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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

15d1fd No.14035966

> Current Happenings:




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>Belgium Declares Loot Boxes Equal to Gambling, Vows to Ban Them: https://archive.is/jM4hL

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>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: https://archive.is/r5rrW

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> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

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https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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006a0d No.14035976

femenine benis

0168bf No.14035983


first post is feminine benis therefore sage

8b84b0 No.14035993




095c6c No.14035994

23b4da No.14035995

File: 7ae374b7050f822⋯.png (813.48 KB, 1195x543, 1195:543, I DID IT.png)

fec4b6 No.14036012

File: 55661cddaef4e5d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.72 MB, 960x540, 16:9, this webm is an instant b….webm)


They might try to hold your hand

7227f4 No.14036029

File: 5487e9888efcf10⋯.png (190.42 KB, 1074x804, 179:134, 1510918644.png)

Reminder every time you give attention to a shill or post gay shit your penis shrinks 3 inches

0168bf No.14036035


My benis is already shorter than 3 inches if I do that what happens

a11a96 No.14036036

File: df8cbabde40f903⋯.jpg (81.86 KB, 607x428, 607:428, fujos.jpg)


It's not gay if we're all girls.

5f0d71 No.14036038

File: 7b1a51881691e2c⋯.png (128.14 KB, 912x570, 8:5, 05b225aff0337d6f40f8f9d626….png)


(You)'re not the boss of me.

b176cc No.14036045

So, Vice turned out to be another "open secret" that's being led to the altar for slaughter. So what's going to be the resetera version of it, and how long until it happens again, and how many times will this have to happen before they admit that everywhere they go, sexual harassment follows them like a gypsy curse?

fec4b6 No.14036046


I heard a rumor there were gentlemen on this very board.

a11a96 No.14036052

File: b0bc0d02e9a6797⋯.jpg (513.13 KB, 724x1020, 181:255, ai heart.jpg)


All smoke and mirrors, anon.

23b4da No.14036055


You become a girl(male).

7e194c No.14036066



7e095f No.14036076

File: 43a79e81e7085ab⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.08 KB, 640x590, 64:59, 20171223_193105.jpg)


Wait, I can prove that I'm a guy. Here's a photo of my "You know what".

7f75cc No.14036081

>Krautism started over a bunch of autists getting mad at racists saying non-whites are inferior

>BuntyKing, a muslim, is the only one coming out of that looking clean

Kind of ironic.

5f028c No.14036082

File: 0b260ae78fb47a9⋯.png (878.88 KB, 920x920, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

acc9f6 No.14036090

File: cf7800c81747b3b⋯.png (329.04 KB, 1024x738, 512:369, floof_dogs_by_theycallhimc….png)

File: e701d88d8bc6c1a⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 934x855, 934:855, mom_angle_by_theycallhimca….jpg)

File: 9269289b07a755d⋯.png (650.18 KB, 1024x1035, 1024:1035, hug__by_theycallhimcake-db….png)

File: 8f31735aa64434d⋯.png (512.3 KB, 1024x1393, 1024:1393, just_a_black_swimsuit_by_t….png)

File: 224710783886e0a⋯.png (842.9 KB, 1024x2477, 1024:2477, dog_mom_tops_by_theycallhi….png)


095c6c No.14036094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7 years

661bcb No.14036095

File: a6352867afe7389⋯.png (620.37 KB, 758x1344, 379:672, 1514076290658.png)

So, this happened

7f75cc No.14036098


>anon gets pissed of at gayposting >>14036029

>Someone posts furryshit instead

Thanks anon. Now we have furries.

23b4da No.14036104


But where is the proof?

8e8d1d No.14036106

File: 18f935cdfe56f72⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DOUBLE X.mp4)


Nice dubs.

ff7a4e No.14036113

not video games: the thread

0168bf No.14036119

File: cd2a14f661cf6ab⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x240, 4:3, The Rock Hand.jpg)


7e194c No.14036122

File: 642ed056b1cec34⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 4.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nice anime.webm)

File: 5946ea0c33d31a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 724.64 KB, 1176x4099, 1176:4099, F9GVV22.jpg)


i got one of those too



4d769b No.14036127

File: 384a5abe8a04899⋯.png (248.16 KB, 800x720, 10:9, 1450923012670.png)

fec4b6 No.14036133

File: f8dd1ed4ea66228⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 408.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ah there's a gentleman he….webm)

8e8d1d No.14036154

File: c7ff6374978f81a⋯.gif (135.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, fuck off faggot.gif)

Great Marche and trap posters going to shit up the thread!

7e095f No.14036162


Hi Gook

7227f4 No.14036164

File: 46a85d2d0c868f6⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 369x383, 369:383, 1465089357040.jpg)


- At Vice, Cutting-Edge Media and Allegations of Old-School Sexual Harassment - https://archive.is/YIiCZ

- Vice Media Statement on Harassment Allegations and Workplace Culture - https://archive.fo/4tyCN

- Does IndieCade play the games they "review"? - http://archive.is/cbOTr

- POLYGON, KOTAKU ATTEMPT TO STIR OUTRAGE OVER CATHERINE: FULL BODY BEING TRANSPHOBIC - https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/12/polygon-kotaku-attempt-stir-outrage-catherine-full-body-transphobic/47366/

- Kotaku and Polygon is fabricating outcry and controversy with the announcement of “Catherine: Full Body” - http://thegg.net/opinion-editorial/kotaku-and-polygon-is-fabricating-outcry-and-controversy-with-the-announcement-of-catherine-full-body/

- LW Accuses ‘Bright’ and ‘Dirk Gently’ Screenwriter Max Landis of Being a Rapist - https://archive.fo/X07jF

- Psychonauts Sequel Delayed Past 2018 - https://archive.fo/bG0VD

- FAKKU is Now Selling and Localizing Hentai Games - http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


89052e No.14036169

File: 0f767bb4c534ef7⋯.png (321.41 KB, 780x763, 780:763, b2f604a98c667cddaf2e96be16….png)

26f0dc No.14036171

File: 50ad88c89108cec⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 600x675, 8:9, 50ad88c89108cec770cfcc27ca….jpg)


>I have an erection again now

>10 minutes after I climaxed

Thank a lot you fuck

23b4da No.14036182

File: 7b06ce43d9c521b⋯.png (237.57 KB, 944x885, 16:15, 7b06ce43d9c521b4d7b30f20ab….png)


>Japanese Garfield

b7205a No.14036184


You complain about the Catherine remake

2a08d6 No.14036191


sauce for pic?

fe289c No.14036195


You should be ashamed of yourself, anon.

095c6c No.14036208


Yes its clearly me here shitting up the thread you selective little shit

7227f4 No.14036213

File: d7398e022effcc5⋯.png (583.31 KB, 618x5176, 309:2588, vice city stories.png)

delivering one box of rape

0af0ef No.14036216

File: 8e8c4c9ea490b53⋯.jpg (62.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1467932034534.jpg)

4e4a23 No.14036232


Well shit, this character has been posted often enough, I decided to check it out. Is this supposed to be a lewd manga or a educational manga?

I mean, it's not like Nana & Kaoru, which educates you on the lewd stuff, this is actual health advice.

8e8d1d No.14036269

File: 178a954dbabe0c7⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cheers (1).jpg)


>for once you aren't the one posting furry porn for once

Colour me shocked.


Speaking of Catherine is the new girl Rin the the transphobic shit they've been on about or is it Erica?

23b4da No.14036273

8e8d1d No.14036317

File: 1a6c929880eba31⋯.png (679.28 KB, 841x700, 841:700, Confused_Man_Eater.png)


Wait so they think Rin is a boy?

a11a96 No.14036329


Yep. A tranny like the waitress.

2632a2 No.14036336

File: 700494a485edfcf⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1437702468457.jpg)


But Rin isn't a boy….right?

23b4da No.14036339


We don't know.

4e4a23 No.14036341


At least discern the two as shemale and crossdresser please.

b7205a No.14036348


I prefer internalized homophobes.

8e8d1d No.14036349

File: 11668299e4598f4⋯.png (234.25 KB, 443x483, 443:483, Tohru_is_confused.png)


Is this confirmed?

23b4da No.14036350


I hope Erica's a shemale. I don't want to imagine Atlus seriously thinking it was a good idea for a character to chop their dick off.

23b4da No.14036353

a11a96 No.14036357


Atlus hasn't responded yet. So who knows.


Shemale and unknown.

15d1fd No.14036359

File: 34d18bd5cbd4d81⋯.jpg (1018.13 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, Surrounded by Cakes.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> Fans successfully pressure Nintendo to add an optional 1.1GB "Japanese Voices" patch for Fire Emblem Warriors

> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC

- https://archive.is/izjJW

> The Key to Home has been deleted from Steam

- https://steamcommunity.com/app/710370/discussions/0/1499000547482233373/

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


>Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

>SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

>Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

>Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

>Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

7227f4 No.14036364

File: 3b58a637263b52d⋯.png (42.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, v-annoyed.png)

>Vice is burning and their own employees are throwing them to the wolves

>Instead of using the opportunity to push a disnod to normalfags, anons are busy discussing traps

8e8d1d No.14036374

So the whole fuss is that Rin is a underage girl and the Vincent is 32?

0168bf No.14036375

File: d496612102565f4⋯.jpg (309.01 KB, 567x709, 567:709, v discussion.jpg)


/v/… /v/ never changes…

02f65f No.14036376


This we need to do shit

66f2b2 No.14036379

File: 906b575620f4225⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 1157x772, 1157:772, 906b575620f4225d6fa3b81feb….jpg)


>Work at a leftist business who defends child porn, child molestors, rapists, murderers, criminals

>be surprised when people become victims of rapists and molesters.

Leftism is the gift that keeps on giving.

da4d2d No.14036386

File: 31a7a6abe8c1e91⋯.gif (492.72 KB, 500x288, 125:72, 84f77bdef85591c1d0a7eae8a0….gif)

You guys doing to do anything about Vice, or are you just going to laugh at screencaps of lefties all day?

7e095f No.14036389


I haven't heard anything close to that. Does you Uncle work at Atlus, anon? Seriously, that may be the twist, not only did Vincent cheat on his girlfriend, he also slept with an girl half his age.

8e8d1d No.14036395

File: 1ddebf519d76679⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 736x817, 736:817, nia babe.jpg)


I was more asking what the whole Cathrine fuss was about.


>All this shit on Vice

Sweet jesus

23b4da No.14036399


Hardly anyone is even acknowledging the possibility. The fuss is SJWs think Rin is trans and are screaming it from the rooftops while slandering Atlus.

7227f4 No.14036413

File: 2700fea7274439a⋯.jpg (160.34 KB, 685x853, 685:853, Screen Shot - 17-12-24.jpg)

>Inside the Gaming Library at Gitmo, America's Controversial Military Prison



>I was more asking what the whole Cathrine fuss was about.

I wasn't specifically talking about you, there was a lot of trap posting past thread and I'm warning them there's more important shit going on

1afff5 No.14036414

File: 9ccb9a0b16c7f81⋯.webm (272.8 KB, 284x240, 71:60, (laughing).webm)


>I was told "you do have a different black guy vibe"

23b4da No.14036417


>You can play vidya at Gitmo

Sign me up!

6c691b No.14036424

File: a1268d4e63445fd⋯.jpg (93.82 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, C9-CLfXXkAAIMlJ.jpg orig.jpg)

All these memes are great, anons, but you forgot to post Gilda!

6f43f9 No.14036425

File: 0bcd8a53cf2f2d6⋯.jpg (444.84 KB, 750x740, 75:74, 0bcd8a53cf2f2d626bb3b1696b….jpg)


Joke's on you it's already smaller than that.


I was planning to drink a lot and play whatever my shitheap laptop can run.

0168bf No.14036427

File: 54199ddb65f49ba⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 850x400, 17:8, i-have-never-made-but-one-….jpg)




8e8d1d No.14036432

File: 0e7cda130f9e1c4⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 680x580, 34:29, pathetic says pyra.jpg)


> The fuss is SJWs think Rin is trans and are screaming it from the rooftops while slandering Atlus.

>They are this fucking retarded

They've been attacking Atlus non stop since P5 and how they couldn't (((Translate))) along with other worthless trite.


What is the rundown on Vice? I've been out of the loop.

fd49b7 No.14036444

Twinfinite: "It Feels Like Mass Effect: Andromeda Never Even Existed"


>Wired: "‘The Last Jedi’ Is the Most Intellectual ‘Star Wars’ Movie"


a11a96 No.14036450


>the Most Intellectual

Is this the new '2deep4u'?

7227f4 No.14036451

File: 531044d48cb2232⋯.png (76.14 KB, 308x300, 77:75, wait_a_minute.png)



6f43f9 No.14036454


The picture was very important to my post and I forgot it the first time.

f0c94b No.14036456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SJWs are really aiming hard at Atlus for quite a while, and it won't be surprising they'll try to tackle on Vanillaware's new game that's possibly coming out next year.


I'm leaning more that Rin is just an angel which explains why Vincent freaked out, and it could be a callback to SMT with the whole angels and demons thing. Or Rin could be an horrifying abomination angel that you see in monster girl quest.

0168bf No.14036467

File: ca5d8cfa59607ce⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 255x243, 85:81, wat.jpg)


>"‘The Last Jedi’ Is the Most Intellectual ‘Star Wars’ Movie"

>the most spiritually and symbolically defunct star wars movie

>lacks spiritual aspect than majority of fucking video games

>fucking child movie compared to preceduers

>also the shittiest star wars movie worse than JJ shit

>calls it Intellectual

Wired and Cracked; not even once.

cce968 No.14036480

File: 4951b98a793bf1a⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 640x480, 4:3, SW8_in_a_nutsack.mp4)


>Most intellectual

Explains why my IQ points were dropping when I saw the /tv/ thread of the movie, I simply wasn't 2smort to understand the cinematic masterpiece that is Star Wars: 56%.

23b4da No.14036482


>Those typos

Slow down anon.

66f2b2 No.14036484

File: 2b9be0f85735eb3⋯.jpg (10.6 KB, 515x286, 515:286, FB_IMG_1488503584295.jpg)


Trips confirm TLJ is to intelligent for us plebians. even the most committed Rick and Morty fans cant decrypt it.

831285 No.14036487

File: ef75b20f01223c1⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 576x360, 8:5, typical ∕endchan ∕, ∕in….webm)



0168bf No.14036488

File: e6c128b8e3ef1fe⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 327x221, 327:221, well..um...jpg)


The thing is, anon.. they're not typos…

80440c No.14036498

File: a6cb4955e1ae62b⋯.png (54.75 KB, 309x205, 309:205, pte you.png)


>in a nutsack

dac4bf No.14036508


Toby said that sex with her was weird, so I assume anal only.

23b4da No.14036517


I do too, but plenty of anons argue otherwise, despite Nippon in general probably not buying into the genital mutilation meme.

7227f4 No.14036526

File: 73117d6facd8d4d⋯.jpg (127.17 KB, 588x571, 588:571, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 002.jpg)

c36ff3 No.14036528

File: 1b5d047240647e7⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 356x340, 89:85, stalebread.jpg)


The first "current task" is from August! Who is in charge of keeping the bread fresh?

cd90e7 No.14036530

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 07f544e52a9ec448d436e3cbee….mp4)


I want to shit on Vice as much as anyone but most of those are probably not true.

Here's some ZR to offset trap shit.

15d1fd No.14036533


All the bakers have been picking it from the copypasta link.

f0c94b No.14036534


It's most likely vaginal, but more like fucking someone's open gash or wound.

23b4da No.14036547


But do you really think Atlus would do that?

d7aa36 No.14036556

File: ef3ed1017b658dc⋯.webm (804.98 KB, 470x360, 47:36, even bob ross knew.webm)


>most common complaints is that literally everyone on every side fucks up continuously, characters keep changing alignment like underwear, and there's just generally no respect for anything, not even basic cinematography


The modern art movement was a mistake.

23b4da No.14036557


There's a nip word for this. I only heard it once, and then many months later recalled it clearly out of no where, but now it escapes me. What do you call the visible skin on a girl's thighs between her skirt and her stockings?

6f43f9 No.14036561


zettai ryouiki

t. used to date a huge weeb

ffde65 No.14036563



Or "Absolute territory" for those that don't want to say mangled foreigner-tongue and would prefer anglicized japtalk.

6f43f9 No.14036570

File: 90c3da0fe251240⋯.png (214.82 KB, 600x455, 120:91, easymode.png)


anglicized nip is the easy mode of moontalk

cd90e7 No.14036572


yeah, zettai ryouiki… ZR.

b176cc No.14036576


It's not an unknown concept, though. I've read manga where characters will mention they went to Thailand for surgery, or characters will ask if they've "still got it", including older works. It's not a big social movement like it is in the west, just something people quietly get done.

23b4da No.14036578



>Zettai Ryouiki, meaning ABSOLUTE Territory

It sounds just as intense as that webm mp4.

7e095f No.14036582


Well, one of the thing you have to remember is that trannies are not exactly a new thing, anon. All that the political correctness has done is make it a "Hot topic" issue in the past few years.

171437 No.14036590

File: 57a48234f5bad1a⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 180x320, 9:16, Eva theme cat piano.mp4)

Meow, motherfuckers

6f43f9 No.14036596



23b4da No.14036599


The only times I've ever seen the surgery brought up in nip media mostly porn, they eiyher just got tits, or it was a girl getting dick. Never once have I heard of mutilated benis from them.


Trannies as in transvestites and transexuals that are shemales or chicks with dicks are not a new thing. Trannies as in open wound between your legs is fairly new phenomenon. At least, the latter was never part of any discussion I've ever seen up until recent years.

0168bf No.14036603

File: 8249016290f4197⋯.webm (4.95 MB, 386x254, 193:127, A Cruel Angels Honk.webm)

cd90e7 No.14036608

File: 9e7352065153325⋯.png (309.15 KB, 800x1060, 40:53, 1430866681707.png)


>a girl getting dick

This process is even worse than a tranny cutting his dick off.


Yeah, I was fapping to tranny porn in the 1990s.

cb2f26 No.14036613

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse

☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"

☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm

☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone

☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games

☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him

☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny

☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis

☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook

☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community

☑ Became Linkedredchannitin

☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs

☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file

☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done

☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons

☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible

☑ Revealed international culinary secrets

☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap

☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA

☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot

☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough

☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness

☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by

☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"

☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB

☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu

☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system

☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'

☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it

☑ Having a girl fetish

☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb

☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality

☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5

☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist

☑ Created Gamergate America

☑ Became starmen

☑ Brought misogyny into E3

☑ Turned Mario Mexican

☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles

☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid

☑ Blowing everything up

<☑ Exploring new frontiers

☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD

☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia

☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey

☑ Fought in the fetish wars

☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"

☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity

☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential

☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity

☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto

☑ Weaponized penises

☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville

☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.

☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda

☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons

☑ Fetishized Skill

✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon

☑ Sexualized the Mombot

☑ Mourning a penguin

☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Funding catgirl research

☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America

☑ Partying with Captain Kirk

☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris

☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income

☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture

☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters

☑ EXTREME mansplaining

☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them

☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game

☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER

☑ Being a criminal conspiracy

☑ Ruining Star Wars

☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.

☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU

☑ Became serial killers

☑ Made Pewdiepie excited for Rin's feminine penis

new one https://archive.fo/CzgJU

23b4da No.14036616


I thought it was supposed to be somewhat better as long as they have enough fat to redistribute? How is it worse than shoving foreign objects into and open wound for the rest of your life? Spoiler gory details for offtopic.

27f784 No.14036617


Except we don't have solid proof.


I don't know how people defend that movie when it absolutely shits on everything.

>leia has force powers lol idk

>we wrecked some planet up and fucked our objective up

<but hey we freed some animals :DDD

>finn is going to heroically sacrifice himself so that the resistance can be safe

<lol no fuck that shit we fight protecting what we love not fighting what we hate

>yo isnt it sick that lukes finally fighting kylo ren

<hah tricked ya lukes making a force ghost from fucking lightyears away

Besides, its boring and overlong. It has its moments but it's not worth seeing.

cd90e7 No.14036620


It involves removing a vein from your fucking arm and make a dick out of it.


cd90e7 No.14036623


You forgot Luke died when he ran out of mana.

a04c08 No.14036626


very good


do not disrespect benis

23b4da No.14036627

File: 7b3b6fd8f186301⋯.jpg (146.42 KB, 852x736, 213:184, 1460991513356.jpg)


Oh fuck.

27f784 No.14036632

File: 25c0107b8c82fcc⋯.png (366.74 KB, 405x431, 405:431, ....PNG)


That's the one thing that they could've done right and they fucked it up too. If he dropped dead from exertion then it would be fine, but no we need to have him blink out of existence because obi wan I guess.

cb2f26 No.14036634

File: c2f35eff3e40370⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Neon Genesis Evangelion Th….mp4)

cd90e7 No.14036636


I would have been fine with him pulling out a real obi-wan. Cucklo Ren cut him in half but only his clothes fall down, just like with Vader. But no, he's projecting harder than a SJW from halfway across the Galaxy. It was retarded.

171437 No.14036651

File: fca8377f345f1f6⋯.jpg (494.84 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Asuka outline.jpg)

With that out of the way, I should probably brief you guys on what's going on.

I'm going to be on sabbatical for a couple of days, but I have a big project in the works. Using the preserved copy of the original #GG wiki that I found, we're going to rebuild it. This time, forever. I've made contact with the Redditor who has been trying to work on the current, partial Wiki at thisisvideogames.com and we're currently trying to reach the Wiki admin since the site has been locked down.

I've also gotten a volunteer to host it long term. Someone dedicated to the community, semi-known, and utterly beyond reproach. A Final Solution to our lost-wiki problem. We're going to rebuild the OG Wiki and merge all the new information from the current Wiki into it, and host it on a new, dedicated site that will stand the test of time and let it finally be completed and updated.

Putting this together is my Christmas gift to 8chan, the threads, and #GamerGate. I really want to reach the Wiki admin, so if you guys could occasionally put a call out in the threads for a while and direct him to me: ayanamiashit@cock.li or @foxceras I would appreciate it. If he's gone or just truly incommunicado, I plan to proceed without him if absolutely necessary. And, when the time comes, I'm going to call for a couple dedicated curators from the threads to help keep an eye on the new wiki - reverting spam and keeping the SJW horde from compromising it.

Its going to be a monument to autism, but this time its going to be truly ours.

Merry Christmas, you faggoty bunch of Baneposting turbonerds!

17d5fc No.14036661


That would have been even worse. Then it would have been, "We completely changed and fucked this Character to rewrite the exact same thing from the 70s.

171437 No.14036671

File: a649707394e04d0⋯.jpg (61.7 KB, 665x842, 665:842, Asuka grin (shit eating).jpg)

a74943 No.14036675


>halfway across the Galaxy

I can't begin to imagine all that latency Luke would be going through.

743902 No.14036693



Thanks Acid, I really wish I could be as useful as you

27f784 No.14036700


The worst part of all isn't even all that retarded shit. The worst part is that almost nothing happens. Darth Somethingorother dies with a trick that he should've seen miles away, but that does nothing other than making Kylo Ren the leader (and he's full evil now so it doesn't matter if its). Luke dies, without really accomplishing anything (he buys the resistance some time and that's it) and the rebels continue on the run. It started the same as it ended.

It has exactly one cool thing in it though. An admiral uses a cruisers hyperspace to ram a giant evil spaceship and the way its presented really conveys the "holy shit" feeling of something like that. Even though it's kind of ruined by the fact that the admiral has purple hair for some reason. Also every military commander is a woman except for admiral Ackbar and the nigger piloting the medical ship.

cd90e7 No.14036706

File: dcbba7224c82c77⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dcbba7224c82c77ff40eb5150d….jpg)


I used to communicate with the guy when I was doing Bad Angler. I maybe still have his email lying around? Do you want it or you already tried? For my part I've been trying to script something to parse the threads and retrieve the archives to compile them in a page on the Wiki as well as some sort of thread monitor to archive the thread at different intervals in case something happen. It's going slowly though, got a lot of work.

You're doing the Lord's work Acid. Thanks.

7227f4 No.14036714

File: ae34177a7a2cdf5⋯.jpg (274.56 KB, 723x873, 241:291, Screen Shot - 17-12-23 023.jpg)

Vox employees need their booze controlled or else they go on a rape spree. Old article but I found interesting given the current moment



last time the "current happenings" got updated was like a year ago

cd90e7 No.14036715


>Also every military commander is a woman except for admiral Ackbar and the nigger piloting the medical ship.

Might be why the New Republic got fucked in like a month.

f0c94b No.14036722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I thought it was supposed to be somewhat better

It's not. Anything that involves with mutilating and altering one's genitals is terrible. Pretty sure someone has a webm of how those surgeries go.

23b4da No.14036732


Pretty sure I've seen it, but didn't see anything involving the arm. Surgery in general is grotesque, but I'm about 70% sure a chick dick looks better after healing than an open wound, seeing as the open wound doesn't heal.

7227f4 No.14036736

File: 8fe798b53f3d2f1⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 800x989, 800:989, 1472783889.jpg)


>chick dick

acc9f6 No.14036740

File: 68f4ea7e37e3ced⋯.gif (147.19 KB, 1124x820, 281:205, f78b5396eec007966a305a0bfe….gif)

File: 3f8edf359595bb8⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 719x800, 719:800, d2509a7b87c8a420250cf400ff….jpg)

File: e7ebffca67ccbb9⋯.jpg (166.83 KB, 799x754, 799:754, c4b966d6e3ebb55d34bd8b71ee….jpg)

File: 12ce42ec93c16d8⋯.jpg (108.71 KB, 609x800, 609:800, 09406abf19aa0f5e4edf3d5fa4….jpg)

35b6b8 No.14036750

File: d12a37fac63ae4a⋯.jpg (444.87 KB, 1041x1600, 1041:1600, Mockery Turned Truth - Ven….jpg)

Happy Holidays anons, just dropping some random shit from Marvel.

f0c94b No.14036751

File: 13de4cb8326630d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 720.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6176912343e6b2d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 305.92 KB, 750x250, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm about 70% sure a chick dick looks better after healing than an open wound.

And it looks pathetic and disfigured.

743902 No.14036761

File: 08ab2129bdd0f25⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 106.55 KB, 568x275, 568:275, ALT-phalloplasty (1).jpg)


One looks like an open wound and the other looks like a weird flesh tube

acc9f6 No.14036763

File: 9c1b758ff18fc11⋯.gif (191.4 KB, 1280x1384, 160:173, 8d9fe0a2c543e0ced526c3e1f9….gif)

Last one.

8988a2 No.14036764

File: c176bfd931134b4⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 387x704, 387:704, skaterboarder.jpg)


>Star of David

Thats where I draw the line


7e095f No.14036766


Why is there a watermark?

cd90e7 No.14036768

File: 64fb69296226724⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 400x215, 80:43, ds9-hardtime17.jpg)

acc9f6 No.14036770


The star of David has six points. The images had five pointed stars.

7e095f No.14036771

File: 2c5194eb363ae8a⋯.gif (377.05 KB, 500x504, 125:126, Questioning.gif)


>5 point star

>Star of Remphan

23b4da No.14036772


Yes. Disgusting. But still better than an open wound.

>second image

You sure that ain't a fattass with a microdick getting an enlargement?



7227f4 No.14036773

File: 0432c8b2f505ae2⋯.png (6.55 KB, 759x551, 759:551, 1423462666429.png)

8988a2 No.14036779



Wait, nevermind, thats a Pentagram

I need to stop being awake at 3 AM

Feel free to post more lewd Dog Mom

23b4da No.14036784

File: 51522cbc1e66cd7⋯.png (307.75 KB, 661x603, 661:603, tomokill.png)


This is my fault.

743902 No.14036790

File: fc823cd2efacd09⋯.jpeg (14.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2MRY6_AS01.jpeg)


If you read it it says Kamol costmetic hospital which is where this image is from. Hospitals who do cosmetic procedures tend to post pictures of the results to show how good they are at it.

Oh fun fact, the way FTM trannys get erections is because one of their "balls" is actually an air pump that they squeeze to pump up their dick much like one of those blood pressure measuring cuffs

f0c94b No.14036799


>Still better than an open wound.

Whatever floats your boat anon.

>You sure that ain't a fatass getting an enlargement

It's definitely not a guy getting an enlargement.

acc9f6 No.14036806

File: 706b02f5a770ef3⋯.jpg (115.78 KB, 800x718, 400:359, 8766b62ef99c49bae7dd855086….jpg)

File: 63b2155b28cc6b9⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 800x676, 200:169, b7004f39e654d5668e4801155d….jpg)

File: dd8ac15a1382d62⋯.jpg (97.11 KB, 590x800, 59:80, f1328fb7580cf31febf44c9db2….jpg)

File: 32c9d1656e67840⋯.jpg (130.61 KB, 705x800, 141:160, 9c54924834ad17cee92c728170….jpg)

File: 9f39324ab3f8d31⋯.jpg (81.73 KB, 651x800, 651:800, 4ad0a362fd5db19869b30def89….jpg)


We all make mistakes when we're tired.

90dd10 No.14036810

File: ee168f33f9cc564⋯.jpg (114.59 KB, 991x639, 991:639, Yellow rabbit with interro….jpg)



acc9f6 No.14036811


That's pathetic and gross.

171437 No.14036812


If you can get his email that would be great. Apparently the only way we two know how to reach him is him randomly posting in the breads.

acc9f6 No.14036816


Only the milf parts.

5f0d71 No.14036820

File: 2e1c12b38eff743⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 690x637, 690:637, fuck_off.jpg)


Alright anon, stop posting furshit.

27f784 No.14036822

File: c3c6664b25522b2⋯.png (198.33 KB, 355x400, 71:80, the v community.png)

acc9f6 No.14036824

File: 0a0ffc1efb048d6⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 480x271, 480:271, 0-1.jpg)


Fine, have a trap instead.

7e095f No.14036825

File: 4d3aca30fa9f09b⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 160x120, 4:3, drewcarey.gif)


Thanks, anon, you have destroyed much of any chance that I will ever fap to tranny hentai ever again.


What would it be like having sex with a living rug?

23b4da No.14036827


Anon, hentai is fiction. The real world does not necessarily apply or even do so often.

acc9f6 No.14036828


There's always the magical genderbender Ranma type hentai to fap.

f0c94b No.14036831


>One of the balls is an air pump that they squeeze to pump up their dick like one of those blood pressure measuring cuffs

So FTMs are literally blow up toys. That's sad.

90dd10 No.14036835


Nice try, but furfags don't reproduce.

743902 No.14036838


The hentai word has magical surgical techniques which implants a perfectly functional stem cell grown giant cock and massive balls onto women.

It's closer than you think

f6cb46 No.14036844

File: 3e425cc369b75e2⋯.png (112.66 KB, 636x315, 212:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 753d25c5ff7d946⋯.png (518.07 KB, 1984x1632, 62:51, gookanon angery.png)

rember do not sexualize the gook

acc9f6 No.14036847


I'm only talking about 2D.


Or magic. Just throw the guy into the cursed spring of drowned girl.

acc9f6 No.14036849


Mombots been sexualized apparently.

cd90e7 No.14036851


sent :^)

90dd10 No.14036861


>sexualizing reproduction among beings that can't bear actual children

Are you saying you don't want to actually raise a healthy throng of kids with good values and instead would rather jerk off to fake mothers?

a11a96 No.14036862

File: 09f8cbe9fba49bb⋯.jpg (190.94 KB, 1200x1346, 600:673, got the goods.jpg)


Hope he's been a good boy this year.

7e095f No.14036863

File: 9d15f8aa9d90344⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2531x1838, 2531:1838, Being A Man.png)

File: c1e33167ac9c914⋯.jpg (347.1 KB, 1280x1833, 1280:1833, WOWscans_10_Things_to_Do_0….jpg)


>The real world does not necessarily apply or even do so often.

Tell that to the image I'll get in my head every time I read one.




That may not be compromised yet (And the ones where you get a strange sex-change drug/disease/clone/etc.)

acc9f6 No.14036871

File: 9cf04e5f8b0dba5⋯.png (101.68 KB, 680x391, 40:23, superhero why.png)

23b4da No.14036875


Your own fault for being a weak willed faggot unable to focus purely on the glorious 2D before you.

f0c94b No.14036878

File: 09677025a42a887⋯.png (512.82 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>The real world does not necessarily apply or even do so often.

Some elements do apply sometimes, but thankfully it's not hamfisted. Pic related, SJWeebs and tumblr are going to have a field with this show next year.

7e095f No.14036893

File: 3d696f13c1f379b⋯.jpg (923.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, MLP5.jpg)

File: 4d5fbf5fa6fee90⋯.jpg (299.29 KB, 800x551, 800:551, tumblr_o5sd158IGG1u0ng1mo1….jpg)

File: e1f31ef5f8711e4⋯.jpg (587.12 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Lamia.jpg)


That's probably because I don't have a waifu. And, of the three girls that come the closest, one is stuck in a shitty series, another is in the same situation but she might as well be died as far as anyone cares since she disappeared in the story to who the Hell knows where and we haven't seen any existence of her since, and the last one is in a series that is on indefinite-hiatus due to the publisher dying.

cd90e7 No.14036894

File: ecfbb594a37eb7f⋯.jpg (97.59 KB, 640x547, 640:547, 1260490247434.jpg)

23b4da No.14036902


Anon, your waifu chooses you.

e9d921 No.14036918

File: 3271dd29ca5cbd4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.84 KB, 444x563, 444:563, wishywashy.jpg)



>Season 2 confirmed

never ever

095c6c No.14036925

File: 1f6618bd163f3cc⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Underwater] Panty and Sto….jpg)

23b4da No.14036927


This "le harry potter reference amirite?" tier cringe. since when did fags get assblasted by the word cringe? It's been used for ages before SJWs began using it. Stop letting them co-opt language.

674066 No.14036930

File: 80eefb4d3f4d4e0⋯.png (700.76 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, vidya game comic 11.png)

File: f78c4e76b723ccb⋯.png (744.96 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, vidya game comic 12.png)

last comics for those who missed them

a47a77 No.14036938

File: f075fdc4c4415eb⋯.png (260.84 KB, 571x464, 571:464, Extremely high confusion.png)


Zombie trap catboys?

b176cc No.14036981


I've seen a lot of reactions from normalfags and general anime fans largely just being "wtf anime" or that sort of thing. The way these commies takes months, or even years to notice the things that might actually make them angry is telling for how out of touch and uninterested they are in the topic. They won't even know it exists until the PV comes out and someone sounds the alarm that they all need to get offended now.

956f90 No.14037002


I will watch the fuck out of this shit when it comes out.

674066 No.14037003


from men making gashes they fester on purpose to putting an aitpump of flesh into you just so you can function.

I bet trannies can't even feel pleasure at all and just pretend to.


he's dead jim.

743902 No.14037012


Its really funny since the manga has been around for a long time and its relatively popular and well known. Yet everyone is going to scream about it when the anime drops and talk about how huge anime fans they are and how its stuff like this thay makes them embarrassed about liking anime and how transphobic it is and problematic. Yet the entire time the manga is out you don't hear a peep since they arent actually fans of manga and anime they just watch the most basic popular shit and claim they are huge fans.

98f524 No.14037014


>its been 7 years

it still hurts

it hurts so bad

fuck you gainax

743902 No.14037018


that's why I kept my dick :^)

7e095f No.14037024


>Its really funny since the manga has been around for a long time and its relatively popular and well known. Yet everyone is going to scream about it when the anime drops and talk about how huge anime fans they are and how its stuff like this thay makes them embarrassed about liking anime and how transphobic it is and problematic.

I don't know about it. But, then again, I mostly just read/watch whatever peaks my interest at the moment. Also, I forget, what's the best place to read/download manga?

acc9f6 No.14037025


Easy solution, tell them to stop watching anime. These faggots pretend to like anime for whatever reason.

23b4da No.14037028


Well I mean. They probably get the same psychological pleasure a woman gets from pegging a guy. It's almost certainly outweighed though, by the terrible feeling of not really feeling their dick or feeling horrible pain in their literal gash.

23b4da No.14037033


>for whatever reason.

Power, influence, morally misguided sense of justice.

acc9f6 No.14037036


And they have to look for that in the anime community of all places?

7e095f No.14037038


Sounds like a familiar line from a show, what is it??

956f90 No.14037052

File: 5930d445898286d⋯.jpeg (15.51 KB, 289x225, 289:225, 5930d445898286d51db0e4c70….jpeg)


Ban the furry community.

23b4da No.14037053


They look for it almost everywhere, but especially places with an active and growing influence on the normalfag sphere, like anime.


It's from an 80s anime called boku no off the top of my head.

a47a77 No.14037054

File: df809d85e495a75⋯.gif (32.95 KB, 158x196, 79:98, arch.gif)


Not if i have anything to do about it.

743902 No.14037058


That's fine if you don't know about it, I said it was relatively well known. Its not crazy popular but its still decently known if you pay attention to comedy manga.

>Also, I forget, what's the best place to read/download manga?

I have no idea anon, I usually just browse threads on /a/ and usually someone dumps a mega


I think they do like anime but they are goons at heart and can't accept liking it so they need to cleanse it of everything 'problematic' until its nice and clean and they don't have to be embarrassed around their goon friends for liking it. Or as >>14037033 says, power.


Its easy for them to infiltrate groups like otaku and weebs because they otaku and weebs don't strive for power. They just want to enjoy their hobby. An outsider can come in and see no one is trying to rise to the "top" so they have an easy time with no competition and they easily weasel their way into "localization" companies where they can secure a nice spot to inject their beliefs to the massses

acc9f6 No.14037063


Looks like we need to get /ourguys/ into power. Or just say fuck it and learn Nip to import shit.

674066 No.14037071

File: aa0e2a04ffd434c⋯.png (922.34 KB, 700x479, 700:479, ClipboardImage.png)


He's dead, dude shot him twice, making video game cat a double dead furfag.

are you a bad enough dude to rescue her from Hades?

a47a77 No.14037112

File: 419b4f358c68289⋯.png (969.53 KB, 612x850, 18:25, ainz.png)


i'm a god damn necromancer, what do you think.

76ebce No.14037139

File: 09e49bc1bf2a2ec⋯.png (164.42 KB, 642x725, 642:725, Untitled.png)


#ourguy confirmed?

ca0424 No.14037155


>instead of a season 2 we got a fucking PSG themed restaurant

Fucking Gainax.


We need more proofs, and besides, it's the holiday season, most of us are busy with shit

5abc25 No.14037187


Only as much as someone that browses 4/b/ can be, but I have a suspicion that he's suppressing his power level on purpose.

df16d1 No.14037190

File: 26f1c48577098dd⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 512x288, 16:9, i peacocked your mom.jpg)


Pure degeneration, first it's handholding, then sweet nothings then a shared awkward look then a gentle parting then an exchange of words that lead into a first outing together then a date taking place at nowhere particular then a loving kiss.

It's a slippery slope you degenerates, don't you see?

fec4b6 No.14037213

File: 45c8efb5fd6e816⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.64 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, this webm is a bannable o….webm)

23b4da No.14037223

File: 1eb0d34338a5046⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 400x484, 100:121, no.jpg)


>Japanese Garfield

2cf743 No.14037287

File: c3a3bda6abdf5c0⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 600x876, 50:73, DOsQxm-U8AAMxlR.jpg)


f6cb46 No.14037289

File: 07f9bd308d022ed⋯.png (471.9 KB, 1257x1461, 419:487, otakumode viv.png)


>does someone have to actually die

Yeah, S4T's dad

23b4da No.14037296


I thought we were responsible for the deaths of thousands of poor trans people because we are also responsible for paying the Russians to hack the election in favor of drumpf?

038f84 No.14037353

File: d1dffa088cb4b4c⋯.png (59.71 KB, 762x806, 381:403, Angry_Vivian.png)



Not only a lack of archive, but a lack of speed too.

A Gilda in a Slowpoke costume would work wonders for situations like this.

e938a4 No.14037359


Didn't that pornstar die from the SJW gay community already?

I told you niggas, I fucking told you.

78ca84 No.14037366


He's obviously posting it because of the irony that vice said this shit about GG then turns out they were full of actual sexual harrasment. How do so many of you fags lack the ability to understand things based on context? Jesus

e938a4 No.14037374


>Yet the entire time the manga is out you don't hear a peep since they arent actually fans of manga and anime they just watch the most basic popular shit and claim they are huge fans.

>huge fans

Normies are huge fucking casuls.

6d75ab No.14037377

File: bac722d6feb87c5⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.96 MB, 636x360, 53:30, this webm is a bannable o….webm)

038f84 No.14037385


Very well, but that still leaves a much needed archive to confirm if this is real in the first place.

7a02cc No.14037412


bost more

f7e34f No.14037423


Don't forget the male feminist that shot his cohost to death.


038f84 No.14037435

File: d1d1b46aba6eb24⋯.jpg (158.38 KB, 600x876, 50:73, hkJRV.jpg)

File: d40de32fed799d0⋯.jpg (231.1 KB, 678x1200, 113:200, DN4AHcGU8AAJdIG.jpg)

File: 1d4bd62c78c1160⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2130x2383, 2130:2383, dantaat.png)

File: d4d4dae6f2e230a⋯.png (908.09 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, amane.png)

File: 0c221cc19a5d476⋯.png (487.97 KB, 1033x1161, 1033:1161, Screenshot_174.png)



Fuck it all, posting tits and archive.


e938a4 No.14037455

File: 51d970e36e88832⋯.png (26.95 KB, 254x252, 127:126, 1470993466091.png)


>Kolpakov had a “psychotic episode” moments before the shooting.

>Kolpakov had a “psychotic episode”

>i dunno wat happen ur honor, psychosis just crept up to me then i murderized the girl


ca0424 No.14037463


This looks like shit tbh anon

095c6c No.14037469


yea 99% of the art the gildafag posts does

fe289c No.14037470


>Head pats


225e32 No.14037479

File: e5b3a45bf8f8b36⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2163x2419, 2163:2419, Rachel reloading.png)

So what is the step to take down vice?

e938a4 No.14037505


Let it fill up with terrible articles so it collapses. Oh, wait.

fe289c No.14037508

File: a6d89b11c984d3a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 410x410, 1:1, bjc.jpg)


By putting their advertisers' balls in a Vice-like grip.

b176cc No.14037543


Oddly enough, not much. This isn't like Gawker, where they are still scrabbling to stay alive and went down from several direct strikes to them. Lots of these fuckheads still mourn Gawker. Vice is imploding, largely from their own politics, and their own workers are the ones eating the queen. They can't survive that.

If anyone wants a starting point to hit people with, ask them what made Gawker any better than Vice. They both died as a result of several sexual harassment cases, and don't let anyone dare get away with saying that people tweeting that Vice is touchy-feely and bad but showing sex tapes, outing gay men in Arabia and getting rightfully sued for it isn't.

afb358 No.14037561

afb358 No.14037569

853bae No.14037595

So… Cenk adressed his hateful comments on his channel saying he made those comments when he was 'younger'. For fuck's sake, 30 years old is younger by the standars. Maybe someone could remind them how they treated Trump and others.

And Sargon is defending him. He is wrong on this one and it saddens me he defends the fat cockroach, but everyone can have their opinions, even if they are wrong.

b250d4 No.14037689


Sargon's defending him because they were in justice democrats together. Funny how cenk decided to step down from justice democrats for his comment, but not from the young turks. He jettisoned the thing that wasn't making him any money, acting like it was a sacrifice

afb358 No.14037741

Obama was criticized for a tan suit. A. TAN. SUIT. It wasn't like he was wearing a tie that goes down to his crotch, like a toddler that can't even dress himself properly.

9adbfd No.14037781

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

8e8d1d No.14037811

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

afb358 No.14037834

aliens are genetic "ancestors" that resulted from the time wars. They are all the various cloned varieties.. reptilians, mantids, tall whites, grays, all created beings using stolen genetics. The beings that inhabit these human vessels are not the same. Essentially, we are the aliens, and they are the natives.

06189e No.14037894



>Turbo tit dog ladies

Yes. I want one for myself, and my penis.

853bae No.14037908


>Getting people by their own standars

Cenk and his ilk created a world where people lose jobs or even go to jail for tweets said years ago. Let them sleep in the bed they made.

afb358 No.14037929

Any Q anon updates?

2668f8 No.14037939


Indeed, we need to remember that it's fucking hilarious to see these "progressives" fall to the same ludicrous standards that they push, but we need to remember that we want those same standards to be removed from society in the first place.

8e8d1d No.14037942


As much as I fucking hate them this anon as a point, granted I find it fucking hilarious at how karma is hitting them.

afb358 No.14037944

Who is Cerk and why don't I care?

853bae No.14037951




The thing is that we reached a point where the only way to destroy the pyre is to let the people who built it burn themselves, and from the ashes we can start talking.

c295b6 No.14037957


I don't think that he should be forced to resign for what he said, but it's still funny to watch them lynch their own. Your analogy would be more apt if people from here were condoning what happened rather than laughing it.

65e564 No.14037961

File: d08999c07512b60⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kazuchika Okada Dollars 3.jpg)

Good evening faggots.

I hope you all have some good plans to celebrate Christmas!

afb358 No.14037962


Tortured metaphor, tbh.

c295b6 No.14037968


Host of The Young Turks. Armenian genocide denier. 'Moderate' leftist that became rabid with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

853bae No.14037977


So what are you proposing? defending Cenk? Let them eat themselves like they always did so, once again, we win by default.


They became rabid leftists years before Trump.

8e8d1d No.14037985


>Armenian genocide denier

He also denied the Greek genocide of Constantinople or Istanbul I believe.

06189e No.14037996


Sit around and masturbate.

853bae No.14038000


Now you exposed you are a shill or a troll.

853bae No.14038015


Dine with my family and then shit post at night.

6aab1a No.14038017


I lot of those read like they never happened or were jokes.

>I was asked to buy cocaine

>PR head has "bitches gets stiches" tattoo


Update the pasta with >>14036164 fakkus news


I doubt that was gook last thread, it was too open about gay shit.


Small is cute >>>/cuteboys/339614



Plz post

853bae No.14038026


Yeah, whatever, my trips win over your dubs anyway.

ada754 No.14038060

File: d5a9882caf48da1⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 625x605, 125:121, d5a9882caf48da1d8c3efc6058….jpg)


>taught us a few dudes on the internet are horrible and have no shame

You can say that again, you paragon of virtue

a53656 No.14038151



Especially considering how easy it is to fake DMs


Probably all fake or overblown but who cares, let them fight.


Depending on how old the statements were I would probably defend him too. That doesn't mean you still don't laugh at his misfortune or don't encourage the infighting. I wouldn't personally encourage him to step down and I would be against anyone here encouraging him to step down, but it's funny that he stepped down because he fought against his own side.

a48dfe No.14038208

Since Australia is a day ahead in the future, Merry Christmas Cunts. I love you anons even though you're apart of the gay community.

095c6c No.14038210

File: dc6fe49bc40e709⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 320x299, 320:299, tCUAYOcOOdAY0TTyP0r0NohQz-….jpg)


Its only 10:30 you retard

743902 No.14038214

File: 255d6423cdebd0e⋯.png (706.83 KB, 1080x1294, 540:647, Lewd smug.png)


Fuk u, u firry fuk

7f75cc No.14038226


Eating a bullet. See ya guys, it's been fun.

f6cb46 No.14038233


it's already christmas in NZ, thanks anon

44027e No.14038235

Merry christmas, happy hanukah and what the hell is kwanza.

095c6c No.14038240


Nobody fucking cares about NZ fuck head

f6cb46 No.14038248


maybe because us Kiwis don't shitpost enough like the aussies, eh

5f028c No.14038255



Kwanza is like a black community spiritual building day. Imagine Chrisrmas dinner and partying, but with your extended community/block

095c6c No.14038259


Maybe because you are shit cunts

a5ce01 No.14038263

7227f4 No.14038266

File: 487629333c6048b⋯.jpg (439.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, no thank you.jpg)


nah I'm cool


Crashing their plane with no survivors


the official excuse they are going with is that it was too long ago and it happened when he was a conservative

2d6d3d No.14038270


He also browses here. In one of his video's you can see it.

853bae No.14038274


>I wouldn't personally encourage him to step down and I would be against anyone here encouraging him to step down, but it's funny that he stepped down because he fought against his own side.

I'm not saying anything about encouraging him to step down, but I'm against defending him. He and his ilk should die by the sword they killed.


>the official excuse they are going with is that it was too long ago and it happened when he was a conservative

That's the worst thing. He is not blaming himself, but he blames being a republican.

743902 No.14038294

File: e58da4fc60dd6de⋯.png (84.91 KB, 327x300, 109:100, 1504090957.png)


There's only one Felix I like being here and it isn't Pewdiepie

5fac56 No.14038297

File: 4ce695cda41f09b⋯.jpg (149.62 KB, 630x420, 3:2, 630x420_GoodmanLebowskiZap….jpg)



6aab1a No.14038306

File: ef5fcfd9e5750e2⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 625x875, 5:7, 729804CC_CD6F_4E34_A54C_EB….jpg)


What was it?

5fac56 No.14038309

File: c9241e93059e5bb⋯.jpg (135.11 KB, 630x420, 3:2, TaxiZappers.jpg)



592818 No.14038319

File: 693c0c520563fd9⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 206x232, 103:116, felix.jpg)


same here tbh

afb358 No.14038322


If you believe that you live on a spinning globe, think again. The spinning globe #earth paradigm is a 500 years and running #conspiracy perpetrated by the Jesuits, the Vatican, Zionist Jews and the Freemasons. There is no observable curvature on this earth and motion has never once been detected. #NASA has never been passed low #earth "orbit" and the moon landing was obviously staged. Once you understand the consequences of living on a #flatearth, you'll start to see why this information is so important. Note: We are not the #FlatEarthSociety. They are controlled oppostion to keep people away from flat earth truth. The #flatearth is not a theory and it has not been debunked. Though we are forced to theorize on what an accurate map of the earth may look like, at least we don't make wild claims such as #earth is spinning, earth is orbiting the sun, gravity, etc. #Earth is a flat and stationary plane just as it appears and just like our senses tell us. #NASA lies and is basically spearheading the campaign to deceive you and the rest of the world. Even #SpaceX and other "aerospace" companies are a part of the deception, at least the owners and employees at the highest echelons. (To clarify, not every scientist, pilot, school teacher or #NASA employee is in on this ordeal). Don't let these fake space programs and mainstream #science fool you. Think critically, logically and do YOUR OWN research before blindly believing that you live on a spinning, pear shaped oblate spheroid darting through infinite #space at ridiculous speeds that have never been proven.

095c6c No.14038328

All these cat girls and the commie mods will ban me if I post the best one

853bae No.14038337


Marche, when you shave Miranda and put a regular nose on her then you won't be a furry.

095c6c No.14038339


I dont give a fuck what you think

743902 No.14038341

File: 06fd0864c44b0f9⋯.png (432.73 KB, 758x721, 758:721, So good.png)


Get some taste and dump your shit waifu marche

7227f4 No.14038344

File: 097345df98485b0⋯.jpg (191.45 KB, 670x784, 335:392, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 005.jpg)

File: ae9a08183c05660⋯.jpg (138.09 KB, 683x369, 683:369, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 004.jpg)

Does this count as undisclosed affiliate tag? Schereier being the site owner and all


cb2f26 No.14038347

File: 5c98b469edf074d⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 692x692, 1:1, DRxntEjV4AA3M23.jpg)



853bae No.14038349


Good for you. But you are still a furry.

095c6c No.14038351




Fuck off with yiur halfchan ocdonut garbage

b042d8 No.14038354

File: a25940baf2ff311⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 500x350, 10:7, a25940baf2ff31188904096d54….gif)

a5ce01 No.14038361


I want to hug Nanachi

853bae No.14038364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And another one gone and another one gone, Another one bites the dust.

592818 No.14038367

File: f5ea42869b676bc⋯.jpg (131.35 KB, 736x552, 4:3, giant saw thing.jpg)


bite the pillow, earth-chan.

a5ce01 No.14038374

File: 48009f9d0c0cf3f⋯.png (347.07 KB, 1223x1143, 1223:1143, 48009f9d0c0cf3f518b464b5f4….png)


>Another wannabe rapist trying to save face


d2bde3 No.14038381

File: 23587f5fb671373⋯.png (2.62 MB, 2893x955, 2893:955, Septic community 0a.png)

After Jim's second video, I decided to make some OC. Also I am really starting to hate GIMP, wanted to make it fancy by replacing the white background with a black background and realised that changing the size of the brush doesn't actually change the size of the brush and so going with a 30px brush over the original 2800x13000 will take fucking ages. Anyone willing to replace it with black?

afb358 No.14038385


looks homo

7d1948 No.14038401


>e-celeb drama

Go away

6aab1a No.14038402

File: 72625bf58ea9c0c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 235.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 201711323_124357.jpg)


>post your God-tier waifu

Only because you asked.

I'm not marche you baka

743902 No.14038419


I meant to reply to >>14038339 not sure how i ended up replying to you. You have an 8/10 waifu though so good job anon

d2bde3 No.14038420


It's more about shit against the skeptic community than it is about the drama itself used in the example.

cb2f26 No.14038422

File: 294c2f574c58352⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.75 MB, 962x720, 481:360, The NeoGaf Mines.mp4)


I have a special Earth lewd webm just for you

7227f4 No.14038423

File: 3e83fa74d2e5374⋯.gif (440.98 KB, 500x284, 125:71, giphy.gif)



d2bde3 No.14038425


Fair enough

a53656 No.14038468


>I'm not saying anything about encouraging him to step down, but I'm against defending him.

I will admit that I haven't fully watched what Sargon had to say. If he defended the principle of what Cenk said and that it wasn't a big deal enough to step down from, then I would defend that. I feel that's slightly different then defending Cenk as a person.


Maybe post this on KiA too for a consensus. I would think it needs a disclosure but I honestly know jack shit about the rules of affiliate links




Just read the first 290 replies


It's always the same type of people: not the "toxic" online malicious troll that's a danger to women that the media tries to sell, but the person you know, who is above you, who virtue signals alongside you.

65e564 No.14038486

File: fa263c4ae7c686b⋯.jpg (72.52 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, US University Retardation ….jpg)

6aab1a No.14038495

File: 862c5ccc0b26733⋯.png (29.15 KB, 800x473, 800:473, 862c5ccc0b26733bfd28109b97….png)


>You have an 8/10 waifu

What the fuck did you just say about my waifu you little shit? I'll have you know she graduated top of her class in the yokai world. She been involved in secret numerous strikes on the human works and has over 300 confirmed genocides. She is trained in gorilla danmaku and is the top beauty in the entire yokai world.

She's 10/10, eat a bullet and hang yourself. Don't hav gud dey.

9a09f7 No.14038525


I bet your waifu enjoys hand-holding and headpats.

743902 No.14038549


Could you really say another man's waifu is 10/10 anon? 8/10 is high praise for someone else's waifu

6aab1a No.14038572


I can sort of see your point.

However, you must respect someone's waifu unless it's Mark's or Marche's. And putting them on a scale instead of giving a compliment, will only bring problems. As such, you must refer other's waifu to them as 10/10, or the very least 9/10. I would've gone for as low as 9/11, since I am so kind and humorous.

When referring to one's own waifu, 11/10 is to be expected. Saying 10/10 would just be humble. Anything lower and they are either cheating on them or its a doomed relationship.

65e564 No.14038595

File: 867e32a47562d69⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 584x1200, 73:150, Cuck 12.jpg)

f6cb46 No.14038608


the future british army is gonna be like the new SJW GI Joe with a fat chick manning a machine gun

6aab1a No.14038611


>no link

>no archive

>Def secretary scraps plan to ditch army slogan

Doesn't that mean it's staying?

ac3bec No.14038618


Why not just add onto it?


f6cb46 No.14038627


I remember one time they made a controversial ad where there was a indonesian terrorist who gets his shit kicked in by an SAS member. indonesians were butthurt. So now the pendulum swings in another direction

ac3bec No.14038630


So maybe the Indonesians should stop being terrorists? :^)

f6cb46 No.14038642

File: fad74e6b86ba7f8⋯.png (120.97 KB, 350x240, 35:24, ClipboardImage.png)


the southeast asian caliphate isn't gonna appear by itself, anon.

0168bf No.14038652

File: e049b4663873791⋯.jpg (144.69 KB, 537x452, 537:452, bullied so hard.jpg)


>doubt that was gook last thread

>tfw Marche and the gay community impersonated me so many times I lost my credibility

I will bring update next time you fagoots

095c6c No.14038655




Yea id suggest not blowing up Australians you fucking monkey gooks

b176cc No.14038664

File: bfcd9578e4a4505⋯.png (918 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, master of the north south ….png)

Merry Christmas Australia

f6cb46 No.14038671


I wonder why Aussies go to Bali when Melb is much more fun

095c6c No.14038679


Because despite Melbourne being full of Muslims and niggers, Bali has better resorts and cheap as fuck stuff. Also drugs, people go there for steroids

6aab1a No.14038683


When did you start identifying yourself so openly for things besides gook news? Is this you?

Stop responding to all the gay shit in such a gay way. Last thread was too gay.

095c6c No.14038688


Because cobalt will ban me If I post a single. Picture of galko or serval or Miranda or even if I dont. But everyone else is free to be identified easily and shit up and derail threads when I never even intentionly do this

b042d8 No.14038691

File: 579a3107f543e08⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


No more Thin Red Line of Heroes anymore

0168bf No.14038701

File: 91d65e8b6656f07⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, please help.jpeg)


I can't stop biting baits or either anons finds me when I post in anonymity I need help

im really sorry but this shit is out of my control


Marche are you still angry that we didn't accept your furry waifu?

If mods pull your waifu off, will you sperg?

b042d8 No.14038702

File: 890c5924d91fb2e⋯.png (80.06 KB, 316x452, 79:113, 1389604158296.png)

0168bf No.14038704


fug i forgot to remove flag again why this keep happening i'm not flagavatarfagging plz forgive me marche plz don't sperg at me like revoltard plz i'm not identityfagging

b176cc No.14038706

File: 1c1bce646c623a8⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Melbourne is fun, if you like commies, peace-vans and shit weather. And being treated like the laughing stock it is by every other state. I'd rather spend a week in a reserve.

095c6c No.14038707


Im not mad, im just pointing out a fact.

I have chatlogs with mark posted on my board where several people call him out on his autism and he leaves a group just to go bitch in another one that also agreed with me

Just a fact

But hey keep blogging and self identifying, all it does is prove my point even more

d8e4dc No.14038712


>If mods pull your waifu off, will you sperg?

It would be extremely likely.

fd49b7 No.14038719

>Playerunknown doesn't want you playing PUBG if you don't want laggy Chinese players in your game. It's xenophobic to want region lock.


0168bf No.14038720


Okay, Aussie kangaroofucker, I got your point. From now on I will try not identify myself until I bring something update or someone want discussion so keep your gay bully shit onto yourselves you faggots

In return you must not sperg, can you do that?

095c6c No.14038727


There is no spurging. Cobalt is the spurge who cant handle bantz so he bans me

0168bf No.14038764

File: 46851e4e0b13781⋯.png (54.76 KB, 168x255, 56:85, doubting intensifies.png)


>It's xenophobic to want region lock

I'm gook and I know they're full of shit. The developers of PUBG has known to be a fucking anti-consumer shitty MMO devs in Korea. They bully players in their games and highly incompetent. They bans random users with no reason on their Gook MMO games solely just to make them purchase Gacha shit again and never let you know the ban reason or unban you. About couple of years ago a user of Terra actually visited Bluehole's building just to ask lift for his ban then their fucking security guard beat the shit out of him and cursed him like 20 minutes outisde the building. It was huge issue and I can fucking go on and on about the faggotory of Bluehole. Surprise thing is they're not the worst MMO company in Korea, in fact they're considered one of the best despite they're highly incompetent. It's just other MMO companies in gookland sucks beyond recognition. Compared to them Bluehole is somewhat decent.

I bet it's not xenophobic or shit it's just them can't able and afford global servers. Even the PD of PUBG in Korea interviewed that he never expected game to be this hit and suffering heavy amount of technical problem due to unexpected high demand and feedbacks.


>There is no spurging


7227f4 No.14038772

File: 4ee03469a5820ee⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Merry Christmas Balls Gli….jpeg)

0168bf No.14038774


Is there any 2017 GG Christmas arts from any drawfags?

d8e4dc No.14038778

File: d00431fedc2422a⋯.png (646.07 KB, 738x567, 82:63, smug_anime_face.png)


No. Let him sperg. It's funny.

095c6c No.14038779


Ye i draw some

f6cb46 No.14038780


now you know how KIA posters feel. Banned from discussion on other subreddits just because you believed that gamers are not dead. Gilda has no friends.

cb2f26 No.14038784

File: 6dc0a107ccd00b7⋯.jpg (126.06 KB, 680x1015, 136:203, Sniff the nanachi.jpg)


Reported for derailing.

This thread is for shitposting, talking about traps, lusting after gookanon, wafus, bullying mark/marche/val/acid, furries/hating-furries, ecelebs, faggotry, aras, and occasionally gamergate related sniff.

f6cb46 No.14038785

File: dab6826e8cd7652⋯.png (2.1 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e25969085d4555⋯.png (508.46 KB, 848x1199, 848:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9006de230f00b2⋯.png (636.61 KB, 848x1199, 848:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 570562fa3331fa6⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1199x848, 1199:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 662700709c33dd7⋯.png (1.49 MB, 848x1199, 848:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

66a703 No.14038786

File: 27076bb4dc1a9f0⋯.png (319.93 KB, 1372x1040, 343:260, 27076bb4dc1a9f08689ae9fec5….png)



66a703 No.14038793


Good shit

0168bf No.14038799

File: e9acb04d9a6688c⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 2830x4000, 283:400, series images of gore.gif)


>those thick full of ginger hairs

Want to pat her

6aab1a No.14038860


>games solely just to make them purchase Gacha shit again and never let you know the ban reason or unban you. About couple of years ago a user of Terra actually visited Bluehole's building just to ask lift for his ban then their fucking security guard beat the shit out of him and cursed him like 20 minutes outisde the building

Any article written about that?

0168bf No.14038877

File: 9433afbd9678506⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 799x388, 799:388, fug i failed memes.jpg)


>actually search about it

>it was from Archeage, not Terra

False alarm, it was drama from other MMO called ArcheAge not Terra

f6cb46 No.14038881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, Archeage…

0168bf No.14038911


I was kinda stuck with players of that game before and know how fucked that game is. The devs behind that games, XL Games are dirtier than Jews and politicians. They literally trying to do politics by controlling userbase and shit.

6aab1a No.14038915

File: 79f85581850711a⋯.jpg (147.47 KB, 850x1256, 425:628, 322b1c511eabb659eb5809600e….jpg)


My Elins remain pure

f6cb46 No.14038928

File: 59a120a8b2fb740⋯.png (944.67 KB, 788x1014, 394:507, ClipboardImage.png)

stay comfy anon, im out

0168bf No.14038936

File: 8caf9d850f8390a⋯.png (212.33 KB, 540x438, 90:73, this loli is dead.png)


>they wanted allow users to make loli characters

>but to avoid the draconian Korean law they made the entire race dedicate to loli

>this game is come out from a place where drawn loli shits considered same as real CP by the law

Truly great developers

d8e4dc No.14038970


Too bad the game is fucking trash.

853bae No.14038973


Korea is truly doomed. Gookanon, why don't you let Japan take over?


There are some eternal truths in this board. Val should get trucked, Marche is a furry and everyone lust over Gookanon's shonen manko.

36e8d5 No.14039088


Even if the game's trash I wish Elins were real so I'd impregnate one or two of 'em.

88abba No.14039139

File: 17108dd695aee87⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 405x482, 405:482, jazzmusiccontinues.jpg)


>Wrapping paper bondage


d87573 No.14039175

File: 0571ae241929f2a⋯.jpg (414.42 KB, 1920x892, 480:223, 0571ae241929f2a5cae5698410….jpg)

6c691b No.14039189

File: 9b99803cb9a0910⋯.jpg (450.8 KB, 971x766, 971:766, 559235_henlp_never-ending-….jpg)

More art!

c0f1fa No.14039213


GG sure brought in very talented people

fd49b7 No.14039268

File: 82f7a6dc64bb4b7⋯.png (58.38 KB, 462x552, 77:92, elitist.PNG)

611ec2 No.14039278







Isn't the game shut down now, but someone patched it to play on private servers?

853bae No.14039279


When Jonny boy likes it, it is a sign it is a VERY shitty movie. Or he was bought.

d87573 No.14039290


>clover cannon

6aab1a No.14039308


Both of them are still officially up.

a56019 No.14039345

File: b629f31dc3e17c7⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 799x849, 799:849, 1426124639873.jpg)


I can jerk off with both my hands

8b84b0 No.14039352

>tfw NicoNicoDouga's still not available in Murrica

a56019 No.14039400

File: a39ce826617a1ad⋯.jpg (290.7 KB, 639x1038, 213:346, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 006.jpg)

"I'm glad our efforts are actually making the difference. Last month we lowered by 23% our rape rate. There's still so much more to do, that's why I won't sever ties with Vice. Because they need me and I can help these women"



853bae No.14039440

Gypsie doctor disagrees with Sargon and explain why there is no point in helping the cockroach bull.

9c1b0a No.14039477

w/e timezone is, i don't care, but merry christmas you faggets

d8e4dc No.14039493

File: a1170bd65e82147⋯.gif (5.42 MB, 300x300, 1:1, a1170bd65e82147a3d0e49b4c6….gif)


Thanks, but I'm not gay.

1afff5 No.14039509

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)

I just want to say that 2017 was a magical year and all the shit that's been happening this week has made it all the more special.

a56019 No.14039510

File: 87db5a98abf6c1b⋯.jpg (232.24 KB, 687x899, 687:899, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 008.jpg)

>Atlus, We Haven't Forgotten Your Mishandling of LGBTQ Characters


9c1b0a No.14039519


>implying /v/ is not gay

what are you, gay?

e96b19 No.14039541


>implying /v/ is not gay

Hey! /v/ is a lot of things, furries, weebs, bestiality, gay, animal abusers, pedos, trap lovers, fat woman fetishists, but not gay. Pff, gay people on /v/? Stop being ridiculous.

b166b6 No.14039549


It's gonna be real fucking hilarious if Rin turns out to be a regular girl instead of a trap. Then is "controversy" will go beyond the threshold of "wow it's fucking nothing"

fe289c No.14039555

File: c904e54c107ca01⋯.png (275.17 KB, 588x589, 588:589, crashoverridecrash.png)

Community Announcement

As Christmas come upon us, let us remember the unfortunate, the desperate, the unforgiving, the ignored, the butthurt. Those that continue to sperg that Gamergate is a hate group. I am talking bout the members of CON. These people lurk these threads because no one wants to be around them or legally they cannot see family members without CPS being present (Hi Methwhale).

So please, as you are playing vidya and spending time with family, remember that some cannot enjoy the simplest of life's pleasures, and Wish CON member a Merry Christmas.

d8e4dc No.14039559

File: fd0ee0c618eb4d9⋯.png (32.75 KB, 360x300, 6:5, Wudding.png)


>Why aren’t we letting trans creators tell these stories?

How are you people stopping trannies from telling their stories? Asking for a friend.

a56019 No.14039575

File: 6b25e6e559c6b92⋯.png (590.33 KB, 460x460, 1:1, major checking.png)

f6cb46 No.14039578

File: 43e2c90e8c0e0cb⋯.png (1.8 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


i hope they find new artists to fap to

dac4bf No.14039602

File: d9081164c14fa6e⋯.jpeg (193.07 KB, 900x675, 4:3, angery-reaction-guts-5816….jpeg)






e96b19 No.14039641

File: 41b32da3358087f⋯.webm (1.77 MB, 768x432, 16:9, pdp on anime.webm)

File: a0260fc24a497f8⋯.webm (7.53 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Bike Cuck.webm)



>but I have a suspicion that he's suppressing his power level on purpose.

Why do you guys shill him every thread? He is a huge faggot

2a3a3c No.14039647


don't forget that Chie is trans too.

73b290 No.14039674

A hermit's life is the best life.

Christmas is shit and Gookanon should definitely get in the dress.

a11a96 No.14039684

File: 755338e96917d98⋯.jpg (201.82 KB, 1541x1052, 1541:1052, 755338e96917d983a3ad06de77….jpg)


I don't know how to react. For one it's heresy to diss Christmas. But at the same time, gookanon does need to get in the dress.

a56019 No.14039688

File: 806fadf137e101f⋯.jpg (156.19 KB, 909x749, 909:749, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 009.jpg)

d93418 No.14039697

File: 92468862b536469⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 577x398, 577:398, DRzGicKUIAELt71.jpg)

Does anyone have an archive for this if it is true? What pisses me off is that these assholes act like they are brave now when they say something, but never said anything before and just apparently let people get victimized. Hbomberguy though lies through his teeth all the time, so I doubt whether this is even true.

dac4bf No.14039725

File: e9d0a26255fed3f⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 420x410, 42:41, e9d0a26255fed3f138134c6668….jpg)


On one hand the salt will be amazing if Rin is a trap.

On the other hand, HATE.

a56019 No.14039744

fd49b7 No.14039745

09ed56 No.14039758

File: 2223c70713e4f0c⋯.jpeg (58.36 KB, 680x454, 340:227, 54EB72DC-4D52-43A3-BA13-8….jpeg)

>Boogie got divorced for Christmas

>Vice got caught fondling manko for Christmas

>Trout and Pee got the whole internet laughing at him for Christmas

b042d8 No.14039760

File: cff3645a5a92bcc⋯.png (458.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Tsmugdere.png)

a11a96 No.14039762


To be fair, it is bullshit there's no connection or even a remote reference to the original. Or even just to Robin Williams. Give the man a little dedication in the credits at least.

a56019 No.14039771

File: a094c81f34bdb0f⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x440, 501:440, Clipboard.jpg)


1afff5 No.14039789

File: 4c3b7fa6bfaa7de⋯.png (151.54 KB, 336x399, 16:19, !!.png)


>Trump tax plan passed

>Border wall prototypes up

>EA fucked up so bad with BF2 that normalfags are waking up on lootboxes

>Destiny 2 is going the way of TORtanic

>Jim's Magnum Opus is being made thanks to the Skeptic™ drama

>Genuinely good games came out this year

I wonder how 2018 is going to turn out.

d8e4dc No.14039807

File: 7186083836818aa⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 960x722, 480:361, 7186083836818aa1c9e90e0871….jpg)


It's gonna be great!

e96b19 No.14039809


>EA fucked up so bad with BF2 that normalfags are waking up on lootboxes

There are still a lot of "It's okay if it's only cosmetics" kind of guys on reddit.

3ec41a No.14039820

File: 5879f9888f3fcd6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 153.7 KB, 820x461, 820:461, turbos-arcade-img.jpg)





>Switch (not even a year old yet) already beats the Wii U's lifetime sales, Sony trundles along on PS4 Pro and PSVR sales, and XboneX is forgotten about until PUBG launches

>EA fucks up hard with Mass Effect Andromeda, continues fucking up throughout the year, then fucks up Battlefront II so hard that entire countries are now trying to criminalize 'predatory' microtransactions

>8chan recovers from the pigfood shitshow, codemonkey fixes and improves a bunch of long-standing shit (like increasing the filesize limit), cakejew's "pranks" backfire hilariously, hotwheels finds Jesus

>Trump actually starts to / successfully fulfils his election promises, continues baiting the press and pundits to freak out over tiny things, normalfags all over the world starting to realise how extreme the even the 'normal' left-wing has become

>Pic related comes back from the dead, purely so that he (the real Johnny) can re-release a bunch of Data East games on modern platforms

44027e No.14039828


Other than half my family dying this year has been pretty good.

c22c86 No.14039847


And switch first year sales numbers are not even complete yet, not until march. nintendo releasing 2 console sellers before christmas helped them out quite a bit

3e957e No.14039878

File: 816a1365586d6a8⋯.png (218.76 KB, 1055x1920, 211:384, tumblr_ouipby14Qr1v47gqjo1….png)


Based Galdelic.

I wanted to commision shit but I have no Twitter, and Tumblr won't let you see "sensitive" content accounts without a login. :(

171437 No.14039881

File: 19a33cb1a8cec13⋯.png (340.08 KB, 600x780, 10:13, 530f503d4d688841fae97c7538….png)


tbh I never expected I was going to want a Switch, but now I kinda do.

I never got a WiiU as the two games I wanted for it, Xenoblade and Star Fox, both got meh reviews. Why did it flop so hard?

09ed56 No.14039926


It was a gimmick system with terrible marketing that didn’t get a consistent flow of worthwhile games

da4d2d No.14039935

File: 113178dc31311aa⋯.png (124.4 KB, 418x294, 209:147, a3ba57c39e9f399717513ed82b….png)


Stop shilling this faggot. Why is GG so obsessed with e-celebs, anyway?

d87573 No.14039941


Protag of P3 is also trans because he turns into a woman in the psp version :^)

44027e No.14039956


>nintendo releasing 2 console sellers before christmas helped them out quite a bit

Mario and what else?

d93418 No.14039980


Thank you.

d93418 No.14039983


I think the salt will be more amazing if he turns out to not be a trap. You will have so many people either doubling down trying to say that they were opening up conversations about the topic or sperg out about getting mad over nothing.

a56019 No.14040006

File: 7fa8623605dddf7⋯.jpg (167.32 KB, 1006x652, 503:326, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 010.jpg)

File: 7d326732fe8af64⋯.png (6.21 KB, 429x410, 429:410, 1415913761083.png)

c22c86 No.14040015


Zelda, should have specified before their first christmas, zelda and mario move consoles.

d87573 No.14040043


This is going to bite them in the ass one day.

It's not men that suffer from being alone at 40.

d7aa36 No.14040084

File: 47661ee80d5dba9⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 350x457, 350:457, Josh goes to a diner.jpg)


>Josh likes it

>naturally, he likes it for all the wrong reasons, because the concept of "having fun" is more foreign to him than it is to Zuckerberg

b042d8 No.14040162

File: a967364cfe3a81a⋯.jpg (14 KB, 305x309, 305:309, a967364cfe3a81a5943e5a5204….jpg)


>awful elitist aristocratic/bloodlines framing in the prequels

Is he talking about midichlorians?

Only thing I remember from the prequels is the cartoon character,jumping yoda and the lava fight bit

a56019 No.14040223

File: bbec57169a8fdc5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 30.47 KB, 250x259, 250:259, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 011.jpg)

File: 29a84a95f492a06⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 34.75 KB, 338x480, 169:240, scare.jpg)

41a186 No.14040277






Stop shilling yourself Jimmy, you're still a fag

a56019 No.14040289

File: 6f014add2233d49⋯.jpg (185.97 KB, 900x581, 900:581, xmas.jpg)

78ca84 No.14040308


>Jonathon McIntosh


a56019 No.14040313

File: bfe5d930a1df037⋯.jpg (163.99 KB, 587x761, 587:761, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 012.jpg)

File: d7398e022effcc5⋯.png (583.31 KB, 618x5176, 309:2588, vice city stories.png)

oh boy she's back for more


>Josh McInjosh

b042d8 No.14040352

File: 06a0cb671291ca5⋯.webm (895.16 KB, 460x460, 1:1, =0.webm)


He likes being called Josh :^)

2cd6ad No.14040358

File: 22662e1d685bc51⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 680x501, 680:501, 1464787279659.jpg)


>Mishandling of LGBTQ Characters

The idea of mishandling any original character is logistically an impossibility, you'd think a trans faghole like the writer would value not conforming to the ideals of others.

The writer of the article is Metroid levels of mad that Naoto is en fact a woman and not trans.

She isn't trans because the writer didn't make her trans, and that should be the end of it.

The jackass is therefore projecting and doesn't have the ability to see that.

>Why aren’t we letting trans creators tell these stories?

Because they are mentally ill untalented faggots and beyond any of that only account for a very very very marginal amount of people who are even fewer in number than those who can accept they are simply a homosexual.

>Fagbo writer then goes off on the trope of transsexuals catfishing

>Chooses to then fallow up that condemnation with real life instances of such catfishing that resulted in the murder of the transsexuals in question

Finding out there is a "trans panic defense" is interesting.

Only cuckfornia and Illinois dismiss it.

>According to the Human Rights Campaign, there have been 25 murders of trans people in America this year, the deadliest on record.

That is not a very large number and you're telling me it was even smaller every other year before now?

>The majority of those murders were of trans women of color, who are disproportionately targeted in a community that already faces a higher threat of violence than others.

I now imagine the majority were prostitutes and prostitutes of any creed simply by the nature of their trade are significantly more likely to be murdered than a person who isn't a prostitute.

a56019 No.14040390


It's another case of "GJP boosts tranny in fabricated outrage wave to try getting >her hired as consultant". Didn't Laura Biscuit do the same with Persona?

d7aa36 No.14040392


>That is not a very large number and you're telling me it was even smaller every other year before now?

Why do you think they need to roll trans suicides into the statistic to call it an "epidemic?"

b042d8 No.14040425

File: f3a25136a5439d2⋯.jpg (59.09 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 2b5e5e053d0c429f371f05b6d1….jpg)


>The majority of those murders were of trans women of color,

Are they implying negros are violent?

d87573 No.14040439


>there have been 25 murders of trans people in America this year

Based on absolutely no research on my part, more people probably die from slipping in the bathroom.

a56019 No.14040457

File: b3acedd1958f2fc⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 667x733, 667:733, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 013.jpg)

File: 62b306e656cc167⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 657x218, 657:218, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 014.jpg)

File: 0a9fa8ea44b36b8⋯.jpg (152.79 KB, 674x461, 674:461, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 015.jpg)

File: 3b3eb97f2591f45⋯.jpg (164.67 KB, 660x526, 330:263, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 016.jpg)

Kotacuck reposting week old shit on twatter


f7e34f No.14040471


Based on 1 minute of searching, more than 1000 times as many people drowned in the bath in 2000


ca0424 No.14040478



>Overall, mishaps near the bathtub, shower, toilet and sink caused an estimated 234,094 nonfatal injuries in the U.S. in 2008 among people at least 15 years old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported online Thursday

It's old, but I doubt much changed unless bidets came back into fashion

f7e34f No.14040486

File: cb12f7f83c2a9d4⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 633x485, 633:485, pantynoose.jpg)


1,000% more, rather.

a53656 No.14040530

File: b2a71849f6f2ffb⋯.png (31.86 KB, 346x320, 173:160, 62064444_p3 cropped.png)



Real talk, Galdelic seems like such a good guy.


Good art, this isn't old art or is this new?


Is that why logging in doesn't work?




I'm confused by this post, do you not get the Josh McinTosh meme?

8b84b0 No.14040545


>Is that why logging in doesn't work?

I don't know how it affects login, but every time I even try to access the site it doesn't want to load. I heard it was due to a DDOS attack that was carried out by non-Japanese IPs, and they cut access from other regions until the DDOS attacks stopped.

44027e No.14040560

Hey, is VR still a nothing technology where you stand in one place and shoot things or has actual fun shit come out for it? Also if it is any good which of the 3 is better?

b042d8 No.14040613

File: c5398e062c0c47e⋯.webm (1.53 MB, 636x360, 53:30, Evilore Sim.webm)

51b687 No.14040633

File: 7a38a5b84f9a1e0⋯.webm (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, laughing_brote.webm)


>box of rape

>VICE is full of rapists and sexual harassment

41a186 No.14040653

File: 473273a0f9a76ab⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 395.14 KB, 744x830, 372:415, 66442891_p0.png)


Lots of lewd gifts today.

853bae No.14040656


So, it's 12 AM already. Merry christmass.

My brother almost choke because of an anxiety attack and me, my mother, my brothers and my nieces were kinda scared.

0daf3c No.14040673


Merry Christmas. I don't think Santa likes your brother.

853bae No.14040686


Fucking Santa.

This is a Wise Kings country.

51b687 No.14040692

File: 0bca21ac9f79575⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 420x300, 7:5, Santa Bonehead.jpg)


I hope that your brother gets better, anon!

c0f1fa No.14040698

File: be64580fec291b7⋯.jpg (95 KB, 1024x346, 512:173, You're cute.jpg)

Merry christmas fabulous cocksuckers, midnight here, take care y'all. Don't forget that being good and kind is what brings yourself happiness and self-comfort. You can never sleep well with the pain of others, and you can rest easy with the joy others feel by merely thinking about you.

65e564 No.14040705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning faggots and…


73b290 No.14040708


It's not even midnight over here.

73b290 No.14040711



c0f1fa No.14040712

853bae No.14040718


He's okay. He got to urgency and now he is fine and in his home with his wife and daughters. I'm more worried about my wife and my nieces, having a christmass this traumatic.

853bae No.14040726


Shit, once again I show my foreigness.

How do you call when someone gets in the hospital with an emergency? Emergency or emergency access maybe?

cce968 No.14040729


Urgent care?

51b687 No.14040733


the emergency room is the one in hospital with surgeries, urgent care is for things that aren't surgeries

t. not a doctor

15b5ff No.14040741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


eh. i do have a email. which i almost never check cause its always empty.


maybe i gotta rethink me strategy.


tfw reduced gay years eve festivities

853bae No.14040749



Ah, ok. Then I got a little close. Here we call it urgencias.

Not south american.

15d1fd No.14040758

Just saw that movie "the great wall" the one wiht matt damon, that SocJus Accused of Whitewashing.

It was actually enjoyable, these people find problem in everything.

b042d8 No.14040813

File: 7ec4532ecadbaaf⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 377x377, 1:1, 7ec4532ecadbaaf837bcfd2037….jpg)


>enjoying things


e96b19 No.14040818

File: 0476fcf9597b1ce⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cockblocked_in_VR_....webm)


well, you can get cucked in vr now

41a186 No.14040850

File: 84ee4d0552472b9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 51.53 KB, 600x473, 600:473, 66418250_p0.jpg)

File: b5ae79541f20ce7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.6 KB, 600x442, 300:221, 66442548_p0.jpg)

File: 694ca4e4140eebb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 61.76 KB, 600x442, 300:221, 66442548_p1.jpg)

L ;_; L

Merry Christmas

e96b19 No.14040854

File: 46d49abe445f8ac⋯.png (843.98 KB, 983x2200, 983:2200, 2017-12-25_00-34-04.png)

>Secret Hitler: Trump Edition

>Secret Hitler was designed by the following people:

>Max Temkin(Cards Against Humanity, Humans vs. Zombies)

>Mike Boxleiter (Solipskier, TouchTone)

>Tommy Maranges (Philosophy Bro)

>Mackenzie Schubert (Letter Tycoon, Penny Press)


a56019 No.14040876

File: 90858e784ac5ded⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 600x315, 40:21, hellopolice.jpg)

09ed56 No.14040888

File: 4fae406e6a328a6⋯.jpeg (146.29 KB, 941x1127, 941:1127, 3FF99385-BD44-44EE-9C1F-7….jpeg)

File: 0c020f878ab8ec2⋯.jpeg (93.8 KB, 622x800, 311:400, 288DBDA9-CE26-4D57-BF95-A….jpeg)

File: 0c270c5b40d9df7⋯.jpeg (248.07 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, 71CD41D4-7A73-4A0A-94F6-C….jpeg)

Reminder that this is yet another Christmas without catgirls, Fox girls, or reindeer girls

095c6c No.14040896

File: 5cc91d9f6df4a03⋯.png (266.36 KB, 754x970, 377:485, EE1vx4tubo1_1280.png)

Merry christmas

Jews dont celebrate christmas so i'll be banned

65e564 No.14040898

File: 6a583907432a6d5⋯.jpg (236.98 KB, 1200x851, 1200:851, Comic Retard 49.jpg)




853bae No.14040927


I should feel cringe, but I'm getting inmunized

9a09f7 No.14040932


I watched a christmas children's story called stickman with my little sister. I understand it's comics, but how can the writing in a children's movie be more engaging and coherent then a comic book?

7f75cc No.14040933


I celebrate Kwanza, will I get banned?

d7aa36 No.14040942

File: 5ec5e313024004d⋯.jpg (200.52 KB, 500x376, 125:94, Everyone's Stupid Except M….jpg)


>everyone I don't like is a fascist

The ironic part is that attitude in itself can be construed as pretty fucking fascist.

cf83be No.14040943


>literally intrigued

As opposed to figuratively intrigued?

853bae No.14040946


At least you will get bully.

fd49b7 No.14040949

World Health Organization To Add Gaming Addiction As A Disorder In 2018


>Disney is prepared for Solo to be a bomb. "Massive fan overreaction" to Last Jedi mentioned.


7f75cc No.14040950


>Secret hitler was made by Max Tempkin

I'm willing to bet he would make an IRL version of this mod too.

Not that I care, but I would love it if there was a version of this involving SJWs as hitlers.

e96b19 No.14040957

File: b38abfd17036963⋯.webm (4.84 MB, 594x440, 27:20, fat albert_2014.webm)

File: 49c5a06171385e2⋯.webm (2.41 MB, 594x440, 27:20, fat albert_2014_5.webm)

File: e57a5187181e4f7⋯.webm (1.4 MB, 594x440, 27:20, fat albert_2014_3.webm)

File: 0eaa8df41639595⋯.webm (1.73 MB, 594x440, 27:20, fat albert_2014_2.webm)

File: 93f6e1f0a2124e3⋯.webm (4.43 MB, 594x440, 27:20, fat albert_2014_1.webm)



>I celebrate Kwanza

a56019 No.14040958

File: d21764b2ebe6eaa⋯.jpg (158.93 KB, 600x663, 200:221, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 017.jpg)

File: de78fb5f7986b87⋯.jpg (153.56 KB, 964x530, 482:265, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 018.jpg)

7f75cc No.14040960


You know, I heard about all the drama behind the solo movie, but I expected TLJ to be enough primer for normalfags to want to see the solo movie. Now, not so much.



I'm proud of my african heritage. Shame my father wasn't around for my upbringing, otherwise I'd enjoy the holidays instead of being here.

592818 No.14040969


It's projection is what it is.

>Look at those guys! They're totally authoritarians who want to oppress you! Also, pay no attention to the gulags I am currently building.

41a186 No.14040974


Are you black?

e05f4f No.14040979


Should i apply?

7f75cc No.14040981


I'm an oreo. Black on the outside, white on the inside

ca0424 No.14040983


Do it, and write thinly veiled /pol/ish redpills

853bae No.14040984


>The stereotype is real

I'm sorry for you, but Kwanza was made by a nigger because he was butthurt by white christians.

7f75cc No.14040987


Yea, I know. Still is nice to visit my mother though.

e05f4f No.14040988


Thats the idea. How do i apply without using my real identity?

a56019 No.14040992


Definitely. We already have a couple agents on Descucktoid, one on Polygay and one on Gamespozz but none on Kucktaku

ca0424 No.14041000


Make one up.

a56019 No.14041031

File: b7f2364ca92eb60⋯.png (305.85 KB, 748x904, 187:226, wojack.png)

File: 06fb4ac1d7196e8⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 613x121, 613:121, Screen Shot - 17-12-24 021.jpg)

7368ec No.14041033


>Border wall prototypes up

kek the wall has become star citizen IRL

0530e9 No.14041034


You need a resume, and a couple pieces written already.

7a02cc No.14041058

I want to bake the Christmas bread.

ca0424 No.14041060

File: 44f1afede3bd49b⋯.gif (352.1 KB, 256x256, 1:1, thinking 3d.gif)


>230 posts in less than 24 hours

7a02cc No.14041072


I'll post produ ctively until 700 if necessary

Or maybe not.

e96b19 No.14041074

File: 22bb73c5ab23a7f⋯.webm (1.49 MB, 360x640, 9:16, HappySillyFlickertailsqui….webm)

a11a96 No.14041080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember to celebrate what brings us all together. Xenophobia!

e96b19 No.14041086


>Remember to celebrate what brings us all together.

I am not racist, that black anon is a okay dude.

41a186 No.14041104


He means everyone off site.

17d5fc No.14041119


There's not a fucking chance in hell Max Landis actually did anything. I'm betting this is entirely because he doesn't 100% chug the koolaid. He may be a hipster faggot with rainbow colored hair, but he actually gives a shit about writing proper stories that aren't just virtue signalling crap.

d893fd No.14041125

File: f2edcd5153f57e9⋯.jpg (135.61 KB, 818x477, 818:477, meri kurisumasu.jpg)

095c6c No.14041129


Landis is boogie level of fence sitting while being even heavier left leaning and in with more social justice groups

he fucking apologised for calling ray a mary sue

23b4da No.14041156

Merry Kurisumasu!

a56019 No.14041167

File: ca3983f85437c08⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 600x842, 300:421, Forbidden1442235487455.jpg)

3ec41a No.14041226

File: e368c7e79e12693⋯.gif (415.23 KB, 426x309, 142:103, PanicDance.gif)

The only appropriate xmas gift I could think of for you masters of Meme Magic is a collection of Meme Music.

Audio (~550MB): https://files.catbox.moe/abkl68.rar | https://files.catbox.moe/b5sxhs.rar | https://files.catbox.moe/cdxacy.rar

>You'll need to add ".part1", ".part2" and ".part3" at the end of the filenames to unpack these correctly

Video (~95MB): https://files.catbox.moe/0ev5sp.rar

44027e No.14041228

File: 1fc0ad61e851672⋯.jpg (198.84 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, bright_unit_06597_r-e15139….jpg)

Speaking of Max Landis, I just watched Bright and it was pretty good. It really is the Shadowrun movie you wish existed but without cyberpunk. Also one of the few things I've seen in this last year that wasn't obnoxious in its attempts at humor.

Man these critic reviews are bizarre. It's like they watched a totally different movie, but then again they sucked the dick of the last jedi and that was awful. Makes me miss Ebert.

But yeah, Bright was a fun movie. I really expected it to be shit going in and it wasn't. I hope there's a sequel.

a11a96 No.14041237


I'm extremely wary of it. I don't like the idea of putting fantasy creatures in modern day in the first place. But it's worse when they're basically stand in racial allegories.

6c691b No.14041245

File: 6acf8de548314bf⋯.png (279.59 KB, 1280x1810, 128:181, gildaxmas.png)


36e8d5 No.14041262


Reminds me of this guy on my local newspaper who compared the orcs to niggers as a good thing. Even the subtitle wasn't subtle: Orc Lives Matter.

fe289c No.14041263


FUCK OFF, Gildafag

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

23b4da No.14041268


From what I've heard and from seeing the first 20 minutes or so,

>Orcs are niggers

>Elves are rich whitey

But they don't jump straight into the leftist koolaid and take an "issues are more complicated" stance to make a supposedly controversial subject noncontroversial.

592818 No.14041269

File: 20cc5b0c2bda1fd⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 320x180, 16:9, cross my heart.gif)

>children playing outside

I hate christmas.

44027e No.14041278


I feel you and they kinda did that but also did their own thing. Also at no point did anyone do a "dindu nuffin he was a good boy" the niggers are shown to be fucking niggers and are offered no sympathy for their nigger ways, and the (((elves))) are showed to be just as big of pricks too. And humans. Honestly no one gets out clean, no one is good. It's all just a fucking mess like you would fucking expect if orcs, elves (and i saw a centaur at one point) were real.

095c6c No.14041286


dont rape them

a11a96 No.14041299



Not the worst outcome then. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow.

51b687 No.14041312

File: 5ca5cfe4d04cec8⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 540x405, 4:3, laughing_geode.jpg)

65e564 No.14041349

File: c7d454930cc3375⋯.jpg (151.38 KB, 446x580, 223:290, screenshot.357.jpg)


My god, what a faggot.

23b4da No.14041365

File: 8efc81da7d08723⋯.gif (151.46 KB, 128x128, 1:1, [tomahawk missiles firing ….gif)

File: 04c859ac26fdaed⋯.png (122.29 KB, 500x823, 500:823, 04c859ac26fdaed3fae143be8a….png)

File: 5df1f100c264e78⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 640x656, 40:41, 5df1f100c264e78700983720fa….jpg)

File: 71f460460e4afea⋯.png (269.88 KB, 1320x443, 1320:443, 611cad521334ba2000c44dba79….png)


We ancap now?

65e564 No.14041367

File: a90293ecfbb503b⋯.jpg (169.45 KB, 827x567, 827:567, Retard 2115.jpg)

b042d8 No.14041382

File: 5df1f100c264e78⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 640x656, 40:41, 5df1f100c264e78700983720fa….jpg)


Is this guy retarded?

51b687 No.14041385

File: 52064c3c8123af2⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 283x356, 283:356, smiling balaclava man.jpg)


>implying failure is living rent free in journo heads until the end of time

d7aa36 No.14041398

File: 48e36c9c7d3e110⋯.png (730.2 KB, 455x810, 91:162, 1504324955712.png)


>we don't mean all men are rapists!

<actually, we do mean that, and our useful idiots keep letting that slip

853bae No.14041399

On an unrelated note, I'm watching all of King of the Hill and I'm in the middle of the 6th season.

I like it.

853bae No.14041404


This is what happens to Hollywood actresses when they get old and aren't attractive enouth to act.

35b6b8 No.14041423


Don't let the Alt-kike faggot who's edgy enough to consider Jim and any right-wing ecelebs as heroes to get to you.

f0c94b No.14041436


>For my debut on waypoint, I discussed Atlus' history of demeaning LGBTQ characters.

And you are not the first to try to drag Atlus into the mud.

>Using a screencap of Angel's Egg on their profile.

What a disgrace, and that's some shitty lazy eye he has there.

676e71 No.14041451

Merry Christmas, anons.

ca0424 No.14041460

File: 99e59697eb25d30⋯.webm (1.91 MB, 492x462, 82:77, cockli christmas.webm)


65e564 No.14041462

File: 0ffc361ed2e48ac⋯.png (275.56 KB, 633x353, 633:353, Take a Sip 111.png)



Merry Christmas too, faggots.

15b5ff No.14041470

File: 77911bcb0bbeba7⋯.mp4 (774.77 KB, 480x480, 1:1, _dbSMViQyrkZSe3P.mp4)


merry christmas.

a56019 No.14041476


Wasn't she passed around among the tribe members when she was a kid? I would be a broken person and hate men too if it was me

8e8d1d No.14041485

File: 5bf2c550a5d0f36⋯.jpg (179.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nia is salt.jpg)


>Retards on the right think GG is mainly left wing due to a poll on mainly left wing sites

>Retards on the left think GG is far right due to them being so far left that 90s liberals like Trump seem right wing

28281a No.14041488


Wasn't she the girl in Taxi driver that that guy shot Reagan over?"

f0c94b No.14041492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Merry Christmas, everyone.

0530e9 No.14041504

File: b7406b786791b8c⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sebastian-gosko-waiting.png)

<Still 4 and a half hours until Christmas where I live

1afff5 No.14041550

File: dbfa0edaf8417f5⋯.png (28.15 KB, 413x594, 413:594, 1428610276587-1.png)


>Edgy aka former Kraut friend who "turned" alt-right

>The same guy who's trying to be sympathetic towards Kraut

85fa88 No.14041551

File: 73a191347f10be4⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x278, 250:139, varying levels of revulsio….gif)


>Why aren’t we letting trans creators tell these stories?

This is what this shit is ultimately about, they desperately want to infiltrate atlus. Remember that "controversy" a year or so back with that indie game that had tranny in the title that was attack by that faggot jim streling and the clique which ended with the devs bullied into hiring one of their friends as a consultant.

73b290 No.14041563

Jeremiah 10:2-4

King James Version (KJV)

2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

King James Version (KJV)

Public Domain

f6cb46 No.14041587

File: f0bde22fcb74fa2⋯.jpg (301.25 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, mommybot.jpg)

File: 2ffa22a2e667ab7⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

hope you guys get good games as presents

a56019 No.14041590

File: e5060dafc87ca2d⋯.png (2.56 MB, 2500x2187, 2500:2187, #GamerGate Year One.png)

File: 2451ffbfbfa5b18⋯.png (590.6 KB, 538x767, 538:767, 1474588336480.png)

File: 28fabf2205c2e09⋯.png (2.26 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 1503360634.png)

File: 694d3af85a13c3b⋯.jpg (316.56 KB, 1169x1655, 1169:1655, DHzE6PqUQAAGKHh.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 671db201a3f5358⋯.png (205.21 KB, 1054x701, 1054:701, lets_keep_going.png)





god just kill me now




yes >>14040390

f0c94b No.14041596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The ride never ends.

674066 No.14041617

File: 56ad03e2aef50fd⋯.gif (279.93 KB, 600x600, 1:1, f2a.gif)


Remember to stay crotey totey and have a tubular xmas!

8e8d1d No.14041620

File: e83760ec40c5885⋯.jpg (88.18 KB, 1768x270, 884:135, not a gay.JPG)

File: 3474c3907e208cd⋯.png (493.64 KB, 682x684, 341:342, uh what are you saying.PNG)


These people are insane.

65e564 No.14041621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was that even a question at this point?

44027e No.14041638

File: 573be65245691f5⋯.png (71.55 KB, 613x535, 613:535, tumblr_o0q7wzr3dH1ssh3b0o1….png)



a56019 No.14041703

File: 35a1a4197f25063⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 425x414, 425:414, 1513796002763.jpg)


5f0d71 No.14041754


>progressivism ≠ liberalism



Out of all the anarchists, at least AnCaps would be the least likely to have a violent revolution.

And no, anarcho-pacifism doesn't count, that movement is pretty much dead.



Their headlines are always bullshit.

65e564 No.14041778

File: 451a1562c10860d⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 591x366, 197:122, Male Feminist 109.jpg)

23b4da No.14041792

File: e8347523f20ec00⋯.png (210.17 KB, 885x841, 885:841, danielle fake benis.png)

592818 No.14041802


is he crying about catherine?

d9d22f No.14041814


Have a Christmas present in the form of an archive:



35b6b8 No.14041817


Is he talking to us or Max Landis?

76ebce No.14041822

File: 9199120555fa925⋯.png (849.14 KB, 954x720, 53:40, media.png)


>They will never EVER get over P5

a56019 No.14041875

File: f7b1bee947ef292⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 586x899, 586:899, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 002.jpg)

File: 1dbfd034cdc271f⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 609x711, 203:237, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 003.jpg)

File: 43d2ff20801511c⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1e42adcd7d9442949e358c4644….jpg)

09ed56 No.14041926

File: 574e0705e2a015b⋯.jpeg (90.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6350F98D-29E6-43BC-B7D2-7….jpeg)


>It’s a “We’re going to call Commies Nazis instead because muh good/ungood dynamic” meme

dac4bf No.14041932

File: 559c9f00bb23618⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 789.91 KB, 2516x3543, 2516:3543, 7477c469bf38d4646a25cf11a5….jpg)

File: 5ecfc10a2705124⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 301.34 KB, 1076x1500, 269:375, 0fedbdabfd3c55079ad50bbe83….jpg)

File: 3773b2386a32e0a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.72 MB, 2090x2981, 190:271, 6fb614977d3540cb74d88ad201….jpg)

File: 7ffdc4914a03084⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 205.8 KB, 831x1200, 277:400, 6fa86630082496b8115234c369….jpg)

File: c518c8cbfd8cd70⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 817.03 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, DRfZuNuVAAAE9y-.jpg)

It's 12:10am on Christmas day.

Merry Christmas, faggots. Here's to another year of bullshit.

200d05 No.14041939

File: a7c6250e7aad358⋯.png (167.01 KB, 1169x531, 1169:531, huh.png)

c36ff3 No.14041974


> Remember to stay crotey totey

I got too close to the fire and got a toasty scrotey.


82a292 No.14041988


GG is the true nightmare, we need to make it last for eons

82a292 No.14041998


is this from the thing about the rape ninjas?

e46098 No.14042000


I have no idea who this is.

e46098 No.14042009


I'm glad Vice has taking a moment off from molesting employees at parties, to try to bully Atlus into hiring a brick.

7a02cc No.14042011

File: 8f64c28011892cb⋯.png (151.36 KB, 528x718, 264:359, ClipboardImage.png)

e46098 No.14042015


Beardly beardson is gayer, more alt right, and hates us even more.

8e8d1d No.14042017

File: a248928c685c00a⋯.png (290.55 KB, 752x711, 752:711, what a bitch ass.png)


We piss off everyone and everything the main reason gg lives is because of the sheer salt intake we consume.

e46098 No.14042018


That's some bantz.

1afff5 No.14042019


<He's never heard of Hotline Miami

d93418 No.14042021


It is always great to see these assholes eat their own. Why the fuck is TB sperging out about Eric Garland getting made fun of?

a3eb06 No.14042024

File: 9fb9f406bb14e34⋯.webm (2.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DMC4 mission 3.webm)


Reminder Totalbiscut has gone on record saying he Never got past mission 3 of DMC4 because he couldn't do webm related.

82a292 No.14042026


>be loved and eventually, you will be fogotten

<be hated and live forever

>love moves mountains

<Hate turns mountains into dust

a56019 No.14042031

File: d949f765e8f5d6f⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 1120x656, 70:41, shutitdown.jpg)

Assange's twitter shoah'ed?



They needed to come up with some shit to try diverting attention from Vice shenanigans. Expect the tranny to cry foul and then half a dozen articles about how once again gamers are harassing LGBTQPXYZ for simply daring to have an opinion

7a02cc No.14042054

File: e68e1a97bfe849e⋯.png (237.19 KB, 1842x674, 921:337, ClipboardImage.png)



There's a thread on /pol/ about this, I haven't checked it yet.


fuck using nu-/pol/, its so full of newfags and cancer that they can't even do basic shit like archive anymore, not to mention its compromised beyond belief but that's a rant for another time

76ebce No.14042059

File: 3fc04a64fd4c220⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, doompaul.mp4)



Merry Christmas

a56019 No.14042067


did Trump actually said anything that could remotely be interpreted as "haitians have aids" or did the MSM pulled this one from their asses once again?

5e502d No.14042070

File: dbe313fc8f90eab⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, co-ristmas_card_v12a.png)

Merry Christmas GG, season greetings from /co/!

7a02cc No.14042073


>go back to their huts in africa

its very likely fake; either that or Trump is way more savage than I thought, which I doubt because even he would have to expect to being recorded or monitored at all times by this point

8b84b0 No.14042076

File: 35a949a9d8e3654⋯.webm (1.76 MB, 480x360, 4:3, carol of the waa.webm)

Still the 24th on my end, but Merry Christmas, you unbearable faggots. See you all on the 26th. And remember: ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF

8e8d1d No.14042092

File: acebbf7b221772a⋯.png (291.83 KB, 346x346, 1:1, smug animu(9).png)

File: f9d7b488d153a69⋯.jpg (356.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Merry Christmas.jpg)

a56019 No.14042096

File: 0f068457f6f354e⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 490x600, 49:60, file.jpg)

8e8d1d No.14042100

File: 8d651b80e9565e7⋯.webm (1.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Duterte's Christmas greet….webm)

09ed56 No.14042104


>First source is unnamed

>Secound source is a secondary source that got information from another unnamed source

Yeah no. I learned in school not to trust shit like this

7a02cc No.14042110

File: e167a799b9ce1c9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 93.95 KB, 1107x722, 1107:722, vivian_by_teakoi-da13jcb[1….png)



Fuck off.

Merry Christmas faggots


>learned in school not to trust shit like this?

Where did you go to school?

I learned in school that places like CNN.com and whatnot counted as "reputable sites" to use for research papers

Funny how things change

674066 No.14042120


totally scrungeous

d7aa36 No.14042121

File: 4655ce085028b08⋯.jpg (40.53 KB, 512x320, 8:5, brutal.jpg)


God damn, it's such an easy joke to make, but that was delivered perfectly.


Are you serious right now? That wasn't my favorite part of the game, but I at least got past it.

095c6c No.14042135

File: 51812927c743d77⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, TOY-GDM-3585.jpg)

35b6b8 No.14042136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JonTron is still alive and doing videos, and he has excellent taste in VR games.

73b290 No.14042144





f0c94b No.14042148


It's a shame that it's those shitty model kits.

7a02cc No.14042153


>excellent taste

>VR games

Excellent shitpost

674066 No.14042155

File: fab9c5207adf85e⋯.png (177.03 KB, 390x476, 195:238, re5e65786543.png)


>no intro

>stops the show to literally shill for a shitty P2W game.

and for a second I thought I would like him again.

095c6c No.14042164


seems like a normal kit to me

35b6b8 No.14042165


You clearly haven't seen the entire video or the game shown at the 9:50 mark.


Sponsors, and it's his last video for this year, and he's been skipping on the custom intros lately for the last 4 videos.

e46098 No.14042170


The usual


7a02cc No.14042171


Its VR therefore its shit

I actually think jonnyboy is incredibly overrated and he as a person isn't someone I particularly care for either

e46098 No.14042175


And Hiro-shima has been confirmed selling data.

2a3a3c No.14042178

f0c94b No.14042187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7a02cc No.14042192


This is old news. Newer news is that he inserted 3 bitcoin miners into cuckchan's source code

8e8d1d No.14042210

File: fdba263d7659469⋯.png (186.1 KB, 519x313, 519:313, wha wha.PNG)


> Newer news is that he inserted 3 bitcoin miners into cuckchan's source code

d7aa36 No.14042218

File: 8861fa0b6daf71f⋯.gif (428.21 KB, 200x183, 200:183, powerful ranger shrug.gif)


Looking back on those old shows, it's honestly a miracle that Saban even made his fortune. Especially when he had like four of them that were basically carbon copies of each other. And said miracle is exactly why we can't have anything Toku-related stateside without him trying to sue the shit out of everyone that tries, because of course he still wants people to think that he invented and has complete ownership the genre despite the internet proving otherwise.

73b290 No.14042220


If that's the case, then why does DHX media still have "Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad", yet DiC hasn't got sued over that?

7a02cc No.14042225

35b6b8 No.14042226


It took them several shows to actually produce their own fight scenes instead of using the ones from Japanese shows, still can't fix the awkward writing and dialogue, and the new shows are kinda, mediocre.

35b6b8 No.14042232


Oh, and Saban are Jews.

f6cb46 No.14042234

File: 7011a63a65b9afe⋯.png (277.61 KB, 996x1098, 166:183, viv falcata.png)


Jon never addressed the fact that VR troopers is a show cobbled together from TWO Toku shows.

Alex Ryder always gets separated from the others in his fighting scenes, because the scenes are from a different show.

35b6b8 No.14042237


Three shows actually, and you can see the late 80s VHS type footage on the fight scenes, at least they fixed the costumes when they got shipped in the states. People did complain that some of the scenes were 1980s quality because they used decade old footages

82a292 No.14042242


i feel bad for those poor actors, they never showed up again….

d7aa36 No.14042249



Is there anything he made that isn't a complete bastardization of someone else's work?

35b6b8 No.14042250


It's the curse, they never get another job, they either go to prison, whore up, drug overdose or go work in vidya and anime like Johnny Yong Bosch or Reuben Langdon

35b6b8 No.14042259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video didn't embed, they are pretty chill.


Dunno, think Saban went to politics shilling for Israel. Now the newer ones don't use the Japanese footage because CGI is cheaper.

a3eb06 No.14042269

File: 515f4e8d6e0600d⋯.webm (8.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dan Southworth says somet….webm)


There isn't a force on this earth that can make Dan Southworth give a fuck.

35b6b8 No.14042279


Really glad the Power Ranger community are fans of Devil May Cry, not the Tam-Tam one. They even asked if they would be interested in working with Capcom or Platinum to make a Power Rangers game and they said hell yes, good on those guys.

0530e9 No.14042326

File: 5223af2c1ca1744⋯.png (127.65 KB, 954x616, 477:308, Why I'm Alone.png)

Should I be at all glad that, somehow, the events and decisions surrounding my life have led me to the point where I could give less of a shit about this? I do find it a bit maddening to see companies pull shit like this and people even defend it, but I just never really got caught up with this stuff. I pretty much stopped watching Power Rangers after Wild Force went off the air, and all the series after that didn't interest or entertain me much as every other series prior did. Digimon pretty much ended two-thirds of the way through Frontier because they stopped airing the show every morning at 7:30 and it seemed to be pulled from every other channel not long after. Pokémon lost any interest after Jhoto, and WB closed WB Kids (As well as every other Saturday Morning programming getting canned on the other stations). And, coming back to this stuff years later after have not touched much of it makes it feel a bit hollow to really care about it for me. It did cement itself as a part of my childhood, but why care about it now?

f6cb46 No.14042327

File: d832e520179ca73⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x554, 640:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Is Kamen Rider Dragon knight actually really acted on set, or did they schlep the fight footage from the Nips?

a11a96 No.14042342


They actually filmed a lot of their own fight scenes. Kamen Rider Ryuki was mostly focused on the character interactions first.

7a02cc No.14042348

File: 6819db4512f3eee⋯.png (41.54 KB, 746x389, 746:389, ClipboardImage.png)

5 seconds of scrolling through the #MerryChristmasEveryone hashtag

Twitter thots and leftists are a pox, goddamn

The morbid part was that I wanted to see how long I could get through it without "Drumpf" coming up, how disappointing

8e8d1d No.14042354

File: 2024b071845b54f⋯.png (84.21 KB, 500x303, 500:303, Santa hates thots.png)

35b6b8 No.14042363


They got the costumes and props and did their own fight scenes, didn't steal footage, but sadly, they had to tone down the story into entry-level power rangers silliness

b1bbce No.14042376


There was at least one fight scene where Mike Mullins styled on a bunch of people out of the suit.


>Is there anything he made that isn't a complete bastardization of someone else's work?

Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog. I'd say it's honestly the best shit Saban has ever put out, even better than Power Rangers IN SPACE. It's still costumed shit, but it's all original stuff.

35b6b8 No.14042398


>Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog.

Kinda said about that, they got some potato actors and mythology to pan it all out, was confusing to say the least and wasn't successful in the long run, budget was allocated to the other Power Rangers shows like Lost Galaxy then Time Force, really sad.

d87573 No.14042420


>How do you do fellow gamers.article

I call bullshit.

23b4da No.14042426


Nice archive feggit.

cb2f26 No.14042474

File: 7b1cd406deb2878⋯.jpg (285.03 KB, 675x900, 3:4, 29851-5.jpg)


I need this thing.

I collect GM variants and Super Fumina is technically cosplaying as a maid version of a powered GM

78ca84 No.14042477

File: 77dc06f5c706e15⋯.png (326.08 KB, 1080x1058, 540:529, Screenshot_2017-12-25-02-2….png)

File: b0df940074188c0⋯.png (197.95 KB, 1080x1264, 135:158, Screenshot_2017-12-25-02-3….png)

How do people think like this? It baffles me. Remember when Assange was a brave hero to these types of people?


For that matter can I start a shitty blog and get a Blue Checkmark™ too?

35b6b8 No.14042478


Oh, it's Bill Palmer, don't bother with him, Trump's election really broke to him, and he has a reputation of threatening people who question his "facts" and "sources"

78ca84 No.14042484


I recognized the name but the stupidity gets me, I'm still new to twitter so seeing this stuff in the wild is insane. I just don't understand what goes on in these people's heads

35b6b8 No.14042499


Well, /pol/ had a thread that track down the people in media who really broke after Trump won, he's a doubling down retard who is still going full of shit on the Muh Russia narrative while liking celebs who have a tramp stamp of Hillary's face or name on their bodies. Think Glenn Beck or Keith Olbermann if they were small fries who didn't amount to anything.

853bae No.14042500


How much they loved him for the Irak war leaks, but after showing that hillary is as corrupt now he is a russian cyberterrorist and a fascist.

Why doesn't this people die?

fe289c No.14042663

>>14042500 (checked)

>How much they loved him for the Irak war leaks,

That's because the evil bush family and the despotic republicans were in power.

>but after showing that hillary is as corrupt now he is a russian cyberterrorist and a fascist.

That's because Hillary is a beautiful, stronk, and righteous democrat.

>Why doesn't this people die?

No one is that lucky.

b042d8 No.14042681

File: 0b94e325d0244d0⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 1018x900, 509:450, 1420308469288-1.jpg)

File: f8fbf33d9d6f075⋯.png (349.92 KB, 600x776, 75:97, b3vkehsciaalhcs.png)

File: 534bdc87f39e30b⋯.png (446.71 KB, 994x1500, 497:750, 1417551528905.png)

Cherry Mistmas

316a08 No.14042682

File: b50cadcc07736c9⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 924x798, 22:19, DRoFVP-XUAAOMEF.jpg)

Sorry in advance if this is old, but LOL


316a08 No.14042689

File: 2bb0ba1be40c15d⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 468x466, 234:233, DRnogwFX0AECcka.jpg)


Again, my apologies if this is a rehash, but I'm rolling here

853bae No.14042690

File: 010ec1bbd8fec16⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 862x582, 431:291, crusade sadness.jpg)


>No one is that lucky


What am I looking at?

095c6c No.14042694


>linking to a burnout faggot who got butthurt me and scrump made fun of a ebegging tranny that kept asking for money and fallout 4 dlc

316a08 No.14042698


>What am I looking at?

When someone is banned for wrongthink, the reason for the ban is posted in red so everyone can shun them

2a08d6 No.14042699


lol Noodle isn't tranny

shes just obsessed with them

316a08 No.14042701

File: f68f888a7407c2c⋯.png (46.58 KB, 847x263, 847:263, Kjblvyk.png)

kek, there has to be a way to exploit this to point out their hypocrisy and madness

095c6c No.14042702


>defending ebegging trannies

316a08 No.14042704

File: 6a65e1d72a80cc4⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 474x365, 474:365, DP4iOwqUEAA6jgw.jpg)

095c6c No.14042711





you can post more than one picture at once you fuck head

316a08 No.14042714

File: 49c533c7c00c04c⋯.png (173.53 KB, 1203x662, 1203:662, upload_2017-10-31_19-51-56.png)


I'm aware. I just happen to be finding them randomly

316a08 No.14042718

File: 717179d75873266⋯.png (27.56 KB, 1135x172, 1135:172, upload_2017-11-1_10-24-38.png)

095c6c No.14042720


go to kiwifarms if you want a heap.

stop posting till you get more than one at a time

316a08 No.14042721


BTW I'm not sure how a pussy is a gendered expression if it's a masculine vulva

853bae No.14042723

316a08 No.14042733


It's something more retarded somehow. Like hyper-henpecking. I imagine the mod who bans a user getting a serotonin rush as he stiffens up like a ram that won a spar

316a08 No.14042737

File: 080b8df7f7c6586⋯.png (69.5 KB, 867x311, 867:311, space.png)



I mean look at this pedantic shit! Who ARE these people?

I swear, we need a legion of clinical psychologists to save this society from thee fucking faggots

853bae No.14042741


They are not just communists, but grammar nazis.

fe289c No.14042778


Commie nazis are the worst….

316a08 No.14042802

File: 6d29aa5a712c198⋯.png (37.27 KB, 1292x212, 323:53, peterson.png)

Oh, I love this one.

Jordan Peterson isn't an expert because he lacks a degree in Gender Studies

8e8d1d No.14042815

File: f8787bda44bfb8f⋯.png (150.69 KB, 366x452, 183:226, you wat nip.PNG)


>Jordan Peterson isn't an expert because he lacks a degree in Gender Studies

853bae No.14042819


But Jordan Peterson is exactly the expect of the subject, because he study lunatics for a living.

65e564 No.14042834

File: d43a429f93cce1f⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Minoru Suzuki Shut Up.jpg)

Good evening, fuckers.


a96cb8 No.14042940


Who is this man?

095c6c No.14042945


Val's dad

a56019 No.14042947


because that's based on Ultraman and the rights belongs to Tsuburaya, the same company that makes Godzilla


Whoa little buddy, where's your Christmas spirit? I'll give you only a warning this time but if don't see a commitment to improve yourself I'll be forced to suspend your account for a couple weeks



095c6c No.14042966

a56019 No.14043007

File: 4c08860e81ddbbf⋯.png (491.07 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, DR48YYnUMAAgYzs.png)


t h i g g

d87573 No.14043009

File: 5e4072a4c7f4e5e⋯.gif (621.03 KB, 697x400, 697:400, 1439654095605.gif)

f6cb46 No.14043015

File: 924fbfb9617f499⋯.png (113.03 KB, 825x908, 825:908, moon man x earth chan by r….png)


apparently it's how the artist draws herself.

what's missing is the big fat gut

4e4a23 No.14043024


Wait, lewd fat elf artist is a woman?

35b6b8 No.14043031


That twitter tirade got him 30,000 followers of "True" Americans, from commies, anarchists, bronies, trannies to mudslimes to spit on his love of America. https://archive.is/UfSfY

5381af No.14043036


f6cb46 No.14043059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh good, new Tourette's Guy

a56019 No.14043071


I believe so, if it was a signature there would be no need in adding that arrow

fd49b7 No.14043082

>Bryan Bishop / The Verge - "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle mines the wrong kind of gaming nostalgia" ("a 2017 film adopting the iconography of a character as historically problematic as Lara Croft should offer more than the surface-level shrug of LOL, that’s just how games were back then!")


>MagicGate continues: Now, having doxed them, SJWs are posting videos of The Quartering's wife and family. On Christmas.


095c6c No.14043084



I actually think they are shit posting

a56019 No.14043132


well then disregard what I just posted


>>MagicGate continues: Now, having doxed them, SJWs are posting videos of The Quartering's wife and family. On Christmas.

this fatass faggot here >>14041875

73b290 No.14043136


>Tsuburaya, the same company that makes Godzilla

That's Toho, last I heard.

Tsuburaya mostly makes Ultraman-related shows (Gridman, which the Syber Squad was based on was one of these).

a53656 No.14043137


>alt-kike retard


He's very retarded. The guy acts like some mega shitposter but get's his feelings hurt very easily.

44027e No.14043142

File: ffc5196365ab272⋯.png (233.96 KB, 840x708, 70:59, depp.png)


Merry Christmas.

e46098 No.14043192


Apropos of nothing, I'm hyped for the new Gridman anime.

853bae No.14043212


Thanks Jack.

e46098 No.14043236


Glad SJWs are up for ruining someone's life over a children's card game.

a56019 No.14043249

File: b7ad1dee09fb034⋯.jpg (112.37 KB, 667x608, 667:608, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 005.jpg)

File: 7cbad95ebdd8a96⋯.jpg (151.22 KB, 671x621, 671:621, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 004.jpg)

65e564 No.14043251


>Games that should be shorter: All of them

Uh huh.

16d8f0 No.14043263

File: 64813291005415e⋯.png (631.69 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, dealsforthegamer.png)


>I didn't have a gaming PC this year

Shouldn't a game reviewer have a capable PC? And why is TiTS3 on that list when it runs on pretty much any hardware?

095c6c No.14043268



More so about Tits, shrier claimed for so long to be a die hard fan of the series

No sign at all has proven he is and instead just kinda proves he is using it as some sort of hipsters cred

c22c86 No.14043291


>hipster cred

More like he wants in the pants of one of xseeds employees like every other "good feminist male ally".

44027e No.14043327

File: dd5a8a817e18788⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 327x257, 327:257, 0d1caadba184979ccf984aecfc….jpg)


>games that should be shorter: ALL OF THEM

6cd264 No.14043329

File: d0d745f3b624e3b⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 800x1139, 800:1139, akko_by_raikoart-dbxo425.jpg)

Merry christmas anons! Be with your friends and family! Be merry! Play some vidya!

c22c86 No.14043330



The thing is, he gets most of his games for free, id challenge him to say that while having to outright buy all the games the site reviews and thats not me even saying they also have to buy their own consoles and computer parts too

a35632 No.14043333

File: 85889b18444c939⋯.jpg (79.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ganbaru koishi.jpg)


Can't get criticized for not playing more than ten minutes of a game if games aren't longer than ten minutes.

f86e38 No.14043343


I'm sure this won't backfire horribly as people start adding random people men.

65e564 No.14043353

File: 17b74570cd795f7⋯.jpg (57.01 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, Check'em 13.jpg)


Satanic half quads, checked.

51b687 No.14043355


I hope all of you anons went to church to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

a56019 No.14043359

File: e48a9c5fa91fdd1⋯.png (130.89 KB, 529x4433, 529:4433, all rapists.png)


Trump and Hillary confirmed rapists, conservatives and liberals BTFO

c22c86 No.14043372


Looking to see bernie sanders, dan schnider, bill gates and soros but do not see them.

a56019 No.14043384


Isn't God omnipresent though? Why should I go to a specific place to celebrate him?

e46098 No.14043386

File: 8627d284e584cfa⋯.jpg (439.33 KB, 1592x566, 796:283, makes-me-sick.jpg)


>I wrote a book

>Look it up

>National best seller

>hundred plus reviews on amazon, most of them 5 stars


Everytime I think we are winning the world reminds me that we really aren't.

dac4bf No.14043388


They're probably avid kotaku readers, honestly.

35b6b8 No.14043399


Shitaku readers and you gotta face the fact this Jason "Loli tits" Schrier has a reputation in the industry and he managed to worm his way into the creation of Uncharted 4 which is the majority of that book's subject, so Sonyggers.

f86e38 No.14043401



>"I've never done hard drugs in my life. I'm naturally wired this way,

>He claimed his detractors are a combination of leftists and misguided journalists, while some were "Russians and bots" certainly programmed by malicious foreign actors to be used against people attempting to expose injustice.

>blue checkmark

It's all getting clear now.

c22c86 No.14043402


A) when was the book published

B) is that post xmas sales remember that parents are not always brilliant when it comes to things like this

C)awards mean jack shit today, even olympic medals look up the chink bribery there

23b4da No.14043404


>Half satan

Come on wrestlefag. Could not be both and identityfag and retarded on Christmas?

16d8f0 No.14043409

File: 4426f276593f3c5⋯.png (277.62 KB, 499x366, 499:366, wil.png)


Reviews by journo friends and cliffy, user reviews are full of "cool book, 5 stars". really makes me want to read 300 pages of the virtues of progressive politics in gaming journalism.

a56019 No.14043410

File: 3fa51248891dd39⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 305x450, 61:90, Screen Shot - 17-12-25 006.jpg)

File: 7923a181a7cba67⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 685x367, 685:367, Screen Shot - 17-09-10 008.jpg)

damn you atlus!



walt is Kuckera's friend btw

51b687 No.14043416

File: 60ebada8c7a51de⋯.jpg (221.27 KB, 711x856, 711:856, santa birb.jpg)


Why not? Church provides a space with less distraction, or at least a place where the distractions are fewer and smaller in size. Unless old Mrs. Flopidopulos decides to faint

c22c86 No.14043417


At least that creature admits its trash that can be safely ignored on all its opinions.

e46098 No.14043423


What is with bricks and videogames?

e46098 No.14043429


>walt is Kuckera's friend btw

I am shocked.


September 5

a05026 No.14043436

File: 7763f38d6db2854⋯.jpeg (208.9 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, CizI7hUVEAAv-6W.jpg:large.jpeg)


>it lives in my province

dac4bf No.14043440


You know what to do.

Mass print/copy pictures of Erica, Rin, Naoto and send it to the house

a56019 No.14043444


Tetris. It's/was popular and the gateway game for some people to infect the gaming community. Also Mario since he used to break "bricks". It's something that stuck with hipsters so they always reference the bricks so you know they play the veedeo games

c22c86 No.14043446


Then going by a "1 in 20 leave a review" being generous thats only a little more than 3k sold, which is not great+ and a book movement speed degrades fast.

f86e38 No.14043448


Print out anime girl pictures to ward away the demons.

c22c86 No.14043453


at you not in nova "bring in more muzzies on welfare who will get welfare plus min wage" scotia

d93418 No.14043462


The whole national best seller thing does not matter much. The qualifications for that are really low. Especially the NYT list.

a05026 No.14043467



Its actually lives in the same part of the city I do. I feel gross knowing that I've probably shopped at the same stores and occupied the same places as these types of people.


Maybe if Scheer becomes the next PM Sask will get some favoritism like Alberta did with Harper

d87573 No.14043480


>I don't have a gaming pc

>Trails of the sky

I don't know what I should be more shocked about.

The fact that he thinks he needs a gaming pc for trails, or that he doesn't even know the correct name.

a35632 No.14043484

File: 6f866485c815f4c⋯.png (515.26 KB, 588x634, 294:317, luna.PNG)

So how about that low-framerate big-tittied abusive ai-chan ripoff?

78ca84 No.14043487



35b6b8 No.14043494

Well people are talking about two shitty books, so a Christmas gift or shitpost depending if you liked that your curiosity was sated or not, here's Jason and Walt's magnum anus. https://mega.nz/#!RixnkT6a!idwo4neq5omIbI5OHixUTEdKm7EBISXwpwezQGEke08

Just some spoilers, it just stupid insider shit that everyone already knew and no mention of their boogeymen.

e46098 No.14043502

Oh hey, when did Asange get his twitter back?

a56019 No.14043506

File: bc733604d67b3e8⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 500x627, 500:627, thumb_up.jpg)


thx for satiating our curiosity anon but…

>giving money to schereir

you need to be bullied now


first post after the hiatus was around 1 hour ago

35b6b8 No.14043508


Got it from dead torrents anon, didn't pay shit but I archive shit books from the clique, like that Golding guy or whatever his name was.

7a02cc No.14043517


f46053 No.14043527


wouldn't it a be ginger bread thread?

942c6a No.14043538

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Comfy Hooktube embed to see this thread off. Godspeed, anons.

a05026 No.14043547

File: cda27a591d00840⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1036x1825, 1036:1825, Oh boy.png)

I gotta say anons I wish I got on twitter years ago. Akkofag is wrong, its not bad its a great place to shitpost to retards and act smug and snarky. I love it when people get really butthurt and start DMing me about how bad of a person I am when I've done nothing but disagree with them and act smug

7a02cc No.14043573





78ca84 No.14043583


>he made the thread 2 replies early

7a02cc No.14043653


2 posts got deleted, it was at 700 I swear!

e46098 No.14043654


Time for a holiday special bullying

321a79 No.14044795

File: a6735bdfc416961⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 480x488, 60:61, a6735bdfc41696187b8f9355ee….jpg)


Spent the last 6 hours with family.

It was great. Thanks anon.

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