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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 6b71b5bfef0343e⋯.png (32.77 KB, 234x200, 117:100, efcc28e6ecc6f3ee1364c2a9f7….png)

b1eab2  No.16911444[Last 50 Posts]


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bddd3e  No.16911457

They aren't content with you having an outlet. Even your noncompliance is an act of treason.

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0d3e01  No.16911459

File: 1de340477c9b289⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 1565151176647.mp4)

You and me both anon, you and me both.

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377f10  No.16911460

Imageboards are cursed in that they always attract the biggest of autists who manage to worm themselves into positions of "power".

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ec1620  No.16911500

File: 83f39cd128eabce⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2248x2200, 281:275, dq11_jade_corrupt_1.png)


>what're ye playin'?

Currently playing Dragon Quest XI on Switch. Performance is shit but it has a lot of nice QOL changes from the PC version.

>what're wantin'?

Looking forward to Trials of Mana on PC next week.

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bddd3e  No.16911518


>Trials of Mana

Seiken Dentetsu 3 has had a SNES translation for years. Why not just play that instead?

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4384ee  No.16911524

File: 4068b9eb0468707⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 323x396, 323:396, eu.gif)


Im currently playing monster hunter world. I started playing a few days ago and its pretty fun.

Im also looking forward to trials of mana. I never played the original but it looks really fun.

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7b6267  No.16911526

File: b2e874fb8013d4b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x797, 1200:797, ClipboardImage.png)



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df79a8  No.16911537

File: c2b5826a5c11422⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1364x768, 341:192, lrt.png)

File: 17ccc60024f073e⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 1413x813, 471:271, gc_rt.jpg)

File: bac3767593d084f⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gc_vr.jpg)

File: 841699c0b382a03⋯.jpg (115.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 33_1585277206_719886734.jpg)


i'm just playing a bunch of old games with lewd mods, ray tracing and vr….. feels good.


>Performance is shit but it has a lot of nice QOL changes from the PC version.

what makes it worth the downgrade to switch?

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ec1620  No.16911548


>what makes it worth the downgrade to switch?

All the 2D content is a big plus. You can visit old DQ worlds and do quests in them. Plus play the entire main game in 2D too. And the option to get characters to wear outfits independent of the gear they have equipped, use the fun-sized forge at almost any point, etc. just a lot of nice little changes like that. But mostly the 2D mod and content is the real draw for me.

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df79a8  No.16911570

File: c2a4a8668d4277e⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 850x601, 850:601, DqSrxXmUwAA_DU2.jpg)

File: eff16d2f6ab48f9⋯.jpg (133.13 KB, 750x525, 10:7, heh.jpg)


>play the entire main game in 2D

>mostly the 2D content is the real draw for me.

that does sound kind of cool. if I ever mod my switch i'll give it a go. thanks.

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d73be1  No.16911583


That's great and all, but turn on AA.

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55887d  No.16911594

File: 7b4ff142fff89ad⋯.png (318.28 KB, 504x342, 28:19, deedeepressed.png)


Sorry anon, that isn't allowed in the gay world we now live in.

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e9f930  No.16911607

File: dc7f9b0c21a568c⋯.webm (2.16 MB, 952x716, 238:179, Visiting_E3.webm)

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950947  No.16911609


Is it worth getting into the series? I dont like the microtransactions I see on the store page but I've been looking for something to scratch my dark souls itch and ive heard its similar enough.

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4384ee  No.16911618


There are no microtransactions im aware of. Well,i looked at at a second ago and its mostly poses,stickers etc. I believe its worth getting into. Im having a good time. If you do end up getting the game dont use the defender armor or any of the defender stuff. Because that set is for people who want to rush the game to the ending so that they can start playing the dlc: iceborne.

>dark souls

Im not so sure about that. Its not very difficult right now for me. But… I''ve heard that the it gets much more difficult later on. Im pretty early in the game so i cant speak much on it. Also the optimization is pretty bad. I had to tweak my settings for an hour or so.

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758fc5  No.16911621

>>16911500 (checked)

>what're ye playin'?

Fates of Ort

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4384ee  No.16911626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here is the first quest and first boss.

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4384ee  No.16911631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is the first quest.

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ef3f77  No.16911632

File: b178f3babdaeaa2⋯.png (108.04 KB, 1273x295, 1273:295, monster_hunter_world_is_sh….png)




>Is it worth getting into the series?

Yes, but World isn't monster hunter. It's casualbait of the highest caliber and requires you to get into the be all end all endgame with specific variant monsters for it to have a fraction of difficulty or satisfaction that the other games grant. Even MH XX isn't anywhere as casual as world. Get basically any other monster hunter. you'll enjoy it more.

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950947  No.16911633


Good hunting stalker



>youtube embeds

t-thanks anon.


ok thanks for the info. I tried emulating the first monster hunter but coundnt stand it. ive heard its a lot better in the sequels.

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139e38  No.16911644

File: a1960713bc6b2d8⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 1570249659376.jpg)


World is odd. Some people hate it, some people love it. I started MonHun with MHF on PSP, and played the next few until completing MHFU; I have also played plenty of the very first game on PS2. I like World. It's not the same feel as those older games, almost entirely due to animation updates, and the ease-of-life features go a bit far in some places, but the people saying there's nothing hard about it are wrong. It's a more forgiving game than the old ones, sure, but I've found this is either to help introduce a new audience to the series, or to eliminate the tedium of grinding (I still had to fight Teostra 20 times to make the full set, however – the grinding is less, not none).


That image is really hyperbolic. Go fight two tempered Bazelgeuse and try to cheese it with a mantle lmao

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795633  No.16911646

File: dd01651c3e18ecb⋯.mp4 (7.13 MB, 480x360, 4:3, GOTCHA_BITCH_MHP2ndG_Great….mp4)


Unfortunately the best entry game, 4U (that's the actual name), is locked behind the 3DS but Freedom Unite and 3 ( >>16878582 ) are very much worth getting into.

This is a game where you either realise how good it is and waste the next 90 hours playing it without realising or just don't appreciate at all.

Also, like other anons said you shouldn't really go with world first, it's a poor depiction of anything monster hunter is to begin with, the only reason why it's so big is accessibility to it.

Webm related.

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df79a8  No.16911649

File: 788c390b4dff38c⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, lq.jpg)

File: 49026e047d3e8fa⋯.png (785.31 KB, 1172x896, 293:224, ra.png)

File: d1b5f4a1725c818⋯.jpg (173.54 KB, 1024x787, 1024:787, rs.jpg)

File: d6aff558c6bd21c⋯.jpg (823.16 KB, 1399x1149, 1399:1149, f4.jpg)

File: 559a5152b1689f0⋯.jpg (145.49 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, gg.jpg)


I never bother with AA, the image quality improvement never seems to be worth the performance loss and visual anomalies.

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dc7a83  No.16911650

I too love to live in a bubble, OP.

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df79a8  No.16911672

File: 30036d0fb159bc6⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 1912x1073, 1912:1073, Control_DLSS_2_0_5.jpg)


although I am interested in experimenting with DLSS 2.0, but it sucks that it only works on a per title base. hopefully AMD comes up with its own solution.

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bb8005  No.16911679


Got my hands on an rx580 and got back into tf2 a good bit lately.


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9ebe14  No.16911685


Spoken like a true consolefag. You're playing singleplayers games, why do you care about having over 60FPS.

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42a71c  No.16911689

File: 323a44233ca30a5⋯.webm (623.19 KB, 532x360, 133:90, Yian_Garuga.webm)


I miss the regular Monhun threads with regular hunts and rooms before World split apart everyone.


There's nothing wrong with not wanting a game run like a snail,anon.

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d61c24  No.16911692

File: 7eb14579e56158e⋯.jpg (20.51 KB, 315x326, 315:326, YAMERO.jpg)


God damn you fucking caveniggers, every time MH4U is brought up and someone goes "oh but it's 3DS only" I have to fucking swoop in, and yell at you niggers that



XX also works, even better in fact, and has a good fan translation

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377f10  No.16911693

File: 058a55c857edf6b⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 444x637, 444:637, 1567574439678.jpg)


>You're playing singleplayers games, why do you care about having over 60FPS.

Considering you called him a console fag I find that kind of funny.

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a9c14d  No.16911733



It's a gigantic waste of time. Almost as much of a waste as actually playing them

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52d07f  No.16911734

File: bf91013a721a8a3⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 500x423, 500:423, mfw.jpg)

>>16911444 (checked status: checked)

Nobody who wants to just talk about video games comes to this website.

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7884b5  No.16911757


>Wants to talk about video games

>Opening Post doesn’t make an effort to make conversation of video games

This is the problem

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b7253e  No.16911758

File: 94e145fdb8875a0⋯.gif (77.62 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 94e145fdb8875a02509fd7f38c….gif)

Where are you going to go after this? julay/v/? Whatever shitbox Mark tapes together? Half/v/?

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377f10  No.16911764


I'll hang around here for now to see who Ron puts in charge.

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6f2612  No.16911766


>whatever shitbox Mark tapes together?

Do people seriously still want to be associated with that piece of shit after what was revealed?

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6b590e  No.16911767

File: 70d60700d6b8d5a⋯.jpg (166.14 KB, 2000x1240, 50:31, EVNQbY0U4AIMxRn.jpg)

Let's talk about VIDEOGAMES


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3e0fe4  No.16911801


I'm a tremendous faggot and don't know shit about anything, so I was glad to see that someone made it easy for me to play P3rd by making the co-op spotlight thread.

Do you think you could do something similar for 4U? Or XX?

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3a80f9  No.16911814


Thronebreaker, graphics and music are comfy as fuck, gwent is always fun too, the game is super buggy though and i've been trying to download the last patch for hours, also the mc is a strong independent woman but since the game is a rpg of sorts i can make her more likeable.

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d0677f  No.16911815

File: c247ec9cf27e709⋯.png (57.85 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, libertarian_government_for….png)


Who is "they"? The government isn't stopping you from having an outlet. All I see is a bunch of private businesses in a free market pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps and choosing not to do business with you.

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c3a070  No.16911827

File: 21859387b190fb8⋯.mp4 (811.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, no.mp4)


It's actually expressly forbidden for multiple market forces to coordinate and act as an extrafederal system in a capitalist society, and is recognized as one of the few ways the government is not only permitted, but has the express duty of issuing punitive action as a response to.

Pretending capitalists don't recognize the capacity for private organizations to become an extragovernmental system only shows you don't actually know what you're talking about.

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7e3d81  No.16911843


>I never bother with AA, the image quality improvement never seems to be worth the performance loss and visual anomalies.

Amen, jaggy master race.

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d0677f  No.16911848


>Pretending capitalists don't recognize the capacity for private organizations to become an extragovernmental system only shows you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Capitalists used to recognize this. Our current crop of worthless libertarians don't.

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c3a070  No.16911857


No nigger, the failure of a government has, over the course of 30 years cultivated the market to work around the limitation of power of their office, in an ongoing bout of faggotry that has gone back for A HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE YEARS in an astronomically retarded event that perpetually fucked the US from operating how it is supposed to.

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a16cf6  No.16911884

File: d35edbb04ae111b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb63442c1931a15⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 600x677, 600:677, VIDYA_GAEM.jpg)



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3199a1  No.16911885

File: d4fa433587f6120⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 353.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Happy_Easter.jpg)

Happy Easter. Anyone else miss the simple pleasure of going outside? I'd kill for the ability to go outside and buy a chilly cheeseburger again.

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7e3d81  No.16911887


No actually I forgot about the coronavirus because this is how I normally live.

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c3a070  No.16911888


You ever play Pirates, Knights, & Vikings?

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57e2ab  No.16911890

File: 2c9493da2e9b25b⋯.png (90.89 KB, 359x398, 359:398, ClipboardImage.png)



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a16cf6  No.16911894


I used to when it came out and one of the gamenights that happened.

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d61a70  No.16911900

File: fa2680290bb5fb1⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1428193617794.jpg)


Go to the grocery store and get the shit to make your own chili cheeseburgers.

If there's one thing I appreciated the most about anonymous imageboards, it was having the ability to express dissent against the narrative du jour, without having insane people trying to get you fired and blacklisted from every employer, or get you swatted or knifed to death by feral basketball americans.

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8362eb  No.16911901

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Luckily I started MH with MH3U on the 3ds, which was the ultimate version of MHTRI the first 3rd gen MH game.

3rd gen MH is when the series stopped getting janky as fuck and actually smooth enough to play an enjoy for non autists, but it still wasnt easy or fast enough for normalfags.

Then I got 4U which was even more fun and aesthetically pleasing than 3U, MHGen/GU was kinda meager, as it was nothing but copy/paste stuff with game breaking/balance fucking new mechanics.

I enjoy world a lot despite is shitty overly steamlinely nature due to its normalfag audience, but I still have nearly 500 hours in the PC version. Its still an incredibly fun game, one of the best in the series even though its basically a soft reboot.


The GOTCHA BITCH guy returned after 8 years to do a video in MHWs open beta.

It went as well as you'd expect.


Me too hehe.

I only got reminded about corona virus due to internet memes and conversations.

I only saw how it was effecting society when i went to buy food where people were walking around with facemasks, gloves and restaurants had tape on the floor for social distancing measures.

Thank fucking god I quit working my amusement park job in late december or me or one of my family members could have been fucking dead by now.

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4e39e0  No.16911922

Are there any good Q-related video games?

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3199a1  No.16911927

File: e706df1d3886b07⋯.jpg (192.45 KB, 832x912, 52:57, beast.jpg)


That's not a bad idea. I've always wanted to try my hand at making chili from scratch.


Elmo's Letter Adventure on N64 has some pretty good Qs in it.

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b943d3  No.16911928

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c3a070  No.16911931


Jokinglingy I could suggest Tom Clancy games.

Which if you're aware about some of the shit goin on with him is pretty funny

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d61a70  No.16911985

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cincinnati chili is the type you want to make for putting on a cheeseburger, I'd imagine.

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57e2ab  No.16912087

File: a0034de66660b99⋯.png (230.41 KB, 1494x1186, 747:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6d4963efa863a7⋯.png (39.78 KB, 240x240, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The coronavirus is not deadly except to people who are already on death's door anyway. If you want you can go outside you can without posing any risk to yourself (assuming there isn't some kind of gubernatorial mandate saying you can't).


>Q (キュー Kyuu) is a video game character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. He is a mysterious individual of unknown origin whose face is concealed by an expressionless metallic mask.

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a45c8b  No.16912117

File: 9b019228c2e50f0⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 349x500, 349:500, 6174YMRG5YL_AC_.jpg)

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846859  No.16912136

File: ece3970361dac9a⋯.webm (2.4 MB, 1656x924, 138:77, 1471462585509_0.webm)

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05e619  No.16912144

File: 57f0fbf689fcc92⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 680x456, 85:57, urkultured.jpg)


>Chef John

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d61a70  No.16912145


More like Corona Q, am I right?

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b943d3  No.16912149


Those are some cute cars.

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000000  No.16912169


Can anyone provide a translation for this image? I always see it floating around here, but my moonrunes aren't up to snuff just yet.

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3a80f9  No.16912201

File: 32e5de26cc0c564⋯.jpg (139.44 KB, 1033x679, 1033:679, 6a5282916c1bbed64019f01d92….jpg)

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7884b5  No.16912228

File: e506930aed9df1a⋯.png (11.88 KB, 256x384, 2:3, Korean_chad_too_OP.png)

File: c9fefb0cf7239a5⋯.png (31.81 KB, 256x384, 2:3, Flynn_gets_NTR.png)


Dicking around in the first Tomodachi game.

It's been fun.

Was going to try Xenoblade Chronicles but the MMO gameplay for a single player game was fucking discouraging.


What I miss the most is going bike riding.around 5PM but there's now a curfew at that hour till the 30 of this month.

That and parents get paranoid as fuck whenever i step outside. Being saturated with so much info on this chink flu isn't doing good to them.

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3f9cd3  No.16912242

File: 17fffd1d520f786⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 338x600, 169:300, el.jpg)


>what're ye playin'?

Three Houses. It has it's flaws, but I still think it's the best FE game to come out in a long time, certainly better than Awakening and Fates. Edelgard did nothing wrong.

Animal Crossing has been fun too, been building a comfy island.

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846859  No.16912245


>a little bit of cayenne

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3f9cd3  No.16912259

File: 58011c18985f850⋯.jpg (35.48 KB, 267x373, 267:373, PersonaQ.jpg)

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a0844d  No.16912266


In the grim darkness of 2020 there is only board drama.

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d0677f  No.16912288

So since Mark is fired does that mean /v/ is in full anarchy mode now?

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8362eb  No.16912292

File: 3d98e54d6f2fa8a⋯.jpg (220.64 KB, 569x571, 569:571, bloodbourne_6_.jpg)


>Edelgard did nothing wrong.

Shut the fuck up.

Edelgard did everything wrong.

Edelgard sympathizers deserve the rope with a bullet too, to make sure they're dead.

She fell for the schemes of (((Those who slither in the dark))) hook line and sinker and fucked over everything and everyone in an otherwise perfectly peaceful continent where everyone was willing to listen, open up to change and compromise if they had to all she had to do was to actually fucking TALK THINGS OUT, but no shes a fucking stupid woman, that would have been too complicated for her.

I was so glad to finally decapitate the dumb bitch in Claudes route and I would gladly do it in Dimitris route,

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a0844d  No.16912300


Probably. Who knows who will end up with the board.

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7e72cf  No.16912304

File: 664525016e2537a⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 352x198, 16:9, 1428717090152.gif)


>being a Dimitrinigger

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38d871  No.16912305

File: 56a4c16a62f74cf⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 600x591, 200:197, CVwSNUZUwAA5yOp.jpg)


Anon. The solution is simple. Just talk about video games. The drama lamas that run the boards here attack each other every few months. This is nothing new. Relax.

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bdb907  No.16912316

File: c4ec99c666e5cfd⋯.jpg (356.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DisasterReport4_Win64_Ship….jpg)


>what're ye playin'?

Just finished Disaster Report 4, somehow it's simultaneously better and worse than I expected. Looks great, sounds great, runs like dogshit though. Dialogue options are a cool idea, but choices do not matter at all for the most part, the shouting feature is not used ONCE in the entire game, and there are these retarded driving/sailing sections with absolute shit handling which last 1 minute in total.

Also, Risk of Rain 2 just had a great artifact update, but there's a separate general for that.

>what're wantin'?

Gonna try out Disaster Report 1/2 on PS2, and finally start going through Yakuza series.

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8362eb  No.16912336

File: b8d3f97fb5dc271⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 792x612, 22:17, 1c3545cbb2073ef500012048bb….jpg)


I only played a bit of his route but wasn't interested in playing any further.

He really seemed like a plain and boring kind of guy, throughout the time I played with him he seemed to be a completely one note character with nothing interesting going on with him at all. The tradeoff of him turning into an edgelord 40 hours later really wasnt worth it.

Claude was a fun dude but it turns out that he was a globalist all along, whoopsie.

Maybe one day in the future I would play on edelguards route a bit just to betray her for those extra butthurt points and do the church route.

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1128db  No.16912356

File: 334acf6d23688aa⋯.png (294.32 KB, 668x376, 167:94, never_forgive.png)


Been wanting to get back into 4U but hate holding a 3DS. Anyone got the ISOs for 4U and 3U as well?

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3f9cd3  No.16912436

File: 77bb8fa8f067a3a⋯.jpg (394.7 KB, 1996x1492, 499:373, punished_dimitri.jpg)


He's intentionally one note at the beginning, he's meant to be a subversion of the "kind, noble prince" trope so often used in FE games.

I'd say go back and do his route sometime in the future, seeing him go full punished dimitri is worth it.

>the church route

Boy oh boy, are you going to be disappointed to find out the story is basically the exact same as the golden deer's route except you get Seteth instead of Claude and the final map is different

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8586bd  No.16912451

There are so many alternatives it's not even worth making yet another /v/.

There's smuglo where they ban you for using acronyms.

There's Julay where they ban you for not writing 100% on topic essays so they can preserve their curated museum of ten posts.

There's fatchan where Mark bans you because you offended him then deletes the thread.


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71a479  No.16912473


>Using image boards in year of our lord 2020


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227775  No.16912475

I'm playing Trails of Zero, although I've been watching this shitstorm so I didn't play much. It's great.

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11d622  No.16912489


shit I was barely using image boards anymore.

Guess it comes with age.

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a0844d  No.16912498


>Where are you going to go after this?

I may not at all. I don't know.

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d61a70  No.16912528


The bunker via Zeronet and Tor?

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569012  No.16912529


I actually really like Fatchan's UI and I'd advocate for a board there without Mark as the BO.

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7a5e49  No.16912597


>what'cha playin'

Rafiant Silvergun. Shit's hard.

>what'cha want

money=better pc=better emulation

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3ee06d  No.16912666


I have MH 3 Ultimate on Wii U, worth it?

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9d633f  No.16912686

File: 3f816ab16ebe483⋯.png (444.24 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 4.png)

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7bedf2  No.16913032


Julay is fine. I haven't gotten banned on their /v/ and I've steered off topic several times. It's a little slow but it's miles better than this place in it's current state.


Please don't use zeronet. It's shitty software that anyone can be use to steal any and every users ip. That actually happened when when 8chan first went down and users ran to the bunker over there. 60% of users weren't using tor. You could just call those people retarded (because they were) but honestly even when using tor, I don't fully trust zeronet's tor implementation just due to how the zeronet works. I'm sure it's fine, but I have my doubts.

I've been trying to make this post for well over 20 minutes

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8bc0c8  No.16913070


Spoken like a true gamer. I used to religiously turn off shadows in games for years and years because they looked like ass and sometimes caused performance problems. Never missed them. AA is a meme.

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4bff29  No.16913411


Boy I fucking hate water fights

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faf940  No.16913420

File: 4acd39762dc7f19⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 666x960, 111:160, LOL_threads.jpg)

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db9640  No.16913551


Why are people pretending the story in Three Houses is worth caring about? It's garbage.

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c6cf44  No.16913629


Jade: "Why do I have to wear this outfit…?". "I guess it can't be helped since it's a request for the eleventh game…"

Erik: "Martina scowled at you? That's because you said "wear this bunny outfit"".

"Eleven" in this case might be a dual use for referencing they are in the 11th mainline game and referring to the main hero which doesn't have their own name.

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ef3f77  No.16913663

File: 6b9c3d145421af3⋯.webm (11.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Monster_Hunter_3G_Trailer….webm)


Yes, it's a fairly decent introduction to the series. Under Water combat isn't nearly as bad as many scrubs make it out to be, though it was eventually traded out for the agility and climbing verticality in MH 4 onwards.

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f8e0fc  No.16913709

File: 60765dbda5bc066⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CkMX3RTWsAAsXmt.jpg)

>Went to sleep in the middle of the shitstorm

>Julay, both of the Mark bunkers, turns out that Mark deleted one of them

What the fuck happened, what the fuck did Mark do? Did it turn out that Mark was just a retard who jumped the gun or an even more of a disingenious faggot than anons said he was? What's the status of the loli boards, are they actually coming back as Ron said?

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437299  No.16913725

File: 7010db55fa4b06a⋯.webm (334.7 KB, 862x522, 431:261, ANON_GET_OUT.webm)


>Jokinglingy I could suggest Tom Clancy games.

>Which if you're aware about some of the shit goin on with him is pretty funny

Isn't he fuckin' dead?


>Was going to try Xenoblade Chronicles but the MMO gameplay for a single player game was fucking discouraging.

It gets really good once you start doing mad combos with break, topple, launch, and spike. And depending on which one you're playing you can break the game pretty hard, on X by minmaxing your Potential stat to take down world bosses in under 5 seconds, or 2 by using elemental combo chains. It really does get better, it just does the typical JRPG slow-build so it doesn't overwhelm you all at once with one hundred different systems.


>Where are you going to go after this? julay/v/? Whatever shitbox Mark tapes together? Half/v/?

I've got a list of friends I talk shit with online, and we have our own servers for shit we play regularly. Worst-case scenario I just bunker down with them in pisscorp until something better comes along or I give up vidya completely, which becomes more likely by the day. I'll check Julay out at some point but I think I'm just burning out on imageboards and internet culture in general. It's been a long time since 2007.


I'm gonna do Dmitri's route when I replay the game once the DLC goes on sale and I can get it cheap, so I can get all the extra content and best girl Anna.

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edf8c1  No.16913794

File: 456c1b3168668e5⋯.jpg (255.7 KB, 709x420, 709:420, PQ_panicked_Elizabeth.jpg)


Persona Q is one of those rare RPGs where status ailments are actually super useful. They even work on bosses.

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8362eb  No.16913841

File: 9ae32a3f7fb51ac⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ERLzvgoXkAAEf0v.jpg)


>I'm gonna do Dmitri's route when I replay the game once the DLC goes on sale and I can get it cheap

>Anon didn't hack his switch and pirates his games

>He fills nintendo's pockets with dough like the good little paypiggy he is

You're fucking pathetic anon. I have DOZENS of games and DLC on my switch and I havent bought a single one.

People who buy nintendo products first hand then actually BUY their games instead of pirating them are lower than dirt in my eyes.

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437299  No.16913916


One thing that won't be missed when this place dies are edgelord "stick it to the man" posts like this.

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2e0579  No.16913924


Not everyone was a lucky retard buying a switch when they were still hackable but also worthless.

Which is why I simply don't own a switch at all, best to wait for a proper new exploit.

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d68cf0  No.16913979

File: 2880ba7ad9bb288⋯.jpeg (111.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Gus.jpeg)


Teach me your ways, anon.

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8362eb  No.16914036


I hope this place dies too if ron still refuses to get his shit together.

The problem is where will we go next?


>lucky retard

No you are a retard retard.

You had an entire fucking year and 3 months to get a hackable switch and you sat on your ass that entire time.

The fact that you have to buy switch games now like a good goy is entirely your own fault.



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ef1069  No.16914049

File: 948a9a983c470ac⋯.png (32.75 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 3A2kRjbwqe_2.png)


>Ima hacker bros.

Post a picture of your hacked Switch with a Post it Note with your current ID stuck on it or shut the fuck you absolute fucking unending Mark.

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64b40c  No.16914063


The joke is even the army and the government got pissed at Clanky because his books were too accurate and they thought he was a spy.

Really, he's just a very good writer with good analytical skills.

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986f63  No.16914198

No need to be concerned. Active ISPs here on /v/ are over 200 higher than normal. We are factually being raided.


>what're ye playin'?

Aurora4x C# came out not too long ago. No more waiting a minute for a day to pass. I've been stacking autistic ground army formations all day.

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09a215  No.16914219


I want to fuck that bunny,was that part of the plan you furry faggot?

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cca3ea  No.16914248

File: bdb8b07484b3bbf⋯.png (98.21 KB, 142x300, 71:150, ClipboardImage.png)



You know this is making me question where the idea to put girls in bunny suits originally came from?

Was it just there was one guy who really wanted to fuck bunnies, but he compromised by making women ware bunny outfits.

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bddd3e  No.16914252


Honestly I made that post without thinking about what I was saying, but let's be real here, everybody who isn't us wants us fucked into the ground.

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09a215  No.16914257


I may reasearch on the subject it's actually interesting and i have plenty of time because corona-chan.

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09a215  No.16914276


Okay i researched.Hugh Heffner putt in the 60's a bar where the women used bunny-suits inspired by the logo of play-boy.Why is the logo of playboy a bunny then? "According to Hugh Hefner, the Bunny was inspired by Bunny's Tavern[4] in Urbana, Illinois.

Bunny's Tavern was named for its original owner, Bernard "Bunny" Fitzsimmons, who opened for business in 1936. Serving daily food specials for a mere thirty-five cents, as well as ten-cent draft beers, Bunny's catered to locals and University of Illinois students alike. One of those students (in the late 1940s) was Hugh Hefner.

Hefner formally acknowledged the origin of the Playboy Bunny in a letter to Bunny's Tavern, which is now framed and on public display in the bar.

Bunny's Tavern's usage of the outfit is considered a variant of showgirl costume."

So there's that i guess.

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986f63  No.16914380

File: 32b405acf92e42c⋯.png (78.4 KB, 1386x888, 231:148, vidya.png)


Forgot my picture. Attaching 3 size 250 companies to a battalion command unit, which is it's own company. I'm attaching 4 battalions to a regiment command unit, which also is it's own large force, and directly commands 2 elite companies. After that, 4 regiments are attached to a division command unit, which itself is a combination of an armored company, an infantry company, and a pair of elite companies.

I don't know how to use these, so I'm just hunting for aliens to invade and find out. You can't queue ground unit production (or I can't find how), so these units are a real fucking pain to assemble.

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5f8bb0  No.16914475

File: c7f1c92bc3de6a6⋯.jpg (518.01 KB, 1452x2048, 363:512, which_else.jpg)


Smalltime. WDWYF?

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d68cf0  No.16914477

File: 518cf5ec974ddb3⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB, 1218x578, 609:289, Jonathan_Bowden.mp4)

Are we dead now?

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cca3ea  No.16914501

File: 0a04ef5cb72a760⋯.jpg (383.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20200413172104_1.jpg)


If this is a Dead Board I'm going to play a Dead game.

And nobody can stop me.

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8362eb  No.16914535

File: 844db86aada5cef⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 360x710, 36:71, switch_cfw_remote_play.mp4)


Anon, its not like as if its some neigh impossible grand achievement to accomplish.

Plenty of people hacked their switches and its even much easier than hacking a 3ds and I hacked 4 of those all using different methods so I'd know.

The switch vanillafags on here are really missing out on what they can do with switch CFW, nintendo gave those fucks the most barebones software a console can have and cfw flips it on its head, but its not like I pity them or anything, but I also don't blame them for not doing so.

Its kinda scary doing it for the first time but the process is pretty much brick proof.


Are you that anon who hurried like hell to 100% that game right before it went and died completely?

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d68cf0  No.16914544


Crazy bastard!

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cca3ea  No.16914551

File: 1ec6014ca5c8c9b⋯.mp4 (9.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Umbrella_Corps_door_shotgu….mp4)

File: 06434ad000d479f⋯.webm (627.54 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Millz_the_fuck_is_umbrell….webm)


Yeah that's me. You aren't gonna find anyone else that gonna bring up this games existance

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3a80f9  No.16914567


I've noticed that too, but is it a raid or just people that wanted Mark gone? the board just seems more active in general and with more shitposts

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8362eb  No.16914590

File: af346bea1f8d27e⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 600x589, 600:589, 1464324396255.jpg)


Anon, even though that game was dogshit and you could have spent your time doing something much more reasonable I still respect you a great degree for accomplishing such a daunting task.

Godspeed and I wish you good luck on any and all of your future endeavors!

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cca3ea  No.16914649

File: 27842a1e72e4ad1⋯.png (478.7 KB, 1040x765, 208:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02f567041e9ed8a⋯.png (618.6 KB, 1145x774, 1145:774, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa0888d18af0798⋯.png (111.69 KB, 276x318, 46:53, ClipboardImage.png)


>even though that game was dogshit and you could have spent your time doing something much more reasonable

I say what fun is there in being reasonable.

I played REmake 2 for 150 hours over the course of 10 weeks so I could unlock a Hunk Icon for the RE dot net, website I hardly use.

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cca3ea  No.16914656

File: 9942f7aeb76ba4f⋯.webm (15.46 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The_4th_Survivor_No_Damag….webm)


10 weeks was pretty good replay time.

50 weeks? nah…

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a54bb3  No.16914720

File: 8331177aef0054a⋯.jpg (149.74 KB, 568x433, 568:433, 8331177aef0054a8e72e7b5f4a….jpg)

The fuck did I miss, did Mark die?

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8b3950  No.16914724


Close, he got fired

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ef1069  No.16914726

File: 4157bcb59602187⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fuckingkek.jpg)


Hobo man fired the cake jew.

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41eacb  No.16914729


Damn, that guy makes it look easy.

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cca3ea  No.16914741

File: b0b23bf1794ec41⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, moddings_resident_evil_2_h….mp4)


Well it's just a simply matter of knowing what you should run past right away, and what is legit a road block you have to deal with.

Enemy AI for the most part will react exactly the same way every time, so if you find one way to run past them that works, it will work every time, and if you can't run past an enemy you just blow them out of the way. Since the objective is speed, then simply stun locking enemies is all you need to do, actually killing them isn't important.

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ef461e  No.16914751


>Mark was hotpocket for Jimbo's /jewsplus/

>gets disciplined by Jim for doing a shit job during chat

>Jim says "fuck v, delete v, i dont pay you for v" during same chat

>Mark gets apprehensive about that and the current state of affairs in 8kun

>Mark reaches out to people he knows to set up a backup site

>Mark creates this thread >>16909565

>Ron hears about Mark setting up a backup and thinking of leaving so he removes Mark as BO even though he broke no rules

>Mark gets ultra assmad since the only thing of value in his life is taken

>Mark leaks chat with Jim about him hotpocketing for /newsplus/, being a parasite, supposedly receiving ad money from THQ Nordic (?)

>Tries to set up bunker

>People question him regarding leaked chat and make fun of him in bunker

>Mark throws a massive tantrum, deletes the meta thread, then later deletes the entire bunker board

>Is now supposedly taking a break from it all

>Ron says loli is not banned and that /delicious/ will be restored in 2 weeks

>Jim says loli is banned during his stream

>Ron says he will put the board up for claim, with /v/ volunteers having priority

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a54bb3  No.16914778

File: 47e852d68230ea7⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1556520136.jpg)




I legitimately do not know how to feel about this

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ef3f77  No.16914809

File: b4919362b81fb65⋯.webm (9.68 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 10_10_AI.webm)


>Its still an incredibly fun game

No it isn't, you spend the majority of the fucking game with a giant fucking neon blob on your screen and the tard wrangler not ever shutting the fuck up. That's not even getting into how the monsters still transition from area to area, except now you have to wait in realtime and have to walk pointless pathways that just have an excuse for a neon blob to come back. Or how about how the fucking visuals fell for the "brown and bloom" bullshit that no one likes, making the world look like nothing but fucking mud everywhere? How about the lack of blood on hit to indicate damage? Oh, nope, gotta have DAMAGE NUMBERS BECAUSE CASUALFAGS. How about shockwaves and proper sound balancing so the monster roars actually sound like roars so you know why your hunter isn't moving? What about the bushes everywhere that INSTANTLY de-aggro monsters because "they can't see you"? I lost track of how often I'd accidentally run into a fucking bush mid fight and the monster has a stroke and forgets I exist, giving me a free mounting strike. Oh, and don't fucking get me started on mounting strikes.


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227775  No.16914814

File: 764fd0dd11628db⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 523x320, 523:320, cw084.jpg)


I'll give Ron his two-weeks he promised to see if this site is beyond redemption or not. If it is I'm just gonna quit imageboards all together.

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ef3f77  No.16914824

File: dd37cf5986a0c2b⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 360x480, 3:4, Deathmon_ex_collectors.jpg)

File: ff231c5435596bd⋯.jpg (249.77 KB, 700x697, 700:697, Mephismon_X.jpg)


I'm fond of the fem digi as much as anyone else, but I have a thing for the ones who may not seem male or female at first until you have a talk with them.

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222e14  No.16914830


Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker was my first Dragon Quest game and I found out there were two goddamn sequels, so now I've devided to play the spin-off. The second game is shaping up to be better than the first, as far as mediocre low-budget monster collectors go.

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ef3f77  No.16914843

File: 258a5a6eaa6628d⋯.jpg (468.44 KB, 640x575, 128:115, Fossil_fighters.jpg)

File: 8229a13bfef069f⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 480x431, 480:431, Fossil_Fighters_champions.jpg)


On that note, fossil fighters 1 and 2 are awesome games. Frontier shat the bed and somehow removed EVERYTHING that made the first two games amazing.

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c2aaa2  No.16914861

File: e61ede355f5e95e⋯.jpeg (13 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 100percentdamagedasses.jpeg)



>same fucking filename

>same wall-of-text spergouts

Makoto? Remember when you said this was going to sell like shit along with your fellow listfags?

Good times.

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c6cf44  No.16914863


People have been shitting all over worldfags for years now, telling them exactly how shit the game is and what a disgrace to the series it is. They never listen. It's either a few dedicated shills or some anons really are retarded enough to enjoy this garbage.

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2916ed  No.16914873


>mark's autism causes him to implode

Honestly I'm surprised something like this didn't happen sooner.

Also what was this about loli getting banned? Where did that come from?

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5f8bb0  No.16914875

File: f3e3772bbafcad5⋯.png (37.5 KB, 234x186, 39:31, goncern.png)

File: e9e539c60fa0e90⋯.png (969.4 KB, 1054x551, 1054:551, Muttaburrasaurus.png)



There's the thrill of danger and there's just needless risk…


Fossil Fighters 3 was pretty fun, even if the driving mechanics got a bit tedious. Had the good kind of stupid dialogue.

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ef3f77  No.16914883


FF3 has the dialogue and story charm of the past games, but the battle mechanics and excavation mechanics are sub par when Champions refined it to really impressive standards.

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d7d89e  No.16914891


>Also what was this about loli getting banned? Where did that come from?

Jim being a boomer faggot and concern trolls in the Open Letter thread saying loli was always illegal. Now Ron is asking his lawyers about it and will revise the rules if they say that loli is illegal.

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222e14  No.16914922

File: 028d844b8a48ceb⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 401x360, 401:360, spectrobes.jpg)


I'm now noticing a weird trend with these not-Pokemon series getting good with their sequels, since from the little I've played of it Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals also follows this trend of building on the good mechanics of its predecessors. I guess I'll have to give FF2 a shot now.

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3f9cd3  No.16914934


Ron banning loli will be the last straw for this site, I really hope he comes to his senses about it.

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9bdf16  No.16914954


>Now Ron is asking his lawyers about it and will revise the rules if they say that loli is illegal.

Huh? Last I heard Ron said some loli boards would be returning within 2 weeks. I monitored the thread pretty hard, but I had to sleep eventually. Do you have caps?

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d7d89e  No.16914960


He doesn't seem in favor of disallowing it at least.


His posts are still up in the thread right now.

ctrl+f dc12be

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6d4bd2  No.16914963



Lawyers are already working on this and will send back information soon (couple days probably). I dont think any rules will be changing, just wanted to get their expert opinions on the topic. 100 dollars for an hour of lawyer consultation time and getting something back from them in writing is worth the peace of mind.

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d7d89e  No.16914964


O hey Ron. You mind answering some more questions?

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6d4bd2  No.16914967

Currently playing through three houses with Edelgard, currently maybe 20% through first play through? Havent got to the timeskip yet. Probably going to do one playthrough per house at least.

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7e72cf  No.16914971

File: 69bdccdb58b6e83⋯.gif (269.07 KB, 234x249, 78:83, 1428009379316_3.gif)



Good choice

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6d4bd2  No.16914972


About to head out and dig a big hole in my yard then fill it up with sand - already have 1500 pounds of sand in my truck ready to go. But sure go ahead and ask questions, I guess I can stay for another 10 minutes or so before I need to go dig. Can also answer stuff when I get back.

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d7d89e  No.16914976


I will just copy paste them from the other thread to save time.

- Will you be more consistent in your communication with us from now on, and what form will that take if so? Will you create /sudo/ again or will you make meta threads on /v/?

- How long will the site continue to be slow like this and how many people are actually working on making 8kun's software work? Do you think you have enough people to work on it?

- What do you think the future of this site will look like in your most sober opinion?

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9bdf16  No.16914980


Thanks anon. Wew, that is an interesting development. The fate of loli on 8chan is now in the hands of two kike lawyers.

This place is fucking done.


>I dont think any rules will be changing,

Unless of course your lawyers come back telling you they need to change of course, then your dad's ramblings become the new law of the site.

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6d4bd2  No.16914985


>Will you be more consistent in your communication with us from now on


>what form will that take if so?

I think popping into different threads/boards is a good way to talk with different communities.

>Will you create /sudo/ again

Not planning on it, there was too much noise and reading through it daily was really distracting from getting anything done.

>will you make meta threads on /v/?

Sure if the BO allows it. Since no BO right now, ill just drop into different threads like this one.

>How long will the site continue to be slow like this

We already have sys on the new network, and the main site will be on the new network within 2 weeks. Sys is very fast now and works super well, the main site will hopefully be fast again too when it gets on the new network.

>how many people are actually working on making 8kun's software work

2 people full-time, 2 others part time, and about 10 people who can help with burst type stuff. Also have some experts who can help with different things, but usually only ask them when a problem happens at a level they can diagnose.

>Do you think you have enough people to work on it?


>What do you think the future of this site will look like in your most sober opinion?

I just want browsing, posting and modding to be super fast - instant if possible. I think a lot of bottlenecks are happening at the captcha level and am thinking about redoing the entire captcha system to help alleviate that specific bottleneck.

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6d4bd2  No.16914988


>Unless of course your lawyers come back telling you they need to change of course, then your dad's ramblings become the new law of the site.

My understanding and research indicates it is legal, but I am not a professional. Therefore I am talking to professional lawyers now and hopefully they will confirm in writing that my understanding is correct.

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d7d89e  No.16914990


Thanks. That sounds better than I initially expected.

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9bdf16  No.16914993


>Therefore I am talking to professional lawyers now and hopefully they will confirm in writing that my understanding is correct.

And that's exactly my point; what are you going to do if they say it's not legal? Are we going to disallow it while there are clearnet rule34 sites that host loli without any issue?

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6d4bd2  No.16914994

What do you guys think about auto-expiring threads? When making a new thread, OP could set an auto-expiration time, and the thread will automatically delete at that time.

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6d4bd2  No.16914997


I dont think they will say its illegal. I just want it in writing that it is legal, that way I can show certain people the lawyer letter to confirm that it is not illegal.

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09a215  No.16914998


For what purpose? I don't think you should bloat the code even more,make it functional first.

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795633  No.16915000


First fix the file spoilers, they're not working.

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2a0c50  No.16915001


I'm not sure that I see the point. Whenever I have a thread that has clearly outlived its time, I just report it and ask for it to be deleted.

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f60f60  No.16915002

File: ec96e97b8a3e0d8⋯.png (195.85 KB, 493x506, 493:506, responsibility.png)

But banning loli is the easiest way to fuck over closest pedos and fapping degenerates. You cut off the supply, and you starve them. One of the oldest tricks in the book.

I don't get the appeal of saving what Podesta and Epstein have been doing for years, but drawn out in a doujin.

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6d4bd2  No.16915003

File: f96d5107ec4a3db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 291.88 KB, 1331x2000, 1331:2000, f96d5107ec4a3db37eb3817181….jpg)


spoiler test

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d7d89e  No.16915004


That's a strange feature. What made you think of that? I personally don't see that being used enough to warrant implementing it.

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6d4bd2  No.16915005


Whats broken exactly about spoilers?

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6d4bd2  No.16915009


I made a board on 5chan that has 3 minute expiration after last active post. So after the last post happens, it starts counting down and if nobody replies in 3 minutes it auto deletes. Lots of people use that board and a whole community popped up around it.

I dont think a 3 minute from last active post will work well here because the boards arent fast enough, but having an auto-expiration set by OP might be an interesting dynamic for some boards or certain threads.

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09a215  No.16915010


Is that you crossdresing? CUTE

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795633  No.16915011


Didn't work here >>16914987

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9bdf16  No.16915015


But Ron, the question wasn't "Do you think it's legal"? It's 'What will you do if they say it's illegal?"

The obvious answer of course is that you'd disallow it from the site, but for some reason you seem unwilling to say that?

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6d4bd2  No.16915018


If the lawyer says its illegal then we would need to disallow it. I dont think there will be any issue though, since my research indicates that it is legal. I just want to have it in writing from the lawyer confirming my research on the topic.

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4384ee  No.16915020


Its not fucking illegal. No loli=dead board

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6d4bd2  No.16915021

Alright heading out now. Ive got a yard begging me to make a big hole filled up with sand. Be back later.

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9bdf16  No.16915024


Great, thank you for the straight forward answer.

That being said, it's decisively not illegal. There are plenty of sites that host it and face no legal troubles (in the US at least)

So if these lawyers come back with the wrong answer, this place will arbitrarily ban loli.

That doesn't spell good news for this place at all.

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d7d89e  No.16915030


I'm guessing he's trying to convince Jim that it's legal so that he won't be an idiot about it anymore. I heard Jim said he thought it was literally CP on one of his streams and directly contradicted the current stance of the site.

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cca3ea  No.16915031


I don't care if this is a (1) and done post or not, and i don't really have a stake in Loli staying or being banded.

But I'm with Ron on this. If it's legal then it's legal and it stays end of story, if it's illegal then it's illegal and it goes. again end of story.


>So if these lawyers come back with the wrong answer, this place will arbitrarily ban loli

I'm sure there could be a second opinion or something to make sure things are as factual as possible. but either way just because some obscure sites can host something and not get in trouble for it, that doesn't necessarily mean it's legal, it means no one cares enough to actively take them down. since I'm sure they have bigger fish to catch when they are going after Actual CP getting posted on websites.

It may not be something that actually matters that much but if the definitive answer comes back that Loli is illegal weather or not anyone official cares, it's still ammo that can be used to take this place down.

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3f9cd3  No.16915042


>redoing the entire captcha system to help alleviate that specific bottleneck

While you're at it, please make the captcha less of a pain in the ass to use. Some of the letters are indecipherable because of how retarded the patterns blocking them are and it usually takes me 2-3 tries just to get past it.

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cca3ea  No.16915047

File: 083c2c59e5bb7ff⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1a507487f7871f⋯.png (706.53 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f11709ba7869aa0⋯.png (173.02 KB, 570x279, 190:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00c3cd85de5096b⋯.png (193.25 KB, 220x321, 220:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c00f2bb7658b06⋯.png (175.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

But anyway, I just did some Rad shit.

My and my friends have been watching a movie together everyday, each one of us picks something new in order of person. Today the movie was TOP GUN, before the movie starts my Friend talks about how "No One" can land the Plane in Top Gun on NES.

I say "I can do it in One Shot" My friend calls bullshit since not even he can land the fucking plane, I reply with "You don't know, Just how Autistic I am" We proceed to watch the movie, during which I download the Rom, my Friend makes sure I don't practice during the movie. I ensure him I won't. The movie ends so I start up the game and start streaming my attempt to everyone.

I after crashing into some missiles head on since my gaming instinct after all these years is to try and Shoot down missiles instead of flying out of the way to avoid them, I get to the landing sequence, I don't even quite know for sure how the fucking controls work when it comes to speeding up or slowing down the plane, I'm mostly using the Plan like a god damn hang glider, using diving and raising in altitude to control my speed. My friend thinks I'm going to die, I'm sweating because even I think I'm going to fuck up and die…


I landed the plane on my first fucking try!

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b02cdd  No.16915074


Just because it's low risk, doesn't make it legal.

status: 0



>I'm guessing he's trying to convince Jim that it's legal so that he won't be an idiot about it anymore.

Even a lawyer couldn't convince him to host "cartoon kiddie porn", even if they say it's legal.

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b02cdd  No.16915095


>I'm sure there could be a second opinion or something

The lawyers are the second opinion. He contacted two different lawyers and is requiring their consensus that loli is illegal if the site rules are to be changed. If either one says it's legal, Ron will cite that one.

status: 0


It's getting worse. Very long intervals of non-funcitonality now.

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4a9cc7  No.16915098


>but having an auto-expiration set by OP might be an interesting dynamic for some boards or certain threads.

It certainly would prevent the fags on the Q boards from taking up all the space on the site. Have you seen how many threads they make in a day?

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dc3555  No.16915123


>If it's legal then it's legal and it stays end of story, if it's illegal then it's illegal and it goes. again end of story.

The reality is that it doesn't matter if the government says it's legal; big businesses like Cloudflare have enough of a monopoly to do whatever they want.

Big tech companies already have the absurd power to restrict and control the flow of information through the internet. There is nothing anyone can do to stop this from happening, because it has already happened. We already live in a futuristic dystopian fantasy, where greedy tyrants control the populace using powerful artificial intelligence.

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af5378  No.16915124

File: bc79987d913ae55⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 800x800, 1:1, top_gun_hat.jpg)


Good job anon, you can wear a hat like this with pride.

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87200e  No.16915182


A lot of very original games greatly improve the mechanics in the sequel. It's a simple matter of looking out how things work in practice.

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a54bb3  No.16915196


I'm convinced most people in defense of loli are just pedos being denied their easy fix. There's literally no other explanation. Posting loli ironically or whatever is fine but having an entire board dedicated in this one very questionable thing. Just ask yourself, who in their right mind would spend time there? I'm not saying Jim isn't fucking up what's left of this site but damn loli is the last thing we should be worried about.

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7b6267  No.16915197


>I'm convinced most people in defense of loli are just pedos being denied their easy fix. There's literally no other explanation.

Patreon banned all anime artsyle loli, so big tiddied hex maniac porn isn't allowed on that platform anymore.

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3a80f9  No.16915209




So? who cares if it is just that.

If its legal it should be allowed.

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0d55dd  No.16915223

Why is /v/ actually fast again?

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a54bb3  No.16915229


Not really the logic I want to abide by but on second thought it is better to contain the retards.

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0d55dd  No.16915245


8kun is at a turning point to be honest. Ron could either take this wake-up call and turn the site around, or he could let his dad try to turn us into Buzzfeed.

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faf940  No.16915246


I'm convinced most people in defense of video games are just fat people being denied their easy fix. There's literally no other explanation Playing video games ironically or whatever is fine but having an entire board dedicated in this one very questionable thing. Just ask yourself, who in their right mind would spend time there? I'm not saying Jim isn't fucking up what's left of this site but damn vidya is the last thing we should be worried about.

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0d55dd  No.16915249

File: a16cef82c6b5070⋯.jpg (187.65 KB, 960x540, 16:9, linus.jpg)


I know you're flaming but how the fuck do you play games ironically

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faf940  No.16915272


by streaming undertale of course

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2e0579  No.16915275



Did you not read the post he quoted?

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88c5cf  No.16915281

File: bb2a71102ced9dc⋯.png (152.71 KB, 221x237, 221:237, 1403728032554.png)


Playing kusoge for the sole purpose of getting laughs out of them could be considered playing games ironically. I used to occasionally play shit like Big Rigs, bootleg NES games, and shitty flash games with friends just for laughs, and we certainly weren't playing them because they were good. Youtubers and the like have done it for years too, from AVGN to Fitzthistlewits, and GameGrumps to Virtual Youtubers.

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0d55dd  No.16915286


I did, that's what I was referring to.

I was going to say shitposting but wanted to use old jargon because it's been years since I've said that

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dfb117  No.16915293


By using them as a gateway for social interaction. Playing the game isn't the goal, but attracting the attention of other people is the goal.

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3e2b3a  No.16915299



g-goons!! d&c!!!


I don't mind lolishit itself, I just hate lolifags and their idiotic persecution complex and constant victim playing. For how smug and cocky they tend to be, they always act like whiny, touchy faggots.

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ce07f2  No.16915302

i have no idea what to play, most of the games i've played i've finished and the last game i beat was a hallway simulator disguised as a remake of an old game

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3f9cd3  No.16915324

File: e21ef2f3c3a2cd3⋯.png (262.19 KB, 500x499, 500:499, nani_sore.png)


And yet the only ones truly whining in this thread are the fags complaining about loli. You're right about the smug part, at least.

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6501c5  No.16915330


Goons have been whining about loli for fucking forever. You'd think they would be tired of it by now.

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f60f60  No.16915333

File: c157c83f3b5b4e7⋯.jpg (7.02 KB, 225x224, 225:224, you_dumb_faggot.jpg)


>interracial marriage is legal

>therefor it should be allowed

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3e2b3a  No.16915339


Not really. It's only in response to lolifags crying about loli being banned and accussing anyone not being in love with lolispam of being a goon or whatever. I already said I don't mind loli itself but




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ce07f2  No.16915351



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12b86f  No.16915354

File: 4d2f0b74dfda130⋯.png (496.95 KB, 710x784, 355:392, 4d2f0b74dfda130aee9729b97c….png)

>>16911500 (checked)

>what're ye playin'?

City of Heroes as a gunner, I wish there was more powers related to firearms in general but I guess its better than nothing.

>what're wantin'?

don't know, any gud shootan games with RPG elements that doesn't require a NASA computer with tons of hard drive space or something.

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febc7d  No.16915355


>Why is /v/ actually fast again?

They fired Mark. He was caught eating the servers. He thought it was cake.

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3f9cd3  No.16915356


>accussing anyone not being in love with lolispam of being a goon

<too lazy to even press ctrl+f and type in the word "goon"

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0d55dd  No.16915365


>don't know, any gud shootan games with RPG elements that doesn't require a NASA computer with tons of hard drive space or something.

Strife and Divine Cybermancy are janky but fun.

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ce07f2  No.16915367


>>16915355 (checked)

to be fair the cakejew had it coming, I honestly thought he would've quit after the whole gondola thing. I'm kind of happy that yid is gone, maybe /v/ could improve or become cuck /v/ 2.0 and slowly die

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0d55dd  No.16915368


People are gonna hate hearing this, but very few of /v/'s problems were Mark's fault.

What do people even complain about anymore? The 2016-era shitposting and constant spam is gone now.

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a0844d  No.16915369


Absolutely not! That would destroy slower boards.

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3f9cd3  No.16915372


Deusex and System Shock 1&2 are also good choices.

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ce07f2  No.16915382


Strife and Shadow of Chernobyl

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12b86f  No.16915392

File: 824175968a0b472⋯.mp4 (65.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, _s_cool.mp4)


Divine Cybermancy sounds fun, it's the Source mod made by french developers right?


>Deus Ex

Shiet I need to finish my playthrough with it first, it's been a while I think I still have my old savegame of it somewhere. I haven't given System Shock 1+2 a go yet.


Aye I played quite a few variations of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series including mods, I will add Strife to my backlog instead. Thank you anons for the recommendation I appreciate it.

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0d55dd  No.16915398


>Divine Cybermancy sounds fun, it's the Source mod made by french developers right?

Yes, they also made Spacehulk: Death Wing, but that game is painfully mediocre.

They're seemingly working on a new game, they have job applications on their website.

If any of you want can animate and want a job in the industry, check their website.

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2e0579  No.16915409


>an option the OP of a thread could turn on would destroy smaller boards

Can you read?

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c29a8f  No.16915417


not going to let the site become buzzfeed

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0d55dd  No.16915430


Then hopefully you'll turn this site around. We still need something like the Hungry Games back and announcements when old boards are revived.

Do you make music anymore? I found old songs of yours, you're a good singer.

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ef3f77  No.16915462


FF2 also has a legacy mechanic that lets you bring Vivosaurs you had in the past game into this one, but it has the bonus of the level cap having been raised, so even if it was maxed in FF1, it'll still have many levels to go and grow in FF2… at least, I think it does. The best part of both games is that you're allowed to get all bosses, including the final ones, as obtainable and usable partners. And no, they aren't gimped either.

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5cbee8  No.16915479


Good idea: announcements for board returns. I broke the announcement system when we setup the new network architecture though, will need a day or so to fix it first. Will make an announcement as soon as its fixed.

As for those songs, i usually composed the music and played all the instrumentals then had friends sing. I sang a couple tracks but not all. When i was 21, i got pertussis and fucked my vocal chords really bad and cant sing for shit now. And yeah i still produce music and publish on youtube but i doubt you will figure out my current accounts because i have better opsec now. Have published music under maybe 8 or so different artist names in these genres: indie pop, thrash metal, house, death metal, chiptune (current focus), delta blues, opera (before i fucked my voice up), and folk. Have also played in some jazz groups and even went on tour with one, but i dont think that music was published online since we were just doing covers and jazz standards in jazz clubs and bars.

Have a different id right now because on mobile and too lazy to turn on vpn.

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35c5e2  No.16915490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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697c68  No.16915495


I'd be interested in even hearing a snippet of your trash metal, you never struck me as somebody into metal.

Ever listen to King Gizzard?

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3a80f9  No.16915498

File: 0a176998378a536⋯.jpg (378.06 KB, 957x974, 957:974, 0a176998378a5369a5ddb7d7e7….jpg)

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0d55dd  No.16915505


Oh shit dude, my little sister died of whooping cough in the late 90's. I'll never forget the sounds she made.

Going away from that sadness, would you ever be able to implement .mp3s? We've requested them for years.

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5cbee8  No.16915507


Ill make a webm of a thrash metal song i wrote tomorrow when i get on my computer again. Currently in bed playing three houses. And yeah ive heard king gizzard, but usually prefer to listen to the older metal stuff like the melvins, twisted sister, cannibal corpse, and early metallica when mustaine and burton were still in the group and alive.

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35c5e2  No.16915510


Hey Ron, any ETA on /tech/ returning?

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4a9cc7  No.16915511

I even wonder if these fags even know what a Goon is.

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4a9cc7  No.16915512

Much more, why it is that goons are despised.

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cca3ea  No.16915514

File: b48565a1cd84a64⋯.png (722.2 KB, 660x704, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Play Star Wars Rogue Squadron

You can fly a Buick.

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e74510  No.16915516



Take your inner monologue somewhere people actually care, like your diary.

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5cbee8  No.16915517


Sorry to hear that. Pertussis is a pretty shitty way to die, it hurts a lot and comes at you constantly for weeks. Hopefully she had good therapeutic medicine and wasn't in pain. I remember coughing so hard i would projectile vomit and even projectile vomited while eating at a restaurant. The manager ran over, thought I had food poisoning from the food, and comped our whole bill.

Adding mp3s is a great idea but we cant because i dont want the site to get fucked by the riaa.

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4a9cc7  No.16915518


Alright, faggot, explain to me, what is a goon and while people despise them?

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5cbee8  No.16915519


I dont think the BO requested to migrate it. Ill check in the morning, but if you want to be Bo just email me and I'll migrate it when i wake up.

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35c5e2  No.16915520


Goons are people who use SomethingAwful, or something related to it.

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0d55dd  No.16915521


I think you should point out your email is admin@isitwetyet.com

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5cbee8  No.16915523


Yeah that's the one. Moved the email to a different domain so can still be reached in case this domain gets deplatformed.

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35c5e2  No.16915524


Oh shit, I don't think i'm capable of maintaining a high profile board as /tech/ but I definitely would have it migrated, even if the old BO doesn't want to be a owner anymore.

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5cbee8  No.16915526


Just give it a shot, you will be fine. Read the site faq real quick so you know about BO rules and responsibilities. Not going to migrate it without someone to be the BO for it.

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4a9cc7  No.16915527


And, part two?

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5cbee8  No.16915529

Alright finally finished the explore monastery tasks, going to play some battles now. Talk to you guys later.

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35c5e2  No.16915530


Tough choice.. me becoming /tech/ BO and placing a target on my head or /tech/ not returning.

I'll have to think about it Ron, as much that I love /tech/ I don't want to get targeted by trolls and people with not so good intentions. Oh, and bug report: "Posted…" gets stuck on the post window after posting.

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4a1cb5  No.16915531


>literally defending white genocide


>claims OTHERS are posting for (((you)))s

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35c5e2  No.16915532


That's where my knowledge ends, I never used SA or cared about board drama.

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4a9cc7  No.16915536


Then you better read up. And, I just realized that you're not the same nigger who was going, "These fags jump at the sound of goons."

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12b86f  No.16915557


what about support for .ogg format at least?

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b073a4  No.16915579


Then it's almost as bad as professional politics.


Thanks i guess.

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3a80f9  No.16915581

File: 1ee0d24a48e3b23⋯.jpg (88.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1ee0d24a48e3b23bee4874494c….jpg)


Not bad dude, you almost got me, for a second i really thought you were as retarded as to completely miss the point of my original post >>16915209

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26dadc  No.16915613


You played it and finished it, the joke is on you.


>I don't mind lolishit itself, I just hate lolifags and their idiotic persecution complex and constant victim playing.

You hit the nail on the head.

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222e14  No.16915781


>I don't mind lolishit itself, I just hate lolifags and their idiotic persecution complex and constant victim playing.

Think about it, pedophiles have been persecuted all throughout history, of course they'd have a complex. My guess is that lots of them went the way of the trapfag and got tranny'd in private Discord servers.

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f3926d  No.16915814

File: 4d7df3edc9220d8⋯.jpg (931.09 KB, 1920x2160, 8:9, Waero_Kamuo_Patreon_Banned….jpg)

File: 7399c90827ff247⋯.jpg (267.6 KB, 726x800, 363:400, Waero_Kamuo_Patreon_Banned….jpg)

>why have weebs and otaku developed a persecution complex

>why have they made loli the hill to die on

No idea.

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9bdf16  No.16915829


>Just because it's low risk,

It isn't "low risk" its zero risk dickhead. No one in the U.S. has ever been prosecuted for possession of or hosting loli.

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48d9c5  No.16915864

File: dc8d065916899c9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 7.87 MB, 5333x6000, 5333:6000, hex_maniac_patreon_sign.png)


>"But muh p e d o p h i l i a "

I swear, most of the people who jump on the "loli = literally CP" train are just projecting their own fucked up desires onto others.

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b02cdd  No.16915876


But that's flat out false. >>16914474 Someone was just late last year, and for loli and loli alone. He even challenged the law's constitutionality and was rejected.


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41eacb  No.16915881


How the fuck is hex maniac a loli?

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a54bb3  No.16915891


>You hate gays so you must be gay!

Impeccable logic

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4a9cc7  No.16915896


>All of the cases listed charge the defendants, NOT for the possession of lolicon material but, for the possession of obscene material (Which then holds the material to the standard of the Miller test)

That's also leaving out the fact that there isn't any mention about if an appeal was filed against these judgements.

So, you haven't proven anything.

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48d9c5  No.16915907


"loli" = "anime girl I don't like"

This is why you can never give an inch with these people.


Admitting to being gay won't get your life ruined and probably get you thrown in prison. Most people wouldn't have a reason to hide and bury being a literal fag in current year. They also wouldn't feel a need to virtue signal against it in any way possible. If anything, it would be the opposite.

You're a fucking idiot.

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b02cdd  No.16915909


Because she has a childlike face, you anime pedo! :^)

Patreon will burn, hopefully.


>NOT for the possession of lolicon material but, for the possession of obscene material

Anon, are you retarded? The against loli is and obscenity law.


>That's also leaving out the fact that there isn't any mention about if an appeal was filed against these judgements.

Three of the four cases listed are from the Ninth Court of Appeals. No one defending loli has the time, money, and disposable reputation to appeal it all the way to the Supreme court.

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b02cdd  No.16915912


>No one defending loli has the time, money, and disposable reputation to appeal it all the way to the Supreme court.

And I also doubt they'd rule differently on "cartoon kidde porn" even if someone got that far.

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4a9cc7  No.16915927


>No one defending loli has the time, money, and disposable reputation to appeal it all the way to the Supreme court.

<Justice Roberts can say what he wants, but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster. It is out of control, has a horrible reputation, is overturned more than any Circuit in the Country, 79%, & is used to get an almost guaranteed result.


Oh, boy, how did that get there?

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41eacb  No.16915950



So whats a no-loli anime face?

An smug ara?

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b02cdd  No.16915963


That 79% figure does make me more optimistic, but I'm still fairly doubtful. People have been convicted of 1466a for decades, which is odd, because I thought it only came about as a result of the PROTECT ACT in 2003, but I swore I found some cases from the 90s. And cases where the there's loli and nothing else, like the one from last year, are very rare. But whether it can be fought in court with enough time, money, and disposable reputation is moot. Jim and Ron don't want any legal trouble in the first place. So even if the risk is very low, if both of those lawyers tell Ron it's illegal, Ron will change the rules and ban loli. Grey area shit like teens that are indistinguishable from adults due to the artstyle and chibi will probably still fly.


Crows feet are probably mandatory as the bare minimum in Patreon's eyes.

status: 0


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a54bb3  No.16916007

File: 9c24cbb07af9de1⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 425x422, 425:422, 1544167721.jpg)


It doesn't matter because I consider both wrong so stop your liberal-tier faggotry.

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48d9c5  No.16916011


A face that's as ugly as the people in charge at Patreon.

These people are fucked in the head.


No one cares what you consider to be wrong. The point is, they aren't equivalent in most people's eyes and aren't treated as equivalent in the Current Year San Francisco Poz Party we call a society.

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7b6267  No.16916016


"Young looking face" according to Patreon.

You can sow a loli's head on an anime milf body and it won't look out of place cause of the style.

So all anime girls are considered loli now.

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33e107  No.16916033


Regulating and banning cuckime (to keep trannys like you from brainwashing children into being gay) is probably the only thing suicidal SJWs and all rational, normal, and sane people can agree with.

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41eacb  No.16916046

File: 8af09de6f8d3141⋯.png (265.3 KB, 700x700, 1:1, _you_slut.png)

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4a9cc7  No.16916056


>Jim and Ron don't want any legal trouble in the first place.

This is the one thing that muffs me because the entire POINT of U.S. law with the way it's structured is to stonewall the GOVERNMENT from getting too much power.

First law, you can say and create anything; second law, you can have any and all weapons ever created; third law, law enforcement cannot entire a home without permission; fourth law, government cannot violate your privacy; fifth law, the government cannot take your shit and and repeatedly slam you with trumped up charges; sixth law, the government cannot arrest you without telling you what crimes you have committed and gives you the right to chose how you are judged; seventh law, judges cannot dismiss cases because a jury made the decision; eighth law, the government cannot demand an unreasonable bail or punishment; ninth law, anything not mentioned as a right that the people have IS a right that the people have; tenth law, states have to follow the rules listed and are able to make their own rules as long as it doesn't violate the rules already established. I'm paraphrasing, but there you go.

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a0844d  No.16916065


>So even if the risk is very low, if both of those lawyers tell Ron it's illegal, Ron will change the rules and ban loli.

If that happens then an exodus from 8kun will commence immediately.

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7b6267  No.16916068

File: 624b3b9d73aabfe⋯.jpeg (84.21 KB, 1000x706, 500:353, 624b3b9d73aabfed815267069….jpeg)


The ones that got hurt the most in all this are the smaller boards that only keep shrinking and shrinking in users.

Bring back /sudo/ and the attention hungry games or make rotational board ads for boards that want to participate.

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a54bb3  No.16916092

File: 04e4ed2da275486⋯.gif (612.52 KB, 400x225, 16:9, hug.gif)


They aren't but whatever man, I've made my point.

Don't want to end this on a bad note so as a sign of good will, have this.

Stop reddit spacing

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f60f60  No.16916131

File: f0a7910018edc39⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 697x781, 697:781, uUcS9tD.jpg)


I agree wholeheartedly.

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b02cdd  No.16916177

File: 8ad3a277c46f974⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 341.11 KB, 920x787, 920:787, 8chan_8kun_Shady_Rundown.png)


As it should. I feel like it ought to have happened months ago though, and probably did considering how dead the place has been. I typed up pic related, that someone else recently posted. I probably won't be sticking around anyways and just move to fatchan. This site has been excruciating to use for about three months now.


It's not just smaller boards shrinking and shrunk.

status: 0


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605f85  No.16916444

File: 27b0fce3f5a2560⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 680x445, 136:89, 27b0fce3f5a2560fbf980b05c5….jpg)


Originally. At the moment, the sole purpose of US law is to pacify the masses by tricking them into thinking that their government and its branches aren't wholly corrupt and antagonistic. Not one of those restrictions impedes the current government.

For example, I would say at the moment that there's at least a 40% chance that H.R.5717 ends up on Trump's desk and gets signed, followed by some sort of "amnesty" program for "assault weapon" owners, who will instantly turn out in droves to voluntarily surrender their arms to the government. I would like to think that this event would stop people from believing in the long-dead Second Amendment, but it probably wouldn't.

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6e2e33  No.16916459


>The reality is that it doesn't matter if the government says it's legal; big businesses like Cloudflare have enough of a monopoly to do whatever they want.

Note that Cloudflare doesn't have an anti-loli policy, I just checked and nhentai.net uses Cloudflare for example. Of course they do have an anti-8chan policy.

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617a95  No.16916478

File: 9e2b07be95bd15f⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 228x225, 76:75, 1401553617576.jpg)


>ever wanting to agree with suicidal SJWs

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c29a8f  No.16916492

File: 6c5a30d504cd0d9⋯.png (145.57 KB, 564x312, 47:26, status0.png)

I think the status0 bug is happening because of a network config setting out of my control. Ive debugged everything and the bug seems to point to an upstream configuration error. It wont be resolved until we move onto the different network within 2 weeks. sys and mod.php are already on the new network and are working well, but capacity needs to be raised a bit before we can move the full site to it. Working on increasing capacity now and should be done within 2 weeks.

In the meantime, im going to make a hotfix that automatically resends your post if the javascript detects the status0 error. Since in my experience, posts usually go through after two or three tries, this should work to alleviate the annoying status0 error screen until we get onto the new network setup.

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b02cdd  No.16916495


Sounds good, though in your experience, you're extremely lucky. I went about 40 minutes straight without being able to post yesterday, and regularly non-functional intervals are around a few minutes at least.

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c29a8f  No.16916506

File: 2f4ab679d76f219⋯.mp4 (14.29 MB, 320x240, 4:3, band.mp4)


Heres a snippet of a more melodic song from my thrash metal band. It was recorded almost 10 years ago so quality isnt great.

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c29a8f  No.16916509


Im posting using sys/mod.php on the new network and there is no trouble at all with it. Literally no status0 errors or slowdown. There is an anonymous mod.php account that anybody can use, I forget the login for it but maybe someone here remembers? If you login with that then you can get on the new network right now and it should alleviate any errors you are getting from the main site until we get things fully moved over.

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176d5d  No.16916513


Which Touhou wud you fuck? This is a v srs question.

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8362eb  No.16916516


Hey ron, I saw your tweet where you found your runaway dog. What breed of dog do you have?

Is she still in heat? What do you do to whenever shes like that?

Can you send us a picture? I want to see how cute she is I love dogs.

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fe3abf  No.16916523

File: fe686afef258a2d⋯.jpg (175.11 KB, 1020x1541, 1020:1541, underage_school_girl.jpg)


They're not the only one.

Didn't have 40 minute errors. But definitely over 3 minutes, where just left the thread, and came back to it. It's worse when trying to upload anything over 3 MB, because it show up in the middle of uploading.

Literally happened trying to post this.

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7b1d4c  No.16916526

File: 1b28cfdb90cff33⋯.png (198.49 KB, 308x539, 4:7, ffb640f1a7908e4c01ebd6a7fd….png)


ron, the site run like hot garbage.

Images don't load.

Videos don't load.

Everything is slow.

Its hard to post.

The captcha is way too difficult to solve 90% of the time.

You are bleeding users because its hard to fucking post here.

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c29a8f  No.16916529

File: 6b4c2e5ee77358c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 729.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, only_answer.jpg)

File: 193f23ea37d4406⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 597.69 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, s.jpg)


There is only one correct answer.


Ive got two dogs. A bullmastiff and a shiba inu. The shiba ran away by going into the forest and evading capture. The bullmastiff can sprint fast, but isnt stealthy enough to evade capture. Plus she is too loyal to want to run away

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b02cdd  No.16916533


Captcha is easy.

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b02cdd  No.16916535


Things seem to have eased up for the moment non-functional intervals under a minute now.

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b02cdd  No.16916541


Good taste. You better hope for her sake those lawyers end up on your side. She could easily be considerd loli, and at the very least doesn't appear adult.

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36df35  No.16916545


Why are you spoilering it, the two pics arent porn?

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8362eb  No.16916547

File: 0fa1e4e39ed24ca⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 956x960, 239:240, EVlw2xdXYAIkg9y.jpg)


What the fuck. That girl doesn't look like a dog.

But nevermind that, I don't know what drove your meme doggo to run away but none the less I'm sorry for your loss ron.

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0e8ab8  No.16916548

File: 5602f8d42b36f9d⋯.png (580.51 KB, 2400x1900, 24:19, ESiMojGXQAIDeBr.png)


Well at least you are a man of taste.

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c29a8f  No.16916549


Im pretty sure my research into the topic is correct and there wont be any rule changes. The lawyer letter is going to be used as proof to show to certain people that it is in fact legal. It will also be a good peace of mind to have going forward.

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7b6267  No.16916551


Loli is legal gay if not a legal. Though I think your dad is the one that has the final say at the end of the day.

Anyways sorry that you lost your dog.

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b02cdd  No.16916554


Because Suika is lewd.

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c29a8f  No.16916555


To build suspense.


I found the dog. Some old lady was walking her on a leash at 7-11 and I said, "hey aint that my dog?" and she was like, "oh yeah I found her for you!"

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176d5d  No.16916556


Top fucking taste confirmed.


God, I just wanna drink with her

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7b6267  No.16916558


That's a relief.

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c29a8f  No.16916569

First lawyer email just came in. He said that he is starting research phase now.

Also, the second lawyer declined helping us.

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7b6267  No.16916572


>the second lawyer declined helping us.

Well shit.

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3ca5b1  No.16916622


>Also, the second lawyer declined helping us

It's exactly shit like this that makes it absolutely retarded your dad thinks he can "fix" 8ch's reputation by sanitizing it. The site's already infamous, just embrace it.

also your status 0 hotfix didn't seem to work, hope you actually stick to your 2-weeks and this gets cleared up

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b02cdd  No.16916633



He probably just got someone else paying better for something else.


>Also, the second lawyer declined helping us

>It's exactly shit like this that makes it absolutely retarded your dad thinks he can "fix" 8ch's reputation by sanitizing it.

I don't think the lawyer was told the full scope of the situation. I'm pretty sure Ron just asked him to look into loli to see if it's legal, and maybe mentioned it was for making the rules of a website. If he mentioned 8chan or 8kun to them, that would be retarded, given its reputation.

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6501c5  No.16916638

No lawyer is going to say loli is 100% legal, due to the uncertainty of obscenity laws in the US. I hope Ron isn't planning on doing something stupid.

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d7d89e  No.16916777


>Also, the second lawyer declined helping us.

Hope you didn't pay that fag yet.

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6d4bd2  No.16917593

There were some ssl errors earlier on the sys subdomain. I reported it to the CDN and they said it was caused by a bug in the ssl session caching system. Should be resolved now.

Also, just checked and there is no email back from the lawyer yet.

Are status 0 errors getting better now? Made some conf changes earlier to see if things can be made a bit comfier until the new network is ready for the full site to move over.

New network is waiting for a shipment of hardware to improve capacity. Should arrive within a week and a half. Will update if there is a delay for some reason.

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b02cdd  No.16917599


status: 0


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b02cdd  No.16917609


By the way Ron, most meta activity moved to this thread >>16915713 , though it's already past the bump limit while this one isn't.

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6501c5  No.16917629


>Are status 0 errors getting better now?

No, I get it every time I post now.

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7ab931  No.16917658

I missed all the new drama. What now? No more chill /v/ threads any more?

About games that I am playing currently, I am divided mostly between Yakuza, Monster Hunter and Bannerlod.

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910fa3  No.16917675

File: 1a1efcbc98b923d⋯.mp4 (13.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, random_shit.mp4)


>reply with mp4

>sent to 404

>no status 0 error

>went through anyways

Guess its better? Only uploading another vid here to see if it repeats.

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b02cdd  No.16917690


>I missed all the new drama.

As opposed to the old drama from yesterhour, or this entire shitstorm and you didn't even know Mark is gone? If the former, you need to fucking inform people of where you left off.

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15e7b1  No.16917699

People love to shit on cuckchan, but it's way way easier to shit on kikes and the globohomo agenda on 4/v/ than it ever was here. Anyone who thought otherwise is a delusional kike worshipper.

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39907c  No.16917703


You're replying to a "I just wanted to talk about video games" thread.

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15e7b1  No.16917704


I started prioritizing exposing kikes and their agenda over video games, and so should you, you suicidal imbecile.

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45612d  No.16917705


And you're accomplishing this by yelling at other autists on the internet?

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15e7b1  No.16917709


Yes. The lurkers learn a little something too.

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45612d  No.16917714


If you say so.

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15e7b1  No.16917715

And just to be clear, I don't just only post here to full retard 1488. I've tried many times to just talk vidya, but Mark would inevitably ban me every time because I'd point out how fangless and jewloving this board had become. When THE ENTIRE FUKING POINT OF BREAKING FROM 4CHAN WAS TO STOP BEING KOSHER. Sorry, caps.

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6501c5  No.16917717

File: 3103d283c53e6e9⋯.png (225.42 KB, 680x697, 40:41, aa7131588116e8d6193f46c252….png)


>it's easier to spam on cuckchan

No shit.

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af5378  No.16917725


Who are you exposing them to? Us? I think most of us hate them same as you. Plus if Feds prioritized 8ch over them five years ago and now control this place, what makes you think there's a benefit to speaking at 4chan? Do you think they'd just ignore them?


>The lurkers learn a little something too

I doubt they'll take the lesson you're intending, but whatever

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c33cd9  No.16917874

If you want to have lawfag arguing for legality of loli why not use Prostasia Foundation research?

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b02cdd  No.16917881


>why not use Prostasia Foundation research?

Weren't advocating for actual pedoshit as well though?

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c33cd9  No.16917886


no they dont? source or fuck off

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ac10e1  No.16917888

File: 55243cce4c70050⋯.png (439.9 KB, 1918x788, 959:394, ClipboardImage.png)





don't you know, anime pictures of any sort are for pedophiles only, regardless of body type or the implied age of the characters

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0d55dd  No.16917891




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b02cdd  No.16917892


It's been a long time since I saw it, and I swore I saw it firsthand on their website and it was Prostasia. But I can't find any evidence of it upon a cursory glance at their site unless you want to argue their pro-LGBT stance is pro pedo. I'm probably thinking of a different group, but I know it was specifally a group that had taken a pro-loli stance before and was referenced in loli's defense.


And redtext pilled.

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c33cd9  No.16917895


the only other pro-loli group I can think of is CBLDF and they don't deal with child porn period. Prostasia also was for not throwing kids to jail for webcam/tiktok videos so that's where you might get confused with child porn

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bd43f0  No.16917901


>ron leaves us in the dark and almost never posts

>kicks out kike for some bullshit rule he made up on the spot

>suddenly starts communicating and interacting with community

What's with the change of heart? I'm not sure what to think.

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023e2d  No.16917911





Not fooling anyone, stormfag.

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6d4bd2  No.16917919




Ok, just made a javascript change to detect a null response then auto-retry sending the post if detected. This should help smooth things out until the full site is on the new network.

Let me know if the status0 error is still ongoing after this change.

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6d4bd2  No.16917922

Working on a fix for old images from before file de-duplication not showing properly. Should be done in a few hours.

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3305b1  No.16917948


>There is an anonymous mod.php account that anybody can use, I forget the login for it but maybe someone here remembers?

Is this what you’re talking about?


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3a80f9  No.16917955


True, but it's a welcome change for now

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3ca5b1  No.16917967


Frankly, I thank Mark for getting his stupid ass fired – him risking a split from 8kun seems to have made Codemonkey finally realize trying to communicate solely through liasons and middlemen was absolutely retarded.

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6d4bd2  No.16917969


Yeah thats the login. If you use that, you can post through mod.php that is running on the new network already. Havent had any problems so far using mod.php.

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0d55dd  No.16917973


It's anyone

Password is 0

How could you forget this

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3305b1  No.16917974


Have you tried using the account yourself?

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32765b  No.16918011


because the users held the news board hostage, and there was way too much attention on other pet projects and boomer autism.

The problems here will stop once the site stops talking about muh free speech and actually starts silently implementing it without announcing too much it in its policy or or god forbid out of the admin statements to boomerfaggot normalniggers that immediately tell it to facebook.

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6d4bd2  No.16918018


Ive only used it once or twice, so the login isnt something I committed to long term memory.


Last time I tried it was on 8chan, havent tried it with 8kun yet. Just gave it a try though and it and seems like it is broken. Were you able to get it to work? If confirmed broken, ill fix it.

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0d55dd  No.16918021


Does the board it was attached to even exist anymore? That may be the problem.

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4379de  No.16918038

File: 19a545b2bb22cd9⋯.jpg (155.02 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, 16116231861_4c92a5a6f3_b.jpg)

File: 3a431cde0e08a8a⋯.png (45.89 KB, 222x420, 37:70, DOA1_Tina_C14.png)

File: bbc550c8f78b4a3⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 884x1200, 221:300, STK362246.jpg)

File: ba048fc3609b134⋯.png (737.81 KB, 754x1580, 377:790, Fran_RW.png)

File: 70ed7c4f3b5cb49⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 540x763, 540:763, 9dd.jpg)




yeah… but why does japan like bunny girls so much?

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0d55dd  No.16918051


>last one


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6501c5  No.16918054


Why not?

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bddd3e  No.16918057


Because they're good?

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7b6267  No.16918060


Shimikaze is a girl, all the trap ones are cosplayers.

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a1cc84  No.16918067


So you don't, faggot?

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42a71c  No.16918095

status: 0


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c29a8f  No.16918118

Ok so just had some downtime because the ssl cert for sys shit itself due to a misconfiguration on the new network. Putting sys back onto the old network temporarily in order to fix the configuration.

Added a retry effect if posting detects an error, so that might help with posting errors until new network is re-configured correctly. ETA for new network at full capacity, and moving main site to it, is now within 1.5 weeks.

Still no reply from lawyer.

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b02cdd  No.16918133


Playboy had a great marketing campaign over there. Just like KFC.

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02a434  No.16918154


You are probably thinking of bridget there boomer.

That is the Shimakaze from kankolle.


Because Japanese society hasn't tried to destroy or ban everything good in the world, and the Japanese aren't all dead soulless husks inside. I think a better question is, why don't you like bunnies? you monster

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615e90  No.16918940


I'm not a lawyer, but my reading of the anti-child pornography statute in the U.S. (18 USCS § 2256) is that it explicitly does not include lolicon. § 2256 (9)(A) defines the protected class as "identifiable minors" meaning "A person who" (II) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature. The statute goes on to state in (11) "the term 'indistinguishable' used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults." The law explicitly is designed to protect actual children from harm with no reference to sexualization of non-real children.

I could also go into cases on topic on this point if you want. I don't mean to undermine the advice your attorney will give, a reading of the plain language or a look into the cases on this point will likely yield the same thing. There has not been much litigation over hentai in the US, but the few cases that have been done using this statute have almost unanimously yielded the same result and the one that hasn't is very easily distinguishable.

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849d87  No.16919086


also see CBLDF, Prostasia Foundation, even fucking US government explicitly complaining about criminalization of manga when UN tried to expand child porn definition last year

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c29a8f  No.16919137


Yep, that is my understanding too. The lawyer will probably come back with a similar conclusion.


Yeah I remember the US govt complaining about the UN trying to criminalize manga. Actually, I tried to make a doujin manga shop last summer, but ended up not launching it because exporting doujin from japan has some legality issues regarding copyright/trademark and I would apparently owe royalties to Japanese artists upon resale. Tried to get an exclusive deal with a doujin circle that was doing original works, but then got distracted when the 8chan deplatforming happened in August.

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c29a8f  No.16919156

File references for old boards are fixed now, and images that are really old should be viewable now without being bugged out.

Also just restored >>>/tifa/ and >>>/rwby/

Nobody emailed me about being the new BO for /tech/, so that migration is still on hold until someone volunteers.

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b02cdd  No.16919167


>I'm not a lawyer, but my reading of the anti-child pornography statute in the U.S. (18 USCS § 2256)

That law was never the issue. 1466A is the issue.


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849d87  No.16919198


>I tried to make a doujin manga shop last summer, but ended up not launching it because exporting doujin from japan has some legality issues regarding copyright/trademark and I would apparently owe royalties to Japanese artists upon resale.

Interesting. Does something like Mandarake pay those royalties from resales? I mainly buy doujins and manga from there because they put least barriers for gajins to buy loli smut there.

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849d87  No.16919218


It's not issue because it's hard to prove obscenity or lack of artistic value

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b02cdd  No.16919271


>because it's hard to prove obscenity or lack of artistic value

If it's so hard, then how come the law is still being used despite first amendment challenges?


The courts are retarded. There's another case where someone argues their right to import obscene materials for private use where the court compares it to importing illegal drugs. Despite how greatly post-modernism has lowered the standards for "artistic value", and how vague "obscenity" can be, if you show a jury a loli getting railed, they will find it obscene and lacking artistic value regardless of the quality and skill of the art because it creates in them a kneejerk reaction of revulsion.

I really, really don't understand how this argument seems to prevail. Loli has been found obscene and lacking artistic value by US courts at least a dozen times if not more in the past decade. Just go on Justia and type in 1466A. How can people think "but next time it won't be found obscene and lacking artistic value, because it's really hard to prove those things." is beyond me.

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b275da  No.16919345


>print one picture

>it's art

>no it's not you're going to jail for 12 years

based amurican law

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3ca5b1  No.16919584


>Nobody emailed me about being the new BO for /tech/, so that migration is still on hold until someone volunteers.

You sure? I could've sworn someone wanted it a while ago but never got a response. Then again I could say that about a lot of boards throughout this shitshow.

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c29a8f  No.16919708


Nobody in the past couple days emailed about it. Not sure about before when Mark was answering the claims email. There is a new person answering claim emails now, so please go ahead and resend an email about it.

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3305b1  No.16919711



>If confirmed broken, ill fix it

Please do, thanks.

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c29a8f  No.16919868


Ok its in the queue to fix today.


Working on fixing the announcement system, should be done today.

No reply from lawyer.

Less than week and a half to get on new network.

Thinking to refactor post.php and maybe get some better performance out of it.

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c29a8f  No.16919885


Ive started to refactor post.php now.

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3ca5b1  No.16919967


>Nobody in the past couple days emailed about it. Not sure about before when Mark was answering the claims email.

It was during the period when we first came to the site only for it to be a broken mess, so if Mark was in charge back then that was probably it. As for who wanted /tech/, I don't quite remember if they're still around or not or where they went if they aren't here. Try asking the gamergate thread or something, they have better memories than I do.

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7faddb  No.16920301


Quick question, sorry if that's already been mentioned or discussed, but are board pages still broken or will they be done away with in the future?

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227775  No.16920303


Hey Ron, can you make (or I can make) a dedicated cyclical thread for site updates, that way anons can know what you're doing without having to come to this saging thread?

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b02cdd  No.16920308


There's already the technical issues thread.

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c29a8f  No.16920729


Having a cyclical for this would be convenient, yes. Seems people arent seeing this thread easily right now.

Should I move to the current technical issues thread, or make a new one?

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7faddb  No.16920731


I think it making a new one would be better, since the old one probably had a lot of anons tune out of it because of how long it has been up.

Unless you change the OP of the old thread to let everyone know you will be posting in there now, I would recommend a new one to get everyone's attention.

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c29a8f  No.16920739


>are board pages still broken

Are they broken? Please link an example and ill check it out.

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c29a8f  No.16920745

So was looking at getting the Anyone account fixed, but a vol from the /vichan/ board already took the name Anyone. So I renamed the old Anyone to Anyone2. Password still is 0. Can you guys login and try it out and make sure the password cant be sniped and that it functions like the old Anyone account still?

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7faddb  No.16920751


Sorry if I phrased it wrong, I meant creating board pages was broken. I wanted to make a rules page but when I create it and then open the url to it, it shows a 404.

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c29a8f  No.16920955


Ok moving to this thread >>16920765

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86e0b3  No.16920991

File: e43f22e1dac47f1⋯.png (251.3 KB, 917x1036, 131:148, e43f22e1dac47f1d365e128423….png)

File: 652bd7b3f33d5af⋯.png (145.89 KB, 914x1168, 457:584, 652bd7b3f33d5af5fd9bdf6a15….png)

File: 1986534076f0ce4⋯.png (105.31 KB, 965x371, 965:371, 1986534076f0ce4ffcb2af2cf8….png)

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78fce4  No.16921028


I doubt we can get this level of madness here since we are not bugs like asians. But anything can happen in current year.

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