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File: c8ad7460136bb4b⋯.png (77.71 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Conan_Edogawa_A.png)

c1561a No.14611351

Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense


April Event Schedule

03/31~04/08 - Robomi Z

04/01 - Big Bad Shadow

04/08~04/20 - Detective Conan: Gears of Conspiracy

04/22~04/29 - Unite and Fight (Dark enemies/Light favored)

04/30~05/08 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

c1561a No.14611355

File: 931cda05d954781⋯.jpg (207.27 KB, 640x374, 320:187, Detective_Conan-_Gears_of_….jpg)

Detective Conan collab is live

af4867 No.14611368

>Have to wait for the event to conclude to view fate's episode

Fuck you, give me my 50 crystals.

6b1cd8 No.14611379

File: 6ccbfdd25498252⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2361x3021, 787:1007, gbf accounts.jpg)


If you're starting or have just started playing the game, I have a bunch of accounts to give away and you might want to consider restarting, but with a lot more characters to choose from.

All accounts but 2 and 9 are up for grabs.

5ff4fa No.14611383

File: 9443dd2f26c547d⋯.png (166.9 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Medusa_(Valentine)_B.png)

File: b0f3d0a2df8675b⋯.png (178.7 KB, 960x800, 6:5, __medusa_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: 20df4fb21ae7026⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 692x800, 173:200, __medusa_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

6b1cd8 No.14611387


Forgot to say that the picture is to show the SSRs, but all the accounts have a plethora of SRs in them, as well as pretty much all of the R characters.

I think they all have an entire set of Carbuncles as well.

c1561a No.14611389

File: caf4554e356cea1⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 333x333, 1:1, flustered medusa.jpg)


Why is she so perfect

5ff4fa No.14611392

File: 39d10e0d7284aea⋯.png (159.35 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Medusa_A.png)

File: 8680431bf2b715b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 750x900, 5:6, __medusa_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: cf4c7d6275b614e⋯.png (174.17 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Medusa_B.png)


She is one of the best girls.

6b1cd8 No.14611456

File: 3548b3329c08b48⋯.png (17.18 KB, 1398x226, 699:113, Day 06.PNG)

The 10 rolls only and the lack fo legfest make this quite the boring race.

We're on day 6 and there's 4 people fighting for the first place at only 3 points.

730fa8 No.14611464

File: dbd26c66315f89e⋯.png (199.24 KB, 319x401, 319:401, 0Heck.png)

Oh come on I was doing well until this happened.

6b1cd8 No.14611468


White is the only one you can trust.

730fa8 No.14611535


Thanks /pol/

296cb0 No.14611607

File: cc4c0b63168d492⋯.jpg (663.29 KB, 914x1257, 914:1257, 59142822_p0.jpg)

>tfw Fire is favorite element

>luckshit a Percival and Summer Beatrix

>toss a couple tickets out for the heck of it earlier today and draw SSR Therese

>still no Yuel

Even if I have a such a great team, is it really a success if I still haven't gotten the waifu?

89f0c6 No.14611643

File: d601e1aed2f21a1⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 480x1200, 2:5, potato holding.jpg)


get a new waifu

296cb0 No.14611656

File: 3683757c5f745af⋯.png (341.98 KB, 810x676, 405:338, 53952627_p0.png)


How could you even suggest that.

1881a4 No.14611665

File: 379da70e8926f40⋯.png (3.13 MB, 2558x1890, 1279:945, private lap dance.png)


Get a better waifu.

296cb0 No.14611698

File: d621342cadc2e5b⋯.png (1.57 MB, 993x1500, 331:500, 63387512_p0.png)


>Implying Anthuria is better

Lewd, cute, and embarrassed is a powerful combination, I will admit, but you can't beat partywide echo and reliable healing

117ef2 No.14611762

File: 691a78460da5ac5⋯.jpg (104.3 KB, 724x948, 181:237, lyria.jpg)


>got a better waifu

>posts lesser waifu


4ff78f No.14611886

Yuel is shit tier wouldn't even backline/10



Fucking furfaggots I swear on me mum.

4ff78f No.14611905

File: 72d25a6d313bb13⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, i need to fix my diet.jpg)

Here I just made three better waifus than your furshit.

569996 No.14611926


Eat some fiber

730fa8 No.14611969

File: 8aa2d806d5056d3⋯.png (305.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1458696874227-0.png)


333dd3 No.14611974

File: 3fcd0753b9e9642⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 486x465, 162:155, I'm so fucked up.jpg)

8838a2 No.14612015

File: 47ab0c09eb574df⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 400x384, 25:24, 47ab0c09eb574df75c18f83282….jpg)

Tell me more about this game before I go jumping headfirst into autism.

117ef2 No.14612019

File: 0bdd859f533ef3a⋯.png (972.46 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 0bdd859f533ef3abf891648020….png)


>that exif data

03f35e No.14612048

File: fe6bc3c29996a55⋯.png (26.09 KB, 968x224, 121:28, granblue_fantasy.png)

f2628c No.14612057

File: db8075a6d86c7be⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 250x142, 125:71, 8ef43cd2a08932785116e56715….gif)


If you start playing and get hooked on it say goodbye to your life.

f03fbf No.14612061

>Toru Amuro

>CV: Toru Furuya (Amuro Ray)

I never got into Detective Conan, but really? Talk about a lack of imagination.

8838a2 No.14612092

File: 23045f574282ffc⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 480x342, 80:57, escape ape.jpg)






Alright thanks, I already have Warframe to eat away at my soul.

cc0ebd No.14612128

File: 38020bf701fe9f7⋯.gif (920.33 KB, 360x181, 360:181, Scary cow.gif)


>warframe is made by jews

>GBF just wants all your shekels

The difference here being?

117ef2 No.14612144


GBF has really great soundtrack, art, and characters at least. The combat isn't impressive but it's simple and mindless enough for it to be enjoyable yet really interactive.

117ef2 No.14612200

File: 1aa939ee8953057⋯.png (173.77 KB, 1800x1578, 300:263, 1aa939ee89530570736b3afe21….png)


117ef2 No.14612214

File: 2b91408f280e290⋯.png (93.32 KB, 385x344, 385:344, 5886c0bc986a432f0d2e9799d7….png)


<he says with a neutral face on

333dd3 No.14612240

File: 492b47499e9e251⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 435x581, 435:581, capture_08042018_193158_00….jpg)

5dfc22 No.14612338

File: 5a62f17f16e92a8⋯.webm (10.67 MB, 632x360, 79:45, Soija.webm)


5ff4fa No.14612348

Why does he come here to sperg?

f095c8 No.14612382

File: 3bc34142088579f⋯.jpg (210.34 KB, 846x1174, 423:587, DZmy6SuU8AATtmC.jpg)



Those sweet buns are too damn alluring but they'll never get my money.



People weren't kidding when they said it was worse than 4Chans.


>Obui and Nishiuri are bitching about being woken up

Wouldn't you?


Don't you need to spend money to get anywhere in Warframe?




Too stupid with their money to be kikes.

cc0ebd No.14612387

cc0ebd No.14612447

File: 8b1e89e24f55b29⋯.png (120.97 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 1465285472413.png)


I have 1300 hours, 700 platinum, every warframe, a ton of guns, I am mr18, own multiple deluxe skins, and never spent a single penny on the game. Suck my dick granfag.

cc0ebd No.14612469


>t. chink paypig

That's a two way street faggot. And again, never spent any fucking money on it.

cc0ebd No.14612478

File: defcc681f4163af⋯.png (60.93 KB, 300x185, 60:37, 1470871660242.png)


Glad to know this is the kind of retard who plays granblue. He cannot accept any information that goes against his world view.

2ff557 No.14612491


Wait, this is a game? I thought you guys were talking about a porn series this whole time.

cc0ebd No.14612493

File: f6eca5fb09c061d⋯.png (627.85 KB, 1525x782, 1525:782, business shiba.png)


It's okay anon, I'll leave you alone now. If it really breaks you this much to know that you are wrong, and you resort to spouting buzzwords, I'll leave you be.

2ff557 No.14612526


What the fuck is your problem?

0a30f2 No.14612543

Anyone got the pokerbot crack?

6b1cd8 No.14612545

File: 7c5f36e627dd71f⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 236x220, 59:55, DaPx1sQUwAAvA7C.jpg)


there's a link to it in the last thread

af4867 No.14612548

File: 08595bb8c1c2ce5⋯.png (511.33 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I got you covered.

5f327f No.14612566

File: c0f09cc18c96817⋯.webm (13.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charlotte VR.webm)



This is my favourite potato.

f095c8 No.14612600

File: 77a24c3b746f180⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 887x836, 887:836, DM5lkttVwAAa7G9.jpg)


>Shoed hands

I don't know why I thought they'd put more work into it so that they'd end up on Djeeta/Grans feet.

0a30f2 No.14612615

File: c46ae7e5b2b2d1f⋯.jpg (184.91 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, c46ae7e5b2b2d1fea6fc98e530….jpg)


I checked the thread, there's no crack to be found

5f327f No.14612622


Holy fuck all of them are tiny.


How would you even have sex with a potato?

2ff557 No.14612624


Oh, okay, you're just an angry alcoholic. Got it.

0226f1 No.14612947


Those are some sexy blondes.


There are a few books out that are a pretty good guide of how it'd go with Charlotta.

333dd3 No.14612959

>sr Jeanne

Not the Jeanne I wanted but it's better than nothing.

9c5010 No.14613038

File: a80eab814716eea⋯.png (187.46 KB, 315x318, 105:106, 1522809847067.png)


you probably have beetus man, no joke, I saw the size of that wrist and you're way too fat.

296cb0 No.14613647

File: b4157d53eca7969⋯.png (162.91 KB, 836x160, 209:40, Clear the followup story t….png)

File: a8a86c3c5376513⋯.png (842.71 KB, 800x1114, 400:557, 53425874_p0.png)

Wait, are we seriously getting a playable Amuro? Of all the other characters we could've gotten? I liked the whole "Guess who's Bourbon!" thing they did with him and all, but is he really popular enough to warrant playability status over Ran or, like, Heiji?

f095c8 No.14613807

File: 54f15feca7bf9e9⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1566x1000, 783:500, 1442818554358.jpg)


No but that's just me and honestly I think someone just wants to pander to fuoshits hard.

4ee86f No.14613889

File: 42f942f0290c68f⋯.png (465.29 KB, 510x766, 255:383, justice ssr.png)

File: cf72cb9a7ec0221⋯.png (687.66 KB, 511x789, 511:789, justice final.png)

Onto the final upgrade. characters added when?

0226f1 No.14614565

File: 14feb90edd9f589⋯.png (650.82 KB, 627x779, 33:41, lightime.png)

This is as good as it's gonna get before gw.

4ee86f No.14614787

Draw rates for the next few days. Plan when to hold your free draws for what you want.


9th-10th fire




10th-11th water




11th-12th earth




12th-13th wind




13th-14th light




14th-15th dark



dc06c0 No.14614793

File: 55b310d1986204d⋯.png (229.73 KB, 316x398, 158:199, pointlessly inflated numbe….png)


You're supposed to inflate your estimate as much as possible before you post your grid.

0226f1 No.14614798


Don't got the +1's for it. My epeen will always be weak.

4ee86f No.14614829

File: aa2a6706fec1ad6⋯.png (615.55 KB, 512x674, 256:337, light grid.png)


>there are people in this thread who have less than 100k expected damage

d3b832 No.14614832


The only other option besides whaling would be to spark during plus bonuses draws.

639aa9 No.14614835


the news post incorrectly lists Nicholas as dark SR

dc06c0 No.14614838


You mass leech magna HLs. I got all those check marks while getting those chev swords.

4ee86f No.14614840


you're right, they've fixed it now. I was wondering why dark got shafted

d3b832 No.14614843


how long did it take exactly?

dc06c0 No.14614855


I don't really know. 9 months maybe? You can do it a lot faster now that BP is so easy to get.

f095c8 No.14614874

File: 76e30fa5cf0833d⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1600x2236, 400:559, 60001532_p0.png)


So the only one I'll be skipping is Earths final day for a chance at the corn dog.

d0d959 No.14614898


9 months, 5 hours per day :^)

I might have 1 hour per day or less, and I haven't touched arcarum since maybe 3 months. Oh well.

d3b832 No.14614909


I got 980% of my pluses because my free 100 rolls was on the last day. I rarely get any plus marks while i was grinding for my class 4 weapon

b8e3dc No.14615189

File: fdd97c303ae5843⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2592x1624, 324:203, 1.png)

File: 8a7e1c97f2f9c2c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2598x1602, 433:267, 2.png)

Why haven't you gotten Monika yet anon?

4082f2 No.14615268



My spark fund is waiting.

627535 No.14615291



That's another game anyhow. If we ever did get her we would get the granblue version, not that one.

c1561a No.14615477

File: 3d0c03a9348d00f⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 423x1000, 423:1000, DXrIQzeXcAAESBB.jpg)

5f327f No.14615807

File: d047a8abd8cd615⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 386x600, 193:300, d047a8abd8cd61508f30b3ddfe….jpg)




>all those swords


How long do you have to be playing to get even the third one, let alone seventh.

4ee86f No.14615887

File: a219ffaa5e5a789⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Nyan.webm)


she says nyan cutely

14e4e6 No.14615915

File: 90e74cfb398a3c7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 438.16 KB, 1279x813, 1279:813, Untitled.jpg)



0c1c4c No.14616134

File: 5951d617b03e27b⋯.png (122.32 KB, 416x468, 8:9, LeviFarming.PNG)

File: e09c17c764b5296⋯.png (357.57 KB, 479x430, 479:430, UltimaSpear.PNG)

Finally finished upgrading my Atma spear into it's Ultima form, now to decide on what 3rd Atma I should go for.

ac8dd2 No.14616177


Okay, I give up hunting for it. Where's the sauce anon?

89f0c6 No.14616184


tag sen granblue fantasy english

ac8dd2 No.14616257


Motherfucker, I accidentally glanced past it while I was looking. Thanks anon.

0226f1 No.14616264

I was hoping Conan would put Barawa to sleep to explain things.

ff8a2e No.14616308

File: 571c5a7254152ca⋯.jpeg (130.77 KB, 631x474, 631:474, drink the pain away.jpeg)



No, we're not getting a playable Amuro, we're getting some faggot blond taking his name. Fuck Detective Conan.

Ever since I saw the fake FGO/Gundam collab I was just thinking that Amuro and Char would make a good fit anyway.

333dd3 No.14616807

File: 768cb3e732ead9b⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 488x599, 488:599, coronation.jpg)

File: 7a48e03c294617a⋯.jpg (61.19 KB, 492x621, 164:207, intricacy.jpg)

e5c2ad No.14616843

File: 7f2d17637c11172⋯.png (584.44 KB, 698x665, 698:665, output58.png)


she is best girl

5f327f No.14617227

File: 364e4c1957f2d2c⋯.png (548.33 KB, 620x1148, 155:287, 63347374_p0.png)


>giving the highest tier ring to a guy

Are you gay? Honestly asking.

333dd3 No.14617347

File: 8c93c7b703ff37f⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 479x793, 479:793, capture_09042018_205930_00….jpg)


Yggdrasil got a ring already.

8d8eda No.14617537





I came here to lmao at you

627535 No.14617901

Is everyone from conan jewish? Even 3d dose not have noses that take up that much space.

ae32bc No.14618215

These girls are so pretty it hurts my heart

0c1c4c No.14618727

File: 23216a11d564c9d⋯.png (739.94 KB, 1076x848, 269:212, MagnaIIOneMonthLater.png)

How is everyone's progress with Magna II now that it's been out for nearly a month?

4ee86f No.14618827

File: b38370fbe2d4bc5⋯.png (593.79 KB, 942x644, 471:322, magna 2.png)


I've foddered some useless weapons like water bow, earth dagger and plenty of light fists.

c1561a No.14618908

File: dbd72b9f9d72bde⋯.jpg (148.12 KB, 588x985, 588:985, DYjxkQLUQAE9GM3.jpg)

>tfw have both SSR and SR versions of Vampy

Fucking cute as fuck

8d8eda No.14618912

File: c3b4046c207ce21⋯.png (38.88 KB, 1483x223, 1483:223, average ganblue whale.png)


>Cap this shit


cf9f42 No.14618915

File: 05703cb9bff0645⋯.jpg (312.18 KB, 861x1049, 861:1049, Bawww.jpg)


>Post deleted

d3b832 No.14618925


The hero we deserve.

78baa7 No.14619016

File: ca94babf4896cd8⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 154x340, 77:170, a.jpg)


>use SSR vampy for the skills

>use SR vampy's outfit and portrait

Anyone who doesn't know this feeling should just kill themselves

d0d959 No.14619278


This nigga knows what's up


Watching an artist doing a Monika drawing. it's looking pretty sweet so far. Will post when it's done, or someone will do it before.

a3ecdd No.14619283

File: 6082231bb85b603⋯.png (327.5 KB, 592x249, 592:249, ClipboardImage.png)

is this the best wind team?

4ee86f No.14619308

File: 282592ceaf7a599⋯.png (69.16 KB, 205x160, 41:32, smug.png)

89f0c6 No.14619502

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>nio 80

3d2474 No.14619587


Im pretty sure Heiji is the most popular secondary character, when ever theres conan merchandise made, the heiji stuff is the first to sell out completely of stock

40d934 No.14620360


>No happy end

333dd3 No.14620427

File: 39ee0cb7feac5b7⋯.jpg (5.11 KB, 111x124, 111:124, capture_10042018_131701_00….jpg)

40d934 No.14620463


welcome to 4 hours ago.

f2628c No.14620531


I would replace scat with korwa and andira with gawain. Everything else looks alright.

e4dbf8 No.14620543

File: fbbf23ba006724e⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 439x583, 439:583, fbbf23ba006724ea059acb2f83….jpg)


>wanting to replace the best wind girls with a masked homo

eefd02 No.14620849

File: 75f65e66a1fa6d1⋯.png (22.24 KB, 1398x284, 699:142, Day 07.PNG)

Hey look, Account 2 is back at Account 9's throat.

f2628c No.14621036


Gawain is god tier in wind. His 2nd skill also scales with enmity grid. You don't need or want Andira on enmity grid. Unless you have stamina wind grid.

c05dc9 No.14621268


listen, no. Gawain is good if you need a meat tank and need extra nukes for lecia setups

fc27de No.14621367

File: ef1d43d2862308b⋯.jpg (488.76 KB, 900x1197, 100:133, d59880609881619fdaa1795f0e….jpg)


>6 did not pull a single SSR yet

>more than one account is doing worse than 5

Poor bastards.

333dd3 No.14621893

File: 99d8a9b60f1974b⋯.jpg (69.03 KB, 474x610, 237:305, capture_10042018_221139_00….jpg)

And one more ssr to my stock. That's a nice celebration.

225e32 No.14623383

File: 02bee18e08ce8d5⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1522757860946.gif)

f9098b No.14623411

File: 4c59e19e95ce5cb⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 476x410, 238:205, 0f6.gif)


>japanese shadman

9196f1 No.14623695

File: cf2905db73c6926⋯.png (8.46 KB, 120x120, 1:1, cf2905db73c6926a7f0427eede….png)


I vote Taka Tony. Fuck his samefaces.

e4dbf8 No.14624278

File: 8de74aa5e8ac618⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 475.59 KB, 1280x1837, 1280:1837, 021.jpg)


>not aodouhu, who seems to be attempting to make each of his works more and more extreme as a sort of social experiment on how more degenerate the doujin market can get

There are a lot of japanese Shadmen

fc27de No.14624322

File: 38ce1c41d9e4188⋯.png (9.36 KB, 444x450, 74:75, 38ce1c41d9e4188c064884e7cd….png)

>don't particularly like the Robomi events or characters Tyrias and Airi were a nice pair though

>get all 3 characters anyway

>been playing for only about a month now so I'm starving for anything to put into my teams

I guess I better start liking Robomi now.

8f87ce No.14624327


Purest elf in town

719f59 No.14624329

File: 1113171725ee613⋯.jpg (115.71 KB, 539x1068, 539:1068, DZcKfqsUQAESxHl.jpg large.jpg)


Get shit on, faggot.

0226f1 No.14624713


There are still a few days of free rolls. But if you spark you're teams will be static between sudden bursts of new stuff when you throw down those 300 rolls.

c8f187 No.14625251

File: 0c79f977b4f6f6c⋯.png (67.73 KB, 314x238, 157:119, this is lewd.png)


Robomi is a cutie, you could have started in the R dungeon like I did for a good year, mate.

cc0ebd No.14625329

File: e7b5ef6c38c2853⋯.mp4 (812.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JESUS CHRIST.mp4)


holy shit that vag is on its way to nezumi tier.

333dd3 No.14626298

File: 4d81069dfe73e07⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 479x722, 479:722, capture_11042018_220148_00….jpg)

These ssr just don't stop throwing themselves at me. A cute girl would have been better, but oh well.

dc7be3 No.14626353

File: 209cefac5c60c24⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 180x250, 18:25, c2977c1067e5aaaa5b1e097303….jpg)

>this weeks free rolls netted me vampy, lennah, and ferry

celebratory whacking off to that one ferry image set you know the one.

627535 No.14626565


That's what happens when you are used as a cumdump for generations.

d2f209 No.14626623

Why does it seem like all the new event characters are SSR Lights?

Is the second half of the year going to contain SSR Darks?

Am I seeing a pattern where it might actually just be a coincidence?

627535 No.14626638


I think it is them trying to make up for most light characters being complete garbage.

039786 No.14626648


We are heading into a dork GW with a lot of new players.

a3ecdd No.14627151

File: 1a611235782a059⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 605x708, 605:708, 429f689e181e83ccc86db146fa….jpg)


>hating on a QT like robomi

ill sock you in the jabbar mate

0902f2 No.14627184


First two events of robomi were good, but the latest one was kind of lackluster and disappointing seeing that there's barely any free gibs. Not to mention, I'm a little confused on how many years have passed within the game's timeline seeing that shirou is now a family man.

225e32 No.14627332

File: b9c3ecdb8346796⋯.png (503.7 KB, 474x518, 237:259, lyriaautism.PNG)


His wife was near giving birth, so 9 months since the second robomi event. Hallesena has been an associate of Nicholas' for a decent amount of time, long enough that she's considered the new baby's "big sister", so at least a few months since her 5* fate episode.

fc27de No.14627378

File: e0e1d2a79985c3d⋯.png (552.8 KB, 534x800, 267:400, 4ff6cdd21664a95cf7e18be085….png)


The R hell would have been a good thing, at least then I could have burned out quickly and quit.

Now it is too late.

0c1c4c No.14627389

File: 9b2763f642c5360⋯.png (406.15 KB, 479x482, 479:482, UltimaStaffGET.PNG)

File: d5e0ef338c99c7a⋯.png (121.73 KB, 442x163, 442:163, 4thChipWhenKMR.PNG)

Finished my 3rd Ultima weapon today in preparation for Light GW, Arusha and Noa are going to multiattack like madmen now.

03f35e No.14627438


by releasing even worse characters, way to go

225e32 No.14627476

File: ec5d84c2531f721⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180411-154827….jpg)

627535 No.14628105


Homosword and Sakura are shit for anyone but beginners, Sandals is decent, and I have no idea about jew nose but he looks okish by sheer virtue of Veil alone. Of course none of them fix light's problems but many of light's characters are so bad that they are useful to people who did not luck into some of the few decent characters light has.

a3ecdd No.14628460

File: c2e047388df5662⋯.png (56.42 KB, 113x252, 113:252, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f52ac0edcacb724⋯.png (412.75 KB, 846x1080, 47:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 332e1641be33f98⋯.png (957.22 KB, 850x850, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I did it bros

33509d No.14628479

File: 89ddf2fffa319ba⋯.png (20.67 KB, 201x62, 201:62, Lennah_4-12-18.PNG)


Got a bit to go, myself. Thanks for giving a body a little bit of encouragement.

296cb0 No.14628805

File: 7a54c8e567c8706⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1000x1195, 200:239, protecc.png)


Grats on saving her, anon. You think they'll ever change her race from Human to Unknown? Or, you know, make a new version that's Unknown at least. She basically went from tree-human to tree-monster, after all.

da68a1 No.14629214

File: e5b8ebc9db67b46⋯.png (538.76 KB, 625x869, 625:869, Untitled.png)


>Sakura is shit

Get on my level pleb

b7e931 No.14629225

>Gachashit on /v/



261a69 No.14629247

File: ba54079b1a3bc59⋯.png (349.79 KB, 576x700, 144:175, wop it out.png)


>can't even link boards properly

guess what anon, you're new

c994f3 No.14629265

File: 5dc3ba3b1ceb248⋯.png (522.49 KB, 620x876, 155:219, 1514209236013.png)

Don't normally lurk here, but a friend referenced me to this crew saying that ya'll had a slot open and I would be happy to help in the upcoming guild war. My ID is 12591085 and I have a solid light grid.

4ee86f No.14629294

File: 32c8118d2a08582⋯.png (69.53 KB, 493x153, 29:9, stop being better than me.png)

The state of modern trains

50f2ab No.14629307


At least he's honest about it. I've been kicked from rooms before for MVPing too much.

22a0e3 No.14629364

fc27de No.14629419

File: b424b76fb28fb1c⋯.jpg (901.05 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, b424b76fb28fb1c6867586fb9a….jpg)


If all you need is a crew, go to reddit.

And take your faggot friend with you.

1ab74d No.14629736

I don't really understand how defense buff works compared to a damage cut. If I have a 50 damage cut it would halve the damage, but a 50% defense boost would only boost by half the base defense of the character right? If so is there a way to know what the base defense stats of each characters(if they differ).

533017 No.14629780


Characters don't have defense stats, defense boosts are essentially smaller damage cuts, applied after normal damage cuts. IIRC, a 100% defense boost will halve the final damage you recieve, just don't quote me on that number.

533017 No.14629784



I also want to add that characters listed as having "low defense stat" just have some sort of higher multiplier to the damage they take or something.

296cb0 No.14629910

File: 422ca2ddb290c2b⋯.jpg (866.85 KB, 2066x2066, 1:1, 59852636_p0.jpg)


I've always thought of it as Damage divided by Defense. Getting your defense dropped to 50% means you take double damage, raising your defense 50% means 3/4ths of the damage, 1000% defense boost (ala Sara or Chev Vira) means 1/10th of the damage, and so on. Meanwhile, a damage cut is a straightforward percentile decrease to damage that can reach 100%.

Not absolutely sure this is how it works, but that's how I've always thought of it.

fe3cc0 No.14629916

File: 3d005119ea16f41⋯.png (26.95 KB, 1399x338, 1399:338, Day 10.PNG)

As the days go by, our little stroll through daily 10 rolls is bringing our competitors a little bit closer together and things are evening out a bit.

296cb0 No.14629917



I means 2/3rds, dangit. I can do math, I swear.

e6a5f2 No.14630046



You're marked as already scouted or unable to join a crew.

333dd3 No.14631144

File: 80b95f9b65a55cc⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 485x715, 97:143, capture_12042018_220214_00….jpg)

>no ssr today, just the worst character of the game (and a cute girl)

What the fuck.

0c1c4c No.14631268

File: dea3e6b0754a318⋯.jpg (194.18 KB, 850x886, 425:443, __mirin_granblue_fantasy__….jpg)


Mirin is core cute.

aa4032 No.14631329

so a question

if i have a fire omega grid with all omega skills lv 10 and a shiva as my main summon. ATK wise, it would be better have a second shiva or a 3/4 star colossus omega as my assist summon?

af4867 No.14631389

File: e4a4ea9e3d4ea69⋯.png (1 MB, 1125x1500, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>Does free draw

>Get Fire Metera on wind up


627535 No.14631456


Aryan Samurai is cute! cute!

de7548 No.14631485


>not being excited for fire metera

are you fucking gay

0c1c4c No.14631506

File: 0fad1bf7b25a0df⋯.png (304.27 KB, 884x574, 442:287, SummonsInMotocal.PNG)


Without posting your grid, it would be hard to say exactly what summon you should go for the most damage.

I did do some Motocal magic with 5 MLB canes, and the highest pure attack would be Colo x Shiva MLB, but you wouldn't be losing out on that much damage with Shiva x Shiva MLB, unless your team is running a ton of elemental buffs.

0c1c4c No.14631513


Forgot to include motocal link.


dd33d7 No.14631522


Proto Bahamut high level. Anything but elyssian. 6/18 so far.

aa4032 No.14631546


ok thanks

dc7be3 No.14631881

File: c0bb1dc4978b1b6⋯.png (609.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, c0bb1dc4978b1b6764424421b4….png)

>wind grid

>boy it would sure be cool to get tiamat as a character

>got her on the free roll


78baa7 No.14632201

File: 52b988ca26f8cbc⋯.png (187.4 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Melissabelle_A.png)

I have 150 rolls, tell me why I shouldn't stop rolling until I get pic related

50f2ab No.14632272


Because you won't.

569996 No.14632361

File: aa735db5f3d9c78⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1905x1202, 1905:1202, Untitled.png)

For some crew 3 nerd who couldn't believe I can hit damage cap in light

>Not playing granblue at 4k resolutions

6ac546 No.14632560

hi Infinity boys I miss you

4ff286 No.14632597

Is Benedia worth use dama bars on? I have 2 guns.

50f2ab No.14632620

0226f1 No.14632632

>didn't roll dragon erune loli

It's a sad day to be a lolicon.

6ac546 No.14632637


do you play gunslinger? no? then no

c1561a No.14632663


Gunslinger is only good with its class weapon and Benedia is fucking shit. Only the retarded with lots of money would invest on those.

78baa7 No.14632683


But anon, I need her in my life

af4867 No.14632738

File: 02567c02d11a5bd⋯.png (310.54 KB, 318x649, 318:649, ClipboardImage.png)

>Wasted two Lineage Rings to just get this

It was worth it.

0a8144 No.14633338

File: dca2deb386b0c48⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1280x4180, 64:209, ring.png)


Mirin is a cute weeb and you can do a weird kind of samurai team with her, Sevilbarra, and Jin that, while not good, is fun_ to play. Sadly all real life weebgirls are fake or dogshit ugly with no taste.

What you expect me to say fun?



Tia has a low ranking but to be honest in shorter raids when you are racing, like meduko, she is much more useful than, for example, Korwa. A team with Lancelot, Scath, and Tia allows you to forgoe seraphic weaponry. This frees up space to add an extra true xeno spear or bolt to your grid letting you race ahead thanks to her de/buffs, charge boost, and veil/mirror. Nominally it is her long CDs that make her rank so low, however that becomes negligable due to the shortness of low level summon raids. With more leeway in kitting Gran by releasing him from some duties you gain a more flexible team that can also be applied to solo missions like this event for faster farming of maniac. Plus fat primal tats and tsundere scenes with Rackam. Who doesn't like a grill in spats?


If you are that thirsty wait for a suptix. Better than wasting the draws outside gala.


Fuck you buddy. This is all I got wasting my precious Intricacy Ring. Absolute shit tier garbage. It's what I get for wasting it on useless fujobait. I don't know which is worse this faggot, Jannu, or Ferry. I wish we could reduce characters so I could get rid of all of them and Elmelaura.

Can you image if there is someone out there that waifus Elmelaura? Like I have seen enough doujinshi to know there are some sickos out there but that shit is scary.

I already have everything that has elevated rates so I will save my roll to the banner change. This giveaway started out strong with getting at least one SSR a day and two on one day but I got nothing yesterday. I should probably hold back until right before it expires tomorrow so I can pull two relatively quickly and then either; brag about both, post the good one, or pretend this post wasn't made so I can still front about my insane luckshitting.


>that moment when you realized Bridgette's skills are stackable.

Pendant farming has a whole new game and it's still tedious as fug.

78baa7 No.14634241

File: c2d2ce8921baf0b⋯.jpg (83.93 KB, 451x340, 451:340, a.jpg)



>80-100 rolls

>roll 5 ssr

>get scat

>get tia

>where the fuck is corn

Feel free to call me a retard. At least that confirms that this account is cursed and will never draw an ssr harvin

0a8144 No.14634301


You blew a third of a spark on shit that would have been elevated if you just waited for a Gala along with a lot of other things. Well congrats you got a bunch of stones you can waste on farmable shit now.

0a8144 No.14634370

File: 2222795785e20a7⋯.png (102.03 KB, 437x132, 437:132, harvin.png)

Also I've only drawn 3 out of the 218 characters I have and the 10 total drawable so don't worry so much

dc7be3 No.14634466

how good do tiamat bolts become once you are rank 50? just how downgraded are the weapons from your player level being too low

0a8144 No.14634475


Tiabolts are good enough that running a Zeph grid isn't really worth the cost in chocobars and sunstones.

78baa7 No.14634512



I needed this bullying because I fell for the gacha like a retard. I've had one of the shittiest days in a long while and I just wanted something to make me feel better. Now I know not to play this game when that happens. How long does it usually take to build up a spark? I need to know for maximum bullying

0a8144 No.14634525


Honestly the only way you are going to fix this is to drop the other 50 crystals in the next ten minutes and then pay 45000 yen for to pull the rest and spark. Trust me on this.

0a8144 No.14634534


Meant to say one minute but it's too late, lol.

0a8144 No.14634550


No banner change and the sparks are good for until the 15th. So you still have a chance.

533017 No.14634554


There's still an hour until the element changes anon, and sparks don't reset until the end of the entire gacha, which won't be until the end of dark.

4e725d No.14634556


You get a loss of stats i think 50% not like it matters too much the skill on it is the worth part

0a8144 No.14634643


I missed your post and drew anyways.

40d934 No.14634657

lmao this potatonigger rolled outside legfest

40d934 No.14634661


why even bother worrying, you can get to rank 50 in a day or two (80 is ez to reach too so don't come asking for the baka weapon once you get it)

0a8144 No.14634668


Christ guides my pulls.

40d934 No.14634773

File: efbc9d870c46977⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 416x355, 416:355, 0e4630b06e0359b9c58a169bd2….jpg)

Windroaches have now been upgraded to windniggers.

40d934 No.14634907

After Lennah we will explore what it means to lose a life.

Will you go through the same lengths to save him (and his staff waifu)?

Also when are the 5* of the other starter characters coming?

Carmelina and DLF are still waiting.

40d934 No.14634909

File: 4195ae13dc92fac⋯.png (504.56 KB, 1047x1407, 349:469, Screenshot_2018-04-13-13-3….png)


forgot my pic

a06a2b No.14634944

File: 49ee25e4a9d2fbd⋯.jpg (342.75 KB, 630x2760, 21:92, Kikuichimonjishi_Guraburug….jpg)


I'm okay with this. A fellow waifufag deserves his good end.

4ee86f No.14634967


you forgot mellau and Zeta from the starters. Only 2 of the starters have a 5*

4ee86f No.14634975

File: a3a8eeeadac8919⋯.png (189.27 KB, 360x270, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Cygames even teased us with this ferry pic 2 hours ago. Why couldn't it have been her

22a0e3 No.14635173


>SR wind


4dad99 No.14635437

File: 299bd97d15e152c⋯.png (287.9 KB, 435x317, 435:317, I have 2 more waiting.PNG)

Slowly, but surely

0226f1 No.14635521

File: 128f3a457254253⋯.png (91.73 KB, 278x281, 278:281, ly swir.png)

>forgot about side story 1/2 off

>three days left

4dad99 No.14635545


>implying we won't get another magnafest for golden week right after this magnafest ends

7593ac No.14635632


she's smol

she's cute

she's tsun

she's a damage cut and reflect in one thats ALSO a 50% ougi battery

726375 No.14635823


>light version of saru getting an uncap

Does that mean he got out of his dark funk? Got his dark version months back, and never used him since.

4dad99 No.14635850

File: 8fa4e0de89941a3⋯.png (29.71 KB, 1398x364, 699:182, Day 11.PNG)

Account 2 was trying to get ahead, but apparently 9 just won't let him.

They're back head to head as Account 7 is slowly creeping up from behind.

4dad99 No.14635934

File: faa07098acac74d⋯.png (175.39 KB, 436x203, 436:203, that's a one.PNG)

File: c08ef6785dcdc21⋯.png (294.05 KB, 426x326, 213:163, two down.PNG)

File: 77e9cd5690383ba⋯.png (291.11 KB, 431x323, 431:323, 23k xp from a silver slime.PNG)

I'm loving the changes to the slime quest.

084a53 No.14636075

File: 344e96f8d527460⋯.jpg (66.36 KB, 505x673, 505:673, 3ce5db5cba8cee2508788299fd….jpg)

I started grinding mats to forge Keraunos an hour ago and I'm already feeling loopy. How do you fuckers keep your sanity while doing this?

Also open to recommendations on which row4 class to get first. I have decent magna dark and wind grids and like pressing conjunction, so Warlock seemed like a good fit.

4dad99 No.14636138


If you have a GW dagger, go right ahead. If you don't and you don't have characters that buff multiattack rate, go for Elysian.

Or just get Bandit and leech the fuck out of anything

225e32 No.14636141

File: df4abe95dfa1f82⋯.png (306.16 KB, 591x656, 591:656, d30671979e6d64b2148b0967c8….png)


You don't need to grind all of the CCW weapons, you only need to grind one to unlock every T4 class. That being said, you might want to go ahead and build a CCW for one of the EX classes, because not only will that unlock T4, but also will unlock it's corresponding EXII class. For example, building an Aschallon will net you every T4 class and the EXII swordmaster, Glorybringer. Unfortunately, you will have to build a full EX CCW for every EXII class you want.

8c87fe No.14636386

File: 91b7d913ba48f2d⋯.jpg (267.07 KB, 600x837, 200:279, 91b7d913ba48f2dda3d18d7395….jpg)


I was going to grind for that dark scion summon, but gave up on it.

I really, really don't care about it (I only wanted it for the reduced skill cooldown on Lyria) or anything else besides the tickets, since I already got the two worthwhile weapons and the summon from the Duelist story.


Don't overdo it.

I can only stand one such grind a week, and that's about it.

Like >>14636141 said, Aschallon is a pretty good choice, the mats aren't that difficult to get and you might even have a Sword Master distinction drop while you're farming for the basic stuff.

The real hell begins after the first crafting tier, good bloody luck with that.

8bfdaf No.14636446

File: 5fe0c11fa9fc19b⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2550x3508, 1275:1754, __vampy_granblue_fantasy_a….png)

>Quit the game for the longest time because I had the shittiest luck a man could have

>Come back and already have more SSRs on a new couple months account than on my 1yr+ old account

>Still haven't pulled any of my favorites and had to ticket the one I have

Its a really complicated and sad feeling. At least I'm getting to like new characters I guess but I miss having Vampy.

084a53 No.14636451


Bandit Tycoon is very tempting, but seeing as blue chests and vice-mvp rewards exist it seemed a little questionable compared to combat ready classes. If a true leechlord vouches for Bandit, I'll do it


That good to know, I disregarded EXII classes exactly because the requirements seemed too steep. Thanks!

5e2f4e No.14636452

File: e1fd2e5f69523f4⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 479x519, 479:519, reply - 454.jpg)

Never had I wished that the ride would end faster this event, this entire thing is flaming garbage. Sarya is cute but she isnt helping me much to like any of this gay shit.

4dad99 No.14636499


I was just shitposting, you'll get a lot more mileage out of Elysian, Zerker or Chaos Ruler.


I've only gotten the basics from the shop and haven't bought a single weapon, I can't stand grinding it with completely unrelated characters.

Maybe the Maniac+, EX+ and maybe impossible raids will pose a little bit of a threat and make it more enjoyable.

In the meantime, I'm just getting all the characters I have to lv 100. Hopefully we'll still have some time of magnafest after Sarunan gets his 5*.

225e32 No.14636533

File: dd5281226616bc3⋯.png (144.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, giving newbies info.png)


Players new to HL raids typically won't contribute as much to the raids, so making Spartan or Sage your first T4 class will always be recommended since you can cast phalanx and support the real big-dick carries, or heal them when they need it. Otherwise, Elysian/Berserker/Warlock/Chaos Ruler are all excellent options. Elysian patches up a grid's DATA problems, berserker is meta and provides some nice damage, warlock is core for farming Tiamat HL and makes arcarum a breeze, and chaos ruler is an upgraded version of dark fencer.

5e2f4e No.14636536

File: 2cf43a5cd103a34⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 786x720, 131:120, wklvpn.mp4)


I had heard once or twice of conan when I was a kid, never did I thought that shit was still running to this day and much worse, the entire premise always seemed to be super ridiculous "17 year old kid gets turned into a 10 year old, but now deals with his fiancee plus a a small girl that also loves him" then again saint seiya characters are all supposed to be 14 with Ikki being 15 so 80's animes stuff going on I guess, still the show never hooked me and I am groaning the entire thing through.

4dad99 No.14636669

File: a79389116573058⋯.png (289.33 KB, 427x327, 427:327, I can go to sleep now.PNG)

File: 0fab8b9d486b403⋯.png (289.85 KB, 425x319, 425:319, another one reaches the ca….PNG)

I somehow made it.

All in a day's work

8bfdaf No.14636731

The worst part of starting over is making your pools from zero and grinding your ranks all over again.

Finishing my dark pool was a gigantic pain in the ass and now I get to do it all over again, not to mention clearing events or just farming stuff in general is really annoying. Even more so with the new rainbow meta that seems to have taken a hold of the game after I left.

4dad99 No.14636764


The droprates have been slightly adjusted and you get a free fully uncapped and SL 10 weapon of each element from getting through the story.

Arcarum also helps.

Peope starting now are going to have a lot of an easyer time than people who started a year ago.

5e2f4e No.14636794

File: 4df95df19131dda⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 564x428, 141:107, 1503644663975.jpg)


How far must I go through the story to get my gibs.

78baa7 No.14636796

File: 5e6ffce06c5573f⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 349x370, 349:370, a.jpg)

Besides MLBing everything, where do I go from here?

4dad99 No.14636818


They gave a set away some time ago, the others are locked behind each of the 6 starting islands I think.


MLB and SL10 them. Work on your dagger. Get a Seraph bow and swap out one of the guns for it when you're fighting on element.

fd94cc No.14636840


084a53 No.14636858

File: 147295077b7985d⋯.jpg (179.38 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, newbie eating info.jpg)


I won't play reasonable stuff like Spartan because right now I just want to see at some big numbers. I guess that'll be the second unlock if I end having zero impact in HL, though.

I took stock of my shit again, and I think I'll go for Elysian instead since it'll be more useful for my shit elements as well.

Thanks for trying to make me do the smart thing.

8bfdaf No.14636864


Its still a pain in the ass to go from "I can 100% clear this event in a day" or "I can 1t this boss" to "Maybe if I kill myself I'll be able to get 1m".

Especially painful in guild wars where you've gotta do 1m every day for minimum contribution and medals. My light team sucks and its just going to be all around awful to do.

5e2f4e No.14636895


I have been playing for almost two years, and Im still on "maybe if I killmyself and get a SSR weapon drop I might finish just this weapon and be done with the event"

8bfdaf No.14636933


Its a lot easier to turn off your brain and mindlessly do it once you can 1t the event bosses at least. And if the boss happens to be weak to your favorite element then you might actually have fun with farming.

I used to actually have fun on light guild wars because I could try all sorts of fun shit with my dark team on and outside of AT but I sadly never got Zoi and I still don't have her.

333dd3 No.14637108

>got nothing today

My luck is used up for this event it seems .

4e08b0 No.14637196

File: 4caa313c8435548⋯.png (362.53 KB, 317x456, 317:456, Cutie.png)

726375 No.14637311


>This entire thing is flaming garbage

The gay swords and CCS events made more sense than this. After going through AOT and this, I'm not holding my breath for the P5 event.

9dee9c No.14637342


Haven't tried the event. What makes it garbage?

225e32 No.14637384

File: 74360047c230a0c⋯.png (155.59 KB, 371x329, 53:47, 1514935817985.png)


There's three days of flashfest, all is not lost.


af4867 No.14637443

So I like the new Slime search stuff. So much EXP.


Just MLB and forge whatever you can before you hit rank 101. After that focus on FLBing the guns, coda to nova, and SSR Seraph Bow forging. After that, focus on FLBing Tia and getting two MLB Last Storm harps. And wait for Xeno Sag to come back around for two spears (one MH and one grid). I honestly have no idea when this is gonna happen considering that doggo showdowns might now only appear once per yea.

4e08b0 No.14637450



>MORE Rolls

I thought all those free rolls were going to end 2-3 days ago. What the heck?

225e32 No.14637492


Free rolls end in 4 days 10 hours from this post, the shifting elemental rate up gacha ends in 36 hours.

0a8144 No.14637675

File: ac9afd5b1b32d11⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 850x850, 1:1, dokans politely toward you.jpg)

>tfw finished in the top nine for BahaHL for the first time

Am I going to make it for this GW? I'm not going to drag my crew down any more, am I?

8bfdaf No.14637884


The angry slime mob with 800k hp makes me really sad

0226f1 No.14638184


You are as bad as the fujoshits.

0a8144 No.14638286


Furries are worse my dude. Fujoshits will leave me alone because I am ugly. Furfags will assume I am one of them because I am so gross and try to put the gay on me.

d0d959 No.14638404

File: 729b49bdc28847d⋯.png (60.85 KB, 445x183, 445:183, GBF_Drop.png)

If only my all my drops and rolls were like this.

d0d959 No.14638468

File: 22cb8a819fa9f2f⋯.png (481.56 KB, 479x685, 479:685, GBF_2018-04-14a.png)

File: 659eadd66794aa2⋯.png (476.91 KB, 481x630, 481:630, GBF_2018-04-13a.png)

File: bc23cf84bbfaa81⋯.png (491.43 KB, 482x684, 241:342, GBF_2018-04-12a.png)

File: 44b393009b72cfb⋯.png (460.46 KB, 480x632, 60:79, GBF_2018-04-11a.png)

File: 1db6a4086c8517c⋯.png (468.89 KB, 483x607, 483:607, GBF_2018-04-10a.png)



And I rolled Metera just now. I should complain more before rolling I think. Some of my previous rolls for comparison.

f2628c No.14639332


Retards like you deserve nothing good in life.

ffc288 No.14640878

What do you do with the gacha SSR character weapons?

Just reduce them as they are?

8e3bf3 No.14640885


if they have no useful 4* yes

225e32 No.14641391

File: f165d9bb061e4f8⋯.png (63.37 KB, 461x344, 461:344, katalinahop.PNG)


Besides the Stratomizer (Eustace's gacha weapon) there aren't really any regular gacha weapons worth saving or using. Characters you can only draw during legendfest or flashfest, however, eventually get a 4* uncap that makes them bar none the strongest weapons in the game. Never ever reduce a weapon that comes with a limited character.

af4867 No.14641416

File: 96c07e9477da895⋯.png (1.65 MB, 630x2760, 21:92, ClipboardImage.png)

So Alexial conformed as playable soon?

4dad99 No.14641419

File: 999babccde94537⋯.png (13.58 KB, 467x180, 467:180, I was enjoying it.PNG)

I was enjoying it, now I want to push the localizers in a trapped ruin withoud a Karva to save them.

f095c8 No.14641701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New hope for Sakura Wars collab rerunning!



What did it say in Japanese and how is Mary's booty?

dc7be3 No.14641766


if you really want to go full retard the tiamat bolt prime has more base damage than the regular omega not sure if it gets surpassed later though.

225e32 No.14641801

File: 16b7b287c90f262⋯.jpg (451.66 KB, 698x779, 698:779, 1491093298496.jpg)

Tiamat bolt prime doesn't have an omega weapon skill, its useless in an actual tia grid ironically. Same deal with yggdrasil's harp, or any of Vira's weapons.

86a4fb No.14641848


>gives the dagger

T-thanks, Yggy.



Thanks mates.


I was just wondering if there was any point in keeping the regular gacha weapons for later uncapping since people seem to talk about getting gold moons a lot.

4ff286 No.14642105

So for dark, im making both a claw and axe grid. for claw you just need about 5 claws correct? how about for axes?

8e3bf3 No.14642157


dont bother might as well farm ava guns

039786 No.14642326


Ayers fist has normal emnity and synergizes with both him and sara's weapon proficiencies. Alethia's sword has a 7% flat damage cap increase, there is only one copy of the baihu fist with the same bonus you can ever get so if you are capable of it and wantto hit the 21% max damage cap bonus from weapons you need two flb copies of Andaluis in addition to malus fist. Always always always keep draw weapons with 3* because you never know if the FLB version won't completely change it's nature

Also Stratomizer starts to fall off one you can hit the ougi soft cap. I don't even know if it can stack high enough to reach hard cap but since I have had about a million god damned gold moons from Euseless I can tell you the damage growth greatly scales off after a while.

f03c6a No.14642394

File: cc062a54610efbf⋯.jpg (247.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, are you stupid.jpg)

>people are rolling when the SSR rate is only 3%

d2f209 No.14642435


But there's been one free 10 roll for weeks to encourage people to rage roll their actual crystals before they release playable Fenrir and get people spending real money.

0226f1 No.14642455

File: 1f643a16ec0206b⋯.jpg (115.75 KB, 705x719, 705:719, points.jpg)


>free rolls were an addiction trap all along

333dd3 No.14642499

File: e3b0c57d8b532a0⋯.jpg (84.11 KB, 482x758, 241:379, capture_14042018_234340_00….jpg)

>have to wait next month for the pendants shop to refill in distinctions to finally unlock row 4

Fuck. Also, is there a recommended element for Aschallon?

225e32 No.14642514


Have you tried doing rose queen? If you get a total of 30 rose petals, you can trade them in for the last ten distinctions you need. Also light is overall the best element for aschallon, but really anything works as long as it isn't wind, dark or water.

0c1c4c No.14642522

File: 6c469fae72edfc0⋯.png (356.01 KB, 477x432, 53:48, RidillDos.PNG)

Completed my 2nd Ridill for earth, farming out the 40 distinctions in coop took around 2 hours. Sword stones are surprisingly rare, since Ygg swords are the only common source of sword stones that drops.

627535 No.14642592


Light by far. Light really loves everything ZA GLORY with class weapon offers it.

4ff286 No.14642674


grind rose queen and use petals for the last 10 distinctions.

f03c6a No.14642746

File: 6bded0299852ef3⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3570x2550, 7:5, team skull mtg.jpg)

>4* uncap gun

>would now rather grind poker than see that fucking lion one more time for muh medals

Shop events were a mistake.

d0d959 No.14642766


>What is free rolls

f095c8 No.14642845

File: fde2721b797577d⋯.jpg (116.3 KB, 792x1045, 72:95, DZ16PadUMAAn_rD.jpg)


Get plastered off drop buffs and run Co-Op rotation bosses. As long as you're not going for Gunslinger or Sharpshooter, you should be able to get a good amount each run.

dc7be3 No.14643076

question in the unlikely event I ever save up 90 thousand crystals, is gawain ever sparkable?

03f35e No.14643095


And why are you sparking Gawain?

dc7be3 No.14643126

File: c86a8bb42ec673f⋯.png (3.86 KB, 60x25, 12:5, WIND.png)


Image related and lack of confidence in being able to roll him in 30 10 rolls

0226f1 No.14643242

File: d120fc248376d8f⋯.png (53.32 KB, 599x111, 599:111, sad.png)

Wish they'd given light Clarisee more expressions. She's got a dumb smile on her face the whole time. Dak Cag has a bunch of faces.

50f2ab No.14643338

86a4fb No.14643352

File: 1adf4d94779874f⋯.png (986.22 KB, 1902x1431, 634:477, dbcd9c8e4e76904ce2e7aa3b76….png)


Go to the draw page and check what characters you can get at the spark trade section.

They change with banners.

Also, each ticket is worth 300 crystals, so keep that in mind.

Just get pic related, she is fantastic and will love you forever.

I have Gawain and I never used him, why the hell would you bother.

Unless you're a woman. Or a faggot.

0a8144 No.14643383


One turning Yggs with Niggerhound and Zoi

0226f1 No.14643658

File: a660a6e0e488372⋯.jpg (162.91 KB, 722x1039, 722:1039, when you ruin everything.jpg)

4ee86f No.14643792

File: 07c17d735f2bcbd⋯.png (500.45 KB, 512x443, 512:443, event clarisse.png)

File: 6cbfb591880195c⋯.png (502.1 KB, 513x444, 171:148, event clarisse 2.png)

File: 9d40f0c4c845aa7⋯.png (498.03 KB, 514x440, 257:220, event clarisse 3.png)


Event clarisse is the best looking clarisse.

627535 No.14643847

File: 6021ba9def9fd00⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 516.28 KB, 888x1243, 888:1243, page_021.jpg)



Clarisse is a useless alchemist only good for placenta handjobs!

03f35e No.14643872

File: 76470c989edc159⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 422x574, 211:287, alchemic_abortion.jpg)

f03c6a No.14643909

File: d0957b7c9309400⋯.png (44.34 KB, 614x190, 307:95, stop saying strange things.png)


Abortion isn't funny, anon. Don't post that again.

0a8144 No.14643941


>abortion isn't funny

Niggers get the most abortions in America. Still think it isn't funny?

f2628c No.14644036

Clarisse is a real cutie. Would headpat all day.

f03c6a No.14644040

File: 7d818c695a83818⋯.png (9.96 KB, 362x252, 181:126, vampire nutkick.png)


Eugenics is a hopeless and intrinsically narcissistic pursuit, and on top of that, punishing people before they have the chance to do anything whatsoever is the opposite of justice.

d2f209 No.14644117


Well Planned Parenthood's founder literally created the organization to give nigs abortions.

0a8144 No.14644126


Being a nigger is a crime against humanity.

627535 No.14644152

File: f74f10b819a9c27⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1466205825684.jpg)


To be fair, niggers are not people.

000000 No.14644536


>Eugenics is blah blah blah i'm a gigantic faggot

Eugenics implies forced sterilization/culling of the weak and impure. Niggers engage in abortion willingly, they think of it as birth control.

2b25e3 No.14644571

File: eb8c371b706b686⋯.jpg (239.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, case closed.jpg)


Why is he so perfect?

e8b75d No.14644613

Good generic supports for Grand Order?

33bf59 No.14644646


Most of them seem to be in light, but you also have a handful in the other elements like Lennah, fire Socie, etc. In a pinch you could just use CCS too, and she can be surprisingly useful if you have something else to stall an enemy with.

dc7be3 No.14644648


I have kurwa and shes useful, not sure how to build my team, I have BIRD PERSON lennah, kurwa, tiamat, and yodahara for the 99999999 whatever damage. otherwise I just have maxed out lyria for wind.

current grid damage is like 4k off element max because I have 5 tia bolts and a tia bolt prime all not uncapped at all. still working on getting them all.

e8b75d No.14644695


I gravitated to Fire Societte first, but after looking at it she seems to have been changed to affect only Fire characters.

I had also considered tanks like Sara or people with versatile utility like Katalina.

0a8144 No.14645034

What do you guys load for your windmeme NebuCHAD?

8e3bf3 No.14645099


nothing cause i'm not a retard and wait for the ccw upgrade so i dont lose mats

0c1c4c No.14645340

File: 6820d79816e86dd⋯.png (473.83 KB, 477x580, 477:580, BetterThanGrandFest.PNG)

6% SSR rates in effect, draw now, draw now.

5375ce No.14645367


Draw rates are still 3%

4dad99 No.14645417

File: 4b6509797429a28⋯.webm (1.33 MB, 420x589, 420:589, Granblue Fantasy-.webm)

File: 1d5eaebea10fd83⋯.webm (975.01 KB, 420x589, 420:589, Granblue Fantasy-_1.webm)


>sparking a non limited character

You'll need to spark during a banner in not a leg/flasfest with 3% ssr rates. It's not worth it.

Gawain is great and works very well with Lecia and Zooey, but either wait to roll him (during legfests) or just suptix him.


I made a Light Ridill, I'm disappointed with it, the DATA rate from the first skill buff is too low, to the point that my characters single attack far too often.

I guess it can only work well in Sword setups with an atma in your grid or on zeus builds with Io staves in them.

f2628c No.14645430


I made earth ridill myself. Very pleased with it.

0208f1 No.14645749

>Dark Cag and Sharp Haircut Harvin


0226f1 No.14645773

SSR Sophia and 200 wind Quartz. Not bad at all.

f03fbf No.14645984

File: 4dae6acf7a2a3b7⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 256x320, 4:5, Luciella 2.jpg)


Dark Knight Luciella WHEN??

4dad99 No.14646381

File: 28981c0ffef9bc3⋯.png (34.58 KB, 1400x431, 1400:431, Day 13.PNG)

As we approach the finish line, things start to get tense!

Account 9 managed to recover from the emparassment that was the new year roulette race, but both Account 2 and Account 7 are right behind it.

4dad99 No.14646386

Also, friendly reminder that these rolls are being added to >>14611379 accounts and all of them but 2 and 9 are still available for the taking by anyone who wants to start playing or who has just started but he's not satisfied with his rolls so far.

225e32 No.14646449

File: 1350ff739b6b8f8⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 381x472, 381:472, 1350ff739b6b8f8fbe342d8051….jpg)



Doin' god's work, anon

039786 No.14646801

I have played 36 hours of granblue fantasy out of the last 48.

Magnafest needs to end nowbefore I break myself. Also why the heck would some one, not just watch, but follow someone grinding this for seventeen hours straight with audio turned off and no interaction with the video? Like I get it is autismal to grind this shit for so long, but enjoying watching someone grind this for that long is next level shit.

b2e1a9 No.14647094


Anon you're already burned, you're not making any sense. Who is watching who grind? Are you streaming or just talking about yourself in third person?

Also what are you grinding so much for?

I've completed the event, maxed 5 5* characters, made a 5* ccw, 4* Colo, 4* Yugu and now I'm just chilling, maybe farming distinctions for more EX2 classes so I can save on pendants.

Don't burn yourself out, 'cause there's a GW coming and it's going to have more honor reward steps with rings in it.

86a4fb No.14647095

File: 0fc080c3db8e8fd⋯.jpg (804.75 KB, 1000x941, 1000:941, 0fc080c3db8e8fd151331da626….jpg)

File: 2670f616c8beb3b⋯.jpg (458.63 KB, 1600x1238, 800:619, 3ca6fce59acd13047aff9aab3d….jpg)


Anon, go sleep, you worry me.

This is not a game you "complete" in a week or a month, you won't be done in a year.

Direct your thoughts to 2D girls and take a break.

f03fbf No.14647456

I've finally made my way to Pandemonium.

So, what's the best way to get people to join my Co-op groups?

0c1c4c No.14647535


If your farming for a specific room, just list the stage name in the room title, especially if it's one of the stages that Distinctions drop from.

If you need help for a first clear, you can post the ID of the room in the thread, someone will probably see it in 5 minutes.

f03fbf No.14647573


Alright, I'm starting up a room for first-clearing what I can through Pandemonium, as far as 4th Tier if manageable.


af4867 No.14647771

I think I might take a break and just do pendant farming. When GW happens I'm just gonna do the min required and get the 15 mil rewards and whatever honor requirements I need for the round.

0a8144 No.14648426


Yeah Jesus started streaming some obnoxious swedish metal on chiru.no and the grind was getting to me so I set up a stream to keep from going crazier. I unlocked tier IV classes, made the nebuchad and ASScalon, worked through 3/4ths of my fate episode and cleaned out most of the side stories. Also codad my baka knife. Almost far enough to unlock 5* magna stuff. My crew is the take it easy nip kind so it don't matter. I will MLB two relics to use for my budget Zeus and then collect my sunstone and that is it. I am definitley going to beat this game today.

225e32 No.14648537

File: 8c4bf6e15974df6⋯.png (302.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bRTbnJH.png)


Protip, don't bother with the 5* magna shit until you have nothing else to do. 4* magna weapons and getting your grubby mitts on alexiel/grimnir/metatron weapons will keep you plenty busy. For reference, an alexiel grid (3 axes/3katanas) completely replaces every single yggy sword you have in your dirt grid, you'll only FLB 4 tiamat bolts to go with 3 grimnir harps, and the meta for metatron is 3 FLB chev swords/4 FLB meta bows/2 FLB meta daggers.

0a8144 No.14648628

af4867 No.14648928


Why daggers? Is it similar to what wind uses the harps for? I thought it was bows and swords.

03f35e No.14649012


To compensate for the lack of damage when you have lower HP. Plus the crits, of course.

50f2ab No.14649016

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

50f2ab No.14649032

File: 22301cecae05da6⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1211x853, 1211:853, light grid.png)


This is the grid he was using.

af4867 No.14649055


I figured as much. But honestly, these magna II grinds have been hell. My luck has always been shit since it took me to rank 130 just to get my grids to MLB basic grids and before Magna II my Agni fire grid was the strongest in terms of damage before it was beaten by Magna Fire.

5375ce No.14649068


>990 +s

Fucking how?

42680b No.14649080


Rupie draw and leeching HLs magnas

03f35e No.14649094


honestly by the time I get a third meta bow FLB I'll probably have that many +s, they drop like candy on magna II trains

c1561a No.14649379

New thread


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