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/a/ - Animu & Mango

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Welcome to /a/, please read the rules before posting.
Reminder that in the event 8ch goes down, our bunker will still be up and running.
Other boards to try: /animu/, /cute/, /rec/, /ameta/, /u/

File: 2162686fce20508⋯.png (1007.78 KB, 750x1050, 5:7, edfce8db0f0634c9e6b03bd057….png)


We're running low on maids. Usually it's not much of an issue, but it does mean that we do have random holes in our coverage where reports can go unattended for hours on end. A number of anons have been prodding us about it, so we're opening another maid recruitment drive today. If you'd like to apply, post in this thread with your email address in the appropriate field (purpose-made cock.li is fine) and we'll send you back an application form. We're accepting applications for all time zones this time around, and we intend on accepting more than our usual quota as the last batch of maids offered to /a/ got all used-up earlier than expected.

Also, those who have been with us from the start may recall that we started off with regular meta threads on /a/ itself. I think /ameta/ has ended up adequately covering that most of that need, but for those who never go there we'd also like to hear your thoughts too. How are you all feeling about /a/? What do you think is going right? What do you think should be different (if anything)? Let us know your thoughts below.

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Anything in general or specifically you're looking for in a potential meido other than spending a lot of time on /a/?


File: ad14d362e3529e8⋯.png (551.16 KB, 515x706, 515:706, head maid.png)


>the last batch of maids offered to /a/ got all used-up earlier than expected

That sounds kind of scary. What are you doing with them?

>What do you think is going right? What do you think should be different (if anything)?

Honestly, my only complaint is that sometimes the moderation still feels random time-to-time, especially when something that didn't break any rules gets deleted simply because one of you has a bad day. E.g. if we want to fight a new battle in one of the waifu wars, then let us have our fun.


Can previous meidos reapply?



Not particularly, the main requirements are a genuine love for the board, and a basic ability to work as part of a team and follow directions.


Those in that bucket have already passed the application process before and should ping me directly on Rizon instead.

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Even if we got fired?


File: 0b922a2cc1dfa25⋯.png (746.44 KB, 953x1961, 953:1961, 1393353798779.png)


I might be interested, but it really depends on how much time I'm required to spend monitoring the board.



>Not particularly, the main requirements are a genuine love for the board, and a basic ability to work as part of a team and follow directions.

I think I should be able to manage that. Here goes nothing.


File: effc05b43629b5d⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1816x2064, 227:258, World.png)

At least give an idea of what timezone holes there are so people can know whether they're needed more. I'm not gonna bother since I'd be terrible at it.


File: e726b7d70ca05ce⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 324x342, 18:19, e726b7d70ca05cecb74d110720….jpg)

I'll take a crack at it.


Here goes nothing. Good luck to the other girls.


File: a9c54c62078dd38⋯.png (36.1 KB, 312x400, 39:50, b40ee2d1bddec3c1c57b35dbef….png)


>the last batch of maids offered to /a/ got all used-up earlier than expected


File: dc2e865452b76b0⋯.jpg (253.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [loligeddon] Fate Kaleid L….jpg)


File: 1eb365ca99b3296⋯.png (139.33 KB, 518x632, 259:316, 1eb365ca99b3296d348314a8f7….png)

Good luck everyone.


File: e8b916bec0b92c2⋯.jpg (133.79 KB, 1038x1079, 1038:1079, nene.jpg)

Here goes nothing again.


File: 0c50ff8e0efccc4⋯.png (349.91 KB, 609x810, 203:270, ontan.png)

Let's do this.



I agree, the new meido should be someone that can take it easy and not someone who goes around stalking users and trying to curate every single post. Someone like that would only bring stagnation to /a/.


File: b17f75e5dbbdd37⋯.jpg (221.04 KB, 1930x2701, 1930:2701, a3d92db6bf17e9513cd2428995….jpg)

Oh boy, this is more ドキドキ than my my last job interview.

Do your best future meidos!



Beware of evil intentioned people and the masks they put.

Don't forget that brazilian spammer who destroyed /tv/ also targets /a/, and giving him this spot means the death of this board.


File: 56f002f8e65efc2⋯.png (404.7 KB, 535x527, 535:527, 12.png)

Also, there are two things that I'd like to discuss when it comes to meta issues:


>shilling for /animeshon/ on our board

Come on, really? I could understand why you threw /animu/ in there but /animeshon/ is the abortion of a one night autism spree by faggot Claud. And I do mean abortion because it is dead and has no future. This leads me to my next point:


I believe rule number 9 should be handled in a different fashion because right now it is also directing to two separate and also dead boards. It's confusing and makes /a/ look unkept.

I'm not sure what a better alternative to handling political discussion would be. /u/ bans it outright with rule 9 while boards like /tg/ have one dedicated containment thread.

On top of that I'm pretty sure all this spam of dead, shit boards will discourage anons from actually doing anything worthwhile outside of /a/ since they might instinctively consider /rec/ and /ameta/ to be just as dead and useless as the rest. I would suggest that you consider trimming the fat a little, if at all possible.


File: c99da9b159603ec⋯.png (17.4 KB, 939x132, 313:44, useless shit 2.png)

File: 54da2b402f82ac0⋯.png (8.9 KB, 933x112, 933:112, usless shit1.png)


Guess I should have posted these screenshots instead.



>/tg/ have one dedicated containment thread.

/tg/ is much more lenient about political stuff in general.

But yeah, on a chan without a centralized rulership it doesn't appear sensible to have rules point to particular boards.


So I suppose anyone who's application got "put on file" last time around and who didn't get contacted isn't eligible for the position?



/animu/ is moderately active and serve as a containment for /pol/, /v/ and dubs posters. /animeshon/ is completely dead, it's better to have /loli/ shilled in its place.



/tg/ enacted the containment thread so there wouldn't be a dozen "look what this asshole said on twitter" threads floating around the board. Since most of the topics come down to "time to stop supporting this company" it makes sense to have it in one thread.

On /a/, outside of the occasional article where some moronic journo accuses anime fans of being shitlords, there's not as much to talk about, besides bad translations and companies like funimation and crunchyroll poisoning things. Even then, what's there to say? Outside of telling people not to support those groups and companies, it's just a shared bitching thread where everyone posts their angry faces and rants about how sick of that shit they are. Nothing wrong with venting, but it makes for a shitty board if all we ever do is focus on the negative (even if humans are wired to do that)



>/animu/ is moderately active and serve as a containment for /pol/, /v/ and dubs posters. /animeshon/ is completely dead, it's better to have /loli/ shilled in its place.

/animu/ is just another shitposting hub, just like /tv/, /b/ and /am/ before.

It doesn't have anything to do with other boards. The IP-hopping shitposter floods that place and makes it seem more active than it really is.



I was not complaining.



They don't like being called a shitposting hub. They prefer to just be called an anime board with more lax moderation. They actually do still have serious discussions there, the BO is more lenient. The board is friendlier to /v/ and /pol/ cross posters, which works because /weebpol/ is completely dead.



I could see the need for news/political discussion arise if it was absolutely and directly related to Nipland/otaku culture and in that case it should technically fall under rule 7. It's hard to say because we all know those threads tend to attract the crossboarder shitters. But at the same time there are /a/nons who may genuinely wish to discuss some nip happening or what have you.



So would you prefer if the responsibility of the course of the discussion lay with the anons and the mods would just delete the thread if it became too /pol/ (even if it was just a handful of dedicated shitposters ruining the thread for everybody) or having a mod babysit the thread?


File: 58f970b223ad823⋯.png (16.84 KB, 192x145, 192:145, 009_3.png)


Been lurking it for some weeks and only recently started posting and it seems like a decent place to me. Didn't see much shitposting but maybe my definition of such differs from yours.


Would it be possible to limit the usage of the meido ability to edit their post for any post that doesn't require their capcode? I feel like there are some that use it to correct themselves too much instead of just delete the post and repost it correctly or assume responsibility for not properly correcting themselves.



That's because it's not a shitposting board. Low effort shitposting and baiting gets banned on /animu/. The major difference between the boards is that /animu/ is more lenient on things such as grammar, /rec/ and /pol/.




A small question: From where do you think new users come if not from other boards?

This "crossboarder" nonsense will only destroy /a/ in the long run, and just because of a couple of faggots who want their 2-person echochamber hugbox, where no one ever has different opinions from them or is from a different background.

Usually (I'm not saying that is because I don't know you) this is because you're project your own suffered bullying onto others - the same you are rejected, you start rejecting others when the tables flip, and this all out of resentment and bitterness.



A crossboarder is not somebody who uses multiple boards.

A crossboarder is somebody who uses board a but behaves as if he were on board b.


File: 886eafd29b58d83⋯.png (619.01 KB, 763x900, 763:900, cf47d365bd89e6f84aadb52833….png)


I hope this thread brings in some new meidos who are able to watch over /a/. Recently it seems there has been a rise in shitposters and the rules have been laid back some, or that the meidos haven't been able to respond to all the reports concerning posts breaking the rules. If there has been a change in how the meidos are moderating /a/ could you tell us in this thread, it would be a shame for a enthusiastic little girl to start going on a cleaning spree only to get kicked out of the meido position for cleaning up too much.



>you should let every shitposting newfag run amok on /a/ because muh dead board

Take your false dilemma and fuck off to halfchan with it if you want a big board. /a/ is about quality over quantity and I wouldn't want it any other way.



I think I'm leaning towards the former but the answer probably lies somewhere in the middle.


I think you're overthinking it anon. The whole thing refers to newfaggots who come here from other places, bringing with them some bad habits, and expecting that shit to fly here just like it did back there.

Shitting on "crossboarders" is an organic defense mechanism that lets newfaggots know that they should lurk more, and assimilate to the customs of the board, instead of jumping in to let everyone know what cocks they've sucked on /????/

It's as if your normalfaggot facebook friend stumbles upon /pol/ one day and starts saying things like "Wow, racist much you guys?"



>A crossboarder is not somebody who uses multiple boards

Is it not?



Most people use multiple boards. So long as you keep the memes and contents separated there is no problem and no one will call you out for it.



Yeah, you're retarded if that's what you thought of what I said. Complete misunderstanding.


This might be your dictionary-like take on that, but it's not what is practiced here.


File: 1fc4a709b973d98⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1fc4a709b973d98fbd77605315….jpg)


>Meidos already inconsistent in enforcement letting some faggots off the hook and allowing spoonfeeding

>Have shown repeatedly that they don't actually browse /a/

>Have to use IRC

>Major fuckups that will go unanswered over next few months

I might have applied a few months ago, definitely a year ago, but now I'm absolutely terrified at the idea of new, inexperienced meidos ruining the board. I have no desire to be tied down to this board any further than listening to s/a/turday night smug and talking shit with other anons about what they're watching or their waifu.


File: 0e2842eab0a5e9f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 54.16 KB, 647x412, 647:412, successful application.png)

File: 14b6628344c7330⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 33.86 KB, 518x331, 518:331, busted.png)


We're acutely aware of the risks, especially in light of the stunt we pulled the other day when I joined /animu/'s vol team. The reason we're running the drive like this with requiring people to make posts in the thread with their contacts is so that we can verify that the applicant has some previous posts on /a/ (i.e. is a board regular). I didn't say this at the outset because it's not necessarily a fatal blow to anyone with a dynamic IP, but it'd likely require more from the application to cover for it. With two good applications, we'd prioritise the one with a history on /a/, if that makes sense.

We also have some other secret measures implemented to prevent deliberate board destruction by a rogue maid, but those will remain secret for n/a/tional security reasons.


They are eligible, though they will need to apply here again since I've no idea which among them are still active browsers here. Many of them were good applications but didn't happen to get picked because we had already hit our quota, if you applied last time please feel free to apply again.


There's no hard requirements, someone who loves /a/ will do as much as they're able of their own accord.

We'll be sending the applications out in batches once a day or so, don't worry if yours doesn't come immediately.


File: b919a27c2dd25a3⋯.png (208.6 KB, 887x300, 887:300, 002.png)


Thanks for the reply. I'll be checking my mail regularly.


File: 9d31ff751769be1⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 848x480, 53:30, Shocked-face.jpg)


>I joined /animu/'s vol team.

Imagine my shock. Also, that's pretty ironic.



>we'd prioritise the one with a history on /a/,

As somebody who's fresh off the boat himself, I find that very sensible.

The only thing I don't understand is that I don't see you asking any volunteers to pose in maid costumes. How else can you measure their eligibility for the job?


File: fc0ade9215eaaf2⋯.jpg (286.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, yoshi.jpg)


I hope we'll both be able to scrub the floors until they shine, anon-kun! Let's do our best!

Is being a meido on /a/ just pretending you're a cute loli working at a ryokan?


That is so funny. Holy shit.


File: f03a4d48ab9d5bb⋯.png (182.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, f03a4d48ab9d5bb60914454d53….png)

So bitching out of the way now:

>How do you feel about /a/

There's not much worth watching this season so I haven't had much to talk about. Still upset about some of the false hits/purging from the old Shoujo Shumatsu threads while /pol/-like threads got maybe slaps on the wrist at best.

>What do you think is going right?

Place is still relatively comfy and the heavy rules ensures a quality that keeps /v/ shit and /pol/ shit out.

>What do you think should be different?

The rules need to be enforced more equally or consistently. I see anons get off with nothing while other anons get banned over piddly shit. I don't even bother to report some shit any more because I want to see how long it takes the meidos to find it- this waiting game has made me suspect that the meidos don't even browse /a/ any more other than logging into the vol section and looking at the report queue. As someone who Vols on a different board, this is a dangerous game. The biggest one that gets to me is that spoonfeeding and /v/-tier posting is out if control with no one doing anything while ironic shitposting and little spoilers at the end of a post are grounds for B&Ding anons in the middle of a discussion. I want consistency from the meidos, but more importantly I want the meidos to actually browse /a/ again.



Doing that would be counter-productive as it would tell shitposters/spammers what times to post at. I know it sounds stupid anon, but you can't reveal your weakness when surrounded by enemies.



Do you really think that habitual shitposters wouldn't notice patterns in how quickly the maids respond to their activity?


File: a4afac2074e6ca6⋯.png (531.89 KB, 1475x1000, 59:40, ClipboardImage.png)

I have already applied below but I'm having problems with cock.li (again) and can't log into my account and I suppose it would take some time for him to answer the support. So, are you still accepting applications?

By the way, I usually post on a dynamic IP setting and have been for the last two months but this is the static one I use sometimes.



Believe it or not, when I vol on /hgg/ they tend to already think like this, so I log in occasionally at odd intervals/lay down the hammer and they then think there's a vol there when there's not. It's pretty easy to trick autistic shitposters so long as you don't announce when you're cleaning up publicly.



How many boards do you vol?



To be honest though, spoonfeeding still falls under those unwritten rules that are up to the meido's discretion. Like 0. Lurk more. It's kind of hard to demand consistency from an unwritten rule.

I agree with you however.



Actually fuck it, I worry enough about this board to not want to see some scumbag ruin it. I'll go ahead and apply so long as I can respond to other meidos using the private vol messaging/emails instead of IRC. Email still related.


File: 32b11a58dc6c826⋯.png (95.31 KB, 431x551, 431:551, 32b11a58dc6c8263babfd96b81….png)


If you read between the lines, the implication is that there aren't enough meidos to cover everything all the time, leading to the overall drop in their activity. Hence the meido drive.


>Have shown repeatedly that they don't actually browse /a/


>this waiting game has made me suspect that the meidos don't even browse /a/ any more other than logging into the vol section and looking at the report queue.

There's a post by the head meido on /ameta/ somewhere like a month or two ago that admits that the meidos don't have the time or inclination to browse every single thread on /a/. They're /a/nons too, with personal interests and threads they frequent, but they're still just regular /a/nons. How many of you frequent the top 20 threads all the time? All of them? What if it's a slow season? How much of /a/ do you regularly browse? There are ~140 threads up right now. I think this is something that any prospective applicant has to think about before they actually apply.

In that same post there was also mention of something about previous meidos spending the first month or two hovering over the "recent posts" window in the board management interface, monitoring all the new posts, but burning out quickly after that.


File: 8e2436c2f8103ec⋯.jpg (213.01 KB, 650x750, 13:15, bd36465f2b2df5f8fbc50164d4….jpg)


Applications are open until we announce they're closed. I don't want to put an explicit timeline on that, though if anyone is thinking of applying at all then it'd be better to drop your email in the thread sooner rather than later.



I lurk the first two pages to see the most recent posts at least a few times a day, anon. You can sometimes find interesting discussion even if you're not watching a shit anime.


Officially just /hgg/. I've got a few tiny/dead boards I've either created and no longer own like /sen/ or previously vol'd for, but we're talking a few posts per month so at most it's B&Ding the occasional shitposter.


File: 569d70a3cdf6fdd⋯.png (41.29 KB, 558x329, 558:329, img000013_2.png)


How many meidos are you planning on accepting?


File: f5fbfde5e2c2baf⋯.jpg (112.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Warabi panicking.jpg)


>GMT₊10 (Australian time).








File: 516403803c309de⋯.png (268.49 KB, 791x655, 791:655, 016_3.png)



I was asking for an approximative though.


Has anyone here received their application yet?



It has not even been a day yet. Give it some time.



>besides bad translations and companies like funimation and crunchyroll poisoning things

This our fault for don't know Japanese. We had similar problem with fan-subs in past (but without political bullshit.)

Polite sage for be off-topic.



Never let /leftypol/ shit out, right?



I would apply, but my idea of moderation is closer to /animu/'s than to /a/'s. So, I would let many things pass, although I would ban spergs and shitposters on spot.

Also, I browse here since late 2014, but I don't use a fixed IP, so this would be a problem of sorts to you.

Just don't let people like this guy here >>789443 apply.



>I would apply, but my idea of moderation is closer to /animu/'s than to /a/'s. So, I would let many things pass, although I would ban spergs and shitposters on spot.

Then apply to /animu/'s if they're still open.



But I don't like it there, I like /a/.


File: d0e826009648d5c⋯.png (119.44 KB, 330x453, 110:151, b132e6b5f4fa073170a0cbb0b9….png)


Fuck /leftypol/, they generally are obvious enough from not following the rules to just get instabanned, so they aren't as big of a problem on /a/ if only because their crossboarding/shitposting is obvious. Just because I don't specifically mention cockroaches doesn't mean they aren't included in my description of vermin.


>Just don't let people like this guy here apply

Being critical of one of the places you love is normal behavior, anon. Wanting consistency doesn't mean I dislike the rules or something. Also

>Polite sage

>In a thread that's stickied



>Not liking both



I let sage on auto due to posting in other threads, I don't feel like bumping them. Only thereafter I realised that.

And my problem with you is a literal banfest and no fun allowed /a/.


I don't even go there, and why should I when this place here exists? It's not like they'll recommend better manga or better anime or anything, I'm an oldfag to the core and don't need that sort of thing anymore (I said I browse here since 2014, but I watch anime for about 15 years now).

I'm on /a/ to talk to people, and /animu/ has different peoples - it's like changing your set of friends for another, it doesn't compel me.



I browse both because both boards have different things to offer despite being both anime boards. It's like the futaba channel having two boards for the same subject, the normal board and the flipside board. I see /animu/ as the flipside version of /a/.


Something else I forgot to mention: I'd appreciate if instead of randomly deleting posts you'd leave them up just with one or two sentences explaining the problem, especially if you ban the poster. It's quite annoying when you see random replies to deleted posts scattered around.



You could solve that by just not replying to shitposters.



I don't think that's a good idea. It fails to cut the discussion off. People will continue to reply to whatever that guy said.

It's a different matter if the offensive post in question is the OP, and you can lock the entire thread.


File: 46407b828733578⋯.jpg (102.84 KB, 281x286, 281:286, 46407b8287335781fca58b843a….jpg)

H-Here I go!



Heated discussions of all kinds happen sometimes, it's not only rogue shitposters. This is not mathematics.


But I have to agree specially because of what this guy said.

In any case, I wouldn't mind that at all because it brings life, in the form of emotions, to the board.


File: 3209530a81b581b⋯.jpg (725.76 KB, 850x1014, 425:507, sample_bf988246b4462027e51….jpg)

I have very little complaints to /a/ and I'm just picking the core from what I have already said on /ameta/. I believe threads like that one about Netflix should be more tightly moderated, because as we can see, it attracts a lot of users from /pol/. Not only /pol/, but /v/ as well, which tend to share views with /pol/. This is very controversial as one might see /pol/ as reverse SJWs, and anyone who dares disagree with them gets constantly bombarded with their typical behavior and buzzwords which disrupts threads and end up attracting more crossboarders

from the shitstorm happening, also guilty the ones who give them attention. It's not something they should be able to do on OUR board. I'm not saying there aren't /a/nons with their views and I can respect if they give reasons to. It's not the first time that happens.

And of course, the same can be said to /leftypol/ and people who try to shutdown other opinions with cheap shitposting and love sticking politics where it doesn't apply.

Besides that, there's the minor issue that sometimes it takes long to a shitposter get banned, but it's exactly for this reason we are having a meido drive.

Well, I really love this board. People complain about getting banned a lot here, but I only remember getting banned when I knew I was doing something the meido might not like. It's the closest to perfection we can have nowadays seeing how the other places in the internet are.



I think this should only apply if the poster gets banned for bad writing by that I don't mean some obvious crossboarder that can't capitalize and punctuate his posts. But again, my English is kinda precarious and I have never been banned for bad writing, so I don't know if that is usually overlooked if it's an /a/non.



Wouldn't we be the flipside, though? I never went there, but /animu/ sounds like the more casual board to me.



There are some good anons there but there a lot of /pol/ and /v/ fags there as well. It was good /animu/ reborning from the ashes, now there will be an option for people who want to shitpost that complain about /a/'s rules now that /a/ is not the only anime board.



The flipside is the more lax version of a normal board.



Best part is that /animu/ is as active if not more active than /a/, which keeps these posters satisfied enough to stay there and not complain and mess with /a/.



>Well, I really love this board. People complain about getting banned a lot here, but I only remember getting banned when I knew I was doing something the meido might not like. It's the closest to perfection we can have nowadays seeing how the other places in the internet are.

This. I see us as the last true hobby board on the internet, the spiritual successor to internet 1.0.

I love the meidos and they are always just from what I've noticed. The only thing is Hoihoi can be a little too strict because she doesn't see context, but in the end, she's right, too.



But in futaba, the flipside is where the hikki neets like us post.


File: 3a76f250b7d6f0a⋯.gif (85.52 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 3a76f250b7d6f0a12d1150e64e….gif)


>not wanting Hoihoi to step on you with her dirty feet


File: 5b91e6a796b3c5e⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, 5b91e6a796b3c5e520e9f18734….jpg)


Let's see for how much time that will last, though. I believe /animu/ has an userbase to please (the ones against /a/) so it will probably be up for some time, but we never know. The only boards I remember not dying on 8ch at some point are the legacy ones; the rest have all died some time in the past and most certainly will in the future.


File: 6c60fbfa6b68bef⋯.png (77.88 KB, 340x227, 340:227, nekomata stare.png)


Hoihoi's feet are not dirty. Apologize.



You don't need to apply either, you have no idea of what's happening.


It's mostly one guy samefagging there. It might create the impression of being crowded with people, but it's not.

Look at /tv/, do you know that 90% of the posts there are by one guy? It's the same guy on /animu/


File: 9708a2a24d5f47b⋯.jpg (239.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ジ―.jpg)


Who are you quoting?



I've been to /animu/, it doesn't look to be the same guy posting, considering different posting styles. It looks to be too much work and effort as well as their spot in the top 25.


File: b2d514e49058e59⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 465x670, 93:134, yukino_eating_2.gif)


>as we can see, it attracts a lot of users from /pol/. Not only /pol/, but /v/ as well, which tend to share views with /pol/

You see, 8chan became what is it because of gamergate and the exodus from 4chan, so most users on the site are indeed from /v/ and /pol/. Therefore it's not some raid from those boards, it's simply /a/nons discussing things that aren't animu and mango. Or do you think that there are threads linking to /a/, telling people to fight the good fight here?

>This is very controversial as one might see /pol/ as reverse SJWs

Now I really want to post a bunch of pictures mocking this tired "argument", and I can't be the only one. But to be short: Cultural Marxists don't hold a monopoly on having strong beliefs and being loud and proud.


It would have helped me in a conversation with one anon in an Oregairu thread who had atrocious spelling and grammar and got banned after every post he made.I had to read them from the ban list, then post them again with my replies after I made his writing palatable.


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>I've been to /animu/, it doesn't look to be the same guy posting, considering different posting styles.

He varies his posting style. Here on /a/ he's known as the Kirinofag sperg, or that guy who ruined the first Darling in the FranXX thread.

>It looks to be too much work and effort as well as their spot in the top 25.

He, alone, put /tv/ where it is today.



You seem to have gotten lost on your way to /jp/, sweet child.



>Well, I really love this board. People complain about getting banned a lot here, but I only remember getting banned when I knew I was doing something the meido might not like.

Not gonna lie, it's fun the break the rules intentionally and get banned occasionally. It wouldn't be fun if everyone followed them 100% of the time.


Hoihoi is a goddess half the time, and a bitch the other half of the time. Anons were peacefully discussing different weapons systems autistically when she's shown her ugly mug in scifi/gun/apocalypse-style threads in the past.



/jp/ is /a/.

Who are you quoting is a time-honored meme, faggot.



An explanation is that /animu/ was shilled on /v/ and the /v/ anons that never liked /a/'s moderation went there and have an anime board of their own. There is no samefag like with /tv/.



>Or do you think that there are threads linking to /a/, telling people to fight the good fight here?

Not necessarily, can't speak for /v/ since I don't use shit boards, but /sudo/ has shown extreme disdain for the existence that is /a/ in the past since we don't let them shitpost, and a lot of /sudo/ is made up of a mix of /tech/ and /v/.



That can't be right because if /jp/ was /a/ then /a/ would be a festering circlejerk avatarfag shithole.



I really don't believe that, that samefag has a massive hatred for /a/ Meidos not letting him shit this whole board and would probably boost a competitor board.

It got to the point when he tried to discuss anime on /tv/, but everyone just ignored him, and the threads were filled with him talking to himself with multiple personalities.

We're talking about a real psychopath here.


File: 595eb7d0f12aff3⋯.png (844.98 KB, 1270x854, 635:427, 595eb7d0f12aff3263efd4efc6….png)


Well, anon, I've not been here exactly since the exodus and not for this purpose, but I migrated to 8ch because cuckchan has been awful in the last years. moot quitting was the last straw for me. I used to be from /pol/ some years ago but I don't remember what happened that made me not give a damn about politics. I also live in a horrible country without any salvation, so there's that too. You got your first world problems, I'm more worried about when I will be able to leave this shithole.



Is he who I'm thinking he is? Is it that brazilian?



You can't possibly take /sudo/ seriously, it's just a big shithole with people complaining about anything and everything.




You mean like /ameta/?



Check out their threads, many of them were from /v/, /pol/ and /monster/. The shilling happened at /v/ where many jumped in. Also the Head Meido here is a vol there.


File: fd21aa9e148411b⋯.png (613.82 KB, 650x637, 50:49, 1461890795691.png)





I'm in disbelief, that guy slowed down for now and I might know why, but the sheer cancer he spread in the last months were dire.


File: 5c16f814e4852fd⋯.png (15.32 KB, 1107x124, 1107:124, sperg.png)



Is this guy?



Believe it. Remember that there are many on /v/ that want an anime board but hate the moderation here. You should know the times when obvious /v/ crossposters were banned and then they complained that it's stricter than /v/. /v/ Weebs got their own board now, pure and simple.



>No one keep making profiles out of anybody, only some sick moderators. It's pretty obvious who I am when I get angry, only. Besides that, no one knows.

>Well, if you're an 8/a/ user, it's better to get smart, vagabond. Soon soon I'll become a moderator there and then I'll persecute losers who keep posting cuckchan's garbage.

It might be him.


I've never posted on 4chan because I used forums before, but I knew the site. Again, I'm a very oldfag regarding anime.

>Are you preparing yourself for the ban you are most likely going to receive for derailing the meido drive thread with politics?

Seriously, you really shouldn't become a Meido or this board will surely die out completely.

Post last edited at



>It might be him.

Well the best thing to do is not allow Brazilians to become meidos.



Damn, time to become a maid and ban every thread I don't like.



That's the spirit



Just please don't use the ban all 'posts by IP on this thread' option, I've contributed in a good manner.



Sorry. But those peoples kinda get on my nerves.

They want everything easy.

Also, about that brazilian, this here is important: >>789585

He'll try to get moderation and might deceive you, beware.


File: 757fc114545a90b⋯.gif (831.5 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1465907085359.gif)


You really think someone can get into the meido team and just nuke the board? You don't have to worry about this, anon. /a/'s head meido is a global vol therefore he most likely can make requests to Ron and the big boards probably have security means against this kind of thing. The only close case I can remember is Troid nuking 4/jp/ but he was kinda crazy and was already on the team for a while.


File: 410871f68d34498⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 190x201, 190:201, 410871f68d3449896858041e80….jpg)

You know what would nip the issue of insurgents getting on the meido team in the bud?

A mandatory Japanese test. Something you can't google translate.

Not that you'd get that many meidos then.



This is unironically actually good, although my Japanese is not the slightest advanced.



This is a wonderful idea, anon.



It relies on the assumption that people who speak Japanese are somehow better anons than other people.

If they learned Japanese for the sake of reading/watching raws, there may be a little merit to the claim (not much). But I think most people who speak Japanese learned it for completely different reasons and it means exactly jackshit about their posting habits.


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Anyone that watches a lot of anime and is into otaku culture will mostly know something of Japanese. It's just very stupid to think someone that has lot of time on it and that claims loving it knows nothing about the language. And I doubt there are many people that learn Japanese for something other than immersing into Japanese culture, at least not on an imageboard.




I'll shut up now.



Just have them say what "itadakimasu" means.



Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub?



That's funny because I have indeed always assumed that any anon who speaks Nip is, in fact, a better person than me.

I look up to them as heroes. The brave souls who had the will to brake free of the shackles of fansubs. Deciphering their smug moonrunes with my firefox add-ons is what keeps me going in hopes that one day I, too, shall be up there among the hanabi.



Wouldn't it be easier to just have them translate a page from a manga?



No time like the present to start, Anon.



All you had to do was to learn Japanese.



I know my kana, and more. But I mean actually speak Nip. Enough to read manga and whatnot.


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>what would nip

Oh... man.


File: e52c8a7b6bf6619⋯.jpg (521.74 KB, 1090x1078, 545:539, e52c8a7b6bf6619e952b1bc797….jpg)


It's easy to snowball from there, it just takes a long time.

Find short and simple stuff to translate and just work your way up. Grammar is just about the only thing you actually have to sit down and learn but fortunately there's not a lot of it. Even just passively picking stuff up from anime is progress, even if it's far from ideal.

Keep at it, Anon. It's worth it, and it's fun.


I hope your recruitment drive goes well.


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>its worth it

I agree, and I hope one day I can share some translated cave paintings with other little girls and be able to give back to the community of fansubs and translators.Even if most of them have gotten shitty.

>and its fun

It's fun until you hit a standstill when trying to read more advanced stuff and end up realizing you still have a shit ton of work left to do until you are ready to translate anything.



>they will need to apply here again


File: daf62aa5da21fcd⋯.jpg (851.27 KB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, 1476667731773.jpg)


>the last batch of maids offered to /a/ got all used-up earlier than expected

Interesting. Do people just fall off and stop meidoing, or officially announce their resignation?

I lost the password to my cock.li account that I used to submit my first app long ago, have my hobby-facing email instead. I have no idea whether I passed the very first time I sent it in

>What do you think is going right? What do you think should be different (if anything)?

Honestly, garbage (/pol/ shit, /v/ aka /b/ shit, etc.) posting has definitely dropped in frequency and had made this place a dream, but there's always someone who tries to take advantage of an opportunity to bring their uninteresting garbage with them, and there are plenty of people who still use their /pol/reddit-words as arguing and conversation points. I guess there's just a myriad of small things, mainly people who mix 2D and 3D and other super-minute things I'd be able to glean from a thread, and there are still a few people who ask for source and don't even bother just going to /rec/ and waiting a bit. I think one thing that was absolutely insane was that there needed to be an explicit rule put in place for 'fartposting', but this is more of an issue with the users (a specific one at that) rather than the meidos. One thing that might be cool would probably be to have an apex rule or series of rules that prevents a lot of what I'd call Milhouse posts; those kinds of posts that can be likened to old "milhouse is a meme!" posts of yesteryear halfchan /b/. I think having quarterly meta posts here would be nice, because I went to /ameta/ once or twice and it was just trashy posters reciting /pol/ infodumps about the meidos infringing on their freedoms and how it was obviously and unironically DA JOOWZ pissing on the board. I don't consider it worth visiting because it's just appeals like that for the most part.

There are a few other things that might be interesting to talk about, but I've already used enough space. All in all, this place has been a real treat since arriving with the exodus. It's had its moments, but it's been a net positive experience. I wish /svidya/ had the kind of decent posting we have here, then I'd be set instead of pining for a place to have real discussions that aren't fixated on a certain era. Regardless of how fractured the medio team is, they've done a great job over the years and have weathered a lot of batshit insane crossboarders. Thank you for everything!




I have learnt a new word.


File: f377d698a05ffc7⋯.png (293.34 KB, 492x792, 41:66, slutmaid.png)


/ameta/ is the verbal abuse board. You go there if you feel like insulting or being insulted.



You should definitely not forget to include /leftypol/ in that list of yours. They've certainly been responsible for throwing some of the worst shitposters our way.

You know, just so you don't look like a biased commie to anyone looking at your "hobby" email.



I have never seen /leftypol/ come here to shit on our threads forcing their ideology upon our throats.


File: f9eabbdc3acd38f⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 501x440, 501:440, f9eabbdc3acd38f810591fe730….jpg)


Then you haven't been around much.





File: f4435c40966fc9a⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 491x720, 491:720, 99f4c625eee9547fdec17668b3….jpg)


Alright then. If you believe /leftypol/ is as big of a problem as /pol/, then there's nothing more to be discussed here.



It's happened plenty of times, believe you me.

/pol/'s got the numbers, so that's why they come up much more often. But when it comes to shitting up another board, /leftypol/ focuses on quality over quantity, boy do they ever.



Well, the recent shittings have all been made by /pol/. Does /leftypol/ even still exist? I thought they had fell apart after that tranny BO blowjob thing.




>duuahhh 'my' sect of /pol/ is totally different from /pol/

You're all the same monster and you all make the same terrible posts. I can't talk about video games anywhere because of all of your collective garbage, and I'm not going to let you fags do it to anime. Keep it out of /a/ because you have taken this trash to EVERY CORNER OF THE INTERNET so you have all the places in the world to talk about it, this isn't hard.



Imagine being this fucking neurotic about an internet boogeyman. Holy shit, calm yourself.



He's right. Retards forcing politics into everything is the reason we can't have nice things.



Yeah, paranoid people like that shouldn't be the ones moderating.



I doubt anything but response time will change after the meido drive. If a meido fucks up, he's done. There will always be meido demand to a big board like /a/; anyone can substitute you.


If the BO picks any /leftypol/ faggot as a meido then this board deserves all the crossboarders it will get.


File: f1613dbd752050b⋯.jpg (207.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mpv-shot0030.jpg)

Would be /pol/ and /leftypol/ a couple of tsundere or something like that? Looks they are saying things "Y-you are big baka /pol/-kun" or "Isn't I care about you or something like that /leaftypol/-san". I think love is the air.



There are so many trash translators like Commiesubs that I'm convinced that would have a reverse effect.



>This might be your dictionary-like take on that, but it's not what is practiced here.

I'm not aware of anyone having ever been banned for using another board. What does happen is that people try to impose the culture of other boards on /a/, for example by posting /pol/ memes, and then get banned. If you can act like you belong on /a/, you shouldn't get banned for crossboarding.



No, really, it's just one or two /leftypol/ faggots who get turbo triggered by anything.

Look at this thread, there's a guy, pretending to be neutral while lashing against /pol/ /v/ and /b/ and then his email is "gr8stalin"

>Hello, my fellow /a/nons! These filthy non-/leftypol/ crossboarders eh? Time to kill them right? They're so infuriating, right?



Are you implying there is literally nothing wrong with these three boards?



He obviously isn't.



/pol/, /v/, /b/, /leftypol/ - doesn't matter. These boards literally doesn't matter, we're talking about /a/ and the behaviour of people on /a/.

While he may be right that there are spergs now and then, he himself don't seem to realise that he's also a sperg, a very noticeable and biased one.

Always claiming more mdoeration in the name on /a/, when in fact he just want his views to be unimpeded here.

It's just a triggered fagoot using cheap sophism to convince people to purge everyone he doesn't want to, with false consensus and manufactured outrage, while he himself, the very "crossboarder sperg" he describes, remaining.

Again, he may try to defend himself saying that he doesn't sperg or that he doesn't bring his views to /a/, but this is wrong - by impeding others and nuking them, he's bringing his views alright to this board.

His correct attitude would be to shut the fuck up and deal with it, tolerate it and accept it, while the MEIDOS judge or ban the person who might or might not be breaking /a/'s rules.



I've made three posts total with this one

Consider that there might be more than one person who's simply tired of the bullshit



Forgive me if I've misunderstood your post, but you seem to be more upset that he wants to ban people from /pol/ than you are that he didn't include /leftypol/.

They should all be fucking banned. If it were up to me there would be zero tolerance for political shitposting of any kind.



You are right. I don't think anyone is trying to convince anyone here - in the end, it's the head meido who decides things.


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Free cheat sheet.



>Forgive me if I've misunderstood your post, but you seem to be more upset that he wants to ban people from /pol/ than you are that he didn't include /leftypol/.

No, it's about his hypocrisy and personal interests. To me, it's either leniency for all or ban for all.

It's pretty sure he picks sides in this while posing as innocent.



It's not like he's wrong anyways. So why are you mad? We should include anything political related to be hammered, it just happens that /pol/ usually bothers us more than /leftypol/. In the end both should be banned if they happen to come here again.



I don't see a single post in the thread advocating leniency for /leftypol/ crossboarders.



No, of course, but there's an underline that it is always omitted as well, specially by those who criticize the most.

I wasn't the only one to spot that ingenuity.


All I'm asking is a fair game.



So every time /pol/ is mentioned in any discussion about crossboarders, we must also mention /leftypol/ just so we don't upset anyone's feelings?

Would it make you feel better if we called it /*pol/, or do we have to list every politics board every time?



Do you also complain about a lack of criticism against /pol/ when somebody complains about /leftypol/ stinking the place up again?


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I just noticed the email field is too short for my email, and I don't want to make a new one. Assuming the meidos are just copy/pasting email addresses, that's notcia@national.shitposting.agency




I don't complain about either, to be honest. My position about them is quite neutral and I don't care.

I'm criticizing those who care, and those who are hypocrite to only point out one of the culprits in a generalized sense, not in a specific sense.

Now, as was discussed here, the critics (who come from a board with low shilling) aren't even familiar with the concept and often haven't experienced it.

What /a/ suffered in the recent past was active shilling, not genuine shitposting by rogue elements - it was a person, who admittedly spammed the board, posing as /pol/, posing as /v/, you name it.

But well, really, explaining it over and over is quite tiring.



I agree. /a/ should promote good non-dead boards.



Oh hey there's another Australian on here.


This board really doesn't get shit on a lot, not compared to something like 4/jp/ used to. Besides, admitting there's not enough meidos does the same thing.


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>I think one thing that was absolutely insane was that there needed to be an explicit rule put in place for 'fartposting', but this is more of an issue with the users (a specific one at that)

Fun fact: that user later went on to become the BO of /animu/. He specifically took the board over because he was angry he couldn't fartpost on /a/ any more.


Now he has a fartthread up on his own board, and he is happy. All is right with the world.




>The only thing I don't understand is that I don't see you asking any volunteers to pose in maid costumes.

I mean, I'm all for little girls dressed as meidos, but I think that's kinda pushing the envelope, anon.


Not interested in applying; I don't spend the time here or have the dedication to qualify. For those that do, and for those medios we do have here every day, thank you for caring so much and cleaning up after all our shit.

>How are you all feeling about /a/?

It's pretty good. I honestly haven't spent much time here lately though. This is the first season in a while where I've been posting in many of the threads for the shows I've been watching, and it's not even that remarkable a season.

>What do you think is going right?

From what I can tell, the culture of the board is being pretty well preserved. Not a lot of spoonfeeding, not a lot of shitposting, not a lot of bad threads - the relatively low traffic keeps this stuff from happening most of the time, and a meido usually takes care of it in a reasonably quick timeframe.

>What do you think should be different (if anything)?

Gosh, I don't know. Better left to someone who spends more time here, I think.



Is this /a/ or /jp/?



It's /pol/.



Will you send people to /pol/ if Japan enacts some new censorship laws that are targeting anime?


File: 66850a149dfba84⋯.jpg (423.45 KB, 2000x1553, 2000:1553, 1224858901545.jpg)


/pol/ is a special case. the less encouragement for them to be around, the better. They have a strong tendency to derail threads with political posts. See also the fiasco with Nagatoro/FranXX.



I don't think it's fair to blame all that on /pol/, my intuition says that was more /v/.



Belongs on /pol/. I say this as the anon that made that thread.



For the netorare stuff? No idea. I just listed it for falling into the same category as /pol/ stuff in that it frequently derails threads for no reason. I'd have no issue with it if it was able to stick to its own thread.



I knew something was fishy about /animu/ when the shills started spreading lies about /a/ to get more posters on his fart board.



You know I was on the toilet earlier thinking about how much the internet sucks now but this is a fun end to an old story; I forgot all about those fart jokes. Internet still sucks but I'm a little less bothered by it.



>It's mostly one guy samefagging there. It might create the impression of being crowded with people, but it's not.

>Look at /tv/, do you know that 90% of the posts there are by one guy? It's the same guy on /animu/

I doubt that this is true of /animu/.



No, it's /a/, /pol/ and /jp/.

But it's on /pol/, not on /a/ because people like you would like to see this board emptied.

People will flock elsewhere then, hence /animu/.

If /animu/ succeeds, there's a thing called niche competition in nature, that dictates that two competing species cannot have the same niche, one of them will become extinct.



Yeah, it has been a time now so I'll lay my theory about how he appeared and how he faded into irrelevancy:

He just used Opera as a browser, and it had a native VPN function. Now, after the update sometime ago, the function was overhauled and lost many proxies (before, it used "infinite", so the guy was impossible to ban) having 3 fixed and limited proxies now, which, funnily enough, are all already banned.

So, he got power, he lost it.



You misunderstand the rules.

There are inclusive topics, and there are exclusive ones.

/pol/ is one of those exclusive topics. If what you want to discuss is political, then that's basically it. It's almost irrelevant whether it's also anime related. That's why the rules thread specifically says that "Tangentially related /pol/ content/images should be posted on >>>/weebpol/ or >>>/a4pol/."



>Two dead boards

>Like everything else japan-related

>Only /jp/ /a/ and /animu/ are somehow relevant, /u/ /loli/ and else all died due to being too specific



>>Two dead boards

This thread has touched upon that point.

As for your other greentext, I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say or whom you are quoting.



>Only /jp/ /a/ and /animu/ are somehow relevant

There is also /2hu/, a board I have a soft spot for.



>/u/ /loli/ and else all died due to being too specific

/u/ and /loli/ are more active than /jp/.


File: dfe8630835a9c03⋯.jpg (136.15 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_mi….jpg)

>How are you all feeling about /a/?

>What do you think is going right?

>What do you think should be different (if anything)?

I think overall /a/ is doing okay. The meido drive is a great idea, since I think what we really needed most is more consistent moderation. I agree with head meido's post on /ameta/ that the meidos should be primarily for border security rather than internal police. I say this because it would be nice to see more experimental threads, and to maybe see our board culture evolve in some fun new ways. I really enjoy semi-regular events like r/a/dio and waifu wednesdays, and it would be nice to see something like that outside the mold. That said, there's nothing that should be drastically different. Please keep up the removal of filth and newfags who refuse to lurk, and all will be well.


File: 390a5aa6b7d5f34⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 1070x639, 1070:639, 3tq7IYUvS2CCWaYQ1zpA_noose.jpg)


Are you fucking serious? Let's have a corner in our nice house dedicated to smearing shit on the walls?

>I know it could attract cancer, but I think something like that (assuming it wasn't raided by crossboarders) would allow anons to both vent and fuck around in a healthy manner, and might bring folks over to /a/ when they leech into unrelated threads put of curiosity.

How fucking new and/or clueless are you? Oh yeah, I'm sure people who only half give a shit about our hobby and only come to act like retards in our weekly retard festivals are going to be a wonderful addition to the community.

I'm fucking appalled. This reminds me of those stupid universities where they have a place for the students to act like kindergarteners. If you're some kind of mental defective with a pent-up urge to shitpost I'd say /a/ isn't where you belong in the first place, but let me offer you more helpful advice and tell you to go do it in any other hundred imageboards and forums where nobody will bat an eye if you do. Not here.



We already have a place where anons "vent and fuck around in a healthy manner." It's called s/a/turday smug r/a/dio.



I agree, a designated space for anons are actually allowed to create new content would be great for the board, I'm sure /a/ is strong enough to make it into something good for itself.


Keeping the board so closed to new ideas only leads to stagnation, read the thread, a lot of the time people don't try to do something new is out of fear to be banned, but having a designated space where anon can let loose would be something good for the board.



Stagnation isn't an issue because we're a board about an interest which is constantly evolving and changing. Unless you mean in terms of "board culture", in which case I can only think you're some kind of newfag looking for the "latest epic meme" to screencap and post to some "crazy shit 4chan [sic]" tumblr or reddit. Things develop over time at their own pace proportional to the size of the community.

Let people be banned if they try new things if they didn't put enough thought into them. Throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks is not a good way to find good ideas, only new ideas. And the biggest fucking issue is that you're inviting every shitposter and his cat by giving them a venue to act like spastics in a place that would otherwise not tolerate it. Once enough of them gather they'll start crawling out of the woodwork and take over the place, because there's a whole hell of a lot more of them than there are us, and preventing such an outcome would be hell for the meidos who would have no choice but to become even stricter, invariably punishing some innocents in the pursuit of stomping out the shitposters.

If this doesn't sound familiar you haven't been around long enough.




>crossboarder magnet

I don't know what kind of crazy faggot you have to be to imagine that those two conditions would be ideal grounds for new ideas to flourish on /a/.

I think you guys are also implying that it somehow takes effort to post on /a/ and abide by our rules and that's why you think anons "need" a shitposting break. You'd be wrong of course.


And then people wonder why this site hate /a/. In other boards, /a/ is the glue that makes imageboard culture.

Here on 8chan, we got a bunch of low self-esteem faggots ruining the fun of everybody.



>I agree, a designated space for anons are actually allowed to create new content would be great for the board

There's so many things fundamentally wrong with this statement. You can't just make a designated space for new content, since generating new content doesn't work that way. Memes and board culture don't spring out of designated meme and culture threads, they spring up naturally unless they're forced and cancerous.

Not only that, but new content doesn't doesn't mean good content. Good content may come from new content, but planning to generate more and more shit content in a shitposting thread isn't conducive to good content.

>having a designated space where anon can let loose would be something good for the board

That already exists in many forms, and you seriously need to lurk the fuck more. There's simply no other response to your idiot posts. Lurk more.



I agree, if anything, this thread showed how much power fantasy faggots we have among us, and how they want to censor everybody.

Head Meido, if you're reading the stuff here, please don't allow people with such attitudes to become Meidos. This isn't even about the content of their message, which I even agree mostly, but about their lack of love for their fellows.








>lack of love for their fellows.

Someone who doesn't lurk is no fellow of mine.


File: e126b0b5894df15⋯.gif (671.18 KB, 434x360, 217:180, e126b0b5894df15854ce526aef….gif)


>Memes and board culture don't spring out of designated meme and culture threads, they spring up naturally unless they're forced and cancerous.

On this topic, do you seriously believe if a new meme like sakurafish were to pop up on /a/ in its current state, it wouldn't be banned to oblivion? Better question: If you didn't already like Sakurafish and it was introduced to the board without its history, would it ever be allowed? I think the answer is a pretty flat no which is kind of sad.


File: e58f52981129abe⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 454x358, 227:179, e58f52981129abe12588adf977….jpg)


You have your work cut out for you if you think those tactics are going to work here, comrade fellow.


File: a48205ad7583ea2⋯.jpg (34.84 KB, 289x254, 289:254, a48205ad7583ea25fe1964e700….jpg)



File: ea52fd38448deb0⋯.png (213.66 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 5aa27fddaf82e1f83eed23a332….png)

I can do all EST hours except 0300 to 1100-ish for the foreseeable future. Email isn't cock.li (I deleted my account in 2015 when the founder got nailed by the German police), but it's the one that I use for a board that I own.



They're against imageboard culture, that's pretty obvious.

We only have this problem, out of every board, 8chan or not, here on 8/a/.

This people don't even realise that /a/ is the core board of an imageboard, but they make it so that it was to be their exclusionist faggot club. The result is that, out of the many /a/ out there, 8/a/ has the most pathetic position compared to its site's other boards.

These people are the real cancer.



>And then people wonder why this site hate /a/

Who the hell wonders this?



Anon, I'm pretty sure that was a 2015 april fools joke if you're referring to the swastika.


File: 51a34e4c1c12743⋯.png (345.07 KB, 600x718, 300:359, 35219389d9a306df02db794a2d….png)


We're not interested in being part of your little community of shitposters or running in your popularity contest, faggot. Leave if you don't like it. We don't care.



I thought Vince Canfield was stuck in Romania with a search warrant from the German police regarding CP being shared over cockmail.


File: ded4bacae6c3c65⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 600x677, 600:677, shinji mug.jpg)


This is an interesting point. We look at sakura fish fondly as a part of our roots, but we cannot deny that its origin is undeniably based in shitposting/forced memery. There is a certain (justified) antagonism here against blatant memecrafting because nobody wants to be associated with content that might turn out totally unfunny and forced. On the other hand, it is a bizarre situation that our culture is forcibly confined to the memes of 5+ years ago. I think this is subconsciously our way of freezing the perceived good ol' days of 4/a/ in a time vacuum. In agreement with >>790208, I have no desire to see this board conform to the culture that has developed on the rest of the site. Nonetheless the current situation doesn't seem wholly organic, and I wonder what, if anything, should be done about it.



We've had new memes develop here, granted, at a much slower pace.


Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.





Those were simpler and more innocent times, back when imageboards weren't part of the brainless internet mainstream.

Nowadays we're more like a bunker sealed off from the post-nuclear apocalypse. We can open the door and let the radiation and the raider gangs in, or we can take our chances in the bunker and hope the outside world gets better before we all die of old age.

I'm thinking the latter is a better choice.



/a/ and /jp/ are damn near the only boards left from this "great imageboard experiment" that kept their identity as opposed to being subsumed by phoneposting normalfags turning every board on this site into a branch-office of /pol/, due to the legalistic culture here and the unique posting on /jp/. /a/ used to be the core of an imageboard, but the imageboard around us has become rotten with Facebook users and "epic trolls" sent from an iPhone 7 at a club on Saturday night. You should never wish to be the core of that.


File: 02cc3f93ce5b74f⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 02cc3f93ce5b74f57a43e7730a….jpg)




Your misuse of the term "imageboard" makes it pretty clear how fresh you are. Perhaps you should head on down back to the imageboard 4chan where you can have all the fun you want posting fresh new memes.



>In other boards, /a/ is the glue that makes imageboard culture.

This hasn't been true for years. Thanks to the popularization of imageboards and the total lack of care by the people moderating them imageboards have been overran with people who don't like anime, don't know how imageboards started, don't know dick about anything, but still act like they own the place.

I'm going to go on a tangent that's slightly related to that here: one of the problems that makes /v/ close to unusable nowadays are video game threads that are met with retards using sage as a downvote. Talking about a lot of games is close to impossible, especially new ones, since there's a really high chance you'll be accused of shilling, regardless of how you make your OP. Another type of thread that will invariably get a lot of people sageing as a downvote are threads about games that are really heavy in their usage of "anime", and I'm gonna use the term anime very loosely here, because goons love to screech weeaboo at any japanese thing they don't like. Also a huge problems with console exclusives, mostly Nintendo games, but also seen in playstation exclusives fairly regularly.

Imagine if this shit happened on /a/. If you got called a shill for starting a thread about a Trigger anime, if discussing Kyoani stuff became impossible because the threads were filled with ">kyoani watcher" posts, if talking about anything done by bones became impossible because the threads would talk about how they sold out to netflix instead of about the anime that's trying to be discussed.

The only way /a/ could be more lax with moderation would be if all these "eternal 2007" type of people became extinct, and that's not happening any time soon.



We've had new memes develope slowly inside the confines of their relevant anime generals, like the Nanachi Wojak memes. While I occasionally see them posted elsewhere, they're still pretty confined compared to what could be. I dunno, anon. I feel like controlling newfags is easier than banning fun, but at the same time I recognize the special circumstances of /a/.


Nuclear fallout is only a real threat in most areas for about a week tops. After that what kills everyone is the nuclear winter and mutations/miscarriages long after. I want to live, anon, not die a dog's death with my dwindling friends and family.



But board culture has shifted and developed in the last several years. It does go much slower than it did in the older days of /a/ on 4chan, but that's mostly because this /a/ is more focused on topic rather than on shitposting. This also means that the cultural movements and shifts that do occur are significantly less cancerous. It's classic quality over quantity.

In any case, there's nothing really wrong with old memes unless you're insecure about not keeping up with the "cool" kids, especially when the "sick new meems" we're competing against are retarded and forced. As long as the board remains active and vibrant, there's no need to feel anxious about cultural stagnation. It will change as it changes, and those changes will be good so long as we keep the quality of posting to high standards.


File: d18bee735b7dbc1⋯.png (222.45 KB, 311x323, 311:323, 1461356461864.png)

It's great seeing that there are other oldhags around who know what's up and are willing to argue back against newfaggotry or more likely deliberate attempts at shitting up the place.

If you become our new generation of meidos I can trust that this place will be in good hands for a while longer.



If anything, the Head Meido herself feels unease in that attitude of yours having a negative impact on the board.

This thread pretty much shows that the board is divided between chill out people against control freaks.



Okay but who do you think you are fooling?


File: dacffad87c80daa⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 341x547, 341:547, dacffad87c80daa6f0dea343f3….jpg)


Keep trying, I'm sure it'll work eventually.


File: ef76ad65d8f42f2⋯.gif (404.49 KB, 342x342, 1:1, working hard.gif)


File: ac46a2ace62a5d6⋯.jpg (120 KB, 839x1083, 839:1083, ac46a2ace62a5d65b8cb1bcdad….jpg)


t. faggot




We had new things because we were allowed to have them. Things like Sakura fish or the Rabbits threads exist only because they were allowed to keep going, but the paranoid anons in this thread would pretty much delete and ban things like that before they even catch on. I don't want a new moderation that will only promote the stagnation of /a/.







Samefag. Actually, even if it's not, this herd mentality is pretty retarded.



Fuck off, nobody gives a god damn about the board's "position" compared to the other boards. What the fuck even is this mentality? You think this is some kind of competition? You think this is some kind of game?


File: e52ad8423704db2⋯.png (5.23 KB, 495x143, 45:13, zannendeshita.png)

File: d378eda3dd652b3⋯.png (301.96 KB, 517x517, 1:1, extra smug damegami.png)



You were just saying that /a/nons are cancer because they don't want /a/ to become a vaguely anime-themed shit-tier /b/. You're in no position to call anyone retarded.


Will y'all chill the fuck out? The question was never meant to get people riled up between different factions that's why I deleted it before this shitstorm happened. It was just an idea that came to mind while making breakfast. The strict rules are what make /a/ into /a/, I just don't want to see comfy comradery hindered by fear so I was brainstorming a compromise that might be fun and still manageable if it gets out of hand.

Deleted and reposted because of phone being stupid + big fingers.



You can just leave the thread if all you can be is a dumb guy with big fingers.


File: de6c2208cc986fd⋯.gif (801.02 KB, 518x253, 518:253, da2dea7011d33643ff6772e427….gif)


There is nothing wrong with the word "y'all," "them there," etc. Kansai accent is also objectively best Nip accent.



I guess if you're pleading ignorance I believe you, but just so you know "y'all" is pretty common parlance amongst the more ravenous tumblrites.


File: 2614c1b0b18a6ea⋯.png (86.92 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2614c1b0b18a6ea7bf77cd85da….png)


My waifu loves my big fingers. It spreads her small hands wide when holding her.


File: 9e23ecf2bbc840b⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 344x562, 172:281, 1459466457150-1.jpg)

I think I'm getting second-hand embarrassed at this point and can no longer continue to cyberbully anon-kun.


File: 5ad758831b4f84a⋯.gif (16.21 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 070c559fc6008aa2cd17b79cca….gif)


Fuck tumblr, for ruining proper American English. Those cunts don't deserve the phrase y'all.


File: 47cda5ea0f48426⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 293x388, 293:388, Doki_CHOYQUZU_Kono_Subaras….jpg)


File: 4f1f67e187bb622⋯.jpg (408.24 KB, 1609x1000, 1609:1000, __amami_haruka_hagiwara_yu….jpg)


>"y'all" is pretty common parlance amongst the more ravenous tumblrites.

This disturbs me most profoundly.



He shows up telling people how the board should be based on his perception of things and then gets mad when people laugh at him for being a fucking retard. Between this and the fact he's advocating for more shitposting and less moderation I wouldn't be surprised at all if he were some /intl/ retard (if those people even still exist), and even if he isn't, he's behaving like they did, so don't feel bad for bullying him.



> but they make it so that it was to be their exclusionist faggot club

This don't make sense. They promote "sisters" boards to everyone do like the rules of /a/. This isn't like the 4chan where have a exclusive board for discuss about anime and manga.


File: d58556ff789b062⋯.png (262.2 KB, 608x600, 76:75, d58556ff789b062b39b0a0e716….png)



Logic won't get you anywhere with people who know they're lying, Anon. Let's just stop replying. I've got a feeling the meidos are going to nuke this whole exchange when they wake up anyway.


And there it is.


File: f9fccd7ce3238fb⋯.png (382.29 KB, 850x720, 85:72, Sakurako X).png)


I'm not trying to win an argument here, I'm just having a laugh at his paranoia and total incompetence at determining if 2 posts are done by the same person or not. I could record myself scrolling through the thread in a completely different monitor than the one in >>790274's picture and he'd still come up with an excuse like I moved to a different computer I have, or I edited the page's html or whatever. He thinks I jumped IP at least 4 times to laugh at him in 5 different ways in 5 different posts for christ sake. That's pretty fucking funny.


File: 23156fd62dda2f3⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 251x396, 251:396, CuBVBAMVYAIkX1w.jpg)


Oh he's not paranoid. He knows what he's doing. He's trying to discredit people who he considers a threat to his attempts at opening the borders to shitposters. Spend enough time around people trying to get their way through sophistry and you start to know their tricks.


Now, regarding you, Brazilian shitposter, don't delude yourself thinking you're going to become a moderator.

I'll make sure to get that position and ban you forever, no matter how many times.

You're a cancer that's destroying not only this board but 8chan as a whole.

If only Head Meido was online, and not some sorry excuse of that.





A problem with the moderation here is that posts such as >>790156 get deleted after replies to them are made. What are the benefits of doing that? All it does is make a discussion more difficult to follow after the fact.

>Just don't reply to shitposters!

Won't solve it, as this is the sort of thing that has a chilling effect.



Thanks for cleaning up that whole mess, meido-san. Keeps other anons from jumping in and further derailing the thread.



I know the strategy well, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's just crazy and not a slimy shit stirrer on a warpath throwing a tantrum in a fucking anime imageboard.

Isn't one of the argument these people have that boards should self moderate and idiots should be laughed at and bullied until they learn or leave? This is exactly what's happening here but of course they don't want to think this applies to themselves, just to other people.


File: 79e50768fc32cc9⋯.gif (200.67 KB, 491x544, 491:544, 1504157526307.gif)



Nevermind, this is actually pretty funny and he may be that delusional.


It is pretty much a lose-lose situation as far as I can tell. Actual arguments tend to fall apart pretty quickly, especially when at least one side is full of shit as is often the case, not to mention that it derails the thread, so you can't exactly keep them either.



>A problem with the moderation here is that posts such as >>790156 get deleted after replies to them are made.

I made that post. I deleted it upon subsequently realizing it was going to start a shitstorm. See >>790245


File: fe854913791f178⋯.webm (3.31 MB, 560x394, 280:197, otter jaguar slide.webm)


I mean look at this fucking post. God damn this is a good thread.



He's right, you know, the guy admitted that in an Emma Watson thread on /tv/ long time ago.



I think that one anon is getting his wish for a dedicated shitposting thread.



Ah, thanks for clarifying.

It happened to one of my posts once, where in the same post I made a comparison between KonoSuba and DanMachi, and also said Megumin would be better with bigger tits. People responded to the former, post was deleted because of the latter, and after the deletion it looked like people were responding to a deleted post about comparing KonoSuba and DanMachi




This shit reminds me of that ACK disaster on 4/a/.


File: 1d535bd98c71d7c⋯.jpg (118.36 KB, 640x480, 4:3, __megumin_kono_subarashii_….jpg)


You deserve to be stoned.


File: c7cae6b65ea0180⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 133.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, meguminoppai.jpg)


Wait, is this really a bannable offense?



That brazilian is a high grade psychopath, I wouldn't doubt him being ACK himself (although unlikely) specially after seeing his posts and female paranoia on /tv/.

But well, who cares.



I didn't get banned for it. I think it was just a

<leaving this post up will attract shitposting



File: 7aa32788b8af59a⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7aa32788b8af59a7b3fcb1861d….jpg)




File: 3aab1f44c4dfbed⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 1024x847, 1024:847, satania carta.jpg)


There's someone obsessed with this Brazilian in the thread. I wonder why. Could it be him himself simulating attention on an attempt to make someone care?

But seriously, anon, I think it's enough with your obsession.



Only on Reddit, where most of western konosuba fanbase is located.



How many times do you have to be told this /v/-tier mentality isn't welcome here? Why would I care or even know what reddit watches?



I don't know, but these "jokes" about "bullying" and "lewding" are very tiring and also very Reddit/cuckchan's /a/ tier.



I don't think you understood the point of his post at all.



You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Try to accept that people like things you don't.



I do accept, I'm not autistically screeching. Though I still have the right to show my disdain because I believe it's typical to cuckchan and reddit. It doesn't matter though, it's not like he will stop doing that because I don't like.



Whatever, I just commented about my experience with him on /tv/.


I think bullying and lewding "jokes" are very male-tier instead. Don't you feel like bullying and lewding a girl into worshiping the cock? You might as well be gay, low test or just a boring person.



>Though I still have the right to show my disdain because I believe it's typical to cuckchan and reddit.

And likewise why would I care about whether or not reddit and cuckchan talk about bullying and lewding. Those are good discussions here.



I do, but I don't have the need to share this on an anonymous imageboard for no reason at all. This 'joke' of yours is very, very repeating and tiresome. There is always a thread with someone forcing this unfunny trash; like anybody asked. It's something the typical ironic weeb from cuckchan or tumblr would screech to his discord friends, attempting to be funny. I would like the less of you there were. It's not funny, it's not cool.


Why do you even go to that shithole? You get what you ask for.


File: b5cc6714d14a28f⋯.png (321.51 KB, 800x600, 4:3, komachi is disciplined.png)


You still don't understand. Nobody cares if you don't like anime X. But if you don't like anime X specifically because Y likes anime X, then you're a contrarian faggot. When you evaluate anime based on whether normalfags like them or not, the focus of discussion turns outward, and then people never stop talking about people we hate and why we can't enjoy anime X because of them. That's why /v/ became a total shithole, which ironically became infested with the people they chose to endlessly shit-talk. If you don't like Konosuba, there are plenty of legitimate talking points to make that claim.



Are you seriously saying those are good discussions? This is pure shitposting, the difference is that it's meido approved. It's always the same fucking sentences. Are you sure they didn't replace your brain for a peanut when you were born, to find this kind of thing funny or entertaining? You know, I always filter these threads. You are bringing this to the meta thread, you bastard.




I suspect age may be a factor. /a/ is a board that attracts 18 year olds (and younger people), but it also has lots of experienced veterans many times older.

Common sense tells me that 30 year olds with over 10 years experience of image boards would look for different topics (and styles of holding a conversation) than youngsters.

Of course, I have no evidence at all. Even my own memory fails me.



It's not only because of cuckchan that I don't like konosuba, but also because Konosuba posters are huge shitposters! Take a glance at a Konosuba thread and all you will find are horny teenagers talking about tits or ass and doing their epic "bully" and "lewd" jokes. How old are you, mare?



>I do, but I don't have the need to share this on an anonymous imageboard for no reason at all.

But there are people who do.

>This 'joke' of yours

I don't do that myself, bear in mind. I'm in the boring category, I just don't complain about it like you.

>is very, very repeating and tiresome. There is always a thread with someone forcing this unfunny trash; like anybody asked.

But this board is not only about you, there might be people who want these threads.

>It's something the typical ironic weeb from cuckchan or tumblr would screech to his discord friends, attempting to be funny.

I don't disagree. But aren't you "disliking the band because of the fans" now? It might not be, but this is playing a factor for you. And I agree with your remark, bear in mind.

>I would like the less of you there were.

I don't do that, stop with the aggro.

>It's not funny, it's not cool.

It may be to someone, this board is not only about what you want.


>Why do you even go to that shithole? You get what you ask for.

I used to go there before for movie recs, but that basically doesn't exist there anymore. It's out of habit I guess, but I'm stopping going there, yes.


This is why meta is usually kept to a separate board. Anons that would be posting together are trying to rip each other's faces off.


Konosuba itself is a shitposting medium. That's what makes the LN so good.



I see. I have never thought of this kind of thing funny but I realise I have been complaining too much lately.


File: c8ede57f7ba8c64⋯.jpg (171.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1517744593319.jpg)


You can never be too old to talk about lewd and bully, or butts and oppai for that matter. You know how the age old saying goes: I keep getting older, but the highschool girls stay the same.

Should I be commenting on how difficult it is for the average salaryman to get a mortgage instead?

What's wrong with you, anon?



Dissing things because they're not mature enough is a teenager's nature friendo.


File: 3b7b131df482046⋯.png (65.49 KB, 360x407, 360:407, smug12.png)


>If you got called a shill for starting a thread about a Trigger anime, if discussing Kyoani stuff became impossible because the threads were filled with ">kyoani watcher" posts

But that already happens, though I doubt it's too as bad a degree.



I would accept it being childish if it were at least funny.


>people honestly arguing over /pol/ and /leftypol/.

Both can fuck off, it's not hard. I'm /pol/ and what makes /a/ special is that it's a haven from the dumpster fire of modern politics. The right wing is unhappy with society, the left is, and the centre is. I think regardless of differences we somewhere to relax, that's what makes /a/ comfy. I don't want to think of my politics, and I don't want to think of other people's. It should be neutral, and politics should be absent unless it's a theme in a show, and never linked to reality. Keep /a/ comfy, ban those who can't follow this simple rule, whatever their politics.



You are absolutely right, anon.


Oh and as they are probably going to read this thread, thanks for all you work meidos. I couldn't handle moderation, so I appreciate you guys doing what you do.



Imagine hating fun this much.



Why are you bringing this dead discussion up again? To create more shitpost?



It's a meta thread, nothing wrong with adding your opinion to it. And nothing he said was wrong.



Just a genuine disdain for the fact it was even a discussion. I really don't want to lose /a/.


File: 451f76c6ae17682⋯.png (161.86 KB, 335x344, 335:344, 451f76c6ae176822571284fd75….png)


I've only been banned once recently for shitposting in my own designated Love Live thread I've been actively shitposting in since the beginning possibly for posting a pink wojak. I notice that a lot of people can get away with a lot by posting cute girls alongside shitposts but I don't think I deserved a hammer for redtext and an image concerning the popularity of a character I really like. I want to assume that a meido was just in a bad mood that day, but at least let angry men be angry in peace in his own containment thread.


File: 200e7cfbc6b5137⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 640x368, 40:23, 142053580968.jpg)



You deserved it.


File: 7b812c8c81a540e⋯.png (97.77 KB, 630x319, 630:319, heretic_burned.png)


Could be?

I may have been the one to report that.


If it's just the Konosuba thread, I'd say it goes with the territory since the anime delivers on fanservice and bullying. At least it also has some clever bits compared to a pure waifu shitshow like Haganai.


It's not your vegetable.



The email address that I provided yesterday has apparently gone tits-up, so you can use this one if it's not too late.



I would still love her.



That is one cute Cirno.


File: 5703e23ac2c267a⋯.png (670.46 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 1513366852042.png)


That is one tasty Cirno.



Please do not ingest the fairies.



Fairies are for lewding, no for eating.


File: 095cdaac81909e2⋯.jpg (278.59 KB, 1141x1613, 1141:1613, cirno6.jpg)


I only save the cutest Cirnos.


Is cuteposting deemed as shitposting?



Why would it be?


Here's the email, for your consideration head meido.


File: 81c2a0aaf86956d⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 700x726, 350:363, c54148ffb6ed6d6231ce36721e….jpg)

Consider me for head meido!

Waiting warmly!


File: 6a6afa63ae02238⋯.jpg (89.08 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Chifuyu.jpg)


Are you still receiving applications?

I posted above but didn't receive any answer. Well such is life, I'm posting my email again just in case.



I haven't received either. They are probably keeping an eye on who has applied.



We could at least receive something on the lines of

>We received your email address and may contact you soon with a form or with a message of dismissal.

>Thank you,

>Head Meido



I think it took him a week to send me mine back when I applied. Almost three years ago. Just take it easy and watch some anime.



But they haven't even sent the email containing the instructions to apply yet. Just take it easy, as the poster above you has said.



>above me



Can we get some banners added?


We've been sending off all applications within a day of the email address being posted. If you haven't received it within roughly that timeframe let us know. Some anons didn't actually post their emails, so if you haven't received an application form check you're not in that bucket.





I haven't received yet.


For how m time do you plan on receiving applications? I received the email this morning and as

I'm working I don't have the spare time to give you proper answers and I want to make sure they are well thought out.



I will send the application to you today at least, but Australia has a total different timezone so I vant tell ezactly.


File: ff1e7e9fc8717c2⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 712x712, 1:1, aya_what.jpg)



You probably don't need to worry about returning your application.




This is a competition between anons for a limited amount of positions of power. Be wary of other anons telling you not to bother.


File: 0289199117824c0⋯.jpg (461.89 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 0289199117824c0716ad16750c….jpg)



That anon was obviously referring to the incoherent typing that read like it was done by someone high on crack.

The fact that he had to ask "Why?" along with him actually receiving an application is funny and a little worrisome.


>/animu/ having a drama day with one of their volunteer


File: ab16dac8d811866⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1366x8886, 683:4443, fag10.png)


File: 867e9a18995442a⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 524x405, 524:405, 1425323981180.gif)


File: 1a90a38ceeb46b2⋯.webm (859.41 KB, 531x560, 531:560, Takagi laughing.webm)


>Mod spergs out and deletes thread.

>BO moves in, removes him and restores some stuff.

>Mod says he couldn't take it any more and just deleted stuff because he got teased.

>Anons not only have a demonstration of the BO actually being competent but got to enjoy some drama.



Go back there



Anyways, what matter is that it served its purposed of containing /pol/ and /v/ retards. The only mistake of the vol was trying to civilizate the monkeys.



Not like we didn't have this before here on /a/.


What am I looking at? Nothing?





I wasn't even aware that board existed until 20 minutes ago.



The ISPs have been around 200 for something like two weeks so it's kinda impressing.


It has been saved almost everyone's historic before the vol tried to nuke it, including the BO. So it's nothing really, but it shows the average poster is a /pol/tard and the BO is a retarded nigger who can't even capitalize his posts.



At least this will keep the board alive for another few days. I'd hate to have to deal with these shitters trying to sneak back in here.


File: 627cc1e51ff4d43⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 367x461, 367:461, 63f65d49feb779013a17a894ff….jpg)




This is hilarious, I don't know why anyone expected anything different. This entire week-long meltdown has been fun to watch.



Don't forget that every board experiences drama wars. Not even /a/ escaped from that.



That was with Claud though.



Still, people gave attention to autism. If you see a poo then don't touch the fucking poo!



The former BO fucking left us because he couldn't handle being one and gave the account to a vol who then gave it to his discord buddy. The discord buddy is now /animu/'s BO. Honestly, fuck this shit. All I wanted was a board with lax moderation that we could do lots of funposting and post /jp/ tier content, but it became another containment board for /pol/tards that would spam politics and off-topic trash. People mistake lax moderation for some kind of rave where they can do whatever the fuck they want. It's full of /v/ermin there.



I tried to make the board a bit better but with only two bans and one bunplock it was already enough for the kids to start crying to the BO, it was when I saw there was no hope for the board at all and it had already been infested. The only shame is that regardless of everything being a vol is pretty nice and I've always enjoyed it.


Sorry for the off-topic posting, by the way. I'll stop now.



The internet has been politically charged. (8chan more than many other websites)

Having lax moderation and expecting no politics is somewhat delusional. I wish it were possible. I fondly think back to the times where the odd racist joke was accepted by left- and rightwingers because everybody had left their morals at the door and used the image board for a completely different experience that didn't need any morals.

We will not get these times back. As soon as we accept that, we can set out to find a set of rules that can hold the real world affiliations at bay while still allowing us to breathe and have fun.

I find /a/ is on the right track, but only for a very narrow set of topics.



/a/ takes it too far, /animu/ not far enough.

Also this is the same kind of retards that started shit with /a/, and with every other board that tries to ban them

Protip, it's all /intl/ or /leftypol/ or whatever you wanna call it. Filthy fags that need the rope



How does /a/ take it too far?



Why do the fags want so much to talk about politics on an anime board?



It's the brazilian.




Well, an example I'd give is instead of deleting certain threads, you bumplock them instead.



No, then the board looks like shit and retards will feel at home.



They can't feel at home if you call them faggots.



I bumplocked and the /pol/tards went apeshit because of it. Good fucking lord, they're so entitled. I want to smash the heads of these baboons who think they can go other boards and behave like they're in their shithole where you only get banned for shittalking about the mods.



It's the brazilian. Go to /tv/ and see what he did to it.



I don't give a fuck about /tv/. Go back tthere.



Yeah, you're retarded. Doesn't even realise that the guy shitting on /tv/ is the same one shitting on /animu/.

Actually, you're behaving so dramatically that I'm questioning your very self, maybe you should fuck yourself, yes.



It's not /pol/, it's just faggots being faggots. Goons gotta goon.



Obsessed. I know exactly who were shitting the board and they were just your average 18 years old mentally retarded /pol/tards.



Right right, go cry there then, not here.



Wow, it's like you finally figured out what we knew all along! You fucking retard. You're here forever.


File: bc60160e112a336⋯.png (4.36 MB, 3280x3672, 410:459, 1507396720684.png)


It's like when you tell a child not to touch the hot stove because it's hot, but they don't believe you and get madder and madder about it until you turn around.

Then they touch the stove and leave behind half their hand. "I told you so" isn't a strong enough phrase.




Yeah, I knew it was you all along. Are you samefagging again? Oh yes you are.



>I don't know why anyone expected anything different.

Kicking myself for doing just that.


File: 9e617a65a143fb9⋯.jpg (940.46 KB, 1456x2592, 91:162, 1430018970837-0.jpg)


Take your meds. /a/ occasionally has moderation that can be considered overbearing, but 9 times out of 10 it's just right to maintain comfyness.


File: 33e883cde3c6609⋯.jpg (165.4 KB, 600x599, 600:599, I will protect you |a|.jpg)

This thread worries me for the new meidos. Russian Roulette with 5 bullets?


Guys will you just make kirino a mod on /a/ so he has a source to channel his autism instead of shitting up not two but three boards like the brazlian monkey he is?



Why don't you go back to your containment board and leave /a/ alone? Seethe & obsessed, I see.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Calm down and listen to some music.


I hope this past madness here is proof enough for every meido and /a/ user that there's a brazilian samefagger whose life mission is to shitpost.

Do not take this lightly, if you see a thread being derailed full of shitposting (like that Oreimo thread he created here recently), learn how to identify him:

>1. He jumps IPs

>2. He argues against himself (as you can see him here replying to himself)

>3. Has multiple "personalities" and alters his post patterns

>4. Create fake outrages, false consensus and pit people to fight against one another


File: e174abd0be2b0e1⋯.jpg (754.73 KB, 1602x1687, 1602:1687, __original_drawn_by_looloo….jpg)

This has gone too far.


File: 00ff2cb1dd39704⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1178x1200, 589:600, ontan can't handle it.png)


In fucking deed.

Can the current meidos get rid of the huezilian spammer already?



Bumplocking is useless, on slow days for even the biggest board expect a bumplocked thread to still be on page 1 and with 300 replies.


File: 9bd800b829bbef5⋯.png (815.22 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, Nishiuri Cheer Sooks.png)

File: 5b4cb8d78fa4026⋯.jpg (535.86 KB, 2976x4174, 1488:2087, Nishiuri Sooks Meido Sit.jpg)

File: 0784a0c9438081b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 574x1000, 287:500, minakata sunai sooks offer….png)

File: 0fef61f4c5b7aa7⋯.jpg (747.62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Fal casual chiq Sooks.jpg)

File: 43a861494c41a3f⋯.jpg (158.08 KB, 1119x1200, 373:400, Tarumaru Sooks deep though.jpg)

Make me meido so I can unban myself when I shitpost.

I have a long history on both 8ch and 4chan as a moderator. I was a mod on /l/ back when 4chan was first made. Over the years I stopped giving a fuck about pretty much everything and I just delete illegal shit because if that results in a board I use gettting taken down it will ruin my life.

I do not care about /a/ board culture because it is non-existent. You are sad faggots cargo culting a corpse. However Suika posting is the most important thing a man can do and so if it means I can guarentee my ability to make life better for everyone around me I will ease up on some of my shitposting and behave somewhat responsibly.

I understand you are all fucking newfags and probably think this post is antagonistic but I am simply being honest and forthright. Send my log in credentials to the email above.

I promise my reign will be merciful and just.



drunk bitch



Just wait anon. Gonna sing a differnet tune once I get my shitty fake imaginary internet powers.



I support you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Seems legit. I hope they at least send the questionnaire.



Why did you type your e-mail in subject field?



Because he's not only unfunny but a faggot too.



>a board getting taken down will ruin my life

>I wuz a mod on 4chin

>I am such an oldfag u guise

I was actually wondering how much longer it would take for the junkie native to show up along with his whore waifu.

It really is a shame that being such a massive faggot doesn't cause instant heart failure .



And on another note, if you have fun posting on both /a/ and /animu/ in different ways, just use both. This isn't /v/, and this isn't a console war. Literally who gives a fucking shit? Nobody's gonna tell you're doing it unless you either announce it yourself or you suck at OPSEC.


File: 922e8239a20c3bc⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 660x621, 220:207, 1491213599065-1.jpg)

I wish to retract my entire meido application form in order to replace all answers with "LEMME AT EM!"



The fact this post was made is amazing.



Hey faggots, you sent me an aplication, not credentials.



I am sorry I must break character here. I am so exceptionally proud of this shitpost. It is the distilled essence of eighteen years of HikkiNEET lifestyle. I want to thank you all for being here to witness the pinnical of my life where everything I worked for was realized. I love you my brothers.


File: 8a64f0a2dfc069c⋯.png (710.55 KB, 701x944, 701:944, 8a64f0a2dfc069c4d363f05faa….png)


Yeah well you didn't send us back any amusing shitposting so I think we're even.

Alright I'm calling this thread here, we'll start processing the applications soon. If you've yet to get yours back please do so promptly. For the rest of you, I'm sure this past week has made very clear why we'd been putting off the recruitment drive, but please rest assured that we'll do our best with screening and /a/ probably won't be deleted. On the off chance it is, it was lovely having you all around for the past several years.

I'm going to leave this thread open in case anyone has any final comments. There's too much for us to respond to directly, but we do read everything, both here and on /ameta/ and do take it into consideration. Finally, if you notice a maid going rogue please ping us directly in #8/a/ on Rizon, that's probably the fastest way to get in touch with us.



My game has been off lately. I don't get it. /tv/ has been so fucking easy to fuck up that I think it is starting to affect the way I view boards. I don't know man. I am sorry. I am going to try and pick my shit back up so we can get back to that classic 2015 shitposting.



When do you figure you'll send the replies?



Most likely a couple of days from now, we've been sidetracked a bit with something irrelevant but we'll get through them as soon as possible.


File: e222682dfa29c67⋯.webm (13.21 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Lies and Lamentation.webm)

Still waiting on my credentials you autistic faggots.

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