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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 0966cc0f506f858⋯.jpg (125.89 KB, 1200x977, 1200:977, Broken 4chan cp doomed us ….jpg)


1. Make more boards

2. Get /tech/ to make a banner/announce with link to all those boards

BO and Board Volunteers get your ass ready


>Normalfags freaking out

>Exodus inevitable


Boards we need:

A board for browsers

A board for text editors /vim/ and /emacs/?

A board for """Wangblows/Apple"""

A board for cybersecurity and /fuckos/

A board for programming /prog/

A board for machine learning /machinecult/

How things are done in >>>/rule34/ and >>>/fringe/ is perfect


Thankfully the 4/g/ fags logically migrate to 8/g/. As for alternative boards, one is >>>/babbage/. It's not to replace /tech/, but the idea is to discuss STEM topics without shitposting. Completely dead at the moment.


I'm just here because I'm sick of gookmoot and his bullshit. Fuck 4chins.



How did it take you that long to leave?



I came here since GG. Just witnessing another exodus on the horizons.



Nice larp. GG was long before gookmoot, so you should have left before you even had the chance to become sick of him.



I came here when moot worked for Google, which is BEFORE gookmoot.


I came here before, but left due to apparent drama happening here, coupled with slow posts.

Also Exodus was force closing and not being maintained.

With Clover getting support, i'll lurk and post once in a while.

Deal with it.



File: 58cef8faf207d91⋯.png (277.8 KB, 1513x880, 1513:880, tearfulkittyposter.PNG)


>2. Get /tech/ to make a banner/announce with link to all those boards

As a general observation, 4chan users can't stand dead or slow paced boards. A subset of them are the kind of people who knew about moderation problems during Gamergate, but stayed on 4chan because 8chan had less activity i.e were not willing to build a community.



I also noticed we don't have a board for Rust, a board for C++, a board for C, a board for C#, a board for D, a board for daily programming thread, a board for tech support, a board for miscellaneous questions, or a board for consumer electronics.

Someone should get those going, because that's the 8chan way™ and it always solves all our problems.




> board for Rust

This needs to happen ASAP. Come on fake Steve, this is your time to shine! You could even write bots to manage your board, and because you'd want them to work correctly, you could do it in Ada



>boards that will die in less than 3 days


File: 9e901fd0dbfe484⋯.png (944.82 KB, 1080x647, 1080:647, nervousniggahours.png)

The invasion has already begun. Prepare for evacuation.



Just took a quick look at a certain far right leaning political board... the cuckchan quality has set in.



Where will we go?



turkroachchan :^)



Anywhere where we don't have pro Paul Nehlen threads.


too be honest i am suprised how dead this place is. shows how gay 4chan has become. i mean, 8ch is fucking terrible too but at least i am not forced to click bridges or buy a fucking pass.


File: afa8c48761b93e4⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


I welcome them.

Many of them are kids who don't know any better, let's set them on the right path!



It's because 4chan has become infamous and popular. People go on there to be cool and take their facebook tier shit with them.



You forgot a board for posting the GNU/Linux pasta.



literally true. even /g/ is part of the problem since 2017. mobile posting and extremely low-effort shitposting literally everywhere.



That is the problem. Waiting for an exodus and making contingency plans is key.


At this point, board brigading (or BOs of multiple boards working as one) would solve this issue. Too much work though



>This place is dead

Yeah, we need more template threads and videogames so it's less dead and more alive like 4chin



the consumer advice thread is already here ;^)



video game board is already 1 out of the 5 only boards used you fucking idiot. its either video games, politics, tv and random/porn. i guess since none of you are interesting you wouldnt have a cooking, sports or an outside board.


On a positive note: This site will is not directly linked via google. So when your typical normie gets told by his cool soy buddy to go to 8chan now because cuck chan is dead, he won't get a direct link. Should keep a significant amount of actual normalfags out.

On the other hand, the amount of low effort posting and general cuckchan-tier shitposting has increased for years now. I think, the only possibility each of us has is to post the standard of quality that everyone want to see in other posts while at the same time point out shit-tier posts. I'm here since the first exodus in early 2014 or something and the quality of then will propably never ever be reached again, especially considering /pol/.


File: a2b4daa17a55454⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 627x421, 627:421, a2b4daa17a5545484531c2fd06….jpg)


You've never been anywhere else but the top boards cuckchanner.

You didn't even spend enough time here to do so.

Your opinion is shit and not even worth acknowleding.


If fags invade this board you can come to /christech/.

It is small, comfy, Christian tech board.



>not directly linked via google

I don't believe that's true anymore.

Not that I use the google botnet or anything baka.



>using the smiley with the carat nose



Fuck off cuckchanner. Sorry we're not so hustle and bustle like on 4chan where good threads last 2 hours tops.



>we don't have a board for Rust

I'm pretty sure we already have a board for faggots.


File: 57e79a9edb948a9⋯.gif (121.15 KB, 727x500, 727:500, 1515048057950-0.gif)




There is only one option for migration.

The problem with /tech/ is quite simply we don't have enough moderators. Splitting up the community into a massive amount of equally unmoderated boards is not going to solve that.


we effectively have one semi-active moderator. The rule set is decent, and a significant amount of the /g/ autism is covered by the ruleset.



>The problem with /tech/ is quite simply we don't have enough moderators.

How do I apply?



join the discord clique


File: f88a8f788c54d62⋯.jpg (423.94 KB, 1826x815, 1826:815, wow.JPG)


I'd love to be a mod, but I know the users wouldn't love me. The board needs some iron grip control until the shit dies down.



I'd love you anon.







I'm pretty sure there isn't even a discord, only a mumble, and a irc.



any reason why?

until then, no it's not



I'd make a board but it'd be unlikely to take off



unfortunately very true.



>As a general observation, 4chan users can't stand dead or slow paced boards.

Good point, this facebook generation are all attention whores. We should colonise >>>/g/ until they get bored of shitting this place up (which will be never)



i'm not off for war, this is my curiosity speaking - how are you gonna colonize /g/?

it sure won't be through masses.. Plausibility will be responded by gaymer kiddis and triggered reddit autists, so..




It's a dead board. We can just start using it.



ah, i got the wrong impression.

makes a lot more sense now.


File: d23aa34002688dd⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 393x182, 393:182, Capture.JPG)



fucking windows users


File: 76e1c5ddb6baec8⋯.png (230.49 KB, 468x639, 52:71, 1516778978527.png)

Something wonderful happened. Your 4chan has been removed legacy captcha.


File: 6c628524fd29c63⋯.png (34.27 KB, 371x239, 371:239, FUCKING.png)

File: 25ddfcebb19819c⋯.png (19.27 KB, 398x146, 199:73, CUCKS.png)






Hopefully they'll appreciate Rust more than you fags. :^)



I'm currently using Quartus, and if I have to be using proprietary software be damn sure I'm not instating it on a libreboot laptop



I like it, thanks for the link. I've posted and I'm glad to give this board some contribution. Too bad there isn't many users at the present time but I hope it will get some.



>How to deal with the flood of g/rust/notanargument/muhlicense -same fags



There's not really any reason for me to post on this site so long as 4chanX supports neither post threading nor filtering in its vichan/tinyboard counterpart. The lack of a custom catalog is also a bit of a bother. As it stands, 8ch is no better than any other of the vichan boards in terms of ergonomics, but posting quality is way less than that of the random /jp/ spinoffs that everyone won't shut up about by sheer principle of having the larger userbase (and thus more crossboarders). Vanilla 8ch might be holistically better than vanilla 4chan, but it's much worse in comparison to 4chan + filters + Oneechan. Of course, none of you have been posting long enough that you'd be aware of that, would you?

In fact, in comparison to other vichan boards + 4chanX, 8ch has the most obtuse interface of all of them. I can't even browse the catalog with keyhints because every link that I open in a new tab locks me into their stupid post box.



Why am I not surprised when Rustfag turns out to be one of those "Refugees Welcome" fags.



Are you calling me a faggot?


Cuckchan has been unusable for a while. The cryptomining/datamining scripts and ads only made it worse.





>bloat bloat crapware more bloat

>Just to nacigate a fucking website.

See the little [-] next to a thread? Hides it from page and catalog view, dumbass. See the [Options] in the top right? Supports basic and regex filters for trips, comment, subject and name. What the fuck is post threading? If you mean tree view, that's an option, too.



<Just to navigate a fucking website.

I would rather that than downloading a whole application every time I open a new webpage just to have that same functionality.

>Supports basic and regex filters for trips, comment, subject and name.

There's no filter for image md5sums, which means that you can't protect yourself from frogposters.




How dare you!




File: 76daa07dc208ba0⋯.png (32.89 KB, 653x566, 653:566, 1516905684831.png)

brainlets is the best meme of current year


File: 3195221bf0cb508⋯.webm (75.69 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 3195221bf0cb50824c851d122….webm)


File: 77843fd0812f166⋯.png (112.47 KB, 812x760, 203:190, 1515232232389.png)



Wait, Cuckchan fucked up again?

Is that why /leftypol/ is managing to stay alive?




i was being ironic :^)



not me btw


>being this much of a retard

>tree mode



File: 5bf38322c0a8573⋯.jpg (5.93 KB, 235x215, 47:43, 1516942105241s.jpg)


File: 1c4a98de8e63ded⋯.jpg (39.53 KB, 221x221, 1:1, 20171205_102453.jpg)


Can confirm, i know people who crosspost between 8chan and 4chan and remove them if they don't have a good reason and when i ask why they always say "because 8chan is too slow". I am so use to it and doesn't bother me, i remember i had that issue when i came here about four years ago


File: 7609ab7a0d8ab19⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, family photo.jpg)



Last I heard, 4chan had Google captcha and some sort of JS blob. I don't really get it, you might as well be posting on Facebook.



t. old fart unable to adapt



But this time legacy captcha's terminated.



Le'ts not pretend corporate spying is the only thing wrong with Facebook.





4chaims speed is a pain if anything else.

Most replies are not even worth reading anyways, nothing but low effort garbage.



slow paced nature of 8ch coupled with shitposter baiting thread is deadly combination. I stopped visiting here in favor of lainchan for some long time after participating in systemd thread that I ended up spamming photoshopped picture of naked man with nipples as his eyes.



4ch sold out to the sjws long ago



See >>857777

>filtering by "command line"

Some anon once made a greasemonkey script just to do that.



>I stopped visiting here in favor of lainchan for some long time after participating in systemd thread that I ended up spamming photoshopped picture of naked man with nipples as his eyes.

true quality posts



I just wanted to argue LoC of systemd is slightly misleading as it gets unnecessarily long due to being a C language based project that tries to provide C++esque runtime polymorphism. systemd does have very sane implementation of data structures and their accessors that's worth studying.


File: f99861ffa1da54c⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, Libbie neet 2.png)

>All these shit threads

It's already beginning

It was nice knowing you fags


File: 8b1bb1aeef84516⋯.png (198.71 KB, 433x386, 433:386, 1517045461271.png)



>very sane


Here's the results of my search for /tech/ alternatives to get away from these /g/ retards, because this board is clearly unsalvagable now

8ch.net/babbage/ - Formerly dead general STEM board, has some /tech/ refugee activity

8ch.net/poltech/ - Some activity, more focused on fighting (((da joooos))) with technology rather than actual discussion on technology itself

7chan.org/sci/ - STEM board, too broad for a /tech/ replacement

7chan.org/pr/ - programming board, too specific for a /tech/ replacement

420chan.org/tech/ - Full of proprietary software and tech support threads

endchan.xyz/tech/ - Moderate activity, good quality, allows Tor posting

lainchan.org/Ω/ - Fairly active, good quality



>Formerly dead

Babbage has barely been alive for month, give it some time.



You're the only fag here.

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