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The ghost of Kemonono

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 No.4316 [Last50 Posts]

So there is is game about making your personnal maid yada yada, BUT

Recently I've seen many pictures of Kemono girls with it, so there are mods to make the girls appears furry, but where can we find them?

I think it would interest many people out there, if one of you can find those mods (or even me) please post 'em here


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File: 1465243896423.jpg (175.74 KB,1859x1011,1859:1011,THICC.jpg)

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If someone wants to dl the full game, search it on this site : http://hddgames.com/

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I'm surprised Artificial Academy didn't get a mod like this.

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Huh, that actually looks pretty neat. I'll try looking into this later tonight or something.

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OP here. So I made the game work. It was really tricky because the devs don't want you to play their game if you aren't japanese, moreso if you are on Windows 10, but don't worry, if you're a true Kemono Lover, you'll make it.

So, how do you do it :

You need :

-To set your Windows in japanese (location at least)

-Daemon tools to read the iso


So first, you download the game, it weight 9Go, so be patient.

After that, you read the 1st iso with daemon tool to install the game… when the loading is at 45% you need to load the 2nd iso to finish the installation

Next, you need to upgrade the game from vers 1.0 to 1.12 (the links are all on hddgames don't worry)

After that, upgrade it again to the last vers 1.29

THEN, you can use the english patch and extract it directly to your game folder (I advice you to copy it before, you never know)

Now it should be alright. Verify that you got NTLEA, but it should be included in the patch (set it to japanese, if it isn't done)

Now that's the tricky part. To launch the game, you don't use the icon, but you need to go to :

ReiPatcher >> Patch x64 NTLEA.bat

It will open a command prompt and launch the game for you, don't close it or the game will shut down.

As for the mods?

It's really easy. You extract the mods from their .zip and you paste them directly in the mod folder.

The Kemono mod isn't really fancy, it just give your maidwhore (it's basically a prostitution game, even though you can have your own personnal waifu) a proper snout and a fur pattern. But there is already cat/dog ears and tails in the game, so it's ok.

If I find some other mods, I will upload them for you or paste them, feel free to search yourselves. Have fun

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I don't use Windows 10 so I assume everything will go smoothly for me.

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Only for the last part maybe. You can try launching the game with its proper icon. But there is always the 2nd method just in case.

Good luck

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Thanks. I never tried Custom Maid 3D 2. I only have experience with stuff like Artificial Academy.

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Don't hesitate to show us your kemono maids btw. It will bring more fun and life to the board.

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I'll do my best.

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Where do i find the fox ears and is Fox color the only collar available for the skin/fur

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I haven't found the Fox ears yet, but yes there are other color available for the skin/fur don't worry.

We need to find a thicc mod though, you can't do much with only the base assets. The japanese don't like 'em meaty it seems

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There is a "Fox ears and tail" mod at the end of this list : https://mega.nz/#F!fpgFAbaS!9uUPXC-TeU7vJgMVh7YS2w

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File: 1465325228022.png (835.86 KB,1079x687,1079:687,custom maid 3d 2.png)

I made a proper tutorial for /trash/ but I don't want to flood this board, so if you want to read it, it's here : http://textup.fr/166842Nn

There are links and it's more detailed overall

Also I uploaded the furry mods and the fox ears/tail mod here. I will paste all the interesting mods I can find here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hzgbc1dfoo3ib11/AADvcYKWoT_FxSD8pE7TtyF9a?dl=0

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This is actually really neat.

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Are you sure that HF patch will work with the most recent version of the game?

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It did for me, don't worry. I know it says "your version is too ancient blabla" but it's cool.

Check out the textup I did for /trash/ for more infos.

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I can confirm that the HF patch works with the most recent version.

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According to the guy that made the furry mod, if you want to make bodies like pic related, one needs to use Sybaris with Modsslider.

Apparently it's a mod editor, but I don't know how to make it work with cm3d2 or even reipatcher.

It doesn't help either that the only that can offer help (HongFire) is under attack.

Well on a bright note, here is a bigass list of many mods if you want : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MBhoJCRMZ8cb5j9tTUIKjMXp_PGnnWDsMj8E5mVVHIQ/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=126593892

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File: 1465378783517.png (916.65 KB,1282x752,641:376,CM3D2 qt.PNG)

Here I was thinking that taking a photo in camera mode just saved a screenshot in some folder. ;~;

Oh well, here's a pic of my latest creation. Probably gonna change her eyes, don't know what I was thinking with those colors.

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But… there is a screenshot option anon!

Chechk out the up-right corner of the screen, there is a transparent gear. Open it, it will have a screenshot option and you can take them anywhere… they will be on the screenshots folder of the game.

So far, it's really good. It's a bit repetitive at times, and it's mostly fap-fodder but it's quality stuff

Btw, you will have your second maid after 10days of training with your first one.

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I found a way to make BBWs/chubbies or even just characters with thunder thighs if that's your things.

In the "Body" section of your maid characteristics. Press "F5"

It will unlock a hidden menu. In that menu choose "Unlock sliders". It will allow you to play with the width, depht, etc. of your maid's breasts/thighs/belly/legs etc.

Most of the time, if you're not careful, you'll end up with grotesque body parts, but if you do it well you can end up with a thicc sexy dogmilf such as this one

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File: 1465395237040.png (942.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160609001113.png)

I installed the translation patch. Is the menu supposed to look like this?

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Mine don't look as transparent, but yes it's basically like that.

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File: 1465396294255.png (365.31 KB,434x1031,434:1031,sample.png)

This is amazing holy shit

holy shit.



String Bikini

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I made a test character using Foxy Rena's measurements. I think it turned out alright.

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She looks like Kishibe's main OC but after puberty hit her :^)

Good job.

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I want to make something that matches all the other fox parts that are added, but there is only a skin tone for ordinary orange foxes. Also the eyebrows are a bit too small for my liking.

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the cow costume and fox ears and tail works fine, except the furry mod.

i putted the mod content (even tried the folder standalone) in the mods folder but it doesn't work for some reason, the furry face is the only thing that shows up, the rest does not such as the furry skin, and it gives me these messages, the textures wont load

what did i do wrong

do i have to put the other files in a separate folder or something, because the furry face seems to be the only thing that works

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>158 cm

Is that her height?

what the fuck man. Being tall is suffering

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Someone should definitely attempt to make other Foxy Rena characters. I think Bloody Bat would be pretty easy to do.

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Make copies of your game folder guys, all of it. Just in case there is an unexpected massive crash, it happened to me, since I played with mods slider.

If someone know how to install and use Syberis, please tell me, it's a better alternative to ReiPatcher it seems.


I don't know, it's odd. Maybe your furry mod folder isn't has a problem, you can always try this link >>4317

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File: 1465418589092.png (948.13 KB,868x1228,217:307,54286193_p13.png)


It's true. You can check the measurements of the entire cast in the Foxy Rena thread.


Good luck making Orca. It's best to wait for more snout models, eyebrow skins and fur pattern options at this point. If I make grey or white fox skin I'll post it here. A bit of chest fluff would be nice too.

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File: 1465437902663.jpg (77.24 KB,700x720,35:36,SS1.jpg)

Another furry mod

With this one you can give your kemonos some whiskers


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Oh gosh, that looks great.

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File: 1465447532619.jpg (93.81 KB,770x945,22:27,1463329815770-0.jpg)

will powerISO work for installation?

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I don't see why you can't use any image mounting sofware you'd like. Just be sure to mount disc 2 when it asks in the middle of installation.

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so when I run the installer I get an error, and I can't read it because it is broken moon runes. What do?

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Broken moonrunes usually means no japanese locale. Have you changed it from the control panel?

If that doesn't help, post a screenshot of the error and I'll see if I can help you.

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My first attempt, still have other mods to try.


Thanks for posting this link! Shame that few mods can't be dowloaded anymore, though. Better stack them up now.

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Top-tier Kemono with the traditionnal clothes and all.

She is cute as fuck

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well I changed it but sadly it gave me the same error so here it is

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File: 1465482318091.png (12.78 KB,674x203,674:203,LE.png)


Try using applocale/locale emulator to emulate a japanese PC if it doesn't work.

Then you do it like this

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(it's a Right clic on the program you want to run in jap, btw)

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Also try installing it in another place than program files. Maybe it's the problem

I installed mine, at the base of the PC Acer (C:)

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Alright I got it to work, I needed to "insert the disk" and I didn't know how to do it with power iso so I just got daemon tools and now it's installing

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Alright new question, does it have to be set to japan to run the game or only for installation? can I set it back to u.s. after it is installed?

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I don't know, I left mine in japanese just in case.

I guess it's safer.

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I don't even want to fuck her, she is just too cute

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Mines even worse! its like pure white!.

Did either of you happen to install any mods/DLC?

I personally think it might be the HF patch fucking things up. but i dont know

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Apparently the patch don't work too well with version 1.31

Try going with 1.27 or 1.29

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Well crud, Dont suppose you have a link for that?

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Password is : hsukicustom

It's on the "MAJ" folder

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Thank you very much!

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Alright so the furry mod included in that is acting up for me, as I only get the face but none of the skins are working. Any ideas on what's wrong?

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Not even the generic fox one? This is the only one that seems to work so far, even the guys on /trash/ don't know what to do.

Btw I tried to do Dangan's Hermit fox byakudan, too bad I don't have the small "horn" though.

It would be funny to show him that on twitter

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Nope, just the three regular ones.

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Found a 1.31 HF patch for those interested.


(thanks to the dudes over at AS)

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File: 1465502121641.png (1012.74 KB,1282x752,641:376,for other phil.PNG)



The fox skin is a little weird in that you can only select it via the skintone colors on the side. Here's a pic I took to help someone else find them.

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But you did right?

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Thanks, I'll se if that was the problem when I get home

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File: 1465511902065.png (22.79 KB,611x193,611:193,DLC.png)

Has anyone tried installing any of the more complex DLC? I can't extract the following archives.

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I havent tried yet, but I know those.

First you need Winrar. Then you open "part1" when it's finished, it will ask you to open part 2 and you do this until it's all finished.

Btw if one of you find some egyptian clothes or tatoos in one of the DLCs, tell me.

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Does the 1.31.2 hotfix patch in this archive work with the 1.31 HF patch?

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I don't know, I haven't tried it yet.

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File: 1465584778579.png (849.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,img20160611045108.png)


All right, turn out I'm retarded and it was that. Thanks anon.

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Links update :

There is now a "bear costume" only one color, but if you want to make brown bear it's the way to go :


I also added sided cat ears.

And for those who haven't seen them yet

All DLC list : https://mega.nz/#F!fpgFAbaS!9uUPXC-TeU7vJgMVh7YS2w

International list of mods : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MBhoJCRMZ8cb5j9tTUIKjMXp_PGnnWDsMj8E5mVVHIQ/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=126593892

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Are those clothes DLC or a mod?

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The dress is from a DLC

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Might not be what youre looking for exactly but there is the exotic dancer set in pre-order bonus 6 dlc.

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File: 1465698989868.jpg (623.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,furry maids 3d 2.jpg)


Yes, thanks.

Also cool picture for the mod

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I'm not entirely satisfied with what I made. I'll try to mod the game to get the correct eyebrow and cheek marking shape. It's a shame there is no option for multiple tails.

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File: 1465758836570-0.png (615.07 KB,1200x800,3:2,furry mod working.png)

File: 1465758836570-1.png (1.93 KB,63x68,63:68,pic related.png)

We found a way to make the other "furry skin" color working, and even an editable one.

What you need to do is :

You take all the .mod files inside your Kemono folder. You CUT them, and paste them directly at the root of the mod folder itself like in pic related

and move the folder itself to "C:\KISS\CM3D2\Mod"

Then, on the skin option, you should see something looking like pic related number 2 . CLic on it, and you'll have all the options, and even a free mode to create your own colors while still keeping the somewhat white tummy

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Why my previous message won't show up

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File: 1465856865531.jpg (163.21 KB,575x720,115:144,1443334739628-1.jpg)


It's working for me too, thanks anon

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File: 1465885419547-0.png (2.78 MB,2560x1440,16:9,14654605.png)

File: 1465885419548-1.png (2.52 MB,2560x1440,16:9,146546052.png)

File: 1465885419548-2.png (1.79 MB,2560x1440,16:9,14654605289.png)


I liked your girl so I upscaled your images. Just resize and don't fret.

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File: 1466076568864.png (1.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160616132045.png)

Is there a way I could extract the texture for this marking?

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File: 1466241026032.png (1.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160618110752.png)

I made my first mod as a test. It's a bigger version of the default fox style eyebrows. This isn't final and I'm trying to make Foxy Rena style eyebrows. I'm also working of a few other custom face markings at the moment.

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>working on


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File: 1466345722108.jpg (245.16 KB,1000x1417,1000:1417,7e2fd6f946bc504d08834ed6f6….jpg)


Oh hey, that's pretty cute.

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File: 1466611609296.png (54.22 KB,738x626,369:313,Huh.png)

I'm struggling here does anyone have any ideas what's going wrong?

This is REI patcher I installed it just fine but this thing immediately crashes on me, what gives?

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File: 1466698301188.png (34.27 KB,884x532,221:133,037017ffb935b3f5620dde6081….png)

Its my first time using custom maid, so do i just remove the contents from the sub folders and place em in the mod directory or just rename the folders in the zip ad place em in the directory. Here's what it look like

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Figure it out yourself ya fuck. If it crashes you'll know you failed.

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File: 1466730900631-0.png (3.05 MB,2732x1430,1366:715,img20160624095802.png)

File: 1466730900631-1.png (3.26 MB,2732x1430,1366:715,img20160624101032.png)

Been playing around with the DLC clothing. It's a shame the skirts are so poorly implemented.

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File: 1466730949550-0.png (3.32 MB,2732x1430,1366:715,img20160624100903.png)

File: 1466730949550-1.png (3.44 MB,2732x1430,1366:715,img20160624100914.png)


Part 2 because file size limits.

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>it's a shame the skirts are so poorly implimetned

Yeah, it sucks. The short summer hakama are completely broken, if they worked properly they would be my favorite article of clothing in the game.

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File: 1466789226744-0.png (1.1 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160625030820.png)

File: 1466789226744-1.png (2.57 KB,256x64,4:1,6.png)

File: 1466789226744-2.png (471.01 KB,533x434,533:434,foxy rena.PNG)

This game is killing me. Every time I try to make any type of eyebrow it gets stretched and doesn't look round at all. This is as close as I got.

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File: 1466847391030.png (901.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,img20160624061306.png)


There is still a fair amount of Japanese dialog after character creation. Did I do something wrong or is the English patch just incomplete?

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File: 1466854784034.jpg (1.55 MB,4740x2136,395:178,multinips_v0_12.jpg)

Hi guys, I'm a lurker.

I made a very primitive and crude multinipples as tattoo mod.


Feedback and help is always appreciated.

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File: 1466858991174-0.png (893.45 KB,1024x1024,1:1,face uv.png)

File: 1466858991174-1.png (333.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,kmnCface_skin_002_lfox.png)


Maybe it'll help if you add the face mesh as background layer so you can predict and counteract the stretching better.

I only have the muzzle-less face mesh thingie.

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Does it have a free colour option?


Are you sure that will work? The default eyebrow texture size is 256x64 while the face UV map is 1024x1024. I should probably look at the other eyebrow textures as well.

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No free colour option at this time, I'm still learning.

You are right, the eyebrows use a different template.

Here's an english mod guide for eyebrows with the right template:


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File: 1466867257504.png (105.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,eyebrow template.png)


That's the guide I read. They offer this eyebrow template but recommend the eyebrow texture to be the same size as the default one. It makes no sense. Is there a guide for using Blender with this games assets?

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Maybe it's meant to be used as background layer and then have the final picture scaled down, I don't know.

Maybe just make a grid as eyebrow, make a screenshot of how the grid is distorted on the maids face, then use that as guide to adjust your Foxy Rena eyebrow.

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I'll try that with the fox face texture too.

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English patch is VERY VERY incomplete.

Its a shame really, the way shits going it may take like 5 years for it to be done.

I think theres some guys over on HF planning on making another translator team but i dont know.

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File: 1466971800240.jpg (1.36 MB,4172x2144,1043:536,nipple_buffet.jpg)

Updated versions of Multinips and Hexanips.

4 or 6 extra nipples as tattoo in 3 different colors.

Improved texture and placement.

Unfortunately I didn't find a way to create a mugen (free color) tattoo or it wouldn't be so many folders.


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File: 1467036083446.jpg (1.21 MB,3840x2160,16:9,img20160627234758.jpg)

I'm slowly improving my modding skills.

I'm currently adding a new custom color furry skin variation with dark tummy/chest fur.

It's not finished ,yet.

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I hope your Foxy Rena project is advancing well.

The eyebrow mod along with the preset, custom slider values and modlist used would be awesome.

I suck at gimp, but trying to use the transformation cage tool sounds like the ideal solution.

Please post screenshots of the grid eyebrow and face so I can use them for distortion fixing ,too.

I tried it with my nipple mod and it messed everything up, leaving parts of the objects edges outside.

I just have to make sure I understand everything then I'll hopefully be able to make multi nipple mods that just use the original nipples colors.

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File: 1467042608994-0.png (1.37 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160626155657.png)

File: 1467042608994-1.png (1.69 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160626155704.png)

File: 1467042608994-2.png (1.36 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160626155712.png)

File: 1467042608994-3.png (1.57 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160626155715.png)

File: 1467042608995-4.png (1.37 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20160626155718.png)


I used the face UV for this and took a bunch of screenshots.

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Thanks, this will help with face markings.

I can use the mod editor now to add more custom skin patterns, this will help when adjusting the textures.

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File: 1467142071779.png (68.35 KB,540x425,108:85,nice.png)

neat, so wheres the updater that isn't packed with a trojan

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Did someone download the version of Hddgames? What contain inside I found a torrent around of the game but im not sure if is the same. That torrent in total is 9 gbs with 2 "cds" and 2 patches to 1.01 (1.5 gb each) for vesions 32 or 64 bits of windows

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File: 1467228215966.png (6.78 KB,264x211,264:211,ss (2016-06-29 at 12.23.02….png)

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File: 1467285127437.png (719.97 KB,1276x720,319:180,img20160630210638.png)

loli fox :3

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File: 1467433351177-0.jpg (1.01 MB,4132x1812,1033:453,furry_mugen_skin_plus_geni….jpg)

File: 1467433351177-1.jpg (926.39 KB,3840x2160,16:9,img20160701225227.jpg)

Brand new releases:

2 new freecolor fur patterns (and a joke sparkledog one)

The kemono skins with juicy-slit-style genitals already added, all variations. Free up that tattoo slot!

(red fox skin doesn't work, no time to fix).

I added the genitals kemono skin variations as repackage of the the furry mod:


and also as no repackage:


The new fur patterns as no repackage:


And a combined kemono genitals skins + new fur patterns as furry mod repackage:


"Repackage" means that the file features the whole furry mod folder with all mods and files.

If you want to install this it'll ask you if you want to replace a lot of files if you have the furry mod installed.

No repack means that you can just add this to the furry mod in your mod folder, it has some same folders, but no same files as the unchanged furry mod.

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Thanks for the update to the skins :)

did someone find any bunny ears? i cant find any,even in the mod list

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There's some weird looking white-grey ones in the Tera Elin ears and tails mod.

No lop bunny ears.

There's playboy bunny outfits.

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File: 1467598151873.jpg (1.53 MB,1806x4860,301:810,warned_you_about_stairs_da….jpg)


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As close as I could make her.

Tons of compromises.

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Neat, but yeah, while the game does offer a lot of stuff, its a bit limited on certain specific customization points.

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3D, but in MMD. I hope this is okay?

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Heya clowns, if I use the kemono face mod, does that overwrite the human faces?

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Not at all.

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File: 1467982271195.png (1.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,screenshot.png)


Did you just change the kmnCface_skin_002.tex or were you able to do a new face menu entry?

I'm currently wrestling with the kemono mod file structure so I can prepare the ground for new faces with varied muzzles that someone else is working on.

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I didn't replace the kmnCface_skin_002.tex, it's a mole mod using that UV template as a texture. Sorry I haven't been working on anything recently. I was going to do a bunch of face markings after that, but I'm a bit busy these days.

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Interesting, thanks for the info.

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File: 1468280685975-0.png (448.86 KB,630x890,63:89,873fe118-6aa4-4bab-8140-bb….png)

File: 1468280685976-1.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712091357.png)

File: 1468280685976-2.png (1.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712053615.png)

I like this game/mod. Also why does the translator choose random dialogue to translate sometimes? Mostly it only translates the UI, but on occasion it will translate a snippet of text. Why?

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File: 1468308349635-0.png (395.43 KB,630x890,63:89,3951316d-d097-4c5a-a31e-01….png)

File: 1468308349635-1.png (1.67 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712172308.png)

File: 1468308349635-2.png (1.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712172445.png)


I also just got my second maid. Made a loli cat maid.

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The translation is a group effort on the hongfire forums. There's a LOT of dialogue and new DLC constantly adds more.

From what I know the tsundere personality has the most translated dialogue.

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its really take a long time to increase the maid stats. I cant even use the Harem yet

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Theres a harem option?



Any idea what mods are used for the characters in those pics?

Cant seem to make the same sort of bodies with the F5 sliders, and dont know if ive got access to that H position/PC character having actual skin or something, and the semen being visibly ejaculated.

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I think those screenshots were made with the games picture mode. Meaning they are mostly static so the jizz is frozen in mid-air and is not animated.

I could be wrong since there apparently are complicated mods that add non-transparent make characters, but those filters effects are a dead giveaway for picture mode.

The harem option was added with one of the newer maid class DLCs and requires massive stat grinding to achieve.

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File: 1469095652598-0.jpg (731.25 KB,2320x2120,58:53,krystal_wip.jpg)

File: 1469095652598-1.jpg (1.01 MB,3456x2152,432:269,state_of_krystal.jpg)

File: 1469095652598-2.jpg (1.12 MB,4580x2152,1145:538,krystal_mod_tail_wip.jpg)

File: 1469095652598-3.jpg (1.08 MB,4784x2140,1196:535,krystal_wip_2.jpg)

I'm currently working on a Krystal mod, always appreciate feedback. Here's some screenshot of the work in progress in various stages.

Fixed the skin texture to resemble her fur pattern (not perfect but better than the standard options, no "gloves" and "socks").

Copied and modified the hair colored fox tail mod into a skin colored tail mod.

This might become a new standard for furry meidos of you want the tail to have the same color as the skin. (Still not perfect, the base of the tail where it connects to the small of the back is too bright)

I'm currently having trouble fixing the distortion on her hip swirlies (early alpha, too thin, no triangles, yet).

It's more extreme on some poses than it is on others.

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File: 1469119449387.png (158.81 KB,293x430,293:430,arm.PNG)


There is a line on the left arm above the marking. The distortion is the same problem I encountered when I was trying to make those eyebrows and face markings.

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File: 1469145567750.jpg (884.45 KB,3840x2160,16:9,img20160722095648.jpg)

Goddamnit, I overdid it.

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Yes,is an unlockable Maid Class available when you complete the VIP events with Shiina Ai. You need the the Plus Pack to unlock them

Btw,there is a mod that change the male model in to a "real" male instead of a siloutte?

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File: 1469418610275.png (776.53 KB,930x830,93:83,Capture.PNG)

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File: 1469476656026.png (739.35 KB,639x687,213:229,3dfyx.png)


Best maido!

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File: 1469565288806.png (16.76 KB,684x597,228:199,bonerpillow.png)


>blue nipples

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File: 1470893012354.png (371.44 KB,569x775,569:775,Knockers.PNG)


Thanks~! But I think your maido takes the cake for best looking one.


Like em? Have more!

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The color contrast is pretty nice.

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your dog needs more sparkles

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File: 1471157841126.gif (1.14 MB,564x768,47:64,Knockers.gif)

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Um can i get a bit of help here. were do i put the mods because just dropping them in the mod folder does not seem to work

And yes i have installed reipatcher by following the wiki guide

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File: 1471937159788.gif (598.88 KB,245x184,245:184,1470626358145.gif)



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File: f3b0dee6ba74090⋯.png (7.62 MB,5120x2964,1280:741,img20160831143845.png)

This games great and all. But my guys dick is fucking HUGE, and I have no idea how to scale it down

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I'm over a month late but this looks pretty great anon

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File: 749a248acbece4e⋯.png (5.16 MB,1800x3600,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember me?

>Captcha: QFaker

How rude.

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File: 1efa1c064ebf4b0⋯.png (2.74 MB,2560x1432,320:179,img20160907101701.png)

After more than a month of procrastination I have finally kinda finished the Krystal mod.

I had to get rid of lots of perfectionist notions or it would never have been even remotely finished.

A lot of WIP stuff is added in the png folder of the repack if you feel like improving the mod.

furry_mod_repack (includes Krystal and skin colored fox tail)


Just the krystal skin to be added to the furry mod:



Skin colored fox tail:



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As always feedback is appreciated.

If the mod doesn't install properly please write a reply.

It's been a while so I hope I uploaded all the right files.

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File: 13d8e929e8ba869⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1739x2380,1739:2380,state_of_krystal_sept_2016.jpg)

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File: 27b4f7120459f31⋯.gif (1.75 MB,300x300,1:1,image.gif)


Keep at it, you amazing man.

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File: 1688bbf23987ee2⋯.png (1.21 MB,1297x755,1297:755,Untitled1.png)

Fun game.

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File: 2141f5945933dfc⋯.png (1.27 MB,1469x811,1469:811,img20160726083228.png)

File: 67019f676dd0fa6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1469x811,1469:811,img20160726082414.png)

File: 582c7d7d7c6d741⋯.png (907.54 KB,1106x727,1106:727,img20160722142920.png)

I did my sona. Still have to color the ears but so far it still seems to work out… just wish there was a way to get canine feets.

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Hey! Fucking nice job Paru!

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File: b6dba7ff3ec1285⋯.png (281.26 KB,1919x1080,1919:1080,foxears.png)

File: ae38d9cfd0d4284⋯.png (228.63 KB,1919x1080,1919:1080,foxtail.png)

I got everything to work after a bit of effort, but when I came back a week later my maid lost her ears and tail. I remember having trouble getting the fox ears and tail to work in the first place, but her thumbnail shows her with the ears so I know I got them working somehow.

All the other mods work just fine except these two for some reason, and I think the cat and dog ears are from the same pack- anyone know whats going on?

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File: 5d5d2606841e247⋯.jpg (578.4 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20160912233105.jpg)


Seems like you don't have the fox ears and tail DLC installed so the menu entries that the mod uses are missing, confusing the program and causing errors.

- [CM3D2 Shop] [Fox Ears and Tail]: https://mega.nz/#!9AQGGT5D!Z5GQd6eG9FgcT3aJ6m9iMSIVFs27UKp5qUZchWJT878

Here's all the DLC:


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File: 673b56badf95694⋯.png (249.63 KB,1200x1100,12:11,image.png)


>did my sona

I seriously hope you don't actually have a fursona

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File: 403738429f982bf⋯.png (417.66 KB,1106x727,1106:727,img20160722142645.png)

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File: 7dd6698860935c4⋯.png (2.74 MB,1919x1080,1919:1080,foxfixed.png)


Thanks, I had the mod downloaded and in the right place but didn't run the update.exe in the mod folder. I reinstalled the game at one point and must have forgotten that extra step.

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Are there any better cat tail addons than the defaults? I've found this "thick and long" test upload at http://ux.getuploader.com/CM3D2mod_08860/download/97/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90%E7%8C%AB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%9D%E5%B7%AE%E3%81%97%E6%9B%BF%E3%81%88%E9%95%B7%E3%81%8F%E3%81%A6%E5%A4%AA%E3%81%84%E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E7%89%88.rar , but I can't get it to show up in the tails menu, despite every other mod showing up under Sybaris+Reipatcher.

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File: 649f8d98cac10b2⋯.jpg (70.68 KB,1024x804,256:201,Clo-lNzVEAAgONw.jpg)



Never mind, it's not near as thick and long as i'd hoped. I've looked around, surprised that there's tons of fox and dog tails but no good cat tails, the defaults are just pet play props

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I'm surprised that I haven't seen someone scabbing CM3D model 'commissions' on FA already actually. Unfortunately the work of kemoanons here will be ripped and sold to cripples, guaranteed.

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File: a418dc3128a6ce8⋯.png (808.67 KB,1200x675,16:9,CpA_VDwUAAAWtQQ.png)

does anyone have this cat ears?

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Any mods for lizard grillz?

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Lilithlaudas Twitter is gone…

Does that mean we won't get any more furry mod goodness or did the user move on to another account or medium?

The last upload was named "Project1" on 16/10/06 and it's PW protected.

His/her face mod was some groundbreaking stuff.

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well, we still have this thread and all his previous work, but someone else may have to pick up the torch. Is it just gone? I wonder what happened.

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damn, not Mac compatible - can it be mac compatible in the future?

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File: 4eca72ffdb92c61⋯.png (301.6 KB,503x524,503:524,IMG_3992.PNG)


>a Japanese porn game

>mac compatible

I'm surprised it runs on anything past windows 7, and that's probably more microsofts doing than the devs. The Japanese are very bad with computers, so you'd probably have a better chance with Linux than mac, sorry mate.

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>better chance with Linux than mac

Why? What gives Linux a better chance?

There's a version of Wine for OSX too.

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File: 2c321244c250a57⋯.jpg (715.15 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20161129172136.jpg)

File: 900781c754ded2d⋯.jpg (680.63 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20161129174615.jpg)

File: ef1b2c43c217b34⋯.jpg (749.58 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20161129180544.jpg)

Hi /kemono/ I found some new stuff:

New doggo ears and fluffy tail with better coloring.


Password: タマモノマエ

Goofy gigantic clawed paws for hands and feet


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File: 983da6828f11f78⋯.png (1.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,11-30-2016 23-48-20.png)

File: 5820a7b81131c1c⋯.png (1.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,11-30-2016 23-50-46.png)

Thank you all for all your help in setting this thing up! Here's my waifu as thanks!

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File: 850c5bbafdc1a24⋯.png (57.02 KB,300x309,100:103,IMG_3958.PNG)


Cute, also do you think we'll ever get digitigrade legs? I mean it's a tall order, but I don't think they'd have to re do animations, just remodel the legs.

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File: 2ade9f6ac1d5513⋯.png (1.43 MB,1680x1050,8:5,img20161201182223.png)

File: 0c00d5e5c06c5ed⋯.png (957.52 KB,1680x1050,8:5,img20161201182228.png)

Is there a mod that fixes this problem? I'm using the uncensor patch that came with the partial translation and the basic kemono mod.

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There should be a mod in this very thread that gives it a different look, because using the kemono skins the vagina just blends into textures.

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Basically, mosacis are filled up wtih genitals.

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File: 2f7b664a31b245a⋯.png (481.47 KB,1024x1024,1:1,skin_kmn_ldark (2).png)

File: 007735066845362⋯.png (305.52 KB,1024x1024,1:1,skin_kmn_lwhite (2).png)


The mosaic is removed with the patch.


Looking at some of the textures for the kemono mod I can't see anything on the crotch area.

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In the mod in this >>4525 post it has the genital mod that will make the vag visible like in >>4561

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Thank you.

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Man, I should stop being lazy get this shit.

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File: 9209bc5c6a7e804⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,2560x2844,640:711,krystal_sample.jpg)


Just the mods and textures:

Krystal and skin colored foxtail (needs furry mod).


Whole Furry mod repack including Krystal and skin colored foxtail:


Fixed the vomit pixel issue, fixed the arm texture seams, extended bright chest fur up to throat as in original Starfox Adventures artwork.


As always, feedback is appreciated and encouraged.

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File: 87cb908afe8d98a⋯.jpg (670.56 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20161129200156.jpg)


Leg remodels have hit the CM3D2 modding scene.

There's spider legs, harpy legs and hooves.

I got the spider legs to work.

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I've never been able to get the skin-colored fox tail to work on my game, it shows up in the menu but when I select it, nothing changes, whatever tail I had remains.

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File: 813a6a7cb8fbc24⋯.jpg (447.32 KB,1815x834,605:278,status_window.jpg)


Thanks for the feedback.

I assume you have the DLC with the regular foxtail? (preorder DLC2 or something, I forgot)

Do you have the hair colored fox tail mod?

Could you tab out or go to windowed mode to check the status window when you select the mod?

I usually get a boatload of red error messages regardless of what mod I use (still kinda works most of the time anyway) but some obvious stuff might reveal itself.

Thanks again for giving feedback. We'll figure out why the tail mod doesn't work on your system.

Your help in improving the mod is appreciated.

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Here's the exact DLC that you need for the mod to work:

- [CM3D2 Shop] [Fox Ears and Tail]: https://mega.nz/#!9AQGGT5D!Z5GQd6eG9FgcT3aJ6m9iMSIVFs27UKp5qUZchWJT878

Does it work now?

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Yes, thank you very much.

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File: bf5a9af8d3928e7⋯.png (2.86 MB,2560x1417,2560:1417,img20160613101449.png)


Is there some trick or something to getting such a large body without it going all weird?

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File: cf6cab070aa1d83⋯.jpg (3.61 MB,7064x3872,883:484,mousebutt.jpg)

File: 5117a2f574d9c9c⋯.jpg (560.99 KB,2075x2153,2075:2153,vermin.jpg)

File: 3ae132d8c4760a0⋯.jpg (426.26 KB,2560x1440,16:9,img20160914101818.jpg)


Carefully chosen angles for the screenshots seems to be the only option once your F5 slider magic goes over some thresholds.

Although I am still unsure if there isn't some sort of plugin or mod for easier BBW maids.

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Post Krystals please.

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File: 11bb18aa2e3ae7b⋯.jpg (54.98 KB,692x389,692:389,image_303689.jpg)

Fixed animal faces mod so that noserings etc. are correctly placed.


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File: 6dbad8b9cbad435⋯.png (2.85 MB,2560x1440,16:9,img20170208003742.png)

I found a pack that features a hair colored kitsune multitail mod.

Succubus maid not mine, just used the template to illustrate.

I found the password on Twitter.





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File: da3842c6b0ad7bd⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,2920x2812,730:703,sample_spottycat.jpg)

File: 55f762805bfe510⋯.png (2.79 MB,2560x1440,16:9,img20170214094844.png)

File: 90d18c4079e8d2a⋯.png (2.85 MB,2560x1440,16:9,img20170214095112.png)

File: a0d8e5f0d5c13b1⋯.png (3.69 MB,2560x1440,16:9,img20170214095140.png)

Spottycat tattoo mod:

Make your maid wild with these full body spots (except face) :3

Fits all maids, doesn't feature genitals. Feedback for improvement always welcome as well as screenshots of your maids featuring my mod.


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Looks good, keep on modding you glorious faggot.

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question: are there any animations of fugging? like just a floating dick going inside those semen demons

if not then i shouldn't bother

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There are animations but the males don't have any textures to them.

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so its not like this >>4317

thats just a pose like that shitty adventure time unity game?

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You don't make poses. You click a function that plays an animation and it changes your maid's personality.

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File: 64d22f13d5c0cb9⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134514.png)

File: a5fc098ef3c45e0⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134149.png)

File: 8c7d832e6b5eb50⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134201.png)

File: b6b00c9c3813c73⋯.png (2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134442.png)

File: 2306e49c6463d18⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134501.png)

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File: 6b8f91af5b78257⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134633.png)

File: 83f9b82f233aa67⋯.png (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134534.png)

File: f6e637b35b3f8e4⋯.png (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134608.png)

File: ff8778f1fd434f3⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20160712134622.png)


bath peek, though it's out of order for some reason.

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File: 135358d1c070882⋯.jpg (755.22 KB,1200x940,60:47,59022854_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: 08230d74803c996⋯.png (1.96 MB,1600x848,100:53,C5RXwcJUEAAESJW.png large.png)

Hello, /kemono/

Just an anon from the CM3D2 general thread over at /hgg/. I asked the folks there if they could help me getting a few mods and I figured I'd ask here, as well..

Anyway know where I can find these cat claws in picture 1 and the "Hair covering eyes" mod like the black doggo girl has in pic 2? Would appreciate it very much.

Also: Where can I get the preset for the this succubus fox character? >>4864

I remember the preset getting posted on /trash/ awhile ago but the original download link seems to be dead. Thanks.

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>Anyway know where I can find these cat claws in picture 1 and the "Hair covering eyes"

I expect from 100minus90 past habits that's it's just a personal mod he's done to his own character.

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Yeah, you're probably right about the cat claws part. Although I did find out that the hair-covering eyes are an unlockable piece in the game, which I haven't gotten very far into yet. I actually kinda forgot that there's actually a game to be played in this game rather than just a dress up sim.

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You can always just download a 100% save file and continue playing dress up.

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File: ac5c80e0afbf097⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170410001720.png)


True, I'll probably do that after playing through the story just a little bit, even if 90% of the story is "lol machine translation"

Also good news (for me, anyway) is that I managed to find the cat claws mod I was looking for with some dumb luck after searching through a fuckhuge mod collection that I randomly downloaded from a torrent the other day. Apparently the claws were for a Felicia Darkstalkers mod. I'm not sure if this is already available in the huge mod directory, but I can upload it somewhere if anyone wants it.

Now just looking for that succubus furry girl preset and I'll be a happy camper!

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File: 9cb60e44ce9af8f⋯.jpg (664.06 KB,1536x2048,3:4,9cb60e44ce9af8ff9d9bfb7994….jpg)


I wonder if there are any hand mods where it kinda combines paw and hand, but not comically over sized. Like pic related.

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File: 703e5c4519dc7c4⋯.png (1.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170410221510.png)

Pork butts and taters!

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More like buta word for pig in kanji.

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I'm still looking for this preset! Ayone have?

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File: c5e91a69ae4dbe6⋯.png (2.64 MB,2560x1440,16:9,img20170412153520.png)


Big Buta!

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Nevermind… someone already hooked me up!

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File: e143af4601826c6⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,625x468,625:468,5d1e25bf3c80251a33bb052723….jpg)

I really want to breathe some new life into this game. How hard would it be to model edit the generic muzzle we have now into something different to fit other kinds of animals?

Also to note that I have absolutely no prior knowledge or skills with modeling programs like Blender but willing to learn one step at a time.

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Would be much appreciated if you could upload the mod. :)

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File: 01f62a8c6c9a8e8⋯.webm (2.86 MB,924x638,42:29,CM3D2x86 2017-02-28 13-17….webm)

File: ae83e39c7b14578⋯.webm (1.78 MB,790x692,395:346,CM3D2x86 2017-02-28 13-55….webm)

File: a90ff31a2d012c8⋯.webm (2.67 MB,1002x656,501:328,CM3D2x86 2017-04-16 18-51….webm)

File: c0e843bf423e36d⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1270x718,635:359,CM3D2x86 2017-04-17 14-23….webm)


Someone from another board made a "wide" kemono face variant (see first webm) months ago but didn't show up again after that.

Link follows.


Same based anon also improved spottycat by making a cheetah face markings mod!




You can also download mods to have "solid" male models. (second webm)

Hair and clothes are static, though.

See second webm.


I also adapted the FurDevice kemono girl into 3D…

Third vid.


My kemono fox loli fucks with Aeris while Alopex watches series of webms was really popular.

Fourth vid.

I highly recommend getting the "vibe your maid" plugin as it offers a great, more adjustable, alternative to the in-game sex minigame to get good animations.

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File: 5173023b54f3bf2⋯.jpg (191.9 KB,1147x793,1147:793,inbetween_face.jpg)


Now I feel compelled to reproduce the face that is generated between loading face mods because I think it looks cute…

Just because the webm preview chose that exact moment between loaded textures…

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File: 890be7399b2bb3d⋯.jpg (374.6 KB,2560x1440,16:9,371566103b63b14c09b2ca348b….jpg)


>I also adapted the FurDevice kemono girl

I feeling it was a hatechanner was responsible.

But.. needs more headpats.

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File: 8670f0846f8f971⋯.png (232.39 KB,979x1242,979:1242,headpat the chocolat.png)


>furry headpat simulator device

I want this.

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File: 108e703789b6ec4⋯.webm (2.75 MB,762x718,381:359,CM3D2x86 2017-04-16 16-15….webm)

File: 1c35a1a46bd890f⋯.webm (2.9 MB,816x608,51:38,CM3D2x86 2017-04-16 17-42….webm)

File: d98d2740a5b26c8⋯.webm (2.86 MB,996x704,249:176,CM3D2x86 2017-04-16 17-57….webm)

File: 1fd88e0d0bcb8aa⋯.webm (2.89 MB,994x656,497:328,CM3D2x86 2017-04-16 17-58….webm)


Yeah, I also did that collage.


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File: 3576582bc580b1a⋯.jpg (3.5 KB,300x57,100:19,lewdnefs.jpg)

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Are those and ears DLC or a mod? Fug she's hot.

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Sorry about the late reply. Haven't been browsing this place as much since I found all the mods I needed, but here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo3w1lxa0l2plc0/Felica%20MOD.rar?dl=0

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They're both mods

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That is some hidamari sketch tier wideness

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File: c07c169539e02b0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1296x758,648:379,heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp.png)

Im tryng to understand how to make this work, right now i think just installed the base game plus the updates to 1.48(?)

Also the "furry mod" and Sybarys, i dont even know if i installed Sybarys right.

Tested a little with the basic i think i made her too short and wierd clipping issues happens during sex animations.

any idea how to fix it ? (without editing the size…plz..)

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Glad I'm not the only one the felt that those heads were looking too wide

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I got a Sonic Hedgehog Universe vibe.

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File: dfa144cb9fc17d0⋯.webm (2.88 MB,858x640,429:320,CM3D2x86 2017-02-13 13-09….webm)

File: 87c91a14e19b023⋯.webm (2.85 MB,1280x718,640:359,CM3D2x86 2017-02-21 15-29….webm)

File: f847c3ead1153ff⋯.webm (2.77 MB,914x588,457:294,CM3D2x86 2017-02-19 03-11….webm)

File: 4267c0abf0f80b8⋯.webm (2.9 MB,1120x706,560:353,CM3D2x86 2017-02-19 03-24….webm)



Yeah, I often follow a more super deformed design philosophy.

Also most of my maids are based on cartoon/computer game girls,where a lot of original drawings ARE super bobblehead designs that reach the shoulders.

FurDevice girl for example has the same proportions as the drawing she was based on.


It's not my fault that it can look weird in 3D.

Second maid was a request based on a Sindoll design.

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File: 558aa83474b9bdd⋯.webm (2.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x86 2017-02-14 11-50….webm)

File: 3c313454285e94f⋯.webm (2.84 MB,1004x720,251:180,CM3D2x86 2017-02-11 23-22….webm)

File: a5e63999a6b8f29⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x86 2017-02-11 22-50….webm)

File: e1954c2b3633a8e⋯.webm (2.88 MB,758x720,379:360,CM3D2x86 2017-02-17 18-42….webm)



The jump to 3D definitely does things to a design compared to a 2D kemono drawing.

Also tastes differ and nobody is perfect.

I used to have more creepy eye designs until I got better at making maids.

Sometimes you spend so much time looking at the design and tinkering that you lose the feel for the uncanny valley effect, but I think it's also wrong to make them too humanoid.

I think a thick layer of abstraction and stylization has a positive effect.

I hope I'm still not in "AM I KAWAII? UGUUUU!" (translators note: kawaii means cute) territory.


NEVER! EVER! The limbs aren't noodles, the eyes aren't joined and I'm not autistic enough.

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I found Lillith Laudas website and blog (creator of the original CM3D2 furry mod).

Also a hentai doujin artist!



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File: fe820f495e67f1b⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-04-25 15-56….webm)

File: a45752b13925d3b⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-04-25 16-04….webm)

File: 9700b249f8b725d⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-04-25 16-06….webm)

File: ad24a0f16a9cc19⋯.webm (2.94 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-04-25 16-42….webm)

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File: d9aa9beabb0f4a1⋯.jpg (158.86 KB,1200x772,300:193,1493122934739.jpg)

We seriously need more animal variety for this game!

Honestly thinking about looking for someone to commission a few. I wouldn't know where to look for one, though.

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No idea who's the artist. Just found it randomly on 4chan's trash board.

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>going to halfchan

>not being able to read the signature clearly on the picture

Somehow I'm not surprised.

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The writing looked awkward for me to make out okay?

And it's not like 8chan is any better or worse since snarky fucks like you post here, so take your low-key insult and piss off.

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You should go back and not return.

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How about no?

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Howd you get her so loli? I swear I couldn't get it to go that small.


Its yus-ts

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File: 19b6a9506b08ca5⋯.png (1.95 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170503020133.png)

Furry mod repackage V1.2

Cleaned up the folders, wrote a readme, adjusted 5 genital skins, created krystal and collar mugen genital skins.

Added skin colored fox tail mod



Here's my presets:


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File: acc145a505f55b8⋯.jpg (133.74 KB,1200x1200,1:1,eb10f9fc328722e31a94b39f8f….jpg)




it's not an easy signature to read

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Source on that horse body?

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File: d9dca44f22c2fe5⋯.png (2.57 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170507164034.png)

I made a new mod:

Pink nose version of the furry face.

Version 0.1

Pink nose mod standalone


Furry face and whiskers plus pink nose mod repack


I changed the nose (muzzle) texture of the kemono face to pink and added an outline to the model.

This is just two versions for now.

I am going to add the variant to the other 3 kemono faces as well some other time.

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File: 6616f76c5dd2c26⋯.webm (2.9 MB,940x689,940:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-19….webm)

File: 98b2fa60e4840b3⋯.webm (2.88 MB,956x689,956:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-17….webm)

File: 7eae16bc2f50981⋯.webm (2.84 MB,908x689,908:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-18….webm)

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File: 83dee02e6168996⋯.webm (2.9 MB,948x689,948:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-03….webm)

File: d4de8c249ea11bc⋯.webm (2.89 MB,956x689,956:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-04….webm)

File: eed0a8414bad87a⋯.webm (2.92 MB,868x689,868:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-05….webm)

File: 41c19e5cc181815⋯.webm (2.89 MB,926x689,926:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-06….webm)

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File: acb36cf75d50eb8⋯.webm (2.91 MB,898x689,898:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-11….webm)

File: ff0429de6a5b263⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-07….webm)

File: 76acfe243b541ff⋯.webm (2.89 MB,942x689,942:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-08….webm)

File: a02ff829b7dbd29⋯.webm (2.94 MB,992x689,992:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-09….webm)

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File: acb36cf75d50eb8⋯.webm (2.91 MB,898x689,898:689,CM3D2x86 2017-05-10 21-11….webm)

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File: ce6e4e13384d024⋯.png (1.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170509201647.png)

Anyone working on new creations? I've been wanting to finish up my lyn tail set but haven't since I started a new job and the mod helpers I've been in contact with haven't responded to my issues yet.

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The daily grind got me in its grips.

Haven't done anything this weekend.

Pink nose mod was my last joint.

Won't do anything this week/weekend either.

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File: 698dfbc78b47b14⋯.png (841.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170513143958.png)

File: b1db77feb5ebbe7⋯.png (710.14 KB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170513142502.png)

File: 9469b5518106f7d⋯.png (831.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170513144005.png)


I feel you, man.

There's so much I still want to do, but time constrains and my lack of modeling skills is starting to make this an impossibility.

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Where to get the piggy nose and ears?

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File: 53aadd0df4d0efe⋯.png (2.68 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170523233757.png)

File: 9e9bfeab7b18bdd⋯.png (2.26 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170523234438.png)

File: a80047bbeb13709⋯.png (2.62 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170523235030.png)

File: c25bf814cecb42f⋯.png (2.26 MB,2540x1378,1270:689,img20170523235829.png)

I did a thing

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File: a65fc9505fc6b16⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB,496x360,62:45,4am pudding.mp4)


Pretty good. Just photoshop them together and it's good to go.

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File: 8937a39cc5d79e6⋯.webm (2.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Vib-1.webm)

File: 1d6e45c177c12eb⋯.webm (2.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Vib-2.webm)

File: 0752b5480b3ac23⋯.webm (2.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Vib-3.webm)

File: c174626adc9b884⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Vib-4.webm)

Uploading old stuff.

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File: 866e91964560160⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1244x700,311:175,Skunk Fug-1.webm)

File: 43a38d14a8f30c5⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Fug-2.webm)

File: 50f5b9d25c5e7c4⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Fug-3.webm)

File: 3ab86c8bd3c6e59⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Fug-4.webm)

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File: 654a38bb5575938⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skunk Fug-5.webm)

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File: 97ff55a1714c6cd⋯.webm (2.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-1.webm)

File: 8d19d949ab6f41d⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-2.webm)

File: de44b77d6f656d6⋯.webm (2.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-3.webm)

File: 92be2c55ca46ebd⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-4.webm)

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File: 8ac5df5d512b0c0⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-5.webm)

File: 2d5ae06efa1aafb⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-6.webm)

File: e85eeb013aea1a9⋯.webm (2.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Wolf Demon-7.webm)

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File: e968b8b49fbd4be⋯.webm (2.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 22-53….webm)

File: 78083f08811dcc5⋯.webm (2.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 22-55….webm)

File: 194ac8633c7b198⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 22-56….webm)

File: 614a4b2e30af233⋯.webm (2.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 22-57….webm)

Posting more old webms. This time with cows and milk.

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File: 24cc7f06731370e⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 22-59….webm)

File: 4e395e86b33b174⋯.webm (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 23-00….webm)

File: dc7e5693519cde5⋯.webm (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 23-07….webm)

File: 5a093fd50c60ae9⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 23-08….webm)

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File: 04d7d9854ab8754⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-06-06 23-08….webm)

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File: 92a8a1f290bf952⋯.jpg (151.83 KB,716x301,716:301,dat ass quartette.jpg)

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File: 9476df65a42e100⋯.webm (1.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-05-13 14-03….webm)

File: 22937ebaeb570cb⋯.webm (3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Desktop 05.22.2017 - 22.5….webm)

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File: 5edf6dfe9063e13⋯.webm (2.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-05-29 01-07….webm)

File: 3bc51d7b1bcbee2⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-05-29 01-17….webm)

File: add039eadb8f345⋯.webm (2.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,CM3D2x64 2017-05-29 01-21….webm)

Hope you liked it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's the story with CM3D2 and the dancing routines? An unlockable? DLC? A one-off thing?

and tell you maids to put their uniforms back on

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Most dance routines are available right off the bat. Some are available as DLC.

Funny enough though I haven't setttle on a set uniform for any of the maids. Plus it's kinda hard to wanna dress them accordingly when there's so many non-uniform options available.

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File: 93f8c80214215a6⋯.png (1.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170620152614.png)


Most dances are available right off the bat. Some available as DLC.

Plus I can't settle on a uniform when there's so many non maid outfits to choose from.

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Bleh didn't mean to double post

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I saw you could have girly boy maids. Can someone do that?

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there's this guy's stuff >>6037, or do you mean not shota?

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File: 868a39b553e219e⋯.png (496.22 KB,411x970,411:970,123321.png)



You mean something like this?

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I'm not the dude who asked for it, but…yes lord

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I just realised that preset doesn't work, but this should.


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thanks, I haven't actually tried playing this game yet, but I'll tuck this away for when I do..

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File: dd894b2025dcf0f⋯.webm (2.89 MB,568x689,568:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-06….webm)

File: eba963c36aaef24⋯.webm (2.77 MB,680x687,680:687,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-33….webm)

File: 921fc281d79582a⋯.webm (2.88 MB,706x689,706:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-35….webm)

File: fc6502113297317⋯.webm (2.94 MB,710x689,710:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-35….webm)

Neerhoms Furry skin and Furry master model repack with new texture variant included (see videos).

I didn't like how the modders texture looked like so I replaced it with Lillithlaudas body and Ajikaliptons face textures along with self made ear and tail textures.

This adds skins and replaces some male(master) models with a kemono strapon/futa model:


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File: 724a577f9d0ca74⋯.webm (2.73 MB,1008x689,1008:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-55….webm)

File: 9e50c646632d22c⋯.webm (2.77 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-56….webm)

File: 0ef1ec6e48fb023⋯.webm (2.91 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 16-56….webm)

File: b5c0e5863f6c074⋯.webm (2.77 MB,1082x689,1082:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-03….webm)


As always I really appreciate feedback, be it technical or content-wise.


This is basically the alpha version of the retexture.

If you have any issues please bring it up so I can improve it.

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File: 8954c165640adde⋯.webm (2.91 MB,998x689,998:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-04….webm)

File: b759a6bb3468548⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1000x689,1000:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-05….webm)

File: 7fe59de81e5e0af⋯.webm (2.9 MB,1100x689,1100:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-06….webm)

File: 5f2f490ce97db85⋯.webm (2.84 MB,1098x689,1098:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-07….webm)

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File: 3e41ecc018ee5fc⋯.webm (2.88 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-07….webm)

File: 5dc10efc40fe643⋯.webm (2.91 MB,976x689,976:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-08….webm)

File: 134c8e85d9accea⋯.webm (2.93 MB,998x689,998:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-08….webm)

File: 2a13d8922bc0f62⋯.webm (2.94 MB,1004x689,1004:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-01 17-09….webm)

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File: 1497306690e8459⋯.jpg (237.11 KB,788x1073,788:1073,3dcm2_exploitable1_1.jpg)

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File: 04e8ef9f1d39221⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.54 KB,735x760,147:152,some-women-are-not-for-dec….jpg)


>feedback, be it technical or content-wise.

Well, it's more request and than feedback, but a protesting Maid equivalent of this would be funny.

"Some" "Maids are not for fucking"

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File: cf6e2e55726215d⋯.webm (2.67 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 13-27….webm)

File: cbaac97645d4528⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-20….webm)

File: 59fc63fb2e50016⋯.webm (2.86 MB,996x689,996:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-34….webm)

File: bb8a777891b3bd8⋯.webm (2.89 MB,996x689,996:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-35….webm)


Me again:

I was testing the strapon model but lost the dick while messing around with Yogogiutil.

It also seems that the dick is lost when restarting the game.

Going into the change male menu und re-selecting makes it work again for that session.

Needs more testing. Do you guys have such issues?

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File: 9d95becc56943ce⋯.webm (2.89 MB,1116x689,1116:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-35….webm)

File: 06d9f81d15ef3fa⋯.webm (2.88 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-36….webm)

File: 827e4873856d415⋯.webm (2.88 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-37….webm)

File: cc37a9e1b13a3fe⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-37….webm)

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File: 283c7a300378dda⋯.webm (2.92 MB,1000x689,1000:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-39….webm)

File: 395629d5d3692f7⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-39….webm)

File: d69a5a44762cb01⋯.webm (2.92 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-40….webm)

File: a8b81b03de6466d⋯.webm (2.88 MB,1270x689,1270:689,CM3D2x86 2017-07-03 14-40….webm)

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File: ac4ece13221af13⋯.png (2.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135055.png)

File: 5401fefaaf98695⋯.png (2.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135221.png)


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File: 2d024378d2aa437⋯.png (2.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135352.png)

File: 499a64a755434fd⋯.png (2.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135509.png)

File: e6f5a482de41102⋯.png (2.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135617.png)

File: c508eb941ff7dae⋯.png (2.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170618135724.png)

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File: 28b1c5f1b141103⋯.jpg (563.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,hoshi-hack.jpg)


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File: ebcae0542556706⋯.png (2.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170628182452.png)


Ha! Nice.

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File: 0e42995f2d4a406⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619015405.png)

File: 4b88724db566b67⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619021408.png)

File: 3f977664be85976⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619023558.png)

File: 455054c900cf816⋯.png (1.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619023809.png)

One of my favorite image sets.

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File: 90c1258a6fac0ee⋯.png (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619024616.png)

File: a862953bb9bc222⋯.png (1.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619032346.png)

File: 27c08ebc6085713⋯.png (1.91 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619032901.png)

File: aa03fc522804d30⋯.png (1.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170619034503.png)

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File: 9ba963acab2a73e⋯.png (2.32 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712235817.png)

File: d8cf8557db7d735⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712235613.png)

File: d4f90e17e79632a⋯.png (2.2 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712225140.png)

Made a simple little story set because why not.

Pretty straight forward but let your mind fill in the dialog.

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File: cc48ae98e628edb⋯.png (2.1 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712225647.png)

File: bfdc02a94843cdd⋯.png (2.05 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712225943.png)

File: 434401fd68c9a10⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712231336.png)

File: cc48ae98e628edb⋯.png (2.1 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712225647.png)

File: bfdc02a94843cdd⋯.png (2.05 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712225943.png)

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God damn it. Didn't mean to post two of that image twice.

(Why doesn't this board have an option to delete posts, damn it.)

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File: fc24704a2e49e62⋯.png (2.1 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713000512.png)

File: 90a10df35e8aa34⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713013225.png)

File: bab2e8b6627861d⋯.png (2.1 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713013213.png)

File: fbf50ab351f9a66⋯.png (1.83 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713013852.png)

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File: a1fd62647ccf6af⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713014456.png)

File: 9952a64ec7ef75c⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713014514.png)

File: 454b9cce0c012da⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170712234128.png)

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File: 3408ec7210a0fbf⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713011631.png)

File: ea528d72311404f⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713011835.png)

File: 666bf9e62162272⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713011848.png)

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File: 507d5e88499efb9⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713002536.png)

File: 23b11ec6ad964e4⋯.png (1.89 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713002442.png)

File: 2c4f805e3bca2e2⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713003449.png)

File: 97282d116795002⋯.png (2.11 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713004335.png)

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File: 9f5c6a73a656d00⋯.png (1.35 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170713005907.png)



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Nice job on these, they're awesome. Gotta admit I was skeptical when I saw the mass of images, but it really works much better than I thought.

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Thanks. It would probably be better if I put set pieces into their own single images, but I'm a lazy shit.

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>Hey kid wanna yiff

this senario, that patch

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File: d399e7c47e66cdf⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170716232510.png)

File: 5cbb81730419445⋯.png (1.34 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170717003926.png)

File: ddf78faa54d3393⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170716234948.png)

Continuing one small bit at a time.

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File: ae1e061d03ba5fe⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718101027.png)

File: 97c0daa1b882297⋯.png (1.44 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718101039.png)

File: fe30d45f2d5ece2⋯.png (1.54 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718101416.png)

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File: e8a73ff978b43b7⋯.png (985.96 KB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170717004518.png)

File: e5a1f038311c4f2⋯.jpg (242.69 KB,1920x1098,320:183,Shock.jpg)

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File: 13d0571287e3679⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718105155.png)

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You are awesome!

Keep up the good work.

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This character is disgustingly cute. I just want to hug her and give her headpats all night.

Also sweaty, violent sex. But that's a given.

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the shock panel is cute!

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File: c95fceb4f22233b⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718111640.png)

File: b0b04c1635ba104⋯.png (2.08 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718114741.png)

File: 35e0b83fe226a83⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718114756.png)

File: 2018bc11b8d26d0⋯.png (2.2 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718151317.png)


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File: fc203594be010e5⋯.png (2.17 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718152353.png)

File: 3e65ea0c7e0cc6d⋯.png (1.05 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718144745.png)

File: 77a20c96c0a3fce⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718124549.png)

File: 7342a4d3669059e⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718124630.png)

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File: ab9e97d6442ba47⋯.png (1.93 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718130636.png)

File: b63569a8fab730b⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718130320.png)

File: d9a28886ed39cb7⋯.png (1.63 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718153448.png)

File: 9542ca3c9c54579⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718155028.png)

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File: 25e18c1ea14c890⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718140713.png)

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File: c4b7f4489ef335e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718142237.png)

File: e90d52d42aa7562⋯.png (1.53 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718142610.png)

File: 252027179b8c0a1⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718142519.png)

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File: af4eecddfa888fd⋯.png (886.44 KB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718142701.png)

File: 9ad7a9321d6928a⋯.png (1.13 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718143447.png)

Few more to go.

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I wish you'd stop giving me new fetishes

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File: 04bbd0582b69067⋯.webm (11.85 MB,960x540,16:9,sm31253980-540.webm)


I had an ex-girlfriend who accidentally revealed she was into writing teenage boy rape slashfics :| … I need to watch dancing Protest Maids to get my mind off of the topic.

(Ripped this from Nico.)

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File: 5325cc8090f45cf⋯.gif (654.93 KB,460x426,230:213,1431649535346.gif)


>I had an ex-girlfriend who accidentally revealed she was into writing teenage boy rape slashfics :|

Oh, uh, ok. Also that webm makes me want to get a VR headset for CM3D2

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>I had an ex-girlfriend who accidentally revealed she was into writing teenage boy rape slashfics

hot. I assume you accidentally found it and read it then

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>Oh, uh, ok.

Sorry, won't interrupt the circle-jerking the poster about how Sweaty with Arousal you were.

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it's in

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File: cb01bd556f1e2c3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718212701.png)

File: 59c4440084b893c⋯.jpg (265.48 KB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726001350.jpg)

File: cc96f65b1a9c27e⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718213437.png)

File: 294833005557fa5⋯.png (1.47 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718213543.png)



And I took longer with this than I should have because I couldn't find any pngs to portray an insertion motion well enough.


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File: 292f906662955a4⋯.png (1021.75 KB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718220924.png)

File: 5eae5097cc71d28⋯.jpg (198.62 KB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726012934.jpg)

File: 472f0805b08f8f2⋯.png (1.58 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718222049.png)

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File: c091f72dc346266⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718223421.png)

File: e9beab33e887135⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718223449.png)

File: 4b5f1eab3983435⋯.png (1.54 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718224026.png)

File: 47e19b0e73b8f3c⋯.png (1.2 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718224339.png)

File: 5b1c1ba227e2583⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1098,320:183,img20170718224953.png)

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File: 92bdd54a875a277⋯.jpg (280.24 KB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726002851.jpg)

File: 767124850821999⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726003654.png)

Oh boy!

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File: eec34c4f8e6f7ab⋯.png (849.7 KB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726004804.png)

File: f947bf6a441accb⋯.png (1.17 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726004626.png)

File: 51720999bec3ae3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726005652.png)

File: 6e7537f495501b0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726005928.png)

File: 109c301b9df7cc3⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726010910.png)

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File: e8e30bef7b807f4⋯.jpg (322.25 KB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170726010949.jpg)

…and DONE.

Kinda rushed through these last few scenes because I really just wanted to get this finished, though. Next time I do something like this, I'll be sure to put scenes into one image so as to avoid the imagery overload.

…but hey, at least now this thread has some extra content and activity after been comatose for awhile, right?

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>Cum on back

This pleases me greatly and I'm not sure why.

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good job lad, a comic like this would be cool

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load nigger

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File: e11c085f689b85c⋯.png (1.53 MB,1920x1027,1920:1027,img20170731234918.png)

File: ee228126f4f28ab⋯.png (2.11 MB,1920x1027,1920:1027,img20170731234930.png)

File: 51dac7bf72c04e1⋯.png (1.46 MB,1920x1027,1920:1027,img20170731234952.png)

File: 46d2c51fdf3af50⋯.png (1.38 MB,1920x1027,1920:1027,img20170731235027.png)

File: 34c28f1644d402b⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1027,1920:1027,img20170731235207.png)

so i just made this character, tell me what you think

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Nothing too special, but not bad in any regard.

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Not too fond of unnatural colors, but looks good.

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Would it be possible to request stuff here?

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I see no reason why you couldn't.

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File: 33e9c20135e0205⋯.png (550.22 KB,479x924,479:924,custom maid doggo.png)

My furry loli meido. She a cutie

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File: 69a84e2a28f9b6b⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811205226.png)

File: 2cf30a3e12954cd⋯.png (1.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811210938.png)

File: 0bacbe5e4e9d016⋯.png (1.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811211546.png)

File: 51c3cc72b89b66f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811212247.png)

File: 6b986532b7317f2⋯.png (1.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811213039.png)


I updated my pop star fox.

R8 (Don't h8)

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File: c3940248e3bb351⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811215109.png)

File: d31de0d46715334⋯.png (1.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811215751.png)

File: 196a075fb6b70da⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811220429.png)

File: 71f79d3a7bb8b4a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170811220628.png)


Also made a fuckboy with a big donger.

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7/10 needs bigger tits.

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File: b8e8c409aed43ed⋯.jpg (344.33 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 1.jpg)

File: da5368607fa4584⋯.jpg (362.23 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 2.jpg)

File: 57c8da5f5b45277⋯.jpg (317.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 3.jpg)


Like this?

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Yes, more like this.

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File: 5eb38ff616cf003⋯.jpg (259.95 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 4.jpg)

File: 36a3027f687e285⋯.jpg (195.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 5.jpg)

File: bb906ad14bbe0c7⋯.jpg (481.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 6.jpg)



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File: 64d8fff1134745d⋯.jpg (332.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 7.jpg)

File: 3bf195c2c1e3596⋯.jpg (340.65 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 8.jpg)

File: cca8e2801324848⋯.jpg (336.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Foxy Boobs 9.jpg)


Yeah… I don't think she liked that very much.

(ahaha, this is so fucking stupid and I am an absolute shitlord, but was strangely fun to make. Usually not into hyper stuff, either so this will be a one-off kind of thing.)

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I'm sure she'll get used to them eventually.

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File: 4cc038885ddb3eb⋯.png (1.93 MB,1920x1056,20:11,lawyer.png)


Oh snap, she's hired a Lawyer.

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You can't prove I did anything.

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File: bd3dead629a8b3a⋯.webm (2.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,WHEN WILL YOU LEARN.webm)





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File: 5ce7efab5ec7aa0⋯.jpg (41.83 KB,540x482,270:241,welp.jpg)

any chance somebody could put up a torrent or download of the game fully modded for kemono?

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The animations are way off when she's fingering herself. Looks like shit. Is there no way to fix that?

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File: 20e37c273200894⋯.png (51.78 KB,1909x753,1909:753,ClipboardImage.png)


might as well bargain for it a bit. If anyone uploads a working modded out game I'll upload a rare as fuck, old school /x/ game that has been lost to the ages to my knowledge. Just for those interested.

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I too am interested in this as I want custom porn but am lazy.

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File: 361f234faf36af2⋯.jpg (260.07 KB,1024x1055,1024:1055,Ct6tPGtUIAAleBb.jpg)


Prosecutor: Your Honor, it should be known that the Accused was hiring Maidos without providing the established minimum standards for domestic duties– to wit, he did not provide any Tea for the staff to prepare.

Defense Attorney Fluffy Wright: <speechless>

Jury: <murmuring noises>

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I think we should make a new thread soon, this one is beginning to take a while to load.


I don't think you can really upload a pre-modded version, I can't just copy my directory, have you download it, and then have it work. unless you can, then I'd do that It's not too hard to do by yourself, and you should learn to anyway if you ever want to add more mods yourself.


>fluffy wright

I love it

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I never hired them. They did this on their own volition and thus no payment should have been necessary. I am nothing more than a simple observer, guilty of nothing more than liking huge tits. I have done nothing, thus I could not have done anything wrong.

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File: b26ad1dde857856⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170813143209.png)



>her face when GON GIT PAID

I think someone's going on a shopping spree soon!

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If I install this game it will make me feel better. So what's new to the english translation?

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File: 470ab05d4b785ef⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1131,640:377,img20170729235546.png)


There's been a few system text translations here and there and some VIP event translations, but that's about it. Everything else is handled by machine translation via Google.

As much as I would like to see a full translation of this game, it's pretty much never going to happen unless someone is will to pay a group of professionals to do it. At the very least, the auto translation will allow you to get the gist of what most dialog events in the game.

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File: 5a0affe8a82edb4⋯.png (1.63 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170815221316.png)

File: 313f816f007fff6⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170815222722.png)

File: 5056d1426d68afe⋯.png (1.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170815223220.png)

File: 67cbbda6bc279d8⋯.png (1.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170815223807.png)

File: de8c174c2412d4b⋯.png (1.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170815224524.png)

Also: Grills

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Can we make centaur furries?

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Yeah pretty sure there's a mod for that somewhere.

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Nice work. I do approve of when it's more than just "max the sliders".

(another favourite model is >>6382)

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File: cbe54500c1ecc7c⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1000x1080,25:27,DGPAuhwVYAASTNV.jpg)

File: 13631cd48120e00⋯.jpg (217.88 KB,1162x1078,83:77,DGz0YNJUAAATvwU.jpg)

Anyone know where to find this dick/dildo mod? Saw it here: https://twitter.com/hane362

Looks a bit different from the one that s55555 made

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Looking at it again… I think it's probably just the same mod that s55555 has made, just modified a little as a personal mod. I'll probably have to crack open blender and do the same with it.

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File: 12e223b486b4d19⋯.png (862.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170818013759.png)

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File: d34cdf70108fd73⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170817231037.png)

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>images out of order

God damn it, I did it again.

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File: 92813e991dad10d⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170817225228.png)

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File: 2bc3469a219b0c8⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170818020628.png)

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File: 954ecaefb9c9cac⋯.png (1.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170818021905.png)

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File: c6764fe7e892e51⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170818022700.png)

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File: 42491a1dde09bfd⋯.png (1.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,img20170818023706.png)

That's all.

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Where tho? Also I've been downloading files from MEGA for seven hours now, would it kill y'all to upload a pre-patched pre-modded english furry version somewhere?

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Can find it in this pastebin: https://pastebin.com/65G0Fc7C

I would advise against making/using pre-patched versions of CM3D2. Those are always liable to screw up whenever you want to update them with new patches or DLC. Getting a mod package of furry stuff is possible, though. I think someone else made one but I need to find the link for that, too.

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With that said: I do agree with >>6745

I do think it's time for a new thread since this one is starting to take awhile to load for me, as well.

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i maek new thred


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