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/kemono/ - Kemono Art

The ghost of Kemonono

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come lurk in our dead IRC

Type #kemono in the channels field

862,589,748,159 DEAD BOARDS

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 No.897 [Last50 Posts]

Direct all general discussion about the board, questions, suggestions etc to this thread, if not the IRC

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Fuck sakes, I come back from not being online all weekend to see everything old now gone. Sorry admin, but I'm going to have to give you a little shit here.

>I must have deleted my login cookies for /kemono/, and didn't notice, as the board moved so slow, and people were almost universally cooperative, I never needed to administrate.

Never underestimate the times you will need to administrate, no matter how small or slow a board is. Moreover, why didn't you write down your login info and keep it in a safe place? When my IP addy renews every few weeks I always need to login again, cookies or not. I have my 8chan info tossed in a notepad txt.

>Well after not logging in for 2 weeks, that makes the board eligible to be claimed by anyone who wishes to do so.

This is common knowledge by now so you shouldn't have let it lapse. I make a note to quickly visit my mod page at least every five days so it at least *looks* like I'm active and still around.

>Boards being purged.

All content, threads, everything, could have been preserved had you opted in to include /kemono/ in the 8archive site (http://8archive.moe/). One click is all it would have taken to have a board backup (albeit read-only). I understand 8archive was down for a bit in regards to accepting new boards, but iirc it started functioning properly again on April 1st. There was plenty of time.

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Should I dump these?

If so, do post it in its own thread or wait for a SFW thread to come along?

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For your first point, I didn't lose my login information, I cleared my cookies, meaning my browser ceased logging me in automatically, I still knew all my login information. The problem is that I didn't notice that it cleared my cookies, and so two weeks went by while I thought I was logged in, and wasn't. I was also distracted for most of that time as I was away on a trip, though that doesn't excuse me.

Regarding the boards being purged, that's entirely my fault for not archiving, though there's still archives made by users in the IRC, and some other archives left, it will be a pain in the ass restoring the threads and content.


By all means, make a thread for your dump! Amusingly enough, I ordered some of those books a few weeks ago with the express purpose of scanning them, good to know I'll be able to keep intact copies.

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ISIS propaganda anime now

production costs are high

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Daily reminder we have an IRC channel on Rizon that you should join

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>putting you at the mercy of the global admins

>why WOULD the global admins care?

What do you need of the "global admins"? The global 8ch mods aren't supposed to moderate the board for you, their only job is to delete illegal material. If CP wasn't illegal there wouldn't be any global mods.

>On our own board, we could add custom things like a better oekaki function (8chan's isn't great), or anything else we'd want.

The only thing I can think of is better oekaki, but let's be honest all the oekakis are shit. It's going to be just a gimmick either way.

>A much more minor reason at the moment, is to allow us to separate thread topics, if the need arises, for the sake of organisation.

This means what? More boards? What's stopping you from making more boards and listing them in the board announcement a'la >>>/v/ ? The ability to own multiple boards on a single account is coming up too.

>But really, there's no reason to be on 8chan. The board format is available if we want to use the same format, so we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by having our own board.

I think it's the opposite. There's nothing to gain from a yet another imageboard site.

Someone is going to have a kemono board in 8chan either way, so all you're doing is splitting the community again. 8chan has boards for tons of different subjects, you can browse them all at the same site which is incredibly convenient. I for one am not going to be browsing multiple websites just because someone wanted full power over the site.

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>first point

Their job is also to respond to issues when emailed, most of my responses were from hotwheels, but one was from someone else.

I needed the help of global administrators lately to explain something that was happening on the board, because there were posts/threads getting deleted, and there was absolutely no record of it in the board logs, when I asked multiple times what happened, or at least, how this was possible, I got very lazy responses that said "You probably did it somehow", and when I explained that that wouldn't explain why there are no logs for the deletions, they stopped responding to me altogether.

>let's be honest all the oekakis are shit. It's going to be just a gimmick either way.

Tell that to the people who have actually been requesting specific oekakis to me.

>Someone is going to have a kemono board in 8chan either way,

Maybe, but the only reason I started this board was because there was no other common chan for kemono art in English since kemonono/ni died. A standalone image board has always been the goal, as I mentioned very early on on this board.

>so all you're doing is splitting the community again.

This is my only real fear. I know I've asked a lot of the few people who browse this board, especially after losing the board temporarily and having it wiped, and that's basically the only reason I haven't done it yet. But what made me want to do it was how inconvenient it is, having problems like threads disappearing, taking hours to hear back from admins while people ask me in the IRC "what's going on? What happened to my post/thread" and I basically have to say "idk lol". Maybe we'll be able to move the content over, maybe not, either way it's a considerable risk to the community.

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I see your point, but being a part of 8chan also drives people to this board. For instance, I've been on this board since its first week, but I was never aware of Kemonono or any of the other English kemono sites, even as a guy that lurked /v/'s kemono threads for years.

It's hard enough attracting new users as it is. Moving to a new site would make things that much harder. I wouldn't worry about it until/unless the board pulls significantly more traffic.

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Have a unique ID.

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fuck off

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Don't be a dick.

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I think he should be able to say "fuck off"

we arent reddit. cmon gratch

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Language isn't the issue, you can say whatever you want, but just as we're not reddit, we're also not /b/, you can't just go around making belligerent posts where no context calls for it.

If people want to talk shit about each others opinions or whatever that's one thing, but I won't have people trying to start shit over harmless and insignificant posts like >>1325

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>not wanting uniques

>not wanting board to thrive

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How are unique thread IDs going to bring in more users?

I'm not for or against IDs, I'm just asking.

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boards that have more uniques show up higher on the list and therefore are more likely to be seen, therefore get more foot traffic - it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.

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Hi. Never posted here. I didn't know there was a kemono board and was fed up with /furry/. But it looks like some anons here really hate the male kemono stuff. Is it allowed or is there a different board I should go to?

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It's allowed, I posted the original thread.

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It's 100% fine. If everything stays in it's respective thread then there shouldn't be any issues.

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homos are 100% not allowed

get out gay-bo you have an entire chan to yourself >:^(

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It's absolutely allowed, we used to have a larger male thread but there were some board issues and it ended up being deleted.

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Just don't camp up the place.

None of that rude shit you pull on /furry/.

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I see. Thanks.

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Hello fellow goyim, I have been lurking for sometime and would like to thank you all for upholding the kemono board against all odds.

As long as there's someone who appreciates aesthetics and Loomis in art no matter the content nor the creator, then there are still good people.

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>fellow goyim

And a Heil Hitler to you, my good fellow.

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This nigga is a real nigga.

Fight the good fight.

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I'm watching the /icup/ and I have been thinking.

What if we made a team for this Winter's cup? Would be nice to promote the board that way, but he chat seem pretty autistic so we probably wouldn't get any quality posters from that. Plenty of autistic /leftypol/ fuckers with their huge anti "weeb" hate-boner.

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Is posting unboxing of kemono stuff against the rules?

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Not explicitly, go ahead.

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I'll do it in the thread I made a couple of weeks ago, once my order arrives.

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Hey guys! Just tuning in this week to congratulate you guys on doing


on keeping the dream alive!

Keep those posts coming!

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What was the dream again?

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Owner of revamped /fur/ here.

Want to promote each other's boards perhaps?

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Is FA "culture" and militant faggotry a ban on sight?


Sharing art made by crazy orientals.

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I don't see any reason why not, for the time being. I'll keep a link to your board in the board announcements.

Nice Lyn by the way.

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let me post anime pictures you jerk

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post kemono on a kemono board, you retard

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gguuuys don't fight ;__;

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well, say they arent related all you want

i was only trying to start discussion

you retard

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What sort of discussion are you trying to start?

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An anime discussion

is kemono not directly related to anime?

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Not the guy you replied to, but I guess if it was an anime with some kind of kemono characters in it then sure. That's just me though.

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But you started by posting monstergirl stuff.

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But i dont have any cute webbums of any kemo anime like Jewelpet. ;_;

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You might want to keep your eyes open for troublemakers.


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quakin' in muh boots

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I know it's just some autist, but I wanted to let you know in advance.

I'm crashing his plan WITH NO SURVIVORS.

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Yeah I realise, thanks for the warning.

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I've been looking at the stuff that's happening on /tg/ right now and I'm getting a bit paranoid about this happening to the other boards I also browse.

I know /kemono/ is too small to be a target of something like this, but I'm still slightly worried.

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Did he just nuke /kemo/ because you dropped the fucking ball again?

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No, I nuked it because everything on it has been saved and will be posted here, I nuked it so I no longer have to worry about dropping the ball there.

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You nuked it because you want this board to be as popular as possible. You're another Freehaven fuckwit.

/kemo/ had sort of place for "D'awwwww Kemono" content. You deleted it all.

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> everything on it has been saved and will be posted here

You don't need anyone else posting. Check.

Time to think up a neat name for another board.

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I knew someone would get upset about this.

>/kemono/ is threatened by another board

Another board owned by me? It was so threatening I had to destroy it. Now with my nemesis out of the way we'll get a total of 0 more users since everyone who posted on that board also posts on this one, you've uncovered my nefarious plot to delete a redundant board I owned. :^)

The board was made by me for a specific purpose that isn't needed anymore, most of the content is cross posted already so it doesn't matter what niche position you imagine it having in terms of content. It's not about wanting this board to be more popular, it's just a board with the exact same topic as another more popular board I also own that had almost no traffic, if I were hosting it myself I'd have deleted its entire directory.

And if anyone cared so much about /kemo/ you could have taken board ownership from me at about any time, I hadn't been logged in in like 2 months. I didn't care about the board anymore, it served its purpose.


Just wait the 2 weeks or whatever the time limit is and take the board.

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See >>1338


Do you even understand what the point of /kemo/ was? It was supposed to be a backup in case we lost this board, which we didn't, defeating the whole point behind it.

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>The board was made by me for a specific purpose that isn't needed anymore,

"Hey, a board that's still being posted too…. isn't needed"

Be sure to tell the BO of /fur/ that his board isn't needed since /furry/ exists. Or /a/ and /am/. Dup boards serve an actual purpose on 8chan… but it's a explanation that would go over your head, retard.

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The majority of /kemo/ users were just users from here, and once we reacquired this board everyone just moved back.

>a board that's still being posted to

/kemo/ hadn't gotten any posts in weeks. Why? Same reason that I just explained above.

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Extra boards are only needed when there's a problem of some kind with the previous one. The "problem" with /furry/ supposedly is shitty mods and too much gay porn.

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The real problem with /furry/ is the constant /soc/ shit, shitty feels threads and crap like "when did you first realize you were gay". What does this have to do with furshit? I didn't realize I was actually browsing /cuteboys/ or some other bullshit.

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>/kemo/ hadn't gotten any posts in weeks

You're digging a bigger hole for yourself.

>Extra boards are only needed when there's a problem of some kind with the previous one

Which most of the time is "Board Owner is up themselves and doing faggot shit like delete legitimate posts or editing them to pull bullshit on people"

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>You're digging a bigger hole for yourself


This is a snapshot taken on August 27th (about the day it was wiped). The most recent post on the entire board (who I assume is you) was made on the 16th, which was 11 days before that snapshot.

On top of all of that, the post before that one was made in June, and if you check all the other threads you'll find that the most recent posts made were in June as well.

Long story short, if we were to ignore that single post made on the 16th, /kemo/ wouldn't have had any posts for about two months.

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Well, I've got ownership of the board now. I'll prep it up as an alternate Kemono board– where content that's 'sort of' OT for here (kimono-inspired anthro art drawn by filthy westerners, etc.) can go.

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Do you guys think this board should have an ad?

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You still around, Gratch? Haven't seen you on the IRC in days.

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Yeah, just taking a step back for a little while, getting too mad at everything when I get too personally involved. I'll be back in the IRC in a few days, post here if there's a problem that needs me to step in.

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Alright man.

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I used to be somewhat active when Kemonono/ni existed (best chan ever). Is there a way to increase the size of the thumbnails on the catalog? I`ve noticed most of 8ch boards have small sized catalog.

Is there an archive of doujins to post or something related? Kemonono used to have a sub-board for that, or it would be better to create a thread for a specific artist or doujin?

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That doesn't sound like a bad idea. So how are we going to pull this off? One thread per genre or artist?

Nice edit, btw.

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Back when this board was new and 8chan would delete slow boards, we tried having our own doujin board, but it ended up not working out, so for now you can post doujins to the doujin thread, or if you want to keep all the ones by a specific artist together, you can post per artist, but I'll leave it to the posters for now.

If ever we get large enough that it would be useful, I can host an imageboard like kemonono/ni for us to have more freedom on, but right now the userbase is just too small for the effort.

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Well, personally I think it is better to handle a thread per artist rather doing it per genre, so to make available an artist`s gallery/doujins in one place (exceptions comes to these doujins made by several artist/certain doujin circle which would be confined on its own thread). Some artists tend to nuke their galleries at times and having their old art around would be nice. Fuzisawa and Kosian comes to mind for example.


I understand, a lot of the kemono fanbase had scattered since kemonono/ni`s demise and it will take time to build a proper userbase I guess.

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If doujins are going to be uploaded, we have to decide how they should be posted. Image dumps or cover pages and links? I feel that latter method would be much more practical in the long run.

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Yes, but it would take a while to upload it to somewhere (like mega) and then provide a link, and usually, anons enjoy story telling threads, so doing an image dump seems better, besides I think the 4chan X dumper (I forgot the name of the app) helps to post several pages automatically. Although I am still considering making a directory of sorts with the links to download the doujins (maybe in google docs or something) but the real work is uploading the large number of doujins I have to provide a doc for whoever wants access to them.

Also, artists threads for those who wants to graba hold on old pieces that are not part of someone`s gallery. Would be cool to see more life breath into the board, I miss kemonono a lot.

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You're right about storytime, but an option to download would be nice. I'd love to contribute, but I only have volume 2 of Kemokko Lovers I downloaded years ago from Kemonono. The artist thread idea is good.

Still, even if we dump loads of stuff onto this board we will still have to do a bit of advertising.

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So is this the alternative to that other kemnono chan now that both it and the project to resurrect it when tits up? Or is there another one I am simply unaware of?

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I made this board with Kemonono and Kemonononi in mind as something to fill the void it left behind, I'm not aware of any other site or board made with that same purpose, aside from >>>/kemo/ which is an alternative to this board.

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I´m gonna test later the 4chan directory dumper thing, if I can remember, so there won´t be an issue to make a thread for an artist then?

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Oh alright then, thanks mate. I wasn't really a regular user of the place, but it was a damn shame to find out of it's demise.

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Even though it has embarrassing history in it, I'm reviving this thread in hopes it gets used for questions and discussion again.

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are people still on this board?

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Yes, I'm still waiting for a miracle to happen on this board

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I like to think /kemono/ has a lot of lurkers, but there just isn't much to talk about. /fur/ is kind of better suited for general purpose talk about furry topics.

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I never go to /fur/, this is as furry a board I will go. I try to post as often as I can to give more life into the board, but I don't mind the slowness, it makes it hard for shitposters and retards to take root because they get bored and leave.

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I check it occasionally

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I used to post pretty often but I eventually ran out of stuff to post. Now I just lurk.

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So I noticed a text banner earlier advertising a multiboard collab-type project involving board-tans.

Maybe we should participate? /kemono/ doesn't really have a board-tan of its own, so we'd have to brainstorm one and get a drawfag to sketch it out, unless we want to steal art, which I'm not totally above doing. (/fur/'s got that Kemo-chan character, but she's one of those anthro jet character things and not a worthy candidate of the /kemono/-tan mantle)

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/fur/ is slow too.

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I don't know, no offense to the drawfags but most of the stuff in the drawthread doesn't look kemono enough to me, and I think it's best to let this place fly under the radar for the most part.


compared to the top 25? yeah, but compared to here? not at all. I see it on the trending boards thing all the time.

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File: 539a2647bb64a91⋯.jpg (52.83 KB,473x1200,473:1200,539a2647bb64a917e6e04edaff….jpg)

File: 556ac04d9def35a⋯.png (1.03 MB,905x1280,181:256,1499092197835.png)

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File: 158e7bce5d499b2⋯.jpg (135.79 KB,573x1128,191:376,62062736.jpg)

File: 452a071c3bde3ba⋯.jpg (698.18 KB,1827x1000,1827:1000,61269686_p0.jpg)


>/fur/'s got that Kemo-chan character, but she's one of those anthro jet character things and not a worthy candidate of the /kemono/-tan mantle

Yeah I don't think we'll want to steal a character that another board made and actively uses. Besides the deadline for the image was yesterday.

If we want to get or make ourselves a character, then we ought to figure out what defines /kemono/ first.

There's not a lot of discussion here, mostly collection of images and doujins. We also surprisingly have a draw thread with some kind of activity despite the board being this slow. I think some of the users came from some older kemono site. It's hard to describe this board beyond that, so maybe the board tan could be some kind of quiet or antisocial type who's rather spend their time reading/making doujins and manga, or some kind of librarian/collector.


Kemono is just a style. I can't speak for other people obviously, but I can draw more kemono-styled characters if I want to. I just rarely try more than whatever comes naturally to me.

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In 14 years, trying to force mascot-tans have never worked. "A namefag on /ik/ decided this is your imageboard-tan!" "Eh, yeah, whatever." What imageboard mascots that did stick (/v/'s, etc.) were all Mob-consensus things that took years to develop and get accepted. And nothing kills a mascot faster than someone saying This is the Official!

>I don't know, no offense to the drawfags but most of the stuff in the drawthread doesn't look kemono enough to me

Same– but they stay confined in their thread, and trying to draw is still a valid way to be a fan of the genre.

Flying under the radar is good. We're a Fandom, not a Lifestyle, or Market, or Social Clique.

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>"just a style"

…with an entire country's worth of context behind it.

("Teen Titans is AnImE11!" B^)~~")

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Maybe Japanese kemono as a subject, but you don't need and entire country's context in order to make a kemono character though.

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>but you don't need and entire country's context in order to make a kemono character though.

>okay, so I gave money to a Swedish artist on DeviantArt drawing "Anime Kemono Commissions", and have to cover for myself being such a tool.

If there's no significant Japanese aspect to it, it's just Anthropomorphic: Furry, Funny Animal, Aboriginal Dreaming Cave Paintings, whatever.

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File: 641dd915c819b2c⋯.png (542.24 KB,925x1000,37:40,13e83fd93cb49278da5a274441….png)


So if a japanese person draws pic related, is it still kemono and therefore applicable to this board?

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I'd say it's a mix of both. The reason that there are so many japs who draw in "kemono style" is they draw influence from anime characters rather than the western furries, who often look to Disney films and the like for inspiration. I've seen some western furries capture kemono really well, and vice versa with some Japanese furries drawing in a heavily western style.

As for a definition of the style, I'd say it's just furry anime. Western stuff looks more 3D with heavy shading and more rounded, whereas most kemono stays much flatter and has sharper edges.

But that isn't to say that Japanese culture has no influence on kemono. I think part of the reason that most Japanese aren't into fursuiting, fursonas, or treating it like a lifestyle is because of things like wonfes and the indie market in Japan. Also there seems to be far less stigma against kemono there as well so they tend to integrate kemono with regular humans and monster girls, especially because of their own mouths about shapeshifting foxes and wolf spirits that lends them to being more monster girl than just an animal.

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no. christ that is hideous

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>Board tans

Mostly agree with >>6541 I think board mascots are kind of dumb and mostly cringeworthy, even more so if they're forced. If people make a character and like to use it a lot in reference to the board, that's one thing but there will never be an officially endorsed mascot of this board, I believe.

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I think it's cringeworthy when people try too hard to make/have a "board-tan".

Think what you want of the character, but /furry/'s N8 was the right way to do it I think. Someone just made him and then everyone kind of unanimously fell in love with it and started using/drawing him. There wasn't any real plan or organization behind it, it just clicked.

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So don't try to democratize the design like /fur/ did with Bill, just make a proposal and see if people like it?

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I think he means more like wait for a character that personifies the board to come about naturally, through the original content the board produces.

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File: 5546bca59cbfc90⋯.png (65.83 KB,706x635,706:635,v.png)


>just make a proposal and see if people like it

Basically yeah. Anyone can make a character that represents the board at any time and see if it sticks. I don't think anyone should say "this is our board mascot", you can tell if people care about it for long enough.

I believe /v/'s original mascot happened like that too. It wasn't made as a mascot and nobody decided to make it a mascot, it was just a comic character that somehow stuck around over a long time and came to represent the board. On that note, board-tans are mainly used for this kind of purposes so it's probably harder for a slow board like this to have one.

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People shouldn't waste their time making mascots epxlicitly, just make your own original designs for your own original purposes, like the >>6560 /v/ mascot was never intended to be such, it was just used in some /v/ original content and took off, trying too hard will never end well.

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File: cb786dc88021569⋯.png (499.59 KB,875x668,875:668,64099784_p0 - ナナチかわいい.png)


Not to mention boards like /v/ and /fur/ tend to have interboard interactions and make jokes with those tans, but /kemono/ stays pretty fucking contained and we don't have any jokes about our userbase or board. We just don't have a use for one.

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but we don't produce enough content for that to happen.

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Dude, you're being deliberately thick.

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Then please explain to me what is this Japanese culture that needs to be imbued into the art that makes it Kemono.

If it's not the visual style or design and isn't related to the origin of the artist, then what is it?

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So, Kemono does not equal to "ケモノ in Japanese doujin culture".

We shouldn't use the word "ケモノ" to explain the word Kemono.

Kemono just means "japanized furry stuff" or something.

PS, I (and maybe most of ケモノ fans) think >>6549 is a ケモノ character, but I (and *they*) does not think it fits to Kemono and /kemono/.

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Me> 'Kemono is a culturally distinct anthro thing'

You(assuming)>'Here's a Western Furry Character that's was drawn by a Artwhore who happens to be Japanese. Is It KeMoNo??!?!?"'

You>Then please explain to me what is this Japanese culture that needs to be imbued into the art that makes it Kemono.

Me> Take some anti-autism pills.

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File: ced9ea1740ace1d⋯.jpg (60.49 KB,474x512,237:256,59521947.jpg)


You still can't seem to answer the question. You keep talking about some kind of culture thing but never explain what it means in practice when applied to a drawing.

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kemono = weebfur

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File: 66962b371569187⋯.jpg (88.24 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_4245.JPG)

File: 1fce0300b17e0a3⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,315x315,1:1,IMG_4251.JPG)


Does it really though? Do we have fursuit threads? Does /fur/ have comiket or wonfes threads? Does /fur/ have sfw threads? Do these two images look the same?

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Damn, I guess you win the Internet argument because I won't write a 50 page treatise detailing 500+ aspects of 'kemono culture' to your satisfaction.

>but I really am too stupid to be able to tell the difference between Kemono and Furry. I really can't~

Well, fuck off back to /fur/, then. There's lots more people like yourself over there to interact with.

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So you've got nothing.

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People can draw furries. People can draw anime but few can draw anime furries the way the moonpeople can. I'm commissioning kemono style pics of my characters to prepare for a furry event in a few months.

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fuck off with your fursona shit

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Everyone implicitly knows what Kemono art is just by looking at it. If a non-japanese artist draws something that is in the kemono style and meets the aesthetic, then it's fine, if a Japanese artist draws something that looks like western art that shit won't fly here. If you want to argue philosophically about what constitutes "Kemono" art then that's fine but the definition of what art is allowed to be posted on this board isn't up for debate as it was clearly and implicitly defined in >>896

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File: 38ff99502b327f5⋯.jpg (425.85 KB,700x800,7:8,63867350_p0 - アニメ化記念ナナチ.jpg)


Keep at it BO-chan.

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File: 58c5c97f9c254a9⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,441x62,441:62,WhatTheF.jpg)

Can you explain why are we the winner of the 8chan Attention-Hungry Games?

I have no words.

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You made it to the end without dying.

Congratulations, by the way.

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File: 08269fb85ed5f6f⋯.jpg (28.46 KB,245x309,245:309,IMG_4254.JPG)


It's your pic suggests, we are superior.

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File: 398935ab0cb96d7⋯.jpg (10.71 KB,267x400,267:400,womanlaughingwithsalad.jpg)


Didn't even know someone entered the board, funny though.

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>>6700 checked


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>programmingchimp himself


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Kemono is weird. Its like good taste furry, drawn right. Is sonic kemono too?

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as per the artstyle, no.

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File: d36a799cc4075f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB,1920x2400,4:5,258fef6141aae2f4c5910a190b….png)

File: deae442b7b3865a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,403.67 KB,1000x1200,5:6,eb41e4009bc66bc4f1f027ca2e….png)



Characters aren't, by their nature, board appropriate or not, it depends on the individual piece, for example I think both these images are relevant to the board but something else obviously might not be.

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File: 25247470d642f86⋯.jpg (48.04 KB,384x490,192:245,12315363464.jpg)

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File: 3c5c9fa02336c88⋯.jpg (50.54 KB,450x450,1:1,IMG_4264.JPG)


BO, us winning the event has seemed to cause some newfags and board warriors to appear. Please get rid of them, thank you.

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File: f1aec6bd2e6ab82⋯.jpg (98.69 KB,578x818,289:409,f1aec6bd2e6ab82dde88b45c32….jpg)


/2hu/ here. Congrats on winning, dudes!


A natural result of getting advertised site-wide.

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>A natural result of getting advertised site-wide.

At least he hasn't mentioned it on Twitter… (yet)

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File: 2da0ed3e7ee32ba⋯.png (44.36 KB,353x220,353:220,IMG_3972.PNG)


do not even entertain the thought. Should that happen we will get swamped.

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I thought the board owners had to give confirmation if they wanted to participate?

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Nope. I don't mind for now but if things actually get out of control I'll ask for the ad to be removed


Report shitty posts and I'll review them, already had to delete a few but also try to keep it civil in the threads and not cannibalize each other please.

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Enabling country flags might be nice, seeing as it's a board focused on "foreign" culture and there's at least one or two japanons here.

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File: 8c5ed7d2c2fe683⋯.png (4.64 KB,823x43,823:43,it's over.png)

It's gone. We're safe now.

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Not sure if it's too late to do anything about this, but I noticed the Pokemon thread still 404s.

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Fixed, in the future, the redtext in the sticky has instructions for dealing with this, simply report the OP of the thread letting me know it's broken.

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I'm going to abstain from condoning or condemning advertising the board but I'm going to share a few thoughts.

The board winning last time had a few effects.

Positively, if you want to see it like that, there was an increase in users for a month or so but then it died back down.

Otherwise it had 2 negative effects, a couple shitposting threads came up, which were deleted, and the real problem the advertising caused: a panic amongst the regulars as if we were being raided or something.

Honestly though, the board is so small/slow that I felt that the advertising affected almost nothing in the long run, some posts were deleted, a couple people were banned, some new people stuck around (but not enough to significantly affect the board anyway), but that's about it. Ultimately I don't see the reason to panic over the advertising as the board is small enough that anyone who causes trouble can be easily banned, anyone who doesn't fit in either will learn to, leave, or be banned if they make a fuss about it, that, and the effects of the advertisement netted us only ~150 posts before things died down again, it wasn't exactly a non-stop assault of a raid.

tl;dr in my opinion, advertise the board if you want, I don't give a fuck.

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Are you frickin' kidding me?

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File: 4bfa555a69a70cf⋯.jpg (90.31 KB,599x603,599:603,IMG_20171214_221629_478.jpg)


Understood, I shall keep going as usual

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Does this group allows the photo of JMOF 2018? I would really apprciate to upload it here. Thank you.

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we don't have a kemono fursuit thread yet, you could start one

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As long as it keeps to its own thread, it's fine.

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Wait? Why fursuits?

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Please do not allow this

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explain why without using any buzzwords like "cancer" or "soy"

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1. they look fucking ugly

2. they encourage fursona posting

3. they encourage otherkin

4. they encourage /fur/ crossposting

5. they are not drawings

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As far as I'm concerned, it's related to the board topic as long as posters are prudent about exactly what they post in it, and like all threads it's subject to being pruned if it become irrelevant to the topic. If you have a real argument to make against allowing it, then make it, otherwise hide the thread.

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1. Okay.

2. Not really any more than the images of literal fursonas and static characters that have been posted in all the other threads that I have received literally zero complaints about over the years.

3. Who cares, it's not as if the actual people in these fursuits are posting here, and even if they were being annoying they'd just get their posts deleted.

4. /fur/ has its own threads for this why would having a smaller such thread here encourage crossposting?

5. Neither are 3d models etc, but they are allowed here.

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1.First point should be enough to give them the boot.

2. Any fursonas I've seen up to this point have been able to pass as just a generic character. These fursuits are disgusting sparkledogs.

3. I care.

4. Cause they think we have similar content, and thusly are similar boards, which we are not.

5. 3D models are still in the 2D plane of existence, unless you mean figures and GKs, which have none of the above problems.

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photos are in a 2d plane of existence. reductionism gets you nowhere. a kemosuit thread on kemono is justified because there is a difference between kemosuits and fursuits, just like there's a difference between furry art and kemono art.

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If there is a difference, I'm not fucking seeing it. Those are fursuits in that thread through and through.

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1. is an opinion

2. lol might as well delete /fur/ then

3. ????? how do they encourage otherkin, they're just costumes

4. no they don't

5. neither are these threads >>5440 >>7971 >>8069 >>7026 >>1303 >>5877 (etc) but I don't see your little bitch ass complaining about them

shut the fuck up and hide the threads you collosal faggot

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1. If you think those fursuits look good you should die

2. I would if I could

3. Cause typically people with fursonas and otherkin are the only ones who fursuit

4. yes they do

5. One of those threads is literally a picture of a drawing, and the other two links that work are for animation, ie MOVING DRAWINGS

So no, you fuck off and post it somewhere else.

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shit meant for >>8196

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File: dc6ce46d9993ec5⋯.png (35.39 KB,200x200,1:1,smug chocolat.png)

File: 73c1498758b532e⋯.webm (1.72 MB,640x360,16:9,uh oh.webm)


>3D models are still in the 2D plane of existence, unless you mean figures and GKs, which have none of the above problems.

>Real life has 3 Dimensions

>3 Dimensional Models are still within the 2 Dimensional plane of existence

200 IQ

>Cause they think we have similar content, and thusly are similar boards, which we are not.

/kemono/ already has similar content to /fur/. Kemono is essentially a small subset of the furry fandom, which in itself is already pretty niche.

/fur/ already has a kemono anime thread, kemoshota thread, etc.


>If you think those fursuits look good you should die

>my opinion is factually correct therefore I win

It looks like someone doesn't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. Here, Binky can help you out!

>Cause typically people with fursonas and otherkin are the only ones who fursuit

I haven't seen an otherkin on /fur/ (129 Active ISPs), so I doubt we'll see some here (15 Active ISPs).

Go ahead and keep autisticly screeching that a separate thread is allowed on group photos at a nipponese convention. It doesn't affect you. Ignoring kemono fursuits would be like not pointing at an elephant in a room, as conventions are a big deal.

SAGE for the clusterfuck tangent this thread is going into.

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What happened to the thread in question, anyway? I don't see it on the catalog.

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It is unfortunately still here >>8166

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I wonder if kemono artists take commissions from filthy gaijin? Or they are swamped like our furry artists are? That's a bummer if it were the case. On a little note, google translate helped me get a foreign commission once.

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I know of at least 5 that do.

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let them create on their own.

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I'm trying to remember an old yaoi kemono game.

You fight several enemies in an arena, and when you win, you can decide to either release them or keep them prisoner. At the end, you need to fight a… demon king I think. You get best ending by releasing every single enemy — otherwise, you get bad ending. Any idea what the title/game is?

I think I learned them from an old kemono website where we collaborate and upload/translate various kemono doujins/games. It's defunct now and I don't remember the website name…

Any idea what game this is?

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File: e341605619a9615⋯.jpeg (646.15 KB,2997x4096,2997:4096,222faa01bf9026077e039a348….jpeg)

Hey BO, could you add these links to the reverse image search in the sticky?

https://ascii2d.net [good for works found on twitter/pixiv]

https://trace.moe/ [good for screenshots from anime]


https://yandex.com/images/ [great for crops but a good image search in general]

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Done, if there's any other tools you guys think belong in the stickies or something let me know.

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File: c44754b22f3dd37⋯.jpg (436.78 KB,645x911,645:911,75377631_p1.jpg)


Thanks. The only other thing I could imagine adding is information on where to find kemono material. Like using Mandarake and Surugaya to find things second hand. Or how kemono doujinshi is mainly sold on Alicebooks and sometimes Booth.pm. I've seen kemono artbooks sold on both Alicebooks and Booth. For something like kemono garage kits, you can find information on those on Myfigurecollection.

I don't even know of blogs that cover this type of stuff. Saying that, the Buyfag.moe guide goes over proxy services and forwarding services. It also goes over second hand products/stores.


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I think you should probably discuss it on the sauce thread or the video game thread here.

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File: 7124e17331f6488⋯.jpg (438.44 KB,707x1160,707:1160,ec493295c1518597ce325bfe47….jpg)

Does Kemono girls tend to overlap with monster girls? I happend to noticed there are some Kemono girls that are depicted in TVTropes as an form of Cute Monster Girls here is the TVTropes:


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File: 4f7eec78667414d⋯.png (166.28 KB,336x696,14:29,1442957978379.png)


I don't think it's right to say that they tend to overlap, but there is overlap. From what I've heard, Japan isn't as retentive about the difference between kemono and monster girls. They're both seen as just "cute, not-quite-human girls", which is why Polt exists. It's the Western fans of monster girls that have declared a jihad against snouts because of the cancerous nature of furries, just like how a lot of people here try to distance themselves from them with the "kemono and furry are not the same" manta.

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Okay, thanks for letting me know

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Some permissions. Can I asked the admins for spelling fixes?

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Man, i am so glad to see this thread coming back! I've been waiting it to the fullest.

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File: e07606a213a7da1⋯.png (652.25 KB,1091x1920,1091:1920,tumblr_nojjbnG0Pd1qg1bdoo1….png)

I hope you all enjoyed the break. Please wait for 8kun to get its shit together and hopefully our images will all return.

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Clarification: After thinking something about the current state of Kemono fandom and its future in the 2020s, i decided to take this up and derail the details about the future and how are we gonna keep it up with the Kemono fandom. Also, i'm sorry if i write up this kind of a grief manner and i know this is disrespectful for me to do so, but i wanna share my thought about this.

It's been really 9 years since i got into Kemono fandom, and i have kept following the number of kemono artists and use their artworks and repost them on Gelbooru. And discovering this board is active sure is nice, but i feel like it's going to be nearing its dead in the next couple of years due to lack of commercial kemono products not being released outside of Japan and that Japanese companies always keep their products to Japan-only.

I feel like we are facing some issues with accessibility and restriction due to this, and some overseas users who have been in Kemono fandom in the past has been quited dropped considerably due to their personal life we are having (e.g. marriage, jobs, bills, stress, family, etc). And there is few new members who are into the kemono fandom due to this.

Also, we don't have enough scanlatiors and translator enough to keep up to tranlate doujinshi stuff we get it from Exhentai. Since many of the translators and scanlators are moving on their lives and focuses on other personal things.

Also, users who have loved their artists from the beginning early on have lost their interest to their favorite artists and new stuff that is coming twitter and post it here is becoming really less intensive compared to the older years of kemono fandom to the world.

Also, we don't have plently forums that discuss kemono stuff, and also we also don't have an news site dedicated of Kemono stuff.

There is also a language barrier issues for the new kemono fans coming to this site due to this and that we are having serious difficult to talk about them.

Also, a lot of discord chat (like one that i got banned) is dead and there are only few of them to where can share our hobbies.

That's why i wanted to keep kemono fandom to the world alive and if we don't keep it up with the worldwide, the international kemono fandom will not last long.

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Could someone please delete this, i feel like i am so stupid on what i wrote about this. And i feel ashamed of what i did.

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File: 4dd6bd1ae0589ac⋯.png (Spoiler Image,105.47 KB,2200x488,275:61,waterfox_2019-11-30_08-48-….png)

File: 8269827771d414f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.09 KB,544x655,544:655,61784600_p6.jpg)


More scanslators would be nice. I'm still here to scan some stuff but there's still plenty of kemono material out there that I don't get my hands on. I don't really care for bara material so I don't bother buying or scanning it. Though I know some here like it. I also can't translate so there's that.

I think as long as we have a board like this we'll be fine. Just redirect people here and maybe we can build a community over time. I just want to have a nice place to post/save cute kemono girls without having to swim through garbage to find anything decent.


Too late now. It's screencaped. Prepared to be bullied nerd.

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I am sorry! ;_;

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life sucks.

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shut up komaru.

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Is it possible to ban him?

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I was new to this place back before cloudfare fucked us. So, I guess I'm still considered new. In any case, I wonder what you have against western furry. Do you just not like the art or do you all hate the western furry fandom. I can tell that the whole kemono thing is very separate from western furries. I only rarely saw kemono style stuff posted on FA and e621. And the kemono style is my favorite.

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The board administration itself has nothing against Western art, however it doesn't belong here as there are more appropriate avenues for it.

As for why individuals here might not like it though, that's for them to say but I will say that I find after seeing this discussion go on for years the answer is that nearly everyone has a different response. Some don't mind it at all, some hate the community of western art but don't mind the art, some hate it all. As to why, it's going to vary heavily on the individual's preferences and experience, and over the years I've seen every reason as to some hate western art but like kemono, and it's very clear kemono fans are not one person and do not agree with each other over why they find kemono superior.

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File: e2d2398c0364d16⋯.png (184.28 KB,1560x875,312:175,091d93a5-cf35-4151-b7e7-32….png)

Also, i heard about the problems about the coronavirus that started Wuhan, China and it spread all over the world, and many Chinese (including Japanese and Korean) have suffered racial abuse overspreading this kind of virus.

I am a white person and i have no intention to attack some of these Asian users here and on Twitter, but i am so shamed many East asian people are treated as virus infectors. Now all Kemono users from Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and any asian countries are suffering stigmatization due to this.

Also read here:


This kinda ruins all about Asia.

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File: de68ca701cfa45f⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,680x680,1:1,1e5.jpg)


>Looking up the Wuhan virus outbreak.

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I don't believe you're white at all. "How do you do fellow white people"

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I support asian people who whom i like some of his work, but i don't intend to discriminate them.

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Seems like they're pulling that out of their ass.

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Man, seeing on how this board is becoming dead, it's kinda going to be difficult on how we can keep with kemono fandom due to this, but also restriction and accessibility that prevents us from getting into the kemono fandom due to this.

If only Japanese companies made some more commercially produced kemono content more accessible besides doujinshi and art, then the fandom should have rejoiced.

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Hello just a little ask, does anybody happen to have a Twitter account, here is mine though:


And it would be great if you guys love to follow me though and share the hobbies.

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Hey there, a while this board is somehow nearing its dead, i am migrating off into this site:


I look foward to wait until someone revive this board.

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I wish I knew about /kemono/ before today.

But yes. Both




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Yeah, it's kinda sad on how this board is becoming dead, thanks to the cloudflare for shutting down before it got back.

Even today, no one is coming back, even newcomers don't get admit into this fandom either.

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both are shitholes run by control freaks, its better to have a fresh start in julays webring or just stick around here where it's more relaxed

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Is there an alternative board dedicated to kemono-related though?

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Kemono never died. It's just that most kemono fans moved onto Twitter, Exhentai, and Discord because of the stigma of imageboards. I know multiple former /kemono/ users that used to be on here (one of the users here was a transwoman who translated the doujins here), who now exclusively avoid this site because it attracted edgy spree shooters and abrasive users that lack self-control.

It makes sense why they want to stay on Twitter.

1.They don't want to be investigated by federal agents as a potential terrorist. (Your government won't investigate you since you're Korean living in South Korea.)

2. They get to avoid the bad people that complain about "muh free speech" when they're prevented from being an asshole to others.

3. They're very successful and popular on those platforms like Twitter.

The best part is that the edgy people stay secluded in dead bunkers, wondering why no one is willing to talk with them after they burned bridges with everyone for no reason.

Kemono never died, it went mainstream with media like Beastars and BNA. And it will only get better over time.

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The board is slow, it will remain slow for a while at least, as the loss of users after the re-launch of the site and the mismanaging of the whole affair by the administration has made it so. However you posting constantly with nobody responding isn't making things any better as your poor self-awareness, poor English skills, and frankly your poor judgement (that you yourself admit to >>10856 ) do not make for good conversation. Nobody cares that some namefag might be leaving "the fandom" (read: this board). Stop blogging about it, stop posting and lurk, or at least stop posting with your name, it's embarassing.

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>its better to have a fresh start in julays webring

That would unironically help.

One of the biggest problems with 8chan has always been that it's very difficult to advertise slow boards. What are you going to do? Post ads in other boards and get banned? It's not easy to find ways to "naturally" link to or raise awareness of it, especially to people who don't go to other furry-related boards. The board list doesn't show this board, people just have no way of finding it, and already popular boards will continue getting more attention. Historically all pleas to add board discovery features have been ignored, and it doesn't look like improving that kind of thing is anywhere in the admins' minds.

The webring invented a new mechanic where the board list is organized by latest activity and shows when the last post was, so you can promote and "bump" the board simply by posting in it, making it go to the top of the board list and get a blue highlight for an hour. It's genius in it's simplicity and effectiveness and how naturally it suits imageboards.

Of course the downside of using it is that you'll have to split in 2, because nobody seems interested in actually leaving 8kun no matter how shit it is. It would be better if instead of using Julay, kemoner.club joined the webring (and became more active, it's full of spam right now).

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That site is filled with lots of live-action porn content, and still, no one is coming there neither. :<

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I've seen that before. The admin seems to delete it and other spam after few days, he's not very active, I guess because the website isn't active.

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File: d96006f57084df8⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,600x200,3:1,Kemonochan_Kemononoi_logo.jpg)


Yes, i know that this site is also apperently dying and the admin is really busy with his life right now, so he dosen't have any time to deal with his website he is revitalizing.

I miss the old days when Kemonochan/Kemononi was huge thing back when i was first launched in 2010 and shut down in 2014, the shutdown for Kemonochan was due to an kemono artist requesting their doujin works to be removed, in which they we're intended to fight against piracy, even some doujins we're derivative of other kemono media such as Pokemon, Onmyou Taisenki, etc. And it's been 10 since when the original Kemonochan was founded and even to this day, the kemono community might not last long, as most of its content they produce by kemono artist (both doujin and commercially) stay exclusively to Japan-only and Alice-books is the only known company that ship products internationally, not all other retailaers such as Amazon Japan, Toranonaka, Suruya, Yahoo Japan, don't ship their products to internationally as much as Alice-books does.

I've got into the Kemono fandom in 2014 and i feel like i have no option on what to do with some restriction that we are facing these days. And many Kemonomi/Kemonochan users have all been scattered, with some users leaving kemono fandom for their real life issues.

Also, the scanlation of English kemono are becoming less frequent these days, many of kemono translation of doujinshi and manga are now almost Chinese and Korean and there are rarely English scanlation in recent years.

It feels like our kemono fandom is less unified, compared to the old days when Kemono was a huge thing in 2000 and early 2010s.

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There's always one solution. Hang up the towel on the English part of the fandom and learn moon

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But still, while there is growing kemono anime like Beastars and Brand New Animal, there is also more growing kemono web manga coming out and i hope some of these kemono web manga will get an anime adoption one day, i hope this is a positive changes in the anime/manga industry as a whole.

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I don't want to promise anything I can't deliver on, but that is my plan for the next few months is to have a board on the webring and off of 8kun, since the site works quite poorly now, many people have left and don't like how the admins handled things and as you said, it's awkward to advertise or to accrue new users. Several years ago I wanted to do the same thing but the webring didn't exist and 8chan fixed many of its more glaring problems and it didn't seem worth the effort at the time.

Let me know what you think about this if this is a good idea or not, but I think it would, in the long run, be better for the board's health as currently it feels as if we're shackled to a sinking ship.

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File: 326297e192c288f⋯.jpg (27.53 KB,550x633,550:633,bait.jpg)

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Show me the lie.

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Speaking of which, i am one of the fewer kemono fan who is not from Asia, i am from Europe, and i feel like the majority of the kemono fans are from Asia, is that right?

I know a lot of asian kemono fans have easier to access the content they can get while me and other western kemono fans have difficult to access it.

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I would like something that keep the boardlike feels of Kemonochan, and making seperate webboard seem to be a good idea, as chance of this place turning into a political shit hole start increasing ever since the last shutdown, so having a spare board outside 8chan would be a good idea. Although, I wish you have a twitter that I can follow as an emergency hub incase something happen, because I enjoyed your admin style, so I can keep track of your new board. The issue is do we have resource or hardware to maintain the said board as Kemonochan once met those limit, as well as security as we still have a chance of getting spammed, which just happened recently to kemoner.club, which seem o be plagued by random spam bot

That said, what exactly is a webring?

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File: ba4ccec100e8409⋯.png (29.73 KB,300x95,60:19,rogo.png)

One more thing i heard about Coronavirus is being spread all over the world and i heard many events held in Japan are being cancelled due to this, Kemoket is also likely to cancel the kemono doujin event as well due to Coronavirus outbreak.

I hope WHO can find some vaccine as a way to stop this corona virus from being spread all over the world. :(

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>resource or hardware

You can rent server space for peanuts if you just want something simple and similar size to this. It should also be possible to enable Cloudflare for free for basic DDOS protection.

If you want to run a small imageboard then the software is probably the hardest part, because all the available imageboard engines seem kind of shitty. Lynxchan appears to be the most popular but I don't think it has any kind of automatic spam detection (for example enabling captcha when there's a big spike in activity), so you'd need to be very active and be able to handle things like that manually.

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I was a regular on 8chan but I really loathe 8kun, the site is just so bad it's not the users but it's less functionally consistent than even posting on 4chan with google captcha. 8kuns is worse than it ever was and the files load slower than even endchan which I considered the bottom of the barrel. the only thing 8kun does well is text posts.

The webring is so much snappier and satisfying, the admins actually listen to the imageboard community and update the site pretty regularly. Its for bunkers foremost but id rather it was just the norm, this place is obsolete and a huge step back from what 8chan was already.

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>Lynxchan appears to be the most popular but I don't think it has any kind of automatic spam detection

Yes it does. You set it either to enable captcha for thread creation or all posts based on the number of threads or posts made in the span of one hour.

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thanks for the reply. I think i'll hang around this board more often.

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Hey BO, I think we should really prepare to find a new board or something, or at least find some way to know where we can keep eye on you in case you can create a new board, should this place somehow fall again.

Personally, I wish we can make another chan board that are kemono focused, but I don't have time or resource to do this myself. In any case, I really wish we have some sort of plan so we can keep sticking together, as I really love this community, no matter how slow it is.

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Things are in motion, hopefully I'll have news after the weekend.

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May I ask if you plan to make another chan-style image board, or will it be something else?

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Here is the state of things.

I would like to make another website to host the board, and perhaps put it on the webring, and I'm looking into getting that done. A few things need to be figured out first though.

First off is what board software to use, the only two real requirements beyond basic usability being that it be reasonably secure from attacks and spam, and that it have good database backend, in case for some reason we need to change software in the future, it will be easier to move databases.

And then once that's figured out we need to figure out hosting, specifically we need a host that won't kick us off for any potentially controversial content posted.

As for the structure of the site, at least one part will be an imageboard in more or less the same format as this one, and maybe we'll add onto the site with more functionality in the future, resources permitting.

Unfortunately I'm busy in real life right now so I can't give a reliable timetable on it.

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Any sort of news?

Life must be pretty busy, eh?

How do you think the new board would look like?

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Yes, I'm sorry, ashamed and embarassed I haven't been able to get much done during the last month but things have been hectic with the virus going around.

I do have a host, a domain, and I'm having someone with more experience help me with the database and codebase.

My biggest concern is that, while I do have an archive of the board, short of making a bot (which I have no experience with doing) to repost every post, we will have to start anew with a new board. The best I can offer at this very moment is a downloadable archive of the board that works as if you're on the board itself, images and all.

I expect I'll have some sort of working version of the site up sometime soon. As for style, I was thinking of something more themed (for the board but not necessarily the content) and I've been throwing around some ideas with someone.

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it's all fine, but I did saw that the site "failed" yesterday, and the image almost didn't load, so I would like it if you have a twitter or Reddit, if only for an announcement purpose, should the site dies forever.

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Why do posts keep disappearing?

The hell's wrong with this site? Happens on other boards too.

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Unless you can tell me which posts, or in what thread etc, I'll have to just chalk it up to 8kun's ailing database.

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Like in >>2870 for example, the last two posts weren't there yesterday. They're back now.

Ever since they were posted they've been off and on a few times.

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Yeah that's just a database issue when posts disappear intermittently.

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>the site was inaccessible today

>the image failed to load for a while

>current 8kun owner suspected to be Qanon

dang it, the site might be dying. I don't mind that we may not get a replacement site any time soon, but I would like as the BO if they can at least get something like twitter or a discord channel, as least as an anchor should 8kun go down again, perhaps permanently, incase they figure what site can we migrate to.

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I've hesitated answering this because I don't really know how to in a satisfying way, but I'll just be blunt; I don't have any interest in any kind of social media even for practical purposes regarding this board. We have an IRC, but it's been effectively dead since 2014 though I still lurk it and that's about as much as I care to do. Why? I simply hate big social media and hate discord.

Regarding the replacement site, the database is done, but it's been equal parts business and laziness preventing me from finishing it. I'm also hesitant about some theme/design choices but I think I'm just going to go full-steam-ahead and just fix it later if it doesn't work out.

I don't really see myself as any kind of community leader in charge of where we go, the community will naturally find its niche if this one disappears.

I'm sorry if that's not the answer you wanted to hear.

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well, it doesn't have to be twitter or discord, and you're right that if something happened, a replacement may crop up eventually.

However, I do prefer how peaceful the community here is, and it remain a good place to find a kemono topic without too much limitation, or shitpost, that and you were making a replacement site, which I would like to see it happen, so I had a good reason to keep following you, because I am at least curious to see what will you come up with. So, it not that I need you to have twitter or discord, but I just would like to at least find a way to reliably receive update on that project of your at least.

But if you are not comfortable, then we might just leave it at that for now and hope for the best. Perhaps one of us can make a thread about migration plan.

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