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8ec490 No.14262171

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


14af6f No.14262174

the post below me is mark

8c2dad No.14262187

I am NOT mark.

62e219 No.14262191

File: c10bc726912e646⋯.png (526.52 KB, 726x666, 121:111, Bread5.png)

Archive of previous bread


7d5a15 No.14262198


b4d8d7 No.14262199

File: a036188816424b6⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 708x708, 1:1, 5f021d45532c284f32dc26e145….jpg)


Sure you aren't

1e4c2f No.14262202

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

33a4a2 No.14262204

File: c889cc528c544d3⋯.jpg (344.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, aras in gaming.jpg)


You got me.

8c2dad No.14262207


>saving a PNG as a jpg

For what purpose

2c33c1 No.14262210

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

8b945f No.14262229

File: 855ecf63ac081c0⋯.gif (32.08 KB, 150x195, 10:13, 1456798203030.gif)

If I move to Australia, would Marche want to become my friend?

335389 No.14262232

File: 23adb90c8c28733⋯.jpg (158.69 KB, 800x792, 100:99, you can't nip.jpg)

2d837f No.14262240

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

8c2dad No.14262244


My tranny friend looks like her

2d837f No.14262251

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)


Reminder to filter Marche and gildafag.

f122fa No.14262280


Any tips on spotting the diaperfur before he posts his shit tier waifus ITT?

5150db No.14262286


>If you're capable of shooting someone you're capable of being tried as an adult

Sorry, do people not understand the reason the law has a distinction? If they don't I guess they could aruge they should be tried as a minor if they committed a felony.

4a575b No.14262289


Marche is into diapers?

2d837f No.14262297

Great the BO of /games/ is shilling on /animu/ now

4a575b No.14262302


The boards are pretty analogous. I half hope it works but also kinda hope it burns.

2d837f No.14262304

File: 9b4c6c929882781⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2114x1457, 2114:1457, mark is dumb.png)


761b0a No.14262305

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

7d5a15 No.14262306


We get it you attentionwhoring faggot

82b354 No.14262308

File: 219bc89579a9b72⋯.png (96.84 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Tomoko64.png)


Jokes on you I basically only play games now that aren't text heavy and the few that are text heavy get localized by a company based in japan not California. They only had one fuck up which they fixed right when people complained.

4a575b No.14262310


What took you so long on that thread? It got to 70+ posts before beletion.

d5922a No.14262315

File: 0d3366aada58896⋯.png (104.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, polygon does not know the ….png)

File: 210a4f6afcc7a05⋯.png (170.03 KB, 454x537, 454:537, Capture.PNG)

File: 0feb750f87bc723⋯.png (237.5 KB, 609x512, 609:512, scared of memes.PNG)

Polygon: "Understanding Ugandan Knuckles in a post-Pepe the Frog world."

>yfw they are still mad about Ugandan Knuckles





>PlayStation Universe : "Is EA's listing As One Of America's Most Hated Companies Too Harsh?" Tries to downplay EA's rather deserved status through concern-trolling and goalpost-moving.


>Freedom of the Press Foundation will preserve Gawker’s archives


bf0524 No.14262317

File: cb2d7c40bdd4533⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 403x392, 403:392, efd.jpg)

3c6248 No.14262327

File: 95b0359b3369b48⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 95b0359b3369b488710b9bbe5b….jpg)


>le milkshake duck

liberals cannot meme

f122fa No.14262330


Big boys can go boom boom too.


Oh hai Mark.

bf0524 No.14262333


What would you call Amerimutt then?

2d837f No.14262334

File: d3a00a9436926ba⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 1196x616, 299:154, why lefties cannot meme.jpg)

3c6248 No.14262339

File: 016ce6ad13a2f41⋯.png (142.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ae0b0e4001d6d2ceaafbeee98f….png)


a forced meme

3ef877 No.14262340




both dead gay boards that deserve to be dead and gay tbh

8b945f No.14262341

File: 5f303648d4525b8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 186.49 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, ae7111dad0e42ba71b843bc1f3….png)

File: 5a7a76610bed163⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 174.32 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, ef0c7acab23a0e5de2703b8fd4….png)

c59a84 No.14262359

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>they're still trying to push Milkshake Duck

353515 No.14262373


"Post pepe"


He's still around

492709 No.14262374


EA's sport games are how consoles get their bread buttered

33a4a2 No.14262380


>Bought Mombot merch

I kinda wanted the huge anime titties shirt.

681d7c No.14262382

File: 2dd5da16082638d⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2dd.jpg)

ce1c4b No.14262384


It's safe to say journos don't know what the "post-" prefix means. There have been articles about how we're living in a "post-trump" era.

f122fa No.14262395


They are trying that to make it seem like it has or will pass at some point.

353515 No.14262397


Silly liberals

167794 No.14262411


This reminds me of the reviews for Watchdogs saying things like "Even though he's the main character, Adam isn't even a hero. He's constantly doing bad things." Game journos are so completely ignorant of just about everything that they don't know what an antihero is.

1e4c2f No.14262417

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

3 week old vid by Tim Pool on the mis-characterization and blatant lies of Damore

f122fa No.14262421


To be fair, most villains are more likable than the heroes in most mainstream films/games.

2460d9 No.14262424

File: 9d716c97554611b⋯.png (55.37 KB, 822x796, 411:398, sad mexican.png)


>learned english to play vidya

>now need to learn moonrunes

2d837f No.14262428


Tim pool is naive but he has more integrity the most Journos.

33a4a2 No.14262432

File: a5c911d5133a6e2⋯.jpeg (92.37 KB, 950x791, 950:791, 1471960107572.jpeg)


I know that feel.

2460d9 No.14262438

File: 5c4593999747a2c⋯.jpg (19.15 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 1428596391059-0.jpg)


>I’d rather just localize games that everybody can enjoy!”

2d837f No.14262446

So can I get a redpill on Google's actions? I've been out of the loop for a while.

7bcdaf No.14262447


What the fuck is a milkshake duck?

f122fa No.14262451


A stupid goon meme where a duck was drining milkshakes and made headlines for it, but then later the duck was "Racist" and everyone hates him for it. So now, if you're a milkshake duck, you're racist.

dd88b7 No.14262452

File: 757319b93d5f6f5⋯.pdf (1.86 MB, Nunes-memo.pdf)

File: 33ad35fdbe8dc85⋯.webm (11.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Mark Levin PROVES Obama W….webm)

Anything new on the memo came out aside from everyone playing damage control?


A forced meme from half a year ago that should stay dead and buried.

f122fa No.14262456

File: b4a677ac57d10f1⋯.png (770.33 KB, 688x506, 344:253, evldad switch.png)


Is there a resurgence of that coming up recently?

2460d9 No.14262466


>We’ve seen games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 make the trip from the East to the West without any censorship

>XC 2

>no censorship

>yuri blade harem


>selling her body gramps dialog


step it up sempai!

167794 No.14262475



The icing on the cake: this comes from Tom, the guy everyone always said was the sole voice of reason at XSeed. I told people here ages ago that XSeed was becoming a sacred cow here, and nobody fucking listened.

2d837f No.14262485

What is Tom doing?

1e4c2f No.14262486

File: a3a99c54d69a4d5⋯.png (267.79 KB, 973x1356, 973:1356, 65071535_p0.png)

After getting high-speed net back, I'm checking old youtube videos from my subscriptions as well as grinding through months of pixiv uploads. I'm on page 35 of my pix following, and only halfway back through January. I'm following 860 artists.


Forced meme about people who get popular/viral but then immediately ragged on for whatever stupid thing they did.

It was obviously forced, no question, after The last light dev was outed as writing old GG tweets. No one used the phrase, but a fair number of outlets published articles on "this hot new meme" to try and popularize it.

The sad thing is that it's a bit harder to create or spread an actual phrase, but that's maybe mostly because there's little possible humor or zing to describe smears like that despite how often SJWs do it.

353515 No.14262490


Share some of that pixiv goodness if you dont mind.

2d837f No.14262497


>The last light dev

He has no spine and why do so many devs bow to the sjw pressure still?

2460d9 No.14262501


>was becoming a sacred cow here, and nobody fucking listened.

remember, no heroes.

ce1c4b No.14262520

File: 34649af64abf928⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 1397502412433.jpg)

b356e0 No.14262522

File: c05b4c2ab08d505⋯.png (277.74 KB, 992x994, 496:497, c05b4c2ab08d5053ec6e1d2ca9….png)

62354d No.14262523

File: 27123cb40cc55dd⋯.png (23.81 KB, 229x229, 1:1, 326072675392271159715322.png)


Is this SJW or /pol/?

Is it trying to be funny?

590618 No.14262525

File: caf459a36798d56⋯.png (70.71 KB, 284x340, 71:85, this is what a patriarch l….png)


Holy fuck.

761b0a No.14262526

File: 16ba0089a627251⋯.png (140.12 KB, 622x626, 311:313, Bait_viv.png)

bb2c83 No.14262532

File: 58417479bff01bc⋯.png (484.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 58417479bff01bc1f65f210f8c….png)


Your shit is all retarded, all stances, no substance.

df5d88 No.14262533


Hi John Flynt. Lurking these threads again? Why did you leave Crash out in the snow to die?

b356e0 No.14262536

File: af001ebb00db199⋯.png (419.5 KB, 1887x2545, 1887:2545, af001ebb00db1996731601b7bb….png)


Easily SJW pretending to be /pol/.

It's completely filled with unironic emotional pleas while trying to have "geek cred."

f122fa No.14262542

File: 32931640f38bd53⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 600x320, 15:8, F.jpg)


RIP in peace doggo

1e4c2f No.14262555

File: f77a2a2c2798032⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 914x658, 457:329, 65310352_p4.jpg)

File: 9c06a890a84778d⋯.jpg (734.48 KB, 1200x2171, 1200:2171, 66949044_p0.jpg)

File: 770b6165393714b⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1400x980, 10:7, 66145266_p0.png)


Oh yea, the game's Steam page also described that it was about how universal basic income killed creativity (or something like that) and he was also caved into pressure to change it. I though he was being backed by a large company, but can't find anything on wikipedia. Wikipedia also notes the controversy around it, even linking to the wiki page on milkshake duck. It's that forced. He's being published by a Swedish publisher, so maybe that has something to do with it.


I'm also going for safe loli to post whenever halfchanners or goons show up to disgusts them.

2d837f No.14262557

Did the memo cause shills to leak over from /pol/?

9fe12f No.14262561


>second pic

>missing the point of the original

353515 No.14262563


>safe loli

but that's no fun

f122fa No.14262580


>the game's Steam page also described that it was about how universal basic income killed creativity (or something like that) and he was also caved into pressure to change it.

This makes me not want to create, these people are like the mafia with their censorship bullshit. John Waters didn't have to deal with this sort of bullshit nearly as bad as this.

b356e0 No.14262584


Well within the realm of possibility. Doesn't help that /pol/ has or had, haven't checked yet about performing some OP in regards to when the memo released to going wild with it on the net, so there's easily some faggots here as an attempt at being punitive.

4d98e8 No.14262594


>This makes me not want to create, these people are like the mafia with their censorship bullshit

Daniel Vavra seems to be doing fine in spite of it all. I think if you continue to not give a shit and don't apologize ever you would be fine

f122fa No.14262607


Unfortunately I'm not fit like him. Someone with my figure would be pushed around.

970ef5 No.14262612


They emotionally bully people not physically.


Did that tortoise looking ambush really do that?

1e4c2f No.14262618

File: b93d13bb717002b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1254x1771, 114:161, 62508481_p0.png)



What a sad indoctrinated sheep you, doesn't even know the views of the ones he cries "bigot!" about.


The point is to not spoiler. It's also saving them for myself of course.

353515 No.14262620


Well share your pixiv profile at least,i wanna see what your tastes are like

4d98e8 No.14262657


>Someone with my figure would be pushed around.

What are you a fat fuck? Just try to be like that faggot Notch then

f122fa No.14262693


>What are you a fat fuck?

Just the opposite, actually. Barely any muscle, 115 lbs.

e42d85 No.14262700

File: f1a730470b5ac7f⋯.jpg (774.47 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, f1a730470b5ac7fb0a76e88545….jpg)


Are you our resident manlet?

492709 No.14262709


Dear flaming homosexual.

Please cease your cottaging attempts and go back to your twinkboard.

f122fa No.14262711


5'8", if that counts.

e42d85 No.14262722

File: 820759e7b4ae897⋯.png (278.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Go, you wuss.png)


Then this Anon ( >>14262709 ) is right. You are a homosexual.

Post the pics wussboy!

4d98e8 No.14262764


Like it matters anyway, nothing an sjw does is physical. You just don't want to create because you're lazy and using scary sjws as an excuse to not do it.

c439be No.14262765


no yr gay

66944e No.14262769

File: 9bd0b22a963b473⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 624x576, 13:12, confused boat.jpg)



This is all pure insanity. I'm going to assume you're a poe trying to be funny because if this is real I genuinely feel bad for you.

34996f No.14262774


What got deleted?

c439be No.14262775


but ducks don't drink milkshakes

3eccc2 No.14262778

File: 189509114f3c74b⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 578x1028, 289:514, Tokiko Sama.webm)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

353515 No.14262780


Everytime i see fakku shilled i just get sad.

66944e No.14262787

File: aa67acfe3cd6329⋯.png (274.02 KB, 1785x508, 1785:508, ClipboardImage.png)


Some insane rant that's so far off it's mark it's not even funny. Thing is it's just too crazy to be a poe, this is the kind of thing an SJW would write while pretending to be /pol/

f122fa No.14262801


Some SJW pretending to be /pol/



No pics, don't want to derail the thread as much as I like compliments.

df5d88 No.14262811


The Wus either have a doggy door (it would explain how the dog may have been outside but I haven't seen any pictures of one in Wu's house) or don't (which means Wu killed his dog) https://tweetsave.com/spacekatgal/status/581915249676140544


> Thing is it's just too crazy to be a poe, this is the kind of thing an SJW would write while pretending to be /pol/

My money is on it being Wu. He was mentioned much earlier in the thread, the low effort paint pics as well as Wu being a closet racist who would try to imitate /pol/ but in typical Wu-like fashion (ie completely lacking in any skills that would enable any degree of competency).

c439be No.14262817

File: 378d9fad313efec⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 712x982, 356:491, e04ea35f8d9442eedf146d8ceb….jpg)

guess who gets out of prison today

1e4c2f No.14262842

File: f8deae7635459e8⋯.jpg (5.69 MB, 4000x2800, 10:7, 62551415_p0.jpg)



>Pretending to be /pol/

They posted an "I hate anti-sjws but aren't SJWs just as bad" image generalizing sane people as nazis. Pretty sure it was SJW or leftypol


No, but it can be pretty varied. A fair amount is futa and traps though.

353515 No.14262847


Aww you bully,i just wanted to see your tastes

198d64 No.14262867


I just hope he soon realizes how hard he fucked up. Fans of xseed are calling this shit out now and promising not to order from them. It does not help that xseed employees are adding fuel to the fire over shit they are doing now or did in the past. I remember how some of them tried to defend fates and told people to fuck off if they don't like it.

3ef877 No.14262868


I'm pretty sure I saw that exact same post in a thread before, looks like pasta to me.


With clickbait faggots, it feels like he never went in prison.

c439be No.14262895


Here's the main talking point that comes out of this memo:

"According to Devin Nunes, Trump Campaign Aide Carter Page is likely a Russian Agent."

a25133 No.14262918

File: 2f2001e40d387b1⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 500x484, 125:121, 2f2001e40d387b1eabc5026e05….jpg)


Dammit, I need to speak moon…Source?

33a4a2 No.14262926

File: 9c3c96d12e77274⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 666x960, 111:160, are you a banepost sort of….jpg)


>He's being published by a Swedish publisher, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I heard that he actually was given an ultimatum by the publisher, either he cucked out or he got kicked.

33a4a2 No.14262931

File: 9d69a9dcc8db423⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 540x400, 27:20, business todd.jpg)


Tell me you at least tried to find the sauce using SauceNAO or anything else, and I might give you the sauce.

492709 No.14262932

File: 1a9cdf7af5f3468⋯.jpg (209.54 KB, 500x745, 100:149, THE_SWEDE.jpg)

989b2e No.14262936


Just kikes abusing language.

f122fa No.14262947


Compared to all the others, what do we have left? Xseed is the closest thing we got to a localizer on the side of no-censoring.

a25133 No.14262949

File: 6ec37ff6179c678⋯.jpeg (255.28 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 6ec37ff6179c67844549ef266….jpeg)



Oh. I did Tineye. I guess I'm behind the times, I generally don't ask about sauce. Judging by the art style, I'm guessing it's a one shot by some japanese artist.

1e4c2f No.14262956

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Tim Pool

Gender wage gap audit backfires - results in more men receiving raises than women




18cd83 No.14262976

So anyone seen DNC drones eating shit over the memo yet?

c59a84 No.14262986


From what I've seen, they're having ShareBlue pull overtime, publicly claiming "it's fucking nothing," and then threatening to impeach Trump over a "constitutional crisis" because typos were fixed at the FBI's suggestion before release.

364309 No.14262994

File: 9a148561c92fb18⋯.jpg (5.27 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 1402435942637.jpg)


>MFW even most of fucking KYM isn't buying the muh nothingburger narrative

492709 No.14263016

File: f1a14cb8a157982⋯.png (13.27 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

33a4a2 No.14263039


Fair enough, artist is Zinger (Excess M).

b356e0 No.14263041


I haven't seen the usual suspects poke out of the hidey-hole to say it's nothing it doesn't matter just like the last time something big happened.

Then again, it's only been out a few hours, not a few days and they probably haven't gotten their talking points together yet.

8ec490 No.14263042

File: 9e9510d36b733c8⋯.jpg (236.62 KB, 1121x932, 1121:932, aras playing air hockey.jpg)

File: 21315104642b66b⋯.jpg (303.42 KB, 1126x1014, 563:507, girls looking down.jpg)

File: 2d3da467ebe6da7⋯.jpg (316.11 KB, 1015x1062, 1015:1062, cuddling.jpg)



What it gave me via SauceNAO gave me a pixiv source that also gave me these.

329d0f No.14263045


I-it's fake and c-can't be verified and also it shouldn't have been released because it contains classified intel but that intel is fake too but still it can't be released. Now let's go back to discussing legitimate, trustworthy memos like pissgate and gorilla channel.

e42d85 No.14263058


PQube, Sega/Atlus, Nyu Media?

ce1c4b No.14263074



Belongs to the same company as Rice Digital. They may be leaving the sinking ship, but trust them as far as you can throw them.

82b354 No.14263151


Degica game; had one attempt at censoring for one game but they quickly went back just made a censored/uncensored toggle in the game's menu after people bitched. After that there localizations have been clean with no attempts to shake anything up. They're also based in japan and communicate with the devs directly.

There is also Idea Factory International; they have some slip ups once and awhile but learn from each mistake. Also the CEO said that they refuse to localize a game they would have to censor since it would hurt the people that would actually buy them. So to get around that they been slowly porting the risky games they don't want the ESRB to see to the PC instead localizing the console/handheld version.

bfa18c No.14263160



Tom was always a libtard. Anyone who knew anything about XSeed was aware of this. Basically everyone who works for them is. The thing that made them impressive was that despite their obvious political leanings they never let it effect their work. They still haven't. And until they do, nothing has changed. Tom has gone on record as not liking Senran before and yet…they still put out the games like professionals. Tom may want the Japs to be more normalfag, but there's nothing he can do to make that happen and the market is on our side. So as long as Tom and co continue to not use their position to gatekeep and alter content then I don't care how they personally feel about things. If they stay professional about it, like they have been, they can believe whatever stupid shit they want. The moment that changes and they do start censoring, I'll light your torches and buy your pitchforks myself. But this is nothing new. If you didn't know Tom already felt this way, then you did piss poor research. No one made Tom a "sacred cow." We said he did his job. For now that is still true. If that changes, no one is going to bat for him. But this blog post isn't anything new. Call me when a game gets changed.

82b354 No.14263178


>Basically everyone who works for them is.

Basically every localization team based in California is.

cd23e7 No.14263180

If anyone's bored help downvote this shit on imgur


c439be No.14263186

File: 0e9d0016d83bb9e⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 474x474, 1:1, th171B20KS.jpg)


>Carter Page was targeted by a Russian spy ring several years ago, drawing FBI scrutiny.

>Six months after the spy ring was broken up, Page joined the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser. A few months later, Page, newly identified by Trump as someone who had the Republican candidate’s ear on matters related to international affairs, traveled to Russia, met with prominent officials, and denounced U.S. sanctions against the Putin government.

>It was the sort of thing that was likely to capture the interest of U.S. counter-intelligence officials – and it did. Indeed, U.S. officials obtained a warrant to monitor Page, arguing that there was probable cause to believe he was acting as an agent of a foreign power. It was around this time that U.S. intelligence agencies briefed top members of Congress about their concerns regarding Page during the presidential campaign.

>Then Trump won the election, at which point, Page went back to Moscow for another visit, during which time he again met with leading Russian officials.

>And it’s against this backdrop that leading congressional Republicans – including Devin Nunes and Paul Ryan – are effectively asking the public, “Can you believe Carter Page was under surveillance?”

5150db No.14263207


But that was actually unprofessional as fuck

568656 No.14263213


>personal army


>muh downvote

you're a tremendous faggy retard

c439be No.14263218


eat a butt

6a693b No.14263223



>on /v/

Get the fuck out of here Kamfy, we already have one incompetent Semite, we don’t need two

1e4c2f No.14263228

File: 9276ca0a6b25576⋯.jpg (154.65 KB, 723x1105, 723:1105, yareyare.jpg)



Nah, go to hell. That guy was unprofessional and a dick to the old guy who just wants to work. The old guy seems like a man of his era, not todays shit.

b00310 No.14263230


Why are you calling yourself incompetent mark is neither competent or incompetent, hes just mark

c439be No.14263234


XSeed was never good.

866abb No.14263244

File: ba55d2d8768b026⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 800x503, 800:503, Anne Takamaki P5 23.jpg)

Good morning.

*Mosquitoes continues to feast my legs for some odd reason…**

c439be No.14263251



Fuckin' NEET.

7e047a No.14263260


>there was probable cause to believe he was acting as an agent of a foreign power

>spies on him via a foreign agent


Ahh I didn't need this boner

866abb No.14263268

File: caa5fef7d34bda9⋯.jpg (69.48 KB, 746x960, 373:480, Feminism's Irony.jpg)


Oldie, but a goodie. These feminists deserves it.

4d98e8 No.14263286


Second pic reminds me of that one Zone pacman ghosts animation

90b08a No.14263288


A head that full of shit is best off in the ground as fertilizer.

ce1c4b No.14263289


>green party

>on a UN mission

And nothing of value was lost. Funny they don't even mention Michale Sharp, the American who was executed alongside her.

b00310 No.14263293


Death is too kind.


Summed that up pretty well


I love If, but goddam I wish they and xseed would cool it when it comes to dlc.

568656 No.14263295


>these feminists deserves it

are you the ralphshill or something ? Your grammar incompetence ticks me off

anyway, nobody deserves this. Try being edgy on reddit instead next time, unless you're trying to get a screencap for twitter

b00310 No.14263297


You mean minus8

f122fa No.14263301

File: c6afdd2a775124e⋯.jpg (995.6 KB, 1334x2422, 667:1211, REEEEEEEEEEE.jpg)

90b08a No.14263303

File: 08bbe0d53f81554⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 181x206, 181:206, sfb.jpg)


Tilt-headed freak, her brain was probably trying to escape like her eye was.

33a4a2 No.14263305

File: 5a998fa9dc9e26e⋯.mp4 (274.33 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Haydee.mp4)



It's like they cannot apply logic.

c052ca No.14263307

File: 3eda805ce062956⋯.webm (125.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, who cares.webm)



would expect nothing different from these people. and most of those supporters i've seen are either control freaks or have annoying kids


it should serve as a warning for western people, but some people have their skulls thicker just as inflated as their egos are.

f122fa No.14263310


We live in a world where people are eating tide pods and listening to biaural beats to give themselves magic sex changes. Remind yourself of this and things make more sense.

1e4c2f No.14263311

File: ace59b619100688⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 528x292, 132:73, B6qLGZXCQAA37-c.jpg large.jpg)



It's ironic, unsurprising, and proves them wrong, but not deserved despite as much as I don't care




It's almost as if we're being false-flagged into looking like evil harassers.

b00310 No.14263316


Pelosi should probably start running, shes a meat shield.

33a4a2 No.14263317

File: 5f1899d0ed0cf6d⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, conditioning.jpg)


I thought the tide pods was just a meme. People actually eat these? As in, actual, full-grown adults with diplomas?

90b08a No.14263319


Capitalise the beginning of your fucking sentences before you start ripping on someone for being verbal retard, retard. Your inappropriately spaced question mark pisses me off no end too.

5150db No.14263320


All of a sudden government transparency is awful

50e25a No.14263323



but anon, we've always been false flagged as evil harassers. we were evil harassers from day 0. we've always been evil harassers to (((those people))) because they can't have actual functional opposition.

329d0f No.14263324


>before it was released she said it was fake and full of lies

>now it's an unredacted, classified memo

>also it's nothing we don't all already know

>but it's terrible that it got released

Really activates those almonds.

f122fa No.14263328


Where do you think the meme came from? To be fair, they aren't eating it, so much as "challenging themselves" to bite and have that shit in their mouth. Several teens died that way but they still do it. I thought it was a halfchan prank at first, but it actually caught on to normie culture.

464d90 No.14263329


I'm pretty sure you'd die if you did, so no it's probably just a meme.

90b08a No.14263331


>False flagged

Enjoy your paranoid fantasy.

2e900a No.14263332


Haha, she put a dot in front of DJT's twitter handle so it won't show up in his timeline. She's so fucking scared, lmao.

1e4c2f No.14263344

File: fa995a525de7415⋯.png (399.98 KB, 805x828, 35:36, rope4.png)



Yea we're being shilled.

bcc865 No.14263346


ayo hommie cut dat shit out we talkin bout games n shit dont come here and be ignorant

568656 No.14263347


<for being a verbal retard

ftfy, cunt

Faggot. Maybe next time you wanna start shit just for some capitalization without any other actual syntax issue, read your own posts before replying. Dumbass. Also, varying adjectives and expletives instead of repeating "retard" twice in a row avoids sounding like you're lacking in terms of vocabulary and linguistic competence, you massive twat.

4d98e8 No.14263350


Yes, minus8 sorry

33a4a2 No.14263351

File: e0d84e6f39e15aa⋯.jpg (132.11 KB, 652x869, 652:869, jazz music stops.jpg)



I just checked, there's a fucking Tide Pod challenge where they bite on a tide pod, and there's confirmed deaths because of it.

How the fuck did something as stupid as humanity manage to be the dominant species?

353515 No.14263362


Hey,at least the gene pool is being thinned out

f122fa No.14263365

File: 18bd52711ae100e⋯.jpg (863.73 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, show me de way.jpg)


Reading about the tide pod challenge ironically enough makes me want to eat a tidepod.

2d837f No.14263368

File: e6f5694d6d7de52⋯.png (334.63 KB, 510x410, 51:41, where is this is this real….PNG)




I thought you fags were joking but fuck me it's an actual thing people have been doing.

12d23c No.14263380


That's old news though.

e42d85 No.14263386


Because God literally didn't think humanity was capable of such stupidity.

f122fa No.14263389


Old, but puts things into perspective. It also explains why so many are apathetic to that memo and Snowden leaks, because they are apathetic morons.

bcc865 No.14263395

File: 87945d3fb2b4395⋯.mp4 (6.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yummy.mp4)


what the fuck

c49cbc No.14263408

File: a12cb0d522495df⋯.png (974.4 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 59a866d0a3969cb045d94480d1….png)


Humanity must be wiped out.

5dd7ea No.14263410


Government intervention keeps stopping stupid people from killing themselves off before they procreate.

7b1ec3 No.14263418

File: 1be568e89663c41⋯.jpg (154.99 KB, 720x1020, 12:17, b4248d687609fba39928b82083….jpg)



>Millenials are eating Tide Pods now.

Back in my day we didn't have 'tide pods' like the lazy kids these days. We had to drink bleach straight out of the bottle.

568656 No.14263430

Cortex command is free on steam right now. How good/bad is it ?

bfa18c No.14263440

File: e4f148de6c58784⋯.webm (15.83 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Made_in_Abyss_balloon_sce….webm)

The Tide Pod challenge makes me want to go into the Abyss.

64adc9 No.14263450


Darwin Awards. Tide might just stop selling them

255675 No.14263454


these are not toddlers these are just idiots and honestly I don't really have sympathy for them.

8ec490 No.14263455

File: f20f1dfda10888a⋯.gif (33.74 KB, 400x473, 400:473, thinking lip.gif)


If I were a wee bit paranoid, I'd guess this is another Jewish ruse trying to kill off as many millenials as covertly as possible, and disguising it as something as dumb as a challenge to eat a tide pod might have been it.

1e4c2f No.14263458


It's good to play around for a few because of the engine. It was in open development forever when I got it and didn't try it after the "release"

fb3129 No.14263459

File: 9103e4711782536⋯.png (100.28 KB, 250x264, 125:132, d73a31028bb0d4186590394480….png)


There was nothing about this that I didn't like.

64adc9 No.14263465


They're lemmings removing themselves from the gene pool.


Aren't these teens mostly Gen Z?

670410 No.14263466


That's just vile.

Couldn't they have gone with something like "russian roulette challenge"?

f122fa No.14263483

File: e8650dbeb62af2f⋯.jpg (163.29 KB, 1200x1067, 1200:1067, Accept all of us.jpg)


My throat is sore just from looking at this.

c439be No.14263485


Snowden criticized the memo though.

33a4a2 No.14263492

File: 00dfd103a96469a⋯.png (611.54 KB, 680x732, 170:183, 10$donation.png)


This is why god doesn't grant us robot gfs with built-in AI.

2e900a No.14263495


That's just proof Snowden is actually deep state. You never found it funny the difference in treatment Asange and Snowden got?

51383b No.14263501


holy cow

At least this post has reminded me to turn the washing machine on. Thanks!

No I didn't chug the laundry liquid

fd686f No.14263510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here's a case review of a kid swallowing this stuff and getting it in his lungs.


ea8326 No.14263522

File: 9e3573c7d1cbd72⋯.jpg (69.08 KB, 550x413, 550:413, 1430014610110.jpg)


You know, GG and this made me realize that jrpg villains I thought were stupid because they wanted to simply destroy the world might have had a point. If a hooded figure knock at my door and tells me to join his shadowy cabal bent on destroying the human race, I think I would at least consider it.

07e627 No.14263530


I feel like this was started as a joke and actual idiots took off with it.

d70845 No.14263565

File: bc9875788234a88⋯.jpeg (12.01 KB, 300x300, 1:1, retard.jpeg)




This is known as the principle of natural selection, folks. Just let it run its course. We will be better off for it.

51383b No.14263568


>Back in my day

To go old school you got to snort laundry powder.

eafd08 No.14263580

File: 5c1d8e083673413⋯.jpg (245.48 KB, 1200x1080, 10:9, b exploding spoon.jpg)

File: 764f61fa60d77b8⋯.jpg (103.26 KB, 777x901, 777:901, b mustard gas.jpg)




What boggles my mind the most about the tide pod challenge is that is reminds me of the deadly /b/ pranks except that people already know that its not going to end well.

That said, I'm not at all unhappy about this, I have been saying for years that children need to be playing with caustic chemicals and sharp objects. Its weeding out super dumb people.

>inb4 >reddit images

First results from google

ea8326 No.14263581


Why contain it?

f122fa No.14263585

File: 770b1e4763175b1⋯.jpg (171.72 KB, 1250x1600, 25:32, Miles.jpg)

File: da2eb472834e65d⋯.jpg (23.7 KB, 264x377, 264:377, Stannis_Baratheon.jpg)

File: d1da6129b88ba5a⋯.jpg (189.06 KB, 540x820, 27:41, Rorschach.jpg)

File: ca16f86ea2ff689⋯.jpg (868.15 KB, 3543x5314, 3543:5314, Dennis_Reynolds.jpg)

File: 6cbfa280ee5e843⋯.png (491.19 KB, 803x414, 803:414, Master.png)


These characters did nothing wrong.

e0e861 No.14263590


wasn't there some guy on the early GG threads trying to use mememagic to summon a meteor?

dd88b7 No.14263595


>You never found it funny the difference in treatment Asange and Snowden got?

Speaking of which, what does Asange's Twitter account have to say on it?


Wasn't the character in the middle the hero who died valiantly?


He's still around, unless someone is RPing him.

f122fa No.14263599


>Wasn't the character in the middle the hero who died valiantly?

According to Alan Moore, he's an ebil rightwing loonatic and Ozymandius was the real hero.

f122fa No.14263614


I'm still amazed at how many people fall for the ammonia and bleach thing. I learned that in elementary school.

eafd08 No.14263615


>deep penetration


Sounds like we will have to color code the acidity of the tide pods. Blue for basics and Orange for acids.

eafd08 No.14263625


I didn't learn that till I was 20 to be honest, I was however, taught never to play with chemicals.

ea8326 No.14263627


It's either growing up or the industry took a shift but I have an increasingly hard time to identify with what they try to pass as heroes lately and find that most of the time the villain has a better point, like in Horizon ZD, FF15 and Farcry where the good ending is the one where you don't get to play the game.


I stopped watching when they killed him like a pussy, he's much more awesome in the books and he's the only one who should rules among cucks and women.

f122fa No.14263640


They have a new villain in the show who's supposed to be as evil as Joffrey and Ramsay, but again, he ended up pretty likable, and killed the Dornish cunts.

ebe325 No.14263644



I remember back when I was a kid there was kids that would snort popcorn seasoning as a challenge. I always thought that was the most stupid thing until each generation kept on coming up with more stupid things to pull.

dd88b7 No.14263661

File: 599da8363b04351⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 561x800, 561:800, 135944_front.jpg)

File: 6dbc3294c6f9366⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 600x600, 1:1, baby-bottle-pops-128216-w.jpg)


>It's either growing up or the industry took a shift but I have an increasingly hard time to identify with what they try to pass as heroes lately and find that most of the time the villain has a better point…

Or, they just lack that much self-awareness.

>…like in Horizon ZD, FF15 and Farcry where the good ending is the one where you don't get to play the game.

I guess some developers really did take the "praise" of The Line as something to seriously consider.


I remember seeing stupid shit like that. Remember them taking things like Baby Bottle Pops and snorting that stuff?

1f0a05 No.14263674

Anons are are scared that Netflix is going to start taking over the anime market and pumping out prude shit that avoids lewd due to their recent partnership announcements. I don't think that's the case. From what I've seen, Netflix Original anime is a mixed bag, but mostly it's just Japanese companies getting funding from Netflix with only minor oversight. Netflix has a lot of pozz, but it's a big company, and not everyone seems to be in lockstep with the SJW mindset. My family has Netflix, and I'm certainly not capable of convincing them to stop feeding Soros propaganda money. I just watched the first episode of Kakegurui with a relative, and there's fanservice throughout the show with it being especially heavy on panty shots in the OP and ED. There's also heavy S&M undertones.


>Pictures of celebrities are copyrighted material now



Same way he travelled back in time and invented the manji.

d8ece4 No.14263677


I wouldn't burn my own children to maybe get a chance at winning a battle.

f122fa No.14263685

File: c14a8c8c33481a7⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 296x266, 148:133, c14a8c.jpg)




ea8326 No.14263686


This was very out of character for him, you could see the writers of the series had no fucking idea where they wanted to lead that shit.


I mean, Pagan Min was doing nothing wrong, he was building schools and hospitals before you destabilized the fucking country with rebels who spent the game hating you.

597a0f No.14263698


Who's that? Some pedo?

1f0a05 No.14263700


I'm gonna need some proof to go with those spicy claims. I've yet to hear of any fuckery until now.

2d837f No.14263702

File: 5fd10602ac8a951⋯.png (25.05 KB, 1794x168, 299:28, fry cry 4.PNG)

f122fa No.14263716


You should be glad you aren't aware of Ethan Ralph

dd88b7 No.14263723

File: 689c972f3a97a8e⋯.jpg (96.9 KB, 500x700, 5:7, the-rundown-poster-2.jpg)

File: 23d005936198438⋯.jpg (230.69 KB, 841x1200, 841:1200, soldiers-of-fortune-132815….jpg)


>I mean, Pagan Min was doing nothing wrong, he was building schools and hospitals before you destabilized the fucking country with rebels who spent the game hating you.


Speaking of which, isn't Far Cry 4 basically a poor-man's The Rundown, or Soldiers of Fortune?

1f0a05 No.14263735

File: d6d870246af570a⋯.png (92.83 KB, 1793x417, 1793:417, Tom of XSeed.png)


Let's just hope XSeed doesn't get into the same position Treehouse has been granted by Nintendo.

12d23c No.14263744


Back in highschool I remember a dude that snorted tippex dust.


>Baby Bottle Pops

At least those are actual foodstuffs. These are concentrated detergents. These can be outright corrosive in some cases (although household detergents usually have the less aggressive stuff in it).

2f5b41 No.14263756


>Tide pods killing retards

Natural selection at its most fucking finest.

bcc865 No.14263783

File: 04b9554692ec4ed⋯.jpg (230.53 KB, 803x743, 803:743, Screen Shot - 18-02-02 002.jpg)

File: c2305df5f2b7a7c⋯.jpg (195.44 KB, 605x640, 121:128, Screen Shot - 18-02-02 003.jpg)


>Anons are are scared that Netflix is going to start taking over the anime market

I fear some artists/animators might start jumping over the middle man (big jap media companies) and start making their own tiny companies and use Netflix bux for bigger profits and loosened working conditions. Also they might start diluting references to japanese cultural stuff and add more western garbage to it to appease the netflix audience


might as well repost it

>Fake porn videos featuring celebrities deleted from the internet in attempt to stop 'deepfake' footage


1f0a05 No.14263787


I'm fairly sure when they say post-trump, they mean post-trump's election, because that's considered a happening. Pepe is still strong in the normalfag sphere though just as it was when they first began screeching about it, so they have no excuse there.

bcc865 No.14263818


>I fear some artists/animators might start jumping over the middle man (big jap media companies) and start making their own tiny companies and use Netflix bux for bigger profits and loosened working conditions

with this I mean there might occur an "assembly line" effect where all these smaller companies broken from bigger studios start pouring out tons of animations just to surf the netflix bux stream and lower even more the average quality of anime

eafd08 No.14263820


At least with tippex dust you used to be able to get high off it. Like when I was in high school they did a PSA for the students against huffing spray-paint and canned-air not just because it could get you high but because it could kill you.

How is it that some kids are so obsessed with status that they are willing to risk their lives just for the possibility of gaining it, rather then at least a guaranteed high. Fucking hell we need to bring back huffing spray paint for the sake of the health and safety of children.

1f0a05 No.14263826


>Also they might start diluting references to japanese cultural stuff and add more western garbage to it to appease the netflix audience

That's the thing though. Stuff like Kakegurui and maybe Devilman Crybaby appear to go against that idea. I think it's safe to say a wait and see approach can be taken here and start bemoaning the new partnerships and shitting on the new Netflix anime when they come out and have content that can more tangibly be shat upon.

39c709 No.14263831


There's a reason I don't touch alcohol. Besides absolutely hating the taste of everything I've tried

ea8326 No.14263840

File: 50c498eb8dd0a8c⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 1280x692, 320:173, Jin.Roh.The.Wolf.Brigade.webm)


I just hate t he idea of not being in control so I avoid alcohol too.

2b9892 No.14263845


Good idea. I drink like a however this saying ends and I'm too addicted to just quit now.

f122fa No.14263875


I love the taste of alcohol.

ea8326 No.14263888


Renounce the jew nectar made to dull your senses. You will be better off.

5150db No.14263890


>I fear some artists/animators might start jumping over the middle man (big jap media companies) and start making their own tiny companies and use Netflix bux for bigger profits and loosened working conditions.

If you knew anything about the anime industry you'd realize what a good thing that would be

4d0886 No.14263897


It's not like it's a new phenomenon but the gamification of social interaction really doesn't help either. Before you did stupid shit to impress your actual friends but now you do stupid shit to earn tons of likes and views which are going to kickstart your easy money internet career. The one where you become everyone's idol and they send you tons of money and gifts to see you play video games, eat food, or travel to cool places on vacation. And obviously if you want to get the most views you need to do the most extreme and eyecatching stuff.

255675 No.14263905


I gag if I get a wiff of alcohol across a room.

and this is coming from someone who is mostly Irish and Slav

2d837f No.14263906


Ya with how little they are paid I can't blame them for going with the kikes at Netflix cause they actually get a salary with benefits that allows them to eat and sleep.

bcc865 No.14263914


>If you knew anything about the anime industry you'd realize what a good thing that would be

I missed adding this part to the argument >>14263818

2b9892 No.14263921


But the whole reason I drink it is because eventually it will make me better off.

5150db No.14263924


But that what already happens in the anime industry

bcc865 No.14263937


my point is that it will intensify ten fold

ea8326 No.14263942


My trips compels you.

1f0a05 No.14263944


>Renounce the jew nectar made to dull your senses.

Didn't much of humanity drink alcohol as their main source of liquid for centuries because clean water was a luxury for the rich?

2b9892 No.14263947


i'll stop drinking when i'm dead

5150db No.14263948


Alcohol is the only reason society exists

4d98e8 No.14263949


I learned it from joe dirt, Christopher Walken saves the day though

bfa18c No.14263954

File: ed032314ed640f5⋯.jpg (541.88 KB, 1463x2048, 1463:2048, 76659c6f67d6531eda68735800….jpg)

File: 241e40f8cc12e0b⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 5927dc46d8a6c02cf159ca4b7….jpeg)

File: bd38583b310afc5⋯.jpg (288.94 KB, 1020x1200, 17:20, 95e6ca7c53058253f66e9a8861….jpg)

File: 15ce37339909bdc⋯.jpg (145.41 KB, 543x1162, 543:1162, 0ee638c6dad256837604ec73ff….jpg)

File: 43476e98bf7c261⋯.png (133.46 KB, 480x290, 48:29, 79d5a7a576cdbd0d506079490d….png)


They couldn't stop XB2 from being lewd, so I'm betting the Japs just laughed at them. XB2 just passed a million copies sold too.

2e900a No.14263955


XC2 sold more than Battlefront 2, lol.

1f0a05 No.14263978

dd88b7 No.14263983

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

1f0a05 No.14263985


But at the same time, without overbearing companies forcing cookie cutter shit and tight budgets, won't directors be able to take more risks?

bfa18c No.14263994


The Netflix thing isn't great, I'll admit. But working out the math for the deal, Netflix would be able to make, on average, three shows a year. Anime typically has 40-something show a season. With an average of 160 anime a year, three of them being Netflix normalfag garbage isn't going to be a huge deal. Netflix doesn't have the money to take over the anime industry and I seriously doubt they will be able to rise it out of niche status.

1f0a05 No.14264006


>Referencing one's own trips

Almost as cancerous as self checking. An sudoku anon.


I know somebody who has BFII and they say the only reason they have it is that came in a relatively cheap bundle with their PS4 and other games. How much you want to bet a significant amount of sales come from bundles?

bcc865 No.14264009


Renowned one probably but the lesser ones won't have enough pull to gather resources to produce more elaborated works and will gravitate to whatever makes more money faster. The initial hype of free money will draw plenty of these

bfa18c No.14264013


Yes the game does have some text censorship, and yet the fact that we know it has censorship means they were unable to effect content at the Japanese level. Moreover, what do you think the fact there was no visual censorship means when it was so blatant before? Could it be… Torrential Downpour is having an effect and they're scared of backlash?

5150db No.14264021


>The Netflix thing isn't great

It's a full nullvoid quantity. It could be good, could be bad, but most likely it's just gonna be some extra anime with the netflix trademark stamped on them.

1f0a05 No.14264025


>Netflix would be able to make, on average, three shows a year.

>ANN: Netflix to Produce 30 'New' Anime Series for 2018 Release


Didn't they also already produce around 7-8 last year alone and plan on increasing the amount they're making from there?

5150db No.14264035


>Didn't they also already produce around 7-8 last year alone

They produced 3. Neo Yokio, Devilman, and Castlevania. All others they just bought exclusive western rights for and stamped their name on it.

1f0a05 No.14264095


Sorry, I should have said published.

bfa18c No.14264116


I'm betting very few of those are actually made by them. They don't have the budget for bankroll 30 fucking anime. Most will likely just be ones they're slapping their lable on. Hell it sounds like some of those will just be old anime they're licencing.

1f0a05 No.14264131


>old anime they're licencing.

Then the headline is blatantly dishonest with the words "produce" and "New" and "Release".

5150db No.14264135


I hadn't actually read that article until I saw your post. Why the fuck are people freaked out about this? You're right, multiple of those shows are already made. They aren't responsiblee for a single frame of animation in multiple of the ones listed.

866abb No.14264152

File: a60f16632df23f2⋯.jpg (245.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LOL 21.jpg)

>The feminist left is losing their minds over the FISA Memo teaser that they're now calling for a revolution to overthrow Donald Trump….


364309 No.14264156



bfa18c No.14264163

File: 348ce598ed4b515⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 800x1130, 80:113, e436c9087dc06b05763c9cd378….jpg)


A lying clickbaity headline!? Surely you just! That is impossible!

2d837f No.14264165

File: 0be4131acdac917⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, not big surprise.jpg)

970ef5 No.14264168

File: 268f09301cd646c⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 354x360, 59:60, I WISH A NIGGA WOULD.jpg)

5150db No.14264172

Stop giving him (you)s until he explains further you fucks.

ebe325 No.14264181


>tfw they secured trump re-election 100% now

>tfw he doesn't even have to campaign at this point because the dems are doing it for him

>tfw he'll still campaign as an excuse to shitpost

ba499b No.14264192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>superior multicellular tardigrade


>dumb potato looking unicellular paramecium

bcc865 No.14264194

File: 47b4d16119ae6d9⋯.png (92.85 KB, 417x279, 139:93, 1446588965427.png)

fd686f No.14264202

File: 0bb3de89ec238c6⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MSNBC Calls for Revolutio….webm)

335389 No.14264206

File: b3ff37b93be0862⋯.png (318.63 KB, 286x386, 143:193, b3f.png)

fd686f No.14264212

f122fa No.14264258

File: ccea60ad63b66a0⋯.png (190.43 KB, 605x624, 605:624, take that mom.png)


Fuck Donald Drumpf and fuck white people.

12fd4a No.14264261

File: 6aa879c56a29c07⋯.gif (781.2 KB, 235x277, 235:277, 1443470478570.gif)




335389 No.14264270


I can't believe MS13NBC let mental patients do punditry on live TV,So progressive.

de5db1 No.14264273


This is old news, we discussed this breads ago. This is not new for Tom either, he's always been a liberal calling stuff problematic. It's just for the time being his principles has overtaken his actual views. Hopefully it stays that way, but sooner or later he will probably slip.


>personal army







Both of you need suicide Pronto. And for god sakes anons stop replying to them.

f122fa No.14264279

File: 2c585c1b5b7042a⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 574x622, 287:311, NunesMemo.JPG)

794418 No.14264280


As a dirty foreigner I can't wait to see how this develops.

Whaever happens mirth is assured.

364309 No.14264284


>We need a revolution!

<Consisting of people that have probably disarmed themselves


8b945f No.14264287


Holy shit, that's pathetic. He knows they can't do shit, he knows Trump is winning, and begs americans to do take Trump out of the picture on his behalf by a "revolution".

That's fucking pathetic. They are that desperate.

7d3475 No.14264288

File: 42ccc541cd89f0b⋯.gif (2.41 MB, 532x560, 19:20, dc85f6d9d4ee4978a316550964….gif)

970ef5 No.14264289



If Trump's a dictator then he's one in the old Roman Republic sense of the word. Of course that would require his own party to support him a little bit to be an accurate description.

b200f1 No.14264292



Do I even need to watch any more or is it just more near unintelligible rambling for this clearly unhinged faggot?

8b945f No.14264295


Reported for roleplaying and avatarfagging.

2d837f No.14264296

File: 7e5b6cf61b29875⋯.png (157.07 KB, 281x297, 281:297, didn't happen sooner.png)

970ef5 No.14264297


>comfy nanachi

>comfy bayer dithering

I wish to be this comfy some day.

866abb No.14264299


What are the grounds of rebellion in the US laws? Because this SHOULD be classified as one. Hell, no one can ever say this on national TV in our country without getting a visit from the PSG-SAF or the AFP. These people are fucking mental.

2d837f No.14264304

So are you Yanks going to have that civil war?

fb3129 No.14264305

File: 3d06d1b9a05c539⋯.jpg (173.98 KB, 1246x771, 1246:771, 60cbf5eca27e15f979a7a48213….jpg)


>mom's text

Nothing else needs to be said.

fd686f No.14264311


There have only been process charges unrelated to Russia. No ones been convicted yet.


They're coming around a bit. This first memo wouldn't have been released without them.

794418 No.14264319


The US works really, really differently from most countries.

In order to understand it from an outsider's perspective you gotta start by assuming it isn't a real country, it's a union of different states indipendent from each other with a light federal law plastered on top of it. Because of this the government itself is really small and its inhabitants and press have perhaps way too many liberties.

3c6248 No.14264320

File: 60f5ceb199f6912⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 500x391, 500:391, 34b5a4310bde2ecf383e528346….jpg)



>not Frank

970ef5 No.14264322


Eventually, yes. Right now? Who knows, maybe.

182b02 No.14264324


>Government agency with no accountability proven to have grossly abused its power and undermine democracy

Guiz, we need these guys to protect us, who will protect us if they're held accountable to their actions.

3ef877 No.14264325

File: 39f95ccaaa751bf⋯.png (944.23 KB, 640x883, 640:883, justcuckmypatreonup.png)


>George "I'll sue people for 20 million dollars because they hurt my feelings" Urangutan

Opinion discarded.

b33112 No.14264330

So let's get this straight.

>memo comes out clearly showing that dems tried to meddle in the election process

>yet that doesn't even fucking matter because russia for some reason

Are we even occupying the same fucking plane of reality as these people? Has there ever been a bigger case of willful ignorance and derangement in the history of humanity?

f122fa No.14264333


Dennis is much more likable than Frank and did nothing wrong.

3c6248 No.14264347

File: 9fcd90d1d5dc191⋯.png (133.7 KB, 240x424, 30:53, 1511227417.png)



>more likable than Frank

Those trips are wrong.

182b02 No.14264348


Did he actually tweet that out like somehow his mom didn't completely fucking burn this shit out of him.

4169b7 No.14264351


I still don't understand why the fuck these people are constantly painting Russia as evil. Isn't Russia pretty much just as powerful as the US. Wasn't the whole Cold War "If we fight were both fucking dead. So lets not fight."

Why do they think any good will come from this.

2d837f No.14264359


>Russia pretty much just as powerful as the US

Russia isn't as powerful as it'd like people to think to be honest.

bfa18c No.14264363

File: 475693f71b2ea42⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Made in Abyss - But Only N….mp4)

794418 No.14264364


You gotta understand, the only reason why the US still exists as a country is because they're really patriotic. Now that socialism is a widespread thing and patriotism is being associated with bad things I don't think that's going to last.

40da59 No.14264369




f122fa No.14264370


Facebook, but yea, he did. This is the same guy who talked about feminists being gross and said being gay is a choice, and wrote a book called the alphabet of manliness.

83fdcc No.14264381

File: 2d719baa18a77ca⋯.png (300.29 KB, 532x596, 133:149, 1428994837586.png)



But now that memo is released suddenly it's just nothing and everybody should disregard it because LOL look and that dumbass Dorpf releasing papers that say nothing important.

Really makes you think.

f122fa No.14264386


The second he did cocaine to scam welfare I knew this guy was someone to root for.

dd88b7 No.14264415


>Wasn't the whole Cold War "If we fight were both fucking dead. So lets not fight."

No. From what I remember, the Cold War was just one stalemate after another with Russia losing the war because they bankrupted themselves and couldn't take it any longer.

c59a84 No.14264419

File: 7182350db551c1f⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 720x450, 8:5, 1442792424684.jpg)


>Blob fell for Comey's one-liner desperate attempt to avoid perjury charges

745f67 No.14264423

File: a590ac513747316⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1272x1891, 1272:1891, cybercorn.png)

6a3e74 No.14264424

File: fcc052948976570⋯.jpg (290.38 KB, 734x1070, 367:535, maga.jpg)

4d98e8 No.14264439


>No. From what I remember, the Cold War was just one stalemate after another with Russia losing the war because they bankrupted themselves and couldn't take it any longer.

Yes, with the threat that if Russia and the US engaged in direct war with each other it would be a nuclear war and kill pretty much all life on earth

0acc06 No.14264458


>http link

what is this meme?

4d98e8 No.14264470


He didn't archive because he's a massive faggot and can't read the 5th post in the thread

dd88b7 No.14264524

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Outside of the Cuban Missile Crisis, I believe most of that was just hype stirred up by the media. After the Space Race, Russia seemed to just…exist until Reagan began to clean things up.

5ec0e9 No.14264548

File: 2b24c316ffb5fef⋯.png (397.49 KB, 692x548, 173:137, memeteor4.png)

File: 40d51a33b74fe7c⋯.png (250.27 KB, 650x491, 650:491, memeteor.png)

File: f73a370342c58a6⋯.png (836.36 KB, 780x520, 3:2, memeteor3.png)



>not realizing it succeded

5150db No.14264557


There's at least one occasion where orders were given to launch nukes, but the soldiers refused, dude. Our countries wanted to blow each other the fuck up.

0acc06 No.14264602


please never click a http link they should be https,http links are rumored to be cianiggers bait to v8 you

2f5b41 No.14264613


Anything to kill us all.

1db693 No.14264621

File: 4240f38f5659441⋯.pdf (5.22 MB, CutiesKillingVideoGames.pdf)

File: 5d813b940486355⋯.jpg (101.2 KB, 894x822, 149:137, 5.jpg)

File: e337a1f92186977⋯.jpg (80.96 KB, 1115x861, 1115:861, 3.jpg)

File: 0e32fc148c7196c⋯.jpg (100.43 KB, 1080x859, 1080:859, 2.jpg)

File: aca19d192016b02⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 1041x841, 1041:841, 1.jpg)


Here's some nostalgia for you…

"Gamergate Observed, or, My Experience as an Undercover Social Justice Warrior" from

Cuties Killing Video Games: Gender Politics and Performance in Indie Game Developer Subculture, A Thesis Presented to the Honors Tutorial College, Ohio University, In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduation from the Honors Tutorial College with the degree of Political Science, by Alexander Higgins, April 2015

f122fa No.14264651


Seriously, m8?

1db693 No.14264654

File: 20e0e68c3d7c97b⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 1114x896, 557:448, child.jpg)



Note: I attached the PDF to the post, which has a lot more "fun" stuff in it…

cea643 No.14264667

File: fbe97e07091c750⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1488009741.gif)


>"Trump has cut away at the things that protect us"

>The first thing the guy mentions after the fact is the media

f122fa No.14264676

File: 458e2691c5fe07e⋯.jpg (62.19 KB, 475x637, 475:637, adf.jpg)


We're screwed, the left has their own supersolder and he's ready to die for the revolution.

e07308 No.14264688

File: 87b569797a2d117⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2255x2679, 2255:2679, daniellbustoffice.png)


Speaking of academia and GG, anyone remember Amy Bruckman's paper?



>Final version of our #GamerGate/KotakuInAction paper is finally out!



b00310 No.14264699


But I made shitty gear.

1db693 No.14264711



Oh, that one's a lot more recent.

The main interesting thing about the paper I linked was the guy "went under cover" as a "friendly, harmless anon." I knew I was right to be a raving paranoid all the time ^_^

b00310 No.14264731


Inb4 it was one of the revolt fags

dd88b7 No.14264831




They were just on Reddit, they come here:

>Specifically, we chose to study Kotaku in Action (KiA), a discussion forum for members of GamerGate.

46c4ce No.14264882

Sony's CEO resigned https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/18/02/02/2321208/as-sony-ceo-kaz-hirai-steps-down-the-future-of-some-products-is-in-question

Weren't we digging Sony at one point? I don't remember his name ever coming up.

7d3475 No.14264913

3ef877 No.14264916


>Kaz Hirai leaves

This is no longer RIDGE RACER

b5ea6a No.14264919

File: 4ea57ff825d13d6⋯.jpeg (12.78 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 6ac475ee4348b3154e6bb43ca….jpeg)


What's wrong with using we in that context?

bfa18c No.14264924

bcc865 No.14264931



7d3475 No.14264940


We implies he is also doing it, he is asking if "we" did this implies he doesnt know.

>Weren't we digging Sony at one point? I don't remember his name ever coming up.

should be Weren't others Digging or When I was digging

e0e861 No.14264943


>and SHIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeettttposters

2460d9 No.14264959

File: 191fd7a20110419⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2018-02-02….png)

File: 27278386787c514⋯.jpg (452.11 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, 118b122cab05f85f47a58b8905….jpg)


>no archive link

fake news


>people are eating tide pods

>that fuck are tide pods?


1f170f No.14264977

File: ea7bd94cab5e291⋯.jpg (898.8 KB, 1048x4884, 262:1221, JTnEXJZ.jpg)


> Girls will, for example, play boys’ games, but boys are much more reluctant to play girls’ games. This is in part because it is admirable for a girl to win when competing with a boy. It is also OK for her to lose to a boy.

>For a boy to beat a girl, however, it is often not OK — and just as often, it is even less OK for him to lose. Imagine that a boy and a girl, aged nine, get into a fight. Just for engaging, the boy is highly suspect. If he wins, he’s pathetic. If he loses — well, his life might as well be over. Beat up by a girl.

>Girls can win by winning in their own hierarchy — by being good at what girls value, as girls. They can add to this victory by winning in the boys’ hierarchy. Boys, however, can win only by winning in the male hierarchy. They will lose status, among girls and boys, by being good at what girls value.

>It costs them in reputation among the boys, and in attractiveness among the girls.

>[…] Boys can’t (won’t) play truly competitive games with girls. It isn’t clear how they can win. As the game turns into a girls’ game, therefore, the boys leave.

>February 3, 2018, the weekend australian, theaustralian.com.au, Decline in men at universities bad for both sexes - Jordan Peterson,

2a3328 No.14264980

File: 2a74230ef42ffb9⋯.png (192.45 KB, 956x1269, 956:1269, viv batgorl.png)


lol that peter coffin userpic. It was a joke on 'profile pic' so he took the picture from his profile side. COMEDIAN

bcc865 No.14264987

File: a6b6e29c146a0f9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1514586099.jpg)


All wrapped up, we can get back on track now

7d3475 No.14264996

bcc865 No.14265003

File: 78b6c4b274ce46b⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 532x427, 76:61, you_little_faget.jpg)


you cheeky bastard

ebe325 No.14265007

2a3328 No.14265011



b00310 No.14265023


>kaz is dropping out

Shit, he was not to terrible.

2460d9 No.14265048


>Moreover, what do you think the fact there was no visual censorship means when it was so blatant before?

well, it depends, have NoE censored shit at the same level like NoA?

If they are really scared of backlash they could have given the game to NoA and translate it with no censorship aside from the whole yuri harem pedo blade thingy.

or maybe they gave it to NoE and experimented if lewd vidya would sell in current year + 3

1f0a05 No.14265049


<and bagina

dd88b7 No.14265073

File: d8bb0aafc9fcf98⋯.png (56.85 KB, 277x390, 277:390, edcc9101ed80fbb5ac76959179….png)

File: 39e92d175f9f523⋯.png (46.11 KB, 402x120, 67:20, 6d653cad8a042cd8d361903a4b….png)

File: dcdaca0705b3c38⋯.png (57.08 KB, 193x267, 193:267, a74bbf71ca463e1264b2063976….png)

File: 72251998e8808c7⋯.png (27.4 KB, 580x220, 29:11, 931b9cc6dc241e49d0524a3401….png)



Here are some highlights from the paper (There is a lot, so sorry about the multiple posts):

<They find the First Amendment to be a huge peculiarity in the "Way the world works" with our demand to have absolute freedom of speech meanwhile other first world nations have put limitations on their "Freedom of Speech" laws citing examples such as Holocaust denial and racially offensive content

>DeNardis has argued that since globalization and technological change have reduced the capacity of sovereign nation states to control information flows, Internet governance has now become the central front of freedom of expression (DeNardis, 2012; DeNardis and Hackl, 2016).


>As we will see, a central theme of discussion on KiA is expressing anger about the spread of “political correctness.” What is “political correctness”? The term first emerged in Communist terminology in the 1930s to refer to the orthodox Communist party political line. It became part of the modern lexicon as a result of the public debates on university campuses in the United States between the liberal left and the conservatives in the late 1980s. Geoffrey Hughes (2010) describes political correctness as a “complex, discontinuous and protean” sociolinguistic phenomenon that has “ramified from its initial concerns with education and the curriculum into numerous agendas, reforms, and issues concerning race, culture, gender, disability, the environment, and animal rights.”


>In this research, we ask: Who are the people who participate in KiA? What are their shared beliefs and goals? How do the features of their sociotechnical system shape their emergent culture, and their tendency to be in conflict with other online groups? Do they see themselves as harassing others? What do they think “harassment” is? Most importantly, what can we learn about the nature of harassment by understanding nuances of its manifestation in this context?


>Opponents of GamerGate have experienced doxing (revealing someone’s personal information online), death threats, rape threats, and SWATing (tricking the police into raiding someone’s home). Many who support GamerGate disavow these tactics (Glasgow, 2015), and insist that the perpetrators do not represent them. GamerGate does not have a defined membership or official leaders, so it is difficult to state whether “GamerGate” committed any particular act. Moreover, many GamerGate supporters claim that they also experienced doxing and harassment.


dd88b7 No.14265075





>Although we initially set out to study GamerGate more generally, it rapidly became apparent that this was an impossibly huge task. To focus our efforts, we chose one online community dedicated to discussion of GamerGate issues: the Kotaku in Action (KiA) subreddit (KotakuInAction, 2016).


>As Treré (2012) points out, “restricting the focus to only one of the many online technological manifestations of social movements risks overlooking important aspects such as the role and evolution of different platforms within a movement.” Therefore, we must note here that to fully understand the dynamics of GamerGate, future research must also consider Twitter as well as comparatively obscure sites like 8chan and Voat used by GamerGate supporters and opponents.

>KiA is generally one of the mildest GamerGate forums, with less controversial speech than discussions of the topic on other sites like Twitter, 8chan, or Voat. Although the popular press portrays GamerGate as a movement of misogynist Internet trolls (Allaway, 2014), we found that KiA members do not view themselves as such. Values our participants embrace include a strong support for freedom of speech, the view that political correctness has gone too far, the idea that white men are discriminated against in today’s society, and a belief that the quality of journalism is in decline and the mainstream press too often blindly follows the values of PC (politically correct) culture.


dd88b7 No.14265078





<Bring up the Baldur's Gate controversy, here's the conclusion of it:

>In summary, there is no single explanation of the controversy about Siege of Dragonspear. Evidence supports the fact that it is indeed a badly designed game (Monroe, 2016). Many GamerGate supporters claim that the addition of the dialog line about GamerGate is proof that the developers were deliberately trying to provoke GamerGate supporters to get publicity. On the other hand, some vocal opponents of the game are clearly not supporters of transgender rights. This kind of complexity pervades our dataset.


>The community believes that recordkeeping is important, and uses a number of tools to preserve records. One of the rules of KiA recommends its members to “archive as many things as possible.” Archiving preserves articles in their original format, so that alteration or disappearance of embarrassing records from Web sites can be exposed, and media can be held accountable. ‘Archive.is’, a Web site that allows its users to save a text and a graphical copy for any Web page, is used for this purpose. One of the KiA users created “mnemosyne,” a bot that automatically archives each submission on KiA.


dd88b7 No.14265079





>The norms of the community dictate that moderation should be minimal. Many members strongly believe in freedom of expression. There is a spectrum of interpretations of limits on free speech, and KiA leans towards favoring no limits. Many participants expressed their concerns about social media platforms shutting down parts of the political spectrum by censoring selected conversations or banning certain users. The community claims that it values discussion, and it believes that everyone should be allowed to have an equal voice. Members consider that this belief guides the norms of the community, where users are not banned if they express an unpopular opinion.

>“I think the correct term would be “laissez-fair,” the kind of hands-off moderation that allows us to really post anything that is related to our pretty lofty generalized goal. So you can get any movement going as long as it’s kind of related, is one big benefit.” (P6)

>However, the voting mechanism of Reddit does not allow posts with unpopular viewpoints to appear at the top. Some participants admitted that they don’t often see anti-GamerGate posters on KiA, and even when such users show up, their posts frequently get down-voted, and thereby buried under the more popular pro-GamerGate posts.


<They spend quite a bit of time going on about how oldfags came to view the internet as the new "Wild West", and the hate campaign that goes on against pro-GG sites


dd88b7 No.14265080





>A few participants talked about troll groups, some of which are splinter groups that emerged out of the GamerGate forums on 4chan and 8chan Web sites, that attempt to disrupt and mislead discussions about GamerGate. Some “third-party trolls” harass members of both GamerGate and anti-GamerGate communities, and blame the other group, to instigate the groups to fight each other. GamerGate supporters have often claimed that “much of the mayhem associated with the movement comes from third-party trolls who get a kick out of baiting both sides.” (Young, 2015)


>All of our participants said that they do not personally engage in harassing others, and that KiA as a group specifically prohibits all forms of harassment. This is in sharp contrast to the portrayal of GamerGate in the popular press. There are a number of possible explanations for this apparent contradiction. First, there is a self-selection bias in how our interview subjects were selected. The people who would agree to speak to academics about KiA are likely not the ones doing the harassment. Second, because KiA is a large, leaderless group, it is impossible to hold the group accountable for the behavior of any single individual, because that individual is simply redefined as not speaking for the group (like the “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy [Fieser and Dowden, 1995]). Third, underlying this contradiction is a sincere disagreement about what is “harassment” and what is free speech. A fourth potential explanation is that our informants are simply lying to us. Although they are clearly putting their best selves forward, we believe them to on the whole be giving honest accounts. The other three explanations are all true in varying degrees. We conclude that KiA is not a viper’s nest, though there are probably vipers in the nest.

>As we have seen, KiA members believe that they have been wrongly accused of harassment. The other side of the controversy, of course, has a radically different account of what has actually taken place. It is indisputable that both sides have both experienced and committed harassment. What is impossible empirically for us to determine is the relative prevalence of harassers in the community. Our informants state that a few bad apples are giving the entire group a bad name. Others label KiA a hate group and insist that it is immaterial that there are a small number of decent people mixed in. The relative prevalence is an empirical question that we can’t answer, and nothing in this paper should be construed to support one view or the other.


dd88b7 No.14265081





>In her study on cyber-racism, Jessie Daniels (2009) notes that there is a U.S./Europe cyberhate divide. She explains that the U.S. response to white supremacy online is to view it as speech protected under the First Amendment and to forfeit it only when it is joined with conduct that threatens, harasses, harms, or incites illegality. In contrast, other Western industrialized democracies address online racism by broadening the scope of their existing antiracism laws.

>There exist similar disagreements on the questions about the content of other hateful material. The enormous international influence of the U.S. policies and its prominence as a safe haven for hosting Internet hate speech reduce the likelihood that nations who wish to regulate hate speech online will be able to do so. Besides, as Titley, et al. (2015) point out, “there seems to be consensus that the problem of cyberhate is increasing both in magnitude, and in the variety of strategies used.” This reflects a need to consider analytic alternatives to the binary interpretation of free speech versus harassment that many KiA users seem to hold. Distinguishing controversial speech from hate speech, and weighing “freedom of speech” against protection from abuse would help the researchers and regulators think more critically about these issues.


>Some researchers argue that the Internet has witnessed a number of moral panics regarding online activity, and this clouds the fact that only a small minority of users actually engage in disruptive or illegal activity (Ellison and Akdeniz, 1998). Our findings indicate that there may be an aspect of moral panic in response to GamerGate. Many KiA users believe that they experienced one-sided reporting by the media. They argue that misinformed reactions and stereotyping by their opponents fueled the anger of GamerGate supporters and intensified their activities. To break this cycle of negative reinforcement and escalation, our findings suggest that it is advisable to take a more balanced tone in response. If outsiders seek to find common ground with the more moderate members of the movement, this can break the cycle of escalation.

>While outsiders might seek mutual understanding with the more moderate members of the group, it is clearly not ethical or strategic to appease the true harassers in any way. But how do we tell the difference?

>Our findings suggest two key dimensions to understand controversial speech: its intensity, and whether it is perceived as justified from a particular perspective (see Table 4). Intensity has two dimensions: the strength of each utterance, and how often the communication is repeated.


dd88b7 No.14265083





>Judgments of intensity differ radically depending on an individual’s basic views on the proper limits on free speech. Citron (2014) writes that although online speech is crucial for self-government and cultural engagement, certain categories of low-value speech, e.g., true threats, defamation, fraud and obscenity, “can be regulated due to their propensity to bring about serious harms and slight contribution to free speech values.” Everyone agrees that you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Beyond concrete and immediate harm, where do we draw the line? Feminists and critical race theorists argue that words have power, and we are responsible for the emotional harm our words may cause others (Spender, 1998; Daniels, 2009). Strong civil libertarians argue that censorship is a slippery slope, and freedom of speech includes the right to offend (Brennan, 2012).

>With such fundamental disagreements on what sort of speech is appropriate, it’s a wonder that people ever succeed in civil communication. Fortunately, this problem is normally solved by social norms. Members of different online communities develop a sense of local social norms for appropriate communication. Each subreddit in fact evolves its own norms — what you may say on Kotaku in Action is quite different than what you can say on GamerGhazi or AskReddit or any of the other thousands of subreddits. Conflict about appropriate speech is particularly likely to emerge on sites like Twitter, where it is not clear whose social norms apply.


dd88b7 No.14265085





>A key approach to managing the problem of online harassment is by developing moderation and blocking mechanisms (Crawford and Gillespie, 2016; Lampe and Resnick, 2004; Geiger, 2016). Our findings add nuance to our understanding of the challenges of this undertaking. As we discussed, the tradeoffs between online harassment and free speech are complex. Couching too broad a spectrum of online dispute under a single umbrella of harassment can lead to broad reactionary interventions that are problematic. Although it may appear that laying out detailed, formal rules to guide moderation would bring a sense of fairness in an online community, the moderators need enough flexibility to judge any action in its context. Moderation decisions should take into account the intensity of the language used, as well as the frequency of communications directed at a single target. As Phillips (2015) recommends, moderation decisions should also consider the persistence and relative searchability of data for a given behavior. Supporting a personalized approach to controlling the user’s social feed should also be encouraged.

>We argue that another, complementary direction where designers can focus is the design of tools that can help improve discussions and mutual understanding of groups with different ideologies. This is a challenging problem. For example, consider the context of GamerGate. It is difficult to create a legitimate dialogue between the two sides: Basic language choices (for example, KiA’s use of the phrase “social justice warriors”) posit deep-seated assumptions about the other side. The opponents of GamerGate view it as a hate group, while its supporters believe that their legitimate concerns are rebuffed by portraying them as harassers. We propose that one useful way to address such challenges is to draw from prior research on modeling argumentation for the social semantic Web. There is a vast body of work in this area where researchers have proposed theoretical models and implemented social Web tools that help users engage in argumentative discussions (Schneider, et al., 2013). For example, Kriplean, et al. (2012) developed ConsiderIt, a platform that allows users to author pro and con points. This augmented personal deliberation helps mitigate the opportunities for conflict that occur in direct discussions while allowing users to consider the arguments on the other side.

>Differences in cultural norms among groups can make communications difficult. It would be helpful to design solutions that help bridge across different norms of politeness. Disentangling the mode of address from content can help. Grevet’s (2016) work on designing social media to facilitate more civil conversations provides useful insights. Such tools can help users identify common ground.

>Going forward, we intend to explore other avenues of research in designing interfaces that help people understand one another. As a first step, we are currently studying ChangeMyView [8], a community that facilitates discussions between users with opposing viewpoints. We are analyzing how the design mechanisms and social norms of this community allow users to engage in meaningful conversations with people they disagree with. This project aims to explore how we can motivate such civil discussions on other platforms.


dd88b7 No.14265086





>In this research, we deliberately sought out just one side of the controversy: Who are the people on KiA, and how do they view their activities? We are not attempting to make any statement in favor of or against members of KiA, but simply to try to see what the world looks like from their point of view. What we found had much more complexity and nuance than we originally anticipated. In the future, it would be interesting to study individuals who oppose GamerGate on Twitter and sites like GamerGhazi.

>A key limitation on our findings is the nature of our sample. Our sample size is small but we triangulated our interview data with notes made during participant observation on KiA. We note a self-selection bias — we only spoke with KiA members who were willing to talk to us. Additionally, social desirability bias might have motivated our interviewees to under-report behaviors that may be viewed as unfavorable.


>What made Lindy West’s story so compelling is that she and her harasser transcended their differences and reached a degree of mutual understanding. Nothing like that happened in this study. We have no reason to believe that anyone we spoke to developed any new insights into how their actions might affect others. We may perhaps have helped outsiders to develop some understanding of our subjects and their concerns. Members of KiA have a mix of concerns some of which a neutral outside observer might find reasonable to a degree (like frustration with political correctness, frustration with policies of the game industry, and concerns about the quality of journalism), and other concerns likely less so. However, dismissing their concerns entirely simply fuels their righteous anger. The path to greater harmony is through mutual understanding. As it was for West and her harasser, that understanding needs to be two-way. The intriguing question for the research community is whether it is possible to design tools and systems to help foster such understanding.

In this work, we have spoken with a self-selected subset of members of the KiA subreddit who were willing to speak with academics, and were likely on their best behavior while doing so. However, even from observing this tiny slice of the broader community, we found fascinating and unexpected complexity and nuance.

Clifford Geertz (1973) writes that anthropologists don’t study villages — they study in villages. Studying in this particular techno-village, we observed, first, a fundamental problem of accountability in distributed social movements. New tools that help visualize the beliefs of groups might help outsiders distinguish common beliefs from rare ones. Second, we find that what is “harassment” is often in dispute. Our informants complain that simple disagreement on their part is often portrayed as harassment. It is difficult to resolve issues of possible harassment if we cannot even agree on whether it is taking place. Different design solutions may be needed for addressing deliberate harassment versus sincere misunderstanding and communicating across different social norms of conversation. Although much work has been done on blocking tools for deliberate harassment, there are a host of open research questions about how to create tools to support greater understanding. Our findings suggest that barriers of language use and differences in social norms of politeness often obscure underlying common values, and these challenges may be amenable to designed solutions.

1f0a05 No.14265118


>>no archive link

>fake news

But anon did post an archive link?



>"Clean your room" is phrase Peterson came up with intending his followers to use it to dismiss arguments

I'm not buying it.

d7a65d No.14265120



Has a spaceship in orbit but doesn't just rain kinetic kill vehicles down on the smurfs. I guess when you're a marine every problem looks like a beach invasion.

64adc9 No.14265128

File: eaf31a98281f52a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 25.6 KB, 350x480, 35:48, 1511537518861.png)

File: 787d5088f4a4cd8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 25.69 KB, 370x450, 37:45, 1513276744554.png)

File: 4102112dd16f2e2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 105.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1515416527744.png)

File: 9b329203293c2e7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 178.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1515524689371.png)

File: ba135e0badef596⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 23.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1484830138462.png)

Hey /v/. I would like to say thank you for helping >>>/animu/ grow. You guys are awesome.

dd88b7 No.14265133

File: 83b6d07f4ef3db5⋯.png (53.94 KB, 260x316, 65:79, Clean your dojo.png)


>>"Clean your room" is phrase Peterson came up with intending his followers to use it to dismiss arguments

>I'm not buying it.

Quite honestly, it isn't even an original phrase.

<One panel from Beelzebub


And, thank you for the lewds.

b00310 No.14265144


>that grid

The sojus guideline.


Speaking of peterson, one of the normalfags I know tried to bring him up, did not get to the part of the recent stuff, but has aknowledged that speec in canada has been illegalized, which he did not like.

5ec0e9 No.14265152

File: 55661cddaef4e5d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.72 MB, 960x540, 16:9, this webm is an instant b….webm)


>he thinks those are lewd

d5922a No.14265158

File: 4e02084f3c2b534⋯.png (36.02 KB, 601x323, 601:323, oops.PNG)

File: 9e774492464b009⋯.png (58.35 KB, 465x619, 465:619, Rose McGowan.PNG)

b453a4 No.14265160

File: 117800856078910⋯.gif (836.94 KB, 500x280, 25:14, eyes on the prize.gif)


>go to /animu/

>the first unpinned thread on the frontpage is a rec thread

no wonder /a/ lists a direct link to you, youre a voluntary containment board, the best kind

dd88b7 No.14265166

File: fed3995494f0d8e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 633.36 KB, 1704x1200, 71:50, I'm going in.png)

File: 6029336254efa6d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 606.79 KB, 756x1150, 378:575, Lewd couple.png)

File: 28f1f7f59fd5962⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 93.2 KB, 688x430, 8:5, Without consent.png)

File: cf387cc90df68dc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 1553x1172, 1553:1172, 2 Lewd 4 U.png)

File: d848e06435ba19e⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 8.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Banned in over 200 countri….mp4)


Dear God Almighty, Anon, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?

5150db No.14265172

File: a15207d1ef530e1⋯.jpg (152.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Some-Stuffs]_Jojo's_Bizar….jpg)


>/a/ is still here bitching

1f0a05 No.14265180


>Has a spaceship in orbit

Did he have control of that, or just all the forces on the ground? I thought most of the scientists were against him and they had the spaceship?

64adc9 No.14265184

File: 7cd976bcea176cd⋯.jpg (195.68 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, Kono Oneesan wa Fiction de….jpg)

File: 58bcd9bdf4b9ea7⋯.jpg (209.88 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, Kono Oneesan wa Fiction de….jpg)

File: d5504ada3b1b04e⋯.jpg (209.88 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, Kono Oneesan wa Fiction de….jpg)

File: 9b1898512bbfdf0⋯.jpg (149.12 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, Kono Oneesan wa Fiction de….jpg)


Here's a manga recommended from the board's manga thread, the title is in the filename. Again, thanks to /v/ and GG for helping /animu/ get to the top 25.

c59a84 No.14265190

File: 123daf82af59b26⋯.jpg (204.17 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1456458742334.jpg)


I love how literally their only strategy for the memo is just lies of omission.

>The things I regret most in my career are things said and did while dealing with the trauma of Gamergate

So, John Walker Flynt, what you're saying is that you're not sorry that you loudly called two people who ran a newspaper "FAT DYKE" and "SAND NIGGER" because they wouldn't publish your shitty little comic that became a shitty iPhone game and harassed them to the point where they had to file restraining orders against you.

1f0a05 No.14265198


>Says rec to give ambiguity between request, /rec/, and recommendation to imply they have have a sauce beggar thread


Hello /a/.

f122fa No.14265200


Looks like Marche is fucked now.

b453a4 No.14265203

File: c769dbdca698f23⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 960x960, 1:1, e50d91a3fa140294479992a142….jpg)



you dont andastandu

Im glad theres less newfags shitting up my board

youre doing gods work

c59a84 No.14265208


>gray screen archive

Judging from the URL name, though, wow, good luck trying to erase a country's heritage.

dd88b7 No.14265209

f122fa No.14265211

File: fc5a0823d88adc5⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 824x960, 103:120, privies.jpg)


Works fine for me.

2a3328 No.14265218

File: 8350b23f4404c35⋯.png (101.19 KB, 1421x765, 1421:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac338fc4d9fe50a⋯.png (79.28 KB, 1273x578, 1273:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 965f93c342945d9⋯.png (97.64 KB, 1230x666, 205:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b47d7b661e83bf⋯.png (79.64 KB, 1188x534, 198:89, ClipboardImage.png)


gray screen so here are the screencaps. Fucking Sarahah, it's curiouscat for teens

c59a84 No.14265220


>online petition

Shilled heavily in places like San Francisco, no doubt.

b453a4 No.14265223

File: 7f7e563603c263b⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 400x225, 16:9, oh noes.gif)


>newshit doesnt understand what "rec thread" means

Im glad you have your own board now

d7a65d No.14265230


The spaceship really should be under the control of the corrupt corporate guy, and he supported Quaritch's plan. Even if the scientists for some reason controlled the ship, Quaritch had all the guns and could just stage a takeover.

f122fa No.14265233

File: 0edd42ef6b54d3b⋯.jpg (123.62 KB, 600x540, 10:9, spawn.jpg)


It's in australia. San Fran wouldn't be affected by it.

dd88b7 No.14265241

File: 5d2f11cd63d50ac⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 720x380, 36:19, wild_eyes.jpg)




>The Liberal MP has taken the strong stance after one of her 13-year-old constituents was harassed on social media and anonymous commenting app Sarahah for months, culminating in her being told to “kill herself” in January.

<Don't know what "Sarahah" is

<Find Wikipedia page

>On 12 January, 2018, it was reported that a mum in Queensland, Australia, had started a petition to have the app and others like it banned, after friends of her 13-year-old daughter passed on bullying messages from the app, even though she didn't have an account.




>Katrina said her daughter doesn't have the app, but was "shattered" after seeing a message written about her.

>"My daughter doesn't even have this app, but these bullies sent it to her friend about her, saying she should kill herself and that everyone would be so much happier and that everyone hates her," Katrina told The Courier-Mail.

1573d2 No.14265242


Heh, they were kvatching after he won. https://archive.is/RC4tm

2a3328 No.14265247

File: 0cb47b620d9a1fa⋯.png (286.49 KB, 874x904, 437:452, gondola night shitpostin.png)



but mom wanted the app banned

Just like video games.

>never played video games

>wants to ban certain video games

4d98e8 No.14265252



>Created by Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq

>Headquarters Saudia Arabia

That's really funny though, I can't count the number of times I was told to kill myself when I was 13

c59a84 No.14265258


>someone doesn't have an account on social media

>so their so-called "friends" pass on every single message from people talking shit

They should probably blame the daughter's shitty fucking friends, to be quite honest.

64adc9 No.14265265

File: 26a92ff28bbbf81⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 740x1045, 148:209, Ray-Moo.jpg)


>Im glad you have your own board now

Thank you very much.



Quite sad how cucked the comic industry has become.


Pretty much. If she was her friend, she wouldn't have shown it. Thet would have bullied her with or without app. This seems like lazy parenting.

2a3328 No.14265271

File: 031c09ace75605a⋯.png (158.05 KB, 819x744, 273:248, ClipboardImage.png)



also remember that calexit comic? I read that on /co/. Fucking hilarious

4d98e8 No.14265283


>Thet would have bullied her with or without app

I think that's what people don't fundamentally understand, these kids are going to bully and act like pieces of shit to other kids no matter what and you can't blame the medium in which they do it for their behaviour

c59a84 No.14265286



Reminder that the writers made that character literally because Gawker Media told them to.

4169b7 No.14265290

File: 5d9de786876d59c⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 600x340, 30:17, The spawnmower (1).jpg)

File: 09320a4fcb13d15⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 400x188, 100:47, The spawnmower (2).jpg)

File: e70a3a4920dc450⋯.jpg (175.09 KB, 540x670, 54:67, Sonic and spawn.jpg)


I'm just going to post these.

Pic 3 That was the only page of that comic with spawn in it.

Is there an anon who's a Spawn fan here, cuz from what i'v seen Spawn was never actually that good. he just looks really cool. and the comics where only good when they where had 0% of Todd McFarlane's input. Is that actuate?

64adc9 No.14265291

File: 7b09057c3a52c0a⋯.png (309.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1488795435729.png)


That's the thing. This type of bullying happened far before apps were a thing. In Japan, it's 100 times worse.

1573d2 No.14265294


SpiderGwen is dead also Gwenpoole, Spawn is an already dead carcass being paraded after almost 30 fucking years with the stories being recycled the fans no longer give a shit about McFarlane and his attempts at getting Spawn back up with a movie, TV series, and animated series, it's pathetic that McFarlane's company is only alive because of his model figure making with sports deals.


It was shit that it ended at the first issue, and majority of the non-cucked portions of Commiefornia told them to fuck off with that shit, because they aren't fighting for a bunch of entitled babies who didn't have it their way.


4d98e8 No.14265298


>In Japan, it's 100 times worse.


also as an aside Nips are so non threatening it's hilarious

b00310 No.14265299


Spawn died in the early-mid '00s. I like mcfarlanes art but he is pretty stupid when it comes to managing a company and his career.

2a3328 No.14265300

File: 8ad5f77dcc90a6e⋯.png (1010.65 KB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Violator also had a cool design. Spawn characters make cool action figures, but the comics….eeehhhh

64adc9 No.14265312


It's accurate. He's just an American comic version of Devilman but without the things that make Devilman good but with a cool design.


Maybe Japan should give it a shot at Spawn.

1573d2 No.14265317


Spawn's entire character arc is finished since the Armageddon storyline, I'm glad the Darkness and Witchblade ended (fuck that Witchblade reboot) but he's being dragged too fucking long and the whole plot is incomprehensible because McFarlane is a retard.


He terrible choice in shit lawyers, doesn't know when to compromise and on top of it, he's a fucking cuck who forgot what made Spawn great was it defied what the mainstream culture expected of comics, but now he's just a cuck.

1573d2 No.14265324


>Maybe Japan should give it a shot at Spawn.

Oh God, there was also that attempt of making a Spawn Anime, too bad he's dirt broke.

64adc9 No.14265332


It could have worked with competent Japanese writers, but I guess it was too late. He might as well sell the IP to them.

4d0886 No.14265333


That's just Cho'gath from League of Legends.

1573d2 No.14265338


Too little too late, the manga was shit http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Spawn-Shadows-of-Spawn

McFarlane's entire attempts at a Spawn mass media is just a pile of failures after failures, not even George Lucas was this idiotic.

bfa18c No.14265348

File: af8fd3c40255a7b⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Australia.mp4)

64adc9 No.14265353

File: 27e1ce288b8ad85⋯.png (917.52 KB, 1753x1240, 1753:1240, 1516332339800.png)


Holy shit, that's a failure if not even a manga could save it. All they had to do for the Japanese version is make Spawn a dark kamen rider kinda character with a bit of devilman, devil may cry and berserk. All kinds of wrong McFarlane did.

b00310 No.14265363


Mcfarlane was always a libshit and it was artificial counter culture at best since repubs at the time were controlled opposition to make dems look good. But he is a moron, and to be honest, should probably sell to marvel at this point and his only great claim to fame is playing a role in creating venom

64adc9 No.14265367


Explains why Doesn't suit is like a symbiote.

64adc9 No.14265371




1573d2 No.14265383


The Manga was out in 1998 and only ran for one year, that's how much the Japanese didn't care for Spawn Nippon. McFarlane is 50/50 when it comes to being a creator who can oversee his creation, but nah, he's just a retard who only drew well and got out of Marvel and strike it on his own with several other guys but still manages not to learn anything or go on with the times. No wonder he got cucked out by Neil Gayman for Angela's character rights.


It's pretty much sad how the comic industry is a bunch of fucking shills for kike globalist libtard sjw agendas and special interests.

64adc9 No.14265390


They'd probably care if he was a cute anime girl. Joking aside, it sucks how the comic industry is in bad shape now.

dd88b7 No.14265403

File: 9ac98e13d1248fc⋯.jpg (915.99 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, Spawn_DC_JP_Box_Front.jpg)


>Maybe Japan should give it a shot at Spawn.

1573d2 No.14265407

File: e0d84dbd9125143⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 535x350, 107:70, Superkike and Supernegro.jpg)

File: 4f84d90205c82e0⋯.jpg (149.85 KB, 755x363, 755:363, We Wuz Justice Leaguez and….jpg)

File: 8c25c891afff80f⋯.jpeg (54.43 KB, 450x414, 25:23, Extraterrestrial King Neg….jpeg)


It was probably a warning when in 2007 they shilled Obama a lot.

1573d2 No.14265412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dear God, that game was fucking shit. terrible soundtrack and gameplay.

64adc9 No.14265418


Man, I haven't been to /co/ in forever. I assume those guys are miserable right now.

dd88b7 No.14265425

File: 001ab1ac5769a6a⋯.jpg (9.7 MB, 2834x2811, 2834:2811, HMG_DC_JP_Box_Front.jpg)


I thought it and the Heavy Metal game were considered "good".

5150db No.14265431


Despite how much we hate leftists here, shillinging Obama wasn't a bad PR move. Normalfags at him the fuck up, and it was only in a specific alternate timeline. Having a black president was a huge fucking deal. Our issue came when they didn't fucking let go and kept doing leftists shit

3eccc2 No.14265432


> 2007

There it is, that year once again.

64adc9 No.14265439


2006 was the peak of things being good, except Sonic.

1573d2 No.14265450


Most of them are just waiting for the end while ignoring the cuck comics and laughing at creators being tards online.


Funny thing about that game, they cancelled the Spawn game's PS2 port and recycled assets and the same soundtrack for Heavy Metal.

5150db No.14265453

File: fa9511fe19be520⋯.webm (789.62 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Teal'c Laughing.webm)

866abb No.14265470

File: cf9a6d84f4bb212⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 791x491, 791:491, Gender Traitor 7.jpg)

From a scale of 1 to absolutely gender traitor, how will rate this traitor to feminism?!

64adc9 No.14265479

File: 96a4abbe5acf785⋯.jpg (755.94 KB, 4096x2927, 4096:2927, __alice_alice_in_wonderlan….jpg)

File: 5eb26db39707a1c⋯.jpg (823.77 KB, 4096x2927, 4096:2927, __alice_alice_in_wonderlan….jpg)

b4d8d7 No.14265490


At least you could post the context.

A woman being photographed in public in Iran without any headcovering will usually have a visit by the moral police.

Only a beating if they're lucky, more often than not prison time. The repeat offenders might get disappeared forever.

7e4627 No.14265514

File: cb4130d6ede12f5⋯.jpg (70.23 KB, 600x336, 25:14, 00346-600x336.jpg)

File: dbc61a8c3bd751b⋯.jpg (231.88 KB, 1456x1111, 1456:1111, MR-21613-368516-19.jpg)



Should've just used the old way of just letting them write whatever, just using the IP and designs. The Japanese Spidermen still stand out thanks to that. Hell, probably has more fans than Spawn does now.

5ec0e9 No.14265529

File: d49124d5e6888aa⋯.mp4 (834.01 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Here's your (you).mp4)

1573d2 No.14265569


>Stan Lee and Marvel were jealous at the Tokusatsu special effects used that it made the US-based live action show that was filmed in Los Angeles and was more of a shitty TV show with boring plots for middle age viewers instead of cool shit.

b00310 No.14265582



Spawn is literally devil venom, and hilarious typo

b85f5f No.14265638


>Normalfags at him the fuck up

Probably because of all the shilling. At the time, the media wasn't as reviled, leftists weren't talking about their desire to genocide whites in a way that got any kind of attention, they also weren't shilling for stuff even normalfags realize is fucking crazy, and everyone knew the wars were dumb with the narrative pinning it solely on Bush and conservatives neocons and Bush are definitely at fault, but dems played a part.


Isn't he also broken to the point of being boring?

1573d2 No.14265666


He had a interesting anti-hero's journey, but he's pretty much a boring capeshit hero right now, just look at any issue from CURRENT YEAR+ from the early 90s to 2000s, vastly different. The sad point of comics is that it NEVER FUCKING ENDS till they milk everything, now there's talks in Top Cow Comics to reboot The Darkness and Witchblade, fuck.

2e5df7 No.14265741

File: 25f2b0c6eac088b⋯.png (239.18 KB, 720x408, 30:17, vlcsnap-2018-01-15-00h01m1….png)


>These are still being made

3a4ee4 No.14265751


>red lips

brown would have been more accurate tbh

55d904 No.14265794


You really want your commie cat to be converted into capitalism once again, do you?

1f0a05 No.14265806


Why are black stockings so much lewder?

55d904 No.14265817

So, how is people reacting to the memo?

Is it as bad as it was supposed to be?

1f0a05 No.14265829


I can't yet make heads or tails of what either side is saying the contents are. I've seen both sides say it's incriminating the other and I've heard people say the left was both pretending it was of no consequence, and saying that releasing it is a violation of national security. I think that last contradictory part may have been a single left wing outlet though. A guy on MSNBC was directly and openly calling for a revolution.

55d904 No.14265839


I just hope Democrats get fucked hard or even get arrested, so the news media of the rest of the world will gett butthurt. Filthy foreigner here tired of everything.

The curious thing is that even if Trump wins everything, I won't get anything because my country could be ruled by either corrupt pawns of the bankers or communists.

1573d2 No.14265840



It's much more disgusting, Democrats, Cuckservatives, Democrats, BLM, Pedowood, the Fake Mainstream News, fucking Antifa and more are either lying, expressing outrage, lying on omission, downplaying, or calling for a revolution. The fucking hypocrisy is outstanding.

55d904 No.14265851


But what's inside the memo anyway?

1573d2 No.14265853


DNC gave what the DOJ and FBI knew the Steele dossier was bullshit, still used it while using weasel by-laws to justify spying on their political enemies while also having the MSM do their part to delegitimize Trump while all are saying "The Russians did it!" while lying to justify witchhunts, really pissed at this shit.

55d904 No.14265861


So… the dossier were a few papers clipped together and they used it to spy on Trump? If there were any judges in favor of Trump they should follow charges.

1573d2 No.14265862


If Bushwack did this on the last day of his term on King Nigger, heads would fall off and people would go to prison, but nah, Blumpf deserves this!

55d904 No.14265895


Just to make it clear because I'm not a smart man.

The scandal is because the dossier that justified spying on Trump just to find any crime and something something about Russia is just a piece of paper you wouldn't even use to wipe your ass?

1573d2 No.14265918


You can only use it as toiler paper because this was a political Gawker-tier bullshit memo, they renewed the FISA surveillance three fucking times, when Cuckfeed revealed it a year ago, FBI and DOJ scrambled to make sure no one knew the reason they got the "Russian Collusion" investigation going.

9f7d72 No.14265920

At a bare minimum, the memo reveals collusion at absolute highest levels of the government and warrants being issued on, at the time, a private citizen vying for the presidency on flimsy and false pretenses to stop him.

Heads NEED to roll for this.

380864 No.14265978

That memo seems to be completely fucked up.

I wrote stub article about RationalWiki and fixed spacing in Wikipedia article on wiki.

670410 No.14266005


>Steele was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump's ties to Russia

Gee, I didn't realise it was up to presidential campaign runners to fund the FBI's investigations.

492709 No.14266033


How come when it's blowing in it's metoo whistle the sound effect isn't raapeeeeee?

492709 No.14266069


Thank you for your work dragondragon

28de18 No.14266123


to relate it back to gg, everybody remembers when gawker ran a story, then someone reported on gawker, and someone reported on someone reported on gawker, and suddenly there's 'reliable journalistic proof' that gg was the devil?

that's what happened here.

>someone got paid by the dnc to make some shit up.

>he then 'leaked' the story to yahoo news

>the court order to perform surveillance against a foreign spy used two pieces of 'corroborating evidence': the guy, and the yahoo news story

47c4b8 No.14266230

File: 5468e5255f38f81⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 425x233, 425:233, zombie-notices-prey.gif)



1e4c2f No.14266237

File: c6fbcedd13f263d⋯.jpg (106.8 KB, 572x964, 143:241, 55101028_p0.jpg)

Pixiv following works only goes up to 100 pages, which only goes back to Christmas. I wouldn't be able to see what safe work I missed and I follow too many artists to check each.

866abb No.14266259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening.

1573d2 No.14266261


>We haven't seen Flynt's final form yet


380864 No.14266311


I would prefer if that stays that way.

I don't want to imagine/see what eldritch abomination he would turn into.

>inb4 implying he isn't one already posts

7d3475 No.14266325

File: b34e957dbe5f756⋯.jpg (558.87 KB, 1440x1611, 160:179, Screenshot_20180203-221705.jpg)

Oh no gamers what are we gonna do, mombot is a goon

335389 No.14266331

File: b5ddfeecb1047c5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1345x680, 269:136, Soy Infection.png)


the face is everywhere

1f0a05 No.14266333


>Democrats, Cuckservatives, Democrats

I see the Dems are doubling down.

1573d2 No.14266339


Sorry Mr. Trips, was filled with rage there, fucking angry at those hypocrites

de5db1 No.14266340

File: e1ae75251008311⋯.png (32.43 KB, 393x365, 393:365, Selling Out.png)

The Mary Sue apparently once swore to never report on the Game of Thrones because of the sexism and rampant misogynistic treatment of women. Gotta fight the good fight and all that. But who needs principles and sticking by your beliefs when you they send you free stuff?


The best part? The comments section is NOT happy either. At all.

This level of selling out is almost praise worthy. Corrupt journalists are so corrupt just hand them free stuff to sell out everything they believe in.

202566 No.14266342

File: 21c1131f9d24fcf⋯.gif (374.98 KB, 800x713, 800:713, Erika Bully.gif)

Made a GIF of Erika bullying Alunya. A lotta effort for just 8 frames. Animation is always way more tedious than expected..

1f0a05 No.14266348


Doesn't make cuckchan memes not shitty spam, Marche.

7d3475 No.14266352

File: 28d73244b1dba22⋯.jpg (52.51 KB, 576x586, 288:293, IMG_20180203_222017.jpg)


Or maybe they are just funny and you are an idiot for getting upset at them

bcc865 No.14266353

File: b903e267f33f42b⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 496x381, 496:381, 142708344457.jpg)

1f0a05 No.14266355


Or maybe you're just being a contrarian because you've been pretty asshurt lately, unjust ban aside.

cd23e7 No.14266356

File: a6701983c47d02f⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 680x356, 170:89, planet of the thumbs up.jpg)

7d3475 No.14266365


Maybe you are

866abb No.14266366

File: 0db276694bd19b6⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 573x579, 191:193, Male Feminist 134.jpg)

File: 7f7d1e670146495⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Male Feminist 113.jpg)

File: 789d177b2edfb3e⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 639x472, 639:472, Male Feminist 71.jpg)

File: 214c4169bad4df8⋯.png (281.66 KB, 393x394, 393:394, Male Feminist 33.png)


It's a pandemic at this point.

72095f No.14266404

>>14266366 (checked)

Are they trying to ahegao?

1e4c2f No.14266424

File: 6fb069d59fddd89⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.52 MB, 700x680, 35:34, 66747747.webm)



>ahegao with a switch

That sort of reminds me.

7d3475 No.14266429

File: f2309cedb04ab8a⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_20180203_002343.jpg)


Nope not really

568656 No.14266434

File: 77a2eaaf91e4339⋯.jpg (229.06 KB, 585x895, 117:179, I CANNOT CONTROL THIS PENI….jpg)

File: a21a656a089adf1⋯.png (231.73 KB, 654x717, 218:239, L-lewd.png)


I-is there more ?..

bcc865 No.14266437

File: 5a5200978d9bd7e⋯.png (59.12 KB, 318x211, 318:211, 1512878131.png)

1e4c2f No.14266438

File: 8d5bfd85f977c29⋯.jpg (134.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 66870862_p0.jpg)


OC like what?

7d3475 No.14266439


Get trucked

101a11 No.14266457


This is the japanese family guy.

47c4b8 No.14266594


Why do people laugh at him for saying he was a victim of Gamergate when there's always people saying horrible things like this to him? In a sense, he kinda was.

2a3328 No.14266596

File: 15c99637359844c⋯.png (183.03 KB, 914x856, 457:428, jme thumbs up.png)


That's so good! A+++

f3dd5b No.14266604


How can you call yourself a victim if you keep throwing stones at every hornet's nest you see?

47c4b8 No.14266608


I guess he thought they needed throwing, and considered himself brave for throwing them.

f3dd5b No.14266610


That still makes him the instigator, not the victim.

3377f1 No.14266617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's the DULL SURPRISE of smiles

47c4b8 No.14266624


Say you believe something bad is going on, like a person being robbed. Are you an instigator if you call the guy out for his crime and try to stop it?

f3dd5b No.14266633


Nigger, that's a false equivalent. He came in to this mess by making an epen image macro making fun of autism and then crying victim when the wrong people started using it. It has all just been a downward spiral from there.

2d837f No.14266638

File: 21cff10b080327e⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 1094x895, 1094:895, pyra_reacts_to_reactions.jpg)

Something tells me someone isn't arguing in good faith.

f3dd5b No.14266639


I have the sneaking suspicion as well.

2d837f No.14266643


Reminds of this one goon on twitter called red ghost or the ralph shill don't know what happened to either but hopefully they fucked off.

47c4b8 No.14266644


I see, I never knew that. What image?

66944e No.14266649

You know what would be an interesting idea? A fake news channel. I mean in a literal sense, treat it like a professional 24 hour news channel probably only an hour long though but it's all pure fiction. Not with the intent to deceive, I wouldn't even have real people, all the celebs and politicians would be fictional. It'd be like watching the news from a parallel universe. Have an "election season" when we aren't. The whole thing would be satire, lampooning modern society, but played completely straight. That's the key part, it has to take itself super seriously. Kinda like a televised version of the onion.

66944e No.14266655


I just got home, what's going on?

2a3328 No.14266656


oh, 'wetsprocket' that has a red pacman ghost as his userpic?

f3dd5b No.14266661

File: 2191d4d7fcf1ca1⋯.png (460.99 KB, 680x453, 680:453, Brianna_Wu_Meme_original.png)

File: 2ef7075a5ce6240⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 359x359, 1:1, trustfund.jpg)

File: 48e5a2044c94db0⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 359x359, 1:1, bullying.jpg)

File: 8251f4d0b0f727b⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 359x359, 1:1, mentions.jpg)

File: b3981b3a10ccdf9⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 359x359, 1:1, b39.jpg)


He grabbed a pic of a kid from the front page of autismspeaks and called it "opressed gamergater". It took him a few hours to delete it and claim he dindu nuffin.

2d837f No.14266665


Ya that faggot he pretended to be civil yet was one of the most disingenuous people I've ever seen online and that's saying something.

2d837f No.14266700


>7d3475 is Marche

Thanks time to filter cause I don't feel like seeing his autism.

66944e No.14266716


Am I the only one that immediately checks my own ID everytime someone mentions one?

2a3328 No.14266718

File: 9db54abb4cb52ce⋯.png (45.73 KB, 597x319, 597:319, ClipboardImage.png)


I remember reading his tweet page and going like "is this gel's sock"

2d837f No.14266725


>Why do you lie so much

Sjws lack self awareness like the Pajeets lack the loo.

fe0d3d No.14266737

File: 9fd438af44e80eb⋯.png (848.57 KB, 1920x814, 960:407, 97813249857132479851324.png)

File: c41ad4371bb7285⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 378481324857913243246.webm)

2d837f No.14266741

File: 91a9774df8a592c⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 500x499, 500:499, fucked.jpg)


The Thing was a extremely fucked up movie and it doesn't help that it's going to snow 20cm soon where I live.

f3dd5b No.14266774

File: 205906d91989b3e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 313.78 KB, 1300x925, 52:37, 67094260_p0.jpg)

about time

3af604 No.14266778


I also got this in my feed but I don't get it

f3dd5b No.14266789

File: 16cef90814b9c80⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.38 MB, 2893x2039, 2893:2039, 66892806_p0.png)

File: 4f2486a629a8b88⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 476.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 66997734_p0.png)

File: a24fdf3805d6f54⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 284.34 KB, 1000x892, 250:223, 67031496_p0.jpg)

File: 2f50d793575342f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 102.88 KB, 512x800, 16:25, 67061530_p0.jpg)

File: 2508da2a8ff6df0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 103.06 KB, 512x800, 16:25, 67061530_p1.jpg)


poptepipic has a segment every episode that's animated by the galo sengen guy

7d3475 No.14266795






2a3328 No.14266827



64adc9 No.14266844



No exceptions.

8ec490 No.14266885

File: 288c9ad94842a7d⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ko team epic.jpg)


I keep seeing all this shit with that fucking face, and drew something horrid with it, but I'm almost afraid to post it.


Nope. You get enough of that from Japanese fanartists anyway. No joke, most of the Japanese artists I follow make art of it, even Ko himself.

380864 No.14266904


>I keep seeing all this shit with that fucking face, and drew something horrid with it, but I'm almost afraid to post it.

Just post it spoilered.

8ec490 No.14266906

File: 5c711944e689b8c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 95.91 KB, 932x667, 932:667, bing-bing (whitebg).png)



2a3328 No.14266908


i'd post that on twit

d5922a No.14266943

>Media critics cry "whitewashing" over Netflix's Altered Carbon



>"Formula 1 bans grid girls, some of whom lash back against feminists"


Dean Takahashi / Venturebeat - "The DeanBeat: With Bushnell award, history became herstory" (gamedrops)


>Daniel Rodríguez Herrera / Lbertad Digital - "'Grid Girls', the latest victims of feminism" (GG mentioned, translated from Spanish)


>JR Thorpe / Bustle - "Female Mobile Game Designers Are Changing The Industry For Women & The Evidence Is In Your Smartphone" (gamedrops)


>Juha-Matti Mäntylä / YLE - "Yes, algorithms threaten democracy - The power slides to some billionaires" (discusses algorithms and social media bubbles - contains an interesting visualization showing how polarized the GG debate is)


b5ea6a No.14266957

File: bf0ae3e85f7ab92⋯.jpg (99.36 KB, 736x650, 368:325, prehistoric_spurdo.jpg)


>not mad

>goes to gg thread to post about it

b5ea6a No.14266966


Nice watermark faggot

380864 No.14266971


I thought it would be worse.

It just looks like made by edgy 12 years old.


>Female Mobile Game Designers Are Changing The Industry For Women & The Evidence Is In Your Smartphone

>Female Mobile Game Designers

>Changing The Industry For Women

Nice joke.

Only games for smartphones are old phone games with ads, gachashit with crazy level curve/grindfest equal to korean MMOs and emulators that eat battery charge like hamplanets burgers from Mcdonalds.

c59a84 No.14266976

File: 48e36c9c7d3e110⋯.png (730.2 KB, 455x810, 91:162, 1504324955712.png)


What gets me is all the people defending Chelsea, John, and Anita that forget that they're the ones that actively instigated a blowback for months. They fell for the most basic schoolyard bully tactic in the book, "annoy and prod until the target looks like they're about to retaliate, then cry to teacher."

3af604 No.14266980


Do you look up gamergate for game drops?

2a3328 No.14266981

File: 537942ae19e8cef⋯.png (335.56 KB, 642x676, 321:338, ClipboardImage.png)



c59a84 No.14266983


>Dean Takahashi boosting Flynt's bullshit

"Respected veteran game journalist," indeed.


He's just copying topics from KiA.

c59a84 No.14266990


Unless they engage in wrongthink against the Sacred Cows, of course. Then they need to get back into the kitchen where they belong!

d5922a No.14266999

c0b792 No.14267013

File: e3808feff211bdb⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1053x1054, 1053:1054, 1517671037001.jpg)

What went wrong to him?

47c4b8 No.14267026


nose looks like a strawberry

4d98e8 No.14267073


He couldn't contain his powerlevel and lost his one shot at success and became a bitter faggot who milks what's left of his fanbase for shekels

32db78 No.14267078


blood goes up your head if you stand with it upside down

c59a84 No.14267091


>lost his one shot at success and became a bitter faggot who milks what's left of his fanbase for shekels

To be honest, I'd probably end up in the same boat, if Tim Heidecker pulled the same shit he pulled on Big O on me.

2d837f No.14267103

What is with the cuckchan tier console wars post going on lately?

c59a84 No.14267112


Some mobile app supports 8chan now, so you've got more phoneposters.

fd686f No.14267121

File: 4c6f72de30cd56a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1018x1413, 1018:1413, Peter Thiel May Want To Tu….png)

>Peter Thiel Bid For Gawker. Now He May Want To Turn It Into A Conservative Investigative News Site.


c59a84 No.14267126


>well, someone said that you said that you said…

Quality reporting there, Buzzfeed.

66944e No.14267174


Google let an 8chan app onto the app store?

c59a84 No.14267184


Nah, one of the existing halfchan ones added support.

b5ea6a No.14267193


Wonder if it could get b&

4d98e8 No.14267196


It's a 4chan app I think and they added support for 8chan or something. Google took Moot after all.


I heard that Sam had a falling out with Charls and Nick over Charls' bombstrap channel or some shit. But Nick just seems out of the game entirely running an antiques shop with his wife and whatnot

380864 No.14267198


Can't someone nuke that app from the app shop or just rend it useless somehow?

Or block phoneposting or make site almost impossible to use by phone?

d24f3f No.14267203


>Or block phoneposting or make site almost impossible to use by phone?

Should be possible by doing a check for user agent, but I don't know at all if it can be done without shit script aka java script.

f3dd5b No.14267210


Well codemonkey managed to kill phone posting for a while previously thanks to his scripting. Maybe he'll do it again.

66944e No.14267211

I know we might have a lot of 4chan posters, but is any growth good? I rarely leave these threads so I haven't seen the state of the rest of the board, is it really bad?

380864 No.14267213



So should I write about it on /sudo/ and hope that thread won't be derailed by 50 autistic faggots on constant meltdown there?

2c33c1 No.14267224

File: 1f81a3df2cac645⋯.png (666.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 951537477159825408_CplLlBg….png)


>flooding your community with immigrants that don't share your culture for the sake of growth


d24f3f No.14267229


It might be worth a attempt. Just try to be a bit more "louder" then the local autist, maybe codemonkey will listen to you or not.

f3dd5b No.14267231


The first time was accidental, I don't know if he's competent enough to repeat it.

66944e No.14267237


I hadn't thought of it that way. You're right.

c608d3 No.14267239


is this meme image the tide pods of gamergate threads?

66944e No.14267240


Is that character a boy or girl?

380864 No.14267246


>I know we might have a lot of 4chan posters, but is any growth good?

It isn't.

<Did you already forgot about these threads about Nintendo cardboard?

Fucking three threads were filled with wojak memes and muh nintendo shills accusation taken straight from ass by one faggot.

There even are two threads on /sudo/ about this cancer.

<Did you saw more shit threads that were needed to be nuked with rule 7?

<More uncommon opinions, which I haven't seen before here.

<More retards that think 2D = 3D





7d5a15 No.14267276


Yeah especially the fags who think 2D=3D I'm a faggot and I don't like lolis or shotas only strong men for me and jesus fuck any time anyone posts a loli reaction pic or a couple spoilered pages of some loli doujin you have a bunch of faggots coming out of the woodwork to kvetch about pederasts and pedophiles. Then you also have this faggot with his so disgusting picture shitting up the threads. Like he just decided to do that just as all the cuckchan posters show up. Its not like he's a cuckchanner himself who showed up with the rest of them or anything

7d5a15 No.14267287


Also why would you want posters who stayed on cuckchan after all the exoduses. Every single time any shit went down those braindead faggots decided that it was fine by them. The original GG exodus, any number of the /pol/ ones Hiroshima taking over, the botnet shit, or even just the whole site being cancer for the last 5 years. None of them had the good sense to leave after any of that and you think its a good idea to open up to them? That level of idiocy is insane

66944e No.14267296


No, I fully agree with you. I hadn't thought it all the way through. You know, I visited that place a few months ago to see how it had changed. I still had 4chan whitelisted from my adblocker from when I use to browse there before the exodus, and there were ads everywhere. Or at least more than there used to be.


So this character is a puppet?

309939 No.14267302

File: 3200d9ba4b08485⋯.png (89.29 KB, 182x229, 182:229, DeadSmug.png)


>So this character is a puppet?

That question is so directly related to the character I assume you're just toying with me asking that.

Instead, why don't you tell everyone what gender he/she is?

66944e No.14267318


Well I found out she's a girl, and it says she's a puppet, but what kind of puppet? Like a living doll puppet?

f5ba27 No.14267379

File: 43bf023289536e7⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 705x683, 705:683, 1434150324586.jpg)

>Playan Tarkov

>You can open each individual drawer in a filling cabinet and drawer has different items

>Putting on EarPro actually changes the sound in the game and the directional microphone on the headset works

>Armor works like it does in real life (eg; SMGs and Shotguns are fucking worthless unless you aim for the legs)

>You can bleed out and die if you don't bandage the wound

>You can load magazines with various types of ammunition; like putting tracers at the bottom of your magazine so you know when you're about to run out of ammo

>There's a shitload of types of the ammunition that have different velocities, ballistics, weight, and properties.

>You can load your shotgun with half slugs/half buckshot

>There's an animation for taking your magazine out and unloading the round in the chamber

>You can change how fast your character is moving by using the mouse wheel

>You can put an eyecap on your PSO scope

This game is so autistic I love it.

380864 No.14267384


>jesus fuck any time anyone posts a loli reaction pic or a couple spoilered pages of some loli doujin you have a bunch of faggots coming out of the woodwork to kvetch about pederasts and pedophiles

Sometimes, I think these anons could either babyboomers that came here to hidden board very unlikely or some faggots from cuckchan.

>Then you also have this faggot with his so disgusting picture shitting up the threads. Like he just decided to do that just as all the cuckchan posters show up.

>Its not like he's a cuckchanner himself who showed up with the rest of them or anything

I think that one faggot came from somewhere else.

Can somebody make that thread on /sudo/ about blocking phoneposting?

My internet is so shit that I can't post any images here and they are required to make thread on /sudo/.

66944e No.14267440


I think it's somebody from here trying to make a new thread meme, like the crying nami or the gamergays gif.

529ae2 No.14267446

File: ce4365785b43cf7⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 700x837, 700:837, 4XqYJrV.jpg)

File: 94df12a31428eb8⋯.jpg (193.41 KB, 1241x1723, 1241:1723, DMJe04VX0AAlxN5.jpg)

File: f88423d8512b297⋯.png (372.37 KB, 586x1625, 586:1625, 2018-02-03_19-22-17.png)

File: 53727ad2d1c696d⋯.png (409.8 KB, 602x1954, 301:977, 2018-02-03_19-27-54.png)

>Male privilege is wearing the same outfit multiple times to events while girls cant wear the same dress twice no matter how cute it is

>There isn't a single straight man on earth that cares if u wear the same cute dress twice. The negative comments will come from other women.


lel, womyn.

66944e No.14267466


So 2nd pic, going by her own logic, the feminist that cost those grid girls theri jobs all suffer from internalised misogyny, right? I've got a feeling she won't apply her own logic to that situation.

5150db No.14267472

File: b2ae77b4914c312⋯.webm (174.18 KB, 850x480, 85:48, Sound Like LA.webm)


>Having more than one outfit is wealth privilege

670410 No.14267542


>I don't care what men think

<I have to wear a different cute dress every other hour

f122fa No.14267544

File: cdb873ada94755e⋯.png (249.17 KB, 413x351, 413:351, horrified felix.png)



>Wearing the same dress more than once


380864 No.14267574


He sounds too butthurt for that to be reason.




670410 No.14267607



Your knowledge of ancient memes is lacking.

I'm fairly certain you can just google this and pretend to be an oldfag.

7d5a15 No.14267618

File: 04c0a859f7e17ca⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 450x444, 75:74, Shig.jpg)


It's a major faux pas. Frankly I find it disgusting that anyone would even consider it. I personally throw each dress in the trash after wearing it when I get home each day

f122fa No.14267622


I'm not even joking, I just get rid of them after Im done wearing them once.

2e900a No.14267625



<I'm so insecure about my appearance that I can't be seen in the same clothes twice

f3dd5b No.14267629

File: fb79b82f932f6ea⋯.png (157.13 KB, 370x678, 185:339, shiggy ainu.png)


>not knowing what ISHYGDDT means


2c33c1 No.14267647

File: cdebc753f765d19⋯.png (389.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 949740638261583872_CiVmvig….png)


>Oct 2017

Stop posting old dumb shit for (You)s

492709 No.14267651



Why are you faggots wearing dresses?

Stop doing that gay shit or you'll go to hell.

4169b7 No.14267655

File: 7417f356f8d2c9f⋯.jpg (117.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ISHYGDDT.jpg)


>not knowing ISHYGDDT


3d32ef No.14267667

File: c914724f9c9062f⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 632x822, 316:411, DVIJ5gPWkAEBVCf.jpg)


What did they mean by this?

55d904 No.14267682

File: cad9ca6a04ffe75⋯.png (102.65 KB, 560x504, 10:9, WHY.png)

39c709 No.14267688


Beat me to it.


39c709 No.14267692


Also, for those who want to see the replies (no one is having this shit).


62e219 No.14267693


Can't wait for them to burn her at the stake.

4d98e8 No.14267694


wypipo have no culture to appropriate

492709 No.14267700


She looks like they already did

8ec490 No.14267704

File: b8268fe0c06b762⋯.png (393.68 KB, 767x865, 767:865, [Yokkora]_Mama_wa_Muchi_Mu….png)


Pic related, Naomi Parker, the girl the Rosie the Riveter pose was based off of, died on January 20th.


>posting twitter link

>not posting archive


39c709 No.14267706


>demanding the archive

>not looking at the post it's a reply to


3af604 No.14267708

File: fb2c193a2fa29c5⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 572x720, 143:180, 10cd73a979ad602800213d88b5….jpg)



e27d84 No.14267726



55d904 No.14267731


This is like if they took El Cid Campeador poem and turned El Cid into a muslim converting christians into muslims.

f3dd5b No.14267737


this will defend val

380864 No.14267741


>What did they mean by this?

That they have fetish for niggers.

4169b7 No.14267750

File: 43e408a84a5a9ba⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 592x633, 592:633, malcom x.JPG)

File: d058915636d2d7c⋯.jpg (119.75 KB, 900x1080, 5:6, rosa parks.jpg)

File: 34719cb295ced9f⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 521x767, 521:767, MLK.jpg)


The replys are pretty good.

255675 No.14267751

File: 9a7a25c546b5cd0⋯.png (15.23 KB, 637x112, 91:16, burnedJoan.png)

d1abb3 No.14267779


Joan of Arc 2: The next day boogaloo

8ec490 No.14267781

File: 2a5ad278214b55c⋯.gif (554.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Bully.gif)


Fuck, I'm an idiot. Bully me as you please.

2d837f No.14267796


El Cid was someone from spics to moors respected and both sides actually wouldn't of minded him being king of Spain. Sorry for my history sperg.

f122fa No.14267797

File: 68ac27f026b2b2d⋯.png (502.17 KB, 758x600, 379:300, bueno.png)

62e219 No.14267801


Burning the coal just got a better meaning.

335389 No.14267806

File: 8c10b97c24f2a12⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8c10b97c24f2a12bd3f6b2c162….jpg)



7d5a15 No.14267886

File: 8a60fa03c11a362⋯.jpeg (95.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DAnW-nZW0AINQAr.jpg:large.jpeg)


That's because you cover them in cum and ruin them


But I'm a little girl anon, its normal for girls to wear dresses

3af604 No.14267896


Property wasn't enough, they have to steal culture and history now.

f122fa No.14267915


>That's because you cover them in cum and ruin them

It would be a real faux pass to show up to a party with a cum covered dress.

d70845 No.14267939

File: 0275aad18d71405⋯.png (194.3 KB, 505x431, 505:431, 338c5c47bcfd5e0da7d61670d4….png)


is there any footage of triggered idiots reacting to this?

335389 No.14267945

File: fc005e3901e5c9d⋯.png (979.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2df40d9c0cde629e22dda4d25c….png)

529ae2 No.14267985

File: bd309ecd5612688⋯.webm (8.05 MB, 704x464, 44:29, Martin Luther King Speech.webm)


white mlk actually looks good

2d837f No.14267993


Anon could you try to pretend you aren't sour?

529ae2 No.14268109

File: b9fba86033e17b0⋯.jpg (151 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 9mM0Eqy.jpg)

File: 036f65743a1b0dc⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 794d76fc6b5ee28⋯.jpg (112.08 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 2915619F00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

6f3168 No.14268161

File: 0c82dbbc3741d01⋯.png (666.09 KB, 1456x997, 1456:997, Societal replacement.png)

32db78 No.14268169


that's because it's Ryan Gosling. he's just too handsome

c59a84 No.14268249

File: fa79dbd07859691⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 611x545, 611:545, Whitest man in Argentina.jpg)

33a4a2 No.14268330

File: a98e2819c28df01⋯.jpg (462.52 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, f006e559ba2aa051b6f057bc66….jpg)


I don't know how to react to this anymore. They just keep doing it.

b85f5f No.14268363


They are inspiring hate on a level not seen before. The conditioning is breaking for some, and doubling down on others.

1f0a05 No.14268369


I guess that makes him a victim of a mental illness that causes him to pathologically attack hornet nests.


I shiggy diggy niggy, newfag.

33a4a2 No.14268421


It doesn't make me angry anymore, maybe because a black Jeanne d'Arc doesn't make me as angry as I should be, yet there's this feeling of unfairness. They keep making everyone black yet "turning black characters white is forbidden and you deserve lynching for it", and people actually got lynched because didn't draw a black character from a cartoon with a dark enough skin or something.

Either go all-out or keep it accurate, it's what I would say. Hell, let's actually try Ryan Gosling as Martin Luther King, but they will just call it (((racist))), won't they?

1f0a05 No.14268434


>Make King Arthur a girl

>People eat it up

>Make Joan of Arc a nigger

>People raise their pitchforks and torches

I shiggy diggy niggy :^)

335389 No.14268443

File: f0e551bc08d8f2a⋯.png (662.9 KB, 1044x1200, 87:100, f0e551bc08d8f2a53a0c1681fe….png)


>Jeanne d'Arc

Shes called Jeanne d'Ark now

55d904 No.14268446


At least the anime doesn't pretend to be historically accurate, while people like this will eat this shit up and go full We Wuz.

33a4a2 No.14268457

File: 85c9a888fb445fc⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, smug ara.jpg)

55d904 No.14268468

File: 95c707e60d5caa4⋯.png (211.63 KB, 517x450, 517:450, zawa.png)

33a4a2 No.14268507

File: 46060a8be31b439⋯.png (212.69 KB, 391x479, 391:479, benis in bum.PNG)


>people like this will eat this shit up and go full We Wuz.

At first, I would doubt anyone would say Jeanne d'Arc was actually black because of a show about her starring a black woman, but then I realize some questionable outlets would probably like to publish an article with "Jeanne d'Arc was black, sorry white people" as its title.

4d98e8 No.14268524


Well the Verge says that Daniel Vavra is a racist because there were loads of black people in central europe in the 1400s because a tumblr historian called MedievalPOC said so. I'm sure if MedievalPOC says that Jean d'arc was black too then you'll get articles about how white people are racist and appropriating black history because MedievalPOC said so

c59a84 No.14268526


> I realize some questionable outlets would probably like to publish an article with "Jeanne d'Arc was black, sorry white people" as its title.

Yep, it's retard/asshole bait.

b85f5f No.14268531


Because they hate white people with a passion, and Jews love nogs for some fucking reason. No one else likes them, not even other blacks.


Yep. They are trying to go full We Wuz because of how much they hate white people and want to genocide them.

529ae2 No.14268532


>Whitest man in Argentina.jpg

damn, what a nigger

202566 No.14268535

>>14267688 (heiled)


Cultural Appropriation is a label used to interpret every cultural interaction with whites as an insult.

Cultural Erasure is re-writing/over-writing white history, replacing established peoples, characters, artifacts, events, etc. as well as removing whites from present day fiction, books, movies, comics, video games, etc.

Notice how both of these target whites. Spoilers The end goal is white genocide. Whites are thieves who must be hated by all races. Whites must be replaced. Pretty obvious what they're doing here.

33a4a2 No.14268557

File: cf258013689c0d6⋯.jpeg (65.11 KB, 540x911, 540:911, 8c7c94c568f7d9502df8d3a31….jpeg)


I remember that story with Daniel Vavra and the Moors thing. Shit was funny to see.


White is the new Jew, except that now it's A-OK to holocaust them.

8ec490 No.14268601

File: fab3ef1e5be8cb8⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 272x272, 1:1, Laughing French Women.jpg)

6f3168 No.14268606

File: 8acb966b16602ee⋯.jpg (157.56 KB, 1974x1000, 987:500, 1414790056606.jpg)

Is there anything that needs to be changed in the OP?

529ae2 No.14268659


body modifications are a gay fetish.

33a4a2 No.14268686


very fast puberty hitting at incredibly hihg speed.

866abb No.14268785

File: eeb9f945767bcb4⋯.jpg (119.02 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, Nigel Not Feeling It.jpg)

Good morning….

1e4c2f No.14269007


Yes. The thisisvideogames wiki is down (at least for me, check), so replace everything under >Lists to the relevant pages on the new wiki, as well as ">Full OP text" link

dd88b7 No.14269057


Seems like the Wiki is down altogether. https://gamergatewiki.net/ isn't working for me either.

7c62c2 No.14269119

File: aba44ace7a14a84⋯.png (181 KB, 1647x580, 1647:580, ss (2018-02-03 at 11.39.36….png)

File: c3d674f6158ae44⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 1500x2668, 375:667, FireEmblemHeroesCorrinHead….jpg)

File: 10e7f3d4aaebd2e⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 3554x2198, 1777:1099, 10e7f3d4aaebd2e5c45bd0e8c4….jpg)


Treehouse reveal they were localizing this mobile game all along, turning that one conversation about headpatting (which most of us thought was DeNA poking fun at Treehouse's fucked-up Fates localization) into a bizarre self-own.

Here's some other lines from the blogpost that stood out:

>The database allows us to research basic things, like item names or the way a character laughs, as well as deeper references

>Most Heroes reference conversations from whatever game they’re from, whether word for word or just in passing. When we come across these lines, sometimes they have to be tweaked for their new context

>I put a lot of thought into how to portray [Sigurd and Deidre's] speech in a style that could successfully bring across the 1990s dark-fantasy style of the original writing while preserving the complexity of the storytelling and characterization for the modern era

>While I appreciate the history of the older games like Genealogy of the Holy War, the greatest joy I’ve experienced in playing [Heroes] during its first year has been the evolution of my beloved #TeamLucina

<They gush about their four different versions of Lucina for the rest of the post



ggwiki.deepfreeze.should be working

7d5a15 No.14269133


gamergatewiki.org works too and its easier to remember

2d837f No.14269160


That's a fucking shock I'm guessing NoJ told them to behave.

2e900a No.14269194


They got demoted to localizing shitty mobile games. I imagine during the demotion, a lot of the cucks got kicked to the curb.

2d837f No.14269255

File: 46802339df8c491⋯.png (739.32 KB, 693x760, 693:760, I'm fucking wet right now.PNG)


I'm happy seeing Treehouse eat shit.

c59a84 No.14269283


There's still the matter of those two or three chucklefucks insisting that they didn't do anything wrong by shoving dated memes into scripts and insisting that anyone who has a problem with that just hates women.

7c62c2 No.14269328

File: ec81c2da4446073⋯.jpg (187.81 KB, 538x955, 538:955, ss (2018-01-12 at 12.45.40….jpg)


>dated memes

Like this?

c59a84 No.14269344

File: a6613ef31f10a42⋯.gif (341.25 KB, 213x199, 213:199, what the fuck, Potter.gif)

1f0a05 No.14269369



>Treehouse gets work directly with devs to pressure them to self censor

>But is demoted to localizing mobage

There's a nice silver lining to this.

0d0436 No.14269372

File: 30eb7a1ed52994b⋯.png (187.59 KB, 500x445, 100:89, mushrooms.png)


<They gush about their four different versions of Lucina for the rest of the post


Blandest character and worst daughter, but not as bad as Soleil. Aside from that, great to see that Treehouse getting demoted into localizing a shit mobage, and possibly having NoJ breathing down their necks which is plausible seeing that west spends more money on that shit gacha game.

866abb No.14269381

File: 63c25d0bed08d90⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Y2J List 2.jpg)

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but before they blackfaced the Maid of Orleans for "diversity's" sake, they've done this before on:

>William the Conqueror

>Henry the V

>William Shakespeare

>Queen Catherine of Valois

>Sherlock Holmes


When will this blackfacing end?! When will the rest of Western Europe wake up from this and actually take it to the streets that their very history, their very heritage is being rewritten and replaced by either Muslims or blacks? I'm fucking sick of this!

dd88b7 No.14269392

File: 589e454907ea9e7⋯.png (548.58 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Don't take no for an answe….png)


>When will this blackfacing end?! When will the rest of Western Europe wake up from this and actually take it to the streets that their very history, their very heritage is being rewritten and replaced by either Muslims or blacks?

You're acting like the citizens in Europe don't reject globalization.

d5922a No.14269446

File: be49da64afd3a95⋯.png (68.56 KB, 452x641, 452:641, Projekt Red.PNG)

File: 6db130ec6ca635d⋯.png (46.72 KB, 578x420, 289:210, cyberpunk.PNG)

File: 670ea674ca243d3⋯.png (45.72 KB, 586x387, 586:387, citation needed.PNG)

>Lawsuit Exposes Internet Giant’s Internal Culture of Intolerance





b00310 No.14269475


>west europe

>doing anything that does not help jews and only jews

Top kek mate. Only iceland has ever fucked jews but in exchange for other jews.

dd88b7 No.14269478

File: b033a0092588ed5⋯.jpg (120.3 KB, 900x678, 150:113, original2.jpg)


>Once I noticed the pattern of violence against women I decided to only read cyberpunk written by women. It’s often just as twisted but feels a lot less exploitive.

What a faggot.

c59a84 No.14269520

File: 2013b8024a291d5⋯.png (141.84 KB, 438x299, 438:299, laugh_wheeze_spock.png)


>talking competently about tech policy


cc4337 No.14269528


So she has 4 people donating and one happens to be a "engineer"

529ae2 No.14269529

File: 1b21cd7d33faca0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 612x8280, 17:230, 2018-02-04_02-27-53.png)

File: 3030a82d6d0145b⋯.png (470.43 KB, 611x1865, 611:1865, 2018-02-04_02-32-54.png)


>white europe = racist

>no black ppl? in europe?

>white nationalism is a fantasy

>“Historical accuracy” my ass


>"Historical accuracy" is a dogwhistle for the lead designer's cryptofascist politics.

>I'm honestly not even surprised that this allegation comes from a furry.

lel, check out the sjw profiles, they are always total losers.

c59a84 No.14269535

File: da4c2d580758647⋯.png (162.41 KB, 286x374, 13:17, she.png)

8ec490 No.14269591

File: 757b81ed5abbcfe⋯.png (487.78 KB, 681x453, 227:151, you must be new here.png)


>a politician talking competently about tech policy

>had to ask about how to install a motherboard

Also do we have a baker ready to go for next bread?

cc4337 No.14269603


sweet jesus the retardedness if off the charts.

I'll bet if a game is every made depicting Central American history that they would go ape shit because no black people, because them Olmec Heads represent blacks 100%

c59a84 No.14269629


>>had to ask about how to install a motherboard

And thought you had to manually install the BIOS, then when corrected, accused the guy of "mansplaining."

255675 No.14269666

File: a5e60e8a1d252f8⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 1005x686, 1005:686, DUtl8hSX4AMYajN.jpg)

b00310 No.14269712


I would probably need help if I were to do both those things myself, but the particular I would thank the person if they helped me rather than try and kill the person and I do need help with a weid booting issue where it jumps to the bios specs screen and I have to let it load for about 3 minutes before it starts booting to windows 7, but this is something that has to be looked at in person, especially if Iwan t to set up a windows 10 dual boot at any point.

de5db1 No.14269726

File: 29aefd19061690f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 627.34 KB, 1200x1762, 600:881, [Kon-Kit] Aisai Senshi Mig….png)



866abb No.14269736

Since we're on page 13, I'll make a new bread.

8ec490 No.14269745

File: 5ca5cfe4d04cec8⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 540x405, 4:3, laughing geode.jpg)


>And thought you had to manually install the BIOS


866abb No.14269749

Looks out, this bread's made by a TRAMP!




255675 No.14269753


We are < 650

0f876f No.14269764


We are also on page 13. Read the rules.

2a3328 No.14269897

File: 22336911477bbe3⋯.png (451.52 KB, 1830x899, 1830:899, gilda eats bread.png)


make it so

42c72e No.14270239


And all of the versions of Lucina are garbage.

>Vanilla Lucina: While she's the best Falchion user this means jack shit when better characters like Ryoma are around. A year into the game you have characters like Ayra who do her job a lot better than she can. She can't beat a properly prepared Nowi who in turn proceeds to rape Lucina with her loli dragoncock.

>Bunny Lucina: Blue mage in a game filled with top tier blue mages like Reinhardt, Linde and Micaiah.

>Brave Lucina: Lucina with a lance whose main role is buff people around her. Due to how she got the short end of the stick she's the weakest of the four Brave Units due to Brave Ike being a very hard to kill tank, Brave Roy being able to kill you and use Galeforce to kill you again and Brave Lyn being the best archer in the game. Side note: The next four Brave units will be Hector, Ephraim, Celica and Veronica (one of the game's original characters).

>Masked Marth: See regular Lucina but without any skills outside of Falchion.

If you're gonna gush over multiple versions of an unit at least do it for characters who are good, like Ike.

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