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File: b98846db277814b⋯.png (767.49 KB, 640x800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

9a0da4 No.14054754

>Current Happenings:




1. Have a Merry Christmas!

2. Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations https://archive.fo/ii01W

3. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate



5. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:








>Belgium Declares Loot Boxes Equal to Gambling, Vows to Ban Them: https://archive.is/jM4hL

>Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: https://twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761

>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: https://archive.is/r5rrW

>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: https://archive.fo/wwwrc

>#NoTatsukiNoTanoshi Updates: https://archive.fo/VO3Jp - https://archive.fo/EiaPi

>Thread Repository:



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

>Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);


• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);


• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

>Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


b9d1b0 No.14054782

File: 21ca9f4cb15a14d⋯.png (190.09 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 1482720608662.png)


6bdc2f No.14054789

File: 89d13882ce8d345⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.31 KB, 777x800, 777:800, 0b57143d35cb0a3702c9532d04….jpg)

Horse Benis

3c44f6 No.14054791

File: 5e2971cf98871ed⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 601x508, 601:508, 1462312632485.jpg)

>everybody left to stay with their families instead of posting on the GG thread

Lol what a bunch of losers, your loss

e56905 No.14054797

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

75c330 No.14054800

File: 6d70eca30dbfb1b⋯.jpg (106.79 KB, 706x1291, 706:1291, DRvlqIBVwAEmaAo.jpg orig.jpg)

I hope you all get a SUGOI Christmas!!

de7651 No.14054808

>tfw last bread was my first time ever baking

Feels good to know I made my mark on an anonymous Mediterranean gondola admiration social media platform

c41d1d No.14054822

here goes another bot/-thread down the road.

6f119f No.14054823

File: 1286ff054dc336e⋯.jpg (189.98 KB, 900x1201, 900:1201, Kemono friends fulton.jpg)


So, what's gonna happen with season 2? Never ever, or something nobody wanted?

e6c384 No.14054825


Is there a term for a human or furry character to have a horse dick inappropriately?

First Vivian pic I ever saved

e6c384 No.14054828


Season 1 is something that nobody wanted

And boy oh boy did it make some salt from anime fags in general

6f119f No.14054839


By "something nobody wanted", I mean "something that will be complete shit compared to season 1".

>And boy oh boy did it make some salt from anime fags in general

Who could be salty about a little show with animal girls going adventuring?

c4d4ce No.14054841

File: 5adaac64ac724d8⋯.jpg (105.36 KB, 750x734, 375:367, DR23mlZXcAAjyRu.jpg)

>previous thread archive


b14abb No.14054845

File: 8abebd456aaf706⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Mizuki 06.jpg)

File: 3bcbdcf59b19e02⋯.png (1.03 MB, 700x990, 70:99, Kaede 11.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> Fans successfully pressure Nintendo to add an optional 1.1GB "Japanese Voices" patch for Fire Emblem Warriors

> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC

- https://archive.is/izjJW

> The Key to Home has been deleted from Steam

- https://steamcommunity.com/app/710370/discussions/0/1499000547482233373/

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


>Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

>SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

>Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

>Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

>Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

fd78f4 No.14054848

File: 14df1bc895494b2⋯.png (325.37 KB, 825x871, 825:871, literally an exercise mang….png)


Both, at the same time.

b14abb No.14054851


Forgot the Fakku News, sorry Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.


0fff11 No.14054857

File: 5c6e59d757a0750⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 549x550, 549:550, DSD-_80W0AEo_JI.jpg)

Daily reminder that 2D>>>>>>3DPD

1f2dd1 No.14054860

File: 21177eb444e5e40⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bread8.jpg)

Archive of previous bread


38a52c No.14054862

File: 8cf0b1d8bb33a7a⋯.jpg (15.89 KB, 320x264, 40:33, IMG_2866.jpg)


>people have families and friends

>people have any sense of meaning and being

fd78f4 No.14054865


Women are the jews of gender.

6d1e9b No.14054870


607707 No.14054877

2fd977 No.14054881


I want to say women are blank slates that are easily corrupted but then Adam and Eve wouldn't be a thing.

9cf0a4 No.14054886



You mean "sex". The whole gender thing was created by a pedophile jew who drove two boys to suicide with his fucked up "social experiments"

6f119f No.14054893

File: 36769778cd25ef5⋯.png (173.06 KB, 350x688, 175:344, kawa-kun.png)

b14abb No.14054894

File: 754444fdb03ecdf⋯.jpg (170.65 KB, 969x1200, 323:400, Kaede 09.jpg)

File: 61f01886d6073fe⋯.png (825.64 KB, 930x930, 1:1, Mizuki 07.png)


Kaede is no that big, she's among the Flattest Im@s cakes

this reminds me, the Im@s manga about cakes is out now and translated as well, it will be out every two weeks

b9d1b0 No.14054898

File: 93e80dcfde6e976⋯.png (25.27 KB, 740x386, 370:193, women are the niggers of g….png)

38a52c No.14054903


Woman is the nigger of the world

t. Lennon

612eeb No.14054904

File: 014e75b9bbefd19⋯.png (11.91 KB, 1081x108, 1081:108, nigger, in other words.png)

216b67 No.14054910


And this is one of the reasons why I'm celibate.

7c7159 No.14054911


That's why he chose to stay with the niggerest of women, Yoko Ono.

c4d4ce No.14054924

File: 604b39fcc394b1e⋯.jpg (238.96 KB, 944x696, 118:87, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 013.jpg)

File: 0599a3fb508b5e1⋯.jpg (237.66 KB, 581x899, 581:899, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 011.jpg)

File: 7e3843ab387939e⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 662x726, 331:363, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 014.jpg)

File: f9dfde0509f7c6f⋯.jpg (133.32 KB, 968x398, 484:199, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 008.jpg)

File: f7f7181c5a55fbb⋯.jpg (179.14 KB, 617x660, 617:660, Screen Shot - 17-12-26 011.jpg)


>Steam needs more than graphs to fix its review bombing problem


>In wake of Matt Lauer's firing, NBC reportedly cracks down on hugging, asks employees to tell on each other


>The Gamers Of The Year, 2017


>A life in game journalism

https://archive.fo/XsPTj (gamedrop, LW didndu nuffin and "I can relate to WW2 Japanese camp prisoners")

>Gog apologizes over use of "pc master race" in their advertising




16e2f4 No.14054930

File: b05341a7f489f6a⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 466x361, 466:361, Fragezeichenkäfer.jpg)



e5ff9a No.14054932


Chinese are the Jews of Asians, New York is teh jew of the 50 states

e5ff9a No.14054944


>Steam needs more than graphs to fix its review bombing problem

They really don't like looking bad.

607707 No.14054945


It's half true. Gender is the attributes of one of the sexes applied to things which lack sex. Words can be gendered, and a statue can be female. A pedojew tried to seperate gender and sex and warp the meaning of the word gender as an excuse to diddle a couple of little boys and cut up one of their dicks.

e5ff9a No.14054948

If women are the jews of the sexes, what does that make traps?

e6c384 No.14054951


Truly a people dispersed among all nations

e6c384 No.14054954


Women are the niggers of gender.

7abc98 No.14054963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


John Money and David Reimer

c4d4ce No.14054974

File: 1907f9a2b771dff⋯.jpg (431.63 KB, 639x2958, 213:986, coffin gib mony.jpg)

File: 2ffa37e502a82c6⋯.jpg (199.85 KB, 976x777, 976:777, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 015.jpg)

File: 09192dd417b7e07⋯.jpg (155 KB, 630x790, 63:79, Screen Shot - 17-12-26 016.jpg)

File: 219ae1474ea152e⋯.jpg (300.35 KB, 945x899, 945:899, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 004.jpg)

File: 1446aa81b97a4f4⋯.jpg (399.67 KB, 934x822, 467:411, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 005.jpg)



>Poor Peter needs money for Netflix


>Noah Berlatsky: Is the First Amendment too broad? The case for regulating hate speech in America


>What Would The Absence Of Net Neutrality Look Like For The Games Industry?


>Gaming disorder is going to be named a mental health condition for the first time


>GamesBeat Rewind 2017: The year single-player games became chores


>The year in Nazis


>Looking backwards is the wrong thing to do. Games are simply better now


e5ff9a No.14054981


>Poor Peter needs money for Netflix

>Anybody making fun of him for this gets idiots jumping down their throat on twatter

How many alts does he have?

16f47c No.14054998



38a52c No.14055006

File: 85ca30c2714b481⋯.jpg (160.61 KB, 930x1516, 465:758, 85ca30c2714b4817b204f3957f….jpg)


It make them a derivative of Jews, so it'd make them Christian. Which are against gays, therefore not gay.

Or not Jews at the very least.

c4d4ce No.14055013

File: b09bb85c5a89ebd⋯.jpg (152.28 KB, 644x736, 7:8, Screen Shot - 17-12-27 016.jpg)


>Horizon Zero Dawn’s Aloy encouraged me to go looking for my birth parents


75c330 No.14055022

File: 36d807042ecf050⋯.png (182.76 KB, 500x695, 100:139, gildawhat.png)


Who is this girl?

2d5644 No.14055027


>looking for people that should have aborted you.

I hope he is going to do a S4T

e5ff9a No.14055039


I want to Rub his tummy

16e2f4 No.14055083

File: a1f7ad8ccfd2d0b⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 1271x292, 1271:292, DR562o_X4AEK-kV.jpg large.jpg)


Thanks, anon!

Oh, btw: Wizards of the Coast are allowing convicted pedos as judges on their events.


e5ff9a No.14055092

File: 19de1838665b6b2⋯.jpeg (516.05 KB, 1242x824, 621:412, dobson mark hamil.jpeg)


When it rains, it pours.

BTW, just saw TLJ. Nearly had a stroke, expected it to be bad, not this bad. The salt planet was cool I guess, and BB-38 and Poe were okay, everything else was just the fucking worst.

38a52c No.14055095

File: 85eb9a2112c312b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1287x9997, 99:769, 85eb9a2112c312b953697bddf4….png)

7ffe17 No.14055114


It's particularly bad today, isn't it? Apparently cuckchanners are being infected with malware, so that might have something to do with it.

16e2f4 No.14055120

File: a43d4c62e59bc20⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, I want to believe.jpg)


>There is a 23 page article dropping very soon (maybe today) that is going to blow the lid off of #magicgate

>In about 2 hours ALOT of people are going to be having a bad day :) Article has a host. Going live soon




50716e No.14055122


>I complain about video games that I won't buy anyway.

First of all

>buying digital media

Second of all did the person making this even considered those complaints are the reason they aren't buying it?

6d1e9b No.14055142


I'd argue that the purple-haired cunt was objectively the worst character in the entire franchise, and the fact we're 'supposed' to like her despite being a bitch to Poe and not telling him or the others about The Plan™ makes her even worse.


336a31 No.14055157



The jew really needs to institute a policy of shooting 4niggers on sight, posting quality is sliding.

We aren't at /tv/-levels yet but it's getting noticeably worse.

6090c4 No.14055161

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse

☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"

☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm

☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone

☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games

☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him

☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny

☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis

☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook

☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community

☑ Became Linkedredchannitin

☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs

☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file

☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done

☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons

☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible

☑ Revealed international culinary secrets

☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap

☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA

☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot

☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough

☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness

☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by

☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"

☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB

☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu

☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system

☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'

☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it

☑ Having a girl fetish

☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb

☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality

☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5

☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist

☑ Created Gamergate America

☑ Became starmen

☑ Brought misogyny into E3

☑ Turned Mario Mexican

☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles

☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid

☑ Blowing everything up

<☑ Exploring new frontiers

☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD

☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia

☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey

☑ Fought in the fetish wars

☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"

☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity

☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential

☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity

☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto

☑ Weaponized penises

☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville

☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.

☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda

☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons

☑ Fetishized Skill

✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon

☑ Sexualized the Mombot

☑ Mourning a penguin

☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Funding catgirl research

☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America

☑ Partying with Captain Kirk

☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris

☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income

☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture

☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters

☑ EXTREME mansplaining

☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them

☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game

☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER

☑ Being a criminal conspiracy

☑ Ruining Star Wars

☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.

☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU

☑ Became serial killers

☑ Made Pewdiepie excited for Rin's feminine penis

6090c4 No.14055167


It's probably going to get a super generic corporatised season 2.

ab4fbd No.14055168

File: 2602e6f5f9c07d5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 185.67 KB, 1059x574, 1059:574, 002.jpg)

9a0da4 No.14055173

File: 2e71ea23c3d22a2⋯.webm (703.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, もちゃもちゃ.webm)


Call out these faggots when you see them, then report and filter. It's the best you can do. Don't give them those tasty (You)s.

16f47c No.14055174

File: 0fa047fc4dc3d9e⋯.png (86.22 KB, 228x400, 57:100, laura_grins.png)


>SJWs trying to colonize this place again

Well /v/ does like strong female characters in our games.

1cb4e6 No.14055191


Yes, it is.

There are so many of them.

I'm starting to have trouble in recognizing who is who recently.

1d1524 No.14055192

File: 730acd7d6b828ba⋯.jpg (182.54 KB, 1024x887, 1024:887, Normal person.jpg)


This image really triggers cuckchan/neogfag.

16e2f4 No.14055196

File: 16382fe0c4c2add⋯.gif (16.36 KB, 431x428, 431:428, offering_gas.gif)



It's funny. This game was mocked and almost completely rejected by KCs /b/tards, while it's been praised on our /int/ and other imageboards.

Looks like we germans really don't have a sense of humour.

9a0da4 No.14055203

File: 496a139cb123e12⋯.png (241.38 KB, 665x720, 133:144, 496a139cb123e12d7e12c155c6….png)


Found another example of SJWs getting mad at the picture. Check the replies.


1bfaf9 No.14055223


I thought the krauts made that game

336a31 No.14055229


They did. They also tried to get the artist for the game v&.

1d1524 No.14055232

File: 9c78ec9b40937f5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 690x968, 345:484, jesus christ 4.png)


You can tell who isn't from here.


>that whole thread is full of them

No wonder things have been reddit/cuckchan/neofag/resetERA lately.

16e2f4 No.14055250


We did and the whole game is heavily based on KC memes. Nevertheless it was far better accepted on foreign boards.

16e2f4 No.14055259

File: eac0ae73481862e⋯.jpg (208.85 KB, 1268x656, 317:164, Banned from pol for saying….jpg)

File: 80aedcb918dffa2⋯.jpg (145.87 KB, 912x642, 152:107, rofl.jpg)


>4chan is the superior chan.

964aa5 No.14055260


what happended with the feminine benis one? I was baking and shit

b656d1 No.14055263


4 cucks

e5ff9a No.14055266

File: 0207ed7a97220f7⋯.png (48.03 KB, 625x399, 625:399, clear and concise message.png)


>the fact we're 'supposed' to like her despite being a bitch to Poe and not telling him or the others about The Plan™ makes her even worse.

Yea, a whole bunch of shit could have been avoided if she would have explained the plan to begin with. But hey, anything to make Poe out to be a hothead despite having every reason to be concerned for the safety of the rest of them. I mean, sure, he was reckless at the beginning of the movie, but all it took was a few words and maybe you'd calm him down.

but nah, need to have every women be badasses or calm and collected leaders and need to have all the men be wimps and idiots.



964aa5 No.14055272


Kill (You)rself

a9b6a5 No.14055273


>to be so willfully and ignorantly defied and rejected by the "fans"

>this nigger never played KotOR2

1d1524 No.14055277

File: 5fd685b246ce372⋯.png (13.14 KB, 539x334, 539:334, 4dcbb8acc881e4f730c00706a1….png)

File: 64a453aa3bc37de⋯.png (51.46 KB, 960x567, 320:189, 9792508e1652796517b7521f47….png)

File: a6648e19becb580⋯.png (103.62 KB, 1058x527, 1058:527, d421b9127de31fe45d6e933ccd….png)

File: b17f45484e4c9a9⋯.png (515.98 KB, 1000x1052, 250:263, 5c048959785428539cbeaf225a….png)

File: 20e1c028d9e8aab⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3D67D9F6-D063-4C0F-A4A1-85….jpg)



de7651 No.14055288

Cake kike needs to institute stronger bans against cuckchanners and SJW/censorship apologists. They've been popping up in numerous places. I saw some fag beg people to buy bravely second in the octopath traveller thread despite its censorship with some argument like

>not buying it because of the censorship is like throwing away a really good sandwich because of a hair in it

e5ff9a No.14055295


Lice attaches itself to hair, I think that's a pretty good reason to throw out that sandwich.

16e2f4 No.14055304


>this nigger never played KotOR2

Me neither, but I played the first one a long time ago and enjoyed it. Can you recommend KotOR2? I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I like RPGs.

9a0da4 No.14055310


>not linking the post



1d1524 No.14055314

File: 727f4eb1e4e1414⋯.png (92.8 KB, 540x304, 135:76, Zero 2.png)


>not buying it because of the censorship is like throwing away a really good sandwich because of a hair in it

I remember that semen waste and I've noticed them trying to start console vs PC faggtory to shit this place up.

a9b6a5 No.14055326


If you were able to stomach the first one, start playing the second one. After a few runs, you'll know what I'm talking about.

1d1524 No.14055366

File: ffa7cba1e13b028⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 827x313, 827:313, human locast.jpg)

The best way to describe the cuckchan faggots coming here.


Dobson needs to shut the fuck up.

15a3d0 No.14055374

File: f74ee23ff3bfb38⋯.jpg (137.51 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, Scathach 18.jpg)

Good morning.

e5ff9a No.14055376


For a minute there I thought that was trying to prove my point wrong. This is such a stupid argument, and hell, it doesn't even factor the fact that you're paying more for the game than the sub, so you'd have more right to complain about it's flaws because you spent so much.


There was that le xddd poster a few threads ago, was he a cuckchan refugee? I seen pastas like that before there.

de7651 No.14055382

Mark lay off the alcohol

ae0800 No.14055383


If this is as huge as we want to believe it is there might be a basis for a sort of DisNod against WotC. But rather than emailing advertisers we would be emailing Hasbro, the big toy company that owns WotC. I doubt they would be all that pleased once they get a hint what's been going on lately.

e6c384 No.14055384

File: 0adb56fd50cf904⋯.png (116.74 KB, 1060x550, 106:55, ClipboardImage.png)


a81b69 No.14055388


Yeah, I got worried for a solid minute

e6c384 No.14055393


>Twitter attention whore claims she was sexually assaulted

>Asked to provide evidence

>Mass blocking, WotC shits the bed and screams misogyny and claims to stand behind the community

>Makes things worse every fucking time they attempt to do anything

>You know very fucking well they'll try to defend the pedo judge too, even though his presence hurts the community

Can't fucking wait

a81b69 No.14055400


Was there ever a mask to begin with?

8b1ff6 No.14055404

File: 28c5095de12084b⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 7832549853241324.webm)


play it, and make sure to download the Restored Content mod

15a3d0 No.14055405

File: f395e74152c52fb⋯.jpg (105.96 KB, 572x351, 44:27, Retard 2122.jpg)


The mask is finally off on this "rational feminist."

782817 No.14055408


No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

a81b69 No.14055410


I'll repeat myself, Was there ever a mask to begin with? The only idiots who actually thought she was legit were some leftist like Lo-Ping and KiA.

33cfc0 No.14055411

File: 1d4bd62c78c1160⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2130x2383, 2130:2383, dantaat.png)


Another item to add to the list of SJW triggers, alongside anime titties.

e5ff9a No.14055413


Is it true that once whites become a minority, they are way more likely to die off due to mixbreeding?

a9b6a5 No.14055417


>Why are some people so concerned about whites becoming a racial minority? Are you afraid of being treated the way you've been treating minorities?

More like we know exactly how malevolent and downright abusive those minorities are.

e49c0c No.14055430

File: 57c7b9f1dd8133e⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 250x266, 125:133, 1496169486964.jpg)



>1. Have a Merry Christmas!

This is really nice. Good addition tbh.

I don't like Christmas though it makes me sad

cce00d No.14055454

Why weebs love videogames?

0ccb1b No.14055455


No family or bad experiences on Christmas?

8b1ff6 No.14055460

File: efbc5776e8df8c9⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 720x306, 40:17, douglas.jpg)


>whites become a minority

>SJWs have to find someone else to blame for all their problems

15a3d0 No.14055461

File: 0927007a18e9a72⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 705x273, 235:91, Retard 2123.jpg)

cce00d No.14055475


Why we make videogames?

What is the porpuse of videogames?

e5ff9a No.14055480


I'm looking backwards and am happy as fuck, playing Legend of Heroes TiTs and love the shit out of it, going to play SC soon

16e2f4 No.14055486

File: 320d8877a78dd44⋯.png (8.9 KB, 387x429, 129:143, 1423524145001.png)


Never heard about this mod.

Thanks for the advise.

a9c165 No.14055490


>implying minorities are SJWs

cce00d No.14055493


I love womans whit cow tits

7ffe17 No.14055497


Woah, I mean, don't go THAT backwards.

cce00d No.14055499


What is we mision?

Why we need to advance in everything?

cce00d No.14055510

Fuck you astolfo, i hate all of you.

16f47c No.14055514

File: afd2fa4eca1d5c2⋯.png (897.38 KB, 1200x1135, 240:227, 1506818669.png)

3c4768 No.14055534

File: 97e857815482d01⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 97e857815482d0171ceae6e0e8….mp4)

38a52c No.14055545


Can someone check the unarchived page? A lot of replies on the archive are missing from the mobile tweet chain.

b9d1b0 No.14055546

File: 8da4527d2701118⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 485x640, 97:128, 351035-visasfull.jpg)


Its an Obsidian RPG so its an unfinished diamond in the rough,combat is meh but the characters and dialogue are pretty great from what I remember.If you want to play it you'll need the Restoration Mod.

It show the Jedi as pompous space-granola munching cowardly faggots and the Sith as edgy Will to Power types instead of the Jedi just being good and Sith as evil. Its worth playing for Keria,and best girl Visas.


6ca6e6 No.14055565


I just got back from seeing it with the family. I think the worst part was when they randomly come up with the idea to turn everything off so they aren't tracked and they know exactly how the shields work. And then Finn the Janitor knows exactly where to go.

Really irked me, it felt a lot like modern movies where all these really important things just get asspulled so they can show more explosions. Disney is really taking a shit on this series, it's too bad. I remember at one point early in the movie, I was thinking it's not so bad, but I'm expecting some ass pulls to ruin it. And then asspulls galore.

There's also too much comedy. Like, they have serious moments and someone makes a joke. Feels like this is the type of shit we will see in Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Riftrax in 20 years.

782817 No.14055595

>Owler open for commissions again

Wish my luck famalamas

af2c1d No.14055610

c1dbb5 No.14055615

File: 56733fe3f21bee0⋯.jpg (442.89 KB, 1020x574, 510:287, LancerAlter.jpg)


To you as well.

Inferior sexy Lancer

afd253 No.14055618

I love shitposting Pewdiepie for some reason.

c1dbb5 No.14055620


>Are you afraid of being treated the way *you've* been treating minorities

<Not as afraid as you should be of white people acting like today's minorities

f02960 No.14055626

File: 57d02b67ff03caf⋯.png (186.21 KB, 510x480, 17:16, ClipboardImage.png)

A friend just shared this with me. It gave me a chuckle

849edd No.14055628


They already are in terms of world population.

f02960 No.14055650


Dobby needs to fuck off, he's a know-nothing loser that does nothing but bitch and moan on twitter all day, sneering down at others from his imagined moral highground.

afd253 No.14055658


Oh boy, how do they love to reflect.

f02960 No.14055664


What's all this about cuckchan faggots? Are they jumping ship now that 4chan is using them to mine crypto?

849edd No.14055665


Feminist allies and soyboys are universally reviled by both sexes, except for the domineering feminists who see them as useful idiots, even then probably still look down on them.

4d1ec8 No.14055669


Should have followed that up with bringing up the journalists who were actually sexually violating the women.

33cfc0 No.14055672



afd253 No.14055683


Oh yeah.


33cfc0 No.14055688



eed0fa No.14055693

File: 16a2ad96e234495⋯.png (396.37 KB, 1089x661, 1089:661, pewdiepie_gematria.png)


15a3d0 No.14055694

File: 4411b28382e1efa⋯.png (141.87 KB, 511x564, 511:564, Hmm 10.png)

>There are people defending this >>14055405 on Twitter right now on how she's been "taken out of context"

4962eb No.14055695

File: d5a9882caf48da1⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 625x605, 125:121, d5a9882caf48da1d8c3efc6058….jpg)


This delusion, I'm almost ashamed for them

>who don't whine about made-up problems on the internet

Alright, at this point, I don't think it's projection anymore, they might come from a parallel world that clashed with ours


607707 No.14055712

>Ten posts deleted, including half of OP's posts and posts saying cuckchan is becoming more prevalent here lately

What happened?



f02960 No.14055723


I unfriended her on facebook, fuck her.

5d6ca6 No.14055731


The jew thought everyone was cake.

64208f No.14055735


they'l keep blaming whites, don't worry

607707 No.14055743


That's bullshit, but I believe it.

434fb2 No.14055768

File: bd802d44bdf1337⋯.png (188.91 KB, 418x421, 418:421, 1416827803590.png)


Kind of off-topic but I never got these stories. Why would you look for parents that clearly abandoned you and didn't want anything to do with you? I can't rationalize why I would want to see them, as they obviously didn't care to keep me. To be fair, I grew up in a good home so i can't relate, but these types of stories always perplexed me.


nigger, even the more moderate leftists types are telling her to fuck off. Just because some will defend doesn't change that she's getting btfo by even some of her own allies. But who cares about her anyway

cdde25 No.14055771


apparently shills do

afd253 No.14055773

Question, if CNN recorded Trump playing golf and evading security, couldn't CNN get in trouble for endangering the president?

de7651 No.14055784


Likely not for "endangering the president" but they can get charged with something, though they'll most likely say the video came from some unnamed source

16e2f4 No.14055798

File: 5e216ccb72967fa⋯.jpg (105.77 KB, 554x439, 554:439, 1253716037883.jpg)


When I was in my early and mid 20s, I really tried to understand my abusive father and build a good relationship with him.

Humans will be humans.

It's not even remotely rational.

38a52c No.14055805


If they include how they broke in, which someone might mimic, sure. But just filming isn't endangering.

Trespassing is another thing.

e6c384 No.14055850

File: 20c376746fab0ad⋯.png (71.08 KB, 208x203, 208:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b711199f5bbb607⋯.png (358.34 KB, 1271x292, 1271:292, ClipboardImage.png)

>Men of Magic's post about pedos in MTG judges

>Go to the link in this website

>Try to source a US city in Pennsylvania

>See Guelph, Ontario, that's not too far from me

>Lilith, huh? I wonder if she's a cu–

<It's a fucking tranny

5d66d4 No.14055861


She has been a known retard for a long time who spergs out over anyone who disagrees with her or proves her wrong.

e1003c No.14055876

File: 9ccd0e51a6251d5⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 737x601, 737:601, 7931492a7b544e3b8a24ae29aa….jpg)


>Tranny is a pedo

Shocked, truly.

0f65c7 No.14055884

File: 9870795f8e368cd⋯.jpg (133.05 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, b4af6dec6fb87d27cbd159851f….jpg)


>current year

>Seeing the name Lilith and EVER assuming it is going to be a cute "girl"


e6c384 No.14055891


Where did I say that was the pedo judge in question?

I said that """Lilith""" is from Guelph, Ontario, not Pennsylvania

4b9d84 No.14055916

File: d8fdebe92dcbc7b⋯.jpg (302.49 KB, 715x1050, 143:210, 1396998 - Lilith Puzzle_an….jpg)

File: f2dcc813c2f009f⋯.jpg (194.93 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 1312506 - Lilith Puzzle_an….jpg)

0f65c7 No.14055930

File: 58b6ce89bdab370⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1551x1356, 517:452, 3a7ecf6be22732bf80d467613c….jpg)


Obviously only it only applies to 3dpd

d68d0f No.14055932


what happaned now in halfchan? and is ABIB who i think it is?

b8a617 No.14055937

File: 93ce8590e856fc2⋯.png (42.27 KB, 943x321, 943:321, 2017-12-28_02-45-08.png)

>Marlene Jaeckel details her ordeal with various groups, including Google Developer Groups and Women Who Code as they set to ruin her reputation.

>every woman i know who had a job with mostly female colleagues said that they never want to work somewhere with mostly female colleagues

>My mother has been saying that all my life.

>telling me that they are spiteful monsters, every last one of them.

what do you guys think about this? I get what he is saying, woman who want to start a female only company are to some degree fucked up. They are either anti social, man hating lesbians or the kind of people who blame their mistakes on others. I imagine it goes like this: they try their luck in the real world, but fail or don't get hired because they suck. So instead of blaming themselves they blame it on the patriarchy and start a female only company. And of course this will fail because they suck, but now they will attack each other instead because they are still people who always blame everything on someone else and never see their own mistakes.

31888d No.14055941

File: ded20ac809ddfcb⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 1429572226452.jpg)


Trannies stole all the cute girl names.

>meet girl named Ophelia

>pretty qt

>find out after a few months that Ophelia had been on HRT since 'she' was 13

>very torn on the whole thing

>get my dick sucked anyway

16e2f4 No.14055942


Article is going to be online soon!


091cfa No.14055943


That sounds pretty hot,did you record it?

31888d No.14055949


I've never recorded a sexual encounter.

6a09f4 No.14055956


>leftypol BO.mp4

091cfa No.14055959

38a52c No.14055974



Lilith is a demon's name, not a real one. Anyone (3d) having it is a red flag.

d68d0f No.14055987


how nu are you?

38a52c No.14055989



Must be the cover part of the brigade.

31888d No.14055990


It's pretty cute though. Trannies are stealing all the cute names like Ophelia and Lilith and Alice. There's a whole subset of girl names now where I hear them and think "That name is too cute, this person has a penis."

7dcc80 No.14055995

File: 39e8c65efa72013⋯.jpeg (732.89 KB, 2863x1830, 2863:1830, 39e8c65efa72013a34d9b89a1….jpeg)


>gets his dick sucked anyways

I can't wait to burn down Sodom again.

091cfa No.14055996


I mean,i've heard rumors of that being a thing,but i've never actually seen it,does it exist?

b8a617 No.14055999


>Ophelia and Lilith and Alice

Alice is the only cute name there

d68d0f No.14056001


dude, try harder, it was spammed almost everywhere and even in cuckchan for weeks after it happened

091cfa No.14056006


I would be much obliged if i could get a copy of that from somebody here,yes yes i know,lazy,but help a faggot out.

31888d No.14056009


Those are all very cute names that real girls don't have anymore. Real girls have names like Stacy and Jen and Sara.

15a3d0 No.14056018

964aa5 No.14056026


>no archive

b8a617 No.14056028


>it was spammed almost everywhere and even in cuckchan for weeks after it happened

That doesn't mean that everyone has to see it. I don't click shit that looks strange and rarely watch new shit. And why does the fact that it has been posted to cuckchan even matter?


Man, how is Ophelia or Lilith cute? Way to long to be cute. Jasmine is a cute name, Kathy is cute, Emily is cute too, but Ophelia?

31888d No.14056031


Jasmine and Kathy are too plain to be cute. Maybe I'm biased because my first love had a name like that.

174935 No.14056037


You did good, I've been here since Aug 2014 and I miss nearly every happening anywhere on the site and have to research most memes to keep up. I play a lot of games until emailing is required


>birth parents are in for some heavy disappointment followed by some heavy relief


no surprise there


Shows like the year will end in a shitshow, as nature intended.


Found my tombstone header.

4b9d84 No.14056042


I think Lilith is a cute sounding name but the only people who have that name in real life are probably either edgy themselves or born to edgy satanists.

Olivia? Violet? Selena?

091cfa No.14056044

File: 9fc8026be54a479⋯.png (98.85 KB, 268x265, 268:265, sad grafics.png)

pls give tranny video so i can fap

31888d No.14056045


Those are all very cute names and I've never known a girl who had any of them.

15a3d0 No.14056057

File: 0651849de1957b1⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Fuck Outta Here 4.jpg)


>Asking for tranny porn to jack off to

Your post is disgusting that checking the digits isn't even worth it. OUT, OUT, OUT!

b8a617 No.14056067

File: c87e3cd90796393⋯.png (2.14 MB, 811x8587, 811:8587, 2017-12-28_03-08-00.png)


>Marlene Jaeckel details her ordeal with various groups, including Google Developer Groups and Women Who Code as they set to ruin her reputation.

>woman in tech groups focus on sjw bullshit instead of coding


my first crush was named Katherine, so I'll always have a weakness for Kathy. And Jasmine was the name of a neighbor girl, had a huge crush on her too. I think I was 14, and she was 18 or something like that. She used to help me with my homework a lot.


>I think Lilith is a cute sounding name but the only people who have that name in real life are probably either edgy themselves or born to edgy satanists.

I mean… the girl itself doesn't chose her name, so it's kinda wrong to bully a girl because of her name. That said I only know one Lilith and she is a total feminist bitch.

091cfa No.14056073


Not until i get that video

31888d No.14056083


The first girl I loved was Dominique and she had an equally French last name. Neither of us had ever been anywhere near France but it was still a pretty name. The only Kathy or Katherine I know is my mom's aunt.

224ee2 No.14056091

File: 3c8bb51b2b1f877⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 600x600, 1:1, gender disparity in STEM.jpg)


>>woman in tech groups focus on sjw bullshit instead of coding

Gee, who would have guessed that would happen? Fucking cultists.

20e261 No.14056100

File: 0c270c5b40d9df7⋯.jpeg (248.07 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, E26DC945-D1EA-4FF8-ACE1-E….jpeg)


Why don’t you stop being a fag and find a cute waifu to go down on you harder than the twin towers

15a3d0 No.14056103


Just want to add into this off topic:

I find names like Cassandra, Sophia and Ingrid to be elegant and beautiful names. But that's just me.

497081 No.14056107

File: 8caf9e36cca88f1⋯.png (755.96 KB, 2391x725, 2391:725, If women were honest.png)

File: 3256176c701fa28⋯.png (67.16 KB, 717x1002, 239:334, a113e48eb20b1debe6ce346fab….png)

File: 0375230ebae24ee⋯.png (895.19 KB, 1132x1600, 283:400, koadvice.png)


>That said I only know one Lilith and she is a total feminist bitch.

She must be the tsundre type. Anyone give her a good dicking yet?

091cfa No.14056108


Find me a cute waifu who looks like a cute boy then.

b14abb No.14056110


Jacqueline and Elizabeth are my drift regarding beautiful names

31888d No.14056118


My college has a bunch of STEM programs and it was kind of interesting to look at the kind of people in them. I took Networking. You're working with servers and switches and stuff like that. Entirely dudes. They got all the sections together for a lecture every Monday and there was literally one woman in the whole program. All the women in any of these sorts of programs were going into the "mobile app development" one which was basically just focused on making apps for the iphone.


Those are nice too. I knew a Cassandra but she went by Cassie. I used to babysit her when she was about 5. She had a big crush on me and so did her older sister. I fucked her not long after she turned 18.

15a3d0 No.14056129

File: 413d5fa234a8703⋯.jpg (324.96 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, Mercy OW Cosplay.jpg)


Then I introduce you to Knite. Granted, she♂ only done one cosplay of her♂ as a woman♂, but she's♂ really hot. You can have her♂.

45cd0f No.14056133

File: 0bba4bc54fcd69c⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 460x662, 230:331, 1399851560473.jpg)


This mirror my experiences as a mentor for the Pixelles in Montreal. I got the equivalent of "pointers are too complicated so they are sexist" answer from the organizers. Too bad since most of the women there actually wanted to learn.

091cfa No.14056137


Yeah alright i'd fuck that.

20c841 No.14056141


>The only Kathy or Katherine I know is my mom's aunt.

Well that fucking sucks, what a waste of a good name.

>The first girl I loved was Dominique and she had an equally French last name.

I had a female classmate once who was french, and damn that girl was hot. Very flirty girl.



>Cassandra, Sophia and Ingrid

>Jacqueline and Elizabeth

Ingrid is a weird name. When I hear that name I think of a old, fat and very tall russian woman. And Jacqueline sounds weird too. I don't know why, but when I hear that name I think of coal burners

31888d No.14056148


Dominique wasn't all that hot or flirty but we were best friends for a long time. I think she's cute in her own way, even now.

8ff2d9 No.14056156

File: 700c3bcbaac9df7⋯.png (359.89 KB, 800x633, 800:633, 3e39d9da869b57524fd35076a1….png)


I knew a Katrielle once. Very cute girl. I think the rule of thumb is that, the longer the name, the cuter the girl. I'd like to study this theory and put it to the test. Are there any cute two-to-three letter names out there?

31888d No.14056163

15a3d0 No.14056166


Maybe I'm infatuated by Ingrid Bergman from Casablanca. She's really beautiful. That's why I fell in love with the name.

6f381e No.14056174


tfw Hex will never be my gf.

20c841 No.14056175

File: 68be44997777c33⋯.webm (15.71 MB, 768x432, 16:9, The dark side of women te….webm)

20e261 No.14056180

We’re talking about cute girls with awesome names? I knew a Seraphina once and I’ve loved the name ever since

20c841 No.14056200

File: c3cf5c51510f3c2⋯.webm (3.5 MB, 1920x815, 384:163, American.Psycho.2000.BluR….webm)

Names aside, don't forget this one thing:

>A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.

45cd0f No.14056219

File: e8cd83fe51627c4⋯.jpg (219.81 KB, 800x427, 800:427, 1453431569848.jpg)


My cousin's name is Ekatherina, which is close enough to Catherine. She looks like the girl from Catherine too so I have trouble playing that game. For my part, I have a weak spot for Laure, I knew one in my early 20s, she was cute as fuck and had a nice personality. I wonder where she is now.



I like that name.

4b9d84 No.14056222

Adding to the list of names:

Erika, Margaret, Camilla, Clarissa, Lillian


Lynn? technically a surname I think Mia? maybe


the older sister right?


reverse traps are great

b14abb No.14056226

File: 31754fa3adb30f5⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 172x225, 172:225, tiggered.jpg)


>but when I hear that name I think of coal burners

You take that back faggot.

20e261 No.14056239

Stephanie and Electra will always be massive sluts

7ffe17 No.14056240


Wow, better stay away from the women coder mafia.

b14abb No.14056250

>>14056222 (checked)

What about Marisa? Touhou aside is a good name

31888d No.14056262


The older one got fat. I gave Cassie a good dicking. She turned 18 in 2016.

434fb2 No.14056269

File: 331b7c40d392948⋯.jpg (178.36 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, meme50-ax2.jpg)


Since the end of 2017 is coming up, what does /v/ think was some of the worst gaming articles of 2017 were? Or maybe just the worst examples of gaming media in general?


It's just weird to me, since I feel like if the parents had any regrets of abandoning you they would be looking for you to make amends instead of the other way around of you looking for them.

20c841 No.14056277


>I have a weak spot for Laure

I don't know a single person called Laure, but I know a girl called Laura. Petite girl, brown hair, green eyes. She was cute too.


>You take that back faggot.

I can't take that back, Jacqueline… Well it might be a normal name in france, but in any other country this is a weird name. Only weird people give their kids these unique names. When I hear Jacqueline I think of tattoos and piercings.

d68d0f No.14056290

Ok, girl names are very pretty , but


any new happenings, shit going down somewhere?

ef3da4 No.14056296

File: 467ece6a60ba694⋯.png (233.23 KB, 500x830, 50:83, 467ece6a60ba694b33390e1299….png)

45cd0f No.14056305


>I don't know a single person called Laure

Somewhat old name, French in origin, the one I knew was a twin, like me that's why we hook up. My sister had this weird think about looking for twins and trying to be friends. I've seen it pop up again around here.

dbb50a No.14056311

File: d5c1d334d0b1461⋯.jpg (985.89 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, IMG_3782.JPG)

>this will happen within our lifetimes

20c841 No.14056315


what derail? This is /v/ general.


>what does /v/ think was some of the worst gaming articles of 2017 were

who cares about game journalists? Can we go back to the more important topics like our favorite girl names?

45cd0f No.14056319


Bruh it's the holidays, only happenings are the eternally miserables social media addicts acting up on twatter.

e65b4f No.14056323


very good

15a3d0 No.14056324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dbb50a No.14056328



The girl name that trannies killed the hardest is "Lizzie".

0a6c66 No.14056329


I am very sorry to anons who felt lonely on Christmas because I had to stop posting. I had to spend Christmas away from Internet access, I would gladly have invited you to an awkward dinner if I knew who you are.

I hope you will find this thread less lonely in the coming days.

4b9d84 No.14056334

File: abfa8d4eb0d18f6⋯.jpg (188.34 KB, 660x1020, 11:17, 160617ab2c6a7188ad3b6fd145….jpg)


I don't know I have been kinda waiting for more of the top 10 best game list to come out to see if anyone puts something like battlefront 2 at the top. there has got to be something up if they do.


didn't some site shill Conner and his Persona localization thing? That was pretty shit.



It is the same name just spelled differently. Laure is just the french version.

dbb50a No.14056337


Another thing trannies/SJWs ruined is stuff like image linked related. TSF/TG/TF "without consent" as a punishment or a curse in games and stories. Now it's permanently associated with their mental illness. Fuck this gay earth.

782817 No.14056338

File: 7a825887187366e⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 383x388, 383:388, elfsan01.jpg)


good japshit artist is taking commissions right now if anyone is interested

20c841 No.14056343

File: 02b09c667f97d03⋯.png (171.25 KB, 768x172, 192:43, ZeldaSheik_Palette_(SSBB).png)


red zelda is my favorite one.


>The girl name that trannies killed the hardest is "Lizzie".

Man how many trannies do you know? I don't know a single tranny in real life.

33cfc0 No.14056346


>This Tumblr may contain sensitive media.

Since when did this happen? Are posts still archivable?

106791 No.14056350

File: 6175f0fbeeb34a9⋯.jpg (4.62 KB, 199x250, 199:250, hurts just a little bit.jpg)


>"this tumblr contains sensitive media."

>"safe mode is on"

>can't turn off safe mode without tumblr account

45cd0f No.14056361

File: 894d1fa7cfed0aa⋯.png (22.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1464739506487.png)


>It is the same name just spelled differently. Laure is just the french version.

Not it's not the same, the pronunciation is different. Laura is some whore's name, Laure is the name of an angel.

9095d6 No.14056364


>Japshit artist on tumblr

It's really strange to find JP artists still active on that shitsite, since some artists like Gashi and Deep Sea Prisoner (guy who made Wadanohara) got harassed by other tumblrtards.

782817 No.14056375


Most just use it to post art and ignore everything else on the site.

35d33b No.14056379

File: e9093a57671acea⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7b4e0c1a7f01d1826372254af1….jpg)


>tfw UFOs got confirmed by the government themselves but seems to know or care

33cfc0 No.14056381


Speaking of Gashi and other japanese artists, I'm surprised Ko Takeuchi didn't quit Tumblr or Twitter after he drew Vivian.

52d733 No.14056392



It happened sometime this year. They're probably just trying to get more accounts and people involved, since they know their site is only good for porn.

16e2f4 No.14056396


It's also the name of a sumerian goddess.

963b56 No.14056399

File: 9e041ed1b2505a8⋯.jpg (140.96 KB, 800x633, 800:633, GildaViv2.jpg)


Eve or Ava maybe?

e6c384 No.14056404


>It's looking less likely that the article goes live yet tonight. Trying to find the perfect home for it I guess…stay tuned

0fff11 No.14056407




Same reason you need to have a Twatter account to view replies now.

b14abb No.14056415

File: c7c1d0553dafc0d⋯.jpg (606.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Tell me your secrets.jpg)

Speaking of names what about Haley or Hayley depending of your place?


I will need the list.

9095d6 No.14056420


>Ko Takeuchi didn't quit tumblr or twitter after he drew Vivian

He draws some shitty things like Gravity Falls and Overcuck to counteract appease them.

4b9d84 No.14056426

File: af0a36cc8b263b1⋯.png (16.37 KB, 494x216, 247:108, sameThing.png)


Honestly that is about average for the price.


I just want an official one with black hair. I loved the skin in Hyrule warriors. Nintendo keeps going with even lighter blonds though




sounds like a farm girl name. Not that it is a bad thing.

33cfc0 No.14056431


Too bad that didn't work for Gashi when he drew Steven Universe.

16e2f4 No.14056452

File: 11368cea6f9fb37⋯.png (72.02 KB, 680x514, 340:257, proofs.png)


What? I must have missed that!


0fbc47 No.14056466


It was all over the news a week ago, how did you miss it?

9095d6 No.14056493


>Too bad that didn't work for Gashi when he drew Steven Universe.

>Drawing anything SU related

That's already a red flag. That entire fandom will jump on anyone's throat if they saw the characters drawn a certain way or they saw a ship that they dislike, and they almost got an artist to an hero.

20e261 No.14056494


It’s not enough you consort with elves, but it has to be a nigger elf too?

35d33b No.14056497

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

b03ae6 No.14056505

File: 98399ce050ebdd2⋯.png (226.47 KB, 619x604, 619:604, polygon.PNG)

File: c86e4de35549d81⋯.png (152.11 KB, 601x631, 601:631, wu lad.PNG)

20c841 No.14056515


Doesn't matter, they are still niggers. Even the one you post have nigger features.

16f47c No.14056516


We Bluebeam now?

224ee2 No.14056527


But we're supposed to believe them when they say they aren't a clique trying to gatekeep "nerd culture."

38a52c No.14056530


>didn't some site shill Conner and his Persona localization thing? That was pretty shit.

Kotaku, I believe


>Why would you look for parents that clearly abandoned you and didn't want anything to do with you? I can't rationalize why I would want to see them, as they obviously didn't care to keep me.

Like the other anon said, it's not rational. I could come up with something like: "maybe they abandoned me because they were poor or in a bad situation or something and wanted me to live a better life." It's far from likely to be a good reason. It's like abortions before they were a thing.

>Be deeply spiritual soon-to-be dad

>Go to fortune teller to see how I could raise them better

<Your child will grow to be a massive disappointment

>My wife and I reluctantly decide to abandon my wife's child

>20~30 years later

>A queer-looking woman with died hair shows up at our door

>Says she's our daughter

>She works as a games journalist


It's still a horrible site in all ways even if you use it for porn only. Mediocrity is built into the site itself. It's only alive because of the large userbase, like all sns.

d68d0f No.14056533


and she's staring us in disgust, …(thats someones fetische at this point)

782817 No.14056540

File: a73eb9484c7d1b7⋯.jpg (353.85 KB, 674x1200, 337:600, CwRKMx-WEAAxMmT.jpg)

16e2f4 No.14056545

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Well… I don't really watch the news.

Don't have a TV or follow the mainstream media on the internet. Imageboards are my primary news source.

But maybe the german media didn't even report on this.


Ah, that video. I saw the video a few days ago, but not the commentary on it.

Reminds me a bit of the stuff Michael Aquino said in an interview a few years ago about his time at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.

Link related, found the interview.

16e2f4 No.14056555


It's me again. Isn't there a way to watch the embedded hooktube video on hooktube?

Here is the link:


0fbc47 No.14056563


You can just middle click links to open a new window/tab depending on the browser

6f381e No.14056566


One on the left

38a52c No.14056569




Rip. I was appreciating dark elves a more.

Mods are hitting "Delete all ip posts" too eagerly. This thread will look bad in the archive.

45cd0f No.14056574


why are you doing this to me?

0fbc47 No.14056584


Looks like it was Mark, again.

394be3 No.14056600



He was banned for "fetish dump". Hilarious, anons can dump lewd trap images freely without repercussion but elf girls are considered heresy.

b3dd76 No.14056603

File: 4826e37bbcff66d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 791.27 KB, 2400x3456, 25:36, just why is this fetish.jpg)


>tfw obscure fetish booru I lurk tags all TSF content with "transgender"

>tfw cute nipstuff gets grouped with pic related

287332 No.14056638


Which one will love me more in the end

37d694 No.14056641

File: ecfc852609cf64e⋯.png (33.87 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1406210306001.png)



Jesus, this madman also said it in a comment under the Youtube video:

>I was a Space Intelligence Officer assigned to HQ U.S. Space Command J2X/MJ 1990-94, but unfortunately that entire assignment was classified Top Secret/compartmented

>so I can say very little about it unless I wish to "disappear".

>I highly recommend my friend Colonel John Alexander's authoritative study on UFOs

20c841 No.14056651

File: d2bddfb4352ee0e⋯.jpg (167.46 KB, 743x923, 743:923, hrtkjm4uei601.jpg)


>Mods are hitting "Delete all ip posts" too eagerly. This thread will look bad in the archive.

they better not delete cute female names.

0e5db7 No.14056660


All I learned from the new series, is that anyone can pick up a light saber and be able to beat or check "supposed" strong characters.

I also learned that you can warp to any location in the galaxy in sections, making forward bases and outposts meaningless, along with spreading your forces for power projection a thing of the pass.

I learned that even small ships and fighters have the ability to warp around all over the place without the help of a mothership, carrier.

I learned that there is no fucking need for super Dreadnoughts and their like, since they can be easily taken out by lightspeed ships 1/100 of their size. What's the point when you can just drone strike entire fleets which take decades to build.

1ea2ee No.14056662

File: d97eb48f8c9b3a2⋯.png (162.28 KB, 545x274, 545:274, Mark Hates Elves.png)


>He was banned for "fetish dump".

And yet he does nothing when anons dump traps. He simply hates elf girls and is probably gay.

45cd0f No.14056673

Let's hop the ayys are here to gas us.

318bf9 No.14056684


Mark first

7dcc80 No.14056698

File: 38523a442fdae56⋯.gif (14.89 MB, 633x443, 633:443, 38523a442fdae56113eb02c5c6….gif)

>Check the board log

>It actually was Mark

15a3d0 No.14056699

File: 8917b3827e8f076⋯.png (152.32 KB, 1105x773, 1105:773, The Fat Knight Rises.png)


He's not gay, anon. He's just a fat kike.

1ea2ee No.14056706


Don't you know that /v/ is tsundere for Mark?

15a3d0 No.14056720


Damn, this man is super thirsty over CoV. Holy shit, can someone dowse this man into the Niagra Falls?

318bf9 No.14056724


Gay kike-lovers, leave.

5d66d4 No.14056734


A lot of people go retarded on twitter due to thirst and building up some unwarranted ego due to an identity.

cdde25 No.14056737


like you wouldn't

38a52c No.14056741

File: 477dfa12caa58d7⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 804x395, 804:395, 2017-12-23 06.13.49.jpg)



No one dumps traps, they're mainly one or two reaction images a post. This anon posted elf pinups and then lewds. It's still not deserving of having all his posts deleted.


d612ef No.14056745


>And yet he does nothing when anons dump traps.

Trap posters had derailed threads in the past and got away with it. Guy posted a few elf images that is barely a dump and got banned. It really makes you think.


Maybe he knew in his heart that he could never be an elf girl.


Hard for the lovers to leave a board owned by the man they love.

3cb7eb No.14056748

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.





I think the aliens set down somewhere, took one look at our society, and BTFO from wanting to talk with our planet's people for the next century. The only ones they considered to have any merit were probably the Japanese (Which is probably why there is so much media centered around a guy swimming in ayy pussy).


>What's the point when you can just drone strike entire fleets which take decades to build.

Wait, does that mean that Han, Chewie, and Tr8tor didn't need to sneak into the Death Planet and disable the base's shields in the previous film?

318bf9 No.14056754


Get to Mark's apartment and post pics of both of you eating cake on each other, fag.

d612ef No.14056766


Can aliens weebs?

45cd0f No.14056783

File: 62afd00f9358a7f⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 212x226, 106:113, 1338852173044.gif)


>Xialbrrlrg! Get down and eat your proteins!

>Buuuuttt momm I'm watching my animus from Earth. It's called School Days and I'm about to watch the last episode.

f3a0c3 No.14056787


And that reason is…?

782817 No.14056789


Nobody gives a shit about ecelebs and you're an absolute fucking retard for even sharing it

f438e7 No.14056798


Just because you can now embed videos without giving views doesn't mean you should choose the gayest ones possible.

53edd1 No.14056825


>Are you watching your larvae cartoons again?

>It's called Anime Dad and it's not for larvae and it comes from a superior Earth culture.

9095d6 No.14056826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Your choice for a life long partner in the 2D universe is inferior. Please vaporize yourself.

Makes me wonder if aliens know of Grape-kun.

eef065 No.14056830


>Don't you know that /v/ is tsundere for Mark?

That beautiful man is why we are here. He's /v/'s husband.

287332 No.14056864


that's uh,that's something

d68d0f No.14056876



>Humans ruin another civilization

<but at least its kawaii now

52b307 No.14056885


>He's /v/'s husband.

But who's the feminine benis in the relationship?

>Trap /v/-tan

33cfc0 No.14056887

File: 59e0d152e92a660⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 481.42 KB, 3541x2508, 3541:2508, 4S8PUuc3PAUOG9auDR3ZtUc_RI….jpg)

File: 19fc7563e435e9f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.49 MB, 2508x1956, 209:163, erinbed2.jpg)


>He's /v/'s husband.

Don't have that image of Erin flirting with /v/, so have this instead.

37d694 No.14056892

File: 72de1693e3edaf1⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 230x175, 46:35, 1320227464371.gif)

File: 9eb2d970d2a39ac⋯.png (42.94 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1299795382516.png)

File: cd5a0e6ad62042b⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1405025401208.jpg)

File: f0e71a8abea841c⋯.jpg (53.02 KB, 622x562, 311:281, 1423344557001.jpg)

File: 27be5cef20170db⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 400x280, 10:7, schroeder lacht.jpg)

b3dd76 No.14056916

File: 49cc9cd57ea4ecd⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3541x5016, 3541:5016, a44a56ca865b47ca2e337644e3….jpg)

File: e63997d71d3efe9⋯.jpg (635.95 KB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, c78b836d298dffc635e62298d3….jpg)

1ea2ee No.14056927


Erin gets backpacked cucked as Mark fucks Trap /v/-tan's boi pussy.

782817 No.14056931

>Mark derailing another GG thread

nice hypocrisy faggot

45cd0f No.14056937

Any of you guys got Killing Floor 2? Is it fun_?

1d1524 No.14056942


Marche you got proof?

6f381e No.14056944


I wish he'd just do Erin porn. He does the slut well.

b03ae6 No.14056946

File: fd47662e79e8a91⋯.png (223.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, catherine.png)

33cfc0 No.14056980

File: ff911adbc33ad90⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 648.21 KB, 3541x2508, 3541:2508, giant_vivnosign.jpg)


The first one was close to the one I was thinking of, but the one I was thinking of also had a bit referring to Mark at thr end of /v/'s dialogue. Still, thanks.


Speaking of which, that post is one year old.


If he's this shameless to draw this for a price, I'm sure he'll draw Erin in whatever situation.


> I would also like to point out that there is no better recommendation for a game developer to be hated by sites such as Kotaku, Polygon and Vice. Because that’s like the “seal of approval” when it comes to great games.

That being said, sites/journos praising something doesn't automatically mean it's shit (e.g. Klepek liking Nier:A).

4ec5ee No.14056993

File: 48ea5eb4da5da32⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1211x628, 1211:628, Capture.PNG)


I didn't like Killing Floor 2 very much. The first one felt like a fun arcadey time but the sequel takes itself way too seriously.

6f381e No.14056996


Now that's just a waste.

45cd0f No.14057000


All my friends bought it and they want me to too, but I know the moment I buy they will stop playing. It is the way of things.

4ec5ee No.14057006


If all your friends have the game, can't you do like steam family sharing and try out a couple of games to see if you like it first?

b3dd76 No.14057010

File: 373a0ab3def6f9c⋯.png (20.67 KB, 530x435, 106:87, le fat mark of HWNDU 2.png)


Guess who paid him to draw that.

6f381e No.14057014


>Jews paying other people ever


45cd0f No.14057022


Yeah That's a good idea.

b3dd76 No.14057031


Maaku is such a bad jew he spent over 2000 dollars on random shit from amazon in one night, and his parents tried to get him declared retarded to get the autsimbucks out of his account.

I thought everyone knew this.

607707 No.14057033


>Trap posters had derailed threads in the past and got away with it.

They got banned too for while. They came back a month later and were more benign.

de7651 No.14057035


I don't remember this, sauce/proofs?

607707 No.14057044


>Mods are hitting "Delete all ip posts"

A recent thread lost over 50 posts. A few threads before that I had to post pics GayInformer's retardation and bias against Automata three times because Mark hates my guts.

38a52c No.14057072

File: 37cca738f805a78⋯.jpg (81.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1468913314511-1.jpg)


I've never been banned for trap posting. Though, I haven't been posting them as hard since the hurricanes.

eed0fa No.14057098

File: 78db2cda97d98e1⋯.webm (12.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY-hxwyWCO….webm)

050a0f No.14057125


Replies still show on mobile.twitter.com version without signing in. Only tried with desktop browsers.

37d694 No.14057130

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Looks like the MTG guy has to publish the article of that journalist called Lou Colagiovanni by himself. Strange.

There is a bit of an overview in this video.

Article starts at about 8:50

96f765 No.14057140

File: cb32c686f40f0a4⋯.jpg (289.36 KB, 2000x1323, 2000:1323, 39b78f3a-b1bb-47ec-aa0b-d4….jpg)

After spending the last two days reading about laws, how bills work and various past bans of fictional medias, I've decided I'll dedicate 2018 to try to get lolis legal in leafland

Wish me luck

607707 No.14057146


Did you also spend the last two day getting loads of dosh to lobby?

e57149 No.14057183

File: 265e544f222016d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 748.29 KB, 1598x1130, 799:565, 56963266_p0.png)


Good luck.

37d694 No.14057189

File: 96500de1abf7b6d⋯.png (6.59 KB, 496x500, 124:125, staum.png)


Article about the Magicgate is online.

Link and archive below.



945667 No.14057201

File: 5a68316ef852a51⋯.png (157.63 KB, 924x488, 231:122, pic1.PNG)

File: 20e52a9d0959980⋯.png (54.01 KB, 872x615, 872:615, pic2.PNG)

File: cbea50330d75bc7⋯.png (193.41 KB, 925x620, 185:124, pic3.PNG)

>faggot links to resetera

>someone says that it's a shithole because it is

>some faggot searches through his history and sees that he's saying historically accurate points about Nazi Germany


Is plebbit this much of a shithole?

af2c1d No.14057203

File: be93f6e97a6e20f⋯.webm (8.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Haiyore Nyaruko san W Ope….webm)


>weeb aliens

That is a continuing theme in anime Narue no Sekai, Keroro Gunsou, Haiyore Nyaruko san, and a couple others

5d66d4 No.14057206

Apparently Giant Bomb was sperging out about Cuphead and Horizon being racist. The worst part is that people will defend it.


b3dd76 No.14057207


That is the reason account-based forums are cancer.

37d694 No.14057217


This is why anonymous imageboards are superior.

0fbc47 No.14057218

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


You'd have a better chance of getting Trudeau to say diversity isn't a strength and that he is the illegitimate son of Castro than making loli legal in leafland.

607707 No.14057228



1d1524 No.14057236

File: bd90c11beb78b39⋯.png (204.26 KB, 794x775, 794:775, miku boss.png)


> lolis legal in leafland

You think Castro will allow that?

58f06d No.14057243


>Is plebbit this much of a shithole?


Circlebroke is a goon board. It's essentially just SRS lite since even the idiots at reddit were smart enough to realize SRS was terrible.

607707 No.14057249


He's trying to expand freedom of speech relating to a highly controversial subject in a country that just passed compelled speech laws over something as harmless as "misgendering". He wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell even if the Caliphate of Cuckistan wasn't ruled by King Cuck.

849edd No.14057252


Maybe he could somehow convince them that Muslim's like it so it would be culturally insensitive to deny them access.

1d1524 No.14057256


ResetERA needs to be put down before it gains any type of power and Circlebroke is a goon infested shithole.


I wish him the best of luck before Castro throws him in jail cause of hate speech knowing how cucked our country is.

37d694 No.14057266

File: 325ec0c2edcdbbb⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 770x337, 770:337, raperaperape.jpg)

ffdbde No.14057271

File: f52fbc18d5ff699⋯.png (870.51 KB, 1409x4383, 1409:4383, ClipboardImage.png)


coincidentally SRS is an acronym for Sex Reassignment Surgery

dd734e No.14057282

File: 0e7953cfbdab6cf⋯.png (23.36 KB, 906x332, 453:166, resetera are shilling agai….PNG)


>ResetERA needs to be put down before it gains any type of power

This. From what I'm gathering in the comments, it seems like resetfags are shilling their shit forum in that sub. I think even the mods are cool with it as well. Something needs to be done.

45cd0f No.14057285


At least Hambly is free of the cardboard jew now. There are no safe hobby left anyways, better play some old vidya while waiting for the sjw shit to collapse on itself in a few years.

607707 No.14057289


>before Castro throws him in jail cause of hate speech

You won't even need that. People of all political leanings will likely shun him, he'll get put on the predator list, and he'll have to announce to everyone in his neighborhood he's on the predator list. Unless he's a Japanese immigrant


It's been discussed already. ResetSexPestClock has most or all of the same "industry insiders" and shill as NeoFAG. The answer to ridicule them until they inevitably implode again.

5d66d4 No.14057296


I have noticed people trying to shill Resetera everywhere. It gets constantly posted on steam, youtube, etc for any story regarding gaming news. It is always just a repost too.

b262dc No.14057298


>even though it's usually just links to RE posts that consists of literally just another link to the main source

Holy shit, that's fucking shilling. We need to do something. They're actually shilling and trying to regain neogaf status by slawing it's fucking tentacles everywhere.

What sub is this shit again?

45cd0f No.14057303


Their hugbox is breached anyway, a lot of members are simply there to shitpost.

37d694 No.14057311


Shit, this is horrible.

I feel really bad for this… whatever it is.

And I thought my phimosis sucks. This person is living in hell. ;_;


I quit MTG years ago, because I don't have anyone to play with. My LGS closed and I don't have many friends.

I play Saga (tabletop wargame) with my brother instead.

b262dc No.14057316



I doubt those faggots didn't know.

1d1524 No.14057336


I've also noticed them trying to colonize /v/ in revenge.

45cd0f No.14057341


These assholes are triggered by a speck of dust floating in the air, they won't be able to stay long.

434fb2 No.14057355

File: 383352c6a0ec72b⋯.png (145.81 KB, 612x630, 34:35, Politically Correct 1.png)

File: d5d455b06174727⋯.png (77.44 KB, 609x552, 203:184, Politically Correct 2.png)




Oh no, people are using the review system as intended!



>no archive

>no screencap

>redtext where it doesn't need to be

>unimportant twitter slapfights

Stop sharing these.


That was Eurogamer, and they are shit with a shit readerbase. I think they were the publication that tried to use the "Punch nazis" shit to promote Wolfenstein.






Horizon did everything in it's power to appeal to SJWs and they still get called Cultural Appropriating? Wow. Also mythousandfaces is just a contrarian, better off ignoring him completely.

1d1524 No.14057356


They and retards from cuckchan are trying their best to shit this board up but they are failing at it.

af2c1d No.14057362

File: 06860619c50e1ac⋯.webm (3.07 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Detroit Metal City - Anok….webm)

>>14057266 (checked)

Have some DMC Satan.


The Cardboard SJW mafia is in full SHUT IT DOWN- mode and going protected and deleting shit all over the place.

This is /tg/'s fight, but but watching the cardjewery panic is delicious.

45cd0f No.14057366


Horizon was a borefest, a soulless "by the numbers" AAA game.

1d1524 No.14057373

File: 515561ef99057b2⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 960x720, 4:3, What in gods sweet green e….jpg)


>Cuphead racist


45cd0f No.14057377


>The Cardboard SJW mafia is in full SHUT IT DOWN- mode

It is that important for them? I thought they already won, the wrongthinker was banned and their community kept in line by their shills.

224ee2 No.14057385


Their reasoning was "cartoons from the 1930's, which Cuphead is styled after, were very racist, so therefore Cuphead is racist by proxy." Yeah, it's fucking stupid, but when have they ever argued in good faith?

37d694 No.14057387


> their community

You mean, their die-hard fanboys on Reddit and Twitter who live in some weird echo chamber.

b3dd76 No.14057388

File: b8dda5cadd10d96⋯.gif (256.97 KB, 308x294, 22:21, yasunatalk.gif)


>People were racist in the 30's.

>Cuphead mimics 30's animation.

>Thus cuphead is racist.

Makes perfect sense to be tbh.

6f119f No.14057391

File: 33e0e5f418cb0f3⋯.gif (694.11 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ara wonders what the fuck ….gif)


I expected them to go against cuphead once again because they already pulled the "muh art style is racist", but Horizon?

6f381e No.14057396


tfw no ara gf

45cd0f No.14057397


Yeah, that's what a community is nowadays, a sub-plebbit ran by some twitter e-celebs circlejerking and banning wrongthink. Add a discuck to that some times.

6f119f No.14057399

File: 85b6c5df3f5f168⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 1170x923, 90:71, tfw ugly beak.jpg)

45cd0f No.14057402


It's not that good, my last gf was 11 years older than me, for a hook-up or occasional date it is alright but for a full-time gf there are too many differences brought by the age gap.

782817 No.14057403

File: 852c901c82eb01a⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 800x800, 1:1, TOY-GDM-3585_01.jpg)


what about a mom bot

37d694 No.14057410


I don't think that the majority of gamers who play a card game in game stores are lurking on Twatter. I could be wrong though.

If this scandal about pedo judges, poor card quality, banning for wrongthink, taking away online game accounts with a huge amount of purchased items, harassment and doxxing, etc. is covered in the semi-mainstream media and social networks, it can harm WOTC.

Btw: Why is he sometimes talking about himself in the third person?


6f381e No.14057411


Doesn't bother me much.


it's still a grown female so sure.

4a62ea No.14057456


Clown fetish was a mistake

d8b14d No.14057471


First I thought the writer was a bit harsh when he described mtg players as a useless bunch of broken faggots willing to eat any shit given to them.

But then I saw the comment section.

607707 No.14057515


I don't feel like reading all that shit, but all I'm seeing in the comments are people calling out the author for being biased in favor of some patreon bitch named Sprankle.

ffdbde No.14057524

File: 42044eb4c965b9b⋯.png (353.51 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, ClipboardImage.png)


>1st row

lol humanized pony shit

>2nd row

oh sweet they get sexier

>3rd row


1d1524 No.14057559

File: fdba263d7659469⋯.png (186.1 KB, 519x313, 519:313, wha wha.PNG)



This logic is so fucking insane that I can't comprehend how anyone can think this.

afd253 No.14057578


For fuck's sake. I can't wait for the day the hammer falls on Google.

497081 No.14057585

File: e6ce41975c51bf0⋯.jpg (481.55 KB, 720x2449, 720:2449, 0720_002.jpg)

Of all the 2D girls I could add to my list of "possible waifus", why is it #4 is a psycho?

1f2dd1 No.14057619


Because you read shitty gook cartoons.

38a52c No.14057804


>gook toon

I'd be more forgiving if they didn't use that endless-scrolling comic format and didn't culturally appropriate the glorious traditional Japanese art style.

f02960 No.14058033

File: c005d2480d83aee⋯.png (536.16 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 1503075247.png)

Who here still has netflix? I do because I always forget to cancel and they keep charging me. I just found a movie on here called "Bright." It stars Will Smith, and is basically a high fantasy world, with elves and orcs and fairies and shit, but in the modern world.

It's made by a studio called "Trigger warning studios." No joke.

It's…interesting. I'm only 15 minutes in so far, but I'm having trouble feeling it out. There's a lot of political concepts being thrown left and right. Here's what I got so far:

>Orcs are basically blacks, and are a hated minority

>There are diversity programs to get orcs jobs

>Will smith is a cop that got blasted by an orc, ala black lives matter

>Human black culture still exists, black gangs exist, but orcs are below them

>Elves are the 1% and have literal golden guard rails on the roads in theri side of town

>Fairies are like little monster people, and are treated as pest. Will Smith kills one early on and says "Fairy lives don't matter today"

>White humans hate orcs because orcs murdered them by the thousands 2,000 years ago

>Will smith replies "How can you have a beef with a whole race over stuff that happened 2,000 years ago?" the same way you would say to a black that hates whites

>Will smith may be married to an elf, I couldn't see her ears but she is white with blonde hair

>Will smith hates orcs

>Will smith has a new orc partner

I'll report back when figure this out, it's just all over the place and I'm not sure what, if any, message it has besides "racism is bad m'kay?" WHich is weird to me because the only people that really give a shit about race anymore are the handful of actual white supremacists and SJWs, who realize they can sprinkle race into ANYTHING and then browbeat you with it.

ea8538 No.14058049


>Orcs are basically blacks, and are a hated minority

>Will smith is a cop that got blasted by an orc, ala black lives matter

At least they got the black on black violence thing right.

f02960 No.14058061


Update, centaurs are a thing, the two seen so far are cops. And it seems all the human races are united, or at least, racism between human races is uncommon. They're all united against orcs. And apparently a "dark lord" is returning to unite the orcs and reclaim their hearts, but a crazy person was screaming this in the streets so it's unclear if this is real or not.

15a3d0 No.14058066

File: d415dd509545fea⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, Minoru Suzuki Smug 7.jpg)

Good evening, fags.

ffdbde No.14058089

File: ed0c2bfcbca85e3⋯.png (237.54 KB, 1169x1067, 1169:1067, gondola cum hat.png)


good comic

f02960 No.14058100

File: 87fa43bf19ff133⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 560x400, 7:5, Thinking Squid.jpg)


Another update, the dark lord shit is real. There are "magic feds" and a group of renegade elves need three magic wands to raise him from the dead.

And I think this movie might be made by shitlords. Think about it, the studio is called "trigger warning studios." Taking the piss out of trigger warnings. And what the movie shows, either intentionally or not, is that blacks and asians and everyone is capable of racism, just give them something to be racists against, like orcs. This concept flies in the face of the progressive message, that only whites can be racists.

e1279d No.14058113


Are joking about just discovering it? How have you not heard of it with LW accusing Max Landis of sexual harassment and everyone in these threads talking about it for a few days?

8e85a5 No.14058121


It's a great movie tbh. It doesn't flaunt any SJW crap and begs the viewer to like or dislike characters based on their actions. For instance, the police orc gives a shit about his job and is loyal to the force and the law, and not the orcs.

38a52c No.14058124


>Fairies are like little monster people, and are treated as pest. Will Smith kills one early on and says "Fairy lives don't matter today"

>hating living onaholes

Jesus, what a nigger

f02960 No.14058130


I've been away for the last week or so. I heard Max Landis was accused of sexual harassment, did he make this movie? Give me the full story please.

782817 No.14058134


Do your own research idiot

e56905 No.14058135

File: 9cb8ea143b1f19c⋯.webm (453.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, yama.webm)

This bread was fucking weird.

f02960 No.14058138


Yeah let me google it so I can get some SJW hopped up version of events rather than what actually happened which only you guys can tell me.

15a3d0 No.14058149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You haven't seen anything yet.

ffdbde No.14058152

File: cef61d116b8280e⋯.png (641.91 KB, 1246x902, 623:451, gondola zetsumei ougi.png)


is max landis /ourguy/?

f02960 No.14058153



Oh I see. So he made this movie, which just as I can see so can the SJWs, has a bit of a shitlord bent. He also apparently came out against feminism? So the LWs orchestrated an attack on him and basically ruined his career.


I'm enjoying it so far, apparently critics are ripping it to shreds, probably because so much of it flies in the face of their political message.

e1279d No.14058154


Yeah Max Landis wrote the movie, the basic story (I'm going off of memory here and i didn't look into it too much) is that some random woman said Max Landis sexually harassed her, then Zoe Quinn jumped on board saying he did it to her too (I might have that slightly wrong but Literally Who herself jumped in to #metoo him) then a bunch of drama blew up and there's evidence that it may have been a pre planned coordinated attack against him

8e85a5 No.14058157


I don't know why either. It's pretty good, and the way it ends it's just begging for a sequel.

ffdbde No.14058162


Peter Coffin: well idk who max landis is and have never watched any of his shit, but he is terrible!

also please gib moni, i spent it on netflix

48746c No.14058181



Saw it the other day. From what I could tell, its message was "magic sucks ass".

It didn't overtly try elevating any particular race over the other but simply used the things you described as a backdrop. Also, mexican gangs, orc gangs, and probably a lot of other gangs clealy have gang wars. It also tries to portray cops as being bad guys at times like with some corrupt cops who wanted to steal a magic wand and use the situation to murder Will Smith and the orc cop. Another orc gang leader tries saying that his people (not race, just a bunch of people who liked partying from all races) liked to enjoy their parties loudly but peacefully and gun-free, but it was the cops who broke it up implying that from their perspective, it was the cops who were in the wrong and they weren't violating any laws but this may or may not be true since I don't recall any mention of dangerous substances being passed around in that scene. It doesn't paint cops as being necessarily bad though. They're just doing their job and are under a lot of bureaucracy. Orc cop as well is a legit good person.

Overall, not an amazing movie but pretty okay. Would watch a sequel.


To be fair, a lot of people were away on holiday.

e1279d No.14058199


>To be fair, a lot of people were away on holiday

That's true I've been phoneposting for the last week since I'm at my parents house. I tend to forget that a lot of people simply won't browse during the holidays

15a3d0 No.14058293

File: 2b0a85fd91b9e57⋯.jpg (100.06 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, US University Retardation ….jpg)

af2c1d No.14058302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Explosion by IED of Peace in St Petersburg RU Supermarket.

328a76 No.14058307

File: 583ddd9fe0fb5a7⋯.png (315.45 KB, 758x428, 379:214, Dustin 1.png)

File: 86c33ab19a3d237⋯.png (858.99 KB, 844x781, 844:781, Dustin 2.png)

File: c4a9010a4fad5f5⋯.png (638.64 KB, 1742x748, 871:374, Dustin 3.png)




15a3d0 No.14058308

File: 0ae6608cb327296⋯.jpg (167.23 KB, 1200x852, 100:71, Putin Motorbike.jpg)


Guess who's going to make sure that mudslimes won't have a happy New Year after this terror attack?

782817 No.14058311

File: 0df0a3cc8f88c9f⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 700x466, 350:233, 1469408638568-0.jpg)

15a3d0 No.14058315

File: c768bc61cdd1fb8⋯.jpg (211.21 KB, 685x1024, 685:1024, Time Check 2.jpg)



434fb2 No.14058319

File: adf3d01fe232de1⋯.png (72.95 KB, 609x402, 203:134, Singal.png)


In other news, Jesse keeps getting bit in the hand that he used to feed them.


Holiday breads are always the worst.


>and fuck #gamergate!

How will gg ever recover after such a devastating blow?

f02960 No.14058327

File: beb97ca66ec4023⋯.png (406.6 KB, 767x651, 767:651, ClipboardImage.png)

Gee, it's almost as if the "professional critics" are all politically motivated assholes that are totally detached from reality, and only the audience score actually matters.

38a52c No.14058360

File: 4f4c956c9a79d7a⋯.jpg (85.25 KB, 707x900, 707:900, 0a1c544a3d931760484bd94b91….jpg)


And so begin the communist famines.


I'll watch it if I ever get a good connection

6090c4 No.14058407


I think women hate other women, they just won't admit it to themselves.


Honestly I imagine aliens are just checking in on us the same way we track animal herds and shit.


ReserERA has no influence and it's only losing people. That's why they are so desperate to shill it. They fractured the base and can't recover.

6090c4 No.14058411


Is it me or do all gook names sound exactly the same?

8e85a5 No.14058421


Piratebayit. You don't need a good internet connection for that.

c1dbb5 No.14058425


Really? What're the "professionals'" criticisms of it that lead them to rating it so low?

15a3d0 No.14058427

File: 189349c21f1d248⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Kazuchika Okada Checkem.jpg)



Of course. They pretty much share the same names, either first or surnames.

782817 No.14058430

Always put noko in your email field

7eea85 No.14058445


Who is to say that they didn't just start the celebrations early?

9116fc No.14058447


I bet gookanon has a stupid name like Huang Lo Dong or something

15a3d0 No.14058454


More like Kim Seung-Ho or Ho Kim-Soo or Ji Lee-Koo.

9116fc No.14058456


True, I said more of a chinese name

6090c4 No.14058460

File: 0e8d137b3cf697c⋯.png (48.15 KB, 251x257, 251:257, 0e8d137b3cf697c9f27fcc5df2….png)



Reading the reviews after having seen the movie it's like they watched a whole other movie. Like they say it's a "confusing mess" and the plot as absurdly straight forward. They complain a lot about the movie not going deeper into "muh racism" because it presents a realistic portrayal of race issues rather than "whitey is bad". They say it's a boring cop movie whereas I say its a competent cop movie. etc etc.

Honestly I think at the end of the day they just hate it for being a straightforward buddy cop movie and not whatever they wished it was, either a SocJus piece or some high fantasy affair.

Honestly the movie is a real 7/10. It's just well paced and doesn't trip up anywhere, but isn't amazing. No cringe worthy dialogue or endless "quips" like in most recent hollywood movies. The fantasy world felt grounded and realistic. I'll stop myself here because my entire review of it would be basically "There's no aspect of it that's bad, there's no aspect of it that's great. It's just a fun cop movie."

I'm glad they are making a sequel for it, I wouldn't say no to another fun movie that fleshes out the present-day-version-of-shadowrun world out more.

ffdbde No.14058473

File: a23daf9c3a514a8⋯.png (323.02 KB, 1596x1383, 532:461, val.png)


nice selfpost, Val

15a3d0 No.14058540

File: cebbde6c8614131⋯.jpg (77.59 KB, 750x865, 150:173, Retard 2124.jpg)

15a3d0 No.14058558

File: 860c76c4a354aa4⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 552x765, 184:255, Retard 2125.jpg)

782817 No.14058573



Hearthstone thing is like 6 months old and got knows when the guardian thing is from

Stop posting random shit you fucking grub

964aa5 No.14058580

File: 9d6c572052aeeab⋯.webm (1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cuphead_hates_negroes.webm)

782817 No.14058633

One commission get

Now lets hope owler accepts

e5ff9a No.14058685


Let me guess, it's either furry miranda or galko

782817 No.14058690


I was tempted for chubby elf but I've not got Miranda drawn for quite some time and next year I plan on saving 70% of my pay so wont have the money anymore

1d04a9 No.14058696


is anyone keeping a list?

e5ff9a No.14058706


Do you have a paypal?

782817 No.14058708



its how I pay for everything online

15a3d0 No.14058733

File: 21b67bbd299d917⋯.jpg (232.7 KB, 682x556, 341:278, Retard 2126.jpg)

e5ff9a No.14058735


Nice as that is, does that suit have any bearing? For all we know, Maddox's Lionel Hutz lawyer or someone like him could be the one taking the case, and it could go south real fast.

224ee2 No.14058780


So "it's mediocre," which in Hollywood terms means it's better than anything they've shit out in the past 5 years.

e5ff9a No.14058788


Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri was a pretty good movie. The racist was the hero in that movie.

c41d1d No.14058804

i still wonder, why do all the corrupt journos/bloggers still have the same job as they had befor gamergate? The only happening i would accept is the one where everyone from those fanatics lose their jobs. Yeah, i get it, gg slowed down. These thread are mostly mix of bot's, shills, shitposter, and the few who lurks and comment on shit. But am i really the only one asking why these lunatic journos never had to face real consequences? like losing their goddamn job for being bias as fuck and unprofessional like a donkey? why is nobody scratching its head asking the obvious question to the outlet who still give them their monthly rent? "Hey, Kotaku, are you a political gender magazin for a sub culture or part of the gaming press?"

1d1524 No.14058819

File: e038fa4c2d89d6c⋯.png (773.18 KB, 695x900, 139:180, step_one_turn_on_the_gas.png)


They have been losing a lot and most are being outed as legit sex offenders plus they lost a shit ton of the pull they once had, granted things are 100% better but it's night and day compared 4 years ago.


1d1524 No.14058822

e5ff9a No.14058823


>i really the only one asking why these lunatic journos never had to face real consequences?

The answer to that is simple. The people who have authority over them aren't doing shit. There's a number of reasons for this, they are either beta as fuck and let their journalists walk all over them, they are just like them, or they are out of touch and believe that their SJW whining and actions are the only way to survive in this environment. Either way, if you want change, It starts at the top.

67726f No.14058843

File: 2c24866d9a14f27⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 426x240, 71:40, ESPN Rick Reilly Can you s….mp4)


cursory searching says that the lawyer has been doing this for over a decade, with some success. Here's some links

Involved in a suit about a women-only company networking, 2015


A suit he won against the Oakland As about female-only handouts at games. Speaks about prior suits. 2009


And some legendary asshurt about the As settlement from Rick Reilly, the man in the webm, just for fun.


1f2dd1 No.14058848


>like losing their goddamn job

It's hard to lose their job when everyone that can fire them are on their side.

But when their sites crashes and burns, they will never find another job in another field. They are stuck being whiny bloggers for eternity.

c41d1d No.14058853


>but it's night and day compared 4 years ago.

for those who are aware but i see a lot get memory holed and the majority falls back to its routine. Meanwhile all the corrupt journos remain in position. I am not saying that there wasn't a win at all, shit get still exposed almost daily. But on the other hand, this is not a reason to rest. Never rest on a win. As i said, the only happening i would accept is the one where these lunatics lose their job once and for all.


>The people who have authority over them aren't doing shit.

what brings the topic of "go all the way up"~assagne

Wasn't this one of the many reason to get trump into the place to pull some strings? When will the heads roll of the corrupt gatekeepers?

c41d1d No.14058862


>But when their sites crashes and burns, they will never find another job in another field.

ok, how to speed this process up? (If there is a process at all.)


>when their sites crashes and burns


i questioning this. I don't think it is a matter of time. It almost looks like as if this process isn't even initiated

e5ff9a No.14058863


>When will the heads roll of the corrupt gatekeepers?

The DNC are doing all they can to ruin him, the RNC is doing next to nothing to help him, the media is painting a picture of him so that the reputation of those who try and help him will be ruined, and the FBI/CIA appears to be compromised as well. So, yea, the swamp needs draining.

b0e017 No.14058866

File: 8a38033e1a31da5⋯.png (10.31 KB, 434x258, 217:129, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 1259f6f846965d1⋯.png (63.5 KB, 908x627, 908:627, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

Freezepage has been like this for hours.

Waypoint hosts fanfics.

1f2dd1 No.14058877


So you completely missed the gawker trail?

c41d1d No.14058883


i said everyone, not just one outlet.

c41d1d No.14058912

File: fcd03353926ad55⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, frank-drebin.jpg)

i still think the best option is to burn it all down, so from the ashes the phoenix of video games can rise. How to burn it down, well, i am way to retarded to know enough about such a job. But if you ask me, i would give the sjw-abscess the one thing they hate the most. Boobs. Just flood this sociaty abscess within the video games industry with as many boobs as you can. Be it just one image on your steam profil, or a fucked up sentence in the comments section, on twitter or the fuck ever you use. Be it as a mod or a spray paint in team fortress. Just flood this industry with boobs. Breasts have always been the healing medicine, the antidote to all evil.

but who am i, a fucking nobody watching his beloved video games get raped. I even keep watching all the spin offs, where the sjw cancer goes around the world and inflitrating more and more. It's a little bit of comedy and tragedy, to see that someting like this is still possibile even after so many fuck ups but i keep watching because the fuck ups and the way they always fail is way to funny. You know, as if you would watch 'Forest gump' with Frank Drebin as the main character.

e5ff9a No.14058927


Boobs are giving them ammunition to exist. Do you really think they hate tits? no, they love them, because it gives them a reason to complain and a way in to weasel into these localization jobs.

b262dc No.14058929


The GG curse is real.

f02960 No.14058930

File: d83ed9cf4fb21f6⋯.png (168.57 KB, 1788x311, 1788:311, The one true way to kill t….PNG)

File: 7d60a61b5325edc⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 509x680, 509:680, is_my_shirt_too_tight__by_….jpg)


Capped for great truth. We will retake this great industry one pair of tits at a time.

c41d1d No.14058933


> gives them a reason to complain

exactley this. The one thing they can'

t do nolonger since gg. Trigger them to do so, and just watch.

c41d1d No.14058936


> they can'

>t do

the fuck

i mean

>can't do

for some reason, something broke the sentence. sorry.

b0e017 No.14058940

File: 9f23988604e5382⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1457x3825, 1457:3825, Metal-Max-Xeno_2017_12-28-….png)

File: d4397e77b7a68e9⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1278x3356, 639:1678, Metal-Max-Xeno_2017_10-27-….png)

File: 29cbf22d39c00da⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1286x3654, 643:1827, Metal-Max-Xeno_2017_11-24-….png)

>Oda Non doing the art for Metal Max Xeno

I doubt people will start screeching about "OMG HENTAI ARTIST" like they did with Xenoblade

Chronicles 2.

7dcc80 No.14058947

File: 33513858b017645⋯.jpg (161.97 KB, 564x1220, 141:305, 33513858b017645f78f8af2669….jpg)

>There are Christians here that support lewdness just to spite SJWs

>There are Atheists here that claim to be rational but will make a knee jerk reply to this post even though its only addressed to Christians

b0e017 No.14058957

File: 0075bb3dde91704⋯.png (650.57 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, f87177b4abf3425d354bd32dad….png)

File: 3d0bc498dc737db⋯.jpg (156.16 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DP3-OWKVQAA2r03.jpg)

File: cf2f74ebbdfbd66⋯.jpg (193.2 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DP3-NtIU8AAJWT0.jpg)

File: 928d381d4e53d86⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DP3-KqdUEAABqF0.jpg)


Oh, and speaking of hentai artists. Raita is back on for VC4 after not being there for Valkyria Azure Revolution.

e5ff9a No.14058958

File: 4447cc648a3d5f7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 727.3 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, large tits.png)


Postan tits

945667 No.14058973


atheist are part of a retarded religion to begin with, so just laugh, post a fedora pic, and move on

1f2dd1 No.14058975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's looks pretty good.

Gameplay starts around 1h 13m 50s.

The SJW's probably won't complain about this because it isn't "popular" like nintendo.

0ccb1b No.14058982


Only real thing wrong with it is the Orcs are basically niggers. Yeah I get why they basically live in ghettos now but why do they behave exactly like niggers instead of maybe trying to hold on to their fantasy aspect culture more? Also shouldn't janitor jobs be more suited to goblins instead? Or did they just wanna avoid using the next easiest target?

b0e017 No.14058992


I assume goblins are pests just like fairies.

Honestly I'd watch a series of this. The world needs a hell of a lot more fleshing out.

945667 No.14058996


Doesn't Valkyrie have fag characters? Why would they complain about that shit.

f02960 No.14058998


I guess I'm technically an atheist because I don't really believe in god, but I don't disbelieve either. I want god to be real. And I think religion can be a wonderful thing. Well, western religion anyway. Fuck islam.

I think of myself more as an Apatheist. It means I simply don't care. I have no horse in that race. If god is real I'll high five him when I meet him. Till then I'll try and be a good person in my own way.

497081 No.14059000

File: b6505c5b8f2ae68⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 454x254, 227:127, Long live boobs.gif)


Yeah, I admit, I'm not much of a good Christian.

b0e017 No.14059001


Because they complain about everything. They don't care about representation, they care about control.

10c3f0 No.14059002

File: f45ab6d74ee367d⋯.jpg (319.17 KB, 1408x972, 352:243, milocase.jpg)

You can find Milo's entire book with editor annotations as court evidence on the New York State Court website.

e5ff9a No.14059010

File: 31f846da1fb3b4a⋯.png (78.83 KB, 271x285, 271:285, knm.png)


Is someone suing him?

0ccb1b No.14059012


Yeah I'll admit that I do wanna see more too. I do wonder how dwarves fit in to this society.

10c3f0 No.14059018


Milo sues Simon & Schuster for cancelling his book.

e5ff9a No.14059020


Okay then. I seen enough hurt feelings lawsuits being put out lately to make me think otherwise. They deserve it.

f02960 No.14059021


They mention Dwarves at one point, and it made me wonder if the bearded guy that was arrested for swinging a sword around in public was a Dwarf.

0ccb1b No.14059027


Too tall.

f02960 No.14059030

File: b1f5950d52aff4f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 8.75 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

My transformation into a weeb is complete.

1f2dd1 No.14059031


They also have lesbians that hate men.

Also this >>14059001

b0e017 No.14059033

File: c1c2f08a99f6b81⋯.png (477.08 KB, 851x430, 851:430, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 62cc6c1ae70e2aa⋯.png (506.99 KB, 850x433, 850:433, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 77b2bc496332e6c⋯.jpg (162.05 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Valkyria-Chronicles-4_2017….jpg)

File: 7a8d4abfe288d43⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 600x480, 5:4, 7a8d4abfe288d436849f889c70….jpg)

4b9d84 No.14059056


I only played the first one are the others any good? did they even ever come to the west?

1f2dd1 No.14059071


The others are psp exclusive, and I have not played them.

I've heard that the 3rd one is pretty decent, 2 is trash. Azure revolution doesn't exist.

b0e017 No.14059083

File: 50c4a0550e6eb63⋯.jpg (292.3 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, Val3_02_1920_1200.jpg)


Second one is on PSP. It's very unmemorable. Takes place in a military school with a protag with an annoying laugh. It's been localized. Despite you being able to spend time with the characters and each one being more fleshed out, IMO they're less memorable than the characters in VC1 that you just get a few lines of description for.

Third one is pretty good, takes place during the first where you control of a unit that consists of outcasts, criminals, etc forced to fight in the war, and given incredibly dangerous jobs, while having to rely on not so good conditions, equipment and no backup. It's also on the PSP but it was never localized; there is a fan translation out for it though.

Both games being on the PSP instead of more powerful systems means the artstyle takes a hit; it's much less prominent and feels more like an imitation of the first game. On top of that both of them reuse maps like crazy. You'll find yourself fighting multiple times on the same map, though usually starting from different locations in them.

They both have some gameplay improvements like more customization to tanks, more classes etc. I think they also had branching classes as well.

Azure Revolution is a spinoff which people dislike for not being Chronicles. I haven't played it so I don't have any kind of opinion on it. But it doesn't belong to the Chronicles series.

6bdc2f No.14059092

File: c49d8d678d7a40a⋯.png (4.28 KB, 1000x53, 1000:53, 2017-12-28 16_25_01-Welcom….png)

>/v/ has higher population than /pol/

What went wrong with /pol/?

0ccb1b No.14059103


Poor moderation.

7dcc80 No.14059105


Dysnomia is a bad moderator volunteer and should be put onto house arrest

ff8081 No.14059147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They'd complain because it's played for laughs and thus isn't the right kind of gay.

e5ff9a No.14059162



I was once banned from /pol/ for posting a thread about Justin Castro's latest progressive action, only because some anon claimed I posted a "kike meme". I asked that anon what he meant by that but never got an answer, I got banned and thread deleted.

38a52c No.14059164


Damn, I can't see these as anything but frivolous. But can't not smile at the irony of anti-discrimination. This guy has been going at it for years, no wonder MRAs have a bad name.

Talk about premature equality.


>The SJW's probably won't complain about this because it isn't "popular" like nintendo.

Don't jinx it. I'd rather they not hear anything

4b9d84 No.14059173



>I guess I will just wait for 4 then


/pol/ is rather dependent on happenings

e5ff9a No.14059185


>/pol/ is rather dependent on happenings

Yea, say what you will about pig blowjob's board, and I'm sure you have something to say about it, but if nothing else, it offers some form of competition to /pol/, as shitty as it is.

48746c No.14059186


There isn't even a right type of gay unless it's full on homosex with the protagonist from what I've noticed. Put their gayness front and center and they'll complain about it stereotyping or being played for laughs (which here in flipland is basically how homosexuals normally are like anyway. That is to say, obnoxiously fabulous so it's an accurate representation from my own experience). But do the opposite and treat them as normal characters who just so happen to be gay and they'll complain that the writers just made a straight character but changed the label.

e5ff9a No.14059200


Why not compromise and have someone inspired by Milo? Someone who both defies gay stereotypes and embraces ones that apply to him?

8f6946 No.14059217


>competition to /pol/

You're thinking of /new/

96f765 No.14059221


The naked human body is beautiful because it was created by God

cba2a7 No.14059223

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

1d1524 No.14059225


Yet the hentai artist help make some of the most ionic character designs in Jap games.

e5ff9a No.14059226


/new/ does that too, I specifically picked /lefty/ because it's so awful that it could be used as an example.

7dcc80 No.14059279

File: 499afd5024c781f⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 469x500, 469:500, 499afd5024c781f2443f38aa15….jpg)


At first I thought posts like those were a joke, but it gets repeated every time. You don't take your meme theology seriously, right? Right?

e5ff9a No.14059283


>At first I thought posts like those were a joke

Got something against a naked human body?

cba2a7 No.14059287

File: d960dfc673cb8a9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 566.56 KB, 600x557, 600:557, 0d79ae865261554d2a6c6d31f8….png)


>There are Christians here that support lewdness just to spite SJWs


497081 No.14059289

File: 6a2d0198be64706⋯.png (31.34 KB, 372x487, 372:487, Loomis Figure Draw P23 - 1.png)

File: dff820bba89a9f1⋯.png (29.73 KB, 356x453, 356:453, Loomis Figure Draw P23 - 2.png)

02891a No.14059293



10c3f0 No.14059300

File: c95c7323d4b2d7a⋯.jpg (12.63 KB, 338x121, 338:121, milocase3.jpg)

b9d1b0 No.14059313

File: ce8127dab1789ca⋯.png (770.55 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, ce8127dab1789ca54e67672691….png)


Theres literally nothing wrong with lewdness

7dcc80 No.14059317

File: e9557c060c8d12f⋯.png (114.06 KB, 321x290, 321:290, Bye.png)




Well, I'm just making myself part of some anti-prude joke, so I'll stop posting now.

58f06d No.14059324

File: 7570ce053139f74⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 500x543, 500:543, billy.jpg)

96f765 No.14059329


It's a quote from an old pope.

0fff11 No.14059348

File: 20bdbddff8d194d⋯.jpg (111.53 KB, 319x436, 319:436, 45d87bd7c0c3af974bc5d09ec4….jpg)

>Stan Lee trending on Twatter

>it's just his birthday

Gave me a frighten

b03ae6 No.14059360

File: 06e3261d48916f2⋯.png (26.46 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2017.png)

File: b029f479fac102f⋯.png (223.39 KB, 540x305, 108:61, negative.png)

GamesBeat - 2017 was the year of … gamer-rage opportunists


607707 No.14059365


Their fairies are 3DPD, so it's okay.

287332 No.14059416

File: 1d3cd80e952515f⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 600x411, 200:137, GJ.jpg)

b9d1b0 No.14059422

File: b03488d6a5ac995⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 300x213, 100:71, 1470060415730.gif)


Its that new Max Landis movie right?

607707 No.14059426


There's an atheist here who will bite this bait.

9116fc No.14059435


there's a christcuck here who will bite this bait

c41d1d No.14059485


thanks anon, really appreciate it.

224ee2 No.14059496

File: ccf3dcff8d6ad51⋯.webm (628.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL.webm)


>game industry gets one of the best years in gaming

>but because everyone finally got tired of loot box bullshit with Battlefront 2, combined with devs proving that single-player games aren't dead, game journos have a problem

>especially because this outlet in particular is still fucking salty that gamers said one of their writers was absolute garbage at Cuphead

>bonus points for blaming "toxic YouTubers" for it

You know what, VentureBeat clearly hates video games, why don't they write about something else? Oh, right, video game writing has the lowest bar to entry imaginable and they hate it when gamers try to raise said bar, I forgot.

964aa5 No.14059497


>pronounced S-JEW

Oy vey its annudah shoah

4fe1ff No.14059500

File: 5a98aaa7f1a4655⋯.jpeg (204.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CZ9kcC4UUAA4Yfr.jpg:large.jpeg)

So on twitter is it normal to have random camgirls follow you? I just made a twitter a couple weeks ago and I have 4 followers, three of which are random whores or camgirls or something. I think they're bots

224ee2 No.14059514

File: c89a42bf5fbfd61⋯.gif (924.36 KB, 245x245, 1:1, 1511390334736.gif)


I honestly can't believe they're reaching this hard in order to claim "only Nazis use the term 'SJW.'" Remember when they themselves coined the phrase "Social Justice Warrior" and used it as a badge of honor?

964aa5 No.14059523


It's fun to watch. They chip away at their own legitimacy in order to defend themselves in the short term.

3023cb No.14059525

File: dc82d3c59dc3c27⋯.png (41.94 KB, 672x190, 336:95, Knipsel.PNG)



The comments are actually pretty good. The book reads like something you can expect from Milo, but thats obviously not good enough. Too much ego and namecalling to be taken sesious by people.


9e9660 No.14059536


Yes and they are bots

3b23b1 No.14059544


Well Anon, if you were a Shakespeare kind of man, you'd know the crazy associated with a name like Ophelia…


>wife's child


963b56 No.14059583

File: 0c270c5b40d9df7⋯.jpeg (248.07 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, 0c270c5b40d9df73aff94c28d….jpeg)

File: f74ee23ff3bfb38⋯.jpg (137.51 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, f74ee23ff3bfb380110f67307c….jpg)

File: 20228b875ad1588⋯.jpg (610.33 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20228b875ad1588c215f7d883a….jpg)

File: a3a226c031b881c⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a3a226c031b881c55b94b30048….jpg)

File: 391644abf34764c⋯.jpg (139.46 KB, 847x521, 847:521, 391644abf34764c0c06ed28f28….jpg)



The ultimate force of good to bring to bear against SJWs, Numales, cucks, shitty localization studios, feminists and pearl clutching retards!

45cd0f No.14059588

File: 3f9de7261556c24⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3f9de7261556c248af41b1af5….webm)

b9d1b0 No.14059617

File: 6354c5f08000df7⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 512x384, 4:3, smug spic.jpg)


A weapon to surpass Metal Purr

9116fc No.14059620


That wasn't even a pun

b9d1b0 No.14059645

File: f88c916c1e23d51⋯.png (167.15 KB, 333x250, 333:250, 1-07_8578.png)


What are you going to do about it? PUNish me?

a9c165 No.14059656


>selling food is racist

Lets just let everyone starve

2d5644 No.14059666

File: c474553e16e14c2⋯.jpg (9 KB, 300x199, 300:199, bjc1.jpg)


Purr-haps banning him would be the purr-fect solution.

a9c165 No.14059696


>utopian thinking


Thats called being agnostic

2fd977 No.14059724


They think being insane is cool because they're sub-iq retards. Just hang the pedofucks.

2d5644 No.14059731


Because if that happened, no one would go to work except for the love of it, there would be no incentive to work, those on welfare would be wealthier than those who work, it would lead to a society dependent on welfare, the wealthy would just leave to country so that their wealth isn't spread to "lessers"

The retard clearly never thought of the consequences.

78d6ae No.14059732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

more on that MTG thing

6090c4 No.14059761



If you changed that wouldn't it not be a Milo book then? Like it or not, he has a style and an audience. It's not like Milo masquerades as some intellectual force for sanity in politics. He's a showman.

Also, I highly doubt PC books like clinton's were ever scrutinized, or at least not nearly to the degree Milo's was.

afd253 No.14059771


To be honest, I thought the movie was meh with many very cool elements, even witn unintended rational racism with orcs being a mixture of niggers and former nazi germany citizens and elves being überjews. They might say something different, but that is the truth even if they believe something else.

2d5644 No.14059777


>Also, I highly doubt PC books like clinton's were ever scrutinized, or at least not nearly to the degree Milo's was.

Scrutinizing the clintons. Not everyone wants to anhero with gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

5d66d4 No.14059786


Didn't his book come out with another company though?

6090c4 No.14059804

File: e0bbc7c1a6ba986⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 715x719, 715:719, 1463802208766-0.png.jpg)


trips of truth

8bc25e No.14059814


He created his own publishing house because he's got Fuck you money

6090c4 No.14059817


Self-published. He made a new company called "Dangerous Books" to print it (10/10 name for marketing). I know they are printing other books that are verboten by the publishing cartel as well.

4fe1ff No.14059818


Thanks anon, that's what I figured but its still really weird to me being new and all

5d66d4 No.14059846



Alright. I did not know about the self-publish thing.

Kind of offtopic, but did Vaatividya do something retarded again? More people seem to be calling out how he steals shit all the time and a ton of fanboys seem to be popping up to defend him.

6090c4 No.14059862


I can follow you if you want. I'm already following 300+ people so one more doesn't make a difference to me.

0fff11 No.14059878

File: cad9bdb7cda78c4⋯.png (351.3 KB, 642x717, 214:239, uhhh.png)

2d5644 No.14059887


WTF type of site does waypoint want to pass itself as?

2d5644 No.14059900

File: 86427f586311a1a⋯.png (250.28 KB, 680x592, 85:74, 1438532273050-2.png)


I read the trigger warning

>Content warning: This story includes forced gender swapping, gender dysphoria, and the use of a gendered insult.

cdde25 No.14059902


as a fanfic fetish site apparently. not that there's something wrong with that but at least try and advertise it as such

607707 No.14059958

File: c0089a5514352c4⋯.jpg (137.96 KB, 496x590, 248:295, 05349086af02cb9c454b4d0cb9….jpg)


Sounds like my trap doujins.

0fff11 No.14059970

File: 52845df055b1dfc⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 680x932, 170:233, the juice is loose.jpg)


stop that

607707 No.14059978

File: c9e9b1dd23ec1c4⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 558x559, 558:559, gayest_coffee.jpg)


Pence posting only encourages faggots like me.

02891a No.14060010



afd253 No.14060018

File: 8f5cb5a6185067c⋯.png (248.68 KB, 339x418, 339:418, to be continued.png)

4fe1ff No.14060028


Thanks anon but its fine, I mostly just made the account to argue with randoms and see replies. What's your twitter? I need new people to follow

2b2597 No.14060029


It reminds me more of that series shindoul did.

02891a No.14060030




c4d4ce No.14060031

File: eab42382a30fabf⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 516x374, 258:187, 16478297480-462.jpg)


Peter, is that you?

02891a No.14060055


>he's only just now heard of Shadowrun: The Movie

afd253 No.14060096


For me it is a faggotized shadowrun version mixed with Harry Potter.

Still, the movie is kinda fun, just because of the ideas. A sequel with a competent director could be good.

b9d1b0 No.14060103

File: 040d58fd76f3c76⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 602x253, 602:253, 63978116e4e524da0484fa5452….jpg)


What happened to Peter?

96f765 No.14060110


Those two aren't even traps they're just boring lolis and the dialogue was edited

afd253 No.14060116


It's just for the fun.

Also, it reminds me another doujin about a blond and a brunette trap taking a guy as a pet to get fucked by him. It was drawn and writen by the fujoshi of Kiss Him, Not Me!

f02960 No.14060123

File: 6a4b5950e306d26⋯.png (463.13 KB, 2252x1932, 563:483, 25344451_769019633282547_4….png)


My friend made this to take the piss out of democrats.

c4d4ce No.14060135

File: 2c959c51b4d90df⋯.jpg (110.57 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1 (55).jpg)

File: 1907f9a2b771dff⋯.jpg (431.63 KB, 639x2958, 213:986, coffin gib mony.jpg)


>google chrome

first pic


Every VB article is sponsored by Intel but the only disclaimer they add is a "presented by Intel" way down the bottom which isn't really enough. Although I feel it would be really hard to do anything about it since last time Intel listed they got shit on by the journos


he needed money for Netflix

96f765 No.14060140


I don't like traps being fucked by males, I perfer traps fucking other traps or straight traps or the most patrician of all, a threesome between a cake and two traps

1f2dd1 No.14060141


>he steals shit all the time

This isn't anything new, so I guess he stole something more obvious this time.

b03ae6 No.14060146

File: e26afeed65ba874⋯.png (266.97 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, white dudebro.png)

Rock Paper Shotgun on political activism: "How Wolfenstein: The New Colossus takes the white dudebro hero apart


>World Health Organization Recognizes 'Gaming Disorder'



afd253 No.14060164


Does anyone still care about the World Health Organization?

Also, I just can hope the new Wolfenstein burns.

37d694 No.14060174


>Does anyone still care about the World Health Organization?

Not me. Not after they demonized vaping.

ff8081 No.14060187


>A big organization making a distinction between cooldown-meter mobileshit and online vidya

What kind of reality is this?

3b23b1 No.14060193

File: 0a88019df62e216⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 347x419, 347:419, 0a88019df62e216a77e3d16c04….jpg)


That depends, do they regulate/make laws of anything?

If not, can't say I do.

6f119f No.14060195

File: 4cd854b6fb75304⋯.jpg (43.06 KB, 550x550, 1:1, We like older women.jpg)


>Does anyone still care about the World Health Organization?

WHO are they anyway?

3b23b1 No.14060208


Male Trap trying to get in the pants of their Senpai, only to realize too late that their Senpai is actually a Reverse Trap.

3023cb No.14060212


I dont get the rage at the WHO.

Some people are addicted to gaming. This is a (mental health) problem, which is now recognised by the WHO. Whats wrong with that?

3b23b1 No.14060229

File: 6e78800345e788d⋯.gif (763.78 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 6075007ed000b9885978d018cc….gif)


It's more than likely that people will try to spin this as "Gamers are mentally unstable and you should shun/get them help."

37d694 No.14060230

File: 8f1a64c5645a5b9⋯.png (282.95 KB, 639x742, 639:742, another mtg judge.png)

e5ff9a No.14060238


I like watching traps get fucked by dudes because I like to imagine myself in their place. Also like watching straight porn but imagine myself as the girl.


I don't know either. Honestly, the media might spin that as gamers being shitty, but most people nowadays hate the media anyway.

3023cb No.14060258


So it's been a few days since this article was posted, how many articles have you seen labelling gamers as mentally unstable?

And how many times have you seen these articles in the past? You know every time someone commits a mass murder the media says "hurrr he played COD". Nobody cares anymore.

36465e No.14060267

So 4chan finally nuked itself with this piguiproxy, amgload and smcheck bullshit which prevents the pages from loading when you have them blocked. Hiroshima peddling malware. Who would have ever thought it'd come down to that? HA-HA!

e5ff9a No.14060272


>You know every time someone commits a mass murder the media says "hurrr he played COD"

Yea, just don't mention if the perp is a muslim, that would be intolerant.

328a76 No.14060273


We've known for something like weeks, anon. Were you asleep this whole time ?

d33d7d No.14060274


I haven;t been paying attention, what the hell happened?

d33d7d No.14060277



Holiday's for me but really what happened?

224ee2 No.14060295

File: 90cd1f48c5bd0d1⋯.png (90.69 KB, 469x402, 7:6, and my ruling is final.png)


The problem is that in order to be "addicted" to gaming, the criteria is typically "more than 7 hours a week" when it comes to studies about it. People spend more time watching fucking TV, but obviously video games are the real problem.

And it also doesn't help when EA has their investors trying to defend their shit practices by saying that the true value of a game can only be attained if you go past that laughably low "addiction" threshold.

3b23b1 No.14060300

File: 6fa5d2937f3da4f⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 400x296, 50:37, 1434224653472.jpg)


I said they'd try, not that it would be effective.

Though I could see a bunch of anti-gamers citing this in the future, just because… Not that it actually means anything to the most of us.

328a76 No.14060303



Basically 4chinchin is blocking access to people who don't allow malware and ads to appear on the site. If you remember, they've made it so that you need to type a captcha for every post you make, or shit like an actual 4chan gold account, VIP passes for 20 bucks a year, that lets you post on a specific board only for idiots like that. Now they've gone beyond the jewery we could expect and forced you to enjoy advertisement and intruding ads during your fun.

1f2dd1 No.14060305


It's a health organization that's part of the EU.

Says everything you need to know.

3b23b1 No.14060311


That… actually does, doesn't it?

224ee2 No.14060314



His damage control thread on /qa/ was great. He just went "just report the malicious ads and deal with it," suggested that he might be making 4chan archives 4chan Pass only, and just sat there wondering why everyone went "nuke yourself, you slant-eyed piece of shit."

9116fc No.14060318


You sure know a lot about the ins and outs of halfchan anon. Are you sure you're not from there?

328a76 No.14060322


Many anons also know a lot about gawker and it doesn't mean they're kotaku journos you idiot.

e5ff9a No.14060324


>more than 7 hours a week

So one hour a day?

3b23b1 No.14060325


This is a #GamerGate thread, most of us came from halfchan to begin with.

37d694 No.14060328

File: 5034230f72fecce⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 724x542, 362:271, WOTC pedo.jpg)

1d1524 No.14060335

File: 0be4131acdac917⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, not big surprise.jpg)



Yet retarded cuckchan faggots try to say they are better.


>Knowing about cuckchan's massive blunders means you are active there


6f119f No.14060339


>more than 7 hours a week

Don't you mean 7 hours a day? Everyone plays 1 hour a day.

3023cb No.14060341


>sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning

If it doesnt impair any of that, than it's not a problem and wont be classified as an addiction.

9116fc No.14060343


Came from 4 years ago.


Sure anon, I totally believe that :^)


I'm just teasing

38a52c No.14060344


I haven't gone there since GG was banned

ff8081 No.14060345

File: cdf0256c54f18de⋯.gif (218.79 KB, 456x426, 76:71, 1416612143464.gif)


He's literally doing what he did to 2ch just like the nips said he would.

The dude has a fucking arrest warrant on his head in japan, yet the faggots over at halfchan decided to trust him.

36465e No.14060347


If you declare everybody an addict, you create a much larger customer base for future therapies.

36465e No.14060351


"Just crawl on my back" the dog said "I can swim us both across the river."

3b23b1 No.14060356


Pretty much… also makes it less likely for one to obtain a firearm if they can label you as "mentally unstable" legally.

612eeb No.14060358


>autistic echo chamber run by a turkroach that alienated its own members to accept redditfags

What didn't?


/new/ feels like a political /tv/ tbh smh fam

224ee2 No.14060366


I still get linked this shit from people who stayed there, it's hilarious how badly he fucks up.


No, I meant an hour a day.


>The dude has a fucking arrest warrant on his head in japan

First I heard of that.

1f2dd1 No.14060373


I guess it will be like the FBI "how to identify a school shooter", and all the points boil down to "lonely person that plays videogames".

6f119f No.14060376

File: f2cb778e6071f95⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 400x600, 2:3, milf plaza.jpg)


I never asked for a whole organization to call a whole community a bunch of retards, but here they are.

37d694 No.14060377


>If it doesnt impair any of that, than it's not a problem and wont be classified as an addiction.

This. Daily reminder that online tests for mental illnesses are retarded.

Imagine visiting a halfway competent psychiatrist with this bullshit:

>H-hello Dr. Speckstein, I play about 10 hours World of Warcraft per week and my mother doesn't like it, so we are fighting all the time…

612eeb No.14060380

File: ede0a640340f821⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 599x430, 599:430, vidya is retarded.jpg)


It's been this way for a while

c4d4ce No.14060386




>implying cuckchan's anons wouldn't simply throw a brief fit and then go back to normal like nothing happened

It's called CUCKchan for a reason

3b23b1 No.14060389

File: 3b94db4de172de3⋯.jpg (134.51 KB, 797x900, 797:900, 1453007079954.jpg)

>>14060377 (Checked)

>Dr. Speckstein

>Not Dr. Shekelstein.

>Golden Opportunity Missed.

224ee2 No.14060394


And all the current therapies are basically brainwashing you to sit and stare at a wall for hours on end until they need you to recite what they told you for TV interviews.

37d694 No.14060414


>>Golden Opportunity Missed.

Well, "speckstein" is german for soapstone and "speck" also means bacon. :^)

ff8081 No.14060426


iirc from what the nips on 8ch's short lived jap branch said, he's wanted for fraud and false advertising due to how he allowed hottolink to datamine, manipulate and socially engineer 2ch, And also how he let companies pay to delete threads and posts they didn't like on the forum practically everyone in nipland uses, which set off a bunch of consumer protection and monopoly abuse laws.

d33d7d No.14060430

File: 5e466e425d86103⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 320x290, 32:29, 1388179273718.jpg)


>8ch's short lived jap branch

I really do wish them back, has Jim ever said anything about bringing them back from the dead?

6090c4 No.14060449



6090c4 No.14060474

Thread seems faster today. Holidays over for everyone?


Unfortunately it does.


We abandoned it like it abandoned us. That's like calling Americans British just because they share an origin.

6f119f No.14060477

File: ffe0d415a77bce9⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 174x200, 87:100, max_payne_orders_a_steak.gif)


Perhaps, but before, it was just a bunch of jewish democrats, some pastors, a couple of soccer moms and Chad Thundercock calling us "losers" at best. Now we got communists, liberals, corrupt journalists, terrorist organizations, pedophiles, sex offenders, wealthy bankers, feminists, and now a "health organization" or whatever it is calling us "mentally unstable terrorist rapist misogynist libertarian nazi ISIS school shooters masturbating to anime".

We're moving up in the world.

4fe1ff No.14060485


Thanks anon, I followed you

6090c4 No.14060497


Cute avatar.

e5ff9a No.14060515


>You will never have a twitter account and follow /v/ tripfags on it

0fff11 No.14060524

File: 6cb1320976c6f34⋯.png (245.49 KB, 429x419, 429:419, batdone.png)


Thank God.

6f119f No.14060534

File: 0be65e7a9466ca2⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 239x283, 239:283, slack-jawed faggots.jpg)



Should we prepare a room for you two?

c4d4ce No.14060540

File: 4cc350fc2167a16⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1460834471624.jpg)

b9d1b0 No.14060631

File: 77172d13b95b586⋯.jpg (79.6 KB, 846x539, 846:539, c0475a661ab24bda39a2112c53….jpg)


4fe1ff No.14060641

File: e62647b6339bd24⋯.gif (646.99 KB, 347x284, 347:284, 1414705236502.gif)





I just wanted to follow more GG people so I can stay in the loop and argue with randoms on twitter. I forgot he could see who I am

c4d4ce No.14060673

File: 6423230d1e0addd⋯.jpg (172.31 KB, 639x519, 213:173, Screen Shot - 17-12-28 002.jpg)

File: 5c30e4e8298f2ad⋯.jpg (165.64 KB, 647x391, 647:391, Screen Shot - 17-12-28 003.jpg)

58f06d No.14060696

File: 84cb44ed9af18b0⋯.png (213.18 KB, 506x517, 46:47, img000031.png)


>I realize that my worldview has driven me to psychosis but I'm so fanatically devoted to it that I've convinced myself that it's a good psychosis

36465e No.14060697


What a hysteria diseased faggot.

c4d4ce No.14060712

File: 4ec621fb137f4fc⋯.jpg (157.17 KB, 770x643, 770:643, Screen Shot - 17-12-28 004.jpg)

File: 12d7c464f0fc3ba⋯.jpg (180.89 KB, 593x551, 593:551, Screen Shot - 17-12-28 005.jpg)

>SAD! Drexel U losing that prof who just wanted white genocide for Christmas


>2017 was the year of … gamer-rage opportunists


6090c4 No.14060718

File: 5515f2c8550f924⋯.jpg (577.38 KB, 1114x1024, 557:512, 5515f2c8550f92468f575aa93f….jpg)


What a nutbar.

2d5644 No.14060721


> From Vice

> it’s another red-letter day for content.

A site that promotes shitty fan fiction

> Complains that the real world is horrible

> Anxiety is everywhere.

Doesn't play vidya

> there is no social operator’s manual and there are no adults that you can call for help.

I'm a child who can't deal with or accept reality

>You learn how to see, with an almost psychotic clarity, the ugliness around and inside you without losing the golden thread of hope that makes life bearable.

The faggot obviously never spent any meaningful time on image boards.

All in all, it is a whinge about being a social media addict and forgetting that devices have an off button.

67726f No.14060784

File: 3143ee7d904c92c⋯.png (303.02 KB, 629x770, 629:770, Anti-#GamerGate_Podcaster,….png)

We don't even need a clock anymore, just a stopwatch to measure the time between this happening



434fb2 No.14060796


Less politics, and more that it's a netflix film and they are shitting on it because it isn't Hollywood. Not to say that Netflix is a better alternative then Hollywood but I think that's the reason why they are going hard on it to appease their Hollywood overlords.


>why do corrupt people keep their jobs

Come on anon, you should know the answer.

>But am i really the only one asking why these lunatic journos never had to face real consequences?

No, we've asked this since the start of GG, and it's because they are corrupt.


>attempt of a religion derail


/v/ has had a higher population since e3 and the neogaf drama.

37d694 No.14060801

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Meanwhile: At least 3 "pedophiles" (well, for the normies at least) found in the Magic: The Gathering judge program.

Video is embedded, but here are the links, too:



Twitter announcement of the video:


497081 No.14060825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm sure I'm slow in making this analysis (With many people probably also saying it), but after watching the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars series, I figured out that I can summarize the problems with the new Disney films into three simple words: "It is fanfiction." Aside from Rei being a Mary Sue, you also come to acknowledge to none of the "main characters" in the new films face any "real danger" and are always saved by other characters or "plot conveniences" (Aside from the purple-haired woman, but I'll get to that. Also, I think one of the "last minute" changes Disney made to RO before they released it is to have everyone die with the original version of the script probably having only 1 or 2 die), known characters are only brought back for one reason and then "leave" when they outlive their usefulness, the films do everything they can "relive" the "best moments" of the other films making it simply a slideshow of "Hey remember when they did this? Let's do that again!" (We all know they're reusing the same story, but this is more specific to that point), and the only reason anyone actually "dies" is that it is to make it seem like a "high stakes game" but they also have the least amount of character development making their death almost meaningless and are treated by the rest of the characters as this "great tragedy".

However, that being said, the Lucas films are not "masterpieces" themselves (The dialog, Jar Jar), but they might as well be today since they actually require the viewer to watch the films tell a story about a space war in a "Time long ago in a galaxy far away" and all of the politics, deception, romance, brotherhood, and loss that people faced in the conflict. Meanwhile, what do the new films have? Remnant factions from an "already finished" war still fighting for some supposed "control" of the galaxy because "reasons" demand it and losing people on both sides for very little reason. Arguably, in the original trilogy, the Rebels were not fighting for control, they were just fighting because they were not happy with the Empire and were telling them to "Fuck off". And, you do see the Empire pull off some evil shit like killing people needlessly, and throwing their ultimate authority around (In addition to blowing up planets). Meanwhile the First Order just blow up a system, and that's the only evil thing they do (Everything else is just to fight the people involved in their petty war, or get the Tr8tor).

Oh well, enough time talking about Star Wars. It's come, it's gone, we all know it's bad, and all we can do is hope people don't repeat the same mistakes in future projects.

<Embed somewhat related


1a4412 No.14060833

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)



we can always summon the memeteor just for the kicks

2d5644 No.14060861

When will these soyboys realize that the phase "You have no obligation to your former self" doesn't erase their past actions?

I had a picture of the statement on a projector screen somewhere but I can't find it.

2d5644 No.14060867


was meant for >>14060784

96f765 No.14060886

File: 8afdb002be698ff⋯.png (9.78 KB, 120x120, 1:1, 8afdb002be698ff876ab6a3c16….png)


>Men aren’t as self-aware as I am. […] Men are not taught how to deal with our emotions and anger (which is why I think Dialectical Behavioral Therapy should be taught in grade school). We take it out on ourselves and unfortunately those closest to us.

607707 No.14060914

Why are all my enemies pedophiles?

78d6ae No.14060922


Hasbro on suicide watch tbh

0fbc47 No.14060931

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)


From what I understand, its really fucking difficult to get Nips to switch platforms.

Then again, kind of shocked they are dumping twatter left and right for that open source alternative Mastodon.

I guess banning loli was one step too far for many Nips.


Don't forget abut the massive data breech he let happen or the fact when Jim took over 2ch, he threatened the remaining mods and bloggers.

Also claimed he owned every post on the site and would use crawlers to copy the site, that would also DoS them. Believe he did that because of advertising contracts he had at the time and still wanted the shekels from them.

15a3d0 No.14060935

File: 5a7f0499f7efea6⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 676x336, 169:84, Dalton Castle Peacocking 3.jpg)

Good evening.

c4d4ce No.14060938

File: 160a808e46ac85a⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 444x310, 222:155, Screen Shot - 17-12-28 007.jpg)

Is this a new thing? First time I ever get a notification after reporting stuff

d8b14d No.14060946

File: d42d6c533f94865⋯.gif (371.58 KB, 900x600, 3:2, picture-of-DUSTIN-MARSHALL….gif)


>Men aren’t as self-aware as I am

What sort of creature is Dustin then if he isn't a man?

Some sort of eldritch horror?

What other terrible nightmares walk among us?

I am scared.

782817 No.14060951


>Is this a new thing?


0fbc47 No.14060974

File: 4db5cc336814374⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 4ba4ecb51d030b0f187db0cb03….jpg)


>What sort of creature is Dustin then if he isn't a man?

Sounds like a typical "wamyn respectin" nu-male.

37d694 No.14060996

File: 19bd5a4b2b6fab3⋯.jpg (4.61 KB, 364x42, 26:3, DSLCn4lVAAYn6BX.jpg large.jpg)

File: 27be5cef20170db⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 400x280, 10:7, schroeder lacht.jpg)

78d6ae No.14061002


The exact reason why I play Warhammer.

6090c4 No.14061013

File: ca72a669801d102⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 529x623, 529:623, 1462075814531.jpg)


I remember reading that one of the psychological quirks of serial rapists is they all believe every man is exactly like only they lie or conceal their desire to rape. Seems like it's rather true with these soyboys who all talk as if ALL men are fucked up like them.

15a3d0 No.14061022

File: 9cc5108584de574⋯.jpg (171.85 KB, 488x1199, 488:1199, Pretending to be Retarded.jpg)

>People on Twitter right now in defense of CoV

<She's only pretending to be retarded, it's a bait!

37d694 No.14061027

File: eb51157e3fc34cc⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 484x370, 242:185, resistance.jpg)


Remember Ted Bundy?

>It's the pornography! Ban the Playboy!

b9d1b0 No.14061060

File: 2487da69955861d⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 500x280, 25:14, serveimage.jpg)


>Remember Ted Bundy?

Married with Children was great

c4d4ce No.14061065

File: 1e5beec73bb33d4⋯.jpg (46.97 KB, 750x714, 125:119, 1459743500704.jpg)


well then I guess it's the first time they gave a shit about my report

15a3d0 No.14061074

File: eb1932b53008951⋯.jpg (65.25 KB, 500x440, 25:22, Al Bundy Huh.jpg)


That's AL Bundy. Ted Bundy was a serial killer.

e5ff9a No.14061075


Ted Bundy, wasn't he the guy dubsman was talking about in dubsman the movie?

c4d4ce No.14061079

File: 2f1b37f38fb7e46⋯.png (638.81 KB, 881x588, 881:588, 1459779180731.png)

6090c4 No.14061080

File: d5ca3333923dee1⋯.jpg (133.13 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, 9bc5a8e26fea81a7ed939d4fc8….jpg)

37d694 No.14061100

File: fe9c32d949db1cd⋯.jpg (34.91 KB, 752x189, 752:189, DSLPYTbVoAAoHev.jpg large.jpg)


He didn't do anything wrong tbh, but it's good to see WOTC in trouble.


37d694 No.14061105

File: b0960946dc8656e⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 730x210, 73:21, DSLQW8fUQAAr3mW.jpg large.jpg)

224ee2 No.14061122

File: 6cb58d6c0d0b0b9⋯.png (186.24 KB, 560x432, 35:27, 1436475026215.png)



>Men are not taught how to deal with our emotions and anger

Oh, fuck off with this shit. Honestly, while some people would just say these guys weren't beat enough as a child, it's pretty obvious that they'd be shitty people regardless of how they were raised. Sociopaths are going to be sociopaths.


The "everybody does it" deflection pisses me off to no end. Because God fucking forbid that 99% of society is full of polite people that respect boundaries and don't publicly stomp and scream if something doesn't go their way, right?

607707 No.14061134


flamboyantly homosexual.

e5ff9a No.14061152


>The "everybody does it" deflection pisses me off to no end.

I disagree, I think it serves as a warning about the person. If they think everyone else does something, it's likely projection, or a chance that their peers are just shitty people.

15a3d0 No.14061172


Of course. It's his in-ring persona ala Gorgeous George.

e5ff9a No.14061201

By the way, Kraut is trying to take down Jim now.

9e9660 No.14061203


who and who

9116fc No.14061221


Jim is the owner of 8chan and Kraut is a german imageboard :^)

e5ff9a No.14061229


Kraut is the idiot who's responsible for the downfall of the skeptic community, outed them as being SJWs who put on a face of rationality.

37d694 No.14061232

File: d585c6f7f3ff90a⋯.png (13.89 KB, 94x150, 47:75, heinrich.png)

File: 46c6e15e89725cd⋯.png (378.12 KB, 1458x798, 243:133, OmnichanPLUS-kc_Heinrich.png)

File: b2887c9f0d61df9⋯.png (406.68 KB, 860x796, 215:199, KC 07-08.png)


>Kraut is a german imageboard :^)

We din du nuffin!

c4d4ce No.14061251

File: b9974089c22597e⋯.png (3.18 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 1422473916968.jpg.png)

d8b14d No.14061284


Does he suffer from Krautzfeld-Jimbob disease?

6090c4 No.14061293


I thought he fucked off after realizing he became the monster he fears?


Mildly amused.

a9c165 No.14061298


What even were the skeptic community anyway?

e5ff9a No.14061301


>I thought he fucked off after realizing he became the monster he fears?

It was just a front to get people to leave him alone. leaked chat logs reveal Kraut is still doing this shit, however he's less vocal about it, and is trying to weaponize youtube's flagging system.

0ccb1b No.14061334

File: 90dde7ad87e7947⋯.jpg (617.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, geralt_of_rivia-hd-wallpap….jpg)

So how's the situation with Landis?

Also can someone tell me where I can get a Witcher medallion that is actually game accurate?

67726f No.14061336

File: a268716b533a094⋯.png (248.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Dan Olson you'll cowards.png)


It started off with faggots making reply videos and the like to absolute retards and nutjobs, think about when Sargon would talk about people like Dirty Dan. Apparently it grew into it's own community, complete with it's own lines of acceptable and unacceptable thought, and small cabals of faggots like Kraut's trying to hold the yoke. Then Kraut went full retard and managed to single handedly scuttle everything he was involved in.

a9c165 No.14061346


I was watching jim's videos on kraut and the shit they pulled was almost, if not just as bad, as the left. Hell, they are almost indistinguishable from them. They had a list of literal targets. What was their goal from the start though?

37d694 No.14061385

File: 7325f01d36dcf59⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Quality Frog Post.jpg)


>which is why I think Dialectical Behavioral Therapy should be taught in grade school

This is btw something I would totally support.

Imagine all the mad SJWs, man-hating lesbians and feminists would learn to handle their own feelings.

2d5644 No.14061389


I don't think one could ever be made to vibrate when an supernatural power is nearby. One could be made, I guess, to detect hair dye particles. Would that be close enough?

c4e460 No.14061392

File: 0ab35fecc9108cb⋯.jpg (123.33 KB, 852x1417, 852:1417, 69992b2861e67f418ae9194674….jpg)


Just watched it after reading your post. Clearly copying Shadowrun inspired, but still unique enough to have it's own world. The action scenes were pretty meh, but overall the movie was really enjoyable. I hope there's a sequel that fleshes out the universe more, because I really dig fantasy races in modern day.

Really glad they never acknowledged the dragons flying around in the background.

0ccb1b No.14061398


I just mean one that actually has the right shape, shine, and holder for the chain.

e5ff9a No.14061401


>What was their goal from the start though?

To talk about how doxing was bad and to prove that leftists weren't all like SJWs?

c4e460 No.14061404

File: 583f47f52562270⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 06c3821b61738afb379118a507….gif)


They were the guys making responses to creationists until nobody gave a fuck anymore, so they transferred over to SJWs. Now I that people stop giving shit about SJWs, they're trying to go after the alt-right.

e5ff9a No.14061409


>Now that people stop giving shit about SJWs

You sure about that? They still seem to have hold over alot of shit.

c4e460 No.14061410


>What was their goal?

To prove the Alt-right was wrong on race realism and how the alt-right are right-wing SJWs.

c4e460 No.14061418

File: 6581e6aca4f21bd⋯.jpg (187.67 KB, 772x1024, 193:256, 9c10a112430f2c0a1e7c8b595b….jpg)


Let me correct that; now that people stop giving a shit watching Skeptics ™ "destroying" SJWs.

b03ae6 No.14061424

File: 11b4e1cf9830d3e⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DSJ8v71UQAUIKla.jpg)

File: 187dd6588debd11⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DSJ8wKwVoAEuXyT.jpg)

File: 5a9ac3f4508ee0c⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 741x959, 741:959, DSJ8wm6VQAcwHgA.jpg)

>Target vows to remove "Cards Against Humanity" extended pack from its stores, because some people got offended



e5ff9a No.14061426

File: 3e11c98d3969257⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ex muslim sends death thre….mp4)


That's better. Apparently there's a belief they are siding with each other, with that whole Kilroy thing where they pretty much banned any right wing panelists, and that whole candid thing being so shady to begin with. It's all speculation, but damn does that theory interest me.

c4e460 No.14061428


I think Jim's new video is going to "expose" Killroy. There definitely is a connection between the organizers and Kraut.

c4d4ce No.14061431


WEW, how's that virtue signaling going Temkin you manlet?

f31f43 No.14061444

File: 4d11de0533a7739⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 960x590, 96:59, 5sw5r8boz3001.jpg)


>make game that's meant to generate offensive edgy shit.

>remove stuff because it's offensive.

c4e460 No.14061449

File: ca01e386bc24ace⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB, 400x600, 2:3, DRA7wZrVQAUhib7.jpeg)

Premiere Trump shitpost.


224ee2 No.14061451

File: 8c4683ba0ea55cc⋯.png (39.39 KB, 208x262, 104:131, 1513248135993.png)


>point of the game is that it's an Apples to Apples variant where people come up with the most offensive shit possible

>people get so offended by it that the creator and retailers pull it from shelves and censor it

Talk about missing the point entirely, god damn.

7f93a6 No.14061458


Trump's Twitter account is a gift from god

497081 No.14061468

File: 678527b3afdeb46⋯.gif (887.61 KB, 500x281, 500:281, [shitposting loudly].gif)

File: 48216d8a22255f0⋯.jpg (506.95 KB, 728x640, 91:80, small loan of one million ….jpg)

c4d4ce No.14061485

File: fb0c5f866bfa2d0⋯.jpg (354.97 KB, 805x841, 805:841, Screen Shot - 17-12-29.jpg)

6d1e9b No.14061486

File: c0b33ab1ed29c48⋯.webm (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, virtual youtuber exotu.webm)

The virtual youtubers just keep coming.


6d1e9b No.14061487

File: c0b33ab1ed29c48⋯.webm (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, virtual youtuber exotu.webm)

The virtual youtubers just keep coming.


85a422 No.14061491


Ib4 hidden wealth again, but mainly this is another kikess spitting on the middle class who cannot afford to launder their money like the limousine liberals and soros.

9e9660 No.14061498

File: 12777ce2e6308d6⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 12777ce2e6308d6ece8bf1320a….jpg)


tfw you will never reach this magnitude of pure shitposting

0fbc47 No.14061503

File: 7b1a51881691e2c⋯.png (128.14 KB, 912x570, 8:5, 05b225aff0337d6f40f8f9d626….png)



>more virtual youtubers

c98775 No.14061510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


specking of Jims new video

c4d4ce No.14061518

File: b5bfdf87aaae74d⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 235x236, 235:236, 1462232376855.jpg)


>posting mr metocuck

>not even using hooktube

d33d7d No.14061533


Hey Kraut

9e9660 No.14061537

File: 96855beba87d238⋯.mp4 (724.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pizza.mp4)

c4e460 No.14061546

File: 267036724ce2fde⋯.gif (846.84 KB, 500x281, 500:281, giphy.gif)


>Organizer literally saying "hopefully we bring social justice back the way it was"

15a3d0 No.14061550


Someone should NOT serve Ai Kizuna coffee, EVER AGAIN.

ef3da4 No.14061563



>advertise right wing youtubers

>get their fans to buy tickets

>remove right wing youtubers from their panels

>'I have left wing speakers that I can't put on the panel list due to their safety'

>'It's not going to be youtubers speaking there, my mistake was advertising it as a youtuber convention'

>'I want to bring social justice back to the way it was'

Sounds almost like she wanted to create her own indoctrination convention.

c4d4ce No.14061566

File: 1a420f5b3121ccd⋯.jpg (181.83 KB, 618x634, 309:317, Screen Shot - 17-12-29 002.jpg)

6d1e9b No.14061570

File: 2c81c1b43820a3e⋯.jpg (154.48 KB, 680x953, 680:953, potentially new tatsuki an….jpg)



>drinking coffee

That will be the day.

Pic unrelated, it's potentially a new project TATSUKI is working on; don't know if it's related to this.


15a3d0 No.14061576

File: eb7f80b190f8006⋯.jpg (538.15 KB, 849x565, 849:565, Baker 2.jpg)

We got no bakers. then I'll bake.

Anything you want me to add to the next bread?!

c4d4ce No.14061580

File: 52c5d34e9eab2cb⋯.png (8.35 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1503803276.png)


did they just jizz on a sheet of paper?

f31f43 No.14061582


How old is this character meant to be?

782817 No.14061584

3cb7eb No.14061587

File: 01339b2afd16c6c⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, there's supposed to be a c….png)


Make it something related to "addiction": >>14057036

15a3d0 No.14061590

434fb2 No.14062672


You can think jim is a faggot (which many do in these threads) without being a lolcow like Kraut. Also there is absolutely no justification for any youtube video to not be a hooktube link anymore.

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