cd2a44 No.14117531
Right Behind You
January Event Schedule
12/31~01/09 - Right Behind You
01/10~01/16 - Rise of the Beasts
01/17~01/24 - Unite and Fight (Wind Enemies/Fire Advantaged)
01/25~01/30 - Miscolored Memories (rerun)
01/31~02/08 - New Event Scenario
1.Infinity - 692908
2.Kihou - 740471
3.Sky Lords - 733000
4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216
Guides and info
>How do I even play this shit?
You can play it from your browser by going to
>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.
You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.
cd2a44 No.14117546
The event is almost over. Right after that it's RIse of the Beasts.
96a169 No.14117651
Friendly reminder that all accounts other than 9 are up for grabs.
One anon was asking about 1, if you're here let me know.
Also, I got a whole lot of shit during the spark, and I've got 2 Sunlight stones (with a third on the way) and 2 gold bars burning my pockets.
Sadly no 120% Atk summon and the primals look like a very long term investment, so I'm open to suggestions.
On one side, I kinda want to get Uno and 5* him ASAP, on the other, I'd still like to get a couple GW Harps.
2341e0 No.14117783
Crewm8 asked how hard can Percy hit.
caa649 No.14117830
What gear do you have to get those numbers?
2be21e No.14117863
esser at 4* is unimpressive even ghanda is better than her (no seriously if you intend to use esser seriously at least 5* her)
2341e0 No.14117970
look at the post above
I know, I use her for the th in fast raids, she barely even hits Tia.
I'm looking at Magisa or Grea for longer/harder raids
c5ba07 No.14117983
With your team comp, try aoidos or sturm. Both of them can hit more than percy-chan.
d35cf3 No.14118053
Ah, time for this snoring event again…
2e48a8 No.14118076
>free SR tickets
>free gold bar to make a free SSR character
>complaining about this
The event's not that bad. The bosses are actually challenging to solo
862dde No.14118132
Percival is great, especially for a fearbot.
c5ba07 No.14119013
I meant for 3rd slot.
96a169 No.14119543
Yeah, I wish I was lucky enough to pull Sturm, but I only got her pincushion sidecick instead.
Aodios… I don't really like enough to use a suptix on.
I'm gonna save crystals to spark again in the summer though, hopefully I'll get her then.
2b05e6 No.14119668
Reminder that Wind is going to be the harvin element soon with both oracles for wind being potatoes, so a team of humans/harvins with bahamut gun will become esports core.
96a169 No.14119798
>Soon™ - Anon
>I think that we can refine "Arcalum summon stone" from within now, because we will refrain 10 sages to playable within the rest of the year.
>"within the rest of the year" - KMR
Also, both wind harvins (if the character element is tied to the summon element) are male. The only Tarot harvin worth looking at is the water one.
3dd885 No.14119819
considering one of the most played teams was hairtato nio siete last gw taht's pretty much the norm
2b05e6 No.14119846
>he doesn't want an old man hermit to introduce to his Uno 5* so they can talk about their exploits during their youth and give eachother tips on floating better
>he doesn't want a potato bro who acts smug with Siete and commands a TOOTcat to bless his gacha rolls
plebian taste my guy
cd2a44 No.14119894
>wanting males
Where the fuck did you come from? Leddit? Cuckchan?
3afbf8 No.14119947
What are you doing in this fujobait kusoge if you hate males. Even the best girl is a male inside. Youjo Senki collab when, need my team of old men being cute girls.
3dd885 No.14119964
i have okto 5* come at me bro
cd2a44 No.14120042
>when most of the characters are female
You can have your gay discussion >>>/anywherebuthere/
>only good on element or anything that lets him crit
He's alright I guess
96a169 No.14120479
I keep reducing shit, but that fucking button can't get in here soon enough, I have like 10 pages of magna selfies to grind to dust.
d830bf No.14120631
You didn't spend money on this, right?
1279c4 No.14120811
Humans/harvins is already the best wind setup and has been since GW 5* released.
28abdc No.14120867
Yea i'm here, i'll take account 1. Do you need my email or something?
1655c5 No.14121754
Oh man, I sure do love this RNG bullshit within RNG bullshit for 5*ing GW. Have to spend a 1000 AP just to NOT transform. Good shit, real good shit. Hey here's an idea, if you're gonna do some shit like this, either make the Relic come uncapped 3 times for 10 shards or 100% transformation if you have the character with you for 40 shards.
5417bd No.14121863
You have to grind halo for rusted weapons anyway, so you might as well settle in for the long haul.
Also, you can check the script on the webpage to find out if the weapon will transform or not. The details are on the wiki.
becb74 No.14121866
doing it wrong
you don't grind halo solely for relics, that's how you make yourself go insane. Either level a bunch of 5star chars or 150 weapons at the same time, while watching something on another screen
862dde No.14122302
Sure, but what I'm saying is that both Aoidos and Sturm generally don't out damage him.
be18e6 No.14124765
Oh! They added "set A" "set B" on the team selection.
Double the build construction.
5417bd No.14124767
>every version of Jeanne constantly in the rate up
I like her and all but this is getting to be too much. She is, at best, a 7.5.
02f1d5 No.14124852
A-at least two of my Homoknights reached the top. That makes me happy.
Poor Siegman, and Vane even with the recent event didnt made it
96a169 No.14125818
Shoot me an email at
I'll give you all the info you need from there.
8eee59 No.14125902
Getting spammed with network errors, is it just me or did they mess up something again?
6ec9e7 No.14125960
>Now I can make rainbow teams for omega farming, for omega farming on strike time, for autoing event content, for meme teams and joke builds, nuker teams for Arcarum, teams for superbuncle fights, Prestige pendant sniper teams for HL omegas, R/SR/Mixed R and SR pendant teams, 5* levelling teams, teams to farm different GW character materials and even then still have spare slots.
This tickles my autism
c5ba07 No.14126021
You can effortlessly maintain hype 4(100% unique mod) with Aoidos with xeno axe and an atma in your grid, Sturm also gets stronger as the fight goes on with hot headed, not much(50% unique mod). The thing with Percival is that his damage boost has a really shitty uptime of 3/8 while Sturm and Aoidos can maintain good damage after 3~4 turns until the fight ends or they die.
c5ba07 No.14126043
As seen in the image, Aoidos does roughly the same damage as percy with his buff.
6ec9e7 No.14126062
Japan is obsessed with the french and their culture, the mere existence of Paris Syndrome proves this (look it up if you don't know what it is).
So naturally they absolutely adore one of the biggest national heroines of France to the point of her being one of the most popular characters in both FGO and GBF, and, I shit you not, having her own Meduka Meguca spinoff.
08f17c No.14126647
>Nips will never animate the accomplishments of Charles Martel because he doesn't have waifu potential.
d6f812 No.14126668
>the faces on those japs when they go to Paris, only to see it plagued by muslims and niggers shitting in the streets right next to their paper mache tents and forts
862dde No.14127044
I can't keep his buff up even if I triple attack all the time. Would you be able to show me what you're doing to keep it going?
I guess it looks comparable the 1/5th of the time you're able to get hype 4 when you also give Aoidos a bunch of other buffs.
c2a891 No.14127071
Didn’t stop them with King Arthur, they just made him a chick
28abdc No.14127095
d2e072 No.14127255
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14126647
Maybe someday he'll appear in moon media or in granblue. Gotta give the fujos the equivalent to Jeanne D'Arc or a girl version of Martel.
>The culture shock is so bad, the tourism for France decreased.
At least they know better to not come to France.
c5ba07 No.14127293
Turn 1: use all his skills and ougi with xeno axe mh.
T2: attack.
T3: ougi with aoidos and whomever else.
T4: ougi with mc and whomever else. aoidos should have hype 4 already, 3 if unlucky.
T5: attack.
T6: ougi with aoidos and whomever else, if possible don't ougi with mc. (hype 4 if unlucky, +2 turns of hype4)
T9: ougi or use his 1st skill.
T12: ougi.
Repeat ad infinitum. Remember to keep an eye out for when his passive procs as it gives you more two turns to gain charge bar for his ougis or use his first.
862dde No.14127427
I've tried this a few times now and its dropped every time. I guess it could work if I triple attacked 100% of the time.
c5ba07 No.14127697
Do you have atma? it became possible to keep his hype at 4 only after having it and his passive emp maxed out.
862dde No.14127778
For my tests I used 2 athena spears an atma sword and agni/agni. I guess if his EMP passive activated it would have allowed him to keep his hype up, but that only has a 5% chance to activate.
c5ba07 No.14127861
Are you testing it at trial battles or normal fights? his aggro also generates plenty charge bar.
862dde No.14128053
I was using the trial fight. I'll go try it on Garuda or something.
cd2a44 No.14128340
Rise of the Beasts starts in under 4 hours. We're getting FLBs for Huanglong and Qilin weapons this RotB right?
2b05e6 No.14128465
Yeah, we are. Also no more non-host gold bars
d2e072 No.14128911
Since there's going to be a Part 2 on What Makes the Sky Blue, is there a chance the game will replay on Part 1 like they did with Platinum Sky? Got in the game last Summer, and missed on what looked like a really exciting event along with getting Lyria as a teammate.
56a97a No.14128944
It's quite likely. Either that, or they'll make part 1 a side story.
Expectations for part 2:
>5* for Lyria
>sand dolphin SSR in gatcha
>Olivia as the big bad
>shitty summon
>more free horns
>5* for lucio and DAO
3dd885 No.14128981
>5* for lucio and dao
that would be the only way to save olivia from being only cute
d2e072 No.14129014
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14128944 (checked)
>5* for Lyria
>sand dolphin SSR in gatcha
Got to hold onto those christmas crystals if that time comes.
d35cf3 No.14129016
I want playable sandalman. Misunderstood gentleman that did nothing wrong.
70bc62 No.14129224
>pushed danchou off a cliff
>nothing wrong
2e48a8 No.14129245
No one's posted it yet. half off campaign starting tonight until the 25th. Daily 1 draw tickets. Bonus exp and rp for people under 101
870302 No.14129253
Are they trying to convince players to commit suicide?
658f83 No.14129294
he literally tried to kill you and the only reason you survived because luria vii kun god powers
14ffce No.14129379
Homoangel is even more irredeemable than Fenrir. He nearly murdered you and didn't a couple islands drop from the sky killing everyone on them during his tantrum?
d2e072 No.14129410
either dolphin guy is going to be a shitty event sr character or a ssr summon for the event. I personally think he's in the same league as fenrir, but way worse seeing that he tried to end the world.
c0293d No.14129414
I'd play this if it's got dating sim elements. Does it have any, or even suggestive messages?
2b05e6 No.14129427
There are some real slutty characters you can get who throw themselves at you in their fate episodes. The story overall and the fleshing out of the characters you get is really good.
be9643 No.14129431
4* Uncap Materials for Qilin Weapons.
0584b5 No.14129432
dating sim elements, it has like, tiny crumbs of those. very tiny crumbs
Suggestive messages, yeah. I'd say there's not a lot, but I can't get the sound zoizoi makes when she's at red HP out of my head.
d2e072 No.14129438
Only few hints here and there. Some characters do have relationships or crushes with other characters though.
02f1d5 No.14129873
Like everything in life, you get very little romance out of this. But theres around 230 playable waifus. Choose one and be happy my dude. This is my wife Cagliostro.
56a97a No.14129893
There was a little dating sim with Carren during that urchin event. That was nice.
d35cf3 No.14129960
I want to give Kou headpats and call him a good kid
02f1d5 No.14129982
Slanderers, Cagliostro is a girl, the cutest girl, and she's my wife.
206cf0 No.14130004
Who /progression/ here?
>first time ever, managed to solo Macho and Agni
>despite dumping most of my efforts into buffing the shit out of fire, I got bullied by Zephryus by knocking his HP down to 25%
e946f6 No.14130006
File: 140ea6583e5644d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 316.47 KB, 756x1035, 84:115, 19116292913c6524d431dcb2ee….jpg)
She's a good girl, don't listen to the faggots.
02f1d5 No.14130694
Do we even have voice lines from the Oracles? Or anything, because Im not gonna be interesred in this Arcancer shite with no info
3dd885 No.14130730
hanged shota , light cow zerk and slut devil erune all had voiced parts
6ec9e7 No.14130732
I'll keep on believin' on Ruria's SSR uncap
6ec9e7 No.14130802
Some events have dating sim elements.
Loads of suggestive messages on events like your birthday, xmas day and saint valentine's, provided you have at least one of the gals that are thirsty for the Danchou (e.g. Magisa and Anthuria).
Daily reminder the Vyrn Fan Club is more than 100 strong and growing.
Anyone has that chart that shows that almost everyone loves either Vyrn, Katalina or Danchou?
6ec9e7 No.14130805
Forgot the image
02f1d5 No.14130867
Isnt there an image where Kat goes asking half dragons about their ascendancy and then keeps looking at Vee?
6ec9e7 No.14130874
I'll check, should be one of the Grand Blues around the time of the Grea event.
df7d07 No.14131189
Even with the memes bogging everything down?
Anyone saved the scared Bea MP3s from the Behind you event?
603234 No.14131253
Yeah. She wants the V.
Shes gonna have to cover herself in applesauce.
70bc62 No.14132366
do I replace my regular twig with the new antique twig or finish one of my other antique twigs
96a169 No.14132373
Delivery Status:
c5ba07 No.14132375
antique twig 0* is better than a colo cane flb man.
2e48a8 No.14132462
this one? Someone needs to update this with all of the relationships
206cf0 No.14132528
Need a crew, faggot? Post ID.
93013a No.14132543
That one, thanks.
d6f812 No.14132544
most of this shit isn't "love"
It'd be more accurate to call it "liking" I suppose
d2e072 No.14133379
Most of this chart is bullshit.
2b05e6 No.14133500
Where the fuck is Yaia and Tyre?
d2e072 No.14133522
>>14133500 (checked)
Tyre is there, but Yaia is nowhere to be seen.
64eb88 No.14133557
oh man that fucking voice, i had sound muted when i received it.
4c2b0e No.14133585
Do a version for the fag santa claus
4c2b0e No.14133598
Playing last night, I got a SSR water dude with blonde hair who's fate episode was complete fujobait. Other than stuff like that, I don't think so.
70bc62 No.14133931
the matchstick stays till I have 4 completed antique twigs
1655c5 No.14134016
Anyone plan on doing Huang and Qilin trains? Because the raids fill up too fast even using the raid finder. And I only need two gold talismans for the ciphers.
df7d07 No.14134313
What, no Claudia?
0584b5 No.14134424
Does anyone have some numbers for how many crystals we get per story event? Say, like the miscolored memories one coming up.
e328c4 No.14134544
I'll join a qilin train if one comes up.
2f4a57 No.14135982
Join the nip trains in the coop raid room, it's much easier.
870302 No.14136051
If it's purely a physical attraction, then not gay, otherwise you're a faggot that's in love with an old geezer.
77cd27 No.14136934
>old geezer
Cagliostro's original body didn't even make it past childhood.
23788b No.14136973
I'm pretty sure he used alchemy to help himself survive to old age, then swapped to a loli body after. That's why Katalina mentions that he was known as a man rather than as a girl in his 2nd fate.
77cd27 No.14137226
No, Cagliostro decided to throw her original body away as soon as possible. As for Kat's comment, there are many possible explanations for that, maybe the first body wasn't female when Cagliostro publicized that she could create and swap into artificial bodies, maybe she and her sister talked about how body swapping came about when they would teach alchemy to other people.
8eee59 No.14137429
Holy shit no wonder nothing works
02f1d5 No.14138859
Alchemist Astray gave shittons of charactet development to Cag, I already liked her for her body and personality, but add the whole overcoming your barriers and put it in a perfect mix of vanity and pride without turning it into an ojousama with dohoho laughs made me like Cagliostro more and more, and watch how she forgave her own family who tried to get her killed again and again, and then graciously tries to bond with her niece, Cag is a better human than she lets on and discovering that below the facade made it better.
Dude's right, Cag didnt made it to late teens, also his first homunculus body was female, alchemist astray points a convo between her in her new body and her sister who asks if she has to call her onee san from that point on.
1655c5 No.14139431
Why doesn't dispel work against the Leopard in Arcarum? Who design this bullshit? Waiting an hour because repel is fucking OP fucking blows.
df7d07 No.14139511
You can't beat that thing quick? Are you running it with a weak Earth grid?
77cd27 No.14140007
Man I went to go take a look at some of the public twitter whales, some of it I look on in jealousy, knowing that i can reasonably achieve doing things like beating agni in 2 minutes, but then there's stuff like pic related
d6f812 No.14140105
just letting you know that being sexually attracted to characters like Cag, Da Vinci, Tanya, etc. makes you straight up
c5ba07 No.14140453
Who's Da Vinci?
d2e072 No.14140465
What's wrong with Tanya?
4e9ab3 No.14140490
>just letting you know that being sexually attracted to characters like Cag, Da Vinci, Tanya, etc. makes you straight
Good to know
2b05e6 No.14140538
Tanya is unironically the best girl in-game in terms of looks and personality, what the fuck are you talking about you actual homosexual.
e328c4 No.14140541
can you only buy one qilin from the shop?
d6f812 No.14140572
In my post I was referring to men whose souls inhabited the bodies of females. Da Vinci is from another gacha shit game.
I'm talking about the evil Tanya
70bc62 No.14140581
he's talking about youjo senki
1279c4 No.14141790
e328c4 No.14141835
well shit. Thanks for confirming.
0ad4c5 No.14142919
There's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to any of those characters, because there's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to cute girls.
It's only gay when you're emotionally attracted.
203a73 No.14142928
02f1d5 No.14144232
>liking pussy makes you gay
Nigga, its all natural pussy via homunculi alchemy, supreme being fuckery or something, you sound like a dickbreathed barafag and a plebeian of the worst caliber. It must be a shame to your waifu that old men in girl bodies are better women than her
bbf089 No.14144242
I don't care if it's a magic tranny or Ranma, that shit is still gay.
70bc62 No.14144259
>being this insecure
d6f812 No.14144265
>being this secure in faggotry
bbf089 No.14144337
Gender blender doujins are gay too
ab720f No.14144408
clitoris is a tiny penis
85f520 No.14144462
So liking naturally born girls is gay too because half their dna came from a man?
Get your act together nigga, as far as shit is, Cagliostro is a girl, has been a girl for almost a thousand years, if not way more and shes cute. Now game related, are ROTB weapons good, I mean the broadsword of earth, anemoi lyre, septian burner and water whatever good?
70bc62 No.14144504
the broadsword is potentially usefull for new players who need extra HP
It and the other weapons aren't good statwise and would only ever be mainhanded in very specific situations
bbf089 No.14144511
He is still a tranny, he just used magic instead of chopping off his dick.
Even if his DNA now is entirely a girl's, the situation is the same as a gender bending doujin.
He still is in essence an old man playing pretend.
7645da No.14144531
It's not pretend if it's a full on 100% female gender swap.
85f520 No.14144557
So, its all fodder if Im somewhat geared, except the sword. Nice to know I get some extra fodder. Because I got a septian burner and it looked like shite.
Listen you 15/89 civnatfag, it didnt even had its balls drop as a man, dude died at 12-14 tops, it never even got to be a late teenager, it was a man for so short of a time that its irrelevant, might as well be a lolibaba.
Related to game, Out of Albert, Amira, Chevira, Ferry, Rosamia, who should be benched the fuck out because my brain says Albert.
58b60f No.14144567
Get back to your containment board, faggot.
bbf089 No.14144570
Biologically speaking you're right, I just don't take the whole "it's magic" thing, I don't care if we even get the technology to give trannies a completely female body and just switch their brain data to that body, I still find it as bullshit out of personal ethics.
>he died young
I'm pretty sure Katalina mentions him being an old man, you can even tell he's just roleplaying because he does drop the act from time to time.
ab720f No.14144582
furfags are here, now the party is complete
85f520 No.14144593
>everything i dont like is cargo cult
I dont take waifuism seriously, Dicky Spencer. Its all tongue in cheek fun but instead of fighting the jews you go and attack one of the very threads that united us in imageboards, 2d tibetan manuscript girls. Not everything is /pol/, and most of you faggots are fat amerimutts fapping to civic nationalism who wont fight when the time for an actual race war comes.
bbf089 No.14144597
fucking a tranny that went through hormone treatment since 7 years old is still gay too
4ef2cd No.14144608
>Lizard is furry
85f520 No.14144616
Its later confirmed in Alchemist Astray that the Helmuth Guild had spread lies to build a fake church around Cag's sister to justify their shitty practices, Cagliostro was a woman by the time he founded the first school of alchemy but grew discontent with how greedy and asinine were her students, so they imprisoned her because they had no idea what killed her and then brainwashed cag's sisters descendants for a thousand years to train their Decay Alchemy to kill Cag, but it all backfired when Clarisse not only didnt but disarmed their Nigredo. Read the fucking game and fuck off back to r/the donald which is more your speed. This is just a mobage not what you should fight, like the jews and the kalergists, motherfucker.
bbf089 No.14144638
How does him starting the school of alchemy when he was already a master of it defies anything I said or back up the idea that he was just a young shota when he made his transition? How does any of that even make it less gay?
Just admit you're a massive faggot like Moot.
70bc62 No.14144655
read the thread >>14138859
> alchemist astray points a convo between her in her new body and her sister who asks if she has to call her onee san from that point on.
85f520 No.14144656
What furry is there, he posted the average answer liking cag has.
It sounds to me like you have Jahans degree autism, its a mobage drawing with a pretty funny backstory, for all you know I could have another waifu and youre just being assblasted about a long running gag.
77c4cf No.14144680
i have no problem being called a gay
i have a problem when saying that it makes me gay, a friend next to me will call me transphobe, so in that situation i ==have== to say that im just attracted to "her"
bbf089 No.14144688
No I actually don't mind at all, I just find it gay even if it's a magical transition that makes him genetically female.
You can be as gay as you want, from a scientific point of view it isn't gay at all, from a ethical one it's pretty dubious since it still is a man transitioning.
You making up excuses like "his balls hadn't dropped", which you could say about pre-teen trannies as well, is absolutely irrelevant just show delusional you are rejecting the faggotry involved.
70bc62 No.14144705
you're the one who brought up age like it mattered chucklefuck
85f520 No.14144718
And you quoted my own post you absolute retard let me make a tiny timeline for you:
Year -1034-1039, Cagliostro Sister is born
-1028 sickly kid Cag is born
-1014-1010 Cagliostro dies, but managed to discard the body and creates a new body that is female, conversation with sister happens
-1000 Cagliostro has greedy students who were amonested about their gold greed, Cagliostro sister had died prior to that point, Cag was hurt but respected her wish to die naturally.
-990 Helmuth council decides Cagliostro is too dangerous to their greed and plans, locks her up, amasses funds to create a church that spread lies about the Cagliostro household and made Cag a deranged psycho and her sister a Saint who died wrongfully at "his hands". Then on he is demonized to the sisters descendants to kill him which none accomplish.
Year 0-Gran starts his trip, meets Cagliostro, Helmuth Guild was part of the Erste inquisitors and had integrated their corrupted lies to the army, which Katalina had barely heard of.
Year 3 - Alchemist Astray happens here
Clarisse not only doesnt kill Cag, but reunites the family after a thousand years of lies, Helmuth Guild is vonsidered defunct, Paracelsus on the loose. Read the game, nigger.
70bc62 No.14144742
take a deep breath, and actually read what I said and see why I quoted you in response to the guy you're arguing with
then stop making yourself look worse than him
bbf089 No.14144752
When did I do that?
Are you calling me an ageist now besides being a transphobe for not accepting his new pronouns now?
His age doesn't really bother me, the point of contention here is the fact he's a man that switching to a little loli girl and he is just playing pretend.
85f520 No.14144804
Stop moving the goalpost. Everything you have called out has been wrong, is part of your delusions or fake. Maybe youre shariablue, Schmuel
>>14144742 at first I thought you were him on a second IP, tbh, all Ive been doing lately is post evidence as to why hes wrong and just being retarded for the sake of it when everyone is by no calling him out.
8eee59 No.14144857
>liking a man who takes over a loli body is not gay
>you must be part of the clinton staff trying to fool me
Whatever m8, you're just delusional
Fucking the major would also be gay.
85f520 No.14144886
As far as your logic works fucking any woman is gay because, they all also had to come from a father, never mind the body is a handcrafted doll, is fucking Orchid gay too? Because if a woman doesnt come exclusively of a woman its now gay if we go by your stance.
8eee59 No.14144905
>come exclusively from a woman
>liking woman is gay because they have a father
Sorry where did I say the issue is that they have a father?
The issue here is that they're clearly a man taking over a female body in both cases, the fact a man manufactured the body is irrelevant, if Cagliostro's body was made by Clarisse as it was last time or his sister, it would still be controlled by and in essence be Cagliostro.
df7d07 No.14144920
Should keep one of each for their special skills for when you're grinding out exp or items.
77c4cf No.14144965
its still a boy hungry for cock
even if he has his boy parts gone, he's still a boy.
a hungry nymphiotic cock boy
85f520 No.14145020
It applies, Cag admits at one stage the body was handmade by him, in that case its just a doll, who he was died in the first body, how hard is that, instead you just want to make it look like its John Flynn all over again, at one stage he admits his consciousness as a man had gone, and all that remained was the alchemical being and even at that its more magic with sone will, than a soul. For all purposes its a female doll with a copy of a memory drive, like that Sixth Day movie.
85f520 No.14145066
Crashing this plane, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
Wish Siegman went full Bane just to hear him baneposting.
d6f812 No.14145093
You're downplaying the fact that the soul and mind is still that of a male's. The body may be feminine, but at the root of all things it's some horny old man. In other words, no different than fucking a MtF transsexual.
2b05e6 No.14145174
Cagliostro is a genius. Being a child at the time, he still probably wanted to have a body similar to that of a childs. Also, being female basically gives you +10 to any charisma checks against males, making iy do he can charm and possibly maneuver his way out of situations if it calls for it, which a male countenance couldn't do.
403906 No.14145200
The problem with trannys is they aren't magically turning into complete females; if they were, there'd be less general disgust over these surgery abominations. A cute girl with a man's mind is, at worst, a tomboy, and if you're shitting on tomboys you'll have a whole army after you.
d6f812 No.14145219
I'm not bashing tomgirls - that's my fetish. No, I'm just saying that Cagliostro inhabiting a female body is still gay, just as if gender reassignment surgery were to advance such that you couldn't tell a woman from a man, even biologically.
77cd27 No.14145278
The soul does not have a sex
The mind is the result of chemicals in the body, and therefore does not have a sex either.
2d4760 No.14145299
>you'll have a whole army after you
How scared would anyone be facing an army of men who lust after girls that are stronger than them?
8eee59 No.14145321
The fact it's a man inhabiting a girl's body is still undeniable.
As is the fact that biologically speaking it is a female body.
Whether liking Cagliostro is gay or no is truly a battleground for philosophy and science.
70bc62 No.14145322
get the fuck out
77c4cf No.14145331
>at one stage he admits his consciousness as a man had gone
its still a boy
8eee59 No.14145347
Fair point trannies always say their mind is not that of a man, yet they are still majorly 'lesbians'.
575d6d No.14145359
>tomboy = girl stronger than you
Nigger, if a moderately athletic female is stronger than you, you should really consider getting a gym membership.
d6f812 No.14145378
whoops, I meant to say tomboys. Everyone talking about tomgirls in the AGDQ thread got me mixed up.
77c4cf No.14145438
he's still a boy
a cock hungry boy
70bc62 No.14145561
you're on thin ice
77c4cf No.14145886
stop posting encrypted CP or i'll tell mark
2e48a8 No.14145966
It's a 'is cag gay' episode
929fec No.14146097
I think the question we all need to be asking is 'Is Noa gay' the answer is no
3dd885 No.14146113
noa is gay and rackam property
8eee59 No.14146125
Get in the airship rackam
929fec No.14146147
File: a905eebefa14021⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 692.96 KB, 1000x954, 500:477, __noah_and_rackam_granblue….jpg)
cd2a44 No.14146906
>all this gay shit
Over a year of granblue threads and this is the gayest thread ever. Where the fuck did you guys come from? Only cuckchan and leddit does this gayposting, why here now? Fuck off and never come back.
14ffce No.14147163
Gonna take a lot of fire to cleanse this one.
2b05e6 No.14147219
Is christmas account-roller anon still on? I have a friend who wants to get into granblue, and I'd like to get him a decent account.
96a169 No.14147341
I'm here, help me ungay the thread and pick one, it's like the second post in the thread.
2b05e6 No.14147437
Got you covered on the un-gaying. Account 2 looks pretty great, I'll nab that for him.
929fec No.14147501
File: 17aa258291cfd3e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 978.27 KB, 1500x1555, 300:311, lucy eating spaghetti (why….png)
d35cf3 No.14148922
Thread explodes into debate about what character is considered gay or not.
I don't care if you fags like traps or black nigger dick, just fuck off already.
c5ba07 No.14149261
Are there white niggers?
e328c4 No.14149340
Russians, Australians. Take your pick.
883731 No.14149432
They may be a constant reminder to the rest of the planet about the inherent dangers of consuming too much alcohol but they're still white.
0584b5 No.14149936
I remember thinking cygames set a pretty tall order for themselves during Christmas. I wonder what kind of announcements they'll make on top of that for the next anniversary. What's this one, the fourth?
Maybe they'll mostly be followups on things said on Christmas like EX arcarum.
c005d8 No.14149968
Anniversary livestream will be
>KMR bending over to apologize for Vajra and Olivia being weak, promises rebalance and announces other character for rebalance
>announce some upcoming collab
>ReLink news
>4th row of zeniths reveal
>Magna2 info including the light/dark ones
4ae2bf No.14150079
I'm not sure if they announced a time period for arcarum EX but i'll assume it's going to be featured in the livestream.
By that time, all the xeno raids will have come out so i expect they'll announce the plans for them as well. The current format of "replace an actual event with a xeno" is not very fun and i hope they add them to a rotation like their normal counterparts. Normal Ifrit, Cocy, etc. Also started as events so i'm holding out hope.
a3b5da No.14150084
I expect no suptix, no relink info, shitty 8.5 free ssr and 200 crystals each login day during anniv magnafest with no half coop.
0584b5 No.14150133
I expect them to cluster them together at first like what they did with their predecessors.
0584b5 No.14150188
I'm not sure if such clarification is necessary, but I mean as an event.
Additionally I remember hearing something about a Grande HL? Not looking forward to that for multiple reasons. Bet my cosmo sword will go out of style and I'll have to spam the life out of that raid for something neater. I really don't like playing dark for some reason too.
3dd885 No.14150201
to my knowledge no , grande HL is not programmed dark is literally the all attackers elements where the mc is the only real support role go deep or die
0584b5 No.14150459
My problem is a little more autistic in that it's actually more or less the element I'm third most capable within, and that's no small thing. I just haven't found a way I can play it for extended periods of time and like it. Think it's because there's not too many team buffers there.
96a169 No.14151044
Same drill as the Account 1 guy, e-mail me at
I'll link the account to this g-mail, then give you access to both so you can reset everything to your liking on your own.
2b05e6 No.14152154
Email sent, I mentioned the account I supported in the christmas draws so youll know its me.
be9643 No.14152812
How many of you still have this under your recommended quests?
c005d8 No.14154442
Damn it Gran stop being so best!
90aef0 No.14154488
Did Vira's VA actually sing that song?
cd2a44 No.14154646
Can anyone translate this?
23788b No.14155524
Also, Sarasa is the same height as the other girls, this artist can never get proportions for draphs correct ever
2b05e6 No.14155889
I thought I heard about Vira and Farrah's voice actors actually singing it together, but I never found it or any proof of it being real.
P-pls respond on email, cutie
d7edd9 No.14156132
2e48a8 No.14156138
the 31st with legfest. They announced it in the latest granblue channel
de335f No.14156221
The fuck is this gay shit?
2e48a8 No.14156410
Here's a translation
Jin: It seems like we'll have a juutenshu joining our crew.
Eugen: Woah! I don't know who it is, but any of them will be dependable! Right, Soriz?
Soriz: If it were up to me, It'd be the sico three! If it's any of those three, I'd be satisfied.
Jin: No, hold on Soriz. Nio's adult charm is also the real deal! It's the sico four!
Eugen: Hey you Jin, Harvin's are no good…
Gran: No… You're all fools… It's the sico five!
Eugen: Captain?!
Soriz: Y-You serious?!
df7d07 No.14156479
How'd Sarunan Light shoot up to tier 9, was the buff that good? He's one of the few male characters that isn't fujo bait.
2e48a8 No.14156498
what? Did you intend to reply to me?
2b05e6 No.14156513
His dark damage cut is now 70% and it lasts for two turns, meaning you can full damage cut a skyfall or any dark attack if you use an athena or a light carbuncle. His attacks also got buffed a bit, and one of his buffs are now team-wide.
d2e072 No.14156592
Done Waldur's fate episode when I first started playing the game, and I kinda hope for a SSR version of him someday or a replay of Ranger Sigh Bravo for his SR character. Have these two stuck on my list along with those extra crystals.
>He's one of the few male characters that isn't fujo bait.
His dark version is cool too along with his second fate episode which was spooky.
df7d07 No.14156607
No, sorry, forgot to take that off.
Do you think Io getting a little debuff was because they plan on giving her the final star soon?
862dde No.14156950
That would be because Gamewith's tier list is complete shit.
08f17c No.14157108
Why again do they hate Vajra so much? It's not like she's weak.
862dde No.14157222
She seems pretty weak to me.
6bb98a No.14157327
First Skill could have used a WATER DEF DOWN or Bonus Water Damage, instead of being a 10% Debuff Resistance Down, it doesn't meshes well around, unless you really don't land debuffs
Petrify on 6 turns for 60 seconds as second slot
Third Skill has a extremely long CD
her passive skill requires Garjana to be out to be used, which is not a character trait you want if youre aiming to unga bunga shit.
All she's got is being nopan pantyhose. Poor Vajra. Let's hope Kubira gets a better treatment.
08f17c No.14157384
What exactly is lackluster about her petrify? People cream themselves over Perci's and it's exactly the same.
Her buff is on par with the other zodiacs and arguably more reliable.
Just because Mahira exists doesn't mean she's bad.
e328c4 No.14157388
that's true, but became a moot point as soon as the weapon she's included with filled the petrify niche.
08f17c No.14157396
>Never looked at her weapons
Why not both?
Throw in Sakura for shits and giggles. Nips think she's bad too.
2b05e6 No.14157461
The primary debuffers water will pack is Altair, Drang and Lilele, whom already have great/exceptional debuff landing rates, making her first skill moot in the element. Perceival's first skill is also an attacking skill, but it has a much higher cap and heals Perci, and upon ougi, can be used twice in a row.
Their two's are the exact same thing, but water is naturally a more defensive element than fire is having more core characters who can cut damage, making it less effective compared to the DPS style fire tends to go with, which requires a means to avoid enemy ougis to keep supplying damage in an attempt to beat the enemy before it beats you.
Vajra's three is neat in that its essentially Dancer's primary skill plus a strange "echo" which can be decent with Luchador's Tag Team, but the 2/12 uptime makes it a little difficult to rely on at all, as it will be down most of the time. Percival gains a very powerful selfish buff in his 3 which gives him Strength (20-60% damage increase that synergizes with his first skill), fire attack up, and 20% echoes on a much better 3/8 uptime, and an ADDITIONAL 30% fire attack increase due to his passive. Speaking of passives, Vajra's passive gives buffs depending on chain bursts, which is counter intuitive due to her lofty 200% charge bar total. Percival himself gains further buffs with the passive that boost attack and DATA due to having 3 other units out next to him, and lastly his EMP enables the Xeno Ifrit Axe mainhand to activate it's effect easier due to giving him the ability to burn on autoattack. Perci is a superior unit in every way and is very strong for the DPS-oriented element fire finds itself as, while Vajra is redundant and either does nothing other characters can't do better, or has gimmicks that don't mesh with the meta those better characters create within the element.
d2e072 No.14157516
>nips think sakura is awful too
Minus the fact that she doesn't attack, her others skills are nice along with her charge attack. Then again, I barely have an SSR light characters aside from Rosamia and that dude from the touken ranbu collab.
d6a0da No.14157779
Not attacking in an element that already has low damage is a pretty big issue.
d2e072 No.14157930
2b05e6 No.14159810
He got the account, thanks babe
df7d07 No.14160109
Kinda wanna make an E-Team now full of what should've been great characters.
ef83e7 No.14160331
Not to mention one of her skills being useless(dodge, in the element with so much life it can tank the world) and the 2 that deal damage having terrible cooldowns(7 turns). Her buffs aren't even that great, she is a terrible character through and through such that you are better off using most SRs over her.
3dd885 No.14160380
she gives atk (stamina ) the higher her hp is (in percentage)
d6a0da No.14160820
File: 499e57f43a99292⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 440.25 KB, 480x400, 6:5, 643988cccc10f07144c9c8e976….gif)
Her buffs are not actually that bad. If she could attack she would be top tier in light. Not many light characters can provide DA/TA and according to the wiki its a special type buff, meaning it should stack with other similar buffs. Echos are always nice and light is becoming more and more ougi-centric so uplift is solid too, there are no real losing results off that skill. She can hypothetically cap defense and attack down with mist or Jeanne in longer fights although that is in practice hampered by her long cooldown on her s2. Finally her stamina passive is a perfect fit for light's high hp.
Unfortunately light can't have nice things so they gimped her instead.
862dde No.14161613
Someone got to the final step for making The Sun.
df7d07 No.14161655
That gif makes me wonder why there's no metal music
>All those Seraph anima
>Rainbow crystals
Nothing is worth that much.
929fec No.14161664
>a fucking sunlight stone
2e48a8 No.14161668
why did you think they were selling them in the arcarum store? They wouldn't make it easier, anon
0584b5 No.14161684
Eugh. Guess I'll have to be a good little danchou for GW.
Damn I hate Guild Wars.
e328c4 No.14161700
on the plus side, I'll never complain about 5*ing an eternal again.
df7d07 No.14161701
File: 14fb65bb33e878d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 517.06 KB, 800x1130, 80:113, 3b864a1faedb52398573dec295….jpg)
Meant Sunlight and pick related was supposed to Sakura but couldn't find any.
1655c5 No.14161870
You know what the real tragedy is, even with Ex it'll still take fucking forever to get everything since Arcarum is time gated.
0584b5 No.14162038
For me it's thinking about this and GW 5*s and imagining having to make and break two of those summons.
0584b5 No.14162045
Ah, I mean for the arcarum characters.
I'd do anything for Fraux though.
d6f812 No.14162067
your fetishes are bad and you should feel bad
d6a0da No.14162087
>pregnant lolis
d6f812 No.14162093
Lolis don't have the hips to give birth. It's an objectively shit fetish on top of a subjectively shit fetish.
575d6d No.14162118
>risking the health of both the mother and the child
Yeah, it's pretty shit. Pretty much guro-, vore- and scat-tier among psychoses that should have been weeded out by a biological drive to survive.
df7d07 No.14162250
>My fetish
Far worse
You become pregnant and your body will do the rest.
575d6d No.14162347
>You put a the barrel of a gun in your mouth, squeeze the trigger, and your body will do the rest
Human cranial capacity is already pushing the limit of safe births and the hip width of females have struggled to keep up with this, evolutionary speaking. To compound this issue, since we are predispositioned to learn a large portion of survival behaviors rather than have them hard-wired like other mammals, humans are born "premature", relatively speaking, further complicating the birthing process. There's a reason c-sections are as common as they are. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done. *Loli pregnancy is shit. Thanks for the shortstacks, though.*
575d6d No.14162355
On second though, I should reconsider drunkposting in general.
d6a0da No.14162513
In 2d it works fine, don't bring reality into it.
>landwhale fetish
Fellate a gun.
ad3667 No.14162528
>toddlercon telling others to commit suicide
88c663 No.14162564
Do you find this attractive? I will never believe someone finds this attractive.
d6a0da No.14162587
File: 4c7c845575d9472⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 309.15 KB, 860x546, 430:273, 91169af283bcad935158ee334c….jpg)
I just like cute things for hug and fug.
df7d07 No.14162750
File: 944b6bea597081c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 157.17 KB, 867x959, 867:959, 67f481f8278cd8d5d477be1b09….jpg)
Not before at least BBW-Chan dies.
No I do not find being squashed attractive.
If it's about the art itself; you should see the Western art; that'd make that picture as attractive to you as you're waifu by comparison.
I just want cute things to cuddle and bully; the Tumbler infestation and brainwashing of the fetish kinda killed the sexual appeal.
cd2a44 No.14162816
The fuck happen to the granblue thread? Can you guys post that shit somewhere else?
df7d07 No.14162878
Wasn't gonna post anything else.
df7d07 No.14162943
File: 05d3785fc139c9e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 965.17 KB, 990x1357, 990:1357, 80551_20161007005852_0.jpg)
cd2a44 No.14162958
Yeah you are. Dump your shit at >>>/vp/ or something.
df7d07 No.14162992
What's wrong, can't handle a little tit focus of Granblue characters? I can bow out of the other two but Tits and not exaggerated ones (except Zeta)? >>>Tumbler
cd2a44 No.14163018
Are you fucking new or something? Do you not know about the rules of dumping porn? You can't format for shit either, fuck off and never come back.
df7d07 No.14163097
Rules against dumping porn are that they need to be spoilered; 3+ rule is new though. The fuck's wrong with a lewd dump every now and then?
ad3667 No.14163107
>asks if someone is new
>in a mobile gachashit thread
You should know the answer.
08f17c No.14163111
The fact that you have shit taste is what's wrong with a lewd dump.
cd2a44 No.14163153
>3+ rule is new though
Are you joking? It has been there for more than a year, probably more.
I do, thank you for the reminder anon.
Trips confirmed, porn dumper needs to be gassed
d7edd9 No.14163298
Is there any guide on using mastery on certain characters and shit?
df7d07 No.14163304
>It has been there for more than a year, probably more
Then it never gets enforced since I always get an eyeful of legit porn in Digimon threads and the most ever said back after I started coming here was to spoiler your stuff; I always thought the addition of the advertising porn boards later was just a joint effort to get people moving to other boards.
>porn dumper needs to be gassed
Dunno, you being bothered enough to speak out against spoiled porn in a thread about a game with a large chunk of the draw being from porn of the characters makes me think you'll be joining me in the chamber.
636fc5 No.14163330
>I always get an eyeful of legit porn in Digimon threads
The digimon threads invite furries and /monster/fags. They generally devolve into shitposting and
>everybody but me is responsible for this filth even though I'm one of the people posting it
Using the digimon thread as a standard is a terrible idea. although looking right now most of the actual porn is spoilered
The posts of people just discussing taste in and posting porn are the exact thing that isn't supposed to happen.
The rule has been that generally lewds and porn are allowed but porn must be spoilered and the thread in general must be discussing the actual game and not just be thinly veiled porn dumps.
The digimon threads tend to fail this frequently in addition to just general autism and gets culled every once in a while.
cd2a44 No.14163349
>it never gets enforced since I always get an eyeful of legit porn in Digimon threads
Are you reporting them?
>you being bothered enough to speak out against spoiled porn in a thread
I don't mind porn, limit that shit here like 2 posts with a batch of 5 pictures that's granblue related or do it on /vp/
Another problem is that your other posts that are porn that have nothing to do with the thread. Just you justifying your shitty fetish while dumping your shitty lewds. Hell, even the >mobileshit shitposters are more on topic than you. Fucking hell just kill this thread already and kill ourselves in this guild war.
cd2a44 No.14163367
Down we go. See you in the fire advantaged guild war.
2341e0 No.14163802
We just hit 300, we won't go down for a while still.
Speaking of GW, is there a spot in the first or second crew for a rank 140 magnafag?
2aa9e0 No.14163823
Crew 2 is full as of this moment.
bbcf9a No.14163888
Crew 1 here, post your grids, party, husbando, waifu, and bank statement proving that you spend at least 50% of your monthly income on this game.
2341e0 No.14163960
Checking dem trips first. My charas and grids are at the beginning of the thread (only change is a SL 15 on the nova dagger).
I need a shitload of sunlight stones for the 3 primals I pulled.
Gays should be gassed and my waifu's name will remain hidden to preserve her purity.
I am a lawyer with a 6 digits annual income. I singlehandedly keep cygames afloat.
be9643 No.14164183
Post your ID, we are magically at 29/30 for crew slots.
2341e0 No.14164241
0584b5 No.14165012
They haven't mentioned anything about this but I hope Kaguya and Grande get 4* upgrades. I don't got Grande but I'd love to see if they can do something with her to get multi-element teams more relevant.
I really expect Grande 4* because she's been pretty thoroughly obsoleted between Lucifer healing as much as her, doing it instantly and providing a decent jump to attack. Kaguya's top placebo if nothing else, but her active is not on par with a lot of the non-primal limiteds. I've had to upgrade so many guy summons, just please cygames let me get a bit of bunny girl in my summon slots.
A good character enables one team, but a good summon gives all your teams a fat chunk of HP and a useful active.
66a786 No.14165600
Siegfried is Batman though, not Bane
2f4a57 No.14165633
Yngwie has the VA from Bane
66a786 No.14165680
Didn't know that. I guess the reason he had retired was because he didn't fly so good
e4db44 No.14165682
I got the scouting, but I gotta wait a few more hours to accept it.
Please understand.
2e48a8 No.14166730
Going to host a Huanglong in 23 minutes
2e48a8 No.14166829
2e48a8 No.14167600
Suprise ticket and Grandefest with SSR Therese and SR Ippatsu
38a580 No.14167654
Looks like you won't be able to ticket anything released this year.
66a786 No.14167660
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14167600
>More Norio
206cf0 No.14168358
>tfw actually somewhat ready for a GW for a change
d35cf3 No.14168632
Thank you cygames, I was in need of new dark characters.
3563f8 No.14168674
206cf0 No.14168865
HL Tia Up faggot nips won't show up
206cf0 No.14168908
2e48a8 No.14168921
There are some changes announced during the christmas livestream that will be live this GW. More tokens and vice mvp tokens.
More autosell options and mass draw
Notification of enemy team strike time
Daily valor badge quest for people who don't qualify
More exp and rp.
14ffce No.14169274
>sick for two days
>miss 800 crystals and two tickets
66a786 No.14169434
40 Draws but I've done it, I've gotten SR Ippatsu.
458b96 No.14169707
>Notification of enemy strike time
That make things easier, I'm a bit sad about it though.
I usually poll points, and would roughly guess when the strike time is occurring.
d7edd9 No.14169785
Anyone have the pokerbot link anywhere? my version keeps telling me to update and it just shuts down.
b9d5e9 No.14169849
So Eden FLB is out and adds medium stamina as a modifier, this is useful for any light grid as it's a unique modifier and if you have the damascus bars it's recommended that you use them
plus it's a great mainhand that adds atk up + 1500 damage shield on ougi
66a786 No.14169880
This is it guys.
Light can finally hit cap.
It just needs a bunch of FLB, Flashfest limited, SSR character weapons.
206cf0 No.14169902
>mfw I got Lucio during Christmas
b9d5e9 No.14169922
I have two Edens and six damascus bars, I'm seriously thinking about uncapping them because I have every core light character and 5* Song.
I even pulled Zeus about an hour ago, just waiting for theorycrafters to see if it's worth uncapping him.
b9d5e9 No.14169928
also apologies for plebbit spacing, I promise I'm not from there
206cf0 No.14169935
I've got MLB Zeus, I'm several steps ahead of you.
2e48a8 No.14171146
Huanglong. Coop raid room 08e368
2c2aac No.14171427
Why did you bother FLBing a Benedia?
206cf0 No.14171500
>why did you bother FLBing one of the few weapons that gives you Inferno III
>and it also gives a multi-attack boost and critical hit chance boost on top of the whole mess
2c2aac No.14171538
Unfortunately, it also sucks ass. It's about 5% crit chance and 5% double attack rate.
cd2a44 No.14171553