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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 40dd70fe593ec08⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1280x1298, 640:649, Anime_Girls_in_Tank.png)

File: 5d27a007c91c7e7⋯.jpg (548.58 KB, 2315x4096, 2315:4096, Samus_Nuka_Cola.jpg)

File: 52bd73df9c37b9a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Anime_America_Crossing_the….png)

21cf16  No.16915910[Last 50 Posts]


If 8kun is down or you can't post the bunker is vch.moe. If both go down gather at the smuglo.li 8kun thread


>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board, check it out

>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese



>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"


>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing he was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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885550  No.16915932

Already? Last one didn't reach 700

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21cf16  No.16915936

File: 8f29d9e59d7300f⋯.jpg (183.61 KB, 1800x1229, 1800:1229, Anime_Tomboy_Overalls.jpg)

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5b58f5  No.16915941

File: bb3c94fb3ddeff8⋯.png (119.8 KB, 1799x621, 1799:621, fuck_8kunny.png)

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c00784  No.16915952


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deb532  No.16915959

File: 46ac84ec9211e3e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.44 KB, 615x550, 123:110, Sloppy_seconds.jpg)


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b99392  No.16915968

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group

☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone

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027c52  No.16915969

File: b4a96de677019ae⋯.webm (313.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RevengePornDoubleStandard.webm)


>Do you think it matters how many people someone has slept with?

If I'm going to date them, yes.

>No and it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this than men.

No, they're not. If a guy has slept with several women, people don't idolize him. At most, they just look down on the guy for how little attention he gives to actual relationships with the only people who "look up" to him being the pathetic idiots who think all there is to life is sex and power.

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118b31  No.16915971

Archive of previous bread


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8655dc  No.16915978

Gook, are you still alive?

Do you recomend The Kingdom as a zombie series?

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1721ce  No.16915986

File: 8e9de1bbff3f3cc⋯.jpg (74 KB, 810x927, 90:103, Asuka_smoking.jpg)

Checking in.

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d97023  No.16916006

File: 05a605061715c3b⋯.jpg (400.19 KB, 1243x1756, 1243:1756, AsukaRageBite.jpg)


Was happy to your post the other Day acid, good to see friendly avatar fags in these troubled times. Hows the lynxchan solution coming along? Any thoughts on fat/v/? Pasta BO over there says we can have threads.

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4af86d  No.16916019

File: f6d7800cf1ba9e6⋯.png (523.2 KB, 639x678, 213:226, fag_hee_gone.png)


> good to see friendly avatar fags

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253328  No.16916031


Are you the same Asukafag that was fucking with boomers on /pnd/ and /newsplus/?

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deb532  No.16916037

File: cc4dde38c230528⋯.webm (526.35 KB, 224x358, 112:179, Nigger_in_a_jacuzzi.webm)


>good to see friendly avatar fags

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55a888  No.16916043

File: 0326bbcfcff0108⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 261.28 KB, 1758x2526, 293:421, EVazn0bXQAADs7m.jpg)


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855131  No.16916044


i like the gloves that makes this seem like some sophisticated operation

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027c52  No.16916058


Just grab a piece of toilet paper and move it to the other side.

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1721ce  No.16916081

File: 72158fc3ef6ed74⋯.jpg (105 KB, 1146x1146, 1:1, Birdy_3.jpg)


So the domain is running, the server has been purchased, and its being configured now. SSH configuration was having problems last night because the setup of the VPS was still ongoing at the host. We're starting small but I have an option for a free, "no downtime" upgrade to a 2TB dedicated server in the contract. And I have a line on DDoS protection from not-Cloudflare for later.

I'll be using SSH to finish the server setup tonight, and maybe starting the basic Lynx install if things go smoothly. I want the basic site running before the weekend is out, then apply the mods for the functionality we want, then bug-test (I'll be here in the breads for that, you know how I do), and then the unofficial launch. Site priority #1 is stability and speed, number 2 is 8chan's classic features. That's the progress so far.

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1721ce  No.16916089

File: 14845c9f37204eb⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 2012x2080, 503:520, Asuka_Birdy_touch.jpg)


No? The fuck would I waste my time doing that. There are many besides myself who appreciate best girl(s).

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b94e4b  No.16916097

File: 4ee8a6744a6f953⋯.jpg (110.8 KB, 500x877, 500:877, 1459729286841.jpg)


Nice looking forward to more news on this.

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17d35e  No.16916110

File: 9846947b3b507a5⋯.png (120.56 KB, 360x450, 4:5, Aps.png)

File: ae1e052651ba186⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Abzu.jpg)

File: 0dd56c9e5e89b56⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Licker_anus.jpg)

File: 1b0e01241e1d422⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 512x288, 16:9, Behemoth_ff13.jpg)

File: c685039b45bdef6⋯.jpg (303.66 KB, 1491x1431, 497:477, Behemoth_King_official_con….jpg)

They turned Aps (Actual non fucked up bad translation name is "Abzu")from FF7 from a basic generic sewer monster into a bara furry with a visible ass, and he flexes in a bodybuilder pose during combat. On top of that he now has extra lore, he's actually "intelligent" in that he's not just a random monster, but also has tactics and plans in a fight, this presumably shakes off the bestiality angle for furries and increases his appeal as a sex object because he's nominally intelligent there was an attempt?. Note that the rest of the game specifically does not do anything like this and plays all the designs straight, except for Abzu, who has this weird ass goofy touch to him, the flexing and his expanded ass. While lore does increase in the remake, it seldom relates to any of the actual monsters and comes in the form of entirely new characters (The Vice enemies in the slums got turned into Team Rocket, basically).

Did the guy that planned this remaked monster also make the Licker have a visible anus in Resident Evil 2's remake?

There's a some amount of gay that's going on with these remakes, and I feel that FF7's gay was held back because most of the enemies are robots. Keep in mind that they basically made bara shit before with FF13's weird ass anthropomorphized behemoth designs that stood up on two legs.

Considering the sheer amount of artists who are resorting to all sorts of porn to make it in today's world and with the collapse of modern art schooling across the globe due to the sordid efforts of post-modernist garbage, all industries are starting to accept porn artists into their folds, indiscriminantly.

We've had it in the western industry too (if you've forgotten, Red Dead Redemption 2 has an entire complex code dedicated to the size of a horse's ballsack depending on the area's weather, and horse balls are present and lovingly textured, with Rockstar as a company notable for sprinkling male nudity throughout their recent games)

Point is, games are starting to get gayer and a lot of gay gaze is getting put into them. It's very subtle, but the bar is pushing farther and farther with each release from a major company. The indie scene already pushed that bar, but the mainstream company games are starting to do it, which is a canary in the coal mine here. There's gay furries up in there.

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ff7acf  No.16916114

To be honest, I would love to see this circlejerk follow mark or glowing acid to whatever site. Maybe there will be less inflated egos and avatarfagging if this happens.

If you fellate the glownig enough, he might pull some strings and get you on payroll with his federal bretheren

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b27df3  No.16916125

File: 8383a6773bc7b0d⋯.png (154 B, 1x200, 1:200, fade_miku.png)


Swiped this from /animu/ when looking through their source.

It's that minty green colored board CSS anons like. Just replace the prolikewoah fade miku link in it with the link to your own upload of fade miku.

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b27df3  No.16916128


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b27df3  No.16916129


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b99392  No.16916130


Go get datamined on julay, "le oldfag"

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17d35e  No.16916132

File: feada06ea5120f7⋯.jpg (67.32 KB, 623x713, 623:713, shaggy_what_the_fuck.jpg)



Either someone tried to slide my post about the gays in industry, or someone's trying to reprogram the site from the text entry or some weird shit, what are you doing?

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7bce59  No.16916134


That's a CSS for the anon that wants to make a new lynx site.

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64a07c  No.16916135


I think that's the /animu/ CCS.

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b27df3  No.16916138


I wanted to post the actual CSS file, but the site gives off "unknown file extension".

So I went with this.



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17d35e  No.16916141



Use github or some other text dump thing, throwing code out using posts is really inefficient. If it's crucial code you shouldn't be posting it on the net anyway, trade through PM in that case.

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c4c726  No.16916144

File: 92428059feb790c⋯.png (42.11 KB, 455x541, 455:541, HornedAnime.png)


>Trade through PM

>On an anonymous Taiwanese puppet show website

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ff7acf  No.16916145


julay is a faggot site for niggerfaggots, along with smug.

>kneejerk reaction assuming that I am a [insert perjorative]

how long have you been intersectional?

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17d35e  No.16916146


As in hook up through other media or services to wire code to someone. Get a guy's skype or something, decentralize.

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5ed896  No.16916147

File: 26cbd0b1ef2a82b⋯.jpg (352.94 KB, 850x1169, 850:1169, _selvaria_bles_senjou_no_v….jpg)


Using porn artists is perfectly fine as long as it's not gay furry porn

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c4c726  No.16916152

File: ddc660bc5fb8154⋯.png (31.44 KB, 256x256, 1:1, EstelleAnnoyed.png)


>An anonymous man is making a site for anonymous speech

>Just get his easily identifiable identification instead of posting it for him to use

>There is no problem with this whatsoever

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5b58f5  No.16916156


I'm honestly don't like Mark but the people who hate him are fucking retarded as well, I understand why /animu/ really doesn't want to deal with anything related to /v/ meta shit period.

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7bce59  No.16916158


>I understand why /animu/ really doesn't want to deal with anything related to /v/ meta shit period.

They just want to wash their hands with it and be done because the autistic drama from both sides with fucking their meta thread.

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5b58f5  No.16916161


I understand and fully agree with their sentiments, it's a shame they had to deal with the faggotry that follows /v/ related shit. I hope the best for them.

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027c52  No.16916164

File: a4691444783e45e⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 9.88 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bafybeifbqghtvxmrzhwwqv4j….webm)


>Point is, games are starting to get gayer and a lot of gay gaze is getting put into them.

Just for the sake of discussion, what's the difference between "admiring the male physique" in the traditional sense and and admiring it in the sense that you're a homosexual?

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027c52  No.16916170

File: a3a90cf9b2b6c3e⋯.webm (3.01 MB, 800x450, 16:9, _incoherent_yelling_.webm)


>Not spoilered

>Double checked that it was marked as spoilered


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b99392  No.16916171

File: 47fa902a167b9f6⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 640x392, 80:49, you_must_secretly_want_to_….jpg)


It depends on how much you want to fuck spiders

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83cda8  No.16916173

File: 045e76d83bf5d3e⋯.jpg (437.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, not_impressed.jpg)



>crucial code to trade through PM




Poor bait, you need to apply yourself more anon.

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ff7acf  No.16916174


I don't hate mark, don't get me mistaken. I think he is a bumbling sperg who never was able to do his job right. Goldrenrod and Cobalt are the real backbones of this board, take that to the fucking bank. The only vol during mark's reign who was really, really shit is Cerulean. He is the reason 4am continued, despite near unanimous agreement from anons on deleting it. That french nigger held 4am hostage, threatening suicide if it got deleted/banned.

If you're still lurking, Cerulean: Kill yourself. You fucking waste of sperm

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17d35e  No.16916180

File: bcf9ad246d188d9⋯.png (520.85 KB, 680x445, 136:89, Math_lady.png)


It's true, but most of them seem to hook up with 3D companies so they can make base models for furry shit.

Loads of gay furries actually take video games and datamine the models out of them, then add on additional bits like penis and anus shit, and based on my extremely degenerate habits and research, there's a black market brewing on furry monopolies on shit like this, I think, it's feasible.

An example would be, a guy works in a company, sends his final models and whatever he can get in a package, and a month after release a bunch of artists start releasing cavalcades of 3D gay porn from recent games (Doom Eternal being an example, there's going to be 3D porn of the Cyberdemon released en masse in a month)

This being the furry community, the ones who get popular in the 3D scene are the ones with the high quality models and that's a big barrier to entry for 3D artists. So I think these guys have ins in the game companies. This is a full blown mafia conspiracy if true, if mostly harmless. Well, mostly harmless in relation to regular furry shit.

I don't know, the extra gay shit i'm seeing in the industry is pointing to shit from artists i've seen before. Either it's a parasite industry taking advantage of a trend, or they're putting out more furry gay shit because they're trying to secure an industry. Very little 3D models of attractive women have been put out, as we all know.

What if the reason women are portrayed as ugly, isn't just because of politics, but also because of money? Because they're trying to create a monopoly industry bubble in the red-light district type of area?

What if the reason companies aren't going down is because they've diversified into porn?

I don't know, i'm throwing ideas at a wall here. There's got to be a reason why the industry isn't dead yet.


Then github or some shit.

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ba469c  No.16916184


Fucking tox man

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21cf16  No.16916186

File: a4da72e90863c5b⋯.png (259.96 KB, 439x480, 439:480, What_the_fuck_Arnold.png)


Spoil that gay shit, nigger

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027c52  No.16916187

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c4c726  No.16916191


Or you can post it in a place where he's likely to see it and avoid the nonsense. Alternatively you can assume it's a sliding attempt without reading the two sentences preceding the code dump.

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b99392  No.16916194


There seems to be an active cabal of wealthy Silicon Valley degenerates who finance the translation of trap, futa, BLACKED, femdom, and NTR Doujinshi & Maniwas over-and-above the actual market-demand which exists for such things.

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253328  No.16916199


How involved you get into it, I guess. If you're more obsessed with someone's physique than a bodybuilder then you're in the gay zone.

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17d35e  No.16916202

File: aeb5878b73e58d8⋯.png (293.63 KB, 500x551, 500:551, whatthefucknook.png)


Homosexuals place a shitload of their attraction on body based sexual attraction, it's mostly shallow attraction for homosexuals. Evidence of this is the "Thousands of partners" type of homosexual, in that promiscuity for a male homosexual eclipses the promiscuity of a degenerate female, possibly because it's a mental thing about desiring sex with men rather then desiring marriage relationships with men. Lesbians specifically don't have a desire to fuck women specifically, but are usually driven by hatred against males. Usually.

The averages of shallow relationships out of 100 people, it's like that 13% of the population 53% of the crime with blacks, but with gays it's "loads of sexual partners".

Straight men and women on the whole, when consuming porn, almost always go for the vanilla stuff, not just in male/female, but also wholesome relationship type porn, the actual market demand is for this porn on the whole if at all, but the majority of porn pushed on sites is usually hardcore degenerate due to consumption rate, while most straight porn is rarer. This goes for both the 3D real human porn and drawn porn/hentai.

Media pretends that looking at lesbian porn is normal, mind you, because most media is made in California and New York, the two gayest states in America. There is a concerted effort in media to normalize non-straight, destructive relationship romance porn, or we're looking at it on the wrong angle and that the main consumers of porn are homosex and bisex individuals who's tastes are beyond the pale and who's hunger for porn eclipses most people to the point that they're the "whales" of the porn industry, in that they are addicts.

So the gay shadman mewtwo you posted is specifically homosex porn because it fetishizes the body and clearly isn't for straight female consumption. That and it's Shadman, he's gay as fuck.

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5b58f5  No.16916206

File: 827e6bb654abef6⋯.png (372.51 KB, 822x1200, 137:200, question.png)


I'm going to be honest with you anons when I say we should have a board with good software like prolikewhoa but free from people like Ron/Jim, Mark and Acidkike. Because the actual /v/ anons aren't the problem it's more the mods and tripfags who keep bringing in drama or letting things go to absolute shit because they are incompetent mods.

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47bdc4  No.16916207

File: 75623bb0cfa2a20⋯.jpg (129.2 KB, 546x1000, 273:500, Farnese_Hercules_Roman_cop….jpg)


> what's the difference between "admiring the male physique" in the traditional sense and and admiring it in the sense that you're a homosexual?

You can admire someone as a role model.

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ea87a5  No.16916219


Easy. If you pop a boner when greek wrestling you got the gay.

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1721ce  No.16916221



Noted. I'll save this for later tonight.

I know anons have a preference for certain frontends like OpenIB. I don't like Lynx's default frontend either, so if anyone has any options they can supply I'd be happy to take them on.

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079bba  No.16916223


Did Hercules get swole because he got bullied on benis inspection day?

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4e4403  No.16916228


I don't think I'd stick my pp in a guy's butt but I would probably kiss a cute twink and let him suck me off.

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17d35e  No.16916229


Romans and Greeks fucked kids and had gays who fucked kids and other men.

They collapsed for a few reasons.

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17d35e  No.16916232

File: b19cf9f49ee9999⋯.gif (723.26 KB, 500x279, 500:279, I_activate_my_trap_card.gif)


Sexual relations with another man or a dick attached to a woman or getting pegged by a woman is gay. Oral is sexual relations.

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ba469c  No.16916233


Anon, people always fucked kids.

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17d35e  No.16916236


Usually they got stoned or killed for it. That didn't happen in Rome or Ancient Greece.

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ea87a5  No.16916237

File: 18ef6bf91edcd7e⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 900x810, 10:9, 18ef6bf91edcd7e04c8dfcacb2….jpg)


That's still gay, dude.

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64a07c  No.16916244

This has literally turned into the Gamer Gays thread.

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8e15c1  No.16916246


That's just gay with a preference. It's like the gay equivalent of "I like tomboys" or some shit. I bet you all the money out there that you're not attracted to all women out there so just because you're not attracted to all guys doesn't make you not gay.

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ba469c  No.16916247


That's not how it worked. Depending on the culture, kids were considered able to consent at a certain age(usually around 10). There was still actual rape going on, and people got punished for that, but some cultures made a distinction.

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4e4403  No.16916249


Yeah it makes you bisexual.

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e8edf4  No.16916250


Haruhi kept warning us, but no one listened.

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deb532  No.16916253

File: 9debf962e7933e7⋯.webm (2.03 MB, 198x360, 11:20, Drunk_accordion.webm)


He was born swole to serve as an eternal reminder to Amphitryon that Zeus fucked his wife

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47bdc4  No.16916255

File: 196136b972eb65b⋯.png (195.88 KB, 828x1735, 828:1735, oliver_homosexuality2.png)


I'm so fucking tired of debunking this bullshit. Do you niggers never learn?

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47bdc4  No.16916257

File: 0ba26a39a32aa88⋯.jpg (102.66 KB, 798x1199, 798:1199, Adonis_Georgiades_Homosexu….jpg)


Also I wanted to post a pdf of this, but some ape put a limit on file size.

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c97020  No.16916258

File: 651564d0512f5dc⋯.png (211.06 KB, 754x693, 754:693, 651564d0512f5dcb052b9726fb….png)

Who the fuck still has job? seems everyone is getting laid off wherever I look.

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ba175a  No.16916259

So where we going?

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64a001  No.16916263

File: beb7fb5c618f597⋯.webm (5.39 MB, 1504x640, 47:20, We_won_t_need_eyes.webm)


Just wait and see

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17d35e  No.16916264

File: 66622a37dd4c164⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 735x765, 49:51, jojo_bibble.jpg)


With the western industry in gay tatters and the eastern industry slowly following suit it's inevitable that gay furries are going to be a topic, especially with the online media boom happening that's making everyone, including gay furries shit out more content like crazy.


>It's okay, i'm a consenting adult, i'm 10 years old!

Sounds like kid fucking to me, especially because kids can be groomed by degenerates extremely easily. We upped the age limit for a goddamned reason.


Bisexual is gay with extra steps, really. And also straight with extra steps. Depends on who they settle down with if they ever do anyway



Alright, consider me corrected, my apologies.

>Gay assassin cults

Considering what went on in Rome and it's fall, and the sheer opposition it faced, I can actually see that.

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b94e4b  No.16916268

File: a3812e670a7e0a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.48 MB, 3309x2376, 1103:792, Chaos_Spawn.jpg)


I always wanted to visit the warp I hope it works out ok.

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320dcc  No.16916269


Somewhat related: Nintendo has a 'bara furbait' boss in their most recent /fit/ game, but they actually attempted to downplay the gay by making the character canonically straight.

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b94e4b  No.16916277

File: 9df5d148bcc8cad⋯.webm (7.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Christian_Ninja_Force_2.webm)


Really need to clean this place up sometimes. Why does this shit have to happen.

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4e4403  No.16916283


In reality bisexuals are even more a minority than full-on gays. Most of the time they're bi-curious and end up picking one side later on.

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1721ce  No.16916284

Honestly I came to terms with the gays by acknowledging that prevalence of homosexuality historically correlates to greater population density. It's nature's release valve for the (very powerful) sexual urges of human beings when overpopulation is a real or perceived threat for a period of time.

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b99392  No.16916286

File: f8a3d8dc9a3cc47⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 499x493, 499:493, Yawn.jpg)

Oh noes. We're being "raided" by retards who are shit at fitting in.

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67c103  No.16916288


The first is a closeted homosexual. The second is a homosexual.

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47bdc4  No.16916293

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17d35e  No.16916299

File: 80dd771293ec8f9⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 887x1097, 887:1097, jesus_christ.jpg)


Didn't work, because the most recent porn I found of him after a quick search on e621 was 4 days ago. And e621 tends to be slow as fuck on putting up porn unless it's a popular artist on twitter.


I'm just commenting on a trend i've been seeing in literally every major release, and everyone else is just posting porn.


You're not kidding, if anything the human's sexual drive INCREASES in high-density populations. Might have something to do with sexual arousal being triggered on sight instead of by seasonal heat like with regular animals.

We don't fuck at one time of the year like most of rest of the world, our fuck drive is always on. And it's really fucking annoying when I want to get something done.

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48fa7c  No.16916300


I don't even care much about the count, for me it's the means of doing it. Had sex with your exboyfriend? Ok, I'm a little jealous, but that's all behind us. Had a one night stand or hookup? I don't put up with that shit, you spread your legs for some jackass you just met and now you're trying to get all "serious" with me.

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73adb4  No.16916308

File: e8fad603d4a8ae9⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1927x1440, 1927:1440, BC8F26B1_1E1B_4990_B197_C8….png)

Software and sites to give attention to!

Operating systems

>AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/

>BSD (Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ )


>BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/

>Gun: https://gun.eco/

>Hydrus: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/

Donation services:

>Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox

>Fantia: http://fantia.jp/

>Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/

>New Project 2: https://newproject2.com

Email hosting

>Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4

>Cock.li: https://cock.li/


>Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page

File sharing and storage

>anonfile: https://anonfile.com/

>BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent

>CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P

>Catbox: https://catbox.moe/

>Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/

>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/

>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/

>Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto

>Instant.io: https://instant.io/

>IPFS: https://ipfs.io/

>Kek.gg https://kek.gg/

>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/

>ORC: https://orcproject.github.io/

>Peergos: https://peergos.org/

>Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/

>Rotonde: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/#rotonde

>Sia: https://sia.tech/

>Storj: https://storj.io/

>Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm

>Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs

>Uguu: https://uguu.se/

>WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/

>Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones

Galleries and image hosting

>ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/

>Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/

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73adb4  No.16916310

File: 5dd9e24e980a89e⋯.jpeg (444.34 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 2AEACF3B_7641_4BB6_A53B_4….jpeg)


Internet and browsers

>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/

>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

>Handshake: https://handshake.org/

>I2P: https://geti2p.net/

>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/

>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net

>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/

>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/

>Onename: http://www.onename.com/

>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/

>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/

>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/


>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/

>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/

>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy

>Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/

>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop

>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/

>Playism: http://playism-games.com/

>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio

News and topic aggregation

>Voat: https://voat.co/

Search engines

>YaCy: https://yacy.net/

>Yandex: https://yandex.com/

Social media

>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/

>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/

>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/

>Steemit: https://steemit.com/

>Twister: http://twister.net.co/


>Smashcast.tv: https://www.smashcast.tv/

Video and audio platforms

>BitTube: https://bit.tube/dashboard

>D.tube: https://d.tube/

>Ferment: https://github.com/fermentation/ferment

>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/

>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/

>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/

Video downloaders and converters

>AudioToWebm: >>>/mage/158 ( https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm )

>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram

>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py

>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm

>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/


>Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/

>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole

>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/

Suggestions are always welcome!

Boards to give attention

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>>>/caffe/ Lounge

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>>>/tot/ toddlercon

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>>>/kind/ Random Acts of Kindness

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>>>/quests/ Quests & Forum Games

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7bce59  No.16916312


>Localizers turning gay characters straight and straight characters gay

What's the fucking point?

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e8edf4  No.16916315


I don't think even they know, at this point.

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17d35e  No.16916338

File: eb8875d7b018a4c⋯.gif (4.3 MB, 500x409, 500:409, Drageux_ring.gif)


Internal struggle. It's not all agreed on. Example, if you got back up to the Aps post there's a picture of a behemoth. In it you can clearly see that the concept art has a bara tone, but the 3D model itself looks like it was done by two different people, someone did the physical body and someone else did the pants on the white behemoth, so it might have been that the original modeler had the beast naked, but someone from the FF12 team came in and did the pants afterwards. I can tell it was an FF12 old guard that did the pants because the leather is exceptionally detailed, and the body of the white behemoth, while muscled, looks like someone new made it because there's almost no texturing done on the body, no veins or anything, which the FF12 artist would NOT leave out if it was his project entirely.

A lot of these models are done by a team that works on one model and another that works on it's animations, so for Abzu, there's a chance that someone's gay pitch for animation concepts and character got through on the Abzu boss and someone managed to add a detached ass and tail section under the radar, while keeping a bara theme.

There's either a retarded consensus or someone wiggling in and adding in touches, or passing off their gay pitches as general ideas.

If the entire team was gay you'd see dicks. That's how it wormed into Rockstar at least, nothing but rainbow hair on their teams.

In the case of Dragaux in Wii Fit Adventure, it's clear the team was small, and could get away with it because it was and his text only straightness was added in after someone caught it when it was all already made and had to hit the floor.

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931e27  No.16916351

File: bdae0432b8c2bcf⋯.png (128.11 KB, 1300x390, 10:3, clearly_not_in_charge.png)

seems like pasta BO isn't giving ground regarding the GG threads on fatchan, on the other hand it doesn't look like he holds us much dear either.

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21cf16  No.16916359


It seems that as long as we stay on topic and don't shit up the board, he'll leave us be. Sounds fair.

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b94e4b  No.16916362

File: ac168c65b881517⋯.png (263.54 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ac168c5fc.png)


Might just have to use it as a temp bunker then if enough people bitch about us just existing again.

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7bce59  No.16916363

File: f9b216159e2c45e⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 480x600, 4:5, Bepsi.jpg)


So GG is allowed, but he will be more hands off as long as it's related to videogames which these threads usually are when there isn't derailing.

Sounds fair. It's different than Mark that is actually a part of GG and at times bake threads or delete any anti-GG posts even outside the threads.

Pasta seems to just be neutral to GG.

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e9ae08  No.16916364


Someone should ask him about Julay and constant derailments then.

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67222c  No.16916366

File: 39c640413312b9b⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 700x420, 5:3, 5760.jpg)


Are you trying to tell me that homosexuality is just part and parcel of living in a big city?

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7bce59  No.16916368

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e9ae08  No.16916379



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931e27  No.16916382

File: d2153f799401bc2⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 720x654, 120:109, 5dbb830793ac8871df26ce21cd….jpg)


nigger what the fuck do you think we're talking about, also

>post deleted

>all the other posts linking to the same place allowed to stay

for why?

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7bce59  No.16916383


>for why?

Probably the vols or it's just seen as spam for being linked too much.

Are the vols still loyal to Mark?

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64a07c  No.16916384


Are we shilling our own temp bunker to ourselves? The hell?

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e9ae08  No.16916385


Who knows Ron fucked over the public log.

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c13851  No.16916388

File: 1c5d21b8b68b3c4⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 1080x858, 180:143, 1c5d21b8b68b3c456997596d1e….jpg)

Trump cuts WHO funding completely


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7bce59  No.16916396

File: 018d49d8f59880f⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 0f296aef6d8164e9ac631e9ce5….mp4)


>Ron fucked over the public log.

I wonder why?

The logs are for transparency.



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c08209  No.16916399

File: 2cc2cc23c71dbb2⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 480x447, 160:149, 2cc2cc23c71dbb209237db470a….jpg)


All is right for the time being

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7684b6  No.16916400

File: 1b979db2a09e495⋯.jpg (742.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 881.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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0eab20  No.16916405


No he didnt. I wasnt able to see the logs days back. Before Mark got fired.

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deb532  No.16916412

File: c4c93cb65db82a2⋯.webm (7.58 MB, 488x720, 61:90, Biden_I_support_the_Secon….webm)


Fucking finally

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b99392  No.16916417

File: ce2e33a62595765⋯.png (123.52 KB, 431x279, 431:279, uh_who.png)

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7bce59  No.16916421

File: 71dcdd93f909b77⋯.png (13.63 MB, 2976x1968, 62:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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b99392  No.16916428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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447e06  No.16916433


Personally I'm fine with him taking all the AR-14's.

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c08209  No.16916435


I'm sure all 3-4 prototypes will be missed.

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8777ad  No.16916441

File: 0f1b60b3e747834⋯.png (307.46 KB, 494x456, 13:12, 1459559620304.png)

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0a6e23  No.16916455

File: 479ad63ebc35efc⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 812x452, 203:113, WHO_Taiwan_China.mp4)

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c08209  No.16916458


>Her soul and bat soup, gone

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d7bf76  No.16916463

File: 7ee72cd9a8fb3bb⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 653x477, 653:477, oh_no_that_sucks.jpg)


That's some cold dirty shit.

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21cf16  No.16916467

File: 6996376c7b5c10d⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 680x719, 680:719, neat.jpg)

What post just got deleted?


That seems to be the pasta's stance on most everything; as long as it's focused on videogames, it's allowed on the board. It seems fair, and I think we can handle it

>Mark was a part of GG

I was in that board when he had control of it, and the banning spree he went on when somebody asked for clarification on something more or less showed than he's not suited to run a backup board. I don't want to be banned because I said something that he couldn't handle.

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b94e4b  No.16916472

File: da4476d24ad2e1b⋯.jpg (136.49 KB, 1007x1200, 1007:1200, EJ0lU_HVUAApLMy.jpg)


The fucking gall of those niggers to be so blatant in their dick sucking of china.

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9b2dea  No.16916473

>(((If 8kun is down or you can't post the bunker is vch.moe)))

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7bce59  No.16916477


>That seems to be the pasta's stance on most everything; as long as it's focused on videogames, it's allowed on the board. It seems fair, and I think we can handle it

It's fine. I don't think anyone on GG or at least many anons never asked for special treatment. Just that these threads can be left alone to do its own thing.

Because Mark gives special treatment to these threads and has been caught participating and baking, many outside of GG had the wrong idea the everyone here is part of Mark's entourage even though there are anons in GG that don't like him at all.

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b94e4b  No.16916479


Yeah anons have been told for awhile to stop copy and pasting but by the time a new thread is needed there is a bit of panic so it just gets ported over.

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3bc085  No.16916485


It even says to go to smug if vch is down despite smug not having a meta thread for a while now.

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b94e4b  No.16916494

File: 90f3b277e2d5c2f⋯.jpg (168.97 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Dsqw3k4UwAAHCSM.jpg)

So did anyone see the "New" Standalone X-com 2.5 game?

You can have alien squad mates but there is no troop customization and a bunch other stuff is missing and it looks kinda gay.


Yep someone really needs to sit down and retype the whole damn thing sometime soon.

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5b58f5  No.16916496


At most people somewhat tolerated Mark but many including myself just didn't like Mark or how he ran /v/ but the alts tended to be much fucking worse then Mark.

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64a07c  No.16916500



Well we should work on a new OP text right now so there wont be a rush for next thread.

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7f75bf  No.16916502

File: e958edf989544f7⋯.png (141.71 KB, 314x355, 314:355, 1427568541304.png)


>an entire generation of brutal alien occupation

>throw off extraterrestial oppressors

>within 5 years, integrate with surviving xenos in a harmonious society

>need to deploy mixed-species SWAT teams to shut down mean-spirited bigots that hate progress

I didn't even make it through the press release before the glow shorted out my monitor.

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b94e4b  No.16916505

File: 10a2da58f73b18e⋯.png (651.15 KB, 1280x1067, 1280:1067, 1466490544183_1.png)


I buy it if was set 20 years later maybe but yeah 5 years later what the fuck.

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41a883  No.16916514

File: 8289cae6cbc1044⋯.jpg (158.22 KB, 806x695, 806:695, confused_musashi.jpg)


Wasn't the whole point of X-Com that the aliens were alien creatures who simply did not want peace in any way to a horrifying extent?

Where did this "love and peace" shit come from?

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b94e4b  No.16916518

Ron is back again. >>16916492

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64a07c  No.16916519

File: ec1dc2a18d129ea⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Transgender_Starfleet_Prid….jpg)


>Where did this "love and peace" shit come from?

Don't be a bigot anon. Join the glorious Federation where everyone loves each other and nothing bad ever happens until Section 31 has to fucking General Order 24 an entire fucking planet while all the idealistic captains and ambassadors aren't looking.

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b94e4b  No.16916525


It would make more sense if you had to work with the remaining Xenos if it was that the old ones that the Alien Elders were afraid of came back from the portal at the bottom of the ocean at the end of X-com 2.

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5b58f5  No.16916527


Honestly I'm just done with his damage controlling Mark might have been a retard sperg but he wasn't wrong about how Jim is running the place into the ground. Oh god Mark was a voice of reason in this mess how fucking retard do you have to be when MARK of all people is a source of logic?

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e9ae08  No.16916528


>Oh god Mark was a voice of reason in this mess how fucking retard do you have to be when MARK of all people is a source of logic?

Boomer levels.

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ce7a9c  No.16916530

File: c9987dc4b956300⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2927x1536, 2927:1536, c9987dc4b9563000d7023797ea….jpg)

File: 88c3a21b0e4464e⋯.png (3.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 88c3a21b0e4464ed8c5029c451….png)


Writers are now aliens, therefore the story requires you to support aliens.

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7bce59  No.16916534


I agree that Mark maybe a spergy fat fuck, but he probably isn't wrong about Jim either.

It just means both Mark and the Administration were just untrustworthy assholes that had a feud.

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b94e4b  No.16916537

Ron may have leg in loli race as hes a Suika man. >>16916529

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0a6e23  No.16916540


It promotes war, borders, and racism. Everything against the Church of the Left. So of course it needed to be updated for CY++


It's an actual update on the status errors plaguing the site. Namely they're going to be around for at least another 2 weeks.

Mark literally took complaints about the site, ignored them, and thought they were lies from bad faith actors.

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7bce59  No.16916542


True. The issue isn't with wrong, it's his father.

Ron might be one of the anons, but he probably is forced to submit to his daddy's whims by the end of the day.

Jim has the final say in all this.

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7bce59  No.16916543




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e9ae08  No.16916544

File: e6bd20e3913e47e⋯.png (16.95 KB, 1177x311, 1177:311, Screenshot_2020_04_14_I_JU….png)

File: 44af0b6c430aafc⋯.jpg (601.9 KB, 1175x2323, 1175:2323, Screenshot_2020_04_14_I_JU….jpg)


Why is he spoilering it? There's nothing wrong with them.

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faffad  No.16916550


I can replace that line in the wiki OP with "The thread is currently split between 8kun and fatchan.org/v/. Consider monitoring the thread on both sites." Sound good?

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ce7a9c  No.16916552


I'm gonna say "for dramatic effect". Not unheard- of.

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7bce59  No.16916553


Suspense I guess.

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30dd82  No.16916557

File: 95352efafbc65cc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.91 KB, 680x566, 340:283, expecting.jpg)


Have you really never spoilered a file for comedic purposes?

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5b58f5  No.16916559

File: 207bdd536910b8a⋯.png (633.16 KB, 735x752, 735:752, _black_tailed_prairie_dog_….png)


Jim contradictions and the logs from Mark don't really put the administration is competent light even discounting Mark's sheer stupidity. At this point I honestly think an alt made by our own two hands free of any of the actors related to 8kunt is the best course of action.

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deb532  No.16916561

File: 0b5541f80516e09⋯.mp4 (8.74 MB, 414x720, 23:40, Police_smash_residents_doo….mp4)


Love and peace type of shit in sci-fi is almost always as an attempt to force gentle savage type of bullshit because the writer is shit at thinking of a decent story. Avatar (the movie) is a decent example of this, where ayys are understandably hostile to humans and the main character switches sides simply because he got a taste of indigenous pussy. But nothing in the slightest changes, ayys are still hostile to humans and the entire movie is just about them fighting each other until the other side loses with a bit of drama on the side that comes from the main character having a spiritual experience.

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4af86d  No.16916562


I didn't have one in the first place.

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e9ae08  No.16916563


Just slightly paranoid.

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4af86d  No.16916564

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21cf16  No.16916565


What I've learned from all this is that all sides are complete retarded fuck ups who can't be trusted.


if Jim is the final say we're fucked, because he's focused on getting the qoomer crowed on /qresearch/ now, and he's anti-loli

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e9ae08  No.16916566


Marks fine as long as he doesnt have any admin privileges.

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7bce59  No.16916570

File: c5aa72e7e3b53da⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, 37c5dd2e0fc3e74848a3199305….jpg)


Well fatchan exists now. Just keep the tabs of this site and fatchan /v/ open and put fatchan /v/ and their pasta BO on a trial run.

At least by two to three weeks consensus will be formed.


At best Ron will try to sneak shit past his father, but who knows if Q Boomers will lurk around and tell Jim.

I can understand that there might be a bit of father-son conflict but less autistic than their feud with Mark with the difference being that Jim will just win it out since he's the actual owner of the site.

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e9ae08  No.16916571


> if Q Boomers will lurk around and tell Jim.

Im pretty sure the cripple and his anti-Q boomer boomers will be lurking wevery time Ron posts and then retweeting it on twitter.

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4af86d  No.16916573


Log has been gone since 8kun launched, I think.

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5b58f5  No.16916574

File: c3c226e0d83fb77⋯.png (60.1 KB, 500x632, 125:158, peek_a_jew.png)


>What I've learned from all this is that all sides are complete retarded fuck ups who can't be trusted.

Which is why I'm advocating for something like a Vch.moe that's fast like prolikewhoa run by 8/v/ anons for 8/v/ anons so everyone from us to the alts/bunkers are happy.


Mark is not an evil or bad person but he is a total fuck up who honestly should just stay out of the spot life and move on with his life. What I still am totally stunned by is that the people who made alts to counter Mark where somehow even worse BOs who made Mark tier excuses of why they failed at making alts.

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b94e4b  No.16916575

File: a2bf811d8832bbd⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 1421x559, 1421:559, EQ2yQixWkAUKOHm.jpg)



One of the lawyers he contacted didn't even wanna help. >>16916569

Thing's look grim for 8kun.

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7bce59  No.16916577


>Which is why I'm advocating for something like a Vch.moe that's fast like prolikewhoa run by 8/v/ anons for 8/v/ anons so everyone from us to the alts/bunkers are happy.

Unless you can imitate what /animu/ made as a bunker and have the means to launch a site, fatchan /v/ is the only alternative and even then there's no consensus on how the BO functions.

So far there's an idea to do a lynxchan ala /animu/ site that an anon was supposedly making earlier and another anon giving him a green minty CSS that /animu/ uses so that he doesn't have to have the eye bleeding lynx CSS default colors.

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c77d39  No.16916578

File: d7a303f3fd6e765⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, Asuka_teku_slutwalk.jpeg)


Honestly I'm not that excited to be an admin of an imageboard. If we have someone trustworthy who feels responsible enough to take the helm of the new site later on, I'd be okay with passing it to them. At least for all the day to day stuff.

Not on my phone now.

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b94e4b  No.16916579

File: b1f74dee35e17e8⋯.png (233.17 KB, 1316x956, 329:239, Test_post_on_Fat_v_Win95_E….png)

On the plus side of things fat /v/ can be made to look damn fine.

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e9ae08  No.16916580



Its been up and down.

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7bce59  No.16916581


>Honestly I'm not that excited to be an admin of an imageboard

From experience and witnessing for so many years I came to a conclusion that the best people in power are the ones that don't and see it as a burden.

The worst people in power are those that want it and end up power tripping.

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deb532  No.16916582

File: d0608c3dde581a2⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Crayon_under_skin.jpg)


>Which is why I'm advocating for something like a Vch.moe that's fast like prolikewhoa run by 8/v/ anons for 8/v/ anons so everyone from us to the alts/bunkers are happy.

>"I am advocating for something like this thing but like better in every way and that everyone would like"

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4af86d  No.16916583


Suck dick for China to the point of contributing to a global pandemic, don't be surprised if their number one enemy stops giving you cash. I hope others follow suit.

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64a07c  No.16916585


I remember this one scifi movie that did it right. Humanity was trying to colonize this one planet with primitive peaceful aliens. The humans kept and starting shit only to find out that the aliens were actually far more advanced militarily and started to push humanity's shit in and it took the two protagonists, one human and one alien, to prevent humanity's extinction and come up with a plan so both species can live in tolerance with each other.

It's like Avatar but not retarded.

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4af86d  No.16916588


>One of the lawyers he contacted didn't even wanna help.

Probably had something more lucrative come up.

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7bce59  No.16916589

File: 566e90d054ae56f⋯.png (150.75 KB, 1004x643, 1004:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cd5782d63c44eb⋯.png (143.54 KB, 914x642, 457:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66e85edb6f26313⋯.png (144.93 KB, 900x646, 450:323, ClipboardImage.png)

I like fatchan's choice of CSS.

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64a07c  No.16916590


>ancient Egyptian outfit

>also shimpan

I'm not sure how I feel about this.


Well that's comfy.

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e9ae08  No.16916592


Acid's site better be this comfy when it comes to CSS.

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4af86d  No.16916593


Why is Ron's communication suddenly getting so much clearer? What happened to the Ron from the Q&A last year? And the confusing Twitter posts? Was he drunk?

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7bce59  No.16916595


Be nice if they add /animu/'s CSS too.

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e9ae08  No.16916596


He knows he's in hot water and if he doesnt start acting like a proper admin then 8kun will become an absolute husk.

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253328  No.16916599



It looks great, only thing I don't like is how it's a bit hard to tell the OP from the replies at a glance.

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b94e4b  No.16916600

File: f3db117a1c9fec1⋯.png (412.16 KB, 907x487, 907:487, a174d5b39.png)


Fucking this the whole thing with was Mark was a whole shit load of things coming to a boil after 6 months of pent up shit.

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c13851  No.16916601

File: 3c610e3047319c6⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 428x486, 214:243, 3c610e3047319c67bb5833bd42….jpg)


I guess Mark's grand exit did one thing good and that's light a fire under Ron's ass to start actually communicating what's going on with the site.

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931e27  No.16916603

File: 1c307391ae78a2e⋯.png (72.33 KB, 279x279, 1:1, 1c307391ae78a2e5c6e714859f….png)


At the cost of sounding like a dick, I'm going to say damage control. The events that occurred drove and probably are still driving people away from the site. /v/ is one of the biggest boards on the site, if it dies, they can say goodbye to half their traffic. He has to get the users on his side, especially when so many alternatives are there ready to welcome any of the refugees from here like julay, fat and soon maybe cake's bunker.

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7bce59  No.16916604


I just wonder if the dark one and the blue one in the third image hurts anyone's eyes.

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c77d39  No.16916606


I like the dark one. It reminds me of 08.

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e9ae08  No.16916608



Im betting 10 bux once he thinks he's in the clear, he'll disappear again and site is going to shit itself again.

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b94e4b  No.16916609

File: f0b7d2967919cc6⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 374x535, 374:535, EEQM4yoXkAIwWe8.jpg)


*The fuck is that first "was" doing in that sentence.

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7bce59  No.16916610


Some reason the dark one hurts my eyes, or is it just me?

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7bce59  No.16916611

I meant the red text on the dark one hurts my eyes.

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931e27  No.16916612


I don't get how a dark theme that's meant to be easier on your eyes could possibly hurt them, it certainly isn't my case, I've been using tomorrow since forever.

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7bce59  No.16916616


> that's meant to be easier on your eyes could possibly hurt them

It's just the red text. Aside from red text everything else is comfy.

Also the red text also hurts me on tomorrow.

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67c103  No.16916618


Same here. I have zero confidence Ron won't go back to the same old thing if his damage control works. Jim being in charge by paying the bills, and having an agenda in contrast to Ron's doesn't help either.

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4af86d  No.16916619


This all could have been avoided if he didn't act like a cunt last year, and even more recently. There's the change to the global rule that bans all child images except not really behind the scenes "so it okay! Everything is the same!", except no one would have known this had they and Mark not held Ron's feet to the fire over it so he'd stop lying about it. And this change doesn't actually deter pedoposting any more than previously because pedoposters don't care about the fucking rules. There was the bit before he revealed the lie where he told someone that if they were permabanned for an innocuous image like smiling_baby.png, they should just ban evade. Then later sometime this year there was the anon who asked him a question, can't remember what, and Ron replied with a fucking pressure valve and anon's question remained unanswered for months. This shit still makes me angry just thinking about it. And I was just beginning to be somewhat optimistic about things for the first time since 8kun launched.

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458bfe  No.16916623


That looks amazing. I'd like something like that here in 8kunny.

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7bce59  No.16916624

File: 9619ef84c2f01af⋯.jpg (161.08 KB, 1000x723, 1000:723, 9619ef84c2f01afc78508f1c36….jpg)


Ron is probably depressed that things aren't going the way he wanted it because of conflict of interest with his father.

Ron wants 8chan to be one thing, but his dad that actually owns the site wants it to be another.

At best Ron will turn a blind eye to loli boards until his dad finds out and will be forced to delete them. If Ron were to disobey his dad then he could be grounded on top of losing his admin privileges.

So Ron probably damage controls to keep the anons happy as if things will go back to normal while his dad doesn't give a fuck about us as long as he has his way with the site.

You can't trust Mark, but there's evidence that you can't trust administration either.

Also I don't think Ron is as tech savy as everyone makes him out to be.

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31c033  No.16916627

Just heard about the Mark drama today and that's a real shame. For all his sperging and cake binging I do like him. At least NOW they're fucking communicating a little. Would have been nice to know months ago that "Yeah we're not approving loli boards because we're worried about being deplatformed". Sort of related, but in case you didn't hear, I guess Null is working on his own attempt at an 8ch successor too.

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4af86d  No.16916628


Why do you avatarfag with this? I've seen this image about a dozen times recently in different threads and it's never really relevant. As for Jimbo vs. Codechunky, there's an infintesimal chance that Jim will allow loli if he's shown by a lawyer that it's legal, but I highly doubt it.

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e9ae08  No.16916629


>You can't trust Mark

Nobody trusts him, people put up with him because he's competent at what he does and hilarious whenever he fucks up. Every time someone tries to make an alt-/v/ it always fizzles out due to the BO there being extremely more autistic than Mark. The only exception would be /vg/ but they got destroyed when 8ch went down.

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e9ae08  No.16916631


>Null is working on his own attempt at an 8ch successor too.


Fuck off pigfood, the only niggers going there are kiwi fuckers that'll get bored because its not a forum and goons needing a new goonsaloon.

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931e27  No.16916632

File: a16fb013991d38e⋯.png (519.63 KB, 983x547, 983:547, a16fb013991d38e3bf373acc5b….png)


>people put up with him because he's competent at what he does



yes, competent at doing history wipes because "lemao fat fingurs XD" and locking meta threads ignoring everyone else because he got called a nigger

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e9ae08  No.16916634


Never said he was a good bo but every other guy turned out worse.

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31c033  No.16916635


I was just bringing it up. If I really wanted to drive traffic to it, I would have given a name. It's on my radar as a possibility for the board I wanted to make here but it is barely above "just don't make the board".

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4af86d  No.16916636


And some lolicons because it has a /loli/ board that isn't run by SuperiorDragon.

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931e27  No.16916637


>every other guy turned out worse

please provide examples

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7bce59  No.16916639

File: 8f683a32378455c⋯.png (596.79 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>The only exception would be /vg/ but they got destroyed when 8ch went down.

Mark at one point said he was afraid that /vg/ will grow and surpass /v/.

Imagine that. Mark just likes being in power even though he knows he fucks up and lies about not deleting all posts by IP like a lazy faggot.

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31c033  No.16916640


Coincidentally, this is why I looked into it at all. There isn't really a dedicated place for loli on imageboards right now, to my knowledge. Especially not for specific niches of it that I know there's a demand for. I really would have liked to just make it here but that hasn't worked out.

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e9ae08  No.16916641

File: cf5b86a2357be61⋯.png (281.13 KB, 1433x973, 1433:973, cf5b86a2357be616a2804719e9….png)


>please provide examples

Jesus fuck you're new.

>just likes being in power

Is that why he got himself fired?



I wouldn't trust it, more likely than not Null is just making it to control /cow/. He's not doing it because he thinks kiwi won't survive, if kiwi ever goes down the logic could be applied to any site he makes that allows loli's, lolcows, personal info. He's a control freak and a wannabe eceleb, while being a shitty programmer too.

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31c033  No.16916642


I'm wary of it too but there's not really anywhere else to put the board I want to make. I know Mark has said he wants to make a new site so that's always an option too but who knows how that will pan out.

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eec6b7  No.16916644

File: eb4e357f98096b1⋯.jpg (232.03 KB, 1588x1256, 397:314, ETzYVdRUwAEqyvM_orig.jpg)


>Also I don't think Ron is as tech savy as everyone makes him out to be.

Your not going to get anyone talented working on an image board except maybe as a side project that they contribute to once in a blue moon.

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7bce59  No.16916651

File: 6649bb46b428839⋯.jpg (691.84 KB, 1270x2268, 635:1134, pinocchio_chan.jpg)


You have a point.

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70013c  No.16916653



Shoot them. Shoot them in their stupid stasi faces. And then when they send more to arrest you for it, shoot them too. Shoot them and don't stop shooting them.

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0a6e23  No.16916655

File: 23cc583d3b44c98⋯.png (50.58 KB, 1462x265, 1462:265, 0.png)


>likes Mark

>plugs Josh's upcoming site


Said he was competent at what he does. He's not. His fuck ups are too numerous, and well documented.


>Is that why he got himself fired?

Partially true. Couldn't handle a job, even if it was being a paid shill for a boomer pigfarmer.

He finally got fired because he was openly planning to poach this sites most popular user base, as well as the other communities. For a new site, where he would be proclaimed as saving 8ch, and get internet famous like Josh and the cripple.


It's less he is tech savy, but rather the only tech literate one willing to talk shop.

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31c033  No.16916656


If only we had more killdozers out there to dissuade this kind of behaviour from police.

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e9ae08  No.16916662


>He finally got fired because he was openly planning to poach this sites most popular user base

After finding out they wont allow loli while being cockteased about the answer since September. Are people just going to forget its almost a fucking year and not all the promised board haven't been returned? Ron always saying one thing how things will be back in manner of weeks while his father is manhandling him behind the scenes?

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e9ae08  No.16916664



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4e4403  No.16916665


/pnd/ and /8bantb/ ;)

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e9ae08  No.16916666




Sure thing pigfood.

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64a07c  No.16916669


>Are people just going to forget its almost a fucking year and not all the promised board haven't been returned?

>Ron always saying one thing how things will be back in manner of weeks while his father is manhandling him behind the scenes?

We haven't forgot. Ron has given a timeline of 2 weeks to bring /delicious/ back. We'll know by then about how things are going to go. Incidentally in 2 weeks we get a new BO.

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e9ae08  No.16916670

File: b4991452f2b4af2⋯.png (68.67 KB, 1276x919, 1276:919, 7ab3a4defb3085ee2076c42a9c….png)


>Ron has given a timeline of 2 weeks

Anon its been 8 months.

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86f716  No.16916671


Checked those satanic quints

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4e4403  No.16916672

File: 6fe0ffe84679292⋯.png (248.7 KB, 360x594, 20:33, 6fe0ffe84679292b6957b8d1e7….png)


Well I tried not being niggerpill about it.

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30dd82  No.16916674


During The Spergening, Ron basically said that part of the reason the old boards still haven't been migrated was because the process wasn't being properly expedited by Mark. He then seemed to prove this by bringing /animus/ back basically instantly.

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31c033  No.16916675


I suspect there will be an excuse of some sort from management when it's not decided yet in two weeks. Hard to be optimistic after this long.

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5b58f5  No.16916676


Again that very well could have been Ron damage controlling as nothing was done by him for months.

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64a07c  No.16916677

File: 8e1730a4460aed9⋯.png (95.97 KB, 1441x308, 131:28, Jim_s_take_vs_Ron_s_take.png)


He specifically said yesterday or the day before that he was going to migrate /delicious/ in 2 weeks. This is firm. It's his last chance to make good on his promises. It's a firm timeline.

Of course depending on what his lawyers say this shit could all fall apart much sooner.

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e9ae08  No.16916678


He blamed everything on the jew. Why bring back just /animus/? Why not /quest/, /o/ or /fringe/? Those are safe boards and pretty small too. Remember when /mg/ was made? Something that should've taken a couple minutes took over far longer, and the jew was there trying to get Ron to approve it too.

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e9ae08  No.16916679


>It's a firm timeline

Remember when Odin was going to release in December?

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4e4403  No.16916680


Though did Ron know that all this time and did nothing about it? Both are assholes.

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0a6e23  No.16916681

File: c9f0be6b766efbb⋯.jpg (160.05 KB, 1338x1684, 669:842, c149b002d80d2ae18d9a208023….jpg)


Which is why getting an explicit answer on migrating a loli board from Ron and not Mark was monumental in this shitstorm.

There is 12 days left to deliver, post whatever leeway one might give. Some say give him an additional week. Either way, as far as I am concerned, there is a deadline. Plus, my favorite boards already had their bunkers up and running.


Told explicitly now that it was network, and deplatforming issues. And that there is a plan in place to fix it. Current timeline is, again, that in under two weeks it will be resolved.


Not so much in his favor, because it meant that it could and should be done like that. Him and Jim relying on Mark to do this is a point in their incompetence.


Yes, which is why this is the final deadline, for at least me. Fuck these errors. Swear might not make it to the deadline.

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64a07c  No.16916682


>During The Spergening, Ron basically said that part of the reason the old boards still haven't been migrated was because the process wasn't being properly expedited by Mark.

I don't buy that. Mark wasn't responsible for technical site stuff. And Ron was not ignorant of what anons wanted because he been in meta threads here since the site came back up. Even if Mark was falling down on the job Ron should have been able to take up the slack before now.


I suspect that too but at least we now have a certain date that we'll know for sure.


I remember. I also remember when phase 2 migration was suppose to start automatically in early January and I also remember when Jim was going to publicly make his decision about whether /pol/ and /loli/ boards would be allowed by the First week of 2020.

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7bce59  No.16916684


>Remember when /mg/ was made?

It wasn't made it was migrated. /mg/ is a very old board that got migrated because of a claims email.

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c77d39  No.16916685


>Even if Mark was falling down on the job Ron should have been able to take up the slack before now.

Or appoint someone else to do it.

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e9ae08  No.16916686


Its been so long my memory is starting to fail me.

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31c033  No.16916687


It would be really nice to have loli boards back to being a thing here. I can only assume the reason for Jim not wanting them is that it upsets the Qtards.

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82a0d6  No.16916688


Keep chasing Ron's carrot forever.

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eec6b7  No.16916689

File: 649e8fb93dd544e⋯.jpg (842.99 KB, 990x1400, 99:140, EPSh3jQU4AE8LQn_orig.jpg)


That still falls on Ron. Even if Mark was not properly informing him of request to migrate if he was paying attention at all he should have realized people were having trouble with requesting mitigation and looked into it. It is kinda the point of a boss in that they make sure work is being done.

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4af86d  No.16916690



>They're quads

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e9ae08  No.16916691


Doesnt help all the emails they had never worked.

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4af86d  No.16916694


Ron said Mark was well aware of why loli boards weren't being migrated and that Mark was in charge of migration and claims. Whether Mark was at liberty to say why loli boards weren't being migrated is not something Ron elaborated on. I also doubt Mark was in charge of migration in any capacity beyond giving a list of boards to be migrated/claimed/created to codemonkey. Either one could be lying. Ron explicitly lied in the Q&A last year until anons and Mark made him spill the beans about the change to the DOST rule. Mark is an incompetent sperg who would do anything to be king of /v/. I trust no one and can only wait to see if ScriptingSimian delivers.

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000000  No.16916695


> appoint someone else to do it

Which has now been done. Wanna bet Mark was lying that there were no claims being sent in and Ron was too busy with the odin mess to verify, so he trusted the cakekike?

I'm wondering if there might be some saboteurs involved. A bunch of new posting/modding bugs get fixed in odin but then appear in the main site? I wonder if there might be something interested in the version control logs…

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027c52  No.16916697

File: e19738e4f986346⋯.jpg (208.64 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, hE71YvRdNaILXxPf0iASqqFTCS….jpg)


Battle for Terra?

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4af86d  No.16916698



Are you the same anon who kept saying mitigation instead of migration in another thread?

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64a07c  No.16916700


Can you not read? He's got two weeks to prove himself.

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4af86d  No.16916702

On the bright side, I think I've finally stopped getting posting errors.


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64a07c  No.16916703


Yep that's the one, I'm pretty sure.

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4e4403  No.16916704

Fuck Mark

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e9ae08  No.16916705

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e9ae08  No.16916706

File: cc2c1a1b32567b4⋯.png (163.63 KB, 409x325, 409:325, 1392958804132.png)



Fucking image didn't go through.

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4af86d  No.16916707


Sure, but he's also failed to meet any deadlines he's set since 8kun launched. One could argue migration deadlines are Mark's fault, but there's been multiple times Odin was supposed to be just around the corner too. At least one was a claim that he'd launch it within a week. This deadline depends on 8kun changing to a network provider that apparently won't shoah loli. But since Ron is consulting a lawyer on its legality, I seriously doubt this new network provider explicitly allows loli anywhere. What then makes him say there's a difference between the current network provider and the new one? Maybe the current one explicitly disallows it, or maybe Ron is just stalling.


Do not have sex with Jews.

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eec6b7  No.16916709

File: 2dd980f0126764d⋯.webm (510.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HENSHIN_IJIMEIKENAINGER.webm)


No, but please don't bully me.

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4e4403  No.16916710

File: ed74c52b6d344e2⋯.png (196 KB, 556x435, 556:435, screen_shot_2017_10_30_at_….png)


Not even pic-related?

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931e27  No.16916711

File: 55fd9ad4c74a098⋯.jpg (338.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 55fd9ad4c74a098f5114a9dd68….jpg)

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67222c  No.16916712

File: 46803588fe51911⋯.mp4 (111.5 KB, 538x360, 269:180, mmmmm.mp4)

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82a0d6  No.16916714


And then it'll be a week past the deadline when he makes up another excuse for not having the loli boards around and he gives you another bullshit deadline. He's just trying to stall for time, you know.

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027c52  No.16916718


That's why some Anons said three weeks AT THE VERY MOST just in case he does decided to become a complete faggot and goes, "It's just one more week". Even then, unless a nuclear apocalypse happens, he doesn't have any excuse for why this shouldn't be done in two weeks. And, if something DOES pop up, then he needs to find a way around it to meet the deadline.

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7bce59  No.16916720

File: 150c37ddb206276⋯.png (122.33 KB, 863x1200, 863:1200, 1.png)


That's why keep two tabs open. One for here and fatchan until the final consensus after three weeks.

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4af86d  No.16916721

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64a07c  No.16916723


>He's just trying to stall for time, you know.

That's what I really suspect too. I'm just sticking around to see how this all comes together or falls apart.

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bcb206  No.16916724

File: 687299f23486656⋯.mp4 (3.55 MB, 640x640, 1:1, midget_pride.mp4)


Bigger be gone.

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5b58f5  No.16916725

File: 20be8e6243ad33f⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 433x650, 433:650, DmBpkf_VAAAS2u5.jpg)


At this point I'm not even fucking giving him that as his track record is awful, when it took Mark a incompetent sperg to leak shit to get Ron somewhat into second gear that's beyond fucking sad.

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82a0d6  No.16916726


>That's why some Anons said three weeks AT THE VERY MOST

And then what happens when he doesn't follow through?

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64a07c  No.16916728

File: eb5da5355cf29b0⋯.jpg (395.78 KB, 1280x1799, 1280:1799, niggereimu_cover.jpg)


Den we bounce nyugguh!

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b99392  No.16916729

File: 45f270eadd6e356⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 500x550, 10:11, The_answer_is_always_RAPE.jpg)

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027c52  No.16916732


People leave, simple as that.

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4e1ad4  No.16916733

File: ab4652ffb6db1d2⋯.png (106.63 KB, 470x447, 470:447, look.png)


Well he wants to keep the boomers here and is purposefully making deadlines all the time to avoid direct confrontation

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67c103  No.16916749


>Ron gives a deadline of two weeks.

<Let's give him three weeks instead.

Sounds to me like you're already prepped to accept whatever excuse Ron will give when he doesn't deliver, to be honest.

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ce7a9c  No.16916757

File: 40e7c86a1d81139⋯.png (176.83 KB, 467x639, 467:639, Screenshot_2020_04_14_22_4….png)


>shooting livestreamed on facebook

<not a problem

>PDF file copypasted to 8chan



>loli drawings on 8chan


>child porn on facebook

<does not violate community standards

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64a07c  No.16916758


That's what one anon said. That's on him. I never agreed to wait 3 weeks.

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9aa73f  No.16916762


i would say id give the fucker 2 weeks from last friday but i dont it happening so im just only following this thread for updates on the situation

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027c52  No.16916764


>UPDATE: After National File’s reporting, and hundreds of reports by concerned Facebook users over the course of the past few days, the page appears to be no longer present on the platform. Whether this was because of Facebook staff taking action or the page admins deleting the page due to backlash is unknown at this time.

Spread this information far and wide!

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67c103  No.16916766


I'm not waiting that long either. Or for two weeks. I'm on the webring already, and I come back to 8kun for new info on this drama.

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c77d39  No.16916771

File: 3c38e2df34ebba3⋯.jpeg (370.43 KB, 800x1290, 80:129, Asuka_bunny_serve.jpeg)

Alright, minor update. We're having a wrangle a VPS in place of the server setup I already had (turned out to be a shared server and this wasn't spelled out in their sales pitch until I requested ssh access). I just got off the horn with Apu Pajeet customer service, but we got it figured out. Things will continue proceeding apace tomorrow, I can't do any more tonight.

Current debate is the drive space we need for the initial launch. I'm thinking conservative at half a TB to get things off the ground, Mark likes 2TB. But there's a major cost difference. Free-speech hosting isn't nearly as cheap as the other kind. If done right, launching smaller and stepping up later will be trivial. I'm not going to compromise on 5uploads/8mb because that's a big part of what made 8chan, 8chan. So if there's a compromise for site size it might be in a smaller global number of board index pages. Maybe even just settling on 8 to keep the theme and expanding later if required.

As always, I'll keep you guys posted as things develop.

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7bce59  No.16916778

File: 4fb1821c11a0bb2⋯.jpg (629.49 KB, 900x1280, 45:64, Maou_to_ore_no_Hangyakuki_….jpg)


It would be disappointed if he just pushed back the date.

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e9ae08  No.16916779


Who's the ddos provider?

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5c3741  No.16916780

File: 341c8bbac3f4593⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1061x800, 1061:800, 341c8bbac3f4593487c1f3a31f….png)





You guys are talking about this as if you haven't heard. The most recent news is that one of the anti-loli concern trolls got to Ron in the thread and now he's hired two kike lawyers to look into the legality of loli and depending on their answer loli may be banned entirely.



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64a07c  No.16916782


Yeah I would suggest starting with a half TB and working up from there as you can, assuming that you can easily add more drive space later on.

> So if there's a compromise for site size it might be in a smaller global number of board index pages.

You could also set the thread size/sage limit lower.

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e9ae08  No.16916783


We know already. But Ron's been around imageboards for so long he should know US law by now. Its just a show for boomers.

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7bce59  No.16916784

File: 8039abf1611c385⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 600x713, 600:713, Musuko_ga_Kawaikute_Shikat….jpg)


I worry the boomers would be "it's not illegal? Let's make it illegal!" and call their congressmen.

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c77d39  No.16916785


I'm not gonna say just yet, but I've spoken to their CEO. Its not Cuckflare, I promise you that. If the site launches and takes off and we can start getting donations to cover the expense, we'll be adopting them ASAP because that's when we're gonna get hit hard.

And fuck servers got expensive. The last time I did this you could run a website from an old desktop at your house and do okay. It seems now you can't get a shared floppy drive on a toaster with a dialup connection without spending 50 bucks unless you want it to hang at silicon valley's whim.

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31c033  No.16916786


It wouldn't surprise me. They really seem to think it's the devil and some evil cabal is behind it whenever it gets posted on their boards by a disgruntled anon who just wants to piss off old people.

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b94e4b  No.16916787



Good to know dude. Keep the good work. By the way this might be getting ahead of things you seen this. >>16916579 >>16916589

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7bce59  No.16916791

File: 8e3c2fa27cc7ff1⋯.jpg (532.46 KB, 900x1280, 45:64, Maou_to_ore_no_Hangyakuki_….jpg)

File: d7f2e8f2189a730⋯.jpg (574.09 KB, 900x1280, 45:64, Maou_to_ore_no_Hangyakuki_….jpg)


Thing is with boomers is that they see the devil everywhere because they want to see him, it's a psychological state.

Funny thing is that boomers were hyper degenerates worse than later generations in their youth and help brought degeneracy to the West only to become religious Christians later and denounce everything.

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64a07c  No.16916793

File: 644ef388754c7b0⋯.png (156.78 KB, 639x376, 639:376, 1552426695.png)


I still find it rather suspicious that just a short time and in the same thread after he finally gave a certain date for migrating /delicious/ that this anti loli concern troll comes up and Ron responds with "Oh I didn't now about this I gotta check on this guys."


My concern is that the lawyers will come back with something like "Yeah it's functionally legal but there this one itty-bitty gray area that doesn't have official legal watershead on" and Ron/Jim will respond with "NOPE TO MUCH OF A RISK FOR THE SITE SHUT IT DOWN!"


Well fortunately there's already multiple SCOTUS decisions as well as lower court decisions confirming its 1st Amend. status and even more fortunately the government is far too busy trying to prevent the economy from collapsing and from rebellion breaking out right now to bother 70+ year olds complaining about naughty drawings.


The funny thing is if they try then the Qfags will be responsible for breaking the stride that conservatives are having right now and will end up giving direction of culture back to the progressives.

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b94e4b  No.16916794

File: 3217940c87b3f08⋯.png (172 KB, 800x518, 400:259, Dumbass_Boomers_2.png)

File: 19acbfe08458be8⋯.png (18.41 KB, 939x147, 313:49, Dumbass_Boomers_7.png)

File: d711399696c9d29⋯.gif (220.04 KB, 266x266, 1:1, 1586806985779.gif)


They are really dumb.

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31c033  No.16916798


Yeah, the hypocrisy is pretty annoying.


It's amazing how many of them post with real emails, often containing their real, full names. I've seen posts with work emails in the email field. You're posting on a board dedicated to unravelling some huge globalist conspiracy that's been assassinating people and this and that and the other thing. So why don't you take the most basic level of opsec and not put your fucking identity on every post?

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c77d39  No.16916799

File: 990cb70cf110a39⋯.jpeg (400.21 KB, 1200x1705, 240:341, Asuka_Rin_plug_black.jpeg)


I have, and I've got nothing against them. But to be honest, I want 8chan back. The real 8chan. The webring is cool, the bunkers are great and handy, but none of it feels like home, you know what I mean?

Even if I fail, I don't see myself having any regrets from trying to bring that home back for everyone. I'll even be happy to fuck off and hand administration to someone else later if anons don't like me being involved. I just want my home back.

I got a lot of flak for the way GGHQ was run, but it was created to work a certain way and I was a stubborn bastard about it staying true to that mission. The mission of 8chan was to provide a growing home for dispossessed anons from all over to speak freely and have a place to call home, and I want to fight just as hard for that mission too. Especially since I'm one of those anons.

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5c3741  No.16916805


That's a downright stupid level of assuredness you have there. This flip-floppy cunt went from "Don't worry guys, loli is allowed! /delicious/ will be back in 2 weeks!" to "Depending on the response from our lawyers it may be banned."

He was the one who took up this lawyer-consulting initiative, he's paying them for their time. Do you really think he's just going to ignore them if they say "Yeah it's illegal"?

And do you really think a lawyer is going to come back with a positive response on the legality of loli?

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000000  No.16916806


> why don't you take the most basic level of opsec and not put your fucking identity on every post?

Because Q is protecting them … or so they think. If they think…

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b94e4b  No.16916811

File: f816f904b410f42⋯.png (158.75 KB, 637x476, 91:68, 639089b3.png)


I meant more the Win95 theme as an idea for the site but I suck at communication. Still good to hear your thoughts though.

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7bce59  No.16916812


What does the Q larper even get from tricking boomers?

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64a07c  No.16916813


The funny thing is that they're still degenerate. They post actual porn in those threads all the time. They're fine with their degeneracy because they grew up with Playboy and stag movies. It's that "newfangled" degeneracy that's evil. It's just like how they were with video games. They grew up with bloody westerns and war movies and such and the was all good entertainment but then comes along a video games with a little violence and it's SICK FILTH THAT NEEDS TO BE BANNED.

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31c033  No.16916816


If they thought then they wouldn't believe that horsecrap in the first place. I've noticed a lot of older people seem to take everything online seriously. Even if they don't believe it, it still gets treated like it's being said completely seriously. Like, they know trolling is a thing but they don't seem to grasp that the point of trolling is to get a reaction out of you. To a lot of them trolling seems to be "a malicious group spreading evil lies about [thing I like] on the internet". They just remind me of when Oprah read that obvious joke message from Anonymous years and years ago, taking it completely seriously.

>his group has over 9000 penises, and they're all raping children.


Yeah but that's different. Doom is literally training kids to shoot up their schools. Didn't you hear that they even had a Columbine level in it? Probably a Deep State op to false flag with crisis actors.

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64a07c  No.16916817


Well some people think its a release valve concocted by some group of glowniggers to prevent people from completely waking up and rebelling.

Other people thinks it a Trump campaign OP designed to propagandize the boomers to continue to support them

A few people think that Q is Jim and he's using it to build something cult of personality. Or maybe just a plain old cult.

Maybe it's just some oldfag stringing a bunch of retarded boomers along and will one day reveal the whole thing was a prank.

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000000  No.16916840


> What does the Q larper even get from tricking boomers?

I don't know. A lot depends on who the Q larper really is. There could have been more than one. How many times has Q's tripcode changed again?


> Doom Columbine level

Wasn't that the Harris&Klebold mod they made specifically to practice shooting up the school? Any surprise their bombs didn't boom so good irl?


Q has probably been different things over the years. I remember seeing screenshots of some professor admitting that he'd started it as a social experiment, but they sure got memoryholed fast.

> Well some people think its a release valve concocted by some group of glowniggers to prevent people from completely waking up and rebelling.

Q originally presented as a deep state insider working as part of a cabal to destroy the deep state. It echoed the "mass arrests any day now" tune that David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford had already been singing for years.

> Other people thinks it a Trump campaign OP designed to propagandize the boomers to continue to support them

At least some of the early Q posts seem to have come from inside the Trump campaign, or Q was exploiting time zones to make "predictions" after an event had already occurred.

> A few people think that Q is Jim and he's using it to build something cult of personality. Or maybe just a plain old cult.

Possibly now, but Jim is almost certainly not the original Q.

> Maybe it's just some oldfag stringing a bunch of retarded boomers along and will one day reveal the whole thing was a prank.

Lol, how many Qboomers would kill themselves if Q turned up with a Guy Fawkes mask?

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ce7a9c  No.16916842

File: 665a9afa9c2c718⋯.png (387.33 KB, 451x619, 451:619, thinking.png)


So they're fine with violence and hedonism as long as it's not 2D?

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31c033  No.16916844


>Wasn't that the Harris&Klebold mod they made specifically to practice shooting up the school?

Allegedly, but all boomers ever heard was "Video game" "School shooting" "school level".

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9aa73f  No.16916848

File: b3c3873bf84fc8b⋯.png (182.91 KB, 832x379, 832:379, git.PNG)


Boomers outside of the Q movement seem to continue to support Trump no matter what, but I'm still inclined to think that its was originally some operation from the Trump campaign. Could just be a money grabbling operation now.

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c77d39  No.16916850


Little did they know, Columbine was a popular thing to make shooter levels out of after it happened. I had 2 versions, one in Perfect Dark and one in Timesplitters. My friends and I used to play them all the time way back then, especially the Pdark one, because it was fucking hard.

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5b58f5  No.16916851

File: 9553cb268b9cd7f⋯.png (157.49 KB, 500x614, 250:307, if_if_a_a_columbine_had_sc….png)

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31c033  No.16916853


I was always more into sillier custom levels. Had some really nice ones in UT2004. Still do, actually.

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c77d39  No.16916863


I've never not been a consolefag, so concole games with level editors have a special place in my heart. Same reason I loved PSO and FFXI so much - console MMOs were just unheard of back then. The few games that existed and gave that kind of option were precious.

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c77d39  No.16916870

File: 7637b8b48620843⋯.jpeg (236.55 KB, 778x813, 778:813, smug_Melody.jpeg)


Who gave Mr. Biden the link to this thread? He's clearly confused.

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000000  No.16916878


> Could just be a money grabbling operation now.

Very probably is. I hadn't looked at Q posts in years, but the style is jarringly different now.

At first, Q would ask questions >implying >implications. The style was explained as being a way to hide from surveillance. Now Q looks a lot like a news aggregator with commentary by Edward "The Riddler" Nygma.

And who else do we know of who wants a news aggregator for boomers on this very site?

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885550  No.16916881

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0a3243  No.16916882

File: 1c9e0fc8710889c⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 599x585, 599:585, 1c9e0fc8710889c57a84282e55….jpg)


>archive requires google captcha to even look at

How the fuck did it end up this way?

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c77d39  No.16916883


Overuse. #GG created an entire archive culture on the net far bigger than we ever were. Archive.today's servers have been screaming 24/7 for 5 years now.

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71b655  No.16916886


>What does the Q larper even get from tricking boomers?

Keeps voter base pacified with always believing that something is coming like a carrot on a stick, there is many advantages to this from recruiting volunteer meme warriors for the internet and 2020 campaign as well as keeping them from vigilantism or taking matters into their own hands. It is definitely a psy op, but it has not been established whether it is for the good or ill of those who follow closely. If the hammer actually does drop and wouldn't that be nice, then maybe you could say it was something inside for the patriots, who are taking a lot on faith more so than is probably healthy. I think it is designed to give enough room to become just a hoax bro in case there is too much negative attention from false flag attacks or it is just politically advantaged to do so.


I don't think money has ever been asked, but they sure got their share of ecelebs asking for handouts and donations. It was very similar to gg in that way. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the journalists who are writing smear pieces are as corrupt and degenerate and dangerous to children as the video game and tech journalists were for gg.


I have read every single one, the style changes could very well be to shake off who the opposition thinks is Q. When Q posted a video of a niche 90's grunge band it basically outed which close Trump associate would likely have those tastes/knowledge of and age range and sex as well. Anyways, it is either real or not, and both endings has serious implications for many things beyond this site. It is either the biggest internet hoax of all time or the most impressive people are shitposting alongside us. Anyone who says it is this or that for sure is a fool, it is very clearly purposely obtuse for legal reasons.

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027c52  No.16916898


Why are these idiots so intent on pushing "ni/gg/er"? It comes across as so immature. Personally I think "fa/gg/ot" has a better appeal to it.

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000000  No.16916901


You can upload any file type you want by appending .pdf to the filename.


Would have worked fine.

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b99392  No.16916904

File: d5b586d55e8a74e⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 660x495, 4:3, leftists_can_t_meme.jpg)


Leftists can't meme. All they can do is make an inferior copy of an actually funny meme and make it unfunny in a bitchy "mean girl"-way.

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4e1ad4  No.16916905

File: 9043b3c45fb8a29⋯.png (517.15 KB, 756x749, 108:107, _kumuyu_granblue_fantasy_.png)



The Win95 theme is amazing

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17d35e  No.16916913


It's actually telling because leftists are racist as fuck. If they pushed "fa/gg/ot" they'd do friendly fire and people on their own side complain.

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c48827  No.16916922


Holy fuck, can our new bunker have this sweet theme? Or maybe just stick to fatchan?

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18a4af  No.16916943




The log Is still there, the link in the rules page is broken.


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f05f00  No.16916956

File: 45eb3eb8b9cfc5e⋯.jpg (369.76 KB, 2058x1446, 343:241, 1380420657717.jpg)

Here's what I don't understand.

Why don't the admins just go to a Jap server?

Isn't trhe country flooded with loli? Don't thousands of people go to open markets where boothes sell loli doujins?

Why wouldn't a JP server host 8chan, loli included?

For that matter, how can a few billion hentai sites have loli catagory sections, and not run into the problems 8kun is facing?

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b94e4b  No.16916960

File: dadb428804bf52b⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 401x401, 1:1, ED10fsRXkAIe1wx.jpg)


They don't have Boomers and gay crippled commies trying to ruin them.

The First are retards. The second are also Retards but have a major axe to grind because they are fags.

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64a07c  No.16916987


The log did glitch out a couple of days ago and was unavailable for a couple of hours. It was a site wide thing and wasn't confined to /v/.

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bb60ca  No.16917006


problem is the loli still would be needed to be censored and it wouldn't sit too well with westernlolifags

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ba469c  No.16917013

File: 4ce315665c3a177⋯.png (15.65 KB, 451x280, 451:280, d.png)


Those billions of hentai sites are owned by much fewer people than you think, and a lot of these people have grandfathered relationships with providers. Most of those hentai site admins don't really care about free speech unless it affects what they like, and if the host came up to them one day and ask them to purge something they've received negative attention for, they'd do it without question.

Why do you think HF purged tens of thousands of lolishota pics after their host got a complaint from a German child protection agency based on a single report by a concerned mother? They even said back then that they had the option to move hosts and save the content, but that they'd have to go offline for two weeks and didn't want to do that to save the content.

Same with booru.org. They also got attacked by a(probably the same) child protection agency in Europe, or rather, their DNS provider got bullied into demanding them to ban lolishota.


This issue has been ongoing in the background of the hentai scene for… well at least 2009, which is as far back as I can remember being part of a forum that banned it because of outside pressure(also by a German ngo, likely the same).

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0a3243  No.16917015

File: 8674f9fdf4a139e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, King_Cold.png)


The answer is obvious, ban Germans from hentai sites, if they want access they'll need to use a proxy or a VPN.

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2b003c  No.16917022

File: caf35364c6ac9dc⋯.png (406.22 KB, 594x814, 27:37, The_Dark_Souls_of_Pandemic….png)



Cringe. Guess we can expect more articles like this in the future.

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56fbbf  No.16917023

"The Coronavirus is the Dark Souls of Pandemics" - some journo, probably

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8655dc  No.16917025

Except that in bloodborne this isn't caused by a disease but because of the old blood.

These people don't fucking play the games they talk about.

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64a07c  No.16917032

File: e2c8ad4ab4fb150⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 540x540, 1:1, Bloodied_alfred.gif)

File: 85dc287567664c9⋯.jpg (92.21 KB, 800x590, 80:59, 1517066049.jpg)


>But this game highlights how we can come together in a time of crisis

I don't think he's actually played Bloodborne.

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ba469c  No.16917037


What do you think I've been advocating for years? Demonoid.to did that way back precisely because the krauts fucked with them over and over. They fucked up think with Germany, at least that's what I heard, is that they have a few child protection agencies, and most of them are not only privately owned NGOs but are also funded by the government. Basically they're publicly funded activist groups that try to enforce German law worldwide.

Oh yeah, I also spoke with an ancient second life mod a few years ago, and they told me that the reason SL banned pedo avatars was because the company lost a lawsuit in Germany over the "virtual rape" of a real kid who had his avatar, also a kid obviously, hacked to performed sex acts by a third party. So yeah, when it comes to loli bannings, Germany has been the cause in many a case over the decades.

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64a07c  No.16917039

File: 4bb78a5b6800aad⋯.png (10.77 KB, 388x89, 388:89, fist_fight_god.png)

File: 9f3c4e37ecb80a7⋯.png (260.03 KB, 520x373, 520:373, crisis.png)

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deb532  No.16917043

File: 134faf52cf3c368⋯.jpg (56.09 KB, 480x552, 20:23, Ductile_cast_iron.jpg)


>But this game highlights how we can band together in a time of crisis, our critic says

By fucking a sex-doll and then going on a rampage slaughtering entire villages?

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0eab20  No.16917048

File: 6f2047c1c271de1⋯.png (257.34 KB, 1242x1262, 621:631, ClipboardImage.png)





>Ron Ron Ron.

No its Marks fault.

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4e41eb  No.16917061


>geting positive vibes

>in ANY souls game

if this doesnt tell that journos doesnt play games i dont know waht will

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deb532  No.16917075

File: 57b4f24cd60727a⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Pathologic_Classic_HD_4.jpg)


He thought it was an example of people banding together for the greater good because he realised that the game can be played coop (although he didn't really finish it). That is the positive vibe he got from it: he got to interact with someone online while he loses his mind in isolation.

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83a144  No.16917079

File: a428e4d4b9b1804⋯.png (369.61 KB, 1280x876, 320:219, PURGE_O_CLOCK.png)

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414a91  No.16917086


Isn't he going to use fucking Lynx for it like Julay?

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efb6bf  No.16917088

File: 9ff48dc1e89ece7⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 659x641, 659:641, DumbAsshole.jpg)

Hey Acidman is it true that you always supported Mark, even at the detriment of /v/'s userbase, because he was your friend IRL?

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027c52  No.16917125


What the fuck is Germany's problem (With sources please)? That reminds me of how there's this one German on a site I know of who tries to do EVERYTHING he can to steer discussion towards how loli is pedo and how anime/manga needs to be localized in order to be brought to the West.

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71de41  No.16917129


Jews or excessive lawfaggotry.

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4af86d  No.16917132


Because then all porn would have to have genetalia censored. Sure, some stuff would sneak by, as it does on pixiv, but in general uncensored pornography would be disallowed.

status: 0


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ba469c  No.16917135


It's been so long, sources are probably long gone. The only one I can still remember is the booru blog. The bastards at HF talked about that on their forums as it was happening, but that was IIRC in december 2014, so good look finding it. The second life thing I honestly only knew about from heresay back in the day, and since the ex mod I talked to who explained what happened is a full blown sjw I don't have reason to doubt her making up that story.

I will have a look around if I got time.

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ba469c  No.16917140



Oh, also, exhentai had a runing with Germany once upon a time in 2011. At some point in time the admins IP blocked German ISPs from accessing the site for a few days(mind you this is exhentai), then removed the block, but had a filter in place which would filter out all bestiality, lolishota and incest for German IPs in the search results. This filter stayed in place for 2 weeks until the it was suddenly removed. No announcements were made, of course, since tenboro can't acknowledge the existence of ex. Sources were many, complaints by German users all across various forums and image boards.

I know, it's all hearsay, but it's fucking hard to come by info that is usually never shared outside of the people running those sites.

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1f9948  No.16917142

File: 380fd79ad9a5f50⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 800x589, 800:589, FuG.jpg)


Crippling autism and obsession with efficiency. Notice how whenever you come across Germans in online videogames, they're always bottom shitters, but will always use any underhanded trick, meta weapon, or even cheat to win, because of their inborn German autism pride.

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41a883  No.16917152

File: 81194e386566809⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1211x1917, 1211:1917, Gamers_are_the_most_oppres….png)

I wish Ron delivers and all this meta drama bullshit ends so I can get to discussing videogames without every board I visit getting clogged by meta-posting faggots,retards throwing hysterics and the Mark-obsessed niggers.

My only wonder is how newfags got a stink of it and managed to crawl their way here.The OAG article came a bit late and the faggots were already out here not knowing etiquette acting retarded.

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e9ae08  No.16917181


>It was a site wide thing and wasn't confined to /v/.

/co/'s log never worked whn 8kun when up.



Pig farmer has final say on which boards go up.


They're like sharks once they smell blood in the water they attack

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e9ae08  No.16917182

Holy shit im finally able to post, did chodemonkey switch servers or something?

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e9ae08  No.16917186


He is but in the manner of animu's bunker.

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4af86d  No.16917194


status: 0


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447e06  No.16917195

I've discovered a clever trick: if you get the status error 0 pop-up, press enter a few times. Your screen will gradually go darker and the pop-ups will stack.

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8655dc  No.16917197


I just want to post.

Let me post please.

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39e6ca  No.16917230

File: c59fb464dd41050⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 400x650, 8:13, smug_mexican_anime_girl.jpg)

Does anyone have that screencap of from a /cow/ user who crossposted on vch.moe when it was still up that gave a warning of an impending raid?

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e9ae08  No.16917271

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4af86d  No.16917277


>Your screen will gradually go darker and the pop-ups will stack.

How is this trick clever? It just makes things worse. It also doesn't work for me.

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43c778  No.16917287


He's not the same anon that posted this. It was me. It just got popular with some anon.

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39e6ca  No.16917363

File: 9800281299ee41a⋯.png (117.61 KB, 502x404, 251:202, Chuckle.png)

does anyone have a link to repository of the vch.moe gamergate threads?

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458bfe  No.16917365

I don't know why the fuck but I haven't got any of those errors you people talk about. Could it be because I'm not in america and it's got something to be with burger ISPs being shit?


I don't think that would be a good idea. As far as I know Japan is far more assblasted about copyright infringements and they persecute pirates like crazy. It could mean the end of things like share threads and such.

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458bfe  No.16917370

File: e1b72062b90417a⋯.png (46.49 KB, 873x184, 873:184, lol.png)

Well shit, I was about to post how I never got any of the errors people are talking about, and as I'm submitting the post I get this crap kek.


I don't think that would be a good idea. As far as I know Japan is far more assblasted about copyright infringements and they persecute pirates like crazy. It could mean the end of things like share threads and such.

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458bfe  No.16917371



>I ended up double posting

Huh, it seems it's more fucked up than I imagined.

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b99adc  No.16917374

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39e6ca  No.16917382

File: ad2f7018cb14148⋯.jpg (113.04 KB, 938x1179, 938:1179, bubik.jpg)


anybody reember what hread we talked about how vch.moe was delisted from julay because the admin believied these threads were raiding julay? I remeber even smug/a/ thought it was stupid.

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4af86d  No.16917383


Codemonkey introduce a hotfix that automatically continually resubmits the post if the error occurs. However, this isn't visible user side and your posting box will not be cleared. If the thread is slow updating, the only way to tell your post went through is if you get a flood detected upon further attempts. Since you edited your post, that did not happen.

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39e6ca  No.16917389

File: 53a824cb2225bcb⋯.jpg (5.73 KB, 268x188, 67:47, Uncanny_valley.jpg)



wait, this doesn't have any of the vch.moe goobergrape threads on it. It stops on the thread where 8ch.net got shutdown.

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1f93ed  No.16917391

File: 9bc3e178650231b⋯.webm (7.21 MB, 620x462, 310:231, Real_Time_8kunny_Posting.webm)

>Just wake up.

>Have Fatchan GG thread open and 8Boomer GG thread open.

>Fatchan New Posts: 107

>8Boomer New Posts: 21

>status: 0


Guess I know where all the action is.

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67c103  No.16917407


That video makes my afternoon, anon.

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b99392  No.16917410


>Fatchan New Posts: 107

To be fair; 1/4 of those are the just same sperg sperging and another 1/4 are "muh julay boogiemans" obsessing over mark's butthole.

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41a883  No.16917411

File: 5b5ae364dcd1ca2⋯.png (7.63 KB, 251x267, 251:267, Wham_it_s_fucking_nothing.png)


Why yes anon, places experiencing technical issues are going to get less posts with an alternative stated and advertised in case shit goes down getting activity is a sign that this place is dead, not that people are using the place as intended.

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bcb206  No.16917421


Anon, you get the error but your post still goes through.

Stop being a low functioning autistic retard already.

Also why do you keep on following Mark wherever he goes? Do you really want to put up with his shit for how many more years to come? Do you have stockholm syndrome or something? Its over anon, Mark is gone, the giga kike is no longer here to ruin threads and make himself look like an attention whoring retard anymore.

Don't give his site any more traffic and let him sink into the depths of obscurity where he belongs.

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7ccbe5  No.16917422

[https://archive.ph/wip/f8Ptk] https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=12325121

>Covid 19 coronavirus: Donald Trump names WWE's Vince McMahon, other sports bosses as advisers to restart US economy

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7436a2  No.16917428


>thinking Mark runs fat/v/

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efb6bf  No.16917430


As always, people with small brains are the first to preach to others.

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8655dc  No.16917431


Are we getting a postapocalyptic fighting tournament?

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67c103  No.16917432


>inb4 "I have a hunch the fat/v/ BO is Mark. Just believe me."

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39e6ca  No.16917436


fat/v/ is run by a spaghetti nigger now

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4af86d  No.16917437


This is wonderful It encapsulates perfectly what I've been experiencing for months.

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bcb206  No.16917449



Oh so I guess he dropped it and is having an italian run it now? I assume thats what happened?

If so then thank fucking god. He doesn't deserve any positions of power.


Anon I just simply wasn't in the know because I was, you know, playing videogames.

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931e27  No.16917457

File: 9d179f873d5ff5c⋯.png (7.37 KB, 552x46, 12:1, 2.png)

File: 3a74e0a8a852de7⋯.png (3.78 KB, 779x53, 779:53, 1.png)


as much as I'd be ok with a spaghetti nigger running /v/ as long as he's honest and fair, not only is there no real proof he's italian, he seems to be actively rejecting the idea. so I've got 2 theories

>he isn't

>he is but doesn't want anons to know for some reasons

for all I know he was just posting with a VPN in the meta, in fact for all I know it could be the second biggest jewish lie after the holocaust.

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14932e  No.16917464


Meh, that pasta doesn't seem to be bad.

Who the fuck is BO here now anyways?

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931e27  No.16917469


global board until a new one is appointed in two weeks, according to Ron

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9dbeb0  No.16917471


>Avatar (the movie)

Call that shit for what it is. "Pocahontas in Space"


The ayyys wanted peace you ignorant fascist shitlord. Peace through domination and manipulation. Just like communism and/or modern feminism.

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1e664c  No.16917492

File: 7cda4710e84ac21⋯.jpg (270.54 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, Dances_With_Wolves_20861_1….jpg)


>"Pocahontas in Space"

I thought it was "Dances with Space Wolves".

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885550  No.16917500



Or Ferngully sans Tim curry.

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4af86d  No.16917501


>Anon, you get the error but your post still goes through.

No, it does not. It only goes through when Ron's hotfix resubmits it and when the window of posting funcionality is open. And Ron's hotfix wasn't there to stop this error for the past week or so it's been occuring. In fact, I think this is the same issue that's been occuring since the January server crash, it's only recently that an error message was attached to it. I sat and got this error for 40 minutes yesterday.

>Also why do you keep on following Mark wherever he goes?

Mark isn't on fatchan. Keep up.

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027c52  No.16917504

File: 2b7fffb7eff49bb⋯.jpg (6.79 MB, 2138x2775, 2138:2775, cvr9781442481305_978144248….jpg)




I think you mean The Last of the Mohicans.

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67222c  No.16917506

File: fa4e583a236572b⋯.webm (4.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, IT_S_ME_KETCHUM.webm)

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b94e4b  No.16917509

File: 61163c77b94a9fd⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Sometimes.png)





Man bones native girl then joins native girls side.

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9dbeb0  No.16917530


The Power of Pussy Love?

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e9ae08  No.16917552


Looks like we're getting Wrestlemania.

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c97020  No.16917557

File: 9f142c80ce7f7b1⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 500x393, 500:393, 9f.jpg)

>If china wouldnt lie and would start 3 weeks earlier there would 95% decrease in numbers and no pandemic at all.

>they also bought all the masks from the rest of the world so they could resell them back

source is local report from think thank and so so I cant link it to you since you wont understand it

nuke china. fuckers deserve atomic treatment nothing else.

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e9ae08  No.16917560


Fuck that, tungsten rods are better.

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c97020  No.16917561

File: 3a07efd7e699e0c⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 200x150, 4:3, 1413851502852.gif)

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027c52  No.16917562

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Drop it from orbit

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deb532  No.16917570

File: 7cd18e08ca66896⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1280x1800, 32:45, Sacharov_Scenario.jpg)


Post it anyway. Shit can be machine translated or, even better, you could provide the translation.



Or pic related

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4af86d  No.16917572



>Anon, you get the error but your post still goes through.

And evidently it only resubmits the post once, or just repeatedly for a very short while after you attempt posting, rather than resubmitting the post until it goes through, as I just tested in another thread. So you still have to constantly submit over and over again until your post goes through or you get "flood detected".

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4af86d  No.16917576


Oh, and when posts go through due to the hotfix submission instead of your own, they don't have your (You) and neither do replies to them.

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b94e4b  No.16917579

File: e7ac65c281f1378⋯.png (445.21 KB, 689x552, 689:552, 66f600acc.png)


LIFE always find a way.

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deb532  No.16917580

File: 6e3e9e7aceb9d61⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 720x682, 360:341, Coding_solutions.jpg)



Also in case you have any doubts, you can always post with a file. If it gives you the message that the thread already has that image, it most likely worked if you didn't actually just post something you got from the thread like a fucking retard

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b94e4b  No.16917596

And Ron is back again to talk. >>16917593

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4af86d  No.16917597


>source is local report from think thank and so so I cant link it to you since you wont understand it

Doesn't matter. Link it anyways. You could come up with any claim you want and spout this BS. If you at least have a source and it machine translates to something similar, then it gives you at least some credence.


>If it gives you the message that the thread already has that image

That's the same check it makes for the flood detected. You won't get either unless posting is actually working when you submit, and getting the latter requires you to wait for the image to upload every time.

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931e27  No.16917623

File: 3d51cd49aafc8ad⋯.gif (692.38 KB, 1009x738, 1009:738, 3d51cd49aafc8adbacc3414896….gif)

>things get so heated on fat BO is forced to step in

this is his baptism of fire, if you catch my drift, time to see if he's worth his salt

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e9ae08  No.16917631

File: d7570ae32e274c1⋯.gif (93.74 KB, 514x510, 257:255, 1470413850604.gif)

Any update on the Persona 5 censoring?

Fatchan has become complete and utter cancer.

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126c46  No.16917634

File: 218020a5adc9331⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, feet_pics.mp4)

On the topic of errors.


Uploading a vid because errors have always happened uploading larger files.

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b94e4b  No.16917636

File: eed9579fa81c187⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 720x415, 144:83, EPytPlSWkAAe3rQ.jpg)

Why must bullshit follow us everywhere we travel.

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e9ae08  No.16917639


Previously the kike would purge the thread of the cancer and deal with the bitching like always, the wop has no idea what he got himself into.

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e9ae08  No.16917646

File: 25c08478c5420c2⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 727x767, 727:767, 25c08478c5420c297d53781db5….jpg)

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64a07c  No.16917651

File: 1e6fcc5daf269c9⋯.png (249.09 KB, 825x817, 825:817, le_bavarian_prophet_of_doo….png)


>Tsunami bomb

Alois predicted this.

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67c103  No.16917654


I never set foot into a #GamerGate thread since Fred ceased to be 8chan's owner. It didn't hurt my browsing experience in any way. And after seeing them now, avoiding them makes for a better browsing experience too. I'm sure other anons see this also. I'm only in them now because of the site-wide drama between Jim/Mark/Ron that goes beyond SJW's and censorship in video games. When the site-wide drama slows down enough, I'll be out of these threads again and putting that extra time into more playing video games.

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791982  No.16917656


Video works fine. Also why the hell would anyone ask vtuber for feet pics?

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b99392  No.16917664

File: b98218f9d4945d4⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Japanese_for_REAL_2020_1_C….mp4)


I like Coco's granny voice and Georgia accent.


Because feet.

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8f4048  No.16917667


Where's that thread, anyway? I can't find it.

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64a07c  No.16917671

File: 687320198a0aef2⋯.png (3.54 MB, 2048x928, 64:29, 1524238997_2.png)



Bloodborne is even a worse example than most Souls games when it comes to cooperation since it doesn't use the normal invasion that other Souls games use. You just put out a call for help and you get who you get. Vilebloods and Executioners are automatically hostile to each other and if your game choices trip the Hoonter of Hoonters berserk switch they'll be hostile too.

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e9ae08  No.16917672

File: 21d513c53c0b079⋯.png (118.81 KB, 438x503, 438:503, 21d513c53c0b079dd782a3bc70….png)


>Because feet.


Don't bother it became complete fucking cancer. All the spergs moved there so things should be smooth here.

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39e6ca  No.16917673

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066299  No.16917678


Any updates on the loli boards?

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066299  No.16917680

File: cb314d08da3a49c⋯.jpg (108.61 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1443999207421.jpg)


Are god rods really a thing?

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e9ae08  No.16917683


I think Bush wanted to use something like that during the gulf war, it was also around that time where project bluebook was mentioned too.

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64a07c  No.16917684


Not yet.

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4af86d  No.16917685


I'm not even sure it's fat BO. There's two posters claiming to be him, and neither showed any proof of it, nor took any action upon the thread.

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0818b8  No.16917686


They will be, once Trump's space force gets off the ground.

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39e6ca  No.16917687


>I'm not even sure it's fat BO. There's two posters claiming to be him, and neither showed any proof of it, nor took any action upon the thread.

he uses a VPN, so both could be him.

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64a07c  No.16917689


That thread has gone straight to hell.

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67c103  No.16917691


This. Also, in the fatchan meta thread the BO said he wants to remain anonymous. So good luck getting proof of claims.

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4e1ad4  No.16917692

File: e2e8edfe38462ea⋯.png (938.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, happy_drunk_neet_ara.png)


In theory the bigger the rods the better, but also it becomes more expensive to put in orbit.

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e9ae08  No.16917693

File: 5a72ea5e1477fda⋯.png (242.17 KB, 1074x599, 1074:599, Screenshot_2020_04_15_U_S_….png)


>They will be, once Trump's space force gets off the ground

Well they are operating their first offensive weapon now.


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64a07c  No.16917695

File: dbdad491ca592bb⋯.png (12.59 KB, 1477x138, 1477:138, fatchan_admin.png)

Now the site admin has had to step in.

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4af86d  No.16917696


>This. Also, in the fatchan meta thread the BO said he wants to remain anonymous. So good luck getting proof of claims.

I'm fairly sure that's regarding his actual identity, unlike Mark, who uses his real fucking name and has videos of himself floating all over the internet.

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4af86d  No.16917700


He stepped in by saying he wouldn't step in and arguably just threw another log on the trashfire.

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39e6ca  No.16917707

he lcoekd the thread becuase it derailed into arguements about the cakekike

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39e6ca  No.16917708



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64a07c  No.16917710



Well that does not bode well.

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e9ae08  No.16917711

File: 15be8bb5e3041e3⋯.gif (794.47 KB, 320x286, 160:143, 5US.gif)


He does know that tends to happen, right?

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64a07c  No.16917716

File: 4f0bd8d34bb4ef9⋯.png (443.78 KB, 921x385, 921:385, double_your_fun.png)

Well we've burned through two bunkers in, what, 3 or 4 days now? That must be some kind of record.

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39e6ca  No.16917719






should mention he will allow the thread to be remade once enough people have seen the message and recommeds you try and hide posts you don't like. while meta drama is to be specfically contained to the meta thread.

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e9ae08  No.16917720


Its the BO's fault for not taking up the mantle of responsibility. He should've just started cleaning posts left and right instead of pulling his little shit fit.

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4af86d  No.16917721





He said it can be remade, though. Don't omit that and make things sounds worse than they are.


Mark is not GG. There is both a meta thread and a thread dedicated to Mark's deletion of the board if fags want to harp on about the cakejew and Julay. That shit went on for over 200 posts and over two thirds of the thread. There was only a single mention of julay in the first third and mentions of Mark were sparse before then. It was also actively spurred by disingenuous shit stirrers.

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508618  No.16917722

File: 1fab6002873ee5c⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 326x326, 1:1, Youre_gay.jpg)


Royal changed te gay dudes who harass Ryuji from basically wanting to rape him to forcing him to cross-dress.

Still don't buy censored games, so pass on Royal.

>also, we switched back to Captcha that can't be solved by human beings

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e9ae08  No.16917724

File: 62686192d0b56c4⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 417x300, 139:100, 746ab8658344f0d9f466e37c78….jpg)


>you try and hide posts you don't like. while meta drama is to be specfically contained to the meta thread.

Did anyone tell him that shit doesnt work especially with the type of spergs that come around here?

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931e27  No.16917726


best move honestly

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e9ae08  No.16917727


>Mark is not GG.

And they don't target Mark specifically. They'll go after the thread regardless if the kike is there or not.

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066299  No.16917728

File: 093a58b0b4fcc06⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, It_s_All_So_Tiresome.jpg)


Well that sucks.

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5b58f5  No.16917729

File: aba3a45fccfb583⋯.png (238.72 KB, 499x541, 499:541, drank_something_this_bad.PNG)



Jesus Christ.



This is a major reason why /animu/ washed it's hands of anything related to this and I can't blame them at fucking all as I'd do the same if I was running a board.

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126c46  No.16917730


Second lawyer, who actually is doing research, hasn't updated yet.

Network changes are still happening, week and a half now.


The thread devolved into general image board drama, shit stirrers or not, that would a) be better suited in the meta thread because there is a meta thread and b) would be met with bans otherwise because proof was not being provided, with images or archives.

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64a07c  No.16917732


This board and any other /v/ bunkers need to make a specific rule that the derail crew needs to be banned on sight. Whether you call them goons or julay or /cow/ or /tv/ or /intl/ or revolttards or whatever, they are a little clique of autists that have a very obvious and specific posting style and they need to be zipped off the board the moment they are discovered posting just like how niggerpill is.

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b94e4b  No.16917733

File: b16eaee6036461c⋯.png (3.74 MB, 1619x1079, 1619:1079, 1458824531376_1.png)



We will never truly know peace because the mentally retarded will we.

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39e6ca  No.16917734


>Did anyone tell him that shit doesnt work especially with the type of spergs that come around here?

To be entirely honest anon, those kinds spergs are hardly the only reason these threads get derailed. there are times when a filterable nigger comes alnog a derails the boad just as easily. the ip hopping was pretty much always done to ensure that the cakekike actually had a hardtime trying to ban your ass.

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64a07c  No.16917735


>Second lawyer, who actually is doing research, hasn't updated yet.

What did the first lawyer say?

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e9ae08  No.16917736


> the cakekike actually had a hardtime trying to ban your ass.

But fatchan is running on relatively new software, it doesn't have protections against ip hoppers yet.

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39e6ca  No.16917737


>This board and any other /v/ bunkers need to make a specific rule that the derail crew needs to be banned on sight.

good luck trying to convicne anybody of any of that, these threads really should of better archvied shit sorrounding the board raids made on this thread and /v/ in general.

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b94e4b  No.16917739

File: d4dec7be6b2bc31⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 888x500, 222:125, d4db47.jpg)


He didn't even want to help.

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931e27  No.16917740


>Did anyone tell him that shit doesnt work especially with the type of spergs that come around here?

well that just means he's gonna lock every thread from now on. I reckon you and I should just take his and the admin's advice and just filter the glowing goons.

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126c46  No.16917741


Declined to help.

AKA Didn't want to be professionally the guy that defends loli on 8kun.

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67c103  No.16917742



For how fast the shit talkers moved on the #GG thread, they're glacially slow to move elsewhere on the board. Locking the thread shut that garbage down faster than bans. The BO still allows #GG threads. But he's also making it clear the responsibility for #GG threads not turning into a trash fire depends on anon's willingness to use the hide and filter functions.

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39e6ca  No.16917743


be best to take a screencap of the BO's post an spam it whenever the thread get derailed.

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e9ae08  No.16917746


That wont do jackshit.

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066299  No.16917748

File: 2b12c837fa2276e⋯.jpg (267.78 KB, 632x482, 316:241, laughing_Chinese_cartoon_f….jpg)


>anon's willingness to use the hide and filter functions.

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4af86d  No.16917749

Fat seems to be having issues loading anything at all, all of a sudden. Did the niggers resort to DDoS once the GG thread they were shitting up got locked (with explicit statement it could be remade) and they were ignored in the meta?


And anons could have reported and ignored. Instead they took the bait.

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64a07c  No.16917750

File: c7d23574f3549ac⋯.png (14.21 KB, 512x576, 8:9, freya_bunker_guard_duty.png)

File: e48993e087ce3d6⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 990x550, 9:5, bunker_posadism.gif)



That does not inspire confidence. In fact the other lawyer doing a deep dive into the law doesn't inspire much confidence either. If he comes back with even a little tiny grey area I'm certain that either Ron will get cold feet or that Jim will claim vindication and they'll ban loli. Which will mean that we may not even have a week wait and see before we all have to migrate.

Do we have multiple bunker plans? If not we need to make them right now.

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e9ae08  No.16917751


>Instead they took the bait.

What else is new?

>Did the niggers resort to DDoS once the GG thread they were shitting up got locked

Well fuck.

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64a07c  No.16917753


It only takes one angry anon to reply to bait to keep the derail going. Worse even if everyone hides and ignores the derailer it won't him from just continually jumping proxies to continue to shit threads up.

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e9ae08  No.16917755

File: ddddc1c5700a5b3⋯.png (57.73 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 12fsdf.png)


Well now we know the bo of fat/v/ can't be bothered to properly clean a thread or ban obvious shitposters. They'll just lock it up instead.

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066299  No.16917758

File: 4c86edd8723e387⋯.jpeg (7.7 KB, 193x261, 193:261, download.jpeg)


>can't be bothered to properly clean

Well he is Italian after all.

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67c103  No.16917759


fatchan also suddenly has loading issues for me. Looks like somebody's poor feelings got really, really hurt at not being able to talk. Locking truly is worse than a ban, because IP hopping and proxies are a thing.

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4af86d  No.16917760


Or you know, he's a money grubbing lawyer and something more lucrative came up.


There were over 200 posts of that shit from ID changing torfags, IP hopping VPN fags, and genuine anons not used to meta discussion not being a part of GG. Better to lock and let be archived than to swiss cheese the thread.

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9955ae  No.16917761


Yep, IP hopping shitstirring will just continue. Doesn't matter if you bite the b8 as a b8chomper can always be faked and poof the thread is locked. Locking only works against the occasional bored fisherman, not against recurring hurricanes of tism. I'm afraid if locking threads becomes standard operating procedure, we must consider gg on fat/v/ effectively banned, even if it formally isn't.

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64a07c  No.16917763

File: 38f847d5b23a436⋯.png (22.38 KB, 634x127, 634:127, horror.png)


That's the reason I said that we need multiple bunkers. fat may or may not be viable, julay is out of the question, smug/vg/ could do in an pinch but it wont work long term because it disallows political discussion, gayhole has no money, and regardless of how you feel about Mark/Acid I doubt that they'll be up and running within a week or so.

What's plan "F", I think it is at this point?

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e9ae08  No.16917764

File: 5f53b7637e4b63c⋯.png (34.12 KB, 572x335, 572:335, Screenshot_2020_04_15_Brea….png)

File: 70bdb7eca06ef41⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 332x394, 166:197, 1360563367733.jpg)

File: 56dcc9d403c859e⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 1189x1189, 1:1, 56d.gif)

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64a07c  No.16917768

File: 8c609a3c27fb0cc⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 4961x3508, 4961:3508, 79034002_p0.jpg)

File: 651af342abc1d61⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, 59234949_p0.jpg)

File: 78e8263ded9908e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.44 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, 72817036_p0.jpg)


>I'm afraid if locking threads becomes standard operating procedure, we must consider gg on fat/v/ effectively banned, even if it formally isn't.

Which is the derailers likely intent from the start.


Well that's good news. The feds are going to be far too busy fighting WWWIII against the fucking chinks to bother considering whether they care to van anyone for loli posting or not.

And in that spirit here are some chink lolis.

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e9ae08  No.16917769


>What's plan "F", I think it is at this point?


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64a07c  No.16917771


I spoilered that last image.


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4af86d  No.16917772


Seems like a big "probably" to me. Considering Trump has opened an investigation into WHO as to whether or not the US should consider stopping funding them over China, it's likely this is a statement giving them plausible deniability as to their claim while allowing them to foster more (justified) anti-China sentiment.

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508618  No.16917773

File: 6f4a3941803d2b9⋯.jpg (36.27 KB, 777x704, 777:704, big_think.jpg)


>US Intel tells us what we knew months ago

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e9ae08  No.16917774


He already stopped funding.

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4af86d  No.16917775


>He already stopped funding.

Are you sure? Last I heard, he had just opened a 60 to 90 day investigation as to whether they should do so.

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508618  No.16917776

File: 8dc78bacae60609⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 399x397, 399:397, Check_em_young_Trump.jpg)



I hope we stop spending money on organizations and nations that hate us.

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9955ae  No.16917777


It's not only likely, some clearly admitted they wanted gg gone. Still too early to write off fat/v/ totally though, might very well just be a first panic reaction. Let's see how they deal with it in the future after having some time to think about it.

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faffad  No.16917779


You can use the archive.is search as a starting point, either going into the most recent GG thread and following archive links between threads or going through the search itself (the search is roughly chronological and you can skip ahead pages by modifying the url)



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b94e4b  No.16917780

File: 7caf979342fadb0⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ce4ce4237d.jpg)

Is it just me or is fat/v/ now refusing to load at all or moving really slow now?

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4af86d  No.16917781

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e9ae08  No.16917783


Those fuckers are probably ddosing it.

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64a07c  No.16917784

File: 97bd8db7f68f48b⋯.png (130.41 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Chinese_Gadsden_flag_v2.png)


Regardless of the truth or accuracy of that statement, and frankly China is 100% responsible for this pandemic even if it were a completely natural thing just because of how their retarded, paranoid, totalitarian, communist shithole government responded to the whole thing, this will certainly cause an international incedent between the US and China. Xi will want to save face and will probably do something stupid like blockade the South China Sea or invade Taiwan or even just nigger with Chinese/US trade and business. He might even drop using the US dollar.

Regardless some shit is about to go down.

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b94e4b  No.16917785

File: 62ca93ca3d5964e⋯.webm (318.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Umaru_cock.webm)



Wow the fags never stop and we'll probably be blamed for it. Fuck everything dude.

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64a07c  No.16917786


Yeah I'm having problems loading it too.

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027c52  No.16917788

Meanwhile, I've spent the day trying to find RPG Maker RTP and trying to reacquaint myself with how to make shortcuts for games played through DOSbox.

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64a07c  No.16917789


I'm hoping that this sort of behavior will show them for what they are and all of the various webringers will understand the kind of shit we have to put up with.

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c77d39  No.16917798

File: 14ab0da0d110ab9⋯.jpg (345.6 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, 0af58c111a7f8042f09f7fd698….jpg)


Until a couple days ago I'd never spoken to Mark anywhere but here or via Twitter on his original account. I've stuck up for him because he always stuck up for /v/ and #GG, even when he got a hard time for it.


Lynx runs well and is currently maintained. None of the open source solutions are perfect, but if we want a fast, stable site its the best choice right now.


And what happened when we did that on GGHQ? You get nitpicked and shilled and rules-lawyered to death over "who" (on an anonymous imageboard) composes such people, accused of all sorts of shit for outing them to prove it, and they get ammunition to use against you everywhere outside the board that turns people against you. To this day there are still plenty of people who think I just went on a paranoid banning spree one day for no reason at all.


Sounds about right.

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4af86d  No.16917808

Fatchan is fastchan again.


>You get nitpicked and shilled and rules-lawyered to death over "who" (on an anonymous imageboard) composes such people

Or you just ban both the derail bait and whoever bites it and not fucking worry about the details of who is derailing and their motivations.

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0818b8  No.16917809

File: 6faf21ba768d22b⋯.mp4 (99.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3, wrong_again_idiot.mp4)


>not as a bioweapon

They'll get there eventually.

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027c52  No.16917810


If you actually scanned the thread, you'd see that there was a bunker archive on there.

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931e27  No.16917812

File: 5a74674670a01bf⋯.png (472.27 KB, 957x535, 957:535, 119474.png)


that means nuking the entire thread just like mark did, the guy is clearly not taking sides, he says so in the first fucking post "no special treatment" "respect the rules and you get to stay". his policy of not wanting to do so might be a double edged sword for both us and him, we'll have to see how it works out.

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ec2a09  No.16917816

Been hearing some news about a Meteorite seen on the skyes of Peru

Memeteor anon is still active…

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9955ae  No.16917822


There's a difference between nuking the thread and nuking a significant portion of the thread. One is recoverable, the other isn't.

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4af86d  No.16917825


>that means nuking the entire thread

Only if you deleted all posts by IP in the thread like Mark did. Locking of the whole thread was only the solution because it had already long since spiraled out of control. This would't be the solution to take if it had been caught early on, and I hope not the one the BO takes when that is the case. Also, GG anons were part of the problem in this case. Due to Mark's anchoring and often ignoring of meta threads because "muh /sudo/", and Mark's greater allowance of off-topic discussion in GG threads, GG anons and even non-GG thread regulars had gotten used to GG threads being de facto meta threads. It's not surprising this would happen when a GG thread is made in a place that has a constantly pinned meta thread. If he didn't want to sort through and manually delete a couple hundred posts to clean the thread, he'd have to delete by IP, which would swiss cheese the earlier on-topic part of the thread, and possibly accidentally delete it if OP was involved. Hopefully anons will acclimate and learn to compartmentalize such discussion to the actual, constant, meta thread the board has, and not feed obvious disingenuous shit stirrers so they can be cleaned up easily.

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931e27  No.16917826


one makes more space for the same shit to start over in the very same thread, the other is kept as an example of what to be on the lookout for the when the next one is made.

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9955ae  No.16917829


Yeah, the example of how to reliably shut it down. Just a little puppetry and whatever you want gone is gone.

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7bce59  No.16917832


It kinda shows that Mark is not only a bit too involved with GG threads as a BO, but he is kinda sloppy in handling them.

I hope the next BO doesn't make the same mistakes.

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e9ae08  No.16917834


If the kike wasnt so involved then he would've probably done the same and kicked everyone to a gg board to die.

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ff2ada  No.16917835


Nigger Mark doesn't have a board right now, this is a different BO.

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e9ae08  No.16917836



He meant in general.

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4af86d  No.16917837

They've gone back to shitstirring with GG vs Julay gaslighting in the meta thread now. Curious that they seemed to take a break just before site issues begin and show up again a little while after site issues stop.

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ff2ada  No.16917838


>muh (1)

Been too tired these past few days to even post much, go suck a fat one.

>He meant in general

Yeah sure, "explicitly Mark is sloppy in handling these specific threads" is very general.

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4af86d  No.16917840


I did mention Mark's handling of GG threads in my in my post and how they effected the current situation on Fat, and interpreted his reply as GG threads in general as well, not as a statement implying that the current Fat BO is Mark.

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7bce59  No.16917842

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First a virus, bush fires, volcanos, meteorites, ecenomic collapses but here is the latest threat to humanity: Bears are learning how to use weapons now.

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64a07c  No.16917849


We have a right to keep and arm bears, anon.

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b99392  No.16917850


>noticing a continuing pattern of behavior

You're just a conspiracy theorist.

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67c103  No.16917852


Looks like they left, or went to bed, after seeing nobody taking the bait.

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e9ae08  No.16917853


Just wait until they actually make a thread, if not tomorrow evening.

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67c103  No.16917854


Oops. Just kidding. At least one of them was getting a different ID.

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e9ae08  No.16917858


Impressive, don't forget the goats taking over Scotland.

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ff2ada  No.16917863


What's that? Wild goats taking over streets due to quarantine?

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e9ae08  No.16917867

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Scratch that it was Wales.

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7144e8  No.16917870

File: 34004bab6456e23⋯.png (509.45 KB, 800x5000, 4:25, 08_Bunker_v3.png)



>regardless of how you feel about Mark/Acid I doubt that they'll be up and running within a week or so.

Still running.

Can't be taken down.

More dangerous trying to upload CP - pedo gotta seed all that shit pedoself before anyone else has it, and unless you enable "host all files", you'd need to OPEN the child porn before you'd seed it, and even then you can SIMPLY REMOVE IT, and then you're not seeding it.

Seems like a pretty damned resilient system.

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e9ae08  No.16917875


Nice to see it hasn't been abandoned yet.

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ff2ada  No.16917877



That's just the local prositutes


Isn't it still forced namefaggotry with those IDs?

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7144e8  No.16917883


>Isn't it still forced namefaggotry with those IDs?

To my knowledge, you can abandon an ID and register a new one whenever you'd like, they're not bound to anything,

So no, not exactly.

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7bce59  No.16917889


So cute.

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c77d39  No.16917890



The pseudo-ID is required to make blacklisting and self-moderation possible. However every couple of days the ZeroID system resets its list of used IP addresses, so you can go get a new one and have a fresh ID. It slows down spammers enough to make spamming basically unviable without completely dicking over anons like a true username would. A normal ZeroNet site has no throttling on IDs at all, which allowed a spammer to write a script that posted hundreds of threads and replies a minute and flooded the place to death for hours once, forcing the change. A long term goal is to implement 08s own version of ZeroID so that everything is done in house, but its hard due to ZNs absolutely Byzantine code structure and the fact that everything has to be distributed.

This and more is all explained at the bottom of the infographic. I wish more people would read it.

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000000  No.16917900

KikeFlare has a new CAPTCHA and it doesn't work at all without JavaScript. And its Jewish as all hell: take a look at http://www.hcaptcha.com

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64a07c  No.16917914

File: 4703e53e967fdfb⋯.png (229.03 KB, 1479x928, 51:32, fuck.png)

File: 2450bde6d428a19⋯.png (630.74 KB, 1280x1385, 256:277, booGGeyman.png)

Between the instability of that site and the sort of posters that are beginning to congregate there I'm beginning to think that fat/v/ isn't going to be a real tolerable place to bunker/migrate to if worst comes to worse.

I don't like the fact that reply links appear at the bottom of the post or the fact that you can't just highlight and quote either.

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8e15c1  No.16917920


Julaytards are gonna be on every potential bunker for the next while, trying to stir shit up. Just let it settle for a bit, they'll fuck off eventually. The non-#GG threads seem nice so far and hopefully the BO can sort the shitposters out eventually.


>that picture

Wonder how that happened. Is it a browser thing, since I haven't seen anything of the sort yet. At the very least, you can actually talk to the site owner on /t/ and he'll give a shit, something Ron hasn't done for at least half a year. That site's been far more stable than this piece of shit for me.

>reply links appear at the bottom of the post

It's annoying, yeah, but far from the most important thing when choosing a bunker. I'll put up with it if it means I don't have to deal with Mark, at least.

>or the fact that you can't just highlight and quote either.

What? Yes you can. Just click on the post number. Unless you mean something else.

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64a07c  No.16917926


>Is it a browser thing, since I haven't seen anything of the sort yet.

Don't know. I'm using Waterfox.

>What? Yes you can. Just click on the post number. Unless you mean something else.

It's not working for me. The number link appears but I have to copy and past the test manually.

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64a07c  No.16917932

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7bce59  No.16917934


It just looks like they want everyone to go to their /v/ and try to sabatoge every other /v/ bunker.

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7436a2  No.16917937


>they were the only /v/ in the webring (not counting /vg/ and /vr/)

>now there are two




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8655dc  No.16917941


Who would want to go to a /v/ without gamergate?

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b26458  No.16918007


so julay is just sperging because they want to be the only /v/?

that unfathomably retarded.

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f05f00  No.16918013

File: f6af52b3906b9f9⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 340x516, 85:129, Marvel_Comics_Presents_Vol….jpg)

File: 8b318b0d4a4290d⋯.jpg (181.34 KB, 1073x1743, 1073:1743, vwd6o3apt5u31.jpg)

>the comic book and gaming convention industries will never recover from the Coronavirus global shutdown

>Literal extinction event

>Both will relaunch in two years, but reinvented as something new

>Comics will ditch the monthly 30-page single issue format and embrace the manga publishing method, releasing quarterly volumes of creator-driven stories

>Lesser (crappier) SJWs get their short stories collected and published in the anthologies, which people will buy because 1 of the 30 short stories within will be good by some industry veteran

>People will buy the Quarterly Marvel/DC anthology for the cover and lead Iron Man story, and ignore the 30 other stories, written/drawn by nobodies, starring bullshit characters no one cares about.

>Like the original 90's Marvel Comics Presents, only bigger.

>Gamecons will go virtual stream only, with tickets in the hundreds but loaded with "exclusive" DLC

>Literally no more conventions.

>Everything streamed. And ludicrously over-produced and strictly controlled. With multiple layers of exclusivity, based on ticket price

You were alive to witness their end.


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64a07c  No.16918015

File: 512e7c6845f292c⋯.png (107.13 KB, 1474x355, 1474:355, _2_v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_….png)

File: ce199ee6f1d8799⋯.png (7.57 KB, 1452x103, 1452:103, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

File: 89942f3341a494f⋯.png (13.13 KB, 1432x157, 1432:157, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

File: cdd6b09b89ac87f⋯.png (16.29 KB, 1479x192, 493:64, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

File: b9a5307a1fc4f94⋯.png (25.43 KB, 1475x308, 1475:308, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

No. This isn't going to work I don't think. They want to turn the board over at fat into /svidya/. They don't even want Japanese learning threads or /tg/ threads. When the hell did we ever have /tg/ threads? Are they talking about Dwarf Fortress or threads about Warhammer video games?


Apparently a number of anons on fat/v/ and at this point I'm inclined to just let them have the board and let them be gone form here or anywhere else we end up bunkering. They are all to autistically ass mad at Mark, even though Mark is out of the picture as an admin here, to ever let it go. Anything they think that Mark allowed or encouraged is going to be tainted in their eyes and they'll scream for its removal.

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9955ae  No.16918024



Buying into d&c is retarded, as is attributing any claimed attitudes to the flags the claimers fly. Somebody doesn't want us there. Guess what, somebody doesn't want us here or there or wherever else, for reasons that might or might not be the ones they claim to have. We certainly won't get the fundamentally unknowable consensus opinion of the as of yet nonexistant regular population on a brand new board.

We're all shit at reasoning under fire. Just try not to bite and otherwise be as genuine as you can while dialing your autism down as far as you can and in a few days, we'll see how promising the long term compatibility looks like. For now, it's at least another option to look for others in case shit goes south fast.

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8655dc  No.16918034


Wow, now this makes me want to stay. Seriously, why do just the mention of gamergate make people lose their fucking mind? Goons, Revolt and other faggots couldn't move away from us, hating us just for existing. This kind of hate autism is ridiculous.

I know, I know. >we. But you know what I mean.

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ff2ada  No.16918043


Well go speak out against the autists that are trying to push it to be that way then.

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7bce59  No.16918062


/japan/ on prolikewoah has a Japanese learning thread.

So that's something at least.

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2b003c  No.16918083

File: b33763420d55e29⋯.png (118.55 KB, 1018x759, 1018:759, Vox_Layoffs.png)



Vox plans to announce around 100 employee furloughs later this week


The repository hasn't been updated since the deplatforming I think.

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67222c  No.16918092

File: d19cc0fd292ed29⋯.png (755.35 KB, 3150x1140, 105:38, Mod_princess.png)


>/tg/ threads

Maybe they're thinking of the quest threads from before the exodus. i still wanna fuck modtan holy shit

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027c52  No.16918097


>why do just the mention of gamergate make people lose their fucking mind?

Because the threads are almost entirely shill-proof and cannot be controlled.

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d7bf76  No.16918103

File: 3bd52bffa1ec8ed⋯.jpg (30.61 KB, 640x482, 320:241, rolf.jpg)


Why aren't quest threads vidya though? They're just highly interactive text adventures.

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e9ae08  No.16918111


I just remembered /quest/ hasn't been uploaded yet.

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e9ae08  No.16918122

Certificate is fixed.

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0e5d19  No.16918131


>Why aren't quest threads vidya though?

The main problem is to what kind of bullshit it can lead to.

Avatarfags and namefags. Also in worst case entire board will get clogged.

Which is reason why /tg/ doesn't make them anymore.

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d7bf76  No.16918138

File: e6be77b10e205ab⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1000x1359, 1000:1359, question.png)


There was a fair stretch of them here in the past though, I don't recall it getting retarded, like the OP just got busy. I miss shit like /v/ Airline, or whatever it was called.

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e9ae08  No.16918157

File: 9981f35b5b835fc⋯.png (198.77 KB, 413x374, 413:374, 9981f35b5b835fc4576a6881b4….png)


Aw yes the sweet embrace of death.

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fc6697  No.16918160


I hated quest threads. They were fucking obnoxious at their height.

Most of the faggots that did them moved over to /tg/chan I think. Then I spent three years in a tabletop that was a spinoff from one. I loathe myself.

I also still fucking loathe Weaver to this day.

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2b003c  No.16918162

File: 399bfb1e0a5af22⋯.png (260.35 KB, 612x820, 153:205, Jason_1.png)

File: 6509c8d4c04f7b3⋯.png (76.56 KB, 663x669, 221:223, Jason_2.png)



Jason Schreier is gone from Kotaku.

What site do you think he will write for next?

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7bce59  No.16918164


>What site do you think he will write for next?

Journos are getting laid off left and right due to this failing economy.

He might just become homeless.

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0e5d19  No.16918168


He will probably become writer for some shit game first, before vanishing completely.

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ff2ada  No.16918175



He explicitly states he already has another job at a game journalist outlet lined up, starting there in a few weeks.

Read, niggers.

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f11f4a  No.16918184

File: a84b78ef783379c⋯.jpg (166.44 KB, 508x892, 127:223, I_should_fuck_that.jpg)

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0e5d19  No.16918189



I wonder when he will finally fuck off.

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e9ae08  No.16918218


I wonder how shithole accepted him.

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1d2a4f  No.16918222

File: 29321eaa113663a⋯.png (313.85 KB, 440x310, 44:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9ae08  No.16918224

File: 255f4ca464a6050⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 600x608, 75:76, 509.jpg)

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e9ae08  No.16918239


>gamergate make people lose their fucking mind?

Its a common occurrence.

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8655dc  No.16918245


Yeah, but still?

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ba469c  No.16918252


People crave something they can hate, and this includes even more most libertarian open minded persons. Even people on here. It makes you feel superior and gives you a way to bond with others over the hatred towards that thing.

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8655dc  No.16918257


Also they are curiously the ones who said years ago that SJWs weren't going to influence shit in videogames, comics,/tg/ stuff, etc.

Did they become a more cancerous kind of leftist or are they still in denial?

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4af86d  No.16918276

File: 8ca771f1c0d3d2f⋯.png (586 KB, 763x1100, 763:1100, ClipboardImage.png)

Fatchan's spaghetti nigger has now weighed in the situation their last GG thread. I'd say he handled it pretty well. He also made OC out of it.

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b94e4b  No.16918281

File: 0d89d9b64904fb0⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 0d896a9.jpg)


Not bad.

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ba469c  No.16918285


Oh I remember. I also remember that people said Japan would never cave to Western pressure, despite it having done so multiple times over the last few decades(just about things they don't care about or hate).

Nah, they're just hypocrites in denial. Very, very few people are are principled to the absolute. You see people's own biases everywhere, from the most bland normalfag to the most degenerate bastard on these boards.

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e9ae08  No.16918288


That poor wop is not going to last.

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931e27  No.16918290

File: 433ed17ad22e0bb⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 433ed17ad22e0bb7bb6df0a9ec….jpg)


he just said he's not going to do anything and it's we're on our own, as I already said, double edged sword

>I'd fuck Arcanine btw


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8655dc  No.16918296


I remember being one of those who was in denial about anime and Japan in general, just to be proven VERY wrong.

The site isn't going bad today. Were we attacked yesterday?

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f11f4a  No.16918297

File: ea82c6126b0fcb0⋯.png (83.69 KB, 284x309, 284:309, Pffahahaha.png)


>do you like Phil Collins

I'd never visit that place and this was still pretty good

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e9ae08  No.16918298


Then fatchan is a no go if they're not going to take the time and actually moderate.

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8655dc  No.16918304


You know, I never asked because I was afraid, but where the fuck came the Phil Collins shit? Also, who the fuck is she?

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f11f4a  No.16918309


Probably some guy who tried to force a meme, and it ended up working. She's probably his 3D waifu.

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f7cab4  No.16918326


Isn't she just that harry potter roastie?

>waifufagging Weinstein's sloppy seconds

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931e27  No.16918327

File: 8a85c991ad1cf78⋯.jpg (356.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23849107ae3123b3239dc0001_….jpg)


I mean if you want to autistically dissect the post

>I am not going to constantly scan your thread and ban&delete every post that calls you ni/gg/ers, goobers, gaymergays or whatever flavor of the day nickname you got.

keyword constantly, that could mean he's going to hotpocket according to the rules, which he already repeated in previous posts, and at the same rate as any other thread.

>overestimating how well you were able to deal with it without a nanny.

ties into it, meaning he's distancing himself from us and mark's typical operation, again mentioned when he said "no privileges"

>What I AM going to do is recommend you take your OWN FUCKING ADVICE which is in your own fucking OP in big fucking capital letters


probably the most important bit, a lot of people took the bait like rabid hyenas, had they not done that we wouldn't even be talking about it now. lastly

>Now replying to people who'd wish me to get rid of the GG threads[…] if no rules are violated they're here to stay.

I don't agree with the "it's compromised" or write off the board entirely mentality, it's too early to say that, it's just we have to be on the lookout, and that seems a habit that's fallen out of use.

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21c51a  No.16918328


You're thinking of emma watson, Phil Collins poster is posting Phil Collins daughter.

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4af86d  No.16918331


He said he's not going to micromanage that shit, niggers should stop taking bait, and report, filter, and ignore. He didn't say he would do nothing at all. He recieved zero reports about posts in that thread before it was locked, and meta discussion continued long after he had warned everyone. It wouldn't have been an issue if it was just the derailers replying to themselves as then they could be easily cleaned up, but multiple anons in the thread from before shit went south continuously and repeatedly took the bait. Just as they have had here, where they relied on cakekike to clean shit up after contributing to the mess themselves. Mark's favorability for these threads meant he spent more time on them than elsewhere micromanaging them to suit his tastes.


There's a big difference between how Mark handled these threads and not moderating at all. Ideally he shouldn't have have turned them into de facto meta threads in the first place.

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e9ae08  No.16918332


>he shouldn't have have turned them into de facto meta threads in the first place.

They weren't, even when there was a meta thread the gg thread would do its own thing. That's how its always been.

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f7cab4  No.16918343


>Lily Collins

All this time, I had no idea. daughter's a cute

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afe216  No.16918500


Well I'm not going to completely write it off but I'm not going to bother to go there and post or lurk either. I'm just going to treat the place as a doomsday bunker in case things go completely tits up here. Even then I plan on just using it as a brief rallying point until I can move somewhere else.

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afe216  No.16918522

File: 22eb83f3b72d6bb⋯.png (201.74 KB, 1462x865, 1462:865, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

File: 67605dba06179f8⋯.png (134.84 KB, 1446x746, 723:373, _v_HELLO_WORLD_part_2_I_am….png)

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dc5608  No.16918557

File: ad78b6221748814⋯.jpeg (16.32 KB, 255x128, 255:128, FCEB6D5A_58E9_466D_9316_3….jpeg)


The only thing that’s banded together in that game is that one boss that’s made together out of stitched up corpses made to satiate the whims of a cruel god.

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4af86d  No.16918572


>but I'm not going to bother to go there and post or lurk either.


<Comes back 20 minutes later with caps of posts by the BO in reverse order

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b99392  No.16918581

File: 451ed19d3b21d1f⋯.gif (16.43 KB, 218x230, 109:115, Granfalloon2_1_.gif)





>stop replying to things!

The correct answer to this is: "No. Fuck off! If you don't want shitters shitting up everything then BAN THE SHITTERS! Do your job."

>Stop demonizing julay guies

Who could have possibly imagined the /cow/ bunker would be obsessively stirring up drama against one of their designated targets (mork) "for the lulz" ("lulz" is a corruption of "lol" which means "laugh out loud") which by (((pure coincidence))) are all either anti-SJW (GG) and/or anti-Left (muh skeptics) or are the rare old/cow/ genuine lolcow holdover.

The Fatchan admin is a complete moron.


>i remember a time when Funimation became a partner with one Japanese production company which made three anime and this ruined Japanimation forever

Of the three, I've only watched a few episodes of Hatena Illusion and so far it's neither pozzed, nor terrible.


pic related

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afe216  No.16918584


I just wanted to check one last time to see if I was mistaken and was being hasty. It seems that I was not. It's also pretty dead over there anyway outside of the Meta thread. That alone means thees there's not much point hanging around there.

Someone else also brought up that there might be a problem where the servers are located. I don't know enough about that to say anything one way or the other.

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5b58f5  No.16918585


>demonizing julay

Why do people downplay the fact that Jualy has it fair of shitters?

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afe216  No.16918592

File: b968aeee6ae23b2⋯.png (322.97 KB, 600x617, 600:617, 1472466243081.png)


I don't know but George is getting frustrated.

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d7bf76  No.16918599

File: 2594db006189769⋯.png (106.01 KB, 327x285, 109:95, 2594db006189769e042ba30570….png)


It's not like they haven't had a Mark thread since last year or anything.


The argument for downplaying I suppose is that they supposedly keep /cow/shit to /cow/ and out of administration or whatever. That's what I've seen.

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b99392  No.16918601


Well, do you expect said shitters come out and say:

>Hi! We're Something Awful goons who mostly post on julay now, since SA itself is long dead, R/SRS & weirdtwitter are boring, 8chan's /ggrevolt/cow/leftypol/ are gone, and 8kun's /cow/ is a pain-in-the-ass to post on.

>We're going to autistically shit up your board because you were once nice to this random jew who opposed our Leftist Political Objectives five years ago and we're going to keep doing it until you give us everything we want.

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9dbeb0  No.16918638


> meteorites

Probably me. My aim was off. I was aiming for Brazil.

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b99adc  No.16918647

File: 32d6db2ff53f6d2⋯.jpg (151.72 KB, 591x751, 591:751, _lewdness_Intensifies_.jpg)

So what's the deal with people saying that trump did a terrible job in letting the coronavirus spread in the united states? I heard some people state that this could've been prevented had he listen to the CDC or something. Can you guys fill me up on the info or what because this is the first time I've heard of it.

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e9ae08  No.16918648


No no, that's a good target.

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e9ae08  No.16918655


Its a mixture between TDS and them wanting Trump to go full authoritarian to later justify their bullshit. As it stands no country outside a hand few that are barely the size of Minnesota were able to contain the virus, even now there's signs of their quarantine breaking. Originally the CDC seemed on the ball in tracking the virus but later stumbled a bit leading to the infamous "don't wear a mask" shit, when in reality they needed all masks a available and were taking it from the consumer market. Again no country had a real decent stockpile of masks or ventilators, especially when the China intentionally lied as they bought up nearly everything during January. The states are technically independent entities on to themselves, its only in recent times have they become much more dependent on the gov, so when people complain as to why the national stock pile is not being hannded out, they need to remember that's the feds stockpile and they come first before giving them out. Each state could've had their own but most never bothered. Trump wanted to quarantine NTC but the current mayor, Cuomo, being the dumbass the he is threaten "war" with Trump if he tried. The President backed off and the entire state of NY got hit badly with the virus as they beg for more masks and ventilators. Cuomo also threatened to sue other states like Rhode Island because they wanted to track where escaping NYers were going.

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7bce59  No.16918657


>Cuomo also threatened to sue other states like Rhode Island because they wanted to track where escaping NYers were going.

Pretty sure this will cause a state v. state civil war.

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e9ae08  No.16918658


And I hope his next gig fails miserably.

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ce3634  No.16918661


There is no substance to the allegations. Trump couldn't realistically have done much more than he did. As soon as the disease had left China, the pandemic was inevitable. The main reason America got hit as hard as it did was a combination of the facts that the US is a major travel hub/destination, there is a substantial Chinese population in America, particularly New York and that there is a cadre of bad actors in the media and democrat party that will intentionally decry anything Trump says or does out of sheer contrarianism. Trump's China travel ban was smeared as racist and xenophobic by people like Chuck Schumer as soon as it was announced. If Trump had attempted any more severe measures, they might have been actively protested by these people which would only have made things worse. There's also the inane idea that avoiding Chinese people or people who had been to China recently was somehow racist and xenophobic as well. For example, there was a movement in Italy in response to people prudently avoiding Chinese people at the start of the pandemic; #HugAChinese. Italy is now one of the worst hit nations on the planet. Another example, Bill De Blasio in New York encouraged New Yorkers to continue going to gatherings as normal in early March when it was already well and truly a pandemic. New York is now one of the worst hit cities on the planet. 'Anti-racism' kills.

Oh and also, the Chinese New Year celebrations across January and February. It was a perfect storm, it is almost inconceivable that this pandemic was not intentionally engineered.

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4af86d  No.16918662


>especially when the China intentionally lied as they bought up nearly everything during January.

Do you have a source? The only instance of this I've seen was an individual chink woman buying up masks in an English speaking country, videotaping it, and bragging about it in chink.

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e9ae08  No.16918671

File: ec3e38e3ce01670⋯.png (50.37 KB, 804x981, 268:327, 1430447305292_1.png)


>Do you have a source?

Jesus fucking Christ you nigger, here. Where the fuck have you been for the last four months?






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4f1200  No.16918673


Considering most media companies are collapsing there's a very high chance that it will.

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4af86d  No.16918676


>Jesus fucking Christ you nigger, here. Where the fuck have you been for the last four months?

I hadn't seen any articles about China buying the masks yet. I have of course heard it claimed often that they had been buying masks and reselling them back to people, but had only seen the one webm of the smug chink woman buying masks.

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5790ec  No.16918689

File: 006a35792351c95⋯.png (76.96 KB, 850x590, 85:59, Screenshot_2020_04_16_Illi….png)


speaking of Chinese lies, guess who's the latest victim of their wonderful aid.


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722858  No.16918693


They backed off but the media is still trying to paint Cuomo as some sort of saint and a possible alternative to Biden.

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e9ae08  No.16918697


>nations are still falling for the commie mask trap

So how many countries does that make it now?

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c77d39  No.16918704

File: e60d9af62bbd12a⋯.jpg (5.09 MB, 1985x3508, 1985:3508, Asuka_Hotline.jpg)

Making more progress.

Finished working with Apu Pajeet a few minutes ago. Struck a deal tonight for a better server by taking a little-used option (bargain sale basically) and got them to throw in a 2TB drive and more RAM for a few extra bucks. The hardware is actually fairly nice now and well-positioned. Tomorrow I'm setting up payment with them because they're being very particular about it, but we will also have the option to pay them with Buttcoin later. That's going to be a huge help in taking donations.

Software compatibility looks ace. Server speeds should be fast with plenty of RAM and I've got the install procedures figured out for everything. Next up are the custom modules we need which Mark is helping acquire, and to pick a good frontend. Tomorrow night, payment finalized, server purchased, installation begins *knock on wood*.

If nothing fucks us I want something to show before the weekend is over.

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b99392  No.16918714


The core reason is: "The Orange Man is Bad!"

No matter what Trump did; it would have been spun as being the worst thing ever.

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e9ae08  No.16918727


Make sure the css matches 8ch's usual one. I must be in the minority but I hate lynx's default one.

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ce7a9c  No.16918733

File: b78bf3fd6aa41f9⋯.jpg (85.84 KB, 640x441, 640:441, orange_man_bad.jpg)

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7bce59  No.16918734



I like the css /animu/ uses on their bunker, or am I in the minority on that one?

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e9ae08  No.16918739


I like /animu/'s too but the button layout for lynx is shit.

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eb2256  No.16918742

File: a2536bb4c1042ef⋯.png (581.97 KB, 1000x998, 500:499, a2536bb4c1042ef2f09ae9cff6….png)

File: b3359ea433632ee⋯.png (34.55 KB, 572x306, 286:153, Screenshot_2020_04_16_BNO_….png)

>an increase of 50%

WW3 when?


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7bce59  No.16918743


>WW3 when?


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ce7a9c  No.16918745


You don't know chinks, dude. They're still not sure whether 30 million or 90 million of them died that time Mao's jewish advisors did bolshevism on them. They live like ants, they die like ants. I'd say ~2000 dead chinks being overlooked is probably a routine mistake rather that any kind of deliberate coverup.

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027c52  No.16918747


>Each state could've had their own but most never bothered.

That's not entirely true. California (Which has natural disasters up the wazoo) where fully prepared for the virus and it's implications going by what I heard. Meanwhile, New York City, had a stockpile that they never replenished over the years.


>I'd say ~2000 dead chinks being overlooked is probably a routine mistake rather that any kind of deliberate coverup.

China has a complete disregard for when it comes to mass exterminations in their own people.

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e9ae08  No.16918749


Honestly its that and they probably dont really care if they lose a million when they have a population of over a billion.


That's why I said most.

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c42bba  No.16918759

File: ab15221a75453dd⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 661x716, 661:716, 1273016469024.jpg)


>He also made OC out of it.

←—— 2010 ORIGINAL

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b99392  No.16918761

It's amazing how quiet the thread is while the usual thread shitters are busy shitting up Fatchan instead.

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e9ae08  No.16918762

File: 0b9decd25d0e028⋯.jpg (131.04 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, EViyhyGX0AIam9q.jpg)


Its been comfy.

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28c262  No.16918765


Yes anon, literally everyone knows the original, you don't fit in for knowing it as well.

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4af86d  No.16918766


I think he thinks I think it wasn't an edit because I said "OC". I didn't mean to imply that.

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9dbeb0  No.16918767


I think the anon was pointing out that it is hardly OC if it isn't Original Content.

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7bce59  No.16918769

File: 11f3fc4d7f354ed⋯.jpg (242.68 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, TSUYOSHI_Vol_1_Ch_4_Effort….jpg)



This site seemed to have bled users this past week.

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70013c  No.16918772


i blame the q boomers

why can't they all just stay contained on facebook where boomers belong?

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7bce59  No.16918774

File: 2add66ae3aaeca5⋯.jpg (223.24 KB, 1208x1717, 1208:1717, Musuko_ga_Kawaikute_Shikat….jpg)

File: 67b0bca4e223c7f⋯.jpg (118.54 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, Musuko_ga_Kawaikute_Shikat….jpg)


I blame the site breaking and Jim's stream.

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b94e4b  No.16918802

File: 1ce764a72c758bb⋯.jpg (745.13 KB, 1601x1118, 1601:1118, 1581221065709.jpg)


Very Nice Acid. Hope this works out. Make it look beautiful like this. >>16916905

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7bce59  No.16918803


Win95 should be a selectable.

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e9ae08  No.16918809


What can you do? Once the loli boards return like promised it may get better but only time can tell.

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7f85c7  No.16918812


I feel bad for the suckers that imminently jumped ship only to find out every sperg was behind them. Things haven't been this comfy for a long time. Though I do wish there was more activity.

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7bce59  No.16918814


The future is uncertain. So it's as you say about time.

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e9ae08  No.16918815

File: 246b8b3c29d7682⋯.webm (3.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, PURGEIT.webm)




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d7bf76  No.16918817

File: 77aebcd2a68722f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 400x225, 16:9, jolly.gif)


>actively protested by these people which would only have made things worse

Shit, if that wouldn't have been hilarious though.

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e9ae08  No.16918818


It did happen in Michigan just a day ago. They clogged the main street of the capital and some people gathered outside their cars.

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7436a2  No.16918820


Fat/v/'s not welcoming the spergs very warmly either. The BO put his foot down and the new GG thread is alright as a result.

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b37366  No.16918821


Well the site has 9 days left unless people are willing to hold out for the full 3 weeks to get their shit together.

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d7bf76  No.16918823


That's a whole other level of deserving it at this point. What really gets the hearts and minds of the average citizen is fucking up their commute.

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b37366  No.16918825


>is alright as a result.

If you call a thread populated by two anons, two autistic tor posters and a random fuck obsessing over OAG; then I guess.

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e9ae08  No.16918828

File: 57df6271c1de6fc⋯.png (256.73 KB, 590x615, 118:123, Screenshot_2020_04_17_VIDE….png)


People just want to go back to work and some places the stay in home orders are stupidly strict, not as strict as the bong police but still pretty dumb.


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d7bf76  No.16918836


I'm sure that's a large part but I'm sure there are some just waiting for the stay home business to be lifted and stir shit.

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7436a2  No.16918838


I'm mostly comparing it to the previous trainwreck. I'm hoping that both boards will get over these growing pains, but I'm expecting Ron's lawyers to give him bullshit or Jim not to care.

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37fb7e  No.16918844

File: bac8d25b7418eda⋯.png (998.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, bac8d25b7418edace5a9064fcf….png)


Those are some amazing news! If it's possible a Win95 theme as an option would be a good addition

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121454  No.16918847


I dont want to split the thread better stay here then to go to fatchan and deal with spergs.

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d7bf76  No.16918853

File: 05a7bae70d4eb4e⋯.png (208.46 KB, 944x956, 236:239, ClipboardImage.png)



Aside from aesthetic memery it's easy on the eyes because of the contrast, I think.

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e9ae08  No.16918857


I honestly want to see more color pallets.

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6e2289  No.16918860

File: 1a331eec962f7f4⋯.jpg (319.88 KB, 1115x1600, 223:320, Kemono_Michi_Akatsuki_Nats….jpg)


Add all the color pallets of fatchan.

Then add >>>/a/ and the prolikewoah CSS with their corresponding fade_miku gradient.

Add the >>>/d/ color pallet too since it looks nice. It's called archive.CSS

Also add >>>/jp/'s scheme.

How's that?

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7bce59  No.16918863


>Add the >>>/d/ color pallet too since it looks nice.

/d/'s is also fantastic.

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e5a1fb  No.16918865



I don't think it's possible with lynx, although we'll try to hire someone to add more themes after we get everything set up. My old tech guy is also busy with extra shit, so if you wanna help out for a few hours gimmie a resume and I'll talk about it with Acid. Also I should've never moderated that bunker in the state I was in, and I apologize for that.

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afe216  No.16918866

File: 4574e9ac6e53e1e⋯.png (2.58 KB, 483x244, 483:244, _5_v_GamerGate_NotYourShie….png)



You're not the only one. I love it too.

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931e27  No.16918867

File: a4a1c0cfb61647d⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 251x241, 251:241, 109956.jpg)


still here? why don't you fuck off already you useless kike

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e5a1fb  No.16918868


I just got back.

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1f93ed  No.16918869





GG Thread as well.


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afe216  No.16918870

File: 34ea23b23a32cb0⋯.gif (1012.3 KB, 400x321, 400:321, 1523149084.gif)



When do people start injecting themselves with nanomachines son?

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7bce59  No.16918871

File: 622e0dd8a345a3a⋯.jpeg (28.03 KB, 660x374, 30:17, 1380487801001_XXX_HATSUNE….jpeg)


I hear /animu/ calls it Miku.CSS whenever they are asked about it.

You should also check out >>>/d/ since they use a different kind of green CSS they call archive.

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931e27  No.16918872

File: 2f5f7fd3ebcdc16⋯.png (687.66 KB, 500x496, 125:124, 2f5f7fd3ebcdc16b606b1da023….png)


tut-tut, time to go away once more

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e5a1fb  No.16918876

File: de74f9f973c3d3b⋯.png (111.63 KB, 225x220, 45:44, JESUS_CHRIST_HOW_DISGUSTIN….png)


>Forever box

>Not an Oven

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931e27  No.16918883

File: 81a5c371f09d28b⋯.webm (516.59 KB, 320x180, 16:9, italian_points_the_way.webm)


this more your speed? go join your ancesters, or be the first I should say

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d7bf76  No.16918886


I recall a plum color scheme that I used to like for it.

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afe216  No.16918887

File: 6ac4ff272f55551⋯.png (1.13 KB, 544x211, 544:211, _d_Hentai_Alternative_2020….png)


The /d/ one isn't bad but the Miku CSS is just perfect and comfy. It's not only the color choices, it's that subtle gradient is what I think put's it over the top.

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7bce59  No.16918888

File: 3d4b0382e3a1679⋯.png (22.12 KB, 800x74, 400:37, Screenshot_2020_04_17_01_5….png)

File: 3fc2db163273634⋯.png (454.59 KB, 800x1155, 160:231, Screenshot_2020_04_17_01_5….png)

File: cac1705c47827e1⋯.png (51.42 KB, 800x446, 400:223, Screenshot_2020_04_17_01_5….png)

It would be nice to see this CSS recreated properly on lynx.

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e9ae08  No.16918890

File: 9420350904af25c⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 430x320, 43:32, 1350100274770.jpg)

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7bce59  No.16918891


That's true, the gradient makes the Miku like a set similar to the Yotsubas.

Who doesn't love that gradient?

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126c46  No.16918892

File: c95a55d9b6ebc76⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB, 700x900, 7:9, 7969d34662d30b456606a97c10….mp4)


It has been a serious effort to post actual uploads these past few days.



Guess what? Not comfy anymore.

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f11f4a  No.16918909


You need to treat the site as being "new". Only people who started visiting it again were people who used it daily, if not hourly, and were active there. Not even everyone who used 8chan is aware of the fact it's "back", just under a different name. The confusion with it coming back as 8chan, then being taken back again, then coming back as 8kun has completely helped drop its userbase, and that's normal.

So overall, like most websites that rely entirely on their own users to exist and flourish, it'll take time, but we'll get there.

My main frustration with people who went "8CHAN SUCKS AND DOESN'T WORK BUT THIS OTHER PLACE WORKS, LET US GO THERE" is that they don't seem to realize that a site that houses dozens, maybe a few hundred people only will obviously encounter a lot less issues and bugs, but as soon as they join it and populate it a lot more, either it'll lack as many features that could birth problems, or it'll start bugging out in the same ways, obviously.

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afe216  No.16918911


My main concern about 8kun about possible rule changes and new BO stuff as well as lack of transparency. Posting on the /animu/ bunker worked like a dream compared to here but I'm not under any illusions about the fact that the technical quality of the board would tank as soon as the bunker really got populated. Just look at fatchan. When it got under heavy load the board stability went to shit, at least for me it did.

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b94e4b  No.16918913

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, awaken_my_bakers.webm)

So I really hope some anon worked on updating Op for the next thread it's full of old and out of that shit. >>16916500

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f11f4a  No.16918915


Frankly the "lack of transparency" thing felt even a bit blown-off. Mark went on a sperg about bugs happening and claimed we'd all get banned for posting loli navel or some shit, which was so far from reality I wonder if he didn't dream half of it. I mean, there are issues of course, but Jim being a faggot is something we've been aware for a while. So having more reports and explanations is of course necessary, but it's not like they had private meetings to discuss which of the anons' infos would get sold to google tomorrow or some shit. So I don't think "transparency" is the issue, as much as the owners thinking "I'm busy with more shit that just telling some anons I'm fucking their moms".

One of the big issues is /delicious/ too. I'd love a loli board as well, but Ron's explained that… it's quite obviously an issue in terms of "what network would let us post that shit freely without taking the entire place down AGAIN". I love lolishit and find it much cuter than worrying, but of course the ones hosting the site don't necessarily see it that way, and that's why walking on eggshells is important in this case. You can't really blame him.

Oh and the "delete /v/" shit being hailed around as proof they're super mean and our enemies is so retarded it's impressive. Stop taking any content Mark shared as proof of… well, anything.

Anyway all this has been discussed to death for the past week, so I feel like I'm just being a dumbass giving excuses to the site. Let's wait and see.

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7bce59  No.16918917


The consensus with some anons is that both Mark and Jim are untrustworthy assholes.

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f11f4a  No.16918920


I don't think is untrustworthy as he's pretty direct in the stuff he says. He's wrong about loli, when he's pissed at /v/ or whatever he outright tells us to get deleted, and his take on "we need news sites to promote us !" is so dumb it can't be anything but honest.

His issue is that he's definitely too far from imageboard "culture" I do hope he has no hand in handling one.

Actually, now that I think of it, maybe he'd need to make an "NSFW" version of 8chan. On one side, 8chan with its creepy virgins and incels and rapists and gamers (the worst of them all), on the other, 8yearsold, a warm, pink, sweet little site where babies are shown cuddly pics of rabbits while mommy's reading the latest conspiracy on diapers and vaccines. Might be more to the taste of Jim, and fix his aversion to imageboards in general.

Mark can't be fixed. He's not a bad lad, but he's overemotional, begs for a position of power, even one as little as admin on some trash site like ours, is frankly quite too lazy to do anything that involves more than clicking on a few buttons a day, and can't even take care of himself alone.

So as long as Jim isn't the one in charge and stays in his position, I'd much rather have him than Mark to work on the place.

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2b003c  No.16918946

File: 954e1911927702c⋯.png (86.34 KB, 617x559, 617:559, CERO_1.png)

File: 850573e3794ec44⋯.png (113.4 KB, 600x740, 30:37, CERO_2.png)


What games do you think will be affected by CERO's temporary closure? Will anyone even notice at all? It's only closed for a month I think.

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000000  No.16918985


Wait the Cloudflare captcha could be done without JS before? Every time I'd get a Cloudflare captcha it was impossible to do it without enabling javascript.

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deb532  No.16919035

File: 4fc4c3969fe8b1a⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, gray_death.jpg)


>When do people start injecting themselves with nanomachines son

Considering the fact that the head of the Wuhan lab was engaged in research relating to small enough transistors embedded into cells that their presence does not disrupt cell function. It's going to be Deus Ex type of nanomachines and not Metal Gear nanomachines. Hell, you even have the same place that made the nanomachines making the virus.

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0eab20  No.16919114

File: f7bc0bc21d40874⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Welcome_to_The_Mark_Show.mp4)

Mark made a cringey youtube video.

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faffad  No.16919121

Kotaku: Final Fantasy VII Remake Gives Cloud's Honeybee Inn Makeover The Update It Needed


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8655dc  No.16919141

To anyone british. Why don't you fucking stab or beat your fucking dictatorian police already? you are worse than the french.

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8bfe90  No.16919144


>Why don't you fucking stab or beat your fucking dictatorian police already?

They don't have anything left to do so.

Except their fists, bunch of faggots and rocks.

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8655dc  No.16919150


Seeing the british police that is enouth to beat them. For fuck's sake, I'm starting to think EVERY police force is an enemy of the people and just works as the forced arm of the commies who get into power. Public healtcare already let hundreds if not thousands of old people die even after contributing to it for so many years.

I'm just upset.

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1f93ed  No.16919155

File: 0ea34483d750e95⋯.png (359.83 KB, 441x481, 441:481, Screenshot_2020_04_15_Get_….png)

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deb532  No.16919191

File: 8aab1ce1e805096⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Feed_my_my_COOOOINSss_mist….jpg)


The police in the UK doesn't have weapons until authorised to carry them. They are effectively glowing hall monitors that exist as cannon fodder until it becomes necessary to deploy armed police. And when armed police do come, they generally send them in overwhelming numbers. So by stabbing them, bongs would be falling for bait. By attacking the police, they would only be getting rid of the cannon fodder and open themselves up for the actual attack force. An totalitarian state's power exists not in the overwhelming forces that they have (although it does help) but rather in their ability to rapidly and effectively deploy them at a moment's notice.

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8655dc  No.16919200


Well, they might deserve it for being filthy protestants. It just angers me how the brit police behave so dictatorial and arrogant while they don't get any close to enriched neighbourhoods.

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4af86d  No.16919209


>I failed to attentionwhore and build loyal followers using imageboards

>So now I will attempt (poorly) to do so as a JewcyTuber

What a fat gay kike.

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931e27  No.16919242

File: 800a03121177c63⋯.png (1.19 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 800a03121177c63c0be510f729….png)


no one cares about your gay video, mark, go away

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0eab20  No.16919244


>everyone is Mark


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931e27  No.16919245

File: 5c01c6510f8ddf8⋯.png (358.27 KB, 492x482, 246:241, 5c01c6510f8ddf8e421b75146e….png)


ok mark

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0eab20  No.16919247

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e9ae08  No.16919251

File: ff2a05a23a0a5fe⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 640x434, 320:217, woolrich_1.jpg)


>The police in the UK doesn't have weapons

Brings back memories of the somali immigrant just beheading people and it took the bong police one hour to get someone with a gun.

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5a36e4  No.16919255

File: b1bb7324aaf2f44⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1384458478890.jpg)


>"beauty not caring about gender".

This remake can go fuck itself.

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e9ae08  No.16919261

File: f90f6ec81a2ceb8⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 500x499, 500:499, DYa1esJWsAA_ptD.jpg)


They're not allowed to own butter knives without permission.

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85cbf7  No.16919267


>effectively glowing hall monitors

with the power to break down doors and arrest people.

>mall enough transistors embedded into cells that their presence does not disrupt cell function

what the fuck were the chinks trying to make?

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17d35e  No.16919273

File: 1a3d756f5c510ea⋯.png (19.59 KB, 142x143, 142:143, lisa_lisa.png)


Google just erased the Wuhan Insitiute of Virology off the face off of their Google Maps

The literal birthplace of the virus.

We need to start marking Chinese bowing companies right now, there's a war on the horizon.

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e9ae08  No.16919275


Fuck that launch the nukes now.


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faffad  No.16919281


What are you talking about? It's still there for me.

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e5a1fb  No.16919284


I swear, it's like Ron wants me to go on the war path, when I'm just trying to move on. I provided logs, and I can provide even more in depth claims email logs in the past three years of emails however the problem is that it contains a shitload of private information. So I'm probably just gonna use it for the new site instead.

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931e27  No.16919291

File: 8d205791028c13b⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 271x277, 271:277, DO_IT.jpg)


>the war path

do it jewcy, so you can finally get ass blasted so hard you won't ever dare to show your face on any imageboard under the sun

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e5a1fb  No.16919293


Sure, after I find a way to censor the emails

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4af86d  No.16919294


Works on my machine™

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027c52  No.16919295

Why is this thread the only one active? Did everyone move over to 08 because I don't see any activity on Fat either?

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e9ae08  No.16919296


People are either playing vidya or taking a break.

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475ba9  No.16919300

File: 72f91f1c4d105aa⋯.jpg (5.99 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg)


Nu-Doom has been pretty fun so far

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e9ae08  No.16919322


Could've been a glitch on the other Anon's part.

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3bc085  No.16919329


You're better off ignoring e-drama and focusing on bringing vch back, or whatever it is that you're going to do.

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deb532  No.16919332


Could be a glitch but it could also be censored based on country

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17d35e  No.16919333


Good luck, genuinely. There's been a concerted effort to split the site but as long as someone's trying to create a place where people can talk openly, it's all good. Hope it works out, don't let shit get to you, take that you're being attacked with pride. It means they're running scared.

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e9ae08  No.16919336


That too.

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c13851  No.16919411

File: ffb0c69d0b6d968⋯.png (463.46 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ffb0c69d0b6d968ab4b070bc25….png)


Please do, I want to see you sperg out, have a meltdown, and just generally embarrass yourself again, while also revealing incriminating information about yourself like you did with your plan to leave 8kunny.

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1777e7  No.16919413

>2 simultaneous Friday night threads

>autistic sperg outs in threads no longer get deleted

You know, I thought that I'd never miss Mark and I was fucking right. I'll gladly endure more spam if it means that the power tripping faggot stays away

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e5a1fb  No.16919427


That's the plan, It's just disappointing that he's flatout lying about shit. I thought he was better than that.

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e9ae08  No.16919433

File: af10faf919234ee⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 581x749, 83:107, 8kPmFG5.jpg)




Im honestly surprised how it holds up, but who ever thought it was a good idea to exclude deathmatch is an idiot.

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5b58f5  No.16919440


Mark just fucking move on with your life I'm saying this in a genuine way to just move on.


A fuck ton of people don't want to deal with you or the spergs who hate you, I'm being real with you Mark despite my dislike of you Mark you should just move on and try to have a life free from this autistic drama.

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1777e7  No.16919454

File: 98aa026f41d79f4⋯.png (81.46 KB, 1610x202, 805:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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cabb00  No.16919455


You have a source to back that up


Don't they have spoon bans or something?


Anon you're showing your spergy side again

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e9ae08  No.16919458

File: cb9083deb3d6778⋯.png (555.18 KB, 891x764, 891:764, Screenshot_2020_04_17_Chin….png)

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5b58f5  No.16919462


I'm saying Mark should move on and live out a peaceful life free from drama.

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931e27  No.16919463


>Mark just fucking move on with your life I'm saying this in a genuine way to just move on.

>A fuck ton of people don't want to deal with you or the spergs who hate you, I'm being real with you Mark despite my dislike of you

no, anon, he's gone too far, he's fully embraced his lolcow status so it's only our duty to encourage him to keep acting like the massive retard he is and bathe in his the lols. stop trying to make him quit, it's always good to see a dumpster fire.

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21564a  No.16919466


Yes we get it you're gay for the jew now stop biting the bait ya mongoloid.

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8655dc  No.16919470


I know the brasilians are ignorant, but aren't they burning their vice president for betraying the country?

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deb532  No.16919474

File: de4ea8b43950810⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1441x961, 1441:961, weel_gun.png)

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e9ae08  No.16919475


I know the President of Brazil sacked is health minister but I havent heard anything about the vice.

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e9ae08  No.16919477


> sacked is

sacked his*

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b99392  No.16919481

File: 7715a975eb8c624⋯.png (35.68 KB, 339x150, 113:50, lustStop.PNG)


What is it about that jew's butthole which inspires such lust?

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027c52  No.16919493

File: 8a8f7c020da9995⋯.jpeg (64 KB, 401x600, 401:600, 8003A20A_AC08_45D3_98A9_2….jpeg)

Just to make sure I understand understand China's history during the first half of the 20th century:

>Raving lunatic of an empress leading the country

>Tell the citizens to go pound salt when they want to modernize China and to stop being fucked six ways to Sunday by everyone (Even Japan)

>She dies because she's old as shit and leaves a literal child in charge

>Revolution after the kid is abducted

>Everyone decides on pushing Sun Yat-sen as the man who will lead China in a new era

>Guy basically lays out some general guidelines on how do to so after modeling Japan, England, and the U.S.

>Wants nothing to do with it

>Place a literal warlord in power who ignores the parliament

>Japan comes asking for more tribute, government bows down to it

>Constant civil war for the next five years since the people are tired of this shit

>Brief pause to "fight Germany" and hope that the League tells Japan to stop

>League tell China to deal with it themselves

>China breaks apart

>Let's try revolution again, Take Two

>Kuomintang become the reigning government thanks to Soviet Russia

>Mr. Sun dies

>Party divides between Soviet loyalists and Chinese loyalists

>Civil war breaks out between both groups

>Communists beaten back and China is united again

>Decade of uneasy peace with Reds taking over the countryside, Japan constantly playing the "I'm not touching you" game, and the government trying to keep things stable

>Government leader kidnapped and persuaded by Reds to finally attack Japan

>Neither group actually stops attacking each other during war

>Reds constantly pushing the government army into the line of Japanese attack and putting them on the defensive while Reds are free to attack anything and everything else

>Japan loses and pulls back

>Government and Reds go into full on civil war

>Economy is in shambles and unemployment is at all time high

>Government supporters also raiding stockpiles that were suppose to keep help the people

>Government flees to Taiwan

>Reds take of China and make the PRC

Did I leave anything out?

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aedaa7  No.16919501

Where's the baker?

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b94e4b  No.16919514

File: 417a66a6576ca20⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 393x397, 393:397, 417a66a657.jpg)

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b99392  No.16919516


Be the change you want to be.

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931e27  No.16919517


with the kike gone I'm afraid you'll have to do it yourself, fam

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8bfe90  No.16919518


No. That's all.

After that there is Maou's reign.

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aedaa7  No.16919525


Just use the old one for now and start making a new op the fresh new thread.

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6f3f66  No.16919536



Wasn't there a new one either in this thread, the last one or one of the fat/v/ GG threads.

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931e27  No.16919539


even the one on fat sucks, the OP needs a serious trimming, that shit is like a book

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aedaa7  No.16919556


Better just to make a new one in the next thread.

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ba2a5b  No.16919575


I didn't buy this shitty remake how badly did they pozz up this scene?

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f1ded0  No.16919582

File: 2a2acd82dc4d914⋯.png (228.47 KB, 411x379, 411:379, Really.png)


The remake is shit, nothing good can come out of it

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e9ae08  No.16919602

File: b804b7f8bc439af⋯.png (271.34 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1440826182613.png)


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0a6e23  No.16919623


What about the guy that thought himself as Jesus?

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b78556  No.16919642


Its an entire reboot of the story.

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e9ae08  No.16919657

Is exhentai down for anyone else?

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b99392  No.16919661

File: 0e3d880dcacf4a8⋯.jpg (105.51 KB, 1145x700, 229:140, f9255e8feb170e82fda921007a….jpg)


Advent Cirino is a closer retelling of FFVII than the remake is.

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4af86d  No.16919668


Pretty sure anons already trimmed the fat one down between the last two fat threads.


Works on my machine™.


It's now a giant gay musical. Gays love musicals.

status: 0


out the ass.

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faffad  No.16919672

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread






New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

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ba469c  No.16919673



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118e63  No.16919714

File: f1bc75ce7f1e7e5⋯.jpg (101.7 KB, 678x557, 678:557, 1586185791418.jpg)

File: ad790ddee14bc57⋯.png (895.1 KB, 791x841, 791:841, 1583110435725.png)

File: 7929ae782fbda59⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 620x800, 31:40, 1583040012124.jpg)


RIP prowrestling too

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