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/v/ - Video Games

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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: f3517e6566285e6⋯.jpg (138.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Doki_Seto_no_Hanayome_02v….jpg)

073b6a  No.16919671[Last 50 Posts]


The thread is currently split between 8kun and fatchan.org/v/. Consider monitoring the thread on both sites.


>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board, check it out

>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese



>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"


>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing he was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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38788f  No.16919675

File: dc6291c6b0cfe93⋯.png (432.81 KB, 734x640, 367:320, berlusconi.png)

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fa649e  No.16919676


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7405f1  No.16919678

File: 0a056b4c0a418f9⋯.png (703.59 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 1560220340608.png)

File: e9b96a7862b2f40⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 720x490, 72:49, EPM5VIBUUAAnCx4.jpg)


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5d12df  No.16919680

File: a34313a2bf91c6d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 292.66 KB, 480x655, 96:131, Benis.png)


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5756e2  No.16919681

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group

☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone

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0ecedb  No.16919682

File: 014c4f88b56f250⋯.png (22.61 KB, 93x102, 31:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a419065e46acfd⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 1159x1113, 1159:1113, 9a419065e46acfdf69c07f8a91….jpg)

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43c9c7  No.16919683

Why is s/he holding up a giant turd?

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f3d3b4  No.16919689

File: ff6c3899f3455b2⋯.jpg (422.82 KB, 1200x1578, 200:263, 829d3da19913.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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d7322c  No.16919692


how can you say you love someone if you wont eat their shit

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044821  No.16919694


to be fair it seems to be inline with what it supposed to be from reading about deleted content or not?

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61ff37  No.16919695

File: c3a71427f6d27de⋯.png (250.87 KB, 674x531, 674:531, 6ac4743e766f1deb76e6c8dd60….png)

when the fuck are switch's supposed to be back in stock? i'm ready to spend my trump bux

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f0acd1  No.16919698


I got lucky to get one, and it was just the first week.

I can't manage to get a ring fit adventure though, and it seems I need it to move as we are going to be in a LOOONG quarantine.

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7405f1  No.16919702



With how hard to get they supposedly are now, I'm glad I didn't end up waiting anyway, even if my right built in controller is busted to shit and my pro controller has a weird deadzone on the stick that makes it act odd in animal crossing. My local store had ordered too many of the splatoon 2 bundle so I ended up getting the console, the game, and a case for the price of just the console.

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61ff37  No.16919703


There's like a few switch lites in stock a couple of miles away from me but I dunno about getting that.

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948aab  No.16919705


I got lucky and got Ring Fit for about $65 + shipping around Christmas from Germanistan.

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253052  No.16919706

File: 0ea2888bab0d0c1⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 577x577, 1:1, Howard_Finkle.jpg)

He's gone.

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f0acd1  No.16919707


While the normal switch can be as portable as the lite, you can't play the fun movement games the switch offers. Besides, having a portable screen to take into the bathroom and play while taking a shit is great, much better than just holding the weight of it all.


I should have prepared for that.

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9a42d2  No.16919724


When is China going back to work?

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68eeda  No.16919728

File: fad33f660dcfd7a⋯.jpg (220.44 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 5f56b1c0aeeae565155d3aab54….jpg)

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253052  No.16919731

File: 9221f3c6bd19b9d⋯.png (597.59 KB, 906x739, 906:739, 1565523932151.png)


China died on the way back to its home planet.

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073b6a  No.16919733

File: b59fc457cb0eba7⋯.jpg (108.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Doki_Seto_no_Hanayome_12_….jpg)

File: 970ebc9f8c1570d⋯.jpg (146.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Doki_Seto_no_Hanayome_08_….jpg)

File: 54edab10364f6de⋯.jpg (109.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Doki_Seto_no_Hanayome_02v….jpg)


It's a choco banana, apparently it was an /a/ meme when it came out.


I could have chosen my own screencap but I didn't have any saved, I just finished it and was reading old discussion about it. Fantastic comedy series.

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5d12df  No.16919736

File: 6c95c096635c74d⋯.png (618.23 KB, 803x631, 803:631, Confused_Succubus_Ara.png)


Where the fuck is that pic from?

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c21e5f  No.16919744

so is mark actually leaving for good

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b1cf87  No.16919745


He already has.

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09227d  No.16919746

File: a69d862a3a04aa6⋯.jpg (683.11 KB, 850x1080, 85:108, always_remember_your_waifu.jpg)

Remember to protect and love your waifu!


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68eeda  No.16919748

File: bc8a40a402170f1⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 1854x2603, 1854:2603, b4c6e5fcb1c1d02faefd9dbb88….jpg)


No. Because he and Acid will come back to shill their new site, and ask for shekels. And proudly proclaim how they are reviving 8ch.

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9a42d2  No.16919751


He's making a site with Acid and followed the thread's advice about taking a small break.Though he popped up a couple times. With the typical group throwing a conniption fit like always

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9a42d2  No.16919753

File: 255f4ca464a6050⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 600x608, 75:76, 509.jpg)

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5756e2  No.16919755

File: 45f5f56d61d1bac⋯.jpg (167.68 KB, 432x529, 432:529, _fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_….jpg)


>…and this makes me very sad

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7365d2  No.16919759


I didn't know Fink was ever that lean.


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61ff37  No.16919762

File: 1a779ad021dd9a9⋯.jpg (13.62 KB, 400x382, 200:191, 1a779ad021dd9a977a15c59bca….jpg)

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fa2877  No.16919765

File: 7968974678da0ae⋯.png (255.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 150521520715426425412783.png)

It's over, how can there be a goobergate without a Mork?

It's time to #CloseTheGate

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7405f1  No.16919766

File: 5339e7979bd9838⋯.gif (116.27 KB, 320x288, 10:9, f7bfb1ff448136f1b62e3fa242….gif)


Truly it's over. Acid Man, leader of GamerGate, is taking his 14 year old wife and their 16 year old daughter and abandoning us. Maybe we should all donate to Zoe Quinn's Patreon as a show of good faith to be allowed back into the greater gaming community.

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5756e2  No.16919768

File: 0118d85bf862ad0⋯.jpg (153.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Mark_of_Mark.jpg)


Where will I go to obsess over some random jew's enchanting butthole? Julay? The farms?

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66eb2b  No.16919771

File: 715af0161f07626⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 715af0161f07626036e939cd78….jpg)

File: 0096795b4399b83⋯.png (356.43 KB, 600x696, 25:29, 0096795b4399b83884ff3c7cf5….png)


Alright gang, here's the plan!

Let's split the userbase and search for clues!

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9a42d2  No.16919772

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950b4a  No.16919776

File: 4f0dfe0c3ce8f56⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 427x427, 1:1, EFvJ_hGXYAABxle.jpg)


Wez still gottz Gork

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c21e5f  No.16919788

File: c2f0ccbd51d49e9⋯.png (45.82 KB, 309x349, 309:349, very_tired.png)


I'm starting to get burnt out from imageboards, this turbulence that has more or less continued since the deplatforming has worn on me. 2007 feels like such a long time ago

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fa2877  No.16919795

File: 98cf3d033eff95f⋯.jpg (61.54 KB, 1024x348, 256:87, 42ceebff9f6e46ca8a38e18ecc….jpg)


Look here Fred! I think I found a clue!

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413206  No.16919796



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950b4a  No.16919806

File: ae3f38b359f9007⋯.png (63.29 KB, 830x900, 83:90, 1423144853944.png)

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3c0948  No.16919808


It was a long time ago. Thirteen years is a long time.

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798e6d  No.16919810

File: 820f3647977c0af⋯.jpg (79.05 KB, 828x869, 828:869, EVsIlQrU0AEfbbg.jpg)


Where else will you go to once you quit imageboards?

Twitter? Reddit? Maybe Facebook?

Dear lord dare I say…OUTSIDE?


I been on imageboards since 2009. I was an 11 year old who googled "memes" trying to find more 9gag memes but it said "memes 4chan" in one suggestion and I had no clue what the fuck a "4chan" was and one thing led to another and now I'm in this shithole with you guys.

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43c9c7  No.16919812

File: 041f236797ad00c⋯.png (46.05 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1574558650096.png)


This banner is hilarious in retrospect.

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7405f1  No.16919813

File: 47e70dcf9f92ab5⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 668x640, 167:160, IMG_20191128_011337.jpg)


I started in late 2004 I think. There was still a lolicon board. I heard about it on. Gaia Online. I'm turning 30 this year, god help me.

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2ecddd  No.16919822

File: e7bde45b319e7f1⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Asuka_talk_norm.jpg)



Can you guys lay off the blackpilling for like, ever?

Update time. Payment methods approved, server purchase finalized, hardware configuration now ongoing. The server is ours as of 30 minutes ago. When they're finished installing the hardware upgrades they'll send me the ssh login.

>Install prerequisite software (easy)

>Setup initial configurations and tertiary shit like Sendmail (fairly easy)

>Begin site base install

>Lots of cussing


>More cussing, possibly drinking

>Stability test


>Lots of drinking, a carton of cigarettes and 0 hours of sleep

>Stability test

That's our roadmap, in brief. Just getting the right server turned out to be a hurdle due to the nature of this particular beast, but hopefully the rest will go much more smoothly.

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1d2b0b  No.16919823


>2007 feels like such a long time ago

Because it is. It's over a decade ago now. I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of posters on /v/ didn't begin using imageboards until early 2010s at the very earliest. All the oldfags are dying, and it's inevitable.

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fbbe4d  No.16919829

File: 51e9877d7d754b6⋯.png (518.79 KB, 647x704, 647:704, 51e9877d7d754b624a33eea684….png)


>Can you guys lay off the blackpilling for like, ever?

Imagine being so retarded you reply seriously to blatantly ironic posts.

>this dunce and mark are the people we're relying on for a bunker

Oh boy, I can't wait.

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7405f1  No.16919831


I was just joking around. If the pig farmers opt not to allow loli I'll probably end up moving to whatever this place ends up being called.

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7aab18  No.16919832

File: 004644ba8365e7f⋯.webm (8.99 MB, 770x558, 385:279, 8chan_party_hard_anon.webm)

Been on imageboards since 2016.

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5756e2  No.16919836

File: 285ac3dfd3f3b5c⋯.png (572.22 KB, 1848x2064, 77:86, baby_mark.png)

ITT: le oldfags

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396834  No.16919840

File: a5cccedbc5cb51f⋯.png (578.23 KB, 800x800, 1:1, EVFSpYYUcAIqy49.png)

Man, Mark was a total fuck up but he was pretty right about Ron and Jim, but I rather not deal with an idiot like Acid especially when he killed his own board by feeding the trolls and sheer stupidity.

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2ecddd  No.16919845

File: 0d0495505280c26⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 600x578, 300:289, Meat_cockmongler.jpg)




I don't remember the year, but I started using halfchan on the regular right when pic related was the current epik maymay. Mostly /b/ and /k/ with a side of /v/.

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076b8f  No.16919846


>The thread is currently split between 8kun and fatchan.org/v/

The absolute state of 8chan

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fbbe4d  No.16919849

File: aea0dc69444507c⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 1280x1150, 128:115, 842f01b388229b43b131ed76f2….jpg)


I'd tolerate acid, but

>crawling back to a website ran by mark

mark getting the boot was the best thing to happen to /v/ in years, I'd have to be a tool and a masochist to willingly go there

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9a42d2  No.16919850


Honestly that was years ago and from the sound of things they won't be touching user made boards unless they do something illegal of course

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396834  No.16919860

File: d4e2036aac8389a⋯.png (694.43 KB, 642x602, 321:301, The_Man_With_No_Boss_2_.png)


>the best thing to happen to /v/ in years

Not really as /v/ is a literal mess and things have only gotten worse since the kike left.

>I'd tolerate acid

I can't tolerate Acid or Mark, the only reason I stuck around 8/v/ and these threads was because 4/v/ is leddit shithole and the alts were run by people who were bigger spergs then Mark with shit moderation that would kill fun threads like the Japanese learning thread or have /vg/'s issue of only being into a few games that while fun led to this elitist attitude that'd I'd fine on fag places like /a/.

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d29079  No.16919861


I was on the fence about Mark losing BO over a dispute with Jim about /news+/ but Mark's reaction to having his toys taken away just exposes him as wholly unworthy.

Acid is the reason why nobody goes to gg-centric boards anymore. Wasn't he a fed?

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9a42d2  No.16919862

File: c242281baf53959⋯.png (268.02 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, reg.png)


>Wasn't he a fed?

He wasnt.

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d7322c  No.16919864


Gaia Online existed before 4chan; there's not quite so much shame on being there first.

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2ecddd  No.16919865

File: 4c89fb5e9554c3b⋯.jpeg (317.52 KB, 1451x2048, 1451:2048, Asuka_microthong.jpeg)


There's gonna be like 3 or 4 basic global rules and that's it.

>Global 1/DMCA as always

>No /hebe/ or equivalent but 2D allowed

>No third party activities, scripts, or other software that can damage the site infrastructure (covers spambots and /a/'s meidobot, etc)

>Rogue mods/BOs can be replaced if they fuck up their board

As far as I give a fuck, that's all we need. Its a free speech site, and I don't want admin work to do unless absolutely necessary. I'd like initial board creation to have just one step of curation (admin authorizes your board request after seeing what your board is about and making sure you'll follow globals, basically) so the site doesn't get filled with dead hidden boards like old 8chan was. Mark prefers autonomous board creation and having to chase down and clean up boards after, so we'll hash that out as we go. Final options will certainly also take input from the userbase (if there is one.)


How do you post in the #GG thread and not know what really happened back then? This was the one place that actually knew the truth.

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fbbe4d  No.16919866


>Not really as /v/ is a literal mess and things have only gotten worse since the kike left.

Mark leaving created a void of power and fucked with the balance of the user bases, this means now places like julay and fat have a chance of becoming the defacto /v/.


>acid a fed

That's the first time I hear that, source?

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1fb572  No.16919870

File: b99ce6286a49aff⋯.jpg (262.01 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, TSUYOSHI_Vol_1_Ch_1_In_sea….jpg)

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24fb0f  No.16919872


>That's the first time I hear that, source?

He isn't a fed, he sells guns and knows people in lettersoup agencies. When people tried SWATting him, they called him instead of breaking his front door and asked why people were trying to get him raided.

If I remember correctly, I have shit memory.

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7405f1  No.16919873


It used to have quite the stigma on 4chan before sites like Reddit, Tumblr, etc came along and replaced it as the boogeyman site. I remember them having a Gaia wordfilter back in the day, because so many people would just get into arguments and then keep telling each other to go back to Gaia. That site was certainly an interesting place back in the day. I remember when "popular" users would just openly brag that they got nudes from a lot of girls on the site who may or may not have been of age.

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5f9696  No.16919874

File: 66f8abd8cfe0c0c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1290x1800, 43:60, NEET_de_Otaku_na_Kunoichi_….png)



I've seen many anons happy that Mark is gone and how this will be a better /v/ now.

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9a42d2  No.16919876


>how this will be a better /v/ now.

Is that why /v/ has slowed down significantly?

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40cdc0  No.16919877

File: 6de40ebf5dc6b50⋯.png (131 KB, 1042x1094, 521:547, The_Final_Days_of_GGHQ.png)


>Wasn't he a fed?

No, he sold guns to feds, which is why when ggrevolt/leftypol/endchan/julay attempted to SWAT him, it went hilariously sideways.

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5f9696  No.16919878


Gaia is just a relic people remember now, it's a dead site with gifs and old meme images that date back to the 00s.

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396834  No.16919880

File: 0a32e95259087c4⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, you_re_not_perfect.jpg)


>Wasn't he a fed?

No but he is an Gun store worker (owner?) who sells weapons to the FBI and wrote down all the names and history of the Revolt guys to the FBI when they doxxed him.

>I was on the fence about Mark losing BO over a dispute with Jim about /news+/ but Mark's reaction to having his toys taken away just exposes him as wholly unworthy.

Mark is a huge sperg but he was pretty much correct seeing how hard Ron/Jim is damage controlling and how since Mark did his leaks Ron is only now speaking to people after Months of radio silence. Mark honestly should take the hint and fuck off into irrelevance like Moot and to be honest I'd take it if I were him since he'd finally be left alone from the spergs from Julay or other autism hotbeds.


>this means now places like julay and fat have a chance of becoming the defacto /v/.

Julay is full of spergs who ironically act much like Mark and get very upset whenever someone doesn't like or criticises them and think everyone is on their side when people hate them for being autist much like Mark. They lack self awareness Fat's mods have no spine and no idea how to handle shit under pressure but one can kinda forgive them as who the fuck expects that type of autism?


That's pretty much the story


> how this will be a better /v/ now.

<While Ron/Jim who allowed things to become utterly are still in charge

While Mark fucked up the fact they tried to use him as a scapegoat for their months of non action genuinely pissed me off.

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7405f1  No.16919881


I'm sure. I did see a video on its history a while back that was interesting. Apparently they went real dumb with paid stuff and crashed the site's economy or something. I do have some fond memories of it anyway though.

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5e9eb4  No.16919883



That was fucking petty of them, glad he got them in the end.

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657c88  No.16919884

>come back to thread after 4 years

>it's still about Acidfag attention whoring

>no news on games or Kotaku imploding

>just self-referential discussion

guess I'll never come by again then

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7405f1  No.16919887


I don't know the words for what she's got going on in the lower body area (can't tell if those are tights or what, and if those are shorts or panties or what) but after seeing that outfit I wish this was a hentai

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5f9696  No.16919890

File: 57c64161f086482⋯.jpg (689.81 KB, 1290x1800, 43:60, NEET_de_Otaku_na_Kunoichi_….jpg)

File: 0012fd302deb014⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1290x1800, 43:60, NEET_de_Otaku_na_Kunoichi_….jpg)

File: 9b33033bd2bd9f2⋯.jpg (921.38 KB, 1290x1800, 43:60, NEET_de_Otaku_na_Kunoichi_….jpg)

File: b208623999d63a1⋯.jpg (969.56 KB, 1290x1800, 43:60, NEET_de_Otaku_na_Kunoichi_….jpg)


Those are ninja tights. She's a ninja that is an otaku NEET who lives with a man as his bodyguard.

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7405f1  No.16919893

File: f96a976f8422cfd⋯.png (636.61 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ded.png)


Oh, okay. I've got a thing for pantyhose or tights under shorts. Something about that combination hits just right.

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5f9696  No.16919894

File: 113ee32ab3d42f5⋯.jpg (20.41 KB, 277x300, 277:300, Friends_Assisting_with_Por….jpg)


>abdomen/navel under nylon

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5756e2  No.16919896

File: fad9606f1846625⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 720x855, 16:19, Butthurt_form_small_.jpg)


>is still butthurt by acid after all these years

>just stopped in to tell us

This I actually believe.

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fbbe4d  No.16919908

File: 17c5abc3c9a01f2⋯.png (154.72 KB, 400x311, 400:311, _.png)


>that cap

Sounds like fiction, sorry, but before I believe anything like that I'm going to have to see some hard proof.

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396834  No.16919912


Most of that is Acid trying to play up ruining his board because he couldn't stop feeding the trolls and purges that killed a board. The only thing that is remotely true is faggots legitimately wouldn't leave him alone to an obsessive degree and when he reported them to the FBI no one on the site felt a shred of pity for they brought it on themselves.

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a87bae  No.16919913


>Fat's mods have no spine and no idea how to handle shit under pressure

Are you talking about the site in general or their /v/? The latter can be chalked up to being a new board.

I just want shit to settle down already. Fat or here, doesn't really matter.

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1e88d5  No.16919915

File: 7335120095a2b90⋯.png (173.87 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, jevil_music.png)

Ok, who here has a fetish for chaos and watching horribly planned disasters unfold that bring people to their knees by their own hubris, knowing that it'll bring about irreversible societal change for either the better or worse? I don't think there's a name for it. Yet.

Because i'm getting a bit of a half-chub right now and feeling some amount of euphoria and that given that subconscious or subliminal implications of an event have gotten me off in the past, that may be a reason to express concern. Because the last time my dick got set off after reading the news, the virus happened.

Really hope it's a false alarm this time.

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396834  No.16919916


A bit of both to be honest and I did say "but one can kinda forgive them as who the fuck expects that type of autism?"

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2ecddd  No.16919926

File: 23d9128b076b8df⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, Viv_gaming_late.jpg)

You know what, its so old news at this point that I really don't feel like rehashing the same debate. Its a distraction from the more important issues at hand and this isn't the time to get sucked into that dumb argument.



This is the time to worry about 8chan itself, not literally ancient board drama. You're both mistaken, but you're not going to believe me and I'm not going to convince you, so I'd rather focus on what matters to everyone right now.

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fbbe4d  No.16919935

File: 8fceee032494107⋯.png (221.78 KB, 678x623, 678:623, 8fceee032494107b8ef2708566….png)


I kinda got that same feeling when I saw the 1 mad aussie vs 50 mud people live action movie.


The BO not wanting to take sides this early is perfectly understandable. Starting to delete posts left and right would've meant shitstirrers getting a perfect chance to call him out for rulecuckery, potentially deleting any hope of the board going anywhere. Someone in the meta thread mentioned "walking on eggshells" in regards to anons having to follow too strict rules, the reality is that the BO is the one doing that. With the board still in its infancy, and a user base entirely made of crossposters because, let's be honest, do you seriously think anyone posting there completely left 8kun or julay behind? Hell I'd bet even the BO himself is a crossposter, I'd bet the BO even lurks these threads and people who are there literally only to stick it to Mark, it'd be a silly move to give your enemies an excuse to paint you as the next Mark.


>just listen and believe

>I'm not going to bother showing proof

>it doesn't matter now

I mean, ok, but I'm still not coming to your gay site as long as Mark's on board.

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396834  No.16919941

File: f26ebd827f5ead2⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _Erai_raws_Harukana_Receiv….jpg)


>literally ancient board drama

It does matter as it brings a matter of your competency in to light and your track record is not pretty. I'm not a fan of Ron/Jim, Julay and some other alts but with how /gghq/ died partially due to much of your questionable choices/actions BO, It's only common sense that many don't have much confidence if you.


>The BO not wanting to take sides this early is perfectly understandable

I understand his viewpoint 100% and I also understand /animu/'s as well, but I do think the BO might crack under the pressure and honestly considering what he has to fucking deal with him I'm going to cut him a lot of slack. Jesus I don't envy him.

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396834  No.16919943


"In you" Jesus I need to not type when I have insomnia I've made some retarded typos.

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9a42d2  No.16919945


Anon its been nearly 6 years since gghq was a thing, Acid's been here ever since and people have already shat on him during those 6 years. If anything he's the only one left that can do stuff, 08ch might not have been a solution but it was there and was used when the site needed it.

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1e9aa3  No.16919946

File: 65574594829d604⋯.png (458.3 KB, 1032x530, 516:265, f07.png)


>its been nearly 6 years

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2aebf3  No.16919947

File: 62cba789be0810f⋯.png (71.13 KB, 584x435, 584:435, AC_1.png)

File: d63eb448c3497df⋯.png (110.7 KB, 595x859, 595:859, AC_2.png)

File: 4e1a1771a164cb4⋯.png (110.64 KB, 588x841, 588:841, AC_3.png)


I wonder what Animal Crossing fans in this thread think about this.


>no news on games or Kotaku imploding

If you're referring to Jason Schreier quitting, I already posted it last thread. Gotta keep up.

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fbbe4d  No.16919948

File: 28a4ea870581a6b⋯.png (65.7 KB, 297x403, 297:403, nagatoro_sees_a_jewcy_boy.png)


Hey, quit bothering Jesus for everything.


You know, the more you post the more you sound like a certain someone.

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9a42d2  No.16919950


Sorry, I like my bacon too much to be considered kosher.


Its fucking retarded and just flanderizes the npc's personalities.

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a62f07  No.16919953


>mean villagers in AC made them cry


What..in the hell is the matter with these people. Fucking twitter fags are cancer. Varied personalities of the villagers kept it fresh/interesting.

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396834  No.16919955

File: 6e0f50332563c8d⋯.mp4 (532.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trash_can_s_over_there.mp4)


I have zero confidence in Acid.


This is honestly some of the most retarded shit I've seen even by twitter standards.

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253052  No.16919956


>I wonder what Animal Crossing fans in this thread think about this.

What I think of it is that it confirms to me, once again, that Red Hot Chili Pepper would be the best stand to have because then I could punch people over the internet.

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7aab18  No.16919958

File: 2919f3392df1abc⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, 32_bit_Mega_Slap.mp4)

You fags DO know that there's a repository of GG threads and related topics dating back to August 16, 2014 listed right there in the OP, right?

Whether you're trying to argue that Acid is a piece of shit, or Acid is even trying to defend himself, why don't ALL of you fags actually pull up the archives and POINT to the moments showing the fiasco and what happened?

<But, I'm the one who's right.

As far as I can tell, both of you fags are going, "Dude, just trust me" with your claims

<But, you should already know what happened six years ago.

Six years ago, I just started a Jewtube channel and started college. Since then, I've dropped out, closed my channel after having a small success, and have already had a dozen different jobs. That's on top of the fact that I'm one of the fags who have come onto the site in the past few years after much of the dust has already settled. Now, I am going through some of the old threads, but it's slow as molasses because it ALREADY takes some hours trying to catch up on a few hundred posts in these newer threads, not to mention seeing all the archived links and videos. How much worse do you think it is trying to catch up on stuff that was happening during the moment.

Long story short, POST YOUR FUCKING PROOF!

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948aab  No.16919961


He misses two points: one, some of the villagers were grumpy, but rarely outright rude. They'd call you "fat and stupid" if you repeatedly hit them with nets, sent them mean gifts and essentially, if you started it first. So if they were mean to you, it was your own fault.

The most notorious of those was Resetti, who'd harass you if you reset your game without saving. He'd make you call yourself stupid and stuff like that. But there's a very simple solution to that, it's called not fucking resetting.

The kids who "cried" over Animal Crossing either were vindictive assholes themselves or just retards.

There is somewhat of a point to be made here. Animal Crossing was experimental and no one expected it to become Nintendo's third best selling franchise (no joke, the DS and 3DS Animal Crossings have outsold every single Zelda game ever released). Regardless of target audience (which this faggot obsesses over for no reason) attracts a very different audience to most other Nintendo shit. AC probably has a much larger female playerbase than most other games out there. Between the playerbase and its popularity, it's not surprising that they removed the "rudeness" from the game.

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253052  No.16919964

File: 0aaec0d3eb0bba4⋯.png (553.19 KB, 354x552, 59:92, the_white_pill.png)


>I have zero confidence in Acid.

I have equally zero confidence in everyone at this point. I'm just along for the ride.

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396834  No.16919965

File: aec37618ea09359⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 412x441, 412:441, 200_percent_rad.jpg)


>I'm just along for the ride.

I kinda feel the same.

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fbbe4d  No.16919969

File: 46069ce2eb8f33e⋯.png (214.95 KB, 500x575, 20:23, f660266f0b3cc87345f4c6edcc….png)


Totally with you on that one.

It feels kinda like being with a group of people you don't really enjoy being around, while totally drunk and they're dragging you along inside this old, decayed amusement park where none of the attractions is really fun or interesting. You could leave the group any time if you wanted, they would never notice, but you're so shitfaced that instead you just take another gulp and ask "HA HA, where to next, buddies?" and when they point to the shittiest looking ride and start pulling you towards it, all you can mutter is "Oh boy here we go!" as you automatically tag with them once more.

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18b391  No.16919970

File: 5d2f6e5a00b0fb8⋯.jpg (542.81 KB, 2229x805, 2229:805, Leave_me_alone.jpg)

I think Acid's a cool dude and all, as an individual, but putting his trust in Mark who'll throw him under the bus the second he gets overemotional over… well, anything, is a call for disaster he needs to expect.


It's both right and wrong, as usual with those idiots. Yes, we could argue that some of the neighbours were "too rude", but isn't that kind of the point of having several personalities being part of your life ? Isn't this actually a lot more of a lesson, important at that, to be able to deal with mean people as well ?

Also teaching kids to differentiate actually mean people and VIRTUAL MEANNESS… holy shit they used to cry about virtual violence, then went to virtual boobs, and now are going to virtual bad people. Incredible.

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c10d3e  No.16919976

File: 987d44d6eb5bc2f⋯.png (57.24 KB, 1686x648, 281:108, Untitled.png)

>>>/rwby/ is back now for any of the anons who care about that. Ron also says he never got any notice of someone claiming /tech/ during the tenure when Mark was in charge of claims when 8kun first launched so it's up for grabs. I remembered that was a contested board during the big migration rush, so if any /tech/ies are still around who want it here's your heads up. I also posted on >>>/techbunker/ about it.


Technically speaking, /v/ hits around 80 PPH in the daytime now that Mark's gone compared to the 50 or so when he was still in charge. It's not much, but it is very slightly livelier.

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396834  No.16919979


Ron I don't trust at fucking all since he was a ghost for a long ass time till cakekike said shit and now he is trying to pin most of the blame on Mark who while deserves shit isn't the sole reason for the fuck ups.

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657c88  No.16919983


>>is still butthurt by acid after all these years

I literally hadn't thought about that lolcow since leaving here, and I come back to to this thread and see you're still talking about him and he's still avatar fagging and nothing relevant to GG's goals is being discussed, holy shit you must have been talking about that avatar fag for four straight years, god damn, that's pathetic and frankly terrifying

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5756e2  No.16919985


>I'm totally not mad

You do really seems to care a lot for someone who boldly claimed to be a 1-and-Done.

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7405f1  No.16919988


I liked them better a little mean. I still have a soft spot for the Gamecube AC.

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c2434c  No.16920114


>trusting Ron

The fact that he's active only now rather than before hand and is just blaming shit on Mark is just flat out petty

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c10d3e  No.16920121



Frankly I don't really give a shit who's lying until the 2 week deadline is up and we see if /delicious/ comes back or not. I just want people to know their boards are back/able to be claimed.

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38788f  No.16920125


Codemonkey is an actual developer, he's still more in touch with reality than a kike who couldn't even be relied on to reply to e-mail.


Are you aware people can use more than one board at the same time?

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81f99e  No.16920128


>By shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain

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d37759  No.16920132


I assume hand lotion is only for guys that are circumcised? I've never used it.

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4f59fa  No.16920143


im circumcised, but i got lucky and still dont need to use lotion.

i honestly prefer without lotion, its messier and takes longer.

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05868f  No.16920145

whats going on with trump and corona today???

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36ad03  No.16920148


>Codemonkey is an actual developer

Yes, one who basically ignored the entire community until Mark sperged out and called him out on his shit. Yet Mark is at fault for constantly delaying the relaunch, taking half a year to launch a Tor2web service, focusing on Q boomers on Twitter rather than communicating on his own site, software that barely works, banned loli boards from ever coming back, removed board creation, didn't even bring back all of the boards despite everyone and their mother saying loud and clear that we want boards like /pol/, /sudo/ and /tech/ back, outright admitted to not having any real power and is just a sock puppet for Jim, and supposedly allowed Mark to grab years of emails without even detecting it. He's playing damage control you god damn idiot, Mark's worst sin is being autistic, which is also 99% of /v/, AND EVEN NOW we're being moderated by the remains of Mark's jannys.

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7365d2  No.16920157


I don't have a big problem with it, he's well beyond the three strikes anyway.


I've never used it, who wants a greasy willy?

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38788f  No.16920158

File: d33eff9c4110dd3⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1500x8000, 3:16, 1574745782556.png)


> Yet Mark is at fault for constantly delaying the relaunch

If they launched it when it was even more broken then you'd still be kvetching.

> taking half a year to launch a Tor2web service

who the fuck cares

>focusing on Q boomers on Twitter rather than communicating on his own site

shitposting on twitter now constitutes 'focusing'?

>software that barely works

well, a fair point

> banned loli boards from ever coming back

you can post porn here at will, you fucking sperg, what is your problem?

>muh pol

There's no difference between /pol/ and /pnd/, the userbase won't come back because the same board will have a different name.

>He's playing damage control you god damn idiot, Mark's worst sin is being autistic

You're delusional and/or have short memory. Either way, why are you still here then?

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798e6d  No.16920159


>Not really as /v/ is a literal mess and things have only gotten worse since the kike left.

What the fuck are you talking about? Look at the catalouge, everything is fine, its just /v/ without mark, something we've been asking for for YEARS now. And you still have to pull some kind of shit out of your ass for no good reason at all??

The dark endless bar-mitzfah of Marks rule is finally at an end, a new dawn has arrived for 8/v/, lets walk towards it with pride and a positive mindset.


>Mark leaving created a void of power and fucked with the balance of the user bases

Anon you should start writing fantasy novels because you have quite a vivid imagination.

Actually, I believe Mark already got replaced.

I seen people get banned for being retards already, but was it ron or someone else?

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c6b034  No.16920162

File: 0f0ff00e280c1f3⋯.png (120.18 KB, 236x308, 59:77, 0f0ff00e280c1f36190a4ace32….png)

Do you all have stockholm syndrome

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18b391  No.16920164


Anon, this remark can both mean "if you follow Mark you're an idiot" and "if you stay on 8chan you're an idiot". You're not allowed to say things that don't put you in a specific position you faggy loser.

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7365d2  No.16920168

File: 5fa6ae4cd000ef3⋯.png (95.73 KB, 360x202, 180:101, Jimnuke.png)

File: 5569939e4390707⋯.png (886.95 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, 5569939e43907072ecfeacefc8….png)


I'm just waiting to see if Ron gets the board's shit together or not, fine with fat and vaguely curious what the AcidCake crew are doing. Whatever ends up having the least interwoven bullshit faggotry the better by me.

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4dd62c  No.16920172

File: bb9f75a6fa7c842⋯.jpg (229.35 KB, 1446x2048, 723:1024, bb9f75a6fa7c842196bbf8e669….jpg)


That's a intensely smug girl you got there.


>A website ran by the 2 biggest spergs that frequent this thread

What could possibly go wrong?>>16919964

Same. I've frequented these threads since 2014 and at this point I'm only in it for the entertainment value.

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4dd62c  No.16920173


Fucked up formatting


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202735  No.16920177


>"if you follow Mark you're an idiot" and "if you stay on 8chan you're an idiot"

Both of those statements are correct. Please also remember that fat/v/ does not belong to Mark. This is the opportunity that anyone with half a brain has been waiting for, an opportunity to finally be rid of jews and traitors. Take it, or be no better than the Halflings.

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4dd62c  No.16920179

File: 48f38707cc66b7c⋯.png (870.82 KB, 1403x2048, 1403:2048, 8a63827ebc2195eb71953e4e80….png)

File: 7ceae2714fc1a29⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1504, 64:47, bf274d3d78f47b8485803db555….png)

File: ed1324f01ca2a3e⋯.png (149.63 KB, 614x827, 614:827, 13251244af30ba062dbd1faffc….png)


I don't know why we don't just hang out at fatchan. Its cozy.

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18b391  No.16920187

File: 46e8cd7bc2dd853⋯.jpg (70.75 KB, 439x648, 439:648, WOAH.jpg)


>if you don't do like I do you are a DUMB

Anon you do realize this is genuinely the best way to ensure everyone believes you're a dicksucker who should never be trusted with any opinion, ever, as it makes you sound more like a child than like anyone with a breathing thought, right ?

"You're bad if you don't be good like I am good" is the retard's way, anon. Don't be retarded. If you truly wanted us to come, you'd trust that the smart ones -like you so obviously would be !- among us would be coming on their own as they'd have reached the same conclusion as you, while only the silly ones would've had a different opinion and stayed. And why in god's name would you want silly people to agree with you, if you're the smart one ?

Anon what I'm saying is that you're flat out retarded and you can go suck such a mean dick that Satan himself would find that penis a worthy opponent.

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6ad7d3  No.16920188

File: dbdcc0d78dec89c⋯.jpg (451.55 KB, 850x914, 425:457, 02bca8eadd7d2dca8dc6058f6d….jpg)


If you ask me, following Mark, a fat jew who is now penniless and has a huge lack of self awareness, is probably worse than following some millionaire's failed project.



Owner of a small board on the webring here

Let me tell you your options and see if you can find one you may like:

1) fatpeople.lol/v/ which has an owner who actively supports all "legacy" fun threads (including gamergate, lol and meme threads so long as it's in a single thread) and who came out to defend the territory from cakejew's interventionism, also loli allowed;

2) julay.world/v/ where the mod is very autistic and has only recently switched sides in favor of /gg/ but who has a much stricter rule so you don't get bizarre situations where lolis are banned but full on futa cocks are not because he's into them;

3) smuglo.li/vg/ which is a very weird mix of 8/a/ and 8/v/, it's currently pretty empty but their server is strong and they clearly allow loli;

4) going to anon.cafe and trying to claim a /v/ board there before the cake kike can get to it;

5) rotting in this G-D Forsaken website, which staggers any time someone plays a webm, refuses to acknowledge updating posts, has an owner who clearly has no idea how anonymous imageboards are supposed to work, a group of geriatric ultra nationalists who make so many Facebook memes it actually slows down the entire website, its only PR team is down to the hapa developer son of said administrator and does not allow lolis or funny jokes implying lolis;

6) going back to cuckchan hoping they won't swarm you with low quality wojack edits.

The future is in your hands, but just remember that no matter what you choose, you'll have to adapt to new changes. In the meantime, have some hometown to think about.

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9f7a8c  No.16920190


>the future is in your hands

I choose to make GG threads on 08 then

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81f99e  No.16920194


I pretty much like it on here, but sometimes you just can't use 8kun because of bugs. Fatchan is really the best alternative. And smug is a chill site, I love to use it for all things anime, but half of /v/'s userbase would probably be very out of place there.

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24fb0f  No.16920197


That's a lot of words to say "I am retarded" anon.

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1d2b0b  No.16920198


Just like you, no one wants to actually dig through 6 years of archived imageboard threads just win an argument on the internet.

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4dd62c  No.16920200

File: da1b79251e189d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1559x893, 1559:893, wea1.png)


Why not have multiple tabs?

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1d2b0b  No.16920201


>You called be dumb along with your actual argument, therefore no u

Are just completely retarded?

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1d2b0b  No.16920204


>does not allow lolis or funny jokes implying lolis;

Not quite, but 8kunny is getting there. Right now loli boards are disallowed. If the lawyer Ron hired says loli is a no-no, then Ron will change the site rules to say it's disallowed.


Since Ron has some loli himself, he'll allow loli and put up a loli board when the network change is made as promised regardless of what the lawyer says. Then it gets reported directly to Jimbo in one of his streams and Jimbo and Ron will have a fight where Jimbo will have to come to terms with his son "being a pedophile" and Ron will be forced to ban all loli.

There is no good ending on 8kun. 8chan went down and it's not coming back. I'll still use 8kun until the end finally comes, as that's where most of GG is. But when one of these two scenarios inevitably plays out, this site will die.

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396834  No.16920212

File: 1d3a3d50e6c9def⋯.jpg (170.17 KB, 1339x2048, 1339:2048, ESQjZO6U0AEgEg9.jpg)


I have issues with Mark majorly but this >>16920148 Anon's points are all fucking valid.


>The future is in your hands, but just remember that no matter what you choose, you'll have to adapt to new changes.

This is very true.


Why trade one shithole for another?

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7365d2  No.16920215


Pretty sure smug said they didn't want to take the load of /v/ nor the associated trash that rides it.

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396834  No.16920217

File: 6ffcd7a185b99c4⋯.png (172.93 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 73086866_p7.png)


Neither does /animu/ despite not having a major level of hostility to /v/ doesn't want to deal with the places or the autistic people who hate it, in fact this is one of the few times the divided boards agree on something. Looking at the pure cancer on the /animu/ meta I can't blame them nor can I blame smuglo.li for not wanting anything to do with /v/ or it's haters.

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b9c59f  No.16920231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>he's still more in touch with reality than a kike who couldn't even be relied on to reply to e-mail

Here's a video proving you otherwise

This shit is why I hate VPNs.


>who is now penniless

Because of the Cares act, I have more money now than I did because of Jim. Additionally due to someone on the board of a school, I'm guaranteed a job as a security guard.


Josh isn't exactly trustworthy, he wanted full control over all the legacy boards and my understanding that OPEN SOURCE code was kinda made so someone can make alternative software if they so desire. He also wanted to ban loli, and I strongly disagreed with his global rules. Regardless we're not using his software or his website, so the point is moot.

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b9c59f  No.16920233




What shitty software, jesus christ.

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9f7a8c  No.16920234


Cause it's a shithole no one and everyone has control over at the same time.

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1d2b0b  No.16920235




Fuck off, Mark.

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b9c59f  No.16920236


Own it all anon

eat all the cake

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a325e9  No.16920241



What the fuck is this supposed to prove you brainless retard?

>Scrolling through a list of subject lines for 12 minutes

For all we know you could've just posted a canned response everytime "Hi, yes, we're reviewing your request" and then fuck off doing nothing again.

Can you prove that you ever reliably forwarded requests to Ron or whoever else? No?

Fuck you Mark, you got paid 2k a month to copy/paste clickbait onto a dead board and even then failed to do your job miserably, by being too stupid to provide proper sources for the clickbait you stole.

You gloating to be on gibs now is just another pathetic nail in the coffin that is your training and education.

Fucking realize already that nobody wants you here anymore and fuck off.

You have already done enough damage to the community as is with your retarded handling of everything since last year.

But hey, I am sure "The Mark Show" will surely take off and make you an e-celeb, right? :^)

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5a6753  No.16920244


some of the webring and 8chan board shitsterrers constantly made up shit and drama when talking about the boards on that site.

Either because of idiots thinking smug was a part of julay or because mark allowed it due to the 8kun staff hating other boards.

Either way the move, neutered /animu/ all its crossposting hotheads who love drama are gone.

Now you have joshfags and the closet horror cow population from kiwifarms showing up, altchan alliance, useful idiots who help them out and vindictive anti 8chan/webring posters trying to incite the thread to cause drama allover again.

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396834  No.16920245


I blame Ron/Jim more as they allowed shit to happen or are damage controlling by pinning most of the blame. But at this point the site is pretty much fucking dead.

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7365d2  No.16920247

File: 664d83af6359d03⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 194x255, 194:255, borngondola.jpg)


I'd say it's a very sensible stance all things considered, wouldn't even hold it against them down the line.

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b9c59f  No.16920251


What board did you have between 2019 - 2016, tell me it and if you've sent an email then I'll tell you your email address

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255efc  No.16920259

File: 29d006827538793⋯.png (140.45 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, boardgoblin.png)




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b9c59f  No.16920261



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a325e9  No.16920263



What the fuck is this supposed to prove?!

Ron's claim is that you were too retarded to forward board claims to him or anyone else for proper processing.

Of course you fucking know what email a claim came from, your inbox is full with them.

Nice try, but your jewish tricks won't work on me.

This is about proving you did your job correctly, and not about you proving to having a fucking email inbox, you retard.

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1e88d5  No.16920264

File: b9354c2cd85d2fd⋯.png (93.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cuphead_sMUG.png)


If anything it sounds like the couple of raid spammers are just on a victory lap and making Mark look good by comparison. The worst you can say about mark is that he's incompetant, not malicious and even that is a stretch considering who we deal with day to day.

There's been a concentrated effort by a bunch of low post "users" (Read: one or two people changing IDs every second while posting copypasta) To push mods off the board by making it seem like people actually gave a fuck about moderation. Which most people did not.

And by doing so made anonymous boards even harder to target, because instead of "splitting" people you just got them to cross post between boards. Which means you can no longer take over from the inside because we can see every move you make.

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b9c59f  No.16920267


>What the fuck is this supposed to prove?!

That I did my job and reassigned every board approved. What you're looking at is the "sent" inbox, which is every email I've sent out over the past four years or so, thus invalidating Ron's claims that I "have not been doing my job" despite evidence to the contrary.

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1d2b0b  No.16920268




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255efc  No.16920272

File: 4e5f78901b22223⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 576x575, 576:575, 7_11.jpg)


The webring is a fantastic alternative to the current 8kun situation and maybe imageboard websites entirely.

Mark's removal was imminent and I am glad he will not only be forgotten outside the GG threads but it will also present us with a great opportunity to see if a change in board owner will bring the change anons asked for for so long.

I've not been this excited to embark on a new journey for a long time.

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a325e9  No.16920278


You really have the reading comprehension of a braindead nigger.

Again, you scrolling through a list of subject lines doesn't prove anything.

And, yes, I realized those were your sent mails the first time I saw it.

Looking at the time stamps it becomes even more clear that you just spammed some canned response at them and that's it.

Now, can you prove that you ever forwarded the claim requests to Ron or anyone else who was in charge of migrating/creating new boards?

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202735  No.16920280


> The worst you can say about mark is that he's incompetant, not malicious

Nah. I'm definitely going to have to go with incompetent AND malicious. At a certain point, overwhelming self-serving ignorance along with a complete lack of introspection and complete inability to listen when your superiors tell you something becomes something that can't simply be forgiven.

Even now, Mark is unable to even comprehend the idea that people are glad his time is over. He will go on living his life believing he is loved by all. He will go on telling others that he is loved by all. You couldn't get a more stereotypical example of the deranged mind of the jew if you tried.3

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188615  No.16920286


>The worst you can say about mark is that he's incompetant, not malicious and even that is a stretch considering who we deal with day to day.

this was orignally only ever a defense brought up because spammers who hated /v/ or the cakekike would spam and then try to push that mark was behind said spam in an attempt at Jewish 4d chess. Marks incompentence and egoboo bullshit was tolerated because there was never an alternative, even generally in these threads. A sperg BO who kneecaps discussion because he can't properly moderate is not much functionally different from one who does it intentionally.

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9f7a8c  No.16920287

File: 227a2f41b652376⋯.png (117.25 KB, 500x517, 500:517, continuedog.png)


It's funny, really. Back in the day when GG was the rage and deplatforming started to become popular outside of niche industries, I remember mentioning how it would be a whole lot harder to do if you decentralize an image board. Not saying that was prophetic in any way, but the blowback I kept getting for merely suggesting that that's where the future might be did teach me that people can't or don't want to look more than 2 steps ahead.

With the way things are going I'm certain that webrings will only stay around for so long before the individual boards get taken down over and over. What will follow is distributed hosting, a board hosted by the users themselves, eliminating server issues completely. That kind of shit has already been around for years and years, but nobody has yet to adapt the tech to image boards.

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6ad7d3  No.16920293

File: 86581200a6d24ad⋯.jpg (219.89 KB, 890x1280, 89:128, _sansei_muramasa_soukou_ak….jpg)


I was going to write 08 as a possibility and I truly believe that it will be the future of imageboards. But it's not there yet, so enjoy your CP trace and authentication system for an anonymous imageboard for the time being.


>Why not have multiple tabs?

As personal bunkers, it's an objectively good idea. As a practical means of discussing things you like with people you don't immediately hate before even reading their replies (see youtube comment sections and reddit threads for that matter), people will only ever flock where other people are, so choosing to post the same OP in five different bunkers will only net you a grand total of less than a fifth of the possible replies.

Case in point: /pnd/ is filled with the absolute worst of 8chan /pol/, but being filled also means attracting more people checking out why there's 51 threads and counting just reposting Coronavirus tinfoil theories and anime tiddies, which in turn brings more people and eventually higher quality posters. Of course, surrounded in a sea of shit, but they're there.

Compare it to every other political board on the webring and you can see how useless it is to be active on more than two imageboards at a time. Compare it even more with 8kun's /a/ and webring's /a/ and you can see that communities would only further fracture from having ten different alternatives with the same content.



The question is: how do they stop you from posting on their websites without getting rid of the very places they opened up in the first place?


>but the blowback I kept getting for merely suggesting that that's where the future might be did teach me that people can't or don't want to look more than 2 steps ahead

Prophets are often shun when they make bold claims. How else would you know Jesus Christ was here if he acted nothing like what you'd imagine?


You do you, champ, it's good to see people happy about their current situation. By far, /v/ is the only community from 8chan whose situation keeps on baffling me, though. There is no shared loyalty to the site, only a lack of an alternative to use. I just proposed you at least three viable ones.

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b9c59f  No.16920295


>Now, can you prove that you ever forwarded the claim requests to Ron or anyone else who was in charge of migrating/creating new boards?

I didn't forward them to Ron, because Ron was the one making backups out of common courtesy. I was reassigning boards regardless of if they were meant to be backed up or not. Ron didn't NEED to have the claim requests since it was none of his business, that what I was hired to do, and I did it for the past three-four years.

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8aa212  No.16920297

File: 5dbb9781df8122b⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 2149x3035, 2149:3035, 9eb567a3470c7f365f19ae70df….jpg)

Ron continues to update. >>16919868

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255efc  No.16920298

File: f5e416fcab738b7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1000x652, 250:163, 8chan_servers.png)


I think most people are just put off by all the headache that comes with running a site like that. At least right now.

Having seen how much shit Watkins had to deal with or Null with his Kiwifarms, these two being extreme examples but still, has most likely deterred anons from browsing and potentially hosting these.

Though I'm hopeful and confident that we will find ways to shitpost on the internet.

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4dd62c  No.16920299


Honestly it just seems like to me that anons outside of the #GG thread don't really give a shit about what happened to Mork.

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ee5216  No.16920300

File: bb9bfe41ffb0878⋯.png (156.62 KB, 500x651, 500:651, You_are_in_danger.png)


> /pnd/ is filled with the absolute worst of 8chan /pol/

Eat shit cunt. /pnd/ is so much fucking better that /pol/ its amazing, whiles before you couldn't even have a comprehensive discussion now you can at least somewhat spot anons from all the glows

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7365d2  No.16920302

File: b510ec469d4f017⋯.gif (148.06 KB, 340x340, 1:1, happy_dance.gif)


>The question is: how do they stop you from posting on their websites without getting rid of the very places they opened up in the first place?

Not sure what you're saying there exactly, but I wouldn't want to push on a board just out of consideration, and it's pretty alright having some niche bunkers like cafe.

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948aab  No.16920304


Wojakposters are not anons and wojakposters are 60% of /pnd/, the rest being commies, feds and niggerpill.

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7365d2  No.16920305

File: 5432e9cc7edfa44⋯.png (14.42 KB, 532x170, 266:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is he updating in that thread? There's a technical issues thread. >>16843517

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396834  No.16920307

File: 58807878eba81f7⋯.png (634.71 KB, 512x654, 256:327, lynn.PNG)


While Mark is undoubtedly at fault for shit Ron has every reason to lie or bin blame and should be held accountable, people need to stop downplaying or up playing one's role or the another and call the administration both current and former the fuck out.


>complete inability to listen when your superiors

His superiors also are fucking retards who wanted to make a news board the main focus of the site, who also refused to address the community for months with missed deadlines after missed deadlines. Even if Mark did fuck up with the emails which is a probability given it's Mark Ron should have stepped up and fixed the problem but he fucking didn't.

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c91c67  No.16920309

File: c940bc5425e8a53⋯.webm (1.19 MB, 450x460, 45:46, Anime.webm)

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ee5216  No.16920312

File: d11a42aadc2d4ca⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 344x344, 1:1, cd_7714_400x400.jpg)


You dishonest nigger. I didn't remember seeing a single wojak and just went and checked all the top threads and there were none.

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9a42d2  No.16920314

File: f6ccdec2a58bd2a⋯.png (298.77 KB, 470x326, 235:163, Screenshot_2019_06_28_bore….png)


> I'm certain that webrings will only stay around for so long

A million super small dead sites strung together with duct tape or a struggling large site trying to survive. What a wonderful future.

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7365d2  No.16920315


I don't get this at all, having things ringed out makes more sense than having one failure point. Like another anon mentioned, browsers have tabs these days.

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202735  No.16920317


Mark's superiors are the users of /v/. He is an inferior human being to them. Ron can eat shit.

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9f7a8c  No.16920322


>a million dead sites

That's not how distributed hosting works. I wasn't talking about shit like zeronet, but H@H, where the site is centrally managed, but the CDN is replaced by a decentralized network.

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396834  No.16920323


I think your missing his point, what he is saying is that half dead boards with small userbases along with a effectively rotting husk of a main site isn't a bright. Which he isn't wholly wrong about but I think things can still work out if people aren't totally retarded I know I'm being too optimistic

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037ff6  No.16920326


It migt be the seed of a cloud based imageboard.

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1ba295  No.16920327


If you at least knew what 7chan or overchan was I'd feel less like I was talking to a bunch of lumbering retards.

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7365d2  No.16920330


That's not very specifically related at all.

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8673fc  No.16920331


Pretty sure i2p imageboards already exist to satisfy the non-centralized imageboard niche.

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bfec52  No.16920333

File: e7b5730d36c0531⋯.webm (3.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Muhamed.webm)


>but the CDN is replaced by a decentralized network

Which means you are forced onto Tor if you don't want to get v& when someone else posts CP.

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1ba295  No.16920334


I think being a disingenuous retard is pretty related you fucking loser.

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6ad7d3  No.16920337

File: f59be6c3248c065⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 920x816, 115:102, _lee_enfield_girls_frontli….jpg)


I'm just saying, if it's just a few posters, administrators don't even care when they get thrown under the bus. But, if it's an entire subculture,



/pnd/ could certainly improve. It is better than 2019/pol/ but a far cry from goobergate /pol/.


You do not seem to get it. The boards are dead right now because of the way they were constructed. They were conceived as bunkers and any plan to improve on them never went anywhere because of the unwillingness (or foresight) of their admins to not advertise them publicly. The idea behind the federated system is to have as minimal of an overlap as possible with the boards. No need to set up yet another /v/ board if there's one major /v/ most people will flock to, at best having one or two failsafe options when a site is delisted or worse yet taken down.

With 8kun, and 8chan before it, the day that some idiot/glowie posted a manifesto onto a single board is the day that all the communities died together. 8kun is not so different and Watkins is trying his damnest to make sure that only his law stands, after his brush with the feds. This obviously runs orthogonal to the objectives of anonymous shitposters.

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9a42d2  No.16920341

File: f5d54e5f4a2b40e⋯.png (312.49 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 0695eee810ce92347f0ce506e6….png)


>unwillingness (or foresight) of their admins to not advertise them publicly.

>wanting to advertise imageboards to normalfags

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bfec52  No.16920348

File: abadde5aad4fd91⋯.webm (8.51 MB, 426x240, 71:40, European_Union_failed_on_….webm)


>It is better than 2019/pol/ but a far cry from goobergate /pol/.

It is tiresome to always see people use the age-old excuse of "X thing used to be good" for why something is shit because it always requires nostalgia goggles for it to work and never has any actual criteria for comparison.


Unwillingness to not advertise means that they would want to advertise and that Anon does not want to advertise.

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9f088b  No.16920357

File: 4ea7854591a19b6⋯.jpeg (114.72 KB, 654x539, 654:539, 3DEA20E1_0662_4D25_A9D4_9….jpeg)




The problem with the webring:

The fags in charge never ask, "What is it about imageboards that made people flock to them in the first place?"

The problem with 8kun:

The fags in charge are in direct conflict with one another.

The problem with this entire circumstance: WHO GIVES A SHIT?

You guys are just repeating the SAME FUCKING POINTS back and forth and it's tiring as Hell to read. It's not anything productive and I'm starting to think it's the latest sliding tactic at this point.

Take this fucking discussion to the meta thread or make a dedicated thread for it.

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5756e2  No.16920361


The GamerGate thread is already a (pseudo-)meta thread and always has been.

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396834  No.16920364


No it hasn't it started to become meta due to Mark not wanting to un bump lock meta threads.

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7365d2  No.16920368



I don't see the problem, a lot has developed over the week and reaffirming positions ain't wrong.

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948aab  No.16920369


I really don't get this autistic obsession with the meta threads being bumped lock. Who gives a shit? There's far bigger problems with the meta threads and Mark than a thread that's guaranteed to be overrun with shitposting not being perma-glued to the front page/top of the catalog due to its speed.

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1ba295  No.16920370


>You guys are just repeating the SAME FUCKING POINTS back and forth and it's tiring as Hell to read. It's not anything productive and I'm starting to think it's the latest sliding tactic at this point.

That's been a fucking constant on this site for years at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if these stupid fuckers were paid.

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202735  No.16920373



>Thing is a problem

>Thing continues to be a problem for years, without being addressed or fixed

>Express surprise that people complain about thing that remains an unaddressed problem years later

Oh, I get it. We were supposed to have simply given up. "The answer is no! Shut up and accept it, goyim!"

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bfec52  No.16920374


>The problem with the webring:

>The problem with 8kun:

>The problem with this entire circumstance: WHO GIVES A SHIT?

Not related to my post in the slightest

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81d79d  No.16920379


It's been discussed to death already:

>Does Ron pull through by April 27?

<If yes, people stay here. If not, see below.

>Where to go?

<Fatchan, Acid's IB, and/or 08. If the former two are taken down, Julay and Smug.

>What about Mark?

<Go to Fat or 08.

>What about an active community?

<Just post where people are.

>But what about advertising the site?

<Talk to people outside of imageboards.

Simple as that.

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9a42d2  No.16920384

File: 3978077c6f51ea8⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 447:400, 397.jpg)


>taken down, Julay and Smug.



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9a42d2  No.16920387


>What..in the hell is the matter with these people.

They're emotional stunted examples of why soccer moms and Karens should be be eradicated.

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5756e2  No.16920390

File: 2033a4935dec763⋯.png (454.49 KB, 1023x688, 1023:688, Chio_chan_This_is_true_aut….png)

Just autistically saying the same (incorrect) things just LOUDER AND WITH MORE ==RED TEXT== means you're more correct.

Because an argument is won by wanting things to be true more than with stupid bullshit like facts or reason.

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1d2b0b  No.16920392


>I really don't get this autistic obsession with the meta threads being bumped lock. Who gives a shit?

Anyone with valid complaints. It's not anons' fault Mark was a dumb lazy nigger who didn't want to deal with meta threads and used the poor excuse of "muh /sudo/". I made a meta thread with valid complaints 3 times every time the previous one hit page 13 for a month (excluding one thread in the middle someone else made early) before cake kike actually even half answered my questions. Then it wasn't until 3 weeks after that that he decided to actually do something about the issues I brought up, and only because Jim ticked him off by nonchalantly saying to delete /v/.

>being perma-glued to the front page/top of the catalog due to its speed.

Is there not a function to pin it to the bottom of the catalog? I could have sworn I've seen something similar done before. Or you could make it a bump locked cyclical so it won't be at at the top of the catalog until it falls off the catalog, if I recall correctly how that works. Regardless of what you think about what goes on in meta threads, they are a necessary evil. Mark's practice of bumplocking them and most often ignoring them is practically as bad as old /a/'s treatment of /ameta/. At least having a meta board allows you to publicly contest a ban without being banned again for longer for "ban evasion", even if the meido's would ignore or laugh at you just the same.

The greater allowance of off-topic discussion in these threads has long since turned them into de-facto meta threads. That's not saying these threads are nothing but off-topic meta threads, they mostly weren't meta discussion. But the larger allowance of it here, combined with the fact that Mark payed far more attention to these threads than meta threads, meant this is where people went if they actually wanted to get through to Mark. I've seen people told to go these threads if they actually want something done dozens of times.

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7967ff  No.16920393




how do you do, fellow h8channer el oh el

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34b777  No.16920395

File: f0cf4564b9a25b2⋯.png (64.06 KB, 237x297, 79:99, EVxrKzbVcAE2FP9.png)

In other news, Paul Haddad the guy that originally voiced Leon passed away recently. Not virus related but still pretty sad.

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9f088b  No.16920397

File: 9af6d5fd03421da⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1415x2000, 283:400, 2D460D9B_7B8E_4A08_8B70_3C….png)



You don't belong here.


Mark isn't here anymore.

So stop acting like things are the same they were up to last week.

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950b4a  No.16920398

File: 205a629550e57c6⋯.mp4 (233.21 KB, 480x270, 16:9, What_a_Shame_Eric_Andre.mp4)

When will things get good again anons?

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9a42d2  No.16920399

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5756e2  No.16920401

File: b0c000109e40a6f⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 869x1115, 869:1115, god_cleans_trannys.jpg)





When the trannies are cleaned

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b85f6d  No.16920404


Isnt julay the place where they sell memes, just like we told Mark to fuck off with?

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fbbe4d  No.16920408


but he was so young, what happened?

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5756e2  No.16920409


It's fine when THEY do it™

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7365d2  No.16920412


What a bitch, looks like it was throat cancer, died the 15th.

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950b4a  No.16920413

File: ed68cfbae839bd2⋯.webm (16 MB, 640x272, 40:17, Streaming_this_Movie_beca….webm)


I think Ron finally got off his ass and fixed webm posting.

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9a42d2  No.16920414

File: 95ee7ff916eda39⋯.jpg (165.62 KB, 820x1034, 410:517, 389_3892467_biohazard_tran….jpg)


Hopefully after Corona-chan wipes out most msm vidya publications, developers will start to realize pandering to the outrage crowd isn't profitable.


They haven't confirmed it yet but it may have been throat cancer.


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1d2b0b  No.16920416


Stop over using red text. These threads will remain de-facto meta and generally off-topic out of pure habit without the forcible hand of moderation like on fat. If the new BO takes a similar approach, only then will the general behavior change. I can't force everyone in this thread to stop meta discussion here by making a meta thread, so I might as well go where the meta discussion is. It's clearly not on the two other threads dedicated to this shitstorm, as they both died after the bump limit compared to these threads which always hit or near 700. Technical thread is dead too, despite Ron posting recently in all three threads.



Nigger, stop.


I've heard this before, but not seen proof.

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fa649e  No.16920417


Cancer apparently.

>Rick May (Soldier in tf2) dies from covid-19

>only one or two days later, Keiji Fujiwara (Reno in the FF movie) dies from cancer

>and then, Paul Haddad dies from cancer

It's like Corona and cancer said "fuck vidya voice actors in particular" last week.

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9a42d2  No.16920418

File: 4b437334ea9c12f⋯.jpg (202.65 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1470543700953.jpg)


Now Ebola needs to join the party.

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396834  No.16920420


Like I've been saying they hate Mark but tend to do shit like him.


What happened he was only in his 50s?

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b85f6d  No.16920421



Im pretty sure this was the one, it was listed at the banner of julay.world, maybe it was removed.

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9f088b  No.16920422

File: 38e9f7d5f0e4c97⋯.png (29 KB, 361x254, 361:254, E18B7D10_63CD_493C_8358_5D….png)




>These threads will remain de-facto meta

Why don't you just fuck off?

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fbbe4d  No.16920423


>meanwhile faggots like brianna wu, hotwheels and randy pitchford are still good and well

worst timeline

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9a42d2  No.16920424

File: 2891a76044b143c⋯.png (53.66 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 2891a76044b143c6420282b6ba….png)

File: 518978aca28da77⋯.png (6.29 KB, 437x130, 437:130, Screenshot_2020_04_18_Dona….png)


>I've heard this before, but not seen proof.

Anon you are seriously fucking retarded.


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b85f6d  No.16920425


Thanks, didnt have the archive now i have it.

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fbbe4d  No.16920426


>official 8kun merchandise

>now official julay merchandise

What do they sell even? Also I can't wait for official fatchan merchandise and it's just stickers of that godawful mascot they got.

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9a42d2  No.16920427


>Thanks, didnt have the archive now i have it.

Lurk moar fagget.

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1d2b0b  No.16920429

File: d8d45bc3683604c⋯.png (26.65 KB, 398x400, 199:200, I_rike.png)


Nod and argument.


This is pretty fucking gay. And they actually went and did it, unlike the cakejew.


For not listening and believing? Yes, it's pretty retarded to trust but verify.

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b85f6d  No.16920430


julay are the starters of the whole IB Merchandise stuff though Mark thought /v/ was retarded and tried to suggest it here.

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255efc  No.16920432

File: 9621ea75a44f6e2⋯.jpg (185.61 KB, 1044x1532, 261:383, of_course.jpg)


>Julay merch

>Killstream gunt mee mee shirts

Did they steal those designs or did they actually make em.

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9a42d2  No.16920435

File: 63a38c042ef9375⋯.jpg (14.86 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1418214689752.jpg)


Corona-chan still has a year left, there's plenty more deaths to come.


I think it was cancer.


>For not listening and believing?

For being a fucking newfag.

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fa649e  No.16920438


What kind of VA would go to africa and get Ebola? Are they making games in Uganda now?


>failed "moon rocks" congress>woman or whatever the fuck >she tried to be

>meat-based bowling ball constantly autistically kvetcing because of one (1) imageboard

>scammer who can't make ends meet anymore with his meme game and can't pay the bonuses he promised to his underpaid workers

Alive? Perhaps. Well? I Heaviuly doubt it.

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9a42d2  No.16920440


>VA would go to africa and get Ebola?

The ones that vacation in S.Africa.

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fa649e  No.16920445

File: 3786bf0dd52f26d⋯.png (253.49 KB, 462x476, 33:34, FUCKING_HELL_CHRIS.PNG)


I heard about white farmer killers, but there's Ebola in SA too? Fuck.

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9a42d2  No.16920450

File: 115ce25cf1bd256⋯.png (64.26 KB, 187x249, 187:249, Screenshot_2020_04_18_locu….png)


With all those locust plagues targeting Africa, all those crop migrants are either going to Europe or S.Africa.


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18b391  No.16920456

File: 3b3e0a939606f6d⋯.gif (685.14 KB, 500x281, 500:281, That_s_the_puggest.gif)


>the entire fucking movie in watchable quality for only 16mb

There are some encoding geniuses out there, jesus christ, this is incredible

I'm sorry but even just that is enough to make me pick 8chan, until other imageboards can do that there's no way I'm leaving

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9a42d2  No.16920461


The kung pow webm has been floating around for a couple years now. Originally it had no sound until someone figured out how to add it.

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78b09e  No.16920462

File: f7bc0bc21d40874⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 52ebde17e15c27727318e4f13c….mp4)

Mark made a cringey youtube video and then deleted it.

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40cdc0  No.16920464

File: 34004bab6456e23⋯.png (509.45 KB, 800x5000, 4:25, 08_Bunker_v3.png)


There's one group that's interested in Mark's e-celebrity, just like there's one group that's interested in Acid's e-celebrity, just like there was one group obsessed with every other e-celeb even tangentially related to GamerGate.

And they pretend to hold every possible position.


I find it curious how you've presented a list of equals, but it somehow contains an option that is explicitly said to be "pro /gg/".

It's like you're obfuscating a trap, or something.

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6162c6  No.16920465


Yes we know, you're in love with Hebrew ass.

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396834  No.16920466

File: 55555c5c21c2d77⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 484x465, 484:465, nah.jpg)

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9a42d2  No.16920467


Im surprised no other anon has tried converting more films.

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45f1ab  No.16920468

And a dox has come and gone, I wonder why a fag decided this board was a good place besides activity.

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66eb2b  No.16920469

File: c23e65ea4f853fe⋯.webm (8 MB, 468x360, 13:10, ThisWasCoolerWhenTheLimit….webm)

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5756e2  No.16920470

File: 93fa8bb7d9edc36⋯.gif (853.2 KB, 540x304, 135:76, Slow.gif)


It's stupid of him to delete it because slowpoke butthole aficionados will just repost it endlessly

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45f1ab  No.16920471


nvm,it's still up.

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1d2b0b  No.16920482

File: 9bc510132e419c0⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 184x184, 1:1, proud_small_peepee.jpg)


Sorry, I'm a newfag. I haven't been up Julay's anus quite as long as some others, so forgive my ignorance of their jewish schemes.


>until other imageboards can do that there's no way I'm leaving

Do you mean have anons that can do things like fit the whole movie into 16MB, or have 16 MB webms with sound? Fat can already do the latter, and I'd bet some others can too.

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f51fa3  No.16920491

File: 6e8aa6096a91127⋯.jpg (82.42 KB, 451x558, 451:558, _fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_….jpg)

Regardless of what happens I want to thank you fuckers. I'm a newfag who only started getting in to image boards at the start of highschool a few years ago, and reading 8/v/ threads is what kept me from either dropping out or necking myself. Godspeed.

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a77b6b  No.16920493

File: 2f93146825252c2⋯.jpg (94.92 KB, 704x1024, 11:16, 2f9.jpg)


Lurk more.

Also you made me post this again.

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18b391  No.16920498




It's just so cool, you know ? Fucking technology. Remember twenty years ago when even loading up a few kb picture on the internet was revolutionary if it took less than a minute, and now we have literal movies available, downloadable, uploadable on shitposting centers like ours… Imagine in ten years what will be possible ! Uploading entire games and playing them right away on 8chan.

I feel we aren't grateful enough for the technical prowess of the modern world sometimes. We get webms that let us enjoy hours of content, for basically free, worldwide, anywhere… it's just amazing sometimes.


Do take care of yourself, anon. Let's find lots of reasons to rejoice. Don't forget that the entire exists solely to laugh or to think. People who use it to hurt seek such abuse.

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7967ff  No.16920508

File: 877f58852ad72f3⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 375x327, 125:109, Prettymarine_rose.jpg)


When in doubt, just remember: At least (You) are not M*rk.

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45f1ab  No.16920511

If >>16920437 leads to something, get ready for some shitters to come over.

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bfec52  No.16920517

File: b5e1ae72940d7ac⋯.swf (5.17 MB, heap_of_trouble.swf)


>Uploading entire games and playing them right away on 8chan.

>what is /f/

>I feel we aren't grateful enough for the technical prowess of the modern world sometimes. We get webms that let us enjoy hours of content, for basically free, worldwide, anywhere… it's just amazing sometimes.

You are putting far more emphasis on technology than on the internet. It could very easily be different while still having all the same infrastructure it does now. The reason why the internet can provide these things is because of the lawlessness of it and the culture. Which is why shit like government-assigned identities on the internet are undesirable. You can fellate the technology all you want but, at the end of the day, it alone is insufficient.

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18b391  No.16920520


Yeah, sorry, I meant games like the ones you play on a console or on your PC. Imagine playing the entirety of breath of the wild because it got uploaded on the imageboard. "God fucking damn it Jim I'm trying to ride my fucking horse but the loading times took more than two minutes, fuck this trash site"

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9f7a8c  No.16920531


Yeah but what about the mothers? How horrible must they have felt? Why is it always about males?!

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bc15a4  No.16920535

File: c2061af047deaab⋯.jpg (322.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 55488268_p0.jpg)



At least you are not Anthony Burch.

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24fb0f  No.16920538


>scammer who can't make ends meet anymore with his meme game and can't pay the bonuses he promised to his underpaid workers

Sadly not how it works. His company doesn't have the money to pay his workers' bonuses. Because he first paid his own bonuses, of millions. He still has said millions.


Jesus, you sound like a Qboomer who lost his way and stumbled upon /v/. That webm's existence has zero to do with 8chan aside from it forcing the one who made it to target the 16MB filesize. The only impressive thing is the most likely /tech/ anon who wizarded the shit out of FFMPEG on his own computer.

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18b391  No.16920557

File: 79254aede7d5f61⋯.png (341.69 KB, 734x491, 734:491, I_swear_I_will_cunt.png)


That's kinda what I said, anon… I never said "woah how does it works is it magnets", retard. Go away if you're crying this hard about people not following you to your house when you scream at them, geez. Let people be impressed and happy about even unimportant stuff, nobody likes you, go away.

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bfec52  No.16920568

File: 464b31300e6ebe7⋯.png (96.27 KB, 1036x468, 259:117, Major_rabbis_unite_in_deci….png)


You think those don't exist? There's Runescape and Realm of the Mad God. But if you aren't interested in those, there's a shitload of Unity games online you can play on your browser. I also recall that Square Enix used to have a version of Hitman Blood Money you could play on your browser, where they would give you ads after every mission.

>"b-but I wanted to just have everyone post everything everywhere so I could play everything everywhere without anything"

If you think the site is bloated now, imagine how bloated it would get if people started posting 50 GB sized videogames.

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7365d2  No.16920573


Emulators would be pretty slick though.

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24fb0f  No.16920586


No, what you said is

>I'm sorry but even just that is enough to make me pick 8chan, until other imageboards can do that there's no way I'm leaving

Explicitly stating that you somehow think it has anything to do with 8chan on a technical level.

>o away if you're crying this hard about people not following you to your house when you scream at them, geez

The fuck is this even supposed to mean? The only thing I'm "screaming about" is you being a tech illiterate retard.


There's quite a few javascript implementations of emulators for pre-3D consoles, but implementing those on an imageboard to run roms anons post would be kinda retarded.

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7365d2  No.16920590


Yeah, just reminds me of forums that would have like an arcade section. Having a pop-up emu in a moving thread would just be kind of cool for the sake of it.

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18b391  No.16920591


OK nigger


Well that's the thing, in decades, we'll have access to this shit in much easier ways, much faster, and in much more stable ways. Of course there's hiccups, but… shit, I just remembered that retarded video from… what was that channel's name again ? Haven't seen anything from them in so long. Never really watched them in the first place, but they became a meme of faggotry levels widely with their latest, especially with one of their guys turning out to be a sexpest, SURPRISINGLY. Anyway, the video was about how the internet consumption was gonna run out sometime and we needed to reduce it because "what if we run out of internet guys :'(". Everyone made fun of them for it. Their latest videos were some of the wildest virtue signalling messages you could find on youtube. Last one I heard of was this one saying videogames needed to stop putting bad guys like nazis as playable characters, even in historically accurate ones with multiplayer competitive modes.

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bfec52  No.16920615

File: eebfc27701647c0⋯.jpg (149.15 KB, 866x1166, 433:583, Same_Egeland_as_in_Hjernva….jpg)


>we'll have access to this shit in much easier ways, much faster, and in much more stable ways

Probably true but this type of "technology is magic" line of thinking is generally fairly retarded.

>what was that channel's name again ?

Spirit Science

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18b391  No.16920621


No, no, it was with these silly simplistic drawings and shit.

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9a42d2  No.16920623


>Spirit Science

I haven't heard that name in ages.

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baa0e8  No.16920626


Extra Credits?

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f59c2d  No.16920627


>having fathers and mothers that care about you

Normalfaggots, the lot of you.

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18b391  No.16920642


That's the one ! Thanks anon. Fuck were they terrible.

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bd2873  No.16920644


Pretty sure it's rare. It goes, in terms of likelihood:

parent's don't care, but play the role of caring for societal standing > apathy for their children since they're children themselves, mentally > loving or hating their children explicitly.

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6ad7d3  No.16920646

File: 8e65c7e473c77c8⋯.jpg (192.83 KB, 1181x1654, 1181:1654, 4fba89a411b046120bfe97e507….jpg)


>It's like you're obfuscating a trap, or something.

I can assure you, my intentions are anything but that. I have pointed out that anon.cafe's board creation would very easily fit as a permanent solution to a constant problem for this site.

Ultimately, Gamergate, much like other subcultures, is determined by the action of its members. If you present yourselves in a manner that the owners of another place like or tolerate, you'll be liked and tolerated the same. But since I am the kind of guy who despises having to change my habits because of some overbearing owner, like the faggot nigger loving Jim, I believe that the best course of action is for you to quite literally pack up and create your own /v/. Or at least move to a /v/ that openly claims to admit it.


Hate it as you want, a service whose userbase can only participate in it by casually stumbling on it or being told by a very limited word of mouth (as was the case on /v/ pre Mark getting thrown under the bus) is bound to stagnate, recycle the same content and ultimately die. I've found that the hard way a few times in my life, over various forums, websites and real life clubs.

You must ask yourself whether it's more acceptable to risk not having anything to talk about for days, or having a lot of shitty content and forcing yourself to sift through it to find the hidden gems. I choose to consider the latter a necessary evil, unless you want another dead experiment. If it's of any indication to you, the reason why there's so many website in the current webring has to do with me going out of my way to spread the word out to as many small anonymous imageboards as possible. WHO you advertise it to, though, that's another thing entirely. I'm fully aware of the danger of attracting groups of undesirables, much like what happened to 4/co/.


You misunderstand the notion of 'good' and 'better', they are not one and the same.

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f59c2d  No.16920648


If your parents don't hate/dislike you I'm pretty sure that makes you squarely a normalfag.

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9a42d2  No.16920650

File: c6553b92ced5246⋯.png (59.13 KB, 1058x728, 529:364, 1565487780851.png)


>much like what happened to 4/co/.

Remember when Freddit tried advertising 8ch to reddit?

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baa0e8  No.16920653


That's bullshit and you know it.

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6cf48d  No.16920656


>not having parents that love you

lmaoing @ ur life

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24fb0f  No.16920657


How do you expect people to be hikkiNEETs in their parents' basements if their parents hate them?

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4c37a5  No.16920659


>the reason why there's so many website in the current webring has to do with me going out of my way to spread the word out to as many small anonymous imageboards as possible

Then you just run into the paradox of choice. Having so many sites to pick from becomes overwhelming due to the many potential outcomes and risks that may result from using the wrong site or not using one enough. Having too many approximately equally good options is mentally draining because each option must be weighed against alternatives to select the best one. Having no choice results in very low satisfaction. Initially more choices lead to more satisfaction, but as the number of choices increases it then peaks and people tend to feel more pressure, confusion, and potentially dissatisfaction with their choice. Although larger choice sets can be initially appealing, smaller choice sets lead to increased satisfaction and reduced regret.

8chan had the perfect amount of choice, limits and freedom; the webring can't really compete because there's too many participants that have no real speed while having a varying amount of rules and boards which all seem too similar. There's no real sense of community, the webring is like an apartment complex where you have to put up with people because they're your neighbors while 8chan was a big house where you put up with people because they were your sibling. One's a family while the other is just a place where people live.

And yes I did just copy paste from wikipedia but the idea still stands.


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bfec52  No.16920665


You are forgetting conveniently forgetting their biological instincts demanding it. With the screencap being on the basis of the offspring having been under their parental guidance for so long that their instinctual attachment is deeply enough embedded into their thoughts that it never goes away. They might shout mean things and beat the shit out of their kid for misbehaving but parents actually intentionally killing their child is pretty damn rare. Even if they do nasty things, doing nasty shit doesn't eliminate whatever connection they may feel. Obviously I am not counting abortions in all of this.


Doesn't matter in the slightest whether you used good, better or any other word. I am still referring to the same fucking notion, even if you like to pretend that they are separate. It wouldn't have been different even if you used "best" instead of "good" or "better" because it is still nostalgiafagging.

>X is worse than Y but better than Z

>X is worse than Y

So does adding a third item to the list immediately erase any and all previously existing sentiments? Because it looks like the same fucking thing, just more of it.

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f59c2d  No.16920668


OK normalnigger


Because parents are too cucked to deal with it. True chad alphas dominate their parents and suck their boomer money dry.

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073b6a  No.16920709

Is the anon who thought he might have gotten COVID-19 from a package a while back around? Did it turn out to be nothing?

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9a42d2  No.16920711


Havent heard from him.

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0caa78  No.16920712


>t: Soyboy

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9a42d2  No.16920719


Hang in there Anon.

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188615  No.16920721

File: 4f95fde3e783766⋯.png (110.65 KB, 772x687, 772:687, f755eec0d48cf3fa0d0db3b807….png)


>8chan had the perfect amount of choice, limits and freedom; the webring can't really compete because there's too many participants that have no real speed while having a varying amount of rules and boards which all seem too similar. There's no real sense of community, the webring is like an apartment complex where you have to put up with people because they're your neighbors while 8chan was a big house where you put up with people because they were your sibling. One's a family while the other is just a place where people live.

this is rather romanticized. It's more like 8chan was a apartment with mildly less hostile neighbors. Even then, much of the webring inherited the drama and rivalries of 8chan when it went down. The general hatred between 8/a/ and 8/v/ existed since 8chan(and goes back cuck chan) for example.

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bfec52  No.16920726

File: a3d26d06ada7217⋯.png (3.69 MB, 3805x10184, 3805:10184, Butterfly_War.png)


Also it's not like 8chan has been without boards regularly raiding each other.

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396834  No.16920727


>The general hatred between 8/a/ and 8/v/ existed since 8chan(and goes back cuck chan) for example.

Which was always fucking retarded, when alts like /animu/ came around and just took it as the board's tagline goes "take it easy" the board had no real conflict with anyone let alone /v/ as they dropped much of the elitism and went back to how /a/ used to be, that being fun.

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0caa78  No.16920728


>(and goes back cuck chan)

I remember /jp/ being autistic as fuck and hating both, but wasn't the beef with /a/ just a joke back then.

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253052  No.16920730

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188615  No.16920735

File: 3e924d98270f3c2⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 424x400, 53:50, 3e924d98270f3c232c904c1f2d….jpg)


> but wasn't the beef with /a/ just a joke back then.

Not in the time I was on cuckchan. /a/ hated /v/ with a passion and openly crossposting would at least temoprarily derail the thread, at worst it would get you banned if a mod sympathetic to /a/ showed up(and if you shitposted real hard about beign from /v/ or used "/v/ terminology"). Although the hatred was hardly exclusive to /a/, most boards hated 4/v/ with a passion(calling it blue /b/). Even with the extreme hatred for Mark across this site, you seem to generally be able to get away with openly crossposting from 8/v/ on most boards unless you defend the cakekike.

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8aa212  No.16920736


>If you're referring to Jason Schreier quitting, I already posted it last thread. Gotta keep up.

Would have gone better into that if it wasn't for the meta drama.

>Jason Schreier is leaving Kotaku, citing G/O Media as reason

>washington post


>stick to sports mentioned explicitly

Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but couldn't read his farewell article posted. And I certainly won't listen to the podcast he is touting. Because it is like the soy seeps out of the monitor.

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188615  No.16920744


although i've seen ancient 4chan meme that portrayed 4/a/ as having a tsundere love for 4/v/; I have no idea if this was representation that meant 4/a/ and 4/v/ didn't always hate each others guts, or if this was just people making jokes of a serious hatred.

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396834  No.16920747


>most boards hated 4/v/ with a passion

They hated /pol/, /v/, /b/ and /a/ with a passion is what I remember as those were the most popular boards and thus full of normalfags to other boards.

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9a42d2  No.16920759

File: fba1be06a480da8⋯.png (49.14 KB, 640x1200, 8:15, 1.png)

File: 490de88b89364b3⋯.png (65.16 KB, 640x1200, 8:15, 2.png)

File: c8b1f15fa79a138⋯.png (52.64 KB, 640x1200, 8:15, 3.png)



I get to post this comic again.

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9a42d2  No.16920760

File: 8a2e8f1d9227e7c⋯.png (174.88 KB, 668x2195, 668:2195, 4b.png)

File: 54596e71dadd914⋯.png (184.99 KB, 668x2195, 668:2195, 4ba.png)

File: bfb39d5960318d7⋯.png (167.08 KB, 663x2363, 39:139, 4bb.png)

File: 89fd0b6aa5e62c2⋯.jpg (788.8 KB, 640x3600, 8:45, 4a.jpg)

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188615  No.16920762

File: 82e427cc8d38bb8⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 512x512, 1:1, benis_in_colour.jpg)


>They hated /pol/, /v/, /b/ and /a/ with a passion is what I remember as those were the most popular boards and thus full of normalfags to other boards.

I remeber people hated 4/a/ for the same reason many hate smug/a/. They were viewed as elistist and often mocked with "MUH SEKRIT CLUB." 4/a/ culture was strongly anti-normalfag and also hated other anime communties like MAL and gaia who would ocassinally crosspost(like how 4/v/ hated gamefaqs). 4/a/ went the extra mile and would skub about certain threads, like recommendation threads or threads about manga that were deemed entry level (like most shounenshit) and had a bunch of unspoken rules that would cause many 4/a/ anons to tell you to "fuck off /v/ermin" and probable thread deletion by a sympathetic mod.

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18b391  No.16920768


Damn… this whole shit took me down nostalgia land. I remember how much /v/ waited for the conclusion of that whole saga with bated breath. That last one at the time had been posted as if it was the actual ending even though it's such an obvious crazy joke by the artist, it was just amazing.

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0caa78  No.16920771


>Although the hatred was hardly exclusive to /a/, most boards hated 4/v/ with a passion(calling it blue /b/)

Ah yes, "/b/, but with slightly more video games".

>you seem to generally be able to get away with openly crossposting from 8/v/

I'd be more surprised if that wasn't the case. This was primarily /v/'s site first and foremost(with /pol/ coming in slightly later), and far as i know or could tell at the time nobody on the other boards really bothered to follow /v/ to 8chan. Even the /pol/acks didn't fully move over until m00t started fucking with them personally. Anyways, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to assume any of the legacy boards would be filled with /v/irgins.

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9a42d2  No.16920773

File: 1906e73b6374805⋯.png (40.32 KB, 756x533, 756:533, 1404245330501.png)

File: 01106aeade898f4⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 3041x1745, 3041:1745, index_4_.jpg)

File: bb6826015a662b9⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 906x900, 151:150, 1409163181544.jpg)

File: 4138c2334f91385⋯.png (148.85 KB, 663x2113, 663:2113, 1409166587382.png)

File: fa998acba07c598⋯.png (155.13 KB, 375x292, 375:292, 375px_Board_tan_party.png)




>/a/ hated /v/ with a passion

>4/a/ as having a tsundere love for 4/v/

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188615  No.16920778

File: 0ed88c9e4fb7cb9⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1700x1400, 17:14, 0ed88c9e4fb7cb90c61718c3e1….png)


The media I was talking about basically had them kissing and other assorted lewd shit. I remember there was one that implied the /a/ personification was a trap.

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5f9696  No.16920779

File: c23ffc4c4e6ce85⋯.png (17.47 KB, 692x612, 173:153, c23ffc4c4e6ce856b5ba6b6312….png)

File: 474b82d17c03a64⋯.png (83.49 KB, 628x1664, 157:416, 474b82d17c03a64cf2c0adafd6….png)


>most boards hated 4/v/ with a passion(calling it blue /b/)

I remembered those days. Even /v/ hated /v/.

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9a42d2  No.16920780

File: c032a1ad9351a17⋯.png (35.64 KB, 739x724, 739:724, 1430367940933_1.png)



/a/ was a trap, I would post more but some years back my hard drive crashed and I lost a lot of my /a/ + /v/ shit.

If anyone has some old stuff, please post them. I miss my old collection.

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9a42d2  No.16920784

File: df6b3697d2a80d6⋯.png (133.08 KB, 565x1300, 113:260, index_1.png)



Forgot to add this.

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9a42d2  No.16920789

File: 576cd24ab001de0⋯.png (304.85 KB, 400x2000, 1:5, 1409165310716.png)

File: 6fc8904a9ef78a7⋯.png (236.78 KB, 533x2700, 533:2700, 1442539506417.png)

File: 3ded7a8c7df73b4⋯.png (255.23 KB, 600x1012, 150:253, d6e.png)

File: 14ef58b093f365c⋯.png (35.78 KB, 514x614, 257:307, cb0.png)

File: b339b9c7bdec630⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 794.7 KB, 1920x1444, 480:361, 141373769489.png)


I just have shit that's scattered everywhere.

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7aab18  No.16920790


That answers so many questions!

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188615  No.16920795



which /v/ tan comic was made by that guy who raped/molested a relative. Was it that one that had an animated version

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5756e2  No.16920799

File: 83801ae3dfc37ed⋯.png (159.92 KB, 600x550, 12:11, need_tomboy.png)


>/a/ personification was a trap.

More tranny tomboy erasure propaganda

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9a42d2  No.16920801

File: 604b123d7f22392⋯.png (33.39 KB, 705x544, 705:544, 1450674584989.png)

File: df4abb1cb590228⋯.jpg (202.2 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, index.jpg)

File: 2a9d0446dc6e494⋯.jpg (577.21 KB, 901x1824, 901:1824, 1485425822894.jpg)

File: 017867d2854e102⋯.png (45.96 KB, 1037x539, 1037:539, 1411444859520.png)

File: c3281df2afc1701⋯.jpg (115.3 KB, 433x709, 433:709, 1409166472318.jpg)


/v/ and /a/ were never really good parents at least with Vivian /v/ sobered up a bit.


I think I had it but like I said my hard drive died on me.

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188615  No.16920802


>More tranny tomboy erasure propaganda

I assumed it was a joke based upon there being no girls on english language imageboards.

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188615  No.16920810



this was also before people gave a real shit about trannies. So it was mostly based on trap memes. which according to that one ex-SA anon on one of the GG boards, started out as a gayop by SA for fun

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7aab18  No.16920811


I meant more in regards to who the guy in shades was. What happened to /vr/ because I never see them ever give notice outside of OC like this?

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66eb2b  No.16920818

File: d66a99cc382df32⋯.jpg (166.99 KB, 956x540, 239:135, GCCXMovieInANutshell.jpg)


Of all the things to predict accurately, why this?

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9a42d2  No.16920819

File: 6c2fd9c9622eb8e⋯.png (3.69 MB, 827x1169, 827:1169, xio0iyqg.png)

File: 1a7ca351bc61c9e⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2039x1378, 2039:1378, 1440737317296_1.jpg)


Well on 8ch /vr/ died and became a ghost.

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9a42d2  No.16920820

File: b95a33b69a4ed1f⋯.png (94.13 KB, 365x479, 365:479, b95a33b69a4ed1f577041d91fb….png)


Forgot another one.

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188615  No.16920821


>What happened to /vr/ because I never see them ever give notice outside of OC like this?

There is no /vr/ of importance on 8chan/8kun or any of it's clones. There's generally not a need for it now that most modern games are garbage. Most boards don't even mess with each other much anymore either, so you rarely get OC that refernces other boards. The last time I saw an interOC image was when Freddit was still in power.


What happend to inkerkun by the way? I heard he turned into a fag of the not gay kind.

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0caa78  No.16920823


>What happened to /vr/

Didn't really follow us from 4chan. There was a /vr/ on 8chan, but it was dead for the most part.

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7aab18  No.16920831

File: 71bee2624e025d5⋯.webm (2.09 MB, 320x240, 4:3, _satomi_momopi4_greater_E….webm)

Ron made a dedicated thread: >>16920787

>Just to recap from the thread I was posting on the past few days:

<1. Asked a lawyer about 2dloli legality, and the lawyer is currently researching it and will get back to us soon. Its weekend now, so probably monday at the earliest but no promises on dates here.

<2. I brought back the Anyone account, but the name was already taken by a board vol for /vichan/, so the new name is Anyone2.

<3. Fixed file deduplication issues for old boards with images on them from before the deduplication happened. These images should now be shown normally.

<4. Checking if board pages are broken, and if they are will fix them. If you have an example of a broken page, please link it to me.

<5. Refactoring post.php. It has too much bloat and am currently splitting it into separate scripts for each of its main functions. With that split up, we should get a better idea of which functions are sub-optimal and can more easily refactor those individual functions.

<6. We have approximately another week until the new hardware is arrived for the new network setup. After it is ready, then we switch to the new setup and things should be faster.

<7. There is a new claims volunteer. Please send any migration or board claims to the claims volunteer. If you had any requests ignored in the past, please re-send them. Note, boards that we historically had significant DMCA requests for will not be coming back due to the non-trivial amount of time/energy we had to spend on those requests. I know the boards arent technically illegal, but its a mega pain in the ass to deal with dozens of DMCA requests every day from agatha and I would prefer that our team spend time on something productive instead of finding and deleting agatha pictures for hours at a time every day.

<8. Made a javascript function to auto-retry posting if it fails due to the status0 bug. It seems this bandaid is helping a bit, but its a bit hacky so plan to remove it after we get on the new network in a few days.

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9a42d2  No.16920833

File: a51344f64a8fc9b⋯.png (585.3 KB, 1418x907, 1418:907, a51344f64a8fc9bf31be8ff045….png)

File: 500efd082670464⋯.png (790.2 KB, 1169x1194, 1169:1194, Board_pa_and_Salty.png)

File: 54d5fa56599bb26⋯.png (356.68 KB, 766x1494, 383:747, ss.png)

File: 33f54b784edb752⋯.png (195 KB, 842x974, 421:487, hongkong_polina.png)

File: eb693168b1f4f3d⋯.png (717.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, heya.png)


> The last time I saw an interOC

There was on the smaller boards or at least with drawfags.


Yeah he kinda just fucked off.

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188615  No.16920835


>Yeah he kinda just fucked off.

I rember someone out right saying he hated gamergay, if not /v/ in general, in a thread long ago. I also remeber him expressing dislike for /v/ on his twatter.

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5756e2  No.16920839

File: f1e12d6dd273d8c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 94.73 KB, 1350x652, 675:326, video_game_dude.png)

File: 95ffcf246caac01⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 786.34 KB, 1133x932, 1133:932, skateboard_dude.png)

File: 242b44a6c0ff67b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 431.75 KB, 573x609, 191:203, dude.png)

File: 9147fd3ce4f42ad⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 113.58 KB, 701x678, 701:678, Video_Game_Dude_3_0.png)


Some weirdo dug up /vr/'s corpse and desecrated it.

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396834  No.16920840




Many Artist tend to be come huge faggots with egos or become hypersensitive or try to change from their edgy days to appeal to normalfags. The irony is people like artist who aren't fags and can meme in an edgy way and this ironically includes normalfags.

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188615  No.16920841


was that who that was supposed to be? I figured it was his OC he used to shitpost with. Whatever happened to this nigger anyway? Did he get lost after 8chan went down?

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253052  No.16920846


>1. Asked a lawyer about 2dloli legality, and the lawyer is currently researching it and will get back to us soon. Its weekend now, so probably monday at the earliest but no promises on dates here.

I still can't imagine that this is going to turn out well.

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188615  No.16920852

File: eeb1fd77800f2d8⋯.jpg (24.09 KB, 600x451, 600:451, Consider_this.jpg)


>Many Artist tend to be come huge faggots with egos or become hypersensitive or try to change from their edgy days to appeal to normalfags

I figured it was because drawfags were always at odd with imageboard culture. Many of them are left of center and upload their art elsewere, which is understandable , but it always becomes fodder for shitposting. Many a drawthread back on cuckchan was derailed because a drawfag mentioned hosting their art on tumblr. What was said about inkerkun made him sound like he sperged out harder than most, which is why I asked.

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d7322c  No.16920855

File: 63057acdb27ef85⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 7.99 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, VG_family_nude.png)




Last i heard he was focusing on making a shitty game instead of shitty comics; no idea of anything beyond that, mostly because i never paid attention to his shit.

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396834  No.16920866

File: dfb976251bdb3ad⋯.png (496.37 KB, 852x480, 71:40, lwa21.png)


The artist who are more right leaning or centre fags who aren't "enlightened centrist" tend to be chill.

> drawfag mentioned hosting their art on tumblr

Drawfags IRL I knew actively started avoiding twitter around 2014 and they dodged a bullet.

>What was said about inkerkun made him sound like he sperged out harder than most, which is why I asked.

He had a meltdown and while not ikerkun this one drawfag here on 8/v/ sperged out because people lightly poked fun at his tumblr account and he sperged hard, his drawing was a pretty good Vivian dressed as Akko from LWA.

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188615  No.16920874


>he had meltdown

about what? that's what I want to know nigger.

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3d94ea  No.16920875

If you fags have nothing better to do, why don't you log into the public mod.php account and see if it fixes any of the posting errors.

Username: Anyone2

Password: 0

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396834  No.16920876


He sperged how he only drew vivan because she was cute and that GG is retarded and sjws are dumb Td;lr everyone is dumb but me neutral, He became a meme artist who only wants attention and is bitter about his IB past.

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9a42d2  No.16920878


I haven't had posting issue since yesterday.

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2ecddd  No.16920894

File: f553ada62051d5c⋯.jpg (129.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asuka_doesnt_want.jpg)

Welp, we hit our first real roadblock. I promised I would keep you guys updated, and that means bad news as well as good.

I came home to get to work on the server to find my ssh login invalid. I checked my account and my payment for the server had been refunded. According to Apu Pajeet customer service, one of the admins of the hosting company personally stepped in and denied the server purchase at the last minute due to the hostname containing an 8chan reference. They think we're Hotwheels/Jim trying to bring back the original site on the sly.

I've contacted them directly with an explanation and a request for review, and there is a plan B so don't get your knickers in a knot just yet. But this is going to set us back at least a couple days.

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9a42d2  No.16920895


What a bunch of faggots, I hope you're looking at other places too.

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7365d2  No.16920900

File: d6728be4c855798⋯.png (99.26 KB, 227x332, 227:332, holo.png)


That's damn near funny it lit a fire under someone's ass but also very fucking gay.

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2ecddd  No.16920901


Part of me wants to be


right now, because if this sticks it means Cripplewheels' autism crusade effectively deplatformed 8chan so hard that anything related to the hostname has been effectively banned from internet hosting forever.

Whether it has anything to do with Jim or not.

Its the ultimate in collateral damage. You can make a site called debbiefuckshorses.xxx and get a host somewhere but nothing with a name related to 8chan. That's fucking outrageous clown world horseshit.

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94ab05  No.16920905


>and there is a plan B so don't get your knickers in a knot just yet.

Are you asking for us to trust in the plan?

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d7322c  No.16920906


You could go double reverse vague. Call it helixchan or some shit, it's like an infinity but spiraling forward.

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2ecddd  No.16920911

File: 61f45475e8d77bf⋯.jpeg (20.23 KB, 480x326, 240:163, Asuka_Alone_.jpeg)




>04/81 11/9 = 9/11

>Who has preorder gamest0p codes?

>O/75, G00gle, 6969420

>Holocaust didnt happen,

but should?

>8/14/88 Hitler Resurrected?

Think about Easter




I'll admit, I considered that this was possible and baked in a solution before we started. But I considered it very unlikely, to the point of "nah, no way." To see it actually happen actually startled me. Last night everything was perfect and then suddenly someone cucked out.

Now if they also clamp down so hard by association that plan B gets fucked by proxy, I'm gonna be worried. I have other possible paths teed up now as well, but if I was wrong about the host I could be wrong about those too. There's still an answer in there, that can't be stopped, but fuck it'd be a lot of work for not nearly as much gain as I want for this, just to fuck the censors back.

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073b6a  No.16920913


Are you confident they're sufficiently committed to free speech in the first place for a site that allows user-made imageboards and almost all legal content? When I was researching hosts that let you anonymously pay with cryptocurrency for an anon in this thread I came across some that advertised that sort of thing at least. For example Julay.world, Endchan.net, and Fatchan.org are all hosted via Frantech Solutions (AKA BuyVM.net). zensurfrei.com also very vocally advertises free-speech (despite their name they don't seem to be based in Germany). Note that Flokinet advertises free speech principles but while searching around I saw they had suspended a site for speech they considered to be a "hate crime":


There's others too, especially if you're not restricting yourself to ones that take cryptocurrency, look for ones that advertise themselves as free-speech hosting or bulletproof hosting. Though I think some of bulletproof hosts mostly pander to criminals hosting stuff like malware so they might fold when it comes to legal but controversy-getting speech. In general obviously the issue is how well they hold to it, but if you're not confident in your current one it might be worth it to look for alternatives.

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0caa78  No.16920914

File: a75581f6d829c62⋯.jpg (102.69 KB, 576x717, 192:239, png_kofi_b212a4a2_432b_4a3….jpg)

File: 14668d9ef4f9515⋯.jpg (195.9 KB, 860x948, 215:237, png_kofi_827b4bc5_fe16_490….jpg)

File: 569352edae2e62b⋯.png (806.69 KB, 720x1029, 240:343, png_kofi_f3666f0f_667f_4a7….png)

File: 9eb2310abb09552⋯.jpg (147.95 KB, 864x618, 144:103, png_kofi_eff7ab11_fea8_44d….jpg)

File: 08d07720c35efc8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 210.54 KB, 864x650, 432:325, png_kofi_a0d164c4_6144_49f….jpg)


Seems like his art really went downhill too, though not to the levels of Calarts.


Whatever. Not as if i was waiting with baited breath for Markchan.

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8b973c  No.16920929

File: 2e0a2b32cd9d8d3⋯.png (292.9 KB, 432x375, 144:125, concerned.png)


Well, at least there are other ways to circumvent that, like using a cryptic name or something like that

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2ecddd  No.16920932

File: 821f6417794212c⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 482x456, 241:228, ANGRY_DINOPUSSY.jpg)


Yeah. I think that's why they're picky. They once gave me a guarantee that I could open a shrine to Hitler (paraphrase) on their servers and they would never shut it down. So once you're in, you're in. Thus they're doing their curation at the signup stage and time of purchase instead…. It makes a kind of sense, but I'm still pic related about it right now.

I'm aware of the options you posted, and they're in the potential list if we have to do this the hard way. Thank you for posting them regardless, I'm keen to see others taking an interest in this whole deal.

I'm starting to wonder about another possibility. What if we got stuck as 8kunt in the first place not because of admin autism and desire to ditch the name, but because no host anywhere would accept an 8chan-like name already? Jim and Ron wouldn't have wanted to brag about that, it would mean admitting defeat to the cripple over hosting. So they pretended to "voluntarily" change the site name…. God I hope that's not what I'm running into. I'm gonna be so fucking mad.

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c7a126  No.16920936


you should just call it ghostchan

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d216f3  No.16920938


He's technically better, but his coloring is a bit unappealing to me. Not a huge fan of his line work either.

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2b618f  No.16920943

File: 741851ae2ed29a5⋯.jpg (336.87 KB, 1280x1020, 64:51, Chuun_Chuun.jpg)


Call it






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5f9696  No.16920945


Or Markchan.

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2ecddd  No.16920947



Its possible to use the same strategy I did with the GG Wiki (which is on the Google front page for gamergate wiki searches now, by the way. No quotation marks needed anymore either.) I prepared other domain names to implement this, that's what plan B is.

The fear is that they go "nah fam, you ain't hosting SHIT with us because you might be some evil sneaky 8channer" and leave me with the domains and deny all other service. I can't get a read on just how paranoid they are, but its pretty fuck paranoid. I guess we'll find out soon.

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d7322c  No.16920949


ultimachan, as masterminded by richard garriott

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5f9696  No.16920954


How's that for a name?

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2ecddd  No.16920960


That's why I didn't take that one, lol.


I thought about that, as well as other cute ones like tsunechan ("endless time"). I have a good selection of options, several already purchased.

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5f9696  No.16920968


tsunechan.moe has a good ring to it.

Also, get an alias in case your enemies find you and try to deplatform you from past associations alone.

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2ecddd  No.16920976

File: c744278b5687d2e⋯.jpeg (376.29 KB, 960x886, 480:443, 0bd882d2ea10e3d2eea3e10be….jpeg)


I've got a bunch of top level domains, and not all registrars handle .moe sadly.

Since I can't do anything right now but wait with my thumb up my ass for this admin to respond, does anyone want to talk about games or anything?

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09227d  No.16920982


At this point, I think you're better off figuring out someway to get advertising on 08chan and set up a server to actually host content on it.

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2ecddd  No.16920989


That's plan Z. I understand, vaguely, what would be required to implement it and its a nightmare of spaghetti that anons wouldn't like anyway.

You'd have to go to a clearnet site by me, register an account, the account would open a Zeronet container for your use on the server, and then you could go to 08chan from your container via a Zeronet proxy. The reason for this is because, if the proxy is completely open then 2 things happen: First, everyone has the same IDs and the whole board is just one person talking to himself. And second, if a single user hit Mute on a single other user (like say, someone posted CP from the open proxy), then every single post and thread made by every person who ever used the open proxy would be deleted, and nobody could ever post from it again because the block would remain on the proxy ID. So you have to split everyone up into separate containers with separate IDs if they want to be able to post and not just browse. That means accounts. Granted, on 08 itself you would still be anon. But the proxy server would know unless you connected to it via VPN or TOR. And if you're already going that far, why not just install Zeronet and visit the site proper?

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09227d  No.16921006

File: b41ce33c66431dc⋯.png (612.32 KB, 959x884, 959:884, 1463117717053.png)


Your best bet is to accept ZeroNet and clearnet clients. You should also have a monthly refresh on all topics. Also, considering it's a P2P site, I was shocked how filesharing wasn't implemented so well. You can share a 50GB game on torrent, but no one could share 10MB zip folders of old shareware on ZeroNET.

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9a42d2  No.16921027


Hey acid can't you just use "∞".

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076b8f  No.16921032


>That generic nerd with glasses is supposed to be /v/


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9a42d2  No.16921034


It was pre-2010.

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2ecddd  No.16921036


Zeronet doesn't exist on the clearnet. The only way to access it from the clearnet is via proxy that connects to the ZN network. I actually have the server software to do this, and such proxies already exist but are few in number and all refuse to serve 08chan because bogeyman.

Those proxies let you browse a Zeronet site and see other people posting, but every single person who uses the proxy shares the proxy's ID on zeronet. So its kind of like open proxies and imageboard ban evasion. ONE fucker out there uses the proxy and gets banned while on it, and nobody can ever post from it again. Since users each control their blocks individually, there's no way to mass-unblock the proxy ID either.

I could write a script that would generate a new proxy ID every few minutes, overwriting the old one. But then it would become a race amongst trolls to see who could get the new proxy IDs banned fastest and for the longest consecutive times. The only solution is user instances, each with a separate ID and purged every 24 hours. You could do this via IP addresses but then the same thing would happen to everyone using TOR or a VPN. That means you need account segregation and containers. Messy, huh?


Symbols like that aren't usable for domain names anon. Good thought though.

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076b8f  No.16921037


That doesn't make it any less lame

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9a42d2  No.16921039


Well I hope you started buying alt-domains just in case someone decides to mess with your progress.

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950b4a  No.16921047

File: 6f4076f10a815b9⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 546x512, 273:256, D86rRswWsAE2Q6L.jpg)


Go play Kenshi.

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950b4a  No.16921050

File: c5282b74924c7e3⋯.jpg (23.74 KB, 324x324, 1:1, c5282b74.jpg)


Wow even during the plague 8chan is still number one boogieman.

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2ecddd  No.16921054

File: 2508a43deb8675e⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Stallion_Words_Worth.jpg)


Impressive, ain't it? All the more reason to get our home back. Pic fucking related.

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2aebf3  No.16921058

File: 2a175997db49873⋯.png (262.77 KB, 611x650, 47:50, Hollywood.png)



wtf I love Corona now


Acid was only brought up due to the recent trouble's of 8kun Administration (Jim being a retarded Boomer, Ron being a slimey faggot with contradicting statements and Mark getting fired for sperging) and he stood up to the plate of creating another bunker in case shit get's bad, since it's clear 8kun is not 8ch and likely will never be. Otherwise Acid, and most of the usual avatarfags in this thread have had a dwindling presence for the last 2-3 years, and 2020 especially was devoid of most of them almost completely.

It's not unreasonable to hate Acid but at least lurk moar.

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964a6a  No.16921067


how about not8kun?

as a riff on not4chan

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74222a  No.16921068


how long until

>8chan created the corona virus


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964a6a  No.16921069


how about not8kun as a riff on not4chan?

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00e105  No.16921076

File: 6e1431f26ca734f⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 958x423, 958:423, 1425088431478.jpg)

I keep seeing news about Acid&Mark creating an alternative to this place.

Okay. Give me the sales pitch.

>It's like 8chan, except it has X!

>It's like 8chan, but it doesn't have Y!

Fuck tribalism. Fuck loyalty. Fuck ecelbrity.

Give me a genuine sales pitch about why what you're making is better.

Fair warning: I'm prone to sticking here, because the owner WAS SUBPOENED TO TESTIFY BEFORE THE US CONGRESS, and did so, and is still here. He did all that, and still didn't shut this place down and moved on "for his health" or it was too much or whatever.

I have seen zero evidence that Mark or Acid wouldn't be put to the fire, and decide to just shut ebverything down and move on. I have seen zero evidence that they could withstand articles from Vice, Polygon, Guardian, etc. detailing their real names, homes, jobs, and all that, and still keep whatever site they're making up and running.

This place is here, now, and is familiar. I see no reason to leave unless I hear a dealbreaking detail about what the new place offers, or ironclad proof that the new place will continue even if Acid has his name and face featured in the Verge, NY Times, NY Post, NBC, Washington Post, ArsTechnica, Cnet, DailyBeast, Reuters, Politico, and so on.

Because the owner of this place had all that, and is still going. Show me proof "AcidMan" is willing to do all that and has the resources to keep the site and multiple replacements going, and the new place has X WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME AND NOT FOUND HERE WHICH IS A HUGE DEALBREAKER… and I will consider.

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4e9d19  No.16921077


how about m8chan where everyone shitposts like in the aussie generals?

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18b391  No.16921080


From what I gathered, the argument is simply "it's 8chan but not with Jim and Ron". I appreciate Acid, I find him collected and competent, and frankly I like Mark as an individual, we had fun chats here and there, but Mark is a sperg who'll go crazy over the smallest things, especially if he gets drunk, and Acid putting his trust in Mark is a redflag to me.

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4e9d19  No.16921083


mork is only for bullying

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2ecddd  No.16921088

File: 953538aba5ec9cb⋯.jpg (312.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Arcadia_WP.jpg)


X is respect and love for the anon community including all their flaws. Y is the baggage of both of the old administrations, and their feud that has anons caught in the crossfire and brought a lot of the other drama you mentioned down on our heads.

Z is the fact that you're a drive-by (1) posting a dated revoltard meme.

8kun isn't going to cease to exist, and I wish Jim and Ron well along with anyone who wishes to stay. This isn't a project borne out of resentment, but a desire to have our real home back again. 8chan, for all its flaws was a little slice of paradise. It's why my project folder for this is called Arcadia.

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396834  No.16921104


>Everyone who dislikes me is revolt

That and your self righteous behavior along with thinking people like you is a reason why anons here dislike or outright hate you.

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2ecddd  No.16921128

File: ad6e1198bd23f9b⋯.jpeg (134.97 KB, 900x1600, 9:16, smug_tamamo_cos.jpeg)



You have like 6 posts that aren't shitting on mark, myself, or being contrarian for the sake of it. Why so invested?

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400ec3  No.16921198


You ignored most of his post and then just tried to dismiss him as a troll. I don't think I want to go on your shitty website if that's the level of discourse you are capable of.

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bc15a4  No.16921199

File: 402a73818be1900⋯.jpg (1008.96 KB, 1177x815, 1177:815, 54726063_p0.jpg)


/a/ /jp/ /tg/ crossboarder reporting this is true

/v/ was known to as /b/ 2.0 across every image board.

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9f7a8c  No.16921213

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I mean it's the reason shit like this exists in the first place.

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f0acd1  No.16921220

I just realized why so many ginger characters are being changed into black characters.

What word do you get when you change the first g with the n?

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74eb64  No.16921222


Oh fuck!

You get 'nigger'!

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741b38  No.16921239


It took you that long to notice this?

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bfec52  No.16921243

File: 6173d54dd84beb6⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, As_long_as_it_takes.webm)


>What word do you get when you change the first g with the n?


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4787e2  No.16921268

File: 201df9491699b24⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 216x268, 54:67, 12770709416100167143191.jpg)

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bc15a4  No.16921278

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9f7a8c  No.16921293

File: ad9ccd4e17ff17a⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 320x240, 4:3, A_hopeful_vision_of_the_f….webm)


Man, britbongs used to be funny

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a77b6b  No.16921303

I hear Mr. Cake-a-lot is trying to become a big-name streamer now. Anyone able to confirm?

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1d2b0b  No.16921308


Why is that last image spoilered?



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00e105  No.16921321

File: d2657745c9bba99⋯.jpg (778.87 KB, 1280x1968, 80:123, 67000_original.jpg)


>Can't answer a simple question without bringing up "Revoltards EVERYWHERE!!!!" eDrama baggage

Why would I voluntarilly go somewhere that promises more of the same garbage ecelebrity drama?

If you can't even sell the concept of a new home without your revolt nervous tick erupting, like a sneeze or orgasm you can't hold in… your precious Penny Arcadia sounds doomed.

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a77b6b  No.16921325


Oh, saw that on fatchan. Didn't realize it was just a vid, thought he was on Twitch or something.

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0caa78  No.16921331


>Why is that last image spoilered?

They were all suppose to be, actually. The spoiler is just broken.

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9a42d2  No.16921371

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7aab18  No.16921374


Stop shilling Jewtubers!

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9a42d2  No.16921379

File: 04dbbb236d29cca⋯.png (23.29 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 04dbbb236d29cca0c25e8cd29c….png)


>Stop shilling Jewtubers!


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7aab18  No.16921381

File: 7308fb521d8e041⋯.mp4 (879.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, _1_on_the_charts.mp4)


>It's not shilling if it's free in the first place

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18b391  No.16921387


Anon, while it's a pain, it's been explained several times in these threads that invidious isn't a sufficient mirror solution. The only actual way to ensure no view is given is to make a webm, which is these days fairly simple, especially with a 16mb limit.

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000000  No.16921392


If you want a webm, make the webm yourself. Even if the video is short enough where a sub-16MB download option exists, it's much more easy to copy and paste a link instead of downloading or uploading something. And that's not even getting into encoding your own shit if the video doesn't already fit under 16MB.

Why not be the change you want to be if you apparently feel so strongly about it?

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7aab18  No.16921395


>it's much more easy to copy and paste a link

Then why not link an archive of the article itself rather than post a video from an e-celeb?

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0b7047  No.16921400


Does it matter is most of us block adds?

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5756e2  No.16921404

File: b676934c0d2ad81⋯.webm (234.54 KB, 1012x1080, 253:270, _angry_oni_noises_.webm)



>[envious failed eceleb-wannabe noises]

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18b391  No.16921406

File: 26cc974fd0e9a64⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Hello_yes_please_hang_up.jpg)


Anon, I don't give a hint of a shit about the whole process. I was explaining to you why that other anon was pissed at you. I know you're a torfaggot, but there are still IDs in place, and maybe if you'd used some form of brainpower ever, you'd have noticed. I mean, your response in itself is pretty retarded self-excuse bullshit in the first place, but honestly, just seeing I wasn't the same person would've been a good start.

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396834  No.16921415

File: 5e20c578a25e7b1⋯.jpg (27.59 KB, 450x550, 9:11, fucking_dumbshit.jpg)


>contrarian for the sake of it.

Rightfully not having any type of faith in you, Mark and Ron/Jim is common sense at this point and I'm not alone in this sentiment of being sick of all parties involved's bullshit.

>Why so invested?

Because I honestly gave a shit about this site and seeing the remnants being jerked around by Ron/Jim and then you who has proven to be unfit or incompetent to lead anything genuinely pisses me off. I feel you need need a reality check as people don't like you but the tards who used to follow you to dox/troll you were shitters too.

>shitting on mark, myself

You miss the posts where I take a massive steamy diarrhea dump on Ron/Jim or Julay and others? I'm shitting on everyone involved as you all deserving of verbal lashing.

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5756e2  No.16921418


>you all owe me free labor

No >we don't. Fuck off.

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000000  No.16921431



Retarded faggot. I'm not the other anon. Your post mentioned the importance of webms, if you think they're so important and every embed is somehow worth downloading/encoding, why don't you take any initiative. Otherwise you're merely virtue signalling about the importance of backing up every single embed while never putting in any effort yourself.


Read my post, I'm not the one asking for free labor. Anons whining about embeds are the ones begging for free labor.

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24fb0f  No.16921436


>it's been explained several times in these threads that invidious isn't a sufficient mirror solution

Really? All I've seen is "guise it still counts as views trust me my dad works at jewtube" arguments.

I know for a fact that using invidious, the only connection you have to jewtube servers is googlevideo, purely to download the actual video blobs. And as far as I am aware, views are counted using their API, not number of times blobs are accessed, since that'd make botting views considerably too easy and crawlers would count as a view every time they ping a googlevideo address.

If invidious counts as views, then so does youtube-dl. And a quick search on that topic only returns a single plebbit thread that claims that no, it doesn't.

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5756e2  No.16921452


>my DEMANDING free labor isn't asking for too much

Again, fuck off. If you don't like it; just leave. Did ALL the exit nodes from your paid VPN finally get range-banned? Or has your mom stop paying for it?

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000000  No.16921458


Again, I'm not the one demanding webms. I'm asking the faggots demanding webms to put their money where their mouths are. If making webms of every embed is so important, why don't they take the initiative? Whining about embeds is easy.

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396834  No.16921475


>why don't they take the initiative

You have a pretty good point on this and with invidious you can save videos into webms.

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7aab18  No.16921478


>If making webms of every embed is so important

Way to miss the point you fucking retard!

WHY link a Jewtube-celeb just reading news rather than just link the fucking article ITSELF?

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5756e2  No.16921479


>I'm not demanding

>but I'm demanding

What part of "No." is unclear?

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24fb0f  No.16921487


Jesus fuck, did you go to college to learn this level of illiteracy?

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1d2b0b  No.16921501


Making webms oneself doesn't make other retards stop embedding. Only calling them retards who should make webms has a chance of doing that.

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5756e2  No.16921502


>got told "No." firmly by an adult

<ur uh… a illterate replying with the wrong UID

And? n

Am I supposed to pretend you're not samefagging at this point?

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bc15a4  No.16921508

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Sakura Miko Report sad news Kiryu Coco got banned from Live streaming by Youtube (Hololive Sub)

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f0acd1  No.16921511


The fuck? why would anyone ban virtual tubers? they are the most mild shit you can find.

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9f7a8c  No.16921520


So many reasons. They're japanese, so chance are they did something on their stream that didn't agree with western sensibilities.

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000000  No.16921523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not always.

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396834  No.16921524


Coco is a major shit lord in the same vein as filthy frank and Kiketube doesn't like shitlords they don't control.

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f0acd1  No.16921526


Also, maybe Youtube would face the rage of corporations behind stream idols? This is bad for business for them afterall.

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8aa212  No.16921536

File: 9bca81ca5ca0100⋯.jpeg (342.65 KB, 975x2048, 975:2048, EV9FVrNVcAEd1i_.jpeg)


The actual issue is that youtube will censor videos. Downloading a local copy is useful, because, especially in the case of wrong think ecelebs, a channel can be unpersoned at any moment. That's not even including the times the uploader themselves will private or delete the vid. The invidious link will stop working at that time.


Her current twitter. https://archive.ph/uLMgw

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513a4a  No.16921564


Damn I'd actually watch this shit.

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05868f  No.16921575

File: 0658f8216a1ab03⋯.png (468.89 KB, 680x452, 170:113, c47.png)


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87b692  No.16921579

File: 9baa598c8942955⋯.jpg (304.2 KB, 800x765, 160:153, AVGN_Upset.jpg)


What am I suppose to be looking at here?


Even if she's like Frank, her livestreams are mostly in Japanese, right? Shouldn't that fool the algorithm?


Idolfags are viscous, Youtube actually might face some legitimate danger if this pisses them off.


>That's not even including the times the uploader themselves will private or delete the vid.

I fucking hate it want anyone who creates shit online goes scorched earth on their work, it makes no sense. Why the fuck would you delete years of works that people like if you're planning on quitting, just do so and leave it up for the people who want to view it.

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396834  No.16921585


>her livestreams are mostly in Japanese

She does stream in English and will talk in English in a lot of her normal nip streams. She is a hapa

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f0acd1  No.16921589

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bfec52  No.16921590

File: 8aab1ce1e805096⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Feed_my_my_COOOOINSss_mist….jpg)


>Idolfags are viscous


I would have expected them to flow more fluidly but I guess they are just a lot more cohesive than I thought.

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9f7a8c  No.16921599


You underestimate the amount of people who learn Japanese just to patrol Japanese content creators and report them. Yes, that's a thing, I knew someone like that.

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9f7a8c  No.16921605

File: b25209354a038fc⋯.jpeg (601.9 KB, 2165x2971, 2165:2971, what_is_on_your_childs_co….jpeg)


>What am I suppose to be looking at here?

A childlike character with a sex toy. It'd just take one report to get that taken down or at least struck with a community guideline reprimand.

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18b391  No.16921608


storytime ?

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bfec52  No.16921612

File: 0b5541f80516e09⋯.mp4 (8.74 MB, 414x720, 23:40, Police_smash_residents_doo….mp4)


<if you see any of these on their computer, be sure to report your child to the police so that we could add this to their permanent record

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f0acd1  No.16921614



You don't snitch on your relatives, even if they are serial killers.

People forgot actual family values these days.

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bfec52  No.16921617

File: 552f9fc3aac6757⋯.webm (1.73 MB, 856x480, 107:60, In_honor.webm)


It's funny in that they got it the wrong way around. To strike terror in the populace you are supposed to convince kids to snitch on their parents, not the other way around.

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9f7a8c  No.16921620

File: 9b7300809fe7fc2⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1469x1958, 1469:1958, 1576345254611.jpg)


Not much to tell. Used to play with a chick that I eventually found out was part of a tumblr clique that hated japanese culture(the usual reasons), so she took it upon herself to learn Japanese in order to patrol the sites she was on for japs that violated the rules. When she did, she had everyone in her little terrorist cell of about 10 or 15 people report them over the course of a few days, which in most cases caused an almost guaranteed ban, depending on the violation.

I was told by her that she there quite a few groups like that, usually self organizing depending on the group sentiment of what kind of content the majority hated the most. She did mention that they were lurking on boards as well to intercept links to content and report that if it violated the host's ToS. She also mentioned how for a long while some people she knew, who had the same sentiment, would patrol /loli/, /shota/ and other triggering content boards on 8chan, and scrape threads for share links to filehosts, which they then reported the content to. This was years ago, when people still used sites like mediafire regularly, all second hand information by her, but I didn't have any reason to doubt her since she was convinced I agreed with her.

It's just shit that goes on behind the scenes that shouldn't really surprise anyone. When discord got popular and people suddenly found out about groups like that having raiding servers where they plan deplatformings and other attacks on sites or people, I just laughed. This shit had been going on for way longer - just on less connected instances. IRC, skype, etc.

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f0acd1  No.16921621


Seriously, can't you just cough in their faces? this is a fucking warning to the rest of the world because someone could get shot and you could argue they invaded your home illegally and would be criminals pretending to be cops.


The sad thing is that people actually snitch on their children, just to be surprised for them to be arrested or shot.

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18b391  No.16921622

File: 57a2ab6dfe4753a⋯.jpg (166.1 KB, 646x1305, 646:1305, Woah_woah_what.jpg)

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05868f  No.16921623

File: a6d2d150466e1ae⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 640x775, 128:155, 1545839768689.jpg)


>they use the time to learn language to enforce and increase their rule.

>we use it to escape censorship by playing japanese games in backlogs

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d37759  No.16921625


It's been a long time since I've seen Mr. Shitface. How's that faggot doing?

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9f7a8c  No.16921628

File: 91aea08fb6271d4⋯.png (471.83 KB, 412x594, 206:297, geolge_rukas.png)


Hey, the most important thing about learning something is a strong motivation, and if living in a society has told us anything its that hate can be a very powerful motivator(even if it's projection)

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f0acd1  No.16921629


Well, that is fucking pity. And to be fair people do the same to them but curiously the whistleblowers are the ones banned and shamed.


Who cares? he should be fucking forgotten after what he did.

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741b38  No.16921631


That certainly explains why certain boards always made links with passwords.

These actually lasted way longer.

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fa649e  No.16921633

File: dd8835bd8fc30c6⋯.png (80.7 KB, 273x253, 273:253, smug_gunplara.png)


Imagine getting stabbed by the S.A.S butter knife division for installing Discord.

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09227d  No.16921639

File: 41ee2c2c315859e⋯.mp4 (12.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Watame_Gone_Wild.mp4)



It's the YT AI. It's fucking retarded, and banned almost all livestreamers at the same time, case in point:

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1d2b0b  No.16921649


Fuck off Mark.

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5756e2  No.16921656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>why would anyone ban virtual tubers?

I wonder why. Coco's daily "news" stream is called "Coco's daily shitpost", which ended up becoming literal during one horror game stream. Also, trannies be mad that an actual (virtual) woman beat them at Speedrunning something.

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2ecddd  No.16921709

File: 8eb6fa05eab7c1e⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 736x981, 736:981, Asuka_hat_casual.jpg)

Son of a gun, the host accepted my appeal! Server has been granted and we're back in business. I finally get to go to work on it and start installing software tonight.

I'm a little sad that we lost a lot of work hours last night since I have to go in to my real job tomorrow, but I'm going to try and finish the entire prerequisite setup tonight. Then I'll do the IB software installs in the evenings. With some good luck we'll still be up and running in a few days.

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9f7a8c  No.16921712

File: de87e2c04a2317a⋯.png (21.68 KB, 596x211, 596:211, example.png)


Probably. Either way, people putting so much effort into infiltrating something they hate to destroy it from the inside are everywhere. All you have to do is look around a bit. Pic related.

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8aa212  No.16921720

File: b12d282a2e8862c⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Coco_s_Japanese_Class_2_Wo….mp4)


Coco has a very strong english fanbase for a reason.

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f0acd1  No.16921724


When are this people stop being relevant?

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f0acd1  No.16921725


Western girl learning japanese, or a japanese girl with lots of english knowledge?

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253052  No.16921726


I hope you reverse infiltrated her and fucked with her somehow.

>She also mentioned how for a long while some people she knew, who had the same sentiment, would patrol /loli/, /shota/ and other triggering content boards on 8chan, and scrape threads for share links to filehosts, which they then reported the content to. This was years ago, when people still used sites like mediafire regularly, all second hand information by her, but I didn't have any reason to doubt her since she was convinced I agreed with her.

Well fortunately pixiv and now baraag exists so whiny faggots like this can go pound sand.

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f0acd1  No.16921728


You can't reverse infiltrate them. They already cannibalize them without infiltration and still they keep being alive.

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8aa212  No.16921733


Just watch it. A Japanese girl teaches English viewers Japanese. See >>16921585

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9f7a8c  No.16921744

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I didn't. I got a real life, and didn't really want to deal with her anymore once she opened up that side to me.

>we have pixiv and baraag

That should actually scare the living crap out of you. Compare the number of places that artists today can use to post works of all kinds to how many there were only ten years ago. In case of lolishota, the anime and hentai community has gone from being completely accepting of it, to disavowing it in order to save their own reputation. There's less than a handful of sites left. Sites that are creator friendly anyway. In the long term this is not going to get better.

People back then laughed at the mere idea that this content could eventually be pushed underground, not because it'll be outlawed, but because nobody will want to take the risk anymore. Those were typically also the same fags that deluded themselves into thinking Japan was invulnerable to Western pressure.


Depending on what your proficiency level is, you might want to go for the reverse, as in Japanese youtubers teaching english.

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09227d  No.16921753


I can't tell; both her English and Japanese seem off.

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a77b6b  No.16921772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>that singing

Japanese songs in English rarely turn out well, it seems. Sticking to Japanese hiphop it is, then.

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9f7a8c  No.16921783


She has really good pronunciation for a native Japanese as well, which helps.

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253052  No.16921785


>People back then laughed at the mere idea that this content could eventually be pushed underground, not because it'll be outlawed, but because nobody will want to take the risk anymore. Those were typically also the same fags that deluded themselves into thinking Japan was invulnerable to Western pressure.

The funny thing is if loli/shota gets pushed underground then we'll start getting innocent panties and nudity again in anime and cratoons because the preception will be that lolicons have been defeated and driven from the hobby. It's all cycical.

>deluded themselves into thinking Japan was invulnerable to Western pressure.

At the rate things are going everyone is going to be invulnerable to Western cultural pressure because the West is steadily going under due to its own self inflicted wounds and stupidity. This virus might actually end up being the black swan that causes us to become unstuck.

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dc9524  No.16921790

File: 30f629b810e49e0⋯.png (122.97 KB, 401x326, 401:326, 1409690758998.png)


I don't doubt that this is real, but what I don't understand is why would anybody learn Japanese if they really fucking hate the Japs? A whole lot of anons here hate the chinks, including myself, but you don't see Mandarin learning threads up here. If only they had this much passion for women's rights in countries that actually need it, like Saudi Arabia. But no, they have to spend it on reporting loli on 8chan.

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9a42d2  No.16921831


Great news.

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9f7a8c  No.16921848


The West might be going under, but by the time that happens they'll have affected Japanese culture to the point where it'll have buried some of the cultural idiosyncrasies that the rest of the world has gotten away from for one reason or another. Whether people like to hear it or not, the way Japanese culture views child sexuality(real and fictional) played a huge part in why lolishota could thrive there. The West has already succeeded in imposing its moral standards in regards to real child sexualization onto Japan. Whether you think that's positive or not doesn't matter, the point is that they caved, multiple times, and will cave again given enough time. That's your only saving grace there. Japanese culture changes more slowly than modern Western culture, which can be a double edged sword, see censorship laws. They already imposed temporary sales bans for certain hentai genres in the prefectures most likely to be visited by Western Olympics tourists, and the sales ban of ero material in convenience stores has also been prohibited completely(permanently IIRC) because of the West.

tl;dr - there's been plenty of precedents of Japan caving to western pressure. it just takes longer, but that doesn't mean it won't happen, and not pretending it wont will help you prepare for a time in the future where Japanese artists might have to seek out US hosted sites to post their art.

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9f7a8c  No.16921854


Know your enemy I guess. If you know Japanese, not only are you able to harass Japanese artists without getting much blowback from Westerners(Japanese people are much less confrontation on average), but you can also pose as Japanese user if need be. You can report things that might not be obviously breaking the rules of the site, but if you're able to read the dialogue in a picture, which might, you can report that. That's just what I can come up with.

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253052  No.16921858


I'm hoping that Japan undergoes a neo-Edo period and kicks many of the western ideals out after the West recedes from the worlds stage.

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0caa78  No.16921879


Who the fuck knows for sure. They'll probably stick around for a long time if the boomers are any indication, though the up and coming generation doesn't seem to share in their bullshit as much


You don't need to be Mark to enjoy watching a good ol fashion train wreck. Only reason i even bothered going to fatchan in the first place(and will even bother checking out furfag and mark's new chan)

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950b4a  No.16921882

File: fd4bfa375a96284⋯.png (413.94 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, fd756.png)


Fucken Sick dude lets hope no more problems.

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950b4a  No.16921884

File: 1a829b77860a13b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.62 MB, 1932x1933, 1932:1933, What_coco_looks_like_1.png)

File: 7e2e27addd9dff6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.68 MB, 1561x747, 1561:747, What_coco_looks_like_2.png)



Apparently Coco lived in Georgia for a couple years. And she may look like this.

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8b973c  No.16921908

File: bbdff002f01b06c⋯.png (935.4 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, Kako_07.png)


Those are some amazing news!

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253052  No.16921922


Well that turned out well.

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09227d  No.16921970


Did they tell you WHY they changed thier minds?

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2ecddd  No.16922015

File: 669cdb867b6a8d6⋯.png (611.01 KB, 600x1075, 24:43, Asuka_armor.png)


They did not, but I made clear in the appeal that this is a community project with no affiliation to the prior site's owners or administrators. I woke up today to two emails, one reinstating the purchase and the other with my ssh login credentials. I've been at it for a few hours and everything is going okay so far. I had to find the exact right version of a certain old library from a sketchy Russian FTP server but it worked like a charm.

Preliminary installs underway now. I might even get the base site install going tonight, so cross your appendages.

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948aab  No.16922029


I'll probably not use anything involved with Mark, but I'll root for you anyway, man.

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2ecddd  No.16922046


Mark's made clear he doesn't want to do much administrative duties (and neither do I). Apart from our discussion on board curation and enforcing globals I don't think you're going to see much of us. That being said, thank you. I'm actually enjoying this now that we're over the hump with the host. I'm waiting for the server to reboot right now lol

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000000  No.16922101


It's some vtuber masturbating herself with a vibrator while singing miscellaneous anime songs.

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d35dbc  No.16922147

File: 2822f9948113bc7⋯.png (233.56 KB, 700x506, 350:253, 74d15f59bd04fcc0456f7ffe6e….png)


>you don't see Mandarin learning threads up here

I keep making them, but they keep getting deleted.

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253052  No.16922149


>Mark's made clear he doesn't want to do much administrative duties (and neither do I).

In that case this thing might actually work out just fine. I don't dislike Mark but he can definitely loose his objectivity when it comes to moderating something that he's close to or when the shit-stirrers try to rile him or the board up. Mark needs a "middle management" to mod for him that he can trust to maintain the spirit of what he wants but doesn't necessarily indulge every impulse.


I've always wanted to learn Seal Script.

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253052  No.16922151

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05868f  No.16922216

File: 2af89fa94a1539d⋯.jpg (4.56 KB, 140x156, 35:39, 281.jpg)


>16 killed while he dressed as cop

> In 2014, he appeared in local media after donating dentures to a cancer survivor.

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05868f  No.16922217

File: 9be09b374c17401⋯.jpg (187.96 KB, 1225x593, 1225:593, EV_CLzcWAAADvWk.jpg)


he also somehow got a cop car?

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7365d2  No.16922220


From what I read he simply had his car detailed to look like a cruiser, also was in uniform.

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65c1b3  No.16922221

File: bb1443c7c3ae7c2⋯.webm (373.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1467227150479.webm)

This is the ONLY place on the entire internet I ever see webms.

Without this place, I'd assume webms were extinct.

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2aebf3  No.16922229

File: 961425e83d099cf⋯.png (388.26 KB, 616x832, 77:104, Partners.png)


I remember a lot of shitty Nintendo journo accounts trying to push this narrative only to get dunked on when the original JP script was revealed. The usual suspects are still trying desperately to push their gay ship in the replies. Shippers were a mistake.

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f9c7a3  No.16922231

File: 0f0cd6b6e19ec0f⋯.png (175.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Gracie is a gay male in the Japapnese version. Why don't they just try to get Gracie faithful in the localization instead?

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d37759  No.16922233

File: abd5852da3c27c0⋯.webm (990.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Not_A_Very_Friendly_Looki….webm)


Is this the only place with SOUND webms?

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7365d2  No.16922236


Oh shit, I'm sorry. Wrong reply.


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9f7a8c  No.16922237

File: 38cd701db7df6bb⋯.jpg (175.68 KB, 891x1024, 891:1024, 1578881463936.jpg)


Cause you can't fight the establishment by being content with things that are already going your way. Removing perceived norms(white, male, hetero) is the goal and will remain the goal until these things are eradicated. It's a bit like people forgetting some things are banned. They just accept that they're bad and fight.

Basically, it's like the war on drugs. The motivation isn't to prevent people from ruining their lives, but to prevent people from getting what they want, regardless of how harmful it really is.

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7365d2  No.16922239


I think their choosing more normal and less flamboyant types is a good call, increases the threat of stranger danger when you realize you could be cornholed at any moment by anyone.

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bfec52  No.16922247

File: 2ff5a7f11c3f355⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 386x360, 193:180, Communist_directive_1943.webm)


Their goal is to change shit, not to drool over existing garbage. They will keep doing it until they have total control, at which point the warring factions will fight each other over dominance. Meaning that they will never stop, they will only continue pushing forward as expected from commies.

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5f9696  No.16922264

File: 59b3445e80f4e8f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 562.84 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c09e1ae5e675250⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 664.68 KB, 1500x1600, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)




It's all so tiresome.

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670a0f  No.16922267

File: 13ed0cbf61c623b⋯.png (330.05 KB, 556x551, 556:551, 13ed0cbf61c623bbe29c605ca2….png)

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87b692  No.16922295

File: feada06ea5120f7⋯.jpg (67.32 KB, 623x713, 623:713, shaggy_what_the_fuck.jpg)


Anon, why do you have this on your computer? Where did you get this? Are you okay?

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bfec52  No.16922297

File: 13cca6a62328bef⋯.webm (1.19 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Achieving_childhood_vacci….webm)


It's why you don't bother to pander to them in the slightest. There is no point to having even a single gay character. It's the same with having black characters, where having one will simply open you up to the criticism of tokenism. You are conceding to the enemy the same way using their language does. You are accepting their stance as not only valid but as a given, which puts you on the defensive by default when they are proclaim to be dissatisfied.

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faa63e  No.16922302




Do you dare enter the magical realm?

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7aab18  No.16922305


Wait, you have not seen this shit before?

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87b692  No.16922308

File: 4e391d651467373⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 429x410, 429:410, wat_computer.jpg)


>actually posting this

Anon, I wanted to know WHY do you have this on your computer. Did somebody hurt you? You realize this is not an okay thing to like, right?


No, I have not.

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7aab18  No.16922310

File: a39017bb69a7516⋯.png (460.56 KB, 634x480, 317:240, Child_finding_hentai.png)


>No, I have not.

Awe, you're nothing more than a wee lad.

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0caa78  No.16922311


>this is not an okay thing to like

Fuck off, /leftypol/.

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87b692  No.16922319

File: 3887fa85344fd4f⋯.jpg (91.92 KB, 1055x680, 211:136, TG_Sequence_If_you_turn_ar….jpg)

File: 775e459d5845476⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 214.4 KB, 809x913, 809:913, TG_Sequence_Christmas_Mira….jpg)



I've seen some TSF, but nothing like this. If you like it, fine. It's just really fucking weird.

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fa649e  No.16922320


>who hurt you

>this is not okay

This isn't Twitter, you fucking pinko.

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434859  No.16922324

File: e55e56542abc226⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 543.33 KB, 1055x680, 211:136, ClipboardImage.png)


>first image


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87bf6e  No.16922326



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0caa78  No.16922327


>I've seen some TSF, but nothing like this.

Yes i'm sure you have you commie scum.

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0b7047  No.16922342

File: ed176d44ab3a91c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.7 KB, 720x823, 720:823, benis.jpg)



That shit is pretty tame mate.

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24fb0f  No.16922345


<why do you have this on your computer?


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1d2b0b  No.16922346


Wew laddy.

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24fb0f  No.16922350


Just saying, he most likely doesn't "have it on his computer"

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9a42d2  No.16922352

File: e657ecc6672b7f5⋯.png (69.92 KB, 572x462, 26:21, Screenshot_2020_04_20_Fred….png)

Guess who's helping create 9chan.


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bfec52  No.16922362

File: a1841127edf2705⋯.webm (3.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tony_Martin.webm)


That doesn't necessarily mean he is helping make it, just that he might be trying to push an alternative knowing that some may still be loyal to him as cucked as that may be. That being said, those sand hieroglyphics do not inspire great hope.

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9a42d2  No.16922375

File: 6c3f8e6b2f1bd1a⋯.png (89.13 KB, 526x351, 526:351, Screenshot_2020_04_20_Twit….png)

File: bd0f3efd1568014⋯.png (26.73 KB, 572x249, 572:249, Screenshot_2020_04_20_Brea….png)

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bfec52  No.16922378


>$0.01 per barrel

Fuck buying food, time to get myself some crude oil.

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24fb0f  No.16922381

File: 55bf243e78e0570⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x799, 1200:799, ClipboardImage.png)


>tfw never looked into trading before and now likely missing out on a massive chance


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1d2b0b  No.16922384

File: ce4ce4237e39d4c⋯.jpg (134.43 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 0.jpg)


I know, I was agreeing with you and laughing at him.



It just went negative and trade has halted.


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1d2b0b  No.16922386


Only if you bought it in the half day that prices were falling.

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2ecddd  No.16922389

In b4 Trump pre-buys a trillion dollars worth of oil for the US for a penny a barrel. You know he's thinking it.

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073b6a  No.16922395


The issue is a lot of oil production is more expensive to stop and then start up later than to keep producing continuously, oil costs money to store, and we're running out of storage space. That's why some oil briefly went negative.


The U.S. is already filling the strategic oil reserve as fast as they physically can. I think the oil that went negative was futures contracts that are expiring soon, you need to be able to take delivery or you might end up paying someone else to take it from you.


The time to do that was before the market had responded to the incoming epidemic. It's a shame I didn't think to set up a trading account and bet on the market going down, I had guessed it would become a worldwide epidemic and I had seen the Wuhan lockdown, I just didn't think about the stock market. By now oil prices are instead about details like how hard it is to shut down production, which I don't know anything about.

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9a42d2  No.16922411

File: f5a8a7e118c49ff⋯.png (446.85 KB, 850x786, 425:393, f5a8a7e118c49ff88b6c2d2543….png)


So the a true oil backed green back?

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34b777  No.16922413


If I knew anything about stonks, Id probably drop a thousand.

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124589  No.16922414



fuck. where is that comic with that stick guy with big red lips

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9a42d2  No.16922419

File: 2423fd11ac48691⋯.png (177.75 KB, 390x431, 390:431, 2423fd11ac486918dedc468c9d….png)


Technically, with it going negative, they pay you.

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9a42d2  No.16922434


Some people are just lost souls.

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f0acd1  No.16922451


My question is, why is oil so cheap out of a sudden when everyone knows it will get back to normal valuen when the coronita beer is gone?

But well, anything that kill muslim or commie countries is good enouth.

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9a42d2  No.16922459


>why is oil so cheap out of a sudden

No one is using as much due to the pandemic and the companies never stopped pumping while having to place to put the building oil.

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87bf6e  No.16922460


My understanding is that people bought contracts for oil, but now there's nowhere to store it. So in order to get rid of their contracts they have to pay people to take them.

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bfec52  No.16922469

File: 62a8308953fb185⋯.webm (232.37 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eat_drink_be_happy_becaus….webm)


Pretty much every country going on shutdown and lockdown means that nobody is driving their car anywhere. Not to work and not on holiday. Not by plane either unless they're a pilot delivering goods, which judging from the number of planes in the sky is fuck-all. They can always increase the price but now nobody is buying even when it's being given away for free.

>when everyone knows it will get back to normal valuen when the coronita beer is gone?

It's not going to be gone within two or three days. And once it is gone, it will still have an effect on people's behaviour. There is a reason why some Saudi sheikhs jumped ship the moment they got the news about China's incompetence, they knew that they would be fucked if international travel were to be banned.

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2ecddd  No.16922473

File: ae32204f05d8b3a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 61.88 KB, 1536x478, 768:239, Screenshot_2020_04_20_My_c….png)

File: 5d2d5232be2f363⋯.png (291.05 KB, 724x1023, 724:1023, Asuka_china.png)

Progress. Server is humming along now, db is good, all discovered issues debugged, admin accounts created.

Time to fix the CSS. I hate css and I'm terrible at implementing it. Does anyone know where to grab the files for classic yotsuba B for lynx's latest version? I know it exists because Julay has it as an optional setting, but I haven't had much luck finding it yet. I can pump-dump-debug a different version via the ftp server but that could take longer and would be a lot more painful.

With css fixed there's some preliminary tests, then setting up the ngenix server and SSL certs, then another test (board creation/customization functions) and finally customization and launch. We got a late start thanks to the host dicking around, but we're about halfway there.

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f0acd1  No.16922478




So basically they can't store all the oil they are pumping out? Shit, the oil market is scary?

>There is a reason why some Saudi sheikhs jumped ship the moment they got the news about China's incompetence

What industry did they got their hands into? besides, isn't oil the only thing that Arabia produces besdies terrorists?

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7aab18  No.16922481



>There is a reason why some Saudi sheikhs jumped ship the moment they got the news about China's incompetence, they knew that they would be fucked if international travel were to be banned.

I was told that they dumped their entire stock to screw over Russia.

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f0acd1  No.16922482


Fuck, my dislexia kicked hard and I didn't notice. I hope it is still readable.

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9a42d2  No.16922484

File: 698d33d39d119e8⋯.png (125.33 KB, 446x228, 223:114, Screenshot_2020_04_20_Twit….png)

File: 295e561adb4bc7b⋯.jpg (128.3 KB, 1125x765, 25:17, 1471897719290_3.jpg)

>Jason Schreier joining Bloomberg News


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2ecddd  No.16922485

File: d416382fa5793e8⋯.jpg (529.37 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 1409679440260.jpg)


>What industry did they got their hands into? besides, isn't oil the only thing that Arabia produces besdies terrorists?

One is pumped out of the ground by arabs. The other is pumped into the ground by Americans.

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9a42d2  No.16922487


What about the Russians?

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9a42d2  No.16922489


You should ask the guys over at pro.

Also thoughts on this? - >>16922352

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ca01a8  No.16922494


>The other is pumped into the ground by Americans.

To what end?

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124589  No.16922495


> There is a reason why some Saudi sheikhs jumped ship the moment they got the news about China's incompetence


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2ecddd  No.16922498


Fuck NEXT, fuck Jewsh, and fuck the cripple. I was one of the BOs who got burned the worst by the NEXT debacle because I trusted those fags to have the ball.

I'm not a coder anymore. But at least I can admit my own incompetence and fight through it to make most things work when I need to. We never even got that. All we got was a raw, hairy creampie, a slap across the face and not even a bus ticket home.

What do you mean by pro? Remember, I was gone for a while.

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f0acd1  No.16922500

Anyway, it seems that my region is thinking about removing some restrictions as we are the region of my country with less infected and less deaths. We just have to wait to see what our incompetent government does.

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9a42d2  No.16922501


I only ask because some of his spergs tried to shill his site here a few days ago.

>by pro?

/animu/'s bunker.

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9a42d2  No.16922540


What country?

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f0acd1  No.16922556


The country with most deaths after china and italy. Not sure if we surpased italy.

If those aren't enouth clues, spain.

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dd72ca  No.16922573

File: abe92816061541a⋯.png (234.18 KB, 575x900, 23:36, 5d83aa1250371671733e568068….png)


It looks really good

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f0acd1  No.16922577

Also, don't know if this happens in other countries, but in spain WhatsApp has restricted resending message to one group or person at a time.

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948aab  No.16922581


I remember Facebook said they were gonna do the same, due to "Coronavirus misinformation"

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dd72ca  No.16922582


They restricted that all over the world

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5756e2  No.16922585

File: 23ba16b21bed26f⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Go_after_the_right_people_….jpg)

It's just so odd how all the Countries and US States who have the worst casualties so far are almost entirely Leftist/Communist/Soft-Communist and Iran which has a weird theocratic Socialism. In the US, there seems to be a loose correlation between people who legally own guns not knowing ANYONE who has been infected by Wuflu, much less getting infected or dying. Although, a lot of this is the usual BlueState/RedState Urban/Rural divide.

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f0acd1  No.16922586


And now they are fighting hard against "fake news" and only push for "officially verified" information, that means anything the government says.

I just hope people just see what these monsters are and act accordingly. Not sure if the "far" right party is going to sue Google, twitter or facebook for difamation.


Well, at least it isn't something that just happens here. Still that is fucking bullshit.

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f0acd1  No.16922591


As far as I'm seeing the only places hit hard in the US are democrat states. Everyone blaming Trump because of New York but nobody here understands that the US is the size of a continent and the President doesn't have the same control of the country like in other countries.

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dd72ca  No.16922592


They want to control how people communicate and what type of information can go viral

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253052  No.16922610

File: 8fd38e8b9fa17d8⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, brother.jpg)


Is the petrodollar crashing?

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bfec52  No.16922640

File: cebd7a32b8342e4⋯.png (464.39 KB, 1059x2017, 1059:2017, Wikipedia_pulling_the_same….png)


Dems aren't blaming Trump as much anymore, but they did go hard into it seeing the opportunity to call him a racist and authoritarian. Now it's largely only left-leaning media that is blaming Trump. Like how they recently tried to spin Trump showing a video of the media downplaying the virus as being a propaganda video.


You know how these things go. Someone will sue those companies and they will all play stupid. Whereby they will pretend that it was just their algorithm fucking up and that there was no human involvement, which is blatantly false but is nonetheless a defence that always works. They will just say it was a funny little mistake, that they are always on the lookout for such mistakes even if they don't manage to catch all of them and that they would never try to pick sides.

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f0acd1  No.16922653


Well, they are the third most voted party, but I guess that means shit if the other parties doesn't support you in free speech things.

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9f7a8c  No.16922656



>read it as 'pedodollar'

You know, basing a currency on children wouldn't be a half bad idea.

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124589  No.16922657

File: f74a5115bd734b0⋯.jpg (43.8 KB, 507x425, 507:425, WTHAT_THE_FUCK.jpg)

are we in Japanese tv game show?


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f0acd1  No.16922661


Were they trying to cremate them before realizing they are not dead yet?

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5756e2  No.16922664

File: de5559995370ea7⋯.png (110.39 KB, 534x408, 89:68, laughing_heroines.png)



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0b7047  No.16922667

File: 53a84d2054eaefc⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 1200x692, 300:173, 53a84d2054eaefc87e06a7e566….jpg)


>Their abnormal skin colour is caused by hormonal imbalances after their livers were damaged by the virus

This just raises more questions for me.

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f0acd1  No.16922672


Well, you can turn yellow because a liver failure, right? Can't you become black because of that?

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e31223  No.16922675

File: 9fd7db2247e1544⋯.png (6.83 KB, 222x227, 222:227, 34765766856538457.png)

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0b7047  No.16922676


I've heard about yellow but turning black? Is it because bugman already are yellow? :^)

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f0acd1  No.16922679


Maybe the yellow mixed with red from blood flowing in the skin and as it got darker it became brown? Could't you get your skin orange? but I don't know if that is related to a liver. Maybe it's related to a more severe organ failure.

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6cf48d  No.16922683


I'm guessing the liver damage wasn't from the virus but some sort of treatment they were trying that the doctors agreed to. Its likely that they were yellow and jaundicey and then their skin turned dark afterwards like how a bruise gets dark.

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0b7047  No.16922684


That would make more sense.

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1e88d5  No.16922686

File: bb04a31caf85974⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Crying_guy.jpg)

I'm starting to get why that one dude literally cried for Star Wars, he's not the only one that does that, it's just an extreme example in regards to media, games, movies, so on.

Modern life is stressful. We're hardwired to look for antagonism and ultimately deal with it directly, but all antagonism in modern life is unable to be directly assaulted or dealt with, it's always a looming threat.

Money, neighbors, border issues, criminal organizations, evil within supposedly "good" organizations, the threat of strangers, the inability to escape work, the inability to be truthful in order to survive, the constant fucking bills, gentrification, slow declines in economy and economic crashes that happen at random, this pandemic, natural disasters, the emotional drain of dealing with others overwhelmed by such problems, horrible schooling, mental health issues brought on by subpar health and genetics, race, "gender", identity, roles one is forced to inhabit and conform to, the direct defiling of common sense, culture clash, misinterpreted language and the constant threat of the offended culture, the percieved psychopathy of groups as told by the media and so on and so on and so on and so on and so fucking on and so on.

None of these threats are direct or can be affected by individuals unless they act en masse and the alienation between individuals is so great that every day is a slot machine in a fucking casino decided by the whims of the winds of fucking fortune, The era of a simple life is over despite the fact that we have supposedly advanced technologically and socially over our past generations. And yet, this is "supposedly" how it's always worked.

Is it no wonder that people go mad and accept the comfortable? Literally crying over fictional characters? Because maybe, maybe that's "real" to them, because they have nothing to hang onto but pulp fiction characters and fake relationships to the point that a percieved injury to them or their image is an actual emotional blow normally reserved for the actual people around them. Horrible as it is, these people were broken by despair. Despair is the modern man's enemy.

As I stare into the abyss contemplating the existence of the weak I find that they had no choice in being weak. They had nothing to them that would allow themselves to pick themselves up and be strong. They ultimately had done nothing to deserve who they became. In them, I see the world's suffering.

He's not crying for Star Wars. I don't think he's even crying for himself. I don't know how to help people like that.

Whenever I see someone like this, all I feel is the warmth of anger. And i'm not angry at them. I'm angry because they were made into that.

When I look at people like them, I don't see free will. I see mental illness and trauma, choice was taken from them. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. When do we get to a fucking future?

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f0acd1  No.16922690


I believe that's just an act. Dunno, maybe a too passionate fan.

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0b7047  No.16922695


Most likely an act, you need to have some major malfunctions to cry in public let alone broadcast it for the whole world to see.

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1e88d5  No.16922697

File: 702f4816ae93d78⋯.jpg (92.46 KB, 912x1024, 57:64, Hahahaha_Hanibal.jpg)


If I were engineering a virus, I'd throw in shit like this just for giggles.

I actually feel bad for them, though, this is probably going to wreck their job prospects, I don't think the chinese like blacks.

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0b7047  No.16922700

File: f9f1caf9f7f9882⋯.jpg (102.05 KB, 550x825, 2:3, ad675baade284c84fe6ff2bab8….jpg)


They wont even be able to flip mcburgers after this.

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0caa78  No.16922702


You're overthinking it, honestly i'm not even sure if half of what you describe affects soyboys like that on any real level.

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8aa212  No.16922730



Swear when it first hit people were jumping on the cyber bullying defense, because he might legitimately be autistic.

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61ff37  No.16922740


Shit if I get corona I hope I die. Surviving it and being a nigger is a worse fate.

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bfec52  No.16922748


Even if the other parties were to support you, you would need a pretty overwhelming amount of support from each and every side to have even the possibility of punishing them. The Republican Party is far from small and they at one point tried to do something, yet they didn't manage to do anything about Google manipulating results against conservatives.


Look at it from the bright side. You can turn others into niggers too.

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0b7047  No.16922750


So you'll be able to claim you're a niggamancer?

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dd72ca  No.16922752

File: f15b873d67be965⋯.png (161.21 KB, 649x473, 59:43, Aku_Stare.png)


>Dr Li suspected that the two medics' skin turned dark due to a type of medicine they had received at the beginning of the treatment

>Dr Yi and Dr Hu are colleagues with late whistle-blower Li Wenliang, who was punished for sounding the alarm of the virus and then died of the disease on February 7

It was forced niggerfication

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61ff37  No.16922758


I would not inflict that torture on my worst enemies.

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bfec52  No.16922761


Don't worry, Anon. You can deport them to Africa afterwards, where they will fit right in.

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3588e2  No.16922775


I find the right are less social animals than the left, who need companionship boarderlining the ability to die if left to be alone, like a rabbit. Fun fact, rabbits wont die of lonleyness, but leftisrs might suicide or murder if left alone


>A jew who hates capitalism joins a jew who hates and abuses capitalism

Par the course.




Nova scotian here, its all dumb and so many rumors because I am surrounded by idiots who act like middle age gossipping housewives who cant keep out of other peoples lives. One rumor is the dude had his son stabbed to death and the police failed to properly investigate so he wanted revenge, which honestly would be quite possible in canada, an other which I suspect probably true he killed his ex and her husband and then went on a fuck it spree. Id say pray for our gun rights but a)what gun rights? and b) dont fucking pray, do something productive with your life. Oh, and let me mention had anyone actually used self defense, deadly or not they would be facing prison time, anywheres from a year to 20 years in canada. Not that it matters because this is a failure of people blindly trusting authority figures too much, nothing more, and I hope nova scotians get a little paranoid when the mountie pulls them over.

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e56b32  No.16922777


Maybe that's Chinese idea to fix Africa.


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5756e2  No.16922785

File: 323acbac0a535cd⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nogwarts_School_of_Gibscra….mp4)

There's powerful niggerdry at work here.

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87108e  No.16922806


>prison time for self defense

If you can prove that your life was in danger, or even that you simply believed your life was in danger, you can justify lethal self-defense in Canada. Awhile ago, a well-known Montreal drug dealer had his house broken into by an off-duty cop who was trying to snoop for clues and thought the dealer was out of town. The dealer shot him dead with a pistol and got off scot-free because

a) the cop broke into his home

b) the cop was visibly armed

c) the pistol was totally legal and the dealer had a license to own it.

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253052  No.16922824

File: 6e5467e30128728⋯.png (315.52 KB, 425x450, 17:18, fug.png)



> Lawyer emailed earlier saying he should have a final report written up by the end of the day. Its almost 6pm in California, so that should be here any minute.

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3588e2  No.16922828


The drug dealer probably had money to spare to afford a good lawyer, the average idiot tend to not have enough money for a good lawyer like that. But as I said, ultimately the blind faith in the uniform got most of them killed as he stopped them while posing as a cop and killed them.

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13d2f3  No.16922844



I think I saw this on Gahoole's bunker

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5756e2  No.16922847

File: 9fa66a4c1ded91c⋯.jpeg (46.21 KB, 645x860, 3:4, 5c20267f_in_living_color_….jpeg)


>I'm a /tv/ subhuman

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13d2f3  No.16922850


And you're nu-listanon sperg.

Besides, I was lurking there to see if there was any shenanigans about considering Gahoole and Mark know each other and he just lost his job and Board Owner position. Saw another /tv/ poster in the male protagonist thread so it's good to know where exactly they're coming from.

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f58591  No.16922851

File: 54f665e2c0e408a⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, how_do_i_get_out_of_this_c….jpg)


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5756e2  No.16922854


>…and a mad tranny too

Good to know.

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434859  No.16922855

Reminder fatchan.org runs smoothly and has neither Mark nor Ron.

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9a42d2  No.16922859


Yes we know, you're gay for Hebrew bacon.

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13d2f3  No.16922861


That's like saying anyone who hates julay nu/cow/'s fixation on Mark is his sycophant or "ni/gg/er" as they like to call them. Both them and you have screws loose.

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253052  No.16922873


>Walking dog atm and reviewing the lawyer letter now. From what i see so far, we need to make some changes to the way we handle DOST, but nothing earth shattering. Will write up a full report with images, lawyer excerpts, and a flowchart when i get back home.

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5756e2  No.16922875


>you're mentally ill if you (correctly) guess that I'm mentally ill

Have you considered just, well …not being mentally ill?

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13d2f3  No.16922882


Have you considered looking in a mirror or getting self awareness?

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6cf48d  No.16922886


I don't think someone like him can develop self awareness.

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253052  No.16922894


I just wish he could mimic being an non obnoxious person.

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24fb0f  No.16922898


Fatchan isn't infinity next 2.0 owned by Josh, you're thinking of 9chan

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9a42d2  No.16922903


I know im not referring to that, the sperg is just obsessed with the juicy booty to the point of constantly bringing it up.

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ca01a8  No.16922905


There's a 9chan now? How many boards? Does it at least have a /v/?

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9a42d2  No.16922906


Its run by kiwifarms.

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ca01a8  No.16922909


Is that a no?

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482304  No.16922921


It's the same sperg that caused the Infinity next problems and ran 16chan until he got bullied to death by an even bigger sperg.

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0ef025  No.16922949

Reanon, WTF ?

I am hearing that Kim jong Un is dying in a hospital?

Anyone has proper sources?

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9a42d2  No.16922952

File: 32ff02cf466c90b⋯.png (8.47 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_04_21_It_i….png)

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7aab18  No.16922960

File: bc3b4dc3b518884⋯.webm (1021.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, happening_taimu.webm)

Get the fuck in here: >>16922956

>Let me go over this info dump from the lawyer and post the relevant bits here.

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9a42d2  No.16922973


I'll wait for someone to post the highlights here.

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9a42d2  No.16922980

File: 597ee806eae8d8d⋯.png (101.59 KB, 572x558, 286:279, Screenshot_2020_04_21_Step….png)

Apparently Jewsh hates Lynx and any competitor to infinity.


I still dont trust him.

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a9d072  No.16922981


Sputnik said it's heart surgery.

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253052  No.16923043

File: 0dc3da74b4e992d⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 280x358, 140:179, cia_senses_a_big_guy_in_hi….gif)

Did the CIA use the heart attack gun on him?

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a9d072  No.16923075

Most likely clogged arteries.

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2ecddd  No.16923083

File: 8277034aa608be9⋯.png (241.48 KB, 1328x612, 332:153, Screenshot_2020_04_21_test….png)

File: 208e69e9b02ac14⋯.jpg (315.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asuka_Anta_Baka_.jpg)

Fuck what a day. But a lot of little problems got solved, posting is working, db structure is now correct had a bug of my own making because I am a baka. I must have rebuilt everything 20 times before it was all running right. Base install is done at last. Now its time to get SSL going, fix the fuglyass CSS, and starting turning it from a blank lynxchan into a new 8chan.

I've been seeing the drama with jewsh and fatchan and all that, and I just really can't be arsed. My autism demands that if I put in the work to build something it should exist forever no matter what goes on around it. This isn't about the competition, this is about home. Gonna fuckin' do it.

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5756e2  No.16923088


Okay. Good job.

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9a42d2  No.16923098

File: 309899fe3a10f74⋯.jpg (107.16 KB, 1200x1192, 150:149, DDxUtB2UwAA5N3h.jpg)


Keep it up Acid.

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a9d072  No.16923112


That an alternative to gold?

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950b4a  No.16923119

File: 3340adef5f2d7d1⋯.gif (27.19 KB, 450x432, 25:24, 1582624392556.gif)


Looking good dude.

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000000  No.16923124


Just remember to include a Tor hidden service.

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fe8c8d  No.16923125


i used to have a chick i had a crush on in middleschool who i used to talk about games with.

she was shy and really cool. now in college she says she's trans and took a shit ton of hormone pills, gained weight, and looks about 10x less happy.

it hurts

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2aebf3  No.16923127


I'll never forgive Josh for Infinity Next, won't ever fully trust him and I hate kiwifaggots, but I find it funny that after all these years he came out to be the least fuck up out of all the site admins that have graced us so far.


So after all that grandstanding in regards to Gizmodo/Deadspin, he joins Bloomberg?

>Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Schreier said that he will be joining the technology reporting team at Bloomberg. He will have some flexibility in defining his role, he said, but the games industry will continue to be his focus.

>That includes the investigative stories on workplace practices and labour issues that made Schreier one of the most visible and influential figures in the games press. Schreier will also be starting a podcast with former Kotaku colleagues Kirk Hamilton and Maddy Myers, under the Maximum Fun media network.

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d0412b  No.16923136

File: 802ac71e986a23d⋯.jpg (102.1 KB, 457x381, 457:381, 802ac71e986a23d15ce5a34022….jpg)


>I've been seeing the drama with jewsh and fatchan and all that

drama, what drama? making shit up are we?

>this is about home

I'll never feel at home in a place ran by two raving attentionwhores one of which is a kike and the other a glow in the dark, thanks, but no thanks.

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9a42d2  No.16923145


Any news with the info dump?

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5756e2  No.16923147


No. Ron is procrastinating.

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bfec52  No.16923203

File: a71e8bba2b695ee⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The_time_has_come_and_so_….webm)

Copy-pasted from /cvg/.


WHO, Gates Foundation, and Wuhan's virology lab have all been hacked

people are digging through their emails and already found confirmation that Corona was intentionally spliced with HIV






Screenshots here




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5756e2  No.16923211


>Check 9chan url

Just how deep does this rabbithole go?

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bfec52  No.16923213

File: 8caf938eb60a676⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Debunking_the_left_s_COVID….mp4)


They are simply shilling the site. This isn't a rabbithole, Freddit did the same in the past with 8chan so it isn't in the slightest surprising that he would do the same now.

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073b6a  No.16923251


So far it looks like nobody has downloaded a full dump, so there's a good chance they'll all just get locked out when someone notices without ever downloading something potentially interesting. What a bunch of retards.

>intentionally spliced with HIV

This is meaningless, HIV is routinely used in virus research and coronavirus refers to a broad class of viruses. Also I have no idea if there is any basis to this claim because the posted screenshot is just of some words in Google Translate, not the original context.

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bfec52  No.16923262

File: be8c8b693d045e4⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB, 1918x1080, 959:540, MSNBC_niggers.mp4)


We have to wait until someone posts the contents. I stumbled across it late when they were already starting preparations to contain the leaks. Specifically when the WHO started restricting its email server to internal VPN users and when lots (but not all) of emails were changed.

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073b6a  No.16923273


If someone didn't already download a full dump before they noticed, then it's probably over. Whoever posted it publicly before downloading everything is retarded, as are those who spread it around to people who don't have the technical expertise to do so. We could have known if the rumors about the Wuhan Institute of Virology accidentally leaking it were true by seeing if there were any emails discussing it afterward, and now we'll never know unless someone downloaded a dump and just hasn't posted it yet or someone finds a way to produce a dump that they haven't stopped yet.

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1d2b0b  No.16923279

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c3593c  No.16923283

>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board

>where love and fear is the same thing

So more simping, fantastic. Go kill yourselves, you emasculated feminists.

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bfec52  No.16923286


There is no doubt that someone would have gotten it. It's just that we don't know who has it.

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8e8470  No.16923290

File: 81aaf125a9f2dd9⋯.jpg (57.1 KB, 535x922, 535:922, f72b0581fdbd6e1a8c346f10a4….jpg)


>misusing a nigger word

>Not understanding what a fear boner is

>Implying you can't love a scary looking monster girl that turns out to be cute when flustered

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1d2b0b  No.16923292


I'm pretty sure he just has a literal medical mental illness that affects his behavior, like autism or something.


>There is no doubt that someone would have gotten it

I don't have so much faith in humanity.

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124589  No.16923301


I dont get it. why are they using fireworks

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9f7a8c  No.16923340


Cause they had to sell their guns for crack money.

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9a42d2  No.16923427


Could honestly be a hoax.

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9a42d2  No.16923430

File: 4fc4c1a1e2d7ce9⋯.png (138.58 KB, 635x457, 635:457, 4fc4c1a1e2d7ce965ca6774256….png)


Scratch that it looks legit, im retarded.

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bad867  No.16923434

File: 3e153837e7c7787⋯.png (78.9 KB, 291x365, 291:365, Teal_delinquent.png)

Should I use backup and restore on my USB in order to transfer most of my files to the new laptop I bought today, anons? I'm trying to figure out how to properly do so without taking my computer apart especially since the new laptop has enough space to house terabytes of data.

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8b973c  No.16923435

File: bac04f68b79537d⋯.png (527.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, c2a58b81d3b70043f2786fa231….png)


It looks amazing

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d37759  No.16923437


Use macrium reflect and clone your drive to the new one.

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bad867  No.16923448


Thank you! I'm using it right now, going full incremental back up will save everything, right?

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d37759  No.16923478


I forget how to use it. But I used jaystwocents vids on jewtube to learn what to do.

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d164e6  No.16923511


Already looks like the new cuckchan. Which would still be better than cuckchan, but still, fuck Josh.

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e13b2e  No.16923521

File: 02618abda13d7bf⋯.png (13.07 KB, 216x223, 216:223, Marcille_shocked.png)



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9a42d2  No.16923536


Odd because the virus doesnt attack the immune system but the blood.

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bfec52  No.16923542

File: 1ead985dbe0c0dc⋯.jpg (373.33 KB, 658x611, 14:13, Zhengli_Shi_dry_ice.jpg)


It does attack the immune system. The respiratory symptoms are due to opportunistic infections within the lungs. The disease also enters the body through the lungs but it isn't the cause for the pneumonia. The pneumonia is from other microorganisms being unopposed.

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6ad7d3  No.16923560

File: 935b2fe3875de00⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 451x433, 451:433, 50e0c198290d742aecad716260….jpg)

>Kikewheels and Juush launch their shitty Infinity Next

>A day and a half later it's already down for maintenance


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9a42d2  No.16923567


Not surprising, I wonder how it would stack up to an attack from a single oic.

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6ad7d3  No.16923572


Even better, I wonder if refreshing the captcha will kill it like it did with lynxchan

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bfec52  No.16923579


Or simply clicking Reply multiple times will flood the entire site with duplicate posts like it did with Infinity Never

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d7322c  No.16923827

File: 98de23b80d16b0a⋯.jpg (122.36 KB, 592x1216, 37:76, josh_boat.jpg)

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4dd62c  No.16923835

File: 0a2be9bce4ae69d⋯.jpg (298.16 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 0a2be9bce4ae69d297a27174b4….jpg)

Pack it up, boys, looks like loli and more importantly, /ss/ is banned



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c10d3e  No.16923840

File: f4214bf70feeff7⋯.png (203.14 KB, 895x1197, 895:1197, f4214bf70feeff71f1a2a577d1….png)




>Based on the legal analysis of our attorney and upon being informed about a 2018 case (United States v. Eychaner), I would like to inform you that obscene visual representations or obscene visual depictions of children are currently illegal under United States federal law. Per the current interpretation of the applicable federal statute (18 U.S. Code § 1466A), said obscene content includes "a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting" (this is what the law says) and does not require "that the minor depicted actually exist."



>To find out what obscene is, please refer to the Miller test.


>Given the scrutiny the website has been under, I think it is very likely that, one way or another, because of public pressure, users would end up in legal jeorpardy over this and this is not something any administrator wants. What I want is free speech within the boundaries of the law. As it is, obscene material is not protected speech under the First Amendment. That may change in the future as the so-called "community standards" become less strict. However, this is the hand we've been dealt.

>As such, any user who posts obscene visual representations or obscene visual depictions of children will be banned permanently and the content will be deleted. Until further notice, that is how all volunteers, global and local, will be instructed to handle such content.

>Attached image is a flow chart made by the lawyer showing exactly how to determine whether a representation of a child is illegal and under which federal law it would fall under.

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7405f1  No.16923842


So what now? Do we stay here? If no, where do we move to? Loli was a big draw for keeping me here. If I can't post loli or /ss/ and I can't make my own board then this isn't all that different from 4chan, for my purposes.

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4dd62c  No.16923847

File: 5bc2f78c1a9375c⋯.jpg (92.53 KB, 960x1034, 480:517, zjxmrjsyvym21.jpg)


I honestly haven't been posting here lately since the rebrand, so I honestly don't care as long as I can talk about my anime. Something on the webring, I guess.

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c10d3e  No.16923849


There's a GG thread on fatchan, right? Bunkering there might be a good start?

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9a42d2  No.16923852


How long until Acid gets his bunker up?


Sadly they'll lock the thread if there's too much trouble.

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e13b2e  No.16923853

File: 6366287511c3105⋯.mp4 (141.21 KB, 480x480, 1:1, aaa.mp4)



I am not into loli shit, but this is going to be a big blow on this site in term of freedom of expression that this place had. It boggles my mind that there are some people that cannot differentiate reality and fiction.

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86ccdb  No.16923855


Are we going to fatchan temporarily? When is Acid's site going to be up?

This site has been fucking slow for me today.

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7405f1  No.16923856


I don't know where all we have threads because I've been too busy lately.


I don't post often because my machine is crappy and the site doesn't always want to work great with it.

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c17134  No.16923857

File: 3b23266df21665a⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 682x643, 682:643, D_efCoJW4AY0gMs.jpg)

>8kun comes back

>literally nobody wants to step back on it except for, wait for it, Mark

>This circlejerk thread decides to step back along with him

>Insults everyone who doesn't follow to 8kun, from smug/a/ to smug/tg/ to /animu/ users still in the bunker.

>Even acidman tries to smear Fatchan

>Figure out that Jim doesn't care about popular boards like /v/

>Shortly after loli is banned

And thus continues the horrifying story of this general.

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4dd62c  No.16923862


It's been clear that being called to congress and deplatformed really affected Jim & possibly Ron, so they're trying to play it safe and take every preventative measure to not get deplatformed or cause controversy again; but in doing so they've turned off the userbase so all that'll be left are qboomers.

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7aab18  No.16923868



Not just loli, but ALL porn. See:

>As it is, obscene material is not protected speech under the First Amendment.

How long until all the other boards are shitcanned?

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ca01a8  No.16923870



And off to julay I go.

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396834  No.16923871


Nice historic revision

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9a42d2  No.16923874


Dont worry you'll be back to sperg, either here or somewhere else.

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24b55b  No.16923877


>Going to the place where they sell memes


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5756e2  No.16923886


It's fine when THEY do it™

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0caa78  No.16923893


>Not just loli, but ALL porn. See:

Jesus, Mark really fucked us over here. If only there was a /v/ bunker NOT run by faggots, before fatchan, i mean.

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9a42d2  No.16923900


It was fine in the beginning but then they doubled down on the qboomers is when shit started going south.

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4dd62c  No.16923901

File: 4d5431fce9d4919⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 590x407, 590:407, 6cce547cff6dc0d9fca78e215b….jpg)

>tfw halfchan can have loli but not 8kunny

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7aab18  No.16923903

File: c7e1c350298f787⋯.webm (833 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Check_this_out_its_import….webm)

Don't forget 08: >>16920464

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950b4a  No.16923904

File: b8671b5f26e880a⋯.jpg (144.28 KB, 712x1000, 89:125, b86c136.jpg)


Imagine an image board without porn. Real fucking galaxy brain shit going on here. Gab 2.0 confirmed.

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ca01a8  No.16923905


>tfw halfchan can have loli but not 8kunny

I thought it was permabanned on sight since normies flooded the place.

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4dd62c  No.16923907


It's confined to a single thread on /b/.

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8b973c  No.16923911

File: a94d24a15be2b62⋯.png (589.46 KB, 729x900, 81:100, 01ef6f8b2d1eefadda9b224238….png)


>As it is, obscene material is not protected speech under the First Amendment.

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ca01a8  No.16923913


I want to say that's better but that sounds disorganized as fuck. A board allows themed threads.

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86ccdb  No.16923916

File: b5da24402d3bc03⋯.jpg (229.82 KB, 684x626, 342:313, 1578009848426.jpg)

Does anybody want to make a poll of places we're moving? I don't want to lose you guys again. This thread is one of the only places I know where you can have chill and honest discussion about video games and occassionally other important topics after the death of 8/pol/.

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98ce87  No.16923918

File: 971b5dc3d9c58a8⋯.png (250.13 KB, 656x388, 164:97, 1587158501147_3.png)


>8kun: Less extreme than 4chan

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c10d3e  No.16923921


It might be a good idea to make a poll thread in light of this news, so the userbase as a whole can decide where to go rather than just whoever looks in the GG thread.

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4dd62c  No.16923922

File: e46f2352b26f9bf⋯.jpg (248.17 KB, 1372x1952, 343:488, e46f2352b26f9bf6139937322b….jpg)

Welp, I thought what with cakekike and imkampfy being defeated this place would finally be redeemed but clearly that went down the toilet quickly. I don't know what you fags are gonna be doing but I'm gonna hang out at the /animu/ bunker.


I'd say just stick with fatchan, but I guess I'm biased because I was never really a fan of Mork and was impartial to Acid Man.

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950b4a  No.16923932

File: bb86d194bd93461⋯.png (52.99 KB, 223x235, 223:235, bb86d1bbc0.png)


Fatchan /v/ https://fatchan.org/v/catalog.html

And whatever Imageboard Acid is making.

>>16923918 How fucking embarrassing is that what a

nice fucking epitaph for this place.

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ff3a21  No.16923937

File: f509c2f4a7abda5⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, thinking_loli.jpg)


almost like jim and ron are giant retards

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336def  No.16923938


>I'm gonna hang out at the /animu/ bunker.

So will I. I'll also cross lurk Fatchan.

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e13b2e  No.16923943


According to Ron, porn "won't get banned banned". >>16923906

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396834  No.16923944


> /animu/ bunker.

Fuck it I'll lurk and maybe post there and not draw attention by assimilating into /animu/'s culture.

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7405f1  No.16923948


I'm probably just going to fatchan once I delete all the old loli and shota posts off my board.

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66eb2b  No.16923963

File: 9b9351dfd77af6c⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 500x398, 250:199, 01e556626711d53f7b3767afcf….jpg)

>Lawyer spells out the legal situation to Ron, who translates it into plain English for all anons, even including a flowchart

>To maintain 8kun's "free speech within what the US law allows" stance, Ron sees no choice but to ban all lewds of minors, whether real of fictional

>Anons will (rightly) be upset at the changing standards, and take a serious look at alternative imageboards

>However, now that the info is out there in an easy-to-understand format, snitches will use it to start playing legal whack-a-mole

>The alternatives will quickly have to deal with the issue, deciding whether or not to apply similar bans, or risk shutdowns and litigation

>Now there will suddenly be lots of hoops to jump through just to find somewhere that allows it, driving the content further and further underground

>Sites who risk hosting it will have to be located someplace outside US jurisdiction, range-ban all US-based IP addresses, or both

No imageboard on the clearnet with any kind of population (barring a few (((pre-approved))) sites) will escape the effects of this.

No matter whether you stay here or go elsewhere, it's gonna be dark times ahead.

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7aab18  No.16923965

File: 3d5ce0cf069a975⋯.gif (502.17 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 3d5ce0cf069a9756a9629dc199….gif)


But the lawyer literally told him, as he posted in the initial announcement: >>>/v/16923828

>As it is, obscene material is not protected speech under the First Amendment.

Which means he's being hypocritical about the decision. He's going to be banning loli while allowing regular porn, even though he will be taken to court regardless.

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000000  No.16923967


>> [image]

> The event was captured on CCTV.





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0caa78  No.16923970


>According to Ron, porn "won't get banned banned"

Doesn't matter unless it's out of his boomer dad's mouth.

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073b6a  No.16923971


They've never applied it to websites, only soft targets who almost always also have actual CP, presumably because it would not be found constitutional in an all-out legal battle.

Does anyone know what hentai sites are hosted in the U.S.? Obviously there's 4chan, here's /b/ just now:


>Loli thread is missing


>Lolis belong with shotas only!

>Post them

Pornhub is hosted in the U.S. too and has loli:


The Sankaku Complex booru is hosted in Chicago and has loli:


nhentai, danbooru, gelbooru, and hentaihaven all use Cloudflare so it's hard to tell if they're hosted in the U.S. but I'm guessing at least some of them are.

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4dd62c  No.16924017


Loli is only allowed because no boomer has started a crusade against it yet. You watch, they'll be a great loli crusade, nobody will be saved.

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7aab18  No.16924021


>Loli is only allowed because no boomer has started a crusade against it yet.

No crusade has been brought against it because I cannot think of any sensible person who wants to stat a campaign against having drawings of children (Even the fags on the Left still want their SU porn, which would get caught in the crossfire).

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d35dbc  No.16924030

File: b67d1aaf8e53a5e⋯.png (43.55 KB, 300x300, 1:1, b67d1aaf8e53a5eb431a899a05….png)


try infinity.moe, the official chatroom of 8chan

personally approved by mark

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950b4a  No.16924046

File: e5b7a5a01ac5e96⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EGRvQr9VUAEKDE0.jpg)


Is this an Australian shitpost?

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5756e2  No.16924058

File: ee53601a8e224fb⋯.jpg (90.86 KB, 1040x614, 520:307, hands_statue.jpg)


That assumes that the current christcuck/tranny anti-loli crusade isn't already a thing.

Although, politics DOES make strange bedfellows with Rightwing Cuckwinged neverTrumper RINO Christian Conservatives going hand-in-hand with Leftwing Degenerate Trannies in order to shame expressions of male heterosexuality for their, respective, authoritarian ends. Ewwww.

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7aab18  No.16924070

File: df814b7abbec50d⋯.png (477.47 KB, 624x480, 13:10, Bye_bye.png)

Migrate over to the Fatchan thread to discuss things further: https://fatchan.org/v/thread/855.html

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253052  No.16924078


Where do we go now. I'm not staying her another day.

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253052  No.16924081


>Even the fags on the Left still want their SU porn, which would get caught in the crossfire).

Even Rebecka Sugar herself would get caught because she drew Ed Edd and Eddy porn.

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7aab18  No.16924086


>Where do we go now.

Fatchan to discuss things further: >>16924070

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5756e2  No.16924087

File: 37ee35d39cf802e⋯.jpg (241.71 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Tiny_Viv.jpg)

It's never been about "Left" or "Right" being the enemy or it being about politics or ideology, as I remember well what happed to cuckchan when they killed the loli coalmine canary under the same stupid lies and rationalisms which led to #GamerGate being banned sliding down the same slippery slope.

It's always been about "Authoritarianism", itself, being the enemy.

…and if 8kun has become authoritarian because Jim (wrongly) thinks it will help him make money off the site 8kun has become the enemy as well.

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2ecddd  No.16924089

File: a74d664023682ed⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 500x556, 125:139, Asuka_bandage.jpg)

We're working as fast as we can, within reason. I have a job and other responsibilities to take care of too, but we ARE getting close to a new 8chan. Ive got another person helping with the frontend now to speed things up. The server completed a 24 hour hot trial, so we're coming over the final hump.

Wish us luck.

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950b4a  No.16924090

File: 6c8a5ca3bd5bb42⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 640x360, 16:9, EHxUi64UcAExxYM.jpg)


Godspeed Acidman.

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ff3a21  No.16924092


god speed.

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9a42d2  No.16924094


Good luck Acid!

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e13b2e  No.16924095


Good luck Acid

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7aab18  No.16924096

File: 7b97dc2a5c29f3d⋯.webm (6.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, awoo_in_space.webm)


Good luck, and make sure you post about this on Fatchan as people are on there as well.

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073b6a  No.16924097


What timeline do you think it will be? I was thinking about making a poll to choose a site before momentum dissipates but I want to have you guys as an option.

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d37759  No.16924098

File: c690452e200af82⋯.png (12.09 KB, 598x110, 299:55, Screenshot_2020_04_21_Mark….png)

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8b973c  No.16924107

File: 5e23e3b9737adf5⋯.png (688.87 KB, 949x1250, 949:1250, victory_doll.png)

File: 87e6f26ed637160⋯.png (88.67 KB, 1719x245, 1719:245, Fuck_this_i_m_not_going_to….png)


Good luck acid!


I was going to wait 1 more year to reply to you faggot, and you never replied with the fucking slowpoke, and I'm not going to wait anymore to reply to you

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2ecddd  No.16924124

File: 79eb2eecc9fd54a⋯.gif (536.28 KB, 500x213, 500:213, Asuka_ACTIVATE_IT.gif)


Yes. Mark has used his contacts to help me and found the coder for the frontend stuff we needed so I don't have to take forever doing it. I'm working like mad on the backend. Reverse proxy and SSL certificates are underway now. I also need to reconfigure the ftp server soon to receive the new frontend for customization.

If the new guy's work fails I have a plan B that'll just take a bit longer. One way or the other this is going to happen, its just a matter of tomorrow or the weekend. We'd all prefer tomorrow, but measure twice, cut once as they say.

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253052  No.16924125

File: 900e9c19932ad9b⋯.webm (289.24 KB, 540x360, 3:2, good_luck_were_all_counti….webm)



Hope to see you soon.

And this will be my last post in this trashfire puppeteered corpse of a site.

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5756e2  No.16924169

File: bf8c25f25ac57a4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 1500x1200, 5:4, vivian_circumcision.png)


>measure twice, cut once as they say.

>an actually subtle mark joke

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d37759  No.16924170


As long as mark doesn't have any sort of position of power, then it'll possibly be great.

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a62f07  No.16924188

So why has ron chosen to go silent after dropping that bomb?

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c10d3e  No.16924193


He actually just responded over here: >>16924171

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a62f07  No.16924200


Ah thanks. I wish this site would fucking load, so I could look at it though.

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c10d3e  No.16924207


I reposted it over on the Fatchan GG thread too, so you can look there if it take too long.


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7365d2  No.16924228

File: 1425052ce0539dd⋯.jpeg (88.94 KB, 768x877, 768:877, nick_cast_michael_myers_d….jpeg)


Good ruck.

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98b3fa  No.16924240

Ron just tried to find a justification to get loli banned because his daddy wants it gone.

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dc9524  No.16924254

File: 73ac0a01703c134⋯.png (322.06 KB, 1243x1920, 1243:1920, erufuda_thumb_up.png)


Good luck.

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5756e2  No.16924270

File: 1ef969b8e0ab27a⋯.png (183.21 KB, 500x587, 500:587, lewding_lolis.png)


Yeah, pretty much.

So far, Ron hasn't presented an actual legal opinion; just shit anyone can google. The court case he cited https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-eychaner has nothing to do with 8kun. It involves a guy in Virginia, not a webhost, who got busted for actual CP and the prosecutor brought in the loli stuff to pile on additional charges. The guy didn't appeal because he had actual CP and no money. There is no precedent where this Virginia law which would affect 8kun. It looks like he just googled it and didn't talk to an actual lawyer or the one actual lawyer he did talk to said "loli is legal" and Ron lied about the lawyer "declining" because that answer wasn't the answer he wanted.

It is my belief that Jim said "just find SOMETHING" and Ron did. This shit is scummy.

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9a42d2  No.16924285

We need a baker, at least one more thread until the Acid can get the site up.

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2ecddd  No.16924286

So here is the big whopper with an actual conviction to it:


Relevant parts:

>Dwight Whorley was convicted of (1) knowingly receiving on a computer 20 obscene Japanese anime cartoons depicting minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1462;  (2) knowingly receiving, as a person previously convicted of receiving depictions of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, the same 20 anime cartoons, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1466A(a)(1);  (3) knowingly receiving, as a person previously convicted of receiving depictions of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, 14 digital photographs depicting minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2);  and (4) knowingly sending or receiving 20 obscene e-mails, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1462.   Imposing a sentence that departed upward from the recommended Sentencing Guidelines range, the district court sentenced Whorley to 240 months' imprisonment.

>We also reject his arguments that textual matter cannot be obscene under § 1462 and that cartoons depicting minors in sexually explicit conduct must depict real-life minors to violate § 1466A(a)(1)

They hit him so hard they ruled that TEXT was obscene.

>Subsequently, the manager also provided Whorley's probation officer with copies of the documents.  (Whorley was on probation in connection with a previous federal conviction for downloading child pornography on a Virginia Commonwealth University computer in 1999.)

So the guy had an actual CP conviction, was already on parole for it, and got caught using a government computer to print off loli hentai and also had actual CP in the same email. So the court threw the entire book at him.

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5f9696  No.16924289


What's wrong with fatchan?

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9a42d2  No.16924291


A lot of Anons come here to figure out what happens during a shitstorm, one final thread to hold over telling people where to go. Fatchan will still be up but there needs to be a bridge to prevent people from getting lost again.

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950b4a  No.16924296

File: 14c9cd53d22d483⋯.jpg (150.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EPZpZv7WsAEDrMp.jpg)


It's more for people who don't know about the fat /v/ bunker yet I guess.

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5f9696  No.16924298


Fatchan being in the webring is itself convenient.


The baker should post Fatchan next bread.

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1d2b0b  No.16924303




Doesn't matter. The law cited makes all fictional porn of minors illegal. That includes anything that can be visually interpreted that way regardless of canon age. Thus, 99% of hentai is out because it's possible for 17 year old jailbait bombshells to exist.


It doesn't have an avatarfag and cakekike at the helm.

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9a42d2  No.16924306


>Fatchan being in the webring is itself convenient.

Great another one to the pile, where it'll get lost forever.

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5756e2  No.16924313


>also had actual CP

That's how it ALWAYS is. The guy has CP and loli and the prosecution goes whole-hog on everything, because bigger numbers are more justice, so the guy takes an Alford Plea (a plea-bargain) which has a stipulation which forbids appeals in order to reduce his sentence, which is why these unconstitutional laws never get a chance to see higher court review.

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1d2b0b  No.16924319

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073b6a  No.16924321

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread






New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

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8b973c  No.16924359

For the anon that was posting slowpokes 3 years ago >>16924107

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5756e2  No.16924392


>hasn't actually read the opinion

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2aebf3  No.16924397



the fatchan admin has made it clear to keep meta shit out of there, so don't start sperging meta shit in there

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1d2b0b  No.16924404


Where does it say he had CP? I started reading it and it only mentions printouts of drawings. He was charged with 1466A, not CP law.

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3c74ca  No.16924806

File: 2f00739f8ce7716⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 2f00739f8ce77161d081586cbe….jpg)


You're doing God's work Acid.

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94ca8f  No.16924946

File: c25f3988f48451a⋯.mp4 (316.93 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hqXzhip.mp4)


>Given the scrutiny the website has been under

Translated: "Other websites can post loli without fear, because laws are not applied equally."

The Internet has a caste system.

This disheartens me greatly.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. The internet was meant to be the pinnacle of meritocracy.

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1e88d5  No.16930686


meritocracies hit a wall when the ceiling of production is reached and the management begins.

The product people make the best products, then the penny pinchers make plans to devalue the products to save money.

IE Video games, then DLC, then microtransactions. Endless iterations of this pattern until a crash starts. Then it begins anew, but lesser then the start.

When merit is taken for granted, and it will be, this is the result.

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