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/kemono/ - Kemono Art

The ghost of Kemonono

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come lurk in our dead IRC

Type #kemono in the channels field

862,589,748,159 DEAD BOARDS

File: 8e20915f615e096⋯.gif (3.63 MB,294x233,294:233,40b.gif)


since this place is fucking dead and the smoothbrains who run 8kun royally fucked this place, why not join https://8chan.moe/kemono/

it has the same atmosphere that this place used to have.

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> that this place used to have.

When the BO was sucking-up to Western Furry 'artists' and banned people who complained about cripple's murrsonas being posted here?

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PS: "Foxy Rena" is SHIT

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The fuck are you on about?


Your opinion also doesn't matter.

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I suppose I should say something rather than remain silent.

8kun is basically dead, and has been for the last while as everyone knows. I was going to host my own site to replace this board because I really haven't enjoyed my experience (here and on other sites) using someone else's site. The long and short of it though is that the covid measures fucked my personal life up while I was on the cusp of doing it, and only recently has my life become more stable again. I know a lot of people enjoyed this board, and I said I was going to host a replacement, then never did. Honestly I've been reluctant to say anything or move forward because at this point I figured someone else would have picked up the slack, but more than that I've been ashamed of my own failure, I feel the time to transfer this community somewhere else passed by and now it's too late. For all of this, I apologize.

Also I have a full backup of this board before the images were nuked but I need somewhere I can upload it to as it's rather large (~8-10gb).

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There you go again thinking Kemono Fandom 'needs' you.

A new forum will eventuate. It probably shouldn't be filled with post-2018 brainwerm /pol/graduate Imageboard types, though.

The Japanese Kemono scene is 90% Westernized now, too. urgh. Thanks a lot, Twitter.

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That link 404s, was there a board there?

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File: 3781ec405481ebd⋯.jpg (217.65 KB,952x1414,68:101,nana.jpg)

I hope you all had a good season, whoever is left to see.

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I want to say that I appreciate everything you've done for us as a board owner. My time spent on /kemono/ is something that I'll always look back on fondly. Hopefully, everything works out for you, and if you do eventually make a new board of your own, I'm sure at least a few people will follow.

>I figured someone else would have picked up the slack

I saw some small kemono communities rise and quickly fall since 8chan imploded. None of them ever got much traffic. This is probably in large part due to the amount of contact western fans now have with eastern artists. Japanese artists will have meltdowns if they don't have complete control over their artworks, and no one really feels like stepping on their toes. Even if their stance on piracy/sharing art is counterproductive.

>I feel the time to transfer this community somewhere else passed by and now it's too late

It very well could be. Feels like kemono as a fandom is is either almost dead, or dead entirely. It has been largely absorbed into the (significantly worse) western furry fandom. Big artists from the past have either declined, become stagnant, or disappeared entirely. More and more western artists have either adopted an eastern style, or they've decided to outright copy more famous artists. This has left the scene feeling like a giant, boring, homogeneous mess.

>Also I have a full backup of this board before the images were nuked but I need somewhere I can upload it to as it's rather large (~8-10gb).

Your best bet would to create a torrent. I'd be willing to host it for you if you really wanted direct downloads for it. As long as it's clean and curated.

If you ever make a new board I'll try and support you. I'm sure other fans would be willing to as well. It's alright if you feel like you're unable to do so as well. I hope life gets better for all of us.

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File: 02063c7c8e8b009⋯.jpg (522.29 KB,742x1000,371:500,5179d8132312c0d05440066c1c….jpg)


I really hope you found somewhere to upload all that stuff, I would love to have to have all the images back

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I'll try to figure out where to host it in the next few weeks, I'm busy irl for a bit still, if push comes to shove I'll either host it as a torrent for a while, or upload it to the domain I purchased for a new site a while ago and just host it there for a bit.


>As long as it's clean and curated.

You'll have to qualify what you mean by this, it's literally a copy of the board, as if the board itself were live, so it's obviously NSFW. I've tried to cut down on some of the bloat where the archiver went a little too deep (it downloaded and hosted some mods for custom maid 3d 2 for example) and some of the mediafire links and stuff like that, but aside from that it's nearly everything ever posted to the board, however there are a few images the archiver missed for whatever reason.

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>You'll have to qualify what you mean by this

I'll host it as long as the archive doesn't have anything potentially illegal in it. I remember 8chan used to get spam bots that'd post things that weren't legal. If I were to host the archive, I'd want to be sure nothing like that got mixed in by mistake. That's all.

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I see. Luckily I think when I ran the archiver, all the spam had been cleaned from the board but I'll of course give it a once-over before I upload it.

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Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. Once you find a way to share it I'll upload it to mediafire for archival as soon as I can.

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Alright, an update, I'm going to make the archive into a torrent, I'm just fixing up the archive itself for now. I didn't see any illegal content like CP or anything while I went through it, but there are some other issues I'm working through in order to make it the highest quality I can.

The latest archive had a lot of missing images and thumbnails, but luckily because of the structure of the archive, I'm able to pull from older archives that had images that were missing in the newest one and merge them together and ignore the duplicate files, so basically the only images missing were ones posted after the board essentially died, aside from a handful of odd images that somehow got missed by every archive for one reason or another. As of right now I can't find any missing images (EDIT: never mind there are a handful in some threads but some of them I think were 404d when the archiver ran) however the thumbnails for some images are missing, so if you see a broken thumbnail, you can still click it and get the image behind the thumbnail. I COULD fix some of these thumbnails manually, and I have done so for a lot of the OP images just so that the catalog looks nice, but there will come a point where it won't really be worth my time I think.

The final filesize is going to be around 9.5 GB, I thought I could pare it down smaller but it looks like the overwhelming majority of that data is image files posted to the board itself, there are a couple of .zips that people have uploaded to filehosting sites that the archiver grabbed which I may pull out but haven't decided yet, and that will save AT MOST 1 GB so I'm tempted to just leave them for posterity as some of them are dumps of an artist or something, and I'm sure at least some of these files are no longer hosted by their filehost website if you were to find and click the link within the archive.

Right now there's only a couple of major issues left, like some threads you can't enter for some reason (but if you do manage to get in, all the files are present), but I was able to fix it on some occasions so I'm going to try to make sure you can enter every thread.

If it's not up by next week I'll give another update but I'm hoping to be done soon.

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Thank you for all of your work.

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Alright, the archive is ready, it's as good as I can make it, the one glaring issue is the feral thread doesn't open for some reason, you can see the last 50 posts but not the full thread, if somebody really wants it, I can maybe get a separate file of that one thread. I'll post the links for both direct download and torrent sometime on Monday at the latest.

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