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File: 722dc7a03161f09⋯.jpg (500.36 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, first-party-sega.jpg)

249117 No.14121369

What games are you playing on your SEGA systems, /v/?

Thinking about starting either Popful Mail or Monster World 3 next, myself.

285ad9 No.14121526

File: 2f63a6ccb85a84c⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAA….jpg)

File: b652a33d72441c2⋯.png (106.15 KB, 320x224, 10:7, 320px-SegaAges2500Vol3_tit….png)

File: a342a6da7a44e9d⋯.jpg (135.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 36115_front.jpg)

File: 59e90753e0f142e⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 300x225, 4:3, fantasyZone_00.jpg)

File: 8fdd4b9f6fe7930⋯.jpg (5.05 MB, 1846x2524, 923:1262, fz-msx.jpg)

i dont know why i even pretend to play video games.

the only game i play, the only one ive ever played, fantasy zone has had a firm grasp on my life for nearly 2.5 decades now.

i come on /v/ every day, i watch gaming channels on youtube, i buy an expensive gaming computer, and i even buy other games.

but i legitimately only play fantasy zone.

my backlog is longer than a hundred navy seals copy pastas, and i'm trapped. I'm in a cute, bullet-filled, hell. and my brain won't let me leave.

The sega ages remaster is just so great, i emulate it every day in 4k, the cuteness is enhanced by the low-poly models being rendered in HD, and I can use any controller I want. I also like playing the 3d rerelease on 3DS, I love seeing the game in 3d like that, it just looks so cool when there's a lot of projectiles on screen. Opa-Opa is my character choice in sonic and sega: all stars racing (which is the only exception to my previous statement about only playing fantasy zone), and I refuse to even touch the sequel becuae they removed Opa-Opa.

My greatest aspiration in life is to someday utilize astral projection to travel to plaleaf, where I will finally be at peace. I will only ever leave my out-of-body state to work, exercise, and eat. I will listen to dreaming tomorrow, prome, and OPA-OPA! [plaleaf] through my astral state in its original state without the limitations of outdated technology distorting what the music actually sounds like, in the flesh. This is my only escape from this purgatory in which i currently live, and someday I will finally be where I belong.

531e4e No.14121559


Assuming this isn't a pasta or well thought out shitpost, at least you have great taste.

b2f542 No.14121567

File: d31c4c6e3caceef⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 336x476, 12:17, d31c4c6e3caceefcba31614683….jpg)

285ad9 No.14121576


I was just kidding!!!! just being silly!!🤣🤣

thank you!

531e4e No.14121579

File: 5142875a7cb438d⋯.png (1.15 KB, 170x254, 85:127, bad.png)


>I was just kidding!!!! just being silly!!🤣🤣

285ad9 No.14121590


fantasy zone is fun and it is my favorite video game, and i play it every day, i don't actually want to travel to plaleaf! it was only supposed to be funny, i would never think that because I dont need to go to psycologist!

8fb4c8 No.14121604



Fellate a gun.

87fc4e No.14121611

File: 85a5ea8d1b0082b⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1374545352507.jpg)

I have never played a Sega console as a kid and after seeing the light that Sega's games minus Sonic are superior in every way what are some hidden gems on the CD and Saturn.




Holy shit shut the fuck up you nigger.

285ad9 No.14121618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

520dc9 No.14121619

I have to swing by the post office tomorrow to pick up my new action replay for my saturn, gave the last one I had away. I just hope it's compatible.

I'll be playing plenty of Sega Saturn soon again, I think I'll start up Radiant Silvergun as soon as it arrives.

8fb4c8 No.14121639


Were you under the impression that was a request?

520dc9 No.14121647


quit being mad kid

8fb4c8 No.14121654


>defending an actual autist

520dc9 No.14121670



>getting upset at it

8fb4c8 No.14121674


>not being upset at the existence of autism


531e4e No.14121677


>upset at the existence of autism

>on an sudanese sandwich tasting snail mail group

520dc9 No.14121684

File: f76ef46353368b4⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Where do you think we are.mp4)


>being concerned about autism on an imageboard




87fc4e No.14121692

File: 30f52a8e3659f3e⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 604x453, 4:3, 1471002107943.jpg)

>Sega thread becomes a discussion about autism among autists

Like poettery.

249117 No.14121696


I really liked the Megadrive Fantasy Zone, could 1cc it in around 5 minutes. Thanks for reminding me that I need to still try the M2 remake of the second game also.

520dc9 No.14121708


play the cotton games, start with cotton 2 magical night dreams and then play cotton boomerang. then play twinkle star sprites and then magic knight rayearth with the undub, and then play the panzer dragoon trilogy on the saturn, assault suit leynos 2, and guardian heroes

this should get you started off good

8fb4c8 No.14121709

87fc4e No.14122339


>Panzer Dragoon


c8be10 No.14122355


If you're thinking about Popful Mail, consider the Unworked Designs patch for gameplay parameter restoration.


520dc9 No.14122357

File: 8c9e9cd2ff49551⋯.jpg (530.78 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, the (((gem))) collector.jpg)


sorry metal jesus

4fb4fd No.14123208

File: e9f361ab4e9e71b⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 720x397, 720:397, ugandan-warrior-gf.jpg)


TSS is best on DC because no loading times and an option to remove all slowdown.

68eed2 No.14124270


I never can get over how that guys head looks like a thumb with a wig.

d60ede No.14124285

Did any system besides the SMS have built in games? I don't mean those ones with a bunch of ROMs stuffed in them.

c50ba4 No.14124340

File: 5ea6106384ff21e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.47 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Exposed!.jpg)

db9d38 No.14124446

I'm playing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. While I have modded my Saturn, and have a Mega Everdrive, I can play everything made for every Sega system except the Game Gear and the Pico, without paying a cent. Crippled by unlimited choice, I guess.


To the best of my knowledge, no? Researching this is a pain in the ass, as the search results are cluttered with ads these days, and subtracting the false positives winnows the results down to irrelevant bullshit.

b024b0 No.14124454

File: f1958bb967962cb⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB, 514x360, 257:180, Alien Soldier - Xi-Tiger.mp4)


d60ede No.14124478


I ran into the same problem, may just have to manually go over a list of consoles.

48ecdb No.14124483


This is why I've gone legit. Amassing decades worth of games on bitamer and BlackCats has spoiled me beyond repair. I've probably left 99% of the games I downloaded unplayed.

958af6 No.14124528

Bonanza Bros, Alien Soldier, Golden Axe trilogy, Streets of Rage trilogy, Alien Storm, Toejam & Earl, E-Swat, Mega Drive's Shinobi Trilogy, Monster World 3 and 4, Phantasy Star 2 and 4.

You can have whole months of playing just the Mega Drive games, and start all over again and still have fun.

db9d38 No.14124883



I still have a goodly amount of Genesis, Master System, Dreamcast, and Saturn games. Hell, I have a stack of boxed Pico titles and a couple loose ones, but as I am not four years old, they don't entertain me. Well, nothing entertains me. That may be the bigger problem, but I digress. I don't have an N64 Everdrive, but I still don't play it. I barely touch my SNES games, though my Super Everdrive should arrive in a few days. I think that I would have to lose Internet access for a prolonged period to bother playing games.

520dc9 No.14124884


yeah but 480i looks like cock

1eb5cd No.14126121

File: c0498d7fbd935fc⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 678x800, 339:400, rosy-the-rascal.jpg)

What's the best classic Sanic game?

bf043f No.14126255


Both good games. If you play popful make sure you apply the un-working designs patch.

fbee7e No.14126491



>Needing an easy mode patch because you're too fucking stupid to handle actual challenge

t. Victor Ireland

Nice repeating digits

520dc9 No.14126519

File: 85009a0aa551141⋯.webm (2 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Hydrocity Zone act 2.webm)


3&K, also has the best music

3facef No.14127806

File: 4f383fbf472e4af⋯.png (439.31 KB, 600x517, 600:517, Sega threads.png)

70b874 No.14127866

File: 223e61c4b3c1115⋯.png (194.16 KB, 480x350, 48:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Anything with Knuckles in the title.

26a667 No.14128811


>Knuckles Chaotix

3ffc55 No.14129905

File: 4f944e78fb9b93e⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 800x800, 1:1, serveimage.jpg)

They aren't limited to just Sega consoles, but I've been working my way through Treasure's library. Playing Dynamite Headdy right now, gonna hit Alien Soldier and Guardian Heroes next. Also gotta get back to Radiant Silvergun since I loved what I played of it but didn't finish it the first go.


Chaotix is fun though

7e104f No.14135137

File: 51d6eb4d518ea9b⋯.webm (1.49 MB, 320x240, 4:3, gunbeat.webm)


>tfw will never get to play their cancelled Dreamcast racing game with pigs

e58389 No.14144179

What are some good saturn games?

Has Princess Crown been translated?

958af6 No.14144420


Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2, Last Bronx, Fighters Megamix, Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun, Magic Knights Reyearth, Shining Force III.

7e104f No.14146649



a8232d No.14146707


It's really sad how chaotix could be the best 2P experience in a Sonic game but instead they filled entire levels with almost nothing.

e58389 No.14152401


What would people suggest picking up for 32x? Saw one for a decent price but decided not to grab it because I couldn't think of anything to actually play

87fc4e No.14152494


Star Wars Arcade and Knuckles' Chaotix, it truly was a piece of shit that was half of why Sega died.

ba12bd No.14152561

File: 2868e5dba243d26⋯.jpg (3.74 MB, 3366x2100, 561:350, Gain Ground.jpg)

File: 18075637366aaab⋯.jpg (179.9 KB, 593x768, 593:768, b13affaf0ee6b8a8f509646269….jpg)

540b03 No.14152693

Sega and niggers don't mix.

21ea7b No.14153781


>What games are you playing on your SEGA systems, /v/?

Miracle Warriors - SMS

Golvellius - SMS

Phantasy Star - SMS

Wonder Boy 2 & 3 - SMS

Spellcaster - SMS

Lord of the Sword - SMS

880763 No.14164793

File: 69f0390d472c5af⋯.webm (3.13 MB, 320x240, 4:3, US Fighting Vipers Sega S….webm)

I fire up this bad boy from time to time.

e58389 No.14174179


Do you have the fm chip?

21ea7b No.14174184


I wish I did. I have it on my list of things to do when I get around to replacing all my SRAM carts' batteries.

e58389 No.14181197


I'm getting a power base one

Also is Area 51 for saturn the actual arcade game?

6d19cb No.14188146

Not pre crash but playing sands of destruction, i like how sega cares for 60 fps on consoles, my eyes are pleased.

87fc4e No.14188187


Sega only published it.

6d19cb No.14188233


oh, well….Eyes still comfy, it's ok

b7c425 No.14188289

>Been eyeballing a Dreamcast for months now

>Can never dedicate because no real room for consoles to sit around

>Decide to look at library

>Only games are ones I've played on other consoles or shit

>Not even PSO can lure me since my brother showed me a private Blue Burst server

Why couldn't the library be stronger. I want to waste money on this.

87fc4e No.14188685


>ability to pirate games

>tons of arcade classics

>Dreamcast EMU is shit

>medium-sized library with solid titles

Just fucking buy it.

83d504 No.14188749


>>Dreamcast EMU is shit

Retard alert.

ed175c No.14188767


But it is? what do you use that works so well?

192577 No.14188782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


98e165 No.14188810

File: 4e70e04d0fff8ba⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 229.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, mj moonwalker.gif)


sure sounds familiar

520dc9 No.14190975


demul has issues too. soul reaver comes to mind

36eba9 No.14191062

File: 88deabc11fc37c0⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 511x700, 73:100, zillion1.jpg)

File: 883303521446054⋯.png (2.33 KB, 256x192, 4:3, zillion-usa-rev-1.png)

How is Zillion?


>classic Amy

Excellent taste.

36eba9 No.14191117


What autism is this?

545de0 No.14196716


>still no emulator for dreamcast

9b9860 No.14198961


Most if not all the big Dreamcast games have been ported elsewhere. What remains unported is being kept as a spare to rerelease on a rainy day, lost source code and thus too difficult to recover, or not that well known in the first place.

You'd probably need to have significant nostalgia, technical or historical interest to buy one at this point. The plus side is that if you finally go for it, it won't feel like wasted money (to you at least)

87d2cd No.14212618


>What games are you playing on your SEGA systems, /v/?

>Thinking about starting either Popful Mail or Monster World 3 next, myself.

I was playing popful mail not too long ago, that game is stupidly unbalanced, almost like it's a romhack. Like, early on there's a group of basic bitch enemies that can fucking wreck you in an instant because they all have boss tier stats

Anyways i've been trying to get master system games running on my genesis. They're dirt cheap to buy for retro games, save for the actual console, but for some reason the controls are acting up, like there's more than one button mapped at the same time, i.e Fantasy Zone, Button 1 does both the gun+missile, and button 2 Presses Down+Missiles. Got a real master system pad coming for it, so hopefully that's all it needs, i don't want to pay out the ass for a real fucking master system.


>Hidden gems

Galactic Assault, Magic Knight Rayearth, Sky Target(Think After Burner if it was in early 3d), and Albert Odyssey for saturn

Silpheed, and Lords of Thunder(Even if the turbografx version is slightly better in minor ways) for Sega CD

db9d38 No.14215601

File: b2f164c7431f1fd⋯.jpg (840.34 KB, 3264x1836, 16:9, IMG_00000206.jpg)


I recall there being some kind of weirdness with the controllers, so some Master System games require an actual Master System controller to play properly. Maybe a Power Base Converter, or modern equivalent, instead of buying an actual SMS?

937582 No.14219952


I just used my Genesis controller on my SMS once I got one and it seemed to work fine. It also works on the various Atari systems. Makes some games a lot more fun to play.

b03f6b No.14220004

File: 65cc2b5ee6bb5c5⋯.jpg (77.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, CelJaded-Sega-Dreamcast-15….jpg)

File: a7541d318a7c016⋯.gif (364.3 KB, 500x480, 25:24, Animated.gif)

File: 0fa2e8363bf727c⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 649x480, 649:480, latest (17).jpg)


because they hate success, money, and fun. but mostly it was because the Japanese executives hated how much more successful Sega of America was and decided to self sabotage out of jealousy, it's enlightening/saddening reading about the history of Sega from the people that worked there, once you see how loony the executive branch in Japan was everything makes complete sense.

87fc4e No.14220189

File: fc40649616d26c7⋯.png (1010.75 KB, 1022x768, 511:384, i sleep.png)


>SoJ needs help to sell hardware in order to compete with Nintendo

>get desperate and hire gaijin Tom Kilinske who's a toy industry veteran

>Genesis sells like hotcakes due to Sonic being the bundled game

>SoJ now tells the SoA to comply to making the 32X despite the Saturn coming out the 32X being a piece of shit not even worth collecting

>speaking of the Saturn, not only did it have two processors but two graphics cards, the graphics card and GPU set-up they wanted to use was used for the N64

>release it for $400 while the PS1 did it for $300 with better games to boot

>Kilinske steps down, is replaced by Bernie Stolar who is an agent for Sony or some shit like that

>after those two monumental fuckups they get their shit together with the Dreamcast but it's too late

>the suffering continues as Nintendo picks up talented developers from Sega to make Mario games leaving the only franchise worth a shit that still belongs to them is Yakuza and the people making it, Daytona USA 3 got an unofficial release on PC by some jackoff at the Amusements branch

958af6 No.14220259


How much is known about the japanese branch's president (the dead one) and his influence on all of it? Or he was trying to prevent it all?

87fc4e No.14220281


Nakayama, he isn't dead if that's who you're referring to just old as shit. He's the one who sent the order to these things out of bullshit pride, funnily enough he went to go work for (((Microsoft))) afterwards.

910a06 No.14220297

File: c81cb4f16fb3c5d⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1411x1728, 1411:1728, vc guide.png)



>make an interesting game for the PS3

>absolutely 0 marketing for it thus no awareness it exists among players

>mediocre sales

>make a sequel for the PSP, change the tone and setting dramatically (aesthetics were a big part and got completely lost in the transition)

>no one likes it, it doesn't sell

>blames the west for not liking handhelds

>make third game, PSP again

>thematically more in line with the first one, people like it

>only release it in Japan


>release your 2008 game on Steam

>it outsells the newly released CoD and Asscreed for two days straight

>announce a new game on virtually everything, even the xbone but don't say it's going to get a PC version (heavily hinted at it, but this is Sega anything can happen)

According to everything we've seen so far, VC4 should be fine unless they somehow find a way to monumentally fuck it up.

Also finally an excuse to post this.

e5a651 No.14220319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hayao Nakayama? He's not dead, but insanely fucking abusive as hell, he pretty much foster the anti-American sentiment, because he decided to fucking abuse the Japanese staff for not doing as well as the American side of things.

So Japan culture being Japan culture, blame the Americans instead of their own failings and failing to understand the Japanese market at the time. For some reason, they didn't understand the Japanese market and saw how the SNES dominated thanks to Squaresoft's RPGs. Since Square's relationship with Nintendo was fucking deteriorating, why didn't they give a good deal to Squaresoft, to work with Sega?

Tom Kalinske talks about the abuse, a lot.


Also, pic related about more Sega mistakes. They did everything they could to fuck over Tom. I feel sorry for Tom alot, even though he is a Trump hating cuck.


>Bernie Stolar who is an agent for Sony

That's Patrick Lawson nigger tier of stupidity (yeah, the same guy saying Sega is making Dreamcast 2 and other shit). Stolar was fired by Sony for being a idiot and saying all the games should be fighting games. Sega of Japan decides to hire him cause "hurr, Sony". Stolar says move Sega of America's Redwood City headquarters, a really great facility that's near all of the other developers, to San Francisco, which is known for having insanely expensive and highly taxed land, so the costs of running Sega of America go through the roof.

I don't think he's an agent, he's just a really fucking stupid jew kike. Although it wouldn't surprise me if the jews tried to take out Sega, cause after the kikes sold Sega to Japan and it was transformed into a Japanese company, they became more successful. Jews fucking hate that. Less shekels in their pocket.

b03f6b No.14220368

File: 9cf166888f63a7f⋯.png (55.09 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Ot61HpYfTH-4.png)


>unless they somehow find a way to monumentally fuck it up.

have faith, Sega has a notoriously uncanny ability to fuck up easy victories with completely nonsensical choices. I'm sure they'll attempt all manner of self sabotage, but I pray the game is great and succeeds in spite of the inmates running the Sega asylum

910a06 No.14220446


I have a feeling it'll be good.

Worst case scenario will be if they slap Denuvo on it, but it should not be possible for things to get worse than that.

It's just that there is always this lingering possibility of something going terribly wrong when it clearly should not.

e5a651 No.14222734



By inmates, you mean the idiots in the suits?

87d2cd No.14222781


>So Japan culture being Japan culture, blame the Americans instead of their own failings and failing to understand the Japanese market at the time

And now all sega has is Sonic, Hatsune Miku, Persona, Yakuza, and whatever the fuck SEGA Europe does aside from fuck PC ports up with Denuvo.

Everything that was not Sonic was killed and buried in short order, and they never replaced them with anything worth a shit. Even the Platinum games stuff, the only one that even made it to a franchise was stolen away by nintendo.

958af6 No.14223164



I was referring to some japanese higher up that died and left his fortune to Sega. I thought that he was the president or a CEO of Sega. Can't remember his name.

As for Kalinske, i have read "Console Wars", and the overall ass kissing from the author made me skeptical at everything. Even more so that Kalinske tries to blame everything on the japanese branch, but we only have his word and the words of a bunch of really anti-japanese employees at the american branch. I really wold like to hear more about it from other sources, because the Kalinske's "troupe" seems to always talk about the same issues, but without anyone to contest them, it comes out as just excuses. Seeing as how Al Nielsen and the majority of the american branch turned out to be cucks, i would not discard the opinion that they might have been lying all this time.

As for Stolar, the fact that he wanted to move everything to San Francisco should have been a red flag even back then. The idiot was against RPGs, against 2D, and against Tekken on the Dreamcast. The first time that he spoke in public, Sega should have fired him. And never hire deformed kikes, of course.


They always rushed to newer things, instead of keeping the already well accepted franchises. This killed them in the long run.

When i heard about the Saturn, i was waiting to see the new Streets of Rage, new Golden Axe, new E-Swat, new Toejam & Earl, new Alien Storm, and so on. None of it was even mentioned for Saturn. And it got to the point that the console did not even have a proper Sonic sequel. Even with Panzer Dragoon, Gardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun and other great games, i was so let down that i turned to see what those Playstation or something guys were doing. And i stayed with them all the way to the PS2.

e5a651 No.14223193


That is true, about how we only have Kalinske's word, but I think people are more inclined to believe him due to him being in charge of Sega of America during their greatest period of success, so they'll lap up anything he says. I got to admit, when he started posting a ton of anti-Trump shit on his Twitter, my heart kinda sank. So I might be more inclined to be more skeptical about him on the future. But no matter what, what happened at Sega was pretty much a shit show, with all of the self destruction.

As for the dead member of Sega, you're thinking of Isao Okawa. I don't know him that much, except he left his fortune to Sega, like you said.

958af6 No.14223531


That is the guy. I wonder if he had anything to do with the whole situation in Japan. To leave his fortune to the company, he at least must have cared (and be influential) enough there, and i always wondered if he had done something about the supposed sabotage at Sega of Japan.

And Kalinske, yeah, if you read his words on jewitter, you can spot a deceiving liberal in almost anything of what he says. This, and the overall ass kissing that the western industry has for him made me suspicious of his "tales from Sega" whenever he talks about it.

391765 No.14234696

How good were the Shining Force games?

fcb38e No.14235943




>Kalinske and Neilsen cucked out

Please no. How bad is it?

>Isao Okawa

He was a Chairman, and he bankrolled Dreamcast development right until he died in 2001, just two months after Sega announced they were killing the system. When Okawa passed, many saw that as the real end of classic Sega.

c6050c No.14236198





Sega dying at the hands of Sega of Japan was awful, buy if you imagine them as having seen into the future seeing these two tweet this shit, it's not quite as enraging to know that Hayao Nakayama smashed Tom Kalinske's pet project Sega Pico in front of him screaming: "UNACCEPTABRU".


Bonus: Working Designs talking about how (((Bernie Stolar))) was an idiot who hated RPGS and is probably why Sony let him go in the first place, who then fired around 300 people at Sega Of America, a big chunk of whom ran into the arms of Sony Of America.


2e2399 No.14236342


>rayearth with the undub

Do you know if it's possible to combine the undub with the Un-Working Designed patch?

db9d38 No.14238326


Hmm. I have several Pico systems, and a bunch of the books. I would capture some footage, but I need something to cover my face properly. Never let Google see your face. Much of the Pico's merit is lost when you can only see the TV. It wasn't a bad idea, contrary to Kalinske's decision to continue living, based on his Twatter behavior.

958af6 No.14238607


I know all that. I was asking if someone knows anything about him truly commanding anything at Sega, or taking part in this suposed sabotage, or being against it.


Knowing Kalinske's thoughts via jewitter was what made me think that everything that he and his team said about Sega of Japan was either false or extremely exagerated, with an obvious covering of the american branch's part in the bad decisions of the company.

They way he talks is sopt on the "blame the other guys" mindset of many idiot suits.

Even the way it is described in the book, it is always made to sound like the japanese were goofy lunatics and the american branch were the cool guy. It is guaranteed to be all lies when they tell the occurences like that.

As for Working Designs, they are the same kind of blindfold idiots as Bernie. Only their chosen focus is different. While Bernie hated RPGs, WD loved them. But their attitude and overall mindset were the same: idiots that tried to impose their views above what the consumers wanted. Bernie with his neglect of RPGs (with the stupidity reinforced after the success of FF 7 to be thrown in his face) and WD with their censroship, (((localization))) and reprogramming of games to suit THEIR view, and not what the consumers wanted.

328b5b No.14238694


That looked pretty neat, what a shame.

e5a651 No.14243872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even knowing all the shit Kalinske Tweets, it still hurts to see it. Didn't know Nilsen was a cuck as well. Hurts more. Have they forgotten Trump played a part in the success of the Genesis?

db9d38 No.14243988


Soy causes brain damage.



Case in point.

c6050c No.14244432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So has Slim Shady. :^)

The election really brought out the worst in people.

>Donald Trump knows a winner when he sees one.

958af6 No.14244465


Leftists only care about their brainwashing, and nothing else.

If you read the interviews with Kalinske and Nielsen in "Console Wars", you will see the typical "Helo, fellow gamers. We are the cool guys and we are progressive, you know?" in a lot of them, while at the same time bashing the japanese, as all leftist cucks do, being afraid of the nips as they all are.

To me, it was not a surprise to see them revealing themselves as failed liberals. But it made me be more certain that THEY were (at least greatly) responsible for the downfall of Sega in the west, and not the japanese branch as they say every time.

No leftist can make a company last long and be successful. I am sure that some of "their" good decisions were made by others and they took credit for all of it.

62f532 No.14246102


I too would like to know this.

fcb38e No.14256769

File: 0506369232cc3ff⋯.webm (3.19 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1991 Sonic The Hedgehog C….webm)


Remember, Kalinske didn't join Sega until, I think, in 1990, after the Genesis launched. He probably has no idea that Trump was at the Genesis' US launch.

Still, you'd think a guy who pioneered aggressive, competitive, shit-talking marketing in video games would have some respect or at least understanding of someone like Trump who brought aggressive, competitive, shit-talking campaigning back into politics.

87d2cd No.14256832


>Nakayama smashed Tom Kalinske's pet project Sega Pico in front of him screaming: "UNACCEPTABRU".

The worst part about that shit was SOJ kept the pico alive in japan years after they killed it in the west AND EVEN MADE A NEW ONE LONG AFTER THEY EXITED THE HARDWARE MARKET.

6aa1e1 No.14256953

File: 3d0fc27ab2649f4⋯.jpg (866.47 KB, 1280x1721, 1280:1721, sv.jpg)

File: 6eb7191b8cd51de⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1280x1799, 1280:1799, V I S I O N.png)

File: b9ab2e20188a4bd⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 600x328, 75:41, a0077411_52d377b77eb51.jpg)

3df270 No.14265647

I need to go back and finish PS2 and 4 for good. Maybe I'll convince myself to trudge through 3. SF CD, III, and Holy Ark are on the block as well. God I miss Camelot.


Seeing that market flyer makes me miss the days where I'd flip through old mags and see advertisements for amusement machines, shit ton of Sega stuff and some of these weird ass cabinets with crazy themes like fucking catapults in the wild west or some shit. My family used to have a pachinko machine, so seeing new marble arcade games was always thrilling for my 6-year old mind back then.

34014c No.14265702


Sometimes I like to drift off to alternate worlds in my head. It's not AP but it's damn nice and I get where you're coming from. Fantasy Zone is a rad game, too.

958af6 No.14270447


Kalinske, as all liberals, don't "understand" anything. They go with what their circlejerk tells them to.

That is why i think that most (if not all) achievements atribued to Kalinske are either false or exagerations. He always sound like he is the kind who put his name on the works of others without knowing much about said work.


Probably, they saw the way that the american branch was going to market it, and did not want to get it there.

ea62c9 No.14278531


What did you expect, it consist mainly of sonic fan

e75beb No.14278586

File: 8c227fe43fa6a33⋯.jpg (504.07 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, u dun it nao arry porrer.jpg)


when i was a kid i saw a pacman cabinet that looked like the top of the middle picture. Never saw one like it again.

f8a51d No.14278659

File: 3c448ccbc65945a⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 310x303, 310:303, pacmancocktailnew.jpg)

e75beb No.14278896


no i dont think it had any logos on it. It looked extremely old and didnt have any coin slots. You just walked up and played it.

b3a2a1 No.14287091

File: 351abc5d276bf3f⋯.jpg (797.36 KB, 875x1000, 7:8, OVERHEAT!!.jpg)


PS4 is the best 16-bit jrpg and one of the best jrpg's ever, have fun, my dude.

749a23 No.14287112

File: 6ab814328d89d4d⋯.jpg (100.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Cat Licking Paw.jpg)


That image doesn't work with uncucked thumbnail sizes.


Thanks, I tried to play this game but the US version's difficulty was ridiculous.

Anyone wanting to play Streets of Rage 3 should also play the JP version.

87d2cd No.14287795

Fuck, master system pad is doing the same thing, wonder if the genesis's pins are fucked.better try the spare model 2.

8d30ef No.14287959

File: 911806cb68f178e⋯.png (658.35 KB, 500x656, 125:164, SonicMore_NA.png)

File: 864ab335e2f88f2⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, SonicMore_JP.jpg)


If you think that's sad, imagine this: Knuckles' Chaotix was originally conceived as a real Sonic The Hedgehog 4 for Sega Saturn back in the day, but was horribly butchered into Sonic Crackers in cartridge form and finally wound up on the 32X as a spinoff, released but a mere shadow of the Sonic 3 & Knuckles follow-up it was really intended to be.

Source: http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=32911&st=15&p=785891&#entry785891

Why this outrageous development history isn't more well-known, I can only blame the remaining supreme faggots at Sonic Retro for not having their little autistic shit together.

fcb38e No.14288204


>but was horribly butchered into Sonic Crackers

That's because Crackers was just a test for Sonic 4/Chaotix. Crackers isn't a game.

958af6 No.14288209




The Saturn not having a proper Sonic game was the main reason that made me avoid the console in it's first years.

8d30ef No.14288239

File: c75c5aab25f10df⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 266x200, 133:100, niceguysaretooslow.jpg)


Pretty much, yeah, basically a dumbed-down tech demo to test the hardware while they prepped for the 32X conversion.

Did I mention that it's all Sega of Japan's fault?

fcb38e No.14288290


>Did I mention that it's all Sega of Japan's fault?

Yes, everyone and their mom knows that. Though considering how much of cuck Tom Kilenske's become, I'm starting to believe he's exaggerated some of SoJ's shortcomings.

87d2cd No.14288450


>He doesnt like trump so NOW we call everything he did into question

No that i think it'd help if he came back, It's just the matter of the 20+ years of consistent fuck ups since the guy left the company taht keep me from being skeptical.

3a60d0 No.14288997


maybe a converted Frogger cocktail?

f6b5f1 No.14289521


Who needs a proper Sonic game when you can have Sonic R, the best platformer-racer hybrid of all time?

a00ffb No.14289683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They're alright if you know which one's you're picking up.

>Shining Force (1)

Okay grid turn-based strategy game. Easy to crutch with the game's god characters. Knights are usually OP. Story isn't that great past the second chapter. Cool world and character designs, though (one of the enemies in the later games is a four-armed skeleton with a machine gun and duel axes in a game with dwarfs that have knives). Your main character isn't useless on the battlefield, which was pretty cool for the time. Wouldn't recommend though because RotDD exists.

The game has a few really cool standout moments, like the entire circus battle in Chapter 2 or the church scene immediately afterwards.

>Shining Force 2: More or less the same thing, but slightly improved.


>Gaiden, Shining Soul, Shining in the Darkness: Never played, on backlog indefinitely

>Resurrection of the Dark Dragon

Remake of the first game with an improved and expanded story that adds in three characters, including character that can replicate stats based off of boss, allies, and enemy effects through a new card system, which is nice. Each battle now has an extra reward for beating it within a turn count, which if you adhere to it fixes the problem of the original's piss-easy difficulty by requiring you to take risks and makes the Laser Eye fight actually fun. The game also steadily increases difficulty as its New Game+.

>Shining Force Neo

Made me drop the series. The anime cutscenes are pretty nice to look at, but you need to be fucking deaf to play this game. The game takes a hack-and-slash approach instead of a grid RPG, which causes framerate issues in certain sections whenever literally about a dozen or so enemies will warp onto the screen in some of the middle levels.

I can't comment on the story too far since I stopped shortly after meeting the game's white mage, for the sole reason that I literally wanted to kill myself after she and a fucking furaffinity OC with a french accent started speaking (see https://youtu.be/yMhji8TDYaI?t=17m32s for anyone curious).

87d2cd No.14289779


>>Shining Force 3: NOW BARE MY ARCTIC BLAST!

You're really missing out if you just play the first/only US release. It, and Scenario 2, 3 plus the platinum disc all form an amazing game.


The sword of Hajya is nice as a portable game, maybe gaiden 1 or 3 if you know jap or own an everdrive GG, but the Sega CD remake i'd say is the weakest of the 3 genesis Shining Force games.


It and EXA are just shitty cash grabs, shining force in name only. I hope camelot cames back to make a 4th game, but i wonder if they can even do it at this point, the last non tennis/golf game was almost 8 years ago, and it wasn't exactly good.

958af6 No.14290544



I will go further and say that ALL of Sega's bad decisions in the 90s were made by the american branch, and they blamed the japanese branch whenever anything backfired. The average consumer did not have means to contact the japanese branch to confirm the truth, so Kalinske and the other cucks just lied about the "evil and crazy japs" forcing their decisions.


Yes, him not liking Trump now DOES call into question everything that he had done in the past. Being anti-Trump after he became President is proof enough of someone being a a deceiving liberal and a total liar and turns all the actions of said person to be at least suspicious.


Only the soundtrack with everybody super sonic racing and all. But seriously, i avoided the Saturn for more than 3 years, until other good games started to be released to the console and be more known so i cold find them. Still never bought one.

87d2cd No.14290786


There is something about you that is simply not genuine, but aside from the very consistent meme spacing across every single one of your posts ITT, i can't put my finger on it.

5b6254 No.14290849

File: 4d7c3c8962ce4ae⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1631x1631, 1:1, reddit.png)


>that spacing

>being this retarded

958af6 No.14291837


You will get used to it ;)

And i do mean what i said about Kalinske.

He and his goons wanted only "attitude" games, without too much japanese influence. All games that he brought from Japan that were too japanese received almost no marketing, such as the Phantasy Star series on Genesis.

-The Sega CD and 32X had a suspicious abundant western library of games. To me, it seems like Kalinske and his goons do wanted both add-ons to be released in the market, but when they backfired, they blamed the japanese when interviewd, to save face.

-Him and his goons clearly did not want the Saturn. Maybe because it's launch titles had the japanese flavor in most of them. You can see too much difference in the way that the japanese and american branches treated the Saturn marketing. I would say that the failed srprise launch was Kalinske's idea, and again, he blamed the japanese, in a time when nobody could contact the japanese branch to clarify things.

-The Saturn's situation is even more suspicious when you have Kalinske stepping down just after the failed launch. It looks like a sabotage. In my opinion, he tried to make the Saturn flop, and when the japanese branch did not cancel the Saturn in the west even then, he resigned. He wanted to keep the bullshit of "cool guys with attitude and no jap flavors", and when he saw that he would not be allowed to, he left, after sabotaging the launch.

There is more, but this is a shortened version of what i think about the whole deal. Seeing his recent tweets made clear that AT LEAST, he is a lying and deceiving scumbag who spread flase rumors and blow them out of proportion to sound like he is the victim.

5b6254 No.14291844

File: ecbcddbe92afcc0⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 478x487, 478:487, go back to where you belon….jpg)



f8a51d No.14291934

File: 58c4c2e406bcf86⋯.jpg (233.17 KB, 850x1111, 850:1111, monaco.jpg)

File: 18358d37b711e61⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1280x1647, 1280:1647, Monaco GP.png)

File: 661fb7194465a0c⋯.jpg (165.76 KB, 694x1153, 694:1153, 3e0d39c4676c743353175e3e2a….jpg)

File: 37516652e4f052b⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 320x278, 160:139, 1159434765.jpg)

File: b091104a6588b3f⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 400x652, 100:163, monaco-gp.jpg)

554c62 No.14291986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sonic 3 Complete.

2f7616 No.14293895

File: df103fdc407bb04⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 320x224, 10:7, eggoman.jpg)


I never got why 3&K removed the cool as fuck third phase of Launch Base's boss.

554c62 No.14294362


It is available in Compete.

e5a651 No.14301091

Reading all of this shit here makes me wish me and the anons here were billionaires and we can take over Sega.

And get some guns and gas chambers while we're at it. Go mafia style or something.

I'm still hoping for a big vidya crash first. That's what's needed to clean up the industry. And a day of the rope.

e5a651 No.14301108


Fuck…double spacing cause doing school work too where the teacher wants everything to be fucking double spaced. Now you know where meme spacing come from. (((Education system)))

958af6 No.14301124


Contribute to the crash by raising awareness to as many normalfags as you can.

When most of them start to doubt everything said by companies, the crash will be possible. We are already walking that path. Accelerate it, and it can happen soon.

89c5ba No.14302190

File: f141249c138d05b⋯.png (200.35 KB, 316x346, 158:173, way past cool.png)

I'm still sad Dreamcast's life was cut short.

>tfw it would've only had to sell ~5 million more units to make up for the losses and Sega wouldn't have had to go out of business

f8a51d No.14302387

File: 9dbab463a35b519⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 1700x1135, 340:227, 2727436-buck rogers flyer.jpg)

File: 71b7938e80dbe7c⋯.jpg (209.4 KB, 850x1117, 850:1117, 2727405-4832251938-16218.jpg)

File: 8055d33baaa1e14⋯.jpg (191.48 KB, 850x1107, 850:1107, 2727404-8335310829-16017.jpg)

File: 3ab01a24fff9e4e⋯.jpg (711.26 KB, 1200x1625, 48:65, pub_buck_rogers.jpg)

File: 030edb0a1696fd6⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1528x2100, 382:525, 2366021-a5200_buckrogers.jpg)

958af6 No.14302428


You can thank Kalinske's and Stollar's sabotage for it, when both tried to move the company away from the japanese talents, each in their time working for Sega.

When it became clear that the Dreamcast was not gonna have Sega's classics again (as it was the case with the Saturn), with the exception of Sonic, most people abandoned it.

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