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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

54075b No.14269746

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


b9bcc8 No.14269751


eb2310 No.14269752

File: 29dd821db828146⋯.webm (3.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SoYou'reSaying.webm)


636fa6 No.14269755

File: 4783c84697f9c81⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 519x310, 519:310, 9k11 sim phone.jpg)

Android has an autism simulator in the form of a Soviet 9k11 (Malyutka / SA-3 Sagger) antitank guided missile simulator.

Its the Dark Souls of /k/ sim games.

5c000b No.14269757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I found the worst song ever, hail hitler cock

777f6d No.14269766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bitch sounds like Yellow Diamond

a56bd8 No.14269767

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

Try not to sperg. You could blemish my beautiful post.

2e16c8 No.14269776

the post below me is mark

bf6059 No.14269789

poster above me is marche

b49eec No.14269797



Alright, now kiss.

034167 No.14269800



Both of you need to sort shit and you rooms out.

72cb4b No.14269806

File: 4270a409a11de91⋯.png (523.17 KB, 722x525, 722:525, you prancing la-la homo ma….png)



Get a room, you two.

bb3405 No.14269822

File: e8480f1e29409f9⋯.mp4 (6.38 MB, 450x360, 5:4, F-Zero Falcon Densetsu ope….mp4)

Archive of prior bread:


7ed63b No.14269842

File: 8313395d93050b3⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 8313395d93050b37124c37c024….mp4)

cool bread.

636fa6 No.14269861


I unironically enjoyed Quest 64. Fight me.

5c000b No.14269878


It was unfinished, the GBC game is better.

86127b No.14269887

File: 5217efee7c11a5e⋯.gif (361.53 KB, 800x713, 800:713, 21c1131f9d24fcfc15a7c6d6b8….gif)

Stop bullying Alundra, guys!

e27cc8 No.14269892

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

bb3405 No.14269899

File: c941b93edf50fec⋯.png (175.52 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, happy-thanks.png)



Is that Commie Cat's name?

203a54 No.14269904



That's not commie cat's name. It's Alunya

86127b No.14269909


Wow that girl is so kind, giving an starving commie some food for free!

073cad No.14269921

File: e79be228e43d9b0⋯.jpg (160.86 KB, 692x558, 346:279, potato.jpg)


Alundra is an old playstation game similar to Zelda or Terranigma.

bb3405 No.14269929

File: ee0369523d4698c⋯.png (155.35 KB, 1779x507, 593:169, localization horror story.PNG)


That occurred to me after a few minutes. Wasn't it also a game where Working Design "fixed" some problems by making the game needlessly harder?

203a54 No.14269939


easiest one I can think of off the top of my head was Exile 2.

f2c371 No.14269946


How is it superior? You can't just make a blanket statement like that without some supporting evidence.

034167 No.14269949


>blanket statement

I see what you did.

86127b No.14269957


Fun fact: Silver Star Harmony was hated on NeoFag for having a different translation and the guy behind the "original" translation was pissed off because XSEED didn't buy his translation. I think he's called Vic or something like that, and he's a big retard.

f2c371 No.14269965


That wasn't very fun.

5c8b73 No.14269970

File: 8d57fa498447da7⋯.png (447.89 KB, 1000x1148, 250:287, asuka sausage.png)

Good evening!

Remember to report the comic autist when you see it.

2e1da2 No.14269972

File: b45e0f60fe97106⋯.jpg (177.75 KB, 903x1032, 7:8, whore.jpg)

All of you are fucking shit, leave.

d7df7a No.14269983



What happen?

f2c371 No.14269989

did the memo stop the Russia investigation?

5c8b73 No.14270000

File: 789676b4d907c8d⋯.png (136.88 KB, 877x1240, 877:1240, __midori_and_wooser_uchuu_….png)

4ee3b4 No.14270001

File: 73ac34312845563⋯.png (360.98 KB, 566x423, 566:423, sweating asura.png)


589c54 No.14270007

File: 2cf137690289f3b⋯.jpg (222.47 KB, 584x656, 73:82, ShockingDevelopment.jpg)


Dems are trying to downplay the memo as if it was THE breach of National Security rather than the fact that the reason the memo got released was due to the DNC and FBI trying to start a coup against Trump with false info. and you still get Grade A retards who believe the Dems dindu nuffin



bc2ff9 No.14270008

File: 4a93d2cfe016eed⋯.png (56.65 KB, 218x218, 1:1, deebly goncerned.png)


Its so funny the media is sticking to the Trump and Russia are buddies meme, considering the memo shows the fake dossier was the source for it to begin with.

b9bcc8 No.14270009

File: 167c615bde2c2f9⋯.webm (296.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, First Try.webm)

963f69 No.14270016


>CNN and BBC on maximum damage control over memo

>see some dumb bitch talking about how Trump suppressed a "counter memo" that would have "put everything in context"

But to answer the question, the only thing that's going to stop the Russia investigation is when Trump's term ends. They aren't going to drop it because fake news is so profitable and easy to make.

7f07a2 No.14270017


> Wasn't it also a game where Working Design "fixed" some problems by making the game needlessly harder?

It was Popful Mail. There was a site that listed all the "lol lets make it bullshit for fun" stuff they did to the game but I can't remember what it was called

83c69a No.14270023


You can't stop something that was a facade to begin with.

a17d2e No.14270029

File: 2402708dd2349b3⋯.jpg (13.26 KB, 225x255, 15:17, 2a39b995768faafdd9c4b5d133….jpg)

I've seen a few signs of trolls.

>Spamming dead 4chan memes.

>Console war threads.

>This game sucks because it has boobs threads.

>Faggots being easily triggered when they get their threads deleted.

>Obvious derailment of threads.

>Fuckers saying Neo Gaf style shit like "This console has No Games".

>People shit posting about PC owners.

I actually think its not trolls as such but whats left of NeoFag refugees. The mods need to get them the fuck out of here.

963f69 No.14270035


Actually, they did that to a lot of their games. Lunar 1 and 2 were among Victor Ireland's victims.

f2c371 No.14270047


Lunar 1 and 2 sucks because it has boobs.

a31aa0 No.14270065

File: 36d807042ecf050⋯.png (182.76 KB, 500x695, 100:139, 36d807042ecf0508933e25055d….png)


Noticed that as well

You remember those faggots who spammed the board after a thread they derailed was took down?

A thread about a game with lolis being taken down off of Steam which triggered the fuck out of them?

These shitposters post near exactly like those guys, I knew they reminded me of some shitters by the way they posted but couldn't put my finger on it until now.

Seems to be the same exact guys, they're also triggered by lolis and everything.

4c2c78 No.14270067


>I actually think its not trolls as such but whats left of NeoFag refugees.

Some halfchan app added support for 8chan and what you're seeing is modern day cuck/v/ posters coming here

b26ddb No.14270068

File: bbcac58bab9cecc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1135x1078, 1135:1078, 1517584893.png)



d7df7a No.14270078


nm I was slow reading the op.



That explains the catalog recently.

36d0cf No.14270090

File: 1127b3890ad20a7⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 368x368, 1:1, 1429685947605.jpg)

Minish Cap is a lot worse than I remember.

bc2ff9 No.14270098

File: eae8c7690853719⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cuckchanner tries to fit i….mp4)

40dda4 No.14270100


Please be joking.

72cb4b No.14270105


This scene was so good, holy shit.

54075b No.14270124


>Vivian not in either Eri or Fio's outfit while inside that gear from Metal Slug


36d0cf No.14270135

File: 5f6a2b942eabbbe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 1200x1587, 400:529, 637c13e8d6126d40c8d4f1d8ff….jpg)

File: 8bccac8e272cc21⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.06 MB, 1200x1870, 120:187, 3068bce1548e2f9de29d37afc6….png)

File: 26db80a2ff1636d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 763.04 KB, 1000x1398, 500:699, 941764f09f3dc399990f73b1d9….jpg)

File: 39652bbea970c78⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 499.1 KB, 1000x1192, 125:149, a8a02b95a9ead1385f36590942….jpg)

File: 7c806316b5fa84d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 350.67 KB, 860x1214, 430:607, c883b1b8f63e96a586d6710f44….jpg)


>Viv dressed up like Fio

Getting some saucy thoughts here.

3b264a No.14270139

File: 9068be33f6ac800⋯.jpg (343.61 KB, 1700x2338, 850:1169, 5217c9d79646c11148cb8e3095….jpg)


Explains the rise in UIDs.

4c2c78 No.14270141


I'm not, how haven't you heard about this? People have been talking about it for a few days now. There's threads about it on /tech/ and /sudo/ I think

dcf16f No.14270158


I wish we could got more than a week without some new influx of faggots and shitposters from cuckchan and other parts of the internet.

36d0cf No.14270177


That's weird. I never got around to deleting that app off of my phone Sometimes I need to go to half/h/ for help finding source on an h-manga crop and mine says it's up to date with nothing about supporting 8ch yet. Must be a dev build because there's no new one on github either. I guess I'd be a lot happier if I really cared about 4chan (beyond it having a larger pool of people to help me find porn when reverse image searches fail).

bb3405 No.14270178

File: 773f8262957c9ae⋯.png (18.91 KB, 274x534, 137:267, 084.png)

File: 768207afa9d0fc2⋯.jpg (367.26 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, 304 (2).jpg)

File: d51842d0b725c4c⋯.jpg (7.57 MB, 4444x4320, 1111:1080, 705778868634d6894a05dd136e….jpg)

File: da058fe37c6f616⋯.png (715.47 KB, 954x1400, 477:700, ashley_nighty.png)

File: 0b10adc4b44aada⋯.jpg (363.17 KB, 1010x1400, 101:140, dragons_crown_amazon_loli.jpg)


I'm sure there's some way we can scare them off, but it may require breaking a few site rules. So far, though, it seems like the faggots are weak against lolis. So, start posting "relevant lolis" in whenever you see them show up in a thread.

4c2c78 No.14270186


It was pretty comfy for a few months before christmas there

e27cc8 No.14270190

File: 8ead35927f5788e⋯.png (204.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 949695338318725120_CNQorzg….png)

Looks like Philip Kollar's been quietly let go from Polygon after the accusations of him Respecting Women™ back in November. His name's been removed from the masthead. Considering he's one of the founders it's a big deal.


Lurk more or fuck off.

https://web.archive.org/web/20180129173754/https://www.please use archive.is/masthead

Here's the original accusation. It was literally nothing. Some bipolar girl flirted with him, he flirted back…and that was it. Apparently it was bad because she was mentally ill, but I honestly do not know.


60f5ff No.14270194


Eh, the cuckchanners will fuck off soon enough.

Remember, my man, 8chan is like toooooooooo sloooooooooow, there isn't nearly enough blacked spam, and there aren't enough template throwaway threads :^)

dd9478 No.14270205


very good

bbea99 No.14270211

File: 5689c737fa6e5e1⋯.webm (12.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Main 2010 - Insert No Coi….webm)

In other news, what did you fags think of agdg demo day? I think it was pretty lackluster in all their entries, though still managed to have impressive entries such as Dash Blitz and the new MoM update.

4c2c78 No.14270218


You say that but they can just make those blacked and console war threads if there aren't enough of them

dcf16f No.14270219


The problem is 1) that they are here and lowering board quality across the site, and 2) that these bursts of faggotry are driving people away and boards aren't recovering once cancer has been removed.

39e9b7 No.14270221

File: 6fc7ee54c135670⋯.png (235.28 KB, 988x1078, 494:539, dani hueg.png)


Another convenient reaction drawing.


Archive.is version for convenience: https://archive.is/6PvmC

ed66d9 No.14270242

File: 5f623029fcf9091⋯.jpg (115.4 KB, 1011x773, 1011:773, Thicc 01.jpg)

File: 3501aa53d644bb1⋯.png (805.52 KB, 1200x887, 1200:887, Thicc.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

93e333 No.14270245


i want to head pat hilda, anymore art of that artists? that shit has good lore.

a31aa0 No.14270258


Will only have time to play them tomorrow

86127b No.14270259



034167 No.14270274


>If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing liberal values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing black values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing illegal values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing lgbt values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing tranny values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing women values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing marxist values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

>If you’re concerned about discussing socialist values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug

I could go on, but lets stop while they are behind

93e333 No.14270282

File: 209a0241bb86443⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ZHqcifKh_400x400.jpg)

File: ba9cbca3de413ae⋯.jpg (173.91 KB, 880x640, 11:8, 1433439334742.jpg)


>Matt Fernandez

>he looks like a nip

82a1b4 No.14270304


With that last name, he's most likely a flip.

54075b No.14270308


Or a spic. Or a mix of the two.

6c36b7 No.14270309

File: dc54c57284fb4ac⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, gendo.jpg)


If you wanted the government to actually enforce the "no hire practice based on discriminating against race or political stance", what exact kind of evidence would you need to get the state to investigate seriously?

What exactly is enough to cause an investigation? Do we need emails, posting their twitter as evidence? All we really need to do is find 2-5 employees related to HR for Google with the stance of "fuck white guys/ conservatives".

Someone's bound to fuck up and we need to document. You can't deconstruct google by destroying their advertiser relations alone, we need solid, actual dirt. It shouldn't be hard to find considering who we're dealing with and how confidant they are with their stances.

If we dig through google's employees and HR, even FORMER employees so we can get a good read on the work environs when they left, they'll freak and make themselves vulnerable. We need to empower people to speak up, group up and fight back. Basically all we got to do is the social media equivalent of Whack-a-Mole.

The fact that they're confidant and outspoken is their weakness. Make the idiots talk through questioning and accusation until one of them pulls something juicy like


and we'll have them by the balls if we can get it to happen more then once, it'll domino really fucking fast.

2d0076 No.14270326


>If you wanted the government to actually enforce the "no hire practice based on discriminating against race or political stance", what exact kind of evidence would you need to get the state to investigate seriously?

Google's already been investigated because they were paying pretty much all the female employees less than their male counterparts for the same level of work. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to argue "we don't discriminate, we shit on every demographic in very specific ways" for the Damore lawsuit.

6c36b7 No.14270340


One investigation isn't going to keep them down, you need to make it a habit. In fact if they're investigating now it's best to go into overdrive on finding this shit. The more people talk about a controversy related to them the more these fuckers freak. But honestly, it's not gonna take much at this point, the pieces have been set and they're falling right now because of that former employee guy's story. When the wrecking ball hits the dam, you can't really cover up the cracks.

4c2c78 No.14270341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What exactly is enough to cause an investigation? Do we need emails, posting their twitter as evidence? All we really need to do is find 2-5 employees related to HR for Google with the stance of "fuck white guys/ conservatives".

But Damore's lawsuit already has loads of evidence of that happening. We don't have to do shit, Damore's lawyers are doing it all already. Watch this series of breakdowns if you want, it's a lawyer going through the case and commenting on how retarded the google employees who said "fuck all white people" are. Apparently these videos have also been shared internally within Google and the people featured in them consider it harassment.

I'll unironically shill these videos because I like this guy but here's a hooktube anyway


36d0cf No.14270345


> they were paying pretty much all the female employees less than their male counterparts for the same level of work

There seems to be a very strong correlation between companies that talk about ending the wage gap and companies that illegally pay women less

6c36b7 No.14270356


I guaruntee that this isn't over and we're going to have to nail these slippery fuckers in the ground, this isn't enough, they'll fire the noted employees but keep the environment, they're just the stupid ones, we need to make them sweat and hard if we want results, after the case of course we'll need to assess what we need to do next in relation to their actions afterward.

54075b No.14270359

File: 7014f70d5739a12⋯.jpg (111.13 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Commies 5.jpg)

Apparently, we're bourgeois swines apparently.

6c36b7 No.14270377

File: 6b718e9d9c59da7⋯.png (358.15 KB, 570x309, 190:103, 1436732785785.png)


isn't wine like 14 bucks at the liquor store? Burgers outside of McFuckyourhealth are are like 8 bucks in my area.

I get like 11 dollars an hour how can this fuck not afford wine

why do they want luxury wine it tastes the fucking same it's just fucked up grapes

And last I heard pheasant is just crappy chicken

4c2c78 No.14270383


Well for Damore's case, it hinges on that it isn't just a few bad employees but the management as a whole who condone this. I highly recommend you watch that series of videos as Damore's lawsuit makes a good case that this does go all the way to the top


Are you talking about those ads that are bitcoin miners? Not really a problem if you have adblock, but that's also why I provided a hooktube link

c2137b No.14270384


Bourgeois: noun;

A person from the middle class

Isn't that what these people are?

36d0cf No.14270385


If I had any money I would bet it that the person holding that sign is from a well-off family and probably had their education paid for completely by their parents.

>tfw these people would unironically call someone like me "bourgeois" even though I was working in a factory for minimum wage to get through school for the first semester at least. I got straight As so I got into the student tutoring program which also paid minimum wage. Most of my "work" hours were during long breaks between my classes anyway so it worked out.

549c70 No.14270395

File: 31c422e6775f8cb⋯.jpg (112.45 KB, 810x768, 135:128, 1515090983791.jpg)

File: b3ba75bd733145d⋯.png (590.93 KB, 1788x597, 596:199, communism for thee but not….png)



It's a "communist pretends to be part of the poor working class" episode.

82a1b4 No.14270402


Highly inaccurate. Never tried pheasant, and I can't stand the taste of wine with the exception of moscato.


Most likely upper middle class or higher.

6c36b7 No.14270437

File: 476ae6db5ca4813⋯.jpg (8.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 27944b5d3094d772270db4461f….jpg)


>doesn't drink vermouth exclusively

Ho ho tally ho old chap I may just have to twat thee in the butt-tocks with a thorned switch for having such impolite and vulgar taste most foul.

Come at me, my champion awaits to duel yours to the death for this sullen hypocrisy, I can always buy another slave to deal with this foppery shant he lose in such an honored tradition my aren't we rich ho ho ho we duel at dawn

I swear on me mum

f2c371 No.14270444


Ruling class in Marxist terms you dumb cocksucker.

4c2c78 No.14270446



Who in the fuck actually drinks vermouth

c2137b No.14270453


Thats just what comes up on google

f2c371 No.14270460

File: f8bea50f215692f⋯.pdf (508.99 KB, [Terry_Eagleton]_Why_Marx_….pdf)


It's one of those words that changes meaning depending on usage and context.

0aa33d No.14270464


Like "Socialism"?

c2137b No.14270465


Sounds retarded tbh

cbbae7 No.14270467

File: d4f69342858d184⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 518x553, 74:79, d4f69342858d1841d140826447….jpg)


>unicorn riot

Scary name.


Those are some ugly shoes. Did Nomura design them?

f2c371 No.14270474


No. More like 'existential.'

6c36b7 No.14270477

File: 62927d00d1702f7⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 418x529, 418:529, 148492796748.jpg)


people who drink vermouth duh

I tried it once and liked it, but I don't drink much at all since feeling buzzed is not a very good experience for me physically or psychologically

I had a nightmare of my house burning down with my family dead the first time I drank a beer

First nightmare I didn't like, since it was the first that didn't involve the normal aberration monsters that just get more and more creative and interesting to me in general design.

And no before you sick fucks ask, I have not had a dream yet where I fuck one.

forever virgin even in my dreams

c2a59d No.14270490


And you are smoking a cigarette you stupid cunt. Even in a low tax area, like where I live, that could cost you about five bucks a pack. Since you are too much of an addict to put the cigarette down to hold your sign up, I'd say you smoke one or two packs a day. At the cheapest that is about half a meal at an okay restaurant, in my area, going to your addiction every day. But by all means, continue your addiction, and continue bitching about how you have no money while doing that. It tells us more than anything your sign will ever say.

4c2c78 No.14270514


Vermouth is awful, so are Martinis. I used to hate drinking but I've warmed up to it, I enjoy drinking a rum and coke every few days now

93e333 No.14270532

File: c2958f200154fda⋯.jpg (199.63 KB, 800x962, 400:481, wizard_s.jpg)


my african american wizard

034167 No.14270535


Rum and coke is a cuba libre. And some martinis are nice while others are foul, just like beers.

82a1b4 No.14270551

File: 1e80456e8fab0b6⋯.png (564.01 KB, 768x1152, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Vermouth is awful, so are Martinis.

Alone maybe, but mixing it into a cocktail is sometimes nice. Like >>14270535 said, some are nice and it just really depends if the person preparing it knows what they're doing.

034167 No.14270567


And personal taste, I like an appletini thats a tad sour, but others might want a sweeter cherry one.

6c36b7 No.14270579

File: 644a4d2d2f23cac⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, 644a4d2d2f23cac70b65e20829….jpg)


For the record, the monsters have been a bloodied dude with nails who turned split into two each time you looked away, a humanoid made out of glass-like light eating gauze out of a medical kit, a cheshire cat looking motherfucker with ten fingers on each hand and claws about a foot long standing in my shower, a calm man with blue eyes but the rest of him is fire and 3 men without faces with clothing of various occupations with a religious bent to them, like a set of work clothes including the white necktie thing preists do and a doctor's outfit melded with a black robe, the clothes shifting from outfit to outfit like a slideshow.

The first one chased me down, the second one tore out my throat with his glass "teeth", the cheshire throttled me, and the rest have just stood there or look disinterested when they showed up

Should I be concerned? there hasn't been any more.

4c2c78 No.14270609


>cuba libre

I've never heard that name for Rum and Coke before, had to google that one. I've personally never had a good martini nor beer, Beer tastes like piss and Martinis taste like Pine Needles

82a1b4 No.14270610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I like appletini thats a tad sour

My nigga

4c2c78 No.14270620


Appletinis are good, basically any of those girly fruity martini mixes are good honestly

5889d2 No.14270672

My favorite drink is a lot

6c36b7 No.14270689

File: aae9c6d52e156b6⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x370, 50:37, 00655bbe71bb769ece9cd399dd….gif)


That's hilarious and hilarious___

d73347 No.14270692

anyone looking forward to the very good nocturnal carnivorous bird

4c2c78 No.14270711


Haha! creative way of saying superbowl fellow redditor XDDDXD

54075b No.14270723

File: a7536e7d8157373⋯.jpg (141.32 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 44 Magnum.jpg)




cbbae7 No.14270727

File: 319b45852c3b4e5⋯.jpg (145.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Madotsuki In Training.jpg)


Consider figuring out why so you don't do that.

5209a8 No.14270737


Who gives a fuck about nigger squat?

5889d2 No.14270739


Because it's an enjoyable way to kill myself

93e333 No.14270743


you are perfectly fine, anon.

5c8b73 No.14270777

trips for midori

774f9b No.14270856

File: 6575979a25bd780⋯.png (454.13 KB, 591x627, 197:209, oni is flustered.PNG)

f8b44e No.14270924

File: 25302562945a662⋯.jpg (143.4 KB, 392x445, 392:445, fdf59ad643159032c6433ac68f….jpg)



>Word on the grapevine is that Polygon has quietly fired Phil Kollar following sexual harassment, grooming, and sexual predation allegations.

774f9b No.14270929


This is how many now?

936b1c No.14270935

File: 87180f29c776642⋯.png (37.1 KB, 151x220, 151:220, 563842.png)

93e333 No.14270951


another poor victim of false accusations.

5889d2 No.14270952

File: d9d885523e41d6b⋯.webm (295.95 KB, 852x480, 71:40, dubs.webm)

ccc585 No.14270965

File: c77b4c80f28e4a6⋯.png (1.35 MB, 960x1536, 5:8, 74da52f2b080ad9938c1aebcce….png)


I lost count, but I think we just hit 20 sexual misconducts. That's a new milestone. Champagne!

8b70e5 No.14271000

File: b73df8dcabb4368⋯.png (304.46 KB, 822x700, 411:350, checked.png)

File: 55f4d2dcfb3d6ee⋯.png (451.74 KB, 1312x800, 41:25, no thanks.png)

File: a5c16f48f39f118⋯.png (203.84 KB, 524x900, 131:225, what's going on ITT.png)

File: c7233a2b89816c1⋯.png (376.03 KB, 849x700, 849:700, have some of this.png)

File: 2110762f8ab0498⋯.png (615.49 KB, 1420x1200, 71:60, Gilda being loved gently.png)


>it seems like the faggots are weak against lolis. So, start posting "relevant lolis"

ebdaeb No.14271011


I can drink pretty much any drink, usually mix it up between bitter, hard, manly drinks and sweet girly drinks at the bar.

d03ce5 No.14271030


Shills are always weak against lolis, and the freedom to post lolis can make or break a platform for the Japanese. Start spamming lolis, and maybe the shills will leave.

f2c371 No.14271036

File: 5e7d22137e2b6dc⋯.jpg (90.34 KB, 563x700, 563:700, electric-schoolchair.jpg)

ccc585 No.14271044

File: b04de24ebe06cc8⋯.jpg (209.54 KB, 634x1098, 317:549, Sorceress.jpg)


This is a lolicon fantasy according to Kotaku. Is this okay?

8de26d No.14271045

File: acb472cae7b0cf3⋯.png (77.47 KB, 796x324, 199:81, lolis are the eagles of th….png)

f2c371 No.14271054

File: adc37befdf83803⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 564x700, 141:175, drinkme.jpg)

8f0b2a No.14271056


No, that's pedophile fantasy.

ccc585 No.14271059


Isn't that the same thing for them?

f2c371 No.14271062

File: 88b21d796f350a4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.17 KB, 500x603, 500:603, stigmata.jpg)


That's what loli is.

39df1a No.14271400

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Lady is a Tramp Edition




>Looks like Philip Kollar's been quietly let go from Polygon after the accusations of him Respecting Women™ back in November.


from above link to that women's twitter:

<a couple of years ago, when i was first starting to realize something was weird about him, he had told me that his wife thought i had a crush on him. it stuck out as odd to me that he was showing his partner our texts

Why is that odd?

<i saw a tweet about him wanting to start streaming again, and i wholeheartedly believe that he shouldn't do that. that is the exact platform he used to be closer with young women

What is this even about? Men who talk to women are all creepy and anybody who does that should be fired immediately?

<i don't aim to ruin his life.

There is a Japanese saying that fits here: ︙

b9a863 No.14271441

File: 8342cc6e61eacbe⋯.png (21.11 KB, 500x250, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: affaa5cf212f2c2⋯.png (225.77 KB, 742x462, 53:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fb7917b969f115⋯.png (44.22 KB, 730x258, 365:129, ClipboardImage.png)

right now sjw gamers are pretty mad at Subnautica.


5b7f70 No.14271490

File: 3f199c8469df48f⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 1127x672, 161:96, Subnautica_Character.jpg)


I always thought it was weird the main character even had a look in that. Like they took a game with 0 character interaction but made sure to make the MC look like joke characters i used to make in the sims.

034167 No.14271515


>banner is problemsona 5

Someone should spread that she supports soggy knees.


Someone should call them racist for not wanting to play as a black guy

5b7f70 No.14271533


Is he even black? He looks like le 56% face with the most retarded haircut ever.

034167 No.14271544


He has nigger lips, all I know is hes not white.

1658ca No.14271562


>both anime profile pictures

i sure am surprised haha

b9a863 No.14271595


The 2nd tweet baffles me. So if a game just has one guy as playable character, it's automatically unplayable to him. OK

e19823 No.14271616


Why did they even make a character at all? They could have just kept in first person and done the 'ambiguous gender' gimmick. Why would they go to all the trouble of making something this terrible?

f2c371 No.14271632


That was an insult to cum. I'd unironically drink a bucket of cum before i'd ever even put a drop of mayo on anything.

af3c29 No.14271728

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

2914bb No.14271743

File: 97050de27af69fd⋯.png (67.42 KB, 602x399, 86:57, 1.png)

File: 9339b892590f331⋯.png (39.49 KB, 581x252, 83:36, 2.png)


This actress is taking a dig at Kill Bill's "sexism".



>Shills are always weak against lolis

Blatantly false. Months ago we used to have a loli spammer who would try to derail these threads with loli posting and succeeded in some parts. Shills play both sides.




To give some context, these accusations are as old as November and made waves then. What makes them relevant again is that back then, it was accused that Polygon did nothing about it, and it seemed like it was swept under the rug. Now it resurfaced that he may have been finally canned.

54075b No.14271752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening.

fc16ef No.14271757


It's also very cheap meat if you buy it from any butchers. Largely because in order to eat it you have to remove the shot from it yourself.

Like all commie losers, the sign holder doesn't know shit

fc16ef No.14271765

File: 465ddcbf250f918⋯.png (72.64 KB, 184x184, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




>Drinking girly frou frou drinks like a boyfucking homolala.

86127b No.14271822

File: 86902848ac86e3e⋯.png (2.44 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 166aedbc727a6132b21f39be72….png)

Google has being sued

James Damore, the former Google engineer who was fired last summer after authoring a document questioning the company’s diversity policies, has filed a lawsuit against the company. In a 161-page complaint, he does far more than challenge his firing and accuses Google of systemic discrimination against and harassment of white and male employees, as well as of violating a California state law that prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of an employee’s political persuasion. He has joined together with another engineer by the name of David Gudeman who was also fired after he expressed politically incorrect views. Together, the two of them are requesting that their case be treated as a class action on behalf of all employees who have faced similar treatment at the hands of the Internet giant. The charges that they make are broad and far-reaching, but they are not asking that their claims be taken on faith alone. More than half of the complaint is taken up by an 87-page-long exhibit consisting of screenshots from internal systems used by Google employees to communicate. These screenshots present a stunning display of unprofessional behavior not just by rank-and-file employees but managers and even a senior vice president, including overt discrimination, prejudice on the basis of race and gender, conflation of dissenting political views with racism and sexism, punishment of those who asked questions about what behavior was permitted, endorsement of politically motivated violence, and even an attack on the very notion of truth itself.

The complaint alleges that Google’s affirmative action programs went beyond merely setting targets and conducting outreach events restricted to certain demographics. At a “Diversity Team Kickoff” event, a director announced plans “to freeze headcount so that teams could find diversity candidates to help fill the empty roles,” with “diversity candidates” being defined to mean “women and non-Caucasian individuals” (Complaint 46). In other words, Google saw fit to stop hiring white men at all for certain teams until the desired numbers of favored groups were met. Not only did Google practice this discrimination itself, but it also attempted to use its power in the industry to coerce other companies into doing the same, with one manager instructing his employees as follows:

>Next time you get invited to speak at a conference, especially if you’re a white male – ask the organizer to confirm you’re the only white male on the panel / in the speaker lineup. If not, say you are honored, but must decline, and give the reason. And because you are at Google, guess what – they’re going to change the panel for you. You’ll feel bad about inconveniencing them. But not that bad. When the cheesy white male executive is in the “green room” and glaring at you because he was bounced for the panel in favor of a woman on his team, you’ll feel pretty damn smug. Or you won’t: you’ll feel bad that you might have put her in a tough spot, and you’ll go above and beyond to make good with the schmucky senior dude (Complaint 42).





54075b No.14271841


Hmm. I'll take a hunch of this on how will this case goes:

>James Damore's case will gain traction due to multiple and documented grounds on how Google is partisan with its hiring

>Google will either delay the case to move forward or file a counter-lawsuit against James Damore for slandering their company

>James Damore will take it to the US Supreme Court

>Google will delay it even further

>Then this case will be dragged on years

2914bb No.14271862

File: d6c52c3493897a1⋯.png (39.05 KB, 676x567, 676:567, Cyberbully.png)

File: 5558f892e4829cf⋯.png (632.45 KB, 886x1254, 443:627, no bully.png)


this archive doesn't work

I wonder what defines a "cyberbully" in the current year.

54075b No.14271864

File: eebe39ae9647693⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 480x293, 480:293, Wow It's Nothing 3.jpg)


>Emu Land

061425 No.14271871

File: 2c2bc95e97393f2⋯.png (499.71 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, 2c2bc95e97393f2237edb5745f….png)



According to Marx himself the bourgeois are the people who own the means of production (and thus control the proletariat, the working class). Both the faggot with the sign and google get it wrong, probably because they don't even know their own ideologies.

4b54bc No.14271881

File: d10a022d9210d44⋯.jpg (215.71 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, liq_teq1.jpg)


Give it a try sometime.

54075b No.14271888

File: d1c135af5491dd1⋯.jpg (116.51 KB, 1199x614, 1199:614, Gay Orgy.jpg)


>Tequila Rose

That sounds REALLY gay.

3371ab No.14271892

File: af6d47a02dfa863⋯.jpg (244.28 KB, 621x800, 621:800, 60482887_p4.jpg)


Add this to the wiki page on Damore since you've bothered to type out such a nice long post anon! You're smart and know your stuff! Contribute to the wiki please.

4b54bc No.14271897

>>14271888 (checked)

Yeah, and it's really delicious and creamy.

034167 No.14271912


>Then this case will be dragged on years

Regardless what happens, this will happen.

0aa33d No.14271926

File: fcc9eb95b247b74⋯.jpg (200.01 KB, 900x587, 900:587, o-JOHN-HOWARD-SALE-RALLY-9….jpg)


More so, why does a virtual spat between children have to be legislated against? It's like Ausfag politics is just one kneejerk reaction after another or something.

e37d46 No.14271998

File: fff82b15ab8624a⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3152x3152, 1:1, e5fcdb7d6efb39b66c72d52c5f….jpg)

>My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola

non american here, can one of you explain this bullshit to me? I don't listen to mainstream music and this is the first time I hear this. Was reading a article on Lana Del Rey and they said that her song cola opens with the line "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola". Is it because I'm not a native English speaker, or is that line actually weird?

d03ce5 No.14272024


>Listening to mainstream drivel

c2b78c No.14272027

File: 68cfd1d1560ae09⋯.jpg (186.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 438734690786349873.jpg)

61d61f No.14272036

File: 5515f2c8550f924⋯.jpg (577.38 KB, 1114x1024, 557:512, 5515f2c8550f92468f575aa93f….jpg)


Wait, isn't Kill Bill just as much Uma's idea as it is Tarrantino's? Wasn't the whole concept of the Bride character a thing they came up with while shooting the shit when they were filming Pulp Fiction? The fuck is this bitch smoking?

3371ab No.14272038




7e2474 No.14272039


It's actually pretty fucking retarded.

3874af No.14272049



Call it what it is.


e27cc8 No.14272055

File: 1d15df43dfcafbd⋯.png (788.84 KB, 528x1014, 88:169, 27_edited.png)


She's so woke that her pussy is sponsored by a multinational corporation

54075b No.14272057

File: 341039d41a56923⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Lionheart Hold Up.jpg)


>My Pussy Tastes Like Pepsi Cola

Wait a minute! This is a reference to that BLM-pandering Pepsi commercial!

e37d46 No.14272086


>It's actually pretty fucking retarded.





>She's so woke that her pussy is sponsored by a multinational corporation


>This is a reference to that BLM-pandering Pepsi commercial!

Whatever it is, I am glad that I am not the only one who found this weird/retarded. Even for normie standards, and they set the bar pretty low, this is very strange.

eb2310 No.14272089

File: 50f0b5ad8afa41a⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 638x540, 319:270, 1404609473782.jpg)


Shes spilt a bottle of Pepsi on her cat and licked it.

484d67 No.14272097


Lana Del Reys entire schtick is maximum hedonism

af3c29 No.14272103

File: 38b34fd62f7d193⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 88.55 KB, 580x515, 116:103, 869fe947-e1344860254788.jpg)

File: d0952dc1147a7b7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.72 KB, 300x300, 1:1, cute-asian-eating-pussy-ca….jpg)

File: 4716e8b9cb82665⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 41.83 KB, 460x578, 230:289, cats-for-dinner.jpg)


Shoko-tan eat cat

e37d46 No.14272113


>Lana Del Reys entire schtick is maximum hedonism

>Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure and happiness are the primary or most important intrinsic goods and the aim of human life

>pleasure and happiness

now what's wrong with that?

fc3b26 No.14272122


Licking the diseases straight out of the ground.

Schistosomiasis and Giardia send them their thanks.

e9ec01 No.14272132

File: 2509ee9edecf15f⋯.png (123.1 KB, 544x356, 136:89, fuck gamergate.png)

3db9b6 No.14272133

File: b913e8e306fa9a5⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 369x368, 369:368, bob ross sama.jpg)


It's a selfish and worthless way of thought.

You only aspiration is find pleasure. Find stuff that entertains your mind and body and make you feel good.

Guess what will happen eventually. In the best of cases, you will end up bored because all you have been doing was enjoy things you like, and you have grown tired of it, having to go more and more towards extreme measures to find happiness and pleasure. AKA Slaanesh cultist.

Worst case scenario while you keep finding stuff to enjoy, something bad will come your way and fuck your shit up, because you were too worried about filling you ass with dragon dildoes instead of preparing for whatever mean shit destiny is throwing your way.

There's gotta be bad times and good times. If there is only good times, then they might as well be called normal times.

54075b No.14272134

File: ace59b619100688⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 528x292, 132:73, Very Edgy.jpg)

cbbae7 No.14272136

File: 45099870f040afb⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 331x243, 331:243, Consequences.jpg)


In itself, nothing. Until you're maximizing that goal with no regard for long-term consequences.

eb2310 No.14272137

File: aeadadabb388e01⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 500x661, 500:661, Blank _31122e73581202a7b86….jpg)

3b264a No.14272139

File: 9e3c4b4972b774d⋯.jpg (136.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9e3c4b4972b774d96ed201b9a5….jpg)


This timeline, I swear.

0cd147 No.14272141


>Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

Okay hold up. Link?

e9ec01 No.14272149

File: 15c22b2f840dab8⋯.jpg (43.99 KB, 539x625, 539:625, gamer.jpg)


Your time is up, gamergate rapists!

203a54 No.14272152


or if you're maximizing that goal with no regard of other people.

3b264a No.14272162


>Not holding a real katana

af3c29 No.14272164

File: 3d64cef496ae834⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 680x532, 170:133, C2GRNgcXEAI3Qbh.jpg)

54075b No.14272166

File: bca810a16038a9d⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 540x700, 27:35, Samurai on Motorcycle.jpg)


The Jews fears the Samurai

431dec No.14272172


ugh, definitely needs implants and lipo

5945f5 No.14272173

File: 0f7e8b8a0ce847d⋯.png (168.17 KB, 391x462, 391:462, smug witch.png)


Watch out, he could poke your eyes out with his mantits!

0cd147 No.14272181


Oh that's fucking precious. Even nature hates their twisted asses.

3371ab No.14272191

File: 8ea72e14984d416⋯.jpg (174.4 KB, 442x500, 221:250, 55471767_p6.jpg)



Hedonism is always used in regards towards pleasure, more often the carnal ones like sex. This isn't a favorable as a sole goal since you don't better yourself, society or any future as well as lead to unfavorable outcomes such as drug abuse and self-harm. It's associated with lack of self-control.

The irony is that this is coming from a hikkineet that masturbates each day. It doesn't lead to true happiness but instead a feeling of emotional emptyness.

3b264a No.14272198


The memes.

af3c29 No.14272199

File: fb35c2415bcb534⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 600x338, 300:169, gamergate donations.jpg)

File: 99f3d7db9cbfe94⋯.jpg (20.76 KB, 640x384, 5:3, Sealion_fapping2.jpg)


And to think, /ggr/ constantly sperged out about all the money GG donated to raise this hipster-biting sealion…

e9ec01 No.14272206


Did something happen to full/a/ while i was away for two months?

3b264a No.14272214


Anons got tired of the overmoderation and made their own anime board. /animu/ went up to the top 25 quickly and is fairly as active as /a/ or sometimes even more active. /animu/ is open to /pol/ posting, check it out. It's a bit more laxed than /a/.

203a54 No.14272218


It died after it spread the message.

They know who their true enemies are.

3b264a No.14272221

File: 47f7b579246be19⋯.jpg (213.75 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 47f.jpg)

Also, thread about Netflix. >>>/animu/4291

ef8648 No.14272222

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

c6c0cf No.14272227

File: a6ee60269ba692b⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 480x270, 16:9, how can you be this stupid….gif)


>wine and pheasant

These people are honest to God retarded and detached from reality. Even when some of the people on /pol/ gets into their worst LARPing mode they are at least constrained somewhat by the goings on of the real and present world. But not these antifa assholes. They think they're fucking French peasants in Les Miserables or some shit.

203a54 No.14272247

File: a781b5200cb25c4⋯.jpg (346.61 KB, 900x1540, 45:77, a781b5200cb25c43f857bdfb3a….jpg)


It makes me think that pic related might actually be fucking true.

It might still be a LARP, but it's a very convincing one if you keep in mind their hyper-emotional instability.

3371ab No.14272253

File: df7cc0b0f399107⋯.png (11.29 KB, 597x120, 199:40, redditspacing.PNG)

File: 42014fb1afe3cb5⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2000x1453, 2000:1453, 66777958_p0.jpg)



I'm gonna upload and update/fix some of the pastas onto the wiki. The TD pasta should link to the Netflix threads on /a/ and /animu/ while those threads are up. Aside from the OP and TD pastas, are there any other I may have forgotten that may still be relevant?

I'd also like to add some good posts to the wiki, either incorporating it to the articles or a simple screenshot.

Please contribute to the wiki.

ccc585 No.14272261

File: 9fc771dd278da9f⋯.png (54.01 KB, 299x1148, 299:1148, ara viv.png)


Somehow I'm not surprised.

c26564 No.14272269

File: 8a430f3c91f0d44⋯.gif (564.34 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 6046931a91bc23606b5d210d1f….gif)



Stop it anon, I can't take anymore. Actually do continue, there is a LOT of aGGro autism to post.

2e77da No.14272280

File: 556b7ba2b4d7e1b⋯.webm (4.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nip mem.webm)


I don't even remember what the thing was named, only that I was pissed because "Essex" didn't win.

73e4b3 No.14272292


i can dig those digits my man

c26564 No.14272294


I remember when SJWs were mad and said we "weaponized charity."

e9ec01 No.14272295

File: 35c6bc59d8a5d33⋯.png (40.99 KB, 966x214, 483:107, gamergate never end.png)


It's time to pick a side, comrade.

ccc585 No.14272296

File: 75d4a86a90d99f7⋯.jpg (148.44 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, __drawn_by_inari_kimitama0….jpg)


I need the one with some guy saying "men real men, defend women, I will duel you in a time and place of your choosing" or something like that.

c26564 No.14272301


Shit, I might have it, let me dig.

e27cc8 No.14272309

File: b650ce899e220d5⋯.jpg (199.78 KB, 750x675, 10:9, Dzaz0g2.jpg)



Give me (You)s.

c26564 No.14272320

File: 66b8ab1af5c4f98⋯.png (233.63 KB, 755x2261, 755:2261, gamergate list 1.png)


Nice, I couldn't find it. But I did find one of the old gamergate lists along with some OC I made a long time ago, but it was shitty then and even worse now.

ccc585 No.14272321


Thanks, I did rememeber it was a "game journalist". I just didn't remember who and when,

Wasn't it part of the "gamers are dead" articles of 2014?

3371ab No.14272326

File: 29b54124f15a2a2⋯.jpg (106.07 KB, 535x633, 535:633, 2898511_p0.jpg)


>On one side we have a guy that's incompetent in the field he covers

>On the other is a guy that said a slur that wasn't directed at anyone.

>The former got mockery from people on twitter, not death threats.

>The latter had well known outlets write libel and attempted to get him demonitized

c26564 No.14272333

File: 458d04e99e317f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.17 KB, 599x606, 599:606, 1432903344254-1.jpg)

I'm going through my gamergate folder now, and fuck it's a stroll down memory lane. Does anyone remember the ara we used to have posting here? Whatever happened to her? I'm not sure if this was her or not, but it reminded me of her regardless.

e9ec01 No.14272338


I miss Airport.

I still want to fuck her

ccc585 No.14272344




hold the fuck up

ef8648 No.14272348

File: 9150d63145f990d⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 320x240, 4:3, a tale of dead gamer.webm)

File: 17d78cad08be04c⋯.jpg (270.07 KB, 400x395, 80:79, ride never stops.jpg)


>tfw you just can't die, forever



203a54 No.14272357


You can't kill that which is already dead.

It's been a while since I posted this, but remember fellow liches, keep your fucking phylacteries safe.

Last thing we need is for those faggots to break it and we lose another person.

ccc585 No.14272362

File: 009440081b70cf5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 485.81 KB, 600x627, 200:209, give war a chance.png)


Can we say we're fucking invincible?

2e77da No.14272383


What happened to skeleanon?

e9ec01 No.14272400

File: fef006444334d5d⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 405x322, 405:322, sad caveman.jpg)


She used to post gifs of her timestamped tits here every now and then, said that she to clean her house with a vacuum one day and never came back.

c2b78c No.14272408

File: be194d06a47e0e8⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 56634545253443.jpg)


>/V/ Click

48567e No.14272411


Autism in general >>>/a/789892

c26564 No.14272419



Shit man, that's sad. I always wondered if there was bad blood or something, but her just vanishing is even worse. Now I'm worried she got hurt.

3b83f2 No.14272425


I mean its not like anons here believe random bullshit with absolutely no verification because they don't like someone, remember when that anon said Mark told him personally that Cobalt was a tranny and everyone was believing it?

90f281 No.14272431



Should these two be added to the wiki?

c26564 No.14272434

e9ec01 No.14272437

File: dd9d72ed9a08ca6⋯.jpg (166.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, anri-okita-trong-buoi-ra-m….jpg)

File: 05669c3b5a0470d⋯.jpg (151.55 KB, 1228x700, 307:175, anri in yakuza.jpg)



This is why the Japanese video game industry is superior.

ccc585 No.14272443

File: 03491d8aaa50b23⋯.jpg (474.82 KB, 570x900, 19:30, __original_drawn_by_pepe_j….jpg)


Don't say that, she's probably OK. She just might have more pressing matters at home, like taking care of the family and some other stuff.

having aras on our side feels pretty good.

c26564 No.14272461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm pretty sure gumball makes fun of movieblob. First skit.

3b83f2 No.14272466


It doesn't matter either way though, a bunch of faggots still believed it with no evidence whatsoever. So /a/ claiming that /animu/'s BO was some fart poster and then all believing it isn't surprising consider people in the GG thread of all places, people in the place that should run on evidence believed some unverified bullshit

af3c29 No.14272475

File: 4cb39a01ff9b39d⋯.webm (11.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4cb39a01ff9b39d91cc0dd383….webm)

48567e No.14272478


You could say the same thing about the /animu/ poster spreading false information about /a/.

249fcf No.14272487

>>14271000 (Checked)

Very nice triple eggs.

c26564 No.14272499


This is incredible.

203a54 No.14272508

File: 732d9e55bbef64c⋯.jpg (91.22 KB, 960x730, 96:73, 19396868_435259966861083_4….jpg)

Gaymergays, I got something fucking hilarious for you.

Pic related is a repurposed /k/ image used to discredit the Brady Campaign on Gun Violence, where the original said murder instead of racism and the Brady Campaign logo on the bottom left.

The entire point being to say

>rape isn't that bad, don't defend yourself

to cause in fighting between soccer moms and feminists. Needless to say, the Brady Campaign removed it and a few others after it got highlighted a bit from their pages.

This fucking image is currently live on the Antifa Roanoke page, archive here.


c26564 No.14272514

File: 2c79f3e18f5be37⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 1010x1035, 202:207, sexualenergy.jpg)

What's so amazing about the Watch out for Gamergate list is that every single thing on it has at least some small basis in reality, taken either from an article about gamergate, or a tweet, or an SJW rant. All of it.

3b83f2 No.14272517


I don't want board drama between /a/ so /animu/ of course I'll defend /animu/ in this case they're just doing their own thing and it /a/ making shit up about them. I keep telling everyone that its great that both /a/ and /animu/ exists because that way its twice the weeb content. I want both to succeed because that is what benefits me the most.

Besides what's shilling by telling people to not believe shit without evidence? Going back to the cobalt example I don't like him either but out the whole fucking thread I was the only one to actually go and ask Mark if he told anyone that, and it shouldn't have been me because no one should believe stupid personal claims against someone even without the most basic verification in this thread. Listen and Believe isn't supposed to be how anyone in GG operates. So fuckoff you fucking faggot

ef8648 No.14272518

File: ac5c95d7385ad14⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1120x1144, 140:143, 2.png)


>tfw we've been rused by D&C for whole time

>and now we're using D&C as weapon to conquer the evil

Keep up the good work, /k/ommando.

203a54 No.14272529


It's not my doing, I just found out about it.

Either some crazy /k/unt is having a laugh or antifa went so far off the deep end that the feminists are 100% okay with being raped now as long as the dick is darker than a brown paper bag.

3b83f2 No.14272539


Well maybe you should learn to read then. I did fuck up when I said.

>I don't want board drama between /a/ so /animu/ of course I'll defend /animu/ in this case

I meant to say

<don't want board drama between /a/ and /animu/ so of course I'll defend /animu/ in this case

But the rest is fairly clear

3371ab No.14272545

File: bb3fe7eebce6406⋯.png (234.36 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 54150611_p0.png)

I put the current OP on the wiki



Maybe I should make a separate list page to put citations on it.


203a54 No.14272582



Lads, nevermind, I appear to have jumped the gun. If you read the entire archive you might noticed something a bit off.

Goddamn it, I thought I had something for once.

af3c29 No.14272589


…or /v/ GG thread shitposting by the current Listanon curator


Nigger, that's going to be a shitload of work

5c5e8b No.14272591

File: d99e18529b21c65⋯.png (68.06 KB, 452x505, 452:505, tarantino.PNG)

File: 63c2984810fc442⋯.png (41.24 KB, 614x290, 307:145, Phil Kollar.PNG)

File: 82bc75505e79312⋯.png (410.58 KB, 617x581, 617:581, lawbreakers.PNG)

File: 7ad9103062e632d⋯.png (435.37 KB, 613x603, 613:603, PUBG.PNG)

File: fe0f0a075439321⋯.png (431.4 KB, 608x563, 608:563, valve.PNG)

e37d46 No.14272601


>Counter-Strike Co-Creator On Leave From Valve Due To Teen Sex Scandal

>Jess Cliffe

heh, that motherfucker banned me from the l4d2 forums years ago.

bf992f No.14272615


The kid didn't even have the app in question!

We already discussed this last thread.

ef8648 No.14272616

File: 0ed48a1651ada3a⋯.png (200.33 KB, 444x416, 111:104, painful.png)


Feels good, aren't you?

e37d46 No.14272636

File: 5cbd0f316a52954⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1980x2800, 99:140, 1483126458022.jpg)


>You have been permanently banned from all Left 4 Dead 2 discussions.

>Reason: "Hate"

I don't know. Would have felt better if it happened back then. Haven't used the steam forums in ages. Got banned in 2013 and it really pissed me off back then, but I couldn't care less about this today.

72cb4b No.14272641

File: 5ff658b7d49c9b9⋯.webm (5.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gumball takes youtube.webm)


>total lard-ass neckbeard

>reviews a knock-off of TFA, calling it a rehash

>'praises' the fact women are recast as the main characters

Could easily be someone else, but I doubt it's Boogie. Have a webm, just in case.

39e9b7 No.14272646


Why would you mute it?

774f9b No.14272648

File: 102b24f8ae2b253⋯.png (25.2 KB, 259x224, 37:32, hohoho.png)


This timeline indeed!

6b953a No.14272663

File: abc3d0d71d6a8ae⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 6d3a1c070739ece44bb65c0816….jpg)


I used to play PUBG with my buddies, I don't see how normalfag can stand playing that shit game. I had to stop playing it because literally every match we played I'd get sniped across the map by some aimbot with a Chinese name. The moment I gave up is when we died five times in a row to aimbots.

b9bcc8 No.14272682

File: f17acb338442bb9⋯.png (131.22 KB, 268x385, 268:385, captain living hell.png)



I'll never understand why some people play online games with those, aside from wanting to be one of those assholes who ruins games for everyone else.

3371ab No.14272689

File: cb2a45014c496e4⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 700x750, 14:15, 0d0c8c8fef29be8a25d77378ce….jpg)


It's just a game why are you so angry? :^) It's not like you paid to enjoy it.

You see this shit in every grief thread here.

2ddcfb No.14272692


Normalfags literally do not care about the quality of the game or the gameplay. You need to understand that they are fundamentally different from people who actually like video games. Normalfags played PUBG because it was popular. They played PUBG because their favorite youtube streamers played PUBG, and because their friends played PUBG, and they chased after it under the hope that they too would be popular and liked and laugh with all of their friends like the youtube players did. Everything normalfags do and pursue is fake and illusory. Nothing will EVER satisfy or fulfill them, but it doesn't matter because all you have to do is flash some new thing at them when the old thing loses steam and they'll go right after it without once stopping to think for themselves about what they actually do and do not like.

They don't taste it, they just eat it. They don't eat it because they need it, but because it's right there in front of them.

061425 No.14272696

File: 8f23d977b9b128a⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 425x414, 425:414, 8f23d977b9b128a9fd147fcecf….jpg)


But cheating isn't fun

72cb4b No.14272701

File: 085f2fab9090797⋯.webm (7.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gumball takes youtube.webm)


Fuck, I thought I didn't. Bully me as you will.

c26564 No.14272703


Is it cheating to use the console to give myself a few materials in subnautica to save myself an hour of spelunking to the farthest depths of the ocean just to get three things?

I just don't have time for that shit anymore

b9bcc8 No.14272713

061425 No.14272716


There's a difference between cheating to just go into god mode and bulldoze everything without effort and cheating to save time - you're fine, anon

6b953a No.14272724


Cheating in single player games is completely different than cheating in multiplayer games.

44e148 No.14272727


If they didn't want you to cheat, they shouldn't have made it more grind than fun.

437f58 No.14272742


1.Yes, but I'd rather I have a hard game that people are willing cheat at then a easy game that everyone can beat.

2.The issue is cheating a mulitplayer game, you're cheating at other people's expense.

b66db2 No.14272749


So… Quentin Tarantino is the new target?

I wonder how many of those sex abuse accusations are true and how many are just old actresses losing their beauty and needing scandals to keep their carreer going on.

ef8648 No.14272765

File: 0b74f817fb9c03d⋯.jpg (201.7 KB, 1366x837, 1366:837, just kill me now.jpg)

I'm writing gookfair updates now but it's too long, I haven't updated it like 5 months

Just don't call me Marche like last time, update will be posted today

I'm fucking recalling my memories like eternal memories of spotless mind

b66db2 No.14272780


Ok, just do your work and maybe you won't have to wear the dress today.

774f9b No.14272783


We could use more redpills on worst Korea

dcd679 No.14272793

File: 6be012acaae9754⋯.png (49.88 KB, 215x139, 215:139, 982h398fh2.png)

bf992f No.14272820

File: 14411fc36b34535⋯.png (51.61 KB, 408x416, 51:52, No yaoi for Gook.png)

3371ab No.14272825

File: c8d0d47bf124ee9⋯.png (385.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3dd3876b6febc7c0affe150396….png)


Gook died long ago, there are only impostors left.

7d5c16 No.14272827

File: 4f9366104ea05d5⋯.png (261.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1446933064068.png)

It's over, the /a/utistic meidos won, /animu/ is dead.

5889d2 No.14272848

File: 6b1198dc44f02d3⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 380x350, 38:35, 3e5ba5d6b01534afd96bc3d646….jpg)


>Gamer Gumball is wearing the fucking flame shirt everyone worse in middleschool

c26564 No.14272850


So long as the idea of Gook lives on, there is hope.

ef8648 No.14272861

File: e347600867848ec⋯.png (69.45 KB, 366x401, 366:401, 1453621427253.png)


Plz stop that painful meme, last time anons called me Marche I couldn't slept for few days. I suppose this is Marche's ruse.

c26564 No.14272867

File: 0f9f5bd4282767e⋯.mp4 (622.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Akko goes Yay.mp4)


I believe in you Gook. Godspeed.

7d5c16 No.14272874


I find it very suspicious that you are so worried about being called Marche.That is how Marche would act.

774f9b No.14272877


I can't blame him for not wanting to be called that sperg.

c2a59d No.14272887



Experiencing the flaws of hedonism is really the only way to get across to normalfags how bad the road hedonism can lead you down is. Much like communism, it isn't something where the flaws immediately pop out to most people, and in both cases its likely because its discouraged to show off how bad things will go with it. Think with your genitals, surely it won't end with you dead, or bitter and lonely. Think with your stomach, it surely won't lead to you being fat and with a myriad of conditions due to that. So on, and so forth, and that isn't even getting to how much Hollywood and pop culture loves criminals.

43ed83 No.14272904


anyone would be worried about being called a diaperfur

dcd679 No.14272908

File: 2c0c8be7adbd4c1⋯.png (63.57 KB, 241x180, 241:180, 9ih2938hf23.png)


I saw the flaws as a wee kid and was pretty much innoculated against it (thanks shitty relatives!).

l unironically looked up to Hank Hill

ebdaeb No.14272918


I guess that means I should drawfag Miranda shitting in a diaper. Marche wants that, right?

774f9b No.14272925


Send it right to his twitter and demand he pays you for this commission.

ebdaeb No.14272936


Will do. If anything, I'm doing him a favor.

774f9b No.14272981

Can someone tell me what the memo did?

3874af No.14272989


Said that the entire basis of the "Russia Investigation" was that bullshit paid-for dossier. Yes, the Deep State is abusing DOJ out of total butthurt that Trump is the president.

c2a59d No.14272991


That is good. I admit I have no room to talk, as I am just waiting for the end myself, but it is frustrating to see people who were supposedly better than me, being so vapid and worthless.


It fucked your waifu, anon.

ebdaeb No.14273005


When I was younger I thought he was a no fun allowed asshole, now I look up to him.

2d0076 No.14273006


And their only reaction is pretending that perjury on the federal level isn't such a big deal and saying "well, that memo's full of lies anyway."

1f087b No.14273008


You better not be one of those gooks who are in that gook shota board.

774f9b No.14273025


Wait they are still on the Russia thing?

28e7fa No.14273027

File: 70f3ac2b6d8c7b9⋯.png (192.53 KB, 281x502, 281:502, hYHtRDk.png)


This explains why I never liked spaceship shoot'em up games.

I'm not a spaceship. I JUST CANNOT RELATE.

3874af No.14273033



2d0076 No.14273043

File: 4cc19c53d08579b⋯.webm (3.22 MB, 1920x1040, 24:13, stupid answer.webm)


>being able to be a woman in a video game is more important than actually being able to run said video game

Let me guess, these same idiots would have refused to play Minecraft until Mojang introduced the Alex player model.

774f9b No.14273050

File: 52b271d2c6d31b4⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 552x805, 24:35, bitch hold on.jpg)


Wait they actually kept going with this shit? Are they that unable to take any responsibility?

28e7fa No.14273056

File: 35000a1d126e1ce⋯.jpg (545.5 KB, 1024x1603, 1024:1603, capcom_fighting_tribute_pi….jpg)


Meanwhile, in every sigle gaming forum, ever, (every single day for 20 years):

>"Guys who play female characters, why do you do it?

>168 pages of replies

c2a59d No.14273057


Yes, and yes.

2d0076 No.14273060


The dossier they insist is totally real for sure has fucking Baneposting in it, but they're still latched on like it totally fucking happened.

eb2310 No.14273064

File: b1d8f79e3865ae1⋯.png (235.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 54bde69706.png)


>Let me guess, these same idiots would have refused to play Minecraft until Mojang introduced the Alex player model.

People use the default character model in autismcraft?

b66db2 No.14273065

File: 6ab45aeb27e92a8⋯.jpg (50.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, laffin gits.jpg)


>These people

>Any responsibility

I don't have enouth pictures of orcs laughing to post.

Anyway, do you people think they are awkward and stupid in front of a camera because they are idiots or maybe because they don't know how to talk to people and that makes it hard for them to explain their position?

Could be both, but I ask anyway.

b66db2 No.14273069


Isn't this the guy who draw cuckhold stories involving humans being cucked by furries?

2d0076 No.14273071


You'd be surprised how many people have no idea how to change the character skin.

3b83f2 No.14273077

File: cc96d159bf1319c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1161, 40:43, Smug.png)


>he doesn't know gook anon

061425 No.14273078

File: 17669075b9ae83c⋯.png (338.03 KB, 448x350, 32:25, 17669075b9ae83c6cf8db61235….png)


Please tell me you're joking, it was the easiest thing in the world.

3b83f2 No.14273087


Well it does require you to go to the website to do, it doesn't even occur to some retards that this is an option

2d0076 No.14273090

File: c587e725829b855⋯.png (209.56 KB, 400x584, 50:73, 1512665606570.png)


Dude, don't underestimate the stupidity of the Minecraft community. Just don't.

c26564 No.14273097


I almost exclusively play as a female now because I'm a lonely fuck and I can create my waifu

I use to play "as myself" first then would do a separate playthrough as a female with a different class, or choices, or what have you. But now I skip right to the good part.

061425 No.14273104

File: 7e5fa1039a0fda1⋯.png (174.99 KB, 325x450, 13:18, 1446561649121-0.png)



Didn't they implement so that you can do it in-game? There's no excuse for this shit, none.

5209a8 No.14273111


Responsibility is a foreign country to ameriburgers.

898115 No.14273119


What's the gook shota board?

774f9b No.14273124

File: 32b1673a85f0fde⋯.png (148.29 KB, 512x512, 1:1, GetSmoked.png)


Wait there are people who can't manage shit that even a total newbie could figure out within 5 minutes?

c26564 No.14273139


I haven't played minecraft since way as fuck back before gamergate. If I remember correctly my skin was the green faced anon.

3371ab No.14273147

File: 44353e5670ab332⋯.png (112.68 KB, 513x257, 513:257, devilch.png)

/animu/'s BO is resigning. It near dead.

5889d2 No.14273159


I was gonna refrain from spreading that around until we actually got a new BO but yeah, he's being a faggot because he can't take running the board. He's literally resigning because he's tired of dealing with shitposter actively trying to ruin the board.

ef8648 No.14273163

File: 2029c4b5c197bfb⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 351x359, 351:359, i don't know what the fuck….jpg)

What the fuck is going on with /animu/

898115 No.14273165


The board itself is still lively. BO's just weak willed.

a31aa0 No.14273174

5889d2 No.14273182


Yeah, but he's going to hand over the keys to a volunteer that he's known a week.

774f9b No.14273184



The board from taking a good look seems to be an genuinely decent board but looking at the meta thread the BO can't handle the pressure.


you mean North America as a whole.

3371ab No.14273187


It's a bit tiring since lax regulation needs a perfect balance of getting rid of shitters and people simply shitposting.

I think "shitposting" here is better accepted since it's obviously in jest or the point is obvious, rather than actually shitting up threads

1f087b No.14273188



898115 No.14273199


Surely this won't go horrible wrong.


Thanks dubsman.

ef8648 No.14273208

File: 91d65e8b6656f07⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, please help.jpeg)

How much letters for text limit to post in 8chan?

39e9b7 No.14273209

File: 6d1011e5ccfa558⋯.webm (7.87 MB, 366x360, 61:60, John Carpenter - Abyss (J….webm)


At least link the post for confirmation's sake:


a31aa0 No.14273223

File: b9346ff6fcad9bc⋯.jpg (56 KB, 1566x194, 783:97, animu.JPG)










Some fags from /a/ seem to be shitposting as well while ID hopping.


we have the same kind of disruptive shitters here as well but they're from cuckchan and Mark is afraid of the butthurt

c2a59d No.14273226


Nigger, pretty much everyone on Earth is trying to pass the buck to someone else. Its part of the way the rich were fucking over Americans and Europeans with laws that third world countries could blatantly ignore.

5889d2 No.14273235


This is why Mark is an amazing BO. He has the necessary autism and punching bag qualities needed to stick with it no matter what. And no matter what you say about the board quality on /v/, nothing can save a board from simply being popular.

484d67 No.14273244

File: 5cc153f60c77899⋯.png (260.09 KB, 580x650, 58:65, 5cc153f60c778990a3dc733481….png)


there goes my hopes for a containment board

5889d2 No.14273246


Yeah, now we'll have to move into the containment board.

ef8648 No.14273252

File: 71cf7a5955ca405⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 947x603, 947:603, gookacola.jpg)

Gookfair update I'm not Marche edition

>last update was last year october

Fug it's gonna be long

>Moon keep revealing Park's presidential documents to public because they're actually legally not presidential documentary

>Park almost never put any documents made in her term to presidential document state because she didn't want them to last forever

>Park destroyed most of the documents before ousted but many of them was still scattered around Blue House and many government buildings because she never thought she might actually impeached and Moon ordered to scavange them all and opening them to public

>typical mob business style document management is now backfiring her and now her whole term went into literal Korean Wikileaks

>Free Korea Party (Park's party) mad as fuck and says this is illegal

>Moon's regime officially announces "Lel it's not illegal they're not even presidential documents"

>Moon regime officially announces that the SK will be out of nuclear plant state before his term ends

>literally populist nonsense garbage

>Moon shutdowned several old nuclear plants without any permission or convention

>later we met the coldest winter in 50 years

>fucking power shortage before the olympics

>Free Korea Party grabs this chance and slams Moon's regime as populist

>Moon regime refutes "This is for greater good we ain't gotta explain shit"

>somehow people convinced because our last leader was fucking more absurd than 500 Moon combined

>Trump suddenly pressures SK late last year

>threats Moon to purge the FTA and make war with NK without any of our fucking permission or memo

>currently Korea is under US control by the treaty and laws after Korean war

>our former traitor dictator Yee literally sold this country to US to save his ass, more severe than brit did in WW2

>FYI after norks invaded in 1950 president Yee kidnapped over 2,000 US ambassadors and key people in Korea and literally send threat message to Truman that if Uncle Sam doesn't save his ass he will execute them all

>after war Yee handed over the commandership of SK military and since then US has the operation authority over our whole military

>and Japs says they are the 51st state of US

>now Trump teasing Moon with his typical peace through superior firepower style and demanding his submission and to clear Moon's stance

>Moon officially vow before God Emperor Trump through embassy contacts and Free Korea Party openly mock Moon for former anti-US politicial Moon vowing before Trump

>Blue House representive says it didn't happen and says "We have control over this peninsula" but we already knows what the fuck is going on

>but it's pretty funny to see a former anti-US seperatist vowing before Trump like a bitch with angry denial tears in face like Japanese hentai

>"I.. I sure you there will be no war without our permisson!" while being fucked in the ass by Trump in missionary style

>and fucking Korean kids on the internet making hypes "THE WAR'S GONNA HAPPEN WITHIN THIS YEAR" without knowing the masonic powers does not want either war or unification

>how fucking sure war's not gonna happen when he doesn't even have command over the military

>Moon says "We are the owner of peninsula"

>Free Korea Party fucking bantz his shit says "Moon is the bullying victim of the world"

>late last year the trials of 7 figures of Park's regime for "Government Blacklist incident" ended and all got convicted and sentenced in jail

>first judgement after impeachement all ended up guilty

>I told you about the blacklist shit don't make me say it again

>Kim Ki-Choon the chief secretary 3 years in jail, Cho Yoon-Sun the minister of ministry of women 1 year in jail

>all other smaller figures sentenced 1 to 3 years in jail

>the verdict immediatelly got repealed, but by who? by the fucking prosecutors

>special prosecutors insist the sentences are too small, demand over dozen years and trials countinues

>the absolute manmen

>after verdict Free Korea Party opened big fucking conmference and there they openly declared with statement "Will unify the Korean peninsula through Neo-Conservatism and the Neo right-wing will rise again"

>fucking Neocon abomination is now openly admits they are filthy Neocons and not even shame about it


>it's so amazing I link the article bellow


BTW, the total South Korean Internet Great Wall project fucked in the ass with introduction of https. We can not simply bypass over 10 million blocked webpage online just by simply add s to the link. Thank you based god, now I can browse sad panda without shitty VPN. Time to search for oneshota.


4c2c78 No.14273254


Write your posts out on a text document Gook, then copy and paste to the text box

c9fc05 No.14273256


From previous baking experience, I can tell you that the OP posts in these threads comes very close to the 'character' limit.

Since the current version of the OP has 4,628 'characters', you can assume the limit is 5,000.

3371ab No.14273257

File: 553836f90fc9234⋯.jpg (218.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1470416895900.jpg)



Keep going I'll read it after eating

a31aa0 No.14273259

File: 0a4d78c66c6e6c3⋯.jpg (167.57 KB, 1226x720, 613:360, Mark 911.jpg)


>And no matter what you say about the board quality on /v/, nothing can save a board from simply being popular

Sure, I just want the disruptive cuckchan shitters to go away so I can discuss topic without the threads being derailed or the vols being fucking retarded and lazy and just deleting whole threads with decent OPs, that's all I want




ef8648 No.14273272

File: 1051b6a792d9533⋯.gif (6.5 MB, 452x284, 113:71, 15f48c2e48e339fc6.gif)


>Park still denying to attend the court like, I dunno 15 times in a row

>she still refusing the court-appointed lawyer because you know, she fired all her lawyers

>and finally last year Moon decided to hunt after former president Lee Myung-bak and ordered his vicious dogs to fuckinf jail him within a year possible

>FYI Lee Myung-bak is Japanese born, Japanese raised, literally Japanese man with strong connection with Japanese right wi… I mean he's literal Yakuza

>he is the one introduced radical Feminism, anti-vidya, and all the censorship and draconian law shit to Korea in 2008 with his term

>main plotter behind former president Noh as I said before

>Japanese puppet, Abe's faithful bitch, Yakuza guy and currently he is the person who has the biggest responsibility over Noh's death in domestic

>FYI Japanese helped Lee and Park to how to hack to voting machine and rig the election

>I ain't fucking joking or bluffing

>first Moon starting with the Lee's internet propaganda operation with Korean NIS agency

>I think I vastly mentioned it before, Lee made online propaganda operation with NIS, which is Korean equivalent that CIA and NSA comnined

>at least 13 million posts confirmed to be made online by NIS

>Moon reinstate the investigation over this

>arrested couple of former NIS agents, they all confessed within a day

>second with Sewol ferry shit to dismember the corrupted NIS

>FYI NIS literally sunk Sewol ferry to part of something we call 'Operation North Wind'

>it's literally false flag ops that making disaster and blame Norks to favour the public to their side, pandering typical "HURR DURR WAR OBEY US OR YOU'LL ALL GONNA DIE' type of falseflag

>NIS planted same fucking bomb used for 9/11 on Sewol ferry as I heard, and loaded shit tons of iron rods on Sewol's carge

>somehow it fucking went FUBAR and did not sunk in proper postion, went hundreds of killometers south, too far to blame Norks

>it eventually beheaded Park regime

>some of my party members white hats did it but it's more likely China intervened

>special investigation committee found the fucking hundreds tons of iron rods in salvaged Sewol ferry, confirming the story

>Sewol ferry itself is literally owned by NIS

>Lee Jae-Yong, Samsung's CEO who jailed, trialed for Park scandal literally cried in tears at the second trial court says "I am the victim"

>this moment broadcasted live first time in private law in Korean history

>Moon successfully maimed Lee and NIS, he now went for presecution

>first Moon D&C the prosecution and Police

>FYI Korean Police and prosecution has long rivally history just like Japanese Navy and Army during WW2

>Korean Police and prosecution starting to eating each other during last year without knowing it's Moon's ruse

>and fucking North says they're gonna nuke the Guam

>Nuke or GTFO, we have our own shitshow to watch

>Moon getting stronger everday, reinstate the Korean 1980 May 18th massacre incident to purge the Korean military clique

>the investigation commitee finally found the literal evidence and the military ordered to fire upon citizen and found few dozen secret burial sites where Martial soldiers buiried dead citizen

>Korean Neocons BTFO, including Megalians

>Free Korean Party representive says "Moon is runaway train"

>you don't say

>Moon's regime officially calling this whole fucking neverstop purge to '적폐 청산 (Removing the evil root)" and somehow Korean people convinced because we've been fucked in the ass by scumbags for at least last 5 decades

>I call this his personal revenge but who fucking cares when Moon cleaning shits for free

>Free Korea Party claims we must have our on nuke

>during this shitstorm, this perfect timing

>and they approached to Righeous Party to unify both parties cause they can't do shit, only incompetent Park's former bitches left in that party after impeach

>Righeous party says lel no

>Righeous party having internal drama shit with the former Neocon Park bitches who came from Free Korea

>was fucking masonic puppet called Lee Hye-hoon was somehow in charge of the Righteous (Bareun) party but purged

>during this shitstorm Free Korea agents secretly approached almost every members of Righteous party and offered them reinstate

>many of people left to Free Korea (((again))), now party is too small to compete Moon and Park's party

>eventually there's talking inside the party that we must merge/unify with People's party

>we're fucking entering single number in fucking congress position

BTW last year the total numbers of people with renunciation of nationality is over 36,000, largest after Korean war. The perfect dystopia saga still countinues.


ef8648 No.14273284

File: 8c9b71399ff846d⋯.jpg (506.48 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, unedited picture of seoul-….jpg)



>Righteous party leader pushed this unification meme to much, causing more members to leak

>the talking with People's party is done, Ahn agreed to merge

>btw people's party is not fucking commie party as you see from the name, the name is more like citizen's party and it's authemtic conservative party, at least compared to Park's

>somewhere around end of last year special sewol ferry investigation comitee found the real evidence showing Park herself manipulated the first reported sink time of sewol ferry

>Park still denying everything, court, trial, laywer and even the future verdict

>this old bitch is fucking stubborn beyond delusional disorder

>and officially announced at the cour that she's gonna 'boycott' the verdict

>fucking trting to playing through media with 'muh human rights' memes

>Cunt News Network fell for her meme and wrote "Park is being persecuted!" articles

>Bellow is fucking link


>fucking went into 24/7 bitching mode with media "Muh I'm persecuted" "This is legit persecution" "Moon is meanie" "I don't even have bed" "This is all witchhunt"

>the truth is her room is the best solitary room in the whole country's prison system

>fucking seperated bathroom, bed and TV with cable channels

>some fucking 'SAN FRANSISCO' based legal team called MH Group suddenly insist Park's defense at the court

>the leader of MH group graduated Berkeley university and it's based in Shit Fransisco and she's Feminist

>Pure Coincidence™

>threatening she's contacting UN for this ebul human rights violation

>"Release me or South Korea's reputation will be tarnished, I swear!"

>and Park is still member of Free Korea Party

>her party still holding this insane old woman like it's religion

>and now even her party talking about expunging her from the party

>late last year the first whistleblower, Ko, who handed Choi's tablet PC to journos, got bailed after 199 days of imprison

>Choi's laweyer insisting at the court that the tablet PCs are rigged

>National Forensic Service later confirmed the tablets aren't altered in any way and it's authentically belong to Choi

>around Ko's bail the Free Korea Party finally expunged Park from the party

>the comment they made was golden, "Park did nothing wrong but we expunge her to survive"

>and last year November Trump visited Korea and Korean Antifa burnt striped banner during protest

>later it was found out they literally paid from Huffpost and also Megalian member

>further investigation found that Park got money from all kinds of government agencies like tax

>just like mob would do

>apparently NIS paid over half a million USD every month during Park's term and it all went to Park's Swiss bank account

>The leader of Park's loyalist group member who fucking ended up killing few people at the protest after impeachement, sentenced 2 years in jail

>and after last year's December the hunt for Lee went for real, several figures during Lee's term arrested just like Park's bodyguards did after impeach

>Lee's best friend at the Free Korea Party, Lee Jae-oh says they will go into full 'War' with Moon's regime if Moon really dicide to hunt down and jail Lee

>you know, Lee is not a fucking dork like Park, Lee has realistic intuition and logical common sense unlike Park suffering heavy autism

>Lee has strong connection around the world despite Japs abandoned him

>it seems Moon really want him to be wrecked like Park did, just like I said before, it's his personal vendetta, Moon was closest friend of assassinated president Noh

>and finally last January Lee made official news conference about Moon's purge

>Lee literally said at the conference that "This is nothing but Moon's personal revenge for Noh's death"

>the absolute madman literally admitted in front of cameras that he killed Noh, to save his own ass

>no one in politics surprised, we all know Lee is desperate despite he has better cards than Park had

>Moon repressing Lee with all kinds of dirty shits incestigation, his rigged election, his cons, his NIS shits, and all the dirty shits done by Lee

>people during Lee's term arrested one by one

>special investigation team found something called 'Operation Salmon (작전명 연어)' in NIS documents

>it's about spying former president Noh and eventual assassination plot

>just like Obama did, not big surprise.jpg

>FYI the spying and assassination plot operation for President Kim was named 'Operation Davidson (작전명 데이비드슨)"

>Moon's personal vendetta investigation squad, called 적폐 청산 연대 (Evil Root Removing Solidarity) found out that Lee destroying his older documents left in various government facilities through his own paid goons

>estimated total 4 tons of papers that documenting Lee's crimes are being destroyed rights

>desperate, your turn

I'm not Marche and I will not put dresses on. And Traps are gay.


ef8648 No.14273301

File: c6d8badbdb5d88e⋯.png (482.64 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, gondola_beats_up_some_kind….png)




>finally Righteous (Bareon) party and Ahn's People's Party declares unifies

>the new merged party name will be 'Future Party'

>sounds shitty but we haven't had better one

>the key goal of the party is purge all the Japanese puppet Neocons, Chinese puppets and NL faggots, make Korean conservative great again

>and now it's thrid biggest party of South Korea

>but during unification we bleed too much, too many good people left the party

>the people left Righteous and People's party made new party called 'Democracy and Peace Party'

>shittier than ours but only slightly

>later Moon's regime announced that they'll not gonna annul the 2015 Comfort Women treaty

>FYI Park abandoned, scrapped all the international, legal ground about 'Comfort Women', in more easy word Korean sex slaves during WW2 for one hundred million Yen, and the treaty is classified except the part we abandoning all the international rights for mentioning comfort women, and the money right went into Park's pocket

>this treaty suddenly one day went to top news someday in 2015 without no one even knowing it (I haven't knew too) and comfort women survivors infuriated

>this treaty was in fact the order from Japanese regime, this war crime history was in fact one of the very vulnurable spot for future Abe's plan to scrap the Japanese peace constitution

>FYI Park's father once did almost same treaty in 1965, called 'Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea'

>Park's father abandoned all the legal rights for comfort women, same as her daughter, for money

>FYI Park's fatheer was infamous traitor who join the Japanese Army on his own will and was in member of Imperial Japan Army's Korean Resistance hunting squad

>and was a commie traitor who stick with the Norks during war time and colluded communism takeover on south

>but the Park's father's treaty wasn't included the international rights, Park made it sure Korea cannot mention comfor women shit at the international court, this might prevent them from making 'A nation can make war'

>basically borht father and daughter sold out the painful part of Korean history for twice

>Moon's diehard supporters thought Moon's gonna purge this insane treaty, but he's not. Moon was too pussy and negotiator to turn down Nip's 'deal'

>we all knew but somehow this was blow to Moonslims

>Moon sometime this year announced that SK's gonna illegalize the Bitcoins and other fucking meme coin shits, probably order from China

>huge numbers of Japanese investors visits Korea and bought shit tons of gold bards with Bitcoin than left the country

>inside my party people speculate if this whole Bitcoin hype shit is to fucking scam the Korea

>I said maybe it's true, anyway, fucking dumb masses who invested in Bitcoin are now literally killing themselves like the greeat depression

>there's large amount of talking about revision of the constitution and total revision of election within this year

>seriously our constitution is shit, slithly better than Japan's but still shit

>but the problem is the vision for the revision is different from every single political parties

>Moon's Democracy party doesn't have any vision and actually doesn't want to change it

>Free Korea Party want it to be more like Japan's

>Righteous party and people's party want it to be more like states

>fucking dirty Megalian scumbags from Justice Party want it to be more like China or even nork's

>some party says this year, some party says this June, some party says next year

>it's all FUBAR



3371ab No.14273308

File: 80d35b6d0d4f0d5⋯.png (523.07 KB, 720x525, 48:35, 80d35b6d0d4f0d5619ebcc5d4c….png)


>Traps are gay

You take that back faggot.

ef8648 No.14273321

File: 0cd4a3534c9af0f⋯.png (5.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Daily Doze Korea.png)





>Choi scandal special investigation team found another shits, fucking endless corruption

>seems Park had direct phone line to Korean Supreme Court and directly made orders

>holy shit this sounds fucking something from 1984

>what is separation of legislative, administrative and judicial authority? I dunno Supreme Court make decision from my orders

>bunch of people who served unjust sentence during Park's father term got fucked by one single Park's call to Supreme Court

>one guy served over 33 years in jail for he literally didn't do, by Park's fathers order

>this guy is fucking famous as fuck, have his own movie based on true story, search 'Miracle in Cell No. 7', it's wellmade movie, watch it if you want

>was convicted not guilty and was planned to receive millions of dollars for compensation, but one day Park calle them and fuck this guy over

>suddenly Supreme Court decided that they cannot give 2.3 billion WON to him for, well, there's no reason

>fucking neverending corruptions, the ride never ends

>suddenly #MeToo shit get popular in here too

>the channel JTBC, the infamous Megalian advocating broadcast channel along with Huffpost, and who handed over the tablet PCs from Ko, suddenly make rape exposion interview on their 8PM news

>the victim is top class famale prosecutor and the target is the prosecution itself

>Moon was targetting prosecution for long time but there was no viable weapon to surpass them beside mentioned Police vs Presecution shit

>well now Moon has the sword to slain the presecution, all kinds of Feminist organization shits in South Korea suddenly shouts to purge Korean presocution and reorganization

>FYI Korean Prosecution is like Mafia and it's own superpower, just like NIS and military clique

>fucking suddenly IOC ordered Korea to have unify team with Norks

>fucking really, at this timing

>gook people fucking infuriated, fuck this gay shit why would we play the same game with Norks, fuck this gay Olympics

>apparently Pyeochang Olympics suffering all kinds of problem due to Park's impeachement and fucked schedules

>IOC is desperate to revive this dead, fucked olympics

>fucking invites Vatican to Olympics first time in history

>tfw this fuced Olympic is few days ahead

>and now Norks making big fucking military parade, not knows why

Chaotic, fucked beyond repair, endless happenings, absurd reality, drama and shits.. Yeah, it's another day in Gookland.

and plz don't call me Marche, Marche you sick fuck i will sluahgter you with my bare hands you impersonated me and now anons suspecting me Marche, is this your master plan you fucking kangaroo cock sucking bush furry faggot?I've been called Marche for twice last time and fucking this is heartbreaking

you can bully me, you can find me and out me, you can call me to put dresses on but plz don't call me that autistic aussy sperg master again


557934 No.14273323


We need more rules, the catalog looks fucking nasty.

ef8648 No.14273333

File: a58a1eca63eb939⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 210x215, 42:43, ching chong but also despa….jpg)

it fucking took 2 hours to write that shit

i hope i won't be called marche again

437f58 No.14273348

File: 935a996921c6149⋯.png (10.75 KB, 632x328, 79:41, 8795260f-ed98-4646-b7e7-a0….png)


Doesn't get any explicit than this.

a31aa0 No.14273355


>More rules

Aside from rule 8 and console wars that are super ambiguous and that vols abuse too many times and should be more specific, the rules are fine

These faggots are clearly here just to shit up the board.

>>14273333 (checked)

Thanks Marche

3371ab No.14273362

File: 0e7cda130f9e1c4⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 680x580, 34:29, 0e7cda130f9e1c4010f44b418a….jpg)

>>14273333 (checked)

>2 hours

Wow, I couldn't imagine you'd be so sad to put so much effort into impersonating gook, marche.

ec4927 No.14273388

Eltonel is streaming by the way


Sage for offtopic?

3371ab No.14273392


>Muh playing definitions

If it looks like a girl, it's not gay.

437f58 No.14273413


That's just mental gymnastics to deny your homosexual tendencies. If you weren't gay or bi you wouldn't even be interested in traps in the first place.

48567e No.14273415


Isn't it good that you and the norks finally play hockey together?

f8b44e No.14273426

File: b386ac1e12e0087⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 540x360, 3:2, monkey approves.jpg)


Your efforts are appreciated

2d0076 No.14273443

>>14273333 (checked)

The thing I love about your rundowns of Korean drama is that it sounds like an everyday "FISA Memo" over there.

ccc585 No.14273445

File: b4cef83cc1a779f⋯.jpg (770.47 KB, 625x1125, 5:9, Hotline Japari.jpg)


The only way Gooks and Norks would play hockey together is by clubbing eachother's heads with their bats just like in Hotline Miami.

f8b44e No.14273464

File: 7c264e9824e1174⋯.jpg (76.81 KB, 707x1024, 707:1024, RUSSIANS.jpg)


Once you've committed to a conspiratorial mindset, any denial simply becomes further evidence of the conspiracy.

ef8648 No.14273465

File: 21443f29bc91fb2⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 600x463, 600:463, water slut reeeeeeeeeeeeee….jpg)



BLIZ SDOB :(((((


Things aren't quit like decade ago. Younger generations started to think we can do better without them, and Norks chimping just too much after Jong Un got his heir.

The peace-unification mood since Kim's regime broken under Lee's regime brutally and out last two president just used Norks as their warlongering propaganda too much, our younger generations are now totally against unification in any form.

Honestly I think there is only war can unify south and north but this new cold war mood is very unfunny and not healthy too. You know, there's fine line between just hating norks and D&C. Everyone hates Norks but it's just fucking Olympics.


Yeah, I heard it's currently almost reached there.

3b83f2 No.14273473


I only called you marche last time because you usually don't identify yourself unless its neccesary or you get called out so I thought it was just him sorry gook

774f9b No.14273479






Sweet Christ you make Canada look sane.

48567e No.14273481


>Russians have complete control over the US election process.

And then they call us conspiracy theorists.

dab2a6 No.14273484


Muh RUSSIA. If they read teh fucking memo, they would be more worried about the DNC/FBI interfering..

ccc585 No.14273500

File: 170831c61384a70⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 496x424, 62:53, 170831c61384a700e2b63bf845….jpg)

btw gook


>Time to search for oneshota.


That better not be gay shit, and there's at least some aras in there.

2d0076 No.14273504


But see, just like everything else they rally against, they never actually fucking read it. To them, TheZoePost was an ex-boyfriend rallying 4chan to attack an innocent woman for being a "whore," because Chelsea said so. CON leaks? Completely fake because Methwhale said so because the leaker redacted the personal info of their doxing targets. FISA memo? Complete nothingburger because the people who could get convicted of perjury from the info the committee uncovered said it was a nothingburger.

ef8648 No.14273510

File: 4255f84f57b5a80⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, enough (1).jpg)


You ain't gotta apologize me, it's all Marche's fault. Next time he shows I will crucifies his furry waifu in front of crossroads and skullfuck his soul eternally.


oneshota means straight shota in japanese, anon, it means older woman and shota

ccc585 No.14273523

File: 620569b22c6b569⋯.png (317.18 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 9f4c2422bfb47bc0e96dbda640….png)


Oh, it's actually one like "one"e-san, not one like the digit. My bad, you have good taste.

2e77da No.14273527

File: 4e4b5fc4be20929⋯.png (153.04 KB, 610x1075, 122:215, ara gondola.png)


You haven't played oneshota?

You play as a shota escaping hordes of grills ranging from JKs to aras.

44e148 No.14273528






This is what GOT should've been, if GRRM could write worth a shit.

Fucking insane.

bb3405 No.14273530

File: 185a24a050e621b⋯.png (110.2 KB, 757x418, 757:418, Mother complex.png)



And, watch as the board goes to shit.

Honestly, if another month were to pass by, wouldn't majority of the shitposters have left the board? It seem like the only reason it's gotten so much attention is because of the little tantrum /a/ is having, and because of it's increased presence.


>oneshota means straight shota in japanese, anon, it means older woman and shota

Have you been to >>>/ss/ lately, Gook?

774f9b No.14273539

So who is worse at this point? Canada under Justin Castro, Sweden or Worst Korea?

2d0076 No.14273543


Reality will always be stranger than fiction.

ccc585 No.14273545


I never, but I did hear about it. I wasn't really interested because

>fail game to get pussy

Makes me drop eroge easily.

ef8648 No.14273550

File: 770d25dd6f3cbf5⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 639x567, 71:63, smug in rain.jpg)



Ballin' erryday, nigga.

437f58 No.14273564


But that's the best part of eroge, you don't play them for the gameplay, you play them for the porn and fetishes that appeal to you. And I say this as man who hates walking simulators and other non games.

5889d2 No.14273574


>And, watch as the board goes to shit.

I remain hopeful it'll still be good, but realistically handing boards off has never gone well.

774f9b No.14273584


When did /sudo/ become worse then fucking /leftycuck/ and /tv/?

ec4927 No.14273585


I especially like how he loves /v/, has made bazillions of great threads, always has the best OC and is a very good boy poster in general. And the post he was banned for are recycled shitty halfchan memes while derailing the thread with console wars. Like pottery.

a31aa0 No.14273590


/sudo/ has been completely overrun by goon shills and shit tier requests.

Going outside the stickies is terminal cancer lad

bb3405 No.14273604

File: d7e9c945a3d69d5⋯.jpg (150.09 KB, 1280x925, 256:185, tumblr_o3abm9Pm3D1sjij2lo2….jpg)


>Phoneposting won't be blocked

Anon, I phonepost sometimes. I have even made a few GG threads while on my phone, in addition to archiving and searching material up. The faggots who are posting from their phone and cannot do shit properly are the lowest of people on the planet. The problem isn't so much phoneposting as it is these people being complete and utter morons.

c2a59d No.14273606


It is kind of crazy isn't it? They are a weird amalgamation of all their different strawmen. They are insanely racist, most extremely against whites, but also against pretty much every race they can't succeed without us. They were openly violent after the election, rioting and calling election fraud, despite evidence that they were committing fraud. They continue to cling to a conspiracy that a very specific outside entity was doing it, despite evidence that it was a completely different entity, they had the tools to false flag it, and they got caught interfering in another country's election.

ccc585 No.14273614

File: 3d764e96efa0377⋯.jpg (220.23 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 2240f603eafac0de6ba5225453….jpg)

I really like where this thread is going.


Man, how can you enjoy the pussy if you didn't earn it?

a31aa0 No.14273620

File: b815ecea77d6823⋯.png (170.98 KB, 500x1022, 250:511, Computers for the rest of ….png)




>he's still butthurt

Oh yes, he's still going wild on this thread as well with D&C tier shit.





This, I phonepost a ton before going to sleep while cozy in bed, problem isn't phoneposting as it's very viable, problem are the lazy faggots and shitskins that come along with it

ef8648 No.14273623


The current state of /sudo/ is fucking banned faggots gather around and brag off who's the most unreasonably banned. It's 8chans digital rapefugee spot.

Well, if they are truly innocent the story might different but the real problem is more than half of them are /intl/ faggots.

ebdaeb No.14273650


>The point is distraction

They admit it right there, just implied that it's the other side trying to distract.

437f58 No.14273672

File: 6c49949099ff8f1⋯.jpg (67.32 KB, 331x358, 331:358, not sure if heresy.jpg)


Are you arguing against sexbots anon?

b89b24 No.14273680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>pewdiepie now reviews books

>one from Jordan Peterson

>brave new world

>farhenheit 51



32c834 No.14273682


I only had my phone when I didn't have electricity.

I'm phoneposting right now

ccc585 No.14273684


but you gotta earn some money to get the sexbot, here you just let yourself fucking die. A game over with a pussy is still a game over.

eb2310 No.14273686

File: 0aea74228c8dffa⋯.webm (5.61 MB, 960x536, 120:67, porker of comfort.webm)


Alinsky 101

a962c7 No.14273688


he isn't an intellectual, the journos got dumber

437f58 No.14273704


By that logic the 'earning it' in a eroge game is you buying the game. People still do buy those games. Even though everyone else just pirates them.

b89b24 No.14273708


I know

that's what's so baffling to me

the dude even reviews dorian gray for crying out loud

he's not really a good reviewer to be fair, he doesn't really quite grasp the depths and power of the stories and characters, but hey, he's pewdiepie, he's so influential he'll get literally millions of teens into reading these masterpieces

774f9b No.14273719


Felix is honestly a lot smarter then he let's on.

ebdaeb No.14273720


I'm okay with this. If it gets kids to actually read something other than Harry potter or GRRM I can't complain.

32c834 No.14273721


People don't read, or they just like to know the basic concept and review of it to look smart.

I have dozens of books in my room, laptop and ereader yet I spend most of my time here instead.

ebdaeb No.14273731

File: 7607003ce8e2109⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 800x596, 200:149, 1a573e51555dcc7f0f8cfdf2c8….jpg)


>I don't read, therefore no one else does

da015a No.14273739


>and last year November Trump visited Korea and Korean Antifa burnt striped banner during protest

>later it was found out they literally paid from Huffpost and also Megalian member

lol, what?

b89b24 No.14273740


You're projecting. Many people still read. Either out of self-importance ("I'm so smarts !") or because they've been reading books since childhood, literature is still immensely present in people's lives.

The issue is reading "old" books. Most people consume literature like they would movies : "I'll just watch whatever shit everyone else is watching so I will know what everyone's talking about at work on monday", and that's it. There is a lack of reading for oneself's sake. That is where there is a massive issue.

And that's why pewdiepie pushing for old, brilliant literature is kinda surprising and encouraging to me.

ccc585 No.14273742


What I'm saying is "laying down" just feels weak, even in an eroge, but it's probably just me being autistic because I hate failing and dying in games, so if I have to do it regularly to get sex scenes, I don't like it.

774f9b No.14273752

File: 74fa2f659e378ef⋯.png (75.17 KB, 632x583, 632:583, long games.PNG)

So thoughts on this /v/? http://archive.is/WuXX9

b66db2 No.14273758

File: bed01755b2bdfef⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 243x508, 243:508, talking shit.jpg)

ef8648 No.14273762

709fed No.14273766


seems like a faggot not able to distinguish between ubishit open world busywork and legit games.

48567e No.14273767

File: e28b30e5e6b5773⋯.jpg (181.86 KB, 998x1200, 499:600, e8effa1ca6f09265a73fab24f1….jpg)


Pewdiepie is /ourguy/

ef8648 No.14273770

File: f486e67027b796f⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 600x349, 600:349, deep inner judge rage.jpg)


>"Plz make our games shorter and inferior!"

>somehow 169 retweets and 1121 likes

>"Please tell us where to go in-game, guide us like infants!"

>implant guide marks and icons in-game

>"UHH field maps full of icons are my worst nightmare!"

ccc585 No.14273772

File: 0c0e701da3960b9⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, FFXIII Lightning threads.jpg)


>how am I supposed to deal with that?

Play the fucking games instead of tweeting, you human spermbank.

898115 No.14273773


Sounds like someone who only views games as trends as opposed to hobbies.

5889d2 No.14273777

File: 368f915080eafe3⋯.webm (613.01 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Tealc angrily lean forwar….webm)


I hate everyone

48567e No.14273779


Someone should tell him that you don't need to play the game in one sitting.

774f9b No.14273780

File: eb0fdae51140758⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 360x360, 1:1, elesa_check_em.jpg)

bb3405 No.14273786


>>FYI after norks invaded in 1950 president Yee kidnapped over 2,000 US ambassadors and key people in Korea and literally send threat message to Truman that if Uncle Sam doesn't save his ass he will execute them all

So, that's why we got involved with the Korean War?


And, this faggot just exposed the perfect reason as to why current reviews of recent games are shit.

32c834 No.14273788


Not children who look at youtubers.


I do want to read the interesting books I have, I'm just lazy.

437f58 No.14273791


>There only would be /h/ or /d/ text-based games

I really hate those fucking games, they have all the problems of fetish captions.


I get where you are coming from. But my goal in those games is the porn not the game, so I don't feel conflicted like you do.

ef8648 No.14273796

File: 156959afad450ad⋯.jpg (515.61 KB, 1220x1634, 610:817, Korean War.jpg)


>So, that's why we got involved with the Korean War?

Maybe, Yee was desperate but I don't think his crude threat ever worked. It was more political shit. Uncle Sam really doesn't wanted to give up the pacific.

c2a59d No.14273811


If I had to guess, he realized he has too much influence and came to the same kind of conclusion a lot of journos seemed to and decided he wants to use that influence. It is just the way, and end goal is likely different. I can get behind this kind of thing.


Nigger, that is not the reason to want shorter games. Getting rid of filler is generally a good idea, but that isn't what you are asking for or what you would get.

da015a No.14273812


White piggu, go home!

ebdaeb No.14273819

File: da46c3e503f0884⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 546x789, 182:263, yamero.jpg)

b66db2 No.14273821


So, after failing on smearing on Peterson in a public TV debate and even failing in faking troll attacks associated to Peterson, are they now trying to frame him as a racist for some random tweets?

b89b24 No.14273829


I think his take is fine. He's just talking about his own frustrations over a lack of time and/or passion. That's all.

Sometimes tweets are just that. Some dude tweeting how he feels. Not miraculous blundery stupidity.

ccc585 No.14273832


They've been trying to frame him since he said post-modernism was icky and communism canoot work.

774f9b No.14273834

File: df3808974f4541f⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 1050x590, 105:59, JBP unsorted.jpg)


I have to hand it to Peterson for remaining sane in the face of all of this.

b66db2 No.14273838


Shit, quoted by mistake.


Yeah, but they are trying harder and harder.


Maybe, if he remains calm, he might redpill people more than anything tried before.

da015a No.14273861

File: 1ae8e1108e92a13⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 365x400, 73:80, DHDpEP3XgAAncev.jpg)


Well, Ethan Van Sciver is being called a nazi for his old random joke.

32c834 No.14273866


Not random tweets, there were practically no death threats if not none.

Peterson said that if anyone was doing so to stop. The media took this as an admission of guilt and he noticed his mistake right after tweeting it.

709fed No.14273882


>I have to hand it to Peterson for remaining sane

during one interview, i think the "look at this photo" one, he admitted that it's getting harder and harder and he's legit scared as fuck to say or do something that can be spun against him.

2d0076 No.14273887


They're also using a picture of a cover that he never created to begin with because apparently a "Sinestro is Hitler" joke undermines their argument.

b66db2 No.14273891


>Making jokes of Hitler is racist

No wonder why japanese people are nazis without giving a fuck.


Yeah, but of course they believe critizism is abuse. Is a shame noone uses that argument back against them.

ebdaeb No.14273892



You know what gets me is that I get the mentality. I don't have long to live, and want to experience a backlog of games that seem well worth trying but don't have time for, so it's easy for me to go back and forth between several games without playing them to the fullest. I get that.

The problem is, they demand these game devs change to suit their purposes instead of trying to change themselves to enjoy the game. Hell, that guy is a status whore who doesn't even like games, just tries to use it for trends and social reasons. Nier Automata isn't even that long.

ebdaeb No.14273906

Jimmy Kimmel: Talk show hosts are liberal because you need intelligence to do the job


86127b No.14273918

File: b89592188d6b8cb⋯.png (140.1 KB, 640x693, 640:693, b89592188d6b8cb8ea8590237f….png)

Please, don't call gook-chan "Marche", that's just disrespectful!!

5889d2 No.14273919


Exactly. Here you get people ask, "What is similar to X." Normalfags instead demand, "Make X similar to this"

2d0076 No.14273925

File: 25921d7cb8a8e6c⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 223x427, 223:427, 1439141150586.jpg)


<It takes a certain level of intelligence to be a talk show host! Conservatives are too stupid to do it!

Yeah, whatever you say, Chuck Schumer's bitchboy.

da015a No.14273926

File: 1eaa8e9380bca0c⋯.webm (6.72 MB, 640x358, 320:179, bolton.webm)


It's better to attack back and twice as hard. What it has shown that commies and SJW's enjoy attacking constantly because their main focus is character assassination, but never have experienced of being hit back head-on. You can fucking see when they are being hit back, how fast they shrink and run to their little bubble. He should just demonize them or call them cunts like notch does.


tips fedora

48567e No.14273936


>Boasting about intelligence

Sounds like something an unintelligent person would do.

774f9b No.14273943

File: 65301578afc7a00⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 500x400, 5:4, more opinions.jpg)

ccc585 No.14273957

File: f7ea0c8fc57e534⋯.png (590.31 KB, 671x444, 671:444, BFG stands for bullying fr….png)


He does realize that saying "I am intelligent, you are idiots" makes him look more like a cunt than an intellectual?

Offtopic, but I'm still mad about teenagers eating tide pods for attention.

203a54 No.14273963


>I feel that I need to rush it in order to play the next new game that everybody is talking about.






ebdaeb No.14273987


More importantly, all he really does is say things writers write for him, doesn't sound smart to me.

ec4927 No.14273988


Who, mind your blood pressure man


Every time I see this image I have to think of the Toblerone doujin.

898115 No.14273993


Have people actually really done this? I keep hearing the meme but never a story about someone eating them and dying.

774f9b No.14273994

File: 6a8a1a15d1cd24a⋯.jpg (166.72 KB, 500x750, 2:3, TOBLERONE TIME.jpg)


Looking for this anon?

b66db2 No.14274000


What offends me is that these guys don't have the patience to just multitask or just play whatever they feel like.

This is blind consumerism for an identity.

2d0076 No.14274001

File: f05d7cbd86c33a1⋯.png (168.31 KB, 417x578, 417:578, 1478930019903.png)


>>I feel that I need to rush it in order to play the next new game that everybody is talking about.

Meanwhile, I'm 200 hours into Breath of the Wild and still discovering shit off the beaten path.

ec4927 No.14274010


Yeah, I still chuckle every time I see it.

ccc585 No.14274020

File: 5b2a92025c67e24⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 114.04 KB, 1125x1097, 1125:1097, this got out of hand.jpg)


Google "tide pod challenge" and weep for humanity, or not, because stupid people removing themselves from the gene pool actually helps humanity.

there's even a tide pod-chan.

898115 No.14274028


I was aware of the challenge. Just though no one actually did it.

f0028d No.14274037


i once accidentally came across the source and spent the rest of the day laughing because i couldnt stop thinking about HURTS MY HANDS.

774f9b No.14274058

ccc585 No.14274059


>just thought no one actually did it

Never underestimate gullible stupid teens who want attention from everyone else, no matter how.

We should bully all those kids into common sense.

437f58 No.14274060


Somebody apparently did 'vape' one.

ccc585 No.14274067


Now that's just beyond cancer.

f0028d No.14274079


he's getting older and tired from vidyagames

72cb4b No.14274111

File: f15e779499b3353⋯.png (65.01 KB, 639x500, 639:500, huniepop on switch.png)

Apparently because Nekopara and more importantly, Shinobi Refle are slated for a Switch release, HuniePop might jump on that train. However…


b66db2 No.14274138

Silly question, but could a spit be an aggression? Could you sue someone for spitting on you?

ccc585 No.14274149


perhaps, why?

b66db2 No.14274154


Just wondering when saying videos from the woman's march and have triggered assholes spit on camera men.

061425 No.14274160


If someone spat on you intentionally it falls under Battery (in the US), yes.

ccc585 No.14274168


I guess it is since there's hostility into it.

c2a59d No.14274171


Thanks to the spread of STDs, among other diseases popular with the chaos cultists, it might be worth a lawsuit.

b66db2 No.14274176




I guess recorded evidence is enouth proof for a lawsuit then. Good to know.

4fc2e4 No.14274200


I'd give it a fair chance of victory. You'll have to decide whether you want to sue them as individuals or as a group/organization in order to balance the court's bias.

2ebad6 No.14274219


>-17 Degrees

>Die from fostbite

What? It's not that cold.

c2a59d No.14274226


Its in Celsius and if you aren't well prepared for it, that will be enough to cause frostbite.

2ebad6 No.14274232



I know, here it's routinely -30 during winter, I mean soldier should be prepared to these kind of conditions. -17 is cold but unless you got thrown in a lake it shouldn't lead to death.

8de26d No.14274242


8/a/ has been overmoderated cancer since the beginning. I guess people are finally waking up to that fact with what happened to /loli/.

>/loli/ BO disappears/gives up ownership

>/a/ pseudo-namefag tewi (the guy that makes the rabbit rabbit threads) takes over

>implements strict no-western-art policy that nobody wanted in the first place

>…on a board whose lifeblood is OC from western artists

>bans half of the userbase, including artists that had been contributing OC for a long time

>deletes years worth of OC much of which is probably lost to the ether forever

>/a/ sycophants praise him for the job he is doing to purge /loli/

>explicitly pro-western alternative /delicious/ is created by angry ex-/loli/fags

>quickly overtakes /loli/

>/loli/ is now a ghost town because the /a/ faggots didn't want to use it in the first place

This is the kind of shit they have been pulling since GamerGate.

3371ab No.14274267

Didn't the BBC recently look into their wage discrimination and find that male reporters were being underpaid more than male ones?

I ctrl-F for BBC the last 5 archives and can't seem to find it.

5209a8 No.14274318

eb2310 No.14274358

File: acaf2d7a1e920e4⋯.jpg (66.25 KB, 777x656, 777:656, aca.jpg)


>Talk show hosts are liberal because you need intelligence Narcissism to do the job

3371ab No.14274361

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Maybe it was another outlet?

I can't seem to find it in my browser history either but I swear I saw it and it specifically noted that they raised more mens wages than womens'

Found it. It was Tim Pool noting that in specific, but it doesn't seem any other outlets focused the male wage fixes aside from the cuts to the higher paid men.

3371ab No.14274399



Oh, it was only slightly more men (98) than women (90). And it wasn't related to gender discrimination.

And it seems some feminists were upset because it wasn't solely women getting raises, despite the large pay cuts for several high paid men.

f88026 No.14274448

File: 218df30b183f408⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 5507x3304, 5507:3304, Waterhouse_-Hylas_and_the_….jpg)


Some good news.

Does anyone remember the painting in pic related being removed in a Manchester art gallery last week? It was mentioned in the previous thread or two. It was to 'start a conversation' about objectification or some such bullshit. I myself went to the gallery and documented it. There were a ton of sticky notes where the painting was, most of which were commie/feminist bullshit. I helped put some up that were against it.

Apparently, it pissed off enough people that the painting is now back in its rightful place.

I doubt my own 6-7 post-its I left did much, but I hope it helped in the decision to put the painting back.

3371ab No.14274478



You didn't happen to take a picture of the sticky notes did you?

f88026 No.14274482

100ff5 No.14274489


im here anon. lurking in the shadows.

if youre asking about the video

its like…90%-95% done. i just got lazy a bit.

ill get back to it soon

also i have twitter @Bonefingerz

>shameless tripfagging

4c2c78 No.14274506







5c5e8b No.14274525

6c22dd No.14274530


it sounds like a cam girl

eb2310 No.14274546

File: a8ac0ad61c9f630⋯.png (665.13 KB, 720x827, 720:827, Pre-Raphaelite_soft_porn_p….png)


Neat.The painting is beautiful, only degenerate "moralists" could see it as pornographic.


bb3405 No.14274563

File: 5af345f656c4263⋯.png (363.01 KB, 1090x819, 1090:819, Apologize to the God of Se….png)



<Nudity just by itself now considered "soft-porn"

774f9b No.14274575

File: f41d794962a57ce⋯.png (158.26 KB, 503x256, 503:256, mad oni.PNG)


>Softcore porn

<classical art is now considered soft porn

Jesus Christ someone shoot me now!

5a132e No.14274605


>implements strict no-western-art policy that nobody wanted in the first place

Was begged for for ages, both on and off of the board by people who used to go to /loli/. And it's not like it was immediate; I warned everyone when I took over that I was gonna slowly phase it out.

I just wanted to go back to the way it was before Cluck took over and let in all the 3DCG/cartoon art.

>bans half of the userbase, including artists that had been contributing OC for a long time

I hardly banned anyone, and I certainly didn't ban any artists. They left on their own.

>deletes years worth of OC much of which is probably lost to the ether forever

Most if not all of what was deleted was not OC. The drawthreads were left untouched to be bumped off on their own naturally.

4c2c78 No.14274616


>They left on their own.

Why did they leave then

e37d46 No.14274626




They put it in quotation marks, I doubt the article agrees with that they just report it. Or who knows with journalists these days. They may be the one who requested it being taken down and now pretend to be on the other side.

2e77da No.14274634


Well I'm glad you're not dead.

bb3405 No.14274644




Does anyone have any archive of this fucking incident?

If not, take it to >>>/drama/ and argue it out there.

3371ab No.14274652


>slowly phase it out

You didn't though. You could've bumplocked the western threads and let them fall off naturally, still be used or archived, but instead you deleted them in one go.

I didn't even like western but that bothered me when the legal discussion was cleared.

2ebad6 No.14274743

File: b81e7ccc5dc7d58⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 917x640, 917:640, b81e7ccc5dc7d580e44b10e114….jpg)


>soft porn

Fucking degenerate cucks cannot enjoy a beautiful painting. They make me sick, can't for them to kill themselves when their social media addictions become too much for them to bear.

898115 No.14274865


How is this something to talk about here?

3b264a No.14274984


I hear some worry over at /animu/'s meta thread. I like the board, but I don't know if it will continue to grow or shrivel up and die.

774f9b No.14275003


I'm pretty sure it was Marche who said that during his meltdown and even posted that Cobalt was "trans" on his twitter, until Mark disproved it.

3b264a No.14275009


I don't think they were they tried to start a board war. I read in /a/'s meido drive thread that their BO tried to apply for vol at /animu/. In the end, I don't know if /a/ is the best anime board where the meidos did nothing wrong or if /animu/ is nicer for being more laxed.

e27cc8 No.14275069

File: aafc962d3ca3bbd⋯.png (835.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pancake loli 1.png)

File: 62e05432e635634⋯.png (789.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pancake loli 2.png)

no board wars plz

there's enough autism for both boards to exist

just leave each other alone

3b264a No.14275108


Pretty much this.

898115 No.14275113


Peace was never an option.

4c2c78 No.14275117



I keep saying that but every time I saw /animu/ and /a/ can both exist and it means double the weeb content I get some /a/utist sperging about how I'm shilling for /animu/ or a D&C shill even though I want both to do well

bb3405 No.14275118


Also, >>>/drama/ exists for that autism to be released.

3b264a No.14275127

File: 9ef710a3b1fee58⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 500x282, 250:141, 149.gif)


If the Futaba Channel can have two boards dedicated to the same subject coexist, why can't this site?

774f9b No.14275132

File: 6e4dc1dd9706954⋯.png (160.13 KB, 872x632, 109:79, Haru_Unamused_Cut-in.png)


Ah thanks now I can filter and ignore the autism and nice transformation into a metafag.

bb3405 No.14275142




Speaking of which, might as well make a thread for the autism to take place: >>>/drama/5

774f9b No.14275159


With how he acts he doesn't leave much confidence and if he didn't start it he still ran with it to cause drama to shit the thread up which is just petty.

3b83f2 No.14275170

File: 0dd5c0f9cb055e2⋯.png (237.16 KB, 1080x1672, 135:209, Screenshot_2018-02-04-18-4….png)


Mark didn't disprove it, the anon said that Mark told him personally that Cobalt was a tranny and so I asked Mark if he said that and he said he didn't he said he doesn't know whether Cobalt is a tranny or not. I did blame marche for saying it as well but Marche says it wasn't him so sorry for that though

774f9b No.14275175


Alright anon this clears things up, Marche is still a total fuckface for running with it though.

54075b No.14275185

File: 8a748bae2e9236e⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Taka Michinoku Dead.jpg)

Good morning.

fc3b26 No.14275192


I'd stop smoking nigger cocks if I were you furcancer. Reported for being marche.

e27cc8 No.14275195

File: 5d76b3202dddbb1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.64 KB, 680x383, 680:383, b86.jpg)


marche is trans

i have proof

94ec52 No.14275196


I guessed right. 8e3bb2 is the furfag, filter him

d5b296 No.14275197

File: ff3d9cedd84aeca⋯.jpg (249.36 KB, 740x493, 740:493, Mirror_Enterprise.jpg)

>tfw still no Terran Empire because of jews.

I fear our generation will just have seen the destruction of western civilization. No new discoveries, no ayys, no space colonies. It sucks, at least there's vidya.

aa8a37 No.14275200

774f9b No.14275206

File: 868223bef40a58b⋯.png (95.1 KB, 206x274, 103:137, YOU BEST BE JOKING NIGGER.png)


>Not archiving ResetERA

5889d2 No.14275207


We're worried because BO switches often go bad, but so far it's not fucked.

bb3405 No.14275212


The Terran Empire were losing the war.

e27cc8 No.14275217

File: 3e41a01c3104868⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mating monster jks.png)


where's the archive, fucker?

where is it, you walking sperm bank?

43ed83 No.14275221


>He's a Anon

>a Anon


d5b296 No.14275225


Only because Emperor Spock cucked reform destroyed it from inside.

3b264a No.14275232


The board activity seemed to halted.


>Germany is the furry capital of the world

If only Hitler were still around.

e37d46 No.14275239


>inb4 "dynamic German IP"

well, it is 2am in germany and most ISP's change ip between 0-4am, so it is very possible it was unintentional.

>Germany is the furry capital of the world

I seriously doubt that map is accurate.

bb3405 No.14275246


>Only because Emperor Spock cucked reform destroyed it from inside.

Before that. Archer finding the Defiant is the only reason they survived.

4c2c78 No.14275261


No one ever said mark was smart

72cb4b No.14275305

>Appeals court: Twitter can’t be sued for “material support” of terrorism


d5b296 No.14275307


Oh yeah I forgot about the rebels. I also refuse to watch Discovery and it might have been mentionned there. I heard they have a Mirror Universe arc.

3371ab No.14275317


No archive: Hang yourself.

>Mod Edit: Transphobia and racism are not merely opinions. Defense of such behavior is not tolerated or permitted on this forum.

>Mod Edit 2: Do not thread whine.


54075b No.14275323

File: 3feb36c3f588491⋯.png (697.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lili Rochefort Hmm.png)


>Twitter cannot be sued for giving platforms to terrorists like ISIS and Hezbollah

Why do I smell that the judge who ruled this is a lolbertard?

4c2c78 No.14275348


Isn't that a good thing though? As much as I dislike twitter it could set a precedent that user generated content it the liability of website owners. Currently it's not and it could open websites like 8chan up to litigation for what's posted

d5b296 No.14275351


Lol, resetera is a warzone, the mods can't keep up. Their little bubble is breached and they don't seem to want to accept it.

5889d2 No.14275384


Stop freaking out any moment board activity slows down at all. It happens multiple times a day.

9c16ac No.14275413

>pre-built gaming computers and gaming laptops are now cheaper than building your own computer due to this bitcoin mining shit.

How did things get this far?

3371ab No.14275428


Are you taking into account the prebuilt's gpu quality? Make sure it's not a low-tier card.

Any articles on it?

36d0cf No.14275481



Speaking of people who vanished, whatever happened to this guy? Just kind of vanished. https://twitter.com/ToKnowIsToBe

I should probably leave instructions for my siblings to tell the various communities I'm in if I die.

131053 No.14275488

File: 1954f58d7f3307f⋯.png (3.71 KB, 416x96, 13:3, 14272850.png)



I used to draw life-drawing nude pics does that make me a 'soft porn' producer?

2914bb No.14275491


holy shit, gg btfo


>last thread

Fuck, I'm a slowpoke? Embarrassing.










We're stuck in the middle of a board war we have no part in.

While the GG threads would on occasion direct link to /pol/ threads, they historically never direct linked to /a/ very often there's no need, these threads provide better /a/ posting then /a/ itself. People talked about an alternative which is fine, it's not new for these threads, after all these threads have linked to and talked about /pol/ & /new/ alternatives before when the complaints of that board reached critical mass, so talking /a/ alternatives is not out of the ordinary, especially considering the consensus in these threads and the board at large about /a/ has been clear for a long time. When the alternative board was created obviously board warring will take place, it comes with the territory.Merely a coincidence though that once the new alternative boards popped up there's been an uptick of both /a/ and /animu/ direct link crossposting that practically never existed prior. This is the part that's suspicious.

It's no secret that many anons here and the rest of the website have always complained about /a/, and as a result of years of complaints a decent alternative board came about and that should have been the end of it. But both boards now have been trying to use these generals for their own purposes. It's annoying and very transparent.

OP in >>14275408 seems to be incredibly retarded though.

3371ab No.14275511


>We're stuck in the middle of a board war we have no part in.

/animu/ got pretty popular once people when people brought it up for talking about industry news. Or was it the other way around; did people start shilling it here?

774f9b No.14275512


All the boards here use this thread as a dumping ground and I've wondered why?

eb2310 No.14275537

File: 0a8ed2288799a8f⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 1458141571935.jpg)


I hope you didn't keep any of them and post them online because that would be revenge porn

af3c29 No.14275541

Is it okay to shill for >>>/ninjatiddies/ as an /a/ and /animu/ alternative? Although, it's new and tiny.

I'm told the BO is part of "muh /v/ cabal" that /ggr/ used to rail about all the time.

255a2b No.14275591


>>late last year the trials of 7 figures of Park's regime for "Government Blacklist incident" ended and all got convicted and sentenced in jail

>>first judgement after impeachement all ended up guilty

>>I told you about the blacklist shit don't make me say it again


774f9b No.14275595

File: 3af40d7e7abb182⋯.png (361.45 KB, 473x675, 473:675, Anime_question_mark_2.png)


>I'm told the BO is part of "muh /v/ cabal" that /ggr/ used to rail about all the time.


3371ab No.14275599

File: e267bb83fdd5e13⋯.png (62.79 KB, 400x275, 16:11, 201cb3f9efb4ffb50fabec6a00….png)

I hope /animu/ lives. Having another active board on the site is nice.

3b264a No.14275606


/animu/ didn't start the drama. Even the Head Meido of /a/ tried to get a vol position for that board and /a/ tried to shit on it here a while ago.


The more the merrier.

3371ab No.14275615

File: 24e755d0f778409⋯.png (118.3 KB, 333x268, 333:268, 1450863946869.png)


>/animu/ didn't start the drama. Even the Head Meido of /a/ tried to get a vol position for that board and /a/ tried to shit on it here a while ago

Don't respond to the furry, it'll just bark louder.

774f9b No.14275619


You are talking to Marche your not going to get a response that is logical.

131053 No.14275633


Sadly I didn't keep any of them so safe.

Pity - some of the female life models were pretty hot.

One of them said she only did it cos she got turned on being drawn naked by strangers. It's a niche fetish I suppose.

36d0cf No.14275647

I hope nobody at work tomorrow asks me if I watched the big game because if I say yes they'll keep talking to me about it and if I say no they'll ask why not and the truth is I was masturbatng to fat asian women and playing an old, not-very-good Zelda game.

255a2b No.14275649

File: 782251a53254803⋯.jpg (174.03 KB, 1422x923, 1422:923, blacktric drink.jpg)


>>FYI NIS literally sunk Sewol ferry to part of something we call 'Operation North Wind'

Those monsters. People fucking died in that ferry. FOR WHAT PURPOSE

>Free Korean Party representive says "Moon is runaway train"

> '적폐 청산 (Removing the evil root)"


>Operation Salmon (작전명 연어)

South Korean big brother, eh


>I said maybe it's true, anyway, fucking dumb masses who invested in Bitcoin are now literally killing themselves like the greeat depression

Wassu-wassu-wassu-wassup bitconneeeeeect

>'Miracle in Cell No. 7'

Gonna watch that

>suddenly #MeToo shit get popular in here too

The K-Pop scene seems ripe for this. So many possibilities

5889d2 No.14275651


>Hey guys if you want another anime board come over to /animu/


Your memory is faulty.

36d0cf No.14275668


Oh, and watching old AVGN episodes because I never watched his stuff before. Started with the newest one a couple weeks ago and I'm starting episode 64 now

3371ab No.14275669


m8 look at the d8, it's marche

389367 No.14275672

>Donald is walking out of the White House and headed towards his limo when a possible assassin steps forward and aims a gun.

>A secret service agent, new on the job, shouts “Mickey Mouse!” This startles the would be assassin and he is captured.

>Later, the secret service agent’s supervisor takes him aside and asks, “What in the hell made you shout Mickey Mouse?”

>Blushing, the agent replies, “I got nervous. I meant to shout Donald duck."

b9bcc8 No.14275688


>masturbating to fat asian women

Hello, my long-lost twin brother.

3b264a No.14275695

File: 811bc5c27b45d0c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 32.66 KB, 315x470, 63:94, c58145d8e9d59f882d502728bd….jpg)

255a2b No.14275707

File: f022523db142dbc⋯.png (706.33 KB, 748x1024, 187:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49933efb8b7d15c⋯.png (905.27 KB, 1000x1383, 1000:1383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38656f439e929c1⋯.png (775.27 KB, 1000x1389, 1000:1389, ClipboardImage.png)


the football american who accused him as a nazi (Darryl Ayo) did so for six months.Ethan tried to talk to Darryl on stream (ComicArtistProSecrets) but Darryl chickened out saying "HA! You tried to trap me. I'm not taking that bait". Pussy

Comic fans searched on Twitter for "@DarrylAyo AND Nazi" and they showed the tweets back to Darryl. He went "muh mentions" and started blocking everyone. And then Rich Johnston from Bleeding Cool dared to say that Darryl was the one harassed by internet Nazis.

Who is Darryl Ayo? here are his comics on tumblr

bb3405 No.14275709

File: 1db95df6bfb34c1⋯.jpg (101.16 KB, 898x653, 898:653, Hitler_Art_Adolf_Hitler_-_….jpg)


>I used to draw life-drawing nude pics

I demand to see your works, Hitler!


<Ignores the furry outing himself 3 posts above

You're a special person, aren't you Anon?


>if I say no they'll ask why not

Tell them you had better things to do than gorge yourself on chicken wings while screaming at the boobtube.

36d0cf No.14275715


For some reason the fat asian bug has hit me hard these past few months. It was CHAKUI-007. Good stuff. Supposedly all the same actress but I'm not sure because in a couple scenes it looks like a different woman.


I really don't, though. It's just what's on the tv that changes. I just hate the cycle every time there's a "big game". I didn't watch the last dozen big games you asked me about so why would this one be different? The only sport I watch is hockey and that's only when I'm drinking and there's nothing else I want to watch.

3371ab No.14275776


You misread the post.

ad0b16 No.14275792

File: 98197c206ae6492⋯.webm (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Git Gud.webm)

File: 4e866f2e087e12a⋯.png (1.93 MB, 674x744, 337:372, Git gud.png)


>watching old AVGN

Good choice. James is a guy who just makes me feel good about life because he's so pure.

36d0cf No.14275807


It's pretty enjoyable stuff. Some of the jokes seem a bit cringey but that's fairly rare so far.

ad0b16 No.14275821


In some episodes he can kind of go a little over board with the stupid story and special effects, but it never gets anywhere near as cringey as something like Nostalgia Critic. For the most part you can tell he's just having fun.

d68d33 No.14275823

File: 735a7d4423cd38c⋯.png (195.87 KB, 226x720, 113:360, 11148594_1116270331733968_….png)








You're all wrong. Bourgeoisie technically does mean the "middle class". This is because when the term came into use, societal structure was as follows:

Landed Nobility

Middle class (Bourgeoisie)

Working Class (and technically peasantry too)

Bourgeoisie meant middle class because they literally were the "middle class" between the aristocrats and the poor. Of course this changed over time as a result of the hereditary nobility disappearing. So now Marxists just call the top of society bourgeoisie.

36d0cf No.14275835


Yeah, that's kept it from ever getting to be too much. I'm not really into the goofy plotlines but it's worth it for the rest of the content.

aa546f No.14275864

Brady got the only sack in the game. The Madden curse is real…

ad0b16 No.14275870

If you like his Video game review I highly recommend James Monster Madness videos which he did every year in October for 10 years, all about the history of horror movies. James knows more about horror then he does videos games. I don't even care about Horror movies normally but every one of his videos are still fascinating.

ad0b16 No.14275871



forgot to quote.

af3c29 No.14275905


Reported for being Marche

like you would know

c92b70 No.14275906

File: 8b320c53cce40ae⋯.png (47.21 KB, 726x366, 121:61, charlie.png)

File: 880541b896b645e⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 605x616, 55:56, cc.jpg)

5cfc9d No.14275911

File: 2ea26c49261802a⋯.png (15.13 KB, 508x491, 508:491, 2ea26c49261802a9a42c9716c2….png)


James was always more into movies than vidya.

As a matter of fact he's pretty casual about vidya and pretty deep into movies.

Motherfucker "10 incher" Mike was always the vidya guy, as a matter of fact he's the one that digs up most of the recommended vidya they play, he's always been more into vidya than movies.

They simply mixed their two hobbies and knowledge together and made the shit you see on Cinemassacre.

And yeah, there was a time period where they were simply putting up shit tier content, but as they stand right now, likely because most of their fanbase has grown up and so have they, they make some really decent content.

Monster Madness is indeed pretty good and it's probably the only content that has never had any ups or downs in quality, it just stayed good.

2d0076 No.14275917

File: e4e8ddcf58956ab⋯.png (179.41 KB, 303x311, 303:311, 0 int.png)


>no one wants the female character option


And you just lost a sale by being a self-righteous douche.

a38f83 No.14275926

File: a74c646b3f3249e⋯.jpg (914.13 KB, 1280x1853, 1280:1853, rape3.jpg)


I haven't played it but i assumed the character didn't matter in terms of the story or game play.

2d0076 No.14275927


Nope, but when given the option of an alternate model or more actual content, SURPRISE, 70% of voters wanted more actual content.

3b264a No.14275935

File: 6880bba03770388⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 680x484, 170:121, ocelot friend.jpg)


It sucks that the Western industry is filled with so much faggots.

5cfc9d No.14275941

File: d496ca660b2984d⋯.png (159.81 KB, 311x581, 311:581, Virtue signaling faggotry.png)





Subnautica devs were always cuckholded lefty niggers.

Saddest part is that no one is spreading this bullshit and I'm sure plenty of retards here have given money to these pathetic sad beta orbiters.


36d0cf No.14275943


That third picture is a laugh given that these are the same people spouting stuff like



Like damn I don't care if the character's the same as me but it would be nice to get some consistency from these people. If you don't buy a game just because of the main character's gender you probably have autism. Not internet insult autism but legitimate, "my adult sister who slashes her stomach up if you leave her alone too long and needs to be reminded not to play with herself in the living room"

3371ab No.14275976


I always smile finding Robin Williams in that image for some reason.

54075b No.14276006

File: 8996f83325aa78e⋯.jpg (87.47 KB, 989x622, 989:622, US University Retardation ….jpg)

c92b70 No.14276014

File: f24727f5650e12a⋯.png (461.45 KB, 830x1031, 830:1031, sy1k1.png)

File: 71a3d854a0a6d2e⋯.png (231.59 KB, 1123x552, 1123:552, sy1k12.png)



Looks like one of the sound designers has some very wrong opinions. Don't worry, the blacklist squad is on the case, she will never get a job again.

dab2a6 No.14276021


that was good. Link to Youtube? I like to read comments



Is intelligence measured now by how much bullshit you can regurgitate from your masters while taking a 12 incher in the anus?


Oh shes a cuttie

144808 No.14276035


Esmeralda was white though. She was stolen as a baby.

5209a8 No.14276040

File: a57da9e4e0de3f0⋯.png (2.96 KB, 645x24, 215:8, Thank you based BEWD.PNG)

c2137b No.14276070


I dont give a shit about what character i play as. I love GTA SA and im not a ghetto black. I played neir automata and im not a chick. Hell, ive played tons of jap games with jap protags and im not jap.

5209a8 No.14276074


>tranny cries about transphobia

>none of the tweets are about trannies

I don't get it.

6b5519 No.14276086

File: 6e126d98cccc5b9⋯.jpg (194.78 KB, 606x635, 606:635, Screenshot_20180204-200857.jpg)

a few days late but good news xenoblade is selling good. http://archive.is/me4bG

dab2a6 No.14276098


But sexist games don't sell, don't you know

2d0076 No.14276106


I'm sure there's someone out there trying to claim that it didn't sell because Battlefront 2 sold 7 million. You know, ignoring the fact that EA's sales predictions were sliced in half because of their exploitative loot box bullshit.

dab2a6 No.14276114


Though BF2 didn't even ship a million units

36d0cf No.14276122


Same. It's just the hypocrisy that gets me.

>You better get used to playing as characters not like you and learn to identify with them!

>I'm not going to play a game if the character isn't just like me.

c2137b No.14276145


Thats just them not being able to distinguish fiction from reality.

44e148 No.14276158


>I can't empathise with people who aren't me

<everyone else is the problem

This is how the average SJW mind functions.

4c2c78 No.14276162


The sound designer woman made a joke about identifying as an attack helicopter at some point

5209a8 No.14276203


So every time someone makes that joke they get at least one unhinged tranny to stalk their online activity.

Don't they see that it's their actions that make it very hard for people to believe that trannyism isn't a mental illness.

133348 No.14276375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d0076 No.14276389

File: 86ae7ae6657e057⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 291x439, 291:439, 1415807168345.jpg)


>Don't they see that it's their actions that make it very hard for people to believe that trannyism isn't a mental illness.

You're talking about a demographic whose most infamous individual and >her husband are arguably just as batshit crazy and abusive as the couple from Amy's Baking Company.

e5dbbf No.14276484


>If you wanted the government to actually enforce the "no hire practice based on discriminating against race or political stance", what exact kind of evidence would you need to get the state to investigate seriously?

You're not thinking big enough. Start thinking about making petitions to regulate the gaming and tech industries. That will completely fuck over their current cowboy-like activities.


>It's a "communist pretends to be part of the poor working class" episode.

Actually it is more like "Bored directionless rich kid pretending the know what they claim to believe".


This piece of shit either clearly doesn't know how to prioritize or buys the newest shiny because it is trendy and has no discretion.

aa8a37 No.14276559

File: a8769f8084cefa2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 117.21 KB, 1443x324, 481:108, ResetEraFake7.png)

File: c866e3cc77f6e36⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 82.32 KB, 1443x324, 481:108, ResetEraAdFake6.png)

File: 4a32af032d45ffa⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 129.55 KB, 1443x324, 481:108, ResetEraAdFake5.png)




Why save them bandwidth?

4c2c78 No.14276562


>giving them clicks and not saving their autism forever

0bab1d No.14276684


What i cannot understand is how close minded and basic they have to be if they can only provide one topic to interact with another human.

Pretty sure it's egoism, and they just want to use you to parrot their thoughts so they can:

a) if you agree with their points, they bask on self-confirmation that they are right, like a pig in the mud

b) if you disagree with their points, they get upset and go turn fanatism to 11, maybe they feel like a warrior defending their honor? don't know, don't care

either way, you could have a more fruitful conversation talking about the weather

and to stay on topic, i hate how the subnautica shit-devs are chugging the kool-aid to new levels, it's plain disgusting the community isn't rioting over that poll fraud

97092c No.14276745


The previous /loli/ owner was a /co/ fag or at least that's what I believed since he encouraged cartoon posting ( a la rule34) as >>14274605 stated, lots of users were NEVER ok with cartoon nor 3D CGI porn, the problem with the current BO is that he is a dickhead that believes western art automatically equates to cartoon art.

54075b No.14277120

File: 702ab279abbc7e0⋯.jpg (70.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Honoka Dead or Alive 23.jpg)

Good evening.

708acd No.14277153

File: 57cfd8533fdbfae⋯.jpg (138.35 KB, 800x983, 800:983, 05338a24bbc023dfe8f02c2458….jpg)

So how was your day

I got a bonus due to the trump tax cut. Its not a lot due to it being based on years worked at the company and California tax gouging. I was going to buy a miter saw but it looks like its going towards rent due to fathers cancer screening bill. The monitor I sent back came with more dead pixels and a bright spot the size of a dime on it so there goes another week without the PC and fun bux to send it back.

I wish i had more images of cute girls fixing things. Fuck I remember that hentai where the female mechanic asked for sex from a high school friend and then got married.

774f9b No.14277159


> I remember that hentai where the female mechanic asked for sex from a high school friend and then got married.

I kinda want to know.

708acd No.14277167

File: ff19557ee7c5528⋯.jpg (533.7 KB, 1280x1874, 640:937, 001.jpg)

File: ec8b952f47aaf80⋯.jpg (494.15 KB, 1280x1879, 1280:1879, 002.jpg)

File: 45fa18170d888ad⋯.jpg (471.32 KB, 1280x1892, 320:473, 003.jpg)

File: 49e58935c700500⋯.jpg (477.07 KB, 1280x1888, 40:59, 004.jpg)

File: 2279e7f424a480a⋯.jpg (511.58 KB, 1280x1881, 1280:1881, 005.jpg)


I can't believe I found it by looking in the sweat tag. I would have posted screen caps if I was able to get to my old hard drive. So many good ones in there.


389367 No.14277201

File: 0915304da019de3⋯.png (1.99 MB, 781x6152, 781:6152, 2018-02-05_12-17-27.png)

>How Message-Board Culture Remade the Left

>It seems that the norms of Helldump have become callout culture, SA users’ trolling of the libertarians corralled in LF have become the dirtbag left, and some of those responsible have written for not only Gawker and Buzzfeed, but also The New York Times.

>Zoe Quinn herself was a SA member under the username Eris


e6f248 No.14277229

File: 1588114fb07ce98⋯.png (11.3 KB, 447x378, 149:126, 158.png)


>Zoe Quinn herself was a SA member under the username Eris

>the whole GG saga was anon vs SA all along

At last I truly see but not big surprise

774f9b No.14277248


This was a good read and it confirmed what several /pol/ and /v/ digs already knew.

90f281 No.14277250

File: f0d90a2196f47be⋯.jpg (243.03 KB, 1044x770, 522:385, f0d90a2196f47bec8768b95958….jpg)


54075b No.14277302

File: 3bf987d34e9978b⋯.png (369.26 KB, 819x508, 819:508, ClipboardImage.png)


Cultural enrichment!

774f9b No.14277304

File: 2890e7dc1184286⋯.png (330.75 KB, 471x611, 471:611, das gewd man.PNG)

54075b No.14277382


The Gaming Ground needs your help, fellas. Just a $1 a month can make a big difference to keep their good work going. Robin have been really dedicated to this, at least chip in to his cause.

9c16ac No.14277430


What a pussy.

>Make the game better or

>Add a female POC.

>Still act pussy whipped and apologetic when people call you neo-nazis.

What is even more retarded is how many twitter retards actually agree with the tranny about how the subnautica creators are nazis and gamers are bigots for wanting better gameplay.

f24ec9 No.14277439


>Zoe Quinn herself was a SA member under the username Eris

She picked nice name for herself.

It's name for Greek goddess of disagreement and strife.

I cleaned up six articles on wiki and wrote two articles summaries.

f24ec9 No.14277443


I forgot about that wordfilter.

ef8648 No.14277449

File: f2821a4be433d29⋯.jpg (116.69 KB, 740x653, 740:653, The Furies.jpg)

File: 3d46862d89c51fd⋯.jpg (154.4 KB, 1100x971, 1100:971, feminism furies.jpg)


>tfw modern Feminists are spiritual reincarnate of old Greek Eris and 3 Furies

>almost every Greek deities represent disagreement, strife, chaos, and division are goddesses

Greek knew this shit would happen someday, we didn't listen

017fe2 No.14277508

File: febfac2a1403a7a⋯.png (374.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, wtfamir.png)


Korea sounds like an absolute fucking basket case

54075b No.14277512

File: 99150ddeecdba40⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 681x243, 227:81, Gender Traitor 8.jpg)


>Can't archive this for some odd reason

>Can't use Freezepage either

Might as well.

90f281 No.14277556


Almost every mythology that has the order/chaos thing portrays masculinity as order and femininity as chaos.

Understandable, considering women are often batshit crazy.

b66db2 No.14277625

>A law allowing to hire third world niggers as some kind of charity passes

>Suddenly many companies are filled with badly paid nigger slaves

I fucking wonder.

54075b No.14277629

File: fd7b2360c583784⋯.jpg (126.34 KB, 1190x1200, 119:120, Sharia Law 8.jpg)

RIP, United Kingdom.

48567e No.14277639


>Independent review

>Mona Siddiqui

I guess the UK forgot they have the oxford dictionary.

b66db2 No.14277641


>Independent review about Sharia Law

>Muslim name

Gee, I wonder who is behind that.

1b1aaf No.14277698

File: 3648fcf6faa9892⋯.jpg (947.68 KB, 3500x2625, 4:3, 654879132.jpg)


Who are they?

54075b No.14277706


>Not knowing what The Gaming Ground nor who Robin Ek is


86127b No.14277792

File: 7b3a50497eddc18⋯.png (756.85 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 7b3a50497eddc188bea83d0a5e….png)


95a905 No.14277814


Never heard of them. What have they done?

54075b No.14277840


I'm fapping before I turn in. Give me some slack.

00b668 No.14277858

File: 0ef04e128853864⋯.webm (5.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gabbergroot ED.webm)

RIP gamergays

86127b No.14277869


As long as you don't do that to Viv & Gil.

c3b7ba No.14277903

File: f5ef88378cf21b6⋯.gif (572.88 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 810532494203232506529339.gif)

KiA cucked out, Subnautica devs apologized to SJWs, the cartel won the battle for nyaa and now the gamergays thread is abandoned.

We have to face reality, we lost, maybe if we let muslims gangbang our waifus they will allow us to return to 4chan. It's over, it's time to #CloseTheGate

cfb5be No.14277920

File: 82f13e94fc23001⋯.jpg (70.87 KB, 576x383, 576:383, 82f13e94fc230011cabdc67243….jpg)


>letting mudshits ever gangbang your waifus


3b83f2 No.14277929

File: 519596f37e9b613⋯.png (805.46 KB, 1080x1733, 1080:1733, Screenshot_2018-01-23-03-2….png)


Didn't you read Nami's post? We couldn't remove them and we lost. Its over

ef8648 No.14277940

File: c49a677bb35fa53⋯.png (397.74 KB, 536x401, 536:401, hmmm.png)

File: ff8736b4828e0f3⋯.png (258.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, hmm.png)

File: 4cc88a5831d5aa4⋯.png (380.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hmmmm.png)

File: fe652cf87358461⋯.png (13.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, okay.png)

3371ab No.14277944

File: 1904223e0df8d85⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 885x580, 177:116, openthegay.jpg)


#CloseTheGate and #OpenTheGay

eb2310 No.14277950

File: 86e753659ef5d0d⋯.png (50.98 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 86e753659ef5d0d80d7a4e9817….png)


We should close the gay and apologise

39e9b7 No.14277952

File: 2b9d97f9ce71841⋯.webm (5.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Serial Experiments Lain S….webm)



Not videogames, but good practice for when there is videogames.

29f197 No.14277955


>the whole GG saga was anon vs SA all along

They had "the world's foremost scholar of Anonymous" on their team. >>>/gamergatehq/330874

86127b No.14277966


Where's the full picture?

c2b78c No.14277979

File: 2f19bb028617619⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1624x1079, 1624:1079, Everything is fine.png)

203a54 No.14277981


I love how that didn't stop them from fucking up as spectacularly as they did.

ef8648 No.14277983

File: 14c50d11d9dc204⋯.png (172.89 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Samsung Just.png)

Samsung's CEO Lee's second retrial verdict reduced his sentence from 5 years in jail to 2 year and half. Eventually he got out of prison today. The court's final decision literally says "Lee is more of victim of Park's draconian iron fist ruling and he had no option but obey.". The court admits he bribed Choi and Park but decided it was forced, not his own will.

People in gookland infuriated and criticizing judge and court for being bribed by Samsung, but seriously Lee had no choice. All the evidences pointing that Park and Choi's secret cabal pressured Samsung and Lee to pay private 'tax' to her. It was more of racketeering, not bribe. Lee had no choice but pay them to survive.

I hate Samsung to death and I don't think Lee is clean businessman but at least they're not the worst.

By the way the special prosecution repealed the decision again, I really appreciate every single man from the Choi secret cabal scandal special investigation team, they are the real heroes, like the one you can only see from Ace Attorney. They fucking do it for free, for justice, all the times. I heard the special investigation team couldn't even afford 10 hours of sleep per week. And they really determined, they really prepared to drag this fucking court shitshow to kingdom come. My utmost thanks and respect to all those people who fought against Park and Choi's once undefeatable corrupted power. They regained my hope in this god forsaken country.

Park's first verdict will be around this year's Christmas if we're lucky, she's dragging this shitshow with all the tricks she could do. Hope special prosecution and investigation team and finally bring more than few dozens of justice for them.

cfb5be No.14277984

File: 5dc9ab63a8ce05a⋯.jpg (225.6 KB, 666x761, 666:761, kebab.jpg)

File: c6cb28adce3150f⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Miro Semberac - Jadna Bosn….mp4)



Well did you called Dimitar and Grigor for help?

e47b1d No.14277993


Glad to see someone acknowledging the role Something Awful plays in mainstream media.

bb3405 No.14277994

3371ab No.14278018

File: 4b0e814416e629b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 73.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Openthegey.jpg)

29f197 No.14278050


The rumor is that J Street worked the same way with forced racketeering. There was zero support for their positions (literally written by Qatari intelligence) but if you were Jewish and wanted a meeting with Obama you had to pay them and praise them. That's the rumor. We haven't had anyone brave enough to try prosecuting them.

c3b7ba No.14278062


As long as Park doesn't walk out free I don't really care about Shang Tsung Fraser. The shakedown story sound possible enough, I would have see what evidence they showed.

c9fc05 No.14278154

File: 15c5cfe916a53d6⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 655x902, 655:902, 15c5cfe916a53d60eb72c887d1….jpg)

File: fc7c6bf6a948224⋯.png (47.4 KB, 724x603, 724:603, ss (2018-02-05 at 04.34.11….png)

File: f89a9ffe0ba3b63⋯.png (138.32 KB, 702x1050, 117:175, ss (2018-02-05 at 04.33.29….png)

File: e1bb0246b93af99⋯.png (72.19 KB, 677x487, 677:487, ss (2018-02-05 at 04.34.55….png)

File: 2548afbf1c72c8b⋯.png (101.3 KB, 696x756, 58:63, ss (2018-02-05 at 04.35.16….png)



>Zoe Quinn herself was a SA member under the username Eris

When you search that username now, this is what you get.

Either she got her username changed at some point (letting someone else claim it), or this is some top-tier roleplay, because something's not adding up here.

If only peeep.us would co-operate, I could archive this properly.

ef8648 No.14278225

File: 31758bc8b2b3d52⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, detective conan.jpg)


I don't know if this is the case but from my experience fighting domestic gender terrorist called Daughters of Megalia here, they uses tactics that the website owner frequentelly changes and alters the contents of posts on their websites. They openly shares CP someday, then when people report it to police, they change it to some very naive and innocent post or something that tarnishes men's reputation, something very 'misogynystic' or pedophilia posts that looks like written by men, attacking girls.

This tactics is fucking used all the times by Megalians, and sometimes even dumb fuck journos fell for it than write fake newses that 'man online posts about pedophilia rape'.

This is frequent tactics used by scummy forces, I think there is possibility that SA completely swapped username with other user with Eris.

112041 No.14278260

I've mentioned how much I hate canada and nova scotia before, yes?


3371ab No.14278269


At least post the title

>Cornwallis statue removal celebrated at Sunday rally

d5b296 No.14278272

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)


Come to Quebec, we're a cool bunch of people and we hate the rest of Canada too.

Also it looks like the Subnautica dev didn't pay his protection money to the twitter Cabal. Bad for him.

112041 No.14278281


But I am not french enough. and if I do leave, I want to see if I can live in a rural area where I can buy game meat.

774f9b No.14278287


Quebec is infected it too, People in rural Ontario used to think the same way before the big cities fucked them.

d5b296 No.14278305



Rural Quebec and even Quebec City are white as fuck. Just avoid Montreal. Go too far North and you get on Inuit's territory so don't go too far. Sept-Iles is pretty comfy, if cold. There is also a cory build behind a wall to protect from the wind and cold, no brown people live there.

d5b296 No.14278313

File: 40e245d2ceb7c33⋯.jpg (179.63 KB, 922x615, 922:615, 354679-vue-aerienne-fermon….jpg)


Forgot my pic of Fermont. They use the housing as a wall against the wind.

94353d No.14278325



The only good places in Canada are The Yukon and The Northwest Territories

112041 No.14278328



For now, all 3 parties want to increase brown population by 100x in varying rates.

d5b296 No.14278334


But the brown people shrivel and die in the cold.

112041 No.14278341


While true, the gov is retarded and will throw money to get brown people to move all across canada and give them even nicer condos for less.

bb3405 No.14278343

File: 0268518a3553d78⋯.webm (723.57 KB, 320x240, 4:3, greetings fellow dogs.webm)

Just had some fun playing PSOBB. What are the rest of you nerds up to?


>They openly shares CP someday, then when people report it to police, they change it to some very naive and innocent post or something that tarnishes men's reputation, something very 'misogynystic' or pedophilia posts that looks like written by men, attacking girls.

Has anyone had the bright idea to probably archive those pages before they have the chance to alter them?

a962c7 No.14278346


wait a few dozen of generations and they'll become white

dab2a6 No.14278347


Tell them to look at teh Chicago projects. Have them find out how well them niggers took of their brand new homes for dirt cheap prices.

eb2310 No.14278372

File: f5c2bfee55c27d8⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB, 450x360, 5:4, 1471736653487.mp4)


That was racist white supremeancy's fault

94353d No.14278378


that's why The Yukon and The Northwest Territories are the best. There is no brown people there and no brown people want to go there. Not even the snow mexicans bother since they get better benefits for chilling out in Nunavut

3371ab No.14278412

File: fa995a525de7415⋯.png (399.98 KB, 805x828, 35:36, rope4.png)

Please report this post


ef8648 No.14278415

File: adcc43a77114957⋯.png (186.37 KB, 535x277, 535:277, Everything Archived.png)

File: ab3144f714cf8b1⋯.png (475.48 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, Danielle Archive.png)

File: df5f9bd9e6da947⋯.png (967.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, never stop archiving!.png)

File: 676fcb7aaf33f02⋯.png (621.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, archive everythin g.png)

File: c16b3c8fd49f47f⋯.png (104.01 KB, 653x385, 653:385, archive everythng.png)


>Has anyone

Thank to archive, we were success to jail more than 2 dozen Megalian for CP or rape charges, include the one from Australia. Without fucking archive.is the gookland will be more shittier place. My utmost thanks to archive.

ccc585 No.14278422

File: 54149dda6cc3073⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1166x863, 1166:863, 4f35c3a94d3da8fe0b6fb5f45f….jpg)


I thought they would spout some bullshit like saying that "the archives are fake" and people would fall for it because feminism.

Glad to hear about the arrests though.

4c2c78 No.14278430


That's great to hear, someone should screencap your posts as even more reason to archive

ef8648 No.14278433

File: e0afd06c77460ea⋯.png (198.29 KB, 490x380, 49:38, e0afd06c77460ea798bb4d684b….png)


>I thought they would spout some bullshit like saying that "the archives are fake"

they already tried that at the court but the court did not taken their BS seriously

Megalian tried to take down archive.is pages with 'muh cp' while they are the one who posted CP in first place though.

ef8648 No.14278448

File: d7e069855a6afe3⋯.gif (975.4 KB, 176x135, 176:135, panic.gif)



898115 No.14278472


Eternal bread

ef8648 No.14278479

File: bde94eed395a1f3⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [eternal screaming].mp4)


>tfw cannot pass 700 posts meme finally comes to real life

ef8648 No.14278480


fug why do i forget everytime to remove the flag

3b83f2 No.14278485


My thread was at 697 before I saw your post and refreshed.

How do you access the board log anyway? Someone linked me it before but how do you actually find it on the site?

3371ab No.14278491

3371ab No.14278516

Oh, on a somewhat related note of site features. How do I paste images from my clipboard onto file upload?

ccc585 No.14278520

File: d5be1af316adad0⋯.png (108.67 KB, 533x566, 533:566, 1468283497366.png)


It's kinda frightening to hear that Megalian is still alive even after the whole Park scandal. At least, they lost a lot of credibility, right?

2d0076 No.14278528

File: 4cf94e5f9e2f9a9⋯.png (40.48 KB, 152x254, 76:127, sicko pressed against a wi….png)


>archives are changing the world

ccc585 No.14278530

File: 1cfbef9f937f7d9⋯.png (530.47 KB, 649x944, 11:16, literal mombot.PNG)


Copy an image, then ctrl-v in the textbox. That should do it.

3371ab No.14278532


Except it doesn't

3b83f2 No.14278533


Yeah but where on the site do you find that link so I can find it in the future

ccc585 No.14278537

File: 0ed4b2888b1c022⋯.png (336.45 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


Let me try.

3371ab No.14278539


I don't know either.

ccc585 No.14278540



Welp, works on my machine :^)

3371ab No.14278546

File: 379df91c88c6d51⋯.png (422.15 KB, 998x1030, 499:515, pillsx2.PNG)


Oh wait, it's linked from board settings. It's under a system page. So it likely has to be shared first.


What browser?

3b83f2 No.14278555



Guess I need to just save that link

1eb7f8 No.14278557

File: 73732fc376fee20⋯.png (1012.3 KB, 754x985, 754:985, ClipboardImage.png)


Works on my machine too :^)

ef8648 No.14278559

File: ad53fab9c71fc38⋯.png (198.59 KB, 680x583, 680:583, haha what a shame.png)


>they lost a lot of credibility

Anon, they haven't had any credibility in the first place. Only sociopathic SJW journos and critics praised them.

Moon seems using them as tool to slay prosecution with #MeToo meme for now, but they will be abandoned just like past tools Moon used.

Megalian still waging "Park dindu nuffin and was persecuted because she's wahman" meme on the internet and media. No one now listen to them except themselves. The Megalian arrested in Aussland for kidnapping, raping several kids also had YouTube channel with videos full of saying 'Park dindu nuffin and she was persecuted because women' shit too. Like a fucking clockwork. I wonder if her YouTube channel still alive.

ebdaeb No.14278561

File: 90fd75dd42da82f⋯.png (39.34 KB, 487x773, 487:773, RIP.png)

IA/Jim/MisterMetokur is dying.

ccc585 No.14278565

File: c4a70ed79632d9c⋯.jpg (6.47 KB, 300x258, 50:43, a bomb.jpg)


tried cuckfox (it works) and Pale meme (it doesn't), I'll try with Vivaldi and Chrome too, maybe more, just for fun.

3371ab No.14278566

File: 1c616f122a31ab5⋯.png (233.74 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac….png)



Stop bullying me. How do you actually do it?

f324ae No.14278570



3b83f2 No.14278571

File: 69b23bb27640aa7⋯.png (474.98 KB, 761x1148, 761:1148, Screenshot_2018-01-23-03-2….png)


He got lung cancer from smoking too much like a faggot I bet.


>tfw only me and marche post nanachi pics and I don't want to post her so I don't get mistaken for him

ef8648 No.14278576

File: 1fefc629b97dc83⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 341x339, 341:339, Laughing Anakin.jpg)


Toplel the rapist's JewTube channel is still alive and the last video made by her is the very day before arrest, fucking lel Park praising video is still alive too, too bad it's gookrune and no one can understand.

ebdaeb No.14278579


You aren't posting diaperfur shit so I know you aren't him.

ef8648 No.14278580

File: 2ef3bc0a1180ce4⋯.jpg (309.12 KB, 584x855, 584:855, Worry.jpg)


what's his condition and what disease?

1eb7f8 No.14278584

File: e0d8788920805f1⋯.png (466.16 KB, 494x600, 247:300, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm using waterfox.


yes it is me marche i love furry french cats and kangaroos

ebdaeb No.14278588


No idea, he won't say, but it's speculated to be lung cancer. Say what you will about him, he did get the ball rolling for gamergate.

ccc585 No.14278590

File: 0bef58e58700ef5⋯.jpg (15.61 KB, 400x400, 1:1, best hacker.jpg)


What browser do you use actually?

774f9b No.14278591


Don't avtarfag and you'll be fine


Being gay.

ccc585 No.14278592


Fug meant to reply to


18bf31 No.14278596

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

3371ab No.14278597

File: ff38dbe609c803a⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 600x454, 300:227, 94cc1d07e71745cd7b395c1b68….jpg)

ccc585 No.14278604


Doesn't work, I tried.

72cb4b No.14278642

File: d592156089739f2⋯.png (432.65 KB, 1462x557, 1462:557, THIS IS WHY YOU ARCHIVE OR….png)

3b83f2 No.14278661

File: 8c6e26e98a68fc4⋯.png (530.13 KB, 965x1033, 965:1033, Screenshot_2018-01-23-03-2….png)


I never avatarfag I just cropped a bunch of reactions when I read MiA a few months ago


I fucking knew it

3371ab No.14278663

Bread in 5, who's baking?

3371ab No.14278678

No one?

I'll do it then. Anything to add?

3b264a No.14278682


Nep Nep Nep.

3b83f2 No.14278685

File: 06e4d689f495604⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1567x839, 1567:839, Fluffy.png)



ebdaeb No.14278687

File: ad74029553f631b⋯.png (6.49 KB, 460x56, 115:14, wheelchair.png)



New claim, no idea if it's verifiable.

3b264a No.14278689



48567e No.14278692


Since when did you need a wheelchair for autism?

5209a8 No.14278698


MS or ALS?

3371ab No.14278702

b04d22 No.14278710


You're supposed to redtext the fact you're linking us to the new thread you fucker

5ee788 No.14278756


>Thank to archive, we were success to jail more than 2 dozen Megalian for CP or rape charges, include the one from Australia.

Thanks to archive, we were successful in jailing more than 2 dozen megalians? for CP or rape charges including' the one from Australia

>Without fucking archive.is the gookland will be more shittier place. My utmost thanks to archive.

Without fucking archive.is the gookland would be a more shitty place. My utmost thanks to archive

2914bb No.14280759

File: 0c8d0f58d544ba1⋯.png (347.13 KB, 1247x961, 1247:961, Anons vs. Goons.png)


Are you new? It's been known that Zoe Quinn was a goon.


There was a point in 2015 or 2016 where for weeks we couldn't manage 700.


should have just attack attack attacked

af3c29 No.14281632

File: 8cf0272812fd0e3⋯.png (64.46 KB, 740x803, 740:803, goons and v as two sides o….png)

Goons are anti-anons and visa-versa

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