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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems

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File: 1d477599d13a3c4⋯.png (213.79 KB,642x1628,321:814,Capture_2021_08_09_08_30_3….png)

6177fa No.16959670

When will newfags stop revealing themselves by referring to RTS Programs as "RTS Games". I don't normally spoon feed but this has really been getting on my nerves lately so I'll spoon feed you zoom zooms just this once.

RTS programs are not video games, they are nonlinear Outcome simulators. Do not confuse them for your children's playthings.

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5c1802 No.16959674

This meme was funny but it's a waster potential by placing "kino" at the top, and not using the word ludo at all anywhere.

I guess it is a sort of parody of modern western video game journalism and their favoritism toward movie games and disdain for old school, proper video games, so in that sense yeah I can see it working with kino, but still should have used ludo.

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5c1802 No.16959675

File: 1a0b2a45e36484f⋯.jpeg (9.76 KB,259x194,259:194,clarissa.jpeg)


also disregard that I just noticed there is LUDOnarrative mentioned.

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f29bbc No.16959729


What's their problem with old-school type games?

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7819fa No.16959750


they suck at them

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