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File: 74f0376d2c4cffb⋯.jpg (108.95 KB, 800x453, 800:453, grid-girl.jpg)

9a479f No.14256293

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


d9eba7 No.14256297

I just pirated amiibos, come at me gamergate.

127bdc No.14256301


Please share your secrets.

ef7778 No.14256306

3 bakers died in the making of this bread

cf9d91 No.14256308

I still got those keys if anybody wants em.

d026c5 No.14256312

File: 1790a4f24dd1eba⋯.gif (503.68 KB, 255x144, 85:48, b6bf412c4b84c75cda7861524a….gif)


1d1148 No.14256314


Sure, I'll come and play with your amiibos.

127bdc No.14256316

File: 1c0a2c21b4b8779⋯.png (82.83 KB, 626x602, 313:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 483f1269bc82769⋯.png (92.82 KB, 620x636, 155:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbfaba7f52c0fee⋯.png (63.57 KB, 604x402, 302:201, ClipboardImage.png)

8838f8 No.14256317

File: 1df31e33d2d7259⋯.png (647.25 KB, 782x786, 391:393, 63978336769734879346876349….png)


>Having nintendo products

127bdc No.14256322


Will you play with my amiibo? By amiibo, I mean my dick.

9ad09f No.14256323



You will need an Android with NFC capabilities.

3160ae No.14256324

File: 53db4583853e751⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, love me pop team epic.mp4)



d9eba7 No.14256325

File: 4fc436e9513cb69⋯.jpg (440.45 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 635504820248610283-King-Ju….jpg)

b27ef7 No.14256326

File: 882b9325337348c⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ridge Racer 3D - 3DS trail….mp4)

Archive of before bread:


d9eba7 No.14256331


Ketosis. Now.

52c50c No.14256333

File: c5f87bca63f4068⋯.png (2.02 MB, 3203x2766, 3203:2766, c5f87bca63f40686ea3368c1fa….png)

File: a51ea2bf2ecfab4⋯.png (200.72 KB, 437x468, 437:468, Cuckchanistan.png)

File: ab5713058a0d26b⋯.png (79.83 KB, 257x518, 257:518, Autistic cuckhan retard.png)

File: e571aa46d1dba01⋯.png (167.27 KB, 439x630, 439:630, Autism.png)

Just a reminder that some cuckchanners are trying to set shop here.

Try not to let them get their way





1d1148 No.14256336


Sorry but I don't do reach arounds.

9a479f No.14256338

File: 595c602e02fa0e6⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB, 480x360, 4:3, you.mp4)

d9eba7 No.14256340

b2dc74 No.14256341

So a shootout happened in Los angeles, the shooter was female, do you know something else?

d9eba7 No.14256343


Damn. That sucks, their memes are actually funny due to the butthurt they are causing

d9eba7 No.14256346


Female as in "The bitch had a dick" or "mentally unstable fujoshi"

415627 No.14256351

File: d6999fb147a84e8⋯.png (64.9 KB, 609x349, 609:349, 2018-02-01_18-56-33.png)

d9eba7 No.14256355

811ee6 No.14256359



A female school shooter apparently.

So probably more leaning towards "mentally unstable fujoshi"

9a479f No.14256366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




d83438 No.14256368

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

7fc65f No.14256369

File: 9c19e45bf49e96c⋯.jpg (2.81 MB, 3500x2695, 100:77, hatena.jpg)

b2dc74 No.14256370

File: d0c36f20750b342⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Yuka 02.png)

File: 084961d13ffab88⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x1442, 500:721, Yuka 03.png)

File: 76c5e1150bdbbce⋯.png (1.04 MB, 900x1178, 450:589, Yuka 04.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

9a479f No.14256372


Sorry, didn't see that.

b2dc74 No.14256378

File: 7165a4ed87da0b3⋯.png (457.45 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Aiko 07.png)


Well, I wonder what will Leftist use to excuse this one

1f5932 No.14256380


Why do they hate kink shaming? Not doing it is the reason furries are acceptable in public in some areas.

d83438 No.14256385


The media won't report on it?

f1088b No.14256386


<Victim of the patriarchy

4478c9 No.14256387


So is this why /v/ has been getting hit lately.

4d6922 No.14256394


according to fox she only hit 2 people and they are not dead yet AND she did not even kill herself afterwords. Pretty low on the "a hero" scale.


did something happen on cuckchan recently to have them fly here?

396ee7 No.14256399


>Well, I wonder what will Leftist use to excuse this one

A result of toxic masculinity.

52c50c No.14256405


Not just /v/

Check the /tv/ catalog


f4bfe1 No.14256412

File: f82d06468c5922e⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 966x800, 483:400, 1517323575825.jpg)


Now we know you shitpost in these threads.

cf9d91 No.14256413


I need to catch up on pop team epic,it's some good shit.

4478c9 No.14256415

File: cb6b1b81d9ade30⋯.jpg (97.29 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Syrian Santa and Billy May….jpg)


Isn't /tv/ always shit?

52c50c No.14256416

File: 34b39cc33047ef3⋯.png (291.53 KB, 530x976, 265:488, 34b39cc33047ef3547bf9ff109….png)


Hiroshima got rid of Legacy capatcha and added a Google botnet.

The Labo announcement a mere month later saw waves of shitposting on cuckchan including spam which got deleted by the mods with tons of users cuckholds shitposters getting ban for a long period of time.

9a479f No.14256419

http://www.thisisvideogames.net/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP isn't working for some reason

And also with the state of "Current Happenings" in gitgud which was left for almost a year now. Could someone update it again or will it remain that way?

a72b8b No.14256420


Fuck you GamerGays, see?

Girls can do everything boys can

fucking mysoginistic sexist patriarchal shitlords


288af9 No.14256423


I think this one's a joke

52c50c No.14256427

File: 7908c5cf735a9bb⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 7908c5cf735a9bb6449b177448….jpg)


Yes, but it usually isn't spammed by brainlet Wojak posting.

1f5932 No.14256430

File: 3d59280e92802ba⋯.png (76.35 KB, 1790x281, 1790:281, tv.PNG)



Apparently /tv/ has no board owner and the mods just do as they please. Someone on /cow/ claimed this.

9a479f No.14256431

File: 8f768c704e4b59d⋯.png (2.93 KB, 603x59, 603:59, Untitled.png)


Well, it's shit with one or some specific autists shitposting there due to a reason.

1ec074 No.14256432

File: 11b1f7638524273⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 500x727, 500:727, IMG_20180121_105524.jpg)


Damn. That dead guy has a nice tummy, deffo /cuteboys/ material.

415627 No.14256441


you happen to have a archive of those tweets in the first pic?


>Why do they hate kink shaming?

lel, as if this place isn't full of bully worthy kinks

cf9d91 No.14256442


Do not bully my kinks

95a0fb No.14256448


Please note: this is joke.

4478c9 No.14256449

File: 2e010193830bc25⋯.png (83.6 KB, 215x395, 43:79, heavy bird.png)


What the living fuck?

415627 No.14256454

File: afbc1041f56e8c1⋯.png (672.76 KB, 1041x1135, 1041:1135, 2018-02-01_19-33-30.png)


>Well, I wonder what will Leftist use to excuse this one

it's okay when a women does the killing, because that's progressive.

52c50c No.14256458

File: 6965da50276576c⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 273x252, 13:12, 1453610019968.jpg)


>Nightmare mode blowjob

Wait, are you telling me the /tv/ BO is the guy that got blown by the /leftypol/ piglet BO?

722482 No.14256459


Wait that sounds like the episode is spot on? So why are people sperging out?

396ee7 No.14256460


>according to fox she only hit 2 people and they are not dead yet AND she did not even kill herself afterwords. Pretty low on the "a hero" scale.

Women tend not to shoot themselves when they anhero. They don't want to die leaving an ugly face, I guess. Most women tend to OD on drugs rather than die a violent death.

cf9d91 No.14256462


Any confirmation of what gun she used?

1f5932 No.14256463




I forgot to mention the blowjob video in question is in fact the leftypol board owner one. Yes he claims to the dude receiving in the video.

9a9611 No.14256466

File: 5d592f6a015e925⋯.png (51.27 KB, 316x209, 316:209, i don't have time for your….png)


That's… coincidental.

127bdc No.14256467


These remind me of the "daily reminder from /v/" threads /mlp/ use to get back on cuckchan, and it was always with the same image saying "ur gay." Turned out they were all being posted by a horsefucker.

415627 No.14256468


>Women tend not to shoot themselves when they anhero.

>They don't want to die leaving an ugly face, I guess.

>Most women tend to OD on drugs rather than die a violent death.

I wouldn't shot myself either, or die a violent death. Shit sounds painful.

4478c9 No.14256472

File: 0e7cda130f9e1c4⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 680x580, 34:29, pathetic says pyra.jpg)

File: d28f454067055d1⋯.png (629.08 KB, 1207x801, 1207:801, how pathetic...png)

File: 5ca87a5ceb747da⋯.jpg (260.22 KB, 570x558, 95:93, but I'll believe it.jpg)



I can't fucking believe it.

62a835 No.14256489



oh shit mark, what is your problem?

52c50c No.14256492

File: 43b5bd27de6cac8⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 650x412, 325:206, img_650x412$2011_04_17_18_….jpg)


Nah, no fucking way, this is just too good to be true.

d83438 No.14256498





Nah, calling bullshit.

0fcddd No.14256501

File: 4aa2f356bcf1ed4⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 420x315, 4:3, tewi.jpg)


9a479f No.14256502

File: 3732bd6857651c1⋯.webm (456.18 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1234.webm)

>People still don't know of the 2 months old /leftypol/ BO porked.com event

494bdc No.14256505


>implying Mark is completely at fault here

>implying mark didn't say that the cardboard was irredeemable garbage

It wasn't even Mark that originally deleted the forced memes, if I remember right. Aditionally, shit nigger, I don't even care if it was shitty hotpocketing, it's generating immense butthurt from the cuckchanner, to the point where he comes back once a day and keeps making threads or making soy related posts in every single thread on the front page.

bd86c9 No.14256509


OD'ing is not necessarily painless or without fright, depending on how the drug works. Women tend to do stuff that is more dramatic but less likely to work than a gunshot wound to the head, and there are drugs that WILL kill you guaranteed with very little and have no cure once they get going.

52c50c No.14256512


You're replying to one of the shitposters.

Do not

8a3b96 No.14256513


>oh shit mark, what is your problem?

He left one thread up for people to shitpost about labo in and deleted all the duplicates or people spamming posts regarding it in non-labo related threads. Then you got chuckle fucks who pretend he was actively deleting anything critical of nintendo when he was just doing what he does for other duplicate threads. Mark legitimately did nothing wrong.

cf9d91 No.14256518


She's cute

baa614 No.14256520


Careful Tewifag, your mortal enemy the cakeboy was spotted shitposting in this thread.

d83438 No.14256521


I didn't sleep last night.

f4bfe1 No.14256526

File: e0605f474f5088b⋯.jpg (87.02 KB, 736x435, 736:435, ohio.jpg)



8ac0c1 No.14256531


Whoever writes L&O now is an SJW. Most episodes now are lefty propaganda. One episode had a rapper fuck a tranny and the whole episode was about trannies being abused in society, had IceT go on about how Gender is a spectrum.

396ee7 No.14256533


>The BO of TV was sucked off by the pig.

That's bullshit but I believe it.

0bdd99 No.14256536

File: 20220b7897fa027⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 400x300, 4:3, winksinblyat.jpg)



They're called terrorists Recep



Calling BS, this timeline can't be that hilarious.

52c50c No.14256540

File: cce6dcb952332c5⋯.png (23.56 KB, 725x500, 29:20, cce6dcb952332c555e444c7012….png)


>had IceT go on about how Gender is a spectrum

What the fuck is wrong with the world?

I feel like a 70 year old looking at shit like this when in my mid 20s.

1931a4 No.14256547

File: b0fb7176aedba4b⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, jews done quick.png)

0bdd99 No.14256548


We live in decadent and deviant times my friend. Pray for a cleansing fire, so the forest may grow anew.

bf1a06 No.14256550


>I feel like a 70 year old looking at shit like this when in my mid 20s.

That's how you know this shit's getting forced.

8ac0c1 No.14256555

File: 09e4125163ca041⋯.jpg (96.99 KB, 500x800, 5:8, gb eva.jpg)


>What the fuck is wrong with the world?

Bill Nye said it was, and he's absolutely a qualified expert on this subject, as are the comedians he used as his source for his theory.

1d1148 No.14256556


Age is just a spectrum

95a0fb No.14256559


Im only 19 and i feel the same way.

811ee6 No.14256561

File: a036188816424b6⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 708x708, 1:1, 5f021d45532c284f32dc26e145….jpg)



Its bullshit how the cross-site shitposter is trying to rewrite history.

The spergout from the cardboard announcement was actually one of the better times Mark handled a situation.

0bdd99 No.14256562


Most pedophiles are better adjusted and healthier, relationship wise, than the current left. Banging 12 year olds is way more normal than cutting off body parts and committing wanton self destruction.

26af5f No.14256563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca8ea5 No.14256564


I'm trans WWII-vet. I didn't fight for this.

f1088b No.14256568


This is a really common tactic against moderation and site owners. They break the rules, and then claim that when the mods/admins clean up what broke the rules, they're being censored. When they could have just followed the rules and posted the same stuff in the right place. Then they spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the mods/admins and try and get people to revolt.

f65aa1 No.14256578


I'm honestly baffled at the number of people I've seen defending cuckchan reposts. We need another Josh tier disaster to cull the crossboard cunts out.

415627 No.14256579

File: 0a8921903927667⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, r0n9wppuqh801.jpg)


>Women tend to do stuff that is more dramatic but less likely to work than a gunshot wound to the head

yeah, but as a good looking guy I can totally understand that. I would also not want to ruin my beautiful face. I would much rather shot myself in the chest, but who knows how painful that shit is.


>Banging 12 year olds is way more normal

I wouldn't say that, but then again you are comparing two very weird things to each other.

8ac0c1 No.14256580

File: 76edd66ada223c2⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, steve bonnell gun.jpg)


They make themselves obvious.

5bc525 No.14256582

File: 846b9d1538bf6fa⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 1250x1250, 1:1, RI9225_51-U3P-global-001.jpg)


This reminds me, glorified booth babes demanding recognition are the videogame equivalent of one of those prostitutes who pose in front of cars saying "See? I'm a real racecar driver too!".

415627 No.14256583


>Then they spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the mods/admins and try and get people to revolt.

Does that ever work? I guess it worked on /b/, but that place was shit years ago too.

a9676f No.14256585

File: 1b4584c8d426122⋯.jpg (92.46 KB, 900x707, 900:707, bill-nye-dolph-lundgren.jpg)

>>14256555 (Checked)

Reminder that Ivan Drago is more qualified to be called a scientist then Bill Nye is.

0bdd99 No.14256586


Also a common subversion tactic:

>create bullshit concerns

>force an address to these concerns

>weasel your way into supervisory/content control role

>slowly introduce more of your ilk into positions of influence/power

>make everything a kosher nightmare

It's Constantinople all over again.

1d1148 No.14256590

File: a7ed530eb17ad6d⋯.png (187.83 KB, 392x543, 392:543, ethical man.png)

8ac0c1 No.14256592

File: 2f127719ce0fa32⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1077, 1280:1077, tiny man.png)


>Most pedophiles are better adjusted and healthier, relationship wise, than the current left

DesTINY please go.

0bdd99 No.14256599


If 100 percent of men were lolicon, to some degree, it would be far less harmful for the species than if 100 percent of men were gender neutral asexual communistic eunuch wolfkin.

fad3b6 No.14256605

File: 49008170f582bd2⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1408x5896, 16:67, Down the rabbit hole.png)


>One episode had a rapper fuck a tranny and the whole episode was about trannies being abused in society, had IceT go on about how Gender is a spectrum.

Christ. Reminds me of the absolute despair I felt reading this. Imagine living in an age where letting someone do this to themselves is acceptable, if not praised.

f1088b No.14256611


It's only praised by people who haven't gone through it.

2f8083 No.14256612

File: f9fa16632809343⋯.jpg (86.58 KB, 400x800, 1:2, ai fukami.jpg)


>more women out of work

T-thanks, Feminism...

494bdc No.14256614

File: 10630679d337a1e⋯.gif (3.7 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Disgusting.gif)


>"/v/ / /pol/ is shit, mark / kampfy banned everyone"

>still in the top 3

>no successful alternative exists, implying that enough people don't mind the moderation

>"uuuuuh, he banned all of the oldfags man, they all went to [insert generic honeypot website here]"

>people don't buy it

>"uhhh, the mods are nintendo shills/sandniggers"

>don't provide any evidence

>"uhhhh you don't actually believe that the mods are not nintendo shills / are white, right haha?"

>stops posting

The exact same song and dance for years now.

5bc525 No.14256616



Here's hoping she looks like Tomoko.

550281 No.14256618


The world lost its way and the digitization of human relations have cultivated a shallow view of other people. We live in a moment in history were instant gratification is king and working for a long term goal is rare, even on a normalfag level (as farming became less and less important labor-wise). Think about it, people now learn history and science mostly from tv shows and youtube videos. Your character is measured in what you like, instead of what you do. We've reached a level of individuality that we really shouldn't have reached, to the point that differing opinions are considered hate. It's all about small, quick, meaningless satisfaction.

For all the 1984 analogies I've seen, the world now looks more like a combination of 1984 and Brave New World.

8ac0c1 No.14256631


I am so glad I'm not like that. Working my way to being a Hemotologist which is something at least.

f1088b No.14256632


>don't provide any evidence

Sometimes they do though, in the form of them doing things like posting shitty memes outside of the designated shitposting threads. And then they go

>wow look at this the mods are deleting anti-nintendo memes they must be nintendo shills

It's how they've been somewhat effective over time, at least with people who aren't familiar with their tactics.

8ac0c1 No.14256633


* Hematologist

cf9d91 No.14256639


Hmm,can't tell if that's a sig saur or not

759e5a No.14256643


Soyjak is a funny meme, sorry if it hit too close to home.

4478c9 No.14256647


Oh hi Marche

42a290 No.14256651


>heavy moderation and censorship !

That's a new one, everyone usually complains that mark doesn't hotpocket enough and shitposting is killing the board

8ac0c1 No.14256652


Did "Mommy" remember to change your diaper today Marche?

5bc525 No.14256659

File: 22b1bd812c4ca58⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 500x281, 500:281, vhs.gif)


I wonder if he's on his toes behind that car?

If he is, he might be a nanoman.


Breaken news: This week, cucks have ruined yet another thing for no valid reason and pissed off a lot of people!

f1088b No.14256660


Wow marchie, I remember when you were cool

just kidding you have always been a fag

4478c9 No.14256664


Wait Marche is a diaper fur?


Wow feminist ruin it for women again!

8ac0c1 No.14256667


>Marche is a diaper fur?

Yea, but at least he's not Microwaving used diapers as far as I know which is something. Morale of the story is that getting autismbux by the state still means you have autism.

9214ab No.14256674



It is bait to derail the thread. Stop paying attention to autists and drama.

42a290 No.14256675


Oh fuck off, you know what I agree you get targeted unfairly most of the time marche but holy shit Mark being ban happy is a massive overstatement. Is it really impossible for you not to be completely retarded at all points?

9a479f No.14256679

File: 1e0c8e53a955575⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3644x2844, 911:711, 1e0c8e53a9555752dd7ad75466….jpg)

File: 36298931c6227b2⋯.png (772.63 KB, 1555x1458, 1555:1458, 43bf6ec3d405d33aa8a64e9771….png)


I guess you haven't seen that sperg that tried to create false impression of /pol/ approving "child pornography" of a 2D but forgot to erase some key details. That dumbass.

c1cf7b No.14256689

File: db80f0b1740d56e⋯.png (112.51 KB, 545x274, 545:274, Mark Hates Elves.png)


I thought Mark's mortal enemy is Elves.

4478c9 No.14256692

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, ggrevolt raid.webm)


I have my doubts on this but Marche has pretty much become a metafag/revolt tard like webm below.


What a fucking moron

42a290 No.14256696


Whatever you're a fucking faggot either way, are you just mad that your favorite cuckchan meme got deleted then for being cancer?

b27ef7 No.14256715


>They break the rules, and then claim that when the mods/admins clean up what broke the rules, they're being censored.

I have to admit that every time I have been banned here, it has been because I broke one of the rules (Despite how innocent my post may have been). There were a couple of times that I have seen Mark or one of the mods delete one of my posts, but, every time it wasn't for offtopic posting, there were several other Anons calling them out with Mark usually apologizing about it. It's very reasonable to assume that all these guys are refugees trying to destabilize the site's community.


>I wouldn't say that, but then again you are comparing two very weird things to each other.

IIRC, pedophile has been more of a "current era" concept because some tribes used to sell their daughters after they hit as early as age 8 or 10.


Source game, please?

8ac0c1 No.14256717


Nice ID hop. Your shit stinks even when you aren't shitting yourself.

9214ab No.14256726


All I said was to stop derailing the thread. There are more important things like the wiki, downpour, journalists going after monster hunter, and other shit to discuss then drama.

For example, bandai namco seems to be censoring a lot of their more recent releases. People should probably see what is changed in the digimon game or see if they fuck up the new gundam breaker game translation.

127bdc No.14256730

File: 494f7276fd4e912⋯.png (537.81 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, I See You 4.png)

I think Mark is a pretty ok guy and this has honestly been one of the best boards I've used in all my years of using imageboards. It's safe to say most of us came from 4chan, and the moderation there was so intense, especially on some boards. Hell, in the janitor chat log leaks it was revealed that certain boards the goal of the mods/janitors was to kill the board.

Traffic may very well be down and that sucks, but I feel like imageboards in general are losing traffic. Even 4chan doesn't get talked about as much these days as it use to. Also, 8chan is delisted and without a major commotion bringing new blood here, nobody is going to stumble across it or seek it out.

On top of that, cuckchan posters are happy to stay in their soviet russia tier hellhole, where they get banned for sneezing. They have for years, that won't change now. I've said before that anyone who stayed after the exodus did so because they identify as being a 4channer. That's also why they have such an intense hatred of this place.

It's easy to see why traffic may be down.

d83438 No.14256732


The images are an unorganized mess. I get what you said happened, but explain the pic.

42a290 No.14256738


I think you need to go back to cuckchan you fucking faggot. You must really be new if you argue that mark is ban heavy. Go phone post some more on your faggot app

f1088b No.14256756


This time of year is very slow. /v/ is slow, because there's not much games to talk about. Nothing new is coming out, mainly because most developers and publishers work really hard to blow their loads for the holiday season. Video games come in waves. There's usually a wave in spring, and another wave before the holidays.

d83438 No.14256758



Ah never mind. I see it know.

c1cf7b No.14256759

File: 9fd64194f8b72bb⋯.png (331.71 KB, 1000x1166, 500:583, buff_mombot_by_franktonius….png)

File: 49642c1037d8818⋯.png (185.36 KB, 1024x887, 1024:887, mombot_fitness_by_frankton….png)


I don't know, but it feels as if /pol/, /v/ and /a/ had a slight increase in anons recently. 8chan lost a good chunk thanks to Josh, whom I believed is already fed to the pigs. But for now it's best to build up this place slowly and not let this place get flooded in an instant.

71abb3 No.14256764


It's still annoying.

Where these faggots came from anyway and for what purpose?

I am going to help in making new wiki.

I will make Resetera article and add that memo to Google page

862502 No.14256768

File: 3d4ecafcf6ac200⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 1266x318, 211:53, Smug anime against the goo….jpg)


Seems like a /pol/ mod decided to use a smug anime grill from rustle, which rustled the goons because they can't handle smug anime grills.

d83438 No.14256772


I already started on the memo, it's under the Damore page. It's linked.

9214ab No.14256773

Does anyone here play Dragon Ball Fighterz? Apparently they changed a lot of the dialogue into memes or roasts of characters rather than keep actual references to the TV series. There is a scene with Yamcha praying to Kami and Piccolo says this is why Bulma picked vegeta, but the actual line is about how he should pray to dende now. Even choosing the japanese audio with english subs keeps the same statement.

e030ae No.14256774


He's not wrong about rustle. Shit's great.

c1cf7b No.14256777

File: 7b06912c96eb6f8⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Vomit.gif)


That's Funimation for you.

9a479f No.14256782


How should I put it. The usual with something good that Trump did thread in /pol/ that got stickied. The "TrumpTouchingWall.jpg" sperg got triggered as usual. Someone posted a smug image in one point and then an autist tried to call this as some sort of CP. Apparently he knew the artist of the image for a reason ("I know this is CP because I know the artst"). He also told that he's here to point it out in this thread and isn't interested in creating one.

One day later that thread is created. Looking at his evidence the time the "Good taste" poster and his thread is 5 hours and nobody made such comments to this "CP" after that autist who sperged about it. The OP of that thread was called out and he denied it that he was that autist. But he left a tiny detail for his "masterplan" to work. He forgot about his (you) was still on his "evidence". After that, well, you can guess of what happens how some autist behaves during his "Oh no, I got caught".

6fd823 No.14256787

File: 646a21eb57cf04f⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 399x398, 399:398, 646a21eb57cf04ff3d3a6bd763….jpg)

All the anti-mark shilling and general divide and conquer tactics reminds me of the people who tried to turn us against KIA.

These days I when I go there to spread info I notice more and more just how red-pilled they've become. Remember when they used to say "no no we ARE left wingers we just hate this dumb stuff" now I routinely see people talk about how Marxism is a pox and SJWs are useful idiots.

Remember anons. Ideas are infectious and you can infect others just as easily as they can infect you. Spread your memes. The DNA of the soul.

71abb3 No.14256788


But memo archive needs to be fixed, it only shows first three pages of memo.

4478c9 No.14256789


I don't like KiA but if they've become better then that's decent.

9214ab No.14256791


A lot of the funimation voice actors are sperging out at fans over criticism about Fighterz and the new goku black voice being a shit british accent. Pop Team Epic also has a shit dub, but people still tolerate that. I am just waiting for the jokes in pop team epic to get rewritten into some shit about GG.

9a479f No.14256792

File: 722e690378e620a⋯.png (52.56 KB, 1296x559, 1296:559, 3.png)


You have no idea the very limit of a sperg who keeps doing the same thing over a year now.

127bdc No.14256793

File: e0399047c303f71⋯.png (162.07 KB, 1672x337, 1672:337, ClipboardImage.png)

See? The Mark is god tier, I don't care if it's cocksucking or not.


c1cf7b No.14256794


Also it was never Mark's fault for the board being "slow". The entire site had been bleeding users because of Josh. They are trying to pin Josh's antics on Mark and try to make him out as either an "over moderator" like /a/'s mods or a "no moderator" like /tv/'s mods.

127bdc No.14256797


I didn't mean to write "The Mark" like a proper title or anything, I was going to write something else and didn't delete it all.

c1cf7b No.14256801


Those voice actors could go fuck themselves. Funimation is garbage, it's unfortunate that they are holding dubbing licenses hostage.

494bdc No.14256809


Oh, hasbarafag? He's my favourite. Whenever I see him I just call him hasbarafag, and he spergs out a word-for-word same reply every single time. Fun guy. Apparently he's a "white living in England" read paki leeching off of bongs

6fd823 No.14256810


The only voice I've noticed being bad was 18. She sounds 20 years older (obviously because the voice actor is.) I don't watch super so I can't comment on how that holds up.

bf1a06 No.14256811


>Even choosing the japanese audio with english subs keeps the same statement.

Yeah, that's kind of off-putting, honestly. It's so bad that even I'm all "okay, I don't speak Moon, but that's clearly not what they're actually saying." It also doesn't help that most of the roasts just makes Goku look like a massive dick.

b27ef7 No.14256812


What did Josh do again? I believe I missed the memo.

2f8083 No.14256814

File: 843da216e2596c9⋯.jpg (205.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, reiko nagase3.jpg)


Ridge Racer V

baa614 No.14256818


>muh based trannies


Fucking who?

The only trannies were from leddit and they went apeshit with Trump derangement in 2016. We'be been shedding crypto SJW faggots non stop.

259b69 No.14256820


>Seems like a /pol/ mod decided to use a smug anime grill from rustle

One Mod always uses smug animu grills and has a whole folder autistically numbered. He is just as much of an autist as everyone else.

f1088b No.14256823


I think liberalism has overall been in decline, but liberalism depends so much on guilt tripping people into being a part of it, that when you decide you're not longer a liberal, you go through a denial stage. It's a stage where you think you are still a liberal, but you're not one of those liberals. And then you slowly move further and further right, until you just hate liberals.

I've seen it happen outside of gamergate, but I think gamergate was/is a huge part of getting people out of modern liberalism. And it always goes:

>wow these other liberals are crazy, but I'm still a liberal

>the more moderate ones are pretty crazy too, I'm a moderate now and I take the best of both sides

>the left is destroying everything

Gamergate, Trump, other controversies, all hit liberals in a perfect storm. They've managed to fight off things like gamergate or Trump if they came one at a time. But their downfall has been the fact that everything has been going wrong for them at once, and that Trump and Gamergate are really, really good and understanding how they work and dealing with them properly. And that knowledge has been passed on to others who are feeling pressure for liberals and SJWs.

c1cf7b No.14256825


It's what he did back then that caused this site to bleed users and the after effects of the Infinity Next disaster could be still felt. The shills are saying that the low userbase now is because of Mark.

9214ab No.14256826


I honestly wonder if cell was butchered or not. He shit talks everyone, but I want to know if everything he says is a roast like that.

12a2f0 No.14256831


>Recommends jobs for ex-gridgirls

>States jobs with wildly different qualifications

Gee, I'm sure the women that are out of work will love living off nothing for the next five years until they get their teaching certificate.

Fucking trustfund babies, I swear.

f1088b No.14256833


That third pic is reddit.jpg.

c1cf7b No.14256835

File: 9ef710a3b1fee58⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 500x282, 250:141, 149.gif)


>Born with a silver spoon in their mouths

>Fuck over women while claiming it's for their own good

I wish these women go and beat the shit out of these SJWs.

259b69 No.14256838


Josh basically did two things make an alternative to php and changed how some parts of the database was handled as the new /tech/ guy. He was hired to do this and he fucked up, both times. This was the biggest cause of user loss to date, the April hack doesn't even pale in comparison.

If you wanna know who Ichverbot is then here you go https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Ichverbot

bf1a06 No.14256839


What gets me is the clearly condescending "if you really apply yourself," like he knows he's being an asshole and is just rubbing in the fact that calling himself a Male Feminist is an excuse to not get any retaliation for saying "bitch, get back in the kitchen."

baa614 No.14256843


>The shills are saying that the low userbase now is because of Mark.

Nigger I've been here since 2014 and I've been annoyed more than a couple of times by Mark's autistic deletions. One time he deleted all my threads and banned me just for making threads too quickly, I made three threads, just fucking three because the board was dead as fuck, and I was participating in all of them, so no hit & run OPs either.

8ac0c1 No.14256844



>Runs a site documenting retards

>Said site has an insufferable userbase He has to deal with KingofPOL's autism all day

>Does aderall

>Mother has been doxed and practically disowned him

>Faces lawsuits for his userbase's behavior

I'm glad I'm not him.


I know that feel. Looking back, conservatives don't seem so bad, though ones who still promote censorship like Laura Loomer piss me off.

c1cf7b No.14256845

File: fc8bc82eb04d63a⋯.png (98.52 KB, 250x196, 125:98, slimedq2_006.png)


Check out /sudo/, there's been threads with anons saying nothing but "site's dying" over and over again.

60a4b9 No.14256847

File: 2bd7f36a595bf2c⋯.gif (896.17 KB, 700x600, 7:6, 2bd.gif)

ca8ea5 No.14256849


Are you really this new?

9a479f No.14256857


He was helping HW to finish that "Infinity Next" new board which would have become the next 8chan. The work needed money for some reason and Mark commercialized to get it funded. Then everything slowly turned into a fucking disaster. Josh became more egotistical that he believed all of his decisions were right, including the shitty board layout. He wanted this to become his magnum opus with his amateur skills. After couple of forced emigrations, the board became more unstable. Josh somehow hated /sp/ and the board received the most damage in which the people moved out of 8chan. The entire imageboard was in near collapse. Then HW had enough and threw Josh out. Afterward came lots of drama, pointing fingers in which the drama faggots used the opportunity. HW fixed 8chan in a way but ended up leaving due to drama, Mark remained a faggot for being such a fool of falling for this shit and Josh still cries about it.

I fucking told you. Hire a professional !

b27ef7 No.14256859

File: 958455ec19e4066⋯.webm (9.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2017 IGF & Game Developer….webm)


Came here about a month before [Video related] happened. Since then, a lot of the site's drama hasn't really come to the forefront of discussion until the past month.

c1cf7b No.14256862


I miss /sp/ee and hope they come back one day.

2a0230 No.14256863

File: bf7fa98261ee08d⋯.webm (5.19 MB, 320x240, 4:3, extremism.webm)


>another dumb faggot that sincerely believes that political spectrum is a binary choice between natsoc and gommie

d6b50f No.14256868

File: dbc298a644c4582⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 205.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, rd80905af1d.gif)


they've been saying this for 3 years now

you can't kill what was never alive to begin with

bbbef0 No.14256869


>It's actually a man

>by "women" they meant a tranny

I'm guessing


Thanks for saying shit that proves you were nowhere near the first exodus. The site was slow as shit back then.


I'm not changing from being a liberal because I thought long and hard about my ideals an I don;t let fucking memeposting change my opinion.


>I think liberalism has overall been in decline, but liberalism depends so much on guilt tripping people into being a part of it, that when you decide you're not longer a liberal, you go through a denial stage. It's a stage where you think you are still a liberal, but you're not one of those liberals. And then you slowly move further and further right, until you just hate liberals.

Authoritarian liberals, who are the mainstream, rely on guilt tripping and other shit like that. If you're libertarian it comes from just wanting to let fuckers do what makes them happy as individuals.

a9676f No.14256872

File: f47fecbf81621a6⋯.jpg (111.1 KB, 650x553, 650:553, TMNT.JPG)

File: 251242420c6a89c⋯.jpg (227.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DU9R1WlVMAArUS2.jpg)

File: 91902a4b600ea50⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 669x446, 3:2, DU9R1WnVoAEnvrc.jpg)

Because all white character must be changed to black instead of writing new characters who are black


52c50c No.14256875

File: 38f429e8096dd27⋯.png (167.69 KB, 1257x861, 419:287, 38f429e8096dd27ed52c4b085c….png)







Reminder to filter and report this shit.

Also, the Clover App which is decently popular has recently added 8chan support so that might be contributing for these sad cuckchan fucks to come here.


d83438 No.14256876


Well, blacks can't really do anything but steal.

894456 No.14256877


Why do these fags have to make everything ugly?

bbbef0 No.14256883

File: 0d1caadba184979⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 327x257, 327:257, 7tW59wn.jpg)


>She's not even a bodacious bombshell

c1cf7b No.14256885


You know why they love basketball?

**They shoot, steal and run.*

bf1a06 No.14256887

File: 6dbc59eed4784b9⋯.webm (99.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, what's wrong with your fa….webm)


It's amazing that Black Hipster April isn't the worst design choice in that promo picture.

Like what the fuck did they do to Mikey? Why are his nunchucks a yoyo now?

a9676f No.14256888

File: ce4bcfe11955de3⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 668x519, 668:519, DU8eALrX0AAlIxr.jpg)

File: 53b1b620dbee8b4⋯.jpg (104.1 KB, 1071x725, 1071:725, DU8d9KlXcAA60QW.jpg)


Splinter looks god awful. Rapf and Mikey don't have there original weapons anymore.

ca8ea5 No.14256892


>Why are his nunchucks a yoyo now?

And why is Raph using tantos instead of his sai?

862502 No.14256894


>Rise of the…

Apart from the trash title, it looks like complete trash.

bf1a06 No.14256895


And what's with the tribal war paint?

b269f6 No.14256897


>"artists" can't draw for shit so they say every ugly-ass character they make is a race other than white

>supporting "diversity" while at the same time unwittingly reinforcing the stereotypes they claim to hate

And not a single fucking one of them realize they're doing it.

82a7f6 No.14256900


>>14256888 (checked)

Why is Donatello's head so square?

c1cf7b No.14256901


It's funny that 4kids did more justice to TMNT than any other animated adaptation.

b27ef7 No.14256902

File: 48f9e26ef906168⋯.webm (14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The_Pokemon_Theatrical_Re….webm)



I'm sorry 4kids for saying all the mean things we did and said to you. Your dubs, while heavy with the censorship, were of higher quality with the acting and the script than the "accurate" shit they put out today. Your TMNT was one of my favorite shows of my childhood. I'm sorry for criticizing you. PLEASE COME BACK! YOU WERE BETTER THAN THE CANCER WE HAVE TO FACE TODAY! Why?

52c50c No.14256904

File: f44385057b587cf⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 500x375, 4:3, Guts gets Hawked.gif)



Why did every fucking animation studio moved to that shithole?

Most aren't even based there, they just moved to it.

c1cf7b No.14256907


4kids most of the time treated original shows better than they do anime. I'm glad they dead to no longer butcher anime, though Funimation took up that torch now. But I'm sad because they could do Western cartoons properly.

a9676f No.14256908


Not to mention in Pokemon the first movie 4kids added the legend about the Pokemon tears being people back to life, when in the original it just happens with no explanation.

bf1a06 No.14256909


Because the only way they'd get work from CN or Disney is if they outsource everything to a Korean sweatshop.

773a88 No.14256913

File: 7d713d4e78c69d9⋯.png (229.32 KB, 566x429, 566:429, firefox_2017-12-10_13-25-3….png)

a72b8b No.14256914

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)



the memeteor needs to make a comeback

2f8083 No.14256916

File: 116d3d9df5c1678⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 700x925, 28:37, horrors better left unseen.jpg)



Pray tell, what fresh new Hell is this?

bf1a06 No.14256925


Splinter looks like he'd give my youngest cousin nightmares harder than any version of Casey ever could.

170f4e No.14256928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



is prolly cause of the UK, if they are doing an international airing. nunchucks and sai are considered dangerous over there by the tv censors and lots of cartoons/toys over the years have had issues with that.

84736e No.14256930





How social justice in South Korea has ruined gaming

Basically talks about all the shit we wanted to talk about S.Korea. Spread it around.


Combine that with the info from the deadly personalities book:


> Paranoid Personality (Opinionated, Argumentative, Prone to Hate).

> They think their hyper sensitivity is a form of superior insight, so there's no room for debate with them. Logical, or even empirical proof, to them, is meaningless. Try to reason with them and you may be seen as a conspirator working against them, or worse, as an enemy.

> Paranoid personalities select and distort facts and history, stringing together disparate events and ideas to fit their views and justify their actions.

Could the answer to beating SJW just be to ask questions that break their statements along with a picture of a smug, attractive woman (fictional or otherwise)?

Can it be as simple as shitposting and saying (if not outright proving) they're wrong?

bbbef0 No.14256935


Thinking back on it, 4kids changed shit not out of malice or disrespect of the original show, but because it assumed kids are retards. I'd much rather go back to calling riceballs doughtnuts instead of having political statements replacing innocent jokes.

84736e No.14256941


During the 90s yes. We had a spate of kids imitating power rangers & drunkards imitating martial arts films.

While the intro was changed a little (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) I never remember the weapons being changed. Not to mention in the 2000's the various TMNT cartoons kept their weapons.

6fd823 No.14256945

File: 01a002ce4c56820⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 1000x894, 500:447, libchan.jpg)


I don't really care about left/right. My only value is maximum freedom for the individual.

I'm anti-left because they restrict the individual. But I remember when that role was fulfilled by the right.


I think the term liberal has lost any value, personally.

2f8083 No.14256947

File: f81b30561516b8d⋯.jpg (240.49 KB, 1007x731, 1007:731, splinter.jpg)


In this new canon, he killed Shredder with the plague.

4478c9 No.14256949

File: 596e7836e208bf3⋯.png (425 KB, 640x480, 4:3, I can't believe my eyes.png)

6fd823 No.14256955

File: ac0ea959825e22a⋯.png (232.19 KB, 432x429, 144:143, 9a4f9c230d8f17b04d3aa6ac23….png)



those glasses may as well be feminist for "im a huge cunt"

c1cf7b No.14256959

File: d81e626741a0abd⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 600x732, 50:61, gZ5Shbp.jpg)


>Thinking back on it, 4kids changed shit not out of malice or disrespect of the original show, but because it assumed kids are retards.

That's pretty much it. 4kids butcher isn't comparable to Funimation and the Cartel. SJWeebs feel the need to "fix" shit and force their political agenda down people's throats. 4kids thought some things aren't suited to kids and try to "Americanize" shit because they think it's easier for them to identify familiar things. I rather take Riceball Doinuts than Feminist Lucoa any day. Funny enough, /animu/ was just having a conversation about Funimation and Subs.

27ee2e No.14256962

File: a96e5406a79fd9a⋯.jpg (92.43 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 450px-Sodegarami.JPG)


>Rapf and Mikey don't have there original weapons anymore.

Neither does Don. It looks like he wielding a half assed sodegarami.

52c50c No.14256963

File: cca21b514b8bd80⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GGr Open for Business.mp4)


Damn, I fucked up, I meant to ask why Nickolodeon moved to SanFran and why animation studios keep being based on the shithole of California.

127bdc No.14256964



Even if April wasn't a little black girl it still looks like shit.

4478c9 No.14256967

The2003 version of TMNT was the best version

52c50c No.14256968

File: 3260dff39103edb⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Slobodan-Praljak.jpg)


>2003 TMNT

Fuckoff Murdoch

c1cf7b No.14256970


Nobody can argue with you there. It's also slightly the most faithful to the original comics.

f1088b No.14256971


Splinter looks super constipated.

27ee2e No.14256974


>nunchucks and sai are considered dangerous over there by the tv censors and lots of cartoons/toys over the years have had issues with that.

It's too bad that sai and nunchucks don't come from Pakistan or Sudan then they would be declared perfectly safe in the UK.

0c6165 No.14256975

File: cf4f57b27b2d744⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 610x314, 305:157, f647bbd70c774b26e30fbcb2ff….jpg)


>I feel like a 70 year old looking at shit like this when in my mid 20s.

Oh man, that's a feel if I ever saw one

52c50c No.14256976


>Nobody can argue with you there

Yes they can, the animation, art design

>the most faithful to the original comics

It's darker and that's about it

d6b50f No.14256984

File: 1c9fb109e6733e1⋯.webm (11.28 MB, 720x300, 12:5, bye toitles.webm)


>when a Michael Bay wanabe does the series more justice than it's later cartoon itteration does

well at least Shredder and the bestbros won't be in it from what i read

4478c9 No.14256987


It was a good series I'll die on this hill.

71abb3 No.14256989



I hate these people.

Thankfully, its going to bomb hard.

Linked memo to google page at wiki and made Resetera stub article. It was a lot harder than I expected.

127bdc No.14256990


It's the series my nephew grew up on. The new 3d animated one on nickelodeon looks to be very close to the early 90s version.

259b69 No.14256991


Those guys do nothing but complain, complain, and complain some more. If you have the chance Mark will tell you all about his attempts at a meta board.

The site isn't dead but only the biggest autists powered through absurdly long page loads, duplicate posts up the wazoo, and the site being taken down regularly for maintenance. Now it feels like things are slowly going up.

c1cf7b No.14256993


> Now it feels like things are slowly going up.

Am I the only one that notice that there's more anons on this site than last month?

bf1a06 No.14256998

File: 2fbbd97a8a89133⋯.webm (165.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jontron_why.webm)


>Shredder won't be in it

54ec56 No.14256999

File: 7d29775456e2ec6⋯.jpg (335.38 KB, 1168x1444, 292:361, black_crime_rates.jpg)


black people are overrated anyway

71abb3 No.14257000


>Am I the only one that notice that there's more anons on this site than last month?

No, because I have seen some uncommon opinions here and on few other boards.

4478c9 No.14257001


No it feels like things are slowly going back to 2015 levels.

288af9 No.14257002

File: 1afb4cd9c5f0f14⋯.webm (5.77 MB, 480x360, 4:3, One Piece of Crap.webm)



Reminds me of this old flash

259b69 No.14257011

File: 7de4950ea1eda00⋯.png (85.06 KB, 201x340, 201:340, 1447747984496.png)


I noticed that's why I'm said that, anyways I'm finally gotten to my SWAT lineup for the backlog it's 3 then 4 correct?

673562 No.14257012


metafagging outside a meta thread is a dead giveaway


some increase from /greatawakening/ folks checking out all the degeneracy surrounding

4478c9 No.14257015



You have good taste anon, 3 then go on 4.

52c50c No.14257017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I remember it being mediocre

And I was like 10 years old when that shit was on TV.

b5946b No.14257019

File: 2abe1a11f352728⋯.gif (533.25 KB, 381x512, 381:512, 2abe1a11f3527283c7d517e79e….gif)


If I ever needed confirmation, this entire goddamn shitshow is only further proof that we're all already in Hell.

Which is fine, really. It just means one thing.


c1cf7b No.14257020

File: 4ca991cea856b6a⋯.png (607.35 KB, 526x669, 526:669, 4ca.png)





The numbers are more easily noticeable on smaller legacy boards. It's interesting that there's an increase.

127bdc No.14257030

File: 39d7a82caeaf0b6⋯.jpg (352.92 KB, 1204x1019, 1204:1019, cute birb enjoying some h2….jpg)

File: e3e64c3b9055da1⋯.jpg (300.33 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, getting sleepy.jpg)

File: aca028ebfd34b55⋯.jpg (119.28 KB, 947x618, 947:618, goodnight!.jpg)

Good night!

5bc525 No.14257031


It's hip to be square.

8ac0c1 No.14257035


If we were in hell, Hilary would be president and Social Justice would prevail.

1d1148 No.14257038

File: b544697f088a88d⋯.png (12.91 KB, 629x98, 629:98, ClipboardImage.png)

27ee2e No.14257042


American Nevada?

1c0c6b No.14257045


Ey! You can't have the cat's bed!

Go home!

27ee2e No.14257058


The only danger here is a BO login coup like what a certain rabbit demon pulled on a certain board.

c1cf7b No.14257062

File: b7523aafb07ac13⋯.png (796.37 KB, 581x524, 581:524, Hold the onions.png)


>BO login coup


52c50c No.14257063

File: 1b18a098d1f37bf⋯.mp4 (11.26 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Dubs The Motion Picture.mp4)

b5946b No.14257068


You forget, Doomguy did the impossible. He tore Hell asunder and made it let him leave.

Hell isn't invulnerable, nor is it omnipotent.

Our opponents are more than willing to leave us with nothing but scorched earth and desiccated remains. Unlike them, who only suckle and leech, we can rebuild.

71abb3 No.14257069



He means that Tewifag is /loli/ BO right now.

759e5a No.14257073


>tfw the maisiefag is a mod

That explains everything.

c1cf7b No.14257074


I hear that Tewi was just handed that board by the previous BO. There was no coup.

52c50c No.14257082

File: c5dfee383bbeaaa⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 286x250, 143:125, FACK.jpg)


>Tewifaggot is the /loli/ BO

>Bans western loli

>Bans Hoshime

I knew he was cancer but this is too much

71abb3 No.14257083


I know, I heard that from him on /2hu/.

c1cf7b No.14257085

I hear that /animu/ might do a Saturday Night Radio and that anons can funpost about the music in the thread.

1d1148 No.14257087


I'd say the slenderfags were probably closer to Nevada in motive and choice of weapon if not in the actual ability to close the deal.

4478c9 No.14257089


Sounds cozy.

5af51a No.14257093

File: 8128d22a189095e⋯.png (455.45 KB, 508x530, 254:265, king arthur.PNG)

Offtopic post, but is anyone having trouble getting into 8chan lately? I've been struggling for 2 hours before making this post.

630b37 No.14257096

File: 1d24f6d31a4a82a⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 380x310, 38:31, images.jpg)



Why? Why must you keep hurting me Ninja Turtles? Don't you know that I love you?

259b69 No.14257099


Just a few minutes ago for me in fact. Guess the site is starting to buckle again, hope you've got a backlog.

52c50c No.14257101

File: 279fc130c50beef⋯.png (2.14 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Hip to be square.png)




I've had a couple of 502nds which happen sporadicly but that stop 5 minutes after.

I think Cakekike was having trouble at one point as well.

c1cf7b No.14257103

File: 1da49cc0e0e86c2⋯.png (166.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, no-file.png)


The board is cozy.


Everything's fine on my end.

2a7d0b No.14257108



71abb3 No.14257118


It seems to happen randomly.

Reminder that tomorrow is demo day for /agdg/

Maybe they did something interesting to play.

4478c9 No.14257121


I went to check it out after /a/'s sperg out over it here last thread and I thought it would be meh but it's actually a good board, it , /monster/ and /k/ are now my main boards next to /v/

42a290 No.14257131


he's right


8ac0c1 No.14257132

Is Monster Hunter World good? Never played a MH game before.

52c50c No.14257133

File: 927c97d21a3d6c5⋯.png (106.12 KB, 1738x1190, 869:595, Lupin.png)


>Comparing Mark to Jewt in both hotpocketering and position

>Posting unrelated images trying to fit in


759e5a No.14257134


I wish the anon would fix Ouroboros, it was a good app but you can't send a message with it since the events of last april.

c1cf7b No.14257135

File: b48830f82ef16d0⋯.png (1.88 MB, 3000x2500, 6:5, K monster.png)


You got a good taste in boards.

fa7537 No.14257140


That's because it's the truth. Just like modern Marxism, it's the bourgeoisie larping as the proletariate.

52c50c No.14257144

File: 11b649ee2dcea78⋯.jpg (196.78 KB, 671x813, 671:813, timesplitters.jpg)



>/cyber/ is still dead

16c157 No.14257148


Watcha doin', BO? :^)

c1cf7b No.14257151


Don't despair, believe it will rise one day. /animu/ has been dead for 2 years and now they're at the top 25/

f145e8 No.14257156


well if you bot it any board can be at the top 25

4478c9 No.14257160


Then post it in anon.

52c50c No.14257165

File: ef654426b2fe53c⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ef654426b2fe53c2ae15e2c397….jpg)


>Everyone who disagrees is the BoardKike

Back to your cuckshed



I do, and on /mu/ too


One day…

fa7537 No.14257172


>We've reached a level of individuality

More like the left is bringing back collectivism.

4478c9 No.14257182


> /mu/

I feel for you poor fucks.

353312 No.14257183

File: 86c7e921a16b575⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 639x747, 71:83, 86c7e921a16b575eb71c49aacd….jpg)


The term you're looking for is imageboard.

8a3b96 No.14257186


Monster Hunter World isn't a Monster Hunter game. It's a Monster Hunter clone made for westerners and casuals.

Just emulate Portable 3rd if you want to test the waters.

5bc525 No.14257187


The chans?

52c50c No.14257191

File: 853501db40e8850⋯.png (545.32 KB, 637x477, 637:477, Shouldn't go to 4chan.png)




a45d75 No.14257193



I thought Leo was the leader (and had 2 katanas). Is it Raph now?


>sai are considered dangerous

But they are a defensive weapon and stab about at well as a finger.

4cffb3 No.14257197


*loud sounds of someone sucking jewish cock*

here is your (((you)))

db8583 No.14257198


There is more imageboards the 4chan and here though. Even if they are far more niche and small in general.

f1088b No.14257204


I thought there were only 8 chans :^)

353312 No.14257209


I just told you the actual term for this type of website. "chan" is often part of the name, but not necessarily(ie Ylilauta).

8ac0c1 No.14257211

File: 38d004f71699dae⋯.png (31.34 KB, 625x303, 625:303, kraut evidence.png)

4478c9 No.14257213

Is Marche or some other metafag butthurt again?

b269f6 No.14257215


Referencing the post count of people calling you out on how much you don't fucking belong here isn't doing you any favors.

db8583 No.14257217



fa7537 No.14257218


* Homotologist


/fit/ animu grills are god's gift to the universe.

>Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

Did anybody find anything wrong with this? Aside from a weird accenty English dub, but I'm pretty sure it's dual audio. Because if not, I'd say it's safe to remove it from the localization watch.

33a638 No.14257219

File: 536b8338db7cacd⋯.png (1.1 MB, 541x1269, 541:1269, emmas.png)

How accurate is this?

inb4 >>>/tv/

52c50c No.14257220

File: 4ce1005924b0c72⋯.png (626.95 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 4ce1005924b0c7281c2b6fa90c….png)


>There is more imageboards

Precisely plenty of of boards with the Chan suffix which aren't a fucking imageboards at all but Text only.


Learn english before posting shitskin, even as an ESL I'm offended.

b7bc60 No.14257222

File: f7102817ef69c40⋯.jpg (143.76 KB, 610x590, 61:59, pizza time.jpg)

33a638 No.14257228

52c50c No.14257229

File: e304317033c9ab4⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 378x252, 3:2, dubs community.jpg)

>>14256888 (checked)

>>14257222 (checked)


Some shitposters are shitting up the board

4478c9 No.14257234

File: 6cc6e4f013e2e8f⋯.gif (174.71 KB, 249x219, 83:73, why you fuck.gif)



42a290 No.14257239


As other people have said it's imageboard you newfaggot and what stake do I have in it? None but you're a newfag and it's blatantly obvious when you say shit like chans. What the fuck do you mean what's our stake in it? Holy shit how fucking new are you? It's everyone's duty to quash newfaggotry any time they see it you goddamn mongoloid. Kill yourself

353312 No.14257243

File: 24b78822822cb80⋯.jpg (448.52 KB, 602x600, 301:300, 01-SC4-FRONT.jpg)

f1088b No.14257251


Some of the voice actors could be a little better, and after 30 hours I found a few little typos, but it's far superior to the shit XCX localization.

Although, I did find something that resembles a doge meme. I don't know if it was intentional, but in the Tranquility sidequest, at one point Tora goes

>Much disappoint…

I didn't get the chance to save the snapshot, don't know how I missed it. I also don't know if it's intentionally a meme or if it's just awkward nopon speech.

95275d No.14257258

File: a789b111c8211c8⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 537x357, 179:119, rabbit fu.jpg)


>insulting best girl by comparing her with Emma 'He for She makes total sense' Watson.

fa7537 No.14257262

File: d44935dfe1253fa⋯.webm (4.36 MB, 574x480, 287:240, Muh_shitposting_is_free_s….webm)


Way to state the obvious.

723166 No.14257263

File: 0e7378a3c523b61⋯.png (25.96 KB, 529x247, 529:247, klepkek.PNG)


Might be a slowpoke on this but didn't see that it was archived

1d1148 No.14257264




353312 No.14257268

File: dbdf80300ade2b0⋯.gif (72.31 KB, 416x279, 416:279, dbdf80300ade2b09a972654cdb….gif)

723166 No.14257273


Article linked in tweet:


2a0230 No.14257281


you need to suck on a shotgun ASAP my friend

52c50c No.14257287

File: 13a9b7d4e2bdcb5⋯.png (390.38 KB, 619x596, 619:596, What the fuck is this.PNG)




>Speaks like a lobotomized nigger >>14257208

No can do shitskin


>safe space terms

You mean proper english designation you fucking shitskin?

bf1a06 No.14257288


Let me guess, him openly advocating it in disagreement and praising anyone that does it doesn't count.

f1088b No.14257294


You never know if it's obvious to everyone, the more people that are aware the better. I was really waiting for that webm too.

52c50c No.14257296

bf1a06 No.14257301


And I forgot that a certain chat service is word filtered. Billy me.

4478c9 No.14257306


Can someone fill me in on who this is?

fa7537 No.14257319


>Whoever the fuck that is

Then you're a newfag, or you're most definitely Marche.

f47a11 No.14257326



Find the Jewtube thread

bf1a06 No.14257329


Some dude who got super triggered by Sargon and Shoe and made a chatroom dedicated to trying to ruin their lives for less competition for YouTube ad revenuebringing them to justice.

95275d No.14257347


Suddenly all those hours removing niggers and kebabs feel even better.

353312 No.14257348


Actually what is the deal with that anyways? Cause I've barely seen any mention of it aside people wondering just how much of a botnet is it, and the 2hu/share thread bitching about doujinstyle migrating the new releases to it.


Kraut and Tea, a "skeptic" youtuber that got big doing anti-muslim immigration vids, but went on an autistic rampage against what he considers the "alt-right" and race realists. Oddly enough this happened soon after he got himself a new girlfriend, the situation drawing parallels to spinosauruskin. Just go to >>>/cow/ and read up on it.

42a290 No.14257354


How about you head on back to >>>/cuckchan/ because you clearly fucking belong there you cancerous piece of shit. Hurry up and do that or kill yourself, whichever is faster I don't give a shit

fa7537 No.14257355



There is no proof Marche is a diaper fur, that was just shitposters baiting him because he was having a meltdown, and it worked.

4478c9 No.14257361




Jesus /cow/ is kinda spergy these days, Kraut spilled his pasta worse then KoP.


He is really easy to troll.

92001b No.14257379


>/cow/ is kinda spergy

It's always been spergy, but they do good work and there are plenty of oldfags.

353312 No.14257425

File: 8db37e00d2db19a⋯.png (230.47 KB, 600x1334, 300:667, repercusionsofevil.png)


In all honesty in their thirst for more lolcows, their hubris has made a lot of the board resemble the lolcows themselves. Still a great resource to figure out recent e-drama regardless. But that's just like my opinion.

4478c9 No.14257429

File: 7ede5a0f983dc37⋯.png (143.8 KB, 461x360, 461:360, still alive.PNG)

Wait Netscape helped the dox cord Kraut made?!

353312 No.14257436



That saide, first time I've heard of this. Got sauce?

e0f813 No.14257442

File: 5ccd774e70f1c9d⋯.png (36.08 KB, 1903x294, 1903:294, bizarro chan.png)



Meanwhile in bizarro chan…

42a290 No.14257445


Is that halfchan /co/? jesus christ

82a7f6 No.14257454

File: 7a0446c4952aaca⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.93 KB, 818x1000, 409:500, 001_donaught_465913_Aprils….jpg)

File: 0ab0492c4ba5786⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 300.05 KB, 947x1400, 947:1400, tumblr_p0wnh49hHC1uacbg5o2….jpg)


Have some THICK April O'Neil to cleanse your mind.

353312 No.14257457


What the fuck did you expect of post-Niggerwood becoming a mod era 4/co/?

4478c9 No.14257459

File: e9d0a26255fed3f⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 420x410, 42:41, WICK SAYS ENOUGH.jpg)


>cuck/co/ defends this

Holy shit they need to blow their brains out! They defended the shitshow that was Jack's ending and how AS kiked Jack

f1088b No.14257461


Is there a word for people like this? That sound really confident and they think they know what they're talking about, but they end up being wrong in every single way? I see that all the time with redditors. They use big words and circle jerk about how smart they are, and then they end up being completely wrong. And when they're wrong, they blame someone else besides them and continue doing what they were doing.

bf1a06 No.14257473

File: 2013b8024a291d5⋯.png (141.84 KB, 438x299, 438:299, laugh_wheeze_spock.png)


>they're so confident their show will be good enough that praise will outweigh the amount of triggered /pol/ idiots

Yeah, I mean, disrespecting every single aspect of the source material and concentrating on the fact that one of the characters is black worked for Star Trek Discov–OH WAIT!

5ac0f5 No.14257477


The proper term is faggots.

92001b No.14257484


h>as made a lot of the board resemble the lolcows themselves.

Oh yes, thered no denying that the board is pretty much used to that shit


Post more


Why would you go there?

82a7f6 No.14257506


Wow, at least that fag knew how bad Splinter's design is.


Sorry, that's all I got that isn't full-on BBW. And even then, I don't have much April.

d77ded No.14257520


Except grid girls can actually go professional driver, boot babes are generally escorts.


Nail on the head.


Thats anarchaism anon, and radical libshits thrive on that mindset since that mindset lacks a moral system.


And I though bay pissed me off with brunette april. But the worse part: donatellos huge ass head

95a0fb No.14257527




0fcddd No.14257539

File: 28b8aff18ea4904⋯.png (318 KB, 976x804, 244:201, 5c24836741b536416de3172dda….png)


Remember when Western Cartoons had unique artstyles and didn't look like tumblr trash?

e0f813 No.14257544

File: db71af0a6370c7e⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1427249948443.jpg)


>Why would you go there?

Saw the pics and got curious about the cuck/co/ reaction.

4478c9 No.14257545

File: 23b65947ed5c613⋯.gif (294.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 000.gif)


Yes and I miss it.

a9676f No.14257547

File: 4324a7f5cd561d0⋯.webm (7.96 MB, 640x484, 160:121, ReBoot Season 1 and 2 Int….webm)

b27ef7 No.14257558

>MangaWindow bought Bato.to and forum is up @ Vatoto.com



3f209b No.14257577


The 90s/early-mid 2000s are the only time I can legitimately remember there being a sizable variety of artstyles. Pretty much every era prior had a specific animation style that dominated that point in time.

4478c9 No.14257591


Cal arts is a major reason why things are bad in animation.

d77ded No.14257594


The character I have heard are generally disliked, and the only episode writer that I have heard praised is riker.

52c50c No.14257600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's been too long

759e5a No.14257633

File: 639a5df87876b19⋯.gif (463.2 KB, 287x323, 287:323, schumer.gif)


Can't find the evidence if there is no disagreement server.

c5de85 No.14257639

File: 2c816a5a4578a5c⋯.jpg (116.4 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nak….jpg)

Good morning, my fellow misogynists. Have you got any grid girls fired today?!

bf1a06 No.14257657


To me, Goony sarcastic comments like Kraut's are basically admittance that they not only engaged in the act that they claim they're innocent of, but also actively covered up all evidence of said act.

f1088b No.14257682


I think you mean

>rescued any grid girls from the patriarchy

174869 No.14257693

File: bc1a78c11782fe7⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 600x450, 4:3, die_cis_scum.jpg)

File: f90978daa343935⋯.jpg (318.41 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Rachel-Dolezal.jpg)

File: 09dbc414bea2e02⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, triggered.jpg)


>april redesign

That thing's peak feminism.

f1088b No.14257715


$10 that she is super sassy and a know it all.

759e5a No.14257736


This. See also how Sargon reacted at the time, like he didn't know but somehow he had all the info to make a hit-piece on CRP (his lapdog Vee did the same and continued for weeks to add fuel to the fire to try to get a reaction from CRP).

Kraut may be smart but the Soyfather was way more disingenuous.

5bc525 No.14257781

File: 1a4350839bfd32c⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 407x878, 407:878, kawaii anime boy.jpg)


The ones without obvious names are named like GTA 5 clothing and they're all utter cancer.

I predict the universe will make them an big success for you just to spite me.

4478c9 No.14257782

File: 0afd7cc8c379148⋯.png (592.71 KB, 872x709, 872:709, oh lord this is sweet.PNG)


>mombot's body

450640 No.14257787


/monster/ is just furfags in denial. Day of the rope and you're all going to hang.


The problem with /cyber/ is they took it super sewius and any kind of posting outside a narrow cone of specificity will have people getting their jimmies rustled. They take nofunaloud.jpg to the next level. That's why I don't bother with that board anymore.

705e2d No.14257790


Don't tell me you're surprised. Twitter turns everybody into a cancerous faggot sooner or later.

c5de85 No.14257844

File: 2093093d3008bca⋯.jpg (97.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Scared Squid 2.jpg)

I just had this really scary thought now that John Flynt deplatformed Nolan Bushnell and dragging his name into the mud with GDC is in a month's time, who's next on their hitlist?! Because good fucking grief, I have this really shivering feeling right now that they'll come and accuse Japanese game creators of sexual harassment and insist its fact despite it's all hearsay. And yes, GDC will believe him and other feminists and deplatform them too. I'm really horrified right now.

52c50c No.14257863


How do we discredit GDC?

759e5a No.14257871


Flynt did this?!

1f34b6 No.14257872

File: ae7111dad0e42ba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 316.31 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, amazing chocolates pg1.png)

File: ef0c7acab23a0e5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 289.46 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, amazing chocolate pg2.png)

There are now two pages.



52c50c No.14257877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now this is bullying I can get behind

8a3b96 No.14257879


I'd buy The Tenor not gonna lie

3f209b No.14257883


There's no real easy way to do it. There's the obvious step of pointing out all the bullshit that GDC's spwered, particularly over the past few years. Hell, while you're at it, might as well point out the shit that IGDA's pulled off as well, since they're a large part of GDC. Pretty much anyone that's looked into it knows it's basically a social justice circlejerk, or is simply a part of it to begin with, and thus are convinced that there's no problems Or that it isn't SJWy enough..

4478c9 No.14257884

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)


0fcddd No.14257894

File: 52d2f02186aba0c⋯.png (147.15 KB, 745x814, 745:814, 1440913404849.png)


Can retarded potatoes consent?

5bc525 No.14257902


That's the wrong question, the right question is "Can retarded potatoes report you to the police?"

fa7537 No.14257908


Remember when anime art and animation wasn't done with a computer and the grittiest anime coming out didn't look "soft" in style because of it?

fc8125 No.14257911

File: e0b9c6b8604ed51⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 610x381, 610:381, 13.jpg)


The boners are real.

52c50c No.14257915

File: 17ae0442fa70ff5⋯.gif (1023.16 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 02f3b7f9a6943362a79752d13d….gif)


It's also been too long

5bc525 No.14257933


>hentais became profitable after computers became the norm for animation

>hand drawn hentais are very few

My benis cries because of it every day.

fa7537 No.14257937

File: 0d5f406f2b6ac23⋯.png (611.56 KB, 734x668, 367:334, ClipboardImage.png)


100% confirmed that mombot is a guy named zach who has been rusing all you nerds for the long con in order to sell you T-shirts.

4478c9 No.14257940


The reason why it was done was because the production cost of cel animation was so insane Princess Mononoke as a example.

52c50c No.14257950


>Very few

Do they even exist at all animation wise.

Manga still has some though rare

fa7537 No.14257953

File: 356c80c07a62b43⋯.png (37.25 KB, 307x271, 307:271, ClipboardImage.png)


>John Flynt deplatformed Nolan Bushnell

Only because Nolan cucked out himself.



52c50c No.14257957

File: 0a21626f04569af⋯.png (414.83 KB, 677x723, 677:723, 0a21626f04569afa8c86f225ff….png)

0278c6 No.14257968


Wait, she's serious? I thought that ws a joke. I want the Huge Anime Titties one. It will go nicely with my "do nothing club" hat on casual fridays. I would probably be politely asked to never wear it in again

fa7537 No.14257978


There needs to be a Huge Anime Tiddies one.

33a6c6 No.14258006

File: a87730998719f04⋯.gif (167.8 KB, 159x146, 159:146, 1482970866178.gif)

File: 270cf9904bb3811⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 600x849, 200:283, street tmnt.jpg)

52c50c No.14258011

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Recently most of them use this cheap, ugly warping effect on a static image to give the illusion of motion.

Oh fuck, I've seen that, it's so goddamned awful,here have an actual decent modern animation.

0278c6 No.14258016


I'd probably wear it. Most of my shirts are boring.

fa7537 No.14258067


>Two on the left both look in surprise

>Guy on the right lowers his gun and grins

Good shit.

c1cf7b No.14258128


What an adorable little body she has.

ff3574 No.14258143

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

dd5583 No.14258148


Honestly don't believe this but would be funny if it was true.




marche is as much of a diaperfur as Val was some "muslim", and "anons" tried to spam these narratives in the thread for weeks after. Derailers trying to derail, no one cares about them.


I remember Mr Metokur tried to shill this same narrative too but I have no idea what trannies they are talking about, most burned out very early in GG.


He's so infuriating.


No, he was just in the same disagreement, I don't think he participated much.


>being this overdramatic

Anon stop. Nolan cucked himself.

dd5583 No.14258154


kek, is disagreement (dis cord) auto filtered?

4478c9 No.14258168

759e5a No.14258172


If gamers start voting with their wallet then these people will die.

0278c6 No.14258184


It's making me want to jerk off to japanese milfs. Luckily I found a Google Drive a while back with download links for most of the decent MaikoMilfs videos. Good thing since it's hard to find seeded torrents for them.

759e5a No.14258198

c1cf7b No.14258209


Her figure is pretty slim for a milf. Then again, Japanese women are barely thick.


Are you implying that's gook anon rusing everyone?

42a290 No.14258215


>Her figure is pretty slim for a milf. Then again, Japanese women are barely thick.

She looks pretty fat to me

0278c6 No.14258216


I just wanna jerk off to old asian ladies

f1088b No.14258227


Imagine being so insecure about your penis size that you see penis outlines in women's skirts.

fa7537 No.14258240


>She looks pretty fat to me

You do know that's a hoodie, right? It hangs forward.

c1cf7b No.14258242

File: ad9e2b8dd423e35⋯.jpg (796.07 KB, 1154x756, 577:378, invisible-toru.jpg)


I hear they age well.

0278c6 No.14258263

File: 13b9be18cfdff62⋯.png (114.89 KB, 264x240, 11:10, 1398469619338.png)


They can't age any worse than the chicks around here seem to.

>all these single moms at the college who are in their 20s, look 40, and need to drop about 50 pounds

42a290 No.14258285


They wear more drapey when it's someone slim, face it anon mombot is far too thicc

c1cf7b No.14258287


Obesity ages a person.

811ee6 No.14258297

File: e3a699b12f37069⋯.jpeg (115.52 KB, 827x1200, 827:1200, a86c87b5c6f9273c413a4d28e….jpeg)


>Japanese women are barely thick

You fell for the petite Nip meme.


>Japanese women’s breasts continue to grow, reach historic tipping point in lingerie maker’s study

>Triumph’s combined D, E, and F cup sales in 2016 accounted for 51.3 percent of its sales total in 2016, making it the first time ever that demand for its larger bras surpassed that for more petite sizes.

3f209b No.14258301


>Single moms

I found your problem. This shit ages women faster than almost anything. Except for some black women, surprisingly enough.

0278c6 No.14258309


I just don't get how I look better than these chicks. I'm older and I've been smoking and drinking heavily for a decade. The ugliest one I've seen wasn't full-on obese but all the fat was in her gut and she was one of those chronic victim types. Whining about how her ex played video games so she had to dump him and how her kid's an autist or something.


I actually met one who was cute, in my first semester classes. Petite, blonde, really friendly. She looked good for a single mom. I still prefer not to date women with kids, though.

c1cf7b No.14258318


Something about evil and ugliness within manifests itself on the person.

276304 No.14258322


Wtf time to go to Japan.

0278c6 No.14258336


Yeah, I think single moms are a good example for that kind of thing. A lot of them are just kind of cunty and ugly. That's generally why they're single. If you're too cunty to even keep the guy who knocked you up around, maybe it's time to take a hard look at yourself.

3f209b No.14258340


Basically. They almost always have some sort of crazy mental baggage.

c1cf7b No.14258349


It's funny that the majority of attractive cuties I meet are really nice, but the fat and ugly ones act like entitled cunts.

0278c6 No.14258352


Also most of them can't cook beyond just heating up frozen stuff. I have taught multiple women to cook because it's a travesty when an adult doesn't know how. Especially a woman. I hope any future husbands make sure to write me thank you letters.

ca8ea5 No.14258357

File: b6b004224a65f5c⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 877x1240, 877:1240, b6b004224a65f5c2c594859cf4….jpg)


There's actually some fashion problems with nips getting thicker. Traditional clothes are completely based on the women being flat so the bigger busts and hips they have, the harder it is to fit in those clothes.

On the one hand, more nips with tits.

On the other hand, less nips in kimonos.

c1cf7b No.14258368


Male nips are happy at least.

bf1a06 No.14258375


And is currently going full Amy's Baking Company about "tech bros" because Bushnell's assistant back then (WHO IS A WOMAN) called Flynt and Frank out being for the fucking hack frauds they are.

c5de85 No.14258408

File: a3919751259820a⋯.jpg (41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Joe Hendry Listen.jpg)

Looks like one of Nolan Bushnell's colleague back in Atari have spoken up about the alleged sexual harassment crimes that John Flynt had thrown on her former boss and MAN, she's REALLY mad.

3f209b No.14258409


From my own experience, the fat ones have gotten a lot worse over the past decade or so. I'm blaming social factors, honestly.

42a290 No.14258418


Got an archive?


Yeah like they won't just fucking change the cut of kimonos for bigger busts. All you would need to do is cut more fabric around the chest

c5de85 No.14258433


Not the actual statement, but a screencap.


11f394 No.14258443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They put a nigger in NuPPG, and now they turned sexy April O'Neil into a ugly hipster nigger.


In some weird way, I do miss 4kids and despite their shitty practices like butchering shows, they do handle the series better than funimation, and even treated the VAs and staff members better than that studio.


I remember. It hurts to see how far western cartoons had fallen from grace, and that getting a career in animation or anything related to it is just a death sentence.

07ed3b No.14258471

File: b4e33776d43b342⋯.png (193.83 KB, 896x812, 32:29, v req danielle sipping cro….png)


>Follow the archive link

>It's ultimately two screenshots of a FB post


Anyone know how to search through FB, and are FB posts archivable?

6fd823 No.14258501

File: 78154d97f7218ed⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 488x356, 122:89, SOY.jpg)


pseudointellectual (plural pseudointellectuals)

1. A person who claims proficiency in scholarly or artistic activities while lacking in-depth knowledge or critical understanding.

2. A person who pretends to be of greater intelligence than he or she in fact is.

b27ef7 No.14258576

File: c793bb8151a86c5⋯.png (77.33 KB, 494x932, 247:466, s7vrten.png)

File: a81f831e4ec2ad8⋯.png (44.63 KB, 434x548, 217:274, KVjk10g.png)


<Might as well post the pics from imgur


Here's her account, but I cannot access it without a FB account of my own: http://www.facebook.com/loni-reeder

288af9 No.14258583

File: b387dd1107a879e⋯.jpg (293.12 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DQ5CMAtVQAEJuBX[1].jpg)

Since we're on a race queen mood due to the girls losing their jobs, how about next thread be called "CANNON BALLERS Edition"?


07ed3b No.14258636


>cannot access it without a FB

Guess I'm SoL on archiving and hope the imgur album isn't an elaborate ruse.

Hopefully Glasgow interviews Reeder and clears up some things.



>You are going to see something from me about this Nolan Bushnell thing. This is too interesting a story to pass up.

471395 No.14258653

File: 33adba7efad3888⋯.png (328.1 KB, 643x408, 643:408, ClipboardImage.png)


Someone who has nothing, created nothing and contributed nothing - ousting a man who has done everything

b264d0 No.14258679


oh, so is fakku the reason i don't see anything from meme50 and karm tatsurou on nhentai anymore?

If they need to go after fansubs it just means the services they are selling are extremely subpar.

d77ded No.14258691



Other than the original cartoons and maybe the comics what, I was not close to a comic store to read comics growing up the 4kids one looked like a sjw dyehair hipster and the 2012 one is plain. and not even gonna touch on fox


Isnt that skull shirt ralphs logo? I honestly forget


>not knowing how skirts pleat or how male crotches buldge

And people wonder why I hate tumblr and people who like tumblr artists.


I still need to finish that series, the problem I had with it was it should have just went full r hentai and not borderline. Otherwise it was an enjoyable echi series.

ca8ea5 No.14258695

File: ed1bc11eb6ffce6⋯.png (512.83 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, jewcob.png)


Essentially fakku was a sadpanda competitor. When wani DMCA'd all H-scanlation repos Jewcob replied with the old "maybe we can help eachother out".

Afterwards he announced fakku becoming a publisher for wani and the other sadpanda-like sites were hit with DMCA's on files that would be hidden to all but special members.

c1cf7b No.14258700


The ones I hate most are the faggots financially supporting him.

4478c9 No.14258704


Fuck the people who support his greedy ass.

07ed3b No.14258725


>Isnt that skull shirt ralphs logo?

It is indeed, and is also free clipart according to my vague memories of past posts.

d77ded No.14258739


So generally harmless then.

11f394 No.14258740


April from the 80s cartoon will always be the best one. 4kids version is alright, comic version can be a hit-and-miss, and both nickelodeon's versions are fucking bad.


And if you try to read any doujins by homunculus on hitomi la, you get redirected to jewlord's site.

>Fakku becoming a publisher

Isn't true that none of the hentai artists that get their work published there get any money from it?

471395 No.14258741

File: 6e0877035263352⋯.png (73.77 KB, 767x363, 767:363, ClipboardImage.png)


i like this one

c1cf7b No.14258745


Might as well tell the artists they are getting ripped off.

1446ee No.14258794


when will this be a gif

8dcc69 No.14258821

7b1e06 No.14258887


Anyone have any info graphs on hand as to why Dis Cord is shit? The ones I saved are buried deep in one of my drives somewhere.

7b1e06 No.14258908


Forgot to add that some peeps i know were planning on going there since their site is going down.

bf1a06 No.14258910

File: 4bd9d7d869ac732⋯.png (323.82 KB, 384x438, 64:73, Amy's Baking Company 2.0.png)


I can hear Johnny Boy's autistic screeching from here.

eea82b No.14258911

File: 46cef3b468c04e3⋯.png (248.75 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 49899941_p0.png)

I finally got my internet back, no more shitty phone connection.

I have to catch up on video news and can actually browse shit.

Scientific American: Bill Nye Does Not Speak for Us and He Does Not Speak for Science

By attending the State of the Union with NASA administrator nominee Jim Bridenstine, the Science Guy tacitly endorses climate denial, intolerance and attacks on science

>As scientists, we cannot stand by while Nye lends our community’s credibility to a man who would undermine the United States’ most prominent science agency. And we cannot stand by while Nye uses his public persona as a science entertainer to support an administration that is expressly xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science.


Washington Post: Bill Nye was a Trump nominee's guest at the State of the Union. Scientists were not amused.


c5de85 No.14258926

File: 96798e110f10d71⋯.jpg (81.39 KB, 655x661, 655:661, Slavery is Beautiful.jpg)

>Feminists are celebrating #WorldHijabDay, still lying with a straight face that the wearing of hijab and burqa in Muslim-dominated countries is voluntary, not forced as we, the misogynist kafirs are saying

eea82b No.14258927


Oh whoops. WP blocks .is, here's .fo: https://archive.fo/JB69n

bf1a06 No.14258932

File: 12911873f7a9b4c⋯.jpg (164.64 KB, 786x1071, 262:357, 1468121726972.jpg)


>Bill Nye pushes an agenda that aligns with what SJWs want to push

>Trump extends an invite to him to attend the State of the Union

>the dumb fuck actually accepts and loses his credibility with SJWs

bf1a06 No.14258948

File: cb0722c1c21aee2⋯.mp4 (442.94 KB, 640x360, 16:9, the current head of the UN….mp4)


I hate that shit. Just because someone in America, where you have complete religious freedom, says they have a choice, they assume it's a choice in places like Saudi Arabia, where they get acid splashed in their faces if they don't wear one.

c5de85 No.14258959


Not only that, not wearing either hijab or burqa will also land them in jail, whipped several times or stoned to death.

d77ded No.14258966



Kek, enjoy the slow death fake and gay scientist.


The image is accurate and sad.


I pray for bad karma.

0278c6 No.14258967


It bothers me very much that my leader calls himself a feminist and then does stuff like try to curtail our free speech to protect muslim feelings, or try to get any references to female genital mutilation as an unacceptable, barbaric practice removed from our citizenship booklet. Frankly, I think we should keep it in there and add male genital mutilation to the list of barbaric, unacceptable practices.

4acb1c No.14258968




>women in Muslim-dominated countries are forced to wear hijab and burqa

That's not true, well probably only in sand nigger-land. I've been to several Central Asian and Southeast Asian countries which are muslim-dominated and they seem pretty chill about women not wearing any head covering.

eea82b No.14258970

File: b90fac4c722c084⋯.png (671.48 KB, 586x5361, 586:5361, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)


>Trump extends an invite to him to attend the State of the Union

Read. Trump's nominee for NASA's head, Jim Bridenstine, invited Nye.

d77ded No.14258979


Asian muslims are not semite muslims which are not arabian muslims whi h are not nigger muslims, malaysia and the likes are not like iran, iraq or saudiland.


I assume england or new england aka canada.


And its bot just muslim majority countries, they do it in england too.

0278c6 No.14258983


Yeah, Canada. It's too late to save my dick but I dream of a world where my sons can grow up with intact dicks.

1d1148 No.14258997


Trudeau will come not only for those dicks but he will take the balls as well.

Canadian children will be transitioned before they can talk.

0278c6 No.14259001


I guess I'll just sneak across the border, then. Nobody suspects the white guy of being an illegal.

4478c9 No.14259005


Let me guess Justin Castro?

d77ded No.14259006


Mine is fine, though has pearly penile papules

d77ded No.14259016


Turd has 1 year then at this rate its gonna be another decade of cons, though I expect him to try shenanigans to try and remain, like holding weed lamo and muslim immigration hostage, and maybe term limits. I wish canada could become new switzerland in terms of politics, national and international.

bf1a06 No.14259021

File: b5ac5df41dea1bc⋯.jpg (48 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 1452646397997.jpg)


Oh, I stand correct, then. Still stupid, though.

>Trump's stated goal for NASA is to go back to space

>so he picks someone who decorated astronauts say can get them there

>but this pick is problematic because he doesn't want the gays to get married

708684 No.14259034



0278c6 No.14259035


I have trouble finishing sometimes because of it. Then I end up having to sleep with my back to my girlfriend and she thinks I'm upset but really it's just kind of unpleasant trying to spoon somebody when your erection is pressing into their back.

d77ded No.14259045


At least you have a gf. meh, I like my single life but that sound kinda crappy, and all I can say is talk to her about it.

0278c6 No.14259051


I do. People tend to think I'm upset a lot when really I just don't have anything to say. And everybody always thinks I look sad but that's just how I always look.

0a761a No.14259078


Still retarded of NASA to help with the climate change extortion scam while still not getting us to fucking Mars or Pluto.

fa7537 No.14259085


But in the end, the man ousted himself.

42a290 No.14259126


You got circumcised in canada? weird, I'm a leaf too and literally no one else I know if circumcised

174af1 No.14259129

File: a80f6cb0ab4634b⋯.jpeg (225.9 KB, 811x965, 811:965, Asuka oh yeah?.jpeg)


>does that ever work?

Pic related.


There you go.

Alright, some questions.

>I'm thinking about compiling a copypasta of useful links to the Wiki. It could be a regular thread fixture. [y/N?]

Has anyone been able to get a pull request completed from GitGud? And if not, when was the last time anyone at the site was responding? There's quite a bit of resourced tied up there for it to be dead. Also, who owns the fucking place, anyway?

>Thinking of making a Wiki page with common shill arguments and rebuttals. Like a better version of that infographic I used to pass around. Could be very useful for sharing? [y/N?]

>The Wiki wouldn't be a bad resource to update a Boycott Goal of the Week, but we need people with big audiences like Mombot to spread it if we want it to work. Worth the time and trouble? [y/N?]

>Should we ask Mark to shill the Wiki as a resource here for a little while? I can imagine the rest of /v/ could make good use of some of its contents, but nobody outside the breads likely knows about it yet. [y/N?]

>Other business:

I'm working on a meeting with KiA's mods over the kerfuffle they have going on. For those who didn't know, their board owner has contracted Trump Derangement Syndrome and recently threatened, and attempted to execute, a blanket ban on "alt-Right talking points" - specifically citing anything related to "white genocide" but expanding much further. The mods revolted and slapped him down (temporarily?), but the community is pissed about it.

The Wiki is coming along. More users have registered and articles are being created and cleaned up.


If you can shitpost, you can update one fucking article. Just go to http://www.gamergatewiki.org and click the "Random Article" button on the sidebar a few times until you see an interesting one, then fix or update it.

Traps are still not gay.

7ce4bc No.14259135


Traps are gay faggot, kill yourself.

0278c6 No.14259140


Yep. I don't know the penis statuses of anyone else around here though. Not my thing.

33a638 No.14259165


Hey Acid, how accurate is this pic? >>14257219

42a290 No.14259231


>Not my thing.

Y-yeah uh me neither haha

fa7537 No.14259249

File: 7bdad25eae1ade2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 14.3 KB, 508x126, 254:63, ClipboardImage.png)


I saw that nigger.

0739fd No.14259253

File: ef60641fc6ec087⋯.png (93.38 KB, 350x406, 25:29, Golden smile.png)


>People tend to think I'm upset a lot when really I just don't have anything to say. And everybody always thinks I look sad but that's just how I always look.

Learn how to smile naturally, Anon, and watch in amazement as you control how people respond to you. I'm serious. Walking up to anyone with smile on your face and saying "Hello", and you will see them immediately change watever expression they just had to a smile as well.

fa7537 No.14259259


>Learn how to smile naturally, Anon

I'd just look creepy. I have one of those faces.

0278c6 No.14259262


I don't have a nice smile. There are some teeth missing (not from poor dental care) and I just look creepy when I try to force it.

fa7537 No.14259268


>There are some teeth missing

Not with your mouth open you dumb fuck.

eea82b No.14259269

File: 1adb5d2c127d8fc⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 553.29 KB, 810x648, 5:4, 67055625.webm)

Any opinion on the outlet gamingbolt or thekoalition?


Counter-Strike Co-Creator Arrested For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child [UPDATE: Valve Suspends]



Multiple Fighting Game Tournaments Ban Competitor After Woman Says He Beat And Raped Her



California is pushing a bill that would impose net neutrality rules on ISPs



Monster Hunter World doesn’t run great on any console – report

VG247 https://archive.is/qI84v

Sega is teasing a new Sonic game reveal for SXSW 2018

Videogamer https://archive.is/fZNTd

Destructoid https://archive.is/QNGlQ

GameIndustry biz

EA stock reaches all-time high ahead of Battlefront II loot box return

Company's stock rose 7%, peaking at $131 following recent financial results


Nintendo confirms Mario movie.

From the studio behind Minions.

Eurogamer: https://archive.is/NYqn7

Gameindustry https://archive.is/NFHjL


Microsoft responds to indie retail stores backlash over Xbox Game Pass



Nintendo Discusses The Status Of The 3DS And Future In Parallel To The Switch Business


Loot Boxes Are Not a Form of Gambling, EA CEO Says

They do, however, admit that their implementation must be fair.

Archive doesn't work


EA Reports Loss in Wake of Star Wars Battlefront 2 Backlash


GameIndustry Microsoft gaming business up 8%

Xbox One X launch drives year-over-year revenue growth for the holiday quarter


PCGamer: Vegan-friendly crypto startup scams investors, scribbles ‘Penis’ on website


PCGamer: Samsung is making special chips specifically for cryptocurrency mining


Commodore 64 is returning as a mini console with dozens of preloaded games


Kotaku: EA CEO Defends The Publisher's Recent Slate Of Games


VG247 Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a “learning opportunity,” according to EA


Rolling Stones

Lack Of Diversity In Games Has Same Impact As Racism On Minority Players, Researcher Says

Archive isn't working


0278c6 No.14259271


That's my only kind of smile that looks natural.

42a290 No.14259277


*I wasn't trying to hide it exactly, but I couldn't just leave it be**

42a290 No.14259280


>fucked up again

I'm killing myself now

bf1a06 No.14259282

File: e9c3176322884fe⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 316x341, 316:341, not this shit again.jpg)


>Lack Of Diversity In Games Has Same Impact As Racism On Minority Players, Researcher Says

I honestly hate the "if I can't empathize with someone that doesn't look like me, no one else can" crowd.

174af1 No.14259288


No. Just no.


Thatg's what I was afraid of. Fug.

eea82b No.14259295


Here's another neat one from Rolling Stones regarding IGDA

IGDA: Interest in Diversity, But Not Actual Diversity On The Rise in Game Industry

According to the IGDA, 81 percent of developers feel that workplace diversity is either "very important" or "somewhat important"


0739fd No.14259298

File: 8dc5aea6025b81f⋯.gif (624.68 KB, 300x165, 20:11, 1375463693745.gif)

File: 07cae9c2a763660⋯.png (192.58 KB, 910x475, 182:95, 1412607031608.png)

File: 08c4ffcc9a956bf⋯.png (176.25 KB, 508x301, 508:301, 1509962032.png)

File: ed0f7271fd37f63⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 367x503, 367:503, 2408ef6380bd31b536d9ce0976….jpg)

File: 4d7cc2bc82811ed⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 2fdb6880cc78809aeaa051dba1….jpg)



Don't force it (That's part of what makes it creepy), and you don't have to show your teeth. Easiest way I found to have a natural smile is just to find or remember something that I found funny or cute and try to keep that expression that I have in response to it for as long as I can.

0278c6 No.14259309


That's what I do but when I do that I open my mouth a bit and you can see where I lost a tooth.

3f209b No.14259310


This would be more meaningful if people who openly didn't think diversity was important in the games industry didn't have giant fucking targets painted on their heads.

eea82b No.14259311

File: 072b15ad46454de⋯.jpg (414.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1419822549800.jpg)

Does freezepage work for anyone?



Watch your spacing, it's noticeable you've been checking in on reddit.

9214ab No.14259335


I am pretty sure this is a joke

fa7537 No.14259337

File: 1192f88f3d17538⋯.png (98.13 KB, 790x511, 790:511, ClipboardImage.png)


>GameIndustry biz

>EA stock reaches all-time high ahead of Battlefront II loot box return

I hope it fucking plummets as soon as they're reintroduced


>EA apologism

>Games director

>Nintendo confirms Mario movie.

Dear god why?

>Loot Boxes Are Not a Form of Gambling

>EA CEO Says

>EA CEO Defends The Publisher's Recent Slate Of Games

But of course.

>Commodore 64 is returning as a mini console

>with dozens of preloaded games

>Not all the games


>Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a “learning opportunity,” according to EA

A learning opportunity on how to quickly shift the overton window of acceptable Jewery in the industry. Since they fucked up, dozens of game companies have come out of the woodworks to say "Our product doesn't have lootboxes" for free PR brownie points regardless of how overmonetized or overpriced their shitty games are.

>Lack Of Diversity In Games Has Same Impact As Racism On Minority Players, Researcher Says

Better axe those basketball games since they are 99% black.

bf1a06 No.14259345


Ian there is checking off all my "scumbag" checkboxes.

4478c9 No.14259365

File: 0c6d7c5d80e11c1⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 516x558, 86:93, patrick eyes glow star.jpg)


fa7537 No.14259380


The idea itself is racist.


>Double spacing after replies

For what purpose?


Well, at least autists can now analyze the structure of her toes to 100% prove she's nip and female. Where's that image with the spatial difference in toe length that tells you what your closest ancenstry is?

ff3574 No.14259387

File: 685af200926c716⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.94 KB, 442x342, 221:171, 9volt lurks.jpg)


9214ab No.14259393

Whatever happened with Tom and Xseed? Is he still doubling down on supporting self-censorship and finding japanese shit problematic while losing fans left and right? I still remember the bullshit about a lot of their employees shitting on senran.

11f394 No.14259394

File: 2c14cba29b5895a⋯.gif (181.86 KB, 384x408, 16:17, 2c14cba29b5895a642ea92e8a1….gif)


eea82b No.14259398

More from GameIndustry:

The Myth of Metacritocracy

10 Years Ago This Month: EA learns a costly lesson about striving for excellence and Take-Two tells it to take a hike


>GDC Awards to honour Nolan Bushnell, Tim Schafer and Rami Ismail


Then updated and added to the story later due to the Nolan thing.

>GDC Awards to honour Tim Schafer and Rami Ismail


Star Wars Battlefront II disappoints with over 7 million sold


Has an accessible games industry undermined its long-term stability? [Accessibility for developers entering the market]


Tencent takes minority stake in Skydance Media


Valve appeal against $2.4m fine extends four-year legal battle in Australia


1ce7a6 No.14259422


>take a lifetime achievement award away from one of the pioneers of the same gaming industry that we wouldn't be discussing without him, the same industry that's funding their pockets

>give them to Mr. Shitface, who runs a company that means you pay twice, and EIN EEDIOT I think that's how it went, I remember some Anon saying RAMI ES EIN EEDIOT or something to that extent, a borderline nobody whose only relevance is sucking industry cock, even if it's EA's

GDC everyone.

bf1a06 No.14259433

File: fffac9452ba985c⋯.png (257.7 KB, 479x349, 479:349, 1469380384579.png)


>honour Tim Schafer and Rami Ismail

Honoring a lazy con artist, and a guy who acts suspicious at airports on purpose to cry racial profiling. Jesus fucking Christ.

047258 No.14259437

>have to use a fucking proxy to use 8ch else cloudflare just doesn't let me on the site

I think I might actually be reaching peak wew

b27ef7 No.14259443

File: f87f218d82763ea⋯.png (304.56 KB, 644x325, 644:325, [Facepalm].png)


>GDC everyone.

Remember this fucker from last year: >>14256859

3f209b No.14259446


To be fair, this IS the same GDC that gave Anita an ambassador award some years ago.

9214ab No.14259452



Have you ever seen such a group of self-righteous hypocritical fucks? All of these people making backhanded fake apologies and acting like they are in the right to celebrate people dying and families suffering. Stephan king insulted people who died, gloated about it, and insulted families. Then you have these famous chucklefucks support that behavior as if that makes them morally right. They even defend all the bullshit democrats did that they blamed conservatives for. Hollywood liberals disgust me.

bf1a06 No.14259457


And they're the reason why Trump will get four more years.

0a761a No.14259464


Wouldn't matter to him if it was the fucking truck driver that died, but never let hypocrisy let to people retweeting a drunk fucktard who beat his own kids and left them to rot.

b27ef7 No.14259471

File: ed9238311aa7d1c⋯.png (124.84 KB, 405x559, 405:559, It's for entertainment.png)


Speaking which, this year's election is going to be a riot when that memo comes out. Any new word on it?

1ce7a6 No.14259492

File: 8fe0d64bd7eae59⋯.png (95.07 KB, 633x692, 633:692, the audacity of this man.png)

File: 7a146cd2d133953⋯.png (16.44 KB, 458x269, 458:269, what the fuck face is this.png)


Okay, let me rephrase that then:

>snub one of the pioneers of gaming as a whole out of a lifetime achievement award because of some shit he did in the 70's, despite backlash from both longtime gamers, Atari fans and even female Atari co-workers who actually liked working there

>the people giving the award, among them some washout dev who's running for office, have the balls to mock people who are pissed about this shit (https://archive.is/HvjI6)

>some fake gamer chick gets an ambassador award for bitching about muh masculinity and muh women representation in gaming on top of the scambux she gets from that very same bitching

>a literal con-artist and a corporate cocksucker get lifetime achievements instead of the aforementioned pioneer

>this is what's considered professional at GDC

I don't even like this Nolan guy; hell, I don't even like Atari, yet I think this is so fucked up, I vented my rage into some shitty face in paint in a vain attempt to describe my anger. Billy me at your leisure, I don't give a shit.

4478c9 No.14259496


8 more years!

9214ab No.14259499


What the worst part is that Wu, people with GDC, and others actually insulted the women who said they liked working for atari and said their experiences are not accurate. IT is the same fucking shit with the grid girls at this point.

3f209b No.14259508

File: f3b45e602c9f864⋯.gif (902.59 KB, 224x233, 224:233, 42f.gif)


Want to potentially get even angrier?

Because of this GDC, both Shitface and Rami will have lifetime achievement awards, but Iwata will not. In fact, Miyamoto and Gunpei Yokoi, the creator of the Game Boy, are the only major Nintendo figures to have the award as of now.

d55fe3 No.14259512


i wish i had a harem

1ce7a6 No.14259513

File: 50bb4881a515200⋯.png (1.56 MB, 983x1073, 983:1073, GUTS RAGE.png)


>both Shitface and Rami will have lifetime achievement awards

>but Iwata will not


3f209b No.14259516

d77ded No.14259519


>did not back down

What do you call "fleeing your house" then john? yeah I know he did not flee


>Gunpei Yokoi

Thats the only good news. But a literal nobody like rami shitface actually has a game to his name having an award means less than nothing.

174af1 No.14259524


Just putting that out there. Anyway, it's been a rough week so I'm turning i early.

Goodniwork on the wiki!

7b1e06 No.14259526


We could use another tag jacking to liven things up when it rolls around. It's aleways fun to watch them cry about Gamergate when it happens.

d77ded No.14259528


Neither rami or shitface are there, only the manlet todd. surprised theydid not retroactively revoke carmacks for telling off anita

45b7ef No.14259529

File: 577240c110ae63e⋯.png (17.19 KB, 655x333, 655:333, bottom line.png)


>Executive Branch Will Declassify Intel Memo Without Redactions, Returning To HPSCI Today…


>MONICA CROWLEY: This is the First of Several Memos to be Released – “There is Worse Coming Down the Pike”


>RUMBLINGS: FISA Memo Contains Four “EXPLOSIVE” Revelations That Have NOT LEAKED


d55fe3 No.14259530


>Archive isn't working

got your back, fam


3f209b No.14259534


It only goes up to last year. They're expected to be honored this year.

d77ded No.14259549


For now the site says tbd they could be disappointed. On a different note, http://archive.is/BTlzV notch won the pioneer award 2016, so post "cuntmad" stuff.

1ce7a6 No.14259562

>Iwata, despite being one of the better programmers in both HAL and Nintendo before being ushered into Nintendo's presidency and one of the nicest people who ever lived, despite his death being well mourned, did not receive a lifetime achievement award

>didn't even bother to give him one posthumously during the 2016 awards in honor of him


There is no image I have on my entire computer, on any of my backup drives, or on the entire internet that could even come close to conceiving how filled with pure anger I am right now. I had to stop myself from doing another fucking drawing because I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. Let me know when you're ready to hijack the GDC tags. Fuck this industry, fuck this SanFran clique, and fuck GDC.

1ce7a6 No.14259564


in response to


3f209b No.14259569


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they went through with it, given how pants-on-head retarded they are. But if they do go through with it, I'll have to work on a list of pants-on-head retarded award snubs.

7374d5 No.14259593


Sure. American, iwata to name a few. if they really want to do right, iwata for lifetime achivment award


Pray sanfran ticks off the chinks, koreans or russians, or muslims finally go full jihad on all non extremists.

d77ded No.14259603


Because vr is a shitty fad and until vr skyrim pc with sex mods not worth it, and still not even with vr sex mods.

0a761a No.14259607

File: 9c7c8f2b2e9f79e⋯.webm (5.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Todd Howard of Bethesda G….webm)


But Skyrim VR is great!

fa7537 No.14259630

File: 37ee3c88190df13⋯.png (108.24 KB, 889x421, 889:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ad4d1a47506ff⋯.png (521.58 KB, 394x549, 394:549, Disoriented 'droid.png)



Why was that beleted?

eea82b No.14259631


Electronic Arts Ranks 5th on List of Most Hated Companies


2a0230 No.14259638

File: bcdcdc7cd456c76⋯.jpg (197.25 KB, 1124x1024, 281:256, kotkotkotkotkotkot.jpg)


mods are in purge mode again

fa7537 No.14259640


No, he deleted his own single post because it was the wrong webm.

d77ded No.14259643


What are the other 4 and I imagine 1 is trumps hotel company because "drumpf 2 scoops!!!!1!"

2a0230 No.14259649

File: 5cc153f60c77899⋯.png (260.09 KB, 580x650, 58:65, 5cc153f60c778990a3dc733481….png)

7b1e06 No.14259658

Heads up:


I know that some of them browse 4chan. I wonder if a few will make their way here, but I doubt it.

471395 No.14259663


I second this. South East Asian muslims are as pious as casual anime fans. The women wear the hijab because of fashion. Iranian / Saudi women land at Jakarta or kuala lumpur and the first thing they do is take off the hijab lol

0a761a No.14259664


They should hire Josh to handle the migration.

471395 No.14259674


In indonesia the only state that enforces saudi-like hijab enforcement is Acheh (which has wahhabi influence). Other places like Bali, kalimantan, jakarta etc don't give a shit. try pushing that wahhabi shit to the Dayaks and you'd get knifed

7b1e06 No.14259681


Real funny. Often I wonder, how different would the video game industry be if Srga never bowed out. If Gamergate were still to happen in that universe, I'd like for them to handle it better than the big 3 but knowing what happened to Peter Moore and these guys…:


eea82b No.14259688

File: d75965e0a28d6ba⋯.png (855.41 KB, 1006x9977, 1006:9977, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)

File: a4b552f3ffc0875⋯.png (755.8 KB, 1005x8725, 201:1745, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)


Oh neat, look at 8.


Bad reputation: America’s Top 20 most-hated companies


ff3574 No.14259699

File: e28e7c19f7ef07a⋯.jpg (215.9 KB, 836x955, 836:955, Purges.jpg)

0a761a No.14259708


>University of Phoenix

At least Adam Jensen's University is on that list, no wonder he's a cuck fuck-up who helped Majestic 12 take over the Illuminati.

8dcc69 No.14259749

File: 0fd6dcca2f91f91⋯.png (255.6 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, rogue and stark.png)

>Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki: Our plans for "creators" in 2018



>Monster Hunter: World's Worst Offense Might Be Its Questionable Treatment Of Animals


>Polygon: YouTube creators may receive harsher punishments if they do "something egregious that causes significant harm to our community," CEO says.



4acb1c No.14259753


>South East Asian muslims are as pious as casual anime fans.

>The women wear the hijab because of fashion.

You're wrong, kiddo.

They are either pious or they just don them out of peer/social pressure.

Those who don't wear them probably just don't care, or are not Muslims to begin with.

For Muslim women there, not wearing hijab is usually frowned upon; but not condemned.

8ac0c1 No.14259759


I heard from a coworker the dems will win midterms and impeach him. Is this true, will that happen?

0a761a No.14259783


>I heard from a coworker the dems will win midterms and impeach him. Is this true, will that happen?

Is your coworker a Democrat who voted for Hillary for some reason? it's a split in the middle right now for the Dems unless "We Hate Drumpf" is their only slogan than they'll have a really hard time selling themselves, and they are running out of money too if those stories about their Donors abandoning them are true and the infighting.

471395 No.14259786


In malaysia for example there are 'hijabsters' aka hijab hipsters. act like thots but are fashionable. teens follow their style.

in the 70s-80s there were nobody wearing hijabs and alcohol was drunk openly. It's after the wahhabi plant Anwar Ibrahim entered the government that the whole thing changed. His 'people' were in every sector and planted the seed where anyone without a hijab were shamed. he wanted all churches to be b& but the christian lobby was quite strong to stop that, surprisingly

In showbiz, it's not until that actress Wardina popularized her brand of hijab that made people copy her.

other than that what I can remember is that iranians and sauds come to malaysia and act like infidels because they felt free-er.

8ac0c1 No.14259791


Didn't vote, not in America, but everyone I know does hate him. It's painful hiding my powerlevel.

0a761a No.14259793


Where you at btw?

8ac0c1 No.14259801

File: 2ea4cc24291d174⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, goodnight white pride.jpg)


In the cold cucked wasteland just next door to you guys. I'd move, but to be honest, I like the cold weather.

ff3574 No.14259804


Every person who will tell you that (I.E. the MSM) has a reason to lie.

Democrats (which include the MSM) are the Xbox shills of US politics right now.

14accf No.14259807


What the fuck is up with that character "design"?

0a761a No.14259808


I really wouldn't put that much stock on Cucked Canuckstanis that voted for Justin Castro to easily predict the future of the US if their only reason is "Drumpf!" how is the stammering retard btw?

471395 No.14259813

File: 9d3a114f9033f92⋯.png (51.04 KB, 635x615, 127:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 938687ab9a33315⋯.png (16.73 KB, 645x180, 43:12, ClipboardImage.png)


Everything, according to the comments on that article

8ac0c1 No.14259815


Our national anthem is changed to be gender neutral

0a761a No.14259822

File: e7cc475f9203235⋯.png (175.29 KB, 500x716, 125:179, SWEDEN MILIARY YES!.png)


Heard about that, the Swedening is coming to Canada, why can't these fucking soyboys and feminazis fuck off.

bbbef0 No.14259827


You gotta smile with your cheeks to make it look real. Just using your mouth muscle is why it looks weird.


I would guess Dems will win the midterms, people usually don't vote in them. Much like during Obama, democrats had the same advantage we have right now and then republicans voted to take it away. Whoever is in power never thinks to care enough to keep that power, the people who don't have it panic enough to actually vote. Depending on how much the win the midterms by we'll be able to judge for sure whether Trump will get another 4 years.

471395 No.14259831


I wonder if Trudeau is being controlled by a cabal of Feminist deep state ministers like Korea

0a761a No.14259848


GOP, RINOs, Establishment Cuckservatives are fighting each other while still surrendering everything to the Dems like the sad little corporate cucks they are, but it's a stretch to say who will win in midterms, Dems don't look like in great shape and the "Le Drumpf Resistance" can only get you so far to galvanize pussyhat marches, from I've seen it's pretty split, if the Republicans can rally their constituents and unite then they have a chance, but if the Democrats have actually get REAL leadership back and a better platform than "Drumpf!" which is only gonna get their shithole states like New York and Commiefornia to vote for them, then I can't predict who's gonna win, that shitshow they did for DACA and the State of the Union Address is not winning them favors for the moderates and independents.

bbbef0 No.14259855


> but it's a stretch to say who will win in midterms,

Fucking screencap me bro, 100 dollars in video games of your choice faggot.

0a761a No.14259866


It's my take on it you thin-skinned retard and you can have you welfare bucks to yourself, but we'll see how it'll go, nothing is goddamn certain these days.

8ac0c1 No.14259867


As cucked as the RINOs are, It will piss me off if the dems win after all the shit I seen from them.

4acb1c No.14259869



>teens follow their style

>it's not until that actress Wardina popularized her brand of hijab that made people copy her.

Yes, follow their style of wearing fashionable hijabs.

Back then hijabs were plain and unfashionable.

Not wearing fashionable hijabs =/= not wearing hijabs.

>In the 70s-80s there were nobody wearing hijabs and alcohol was drunk openly.

True, but this applies only to the big cities.

I doubt people were drinking and hijab-less in villages and rural towns since they are very conservative in nature.

>It's after the wahhabi plant Anwar Ibrahim

He wasn't the sole person responsible for the local Islamic Revival.

There are around 5 groups that kickstarted the local revival, inspired by the global Islamic Revival in the 60s.

I doubt none of these groups are Wahabi in nature.

0a761a No.14259876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The GOP is on fighting back against the dems and fix America to cucking themselves following the standards of Nevertrumpers and libtards while still selling out to corporate interests, Dems if they fix their shit together then they can win, but I don't see it, you got Nancy Pelosi saying the President is Bush while trying to shut the FISA Memo down.

471395 No.14259919


>There are around 5 groups that kickstarted the local revival, inspired by the global Islamic Revival in the 60s. I doubt none of these groups are Wahabi in nature.

oh shit, does this include that political party and the black flag group

d77ded No.14259970


True, I kinda hope the places up for grabs have some independents running, I honestly think an independent who could sell themself with a decent track record could usurp some of the places from both dems and rinos. But for now its a shitshow, and with more dem seats up for grabs than repubs, they stand to lose more.

6017c0 No.14260053

File: cad9ca6a04ffe75⋯.png (102.65 KB, 560x504, 10:9, cad9ca6a04ffe75175c86b295f….png)


>New Viv art


>visit Twitter: nothing

>visit tumblr: nothing

>visit patreonL: nothing


bbbef0 No.14260070

File: 49289860eb1fffd⋯.gif (16.61 KB, 465x229, 465:229, Freak Out.gif)

>Go to youtube to listen to some of my music

>Their entire interface refuses to show the shit I'm interested and only shows off videos of black history and black youtubers

I just want to listen to my anime jazz music play lists god dammit

7b1e06 No.14260118

Goodnight and Happy Groundhog/Hedgehog everyone! Getting really close to setting up my computer again the way that it's supposed to be so that I can really get started.

154f9a No.14260126


Have you tried some radio stations like this one?


b27861 No.14260227


I'm super late to respond to this but I'd just like to say that I still come consider myself a liberal, because modern progressives are not liberals. In liberal philosophy, the rights of the individual are most important. Things that infringe upon those rights, such as censorship, affirmative action, and the siezure of private property, are inherently non-liberal.

fa7537 No.14260314


Same here.


>The Swedish Militiary has been castrated by feminism


First of all, why the fuck would you use Youtube for that? Second of all, if you absolutely must, use hooktube instead and download all the music.

0a761a No.14260327


And now the swedecucks want the military to bring order back from the shithole ghettos they made for the rapefugees, with rules of engagement written by a cuck.

0a761a No.14260357

025b19 No.14260380


no first for benis, therefore sage

fa7537 No.14260384


How did you miss the mark by so much?

c5de85 No.14260446

File: edb63d61eed7c18⋯.jpg (135.75 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, Minoru Suzuki Chilling.jpg)

Good evening.

fa7537 No.14260467


Kill yourself proresufag.

c5de85 No.14260551

File: b60348b5e88d2dd⋯.jpg (176.9 KB, 594x515, 594:515, US University Retardation ….jpg)

2e0066 No.14260572

File: 19a5acd4ad1a50c⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 398x500, 199:250, Gigantism has its benefits.jpg)

f47a11 No.14260586

File: 38060e6a8261bc7⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 590x393, 590:393, bill nye dubs.jpg)


nice dubs

c5de85 No.14260587

File: 9e38695dd8e99b9⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Gender Traitor 6.jpg)

File: 23d863f26fb7a33⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 660x960, 11:16, Gender Traitor 4.jpg)

File: 0f7e280245a53e7⋯.jpg (146.64 KB, 540x810, 2:3, Gender Traitor 5.jpg)

Now grid girls are out of F1 events, who are they're going to target next for wearing outfits that gives into the misogynist "male gaze"? Well aside from round girls in MMA or boxing and race queens in the likes of NASCAR and other racing circuits out there?

2a0230 No.14260608

File: d682d526d64c054⋯.webm (3.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bobbypills - Demoreel.webm)


>Bill Nye the literal nazi guy

534b66 No.14260615

c7ff0f No.14260618

File: e1ff4a1ee7f571c⋯.png (47.54 KB, 356x203, 356:203, spoonfeeding the aussy fur….png)




c5de85 No.14260625

File: a85546ddfeb3512⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Minoru Suzuki Gonna Break ….jpg)


Furries deserve to have their bones broken.

534b66 No.14260633


And yet your the one who is repeatedly made fun of on kiwifarms 🤔

2a0230 No.14260635

File: 1dd89e042dc2e9b⋯.png (404.49 KB, 11920x7008, 745:438, 1.png)


remove yourself from existence marche

534b66 No.14260640


Either reaction the ayyfaggs will have since they were so mad about it.

We been laughing good at their stupidity for weeks now and how easy they are to bait

dd5583 No.14260644

File: ed1a9bce9a92bff⋯.jpg (87.2 KB, 740x1176, 185:294, DVBK1iYUMAAO8ie.jpg)

File: 47ee58ab3622861⋯.jpg (412.72 KB, 1776x1602, 296:267, DVBOw63VoAAriDK.jpg)

File: acc1e827f4b6216⋯.jpg (401.08 KB, 1864x1554, 932:777, DVBOxrEUQAEUZe6.jpg)



How will the usual twitter burnouts attempt try to damage control this? They were autistically screeching as bad as the usual twitter commies.


Josh's Pigpen and users are generally just as lolcows as those they make fun of tbh

534b66 No.14260649


I dont disagree that but you gotta be pretty spurgy to get attention from them

fa7537 No.14260650


Oh look. Goons pushing nuwojak. Who'da thunk it?

c5de85 No.14260660

File: f13e180fe432efe⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 804x210, 134:35, US University Retardation ….jpg)

320736 No.14260663



>elves are furry

fa7537 No.14260665


>Miranda is an elf

c5de85 No.14260668

File: c8923ae21a4b7d7⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 595x540, 119:108, screenshot.380.jpg)


This is almost 2 years old, but still relevant to the discussion at hand. I know Duke had the same program, but what other educational institutions does this?!

c7ff0f No.14260672

File: ed7132887705baf⋯.jpg (94.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MARCHE IF YOU.jpg)


>furry is an elf

320736 No.14260681

File: 863c4e1bb9ee613⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 565x421, 565:421, elves.jpeg)



Really activates my almonds.

c7ff0f No.14260683

File: 9dad7ab7a9c23ae⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 604x517, 604:517, HAHA I'VE HAD ENOUGH.jpg)


>male-identifying students

>authentic masculinity


>left is furry

>right is elf

>"two are same"

I sexually identified as the despair itself

1196dd No.14260687

File: 193afc4360ed5f1⋯.png (40.2 KB, 654x324, 109:54, e72b307f78c8fe02adb5385634….png)

File: f06ed65ef7b5cc0⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 634x459, 634:459, 7dc0bf972d795b3ef81321f476….jpg)

File: e36ce74c4c8e07d⋯.png (242.4 KB, 500x293, 500:293, e36ce74c4c8e07d95b7c16f032….png)

Today is not a bad day.


f47a11 No.14260689

File: ee20116a63c96b8⋯.webm (7.78 MB, 800x450, 16:9, kill yourself.webm)

c7ff0f No.14260696

File: aa780b967711d72⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1600x2500, 16:25, castro's son 2.png)

File: 7d283b20e949ed8⋯.jpg (896.63 KB, 1413x5104, 1413:5104, Castro's son.jpg)


I bet his brother killed him

713b97 No.14260702

File: c3cc25a43e2ba79⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 766x788, 383:394, 1515598013.jpg)


See? Girls can do everything boys can do


>Any opinion on the outlet gamingbolt or thekoalition?

thekoalition joined the DOAX bashing bandwagon, it's cancer

88e56a No.14260708


>I sexually identified as the despair itself

Better than sexually identifying as an "expansive ornate building" or a "wingless golden-scaled dragonkin".


Justin Castro just wanted his brother to win, I guess.

d77ded No.14260716


I kinda want to goad them into targeting mma and wrestling, the latter would probably wake a few people I know up hard.

320736 No.14260718


>they're different because I say so

Not an argument

4acb1c No.14260735


It includes the political party, but I'm not sure which black flag group you're talking about.

We have PAS the political party, JIM the NGO, and ABIM which is some kind of youth movement back then.

The other two, Tabligh Jamat and Darul Arqam are pretty harmless. The Tabligh Jamat is basically the Muslim door-to-door evangelist targeted towards Muslims themselves, to make sure they frequent the mosques more often. Darul Arqam is basically a bunch of unorganized study groups conducted at local mosques and whatnot.

It's funny how non-confrontational SEA Muslims are when compared to sand niggers.

713b97 No.14260744

File: 04b9554692ec4ed⋯.jpg (230.53 KB, 803x743, 803:743, Screen Shot - 18-02-02 002.jpg)

File: c2305df5f2b7a7c⋯.jpg (195.44 KB, 605x640, 121:128, Screen Shot - 18-02-02 003.jpg)

>Fake porn videos featuring celebrities deleted from the internet in attempt to stop 'deepfake' footage


>deleted from the internet

Wew. Also


127bdc No.14260754

File: 744b32791b93074⋯.png (141.46 KB, 612x485, 612:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ac6e723061b29c⋯.png (95.14 KB, 622x707, 622:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, queston.png)

So this guy was being creepy with mombot earlier, asking about her kids like a pedo or something. I notice they all have an obsession with her kids now. So I reply with a hypothetical conversation between him and his friends, and he basically agreed with me, right?

>You took the words right out of my mouth…

He owned himself, right? I think he realised he owned himself and resorted to petty name calling.

c7ff0f No.14260756

File: 3736ca56837ff78⋯.mp4 (696.25 KB, 854x476, 61:34, laughing pirate.mp4)


>deleted from the internet

That's like removed from the history, good luck on their unholy crusade, it's impossible.

88e56a No.14260761


It seems they are data mining to try and expose mombot once and for all by targeting her kids' identities.

127bdc No.14260764


SO who are these really pissed that mombot exists? I don't think they're goons, they use words like autist and use 4chan memes, and have anime avatars. I think these are SJWeebs from cuckchan. It all adds up.

4478c9 No.14260767

You guys know you can just filter Marche?



Yet they'll boast about how they are great people fighting against the evil right!

127bdc No.14260771


It was just such a bizarre exchange. I'm not sure how he thought that tweet was supposed to work out, but he was just agreeing with me in the end. I even showed it to a coworker and he couldn't make heads or tails of it either.

c7ff0f No.14260773

File: 60f0574b7571261⋯.png (315.24 KB, 1003x564, 1003:564, intl.png)

File: 6eefa99e7ef7de5⋯.png (146.74 KB, 1242x689, 1242:689, intl1.png)

File: 3f1b80d3ccdeb6b⋯.png (33.58 KB, 927x354, 309:118, intl4.png)


SA, /intl/ remnants, revoltards and burntoutfags, cuckchan aGGro SocJus Light™…

SA is the most probable.

1196dd No.14260775


I'd bet the Ayy-team due to their suicidal tendencies.

127bdc No.14260781

File: aa7cec5f90a245f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1024x850, 512:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e23588a9466ac1d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 703x1024, 703:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

And speaking of Mombot, is this actually her? I'm not sure if it's intended to be her or if I missed a joke or something. I've seen people going nuts over the pics, saying things like

>non existent boobs

>no hips

>giant feet off camera

But that's all wrong. She's wearing a big baggy sweater, and even through it you can see the outline of her bra and the bumps where her tits are. She's holding her hands on her hips in one pic, pushing into the sweater. You can draw a line where her hands are in and follow it down, she has the curves of a woman. And her hands in the other pic, those are women's hand's, complete with woman's nails. And the figure seen here is a very common figure among people of asian decent.

127bdc No.14260789


But does that jot reveal that in the end they know she is actually a mother? By trying to find her kids, or even constantly asking menacingly about her kids to try and get under her skin, they reveal that they know or at least think her kids are real, which means they know on some level that she's real.

ff3574 No.14260793

File: b6c5d201c1f423d⋯.gif (672.67 KB, 350x197, 350:197, ara_senses_tingling.gif)


Where are our resident Arafags to weigh in on this?

4acb1c No.14260794


>And the figure seen here is a very common figure among people of asian decent.

That's a pretty roundabout way of saying that she's flat.

862502 No.14260804


>non existent boobs

>no hips

And here I thought feminists would be happy seeing a non-sexualized woman.

1196dd No.14260811


But of course that's what she wants everyone to think about that way. You though that she had enough after her first successful bait?

baa614 No.14260818

File: f89b02dae7234a7⋯.jpg (68.99 KB, 717x710, 717:710, 11309107372665295464635.jpg)

>all this obsessing over mombot

So gamergays threads were being kept alive by ID hopping 9volt all along?

c5de85 No.14260824


Hey! Don't lump me into them, please!

534b66 No.14260830


Yes its her

She is just an old lady

127bdc No.14260837

File: f99fdaabe7b3f3a⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 1114x960, 557:480, f99fdaabe7b3f3a63c749edce9….jpg)


I'm not obsessing, I'm just pointing out that the people like 9volt that are desperate for her to be a white guy that they're wrong, and asking it's really intended to be her or if I missed something.

534b66 No.14260845


Youre fucking stupid. Stop thirsting for women online. Especially ones who dont even know you

c5de85 No.14260859

File: df3af52ab68da13⋯.jpg (52.53 KB, 480x539, 480:539, Retard 2194.jpg)


Norway is the new Nazi Germany!

127bdc No.14260863


I'm not thirsting, I swear. The whole mombot thing is just so perfect because the SJW goons have been doing the most heinous shit to her for years now because "she's a white dude durr hurr" and we've said for years that she isn't we've seen enough evidence over the years to prove it, and now BOOM. Pics that prove it.

So it was ok to dox her, to harass her, to menacingly ask about her kids, threaten to cum on their pictures, call her a fat white guy for years, because it's just some white dude named Zach, right? Well now they know they've been wrong the whole time. The whole time they been doing this shit to a real woman. I can't wait to see how they react. I already know, they'll double down. sadly.

c7ff0f No.14260868

File: 2c654304423defa⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 256x320, 4:5, guilty of not giving a fuc….jpg)

>tfw bunch of puss thirst faggots disputing whether Mombot is woman or not

>and I'm the only one who watching this twater shitshow and giving zero fuck about it's she or he

The only thing matter is that the fact she's our nigga.

1feb6a No.14260871


I had no idea that Hitler had traveled back in time and invented the runic alphabet.

4478c9 No.14260876


>Germanic peoples using runes!

<It's not like they've been used by all the Germanic speaking peoples at one point as any fucking history book can show you!

c7ff0f No.14260886

File: 01ad440697d8c4f⋯.png (543.9 KB, 657x888, 219:296, the nazi.png)


>runes are nazi!

Next time they'll scream panties are nazi because Nazi wore them

And sooner or later they'll insist genocide the whole mankind because Nazis were human too, just like us

6fae01 No.14260890

File: 5029b6e0a44ac55⋯.jpg (98.62 KB, 1280x612, 320:153, title[1].jpg)

File: 0db4af40e875332⋯.jpg (207.18 KB, 1920x647, 1920:647, 2.jpg)

File: ef8d6bcf3456f9a⋯.jpg (283.95 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1.jpg)

This doc and his team.

4c19a7 No.14260891


It's obviously broteam in a skirt fag

534b66 No.14260918

b80633 No.14260929


They forget one important detail. Hitler consumed water, that makes every water consumer a Nazi since it was a official drink back then.

3f815d No.14260933



what remains of booth babes.

ca8ea5 No.14260936


>only talk about the Tyr rune

>completely ignores that they're also wearing upside-down death runes

26af5f No.14261008


>upside down death rune

So, life?

ca8ea5 No.14261017

File: f97e0646a80988b⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 640x360, 16:9, at least yayo has bread.jpg)


Yes. I'm retarded.

42a290 No.14261044

File: 363d886af9cc7a0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1146x1051, 1146:1051, 1504976339.png)


This is true, it would certainly be funnier if mombot were actually a japanese housewife, but its almost as good if>she is just some rusemaster NEET

b27ef7 No.14261045

File: 10aa3d12d7a9462⋯.png (265.83 KB, 764x1150, 382:575, Weaponizing aras.png)


>I'd move, but to be honest, I like the cold weather.

Why not ship yourself to Alaska, then?



<Pic related


Either he is drowning in pussy, or him and his assistant can qualify as one of the world's most cucked men.

56c8f4 No.14261055


Its harder to immigrate to the US then you'd imagine. I tried a few years back and had no luck

07ed3b No.14261083

File: bbcac58bab9cecc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1135x1078, 1135:1078, vivian1onl.png)

File: 2418e1cd9cfb812⋯.webm (2.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tachikoma out for a Walk ….webm)




Here I come to save the day.

127bdc No.14261114


That's cool as fuck

b072ec No.14261120

bf1a06 No.14261147

File: 56c5c6e831a09a2⋯.gif (352.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1461998373474.gif)





What has Rami actually even done, other than suck corporate dick and shame E3 for failing to racially profile him for repeatedly entering security checkpoints?

3f815d No.14261165


God I hope Lwu get's destroyed in her primary.

bf1a06 No.14261181



But imagine the ego required to openly go on a supervillain "how dare you question my ego" rant, and then to turn around and claim that one time you screamed "FAT DYKE" and "SAND NIGGER" at people didn't actually happen.

124329 No.14261225

File: 56c31b7fc1a241a⋯.webm (2.25 MB, 720x480, 3:2, gas the furries.webm)


b27ef7 No.14261247

File: ff6a155c66699d7⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 800x526, 400:263, 80s furry convention.gif)


going by the discussion in a Star fox thread from a few weeks back, apparently furries going full cancer have been something that has been exclusive to the past 2 decades.

8bbcb4 No.14261263

File: 09ddc6616d69a69⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1879x1966, 1879:1966, 1459960905001.jpg)

Just reminding you that anime is degenerate and it promotes sissyfication of white males.

The next step of cultural marxists Jews plan is making weebs gay and stop them breeding

Krautchan archive related


264135 No.14261287


>80s furry convention

>past two decades

Anon, I…

f47a47 No.14261309


If someone is so weak minded and easily manipulated that cartoons can convince him that pretending to be a girl and getting fucked in the ass is a desirable life choice, why do we want them to breed? Let the weak fall by the wayside so that the strong may rise to the top.

f1088b No.14261311


Come on anon it's 2018!

bbbef0 No.14261328


Her/his gender doesn't matter, all that matters is that the leftists are actively trying to prove mombot isn't a woman, which is supposed to be a CARDINAL SIN THAT WE WOULD DARE DO THAT TO A TRANNY

618b37 No.14261390


Isn't half the shit in this picture aimed at women?

b27ef7 No.14261403

File: 6d50233fecc695c⋯.png (77.68 KB, 808x298, 404:149, 2D Men.png)

1ce7a6 No.14261447

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


>He owned himself, right?


ff3574 No.14261549

File: ae46a0efb42293d⋯.png (111.49 KB, 267x189, 89:63, Naruto butt sauce.png)


Yes, believe it.

d82268 No.14261559

File: 0d3366aada58896⋯.png (104.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, polygon does not know the ….png)

>Polygon: "Understanding Ugandan Knuckles in a post-Pepe the Frog world." Aka…they actually went there.


>PlayStation Universe : "Is EA's listing As One Of America's Most Hated Companies Too Harsh?" Tries to downplay EA's rather deserved status through concern-trolling and goalpost-moving.


>Freedom of the Press Foundation will preserve Gawker’s archives


1ce7a6 No.14261561


Well since the Akko-fag won't post an archive, might as well post it.



124329 No.14261591

File: 327fa6e77a12374⋯.png (95.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 327fa6e77a123748b949efe696….png)


>ugandan knuckles

Its deader than dead Julia

127bdc No.14261614


Sorry anon, it just didn't occur to me since it's my own tweet and unimportant. Here it is. https://archive.is/du5WA

d82268 No.14261621

File: 210a4f6afcc7a05⋯.png (170.03 KB, 454x537, 454:537, Capture.PNG)


it is I should have known based on how no one's talking about it anymore expect for them of course.


b27ef7 No.14261637

File: e6f5cfcc2346919⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 630x360, 7:4, [vrchat] russian knuckles.mp4)


Let me guess, they use their "nerd cred" to figure out how something completely random become funny?

1d1148 No.14261691


Gotta make those hate symbols. How else are my anti-racist non-profits and charities gonna to get their dosh.

ff3574 No.14261692

The memo dropped!

Here's the link, but the .gov site shit itself


ff3574 No.14261706

ff3574 No.14261714

Which has better discussion for hot takes /pol/ or /new/?

bf1a06 No.14261770

File: c46e2511df22295⋯.mp4 (350.47 KB, 326x184, 163:92, $100 Lahey.mp4)


>they're still fucking going about how problematic they think Ugandan Warrior Knuckles is

b27ef7 No.14261781

File: 8fcaeceb41e9913⋯.jpg (314.75 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 1-da33fd498e.jpg)

File: 7a301b0da4bfa05⋯.jpg (185.57 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 2-5f09982a44.jpg)

File: 229d2e93c50876c⋯.jpg (358.61 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 3-f50d46987e.jpg)

File: e64b79288eaa0b9⋯.jpg (353.5 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 4-a64498680b.jpg)

File: c3c9e475cf4655b⋯.jpg (300.76 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 5-69cb478ce9.jpg)

b27ef7 No.14261783

File: 07a361fc271128a⋯.jpg (146.74 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 6-1e89293448.jpg)

97a03a No.14261803

File: 9f35fec5cca457a⋯.png (122.58 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1390947716885.png)

45b7ef No.14261812


/pol/'s better for happenings.


2a9473 No.14261828

b27ef7 No.14261851

File: 757319b93d5f6f5⋯.pdf (1.86 MB, Nunes-memo.pdf)

File: 33ad35fdbe8dc85⋯.webm (11.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Mark Levin PROVES Obama W….webm)

And a pdf. I really need to read all of the /pol/ thread before posting stuff elsewhere.


<'TL;DR: It's everything Mark Levine talked about, except now on "public record"and with a few names and listing what exactly people's motives are and just how illegal some of it was

Although, according to one Anon in the /pol/ thread, there's going to be more.

5af51a No.14261866

File: a87430443e3677a⋯.png (126.05 KB, 880x894, 440:447, THIS ANON IS AN ARA.png)


>in a post-Pepe the frog world

Are they treating Pepe like a meme holocaust now?

Also, getting to 8chan is really hard these days, it was impossible yesterday.

1c0c6b No.14261878


Look at it on the good side. No twitter or tumblr faggot would get in because they don't have the patience to wait a day until things fix up.

1c0c6b No.14261883


Oh shit, you baited me and framed me as an ara!

124329 No.14261899

File: 5b850b339e0cc0a⋯.png (57.87 KB, 290x360, 29:36, 1398535022447.png)


>tumblr faggot

45b7ef No.14261900



>* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

>* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

>* The four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Rod Rosenstein.

>* The FBI authorized payments to Steele for work on the dossier. The FBI terminated its agreement with Steele in late October when it learned, by reading an article in Mother Jones, that Steele was talking to the media.

>* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

>* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Couple other points not mentioned in that article is that Steele leaked parts of the dossier to the press who ran articles about it. Those articles were then used to corroborate the dossier in the FISA court. Also Comey knew all this and leaked info himself in order to push for a special counsel and then Rosenstein appointed Meuller for it. Rosenstein knew all this too.

bf1a06 No.14261905


I honestly consider "this meme is racist" as probably the biggest forced meme in history.

42a290 No.14261912


>Also, getting to 8chan is really hard these days

Everyone keeps saying that, even mark was having problems and I haven't experienced even a single hiccough with 8chan at all in months

1c0c6b No.14261930

File: ff9ad38962b4b07⋯.jpg (100.61 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1445257077808.jpg)


So this is how being Gookanon feels.

eea82b No.14261934

File: caaf30f8c09f705⋯.png (304.01 KB, 624x873, 208:291, 9ba7ccca09929d1b9549b25954….png)

d82268 No.14261974

5af51a No.14261983

File: cb7276905fae70e⋯.mp4 (45.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Gotcha Bitch.mp4)


<vid related


It started fucking up only a couple of days ago. It might just be temporary.

42a290 No.14261998


>It started fucking up only a couple of days ago.

Yeah that's what everyone has been saying, it's still weird to me because as I've said it hasn't even fucked up remotely for me on my computer or on my phone neither posting nor browsing has been impeded in any way

b27ef7 No.14262035


Ditto on that.

d82268 No.14262048

Is someone baking? This thread is almost to 700.

5af51a No.14262060


Maybe you were lucky and never found 8chan when it was down, I just couldn't even get to the homepage on my part.

759e5a No.14262075




127bdc No.14262093

File: 5fe9f0570a7c459⋯.jpg (907.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-02-01_00006.jpg)

File: 4c1195151ac35b8⋯.jpg (921.51 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-02-01_00003.jpg)

File: ce0e0f65f060b2a⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-02-01_00004.jpg)

File: e5f19e6eee0678e⋯.jpg (931.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-02-01_00005.jpg)

File: c6456651102829d⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-02-01_00011.jpg)

I made my subs and base in subnautica gamergate themed. If I could I would paint the whole base green and purple.

759e5a No.14262103


and no benis, so you know what to do

56c8f4 No.14262111

File: 4642259406b8598⋯.png (842.79 KB, 1080x1670, 108:167, Screenshot_2018-02-02-12-3….png)

Have you fags heard about that shooting? Apparently shooting 4 people was an accident


1d1148 No.14262117


reported for spam

862502 No.14262123


Is it good?

124329 No.14262126

File: fc2bf0453b48988⋯.jpg (121.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, renge.jpg)


f0d0af No.14262131

File: 41a8e79177607a4⋯.png (67.57 KB, 1127x408, 1127:408, discord.png)


It's not about "cucking out," it's about cleaning your hands of drama and not touching it. He doesn't need a shitty award to know how legendary he is, we all already know how legendary he is.


Here's one. I saved a picture of a forum thread about the topic a long time ago, but I lost it.

127bdc No.14262136


It's a great game, I highly recommend it.

5af51a No.14262152

File: f06f50dcdb39b15⋯.png (193.9 KB, 540x566, 270:283, eat_my_bratwurst.png)


Wait until they say it was just a prank.

1ce7a6 No.14262159


4bfa91 No.14262164


Only men can commit crimes, that poor girl didn't know what she was doing

4bfa91 No.14262168

File: e58da4fc60dd6de⋯.png (84.91 KB, 327x300, 109:100, 1504090957.png)


That pic is bullshit, I didn't even watch anime before I transitioned

6fae01 No.14262178


Are there any new eltonel lewds?


>or him and his assistant can qualify as one of the world's most cucked men.

well thanks for ruining that picture for me.

1ce7a6 No.14262184








5af51a No.14262189

File: 372203ae970be6e⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 512x544, 16:17, 1490181350956.jpg)


Reminds me of the nigerian prince in the UK who got away with rape by saying "I slipped".

0fd622 No.14262194


Thanks for the video anon.

646e39 No.14262332

88e56a No.14262457


>"how dare you question my ego"

More like "How dare you question anything I say? Why do people care about qualifications? Just because I make retarded mistakes ALL the time, doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing, why do people question my skill sets and levels?"

535e65 No.14265330

File: feed223c6f0242c⋯.jpg (72.37 KB, 570x383, 570:383, conan-the-barbarian-21-6-1….jpg)


Crom will strike them down for this blasphemy!

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