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/v/ - Video Games

The Vidya
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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 09c138e3430fe61⋯.jpg (622.41 KB, 2861x2023, 2861:2023, ayayayaya.jpg)

b21c39 No.14166365

New OP Edition.

Last thread (Still accessible but you can't post on it.): https://8ch.net/v/res/14078517.html

Welcome back to the HOTTEST secondary thread on the jay /v/ where we will discuss nothing to do with any of the video games ever. Post your favorite character that you've never played with, doujin, iosys video, walfas comic, or just about any other cancer you can dig up. It's all kosher certified goy. I'm going to start keeping count of the threads so we can look back and bitch about not having any new players after 200 threads.


TH16 Hidden Star in Four Seasons


TH15.5 Antimony of Common Flowers



Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Versus shooting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/TH09%20~%20Phantasmagoria%20of%20Flower%20View.7z

Hisoutensoku + Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Fighting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/Touhou%2012.3%20Hisoutensoku%20v1.10a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%2010.5%20Hisouten%20v1.06a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%20Sokuroll%20v1.3.7z

Urban Legend in Limbo (JP v1.11, don't upgrade if you want to play online):

Aerial fighter.


Meddlesome Magician 2

Party game with races and fights.


Touhou Hack and Slash

Dungeon crawler with a leveling system.


Touhou Boushuen - Age of Ethanols (2.18 jp)

Simple Age of Empires clone. Suitable for those unfamiliar with RTS.


More games/info can be found on https://wishful.cc


#2hu8ch on irc.rizon.net - "Official" 8chan channel used for netplay of various secondary material. (Including the fighting games.)

#kusoplay on irc.rizon.net - Cuckchan channel, used by superplayers to post their high scores/strms. Not recommended.

#hisouten on irc.rizon.net - Channel dedicated exclusively to the fighting games, and tournaments for them. Elitist.



Secondary board.


Primary board.


Stay out of /jp/.


A new fangame has just been released on (((Steam)))! It's goes by the name of chinkchonggookjapchang ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo. It can be bought here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/776490 The chink behind this release swears that they comply with ZUN's regulations, but insider sources say that didn't include Aya as playable, therefore it may be DMCA'd soon.

Doujinstyle has officially moved to (((disagreement))) meaning that you'll now have to use one more botnet to get to the latest Comiket releases. The reporter on the scene had this to say: "This is really Jewish." Possibly more on this later, probably not.

It seems that the netplay IRC is suffering from a player drought. The niggers that frequent it have gotten so desparate that they are willing to and have been selling their bodies for games. A more prominent member's advertisements on craigslist read: "GIVE ME AN OPPONENT." Followed by conditions on how much dick they will suck versus how long they expect you to play as payment. This reporter has also found him repeatedly standing naked on a rooftop, screaming out his mantra.

There have been murmurings lately of a possible resurgence of the /jp/ Teenbro Cabal, a dreaded circlejerk bent on causing drama and controlling 8gag from the shadows. This story is further supported by a recent IRC leak from one of their hidden networks. Their unknown leader can be found in them quoted saying "It's time come back and take what's rightfully ours. Right after I finish hot-gluing my Reisen figma." This was followed by multiple member's agreements, and praises to Allah/Suika. If this new uprising is really going to happen, what does that mean for the future of our beloved boards? I fear the worst, as this time they not only have legions of /2hu/ autists, but they are rumored to have join forces with the freech goons. A powerful force indeed.

This has been your friendly local reporting tengu, signing off.

6e9d0a No.14166399

Antimony is so garbage god fucking dammit, why couldn't they just redo Soku but with new characters?

518c74 No.14166470

I can't wait for the avatar posting faggot to get the thread locked again.

0ca6db No.14166610

File: 3729791fae21bba⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 361x254, 361:254, Tewi2.jpg)

So did anyone else try Touhou Diablo? I tried it for a little bit but it's really uninteresting.

Also is meddlesome magician the one where the tewhughs are the carts as well as the drivers?


The worst part about him is that I like Tewi. And this nigger is the only one who will post her.

c7a80c No.14166630

So is that Disappearing of Gensokyo ARPG any good? I'm obviously not going to buy it, but I am wondering if it's even worth a pirate. I also need some place to get it from since IGG has been compromised. Unrelated, but is skidrow a good website to use?

b21c39 No.14166639


I'd say it's worth a pirate, it's a pretty fleshed out fangame but it does have it's problems like it being hard to dodge 90% of the projectiles in tight patterns because of how slippery movement is. I had to use a DLC character to beat Cirno. I was playing on Lunatic though so your mileage may vary.

>IGG has been compromised


b21c39 No.14166647


The only reason to play it is for the netplay, and I'm assuming you mean the 3d modelled game. The upgrades are all flat multiples of 256 and do nothing else. The bosses are decent though.

c7a80c No.14166670

File: 22cca29383956cc⋯.jpg (166.6 KB, 974x1038, 487:519, 22c936c5ef10b4c92479567e88….jpg)


Didn't you hear from the share threads? Some blokes have had trouble, especially for visual novels. In one such case, the IGG logo appeared on the title screen for one of his games and when he tried to delete it, he got some error message and couldn't even run the game.

Worst of all, some of the games injected a bitcoin miner on their computers, and that was proven by a few anons. Experience may vary, but just play it safe and make getting games from IGG your last-last resort.

0ca6db No.14166684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nevermind the last part, I was thinking of Skydrift.

Unrelated, but is this the first time we've have this fangame trouble? Weren't the Switch and PS4 game called into question?/


I usually use Moriya Shrine, but it doesn't appear to be there.

What's the game about anyway?

007f39 No.14166691

File: 6e1cd583307f2a0⋯.jpg (918.62 KB, 1275x1755, 85:117, downloadfile.jpg)

Purge yokai.

0ca6db No.14166701

File: c777a53aaef96d2⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 472x614, 236:307, Youkai Genocide.jpg)


Reimu "Sending Fairies to Cemeteries" Hakurei.

383f13 No.14166719

File: 1ca806ea4105c19⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, 1ca806ea4105c195fa9cecbcff….mp4)

when's the official english patch tasofro

fd8665 No.14166743


That's an end of the month kind of thing. Don't plan on doing it if it's gonna kill actual Touhou threads.





>IGG compromised

Well that fucking sucks.

2d55bd No.14166745


They'll just come back.


Its pretty fun. I'm sad to hear it might not be legit. Too much work was put into it to be just a "cash in".

Aya is such a pretty bird.

8d5c1d No.14166753

File: 9383aa1ca77057b⋯.jpg (181.58 KB, 985x865, 197:173, EXTREMELY DISTRESSED DOG.jpg)


Soku/AoE+ anyone?

c7a80c No.14166765

File: f7506353914b0bc⋯.jpg (221.9 KB, 800x558, 400:279, f7506353914b0bcbf9b38b7c11….jpg)


I'll play a game with you as long as you're the one who buys it for me

c78067 No.14166770


Touhou isn't a video game.

75dde9 No.14166772


what did he meme by this?

39da58 No.14166780

File: 4cd58ccb84234d6⋯.webm (7.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4cd58ccb84234d64f8ae7653e….webm)

8d5c1d No.14166791

File: 6a56c98de375b70⋯.jpg (102.84 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, smoking succubus laughing.jpg)


>he buys games

>doesn't pirate everything under the sun


I'm enjoying this meme to be honest famalam.

c7a80c No.14166800


you can't pirate most multiplayer games nig

d4767e No.14166807

File: 90cb73cdab7e25d⋯.jpg (154.41 KB, 500x792, 125:198, 1355533406679.jpg)

hallo :D

Please post cute animr girls :DD

06c490 No.14166811

EOSD/PCB/IN best set of games, prove me wrong

8d5c1d No.14166815

File: 6f19f0e700feeb6⋯.jpg (19.79 KB, 284x260, 71:65, clownpi.jpg)


Thread's for 2hu games and nearly all the ones that can be played in multiplayer can be pirated and played through direct IP/proxy hosting because they lack DRM, are you retarded or just pretending to ignore the OP?

03c05b No.14166833

File: 30c1b3361b50fdd⋯.gif (583.14 KB, 500x281, 500:281, REMOVE YOUKAI.gif)

c7a80c No.14166851


>nearly all

wham bam thank you fag

2f571f No.14166864


This is great, what's the source?

39da58 No.14166874

2f571f No.14166961

File: f48cfe6b463d746⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1088x765, 64:45, 1464138891122.jpg)

06c490 No.14167054


I want to agree with you, but level 5 is just such a fuckyou in difficulty, even on normal goddamn. It's humiliating that you can continue from the start of the level and still reply it over and over again and not succeed.

>inb4 gitgud

One major problem I had was that I used Marisa C (?) that had the 5 changeable elements ability, but unfortunately, the controls locked up on my more than once, and I had to restart.

0ca6db No.14167175

File: ba5c9b3cded9489⋯.jpg (120.52 KB, 850x1238, 425:619, Minoriko 4.jpg)

File: 3adaaa4c48642a8⋯.jpg (131.64 KB, 850x1221, 850:1221, Shizuha 16.jpg)


You know tewifag, you can still spread love of rabbits. You just can't avatarfag and spam shit every month. Why not just dump some art in a post or two and proceed with the thread?


Non of those have the Aki sisters.

078521 No.14167256

File: b2ddec7c2010827⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 395x553, 5:7, 1454871563059-1.jpg)




007f39 No.14167346


Rabbit threads are pretty much an /a/ thing now. Mark hates rabbits as much as he hates elves.

0ca6db No.14167364


Can't right now, playing Immaterial and Missing Power.

fd8665 No.14167411

File: b756ec9f0af3026⋯.webm (5.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 【魔理沙と6つのキノコ ORIGINAL SOUN….webm)


That's pretty much all I did the past couple months.


Yeah, it's pretty evident that I can't keep it up here anymore.

078521 No.14167418


maybe you should learn to play the games

078521 No.14167430

File: bb6ba4eac82a4f7⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 263x264, 263:264, 6550615183fd680163873e8178….jpg)


bump, done playing with an anon


22263d No.14167433

File: 7bee36233283538⋯.gif (64.86 KB, 481x337, 481:337, 1432662383000.gif)


Reimu "Set fires to vampires" Hakurei

22263d No.14167450

File: 84a0cc033593d54⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 174.59 KB, 365x615, 73:123, Cursed_Image.png)

File: 14b5d7ad6eeb722⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 291.82 KB, 708x1224, 59:102, tumblr_nsvq41NdUp1qkwf9xo1….png)

File: 633bc8266db5340⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 305.88 KB, 753x753, 1:1, 1409796580843.png)

File: 3d36f214c714487⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.87 KB, 452x758, 226:379, tewi.jpg)

007f39 No.14167461


Bunny Marisa is my favorite.

000000 No.14167542


Jump boost powerups are always top tier in platformers.

03c05b No.14167558


Marisa+Patchouli is very good for wave clearing but it's damage is slightly worse than average. I'd rather have a harder times with stages but have stronger damage against bosses, specially for that fucking cat.

3ac40f No.14167861


How many dicks anon? What are your rates?

91f0e4 No.14167883

File: e7d0f0de0068c06⋯.png (66.69 KB, 444x454, 222:227, 1447403515211-0.png)


Tewi is a nigger…

0ca6db No.14167918

File: 81c8a1140a1edd0⋯.jpg (200.91 KB, 1000x936, 125:117, nO.jpg)




You still up?

078521 No.14167938

File: ad9cb0a222609b6⋯.png (207.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1474573057357.png)


Yeah, sure, alright. Same IP.

0ca6db No.14167976

File: 559f9ac42fff789⋯.gif (7.22 KB, 112x160, 7:10, m u n c h.gif)


Could only play a little tonight, GGs.

c73f6c No.14168008


Doesn't matter anyways 99.9% of the time they're reups from other public places.

078521 No.14168047

*stopwatches behind u*

nothing personell

0ca6db No.14168064

File: 8e612da9170af0f⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 520x385, 104:77, Time's Up.jpg)

615cba No.14168081


DLC characters are the only ones with I-frames or an equivalent mechanic as well. Its doable without them, but the complete lack of i-frames on dodge rolls makes the game a bit more painful than it needs to be. Another part of that is the stamina meter for dodges is pitifully small for the lack of i-frames.

06c490 No.14168088


Technically, the answer is "if you don't like it, fuck off and make your own board"


0ca6db No.14168111

File: ef21369ce2f440a⋯.webm (11.38 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Overdrive Animation.webm)


Mark only cares about traffic, he could care less if the post quality is any good.

We aren't completely cuckchan yet, but we will be soon if he doesn't make any attempt at stopping the newfags/crossposters.

5bdb02 No.14168119


Oy vey shut it down.

157174 No.14168136

every time I face radicool it's a lesson on how to block on wakeup

157174 No.14168147


it was good games

078521 No.14168149

File: 78062538e34509b⋯.png (357.82 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 78062538e34509b234529607fe….png)

Good games. Such a clusterfuck because of Yukari's 241s though. Git better at blocking on wakeup.

Gonna post here from time to time for games, so keep an eye out. And git gud

157174 No.14168159


Y'know what's a clusterfuck

Sakuya's 6A that goes all the way through most character's hitboxes and whiffs if she's too close

078521 No.14168165


Sakuya's boxes in general are a giant meme.

d31b5d No.14168222

File: 67c65aab81864cc⋯.png (132.64 KB, 517x340, 517:340, touhou.png)


>that tumblr shit

Sweet mother of god.

d4767e No.14168699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad76d9 No.14168851

File: 17083f784f02b0c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 230.17 KB, 441x682, 441:682, Hotpocketi'n.png)

22263d No.14169255

File: 8c6913dfad73641⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 46.97 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 1436559673257.png)

File: 4b1405b55eca96a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 274.77 KB, 530x648, 265:324, Uncanny Suika.jpg)

File: 63b200c82b73744⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 817.93 KB, 830x1000, 83:100, WE WUZ FAIRYS.png)

File: 8915e5a35e97402⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 151.23 KB, 600x529, 600:529, 231a4234b670736be7d0660170….jpg)

848482 No.14169363


You're an awful ego poster and I hope you suffer.

0ca6db No.14169368

File: ef5276f90496162⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.95 KB, 800x585, 160:117, Trump.jpg)

File: e1776eb8e018905⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 436.8 KB, 1194x1310, 597:655, Touhou; The Movie; The Rid….png)

03c05b No.14169756


>2nd pic

This is the kind of things that drives people to commit acts of terrorism

0ca6db No.14169937

File: e7e79aab0735d2c⋯.webm (7.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, The toehoes did not deser….webm)


We can go further.

081f6e No.14169979


La creatura…

4b0850 No.14170593


is this really made by cuckold frank

000000 No.14170894

Aya is just jealous that chinamen like her about as much as they like The Last Jeweye. I thought The Disappearance of Gensokyo was fun. All the characters are fun to use, and if you feel like winning pick Cirno. Always pick Cirno.

c7a80c No.14170907

File: bc56c75983bd377⋯.gif (30.42 KB, 386x198, 193:99, 1433887791881.gif)


Just letting you know that it's mainly shitskins and fatties who are ruining Touhou right now. Besides asians (Filipinos not included), most non-whites just ruin everything they touch.

078521 No.14171060

File: f473daaba10d56e⋯.jpg (385.22 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou….jpg)



9d85b5 No.14171335

File: 3c1b2c1d815c638⋯.jpg (154.61 KB, 670x416, 335:208, 7dc409125e2ed99c0e208f57ac….jpg)

So I've been catching up on the games I've missed out starting with Ten Desires, I think DDC was my favorite so far, I haven't beaten Moonymen one yet but I really don't think I care for it. Can't get past stage 4 yet so I'm gonna keep going until I can clear it even if I have to use all my credits (I dont like that new system)

So what's the consensus on the newest Toohou? Is it a step further down the hole or is it considered a more solid title? I haven't even considered trying the fighting game since I didn't much care for Urban Legend given I never cared for the floating combat they've been styled after.

c03937 No.14171481


The newhu features average difficulty except for the last spell which is the hardest ZUN has come up with to date. The extra stage is the easiest extra.


you meme

9d85b5 No.14171599

File: 3d517b7066e8f56⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 452x281, 452:281, 5815912c9017eec41b0e1aa798….jpg)


I meant my favorite as out of the new batch,

My actual favorite is Mountain of Faith

e32fe9 No.14171900

File: cb78843ad76dcbf⋯.jpg (190.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a1.jpg)

File: ecf61c6c1f12a7d⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 480x270, 16:9, a2.gif)

File: 180d9d848ac54de⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 480x270, 16:9, a3.gif)

File: 9edc0ca9d59640d⋯.jpg (239.79 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, a4.jpg)

File: 8caa6e89c70f686⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a5.jpg)

cdace0 No.14172099

File: 3422abf07ba13a1⋯.jpg (439.4 KB, 869x1654, 869:1654, e7774a5fe10aae518ac5e25490….jpg)


>get Koishi from a random drop early

>her dodge is just toggling I-frames on and off

>her regular shot trashes everything so long as you space it to get all the hits

Game is pretty fun so far. The characters I have all play very different and it's great finding a new one and trying them out on the fly. I risked the IGG link and the only thing I noticed is the steam api crack triggering a false positive, which is normal. No "Visit IGG Games" bullshit injected into the game as far as I've seen. Also playing in windowed mode is fucked on my end because it completely loses track of the mouse if I go off the game screen. I've only put in about 30 minutes but the game is promising.

997f52 No.14172155

Ok, /v/, I'm thinking of playing Yabou No Gensokyo (AKA Gensokyo Ambition AKA RoTK Touhou edition). Now, would it be good for someone that has never played the genera before? Or should I just go play something else before booting it up?

0ca6db No.14172207

File: d6082a9b531dab6⋯.jpg (118.49 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Oy vey.jpg)


Was made by an anon from /2hu/


Relax fren, if touhou hasn't been ruined by the masses yet I doubt it ever will.


You up?

078521 No.14172215


Yeah, same IP.

0ca6db No.14172259


Sorry about the internet connection, do you wanna try again in like, five minutes?

078521 No.14172265


Sure, whatever. Just fix it somehow.

078521 No.14172311

File: 94700bd2d286894⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 536x392, 67:49, a84a3dfe98b872ee265240763e….jpg)

>game still lags like this faggot's from Brazil

0ca6db No.14172315

File: 54e734de66126f1⋯.jpg (37.53 KB, 392x495, 392:495, Big Sadness.jpg)


I dunno what the fuck is happening with it. I'll try again in like, 10 minutes.

cdace0 No.14172337


ok nvm. Koishi's dodge doesn't give I-frames, it just de-aggro's everything. Still pretty useful.

0ca6db No.14172378


Alright, let's try this one more time.

0ca6db No.14172466

File: bcb1bd63ec24e46⋯.jpg (186.76 KB, 850x598, 425:299, God save us.jpg)

Fun times, gg

I swear I don't know how my internet fucked up.

I like doing randoms, wouldn't have tried Reisen before.

078521 No.14172476

File: 52961c7c471d82e⋯.png (59.49 KB, 353x308, 353:308, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_….png)

Rip game, GG's. Learn combos/strings scrub.

0ca6db No.14172503

File: 50c53c0e02f71fc⋯.jpg (153.06 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Kitty.jpg)


14th Popularity poll is up.

Anyone know what the status is? I don't speak moonrunes yet.

4b0850 No.14172514


i used google translate to translate whole page

you need to create id

then activate id that you get on email

then you rate 2hus games and soundtracks

f21f36 No.14172560

Aya is such a slut flying around with such a short skirt

157174 No.14173435


Be nice, fugger. Or at least, make it easier for people to actually git gud by posting a guide on how to set up your own hosts.

because i certainly can't do either

078521 No.14174696

File: 7062471b083e9e0⋯.png (898.34 KB, 920x1148, 230:287, 7062471b083e9e0c6b28e13f78….png)


>because i certainly can't do either

Open whatever port you like, host a game, put in that port and hit confirm. If you can't open ports because of some bullshit you can try to use 80 or 443 if you're not running a web server on your machine.

If you want to test whether it werks or not I'm here, so post whenever.

9ea3d6 No.14174714


how to host soku:

>Open port that you will use

99% guarantee that all fags who can't already host don't know how to do this. If you don't know how to do this, please learn how to handle your router, modem hybrid first by searching and reading the manual for your company/model/version

If you can't access your router, do NOT use shitty online or download services that tell you that they can open your ports for you, they are a adware/trojan traps and never work

Alternatively use hamachi, evolve or similar VPN tunnel services if you can't access your router for one reason or another

>Run soku with sokuroll

>Go to VS network and select server setup and place the port you opened in there

Default's 10800. I don't recommend using anything prior to the 00700-range. Port 80 is always open but it's HTML, therefore always in use if you have a browser or whatever open and some fags may be unable to connect to you because of conflicts

>Post IP on thread and wait warmly

External/Router/internet IP, not your Internal computer IP. If you don't know what's the difference or how to check for your external IP, just go to https://www.whatismyip.com/ and copy it from there

966994 No.14176805

File: 433364fc89afced⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ZUN_thenetstar.jpg)

Why does Zun looks so old? Here he is at 31 and he looks like hes almost 50.

0c2ed1 No.14176904


Because he's an asian with one X and one Y chromosome, instead of two X ones. The Y chromosome seems to disable the "look the same until you're 49 then shrink to half your size and turn into a granny" gene.

000000 No.14176947



Alcohol does age you unfortunately. Good thing about nip genes is that it stops for about another 30 years, but then they hit a brick wall around 60, Also.

>Bad lighting.

Probably more that, but I don't think he is the healthiest of nips. Considering a lot of sitting down time.


Was it 49?

0ca6db No.14181803

File: a03b8bc5725dce4⋯.webm (10.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Boot 2hu Head.webm)


157174 No.14181882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ca6db No.14182014

File: 7dec8fe6d86c8c5⋯.png (2.16 MB, 2000x2177, 2000:2177, Compass Chen.png)


I'm always impressed with the shit autists in this community come up with.

0b3a91 No.14182021

File: fa5d856e6539dc8⋯.jpeg (73 KB, 639x509, 639:509, 3F703988-2531-453E-9132-D….jpeg)


Unless your name is Hirohiko Araki

0ca6db No.14182089

File: f4a1412a28dbfba⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 746x746, 1:1, Absolutely Rabbit.gif)



000000 No.14182102


I can't find a good reason NOT to use Cirno. I feel like they made her the strongest as part of her memes.

>Primary attack slows enemy

>Secondary attack kind of useless but basically works as an area slow.

>Bomb freezes enemies in place and even does damage to some amount that it can actually finish off weaker enemies and has the most range of almost any bomb.

>Her primary attack doesn't have that irritating start up "reload" time all the other 2hus have. It just starts working immediately and never stops, even if you get hit its not too much an issue since it starts up again.

I almost feel like picking Cirno was part of the joke considering how much overtly better she is in a game about wave clearying and crowd control. Her only real down side is that her attacks don't kill fast enough, so I guess if I play on lunatic difficulty or maybe actually get to later stages I will need to pick someone else for killing speed.

517a86 No.14182124

File: e185cd478a09cd1⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 7.01 MB, 200x360, 5:9, rabbit rabbit rabbit.mp4)


71e697 No.14182136

File: c366e8efcd66fdc⋯.jpg (224.37 KB, 1073x932, 1073:932, c366e8efcd66fdcf84649047d4….jpg)


gibe opponent pls

5244d4 No.14182139

Is pop team epic made by touhou guy?

71e697 No.14182149


bkub, yes.

0ca6db No.14182157

File: 74fa6c67128e64a⋯.png (57 KB, 397x260, 397:260, Cat.png)


It was made by bkub, who made a lot of twohugh comics.

bc26a6 No.14182277


>Is this the Rabbit thread?

the thread's not been deleted yet, so no

157174 No.14182345



How do I barrier-break into a high-jump?

Whenever I do, it seems like I back-step and it just fucks me right up.

71e697 No.14182353


hold 7 instead of 4 and doubletap dash while blocking

you can also hold 8 9 or 6, however in mid-air you can only escape backwards and forwards

e32fe9 No.14182387

File: f7576a6147d18d5⋯.webm (4.76 MB, 638x478, 319:239, Touhou Ball Z.webm)

>How Soku threads look when spectating.

It normals out after 1 or two matches.

157174 No.14182409



Thank for game and not bodying me with Reimu, Sakuya, or Marisa.

I'm wondering when you'll eventually go to remilia and start accidentally perfecting people with her dash-throughs.

I am so fucking sorry for that Sanae frog-hopping match.

71e697 No.14182410

Good games, host still up.


Hope you learned some new tricks from this.

71e697 No.14182422

File: 70ce3cc9fd8b23e⋯.png (267.65 KB, 1250x1425, 50:57, 144796528364.png)


you're not

157174 No.14182552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>When the Mei-Lings break into a colorful ballet match mid-game.

f95a65 No.14182640

File: e115ddb01579d16⋯.png (424.25 KB, 1031x1014, 1031:1014, Failure.png)

Good games, I'm rusty but still had fun.

71e697 No.14182642

File: a29543ff8ad9ee6⋯.jpg (187.12 KB, 782x1000, 391:500, headpats.jpg)

Good games. Meiling's really fun but hard to use properly. Serb still up.

e32fe9 No.14182788

File: caa96989f6163b5⋯.webm (5.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, zoomed in Tenshi-Cirno.webm)


GGs, I finally one a match. Sakuya Dive kick is much better then I thought.

71e697 No.14182794


Sakuya is rapid-fire knife spam and punishing with melee. Surprised you didn't spam that much.

Serb still up, if no one joins in half an hour I'm gone.

0ca6db No.14186767

File: 52fadb75e3aa1f8⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 487x615, 487:615, Chen and Chen 2.jpg)


76a344 No.14186794


>bullied Kanako

don't do this to me friend.

44c474 No.14186797

File: a3443ebfdc950fb⋯.png (653.68 KB, 598x558, 299:279, What the fuck is going on.PNG)

I'm interested in getting into Touhou but I have no idea on where to start. Any pointers or games I should play first?

0ca6db No.14186810

File: 73bfc49b98bb204⋯.gif (280.77 KB, 373x200, 373:200, Maximum Overdrive.gif)



Start with either 6 or 7, then try whatever looks interesting. I suggest the PC98 games.

b2738d No.14186818

44c474 No.14186840

File: 1bb2181d5600e94⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 237x237, 1:1, 1424199147907-4.jpg)

3ac40f No.14191572

File: c076ca43082d115⋯.png (15.41 KB, 640x469, 640:469, wew.png)


Komachi is a nigger too, who plays nigger games.

e32fe9 No.14196314

File: c47ac5038525075⋯.png (721.92 KB, 1217x1060, 1217:1060, __komano_aun_touhou_drawn_….png)

File: 066e8eaf0fc1e92⋯.png (1.99 MB, 912x1281, 304:427, __doremy_sweet_and_kishin_….png)

File: 2117ee049664ff9⋯.png (502.8 KB, 888x888, 1:1, __doremy_sweet_and_usami_s….png)

File: 67203b2b836c057⋯.png (8.02 KB, 440x440, 1:1, __doremy_sweet_hakurei_rei….png)

File: e7d1115bc3897ee⋯.png (714.58 KB, 1064x1060, 266:265, __doremy_sweet_hakurei_rei….png)

I'm glad Doremy's special was so well received, but will we ever find out why she is so smug?!

3ac40f No.14196357


She knows what you dream about.

3ac40f No.14196380

File: 54be9713682b199⋯.webm (765.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, REMOVE.webm)

b2738d No.14197102

File: fca3420268eb38e⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 900x1271, 900:1271, 豊作.jpg)

File: 80133dbbdc81314⋯.jpg (451.74 KB, 1029x1143, 343:381, 煎餅菓子.jpg)

File: 0453648973a0813⋯.jpg (700.05 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 最近描いた雷鼓ちゃんと愉快な仲間たち(R18あり) ….jpg)

File: e40f01ad63f0d74⋯.jpg (574.54 KB, 1898x1276, 949:638, 玩梗 62914204_p0.jpg)

File: cc5b5b43e042609⋯.jpg (280.43 KB, 700x990, 70:99, ベッドマンズチェスト.jpg)


The sheep mecha looks retarded, to be honest.

e32fe9 No.14198731

File: b2438c2dabbcb76⋯.jpg (981.47 KB, 912x1281, 304:427, __doremy_sweet_and_kishin_….jpg)

File: a60fe6ff3cb935b⋯.png (694.11 KB, 912x1281, 304:427, __doremy_sweet_and_kishin_….png)

File: 7650c9d6667c30a⋯.png (566.78 KB, 1000x694, 500:347, __doremy_sweet_izayoi_saku….png)

File: 95cb44efe820e9f⋯.jpg (147.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, __doremy_sweet_kamille_bid….jpg)

File: 94fa2fa88396aa2⋯.png (8.43 KB, 350x374, 175:187, __doremy_sweet_touhou_draw….png)


I'm pretty sure humor was the intended reaction so mission accomplished?

0ca6db No.14198818

File: 39db09842158e11⋯.png (629.79 KB, 544x491, 544:491, Doremy secret message.png)

e32fe9 No.14200145

File: 946bfcee0c46caa⋯.webm (3.42 MB, 1280x366, 640:183, Okina REACTION Getting ov….webm)

File: ccd0e57ce7c4473⋯.jpg (104.95 KB, 873x873, 1:1, Touhou_4171c8_6037670.jpg)

File: b4bda996c64351c⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Touhou comp by yoruny_7268….jpg)

File: 21ca9192dc36129⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 428x456, 107:114, 21c.jpg)


Sorry, I'm at a Loss what the message is. I think its meaning failed its delivery. So I aborted my attempts.

Its been a while since we did hack and slash, anyone want to try another go at it at some point?

0ca6db No.14200302


I could go sometime tomorrow.

202d85 No.14201082

>Japan prefers Shion over jo'on

Dammit. I prefer the richfag better, and she's really fun to play.

3ac40f No.14201331

File: aa9f2d7ae54c777⋯.webm (7.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, push it to the limit.webm)

>16MB limit

I might start encoding more of these if I could remember how.

d9bd81 No.14202612

File: a827d97f2c09f31⋯.jpg (561.6 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, image.jpg)


>16MB webms

How long have we had this?

40d9e3 No.14202632


Pretty sure that we already had them when Codemonkeys April fools joke wen't wrong the hack occured.

e32fe9 No.14202670

File: ae1bfdf9d6dfae6⋯.webm (13.25 MB, 852x480, 71:40, [TouHou MMD] 【第16回MMD杯本選】….webm)


For a good while now.

e32fe9 No.14203499

File: 873a0a0e134d53c⋯.webm (15.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Spoiler Playthrough- Yuug….webm)

2ab1ce No.14204605

Here's the link for Touhou Doom in case you want to try it out as it has been updated since the last time it was posted.


2ab1ce No.14204836


Also here is an optional addon that adds in functional healthbars for the 2hu bosses as well as a score system.


cf4e39 No.14207181

File: edce8b3e945a95c⋯.jpg (192.24 KB, 1920x1170, 64:39, poster.jpg)

Does anyone have and willing to share this film?

1e9a62 No.14211532

Anybody wanna play soku?

5cc4b9 No.14211639



shame the mod is as bad as it is

51e2e5 No.14211717

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


uploaded it for you

0ca6db No.14211830

File: f3b5683bd1463b3⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 425x615, 85:123, Soku Spongemang.jpg)


>What did he mean by this


Sure, if you're free in an hour.

b5774e No.14215123

File: 10dcd21edc873a0⋯.jpg (186.29 KB, 843x1034, 843:1034, page 9.jpg)

e70085 No.14216696


>he didn't make it to the second episode

6f659e No.14218870


Never fail to deliver.

ff685f No.14219113

File: 1ea984a0d1b9046⋯.jpg (378.29 KB, 1900x1900, 1:1, sleepy touhous.jpg)


I don't get it.

3ac40f No.14222879

File: 91289ab76ab04f4⋯.gif (8.2 KB, 98x114, 49:57, Gengetsu.gif)

Anyone try Touhou Puppet Dance Performance? It's fully translated without the expansion and has working netplay!

af93eb No.14223052


yeah i played it and it was good

shame hemo wont make another expansion with th16 addition

0ca6db No.14226509

File: e9ab92a495cca5f⋯.jpeg (39.72 KB, 634x580, 317:290, image.jpeg)

I'm gonna get a controller so I can play Soku and other games.

Anyone got experience with the iBuffalo? It looks reliable.

a738e6 No.14226586


Got one of those for an emubox I made a few months back. It's pretty terrible.

D-pad is too raised and 'clicky' and had problems with some buttons being in turbo mode if hit while other buttons were held down. I assume there was a wiring mess inside that I didn't want to deal with for that price of controller. It made running jumps impossible because while holding dash button the jump button would go into turbo mode and just do micro jumps.

It wasn't related to having the 'turbo' button on since the instant you released the dash it would function normally. I probably could have fixed it by prying it open and checking out the wires, but for a 15$ controller I didn't bother.

d2361f No.14226600

File: b742e145ca5c330⋯.jpg (3.3 KB, 296x177, 296:177, 1348242941927.jpg)

File: 139412d054343d8⋯.png (5.74 KB, 296x177, 296:177, 1348242997133.png)

File: 85cfb15c47a394b⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 296x177, 296:177, 1348243028960.jpg)

d89d7b No.14226776

File: d1c2b8d83d8136a⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 670x671, 670:671, image.jpeg)


Well that's disappointing, do you have any recommendations for d-pad only gamepads?

7efdf9 No.14226853


Any cheap controller is bound to come with a shitty gamepad, (except the logitech's but these break on their own in 3 months), my advice to get a good gamepad is to buy an oficial console controller, in my experience these always work really well and since i am mostly a d pad user since all i play with gamepads are emulators and fighting games i have gone through plenty of brands and price ranges

252395 No.14226892


That's awesome Chen!

Do it again!

afdd54 No.14226953


I fucking love Le Honk Honk Silly Cat

d2361f No.14226987

File: 67ba3fd556346ba⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 600x450, 4:3, disgusting.jpg)


Fuck you

261902 No.14228194


>Anyone tried Touhou Puppet Dance Performance?

It's good, but gets stupidly hard at the end.

There is also expansion, but translations efforts for it went FUBAR.

3e7c5f No.14228262

File: 6b25a28fbdf1ecc⋯.jpg (241.67 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1282554552763.jpg)

File: 56cbf5abf71ee73⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2048x1517, 2048:1517, 3734339_p0.png)


Oh man.

3ac40f No.14228979


Why did I think your 2nd image was that human centipede one.

ce611a No.14229117

File: e276f058cca06f9⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 540x720, 3:4, 1506275281609-0.webm)

File: 61c9fa03ecb9795⋯.webm (3.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1506274322131-0.webm)


845203 No.14229153

File: e7160c0ef456dda⋯.png (114.22 KB, 500x375, 4:3, e7160c0ef456dda47ef81c190c….png)


simply epic

2dd4b6 No.14229425


It's a little late, but I have the film here.


IIRC ZUN isn't featured that much, but he does make some appearances.

0ca6db No.14230574

File: 3341bae1e005ddb⋯.gif (903.25 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, D E L E T.gif)

8e0306 No.14231865


Saturn pads are popular with the Japs.


The Yama states in PoFV that Yuuka has lived for too long. No specific age is given. I don't know about Oni. Not every magician is a youkai. Marisa is a human magician. If a human from the village willfully turns into a youkai, the Shrine Maiden will come to kill them. I don't know of any rule against a human becoming a god. Gods are not considered youkai. I've always wondered how Reimu would react if Marisa decided to become a youkai. Supposedly the Shrine Maiden won't follow a human turned youkai if they leave Gensokyo.

0ca6db No.14232611

File: 4fb88bd4a0d10af⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 692x614, 346:307, What's going on in this th….jpg)


You wanna play?

96db1f No.14232705


IIRC magicians are a distinct species from youkai, just like divine spirits like Kanako are distinct entities from "wild" gods like Suwako. Perhaps more importantly, I don't think magicians need human fear to sustain themselves, whereas youkai do - which obviously could produce problems for humans and undesirable competition for proper youkai if everyone and his mom tried to transform into a youkai for the sake of immortality or whatnot. Hence Reimu killing the fuck out of the Fortune Teller.


Shikigami are familairs like Ran and Chen. You're thinking of shinigamis, and even then, the act of killing mortals who got quite a bit older than they should is carried out by a type of oni called kishin (Seiga had some fun with them).

At any rate, oni as mythological beings are biologically immortal to begin with, and magicians simply are so filled with magic that they can stop their life clock - compared to shikasen like Seiga or the rest of the Taoist crew who cheated death by using "replacement clocks".

As for people becoming gods - see Kanako. Immortality and everything, but heavens help you if you run out of faith.

615cba No.14232784


>the shrine maiden will come kill them

More like blithely stumble on them and that fact because she was too lazy to find out it was happening in the first place.

1e9a62 No.14232992

File: ea0234d78f3a009⋯.jpg (69.03 KB, 442x433, 442:433, sample-e0a6a0aaa33c7a5f232….jpg)


Are you still here?

0ca6db No.14233013

File: 845f027bfa442eb⋯.jpg (188.33 KB, 700x1607, 700:1607, It's cold.jpg)


Playan with a friend, will be back in a jif

cd6f7e No.14233018

The new OP is nice. Btw, I'm playing LLS again. I really wanna clear the extra stage.

0ca6db No.14233205


still here?

9043b8 No.14233219


I'll play anon. Been a while for me, but losing was pretty fun last time.

9043b8 No.14233224


Also, would I need to host? I have the proper port forwarding done, so it'd be no issue for me.

0ca6db No.14233228

File: e212a6b60b69d95⋯.jpg (83.83 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, Casual Ran.jpg)


I tried doing it an hour ago and hit a wall. You can host if you want.

9043b8 No.14233234


Up at

0ca6db No.14233291

File: 803bc6be458d446⋯.gif (329.68 KB, 500x279, 500:279, Glass of Water.gif)

>Alice mains

My only weakness


9043b8 No.14233301

File: 85102d814deea3d⋯.png (78.05 KB, 500x366, 250:183, 67c44633e0ef5cbdb72a82664d….png)


Muh dolls


1e9a62 No.14233320

File: 7fb126aeea60abd⋯.png (14.96 KB, 290x290, 1:1, 7fb126aeea60abdce10dc594eb….png)

soku up at >>14167256

f6cd62 No.14235974

Hey niggers, someone I know keeps trying to get me to play touhou fangames but I have barely played any of the mainline games so that'd make me a secondary if I did play them. When does someone stop being a secondary?

1e9a62 No.14236019


Get to clearing mainline games on at least normal. Then get to completing fangames because LoT2, TGoS and FMW are too good.

f6cd62 No.14236047


>Get to clearing mainline games on at least normal

How many?

1e9a62 No.14236083


How the fuck should I know? Go for a high score.

a3fb26 No.14236105



1cc one game with one character.

1e9a62 No.14237158


9d102e No.14237236


Clearing UFO on hard is a very reliable measure of not being a secondary

3ac40f No.14237380


Getting a 1cc in 6-16 on normal gives you a primary license which must be renewed every time a newhu comes out by clearing said game.

28aab9 No.14242813

File: d9230752003ea17⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 390x261, 130:87, chenq.jpg)

where are the video games?

6d0769 No.14242928


Read damn OP faggot and learn how to use search engine already.

28aab9 No.14243028

File: 527d1c59619d513⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2072x1256, 259:157, orin4x.png)



How come you're upset at such a simple question?

I'm not asking if touhou is a game. I'm asking where the videogames are at because nobody is hostan game and the irc is dead silent.

6d0769 No.14243065


>How come you're upset at such a simple question?

Shit threads and posts everywhere.

28aab9 No.14243209

File: 509f40ffccac726⋯.png (6.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, eh.png)


Ah, that's understandable. There's been a constant influx of newfags and vols have been protecting them now under Mark's words and actions instead of allowing anons to deal with them and their shit threads.

It's such a shame that this board and /pol/ have fallen so low, you used to have good discussions here. Now it's all shitposting and memegenerator image threads.

3ac40f No.14243284


The IRC becomes alive around this hour, we're sorry if you got scared off because of the idling jew.

6d0769 No.14243289


>vols have been protecting them now under Mark's words and actions instead of allowing anons to deal with them and their shit threads.

Actually no, vols are mincing their threads right now, but either it's still too slow or there is just too many of them.

1e9a62 No.14244381

>where are the videogames at

play soku with me motherfuckers


e1f9de No.14249386

File: f161d9819fac611⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 228x239, 228:239, honk4.jpg)

i heard there hasn't been a single shitpost done here all day.

gonna fix that right about now

3ac40f No.14255261

File: 285017650ac8235⋯.png (13.51 KB, 417x344, 417:344, oekaki.png)

e32fe9 No.14255407

File: 8564b76820d3264⋯.webm (15.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sm31765137.webm)

0ca6db No.14255765

File: e8cd4fffc01f3ab⋯.gif (668.41 KB, 250x184, 125:92, Chen goes to hatechan.gif)

I forgot this thread was here

94bdd9 No.14255792

File: 36ed1b57e9e8950⋯.jpg (965.54 KB, 2105x2074, 2105:2074, 1479892993752.jpg)

Are there any youkai RTS games?

3ac40f No.14255794


boushuen in the op

3ac40f No.14255891


Also you better post the rest, don't cuck me like that.

4e0712 No.14255934


>don't cuck me like that.

>Using the word incorrectly like a retard

3ac40f No.14255969


It was a typo, I meant to say don't zuck me like that.

23bc84 No.14255980

Apparently there's an open source Touhou game. Art is pretty bad, but the rest seems fine:


0ca6db No.14256057

File: f8a3048bbbaa479⋯.png (54.71 KB, 128x252, 32:63, ClipboardImage.png)


Why do so many people have a hard time replicating ZUN's art? It shouldn't be that hard.

4e0712 No.14256123


ZUN is a much better artist than I am.

0ca6db No.14256128

File: c78fa652fb4bb6b⋯.jpg (126.9 KB, 600x803, 600:803, Peak of humanity.jpg)


Try getting blitzed before drawing

320277 No.14256348


It has fine gameplay, but artwork needs to get better.

Artwork is nearly on tumblr level.

d2361f No.14256357


I think the only thing wrong there is the eyes.

a0e1f3 No.14260853


And the mouth, hands and knives. Seriously though, why is her left eye almost double of her right eye.

789283 No.14260894




3ac40f No.14262595

File: 1b5df20af70159e⋯.png (193.29 KB, 528x686, 264:343, sakuyaoekaki.png)

23bc84 No.14266266

File: 7e64ddd9126fe3a⋯.png (390.88 KB, 1280x1810, 128:181, reimu_hakurei.png)


Apparently, the next major version is getting all the art replaced by this guy's:

615679 No.14266306


Much better.


>no nose

>mouth isn't visible

1a8ef4 No.14266326

File: 2223647193c197c⋯.jpg (364.56 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 29515648 - natutoyo.jpg)


Please tell me you're kidding. I'll accept it with spin-offs like the Fairy Wars game, and the fighting games, but the main series should always be his work. Too bad he'll never do a crossover using TOKIAME.

1a8ef4 No.14266344

Oh yeah…


>not recognizing Itou Life

Go read his works involving Patchouli if you value your LIFE.

23bc84 No.14266467


You can see the mouth, just embiggen the image.

23bc84 No.14266471


It's an open source fan game. The fact that it's getting decent art at all is as much as we can hope for.

1a8ef4 No.14266477


Just bully me for not reading far up enough in the reply chain to realize he wasn't talking about ZUN.

23bc84 No.14266484


I'm aware. But Zun has said fan games are fine as long as they're not commercial. So I don't see the problem.

1a8ef4 No.14266488


That wasn't my problem, I know all about the derivative work conditions he laid out. I was worried that ZUN was taking on someone else to do the art in his games.

331f37 No.14266489

DARKSiDERS is cancer

23bc84 No.14266498

File: 379b6babe392be2⋯.jpg (78.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Oh. No. All that's happening is the super shitty art is getting replaced in Taisei.

1a8ef4 No.14266509

File: ebf287741104047⋯.jpg (27.49 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 88daee5046ce1a1c4aa64108d9….jpg)


Holy god damn, I played Taisei ages ago but do not remember the portraits being anywhere near that awful. Yeah burn it. >>14266266 is boring but manageable.

3ac40f No.14266530


>vertical speed faster than horizontal speed


23bc84 No.14266538


You got that just from looking at Cirno's manly face?

0bfc02 No.14266541


I rather like that sharp black shading, reminds me of twewy. Don't know the name for that style.

1a8ef4 No.14266557

File: 97f3ecb40b77e1a⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 416x776, 52:97, 1278779857984.jpg)

File: 5c92e7a3f60b414⋯.png (37.78 KB, 302x640, 151:320, 1370178187015.png)


It's some sort of vector art. Also yeah this was old Taisei art. Still terrible but not offensive.

3ac40f No.14266567


meant to reply to


1a8ef4 No.14266571

File: c2d470ce43a5ab2⋯.png (94.62 KB, 245x500, 49:100, hina.png)

File: ee123e461b2703b⋯.png (82.12 KB, 227x500, 227:500, marisa.png)

File: 4dcdccbe6191758⋯.png (60.43 KB, 300x395, 60:79, youmu.png)

Argh. That's the in-battle sprite, and those are apparently unchanged too! But the original really did have different portraits and they were about as bad as the new ones.

3b5580 No.14266627


I wonder what tha anime girls inner thighs smell like.

3ac40f No.14267249


You don't want to know.

3ac40f No.14268410

File: 1cddf46388b6d34⋯.png (330.01 KB, 710x900, 71:90, rumiaoekaki.png)

7ddd53 No.14268445

File: c9880630e257f92⋯.png (170.69 KB, 605x354, 605:354, you did not delet this so ….png)


Spoiler that shit.

what the fuck happened to hina

1e9a62 No.14268465

File: d491738a3debd6a⋯.jpg (125.7 KB, 960x960, 1:1, reimu_gangsta.jpg)

Anyone want to play soku?

7ddd53 No.14268470

File: 2ebb84df0dd9894⋯.png (113.66 KB, 348x263, 348:263, dubs kata.png)


I want to play soku.

1cb62e No.14268523


>Those arms on Hina

Obey the walrus!

789283 No.14268647

14cf18 No.14268655

File: 316fba7c73fcf88⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 438x438, 1:1, shitposting_license.jpg)

1e9a62 No.14268714


>post and forget about this because no one ever replies

>reply within FUCKING MINUTES



f3eac1 No.14268793

File: d4260ee70723e97⋯.png (49.68 KB, 1224x765, 8:5, Ruse'd.png)


I said that i want to play,not that i would play.

0ca6db No.14268825

File: 45ad5c5c9fdb948⋯.png (152.53 KB, 850x1048, 425:524, Inquisitive Judge 2.png)

Is Komachi any good in Soku?


I can probably play if you're free later tonight

4eb98a No.14269041

>zero porn in the entire thread

What the fuck happened you to, /v/?

0ca6db No.14269100

File: a91b7677e9f3eae⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 492x615, 4:5, Chen n Ran 7.jpg)


Touhou threads don't usually have porn aside from one or two posts

d2361f No.14269101


I'd like some porn please,good sir.

0ca6db No.14269128

File: bb9046623ce8587⋯.png (287.42 KB, 482x615, 482:615, Mokou Tiddies.png)

File: 697a4e8f777e20d⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 475x615, 95:123, More Mokou Tiddies.jpg)

File: 421e2a05d2df936⋯.jpg (201.09 KB, 850x601, 850:601, Still more Mokou Tiddies.jpg)

File: 5618379568b967a⋯.png (301.85 KB, 436x615, 436:615, Tiddies.png)


Most I can do

d2361f No.14269145


Not really porn but,it's something.

f2664b No.14269147

File: 96053f720c1b901⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1000x1150, 20:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Mokou is not lewd

0ca6db No.14269153

File: c8a6a288466eb01⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 723x615, 241:205, Kiss the Cook.jpg)

File: 3d4801203420384⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, Wedding Mokou.jpg)


Not untrue

d2361f No.14269181

Can i get some wholesome lewd doujins at least.

name drop a few if you dont wanna link

755dfa No.14269216

File: d94d28869494cef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 194.54 KB, 1280x922, 640:461, 12995176_p22.jpg)


>inb4 spoiler this shit


0ca6db No.14269228

File: 224d354caaa982b⋯.png (336 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Touhou.png)


Why would you do this?

0b4e09 No.14269250

File: 4b2dcf4444f486c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 548.42 KB, 669x900, 223:300, もこぱいもみもみ.png)

File: d57c766b8ea81f3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.79 KB, 800x800, 1:1, まとめ 50605043_p16_master120….jpg)

File: 56868113fd41d50⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 191.81 KB, 640x640, 1:1, もこたん 62507249_p0.png)


titty mokou is pretty great.

d2361f No.14269258


You are cruel,i just wanted some happy love

3ac40f No.14269261

File: 3ad5db21e9dc206⋯.jpg (4.23 MB, 10000x8400, 25:21, 1424324016446.jpg)

0c84a9 No.14269359

File: b885b89c80336f7⋯.png (199.26 KB, 742x555, 742:555, 423552663.png)


I don't think that such a thing would happen in real life.

But one can dream

1e9a62 No.14269419

File: 902eb15bfe8db03⋯.png (87.92 KB, 254x236, 127:118, 1505409067617.png)


Sure, give me a (you) when you're ready


there is someone that mains komachi on IRC, he can't deal with aggression all that much because the character is slow and he doesn't know how to abuse coins/hakurei charms yet, however her range can really fuck you up if you let her gain ground and her 236 alt gives her huge damage potential

played many games against her and it's been very fun, there's a lot of options but she's a slow character that has range to compensate

23aab1 No.14269460

File: 73fc335561cff8f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 80.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2017_2_11_0_57_20.jpg)

File: 85caf3773e9e887⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 427.77 KB, 944x904, 118:113, 主に霊夢の東方カップリング絵集_p4_master1….jpg)

File: 6d6586046576103⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.29 KB, 620x876, 155:219, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_dra….jpg)

File: e8f3c955307729d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 50.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 4891705_p0.png)

File: 689c9a8d15dce8a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 64.5 KB, 761x521, 761:521, ThGK_Bunbunmaru5.jpg)

Best girl. She's absolutely stunning.

1a8ef4 No.14270107

File: 260e2da5dee9113⋯.png (978.36 KB, 1399x2000, 1399:2000, 005.png)


I already mentioned Itou Life. Get to it. Anything of his works well but he did one of my favourites involving Yukari. Best known for Wriggle.

0bfc02 No.14271375

File: 14784d0bf42a4a2⋯.jpg (425.5 KB, 1166x1900, 583:950, 62513546_p0.jpg)


What's with the bloodpack on her chest though.

0ca6db No.14272065

File: 9c056cea581143c⋯.png (376.65 KB, 1654x1318, 827:659, Chen plays the accordion.png)


Sorry for the hold up, I was practicing before connecting and fell asleep. You still up?

3b5580 No.14272143



I would just like to smell them and maybe kiss them a bit, i bet she's really clean down there and smells of flower fields.

1e9a62 No.14272339


Right now, yeah. Reply and I'll host.

0ca6db No.14272561

File: 9a0387d910a6d81⋯.png (28.28 KB, 470x615, 94:123, Excited Memecat 3.png)

1e9a62 No.14272585

673d3a No.14272592


The winter war had nothing to do with nazis, though

85bab8 No.14272605


She's a tengu, that's probably not what her inner thighs smell like

1e9a62 No.14272612

>controller disconnects


0ca6db No.14272705

File: 0a482ab4d82217e⋯.jpg (183.33 KB, 750x1049, 750:1049, Grand theft Touhou.jpg)


I've been trying to mix up who I play with, but I feel like I'm still only good with Yuyuko.

1e9a62 No.14272729


Stick to one character and learn their timings, all skills save for a few have their place in a match and it's up to you when to use them. Serb still up for like 15 minutes.

b80d0a No.14278395

To this day, I still don't know what the fuck touhou is

0ca6db No.14278428

File: 975be51a178d68d⋯.png (535.77 KB, 790x615, 158:123, Water.png)


Its a shmup about magic lolis

8fbea6 No.14278439

File: 1249c95cd0f7ba9⋯.gif (328.19 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 첸삼킨다.gif)


It's series of comics made by nickname bkub

0ca6db No.14278505

File: 95f245c10fe52b0⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 850x680, 5:4, Took a walk.jpg)


also this

0bfc02 No.14278622

File: 330255223b76976⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 252.64 KB, 1280x1779, 1280:1779, 1.jpg)

File: b46819ba485b2d6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 228.22 KB, 1280x1779, 1280:1779, 2.jpg)

File: b47a826c8487712⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 494.67 KB, 1280x1804, 320:451, 3.jpg)


It's lewd and dirty stuff, pic related.

30d64c No.14278634


I recommend you never find out.

007f39 No.14278638

File: 3cba6be2a84cd38⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 740x1045, 148:209, 467716886e1e536992f33c6f2b….jpg)

File: 10c49a0768f3c38⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 9097be1fcc7f21f73a55c82f4d….jpg)


56ae55 No.14278646



Fucking ruined.

007f39 No.14278655

File: 7e7e07b23ea8d51⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 322.42 KB, 781x1000, 781:1000, 270dc2836d60a33c568ce30280….png)

File: 8d785c99ce11f62⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 211.2 KB, 766x979, 766:979, 0b824f71f051e9fa63e075a02b….png)

Not enough Reimoo.

c7a80c No.14280237

File: 660ad89bcddf5b8⋯.png (41.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 660ad89bcddf5b8f03ce3d9b67….png)



>fucking ruined

Oh yeah, as if the gore didn't ruin it. Kill yourself as soon as possible, you don't deserve a 2hu.



Reimu is flat

0ca6db No.14280669

File: af4051ac97a5cec⋯.jpeg (44.36 KB, 510x708, 85:118, Momiji.jpeg)

How big is Gensokyo supposed to be?

8fbea6 No.14281547

File: 04c684fdc6555e7⋯.jpeg (59.9 KB, 356x339, 356:339, disgusted raymoo.jpeg)


But anon it's neither lewd or dirty it's just shit.

d32dcc No.14281745


I like to believe that this is canon, and her chest wraps are magic.

3ac40f No.14282619


This is pretty tame considering 2/3 of them fully regenerate and live to see another day.

b8f976 No.14283417


Terrible post

8e0306 No.14288804

File: bd0a4904651853e⋯.png (2.85 KB, 67x85, 67:85, undefined.png)

What is this?

00e7d0 No.14289021


>Second pic

Good fucking riddance

3ac40f No.14290327

File: 0ec1958643c4dd8⋯.jpg (180.81 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1443665411126.jpg)

3ac40f No.14298210

File: 3fd511518dc1e66⋯.jpg (157.85 KB, 798x600, 133:100, manicotti.jpg)

It's time to let it die.

3ac40f No.14298212

File: 49731d30c24ce98⋯.jpg (160.93 KB, 798x600, 133:100, mostaccioli.jpg)

3ac40f No.14298213

File: f1821df30bcd570⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 798x598, 399:299, rotini.jpg)

3ac40f No.14298216

File: cef966bececc585⋯.png (223.83 KB, 796x727, 796:727, 2ae9dc0bdd542d4e107e810c1b….png)

3ac40f No.14298218

File: 60b9fd9829038af⋯.jpg (39.16 KB, 455x500, 91:100, 60b9fd9829038af171fd178e80….jpg)

3ac40f No.14298219

File: 271253adf0b19e2⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 850x883, 850:883, 271253adf0b19e20ede366c43e….jpg)

3ac40f No.14298220

File: f3949e3217a04b4⋯.jpg (311.38 KB, 1500x1700, 15:17, 1211069125299.jpg)

3ac40f No.14298228

File: 25b163529ac91b6⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1754x1240, 877:620, 1912bb48e58818dd22b656fae9….jpg)

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