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/kemono/ - Kemono Art

The ghost of Kemonono


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come lurk in our dead IRC

Type #kemono in the channels field

862,589,748,159 DEAD BOARDS

File: 045ab1b9b96da1f⋯.jpg (66.42 KB,637x850,637:850,gaoru.jpg)

 No.11349 [Open thread]


Here's where you can download the archive of the board from when it still had working images. Direct download only for now, torrent will be up and running shortly.


Feel free to mirror or seed wherever you like.

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IA Generated

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File: 1430440563752.jpg (166.09 KB,560x700,4:5,Sticky.jpg)

 No.895 [Open thread]

Keep doujins to either their own threads, or to threads the particular doujin is relevant to.

Try not to create a new thread for every possible topic, and USE THE CATALOG to see if the topic has already been created. Duplicate or redundant threads may be deleted or merged.

Questions, comments, suggestions or complaints belong in the discussion thread >>897

Rules: Global rules apply, aside from that there are no hard rules but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences for causing trouble. Report posts you think need review, but please don't pretend you're the board police in the thread. Don't be an asshole, that's my job.

Board IRC is on irc.rizon.net channel #kemono

Image searching:



https://ascii2d.net [good for works found on twitter/pixiv]

https://trace.moe/ [good for screenshots from anime]


https://yandex.com/images/ [great for crops but a good image search in general]

If you find a thread that takes you to a 404 page when you try to enter it, report the OP of the thread with "404" as the reason, and the thread will be fixed as soon as possible by a mod.

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File: 1430444255548.jpg (104.5 KB,1101x1280,1101:1280,1355392910.noneness_kui.jpg)

"What is "Kemono" art and what differentiates it from "western art""?

This is very much a matter of opinion, however on this board it will be as follows:

Originally it referred to Japanese art and media centralising anthropomorphic animal characters, the word itself is a contraction of the Japanese word for "Beastman". However since then, the term has grown to accept many art styles of Anthro-centric art that are common mostly in east/south-east Asia (Japan, China, Thailand, etc), though it is not limited to artists from that region, some artists from N.A. and Europe emulate the style as well. For the purposes of this site, Kemono is a blanket of styles, not a nationality.

An example is the pic used in this post, though the artist is Chinese, many would consider much of his art to be "kemono" art.

If you're still confused, just lurk the board and you'll pick it up pretty quickly.

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File: 1466518236681.webm (849.35 KB,1080x1080,1:1,16a4ffc53fc0d5fa11c78804b….webm)

 No.4479 [Open thread]

Not exactly sure if Braixen counts as kemono (as far as bipedal pokemon go they're pretty close) but I was wondering if anyone got their hands on this yet.

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Yeah, I've tried to fix the 2 files but it doesn't work, if anyone has the 2 videos or more, my discord is SteveGeek#2021

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This thread's been made in 2016, active until 2021…I hope I may be able to help someone.

From the info I gathered online, it was an animation project rather than a game (reminds me of when people thought Tiarawhy was making a Braixen porn game…hate when people are so easy to hype and fill other people with such hype).

I know people have been fairly critical of it, and to be fair Shirokoma himself isn't very happy on how it turned out. But nonetheless people will be curious (like myself) and I think it's alright all things considered, only thing that sucks is that it's censored (only 004 is censored for some reason; the other two animations are not censored)

#Anime_004 is the one that looks the most like the previews we've had forever. There's #Anime_001 and #Anime_002 which are also about Braixen.

For the people that mentioned #Anime_003; I have that file (and it has several parts) but it's unrelated to Braixen; it's a nsfw animation of a dragon. As far as I know there's no uncensored version but hopefully I am wrong; without further ado here's the links

Anime_004: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3drxmytuhrhsk7q/%2523Anime_004.VOB/file

Anime_002: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xa05c48g0guu7uz/Anime_002.mp4/file

Anime_001: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0hnwt9n5u6xk749/Anime_001.mp4/file

Have a nice day…hope this is helpful and hope people are still around, so much misinformation regarding this project that it's not all clear to me still.

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I just recently remembered about this animation, and started looking for it thinking it would be lost media by now. >>11366 modern day hero.

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>>11373 Glad to help! We've all been in that situation, looking something up hoping that someone has it, i wish there were more resources for furry paywalled stuff.

My mediafire upload of #Anime_004 has 373 downloads as of now, and I wasn't really sure on sharing this, but I saved people my past struggles, specially with the dicktease dead links that were never updated here.

I guess it was a rare release at the time? I got it off the artist's Patreon and mirrored it so the original link doesn't go down as a measure of safety

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File: 02f2638d5c33387⋯.png (Spoiler Image,444.34 KB,762x454,381:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Shirokoma uploads content very sporadically, these are all the animations that were made until 2022 (May 13), screenshot posted on his patreon.

Sorry for the crap quality and for spoilering it, but trying to keep this away from being reverse searched so he doesn't change the links to the animations. I think there's a few new animations but not a lot

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File: 31fdc33b45570a5⋯.jpg (4.95 MB,4233x6025,4233:6025,00.jpg)

 No.9411 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

The old thread was starting to show its age. This thread is dedicated to Amakuchi's Foxy Rena series.

Previous thread: >>1360

Mediafire repository


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wired, it look like Foxy Rena 4.5 is now on Fakku but I'm surprised it take them this long (and why they skip it?)


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finally vol 17 will be out on 9/30


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File: 8e20915f615e096⋯.gif (3.63 MB,294x233,294:233,40b.gif)

 No.11222 [Open thread]

since this place is fucking dead and the smoothbrains who run 8kun royally fucked this place, why not join https://8chan.moe/kemono/

it has the same atmosphere that this place used to have.

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I see. Luckily I think when I ran the archiver, all the spam had been cleaned from the board but I'll of course give it a once-over before I upload it.

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Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. Once you find a way to share it I'll upload it to mediafire for archival as soon as I can.

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Alright, an update, I'm going to make the archive into a torrent, I'm just fixing up the archive itself for now. I didn't see any illegal content like CP or anything while I went through it, but there are some other issues I'm working through in order to make it the highest quality I can.

The latest archive had a lot of missing images and thumbnails, but luckily because of the structure of the archive, I'm able to pull from older archives that had images that were missing in the newest one and merge them together and ignore the duplicate files, so basically the only images missing were ones posted after the board essentially died, aside from a handful of odd images that somehow got missed by every archive for one reason or another. As of right now I can't find any missing images (EDIT: never mind there are a handful in some threads but some of them I think were 404d when the archiver ran) however the thumbnails for some images are missing, so if you see a broken thumbnail, you can still click it and get the image behind the thumbnail. I COULD fix some of these thumbnails manually, and I have done so for a lot of the OP images just so that the catalog looks nice, but there will come a point where it won't really be worth my time I think.

The final filesize is going to be around 9.5 GB, I thought I could pare it down smaller but it looks like the overwhelming majority of that data is image files posted to the board itself, there are a couple of .zips that people have uploaded to filehosting sites that the archiver grabbed which I may pull out but haven't decided yet, and that will save AT MOST 1 GB so I'm tempted to just leave them for posterity as some of them are dumps of an artist or something, and I'm sure at least some of these files are no longer hosted by their filehost website if you were to find and click the link within the archive.

Right now there's only a couple of major issues left, like some threads you can't enter for some reason (but if you do manage to get in, all the files are present), but I was able to fix it on some occasions so I'm going to try to make sure you can enter every thread.

If it's not up by next week I'll give another update but I'm hoping to be done soon.

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Thank you for all of your work.

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Alright, the archive is ready, it's as good as I can make it, the one glaring issue is the feral thread doesn't open for some reason, you can see the last 50 posts but not the full thread, if somebody really wants it, I can maybe get a separate file of that one thread. I'll post the links for both direct download and torrent sometime on Monday at the latest.

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File: 9460979f7b5c6b3⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,1000x1000,1:1,remilia.jpg)

 No.11336 [Open thread]

Hello, kemono friends,

We have a few boards where we already discuss kemono related things, such as https://smuglo.li/monster/ and https://smuglo.li/a/

However I think you guys would really benefit from coming over at https://8chan.moe/ as they allow board creation and have tools to back up the entirety of a board and its posts back on their servers - so you can keep all your discussions and whatever pictures and links still work on this derelict website.

Thank you so much for all your years of service!

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File: 4a95fb3f107133b⋯.jpg (30.3 KB,478x261,478:261,wc.jpg)

 No.11218 [Open thread]

If anyone is interested in a dump of the old wildcritters.net website, here you go. A 13.6GB torrent containing all the images in the last month that wildcritters.net was up. I ripped this years back and forgot about it. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals :3

Magnet Link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:IVWWVLHX5GOFQBBFTB7FZUHRXGFB4NAP&dn=wildcritters.net%20full%20rip&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fp4p.arenabg.com%3A1337%2Fannounce

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File: 8bf4bb34a969aa9⋯.png (379.42 KB,768x768,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 048451405f3a78d⋯.png (3.01 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f109996c4557e1⋯.png (1.81 MB,812x1024,203:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ce930c9103b7bb⋯.png (3.88 MB,2480x3508,620:877,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.11216 [Open thread]

A thread for discussing kemono artists on Twitter

I want my twitter feed to be nothing but cute kemonos

Post their handles here

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File: 1434569036477.jpg (131.21 KB,840x840,1:1,27784f238af1765319351a773e….jpg)

 No.1451 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Disappearing threads should be fixed now, so one last time

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File: abf6f923a6e7896⋯.jpg (108.6 KB,1280x960,4:3,4345.jpg)

File: 00b78fe7033f1be⋯.jpg (165.73 KB,1198x1710,599:855,7854.jpg)

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Sauce on the second one?

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Artist is Ontuna.

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File: ff95a745af823b6⋯.jpg (522.2 KB,2168x1536,271:192,nebaku.jpg)

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File: 8327a447757be88⋯.jpeg (125.62 KB,1368x1080,19:15,020301C6_9AEC_4B96_86AE_0….jpeg)



>Klonoa porn

Based desu.

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File: 1457906028225.png (183.15 KB,250x279,250:279,52b1d30e1f2dfd69ab56a60bf7….png)

 No.3714 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Anyone knows of a few with the cast mostly anthro characters?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: fe6e79e9746e892⋯.jpg (236.75 KB,849x1200,283:400,ESvIKR9UcAEr6xX.jpg)

BNA Teaser unveiled, along with some additional casts.

Source: https://twitter.com/NetflixJP_Anime/status/1237302779158220801

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File: 9028b70638006b1⋯.jpg (20.7 KB,358x400,179:200,tachiki.jpg)

File: f92e7e0eab367c5⋯.jpg (26.17 KB,400x307,400:307,jem_meri.jpg)

File: a8e256f8c3a3cf0⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,400x291,400:291,frip.jpg)

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File: 68a39ef2ff1c879⋯.webm (2.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,White_Cat_Legend.webm)

I guess this counts. Came out last year

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>tfw no update since

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File: 9964a80f4ed1775⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170706231244.png)

File: 1ef99028e9040a7⋯.png (1.69 MB,1920x1045,384:209,img20170425005445.png)

File: 6969a84dca4e793⋯.png (1.24 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170715033650.png)

File: afe0d77eceb7284⋯.png (2.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170502014301.png)

File: 39fd21401fd353a⋯.png (1.99 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170802111918.png)

 No.7026 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>4316

This is a discussion about a 3D eroge called Custom Maid 3D 2 and the various Kemono mods that have been created for it.

* Interested in getting the game? Read this guide to get started (read it VERY carefully before asking questions) - https://pastebin.com/A7FXWPW3

* Collect some mods here - https://pastebin.com/hHR6tfih

* Post and discuss the kemono maid of your dreams (or nightmares, if you're into that sort of thing)

(I am currently maintaining both of the pastebins above, so if there's anything you would like to add or see changed, let me know)

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No, storytime something original but with lewds

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The male maid, Shota maid, penis mods, and loli sized body mods are nowhere to be found for me. Can someone please help?

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File: 97b14d6480fc03f⋯.webm (2.57 MB,1680x1050,8:5,CM3D2x86 2019-05-26 20-16….webm)

File: 07eca20640a7946⋯.webm (2.67 MB,1680x1050,8:5,CM3D2x86 2019-05-26 20-16….webm)

File: f63627603ce620b⋯.webm (2.69 MB,1680x1050,8:5,CM3D2x86 2019-05-26 20-16….webm)

File: 0dfc0cfc7ec85ca⋯.webm (2.69 MB,1680x1050,8:5,CM3D2x86 2019-05-26 20-16….webm)


Have you checked out my mod repost collection?

Shotapenis is there.

Collection of furry mods:


Video collection:


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File: 4f4902a106e4cee⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1680x1050,8:5,CM3D2x86 2019-12-23 15-47….webm)


Merry belated Christmas everyone!

I am uploading a little CM3D2 session right now at the usual place


Folder Christmas 2019

Also my current, messed up and hardly working old version of the game CM3D2 game installation:


Works on 32 bit Windows7 machines.

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I'm looking for Shotapenis too, i can't find it :/ may someone reupload please? <3

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File: 1e358c94616d5e6⋯.png (2.47 MB,1283x1800,1283:1800,system_3_by_dentyou_d6hsoi….png)

 No.10627 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last Thread: >>6338

A thread dedicated to requesting doujins and good goys scanning them. Just know that it might take months for people to fulfill your request due to this being a small board.

If you do have a request, make sure to link the page where it's being sold to make everything more transparent. Even if it's second hand sites like Mandarake.co.jp, suruga-ya.jp or Yahoo Auction (JP). If you don't know where to buy it, then try searching for their twitter via reverse image search sites such as Acsii2D, SauceNAO, and Yandex. Sometimes it can only be sold at events such as Kemoket and not online. In those cases, second hand may be your only option.

>Buyfag guide for those who want to purchase doujinshi.


>Scanslation guide collection


>Manga editing guide


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It got an official English release by Seven Seas Entertainment, at least in the scan I read here:


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File: 66e2d974a3982fb⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,425x600,17:24,552622.jpg)

Anyone happen to know if scans exist of this doujin or not?


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File: bbba067a806fc54⋯.jpg (108.58 KB,400x572,100:143,_.jpg)

File: 792df240e970568⋯.png (540.92 KB,960x600,8:5,20850805_p0.png)


It would be a dream come true.

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File: 67f63a91ce64f37⋯.jpg (16.66 KB,425x600,17:24,1.jpg)

File: efebc244312e00e⋯.jpg (18.31 KB,425x600,17:24,2.jpg)

File: a12cfa7208f5f0c⋯.jpg (16.14 KB,421x595,421:595,3.jpg)

File: fc0f4082bafc43a⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,384x269,384:269,4.jpg)

I've been searching for mucknagabe books for quite some time so I can scan them. I'd be very grateful if anyone could help me find somewhere to purchase these. One day, I hope that I can scan everything Nagabe has been in, but these books seem to be the most elusive.




https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHORO15108?tenpo_cd= (couldn't find it on doujinshi)


I couldn't find any scans, but I'm planning to do an order of doujins soon. I'll add it to my cart and scan it for you. It might take a bit because I have a big backlog at the moment.


I couldn't find this, but I'll keep an eye out for it.

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File: cf3ca6eac6ff810⋯.jpg (71.42 KB,561x800,561:800,fwof.jpg)


Theres this cute looking doujin by kishibe that I cant find anywhere, and its unavailable now so RIP

But who knows? Someone here might have it

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File: 1459549151165.jpg (29.2 KB,170x170,1:1,folder.jpg)

 No.3876 [Open thread]

Does anybody have whatever is/was here?


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Have you tried checking for old art on E621? This is the first time I hear about this artist. The clean stuff on his tumblr looks alright.

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i have, there are few nsfw pics there, but very few sadly

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I hate it when this sort of thing happens. That's why I save everything from now on.

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New hunter, I've looked everywhere I can think of. Anybody? Bump…

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File: f47aa5eeee04381⋯.png (264.96 KB,541x600,541:600,072e21eda846a7f310f145ae3b….png)


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File: 1435617272671.jpg (285.82 KB,800x800,1:1,46077991_p10_master1200.jpg)

 No.1675 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Alright, this should be the last thread needed to be remade.

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File: 017565db4dd4291⋯.jpg (204.18 KB,1400x2000,7:10,furukida6.jpg)

File: ffbbe739288adb0⋯.jpg (98.34 KB,708x960,59:80,furukida5.jpg)

File: 40c9a84e12d5428⋯.jpg (210.32 KB,840x1280,21:32,furukida4.jpg)

File: ceae2abd9f535de⋯.png (819.82 KB,900x1200,3:4,furukida3.png)

File: 1997b813aa72594⋯.jpg (127.93 KB,1080x1200,9:10,furukida1.jpg)

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File: 6655812edacf629⋯.jpg (97.79 KB,563x800,563:800,furukida2.jpg)

File: 3f0cd222d000c5e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x800,3:2,cf4ad4567644051bbd75dd1165….png)

File: 4344807037e58f8⋯.jpg (150.63 KB,774x1200,129:200,6efa77d1df25ca305b1b54520e….jpg)

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File: 19594cdfa727650⋯.jpg (99.73 KB,874x1240,437:620,4835ef1499c8d04348c07ad062….jpg)

File: 701332a004a42c2⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,780x1214,390:607,DIP_SykUQAAMIKj.jpg)

Does anyone know this artist?

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File: fe03d0c07fcc20a⋯.jpg (174.94 KB,1000x1300,10:13,Egwe3TlUYAAoWzy.jpg)

File: 4c2278085ca0766⋯.png (966.36 KB,1000x1300,10:13,nanachi.png)

File: 89e8ee9a523c2f3⋯.gif (10.37 MB,480x600,4:5,dagasinanachi.gif)

I want to FUCK Nanachi!

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File: c0f73a27bd735be⋯.png (234.84 KB,566x800,283:400,Er3r1Y6VoAgSyFM.png)

File: 3995c5608f3eaf0⋯.png (322.83 KB,566x800,283:400,EsW458EUcAAdXw9.png)

File: 1acbd5e3926be8e⋯.png (323.26 KB,566x800,283:400,Es7EGjvVgAUhlXw.png)

File: 9d2af4ca36376f7⋯.png (343.74 KB,566x800,283:400,Et4mlWkVkAALeRJ.png)

File: 3a016d2ed35c6c2⋯.png (290.38 KB,566x800,283:400,EuxTBaNVgAMe5hb.png)

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File: c5a298990173584⋯.jpg (333.86 KB,750x988,375:494,62118389_p30 - とーみついろぐ⑤.jpg)

 No.6103 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Other thread is on the way out, so let's start fresh. Post non-explicit stuff in this thread.

Previous thread >>1338 (WARNING: LOTS of images, expect slow loading)

223 posts and 881 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 242d49dc99e75d9⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,2869x3790,2869:3790,72734276_p0.jpg)

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File: 0a57b70092ecd29⋯.png (92.58 KB,899x899,1:1,EpCIevHUUAEZKIU.png)

File: cac9fc566214ba5⋯.png (96.36 KB,899x899,1:1,EpCIevTUYAIwMUS.png)

File: 1210c021d1cd529⋯.png (47.21 KB,589x899,19:29,EpCIevQUcAIWl1I.png)

File: 00ac275829f810d⋯.png (58.19 KB,589x899,19:29,EpCIevVUwAAeNnX.png)

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File: f8dad032892daf8⋯.jpg (5.09 MB,2079x2858,2079:2858,86863146_p0.jpg)

File: 22643522ac7d8ad⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,86840959_p0.jpg)

File: 82836d82379146d⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1332x2048,333:512,86575247_p1.jpg)

File: 004c1b8c73fb536⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,1655x2790,331:558,86456946_p1.jpg)

File: 5b9997f28c43cd3⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1433x2303,1433:2303,86456946_p0.jpg)

I've lost a lot of interest in "Kemono" over the past 2 years… Too many have "… commission …" (in English) in their Twitter/Pixiv bio, and sure enough, most of their work is Westerner's Autisonas.

Actually more interest in following plain Anime artists (..which Kemonoers used to be)

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File: d0c50816905c5e1⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,850x1237,850:1237,74658.jpg)


I think there hasn't been as much work and good compilations of kemono art like there used to be ~10 years ago, so now the artists are turning to make money where they can. It doesn't help that this year most IRL conventions where people could sell doujins were either shut down or heavily reduced. I've started to tune out a little because I'm more interested in doujins and feel that there haven't been many good quality ones released lately.

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File: fb6a1c015841682⋯.jpg (290.54 KB,587x829,587:829,games.jpg)

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