Hey everyone! Paru here, you may know me from the draw threads.
I'm here to announce a project that I've been working on together with other western kemono artists during the summer - a collaborative art book. I took the initiative this spring to start a new book project with a theme of western kemono art, and for that I put together a varied selection of artists to create illustrations and comics together. It's been fun, and we're just about done with it! We have opened pre-orders now for the public.
Hope it's alright to advertise it here, it's a project we all enjoyed working on together and would love to show off our common passion! Pre-order is available now until September 15th and will include the printed physical book and the digital PDF. After that, the printed books will continue to be sold and the digital PDF to be made available in October.
Thank you! Feel free to ask if you have any questions.