646⋯.png (734.59 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Char list.png)

File: 6630d6b9a8f7134⋯.png (777.9 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, grid1.png)

File: 68cee196d41ce2f⋯.png (685.76 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, grid2.png)

What to make?I got a decent water team going but not sure where to start upgrading grid.

607f4b No.14503601


How is GBF dead?

b745b0 No.14503606


Never ever happen because God has forsaken us. The ascendancy of the jews is all the proof you need.

b745b0 No.14503625


Upgrade your Tiabolt. They are good enough on their own they will stand even if you had Zepherous. Plus you have the start of a halfway decent team. Start faming up omega shit, dude. Through tia on as your summon. Friend people with Grimnar. Your dork team is pretty good too. but it is a lot hard to farm your omega weapons. Reduce all your non-omega weapons. You are going to need the stones a lot more than, for example, Pazazonium.

You should be good then.

2ac3b2 No.14503655

File: 40c3a2a138deb1b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 629x912, 629:912, they're mocking me.PNG)

1d548e No.14503658


ded game


They've changed light and dark magna weapon drops to be in line with the other elements now. Also, stop giving advice.

413bd9 No.14503659


>Reduce all your non-omega weapons

This is fucking terrible advice. Do not reduce your gacha weapons or even rare SSR drops from bosses unless you know what you're doing.

48fc21 No.14503664

>Try to play the game again

>Get bored after 3-4 fights

How the heck do you folks do this? I don't get it.

607f4b No.14503677


>ded game

I'm new, please explain.

e429b4 No.14503686


>Reduce all your non-omega weapons

That's expensive as hell, anon needs fillers until he builds his grids, he might end up luckshitting a good primal grid from the gacha, and he has no use for stones now.

1d548e No.14503687


ded game

b745b0 No.14503700




Dont' listen to these trolls. You need to reduce your draw weapons, trust me.

de607c No.14503737


Sell other draw weapons and summons to get the rupies to reduce them if you need to.

b745b0 No.14503768

File: dd4e3343107f16d⋯.jpg (135.76 KB, 630x535, 126:107, From downtwon.jpg)


Pretty good advice.

9bd95b No.14503975

File: 42a7250121711cc⋯.png (761.38 KB, 486x683, 486:683, this isnt a potato.png)

File: 233eec1c9d8754c⋯.png (274.94 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1521234661883.png)

File: 2278b8ee2d9c3ff⋯.png (211.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1521246507407.png)

Why am I not getting potatoes, my dudes, all I wanted was potatoes and got this, I mean I am happy, she broke this server with all of us inside, yes, but this isnt a potato. And now heres cute potatoes to go with it.

d5f745 No.14503984

Fuck it, even if I don't get the 100-free tomorrow, I'm still going to draw some more on this.

Aaaand another ten-draw got me Orchid and Ayer. That's 3/4 Dark Flash SSRs. Earth seems to only throw the men at me (I don't have a single female Earth type that's SR+), and Water hasn't given me much at all (except an SR or two).

b745b0 No.14504032

>anne turns into a little girl

And of course they are going to turn her back. GBF is ded

c4cd95 No.14504039

File: 8f3273c6feaa24d⋯.png (886.87 KB, 510x735, 34:49, ygg uncap.png)

File: 7aff60794f965f7⋯.png (248.8 KB, 507x361, 507:361, colo.png)

File: d05330b801ac217⋯.png (258.99 KB, 509x361, 509:361, tia.png)

Got the three magna summons that matter. Time to wait for Chev and Celeste now.

d5f745 No.14504045


As much as I like the Mysteria subplot, I'm left perplexed as to why they pretty much wrote the exact same scenario in both this and Rage of Bahamut back in the day.

d5f745 No.14504058


Oh, and also what in the world is going on with that planned Mysteria anime. I haven't heard anything about it since its announcement, which was even before Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul was announced.

b745b0 No.14504069


No one wants to see that shit. we want more granblue. What is the word on the sequel, anyways? I heard that it was in development but not much else since.

cb3e9d No.14504143

File: 71e2d5314ea1f72⋯.png (28.31 KB, 297x99, 3:1, gold alexiel anima.png)

They do exists.

de63a0 No.14504160

File: 88c085fca1dd691⋯.jpg (101.66 KB, 755x713, 755:713, DGcc6hbV0AghM3t.jpg)

File: 5813cc9ea0ee525⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cMlOVAAAM2fA.jpg)

File: 2992704e23924f8⋯.jpg (114.2 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cNvTU8AAIZAH.jpg)

File: 339b234e032371e⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cPFmV4AASZZz.jpg)

File: e786b65680819e1⋯.jpg (98.82 KB, 817x1080, 817:1080, e18c9d8e09585b48d25e1e21a6….jpg)


>like lolis

GBF lolis or lolis as a whole?


>They've changed light and dark magna weapon drops to be in line with the other elements now

Someone should tell Celeste that.


Harvin are by far the lowest numbers of any race.


She isn't the only one that happened too but there's always hope for loli/shota versions with how much they seem to be cropping up.

413bd9 No.14504343

File: 6c939afe2a6ce3a⋯.jpeg (50.24 KB, 308x501, 308:501, 40df0d60ae0b0bdb2c96c9f8c….jpeg)

Uncle Cag appears and offers to sneak into any crew member's room and lolify them in the dead of the night. This process is not reversible. Who do you pick?

11a5ac No.14504357

b745b0 No.14504365


I think her running around in short pants, swinging around a wooden sword, and trying to "rescue" the onee-sans would be adorable.

Like Thelonim, but not gay and retarded.

a895e6 No.14504366

File: 275b9cd118323c2⋯.png (173.41 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Rosine_A.png)

e429b4 No.14504370


Magisa. I want to know what she'd do if she woke up and her body was no longer 50% tits.

a28063 No.14504380



b745b0 No.14504386

File: 48f8963faf1ec49⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 610x396, 305:198, Tetanus.jpg)


Her back would break. Years and years of carrying those things around have left her with the traps, lats, and rhombs of Brock Lesnar. Without that constant weight in the front balancing them out she her muscles would tighen up lock a man dying of Tetanus and give her a cruelly painful death.

Don't kill the tiddie monster, e429b4

aaaf0e No.14504411


You must have pretty bad rolls, I got 2 or 3 potatoes and an orchid with my last couple of draws

92d2b2 No.14504424

File: bbd74bb315b3ffe⋯.jpg (182.76 KB, 850x985, 170:197, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)


>crew member

77eb93 No.14504466

File: 62970aa65c9a8ec⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 287x483, 41:69, DYi7zOoVAAA7wZE.jpg large.jpg)

File: d9ae116062bfe45⋯.png (305.59 KB, 576x693, 64:77, gbf gaijin tweet.png)

xeno corrow true forged

b745b0 No.14504480


That is amazing. I need to get two copies true forged.

92d2b2 No.14504508



de63a0 No.14504573

File: 9938e6b7bee1f17⋯.png (396.32 KB, 471x519, 157:173, 9938e6b7bee1f173b94b281e0e….png)


I guess my choice would be Lecia for a loli in a military coat but after her it'd be turning one of the fujobait that are core in the fujo elements to make using said elements a little less gay and then Ange tied with Claudia for loli yuri.


>Implaying she wouldn't be an oppai loli that dwarfs Yaia and Camieux

000000 No.14504619


>wanting used goods





90e939 No.14504652


Most people play for the waifus but to be fair, I highly doubt you got to any of the more interesting gamplay in that short amount of time.

c4cd95 No.14504719

File: e3feb4ef0c0feb7⋯.png (603.3 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


There's only one canonical answer to this question

68bcfa No.14504769

File: 8438ba6e4f1b174⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 375x213, 125:71, 2534645756.JPG)

didn't have trouble with the rising beast trials this time around, which ciphers should I get

c4cd95 No.14504803


The damage cap ones are probably the best long term investment, but I don't know if you are hitting cap yet, and they don't do anything if you aren't. DA for water and Crit for earth are good choices if you need something to fill your grid now so you can farm another one for cap up later.

b745b0 No.14504989

Xeno is up

5f109f No.14505233


SM Skills:

Awakening: Dark DMG Cut

Resonating: AoE Clear

On Attack: 35% Extra Light Damage

On Damage Taken: Gain Refresh

b745b0 No.14505240



N70 with Kaguya is supposed to be best odds for a drop.

b745b0 No.14505284

File: 2fd01525e0652ed⋯.jpg (9.02 KB, 225x224, 225:224, tmp_24301-images445636171.jpg)

>Orchid's skill fate

>Hardcore uncensored dolljoints

Muh dick

b745b0 No.14505298

Does Orchid's passive dodge stack with her EMP dodge multiplicatively or additively?

1d548e No.14505301


It's a separate roll.

b745b0 No.14505304

cdf9e7 No.14505325

File: 0ac2524f4cc39bf⋯.gif (236.58 KB, 397x336, 397:336, give up.gif)

>press counter on six

>no lmao here my white trigger

i spent 3 bars on six and that's what i deserve? fuck cygames fuck wind and fuck kmr

367eb5 No.14505340

File: 784a6eba55eab99⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 138.42 KB, 598x556, 299:278, get!.png)


you know who stops triggers?

cdf9e7 No.14505348


a garbage character?

a08d65 No.14505351

File: fc9b4d601db2509⋯.jpg (11 KB, 226x212, 113:106, d1er260.jpg)

I don't want to play this game if I roll 100 draws outside flash gala.

367eb5 No.14505355


just saying, not having hwite triggers is good. A full ultima sword team never hurt anyone either.

cdf9e7 No.14505361


she triggers white only at 75%

>trigger her conjuction kill

she's just a gigantic piece of shit and it makes THE ONLY DARK JEW USELESS tell me it's fair taht's 3 gold bars down the drain could have used them for any other purpose

367eb5 No.14505363

File: 20f338e29e753bc⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we all know that feel.mp4)

413bd9 No.14505365

File: 415e8e4ea865cc7⋯.jpg (449.44 KB, 689x877, 689:877, 63543383_p17_master1200.jpg)


Funny thing about Orchid is that her dodges will dodge every attack in a single turn if it procs, while other characters will only dodge a single tick of damage if procced.


>he made a male jew

>he invested resources on a male character

You only have yourself to blame.

27aea5 No.14505367

File: 701d6596614720b⋯.jpg (343.6 KB, 1440x807, 480:269, enmity.jpg)

Now that I rolled Zooey, I'm ready to one turn everything with that enmity thingy. Xeno Corow Clash, here I come!

5f109f No.14505372



b745b0 No.14505376


mirin brah, mirin

a49808 No.14505377

File: 9a10c3b81c9b4ec⋯.png (33.93 KB, 126x128, 63:64, katasiete.png)

de63a0 No.14505415

File: ac32530926c387b⋯.png (370.44 KB, 533x746, 533:746, 63708749_p6.png)

File: 19038da2c83e202⋯.png (67.3 KB, 471x434, 471:434, 19038da2c83e202a67938a8cc1….png)


Best part will be if his wife turns out to be a lolicon.


What happens if someone chooses someone already a loli; will the crewmate become permanently loli or become even lolier?


>fuck kmr

I wonder how long that line has become.



Oh god no; swap her out, Lyria's too pure for the raping you're about to get!

f9bc7c No.14505448


I'm a rank 95 that quit for a long time but nice try.

607f4b No.14505515

File: c0f09cc18c96817⋯.webm (13.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charlotte VR.webm)


All of them.

Loli-only crew members allowed.

I wonder what would happen to the potatoes though.

Would they get smaller?

d5f745 No.14505658

If I can't reliably take on Xeno Showdown at its lowest level, is there a point in me trying to go for the blade?

a49808 No.14505662


If you leech raids hard enough you can make one FLB sword.

c4cd95 No.14505663


yes. You can buy the ones from the shop just with items leeched from the raid. It's the strongest light ex weapon, so you'll do yourself a benefit to get one now

d5f745 No.14505673



It's a shame that I probably can't even get it beyond 0-star, but okay, I'll give it a shot.

2bf178 No.14505850

>Can't do repeating Xeno rooms

Who designed this shit?

974316 No.14505981


Firthy gaijiin want to pray game? We make gaijiin game very annoying. *bans Viramate*

b745b0 No.14506395


>will the crewmate become permanently loli or become even lolier?

And this is what I call loli beyond loli, Super Lolicon 3

b745b0 No.14506853

>Get an SSR weapon drop form the raid

<it's the fan

Dude I just want the flamer fans to drop. I could be a 1* already if I had them.

7d1354 No.14506915

>dropped two swords

>bought two swords

Corow is a big titted slut and I'm already done with her.

5f109f No.14507097

File: 0329f8cf7c8c332⋯.png (31.53 KB, 1429x325, 1429:325, Day 9.PNG)

Here we are at the 9th day of the race, the competition in in full swing as out partecipants try their hardest to take advantage of the Flashfest!

Leading the bunch is once again Account 8, who took a breather after the massive effort of yesterday, but that won't last long as Account 7 manages to tighten the gap, bringing itself up to 9 points!

Right behing them the fight for the 3rd position turns fierce, as Account 9 finally pulls once the aces from its sleeve, but Account 10 is determined to not lose ground and gets carried by Halluel and Melluel.

At 6 points, Account 3 shoots for the moon, I have only seen one other pull with this quality. Account 3 might never win the race, but Account 3 won at life, what's better than that?

Account 4 stares stunned at the previous guy's pulls, gettin jealous that there might be an even bigger waifufag than him.

Account 5 heard us talking shit, and is putting up his big guy mask! Nice of him to rejoin the world of the living!

Account 2 timidly steps out of its cage with a Setekh pull, has it finally smelled blood?

Closing the race is Account 1, now outpaced even by an account that was declared deceased.

A decent to great display of luckshittery all around, but still no 100 roll! There's only one more chance of rolling in the flashfest, let's see who gets to make the most of it!

de63a0 No.14507104

File: dbf7bd37e7902a0⋯.png (730.97 KB, 540x952, 135:238, Dark Charas.png)

Hey, what do you guys think is an optimal Dark team?

7d1354 No.14507119


Doll joints, Vampy, Cag is optimal loli team.

b745b0 No.14507122


Vampy, Uncle Cags, Koume are the cutest

de63a0 No.14507259

File: 142a122cf93caff⋯.jpg (127.11 KB, 1009x1000, 1009:1000, 142a122cf93caff5c924da8669….jpg)



I'd swap out Cags for Koume in a Dark loli team since she's busy enough with my Earth team.

27aea5 No.14507362

File: efdb0e5e9546aba⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 486x732, 81:122, capture_18032018_210202_00….jpg)

Only 10 draws and I got Feena.

Man, why does a light bow give a wind character? I thought I finally had gotten my first light ssr outside of Sandalphon.

5f109f No.14507376

File: 77d1eb7d7615284⋯.png (462.49 KB, 472x398, 236:199, ACCOUNT 3 STOP.PNG)


407f7c No.14507378

File: 9696597c27c3b64⋯.png (85.69 KB, 500x304, 125:76, A feel felt by many.png)

Get in here bros

Sure you didn't get the 100 draw

But that doesn't mean that the grind is over

Don't forget you're not alone

We're in this for the long haul

Forever and ever

b745b0 No.14507379

File: 7750fdfbf5f8169⋯.png (920.03 KB, 1917x583, 1917:583, Untitled.png)

File: c1722eaf7307487⋯.png (170.66 KB, 639x395, 639:395, add it up.png)







7797f8 No.14507381

File: e1aa1cd05541de1⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160048.png)

File: f73b780d8536bfd⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160918.png)

File: ba82fbee9362ce6⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160926.png)

So its spark time boys. I'm going to be going for Grand Vira since shes the only Vira I'm missing

7797f8 No.14507384

File: b9656c05094c3af⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160433.png)

File: 2c377a13e0ec412⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160609.png)

File: 43c57e0db33d1e2⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-160838.png)

File: 8d2fb734e1d49f1⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180318-161224.png)


So these were my 30 free rolls and on my 4th ticket I got Orchid

20a043 No.14507386

File: 884924c617c5c8c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 636x918, 106:153, FINALLY.png)

>30 draw

>Swimsuit Bea

>Total of 3 gold moons (2 Swimsuit Izmirs and an extra Swimsuit Beatrix)

>Macula, Garuda, Bahamut

That's it, I finally completed this game. If I play anymore, my luck will go into the negatives and get me killed.

b745b0 No.14507420


My dick says Jeanne, my heart says sturm, my brain says Zoi.

I have been staring at this for fifteen minutes. I have no emnity grid. I have the potential for a decent memegrid in fire. I need a decent attacker in wind.

Jeanne has a needlessly erotic body. Sturm a good girl rabu her husbando. Zoi is delicious brown.

Could I do a dark emnity GO grid with Zoi, Jeanne D'ark, Korwa or Ferry, and gran off element as support?

5f109f No.14507443

File: ec7d11cb4ec1a45⋯.png (373.21 KB, 475x297, 475:297, fuck off old man.PNG)

when the old man just wants to fuck with you

5f109f No.14507466

File: 535eb8c9beaeacd⋯.png (384.07 KB, 480x306, 80:51, not normal.PNG)

Cygames, I think there's something wrong with your rolls.


f9bc7c No.14507473



Now you're only 2 weapons form uncapping those!

They are good grid weapons, right?

b745b0 No.14507481


Nope it reducable shit

7797f8 No.14507501


So 75 tickets done. Orchid like I already mentioned then Flesselles (R), Sutera (SR), then Nezahualphilli (SSR) twice, Philosophia (R), Anthuria (SSR), Dante(R), Ladiva (SR), Aliza (SSR), and then Joel (R). I'll end up posting the crystal rolls later

9261a2 No.14507507

File: 70241fce8d565c1⋯.png (283.42 KB, 321x468, 107:156, bliss.PNG)

Now I just need some hot potatoes.

7d1354 No.14507514

File: 4ea785192dcb052⋯.png (272.76 KB, 497x377, 497:377, rose dick.png)

b745b0 No.14507517


Too late. It took 40 minutes of staring at the screen but I grabbed Zoi.

Also I have two other Jeannes.

8bf2eb No.14507529

Getting 10 draws and obsolete SSRs this flashfest really riled me up for a bit.

But then again there's no pressure to spark now, and I can wait a couple of months for Swimsuit Monika to save this shit game, so life's pretty great after all.

Thank you for listening.

9e8562 No.14507530

File: e318247ca4655a0⋯.gif (846.02 KB, 245x194, 245:194, my meat.gif)


new to Grain Blues. who is this sperm worm?

cb3e9d No.14507535

File: 9dc7689608e6e06⋯.png (475.04 KB, 498x800, 249:400, sparked.png)

That was a nice flashfest that I only had to pay 2/3rds of.

809f0d No.14507550

File: ea60920d2e0e7e9⋯.jpg (187.87 KB, 419x425, 419:425, 1423269807404.jpg)


Sturm is calling out to me to spark her!

Can't… resist… THE URGE!



27aea5 No.14507559

File: 2f5e03f1440ae0e⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2904x2029, 2904:2029, 1.jpg)

File: 74e9050b204d490⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 464x864, 29:54, all my ssr.jpg)

File: 6b0ba62f099cf23⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 457x447, 457:447, all my light characters.jpg)

So I profited from the roulette (90 draws) to do my first spark with 54K crystals and 30 tickets. Tickets gave nothing, crystals gave:

5 new ssr characters: 3 earth (Melleau & Nemone and Cagliostro (funny that I got a dupe dark Cagliostro in the same roll) and 2 water (Charlotta and Summer Izmir)

3 ssr summons: Vortex Dragon, Satan and a dupe Bahamut (thanksfully mine is level 80 so I can use it to fully uncap the first one)

I guess I should choose a light character since Sandalphon is my only light ssr. Which one is the best between Heles, Lucio and Vira?

cdf9e7 No.14507621


lucio also uncap his weapon

90e939 No.14507622


Lucio is light's best attacker by far. If you don't care about dick picks then he is the best light character to ticket.

b745b0 No.14507627

File: 0dd1af047fb5fbd⋯.png (130.41 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Beatrix_(Themed)_A.png)

File: 59d198fa375b6af⋯.png (127.69 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Mahira_A.png)

File: a6e79e4458400f8⋯.png (190.19 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Orchid_A.png)

File: 96065f2892f7949⋯.png (237.93 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Silva_C.png)

File: e80464df942ca5d⋯.png (148.5 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Korwa_A.png)

5f109f No.14507651


You lack fire options, but you're fine.

You're gonna make it if you grind hard enough!

b745b0 No.14507657


Sturm would have been a great addition, but the Zoi meme is strong.

ad3b52 No.14507744

File: 1de84a40e528c7d⋯.png (165.77 KB, 640x688, 40:43, thinking of booty.png)

>100 free draws today

>Get swimsuit Jeanne's weapon twice that makes 3 total

>Clarisse gold moon

>Bonito, Hector, and Typhon

>Earth Cag, Hallessena, and the Maids

>Summer Chloe

I also have enough draws to spark thanks to free draws. Not sure if I want to though.

7d1354 No.14507762


What flash folks are you after? I wouldn't spark during flash anymore as I have all the girls but SS Jeanne on offer.

ad3b52 No.14507775


Swimsuit Bea, swimsuit Heles, Orchid, and Olivia.

d5f745 No.14507807


I wanted Olivia (#1 priority), Lucio, and Zooey (Summer).

I got Olivia early, then got Black Knight and Orchid the next day. Roulette didn't bless me enough to be able to spark on the savings I had. Oh well.

Now I just need to actually get through more story, because I'm not far enough to go into Orchid's Fate Episodes. But of course, after actually managing to beat that time & space thing, Red Knight comes in and wrecks my shit. Also, what's the difference in the Orchis names in Japanese? They're clearly not calling her Orchid.

90e939 No.14507830


Written differently most likely.

ebe129 No.14507843


>Also, what's the difference in the Orchis names in Japanese?

オルキス(orukisu) vs オーキス(o-kisu)

27aea5 No.14507877

File: 491f570eb334972⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 454x540, 227:270, capture_18032018_232621_00….jpg)



Okay, thanks. I see there'll be robomi event at the end of this month with free Nicholas quite good so I guess my light team will be full dudes. One out of six, I can deal with it.

f9bc7c No.14507896

File: c4105a3cdf114cb⋯.png (346.24 KB, 315x604, 315:604, CHECK.png)

>Sierotake is currently a primal

I wonder who it is.

c4cd95 No.14507940


those are Ygg's skills

e266d9 No.14507947

File: 64a28288aa45a4c⋯.png (374.22 KB, 518x549, 518:549, trial.png)

File: a16c7b2d313fc12⋯.png (290.39 KB, 403x672, 403:672, a16c7b2d313fc12e2929eeba61….png)

f9bc7c No.14507956



I wonder who's that.

b745b0 No.14507963


Top kek, as they say

de63a0 No.14507970

File: 2167a6e13b75608⋯.jpg (333.25 KB, 1500x2121, 500:707, 2167a6e13b756086e748e4d755….jpg)


>Oru will never kisu

594371 No.14507978


Strange, that's the third time they've put an SSR character back into the trial. The first two being Christmas Aruru and Sheep. Sheep got her 5* shortly after and it took normal Aruru a while to get her uncap after her Christmas version was put back in.

I don't think Ygg is getting anything new for her normal version so it's probably nothing or we can expect her in a bunny costume soon.

de63a0 No.14507990

File: 057cb9d162f159e⋯.png (802.88 KB, 836x924, 19:21, c67c94e22ab40800b192532f4c….png)


Or frozen over after a winter storm/blizzard.

7d1354 No.14507994


Nah, Yugu may be a mute tree, but she's still smarter than Beato.

de63a0 No.14508020

File: b3eadb63e1450ec⋯.png (1.52 MB, 850x1200, 17:24, b3eadb63e1450ec1ca2fb6b403….png)


She's a healthy tree; she'll shrug off the cold and wear the ice as armor.

b4c711 No.14508047


>Summer Ygg in palm frond bikini

>Christmas Ygg is nude save for lights and ornaments hung on her body

bb8aa9 No.14508058


I got another Hades, another Anubis, snow white and another sethlans for summons. Then the SSRs I got Melleau , Baotorda, Beatrix (summer theme), Dark Jeanne d'Arc, Heless (summer), Lancelot, and my spark target Vira(grand). I'm honestly kind of pissed at the amount of Fire, Dark and light characters since I already had some really good light and dark characters, and while getting Beatrix is nice my fire grid is absolutely trash, I'm desperate for earth characters since its my second best grid.

c50320 No.14508287

File: b3cbc367f54b8c1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1289x853, 1289:853, Spark2.png)

I got lucky and got the 100 draw today, here's the results of my spark. Not pictured: 40 assorted moons.

b745b0 No.14508306


Light and dark are dropping really heavily. I got SSR Ferry, Summer Heles, multiple Lucio, Veight, Dark Vaseraga, Dark Sarunan, multiple Orchids, Jeanne d'Ark, Olivia, and Forte off of this spark.


Good GET

c4cd95 No.14508746

File: 7b78d62dc1e533e⋯.png (72.67 KB, 851x536, 851:536, faces.png)

File: 1b8c9bfe050dd5d⋯.png (81.14 KB, 180x265, 36:53, glasses chloe.png)

File: a150882a2cce8ac⋯.png (71.97 KB, 202x278, 101:139, erune lyria.png)

Drew summer Chloe today. I didn't draw her last summer and never knew her ougi changed her face. Shame it's just for a few seconds instead of her keeping the appearance change.

c4cd95 No.14508804

File: 8c04aab735e1ff2⋯.png (53.78 KB, 177x241, 177:241, erune schoolgirl lyria.png)


It works with her schoolgirl outfit too

1d548e No.14509202

File: 83c5d59ef919fef⋯.png (549.22 KB, 397x787, 397:787, spark.png)

Who should I spark?

18b058 No.14509229



de63a0 No.14509249

File: 584fa17337c3b10⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 250x341, 250:341, 1519335754506.gif)


Ask your dick or go for Orchid since she's a strong character that comes with a useful weapon to feed chocobars.

b745b0 No.14509256


Doll joints my dude.

90e939 No.14509303


Depends on your other characters but doll pussy is the best.

ff624c No.14509354


>No 100 draw so that I could spark

>No Jeanne in the 20 draw

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ff624c No.14509355

File: ddecb826d6f67f9⋯.png (422.93 KB, 478x627, 478:627, GBF_2018-03-19_roulette20a.png)

File: b18157734a26dea⋯.png (401.97 KB, 481x639, 481:639, GBF_2018-03-19_roulette20b.png)


At least I got Shiva

1d548e No.14509411


What's so good about Orchid? She seems like a pretty basic attacker. I don't want any weapons to use bars on right now either.

b745b0 No.14509433


Auto-attacker with a wicked good buff, self charging and eats into enemy over drive when she does so, and a nuke that can hit ~1.2 on demand.

A knife that gives echo and DATA party wide on ougi and has a massive modifier and DA modifier. It's pretty damned good.

Plus doll joints unless you are some kind of homo or something.

b745b0 No.14509453


Oh and her dodge rolls twice. Once to see if the enemy attack will matter at all with her mastery skill, and if that fails then stock she has a 15% chance to dodge any single attack.

be52a7 No.14509494

File: cc18044bd14e902⋯.png (804.72 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, 590daaefc5725292ebc486fe7c….png)

Secondaries get in

cb3e9d No.14509497

File: e5afbdf69f26a57⋯.png (31.06 KB, 304x101, 304:101, rare item.png)

Today has been a nice day.

b745b0 No.14509505



c4cd95 No.14509516

File: 84426a19d35bccb⋯.png (875.37 KB, 850x629, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Summer razia when

0e81b1 No.14509522

File: 3c711229a940d9c⋯.png (238.45 KB, 550x412, 275:206, ClipboardImage.png)


>Got a halo light quartz and a gold bar

Fuck you.

5b6adf No.14509535

000000 No.14509764


I agree, they did draw her kind of fat and gross.

b7f920 No.14509854

I don't really have enough characters to have a choice, but what makes a good/strong team composition? How do you know who to use and in what order, main line or back line? Right now I'm just using whoever I think is cute and I don't know if there are staple roles I should be consider having in all my teams.

9db780 No.14509869


You will know what to do by the time you have enough characters to make a choice. In the meantime, just follow your dick.

b745b0 No.14509887


Follow your dick. It will never lead you astray. Unless you have one of those weird ones that curves or something.

90e939 No.14509936


There are no hard roles you have to have on every team. A good team has synergy, deals good damage, and can survive against content appropriate to your grid but how you reach those goals depends on what characters you have.

b7f920 No.14510137

File: a825e744d0f5e2f⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 436x256, 109:64, strongest team.jpg)


>can survive

I'm running dark, and I'm pretty fucked if I run out of potions. On that note, do different elements play differently from each other, or are characters fairly standard across the elements?



Pic related is what my dick says.

5f109f No.14510151

File: c51bd018d6c12e2⋯.png (46.42 KB, 1579x439, 1579:439, Day 10.PNG)

There we are, on the last day of the flashfest, every account has accumulates 12k crystals worth of gibs by this point and they're oing all out!

Account 7 tried to luckshit its way ahead of the pack, but Account 8 just won't have it! They're at a single point of difference and they're leaving the competition behing to have a 1v1 fight for the first spot!

Behind them Account 9 creeps its way up gining 6 points in a single day, preparing for the takeover once the 100 rolls come into play.

Account 3 schools everyone on what it means to roll QUALITY from behind.

Account 2 is really into schoolgirls thile Account 4 claims that he wants all the waifus.

Behind them Account 6 hopes to find a home before the next Light GW and Account 10 has lost some steam, the competition is getting too tough for our little guy.

Speaking of competition, Accounts 1 and 5 are completely out of it and not even a miracle can save them, but hey, at least Account 5 isn't alone anymore.

b745b0 No.14510168


>Makira in the back row

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

c4cd95 No.14510192


>Bea, Izmir, Vira

account 4 continues to be the waifu account

9db780 No.14510271

File: 3e1dba124ede574⋯.png (232.49 KB, 490x248, 245:124, Untitled.png)


If you can clear content with that team, it'll be fine for now. Eventually you'll want to build a party for every element.


Earth doesn't really have good options for backrow anyhow, except for maybe vanilla Cag or Razia.

de63a0 No.14510286

File: f36a666b5e3eb5d⋯.jpg (94.7 KB, 752x1062, 376:531, DRM-3KhV4AAWWrC.jpg)


What did you expect she's a cow.


Get rid of the fire Harvin. No matter how much you enjoy short big butted races; she's shit.

b745b0 No.14510317


Alethia isn't bad. Ignition plus two nukes that make use of it is pretty good if you have someone drop out right at Ougi or need to tag in for a full burst chain.

27aea5 No.14511323

I can't even beat Xeno Extreme without using an elixir. This event is not fun ;_;

90e939 No.14511360


xeno events are not meant for new players.

caa370 No.14511437

File: f1efe00b97e49ad⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 546x281, 546:281, dick team.JPG)


>5 had 210 rolls and only has 4 SSRs to show for it

>it was a single lucky pull not counting Odin

This is the kind of life some people have to go through.

Like those two guys getting the 100 roulette pull and drawing nothing.


Just leech for the light weapon, that's what I'm doing and I'm fine. Even if you can't grind enough to fully uncap it, it'll be well worth it.

My dark grid is way too shit to take her on because I'm pretty new, but such is life.



Show me your dick teams anons.

I keep Jeanne in the back so she can fume over me having all the fun in the world with my lovely girls.

Korwa is there to be a giant tease the whole way.

Also, does Scath count as a 10.000 year old loli?

This is important.

9db780 No.14511519

File: 5e428ad3eae9ba9⋯.png (235.39 KB, 497x253, 497:253, Untitled.png)


All my main teams are dick teams. I don't use males except for some very rare exceptions.

I'll share this meme team of mine though.

7d1354 No.14511541

File: 4c33a0d212a4a0b⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, PZS.jpg)

Last year we got four SSR swimsuit girls, Jannu leaves three more to go. I'm betting/wishing for:



The three paizuri sisters together

de63a0 No.14511902

File: e5d4647df5b780c⋯.png (650.81 KB, 882x520, 441:260, e5d4647df5b780c8fbe71ec042….png)


>does Scath count as a 10.000 year old loli?

More around 5,000 year old loli or a newborn if you go by how long that body has been made.

b745b0 No.14512019

File: 35c403bd8842fd4⋯.png (251.76 KB, 545x272, 545:272, ano ko wo rape.png)


Muh dick

b745b0 No.14512163

File: a2e163a39246315⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1264x1600, 79:100, Dirty Uncle Cags.jpg)


You got a couple thousand berries from the anniversary, right? Pop like 99 of them go into the raid finder click on a raid. Hit once and return to the main sceen. Lather rinse repeat until you have a full pending list, collect them all and do this until you have an MLB sword. Then get someone to carry you in extreme coop for 40 halo light crystals.

Congrats you have the best EX light weapon in the game.

e429b4 No.14512323


Does the raid even drop the sword in gold chests? All I've gotten is fans and selfies.

b745b0 No.14512332


Red chest only. But you can grind enough to get everything but the fans needed tp buy it. estimates are ~1500 berries worth of grinding.

b745b0 No.14512356


>but the fans

Awake an hour and still asleep everything but the light halo crystals. also no selfies for me.

300ab2 No.14512368

If I get a 120%+ elemental damage summon, I can safely spread my weapon skill types, right?

b745b0 No.14512375


and minutes later clean out the pending list and there is selfies

e429b4 No.14512376

File: 6e195df67159979⋯.png (285.29 KB, 600x726, 100:121, 6e195df67159979dfdb6277d2b….png)


>estimates are ~1500 berries worth of grinding

tfw 1k berries

b745b0 No.14512397

File: 09e7e8501864409⋯.jpg (292.27 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, __gran_lyria_rackam_rosett….jpg)

File: 990b8ea41e3e48d⋯.jpg (252.61 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, __rackam_and_tiamat_granbl….jpg)


That is just purely off of leeching raids. If you can get a buddy who is bro tier enough to carry your ass through coop, right now, and get some light halos you can host. That is a 1/6 chance of having the purity blade drop. You can recover your crystals later in coop. You need to figure that the last * of the purity blade is going to account for 500-600 of those berries depending on your luck. Even one red box blade will save you an immense amount of work.

It is 3 halo crystals to hos a raid so you best get to bowing and scraping to the senpai in your crew. I am sure one of them might not have his 40 to true forge yet so ask nicely.

b745b0 No.14512576



It is one of six things that can drop from host chest but the drop rate is estimated at 1.5%. covfefe is finally starting to kick in.

a49808 No.14512605


depends on the summon

b745b0 No.14512652

File: ca82d84557ac467⋯.png (795.52 KB, 1280x583, 1280:583, Another shitty draw.png)

Twenty again today too. I think I used all my luck up sparking.

a49808 No.14512657


You got Yuel anon, she's great

27aea5 No.14512658

File: 18625bebbfd9d68⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 485x664, 485:664, capture_19032018_210205_00….jpg)

File: 4223173054ef0a8⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 466x612, 233:306, capture_19032018_210128_00….jpg)

File: c72ef53279ead20⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 462x629, 462:629, capture_19032018_210136_00….jpg)

30 draws to day and got Seruel! Finally rolled a light ssr and so I can now have a frontline of 3 ssr light, Sandalphon, Lucio and Seruel. Light is a boys only club.

Also got lower rarity Summer characters.

b745b0 No.14512671


Yeah but I never use fire. I barely have any characters for it. Percy, S. Bea, and now Yuel. I mean what, am I supposed to build some sort of ult saber meme grid with my shiva and agni? I may as well reduce them considering how utterly useless they are. I never have luck like >>14512658 -san. Just furshit, homos, and someone who won't even fuck the bassist.

a49808 No.14512687


Are you being ironic? Jesus that's the prime fire team there. S Bea shits damage even when you have a shitty colo stick damage. And percy is percy, he's core even for people who don't like homos, that's how good he is.

b745b0 No.14512714

File: 396b9a2ad2b4293⋯.png (917.17 KB, 1061x688, 1061:688, I hate mondays.png)



Isn't it enough I have to suffer with this shit? Now you got to bully me about my shit fire team too?

77eb93 No.14512760

File: 35eaaa963e54ad8⋯.png (368.31 KB, 465x490, 93:98, qatar.png)

After rolling aphrodite for a third time, in a fit of rage i reduced her and realized that she gave me enough rainbow prisms to finish the second GW dagger so i could finish qatar 5*

2nd 5*, with Uno as the first. Now all that's left is to spark a murg or two and I can take my water team wherever i want. Next up on the list, 5* Nio.

a49808 No.14512828


I can't help to think this is bait, but anyway. There is a reason those three chars in your frontline are listed as 9.5 on the wiki (as much as I don't like tier lists, they make a good point in this case). Not only do they have atma/ultima synergy, they are really good at it. Percival is a great attacker not to mention his Fear skill which prevents the enemy from gaining charge bars.

Yuel is arguably one of the best supports in the game, not only she has high DA rates, she has team echo buffs along with really good heals on her 5*.

And then there's Summer Bea. How do I put this? Well, basically, she's REALLY FUCKING STRONG. You push her 3rd skill, shit damage. That's it. Oh, if the enemy is in overdrive, you push her 2, and then do 1,4mil autos. Not enough? She can lower her own HP and gain enmity buffs with the same skill AND she deals more crits with lower HP. She can also withstand lethal damage once. AND buff her own multiattack rate with her 1 (she can and probably will die right after you do that, but hey, nobody's perfect).

I can't believe I'm replying to bait, if that is the case

300ab2 No.14512859


That post reminds me, is there any good tier team that perfectly aligns? You know, perfect Cosmos Weapon+Ultima+Bahamut?

b745b0 No.14512865


Sturm, Percy, Bea

Baha sword coda covers Draph and Human

Ult saber covers all of them

Cosmo sword attack

You're welcome, nerd.

aaaf0e No.14512867

File: 0fa88b8b8bd1c2f⋯.png (803.68 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, SimCard.png)

Say what?

b745b0 No.14512880


Cell service in Japan specifically for using GBF. If you have a shitty data plan playing the game with the setting cranked up can chew through your data.

2bf178 No.14512908

>The 100 draws I get will be on a shitty banner with Dual Element rate up

When the final day happens, I'm not spending the 100. I no longer give a shit.

7789fe No.14512910

File: 61f86870e4bab1e⋯.png (48.72 KB, 1581x464, 1581:464, Day 11.PNG)

With the flashfest over, we return to our regular scheduled programming.

Account 8 has definitely stolen all of Account 9's skill, pulling a Diantha and regaining a little bit of safety in the lead.

Account 7 has little to do but watch as the multi-colored glowsticks leave a long trail from the distance.

Account 9 is also stunned, so much that it allows Account 3 to catch up.

Account 2 feels the summer as well and starts dancing its way up the track, passing Account 4 while strutting about its new harem of waifus.

Account 6 has a bad day, probably due to the influence of 5, while Account 10 can't seem to pick up the speed any longer.

As someone once said, "the first will be last", and so Account 1 closes the race, resigned to at best get a handjob from Metera.

The pace slows down, but there's still a few more days and the mystical 100x roll that may shuffle things up!

175a70 No.14512961


Also worth mentioning shiva has sword magna weapons as well.

a49808 No.14512991


And that ecke sacks are actually swords

cd4dbc No.14513019

File: f68ecb030fcf6ba⋯.png (231.04 KB, 398x211, 398:211, summerheat.PNG)

Not bad for a non-fest roll. Kinda funny that the fujo followed two other dudes.

3751dc No.14513046

File: 18161fd8c47c5c2⋯.png (717.98 KB, 488x685, 488:685, best erun girl.png)

File: a914fc4964fb317⋯.png (746.02 KB, 492x687, 164:229, Now its only Silva missing.png)

30 draws, got Redluck, Alex, and these two girls. I'll take em.

28172c No.14513056


>"two" girl"s"

e429b4 No.14513057


>best erun girl

I'm sorry anon, but that's a man.

b745b0 No.14513058

>Have Uncle Cags costume in the banner for anniversary costumes

>No uncle Cags outfit

It's like they don't want my money


>Two girls


594371 No.14513103

File: b910aaf41884170⋯.png (689.73 KB, 643x462, 643:462, 2018-03-19_22-50-55.png)


Click here then don't spend any money on this.

3751dc No.14513104

File: 391bd0b40a3bef5⋯.jpg (420.34 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 62967575_p0.jpg)

File: 0cacdc26005ccff⋯.jpg (135.79 KB, 568x534, 284:267, 62501780_p0.jpg)

File: 8fb858b49cef41d⋯.jpg (760.52 KB, 877x1240, 877:1240, 66907291_p0.jpg)

File: 6875c6b719f496f⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 1378x2039, 1378:2039, 67347784_p0.jpg)

File: 6fad766f118c86c⋯.png (428.01 KB, 482x681, 482:681, I totally trust her.png)




sad state of affairs when Shao is the cutest erun girl.

b745b0 No.14513151

File: 4d8ca434c77dee8⋯.png (359.64 KB, 605x459, 605:459, From Hells Heart I Stab at….png)


White Whale

Holy Grail

3751dc No.14513160


Cag is the cutest girl in the world

b745b0 No.14513162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes """""""""""""""""""""""""""she"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is.

f7931b No.14513171


Where's V-kun when you need him.

a49808 No.14513178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3751dc No.14513186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trilobite, Pendulous Skin and The Hunter are amazing songs if we're talking Mastodon

b745b0 No.14513190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My culturally vibrant siblings from separate maternal lines.

3751dc No.14513213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only album I cant fucking enjoy out of Mastodon is once more Round the Sun, for an odd reason, The Hunter, Crack the Skye and Remission are perfect, Colony of Birchmen has a few weak songs, and Emperor of Sun is good, its awesome, but it doesnt feel like Remission at all, like you have two different walks, guess the variety is awesome, but it was Remission that pulled me in to Mastodon. Cold Dark Place felt like a return to what made them unique.

a49808 No.14513220


I like their videoclips, many drugs were consumed in the making

3751dc No.14513237


if anything, I wish they did a collab with Melechesh. It would be awesome, but maybe its just me. Also, did a single tix pull and got Tsukuyomi

e266d9 No.14513285

File: 67a9c310c3048b4⋯.jpg (166.62 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, DYjy7ctU0AcXH7L.jpg)

Is Jeanne the best non-Zoi summer character, or is Bea still better? Jeanne feels like less damage overall, but she's definitely more consistent and nowhere near as risky than S. Bea.

c4cd95 No.14513378

File: 2fc2422b2d449be⋯.png (696.91 KB, 675x943, 675:943, ClipboardImage.png)


I can carry some newbies through coop corow for some host mats. Anyone interested let me know

aaaf0e No.14513380

File: c355c76b755bb3a⋯.png (883.04 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Untitled.png)

Was I lucky or not?

3751dc No.14513399


Ippatsu and best Bampi skin? yes, man.

b745b0 No.14513410


Shit I'll get in on that. It's a hell of a lot faster than grinding corow for 0-3 drops through three stages.

b745b0 No.14513413


Yeah, Ramen Cop is awesome.

b745b0 No.14513455

ED982 for Corow COOP

740390 No.14513573

File: 5b366de95e1d4c7⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_Screenshot_20180319-19….png)

Added more water to my already stacked water element. I also got Summer Camieux in the other part of this 20 roll.

b745b0 No.14513704

File: ec1f5bd42de2c08⋯.png (487.7 KB, 629x744, 629:744, gg.png)

Good grind, Simohäyhu

20a043 No.14513713

File: e620c2b55304f5f⋯.jpg (163.2 KB, 1433x1034, 1433:1034, daf51ede607b51cd0461978416….jpg)


No problem, I was in desperate need of that stuff myself.

b745b0 No.14513717

File: 122307d4c72aee4⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Raffie joining a corow ga….webm)


The fuck was up with that one dude. Jumps in and then idles for three minutes. Coop buffs are pricey as heck. You want to get the most out of them that you can.

20a043 No.14513737


No clue. I'd rather not dwell on it, though he really did waste some precious time.

a49808 No.14513760

File: 7b4abff436f9678⋯.png (438.59 KB, 449x581, 449:581, ClipboardImage.png)

didn't even know these big numbers were possible

b745b0 No.14513776

File: 147a487dc145e97⋯.webm (480.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, facebook frog meme.webm)


If I wasn't so busy grinding and rewatching Wrestle Kingdom 12 I would train myself to develop psychokinesis so I could hate you to death.

f1bdfd No.14513848

File: 6e104f9856bf37c⋯.png (744.6 KB, 527x674, 527:674, light6.PNG)

a49808 No.14513871


zeus/lucifer is unfair

b745b0 No.14513877


Tell me about Lucifer, why does he wear the head?

2bf178 No.14513885

File: d13d9b9d688a489⋯.png (262.44 KB, 319x449, 319:449, ClipboardImage.png)

>Can't True forge because I have no steel ingots

Though with the upcoming token event, I should be able to get ingots to FLB it.

b745b0 No.14513900


Casino, my dude.

e429b4 No.14513913




How do you guys get it to show attack and skill levels?

c4cd95 No.14513915



cb3e9d No.14514205

File: d7bab829bf1d317⋯.png (122.88 KB, 314x166, 157:83, no cute girls.png)

Free primal is free I guess.

0e81b1 No.14514432

File: aab9bb1b0690f85⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 408x303, 136:101, 1232132141515.gif)

>Pulled 100 draw right after flash gala

>Got SR Therese, red head witch, a couple of Rs, summer versions of Lunalu and Camieux, and a couple of moons.

One hand free crystals, but damn, I can't help but feel a bit cheated.

b7f920 No.14514697

File: 1ca3eba86a99793⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 433x256, 433:256, a.jpg)

Rolled summer korwa in a 10 roll

c4cd95 No.14514894

File: 5514cda9d238f9b⋯.png (389.92 KB, 621x312, 207:104, goodest girl 5 star.png)

Yaia 5* info. Should be coming out tonight


She gets team CA damage and cap up on her ougi

Heal on ougi increased to 2500

Her passive gives crit to the team now

Can't make sense of the last thing, but one of her skills sounds like it's getting stam. Something about 'when HP is maximum.'

90e939 No.14514922


>She gets team CA damage and cap up on her ougi

Chain burst up and chain cap up, not CA.

b7f920 No.14515024

Is the Friday dungeon the only place to get dragon scales? I want to uncap more characters and upgrade this bahamut dagger already

c4cd95 No.14515033


the elemental trials that are running now drop 0-3 scales per run for their element. Light scales also drop from angel halo.

b745b0 No.14515076


Dragon Trial is pretty shit in a cost benefit ratio. You would be better off with elemental trial since you will get fragments that you need for a metric shit tonne of stuff like seraphic weapons and ultima weapons.

b7f920 No.14515176



Sounds good. Are any of the daily trials ever worth doing?

b9821c No.14515216

File: 140645e84c4266e⋯.png (324.02 KB, 640x726, 320:363, DYU66vdW4AI6HXR.png)


Prism trials if you're absolutely desperate. Otherwise, everything you need can either be obtained from elemental trials or Angel Halo.

b745b0 No.14515227


The elemental trials is it. You don't even want to use the prism trials because unless you are a total mong you will know three for days before you need a bunch of a certain type of prism, and you will use the shop to either upgrade or downgrade your daily limit.

b745b0 No.14515246

10 more Flamer fans roughly 90-120 more berries

974316 No.14515390


Daily trails are only good for people who can't do the elemental trials yet. Those could be difficult for someone at a lower level.

c4cd95 No.14515824

File: c55e1829584b7c2⋯.png (492.51 KB, 519x743, 519:743, new quest.png)

File: 34e8f69bc2539aa⋯.png (98.18 KB, 483x127, 483:127, yaia uncap.png)

Get to it

c4cd95 No.14516022

File: 416f26d7edf007b⋯.png (662.03 KB, 512x727, 512:727, monika.png)


That new art is ingame, but nothing came from it.

170d9b No.14516080

These fan treasures are not dropping at all. What the hell is up with this game sometimes? I also have to red pot if i was to do an extreme. I dont think ill be able to farm this xeno weapon at all.

c4cd95 No.14516091

File: cae58852646d130⋯.webm (300.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Smile.webm)

7d1354 No.14516153

File: ada1deaa7ff7b2e⋯.jpg (94.46 KB, 600x1060, 30:53, yugu shift.jpg)

7d1354 No.14516733

Suddenly I have too many Baha friends and no boat sluts in sight.

cf170e No.14516794

File: 193cc1a998cc34a⋯.png (53.69 KB, 120x235, 24:47, dindu.png)


>every time I run extreme (which I can beat with my eyes closed) FLB baha is always there

>every time I run raids and MVP race it's always 0* baha

>every time I do maniac it's Celeste all the way

90e939 No.14516889

File: dc1fe163dfeb70d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 924.26 KB, 1200x729, 400:243, 43858379_p0.png)


>he can't mvp race with 0* baha

Its just about 500-600~ honors max, hell most of the time 400 is enough.

b9821c No.14516926

File: d3c03f19094115e⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1100x1400, 11:14, d3c03f19094115ea699f9ed053….png)

New sidequest on Almalthea Island to grind out blood ambers and sprouts, also the quest itself focuses on a popularity contest between Monika and Lecia. Monika wins, so does this mean she's getting a grand version soon?

b745b0 No.14516944

So does anyone else break the game when they try to summon FLB Bonito?

7d1354 No.14516959


Everyone on the island forgot about Lecia, just like cygames has.

90e939 No.14517001


It's an old glitch they never bothered fixing, the game errors out if you are playing in english and get the bonus call effect. The FLB always gives the bonus call effect on first call so it always errors out in english now.

b745b0 No.14517035


Is she or is she not a draph? does she have tiny horn and is hiding her shame by tying her hair up around them to disguise them with twintails?

7d1354 No.14517047

File: 04d8abf48f799ca⋯.jpg (99.97 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Monika rage.jpg)


She's human and was flat back in RoB. Don't know why they'd downgrade her with those draph tats.

478e22 No.14517113


She's perfect in RoB

974316 No.14517164


They're probably waiting until Monika joins the crew before adding her as a playable character

594371 No.14517221

File: bfed10192e5317b⋯.png (654.64 KB, 617x846, 617:846, 2018-03-20_17-23-20.png)

File: 0c3f3004f071cdb⋯.png (673.98 KB, 627x841, 627:841, 2018-03-20_17-23-40.png)

File: 3a3249b5fdef891⋯.png (615.36 KB, 626x827, 626:827, 2018-03-20_17-25-31.png)

File: addb582e6dc7bf4⋯.png (475.77 KB, 619x744, 619:744, 2018-03-20_17-25-51.png)

File: 94d18293b000eec⋯.png (490.52 KB, 631x841, 631:841, 2018-03-20_17-31-50.png)

Yaias new fates are great and so are her upgrades.

I've done some basic testing and here are some numbers and observations from it. I did not test her numbers before i uncapped her sadly so i can't say if her passive or ougi got better ATK and DEF buffs.

The upgrade to her first skill (gained at lvl.90) is absolutely fantastic. In addition to her mirror image she gains substitute (if her HP is full), a guaranteed DA and a small (10% from what i can gather) TA buff on a 5 turn cooldown.

Her second and third skills remain unchanged.

Her ougi now heals for 2500HP (without Healing cap upgrades) It now also gives the rest of your team a chainburst damage and cap up in addition to the other buffs. The cap up is about 20%. Yaia still isn't affected by her own ougi so she doesn't heal or gain the buffs.

Her passive also got enhanced. She gives your team a critical chance as long as she's on the frontline. It seems to be a 10% chance to deal 20% more damage.

She seems to be a nice fit for a Magna stamina team. I do think she would need another heal in addition to her refresh in such a team so she can keep getting her Substitute effect. I don't have all her EMPs unlocked and i don't have enough Alex axes (two 0*) to really try her out in higher tier fights so i can't be absolutely sure of this. I also haven't really been following any new Magna 2 developments so i'm not sure if any of the weapons are even viable.

Anyway Earth still a best.

b745b0 No.14517298


Jesus fuck, censor that shit man. Have you no decency?

b745b0 No.14517456

Okay, one more fan. Let's see how many hours and berries it takes to get this. I currently have 558 berries

0ca786 No.14517470

File: 1c18201214c1784⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 333x333, 1:1, 1517143295482.jpg)


I bless you with a quick and easy fan drop, anon

de63a0 No.14517474

File: ccac78998aaa415⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 533x300, 533:300, 1393901242584.gif)

b745b0 No.14517611


It took 82 berries

27aea5 No.14517866

File: d8a3c427597723b⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 485x608, 485:608, capture_20032018_210421_00….jpg)

30 draws today. Only ssr was adramelech. Also got sr Summer Sara.

868650 No.14517946

File: 4f8ecdc6abe2313⋯.png (558.24 KB, 472x804, 118:201, I finally got Lanchan.png)

Also got summer kukuyu but I didnt bothered with a screenshot, getting Lance is price enough.

f1bdfd No.14517958


but he's bad

you got a better water character than him in that draw, even

868650 No.14517984

File: cba92eb648044f2⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 679x527, 679:527, DQG1T__VoAAnCvR.jpg)


anon this isnt about rating. Yes, I know he isnt even good. But now I have 3/4 homoknights SSR

b745b0 No.14518149


But do you have all their variants?

868650 No.14518165

File: 2d7792f1304c60e⋯.png (493.02 KB, 1888x887, 1888:887, princess room.png)

>he thinks I will pay money for fucking skins

Maybe give me Aglovale and I will think about it.

397d69 No.14518244

File: 49627ca35ea1d60⋯.png (81.96 KB, 600x729, 200:243, 49627ca35ea1d60c023cfc54f8….png)

>still no 100 draw

E-everyone gets one, r-right lads?

48c068 No.14518254

File: 0b76b99b3db68c0⋯.webm (8.02 MB, 460x650, 46:65, Granblue Fantasy-.webm)

e42470 No.14518290

File: dc890e6deb502d3⋯.png (147.25 KB, 940x909, 940:909, temp6vol9.png)


>still no 100 draw

>no summer Camieux

>she'll be gone by the time I get my free 100 draw

Kill me Pete

868650 No.14518292

File: 0552a3d9b0f3ba0⋯.png (441.88 KB, 432x653, 432:653, 0d5035995271690fe2abd8ccbc….png)


>minute 2, ok he got naru, thats not bad it could be way worse than that hector, dude can still get something good, fuck, sr feather is cool, but this is going fuck all bad, Grea isnt bad, dude can still make something out of this, oh wew Grea's husband…

>3 air night bells, sr sara, the wrong yoda

Look, you got Grea, man, thats what matters,

20a043 No.14518300

File: 42e6d3505d2af0c⋯.jpg (98.88 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 93fe937b71ab0a55.jpg)


>Draw Ann immediately after Grea

Nice. Despite drawing outside legfest, you got quite a few SSRs.

48c068 No.14518333


It's Account 10, the nigger got 5 SSRs from 100 rolls outside of legfest

I like how Account 1 got Romeo&Juliet and Account 10 now has Anne&Grea

I got SR Jenne and summer Sara on my main, I'm happy with that

48c068 No.14518335


And I'm very happy with these trips too.

868650 No.14518359

File: 48641de31b66975⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 48641de31b669757f9522e289d….mp4)



you deserve a slap for checking your own trips, you fkn wop. I keep getting cute boys and Im going to slap them into shape. Also, I cant listen to Yuel without wanting to rip my ears off.

48c068 No.14518413

File: 1e55f070d976707⋯.png (459.58 KB, 459x615, 153:205, burly men.PNG)

File: 68ac4e3834c6f8f⋯.png (45.41 KB, 225x105, 15:7, fuggin gay.PNG)

File: 00e095d2a87a81b⋯.png (88.58 KB, 229x199, 229:199, problems.PNG)


The gacha slepped me hard enough, look at all these fucking white males!

But I have bigger problems to think about.

I think I'll wait till the roulette is over to stone a possible Luci/Baha/Shiva, otherwise I'm going to have to stone Grimniru and save the rest for Arcarum. I don't think we'll be seeing any more gibs until the summer.

The bars are for 5* Tweyen and either 3 more Jews or 5* uno and another extra.

I kinda want to collect them.

868650 No.14518420


I got a lot of irrelevant girls, I got hit harder.

At least I got a real dark summon now, and that sall that matters.

ad3b52 No.14518489

New thread


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