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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7aa413 No.14332420

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): https://archive.fo/Oh2IW

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


3c3b06 No.14332426

File: 6c62cb1fdd41409⋯.jpg (382.36 KB, 1128x977, 1128:977, gildakiss.jpg)

First for moest Gilda

7aa413 No.14332428

File: 84e0195027a03f9⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 480x360, 4:3, an cinniùint - Disc 1-Trac….mp4)

Archive of prior bread:


0d3557 No.14332429

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

54587f No.14332431

File: 329e9d60cff5d21⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, taro-yoko.jpg)

7aa413 No.14332433


>'Sword Art Online' Live-Action Series Coming To Netflix



Post last edited at

0d3557 No.14332436

File: c00d44ffd0f194e⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 991x413, 991:413, 991.jpg)

Tech news

Tech Luminary Peter Thiel Parts Ways With Silicon Valley

Billionaire investor frustrated with what he sees as intolerance of conservatism in tech industry; has discussed resigning from Facebook board


Google turns on default adblocker within Chrome (image)

Users of latest Chrome browser on Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android will have some of most intrusive types of ads blocked automatically



ICE new immigration sweeps in L.A. area; at least 100 detained so far


Immigrants warned about Florida travel as arrests soar


Migrants will plague British households


b8ce3f No.14332439


the problem isn't GDC itself since big companies also attend it but the IGF on the other end is corrupted as fuck

1020b7 No.14332440

File: 7f0258150583a19⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 278x300, 139:150, 1449193190898.jpg)

ac8bdf No.14332441


Your waifu is a shit.



I am doing it right now.

When I wanted to write simple CYOA game in C++ since 2 weeks. I think I have worst type of procrastination. Do everything else, but not thing you wanted to do in first place.

3c3b06 No.14332443


She is NOT my waifu, she is my musume.

0d3557 No.14332447

Open the last link


acc9a4 No.14332458


Why are you embeding Shill's Basement?

7aa413 No.14332461


Relevant to how SAO is bullshit.

cb6fe2 No.14332465

File: 74c244fcc0b8771⋯.png (160.74 KB, 1120x940, 56:47, poptoddpepic.png)


Skyrim still top dog, kingdom Come: Deliverance fails to deliver.

acc9a4 No.14332466


But everyone knows that already. It's like making a essay on why The Big Bang Theory is a trash fire

ac8bdf No.14332469


It's advanced level of benis.


So not only your taste is bad, but also is your head.


No archive. No proof.

f55c86 No.14332470

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)

>tfw just bought the parts for a new gayman PC

8947a0 No.14332471

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>>'Sword Art Online' Live-Action Series Coming To Netflix

3c3b06 No.14332473


What's wrong with my head? I don't get it.

0d3557 No.14332477

File: 2c2bc95e97393f2⋯.png (499.71 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, 2c2bc95e97393f2237edb5745f….png)


Did you get jewed on the gpu?

6808e2 No.14332481

If we ever meet aliens, then current sci-fi stories will probably be considered racist

f55c86 No.14332499


Yeah, got a GTX 1060 6GB for four hundo.

c74321 No.14332500

File: 24e597d40ef523e⋯.jpeg (60 KB, 800x600, 4:3, free as in freedom.jpeg)


>new parts

windows 10?

9d6e61 No.14332502


If we meet aliens and they can read minds they will probably destroy the middle east and genocide all semite tribes rather than keep a minor threat that could grow into a major threat alive.

54587f No.14332503


Can I be black and have gay sex in Kingdom Come? I won't be able to relate to the character unless they are exactly like me.

9d6e61 No.14332505


But you forgot it has to be a tranny otherkin.

9d6e61 No.14332507


Fuck, was meant for


8751f0 No.14332512



I haven't paid attention to hardware ever since I upgraded a couple years ago. You can't tell me games these days actually make use of all that power. Do they? I swear, specs keep creeping upwards, but games don't seem to get any more impressive whether it's visual or mechanical.

Even if you were to ignore poor optimization AND the bitcoin faggots inflating prices of GPUs, what the fuck is there to upgrade for? There's hardly anything exciting coming out, that I know of, that would warrant having that much power.

92dbd1 No.14332522


no first for benis, therefore sage

34bc5b No.14332524

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Consider buying the book if it was helpful to you.

e0f187 No.14332525

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

54587f No.14332526


For real though, I heard you're punished if you have sex wily nilly in that game. Is that true? I'd laugh if you get superAIDS by sleeping around.

71d757 No.14332531


>achievement for sleeping with 50 women while having aids


7aa413 No.14332538

File: 5265c52aabe31c4⋯.gif (445.08 KB, 278x212, 139:106, 3803508-asian but why.gif)

File: 42d204c222d6736⋯.pdf (5.14 MB, 12 Rules for Life_ An Anti….pdf)


>Link for a 6 Mb PDF file

9d6e61 No.14332553


Maybe hes future proofing? mine only is a 960.

52681c No.14332558


>trying to install Windows 7 on a new motherboard

>no mouse and keyboard support even though they work on the BIOS

>have to patch usb input drivers into the ISO

>tools to do that don't work

>get so pissed off that I install mint instead

Being free from the windows bullshit is a pretty great feeling, to be honest. If I'd done this years ago I could be a shitposting Arch power user by now.

00b837 No.14332569

Why does /co/ hate diversity and comics guy when he's actually trying to save the American comic industry?

e02844 No.14332573



Well there's your problem.

951fdc No.14332577

File: c2f32fda6b9cdd5⋯.png (14.16 KB, 605x153, 605:153, UK_super_rat_INVASION_Muta….png)

File: 2204e07ad3dd2c3⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 367x228, 367:228, 04.jpg)

565ce4 No.14332582


>Netflix creating double cancer

I wonder what /a/ would think?

34bc5b No.14332584


>You can't tell me games these days actually make use of all that power. Do they?

You only need a 1060+ if you are planning to play unoptimized AAA garbage at 4k, you can game at 1080p/60 FPS on a modest 1050/1050Ti.

>There's hardly anything exciting coming out

The Ryzen APU is exciting for budgetfags since it allows them to play "e-sports" games and older titles just fine for only $99.


It didn't let me post for whatever reason so i used whatever host i had at hand.


You don't need the USB drivers, just find a PS/2 keyboard and use it to install win7.

9d6e61 No.14332588


I wonder why that happened? at least yours does not boot you into the bios component screen every boot without keyboard support and then take 5 minutes to boot to windows

54587f No.14332597


Nice. Also read an article where Buzzfeed is apparently suing the DNC for the fake pissgate dossier, but I am not sure if I can trust the source.


28cd1d No.14332601


/co/ is retarded. They think it's a GOOD thing a "Comicgate" isn't happening for some reason.


>Linking Mother's Basement

>Even in hooktube

Fuck that faggot.

52681c No.14332607



The motherboard doesn't support USB keyboards during win7 installation, presumably microsoft 'influenced' them to remove support for it and only support windows 8 and up. I couldn't find a PS/2 keyboard and I didn't want to buy one just to install windows

9d6e61 No.14332626


I think you can get a usb female to male ps/2 adapter. I still wonder why the fuck it happened, it could very well be kikerosoft shenanigans, but could be something else too. Maybe ask /tech/?

8a5707 No.14332650

File: 574117905352278⋯.jpg (356.26 KB, 526x628, 263:314, hizuki akira.jpg)


My idea for a business is to have people rent out cute girls to build their PC for them. You can choose what costume she will wear and everything. She will be armed with a version of Windows 7 with all those fucking drivers slipstreamed in so you don't have to use Windows 10.

0d3557 No.14332706

File: c571ec20096b3a7⋯.jpg (220.7 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 5eb0762e0d59a8d0755c49765b….jpg)

More lootbox shit

New Hampshire Senator calls upon ESRB to review whether loot boxes are being marketed “in an ethical and transparent way”

vg247 https://archive.is/7gu5J

Senator calls on video game ratings board to examine loot box practices

Federal interest comes one day after Hawaii lawmakers propose two bills

polygon https://archive.is/aot7O

CD Projekt Red responds to loot box controversy

"If you buy a full priced game, you should get a big, polished piece of content."

pcgamer: https://archive.is/nEHKk

Senator calls on ESRB to re-consider loot boxes

New Hampshire Democrat Maggie Hassan says "at minimum" the ratings system should note when games employ the contentious business model

gameindustry https://archive.is/Nqaps

US Senator Takes Aim At Predatory Loot Boxes And Microtransactions

A Senator from New Hampshire wants the ESRB to look into loot boxes and potentially put a disclaimer on video game boxes.

gamespot https://archive.is/eoSTR

Not lootbox shit:

'Sicario 2' Director May be Tapped for 'Call of Duty' Movie

Stefano Sollima is reportedly in talks to direct an upcoming film adaptation of the popular video game

Rollinstones: https://archive.is/vRauo

Nintendo Labo videos offer a look at every cardboard creation you can make

videogamer https://archive.is/wTPu5

Nintendo Labo overview trailers

gematsu https://archive.is/z1Oxa

Here’s a closer look at how Nintendo Labo works

criticalhitgaming https://archive.is/r7JjB

Meet Double Fine's Tim Schafer at EGX Rezzed

eurogamer https://archive.is/A4txR

Kingdom Come Deliverance Sold 300000 Units On Steam, Peaked Concurrent Players Touches 75K

gamepur https://archive.is/fBNbh

27% of Brits have purchased 18-rated games while still underage

While still underage, 65% of millennials have played an 18-rated video game and 35% bought one

gameindustry https://archive.is/WeqP5

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Has Some Problems

Kotacuck so expect shit: https://archive.is/jCbXk

I'll keep posting news in another post, more important stuff like company aquisition and some other garbage articles.

8947a0 No.14332733


>New Hampshire Senator calls upon ESRB to review whether loot boxes are being marketed “in an ethical and transparent way”

We already know they don't give a single solitary shit of if it's ethical or not, my guy.

>Meet Double Fine's Tim Schafer at EGX Rezzed

Ah, so after taking everyone's money and running with the Psychonauts 2 Kickstarter, he's now on a media tour. Anita taught him well.

54587f No.14332751

File: 8787e67588e6844⋯.png (49.49 KB, 1054x418, 527:209, transition.png)


Anyone have the video showing a FtM sex change surgery?

3f9003 No.14332755

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

9d6e61 No.14332771


I am surprised no one told the liytle shit than no one actually cares about FtM.

8947a0 No.14332776

File: f1fc3a4ee40e9e6⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 350x314, 175:157, 1433450337990.gif)


>the girl's grandparents are in on it

Yes, because familial squabbles are always a fun time when the grandparents get involved. It totally doesn't spiral out of control because of a deep-seated hatred of the in-laws or something.

9d6e61 No.14332779


>call of duty movie

Never has there been something so unneeded before.

b5f531 No.14332794

File: 49008170f582bd2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.89 MB, 1408x5896, 16:67, Post op blues 2.png)

File: 7f2d2f1f566455f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 879.93 KB, 1409x4383, 1409:4383, Tranny post-op blues.png)


Not a video but this should suffice.

The second image needs to be spoilered.

b5f531 No.14332799


Piece of shit 8chan changed the order of the images.

Now it's the first one that needs to be spoilered.

77301e No.14332804


Doubtful. Sure it isn't your browser fucking things up?

7aa413 No.14332814

File: 1833e434f74ee9d⋯.webm (11.59 MB, 622x350, 311:175, Camille Paglia on her con….webm)

File: d5693f8d9a643ca⋯.webm (2.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Children belong to the st….webm)


This stuff is eventually going to lead to a full blown war over race, religion, and the power of the state.

5038bd No.14332819


Regardless if that is faggotry or not, that is the punishment of anyone going to Thailand to get surgery.

0d3557 No.14332821

File: 96dcf73f1659a09⋯.png (504.95 KB, 595x689, 595:689, 45298587_p0.png)

News, Yuuka titties edition!


Starbreeze Studios report pre-tax loss of $22.2m for 2017

New share issue worth $29.9 million to keep company afloat until release of delayed Walking Dead title

gameindustybiz: https://archive.is/zf67J

This studio is responsible for

>developing: The Chronicles of Riddick, The Darkness, Payday 2 (it's subsidiary Overkill Software), some others

>publishing: Dead by Daylight, Psychonauts 2 (2019), System Shock 3 (TBA), some others

Bandai Namco opens two virtual reality arcades in south England

Plans to further expand the operation across the UK throughout 2018

gameindustrybiz: https://archive.is/winmn

THQ Nordic Buys Koch Media For 121 Million Euros, Now Owns Metro, Saint Rows And Dead Island IP

gamepur: https://archive.is/8KmYp

Didn't THQ die?

Other dev and business stuff:'

Nintendo Confirms It Is Looking for New Partners to Work With on Mobile Games

Nintendo also recommits to 2-3 mobile games a year.

gamingbolt: https://archive.is/SrsI6

Suda51 Teases Several New Details About Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

siliconera: https://archive.is/Br9tE

NieR: Automata Director Taro Yoko Has a GDC 2018 Panel Focused On Automata’s Development

Niche: http://nichegamer.com/2018/02/14/nier-automata-director-taro-yoko-gdc-2018-panel-focused-automatas-development/



Newegg is offering partial refunds after overcharging for AMD’s Ryzen APUs

The Ryzen 3 2200G and especially the Ryzen 5 2400G are great options for a budget gaming PC.

pcgamer: https://archive.is/svpfo

You Can Get A GTX 1060 Video Card For Close To MSRP Right Now

What a time to buy a video card.

gaymspot: https://archive.is/YHqNg

Gal Gun 2 details shooting mechanics

gematsu https://archive.is/tx4f5

Undertale PS4 and PS Vita sales top 100,000 in Japan

gematsu: https://archive.is/R8JEK

Other shit

Rita Ora joins the cast of the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie

Shiftry Shades of Grey.

eurogamer: https://archive.is/bv5ZW

Netflix's Sword Art Online Live-Action TV Show Won't Whitewash Asian Characters

"I am not interested in whitewashing it."

gamespot: http://archive.is/lexDD

That "LE XDD" Ironic shitposting link though

Eve Online update could mean bigger booms in the next ‘million dollar battle’

polyshit: https://archive.is/iOI4N

Fighting Game Tutorial Is Brutally Honest

Kotaku: Fighting Game Tutorial Is Brutally Honest

TLDR: After completing "Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]"'s tutorial, it says you're not ready for online.

Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn Finally Launches This Spring

niche https://archive.is/Kxnvx

9d6e61 No.14332824



And I literally just fixed the thing by updating the bios, of course


A company which is some of the old thq workers called nordic picked up most of the abandoned thq ips and became thq nordic. too bad midway did not revive the same way

3f9003 No.14332837

File: 78ac51c2481a195⋯.png (1.29 MB, 900x555, 60:37, image (1).png)


>decent GDC

I'd rather expect E3 to be good than GDC. Even Taro Yoko cannot save the fully rotten fish that is GDC.



That's whole new different level of cancer.


>that news


>that pic


>Starbreeze Studios

>haven't released any shit for years

>the only thing they make profit now is fucking Payday 2 DLCs and weapon skins

No wonder they suffering financial difficult.

>Didn't THQ die?

Heads of Nordic games were diehard fans of THQ and bought the rights for the company name back in auction when THQ went bankrupt.

>"Break news, now you can buy something close to MSRP right now!"

Fuck all cryptoniggers and gas all the pyramid scammers and bitcoin investors.

>Shaq-Fu sequel

Fuck this Valentine.

67c3ce No.14332847

File: 668820cf5524ea9⋯.jpeg (24.07 KB, 500x283, 500:283, EE7665B1-2DB4-4DDF-96F3-B….jpeg)


Oh boy, I can’t wait for Shaq-fu: The Phantom Pain, you guys

e0f187 No.14332863

File: ff9e3e4bdeda2af⋯.png (34.62 KB, 300x100, 3:1, banner3.png)

File: 3b606c86825e7bf⋯.png (30.71 KB, 300x100, 3:1, banner4.png)

File: 3a96f15aa4462a1⋯.png (279.49 KB, 1375x1000, 11:8, angery mark vday 2018.png)

So did Mark ever beat this ginger nigger up or what?

fe2032 No.14332865

File: ff61b80c0c62538⋯.png (756.64 KB, 1200x1050, 8:7, magical ara.png)


It's gonna be a $30 1-hour game like Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back, isn't it?

3f9003 No.14332869

File: 154f01cb06758ac⋯.png (220.49 KB, 405x532, 405:532, shaq fu breaking.png)


I can't wait for the 'Find every physical copies and break every single one of them' Season 2

b5f531 No.14332873


Was this ever talked about? I might have missed it in that case.


>Following the mass exodus of moderators and censorious users at NeoGAF, the once massive internet gaming forum has had something of a rebirth. What’s more, the community has even re-opened discussion (with the approval of its owner) on the once banned, mass-censored topic of #GamerGate, the consumer revolt against bad practices and corruption in the gaming industry.

I just like the schadenfreude.

006542 No.14332874

File: f792bc24fac86e6⋯.jpg (200.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, angry tom.jpg)

Russell Davis / IndieWatch - "Beefcakes and Bimbos Save the Universe - Sex in gaming and why it’s overkill"


111112 No.14332876

File: 708c002d15f8fda⋯.jpg (570.16 KB, 1214x1250, 607:625, Mark BTFO by Gingeranon.jpg)


The jew can't fight, he'll probably unleash his Zyklon B gas.

9d6e61 No.14332877


>Inb4 "men are not sexualized or objectified you fucking sexist mysoginyst rapist" from the usual people.

54587f No.14332878


I wanted the video because the FtM surgery is just as horrifying.

3f9003 No.14332881

File: 1904223e0df8d85⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 885x580, 177:116, open the gay.jpg)


Those two realized they won't get any gf in rest of their lives so they decided to be homo and making gay love each other inside of the basement right now

7b30c2 No.14332883


ANyone got a picture of mark? I wanna stick BRRRRAP near it.

54587f No.14332884


Mark, buy a buttplug, jesus fucking christ.

77301e No.14332887

File: e543f5188866443⋯.png (77.72 KB, 512x525, 512:525, HelloCharlotte_Smug Colori….png)


>Coming here knowing he's going to get embarrassed


54587f No.14332889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm pretty sure this is Mark's new Boyfriend.

77301e No.14332891


Oh, wait. You're not him. Filename is different.

fe2032 No.14332894

File: e0d84e6f39e15aa⋯.jpg (132.11 KB, 652x869, 652:869, jazz music stops.jpg)


<"Games have had sex in it since its early conceptions, from the embarrassing Custer’s Revenge to the embarrassing 3D volleyball game based of a fighting game. Sometimes it’s a good way of exploring or setting up plots. From the “the "X cheated on X with X story line", and so forth."

>DOA Xtreme is "embarrassing" instead of just being a forgettable but cheeky spin-off

>NTR as an example of "sex as a good way of setting up plots"

Pardon me, for I have a sudden uncontrollable urge to choke a bitch.

fb8a51 No.14332897


Looking forward to the reactions

9d6e61 No.14332900


>actually using "NTR" is healthy bullshit


c4cae8 No.14332905

File: 26ad29846323c45⋯.png (1.33 MB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 37.png)



e0f187 No.14332906

File: 3c8fbe65b332897⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pointing antarctic schoolg….png)

File: 910807ac4cf5ece⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ninja pointing antarctic s….png)


Honestly that thread just made me like Mark even more. Also, what kind of massive gaylord brags about the DOZENS OF WOMEN, THIS YEAR ALONE they've supposedly fucked on an anonymous basket weaving forum?

c4cae8 No.14332908


>hat kind of massive gaylord brags about the DOZENS OF WOMEN, THIS YEAR ALONE they've supposedly fucked on an anonymous basket weaving forum?


e12aca No.14332912


So we'll get one good panel in a sea of liquid ass.

54587f No.14332915


I like Mark, but I'm also not around him. People burping and farting constantly piss me off more than anything, there's a part of me that thinks if I'm around him constantly, I'd be annoyed too.

With that said, the dude is bragging about getting laid constantly, one night not getting action shouldn't be a big deal. I know I eventually got tired when my ex wanted me every single day.

c74321 No.14332920

File: 6ab952d786d0194⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 500x461, 500:461, 1386664632241.jpg)


>get so pissed off that I install mint instead

6ac645 No.14332921


Mark was dumb for taking the bait, but that anon was also a total faggot for saying shit like that.

fe2032 No.14332930

File: d32381917c8b814⋯.png (47.5 KB, 465x195, 31:13, But who was waifu.PNG)


After reading the whole thing, it's just "sexy girls are icky, and I'll also say sexy men are icky too so I don't sound too feminist" bullshit. Why did I bother.

e12aca No.14332935

File: 6a45ef729cb0af0⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 640x629, 640:629, Gas_Gas_Gas.jpg)


>Linking Shill's basement

54587f No.14332945


Why can't games just have excessive sexy girls and sexy guys?

0d3557 No.14332946

File: 9676db85923af62⋯.jpg (489.22 KB, 1000x986, 500:493, abadff3da4801089147e0a0b42….jpg)

I have a bit of a shameful confession to make.

I spend most of my time in these threads and pixiv and practically don't play vidya, despite having my wii and 3ds both hacked right next to me on my desk. My gaymen pc is downstairs and haven't used it in months. I remember playing bf2142 months before it was shutdown, ProjectReality with radcorps, and some 2ho fangames with that group, but can't recall how long ago those were. But then again, I was without electricity for some time.

2ca508 No.14332949


>implying anyone on /v/ actually plays vidya instead of ranting about it.

837025 No.14332955


Ever since I stopped playing vidya I also stopped coming to /v/.


54587f No.14332956


Nothing wrong with that. You just didn't find anything worth playing. I was sort of like that, more focused on work and these threads and laughing at retards on /cow/, and thought I was outgrowing games. Then I started playing the Legend of Heroes: Trials in the Sky and couldn't stop, and realized it's because most games simply don't appeal to me but this one did.

2513c0 No.14332957


For your information, anon, I've been playing a game for the past few days quite a bit, thank you very much

Octoberween is genuinely one of the best loli porn VNs I've ever played; the writing's garbage, the sound design and musics are ridiculous, and the "end cutscenes" aren't even finished, but jesus shit are the lolis god-tier

6ac645 No.14332958


This is a bad meme that reinforces the idea that /v/ doesn't need to have quality threads, it attracts cancer.

c4cae8 No.14332964


that is a bullshit reddit meme and you should be executed for spreading it.

582540 No.14332965


Hedgehog's dilemma.

77301e No.14332968


Read the last three threads and don't shit up this thread with it.

6ac645 No.14332974


Cuckchan leave.

e12aca No.14332976

File: 1b8d1901d2e8cb1⋯.jpeg (23.99 KB, 293x448, 293:448, sexual monkia.jpeg)


When did things become so right?


Because having sexy women is sexist and so not because sjws/feminist are vapid jealous. cunts.


I was that way for a while Then I started playing Xenoblade 2, cuphead ,Monster hunter world and Max Payne.


>He has been on our side for 3 years and is all around a nice person, why were anons shitting on him?

Read last thread, you'll see exactly why and don't bring it up further cause we don't need another thread on that.

fe2032 No.14332980

File: a5c911d5133a6e2⋯.jpeg (92.37 KB, 950x791, 950:791, 1471960107572.jpeg)


Because ugly people ruin it for us.

5c7eac No.14332984

File: 2788a966eb0b404⋯.png (3.75 KB, 227x75, 227:75, why.PNG)


Yeah, it's like the game is playing me.

6ac645 No.14332989


Have you made any effort to improve the quality of the board?

1efadc No.14332992

File: ecbcddbe92afcc0⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 478x487, 478:487, go_back_to_where_you_belon….jpg)


Blame Clover adding us in. We have had an influx of crossposting faggots.

This goes to any cuckchanner.


a700bd No.14332999

File: 677134fcb988822⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Im@s and Christmas cakes.mp4)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

837025 No.14333006


Sometimes effort isn't put forth in the intended direction.

Say someones creates OC that is not vidya; wouldn't that reinforce /b/-tier behavior and encourage offtopic posting, even though this is undeniably the result of some effort?

6ac645 No.14333007


You just now helped reinforce a cancerous meme.

3f9003 No.14333009

File: 3f7f3fe25b651b7⋯.webm (448.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, who you talking to.webm)


>under mombot orders

>our side for 3 years

>is all around a nice person


>gooks words vs marches words

>dragging this spergshitshow further to even more shitty identity vs identity shit


6ac645 No.14333014


Archives exist for a reason. Also nice filename.

e12aca No.14333016


your missing links.


I can already tell you aren't here in good faith.

2513c0 No.14333023

Someone mentioned Numerama's article on Daniel Vavra's game being "racist" and gamedropping, really happy to see that so many frogs are calling their shit in



Amusingly, they're trying to backpedal by saying it's an old article they're republishing for the release of the game. Which frankly kinda makes it worse.

c74321 No.14333030



>Didn't THQ die?

>THQ went bankrupt

>Nordic buys THQ

>now they are THQ Nordic

>starts upgrading old vidya

>starts making new average vidya

>THQ turns into EA a few years later

e12aca No.14333045

So did we have a cuckchan exodus recently?

837025 No.14333050


It certainly fucking looks like it.

54587f No.14333054


>republishing old articles

This is pathetic.

ac8bdf No.14333063



Since cuckchan killed image posting it got a lot worse.

They need to be outed and hammered on sight.

1efadc No.14333070


Best way to out them is on their filenames. It's easy too since there's more of an influx on them too.

3f9003 No.14333074

File: cd2a14f661cf6ab⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x240, 4:3, The Rock Hand.jpg)

The bread's atmosphere starting to get more like previous fucked up breads, but the bread is young and we still have out chance to revert it,




We have them every day since 2015, whenever they got banned from cuckchan. Things got even worse after jap conman took over that place. Think the cuckchan as ruin of once-great-place and crossposters as rapefugees who refused to be a pilgrim when they had chance. One of the obvious shill already used 13 letter cuckchan filename image above.


>publish bad article

>"It's just recycled old article!"

That fucking excuse is pathetic as "I couldn't rape because I'm gay furry".


>cuckchan killed image posting

Wha.. what? The absolute mad Hiroshima finally did it?

2513c0 No.14333082


… gook ?

e12aca No.14333096


>Wha.. what? The absolute mad Hiroshima finally did it?

Think He did it temporally for bandwidth reasons or some dumb shit?

0d3557 No.14333098

File: 0478f40f6032e13⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1000x1376, 125:172, 6d9f4f77e1600ff0d922e082b5….png)

THQ aquiring Koch Media lets out a media avalanche:

Why THQ Nordic's Purchase of Saints Row, Dead Island Owner Is Such a Big Deal

Why Agents of Mayhem, Homefront the Revolution Failed

Rollingstones: https://archive.is/9kqVH

THQ Nordic acquires Deep Silver, meaning Saints Row is back at THQ

polygon: https://archive.is/l858n

THQ Nordic Acquires Koch Media, Parent Company of Deep Silver

niche: https://archive.is/gZAlu

Saints Row, Dead Island and Metro publisher Koch Media acquired by THQ Nordic

vg247 https://archive.is/gC30y

THQ Nordic buys Saints Row owner Koch Media

pcgamer: https://archive.is/6WnPX

THQ Nordic has purchased Dead Island owner Koch Media

videogamer: https://archive.is/jK22D

Metro, Dead Island, Saints Row Publisher Koch Media Acquired By THQ Nordic

THQ Nordic purchases all of Koch Media's assets for €121 million

gamespot https://archive.is/wzIfj

THQ Nordic acquires Saints Row publisher Koch Media

destructoid https://archive.is/a61SJ

THQ Nordic Now Owns Metro, Dead Island, Saints Row, More in New Acquisition

pushsquare: https://archive.is/nVG5p

de Blob owner THQ Nordic buys Saints Row and Dead Island owner Koch Media for 121m euro

eurogamer https://archive.is/ipEXA

THQ Nordic Acquires Koch Media, Saints Row and Metro In Valentines Day Merger

techraptor https://archive.is/6DELB

THQ Nordic acquires Deep Silver parent Koch Media

gematsu https://archive.is/KZTlt

THQ Nordic just bought Metro Exodus and Saints Row publisher Koch Media for €121 Million

criticalhitgaming https://archive.is/VUjAj

De Blob publisher THQ Nordic buys Koch Media for €121m

Deep Silver, Saints Row, Dead Island and more acquired by European publisher

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/cJny2

0d3557 No.14333101

File: e3cffe5d690049d⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 673x950, 673:950, bdee3f2e4159186a38ffc7b76c….jpg)

Other stuff

Darksiders 3, Biomutant and other THQ Nordic games will be available DRM-free on release

vg247 https://archive.is/R2oBT

UK screen industries back "zero-tolerance guidance" on harassment and abuse

Free 24/7 support hotline under development to help those affected by bullying and harassment

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/oYl56


Twitch surpasses CNN and MSNBC with record-breaking viewership

Video streaming platform attracts 962,000 concurrent viewers in January

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/oYl56

Valve cuts ties with publisher for planting positive reviews (update)

CEO supposedly pressured employees into recommending games

polygon: https://archive.is/he6hG

Game developer has its games removed from Steam for manipulating the review score

vg247 https://archive.is/PElv9

Hideki Kamiya Finally Explains Bayonetta 3 Nintendo Switch Exclusive Deal

gamepur https://archive.is/8IYMZ

I think i already posted this one the other day

NISA Press Event 2018 – Four New Games Coming Westward

Techraptor: https://archive.is/mAi0m




77301e No.14333109



c4cae8 No.14333112

File: 2f0772ed02da8e3⋯.png (40.76 KB, 317x317, 1:1, 673512.png)


lack of image posting aside, /pol/ is getting an influx of rapefugees since half /pol/ is censoring discussion of the recent school shooting.

951fdc No.14333118

File: 9fda255403ca06c⋯.png (299.65 KB, 644x691, 644:691, 1430182532459.png)


>De Blob publisher THQ Nordic

THQ are responsible for MovieBob?!?

>tfw when Darksiders isn't died

c74321 No.14333125

File: 27beee89303201e⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 512x288, 16:9, ev266_.jpg)


>no christmas cake gf to spend with in christmas

7aa413 No.14333129

File: 77e6d92696f1c42⋯.webm (13.75 MB, 200x150, 4:3, More Deadly Than War - G.….webm)

File: b23058ce5bee2fe⋯.jpg (243.87 KB, 450x752, 225:376, 1439553028128.jpg)

File: 5ad86f4e2f92e57⋯.png (670.36 KB, 1440x1026, 80:57, 1446360471430.png)

File: 79e1c1f6bb1ae50⋯.jpg (154.51 KB, 427x960, 427:960, 1454703528568.jpg)

File: 88fc82105f258f8⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 1024x455, 1024:455, 1457222034575.jpg)


>One of the obvious shill already used 13 letter cuckchan filename image above.

But, a good chunk of my saves have a 13 number filename, and I've saved almost all of them from here.

<Video for proof that I'm a native


>half /pol/ is censoring discussion of the recent school shooting


c4cae8 No.14333137



why do you think?

7aa413 No.14333147

File: b6ec5c09634f628⋯.webm (6.99 MB, 480x360, 4:3, afrocentrism.webm)


Because the kid was a pale-skinned nigger? I haven't really heard much else aside from the fact that he was expelled the year prior.

a595b9 No.14333153

File: 18d29d9fdd20af2⋯.gif (569.16 KB, 827x926, 827:926, Libbie laughs in technicol….gif)





>Shitposts and tries to disrupt the board

>Then starts saying the board is shit



5c7eac No.14333173


I read that the shooter had had a fight with his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend, so you'd think the board that it would be r9k that would need to be censored.

a595b9 No.14333174

File: b086c75acf92e02⋯.png (206.78 KB, 610x568, 305:284, b086c75acf92e02b4ff5716f8b….png)


>Brainlet/Pink Wojak



>Trying too hard to shit on something with rabid shitposting, pretending to be retarded and irony while aggressively accusing anyone of defending it if they call out their derailing and shitposting

All of these are great as well

Kingdom Come thread is full of them and they keep reposting content from cuckchan there.

They're likely getting banned by the dozens due to Vavra being Gamergate related.

Don't get paranoid, but be wary

3f9003 No.14333179

File: a951bd77bf07ca5⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 100x96, 25:24, a picture fot ants.jpg)


you don't have to verbally.. I mean textually post everytime especially outside the bread, I have no idea how should I respond anymore, one of you faggots found me from other thread few days ago and I felt like I'm a fugitive of manhunt game


>making cuckchan which is copycat of Futabachan into more and more like 2ch

I bet his next move is selling 4chan again to whoever highest bidder.


>tfw Darksiders and Homefront lived while Ass Effect didn't


The point is finding out whether the image is made post-2016. If the poster posts newer meme image that made after we transitioned the filename format than you found the crossposter. Like >>14333174 advised.

66885b No.14333185


For a second a read "half of /pol/ is censoring" and thought to myself "yeah, fucking why, that sounds weird" before I reread what you typed.

2513c0 No.14333187


Someday you'll be walking outside, thinking of nothing, just out for a stroll or something, and then…

behind you…

a dark voice…

>gook ?


8947a0 No.14333190

File: 157b58b2d7c249d⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 500x647, 500:647, NTR-Support-Group.jpg)


>>NTR as an example of "sex as a good way of setting up plots"

Wish I could find the "stop injecting your shitty fetishes into our game" image.

1efadc No.14333193

File: f21c0ed0a8cedf1⋯.gif (38.69 KB, 150x170, 15:17, 15bux_-_4chan_pass_fast.gif)


>Don't get paranoid, but be wary

Agreed. It's really easy to spot those who don't follow our rules anyways. I'd say more rules is in order but Mark The Cake Jew would just steal our cakes. All of them should be gunned down on site

0d3557 No.14333220

Were these ever posted before?

Gal Gun 2 Banned in Germany


>Feminists' demands towards SNK Heroines' creator, Yasuyuki Oda: Censor it, it's problematic & sexist

yasuyuki oda on snk heroines sexualization accessibility and competitive audiences




>Kotaku: Fighting Game Tutorial Is Brutally Honest

Missed an archive. https://archive.is/kT26b

d71bd9 No.14333228

File: da4bc9784bd5664⋯.png (42.21 KB, 365x264, 365:264, fetishes.PNG)


The troll lets you passed by graciously, uncucked.

7aa413 No.14333233

File: 91040d6913d8fd3⋯.jpg (136.26 KB, 773x785, 773:785, Except NTR.jpg)



ac8bdf No.14333236


Yes, it is. They also have attitude similar to goon.


>Wha.. what? The absolute mad Hiroshima finally did it?

Well, they are back now.

But I am sure he blocked it for some time.

23465a No.14333250

File: 3e59b40df5f3dc9⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 376x365, 376:365, 3e59b40df5f3dc92e7622376dd….jpg)

>the jew wont ban cuckchan newfags

>they are dense as shit so you can't bully them away

>if you try spamming their shit the kike will ban you

I am at loss honestly.

3c3b06 No.14333251

>search lactation on twitter

>suddenly millions of differents accounts with exactly the same tweet, "Transgender Woman Breast-Feeds Baby After Hospital Induces Lactation http://ift.tt/2ELfowD"

Man, they are desperate for clicks.

e566c1 No.14333256

File: 5bff3e56d6e8f22⋯.jpg (136.59 KB, 654x803, 654:803, Uk knows how to have a goo….jpg)

b5f531 No.14333261


What is it with people in positions of power and being completely fucking degenerate?

837025 No.14333274


They're all psychopaths and have the power to make their fetishes real?

23465a No.14333275


>Answering your own question within it.

c74321 No.14333276

File: 3e1a2759c288b64⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 256x192, 4:3, fun.gif)


>one of you faggots found me from other thread few days ago and I felt like I'm a fugitive of manhunt game

>spot the gook

>/v/ favorite game

27225c No.14333278

File: 6e789cbd631e468⋯.jpg (79.56 KB, 905x712, 905:712, slowpoke-chan.jpg)

3f9003 No.14333286

File: b28a8a9e3b335eb⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 401x401, 1:1, b28a8a9e3b335eb033850a2155….jpg)

>tried to contribute some shits for GG wiki

>mfw realized I've never edited any wiki and don't know how to do anything

Anyone know how to make new article page on GG wiki?

0d3557 No.14333294


I recall a twitter hashtag that criticized feminism or something was spammed since a negative article had it in the header. The majority of said retweets were bots. Media is slimy and deceiving.

I can't recall the hashtag though.

0d3557 No.14333301

File: 2908d1855e2492f⋯.png (13.11 KB, 513x437, 27:23, Capture.PNG)


Search the name of the article then click create article

c74321 No.14333307


because its fun!

ac8bdf No.14333328



After >>14333301 find article of same type and open it.

Copypaste what you need and change what needs to be changed.

b5f531 No.14333333


I know they are degenerates, I just want to know why they do it.

Is it like everything else? When they realize they can get away with fucking kids, a regular female doesn't cut it anymore.

3f9003 No.14333336

File: 471dd8009371148⋯.png (24.81 KB, 252x235, 252:235, thx romeo.png)

4e985b No.14333345

File: 2f7f15e5f7b5dd0⋯.png (681.84 KB, 740x740, 1:1, 2f7f15e5f7b5dd0aaf91f0b95e….png)


Damn it anon, I was eating lunch.

Now I want to vomit.

e0f187 No.14333348

File: 512277b72f7cb9e⋯.png (733.71 KB, 1746x736, 873:368, delicious.png)

837025 No.14333353


The one in CG that looks like the "how to turn a sphere inside out" video?

e566c1 No.14333355


That's pretty much it. Power corrupts.

3878c5 No.14333364

kingdom come thread is full of cancer and cuckchan, holy fucking shit

23465a No.14333366

File: 262637cc5afc750⋯.png (111.5 KB, 238x276, 119:138, 262637cc5afc750be949afa030….png)


>Being easily grossed out.

Nobles leave. We are busy actually being productive.

ac8bdf No.14333367

>>14333333 (hexes checked)

>I know they are degenerates, I just want to know why they do it.

Sheer boredom and being drunk on their power.

>Is it like everything else?


3f9003 No.14333373

File: 9bf2a4bc723b5e6⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-power-tends-to-corru….jpg)


>>14333333 (fuckin'd czech'd)

a595b9 No.14333378


Cuckchan trickling in, Vavra being related to Gamergate is getting lots of butthurt and retards banned there.

140a12 No.14333379


I know it's awful isn't it? there was a nigger in one of the threads saying that Skyrim is so much better because you don't have to look at the enemies to see if you are going to get hit.

7aa413 No.14333387

File: 18a964e9da645f4⋯.png (73.58 KB, 239x416, 239:416, What.png)


>Skyrim is so much better because you don't have to look at the enemies to see if you are going to get hit

77301e No.14333391



I unironically like the ironic virgin [x] vs chad [x] memes and many of them posted originated here. It's faggots who unironically make chad memes where chad isn't the ironic retarded choice that are newfags blind to irony. It's similar to those who misuse the "increasing levels of enlightenment" memes.

17975c No.14333392


What a shame and waste of numbers on this thread.

140a12 No.14333398


Just go look at any of the threads for the game it's full of retarded faggots that call everyone trying to talk about the game a shill.

3f9003 No.14333402

File: 0a6d9050b964c9c⋯.jpg (215.82 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, toddhoward.jpg)


>there was a nigger in one of the threads saying that Skyrim is so much better because you don't have to look at the enemies to see if you are going to get hit.

Jeez, I wonder who's behind that post.

77301e No.14333414


Is it a good idea for gook to be doing anything on the wiki but providing sources, given his grammar?

a595b9 No.14333419

File: da7233d5e8bba2c⋯.png (23.1 KB, 72x121, 72:121, Nu male and Afro bitch.PNG)



It's unfunny garbage pushed by cuckchan, Funnyjunk, TRS and Reddit.

It's a shitty fad and it's already dead anyways.

3f9003 No.14333420

File: 5743ea9eb52ff3d⋯.jpg (60 KB, 583x358, 583:358, hahaha no.jpg)


>Is it a good idea for gook to be doing anything on the wiki but providing sources, given his grammar?

I'd better just provide links and make new articles.

6fe590 No.14333422


If anything someone else can come along and grammar check his stuff. At least he's contributing

e12aca No.14333425


>Kingdom Come thread

Jesus fuck why are they coming here for that?

ac8bdf No.14333426


Yes, somebody will fix his grammar.

I will probably do it myself tomorrow.

77301e No.14333427




That would explain this in the Kingdom Hearts thread >>14328552

6fe590 No.14333428


No Gook, go ahead and write the article, going through your writing and fixing the grammar is a lot easier than writing the article itself

e12aca No.14333440

File: e28e7c19f7ef07a⋯.jpg (215.9 KB, 836x955, 836:955, Purges.jpg)

We need a full on ethic cleansing of cuckchan refugees.

a595b9 No.14333447


So that's why there were 3 posts saying the same thing but in reverse on the Kingdom Come thread.

c4cae8 No.14333450

File: c72415d21dea045⋯.png (254.58 KB, 883x1028, 883:1028, vidya game comic 07.png)


but how?

best solution we can have is extreme bullying.

3f9003 No.14333463

File: 30d8b4eb3037107⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 498x558, 83:93, purges.jpg)


In order to achieve such a goal, we must gas the entire internet.

1efadc No.14333471


Probably by banning every single of of these rapefugees for good. Remember to tell them to lurk for 6 billion years.

c4cae8 No.14333478


if I had banning powers sure, but I do not.

1158a8 No.14333486


If you start banning everyone you suspect is from cuckchan, you'll inevitably ban a bunch of people who aren't.

77301e No.14333487

837025 No.14333495


At this point, I don't think I care anymore, personally.

1efadc No.14333500


>Not knowing how to evade.

It's real easy to spot them anyways too, it shouldn't be hard.

3f9003 No.14333505

File: 0e336b747a61392⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 582x474, 97:79, genocide squad.jpg)



Mark should hankpick some of the best anons among us specialized at cuckchan-indentifying business and form 8-COM, and give them special privilege to ban any cuckchan refugee on sight. It would be great hunt.

They shouldn't be normal mods, no. But more of Genocide Squad focusing on finding cuckchanners and gas them. They need to be armed with top tier of detective skill to identify, along with high intuition and insights than other normal mods. We need fucking drastic measure to fight against this invasion. Call it a Martial Law. Call them The Division. You know we need them. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

77301e No.14333512


You're not becoming a vol gook.

0d3557 No.14333516


Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius

Ban them until they've learned how to post,

I don't have any crusade images

28cd1d No.14333522


>Mark should hankpick some of the best anons among us specialized at cuckchan-indentifying business and form 8-COM, and give them special privilege to ban any cuckchan refugee on sight. It would be great hunt.

People that think they can spot cuckchanners are as bad as the actual cuckchanners themselves. You're just a bunch of retards who think they fit in. We used to have people talk about being liberal without having the thread devolve into shitposting and bullying, and we used to have actual ASSFAGGOTs threads where people were able to discuss the game without everyone coming in and shitting it up to prevent people from discussing video games they decided weren't worthy of the board.

a595b9 No.14333561

File: b7d7104ad147412⋯.jpg (32.45 KB, 500x400, 5:4, PC gaymer IRL.jpg)


>we used to have actual ASSFAGGOTs threads

I know, isn't it great that they're gone now?

3f9003 No.14333562

File: 8d1c2957c617a87⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 462x204, 77:34, back_to_the_cuckchan.jpg)



Holy shit they're here

172c1a No.14333575

File: 4362b28452d8397⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 416x396, 104:99, smug.jpg)


i hope you dont want assfaggots thread no wonder you so against the idea

23465a No.14333577

File: 784720b0dc3ef01⋯.png (282.25 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 784720b0dc3ef01d8751cdb81c….png)


>responding to obvious bait

47a008 No.14333581


I don't think this website supports more levels of moderator access than the existing Global Mod > Board Owner > Volunteer

47a008 No.14333585


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anon

28cd1d No.14333590


I want to be able to talk about video games, instead of having video game themed threads about trannies and jews.

6fe590 No.14333591


Responding to shitposting only increases shitposting, it's best ignored

a595b9 No.14333600

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


> instead of having video game themed threads about trannies and jews.

That's literally what ASSFAGGOTS is though

3f9003 No.14333609

File: 649bbd2a12c0473⋯.png (44.99 KB, 969x704, 969:704, hello cuckchan newfag.png)

47a008 No.14333612


That's true, sorry if I implied otherwise.

2a098c No.14333642

daily reminder that marche literally did nothing wrong

23465a No.14333644

File: 1ac32710aab25a7⋯.gif (249.57 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1ac32710aab25a7a19d89265b9….gif)


>feed the baiter

>he obviously keeps going

You deserve a ban as well.

28cd1d No.14333662


People hate them because the genre is mostly just an autistic amount of learning pretending to be a "skill wall" that prevents people from judging it until they have such a ridiculous time investment in it they have to enjoy it to justify the cost of time invested. E-sports is hated because it's popular and people aren't allowed to enjoy popular things here

23465a No.14333674


>knowledge isn't a part withing skill


7aa413 No.14333731

File: ef070fb4cca832f⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 540x259, 540:259, d00d13cc534039271f03c04401….jpg)


Why not just deliver a 24 hour ban on everyone posting in the thread? Or something just a simple? As far as I know, we don't need to go full "Deus Vult". Just slap a small band-aid on it, and watch as they move on to next place.

006542 No.14333857

File: 9486b6025866b99⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 500x451, 500:451, daffy.jpg)

The Guardian review of Kingdom Come: Deliverance complains that the "medieval attitude towards race" is "conveniently sidelined"





18d13a No.14333885

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime

☑ Evolving across industries

☑ Saying that dyed hair is criminal

☑ Played To Catch a Predator with GGRevolt

69e8f3 No.14333892


>"conveniently sidelined"

WTF is that supposed to mean? Do this people not know that nogs are separated from Northern Africa by a huge desert called Sahara? You know that this desert pretty much keep Batu nigggers seperated from the Northern Berber coast? **Shocked they ain't much about no Asian(not UK Asians) representation since the Silk Road was around this time.

7aa413 No.14333903


>Shocked they ain't much about no Asian (not UK Asians) representation since the Silk Road was around this time.

I think that would really get their almonds going. Let's not upset them too much. At least, not yet.

6c48be No.14333922


And yet SJWs would twerk to the game's theme music for 3 hours. Hypocrites.

aa2235 No.14333941

File: 8b6be7f695a43f9⋯.png (90.23 KB, 612x653, 612:653, 1.png)

File: 31228db88122d6c⋯.png (219.68 KB, 597x668, 597:668, 2.png)

File: 9111a4978f4bacc⋯.png (68.55 KB, 612x420, 51:35, 3.png)




Journalists and assorted folks arguing over if certain streamers are racist or not. They were just having a discussion until Ashley Lynch and other leftists takes him out of context and tries to make South Park bigger then what it is.

80b80b No.14333948


Anyone that complains about this are purposely being dishonest with their readers about history. They didn't have planes, cars, trains, modern built roads back then. Most countries populations looked like that back then because travelling from Africa to Poland would of been a death wish. Crossing deserts, oceans, woodlands then finally fucking mountain ranges by feet or horseback.

28cd1d No.14333959


I fucking live in Atlanta and seeing a nigger is still an uncommon occurrence.

244715 No.14333969

File: 192abdec12fb650⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 250x187, 250:187, 1326752680798.jpg)

951fdc No.14334001

File: e3d78a4318c38f4⋯.png (457.04 KB, 655x513, 655:513, We_Wuz_Greeks_BBC_&_Netfli….png)


Europeans were actually black though, cave man

a595b9 No.14334009

File: 2c18b2db9e6fd6f⋯.jpg (15.48 KB, 255x437, 255:437, Max Payne.jpg)


Get's me everytime

We got faggots pushing for "Afrofuturism"

It can't just be a futuristic setting set in Africa, no, its "Afrofuturistic".

God fucking damn, these people need to be shot, this is a mental illness.

f55c86 No.14334010

File: 1089a352bfa1e44⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Alright this one s pretty ….jpg)


I got into a carwreck a couple weeks ago (friend's car, I was in the backseat so nothing serious happened to me so I settled), so I'd figured I use the money I got for something more expensive then what I'd normally buy.

Gotta upgrade regardless, my PC's running a 660ti.

5e7c72 No.14334014


Having been in positions of power myself I tell you it is not that power is corrupting so much as power is absolutely magnetic to the corrupted and corruptible. You will constantly have vile people try to ingratiate themselves to you for the tiniest morsel of meaningless power over their fellow man. I had to quit just because I felt myself so completely disgusted with humanity on a constant basis and it just wasn't good for my soul.

c74321 No.14334030

File: 0e1c840330d21f0⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 246x437, 246:437, beta.gif)


>medieval attitude towards race

797c8d No.14334053

File: f499c9902096ac9⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 755x1057, 5:7, mogu_mogu____kana__by_dark….jpg)


I hope you're okay anon.


What is this game again?

140a12 No.14334054


Most people in the medieval era didn't know niggers even existed. How could they have a negative attitude towards a people they don't even know about?

951fdc No.14334070

File: 08e8ed6317824ab⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 371x403, 371:403, 08e8ed6317824abf0678d600d0….jpg)


Kingdom Come Deliverance you dummy.

eee410 No.14334090


What was your profession/position?

f55c86 No.14334099


Oh yeah, I'm fine. Happened a couple weeks ago, so all I got was a few bruises, friend's car was totaled though and he got a concussion.

5ad551 No.14334121

AlacrityDaeomon break 8chan again?

8ac18c No.14334123


>The Guardian

How do they still get money?


>I fucking live in Atlanta

I read that as 'Atlantis' and went 'whoa' then brain kicked in.

5ad551 No.14334128

File: b9832129f5e9ce5⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1575x1000, 63:40, BHJGFge1.png)

File: 106d052c9586436⋯.png (441.52 KB, 850x464, 425:232, 1442739499334.png)

File: 8362995554e3590⋯.jpg (103.12 KB, 600x674, 300:337, 836.jpg)

File: a4d9f30838320ee⋯.png (558.65 KB, 919x379, 919:379, 16inWyg.png)

File: 45e79597b029a26⋯.png (255.75 KB, 408x810, 68:135, tumblr_ntibat0jkC1r49ojco1….png)


>Ashley Lynch

1efadc No.14334142


Yes do you remember when they went in the wooden watermelon in order to infiltrate all of them?


The job will get done eventually.



5ad551 No.14334151

File: bff691e24a9247a⋯.png (179.75 KB, 1528x1034, 764:517, njbhcf.png)

File: 278c4fbacc88805⋯.png (436.35 KB, 1011x1014, 337:338, gfxdzse1.png)

File: c47cda8365eea41⋯.png (154.43 KB, 1456x1028, 364:257, IGYUFTDRYTSE.png)

File: 1464e9149575c12⋯.png (229.45 KB, 941x409, 941:409, GqKY3Ax.png)

File: 4d839d908548d9e⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 536x1024, 67:128, C1GPqmkUsAArK8L.jpg large.jpg)

5e7c72 No.14334153


Generic corporate manager #5125. Funny enough I experienced the same shit when I led a world of warcraft guild back in the day.

8947a0 No.14334183

File: 9bf3e326e70251b⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 490x333, 490:333, projecting.jpg)


>third pic

Holy shit, talk about zero self-awareness.


>and she's a heavy sockpuppeteer

ade65a No.14334186



Gaze into the face of the childless spinster who is approaching the fertility cliff and will be blogging about the lack of good men and how she's artificially inseminating herself to get the baby she deserves.

f02858 No.14334199


More often than not they identify themselves and out themselves quite easily as cuckchanners. The mods just need to do their fucking job instead of dragging their heels and regular anons need to do their job to bully and stop taking baits and shitposts intended to ruin and derail threads.

c74321 No.14334201


>I had to quit just because I felt myself so completely disgusted with humanity on a constant basis and it just wasn't good for my soul.

Really? when i was in a position of power i did my best to keep the factory clean of parasites and gave jobs to people that needed them

f02858 No.14334214


>we used to have assfaggots threads

Neck yourself. Overwatch threads existing didn't mean those were good either and if anything they shat up the board

1f32b5 No.14334219

File: 448106f86538f1d⋯.png (43.75 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 494cfe16f59281a0583b5a4cd0….png)

Did marche finally burnout?

d2cad3 No.14334240

File: 03e796f42e6d090⋯.jpg (9.41 KB, 269x187, 269:187, jibun woooooooo.jpg)


I can hear the gay lisps and valley girl accents through my screen.

8947a0 No.14334245


It really seems like they've recently gone into overdrive to prove that all the shit they put everyone through is, in fact, Mean Girls bullshit.

88c33b No.14334252



d2cad3 No.14334270


If only they could overdrive into something better like trying to be a decent human being, then maybe their drivenness might mean something.

6fe590 No.14334288

File: b81b24a949ca79c⋯.png (44.32 KB, 1796x510, 898:255, Capture.PNG)

Hey gook, there's already a Crash Override Network article on the wiki. You were calling it Crash Overdrive so if you searched that up you probably didn't get any results. Just to let you know, If you search up Crash Override Network, you can probably just merge your article with the existing one

7aa413 No.14334293

File: f7b43fd17866993⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, shut_the_fuck_up_when_grow….mp4)


>Third pic

But…South Park was never that good of a show to begin with. AFAIK, the only reason it's stayed on for so long is "LOL, Kids saying 'Fuck'!"


>If only they could overdrive into something better like trying to be a decent human being

They've convinced themselves to think that is exactly what they are. They think "protesting" and protecting their friends makes more better people than those who actually do shit to perhaps improve things. And, they're only real counterpoint is "Look at how mean all these 'nice people' are", but the reality is that you cannot be "nice" all the time if you want to improve things. If push comes to shove, you do have to be blunt or an asshole at times.

3f9003 No.14334319

File: 0b74f817fb9c03d⋯.jpg (201.7 KB, 1366x837, 1366:837, just kill me now.jpg)


I'm sorry you can just take the links and remove the article

88c33b No.14334339


>Crash Overdrive

That name doesn't even make sense considering they never took it off of park.

0c11ea No.14334358


>kick drawing of a girl

>take THAT gamergays!

>+1 socjus points

Reminds me of the guy who wasted time and effort casting a swastika keycap just so he could destroy it with a hammer on camera because fuck drumph cause he flooded houston or something

8947a0 No.14334359

File: 307596faa3ca2f7⋯.jpg (177.88 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, because they were bored an….jpg)


> they're only real counterpoint is "Look at how mean all these 'nice people' are", but the reality is that you cannot be "nice" all the time if you want to improve things. If push comes to shove, you do have to be blunt or an asshole at times.

I think that's part of the reason why they're so scared of imageboards. Here, being blunt or an asshole is the norm, so when Anons start putting their effort into it, they can easily spread the word about why something's bullshit and needs to change.

e0f187 No.14334365

File: d3cbc4c95facca9⋯.png (874.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bad situation.png)


Every time you fuck up you have to wear the dress for 30 minutes, okay?

ceeba4 No.14334369

File: c8030d4939a2b3f⋯.png (88.14 KB, 636x900, 53:75, asuka tracksuit.png)

Sorry for sperging out last thread. I just… I have a lot on my mind right now (especially with me struggling to learn moon), and I'm going through some stuff. Still, Marche is an alright dude, and you guys shouldn't bully him too much, lest we lose one of our own. Be vigilant of burnouts and cuckchan colonists trying to stir up drama to wear us down emotionally.

6fe590 No.14334374


It would also imply that they're trying putting crashes into overdrive. Which I guess is appropriate actually considering they ended up being a doxing and harassment group


Don't bully him, it will discourage him from contributing to the wiki

f8de9f No.14334378

File: da7e99030017800⋯.png (148.58 KB, 498x692, 249:346, 98657de65b87d755a9610f3ec6….png)


>Europeans were actually black though

Technically true, lighter skin seems to have appeared somewhere around 7000-9000 years ago in the European population but they didn't actually look like Africans and the faggots are selectively using science to push ideological horseshit.

White skin and lactose tolerance seems to be an evolutionary adaptation to the European climate and food supply. Could have also been brought on by minor intermixing from the East.

88c33b No.14334387

File: 6879c5f6453bff7⋯.png (137.64 KB, 350x350, 1:1, carlos.png)


Sounds like a real carwreck, don't it?

8947a0 No.14334388


Chelsea got it from an 80's movie, because she's the type of Goon that can only think in pop culture references and "how can this benefit me at the detriment to everyone else."

67c3ce No.14334389

File: 2be7d2a760e9670⋯.png (738.19 KB, 1111x881, 1111:881, CCBF4D07-5B73-4C15-82DE-86….png)


How’s the Moon coming along, nigger?

e0f187 No.14334393

File: bcfb287039b90bc⋯.png (1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, japanese schoolgirl hobos.png)


Do not mention that cursed name here for a while lest drama manifest.

As spergouts go that was very tame.

You're more than welcome to try and patch things up with him but I sure as hell don't want to.

Dunno what you're going through but I hope it gets better.

I bet it's prostate stuff.

3f9003 No.14334397

File: 1df46ee902a4e07⋯.png (134.51 KB, 638x412, 319:206, you really can't learn jap….png)

File: 3162879b84f8362⋯.png (188.88 KB, 600x439, 600:439, you can't stop learning ja….png)


>especially with me struggling to learn moon

8947a0 No.14334403


Well, it certainly doesn't help that every single game review docked points for ideological reasons instead of addressing the bugs. Even then, the bugs don't seem to be severe enough to the point where it turns people completely off the game since they can easily be fixed.

a595b9 No.14334404

File: 16be722c14c9ac3⋯.png (144.02 KB, 267x370, 267:370, Kike lamp.PNG)



>The exodus

>Criticism consists of screaming "SHILL" and nothing else when the OP is has a torrent ripe for the picking

You're not fooling anyone moishe, you don't fit in, you never will


0c11ea No.14334405

File: 01651ccf05907d1⋯.jpg (245.73 KB, 1325x739, 1325:739, cat_bueno.jpg)


asians are the reason whites are white

e0f187 No.14334408

File: fe168f027956ae8⋯.png (46.2 KB, 174x498, 29:83, it'senough.png)


Oh, I'm not bullying him. The dress meme is not intended to bully.

I've been grooming him.

Polite sage for OT bullshit.

ade65a No.14334416


>Here, being blunt or an asshole is the norm

It's not just that it's the norm, it's that there's zero consequence for being an asshole or hurting someone's feelings. The mere mention of feeling uncomfortable on reddit or twitter will often get the employees to jump right in. Someone here can call you a retarded tranny cocksucker who should go fellate a shotgun and no one would even blink.

1176b4 No.14334427

File: e04a2490b59a3fb⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 528x396, 4:3, e04a2490b59a3fbd1446d84dc2….jpg)

File: bb024378b0dd4a3⋯.png (23.56 KB, 400x273, 400:273, bb024378b0dd4a34d8c3405689….png)


Acid, I…

this is coming from an anon who hasn't been able to post very much the past week, I'm the one who's in the middle of getting his shit sorted. I know how it feels, I think you might be taking on too much.

I couldn't even imagine sifting through faggy SQL database code while holding down a job as a weapon shop NPC and learning moon at the same time.

Can't blame you for wanting to self-improve but I think you might be taking on too much. Take a nap, I think you deserve it.

I like the ausfag, I used to bully him with the waifu stuff but I stopped because I saw it getting out of hand a year or so ago. I hope that everyone cools off and just lets that bully meme die out a little.

I hope I actually managed to do something for a change because anon's supposed to be family.

28cd1d No.14334433


>Gets filtered for trying to derail discussion of the game

>Come into another fucking thread to whine

Jesus christ

140a12 No.14334434


Maybe people reply to you like that because you have no argument.

8947a0 No.14334439



Not to mention singling out the callout comments to whine some more.

1f32b5 No.14334445

File: efe806d619e5692⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1184x751, 1184:751, 0ea7639d165f22534c7d86fa80….png)

File: 7f144946551d1fb⋯.png (137.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7f144946551d1fbf6cbc608486….png)



I recognize this man from a former GG thread


and can vouch he is not a cuckchan rapefugee, Just abit of a faggot who makes otherwise good posts.

23465a No.14334452

File: 729d04a880a881f⋯.jpg (247.12 KB, 1273x1500, 1273:1500, 545e6f0044d47bb3be870a727a….jpg)



54587f No.14334474


No harm done. I say stupid shit all the time, but i have an advantage of not being an IDfag. If you need a break that's all good, if you need to vent find someone to talk to and try doing it in private next time if you're worried about your words coming back to haunt you.

77301e No.14334476


>lighter skin seems to have appeared somewhere around 7000-9000 years ago

So thousands of years before the historical time period the game takes place in. Completely irrelevant.

8947a0 No.14334480


>check /pol/

>it was TRS

Remind me, those were the Goon LARPers, right?

1f32b5 No.14334481


Fam you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

28cd1d No.14334483

File: 2961b13a6f72dad⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Incredulous sam.jpg)


>I totally was trying to have a genuine discussion about not the video game in the thread for the video game

a595b9 No.14334492

File: 249c84c83ed39a4⋯.jpg (204.43 KB, 572x800, 143:200, rouge.jpg)


Archive my post

Get me on the screencap

cc6867 No.14334493

File: 8e8eab8b8553cb7⋯.webm (3.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Splashdown - Karma Slave.webm)


The main thing is, nobody has either an obligation, or a good reason to deal with what ended up being a month long spergout, dating well before the most recent faggotry. I get where you're coming from, but you're placing the onus of de-escalation on a thread where the sperging took place, rather than on the one consistently coming back and instigating it.

1efadc No.14334494

File: de4603ea436e821⋯.png (93.05 KB, 648x280, 81:35, Anon.png)


>17 dead

And nothing of value was lost.


Anon, why.

3f9003 No.14334495

File: 8f49a12065914a4⋯.png (369.14 KB, 776x776, 1:1, STOP.png)

9a95ad No.14334499

File: 27bbbdba380f123⋯.png (105.52 KB, 638x792, 29:36, Untitled-1.png)

I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I got banned on steam forum by some swede fag. I dunno, I guess you cant say ANYTHING anymore anywhere. What the fuck.

1f32b5 No.14334507


I am talking about a different group. http://archive.is/x5ISL

a595b9 No.14334509


>I got banned from the Steam forums


How new are you anon?

Steamforums is NeoGaf tier

54587f No.14334510


Aren't steam forums managed by people appointed by devs in their individual forums?

77301e No.14334512


>first image

Are you telling me that fucking bitch is Shiniez?

951fdc No.14334514

File: af9e2b9191b71b7⋯.png (277.21 KB, 576x554, 288:277, ...png)


8947a0 No.14334521

File: 4882549cd074767⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 640x266, 320:133, 1467789006076.gif)


Oh my god.

27225c No.14334522

File: d963f82ff1cc150⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3487x1930, 3487:1930, 1518725057.jpg)




9a95ad No.14334529


I'm not posting there much, so yeah, i'm kinda new to this kind of bans. Its fucking silly.

f8de9f No.14334531


Its possible, the genetic distance between Asians and Whites is pretty short, compared to the distance of Whites and mid/south Africans who seem to have been isolated for a really long time. At least until the Egyptians started enslaving them.

3f9003 No.14334554

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, ggrevolt raid.webm)

Someone plz make edit of this video into 'Cuckchan raid'.

a595b9 No.14334558

File: a88642f3cc7d426⋯.png (102.84 KB, 637x368, 637:368, PEACE THROUGH SUMO.PNG)



1f32b5 No.14334559


>Nothing happened until I started pointing out how fucking forced this game was and a bunch of retards had to prove me right

In what was it forced I've seen people even hear hype it up in "are there any games your looking forward to or hope won't be dog shit."

This shit happens all the time in this site.

I'm aware this game supposedly has issues, but this is a sight the has large swaves of people who will enjoy anything as long as it isn't pozzed or half-way decent.

27225c No.14334563

File: 09693457778a52a⋯.png (2.17 KB, 306x53, 306:53, Matt_Pearce_🦅_on_Twitter_I….png)


Best reply right here.








/v/ has startled the autist!

1176b4 No.14334589

File: 8058e7267599c13⋯.png (88.75 KB, 438x503, 438:503, 4a206b9de04649ddd348f6b5fe….png)

>this low effort shit

What's next, CP spam? Oh wait, that already happened yesterday, can't blow too much of their special stock again today!

140a12 No.14334590


>but there's a difference between light heated discussion and pure damage control

There's a difference between damage control and people calling you retarded for not knowing what you are talking about.

8947a0 No.14334596


You're talking about a game that got better reception than Nu-Wolfenstein, yeah, there are going to be drones. It's something most people learned to deal with on halfchan.

28cd1d No.14334601

File: 9ae7fe15f4eb91d⋯.gif (986.88 KB, 500x255, 100:51, 9ae7fe15f4eb91dfd9aaba5678….gif)


>People are talking about a video game

>I must put a stop to this immediately

a595b9 No.14334603

File: 60f6ef4c6a5ea7b⋯.png (162.24 KB, 337x271, 337:271, Frank.PNG)


He's trying to derail

Most people pirated the game and are now talking about it because it's a videogame and Vavra got his fucking attention by pandering.

Ignore him, he's been at it for half an hour now

Fuck, these cuckchan autists are persistent, gotta fucking love how they're trying to fit in as well.

20f53d No.14334604

File: e1fc3d891457f7a⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 1108x1280, 277:320, ryan-gosling.jpg)


Nobody really bullied him and if he really gets butthurt over dumb shit then his only goal on GG was attention.

1f32b5 No.14334618


>I've fucking been here since the beginning so when I see bullshit like in that cancerous dumpster fire of a fucking thread I will call it out.

nigger there's such a thing as picking your battles. There are times when it is better to report or hide. There are also times when legit anons on /v/ go against their better judgement and get hyped about shit to the point of doing damage control for it. I don't think you are a shill fam, but I do think your getting angry about shit for no good reason

0ff6a5 No.14334619


You've already been called out as the cuckchanner you really are, go back and let it go you massive faggot.

54587f No.14334621

On a side note, Acid, how far are you with Moon? I'm trying to, it's not easy working full time and trying to learn so I have to ask how you do it?

28cd1d No.14334626


>He's trying to derail

That much is fucking obvious. I'm amazed it's not working, since 90% of the time threads get derailed with barely any effort. I'm genuinely enjoying watching him desperately try and convince people he's not brain damaged.

76d2c9 No.14334628



0d3557 No.14334631


Acid, I wanted to pass something by you before editing the wiki. What limits and stances would there be in regard to non-vidya/tech slanted outlets?

The outlet in question is Salon, which writes an extreme amount of content against men and whites.

54587f No.14334645


The TOR autist? Just filter the ID.

1efadc No.14334647


You remember that this is a GG thread right? Not meta.

28cd1d No.14334657


Just another of the dozen of things that gives him away as being mentally incapable

77301e No.14334662


Because I'll be real fucking pissed if she is. Even if she's not, it's fucking hypocritical of an SJW landwhale to be using lesbian bondage porn as an avatar.

c871d4 No.14334663


it means good game

20f53d No.14334665

File: 6d10d7e35efe05e⋯.png (237.03 KB, 900x768, 75:64, 1514264096-1.png)


>nigger there's such a thing as picking your battles. There are times when it is better to report or hide. There are also times when legit anons on /v/ go against their better judgement and get hyped about shit to the point of doing damage control for it. I don't think you are a shill fam, but I do think your getting angry about shit for no good reason

Nicely said, it also applies to GG. Plenty of times people devote(d) more effort to fight each other over things they disagree with than joining forces to fight against a common enemy.

77301e No.14334667

6fe590 No.14334668


No it means Good Going retard

77301e No.14334674


I thought it meant Goofy Goober?

0d3557 No.14334677

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Caspian Report

Fake News, Part 2: Mass communication


>BAKU - As technologies progressed in the 20th century, new devices and platforms of communication entered the mainstream. The media transformed from partisan propaganda to a business model to close-enough impartial reporting. This transition, however, also presented governments with new instruments to shape yellow journalism to deliberately mislead audiences.

cc7d5d No.14334679

File: 42a6e6dd27ac6e2⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 480x462, 80:77, 42a6e6dd27ac6e2b8d02b9dae3….jpg)


the threads were completely derailed from the start, its when vols stepped in it became actually possible to talk about it

the current thread for example was an obvious falseflag from the beginning, with "buy the game" in the OP, except the vols didnt want any of it, they just followed through and made the thread cyclical instead of continuing the goon-tier "shitflinging with themselves" game

today is the first day that its actually possible to talk about the VIDEO GAME at all because you cant just brigade the thread to 300 posts

0986a1 No.14334684


>They're latino so they must like tacos!

I wish these people would just fuck off and die.

Latin America isn't just Mexico or tacos, you fucks.

Also Mudslimes would fucking kill Latinos if they had the chance due to them being some of the biggest Christfags of many varieties.

54587f No.14334690


>Latin America isn't just Mexico or tacos, you fucks.

Yea, it's also burritos and fajitas. God I love Fajitas.

77301e No.14334691

8ac18c No.14334704


>non-vidya/tech slanted outlets

Salon had various anti-GG stuff by Chu:


1efadc No.14334711

File: a933885766ad00d⋯.png (63.06 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Por que.png)


You need to calm down anon.



54587f No.14334736


That's a name I haven't heard since his shit documentary was released. Funny how the other SJW asian lolcow, the one who abandoned SJW politics, managed to somewhat redeem himself and stay in the spotlight longer.

6fe590 No.14334743


At this point you're just shitposting that one guy didn't even reply to any of your bullshit drama you fucking sperg

d74f00 No.14334760

File: 64d17c5be8aee93⋯.png (132.48 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-01.png)

File: 30e6c593a4ad85a⋯.png (116.08 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-02.png)

File: d815587f09f63fa⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-03.png)

File: 3ab7814d71b69a4⋯.png (129.25 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-04.png)

File: 04cbd3851c79baf⋯.pdf (526.77 KB, timber-PDF.pdf)

OP TIMBER! Full Version

Injection tips:

1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

ceeba4 No.14334761

File: 60f324fbd33db6d⋯.png (289.4 KB, 514x514, 1:1, asuka flowers.png)



Doing two Core2k cards a day, I'll get there eventually. Y'know, I'd be all for replacing all kanji with katakana. Maybe add some spacing to make it easier to read.





Thanks for the advice. I have been getting some pretty dark thoughts lately, so it's nice to have a friendly community to talk to during times like these.


>butthurt over dumb shit

You guys have been bullying him for four years straight. Shit like that can destroy someone. Give him a break, and stop reporting him whenever he shows up, okay?


Not very far. I've learned 100 vocab words so far, after a couple of weeks. I did have to drop the new card count to zero because I was burnt out to all hell.


77301e No.14334762


>At this point you're just shitposting


>that one guy didn't even reply to any of your bullshit drama you fucking sperg


d74f00 No.14334766

File: 0f33a70ac1aa929⋯.png (49.43 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-01.png)

File: 9384eba748a75ac⋯.png (76.04 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-02.png)

File: 3ca4a3cdce09d4b⋯.png (68.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-03.png)

File: 4a8946431a60147⋯.png (66.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-04.png)

OP TIMBER! Social Media Friendly Version

Injection tips:

1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

28cd1d No.14334770


>Y'know, I'd be all for replacing all kanji with katakana.

I originally thought that, but as I learned more I started getting annoyed when words were spelled in Katakana instead. Eventually kanji started making a lot of sense.

>Thanks for the advice. I have been getting some pretty dark thoughts lately, so it's nice to have a friendly community to talk to during times like these.

You're a dumb faggot who is loved

6fe590 No.14334774


Nevermind got IDs mixed up

ceeba4 No.14334782

Asuka quads.

77301e No.14334795

File: 600887f1aea8847⋯.jpg (213.3 KB, 953x953, 1:1, wewlad.jpg)


>Not even close

Fucking neck yourself Acid.

111112 No.14334830



>censoring for the kiked west


5038bd No.14334879


Didn't the white skin gene came from neanderthals and crossbreeding with them?

0ff6a5 No.14334881


No amount of alcohol is going to make me forget about these pics.

28cd1d No.14334889


No, it was just a mutation. I can't even explain how fucking god damn retarded your post sounds

ceeba4 No.14334900

I've been hearing about these "cuckchan wojaks" recently. Could anyone post some examples so we know what to look out for?

5038bd No.14334929


I saw it in a documental, which also showed how awesome neanderthals were.

I just like the idea of white european thick cavemen fighting against niggers.

77301e No.14334932


Numale wojak and brainlet wojak. First I heard of brainlet cancer was in the Odyssey leaker stream, because it was posted here by a cuckchanfag, was titled 4chan leaker, and was full of faggots calling him a brainlet.

28cd1d No.14334936


>Wasn't it an adaptation to colder climates?

Specifically an adaptation to less sun.The melanin in black skin absorbs sunlight, preventing you from actually getting Vitamin D from the sun. In Africa this is good, because it prevents you from getting sunburn and you get enough Vitamin D regardless. In Europe though you have less sun all the fucking time.

77301e No.14334956


I see both as cancer and iterations on stale memes that deserved to stay dead.

54587f No.14334964


>I have been getting some pretty dark thoughts lately, so it's nice to have a friendly community to talk to during times like these.

Need someone to talk to, Acid? As gay as this sounds, a disagreement or something might be a good idea for those interested in some sort of support group. Or not and I'm a retard who should kill myself. Either way, throwing that idea out there.

54587f No.14334968



20f53d No.14334969

File: d90df1bc7d37d58⋯.png (14.63 KB, 644x800, 161:200, nu-smile.png)

77301e No.14334978


Just call it dickscord or discuck.

edadc1 No.14334982


>8/tv/ by some spammer

It probably this guy, he's been shitting up our /tv/ since late 2016.


54587f No.14334988


>Y'know, I'd be all for replacing all kanji with katakana.

There is a very good reason Kanji exists, to differentiate words that sound the same because there's only so many combinations of kana that can be done.

77301e No.14334990


>a disagreement spywarecord or something might be a good idea for those interested in some sort of support group.

>Using dicksuck


6fe590 No.14334991



77301e No.14334994


You cheeky niggerfaggot.

1efadc No.14334998


Disjew, Jewcord, Dickcut, Shoahcord, the list goes on.

2c34a3 No.14335003


>it's all the same person

Some dedicated autism right there

2c34a3 No.14335017


>But…South Park was never that good of a show to begin with. AFAIK, the only reason it's stayed on for so long is "LOL, Kids saying 'Fuck'!"

Also because it's cheap to produce with limited animation so bigger profit margins for smaller audiences

6fe590 No.14335042


The funniest gags in South Park weren't even the kids saying fuck or the outright offensive stuff most of the time. That show really went down the shitter in the last few years though. I stopped watching it when they first introduced that PC Principal faggot

ca0ebb No.14335067


no homo though

8ac18c No.14335068

File: d940d8bf0abfafa⋯.png (29.38 KB, 398x158, 199:79, 私はロボットではありません.png)



Audio in the background like a CD you get with those language learning packs

You don't have to concentrate on it - just have it playing in the background while you're doing something else - becomes easier to pick out words/phrases and get used to hearing it.

2cb016 No.14335097

File: b6c9dc3149366f5⋯.jpg (138.94 KB, 513x497, 513:497, screenshot.390.jpg)

67c3ce No.14335124

File: 1a77cf2c9b41431⋯.jpeg (69.44 KB, 736x1298, 368:649, DB621255-28C8-44C3-8A13-F….jpeg)


The more you learn, the more you’ll thank Shaquille O’neal that kanji exists.



You’re gonna have an easier time reading and understanding the second rather than the first.

38e3b2 No.14335136

File: 41c48c1d65cdee6⋯.png (101.72 KB, 576x620, 144:155, ClipboardImage.png)

happy lunar new year from chinkland, /v/

28cd1d No.14335163

File: 9a8e32f7214e5c5⋯.webm (1.96 MB, 852x480, 71:40, A thousand Hitlers.webm)


>Can read the second line easily

>Still misread hiragana

Fuck me

af2c9b No.14335190


its git gud

you fucking scrub

38e3b2 No.14335204

File: f996d46f113042e⋯.png (502.13 KB, 1108x1892, 277:473, cny viv.png)


may the year of the doggo gives us many victories in the video games


0c02d6 No.14335229


The right arm is too big tbh

20f53d No.14335286

File: ebc2b0689aafbd7⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 352x395, 352:395, 1459133581543.jpg)


<I like this game that's why I don't see any problem with the depiction of the female character that is basically the same in all those other games which I find problematic

e0f187 No.14335310

File: 614fdea7019f631⋯.png (342.87 KB, 969x869, 969:869, gilda spams upboat.png)


kung hei fat choy mystery drawfag

are you really in china? don't get v& for shitposting.

951fdc No.14335314

File: bc6f297bc34437a⋯.png (239.18 KB, 629x445, 629:445, anita = cute.png)

28cd1d No.14335316


"China Numbah Wan" is a meme from PUBG

ceeba4 No.14335317


>still can't read a single character on either sentence

I mean replace only the kanji with katakana, and keep the hiragana as-is. Plus, it looks cooler with only kana.

28cd1d No.14335318


I fucked that up

e0f187 No.14335320

File: c31c92d4b040c96⋯.png (92.27 KB, 481x432, 481:432, sad 9volt.png)

951fdc No.14335324

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Good Job.webm)

c871d4 No.14335344

File: 0228c0b02460f06⋯.jpg (37.87 KB, 500x364, 125:91, anon.jpg)

38e3b2 No.14335399

File: aec1d19e4b233ad⋯.png (76.55 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Nop. Ashley Lynch is a shiniez fan. Shiniez aka Nebezial is a eurofag named Stjepan Sejic who drew for mahvel and DC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stjepan_Šejić

Ashley Lynch likes or identifies with that character who, iirc, is a cuck in a polyamorous S&M relationship

0d3557 No.14335417


What were you trying to (((do?))) *

e12aca No.14335435


From (((cuckchan)))?

38e3b2 No.14335445


The meme predates PUBG. Even playing CS 1.6 back in the day they have been yelling that shit on voice chat. CHAINA NUMBA WAN

They have this tactic where they go together as a swarm, and saving for the FN Para (machinegun)

a700bd No.14335491

File: e810496ae5caabc⋯.png (462.52 KB, 600x1450, 12:29, Cakes 04.png)

So, anymore news about Vavra and his Videogame being Critized?

8947a0 No.14335503


Other than The Guardian docking points for not being [CURRENT YEAR] enough, not really.

3f9003 No.14335504

File: fd538d921875cf8⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 425x300, 17:12, old kek.jpg)


>I tried to hover my mouse cursor for 5 seconds

>tfw it's fuck up

The most artistic format fuck up I've ever seen

7aa413 No.14335515


So, that's the original picture.

3f9003 No.14335556

File: 6ae070c093d4c75⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 622x140, 311:70, a new age of bullying.jpg)


What do you mean why you guys keep following me across the board and talk to me like I'm a trigfag why are you doing this

6fe590 No.14335592


What the fuck are you talking about gook? This is the GG thread

2344ac No.14335594

File: 693e3043010ff9d⋯.jpeg (41.61 KB, 640x477, 640:477, Asuka youre stupid and I ….jpeg)






I suppose that settles the "people being impersonated" issue.

2344ac No.14335597

7aa413 No.14335627

File: 71fde79d9869a34⋯.png (66.66 KB, 616x525, 88:75, 1469898406863.png)


>What do you mean

I keep on seeing the Pepe traced image of it. I've never seen the original until now.

>why you guys keep following me across the board and talk to me like I'm a trigfag

I wasn't searching for you Go-

>why are you doing this

<Pic related

Also, Marche, if you're still here, have you taken the chance to watch/read "Neet ara plays an MMO" (Recovery of an MMO Junkie) yet?

3f9003 No.14335649

File: add9ec63e97f5cb⋯.gif (453.68 KB, 250x188, 125:94, Shame Cube.gif)



Sorry anons keep finding me across the board almost whenever I post and I'm being paranoid and very scared

Now whenever I click New Reply on /v/ I feel like I'm being hunted and when I blend in anons I feel horror that I might found out, and invisible trip curse is branded on me



Wha.. what do you mean? What is this 'Verificationpost'? Do you mean ceeba4 is Acid imposter?

e12aca No.14335662

We are you bringing that retard up?

e12aca No.14335669

File: 4f3b3d59bdcefe8⋯.png (438.08 KB, 650x614, 325:307, bully this nerd!.png)


Holy shit my screen froze and fucked that post up. bully me

e0f187 No.14335677

File: 4832508c31d2b59⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 129.42 KB, 557x578, 557:578, lockedon.png)

File: 8cdc02705d85c37⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 63.06 KB, 318x539, 318:539, brush.png)

File: e2eb6d77dd67d78⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 96.76 KB, 935x481, 935:481, causenightmares.png)

File: 3936ddef92bee68⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 188.67 KB, 687x734, 687:734, bescared2.png)

File: 0f156e897c3e2c1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 71.72 KB, 510x294, 85:49, bescared.png)


This is your fate.

6fe590 No.14335688


That doesn't prove you're the real Acidman, it only proves you can link a verification post on gghq

8ac18c No.14335693

File: e6c43a53ad49933⋯.png (358.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 猫が03.png)

e0f187 No.14335720

File: 340f26a07192f25⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ramen yandere.png)


>an imposter acidfag shows up in last thread and this one defending Marche

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, I'm too god-damned tired to crack open this big, shitty egg full of pure autism. I'm going to go play some vidya.

I fucked up posting this three damn times

6fe590 No.14335721


>Now whenever I click New Reply on /v/ I feel like I'm being hunted and when I blend in anons I feel horror that I might found out, and invisible trip curse is branded on me

Man also if someone recognizes you just feign ignorance. And if they're like hi gook, just be like "who?"

6fe590 No.14335726

File: 525d35f03b21dee⋯.png (469.78 KB, 917x783, 917:783, Capture.PNG)


>I fucked up posting this three damn times


2344ac No.14335737

Anyway. I came here to give an update, so that's what I'm going to do.

Wiki updates.

I've enabled several large pieces of vandalism and spam protection on the wiki. It had a basic framework of spam protection before, but is now running several additional modules including fixed regional blacklists, automatic IP blacklisting and rate throttling on various functions. If you get a minor timeout error, this is the cause so just relax and try again in a few seconds.

The wiki backup system is now working properly, and I've completed the first full backup of all articles. I intend to do this weekly. The server databases and other internal filesystems will be backed up every month. The backups are stored locally on my battlestation in case something happens to the server, and I've engineered them to be "plug and play" to make a mirror of the site in case of catastrophe. All anyone would need to do is install mediawiki 1.30, download my tarball, unzip it on the server, and click a script. Twenty minutes later the wiki is back online.


We need a plan on what to do for GDC this year, be it jacking their tags (Vavra gave us good ammo, as we can rub a successful game that rejected socjus in their smelly fat faces) or something else. But we can't just let it go by unnoticed.



>Or a detailed alternative plan

We gotta do something, right? Clock's ticking.

Other bullshit


Yep, ceeba4 is apparently pretending to be me. While I appreciate the sentiments you guys showed and working full time + doing the Wiki and other stuff is a big workload, but I'm not learning Moon atm. Not sure where that came from. it was an imposter. Thank you all anyway!

I talked with Marche a little by DM last night and I think things will settle down. From his point of view, some of this stuff stems from drama that happened outside the threads and if that's true it needs to stop on all sides. He admitted to not posting for nearly a week, but (((someone))) was keeping the ball rolling in here.

If you guys see someone impersonating a known person and things are getting edgy or somehow don't feel right, just demand a verification. Guys like Marche have Twatter and I can post there or on GGHQ.

Also is the site fucking up right now, or is it just me?

8ac18c No.14335741




Is this the fuck-up part of the thread?


Check the times posted. Tricky to know that otherwise.

6fe590 No.14335747


I was joking

7aa413 No.14335749






Wouldn't a better way to prove that this is the "real Acid" be to crosslink one of his posts there on a /gamergatehq/ thread with his "Board Owner" tag on, and than crosslink that /gamergatehq/ post here?

2344ac No.14335754

File: 60170bbcd5b8dc6⋯.jpeg (57.71 KB, 502x720, 251:360, Asuka nadia.jpeg)

6fe590 No.14335756


I believed you the first time nigger I was just shitposting

7aa413 No.14335762


>…crosslink one of his posts here (In the gamergate thread) on a /gamergatehq/ thread…

Tried to make it a bit clearer.

d74f00 No.14335764


Infographs of what?

2344ac No.14335782


Fair enough, but its worth it to be sure. "Evil Namefag" drama aside, if we have impersonators in the threads again it means something is probably brewing somewhere.

A real good question is, who's behind it this time, and who else has been impersonated besides myself and Marche?


I was kinda thinking sales charts of SJW-pozzed games versus non-pozzed ones. Its low hanging fruit since KC:D just blew the doors off, but I'm sure there's other things we could show too.

6fe590 No.14335802


>but I'm sure there's other things we could show too.

Maybe infographs or something of what happens when you apologize or appease sjws

3f9003 No.14335813

File: 31758bc8b2b3d52⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, detective conan.jpg)




>bunch of (1) blindly defending Marche but also attacking him at the same time

>they knows Marche is mentally fragile sperg

>so they use him to derail the thread

>also impersonate whoever identityfag to stir up the drama shithshow and defend Marche for he dindu nuffin

>if Marche goes away constantly mention him afterward to further more derail and sabotage the thread

At last I truly see it, Marche was merely a tool. A tool for D&C and crowd control. His spergness and aggressive personality became the tool for shilling, not by himself but by others. This is fucking scheme, autistic but sophisticated as fuck scheme to bring chaos. This is fucking Illuminati tier of PSYOPS. Fucking delicate, sophisticated D&C that only the most evil and autistic men could do.

>Also is the site fucking up right now, or is it just me?

CP spams and Tor spams everywhere, post sometimes not work, cuckchan refugee taking over threads, pages sometimes not loading, shillings and goons.. Nah it's just an ordinary day in 8chan.

Now all is up to Marche, for he must stop his sperging and passive aggressive autism to stop this imposter madness. See imposters defending Marche, not attack him. His autism became the tool for goons. Marche must reflect and change his nonsense mindset attitude to not to be a tool for goons.

Or what if Marche is actually multiple personality and the Acid imposter was him too?


>And if they're like hi gook, just be like "who?"

I'm too naive to lie on the internet, I feel guilty when I lie outright. The best I can do is just ignoring them.


>tfw goons impersonating every single identityfags around here

I bet SA set their own PSYOPS disagreement room for doing this or very fucking autistic Illuminati member got board and occasioanlly come here and practice shilling in spare time. Either way it's fucking autism, but deadly, dangerous weaponized autism.


>A real good question is, who's behind it this time

A fucking autist, evil autist who spend his time enough to examine GG breads and understand the basic social construct, and impersonate identityfags to stir shit up silently.

Or it can be just a fucking attentionwhore who just envied identityfags getting all the (You)s.

Marche if you see this learn how to reflect and not to project. Be the fucking change yourself you want to see from other anons and /v/. Please don't fucking criticize the current state of bread like a semi-aware armchair quarterback, and don't be aggressive against anons who trying to help you or simply communicate with you. You became goons' favorite sperg. Learn how to communicate or they'll countinue use you.

7aa413 No.14335815

File: 8bbced581afd9e6⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Western gaming industry v….webm)


>I was kinda thinking sales charts of SJW-pozzed games versus non-pozzed ones.


The only things I can think of adding are games like Cuphead, Sonic Mania, and Kingdom Cometh. Also, how well did Elex sell? I've been seeing a number of Anons saying that it's a decent RPG.

20f53d No.14335841

File: 8575aef911318e6⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 280x200, 7:5, I was told this shit was t….gif)

wtf aliexpress is full of realdolls that look like kids and it even suggests kid clothes at the bottom



I always felt like we need some sort of booru or a image repository where we could add tags and shit. People post stuff here but sometimes you forget to save or lose it and having a repository where you can quickly search for "tag1" + "tag2" would be really helpful. I'm not sure how wikis handle image searching, does it have any sort of tagging feature?

8ac18c No.14335847


>who's behind it this time

Maybe a New Year offensive? Might not be attacking GG specifically but /v/ in general. One recent post not linking it made me think of the same thing going on at the end of last summer [2017 ~ late Aug/early Sept] Shills were definately about then - don't recall who was behind it. That's my 2¢ anyway.

5e8d32 No.14335860



I have the feeling that power doesn't corrupt as much as they say, and it's just people who are already horrible that strive for power.

e12aca No.14335863

File: b48b0a2aa744507⋯.png (25.46 KB, 601x520, 601:520, niaposting.png)


>who else has been impersonated besides myself and Marche?

I think your giving yourself way too much self importance there and maybe you should accept people didn't like the furry because he acted like a sperg, not because of some D&C, nobody likes tripfags or avatarfags on imageboards.

2344ac No.14335867


>People post stuff here but sometimes you forget to save or lose it and having a repository where you can quickly search for "tag1" + "tag2" would be really helpful. I'm not sure how wikis handle image searching, does it have any sort of tagging feature?

Wiki doesn't really have an image search function so to speak. That's kind of an interesting idea, but you'd need some kind of script to download all the images from the threads automatically and then somehow sort out all the traps, porn, and trap porn.

Even the thread archives don't contain the images posted in the threads. The thumbnails are there, but clicking them takes you to 404 AFAIK.

3f9003 No.14335876


Yeah, it's more like power corrupts people and only corrupted people seek for power. Absolute power corrupts people absolutely and fast as fuck.

6fe590 No.14335886


I wonder if making an article entitled Infographics Then making a section for each subject of infographs and posting them there would be an okay solution? As for saving all images in a thread that wouldn't be neccesary, we could have multiple calls for infographs to see what everyone has, then also post what we have. Then we would need to be diligent from then on in saving and posting infographs to the infographs wiki page

38e3b2 No.14335887

File: a31611f34173d8a⋯.png (360.73 KB, 691x340, 691:340, ClipboardImage.png)


man, China's incels must be fucking cash strapped. that or there's a lack of women being born each year, making them a minority

5e8d32 No.14335898


Hi gook, wear the dress and all that. Also argument is common here, and being offended is for faggots. When we mean "bully", it's a cute childish term in the context of teasing.

20f53d No.14335902


Doesn't even needs to be automatic (at least not at first), I wouldn't mind grabbing stuff from threads, logging in, upload it and add tags. Just having something where people can add and search for tags would be good enough, the best we have is KYM but the community is cancer and the content is tightly curated, plus the fact it can be nuked any time soon.


aliexpress main public is westerns

3f9003 No.14335905

File: b4f99ccc5420481⋯.png (42.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Anon Gondola.png)


Oh shit anon! You're replying to imposter! See




6fe590 No.14335916


He also thought it was gook for some reason

3f9003 No.14335923

File: 1971a9532c700c8⋯.png (22.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, anon...I.png)


I think he meant we also bully gook with gay jokes but he endure and not be offended much as Marche.

2344ac No.14335930


Actually we already have that anon. :3


Just follow the same structure and add whatever you think is worth adding.

ca0ebb No.14335959

what is /btwitter/ ?

it has to do with that stuff about boomers going /pol/ ?

6fe590 No.14335974

File: 519596f37e9b613⋯.png (805.46 KB, 1080x1733, 1080:1733, Sad nan.png)


Sorry Acid, my laptop died and I don't have a way to get at the harddrives right now. I'll make sure to save and upload anything I see though

6fe590 No.14335995


>but he endure and not be offended much as Marche.

Sure you do gook, that's why you're having an existential crisis at being identified in other threads right? :^)

cb6fe2 No.14336008


There is someone pretending to be an Asukafag?


Isn't he just self conscious over his english?

e388a2 No.14336013

>People are now sperging out about guns.

>People are now sperging out about games and conservatives causing violence.

>Retards think gun control is good, but video game control is also good.

Next thing is that people are gonna blame /tg/ shit for causing violence again. We keep going in circles at this point.

e12aca No.14336034

File: b14aef43505d0c4⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 363x481, 363:481, Pure hate.jpg)


/tg/ and /v/ are blamed for so much shit cause Table top games and video games clearly are the cause for mass shootings.

e388a2 No.14336057


It also looks like cuckchan managed to convince media outlets that the guy was some white supremacist anti-feminist. Briana Wu had to make it about herself and posted some tweet about him also likely being Gamergate. You even see celebrities posting selfies abouth ow sad they are.

3f9003 No.14336066

File: 1cacf7d60f801de⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 850x400, 17:8, fbd4c30759912f358f1649f726….jpg)

File: 2fe0912211dd915⋯.jpg (36.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-no-freeman-shall-be-….jpg)

File: eba759120aafd81⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-liberties-of-our….jpg)

File: db71b8facf7d700⋯.jpg (66.8 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-police-of-a-stat….jpg)

File: aadbd83ad6f9a1f⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-totalitarian-sta….jpg)


Dumb fucks will always think more control equals justice. It's chronic stupidity that haunted mankind since dawn of age and will always present until we extinct.

e12aca No.14336073

File: f3b6ebc7398f481⋯.png (56.36 KB, 187x267, 187:267, Mad ara.PNG)


>It also looks like cuckchan managed to convince media outlets that the guy was some white supremacist anti-feminist. Briana Wu had to make it about herself and posted some tweet about him also likely being Gamergate. You even see celebrities posting selfies abouth ow sad they are.

I really wish they were the ones who got shot up and not those kids.

cd4980 No.14336077

File: 6bb7b492a97e871⋯.gif (262.26 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 32wrefesxf.gif)

3f9003 No.14336088

File: 67e7917857fcbae⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 258x211, 258:211, cool guy says check em.jpg)



d74f00 No.14336103

File: 0064c9f3c823acf⋯.png (52.63 KB, 200x200, 1:1, d2fd7ac899d01ff43b8acf8b46….png)


>I was kinda thinking sales charts of SJW-pozzed games versus non-pozzed ones

It's be pretty useful, but we'd have to define an SJW-pozzed game first and that's not going to be easy. And how would we treat games that were not intended to have SJW shit on it, but were corrupted by shitty localisation or similar?

1176b4 No.14336142

File: ea44c8dbe57852d⋯.gif (26.36 KB, 500x376, 125:94, 1900a1970874e9cdd7425a5d75….gif)


>my words were wasted on an imposter

>I can't even uplift morale right

6808e2 No.14336148



I read these quotes today

>The most virtuous are those who content themselves with being virtuous without seeking to appear so.


>Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music.


Ancient greeks already knew about virtue signalling 2300 years ago

20f53d No.14336158

File: 9cdb5d56017b069⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 653x780, 653:780, Screen Shot - 18-02-16.jpg)




We could also make a list of pozzed developers and which games to boycott. We could call it "DevPozz" or maybe "BlacklistDex"

0d3557 No.14336186

File: e59a279a74f1048⋯.png (45.41 KB, 1038x495, 346:165, Capture.PNG)

Someone tell this idiot to promote the reports to global so it can be handled right.

7aa413 No.14336208

File: 363576eb95365b0⋯.png (263.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Feeling worse.png)

File: 7db5f274f422b77⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Quotefancy-813734-3840x216….jpg)


<First pic


>Ancient greeks already knew about virtue signalling 2300 years ago

<Second pic

As anything that can possibly happen already has happened, who knows how many times already. I'd say the bigger question is: why don't people acknowledge this?

8947a0 No.14336213

File: 65a0d944a3cf36f⋯.gif (135.58 KB, 468x1840, 117:460, science reporting.gif)


>Cheddar Man had blue eyes

>this is fucking huge because everyone thought it was a more recent mutation

>instead, reporters focus on skin color, something that we've known for decades

20f53d No.14336223

File: 5f4b9598e404327⋯.jpg (430.78 KB, 1878x1135, 1878:1135, 5f4b9598e4043276050fcb38c0….jpg)

File: a6376418b2697ce⋯.png (62.96 KB, 640x534, 320:267, a6376418b2697ce10792e8478e….png)

File: 5ae098a8098ee37⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 721x767, 721:767, 5ae098a8098ee3703cfbcd6a56….jpg)

File: 233a1deb9161339⋯.jpg (478.94 KB, 632x1152, 79:144, 1518759882.jpg)

So apparently someone on cuckchan pushed that the Florida shooter is a white supremacist and the journos bit the bait as hard they could. No archives, got these from /pol/

0d3557 No.14336230

File: 65514e9a8c57ee3⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, 65514e9a8c57ee33114c7f4ea0….jpg)


Surely they will all update and clarify their mistake, right?

00b837 No.14336245


>historical accuracy is a dangerous thing to strife for

Dude, what?

fe2032 No.14336267


I'm having flashbacks of some cunt saying objectivity in journalism is "silly". Was it Schreier?

cc6867 No.14336284

File: 672aa8638b01b30⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 670x468, 335:234, loli eating.jpg)

8947a0 No.14336293


Batshit Wu's latched on now, all >her media contacts won't retract it, and that includes CNN.

20f53d No.14336296

File: f0b832324179034⋯.jpg (139.18 KB, 667x497, 667:497, Screen Shot - 18-02-16 002.jpg)


I checked and the ADL updated their page ~2 hours ago (original posted 13 hours ago)


as usual they stir shit and scream to the four corners of earth and then quietly edit stuff way later

e12aca No.14336304

File: eecf73a61b8637b⋯.png (7.76 MB, 3100x6280, 155:314, Ancient Roman Shitposting.png)


Reminds me of how Romans were shitposting on walls.

8947a0 No.14336310

File: c151b5bc1c631c9⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 480x358, 240:179, 1432666040277.jpg)


>a member of an alt right discussion forum

They can't even fucking admit that halfchan gleefully pointed out that they got trolled to shit. Even when posting a correction, they still lie through their fucking teeth.

aa2235 No.14336364

File: f1a9b16819a4fa8⋯.png (138.59 KB, 593x599, 593:599, 1.png)

File: afdc495f317c5cd⋯.png (190.64 KB, 587x741, 587:741, 2.png)

File: d2f04781e8d8ed0⋯.jpg (105.33 KB, 1062x534, 177:89, 3.jpg)


stop responding to obvious shitstirrers. If you stopped giving them attention they would leave you alone. i don't know why neither you or the furry ever learned this.






There's also reports that the Leader of the group is not a reliable source. It's still possible to be some connection but they really jumped the gun here and what they had at the moment wasn't enough for any reporting.

20f53d No.14336407

File: 1101119eb720049⋯.jpg (109.31 KB, 644x581, 92:83, Screen Shot - 18-02-16 003.jpg)

Another one bites the dust


0d3557 No.14336413

File: a302008c4eb3791⋯.jpg (327.17 KB, 850x600, 17:12, 2a2d8bccc6bd6ec11526d6a3c0….jpg)


At least they're transparent about it.

e12aca No.14336415

File: 6b5a5169dce8445⋯.png (53.34 KB, 376x362, 188:181, Anon cross arms.png)


This is how many now?

e12aca No.14336418

File: 5b5a4278095f3ff⋯.jpg (160.55 KB, 754x1024, 377:512, cry smug.jpg)


You little shit.

38e3b2 No.14336428

File: 9fc17d146fd9b21⋯.gif (480.23 KB, 275x157, 275:157, coocooca cha.gif)

fe2032 No.14336464

File: 2cadd4182a76449⋯.png (314.17 KB, 572x601, 572:601, [Takasugi Kou] Masumi-san ….PNG)

5ad551 No.14336646

File: 75c217c07772ce4⋯.jpg (180.08 KB, 1219x1307, 1219:1307, hktoxyl5bwqz.jpg)

5038bd No.14336648

Silly question, but did Mark Miller actually redo Kickass but with a 'strong black woman who needs no man'?

a9acda No.14336654

File: 1d5c7126544dc20⋯.png (229.81 KB, 800x615, 160:123, 1d5c7126544dc20c334cb7e285….png)

a9acda No.14336675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, I'm shilling diversity and comics channel because he get so much salt out of the people writing these comics that they conspired to trigger his ptsd so they would have an excuse to beat him

1ca88e No.14336679


Mark Millar is a scot, and Scotland has been going towards the faggotry swedecuck route, so there's that, and his works has been getting more and more political than usual.

5ad551 No.14336682

File: b0560d07456ab63⋯.jpg (68.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1310546336453.jpg)


>Avatarfags cuddle and protect their own

Why do you value this ONE person, but not the hundreds that have also left, unnoticed and unmourned?

The answer is why avatarfags are cancer, but you helped create and (naturally) included yourself into an elevated tier of anons, so naturally you would be protective of the SYSTEM that makes you and your kind superior to the rank and file.

"Hurt one, hurt all."

1ca88e No.14336690


Might as well let anons see the abortion in fucking action, unless he does a meta comic mindfuckery then he's a retard.


5038bd No.14336691



So… the cancer finally ate his brain?

1ca88e No.14336699


He can still deliver, waiting on the whole volume to drop than to judge it, if he doesn't do meta commentary on "Comic book reboots" and instead made this deeply politicla and SJW to boot, than the cancer that ate all the other Marvel writers' brains got to him.

38bfb8 No.14336704

786889 No.14336798

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, queston.png)

What's the deal with Snopes?

38bfb8 No.14336802


Its a leftist propaganda website and always has been.

1ca88e No.14336806


>What's the deal with Snopes?

Nigger leftists who "fact check" the "fake news" before "Fake News" became mainstream.

f7d471 No.14336827

File: f77a0c155c67345⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1411524677334.jpg)


They were fine when they were debunking email chains and urban legends. Now they're gatekeeping content, however the veracity, to serve a narrative.

786889 No.14336878


I honestly don't know why you guys are so mean to Marche. All he does is post a few pics of miranda from time to time. I feel I have more reason to hate him than the rest of you, he's told me to fuck off about ten times now for no reason at all, but I chalk that up to imageboard posting. When he's not telling me to fuck off or posting Miranda I hardly notice him, what does he do that riles people so much?

38e3b2 No.14336887

File: bfd43273e65e559⋯.png (718.47 KB, 400x700, 4:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>Kick-Ass is now a black woman

>with absolutely NO ASS

Into the trash it goes

5038bd No.14336904

So, I just remembered something.

They call Black Panther the first movie about a black hero, but are they forgetting Steel and Hancock at least for the most recent examples?

e12aca No.14336905

Why are so many white knighting the furry?

38e3b2 No.14336928

File: 1bcbefe222d72f2⋯.png (67.36 KB, 1488x696, 62:29, ClipboardImage.png)


>All he does is post a few pics of miranda from time to time


786889 No.14336945


SJWs are obsessed with giving themselves headpats for amazing progressive accomplishments, trouble is most of those have already been done by previous generations. So now they pretend to be retarded and claim everything is the first time. If a black superhero comes out next year they'll forget black panther too. Mark my words.



I just want to know what he does, I know there's a whole twitter aspect to it and I know nothing about that. All I ever notice is his furry posting and being a dickhead but it's talked about as if it's more than that. Even Mark seems to have history with him beyond these threads, give me the full scoop.

38bfb8 No.14336954


And blade

5c7eac No.14336968


Consensus cracking?

e12aca No.14336980

File: f3aab7ae11d52ee⋯.png (143.17 KB, 1396x305, 1396:305, Marche is hated.PNG)

File: c1b4419b011a805⋯.png (176.89 KB, 999x475, 999:475, gook btfo marche.PNG)

786889 No.14336993


Thank you

I didn't know he impersonated Gook. That shits not cool.

e12aca No.14337001

File: 961bada027d34d2⋯.png (143.87 KB, 1441x247, 1441:247, ignore the diaperfur.png)


Not my cap but one I found in a old thread and last thing I'm going to say on this.

f7d471 No.14337021

File: 6a035af397e79e0⋯.png (67.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, detroit-2015-black-populat….png)


They have such a low opinion of themselves that they'd rather praise fictional achievements like Wakanda or Egyptian Kangz than make any achievements of their own in the present.

5038bd No.14337025


Forgot about blade, and I guess there are more examples to count, but I guess is like >>14336945

5e7c72 No.14337044


The thing that really pissed me off is when he acted like a coy cockteasing cunt for days over "something big is happening" and refused to elaborate and when he finally dropped the info no one knew who it was or really cared and he sperged the fuck out at people just because they asked him questions like "who the fuck is this" and "why does this matter?"

e12aca No.14337054


It took Gook anon a Korean with poor English to sum sum up shit that was retard easy to explain. I really hated when he accused TD anons or anons wanting to dig on localization or other shit of leader fagging.

786889 No.14337060

File: 88c3e24af80b123⋯.jpg (195.75 KB, 1024x1282, 512:641, commission__vivian_james_a….jpg)

I just found this. Best combo possible.

77301e No.14337062





>Make claim that Marche is being impersonated without proof

>Anons don't buy it because Marche outed himself on Twitter

>Make claim that this has been going on for over a week and anons should have seen it coming

>Anons don't buy it because Acid therefore also did not see it coming, else he would have done something

>Acid's excuse for not doing shit is "I believed in you guys after being here for so long"

>Practically everyone drops the subject after that

>Suddenly and conviently for his arguement someone "verifiably" impersonates Acid, despite this being counterintuitive to fucking with Marche as they had supposedly been doing, since it gives Acid ammo

>But that person's posts stop before the verfied Acid's posts begin

I'm not buying it.

38e3b2 No.14337075

File: 6c7045fe36520d6⋯.png (841.84 KB, 625x960, 125:192, ClipboardImage.png)


Frank Cho's fucking based

33f8e1 No.14337080


>Those faces

>That atrocious coloring

I wish this faggot stopped being a memelord and actually started working on improving his art.

3c3b06 No.14337093


No need to be mean, anon.

38e3b2 No.14337102


kukuruyo's art is kinda ok as the guy's been drawing monstergirl OCs on deviantart before GG. It's his comics which are worse. They're like Tom Preston's strawman comics but with no blue bear or inflation

e12aca No.14337123


This pic isn't that bad but I do agree his other shit is awful.

786889 No.14337145

File: 6593cfe32dfcd0d⋯.png (674.4 KB, 1024x1546, 512:773, commission__vivian_james_c….png)

File: ca0993351595736⋯.png (802.91 KB, 1024x1546, 512:773, commission__vivian_james_c….png)

File: a2ee893f5d2f33e⋯.png (732.96 KB, 1024x1546, 512:773, commission__vivian_james_c….png)

File: 13a6a14bbdfc66a⋯.png (752.32 KB, 1024x1546, 512:773, commission__vivian_james_c….png)

File: f5f0a5b5b546bf4⋯.png (649.47 KB, 1024x1546, 512:773, commission__vivian_james_c….png)


I thought these were cute

786889 No.14337156


Kukuruyo? Draw more Vivian and Akko.

5038bd No.14337166


>Can you ask him about my alimony?

I can't help but laugh at that.

528ee8 No.14337231

File: 9251acb72b0051c⋯.jpg (459.63 KB, 544x757, 544:757, kanako coslpays a mahousla….jpg)


Reminder that Frank Cho is white according to socjus.

b8ce3f No.14337245


>why you guys are so mean to Marche

the only thing I said about him is I was sad that he and Mark didn't get along anymore

3c3b06 No.14337330


Not him. If I were, I'd draw more Gilda.

786889 No.14337342


She's a cute too. I want a pic of akko and gilda fighting over controller two while Vivian sit's nearby with controller one looking annoyed

f7d471 No.14337365

File: b255be84bb459dd⋯.jpg (374.55 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, DWAix1VVQAAzRjs.jpg large.jpg)

And then there's this nice one from Galdelic



786889 No.14337381

File: 5f70a7c34a50d1d⋯.jpg (6.96 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 021418 viv f.jpg)


With freckles.

f7d471 No.14337400

File: d8942a0f5ce09b7⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 365x480, 73:96, d8942a0f5ce09b7ad4ad71b9f2….jpg)


>Freckles on the nape

54587f No.14337415

File: 66d14e8da92b32e⋯.png (116.08 KB, 400x313, 400:313, black panther appropriatio….png)


I'll be honest, his art isn't that great.

acd227 No.14337427


No, and even if they do, normalfags won't hear it.

Always say the truth.

e12aca No.14337434

File: 401aa196154edcb⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 480x365, 96:73, what is the cure for such ….jpg)

19195f No.14337471

Reminder to work on wiki

I just wrote all operations stubs/articles on wiki in to do page and I also wrote summaries for all Niche Gamer articles on it.

786889 No.14337508


Make an article about how awesome I am. The headline should be "Anon, and why he/she is awesome."

2cb016 No.14337512

File: 3805b1abcc12845⋯.jpg (201.94 KB, 1300x698, 650:349, Have A Bite 34.jpg)

Good evening, anons.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

38e3b2 No.14337579

File: b6f6e1e99eebb99⋯.png (266.37 KB, 1198x1204, 599:602, viv thighsquishh.png)

File: b3fff6d3428813c⋯.jpg (843.74 KB, 1799x2198, 257:314, qipaoviv.jpg)


Fuck yeah I'm watching kung fu movies all day. Watching Ip Man 3 rn, and it has a young bruce lee in it

951fdc No.14337583

File: a992faa1373cf61⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 320x267, 320:267, 22298670749d67a03a6490fed3….jpg)


Virtue Signalling is in the Bible as well, blew my mind when I read it

Matthew 6:1-5

>And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full

154540 No.14337584


>chingchong chingchong


19195f No.14337587


No way, fag.

2cb016 No.14337601


That's great to hear anons. Kung fu movies produced by Shaw Scope are great too. I hope you watched them before.


Sorry for that. It's just there's no Chinese community nearby our area. As much as I want to try out their food for their New Year, it's not possible.

38e3b2 No.14337604


It's probably dogmeat.

aa2235 No.14337637


>not a journalist

These news stories only interest me if it's a journo, otherwise it's just noise.



Owner was in legal trouble, accused of fraud and spending the expenses on prostitutes


He's slowly getting better but overall yeah, he still needs more time in the lab. And his comics are peak cringe.

b8ce3f No.14337678


>accused of fraud and spending the expenses on prostitutes

no images can portrait my laughter

3200d4 No.14337682

File: 55007f586ef4e8e⋯.png (51.84 KB, 785x617, 785:617, NOHUGS_NOTHUGS.png)

>FreeBSD adopts Feminist Code of Conduct



e12aca No.14337685

File: 7257b9c2554aad1⋯.png (301.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hohoh ehehe.png)



Sweet Jesus why is 2018 such a fucking good year already?!

54587f No.14337691

Fucking 9anime won't work, where can I stream anime?

19195f No.14337694



I really hate this shit, I wonder how fast Unix will crash and burn.

951fdc No.14337700

File: 1ca806ea4105c19⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, 1ca806ea4105c195fa9cecbcff….mp4)


>streaming anime

538401 No.14337713

File: 9f25dce651b72c2⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 455x455, 1:1, 7e442cd052adad8b1c.jpg)

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else unforeseen consequences may befall to the people that you love or hold high respect.

Never forget, hatred does not bear fruit, love conquers all.

aa2235 No.14337753

File: 8be5d6c799e75c6⋯.png (157.08 KB, 815x734, 815:734, games.png)

1ca88e No.14337773


>Kyle Orland

>Le regret nothing

Into the shitter it goes.

6dc0b3 No.14337799

File: 4eff358408a6b66⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 300x169, 300:169, hRiJjI5.gif)


It probably won't even be enough if we nail every single study, that frees video games of any wrongdoing, onto their heads.

528ee8 No.14337832


Wow tripdubs, that's a really violent analogy. I guess you can't help it because video games made you that way.


1efadc No.14337835


Sam Hyde secretly was the school shooter.

1ca88e No.14337841


There were reports of two shooters, and most of the authorities said it was just the adrenaline pumping through the people's head, but secretly Sam Hyde got away with it.

2cb016 No.14337842



7aa413 No.14337848

File: 3461882fe756b7a⋯.webm (4.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, act like a man.webm)

File: 9e8aad5266738e2⋯.jpg (278.95 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, scalia-01.jpg)

File: 33048ae2d15b025⋯.png (297.51 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, scalia-04.png)

File: f3afcd04af054bc⋯.jpg (526.67 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, e3a97b9ccc6df7277aaf74400d….jpg)

File: 45023485dff96bd⋯.jpg (132.18 KB, 960x706, 480:353, 1465841809955-3.jpg)


>They celebrate the slaughtering of people. There are games that literally replicate and give people the ability to score points for doing the very same thing that these students are doing inside of schools, where you get extra points for finishing someone off who's lying there begging for their life.

Has there actually been a video game that does this? Th only one I can think of is Hatred.

>These are quote-unquote video games, and they're forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech

>It's garbage. It's the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency. We're reaping what we've sown here.

>Why do we need a video game, for example, that encourages people to kill people. Whether it's lyrics, whether it's TV shows, whether it's movies, I'm asking the producers of these products, these video games and these movies, ask yourselves what redemptive value, other than shock value, other than the hope you'll make a couple of bucks off it. At what price? At what price?

>Florida lawyer Jack Thompson was one of the loudest proponents of the link between video games and real-world violence for years before he was disbarred in disgrace in 2008. But violent video games as a potential cause of real shootings is an idea that has been floated in some form by everyone from the NRA to President Obama over the years.

>International comparisons of per capita spending on violent games and gun-related murders show a negative correlation between the two. And meta-analyses of video game violence studies have found no real link between imaginary on-screen violence and actual aggressive behavior.

>Long-term longitudinal studies of children from the '90s show only very minor increase in behavioral problems for children who played violent video games. But other research has shown that violent video game players actually do become desensitized to violence, at least in the short term.

>Science aside, video games and other violent media will likely be a focus for many politicians and commentators looking for an explanation for this latest bout of violence in the coming days. International statistical comparisons, though, suggest that the prevalence of guns in the United States is more closely correlated with these kinds of mass shootings.

b5f531 No.14337873

Have some happy news.


>The wet-and-wild third-person shooter will launch for Windows PC (via Steam) on March 7th. Pre-orders are already available over on the game’s Steam page, where a pre-order will net you a 15% discount over the regular 10% launch week discount.

For those that care about this kind of thing

>All pre-orders include the “Eternal Summer Camisole” DLC, which is an exclusive pre-order bonus for 4 weeks prior to being made available separately for $3.99/€3.99/£2.99. XSEED will also offer two DLC costumes – the “Clean-Up Maid (Mint)” and “Clean-Up Maid (Marine Blue)”, alongside the “Special First-Print Pack” for free to all players during the first four weeks.

786889 No.14337875


It's working for me.

2cb016 No.14337917

File: 26b88025408b7ea⋯.png (261.9 KB, 587x344, 587:344, Yano Shrug.png)


So when the narrative of "sexist video games influences sexist behaviors against women by men" didn't work, they fallback on Jack Thompson's narrative in which by the way, they mocked during this kind of hitpieces have been spread around.

These people have no consistent. But then again, the sense of sanity and humanity are lost to these people.

5038bd No.14337918



Can anyone post the "we are not Jack Thompson" song webm?

b5f531 No.14337926


I guess they just decided to stop using reasons to hate games.

Now they will just hate games because they can't live with the fact that they are nearing 40 and still write about videogames.

2cb016 No.14337940

File: 5151b309ed5e66c⋯.jpg (58.8 KB, 582x441, 194:147, Retard 2210.jpg)


You're too British to take the job so therefore you're not qualified, in FUCKING BRITAIN!

786889 No.14337946



I've always been fond of the argument that they got into gaming journalism on the hopes that it would lead to greater things like CNN, but instead nobody will hire them because they're gaming journalists and now they find themselves with a useless resume in a deadened job covering a field they also now hate for an audience that hates them even more. Truly, being a gaming journalist is probably the lowest of the low. I have trouble thinking of a job that is lower than gaming journalist. I truly do.

e12aca No.14337963

File: cf927b730a3d9da⋯.gif (725.55 KB, 446x251, 446:251, what's_wrong_with_you.gif)


They hate video games and aren't afraid to hide it anymore.


>Home grown candidates are a no

<We welcome our Moorish workers to push out the working Brit

Holy fucking shit how is the UK or the rest of Europe still considered 1st world?

5038bd No.14337977


I wouldn't mind being a games journalist if the term wasn't so pozzed and I sucked so much at certain videogames, yet I'm much better than any casual.

6dc0b3 No.14337979

File: 35ede4098e6fa30⋯.jpg (25.47 KB, 650x283, 650:283, 96280f7827ba003eab75ec33b6….jpg)


Good one.

528ee8 No.14337987


I think so too for the most part, but I also believe some actually went into it when they were young and actually liked vidya. Only even they lost the spark by turning their hobby into a job and then having a few midlife crises about being middle-aged and still writing about what their normalfag peers see as being kids' toys.

006542 No.14338008

>Kühn S, Kugler D, Schmalen K, Weichenberger M, Witt C, Gallinat J - "The Myth of Blunted Gamers: No Evidence for Desensitization in Empathy for Pain after a Violent Video Game Intervention in a Longitudinal fMRI Study on Non-Gamers"

(Whole PDF available through archive link)


>Eurogamer: Civilization 6's sexist leaders are getting tweaked


>Christopher J. Ferguson - "It's time to end the debate about video games and violence"


>Aoife Martin / Headstuff - "#MeToo | Is There A Reckoning Due for the Gaming Industry?" (gamedrops)


7aa413 No.14338014

File: 620c0753241f8f1⋯.png (981.67 KB, 1730x1150, 173:115, 87b.png)

File: 234c1ba770e7c0a⋯.jpg (513.53 KB, 1539x1025, 1539:1025, (((who))) started attack o….jpg)


<Closest I've got

2cb016 No.14338021


The 1st image is missing someone. Oh right, Gloria Steinem who wanted tabletop gaming to be banned all across the USA during the 80's.

77301e No.14338033

File: 2f2bbe39a750663⋯.png (208.22 KB, 713x496, 23:16, Screen_Shot_2018-01-26_at_….png)


>It's not benis

f8de9f No.14338059

File: 180bc8d5a826584⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 121.31 KB, 238x301, 34:43, 5975be012e0fc2058f12a09478….png)

19195f No.14338065


>I have trouble thinking of a job that is lower than gaming journalist.

I don't have problems with that.

Whores, shills that get paid 0.02 cents per post, politicians, anything related to gender studies and some other jobs that nobody cares about.

9b844e No.14338070

File: e1893761624a113⋯.png (31.81 KB, 262x192, 131:96, SILENCE.png)


Delete this.

77301e No.14338089


>So when the narrative of "sexist video games influences sexist behaviors against women by men" didn't work, they fallback on Jack Thompson's narrative

What do you mean "they"? The person saying these things is a republican and Ars Technica is relaying what he said, in addition to taking a stance against it by saying studies disprove what he says. They also blame the violence on guns.

77301e No.14338113


Again, now to a different anon. Did you even read the article, or just the the screencap?

f55c86 No.14338137

File: d141d2b339714e0⋯.png (169.25 KB, 401x317, 401:317, 764e893dcf83d1a4393269a1ce….png)



>tfw Buzzfeed might be the ones who destroy the DNC

38e3b2 No.14338150

File: 66de5ba2024f23b⋯.gif (929.51 KB, 336x206, 168:103, big load.gif)


One of them will perish, and it's fine

786889 No.14338255


But think of it this way, at least those are things the people doing them enjoy.

951fdc No.14338259

File: 88e672c006723c5⋯.webm (9.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Renge born to kill.webm)


>They also blame the violence on guns

They act like firearms are the Gonne from Discworld

126c23 No.14338273


>A spokesman for Blu Global said that Ms Ivanoa, who sent the email, had her contract terminated as a result of the incident.

A small silver lining.

19195f No.14338340


I am not sure if someone would enjoy being whore or shill which is paid 0.02 cents for one post.

006542 No.14338347

Attn Gov. Matt Bevin: There is No Link Between Violence and Video Games


7aa413 No.14338359

File: ec9543f2da0a438⋯.png (25.51 KB, 536x392, 67:49, 1448231802650.png)

File: e1bfa2a8bcd5992⋯.png (130.31 KB, 600x829, 600:829, 1465841809954-2.png)

File: 771068bf0837672⋯.png (279.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1465841809955-4.png)

File: 1779399f5a84726⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 592x489, 592:489, 949b7c12aae2b07e42c555e56e….jpg)

File: 3a84706e00437bc⋯.mp4 (3.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Oy vey, remember the 98 mi….mp4)



Eh, aren't there some whores have have standards (Ironically enough)?

>shills that get paid 0.02 cents per post

It's a pathetic thing to do, but if it's to pay the bills (And, you're posting under a guise)…


That used to be an honorable job because you were suppose to be there to serve the community, not have them serve you.


>They also blame the violence on guns.

And, we have more than enough information saying that narrative is bullshit. Yet, people still parrot it.

9d6e61 No.14338441



They pull all this shit at this point to spite gamers, they dont even care if they go out of buisness at this point, as long as they harm gamers and normalfags for shit anf giggles.


Cho always bringing the laughs.


Note this is not the first time, and if /pol/ is being honest, the whole "drumph is butt buddie with pootin" came from /pol/ as a false rumor too.


Forgot spawn, but everyone forgets spawn, even mcfarlane.

b8ce3f No.14338456


I always thought spawn was cool, even after soul calibur 2

528ee8 No.14338467



He didn't deserve to suffer like he did. But that's what happens when you make deals with the devil.

7aa413 No.14338490

File: 4c32a3d231dcc78⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1017_front.jpg)

File: 5b8516638322371⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 14744_front.jpg)


Why hasn't Shadow Man gotten a movie yet? I remember read that the comic was one of the best selling series out there (Before Acclaim acquired it, that is).

1ca88e No.14338515


>Why hasn't Shadow Man gotten a movie yet? I remember read that the comic was one of the best selling series out there (Before Acclaim acquired it, that is).

It almost dead, with that fat fuck sellout Ice Cube in the role, glad that Acclaim, even though their video games were not getting better, were focused on that than a possible film, a year or two ago there was news about making a Valiant Universe movie series, but it stills in the development phase, Shadow Man is one of the top contenders along with X-O Manowar and Eternal Warrior

1ca88e No.14338518


>Almost did

Fuck, need to get some sleep.

7acb6f No.14338684

File: c88f0ab8812cbd1⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 154c8f72d1f21305923d10ddb0….gif)


the makers of that app is not affiliated with cuckchan and that app is nowhere as used as cuckchan's main app. Our crossboard cuckchan issues mainly stem from a combination of faggots that came here during the both the gg exodus and the cuck/pol/ exodus then returning to cuckchan because muh board speed, despite this some of them still come back. These brand of faggots refuse to assimilate to our board culture and thus is slowly turning us into cuckchan 2.0 along with that they advertise this site whenever the mods at cuck/v/ and cuck/pol/ ban something. That why we saw a massive cuckchan influx during the fall of neofag and honestly I don't think the board has recovered from that.

19195f No.14338724


>Our crossboard cuckchan issues mainly stem from a combination of faggots that came here during the both the gg exodus and the cuck/pol/ exodus then returning to cuckchan because muh board speed, despite this some of them still come back.

>These brand of faggots refuse to assimilate to our board culture and thus is slowly turning us into cuckchan 2.0 along with that they advertise this site whenever the mods at cuck/v/ and cuck/pol/ ban something.

The only solution for this is giving them perm-bans when they out themselves until they fuck off.

The most annoying thing about it is that these faggots needed to go here from all fucking imageboards on net.

8947a0 No.14338726


>Oh right, Gloria Steinem who wanted tabletop gaming to be banned all across the USA during the 80's.

Ironic that she was apparently Anita's mentor, and now Anita herself is going after tabletop.

Oh wait, no it isn't, same shit, different face.

e02844 No.14338766

File: 9ebe24540d4fcbc⋯.png (447.28 KB, 735x669, 245:223, 9ebe24540d4fcbcb7bbd0f4375….png)


I legit think brainlet wojak ought to be grounds for a permaban.

5038bd No.14338813

File: 2ef9a75de478177⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 572x407, 52:37, so lame.jpg)

Someone got imprisoned and fined with 10000€ in Spain for saying on twitter that 'more women should die' and the left celebrates it.

Sources, spanish news in La Sexta.

fe2032 No.14338851

File: 58ab5d1ae4c7406⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 484x750, 242:375, lucoa wat.jpg)


>around $12K for a Twitter post

And they're probably not done yet, he's probably gonna lose his job and all that shit for just posting that.

I'm gonna need some context though.

77301e No.14338859


>They pull all this shit at this point to spite gamers, they dont even care if they go out of buisness at this point

Read the fucking article you mongoloid. Ars Technica, specifically Kyle Orlandand in this case, as cancersous SJW shit as that rag is, is taking a stance against the notion that videogames are to blame for the shooting, or any shooting. We have five or so anons having kneejerk reactions to the headline and news source in the screencap, despite the fact that it states "says Kentucky gov" in the damn headline.

5038bd No.14338872


The same context I got. There is a constant campaign in Spain about 'machist violence' they dropped the gender violence neutrality a long time ago and some guy on Twitter said that more should have die because women were whores or some shit like that.

Something nice? not really. Something to go to jail for and pay more than a year's salary in a country full of unemployed people? Not even close.

I was going to complain that spain lost his freedom a long time ago, then I remembered Spain never had freedom to begin with.

c4cae8 No.14338875


dubs of truth, anyone who posts brainlet wojack should be pubically permabanned on sight.

I'd say also make it public so they can know they are not welcome.

7acb6f No.14338879


I remember they fucked off for a while after harmony because the board sfx scared them off.

786889 No.14338887

File: fc910bf2a82212f⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1499732434.gif)

My mom ordered me an icecream cake for my birthday tuesday and guess what color she ordered it in? Green and purple!

My birthday is actually sunday but I work so we're celebrating it tuesday

67c3ce No.14338892

File: c5ccdf22d518eaf⋯.jpeg (74.04 KB, 1005x629, 1005:629, 29A46C1A-9429-408F-8C33-5….jpeg)


This man followed da wey and fapped himself to death

28cd1d No.14338893


Friendly reminder that the only way to know that a meme is from cuckchan is to go there yourself.

1efadc No.14338907

File: c70b758f2c3fddc⋯.png (11.17 KB, 702x491, 702:491, mark_is_fat.png)


Fuck you mark.


Dead meme but fucking nice way to go.

c4cae8 No.14338908

File: f2513fc16a287b0⋯.png (278.58 KB, 598x552, 13:12, 1471555837678.png)


actually, if a foreign meme is constantly posted out of nowhere and it sounds like nigger speak (see: thot) it's a cuck chan meme and should be eliminated on sight.

e02844 No.14338919


Because deductive reasoning isn't a thing that exists apparently.

Seriously though, I've seen faggots that I know for a fact still visit cuckchan, post that shit on twitter along with caps from /r9k/ and shit.

786889 No.14338921

File: 3b26539d2dfbe16⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 351x352, 351:352, 1517341313.jpg)


You can tell by the numbers of the file name too. I saved a bunch of pics from twitter before and they all had their original filenames, which one of them was the random numbers that imageboards name them as when you download them, and the number was very big don't remember what it was I renamed it since then and an anon in a random thread called me out on it and told me to go back to cuckchan. At the time I couldn't figure out what on earth made him think I was a cuckchanner, but later figured it out.


I'm not cool enough to be Mark.

19195f No.14338926


>Died after wanking 62 times on Valentine's Day.



>they fucked off for a while after harmony because the board sfx scared them off

What the faggots.


I report these, when I see them.

I still remember that shitstorm in cardboard threads.

fe2032 No.14338935

File: 35edc8ce186cfa5⋯.gif (342.66 KB, 500x281, 500:281, green and purple.gif)


Jesus Christ anon, this wasn't a GG icecream cake!

Your mom gave you the daily dose!

1efadc No.14338954


>Implying Mark is cool

You just need to eat a cake by yourself and you magically become mark.

Don't try it at home.

951fdc No.14338959

File: 0f5b073884adfbf⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 599x337, 599:337, CgcwT7UUUAAO04u.jpg)


An hero

27225c No.14338967


So there just isn't going to be anyone left in Hollywood to act in movies and TV by the time all this is over is there?

01f1c5 No.14338968

File: 2557b00eee3c511⋯.png (61.72 KB, 1007x822, 1007:822, Success.png)



0f417f No.14339016


So eating cake by yourself gives you jewish ancestry and severe autism?

77301e No.14339020


>Anons believe joke news


>“The young man was on his bed… his pen*s was detached from his body, it must have been so intense it just came off his body, we found his pen*s gripped in his left hand so tightly we couldn’t get it out, it was tragic”.

0d3557 No.14339023


How do they get the exact number?


786889 No.14339034

I was gonna shitpost my friend with a bunch of rape jokes but legit can't find a site with a list of them. I'm 5 pages in on google and it's all articles about why rape jokes are evil.

7aa413 No.14339037

File: 5c77ca5d67e5b21⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 359x359, 1:1, Get Out 4.jpg)


>Using Google

1efadc No.14339042


Yes do not try it at home anon.


786889 No.14339045


I even tried "list of rape jokes" and getting the same results.

5038bd No.14339092

So… why everyone is crying about guns and not crying about murderous southamericans?

28cd1d No.14339101

File: c3ff28ceed70039⋯.png (327.76 KB, 845x867, 845:867, ClipboardImage.png)


19195f No.14339106


Next gun grab attempt. It's getting annoying and I am not even from burgerland.

c4cae8 No.14339115

File: c7813da0e0ab008⋯.png (822.21 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, keep out.png)

28cd1d No.14339124


The goal is not to make America better. The goal is to win against the other side. If they wanted to try and solve the issue, they would start with mental heathcare reform, something that the right WOULDN'T fight them over.

7aa413 No.14339137

File: 03fe75ecd866007⋯.png (247.46 KB, 1630x1200, 163:120, violent-crime-vs-video-gam….png)

File: c4d33903fcf23ca⋯.pdf (283.97 KB, Understanding Why Crime Fe….pdf)



That's why I don't pay much attention to the news. Also, the crime rate in the U.S. was actually dropping until 2015, which is when it started to rise again.

951fdc No.14339142

File: 7fd04d8e55e8a95⋯.png (144.35 KB, 1222x1100, 611:550, c6147c2ebd71ec972b1f62dec3….png)


The best way to stop school shootings would be to make Psychopathy/Misanthropy illegal

c4cae8 No.14339150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


because minorites dindu nuffin, it's always mean white kids shooting up the schools

5038bd No.14339156


They could have cared about the boy, to solve his problem, but of course the only way to deal with awkward bullied children is to imprison them just in case.

77301e No.14339164

File: 06ce54ac5e829d6⋯.png (71.08 KB, 727x736, 727:736, ClipboardImage.png)


Way to prove video games cause violence asshole :^)

0d3557 No.14339175

File: 02112c36d245793⋯.jpg (458.07 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 6602982.jpg)



I tried looking some up on ixquick and likewise, I only get a few articles decrying them. Very few actually listing.

Me? I don't think I'd be good at a rape joke. I'm never in the mood and it comes out dry. That didn't stop him though.

7aa413 No.14339181


The FBI actually knew for over a year that the kid was mentally unstable. However, their cover story is "Uh, we didn't know, there was nothing to go off of" after looking really, really, REALLY hard at a YouTube comment he made, and nothing else.


Read the PDF.

b5f531 No.14339197


>The gun lobby will have zero power

>A group of people owning a shitton of guns

>Zero power

Keep telling yourself that.

c4cae8 No.14339238


most who survived the shooting would be more pro-gun than anything, they would like to have a surviving chance.

Also we have had school shootings since the 70's yet nothing has changed. those redditos are too optimistic for their own good.

28cd1d No.14339271


Deadliest school mass murder in America happened in 1927, and didn't use guns

006542 No.14339301

Charlie C Hall / Polygon - "Kingdom Come: Deliverance is beautiful, but boring" ("…game’s creative director has gone out of his way to rationalize his support of GamerGate, a loosely knit hate group that has devoted time to harassing women, people of color and journalists in the past.")


Julia Alexander / Polygon - "Can YouTube fix its comment section?"


System Shock reboot that raised $1.3M on Kickstarter is now on ‘hiatus'


fe2032 No.14339329

File: 5bd451aac073a15⋯.gif (8.35 MB, 480x480, 1:1, haydee dancing.gif)


>yet another kikestarter in hiatus

You'd believe people would wake up after Star citizen, but no.

e08923 No.14339363

File: 835c1f5dfd0891a⋯.png (79.68 KB, 502x577, 502:577, tumblr_ouibqymECv1qlu9j7o3….png)


>I want to believe


You don't keep a tally? What a faggot.

6fe590 No.14339430


Only faggots don't have a clicker to record their high score

8947a0 No.14339436

File: b71a31e1592159b⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 270x473, 270:473, 1428162105112.jpg)



It's amazing just how easily they destroy their own arguments.


>game’s creative director has gone out of his way to rationalize his support of GamerGate, a loosely knit hate group that has devoted time to harassing women, people of color and journalists in the past

They're so close to actually fucking admitting that the only people who got most of the flak were journalists. So close. Shame they want to try and rally the identity politics crazies as human shields.

407464 No.14339444


and what was that

28cd1d No.14339453



Guy literally suicide bombed in his truck

719af6 No.14339484

File: 2bd71625b558e17⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 456x402, 76:67, 1517950892.jpg)


>"Preposterous! Videogames do not turn people into school shooters!" - Kyle Orland, award winning writer of "How videogames are rife with misogyny, toxic masculinity and can turn boys into rapists"


serves them right for pushing this "listen and believe" shit and the constant virtue signaling

27225c No.14339518


I can't find this tweet.

5038bd No.14339520

File: 921a8c736aa528b⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tears.gif)



f55c86 No.14339523


Happens every time shit like that happens, it's kinda boring tbh.

0d3557 No.14339550

File: 1c616f122a31ab5⋯.png (233.74 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac….png)

Is archive today down for anyone?

0d3557 No.14339557

File: df37a483b443d8e⋯.png (17.97 KB, 1060x272, 265:68, Capture.PNG)

File: c68245f22411cec⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 720x656, 45:41, panic.jpg)

I was archiving shit and it stopped working.



7aa413 No.14339567



Don't panic, Gook. The ".fo" alt. is still working it seems.

0d3557 No.14339575

File: 8d0f74697629907⋯.png (13.58 KB, 704x299, 704:299, Capture.PNG)

File: 0e88946e627c85d⋯.jpg (286.79 KB, 760x901, 760:901, 8e9828b2a180e0c78b6ee500a4….jpg)



6fe590 No.14339577



.is also still works too, I just did this


It must just be you gook

6fe590 No.14339582


What are you trying to archive? I can do it for you if you want

0d3557 No.14339600

File: 32de0a6a212e76c⋯.jpg (264.18 KB, 635x406, 635:406, 9f12992985d9ddc705f78ac44a….jpg)

I'll just post the stuff I managed to archive before it stopped working for me. I'll copy it over when the new thread starts. Who's baking?

Atari launching two cryptocurrencies

Shares spike 52% after company unveils Atari Token and Pong, announces plans to allow cryptocurrencies in its gambling business

gameindustrybiz: https://archive.is/oqxQS

pcgamer: https://archive.is/Db3hj

rollinstones https://archive.is/iL1Vq

Deadly Premonition director Swery making a new game called The Missing for 2018

Arc System Works is publishing the next game from the cult director, who says it "will blow your mind."

pcgamer https://archive.is/KNpqw

Metal Gear Survive Beta Now Live On PS4, Xbox One, And PC

Try the Metal Gear spin-off before it releases next week.

gamespot https://archive.is/nZkYT

Bayonetta 2 Is Too Good To Have Stayed Buried On The Wii U

(((Kotaku))) https://archive.is/p4E0h

Mafia 3 developer Hangar 13 suffers layoffs

2K Games said the staffing cuts were necessary to ensure its long-term plans.

pcgamer https://archive.is/WHTp8

FCC chairman Ajit Pai is under investigation over $3.9 billion media deal

pcgamer https://archive.is/izXHX

Intel is facing 32 lawsuits over Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities

pcgamer https://archive.is/PHZpD

Kentucky Governor Blames Violent Video Games For Shootings

kotaku https://archive.is/M1dfx

5038bd No.14339605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How to visit japan without being an annoying disrespectful faggot.

7acb6f No.14339612


the olympics is going to be a massive culture shock with hundreds of logan pauls running around.

0d3557 No.14339614

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Also, I'm not gook. He was already imprisoned long ago, anons have been impersonating him for a long while now.


>not hooktube

e566c1 No.14339619


>gook was finally imprisoned for his warcrimes

9d6e61 No.14339620


>Bayonetta 2 Is Too Good To Have Stayed Buried On The Wii U

Not at all, its still impressive that itsthe most accesable action game ever, yet never got rewarded for it, nor did it due to sojus pressure.

3c3b06 No.14339623

File: 0a1538d6b92726c⋯.jpg (98.29 KB, 768x515, 768:515, 0a1538d6b92726c49622d64d96….jpg)


>tfw lots of Japanese will hate you because lots of foreigners are retarded, despite how much you respect everyone

6fe590 No.14339638


Fair enough, you were using similar pictures to him and freaking out like he does. Do you need anything else archived anyway?

1b1cd7 No.14339646



I don't know if I'm looking forward to this or not.

0d3557 No.14339652


It's only misc and trash articles. A couple of industry ones as well. I tried again and it started working. I'll follow up in a bit.

7acb6f No.14339665



Why was bayonetta's smash appearance the thing to make sjws do a aboutface, before that they hated her along with other femme fatale characters and referred to her as a fighting fuck toy.

6fe6ba No.14339691


Because double standards to the Nth degree.

70460c No.14339723


On the one hand it's inevitable, on the other hand sending them Niggers to the military base stationed there doesn't leave a good impression either. Europe has more to worry about because Americans have that very aggressive and obnoxious attitude stereotype.

27225c No.14339739

File: e7378cefdf0fd14⋯.png (287.63 KB, 849x1024, 849:1024, 大一大万大吉.png)



If it ends up causing a public backlash that allows the Japanese to protect their culture and country then I'm OK if they hate me. I just want them to endure.

0d3557 No.14339764

File: 72b9e9422d7a190⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 750x1500, 1:2, 8e9efc1fdad746d622369747b5….jpg)

Fug I'm hungry. News grinding can be a pain. Even more annoying when the more relevant ones need a proxy to archive.

pubg sold 30M but player count is down because of cheaters

videogamer https://archive.is/ueXvc

polygon https://archive.is/hqiiw

criticalhitgaming https://archive.is/xesJE

Kingdom Come: Deliverance's Xbox Patches Are A Mess

kotaku: https://archive.is/vS4EB

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is beautiful, but boring

An immature, awkward thing but not without its graces

polygon https://archive.is/WqcZl

Gree VR Fund invests $18.3m into 17 augmented and virtual reality startups

San Francisco-based venture capital fund re-brands to reflect commitment beyond just virtual reality

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/LyLh6

Virtual reality plant breeding game Seed wins $150,000 Developing Beyond prize fund

Developer All Seeing Eye secures unanimous support from judging panel at inaugural contest final

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/ANEDI

VR Experience Relives The Assassination of MLK

kotaku https://archive.is/SIUzk

For Hideki Kamiya, Bayonetta 4 seems to be a given

destructoid https://archive.is/YlE1G

Eugen Systems employees on strike

Almost half of strategy studio's developers walk out claiming labor law violations

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/qm2wM

Learning to love older games

The recent boom in remastered games isn't just business as usual; it signifies an underlying shift in how consumers value older games

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/NCjQo

A Look Back At Xenogears, 20 Years Later

gamespot https://archive.is/Tq42z

Senator: It Is Important We Protect Players From Loot Boxes in Video Games

An interview with Sen. Hassan

rollingstones https://archive.is/2wi4s

(((Modder))) Makes $6,000 A Month Adding Drugs To The Sims 4

kotaku https://archive.is/k9Jtj

The History of Ion Storm

The tumultuous story of two of the most influential studios in PC gaming history.

pcgamer: https://archive.is/61rEG

Report: 69% of consumers find cosmetic microtransactions acceptable

Only 6% of consumers never spend money on microtransactions

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/1vpwR

The horrifying Yume Nikki looks mundane — until it’s absolutely not

Only in dreams, we see what it means

polygon https://archive.is/bb5Hs

9d6e61 No.14339785


>For Hideki Kamiya, Bayonetta 4 seems to be a given

Quit rushing kamiya, 3 wont even be out this year going by how long it took 2.


Because they have connections with noa and dont want to get their friends replaced with people who actually like video games

9d6e61 No.14339794


>The horrifying Yume Nikki looks mundane — until it’s absolutely not

>Only in dreams, we see what it means

Fucking secondaries tertiaries

19195f No.14339829


Good to know that other anons also are aware about tertiary cancer.


>Only 6% of consumers never spend money on microtransactions

This doesn't look good.

67c3ce No.14339851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At least they can actually be anti-immigrant in their own country without being called racist

e08923 No.14339857

File: 287aa0ba73130f8⋯.png (454.75 KB, 1200x1314, 200:219, 287aa0ba73130f8a8758116f17….png)


>only 6% saying they DO make make in-game purchases

Reading comprehension man. Poorly written article with errors and not clearly defining that these in game purchases are cosmetic.

77301e No.14339876


There are two place where it says only 6% never purchase. The subheadline and the graph. There's only one place where it says they only 6% do. The latter is more likely to be the error.

e08923 No.14339946


I mean the whole study is fucked anyways since they try to frame all the questions as mutually exclusive when you can simultaneously hold multiple positions on the issue.

It would be more valid to say:

>I don't purchase cosmetic dlc


>I do purchase cosmetic dlc

023529 No.14339970


>This stuff is eventually going to lead to a full blown war over race, religion, and the power of the state.

Most ironically the war will be raged by muslims who consider such treatment as an affront to aloha. Also pro-tranny grandparents, probably boomers.


>It's not just that it's the norm, it's that there's zero consequence for being an asshole or hurting someone's feelings.

More importantly, there are zero consequences for being HONEST.


>I was kinda thinking sales charts of SJW-pozzed games versus non-pozzed ones.

I can create some OF comparison charts. All I need is data. Day 1, Week 1, Month1 game sales of pozzed and unpozzed games would be a good start. Please reply asap so I can start making them. 3 of each would create a good sample set.

023529 No.14339977

19195f No.14340023


>only 6% saying they DO make make in-game purchases

This is what I get for not reading entire article.


Any particular genres or recent games?

I don't follow newest video games releases.

70460c No.14340080


Don't worry too bad it got me too.

2513c0 No.14340155

/v/GAs tomorrow, will it be good ? 2017 had some amazing games for once

e12aca No.14340159


That's why you bully them and drive them back to where they came.

88ea7c No.14340287

File: 06b84fddce3b2f9⋯.png (77.72 KB, 1044x414, 58:23, ss.png)

a595b9 No.14340299

File: 85c2045a7ff7cfe⋯.png (401.07 KB, 853x471, 853:471, OH FU-.PNG)

88c33b No.14340300


No. Still looking forward to them though.

4d3a5b No.14340349

File: ea654ddc428d93a⋯.gif (1019.37 KB, 394x259, 394:259, tumblr_m43vxdotGR1qdlh1io1….gif)

One day, Archive.org and it's affiliates will all be shut down, utterly crippling GG.

And 8chan, who gave not one single dollar to any pro-GG content creator for years, will have the gall to say "Oh shi-! How did this happen?!"

6fe590 No.14340355


>Archive.org and it's affiliates will all be shut down

Luckily we use archive.is

1176b4 No.14340368



You mean the United States government backed digital library that documents every single fucking webpage dating back for the past two decades?

I think someone here deserves extreme fucking bullying.

e12aca No.14340383

File: 52948ccba712fb5⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 315x242, 315:242, ehehe.gif)

>using tumblr file names

fe2032 No.14340386

File: db053703620cbc5⋯.gif (438.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, db053703620cbc54d726f902fd….gif)

719af6 No.14340423

File: 1aadcb46d59a40d⋯.jpg (122.83 KB, 861x619, 861:619, Screen Shot - 18-02-16 004.jpg)

File: 38d46fdc6357e23⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 456x130, 228:65, Screen Shot - 18-02-16 005.jpg)

>Black Panther’s Circle of Hype



159d42 No.14340455

File: 0f6cd783777345e⋯.png (683.76 KB, 1042x1000, 521:500, dev8ch.png)


Matt Lees, Leigh Alexander and System Shock (now on hiatus) kickstarter-scam dev, Maxime LeBled chatting about the evil GamerGate.

A collage of failure.

023529 No.14340469

File: ce3978f290adcb1⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1504x888, 188:111, gamesalesPCchart.png)


>Any particular genres or recent games?

I would like to show the highest selling games (not including COD, MW series, LoL, WoW or other general games). Most "progressive gamr devs are "indei" to AA. Therefore a fair comparison would be to have 1 indie, one A studio and 1 AA studio. Being able to compare say Kingdom Come : Deliverance to say ME:A would be nice. I was thinking a small showing porr initial sales coupled with a sharp decline in continued sales or play longevity. Pic related.

8947a0 No.14340479

File: d639fdfd937a275⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 200x303, 200:303, [doubt].jpg)


>you just quickly learn how not to do things that make it worse

Coming from Miss "I AM GAMING JOURNALISM," who continues to talk shit to this very day, despite the fact that bullshit cost her a career.

fe2032 No.14340482

File: 42d7fb219785bba⋯.png (213.41 KB, 650x786, 325:393, the irony is thick.png)



Didn't know he was working for the System Shock remake, now I feel even more smug about the hiatus.

6fe590 No.14340491


I would highly recommend using excel to make a graph instead of ms paint anon

8947a0 No.14340492


Of course, we all know she was a sacrificial pig for the GJP clique, who somehow keep managing to escape the consequences of their actions. But it's our fault a drunk is out of a job, according to them.

023529 No.14340512


For AA Devs I have KC:D and ME:A

For A Devs I have Hatred?

023529 No.14340521


I intent to. It was just a quick mock up for display purposes.

What games cam I add to the list?

159d42 No.14340522

File: 20d0abb53199668⋯.png (45.87 KB, 789x332, 789:332, specialgueststar.PNG)


Max of s2D is a real piece of "work."

19195f No.14340523



Just post it also in (((Kikestarter))) thread too.


Did you checked this website?

http:// www.vgchartz.com/weekly/43086/USA/

It looks fine to me.

8947a0 No.14340555


Whatever happened to Sick Nick Nyberg, anyway? Is he still ranting about how he totally isn't a pedophile in some forgotten corner, now that the transgender forum that Chelsea hijacked to make CON went defunct?

6fe590 No.14340592


Fair enough, that yellow on white just hurt my eyes. For games on the non sjw side




I can't think of many examples right now

159d42 No.14340609


I honestly don't want to know. I expect it's something horrifying. I hope he's in jail or at least on a sex offenders registry somewhere.

159d42 No.14340621


To be fair she was very drunk when she tweeted that.

"Which thing do you mean anon?"

"Oh, everything she's ever tweeted."

2513c0 No.14340659

File: 0f63da49169a9c2⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 247x236, 247:236, Dude. Quiet..jpg)

File: 3cc5c39f0279964⋯.png (377.52 KB, 853x581, 853:581, I didn't wanna hear that.png)

File: d647316d207af54⋯.png (280.51 KB, 756x669, 252:223, I FUCKING HATE VIDEOGAMES.png)

File: a58b5f2c9a56af0⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 877x267, 877:267, I will murder you.jpg)




Still can't forget the "debate" I had with the lunatic.

Here in France, pretty much nobody really cares about gamergate. Which is fine. Went on a debate for arrêts sur images, which invited me, two games journos and the french version of anita sarkeesian (I'll never forget how she went from "there are no women in GG, all fakes !" to, two minutes later only, after three pro-GG women were shown on video, explaining "yeah but it's just to get male attention", basically calling them whores)


the debate went up, and that maxofs2d, whom I'd never heard of before, comes out and starts lambasting GG. I defend it politely; and then he basically goes : "debate me on skype right now"

I'm taken aback, wasn't expecting it, and not too fond of giving out my personal info like that, but I accept for the next day (the dude genuinely thought I'd be ready immediately to do it)

Next day, we get together, he puts his webcam on, still baffled, why the FUCK would anyone do that to a complete stranger is beyond me. Anyway, I expect to have a collected person who'd be able to at least give coherent arguments.

I was absolutely mindblown.

The dude genuinely had zero argument whatsoever. He repeated, verbatim, stuff you could see in Anita's videos or whatever jezebel article, and when I say verbatim, I mean copypaste levels. Not even kidding. Identical vocabulary, methods, etc. Insane. Genuinely managed to surprise me a few times, precisely because he was dumber than I was expecting

I think the WORST argument he made was with the : "well women deserve representation too !"; when I started listing the dozens of female vidya characters, after a few seconds realizing he was being proven wrong… jesus christ, I'm still hurting in the brain thinking about it. His counterargument was :

>Yeah ? Well how many of those came out in the last five years ?!

I was taken aback, not knowing what to reply for a second, then started listing the ones I remembered… but then realized : "wait, what the fuck ? Who cares ? Why should it even fucking matter in the first place ?"

Then after around half an hour of the dude being genuinely incapable of producing a single decent individual thought all throughout, he went : "well I have something to do right now, I'll be back in fifteen minutes !" and left, like I was supposed to just fucking wait for his sorry ass and, hey, I mean, I'm at his disposal, right ?

Genuinely taught me a tremendous lot about our opposition. Always considered we had to NEVER underestimate them, but seriously, sometimes we're genuinely overestimating them, no fucking joke.

719af6 No.14340709

File: 0c40a33e5fb7b82⋯.jpg (173.6 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 817iyCn7ZzL._SL1500_.jpg)

We also need to have an entry about Kikestarters shenanigans on the wiki

684d04 No.14340728


Considering their totem of intellectualism is anita, what did you expect? There's no "debating" them. You just show up and let them reveal themselves to everyone else how retarded they all are.

023529 No.14340729


Anti PC:

AA dev


A dev




Pro pC

AA dev


Was Playtonic (Nuke-a-laylee fame) A dev or indie?

6fe590 No.14340736


>Was Playtonic (Nuke-a-laylee fame) A dev or indie?

Hard to say, I'd say A but it was kikestarted so you might consider it indie as well

2513c0 No.14340751


I'm sad it wasn't a live-debate in front of his fans/followers though. Would've been hilarious to imagine the dude genuinely so confident in him being right he tried to show it to everyone.

Holy shit, now I'm suspecting he shared his webcam because he was recording the whole thing, hoping to share it on youtube or whatever if it turned out he "won" the debate. I wouldn't even be surprised.

e12aca No.14340768

File: 674308512eef3e6⋯.jpg (141.79 KB, 639x567, 71:63, well naw.jpg)



>tfw Val of all people nearly shut down because of how retarded someone was

023529 No.14340786


I'll put it in A dev category. Fue to the fact that Tim Shitface's Psychonauts 2 was also crowd funded. That leaves Pro PC Indie cat to fill.

19195f No.14340807


I will add Kickstarter in to do list.

Should I add #Magicgate and #Comicgate into it too?


Well, almost everything can at this point.

I am still waiting for some major country to declare fact that ayys exist.

023529 No.14340829

The list so far

Anti PC:

AA dev


A dev


Indie dev


Pro PC

AA dev


A dev


Indie dev


0b5452 No.14340848


What about Tacoma for the Indie game?

6fe590 No.14340861


That wolfenstein game could be included as well though there is no other AAA analogue for non PC game

0b5452 No.14340865


>well though there is no other AAA analogue for non PC game

Persona 5, Nier Automata, Zelda: BoTW?

6fe590 No.14340877


Maybe Neir would be a good analogue

54587f No.14340905


Are cuphead devs confirmed non-PC?

5e7c72 No.14340906


They are certainly non-PC, but I would not call them anti-pc by any means.

6fe590 No.14340911


I think Non-PC would be a better title for the list anyway as it's less confrontational

023529 No.14340915



The reason I am not inclined to add AAdevs is because they can generally afford to have games that are absolute failures (looking at you, BattleFront 2). Smaller devs are less inclined to be able to survive an economic failure due to poor game sales.


>Are cuphead devs confirmed non-PC?

Good question. Do they follow the @FemFreq account?

719af6 No.14340916


>Should I add #Magicgate and #Comicgate into it too?

Sure, a small summary should suffice. Later on people can add more stuff if they want, this way we can focus most manpower right now on gg specific content

023529 No.14340920



AAA devs

5e7c72 No.14340923

File: 6a3c498ecf19b61⋯.jpg (113.44 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1471673211747-4.jpg)

Anyone baking bread?

I'm hungry.


0d3557 No.14340928

Who's baking?

19195f No.14340933


I just added them in to do section.

It's too late for me to work on these.

I need go to sleep.

54587f No.14340942


Won't work for me either

af6dff No.14340967

File: a26ab1f9eb73c8f⋯.jpg (154.43 KB, 850x1511, 850:1511, a26ab1f9eb73c8fcfbee888ec5….jpg)


f8b35c No.14340984



80fb2b No.14340992

File: 06b810c2cf5bff6⋯.jpg (93.85 KB, 586x1000, 293:500, 1471751860052.jpg)

We need a new bread!

54587f No.14340999


Oh no, there's a snake in her pants and she's unaware. It could bite her.

6fe590 No.14341004


That's her pet, it looks like it wants to bit your butt though

77301e No.14341079


Long Nanachi a cute.

5e7c72 No.14341154

File: aa08f17be70270d⋯.mp4 (249.41 KB, 352x262, 176:131, afraid of technology.mp4)

Anyone else think black mirror is literally just this mp4 rehashed over and over?

081f19 No.14341161


3afccd No.14341179

File: f1c1e0a0404f89f⋯.webm (10.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Guntar.webm)




77301e No.14341190

File: 3fdbf001c72ff0f⋯.png (289.19 KB, 642x720, 107:120, 3fdbf001c72ff0f1c452bfeed8….png)




3afccd No.14341196


That's right, no one else is calling it until now. Anything to change?

5e7c72 No.14341205


Add that I'm a great guy and that everyone loves me.

3afccd No.14341214

159d42 No.14342225

File: f89943b20bdc113⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 300x168, 25:14, racist.jpg)


That sounds about right to me. More or less what I'd expect from the guy based on his "my life for the swarm" approach to SocJus Twitter…

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