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/kemono/ - Kemono Art

The ghost of Kemonono

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File: c5a298990173584⋯.jpg (333.86 KB,750x988,375:494,62118389_p30 - とーみついろぐ⑤.jpg)

 No.6103 [Last50 Posts]

Other thread is on the way out, so let's start fresh. Post non-explicit stuff in this thread.

Previous thread >>1338 (WARNING: LOTS of images, expect slow loading)

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Post last edited at


File: a04faba07b3ca2e⋯.jpg (972.16 KB,1500x1516,375:379,61031012_p0 - ケモ娘 on パン.jpg)

File: fd5b8bc5b0f8ffe⋯.jpg (190.54 KB,608x850,304:425,51469328_p8 - Twitter落書きまと….jpg)

File: 06f86768cad3ada⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1447x1900,1447:1900,52215519_p0 - ゆね.jpg)

File: 039f39c274e2039⋯.jpg (648.94 KB,1004x1200,251:300,59717548_p0 - ハロウィン.jpg)

File: 048b58d16aa3b29⋯.jpg (758.53 KB,931x1200,931:1200,60806012_p0 - 今年もよろしくお願いしま….jpg)

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File: 2b554fd3a917993⋯.png (116.07 KB,400x500,4:5,55095572_p37 - ケモっぽいの詰め合わせ.png)

File: 82636a85653456a⋯.png (272.56 KB,400x533,400:533,55095572_p38 - ケモっぽいの詰め合わせ.png)

File: a2d248e530f4c69⋯.png (238.81 KB,567x400,567:400,55095572_p39 - ケモっぽいの詰め合わせ.png)

File: 92db725503d16c1⋯.png (206.52 KB,400x533,400:533,55095572_p40 - ケモっぽいの詰め合わせ.png)

File: 7ba8a359b91c035⋯.png (264.92 KB,500x564,125:141,55095572_p6 - ケモっぽいの詰め合わせ.png)

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File: 4ffdd972ab18814⋯.png (1.98 MB,848x1199,848:1199,C_9aATZV0AEXJhK.png)

File: 762878a1213ed5e⋯.jpg (106.72 KB,637x900,637:900,C_nvVmlUMAE8N6z.jpg)

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File: dfd7d37440c7b46⋯.png (886.33 KB,662x1200,331:600,DACohfcUMAE7TBo.png)

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Who's the artist on third pic?

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File: 0a04250f5e40608⋯.jpg (93.16 KB,867x960,289:320,DA5ufBvU0AAGENE.jpg large.jpg)

File: ec3de1cb8d8a7ef⋯.png (1.13 MB,1371x1476,457:492,DA5vKykVYAANfkz.png large.png)

File: 4d310537d8fcc04⋯.jpg (145.2 KB,1200x1400,6:7,DA7XAaeVwAEA0Jl.jpg large.jpg)

File: 199d54ca8e0b02d⋯.png (2.2 MB,848x1199,848:1199,DAHfn46UAAAQBzc.png)

File: 4f513fd0033279e⋯.jpg (276.17 KB,1610x2048,805:1024,DAQtt7YUMAA46Gg.jpg large.jpg)


Not on their pixiv weirdly enough and saucenao shows nothing.

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thank you anon.

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File: 6d1af4f701c86d0⋯.jpg (83.5 KB,1034x428,517:214,DA8148zVYAA_OaE.jpg large.jpg)

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>1st image

Follow the blog. Good artist and sheet.

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File: 05635afd64b9d73⋯.jpg (99.21 KB,725x1000,29:40,IMG_20170521_203807.jpg)

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File: 6e8c20e67d37e76⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,676x960,169:240,IMG_20170521_203857.jpg)

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File: cf0c9f99cfaec09⋯.jpg (206.92 KB,954x1000,477:500,IMG_20170527_140641.jpg)

File: 1a171bd3b450a2c⋯.jpg (104.08 KB,676x960,169:240,IMG_20170527_141905.jpg)

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File: 4efd278edbb358e⋯.jpg (121.02 KB,695x850,139:170,DBPz6aWVoAAdjbw.jpg)

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File: 478384d2ce7ba1d⋯.jpg (79.27 KB,1034x428,517:214,DBRXOONUQAANUKQ.jpg large.jpg)

File: 59427f0a7e99a98⋯.png (713.44 KB,540x640,27:32,e641f693-fae8-4471-92c2-0b….png)

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File: 3cb5b2704c8dcd5⋯.png (606.83 KB,900x1273,900:1273,4a706bbd-e141-4fb8-9814-8f….png)

File: ab6d036da4df374⋯.png (575.55 KB,900x1273,900:1273,cf1a15ac-8ba3-4f50-9351-8a….png)

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File: fd53f4d76eb6b2d⋯.jpg (399.98 KB,1875x1660,375:332,DBAD7x8UwAA-FSW.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 5c406cd52890e53⋯.jpg (70.58 KB,669x669,1:1,DBl_puOUQAI01aL.jpg large.jpg)

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File: d1a8a97953c9823⋯.jpg (144.39 KB,858x1200,143:200,DBYt6buV0AAnY-Y.jpg)

File: 9f94d525a6b23b3⋯.jpg (82.97 KB,704x944,44:59,DBuM3FLV0AAb77K.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 5728e140336bf18⋯.jpg (292.19 KB,1637x1273,1637:1273,DBe22o1UQAAx1rf.jpg large.jpg)

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File: f8ef87e8cd4e4eb⋯.jpg (137.7 KB,777x647,777:647,3825325b42bafec4.jpg)

File: c232b40dd249aab⋯.jpg (248.86 KB,450x651,150:217,???-?????????????-04.jpg)

File: 7a23ffae0e6479b⋯.jpg (130.21 KB,563x777,563:777,f84468918c2f6fbf.jpg)

Found an awesomesauce of Kemo JKs and quality sketches: @teteteko

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File: 440edbed703ed2a⋯.jpg (177.75 KB,666x666,1:1,7fd4032c6bb68fd8.jpg)

File: 8bce44f116cd278⋯.jpg (63.56 KB,651x985,651:985,8f8b7d23b4184db3.jpg)

File: b346c5dc7191a18⋯.jpg (149.92 KB,560x888,70:111,61138922d1f9a168.jpg)

(having trouble posting more than 3 images at a time..?)

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File: 665608b79972414⋯.jpg (235.81 KB,750x1000,3:4,2681d7867a28ebd4.jpg)

File: 76e15af254898f0⋯.jpg (181.25 KB,600x609,200:203,???-????-02.jpg)

File: 338fee7e7f4d6ff⋯.jpg (249.9 KB,1707x2048,1707:2048,338fee7e7f4d6ffaac467ee2a4….jpg)

(teteteko's stuff is borderline Furry, imho– it has more of the western 'animal heads' design than looking like past Kemono works.. at least they're genuine 'characters' with an effort, not commissioned mursonas..)

I'll compensate by including a headpat.

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File: ec037fb03ef82ae⋯.jpg (210.63 KB,476x777,68:111,69a4e1461924169c.jpg)

File: 33f7dfe9727d453⋯.jpg (148.01 KB,700x874,350:437,101aced44bc3d719.jpg)


Oh.. That's a dup headpat. (Can't find a good search term on Pixiv– it could be "あなた"-something…)

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File: 3c9efc6c5d4447b⋯.jpg (125.21 KB,1008x1406,504:703,CjTm0zHUgAExpcg.jpg large.jpg)

File: 598a885c7f9e694⋯.jpg (137.99 KB,880x1300,44:65,DB7QxMPUAAESb5K.jpg large.jpg)

File: a60dcbf0a9f57ca⋯.jpg (92.81 KB,723x1024,723:1024,DB5R1ZxUIAAmeKd.jpg)

File: 4b3bd39428af6c5⋯.jpg (150.13 KB,798x844,399:422,DB4liEvUQAEvcsZ.jpg large.jpg)

File: b75ec4a8befab19⋯.jpg (175.08 KB,1000x1200,5:6,DBply2RVwAAsjVp.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 64ab9a6837e5a43⋯.jpg (322.22 KB,1649x2048,1649:2048,DBPR7SrVoAAsBBL.jpg large.jpg)

File: 3e3f005d43d69fa⋯.jpg (121.25 KB,900x1140,15:19,DBu3TYPV0AAqXGk.jpg large.jpg)

File: 123c54d10c7c3a6⋯.jpg (411.77 KB,1776x2048,111:128,DBzdrA2VwAARAtg.jpg large.jpg)

File: defed6dae1c9bc1⋯.jpg (167.74 KB,1000x1200,5:6,DBzy48GUAAAqJak.jpg large.jpg)

File: f619fd0a59a934b⋯.jpg (142.9 KB,853x2047,853:2047,DB42NQWUQAA747m.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 63dd5bf4a3a7a7d⋯.jpg (175.55 KB,800x1000,4:5,fuck shoes by kikurages.jpg)

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File: b59ce8364f9bc0f⋯.jpg (72.45 KB,676x960,169:240,DCDEZ63UAAAsOYC.jpg large.jpg)

File: 46550b67b52f5fd⋯.jpg (60.83 KB,650x705,130:141,DCCXjScU0AAHkis.jpg large.jpg)

File: 6df4978cff176dd⋯.jpg (148.54 KB,848x1199,848:1199,DCAmSzdVoAA0QQ_.jpg)

File: c3ea01b02b12463⋯.jpg (165.36 KB,697x1200,697:1200,DCAmSzbUAAEXTd4.jpg)

File: 101941c4c345f74⋯.jpg (304.45 KB,1649x2048,1649:2048,DBdVjKoVwAA8Pzm.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 67c3c4baf7ef05c⋯.jpg (946.04 KB,883x1200,883:1200,63358697_p0.jpg)

File: 5d607d878911ac4⋯.png (416.98 KB,713x1000,713:1000,63349449_p0.png)

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File: 7983a0aebe331bd⋯.jpg (55.32 KB,1200x900,4:3,DCHTd5iV0AA9Cal.jpg large.jpg)

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File: db9dd11389d4e54⋯.jpg (124.26 KB,1000x1200,5:6,DCIgp6pUIAEiZfA.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 9673b977640da77⋯.jpg (232.25 KB,1667x2048,1667:2048,DCOF1vSUMAE3c4H.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 80c23228de04ebb⋯.jpg (314.84 KB,800x1200,2:3,59348764_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: 7ce3789a5aeea60⋯.jpg (403.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,58775519_p2_master1200.jpg)

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File: 8dd2fc85ca36908⋯.jpg (680.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,61943450_p2_master1200.jpg)

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Who's the artist for the first 2 pictures?

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Thank you véry much

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File: a09962149a66a43⋯.jpg (86.13 KB,671x950,671:950,IMG_20170607_101223.jpg)

File: aba102d47c040cc⋯.jpg (87.36 KB,671x950,671:950,IMG_20170609_071217.jpg)

File: 5cdd1eccf3c2336⋯.jpg (240.03 KB,974x1000,487:500,IMG_20170614_083631.jpg)

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File: 2c25e2c8679809d⋯.jpg (164.38 KB,900x1755,20:39,IMG_20170614_084004.jpg)

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File: 51b86904347a2c6⋯.jpg (90.58 KB,1200x622,600:311,DDDMO3VVoAEGp6e.jpg)

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What is the source for the 4th picture please?

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File: fe26e40799961a3⋯.jpg (70.26 KB,600x761,600:761,DDESZGLUQAA2aIJ.jpg)

File: 952e5826e7cee4d⋯.jpg (79.21 KB,926x630,463:315,DDF46hCVoAA0vt2.jpg)

File: a4ae090e47951b2⋯.jpg (92.83 KB,676x960,169:240,IMG_20170622_133619.jpg)

File: 9e5d9d0bdde6348⋯.jpg (44.49 KB,800x809,800:809,IMG_20170622_133622.jpg)

File: 1238aba4885be6b⋯.jpg (85.26 KB,616x1000,77:125,IMG_20170622_133629.jpg)



Has a pixiv, but that image wasn't on there.

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File: 11660ba164e1c40⋯.jpg (76.74 KB,570x786,95:131,IMG_20170622_133656.jpg)

File: f0741cc3a8f60bc⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,768x1024,3:4,IMG_20170622_133711.jpg)

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File: 254db95ec85aa5a⋯.jpg (91.53 KB,558x1200,93:200,IMG_20170627_150622.jpg)

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File: 2f34af7c6441a88⋯.png (631.01 KB,648x904,81:113,foxbikini_r0.png)

>>6321 (3rd pic)

Having women in bikinis on your computer screen isn't that SFW where I am…

Now will less annoying raccoon?tanuki interrupting my male gaze.

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File: 8a47ee6e6046a8c⋯.jpg (81.22 KB,707x720,707:720,IMG_20170627_150714.jpg)

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Cute little comics I found on Twitter.

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File: fd6fadf9d15796c⋯.jpg (72.88 KB,600x800,3:4,019.jpg)

File: edf95101b8ab1b2⋯.jpg (91.25 KB,600x800,3:4,018.jpg)

Here's something from an old Japanese browser MMO based on Carnage Heart that died 6 months after launch.

"P-droids" were virtual AIs that would act as pilots for you mechs in-game, leveling up and providing stat bonuses in a manner similar to crews in World of Tanks. Shortly after leaving beta an update added "Aurora" type P-droids - a premium-currency-only kemono P-droid.

Even if their game ultimately sucked, I feel the Aurora-types don't deserve to be forgotten completely, hence why I'm showing them off now.

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Any context behind #3?

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>make the kemo p-droids premium currency only

They knew what they were doing

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None that I know of.

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Kemo Schoolgirls! yay

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#1 looks fun.

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>first pic

>siamese twins

cheeky cunt

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Oh man, I love stuff like this, who's the artist?

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Stuff like that is my favorite, but hard to find.

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File: 781ae21c3132af8⋯.jpg (578.16 KB,1600x1200,4:3,BLUE SKY by みけだよーー.jpg)

File: 8670a8080e983f9⋯.jpg (366.43 KB,938x767,938:767,わらってわらって~!by マボ.jpg)

File: 8c717f32243d72d⋯.jpg (200.27 KB,1255x749,1255:749,空と首都 by らったん.jpg)

>no solatorobo sequel

>not even a third game in the little tail bronx series

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There was a Japanese phone game, but it was discontinued. There was also a game announced for PS3 that has yet to materialize.

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A cat and some more buns for the anon in the drawthread.

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>3rd one


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File: e557800988e779d⋯.jpg (228.76 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_20171229_102115.jpg)

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File: 42a669b9d6c7375⋯.jpg (204.16 KB,1443x2048,1443:2048,IMG_20180103_114740.jpg)

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File: 5d3ac3294538b7b⋯.jpg (172.79 KB,905x1280,181:256,IMG_20180103_114928.jpg)

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File: 1da61c40dee4f3a⋯.jpg (60.12 KB,676x960,169:240,IMG_20180103_114917.jpg)

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File: f22d10c35fa1efe⋯.jpg (384.82 KB,2048x1806,1024:903,IMG_20180104_181213.jpg)

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File: 71d1dc3e1830022⋯.jpg (143.51 KB,707x1000,707:1000,IMG_20180104_181258.jpg)

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File: dd7b4a20d516e6d⋯.jpg (256.58 KB,1608x1447,1608:1447,IMG_20180105_064555.jpg)

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File: b810a6dc64c1475⋯.mp4 (252.37 KB,400x400,1:1,C8VLSIZVoAAXiHP.mp4)

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File: 900557c7cfa388c⋯.jpg (486.59 KB,568x832,71:104,60149665_p1.jpg)

File: d06e3b45a69e909⋯.jpg (602.3 KB,578x818,289:409,60149665_p0.jpg)

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File: 49f2fb0fa64d2f9⋯.jpg (86.52 KB,480x640,3:4,6362dc43bb2b6bacd821e6c7b7….jpg)

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File: ab5211fae64398a⋯.png (1.23 MB,921x1105,921:1105,66594154_p0.png)

File: 801adf321e12583⋯.png (1.08 MB,898x1071,898:1071,66260006_p1.png)

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File: 406ef6012c486ec⋯.jpg (408.6 KB,1200x1200,1:1,mosamosabefore.jpg)

File: 121c8a43a491b6b⋯.jpg (333.55 KB,900x1200,3:4,mosamosa.jpg)

Artist uploaded a full video of coloring pic-related.


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Brony music spoiled it.

Some pics look a bit tainted by western influence. I hope that cancer doesn't spread to other kemono artists.

Thanks for sharing. Gorgeous art from Japan indeed.

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File: 3989b0b626ec235⋯.jpg (83.3 KB,677x960,677:960,DSoR7eKVwAERclr.jpg)

Expect a bit of dog art from even non-kemono artists especially come Chinese New-Year.

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>Some pics look a bit tainted by western influence.

What's the matter with this artist's picture?

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I mean the artist's gallery.

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I wasn't talking about that picture. It's just some of the images in this thread look like they could've been made by someone from Furaffinity. One of them looked like loli Mihari. Western anthro look more human while Jap furry looks more beast-like.

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Wait, what? What do you mean?

Western anthro look more human-like, while the Japanese look more beast-like? Are they becoming so similar or what?

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File: 0344eba9db921b0⋯.jpg (256.17 KB,700x700,1:1,30731467_p0.jpg)

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File: f08e48f8e937bac⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,853x982,853:982,DXneYtkUMAAFgSB.jpg large.jpg)

File: 4857945e3a99d61⋯.jpg (181.02 KB,2048x2048,1:1,DPOdM5RVwAEMIIr.jpg large.jpg)

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File: 47c8de526b59d8d⋯.jpg (41.06 KB,736x736,1:1,75f8964a-9505-11e7-ad02-fb….jpg)

File: 571ccf928db314e⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,530x660,53:66,5a8cb7ae6cb8ce5b8026aaf9fb….jpg)

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File: d4e5e0fee1fc431⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1408x2000,88:125,78a5d9fd7b2111d121d54bcef2….jpg)

File: fa52d1742245758⋯.jpeg (83.01 KB,700x748,175:187,20170811103013836.jpeg)

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File: 3a431baf7f3e000⋯.gif (1.57 MB,600x335,120:67,de40f2030940e676b8c9fba415….gif)



I think you got your styles mixed up, kemonos usually have more human features like non beast hands and non digi legs compared to FA's obsession with dog dick

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Evidenced by the difference of opinion you were responding to, there is no such universal truth about Kemono art styles.

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File: af3e7cca3983609⋯.jpg (150.5 KB,1145x1204,1145:1204,lo_liero.jpg)

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File: f633bf4cef10212⋯.jpg (143.36 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,Satuki_rabbit-369432016220….jpg)

File: 6147b836401a945⋯.jpg (180.5 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Satuki_rabbit-369481606924….jpg)

File: f263e0b926eac3b⋯.png (1.52 MB,1000x1412,250:353,Satuki_rabbit-361490338386….png)

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File: 0f00e0f7ac25402⋯.jpg (106.04 KB,1031x1485,1031:1485,heiseiradiodenk-9609925516….jpg)

Is it a boy or a girl?

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I'd like the latter, but the shape of the shoulders and back muscles say the former.

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The artist who drew this picture usually draws men, but also draws women. I like both gender, but this, I can't tell. Not even the artist tells if it's a male or a female.

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File: 10ddba8b3d1d307⋯.jpg (206.81 KB,1800x1800,1:1,IMG_20180118_170843.jpg)

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File: 77e296d5b6d6e95⋯.jpg (167.51 KB,1683x1683,1:1,IMG_20180119_172831.jpg)

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File: e6e676e1528c284⋯.jpg (121.29 KB,950x1486,475:743,IMG_20180629_091802.jpg)

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File: 3ad1c7b601cd1b8⋯.jpg (124.16 KB,902x1011,902:1011,IMG_20180625_081833.jpg)

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File: bc56d25ab4e0488⋯.jpg (347.39 KB,1441x1663,1441:1663,44143292_p0 - コンコレのクリスちゃん.jpg)


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File: ca52795a4fc8582⋯.jpg (180.81 KB,1200x900,4:3,DRLsbjpVQAAdsv1.jpg)

File: 0425bd7b0b31c1a⋯.jpg (93.25 KB,850x1050,17:21,DS62aVjVQAIRYrj.jpg)

I think having clothes on hides bd collie's issues with anatomy

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File: adfca0848bc6916⋯.jpg (6.35 MB,4198x3001,4198:3001,13.jpg)

I think I saw some cityscape pics that was in one of these threads. Though it's gone now, so it might be from 2 threads ago. Or just somewhere else entirely.

Posting some from that kemono magazine that was recently uploaded

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File: 9b2368c69c7bcca⋯.png (518.46 KB,1100x1200,11:12,0b173816e76865a10d381a45b0….png)

File: 3e7f1752dce14de⋯.jpg (158.61 KB,1200x1500,4:5,18fed92cc609456d06abf1ace9….jpg)

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File: e1058e264a2866e⋯.jpg (90.18 KB,676x960,169:240,ac103c37710e217c718965b094….jpg)

File: 520d7a868dbb273⋯.jpg (62.39 KB,764x1080,191:270,25948cd0da4603ad9067e72f70….jpg)

File: 75b5055326b1736⋯.jpg (51.5 KB,685x960,137:192,d5e5b5f12a31f291f809ad4762….jpg)

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File: 42bd7ac77b00e37⋯.jpg (293.13 KB,2048x1448,256:181,Dtr8fD-UwAASDDz.jpg)

File: 12f89c5b46b5f11⋯.jpg (132.81 KB,816x1001,816:1001,12f89c5b46b5f112097fc71880….jpg)

File: 83d4fc411af0274⋯.jpg (284.18 KB,2048x1533,2048:1533,Dvhi77oVsAAVL76.jpg)

File: f30f9cc4454afa1⋯.jpg (238.37 KB,1800x1350,4:3,DgcIEibUEAEFcUP.jpg)

File: ab403d5b46f1a88⋯.jpg (188.87 KB,1309x2048,1309:2048,DK9jBfMVYAABn2j.jpg)

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File: f4b336d750ccd26⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1726x1664,863:832,462fa621122c8b1d352dbf134a….jpg)

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I've noticed SauceNAO doesn't pick up Twitter, and Yandex is hit or miss with it. (Unless the images that failed for me with Yandex weren't on Twitter at all.)

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File: 635d17c38d4ac9a⋯.jpg (87.31 KB,712x920,89:115,DxldHEbUwAAm9cr.jpg)

File: 83027f74210b663⋯.jpg (91.37 KB,696x900,58:75,DxgC0D8V4AEA6LT.jpg)

File: d05af1fbb82f309⋯.jpg (75.32 KB,758x980,379:490,DxwHno5VYAAk7bV.jpg)

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It possibly due to fact that many Japanese artists moving away from Pixiv and move to Twtiter to upload there, because a lot of Kemono artists on Pixiv are getting fed up over their reposts on certain booru sites (e.g. e621, Gelbooru, etc)

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File: f739c00a0f50d3c⋯.png (251.03 KB,701x716,701:716,5b671b719b0838d15561473cee….png)

File: 227197313a30e4d⋯.jpg (168.77 KB,1663x1274,1663:1274,5070a46ded7ef286120bc18da7….jpg)

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File: 05b66017da4e3d6⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1200x1200,1:1,2a8d502a37dd542ab0f9430a56….jpg)

I missed you guys.

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File: 185d6e5a1b25add⋯.jpeg (99.25 KB,750x1072,375:536,185d6e5a1b25add4b27733088….jpeg)

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File: f76fb46ab0d842a⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,800x1200,2:3,76260910_p0.jpg)

File: 54ae97b788f51ca⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,680x1200,17:30,79039500_p0.jpg)

File: 5740de8add7dbc1⋯.jpg (894.97 KB,800x1200,2:3,78575281_p0.jpg)

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File: 0a57b70092ecd29⋯.png (92.58 KB,899x899,1:1,EpCIevHUUAEZKIU.png)

File: cac9fc566214ba5⋯.png (96.36 KB,899x899,1:1,EpCIevTUYAIwMUS.png)

File: 1210c021d1cd529⋯.png (47.21 KB,589x899,19:29,EpCIevQUcAIWl1I.png)

File: 00ac275829f810d⋯.png (58.19 KB,589x899,19:29,EpCIevVUwAAeNnX.png)

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File: f8dad032892daf8⋯.jpg (5.09 MB,2079x2858,2079:2858,86863146_p0.jpg)

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File: 5b9997f28c43cd3⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1433x2303,1433:2303,86456946_p0.jpg)

I've lost a lot of interest in "Kemono" over the past 2 years… Too many have "… commission …" (in English) in their Twitter/Pixiv bio, and sure enough, most of their work is Westerner's Autisonas.

Actually more interest in following plain Anime artists (..which Kemonoers used to be)

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File: d0c50816905c5e1⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,850x1237,850:1237,74658.jpg)


I think there hasn't been as much work and good compilations of kemono art like there used to be ~10 years ago, so now the artists are turning to make money where they can. It doesn't help that this year most IRL conventions where people could sell doujins were either shut down or heavily reduced. I've started to tune out a little because I'm more interested in doujins and feel that there haven't been many good quality ones released lately.

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File: fb6a1c015841682⋯.jpg (290.54 KB,587x829,587:829,games.jpg)

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