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File: 38ab8e32d6f0665⋯.png (96.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Untitled.png)

242df2  No.16786651[Last 50 Posts]

What's this all about?

Fullderp is a game where one of us declares himself the champ and takes a ragtag team of six Pokémon assembled by anons into an online competitive Pokémon battling simulator.

To quote one of Showdown's mods…

>@MacChaeger: None of these people are youtubers

>@MacChaeger: They impersonate verlis to to gain notoriety and attract new members

>@MacChaeger: These people regularly trick others into getting locked

>@MacChaeger: this is the single most toxic group of players on PS

How does it work?

When the current champ calls "new champ", the first poster to claim it is our champ. The first six legal Pokémon suggested once champ has been claimed or "new team" has been called will be the team our champ uses to battle.

Suggesters are not to make multiple suggestions for a team unless 15 minutes have passed since their last suggestion, or unless the champ specifically asks for resuggests.

The champ will be battling in Gen 8 OU unless he specifies otherwise.

Can I give the champ something?

Of course. If we've got a champ, feel free to come in and watch and give him something when he calls for a new team. No experience necessary, and everything's done in-browser.


The Rules:

Failure to follow the rules will result in IMPEACHMENT and/or BULLYING.

1. The champ cannot forfeit or intentionally throw a match.

2. The champ may not edit a set without the suggester's permission.

3. All Pokémon must be nicknamed.

4. The champ is not allowed to timer stall.

5. If someone resuggests before 15 minutes have passed since their last suggest, the champ must ignore it.

6. The champ should replace resuggests with fresh suggests that come in later.

7. Don't make the new thread until the old one is on Page 13, or near the post limit of 750.


Pokémon Showdown! BETA:



Pokémon Premades:

https://pastebin.com/raw/iXkvdKsL | Gen 8, WIP

https://pastebin.com/raw/LpjDzv3u | National Dex, WIP

https://pastebin.com/raw/xYSfaMd1 | Gen 7, aka USUM


OP Copypasta:


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242df2  No.16786652

File: 369a4b1ed4bac5e⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.94 KB, 96x96, 1:1, absolstuff2.gif)

Current status:


Gimme six. Natdex.

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f2f9e9  No.16786657


Free dog must be female

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8d4c2b  No.16786660

File: 9e47990e7f0d9b4⋯.png (902 B, 160x80, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Female Pinsir

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242df2  No.16786662

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242df2  No.16786697

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242df2  No.16786701

File: f0460b65f817d95⋯.png (3.81 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 1576125988847.png)


I never did get those suggs…

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435a45  No.16786702


Me clamp

give me fewer than last champ

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8d4c2b  No.16786703


Neo Dunpan

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435a45  No.16786704


I don't know any of the SWSH pokemon. Is this one of them?

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242df2  No.16786705


Glows in the dark (Inteleon) (M) @ Scope Lens  
Ability: Torrent
Happiness: 160
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Focus Energy
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Air Slash
Will be better when hidden abilities are out.

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f2f9e9  No.16786706


Take a donnel grass type

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435a45  No.16786707

>look for grass type




nani the fuck?

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8d4c2b  No.16786708

File: 4fbd17d84fe1a40⋯.png (92.91 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah its Copperajah.

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8cb181  No.16786709


Rhyperior for christmas

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8d4c2b  No.16786710


muh bank, they aren't actually cut mons; but mons that are unable to be gotten yet.

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435a45  No.16786711




is the only difference cosmetic?


does this means smogon banned them until bank integration?

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8d4c2b  No.16786712


>does this means smogon banned them until bank integration?

banned them in the normal format yeah.

>is the only difference cosmetic?

Gmax is for a gimmick that got banned in OU recently. Gmaxs are almost identical to normal Dynamax but change one move, neo dunpan was one of the few that was actually worth it.because it set steel bebs.

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435a45  No.16786716

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435a45  No.16786721

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435a45  No.16786724

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435a45  No.16786728

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435a45  No.16786730

new champ

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9391fb  No.16786796


>The champ will be battling in Gen 8 OU unless he specifies otherwise.

>not defaulting to some sort of natdex format

Me champ, Natdex AG. Theme, sets that are as stupid as OP.

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8d4c2b  No.16786797


>why don't we default to the format that will loop opps in about three games

Gee i wonder. Take the most important missing mon, weediethe actual one

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1ada9f  No.16786799


take a zacian of your choice

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967013  No.16786806


A sexy mon with attract: it must be humanoid.

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c77c08  No.16786808


assvest alcremie

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2ac3d1  No.16786818


Giratina @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Bold Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Hex

- Will-O-Wisp

- Calm Mind

- Rest

Surprisingly few pokemon can run a set like this and it isn't even that good.

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d79e5e  No.16786822

File: 431b75ebe767167⋯.jpg (109.65 KB, 1182x1671, 394:557, ELdjLGFXYA01oWD.jpg)



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9391fb  No.16786848

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9391fb  No.16786851

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9391fb  No.16786852

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8d4c2b  No.16786856


>the hand form is technically legalbut not actually possible to transform into

Eternabeam Eternatus can be weedie now, if its legal.

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9391fb  No.16786862

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9391fb  No.16786869

New team, same format.

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2ac3d1  No.16786873


DD kyurem B

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000000  No.16786875


Dragon Dance Salazzle

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8d4c2b  No.16786877


DD necrozma

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ad24dd  No.16786878


do !randpoke and use what it gives you

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8d4c2b  No.16786885

Resugging a DD steelix

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2ac3d1  No.16786888

Resugg any gen 4 pokemon with dragon dance

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9391fb  No.16786892


>Rock Head doesn't prevent Steel Beam recoil

This is honestly the gayest thing I've seen in a long time.

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9391fb  No.16786894

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9391fb  No.16786900

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9391fb  No.16786905

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9391fb  No.16786933

New team, same format.

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2ac3d1  No.16786934


Sableye @ Leftovers

Ability: Prankster

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Impish Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Encore

- Torment

- Taunt

- Mean Look

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9391fb  No.16786936


I just want to let you know that I already feel horrible for using this set that I can only assume to be made by the most wretched, yiddish, pro-miscegenation child molester that has ever lived.

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000000  No.16786937

BDSM Mistress (Absol-Mega) (F) @ Absolite

Ability: Pressure

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Punishment

- Play Rough

- Taunt

- Swagger

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8d4c2b  No.16786939

Solar Blade Celebi

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2ac3d1  No.16786940


It's not in the bin so that can't be true.

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9391fb  No.16786943

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9391fb  No.16786946

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9391fb  No.16786947

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9391fb  No.16786950

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9391fb  No.16786955

New champ.

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242df2  No.16787141

File: 924f740f95242c3⋯.png (620.16 KB, 1024x722, 512:361, xmas.png)

Yes, we have a champ. It's a Christmas miracle!

Never mind, it's just me.


Natdex. OU or AG, first post decides.

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8cb181  No.16787143


mon with fling & charcoal

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f2f9e9  No.16787151

Delibirb, becomes a free pick if you get a kill with present

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242df2  No.16787161

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242df2  No.16787170

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bc4946  No.16787171

Male Zoroark with Attract

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242df2  No.16787173

File: eae554ebe5aa276⋯.png (302.65 KB, 635x720, 127:144, 1463978975828.png)


We ended up spreading some Christmas cheer and told some fuck with six Delibirds to kill himself. Fuck Christmas.

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242df2  No.16787174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If anyone's really bored.


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bc4946  No.16787225

I am the Santa. Give me your presents.

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242df2  No.16787228


we did it reddit (Eiscue) (M) @ Salac Berry  
Ability: Ice Face
Happiness: 160
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Icicle Crash
- Liquidation
Trashtopus (Grapploct) (M) @ Choice Band  
Ability: Technician
Happiness: 160
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Circle Throw
- Brutal Swing
- Ice Punch
- Giga Impact
New Greninja soon™ (Cinderace) (M) @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- High Jump Kick
- Gunk Shot
- U-turn
If you are champ, pick one.

If you're not champ, take a piece of coal you nigger.

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8cb181  No.16787230


coalossus donnel, free pick if final form kills a water type

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7693b9  No.16787231

Any mon you'd fuck

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242df2  No.16787244

Resugg because champ doesn't deserve these holiday hours.

A fire type of your choice named Gift Card or a free pick named Cash.

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8cb181  No.16787253


resugging cursola

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7693b9  No.16787256


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bc4946  No.16787259

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bc4946  No.16787268

new champ

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302105  No.16787530


if I get 4 within the next 10 mins or 5 within the next 30, i will ape

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302105  No.16787531


mode is natdex ag by the way

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000000  No.16787532

Xavier (Grimmsnarl-Gmax) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Darkest Lariat
- Bulk Up
- Sleep Talk
- Rest

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ea967f  No.16787537


A chinese mon

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302105  No.16787538

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302105  No.16787541

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bd0515  No.16787547

File: fe3032370b39654⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1736x2455, 1736:2455, 8acbce26c9c553cf17272c159d….jpg)


something festive that distracts you from the dread of living, maybe a delibird

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302105  No.16787550

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bd0515  No.16787555

File: 1303cfb1f7bb7be⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 400x285, 80:57, cat jump.gif)

☆Aperkele: new ape

me ape

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302105  No.16787556


c-b is dead (Smeargle) @ Bright Powder

Ability: Own Tempo

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Acupressure

- Ingrain

- Refresh

- Block

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8cb181  No.16787557

File: 4c9e8ddb5210816⋯.jpg (538.52 KB, 675x675, 1:1, 0156802df9efdf23e5c6114844….jpg)


gorgeist, or any halloween-ish mon

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3e18c4  No.16787563


That's not a cat

Take weedie

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d59999  No.16787565



RAP AP (Darmanitan) @ Choice Band

Ability: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Flare Blitz

- Rock Slide

- Hammer Arm

- Zen Headbutt

This is RAPE APE with a slightly different name because the regular name gets filtered. If you can think of a better name, use that instead

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302105  No.16787566


try RAP APE, also nice id anon

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bd0515  No.16787569

File: e764cdfc217e42f⋯.gif (4.88 MB, 227x394, 227:394, e764cdfc217e42f66e9037ff4f….gif)

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ad24dd  No.16787570


open your present !randpoke and see what you got

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d0cd15  No.16787575


Citizen FUCK YEAH (Seaking) @ Leftovers

Ability: Lightning Rod

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD

Calm Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Acupressure

- Sleep Talk

- Rest

- A Water Move

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bd0515  No.16787596

File: e51504ab5971dfb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 440x248, 55:31, 5cb9096c0f8b4cb3694cb3e93d….gif)

new team

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302105  No.16787598


take your choice of kot

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d0cd15  No.16787599


Dracovish the demon

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8cb181  No.16787600

File: 852484c46e07821⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.12 MB, 1462x1101, 1462:1101, 78372352_p0.png)


Eevee, evolves into the type of its first kill

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d59999  No.16787602


>☆twopizzo717: please do not put your member in pokeyman

A mon you find really cute and that you wouldn't have sex with

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bd0515  No.16787613

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bd0515  No.16787620

File: 0157ae87592670a⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 540x540, 1:1, DO NOT OPEN 3.gif)

dead hours, new champ

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242df2  No.16787707

File: bf2b16be335e8e4⋯.png (245.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Gaki no Tsukai.

This has nothing to do with fullderp. I'm just bored.

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d79e5e  No.16788100


Me chimp.

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8cb181  No.16788107

File: 82aa081ebd15da1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 144.37 KB, 626x713, 626:713, 024_charizard__female__by_….png)

File: 35df23a134f85d9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 154.9 KB, 626x713, 626:713, 024_charizard__male__by_fa….png)


take any mon that is more of a dragon than charitard

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ea967f  No.16788110


A chimp

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d79e5e  No.16788112

Keep em coming and also this is Gen 8 OU.

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8cb181  No.16788118


resugging a flygon with first impression

or was it haxorus that got that now? I forget

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d79e5e  No.16788120


Both get it so I'm using Flygon.

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9391fb  No.16788122


Pick your favorite from the following, you MUST use the associated nickname, but everything else is up to you:

Tauros ** Olé!



Houndoom ** Rawr?

Alakazam ** David Blamed

Hariyama ** FAT NINJA

If you get at least one kill with your choice and want an upgrade, I will post the list, but then you are not allowed to go back.

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d79e5e  No.16788128

Gotta go so new chimp tbh.

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8c5bbb  No.16788134


Hang yourself.



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8c5bbb  No.16788136

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8c5bbb  No.16788138

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8c5bbb  No.16788143

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8c5bbb  No.16788145

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8c5bbb  No.16788148

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8c5bbb  No.16788150

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8c5bbb  No.16788152

New champ.

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bc4946  No.16788348

Me champ, gib mons for gen7 OU.

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ea967f  No.16788359

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297312  No.16788361

Any boomboom

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909d96  No.16788379


obligatory anti-lando mememon that will never get a chance to work

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f08258  No.16788397


benguin :DDD

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bc4946  No.16788402

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bc4946  No.16788430

New champ

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1c5097  No.16789452

File: 9b83be40d06c480⋯.jpg (225.12 KB, 753x815, 753:815, EMuKTxkUcAY03xH.jpg)


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ea967f  No.16789463

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1c5097  No.16789468

File: aabf03d73a949f7⋯.jpg (54.02 KB, 500x573, 500:573, b7752b4d670296dbbbc8b885ce….jpg)


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ea967f  No.16789470

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d59999  No.16789472


free ghost

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8cb181  No.16789484

File: 11c04ab622f8f46⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 269.9 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, 01.png)

File: 2820b386d23de3b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 198.06 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, 02.png)

File: 976d4fdfef86d9d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 221.99 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, 03.png)

File: 42976797f3ee4f9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 219.73 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, 04.png)



Marnie's Onahole (Morpeko) (M) @ Liechi Berry

Ability: Hunger Switch

Happiness: 0

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Power Trip

- Aura Wheel

- Endure

- Stomping Tantrum

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1c5097  No.16789486

File: b4ed1f87dd64f93⋯.jpg (82.57 KB, 700x809, 700:809, b4ed1f87dd64f93a55a2a28372….jpg)

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1c5097  No.16789492

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1c5097  No.16789493

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1c5097  No.16789506

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1c5097  No.16789515

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1c5097  No.16789527

File: b6cb48949138a71⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1748x2480, 437:620, 0561af10f8315b6aa569678a2c….png)


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8cb181  No.16789528

File: d358d2170705b00⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.69 KB, 800x675, 32:27, _pkmncc____cuprite_stonjou….jpg)


free pick if it kills

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aebda4  No.16789529

Quick Claw Ice Fossil

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