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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 1c75b0d4e5f6536⋯.png (237.13 KB, 1914x1667, 1914:1667, emmafag origins.png)

File: 48686f58ab69b81⋯.png (174.84 KB, 648x398, 324:199, emmafag_confirmed_happa.png)

File: 0af36b3bd268063⋯.jpg (12.2 KB, 110x140, 11:14, emmafag.jpg)

File: 820f14f1b716aab⋯.jpg (174.92 KB, 799x730, 799:730, a collage of autism.jpg)

c381fb No.319092

Emma Watson waifuist, former redditor and full time autist exposed in that board. Reacts to criticism of his waifu crying about /pol/. Easily triggered by pics of her with Harvey Weinstein. Former cuckchanner and current ghostposter at 4plebs.

One of his most legendary meltdowns, 101 ghostposts in a single thread:


Active right now at https://8ch.net/tv/res/1114274.html

This guy is easy to trigger if you push the right buttons. Either criticize the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson's acting, her relationship with Weinstein or praise any actress that isn't Emma Watson to watch him sperg. Specially sensitive about Emma Stone, used to have a reddit account called "emmastonecantact" (discovered by cuckchan anons)

1e6036 No.319098


It's a win-win situation then, we can julay the OP

d3ce97 No.319102


4/tv/ here, can confirm that the guy is a notorious lolcow.

I think he got permab&'d because I haven't seen his posts outside of the archive screencaps some anons post now and then.


eabaf3 No.319103

File: 997199241a0bc6e⋯.png (6.47 KB, 641x99, 641:99, trademark.png)

File: 969d7769aa24ec0⋯.png (4.1 KB, 529x82, 529:82, the birth of a hero.png)

File: 817ac516a1adecd⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 817ac516a1adecd1591bff49fe….jpg)



Hey Zach.

Good you found your way to /cow/, 3 minutes after you where informed someone made a thread about you there.

d3ce97 No.319106


>he doesn't know about /cow/ filters

lol newfag

here you go

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thr ead/78970819/#78977338

eabaf3 No.319107

File: c46041fa2d7494a⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 651x419, 651:419, cantmakethisshitup.jpg)


Yeah, if it wasn't for all the archiving you did back on 4tv we wouldn't have found all his reddit accounts and such.

The guy was always a sperg on 8tv, but we never knew he had an massive history like this.

d3ce97 No.319108


>the archiving you did back on 4tv

4plebs archives everything, it's automatic. So, if it wasn't for 4plebs more like.

47e3e6 No.319110


>telling the cow you made a thread here

OP is a fag

f0facd No.319112

Is he the Emma Roberts poster too? Or is that just /tv/ mock shitposting him?

eabaf3 No.319113


Either way it's a good resource to have, although I question how much we need this thread as it seems most of the digging was already done months ago.

Could dig into his real name, but seems too much like doxxxxing tbh, it's not like he's going to stop providing entertainment anytime soon.

eabaf3 No.319115


The only other chan alias he's known for is the stonefag, after some crusade he waged.

He loves samefaggotry, so it's technically possible, but I doubt he could pull it off tbh.

d3ce97 No.319120


Back in 4chan he used to get triggered by Emma Roberts too

Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Daisy Ridley trigger him big league too

d3ce97 No.319126



I searched for "stonefag" but most of the posts seem to be his ironically. I expected more people to say stonefag but it seems like he's behind 2 out of every 5 posts at least. Including his signature all caps post saying "SEETHING".

eabaf3 No.319133


Zach, this thread is about you, not the Roberts poster, the fact that you can't even tell if he's a singular entity says enough.


If you're looking through 4plebs, just look for his reddit usernames, as people tended to bring those up if he showed up somewhere.

/u/chinadunk, /u/emmastonecantact and a whole bunch of others.

Unfortunately this doesn't give us access to before they called him out (and probably left soon after), so we'd need different things to search for, his trademark insults might be one.

e8b530 No.319143



by searching "4chan is reddit", the thing he loves to say time and time again. Pretty vintage, that's January 2017. He got told "Take your cuck whyfoo back to r*ddit" and that was his retort.

Everything is there "4chan is reddit", "seething", he even samefagged.

I'll search "seething folder", maybe I can dig up something new.

e8b530 No.319146

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/th read/81389187/#81392091

4e8672 No.319167

File: a5d1bccd59974f9⋯.png (254.91 KB, 352x473, 32:43, Gyllenhaal Laugh.png)


This thread shows up at the top of the search results on DuckDuckGo when you search his name.

ab4c68 No.319231

Remind him that she has been HARVested.

e8b530 No.319257

File: 3e744d69ef61c73⋯.jpg (941.51 KB, 1462x1462, 1:1, lul.jpg)

9ef725 No.319360

File: 51aa64f4e2ca0bf⋯.jpeg (39.17 KB, 768x431, 768:431, 9d508692f09eb8e267586e87b….jpeg)

File: 9b38b7bd973d3fd⋯.png (8.6 KB, 640x170, 64:17, She's not crazy.png)

File: c281880198f2495⋯.png (174.79 KB, 640x485, 128:97, KINO.png)

File: acb4828656848d2⋯.png (26.01 KB, 340x150, 34:15, Colonia.png)

File: 38e01e702ea7137⋯.png (9.78 KB, 450x250, 9:5, foreveralone.png)

07b79c No.319375

Why would you waifu a shitty actress that only got where she is because she let a fat jew pound her out regularly?

f68180 No.319381

File: 7d8964e1a6a92e8⋯.png (56.34 KB, 1592x668, 398:167, 7d8964e1a6a92e8ca392430f24….png)

top kek

f68180 No.319384

File: 159bfd2d060daab⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 636x360, 53:30, whiter than you.jpg)


>he dyed his hair blonde

why do gooks do this?

f68180 No.319385

File: 37ebbbed4aabb87⋯.png (69.26 KB, 632x236, 158:59, murder on the orient expre….png)


Nice find, archived these from IMDb



His reviews also show the name "Snippy" on the second link, may lead to more material.

Seems like what >>319120 said about Daisy Ridley being one of his triggers is true.

8a8136 No.319395


>hates Stone, Roberts, Winstead and Ridley

Why does he hate cute girls so much?

f68180 No.319396


Well, Elliot was a hapa and hated them too

f68180 No.319397


Cute girls I mean

caa269 No.319408

File: a43e090bd60c388⋯.jpg (278.25 KB, 1390x1685, 278:337, 1488738502002.jpg)

>'now we know who that contrarian was in my threads! it was /u/half-bloodprince! anyways ill just continue being cuter than the world can conceive!!!'

8a8136 No.319409

9ef725 No.319423

File: df80d5950a0ecc3⋯.png (9.27 KB, 966x236, 483:118, One of the worst actresses….png)

f68180 No.319448


ayyy moviechat saved some of the imdb stuff, that's probably an archived post

297b97 No.319530

File: bd5f595e0d579bc⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 988x858, 38:33, autism.jpg)


The first image isn't him.

Here's another one of his letterboxd account(s) though


All the ones without profile pics in this image are his accounts as well

f68180 No.319533


>The first image isn't him.

I don't know, those eyebrows, the slanted eyes and that jaw look familiar.

f68180 No.319535



had a chuckle

9ef725 No.319542

File: c9684e31e363a6f⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 196x110, 98:55, 921f75f4c754041ef7cc2ecb29….jpg)


It is him - compare to this thumbnail from his YouTube channel.



I was able to get this one thumbnail from the archived version of his YT. Did anyone save the vids/thumbnails?

297b97 No.319558


Nah man. The guy were talking about is an adult(psychically at least) and the one in(the article not imdb links) >>319360 is just some random kid with the same name. The guy in >>319103 is him currently

9ef725 No.319569

File: 0f705514242c9f3⋯.png (34.23 KB, 850x380, 85:38, Me, the #1 Harry Potter Fa….png)

File: 6d4fc71f5664099⋯.png (29.13 KB, 850x280, 85:28, Allahu Ackbar!.png)

File: 4a793c24bb9f323⋯.png (12.08 KB, 560x380, 28:19, zkhasbrouck.png)

eabaf3 No.319577


>zman awesome

>completely sperging out about people not being politically correct enough

Yeah the guy in your picture is Zach alright.

9ef725 No.319580

File: 69ec050eca45bb7⋯.jpg (37.76 KB, 640x320, 2:1, Hold_onto_your_butts.jpg)



<Name: Zach

<Birth date: 11/30/90

<Current Location: My aunt and uncles houuse in pennslyvania

- https://franciszh.livejournal.com/1888.html


>three user pics uploaded - all Potter related

- https://www.livejournal.com/allpics.bml?user=franciszh

f68180 No.319583


>reminder to archive before posting links that could get shoah'd




eabaf3 No.319584

File: dda1f2b95e94b98⋯.png (52.26 KB, 597x77, 597:77, f553afc8a6b9d6dce1fe76413a….png)


Gonna make a comp of that 11 layers of fear shit, fucking gold.

To tie into that, didn't notice this little bit in one of his spergouts.

Especially with one of his fears being listed as inadequacy, ofcourse he would be into feet.

f68180 No.319585


>Your fears: loss, rejection,that i am not adequate

>Gotten beaten up: yea by kelly mckulla in elementary school

9ef725 No.319586

f68180 No.319587




>posts cuck porn and his waifu next to groids

eabaf3 No.319590

File: f01552a8a1025d1⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 760x760, 1:1, mcculloughkd-760-2x.jpg)


Already googled for Kelly McKulla, nothing unless he's badly misspelling it.

Just imagine, this guy actually got to bully emmafag in person.

f68180 No.319591


Are we sure zorro24 is him?

Says 28 years old there, the fears thing said he was born in November, 1990. That would make him 27 years old, although maybe faceflow only uses the year.

Archive.is gives me a blank page but here's the wayback machine to save the day:


f68180 No.319593


Can't be that guy, according to the site where the pic was posted he got a purple heart in February 10, 1982. Too old to bully Zach.

eabaf3 No.319596

File: 742a692f463f3f5⋯.png (22.01 KB, 331x809, 331:809, you know its an angsty son….png)


Yeah I know, I just like to think Kelly McKulla got a purple heart too for his bravery.

Just going through some more of his livejournal to confirm his identity, ofcourse the idiot signs his shitty songtexts with his last name, but I also want to share this with you, a flashback to a Zach 12 years ago:

Posted on December 30, 2006 @ 5:14 pm

[ mood | crying ]

i hate when my parents yell at me for no reason.

i hate how my dad doesn't bother to find out anything thats going on in my life.

i hate the fact that i am going to fail history because i can't consentrate, since my dad won't stop yelling at me.

i hate how my mom always agrees with my dad when he is always wrong and being a complete asshole.

i really can't take this shit day after day, night after night.

i hate crying.

i hate life.

im done.

9ef725 No.319597


I'll see if the "zorro24" username can gives us any clues.

A Zach Hasbrouck registered a Pokemon Go bot site in 2016, though supposedly from Dallas: http://www.siteleaks.com/www.pgbot.org

The LiveJournal ought to help us though - there is plenty of spergery on it, and there is a link to his MySpace on the LiveJournal profile.

f817cb No.319598



I knew he couldn't be the Texan. Too cucked and wimpy for that. Plus if he had access to guns he'd probably be another Elliot by now. His autistic rage is really something.

f817cb No.319600



And the Texan is also too well adjusted, I don't think our cow could have achieved a bachelor's degree in engineering.

9ef725 No.319602


He wishes he could pull of what Elliot did - he would end up like a hapa Randy Stair.


I found a Zachary Keith Hasbrouck that graduated from Stratford, but hapa Zach's middle name might be Francis based on the LiveJournal name.

f68180 No.319608


Terry Davis is a very competent programmer despite being very mentally ill. And incidentally, he's talked about Emma Watson and called her "his queen", who is "allowed to fuck niggers".

eabaf3 No.319622

File: 60f4a3eaf766d9f⋯.png (334.17 KB, 883x1113, 883:1113, livejournals greatest hits.png)

There's more sperging on there obviously, but involving the song texts and friend quizes would probably be too much for one compilation.

70a466 No.319673

d0acc0 No.319706



It's him alright.

d0acc0 No.319710


So, I've started looking up the "zorro24" username, and I got a Redditor talking about Emma Watson, but most importantly, I found this review of 'The Circle' written by Zorro24:

<Better than a lot of films I’ve seen the last couple years, many people seem to have cognitive dissonance on The Circle so they don’t have to realize their lives are basically exactly what is being portrayed. Emma carries this, a good film with a decent visual tone by renowned cinematographer Matthew Libatique. As remarked the studio that bought the rights interfered with the cut because the ending was deemed to bleak or dreary with respect to Emmas character by test audiences.

- https://www.movieempire.info/the-circle-dvd/

Sounds just a bit too similar to the Zach's review of 'The Circle' from IMDb:>>319360

d0acc0 No.319722


Zoro24 is Zach alright - he's reviewed Harry Potter, Colonia and The Circle on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGDBWRFYQE3B6AGI6XPA5WJORTEQ/

beed48 No.319879

beed48 No.319900







Check out this message chain

2769a4 No.319937

File: 2471baf095e94aa⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 921f75f4c754041ef7cc2ecb29….jpg)

Could be his buttbuddy that's trying to keep up the shitposting on his own.

7616a2 No.319949


or maybe one of us trying to get a rise out of him?

7616a2 No.319961

Archived one of the threads where he was triggered, it's a long thread and already on page 23


7616a2 No.319962


Shit, wrong link

PROPER: http://archive.is/BggFe

ed631d No.320126

He seems to be having a meltdown in the /tv/ soyboy thread right now.

dfd878 No.320127


>Emma Watson waifuist

The fact that there was a young generation who thought this mannish-looking fridge was attractive is one of our greatest failings as a civilization.

5585d7 No.320130


It's him, confirmed

he always posts these two pics >>1120002

5585d7 No.320132



Screwed up the link


3cfcc4 No.320181

Any ED editors here who want to make an entry for this cow? I don't have an account.

359471 No.320213

eabaf3 No.320224

File: b40baf4e6476bf1⋯.png (638.28 KB, 2886x2314, 111:89, zach the livejournal music….png)

File: 78100ff1f890920⋯.png (598.25 KB, 2582x1933, 2582:1933, zachs livejournal saga pt1.png)

File: 454bc9ef65174e7⋯.png (853.4 KB, 3860x1962, 1930:981, zachs livejournal saga pt2.png)

File: 39d6eacf6a25d91⋯.png (881 KB, 5000x2409, 5000:2409, this man cannot stop doxxi….png)

Ok, been digging last couple days, compiling this retards notable livejournal segments, including like 7 surveys he filled out about himself that give faaaar too much information.

Some of it is kind of boring mind you, but knowing what highschool he went too or what the name of his lizard is might be useful information.

3cfcc4 No.320225

3cfcc4 No.320226


Ayyyy that photo in the first pic

3cfcc4 No.320227


>all boys are superior to women

eabaf3 No.320228

File: 9bf079a34cfb9e2⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 600x449, 600:449, full (6).jpg)

File: b1258eb4e11fa13⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 600x449, 600:449, full (8).jpg)

File: cd3bf9e26ff320a⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 600x449, 600:449, nickelback birthday party ….jpg)

File: 1e1e9102a48e009⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 600x799, 600:799, full (13).jpg)

Also, his ex girlfriend still has her myspace linked through her livejournal account (x0brooklynangel or Alison Agvent) some great images on there.

359471 No.320229

5eb379 No.320231


>that personality test

What are the chances he's paid Dr. Peterson for one as well?

eabaf3 No.320232

File: 4e156f1f37f7ee8⋯.jpg (54.94 KB, 600x799, 600:799, full (7).jpg)

File: 69a6eab14640965⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 600x799, 600:799, full (28).jpg)

File: e8e9b3686db2f1c⋯.jpg (15.15 KB, 269x562, 269:562, full (29).jpg)

Interestingly enough, his slutty ex has about the same body type as watson.

3cfcc4 No.320233


The myspace link works?

I'm surprised he had a gf tbh.


>what's the connection between you and the last person you texted?

>male lover

Can't make this shit up. I wonder if he was being serious.

>Who do you hate?


Some supreme sluthate material here

b732bd No.320235

File: 31270b00ed92502⋯.jpg (355.95 KB, 1039x779, 1039:779, 1.jpg)

File: 378c2cb117c6bed⋯.jpg (359.24 KB, 776x1039, 776:1039, 2.jpg)

File: f702e6b62ad3496⋯.jpg (406.17 KB, 782x1039, 782:1039, 3.jpg)

File: cc46416bfaf1711⋯.jpg (404.07 KB, 780x1044, 65:87, 4.jpg)

File: a56f520ebb9c4a3⋯.jpg (225.25 KB, 1038x779, 1038:779, 10.jpg)


3cfcc4 No.320236


I wonder if the guy on the fourth pic is Kelly McKulla

b732bd No.320237

File: 767340e9f93d233⋯.jpg (330.07 KB, 1038x780, 173:130, 12.jpg)

File: 9b65ac48265d4d4⋯.jpg (336.91 KB, 1040x777, 1040:777, 14.jpg)

File: 11e812a185fe27f⋯.jpg (334.13 KB, 1033x774, 1033:774, 21.jpg)

File: 79a3fce3670f3cc⋯.jpg (339.75 KB, 1033x773, 1033:773, 23.jpg)

File: 26d9030e5bcafaa⋯.jpg (292.99 KB, 1032x772, 258:193, 24.jpg)

5eb379 No.320239

File: 13b4a3a55b3aa9c⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 532x437, 28:23, 13b4a3a55b3aa9c79a1cb7b22a….jpg)



Not only did he kick his ass, but he stole his GF too?

3cfcc4 No.320246


She's on facebook too, engaged to some Ryan. Maybe that's why Gosling triggers him so much?


3cfcc4 No.320255


Check this out too, one of her friends is called Lauren McKulla. Couldn't find any Kelly McKulla though.


Maybe she's Kelly's sister? Imagine if Kelly is a chick too and Zach got beat up by a girl in elementary school kek

5eb379 No.320258

His ex-gf's LiveJournal: https://x0brooklynangel.livejournal.com/profile


>Imagine if Kelly is a chick too and Zach got beat up by a girl in elementary school kek

Fingers crossed. Gonna look up Kelly ASAP, trying to find out if he has used the "franciszh" username elsewhere at the moment.

3cfcc4 No.320262


My hunch was right, it's a chick. I searched Kelly McKulla on facebook and found this.


You click her name and it leads to this, http://archive.is/NNkEA

Look at https://archive.fo/tnjiH and she's there. She's apparently Lauren's sister.

So Zach got beat up in school by a girl who ended up being a tumblr tier landwhale with green hair and a bobcut.

Can't make this shit up. How much lower on the totem pole can someone be?

eabaf3 No.320263

File: 8275d13b2abd0e1⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 720x960, 3:4, stop always agreeing with ….jpg)


Already went through it, mostly irrelevant crap besides the odd photo of Zach, a couple of which where posted here already.

There's also a link to an old facebook profile which I got the other pictures from, but little as far as interesting posts is concerned.

Also, what I'm pretty sure is his mother https://www.facebook.com/robyn.hasbrouck?hc_ref=ARTwnreByq1vZraKQzS2a8R48URCB54Tjn6zj9voiCyfLbHaarA4zf12zTrALBniprY , Krysiak is his grandfathers last name, Zachary K. Hasbrouck also shows up in an obituary for him.

3cfcc4 No.320267

5eb379 No.320278


I'll see what I can dig up on mom & pop.

eabaf3 No.320280

File: eabeb3363b7ed26⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 566x173, 566:173, family ties according to w….jpg)


One of these men has got to be him, the other maybe an uncle or something.

b732bd No.320283

File: 43716fdde8b7c4a⋯.jpg (179.76 KB, 600x799, 600:799, Ali_Matzed.jpg)


Robyn's his mother, they share an address, too. Keith would be a likely father, given his middle name.

db4670 No.320285


And I'm back! Here's what I've found so far:

Keith E. Hasbrouck (b. 17 May 1955) married Robyn M. Krysiak (b. ca. 1959) 18 May 1985 in Fairfield, Connecticut

Possible relatives of Keith: Joyce R. Hasbrouck, Matthew P. Hasbrouck, Evelyn B. Hasbrouck & Emerson C. Hasbrouck

Addresses: 132 Temple St., Statford, Connecticut & 326 Bridgeview PI, Statford, Connecticut

eabaf3 No.320286

File: af5ad125bf18000⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 600x799, 600:799, next time, prepare for rap….jpg)


We know he studied at UCONN from his livejournal, and now we finally know his middle name too.

"Zachary Keith Hasbrouck, Bachelor of Arts"

>bachelor of arts

Suddenly it makes a lot more sense why he's sitting at home spamming emma threads all day.

3cfcc4 No.320288

File: 87c2bc2ac1b992f⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1454159065567.jpg)



Interesting, I wonder why he was in Pennsylvania with his aunt and uncle according to his livejournal. Vacation?

>"Zachary Keith Hasbrouck, Bachelor of Arts"

Can't make this shit up.

And the topping of the cake is, gets a bachelor of arts, can't do OC to save his life or even recognize art when he sees it. Ironic.

>Suddenly it makes a lot more sense why he's sitting at home spamming emma threads all day.


db4670 No.320290

His dad works for Olympic Steel Inc. in Milford, Connecticut: Mr Zachary Hasbrouck, son of Keith Hasbrouck (Connecticut Division)

- https://steelguru.com/steel/olympic-steel-announces-winners-of-sol-siegal-scholarship/99371

b732bd No.320291

File: e1b6c2fc888011d⋯.jpg (434.85 KB, 1040x780, 4:3, 7.jpg)


Is pic related the same square man-jaw?


According to one of his livejournal posts he had to go live with his aunt and uncle at some point. Details foggy, except that he hated it, what with all the rednecks and all.

And it's even worse, he's so creatively devoid he can't even bants you. The height of his creativity would be spamming Emmas and cuck porn, and he's not even good at the latter.

3cfcc4 No.320292


Middle one is definitely Kelly's sister

>According to one of his livejournal posts he had to go live with his aunt and uncle at some point. Details foggy, except that he hated it, what with all the rednecks and all.

What a faggot. If I was a burger I'd love to have rednecks around. Then again he's been a SJW cuck for a long time so he probably fears guns and 4x4 trucks.

>And it's even worse, he's so creatively devoid he can't even bants you. The height of his creativity would be spamming Emmas and cuck porn, and he's not even good at the latter.


The OC probably makes him mad on a creative level even more than because of its cocks.

3cfcc4 No.320294



Filter for con tent

db4670 No.320296

>Obituary: Marilyn Bristol Hurst of Milford

>She was preceded in death by her sister, Evelyn Hasbrouck of Stratford, CT.

- https://www.milfordmirror.com/40245/obituary-marilyn-bristol-hurst-of-milford/

db4670 No.320309

Joyce R. Hasbrouck (b. 27 March 1942) died 10 May 2000) in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Matthew P. Hasbrouck is in his early 60s, so maybe his uncle?

297b97 No.320321


>So Zach got beat up in school by a girl who ended up being a tumblr tier landwhale with green hair and a bobcut.

So this is why he always tries to play the "you're like tumblr girls crying about watson" card when someone says she shit too

very interesting hes using stuff from his childhood

574103 No.320345


Maybe that tumblrina told him that his waifu was shit back in school?

eabaf3 No.320348

File: 6fb179b5b9d4ae3⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 56076_10151097696960740_85….jpg)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zachhasbrouck/friends?lst=100024326971815%3A589865739%3A1517721785&source_ref=pb_friends_tl

Nothing beyond attached picture ofcourse, likely set everything to private already.

e4b3c1 No.320350

File: 03380498862be28⋯.jpg (129.21 KB, 380x540, 19:27, poor_little_Tenda_Spencer_….jpg)

What makes the Hapa so insane?

574103 No.320354

I'm preemptively archiving some threads because some got shoah'd







Also I managed to save posts he made in these threads but that got deleted by the mods:



I had the pages loaded on the browser and saved them, any suggestions on where to upload?

574103 No.320355

This one got a reply removed from it but it was the sageanon who tells people who go to other boards.

Archived because better safe than sorry:


574103 No.320356

574103 No.320409

This one got shoah'd and most of it was lost

I found this though


574103 No.320414


Found them archived, posts by Zach defending the saga based on the age of the actors were among the deleted ones, particularly replies to this post:


Also this one:


Makes me wonder if the mods are protecting him or sick of him shitting up the board.

d059e3 No.320419


You DNA is supposed to two strands coiling together, not unwinding apart.

574103 No.320422

Just checked the wayback machine and this thread didn't get archived before the shoaing of his posts:


04a540 No.320550

File: c7590edc5681f23⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1368x4696, 171:587, 018cc53dd8d9bb026ee07734ce….png)

Hey, do you guys think this is him in the screencap attempting to get trips with a pic of Watson?

Given how triggered he is by /pol/ I wouldn't be surprised if he were /leftypol/.

9c94ce No.320608


Yes. Yes I do. He started ranting about those poor innocent mudslimes on Yahoo! Answers (of all places) too back in the day.

Anyone got an archive of the thread where he started spamming excerpts of really old reviews of Harry Potter to prove Watson could act?

298040 No.320613

Hes back on full /tv/ and possibly banned from this site

Thread: 94167076

d059e3 No.320616

He's spamming nigger porn again on /tv/


bfec86 No.320617


More like old /tv/

bfec86 No.320621


>that random jab at Eric Roberts

lol, he's shooting in the dark

amazing that he's posting directly to 4chan and not to archive though, maybe he posts to archive when he gets b&'d


Seems like it got deleted

9c94ce No.320622

File: 469a03ae039e177⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 400x250, 8:5, Conan The Barbarian 1982 A….jpg)


He did that last night as well. Looks like he's got quite the collection of cuck porn WebMs from 4chan…

Pretty sure he started the thread autistically screeching about the Arnold Conan film: >>>/tv/1122798

He's mentioned it in previous threads as well, ever since I mentioned it is my favourite film.

297b97 No.320623


yeah he's back on old /tv/. this is one of his signature posts


d059e3 No.320632



He's at it again. >>>/tv/1122966

Must've used his allowance on a VPN.

9c94ce No.320637


I did notice a vol or the BO of /tv/ going as far as to spoil the cuck porn image in the OP of a thread yesterday, but that is as far as they will go.

Maybe even the one anon who joins him in the redtext spam might even think his cuck porn spamming is too much.

c8225a No.320675

He's sperging out again.


9c94ce No.320683

File: b5edf2ecbee928d⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 517x498, 517:498, b5edf2ecbee928dcb0f0b1f017….jpg)


I swear /tv/ has gone to shit lately, and Zach is one of the reasons why. It was fun to rile him up at first, but after several weeks it is getting somewhat tiresome, especially the threads where he starts spamming his cuck porn and kvetching about /pol/.

8f483b No.320758


lots of posts on this one got shoah'd but they're archived


878db9 No.320893

One anon on /trap/ posts screenshots with .JPG format and appears to be unable to use commas and punctuation marks.

Could it be Zach is into traps?

5bbedc No.320900


Find a way to bring some of his hobbies or triggers up when you see him.

Not gonna go there though, I already see enough disgusting shit without doing that.

66ba88 No.320980



You're about 12 months late on that, and that's a conservative time estimate.

c0d337 No.320985

File: dd455f5e7cd979d⋯.png (54.27 KB, 250x268, 125:134, mongler no longer.png)


Probably. I started posting on /tv/ again somewhat recently after taking some time off. I remember when it was slow as fuck and we were still getting settled there after the grand exodus from 4chan back in 2014 - I even made one of the banners they are still using there shortly after we came from 4chan. /tv/ has been pretty fucking shitty for a while, but I don't remember it being so fucking bad as now: there is interracial cuck porn being spammed on a nearly daily basis, and half the threads are memes/troll threads, anime threads, etc.

Even the few good threads there are prone to spam and trolls shitting them up.

66ba88 No.320986


Meanwhile you get banned if you make a meta thread or protest to an actual real television/movie thread getting bumplocked for no reason. The entire board is compromised, in no small part because the /tv/ BO is the guy that got blown by the /leftypol/ BO and had the webm of it leaked all over the internet.

c0d337 No.320987


Guess it is about time to start looking for a new board to talk about film & TV then. The moderation is way too fucking lax, and the shitposters, like Zach here, take full advantage of that.

3e933e No.320997




head that cuckchan /tv/ was actually getting it's shit together and is somewhat decent atm, might be why there is more and more leftypol/shitposting on our /tv/ lately, as /pol/ got more or less settled on the other one

c0d337 No.321002

File: 339a6cde71d510c⋯.gif (1001.74 KB, 500x332, 125:83, OGF.gif)


We should make our own film & TV board – with ’80s films, slasherkino and giallo discussion.

Why the fuck isn’t it possible to claim /emma/ yet?

5bbedc No.321042

File: 581378b537ac6b4⋯.png (401.13 KB, 396x650, 198:325, neon slashers.png)


Nice shilling attempt. 4/tv/ is a shithole and the google captcha bullshit only makes it worse. I still go from time to time though, but I've mostly abandoned it.

I still post there in the minor boards and have been called a shill myself for saying I do, but

There's no shortage of cuck porn spammers and retarded memery in general.


>We should make our own film & TV board – with ’80s films, slasherkino and giallo discussion.

While we could ban him on sight if he started spamming his bullshit, the lack of traffic would mean it would be basically 10 people at most. /tv/ is one of the fastest boards on this site.

There's /television/ (which was partly made in protest to the bullshit going on /tv/) but I don't think they'd allow us to make our generals in peace and it's pretty much dead, listed as 0 PPH/0 ISP on the index when you search for "television".

9f96f0 No.321043

Guys, these post arrived at the same time, is it that time again? The writing seems consistent





>no u can't get date

9f96f0 No.321044






5bbedc No.321046


I posted a trigger pic to see if he reacts.

Perhaps there's two emmafags, the one who posts variations of this pic >>>/tv/1124362 and Zach who is definitely here, triggered by the sight of Kristen Stewart: >>>/tv/1124332

5bbedc No.321047


He reacted. We got him lads.






5bbedc No.321049


I think maybe the BO hasn't stopped logging in because he has other boards and abandoned that one. Just a hypothesis, don't quote me on that.

9f96f0 No.321050


I was here all day he just logged on around this time, should we prepare more anti-halfbreed / watson memes to trigger him tomorrow?

15fb40 No.321052


>but I don't think they'd allow us to make our generals in peace

I might :´^)

5bbedc No.321053


ayyy are you the BO from /television/?

our threads would probably breath new life into it, they're genuine film discussion thinly veiled as waifuism although we do appreciate Emma Roberts a lot and post pics of her the whole thread

9f96f0 No.321054


/television/ was really great when it started, but then I think 8ch was down or something I can't remember, it essentially killed it, just bad timing.

5bbedc No.321055


Oh, that's sad

9f96f0 No.321056

File: 2873cde7c26e7ab⋯.png (823.02 KB, 1203x756, 401:252, 2873cde7c26e7ab844fccb081e….png)


We can always do it again.

5bbedc No.321058


I guess you're right, but how would we convince the anons to jump boat?

9f96f0 No.321060


We have to jump start it ourselves first, when you make a new thread on /tv/ crosspost it on /television/ too.

But before we do that we have to make sure /television/'s moderation is actually active otherwise it's all useless.

I still remember when it started, anon just blatantly advertise it on /tv/ and other boards that's how I got into it and now with the limpdick BO on /tv/ I don't think he cared / have time to delete shilling threads.

b732bd No.321061

File: 0d6d1c4263bd8c6⋯.jpg (122.79 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Zach_its_time_to_stop.jpg)


A permaban for the state of Connecticut would be a start.

9f96f0 No.321230


can i post gook kino on your board?

d0acc0 No.321235


Wait, is "gook kino" slang for "japanese cartoons", or do you mean actual films?

9f96f0 No.321239


korean films, some if them are a little pozzed but some are great like the wailing

b12336 No.321248

We should make a Cate Blanchett banner and try to get it elected to trigger him

9f96f0 No.321249


zfag hated Kate?

b12336 No.321250


I think it was Cate yes. Let me double check.

d0acc0 No.321251

File: df80d5950a0ecc3⋯.png (9.27 KB, 966x236, 483:118, One of the worst actresses….png)


If (and that's probably a big if), we are allowed to move over to /television/ and get away from the hapa and his buttbuddy, I'd certainly be cool with some gook horror discussion/recommendation. I'm looking to delve into some more asian horror, they seem to be more into atmosphere and weird and creepy stuff, rather than the typical modern US horror.

The resident Maisiefag is /ourguy/ and called out Zach: >>>/tv/1125153

A former Watsonfag has also seen the light: >>>/tv/1125411


Emma Stone banners too, he really seems to have it in for Stone.


I think he dislikes pretty much anyone who isn't Watson. There is a Catefan on /tv/ who is on our side and likes to troll him as well.

b732bd No.321254

File: f1ce9494d49760d⋯.jpg (126.55 KB, 772x198, 386:99, ZACHARY_KEITH_HARBOUCK_STO….jpg)


Wew. That was a wild ride.

And as long as we're talking banners…

d0acc0 No.321257

File: 4eac5e1d07d4fc8⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 567x561, 189:187, autism.jpg)


If not for the fact that we know he is a massive fucking Potter sperg, I'd be sure he is just a very, very dedicated troll.

>defends the Harry Potter films as "fantasykino" when in is late 20s

>autistically spams one picture each post of his waifu in order to make the thread reach the bumplock limit

>posts the exact same lines over and over again day after day

eabaf3 No.321258

File: d81c5933ecbcc7c⋯.png (22.26 KB, 789x623, 789:623, the hasbrouck residence.png)

Should have noticed this before, but it looks like Zach is still living with his parents after finishing his arts degree at UCONN.

Also tennant Frank A Soucy, henceforth named Saucy Frank, a machine operator likely related in some ways to his father.

b12336 No.321259

Found this from October trying to find something about Blanchett triggering him


b12336 No.321260

d0acc0 No.321261


Robert Krysiak has to be his grandfather, right?

eabaf3 No.321262


Yeah and I'm pretty sure I've read his obituary.

Same for saucy Frank btw.


d0acc0 No.321263



Looks like it's just Zach and his parents living together then.

He mentioned on LJ that his father was yelling at him and his mother siding with the dad, that has got to be related to him living with his uncle and aunt in Pennsylvania, right?

b12336 No.321265

File: ae6de1f5ae0d6b6⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1230x692, 615:346, connecticut.png)


Should we pay him a visit?

9f96f0 No.321266


>If (and that's probably a big if)

What are you worrying about?

/television/ did it once, /strek/ also did it, its a bit slow but it is an entire board dedicated to one franchise.

d0acc0 No.321267

File: d4bf3b54536c2ba⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 670x379, 670:379, d4bf3b54536c2bafe3f621c2c6….jpg)


Imagine if we got a decently made acceptance letter to Hogwarts and put it on his doorstep.

9f96f0 No.321268


>a lot of parking lot for hapa


b12336 No.321269


Better yet, to hufflepuff

b732bd No.321274




Yeah. Seems our sweet Zachary was a bit of a troublemaker at one time.


Yeah, that's not how that works. Didn't you watch the kino?

What you could do is get some custom-made embossed Slytherin toilet paper and TP the place.

Or you know, just print out pictures of Emma Roberts to leave everywhere. Maybe get a life-sized version to just sit outside his bedroom window in the bushes somewhere.

b12336 No.321275




I did, but I think it would trigger him that he goes straight to Hufflepuff before even having a chance

>What you could do is get some custom-made embossed Slytherin toilet paper and TP the place.


>Or you know, just print out pictures of Emma Roberts to leave everywhere. Maybe get a life-sized version to just sit outside his bedroom window in the bushes somewhere.

Let's not do that. We're dealing with a mentally unsound individual here.

4bbf95 No.321297


>slasherkino and giallo discussion

That wasn't him, it was me

And btw italian giallo and horror kino >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a*erican slashershit

b12336 No.321302


>That wasn't him, it was me


4bbf95 No.321303


I got into an argument about slashers and italian giallo in /tv/ a month or so ago

Since it was in a thread of Roberts waifuists this guy >>321002 probably mistaked me for Zachary

b12336 No.321304


He wasn't parodying Zachary, me and him love slashers and giallo.

Zachary gets triggered by it and spams redtext saying stuff like "dude slashers lmao", "dude 80s lmao" or "dude neon lmao" ad nauseam.

"Best Emma General" threads are actually 70s/80s/neo 80s film discussion for the most part. It has a lot to do with her doing similar work so it's appropriate for the threads.

3bd6d4 No.321305

File: 266882fe05294bf⋯.png (273.21 KB, 1529x1187, 1529:1187, sudocuck the cow.png)

File: 7da476cf5bfff29⋯.png (6.71 MB, 2008x9999, 2008:9999, sudocuck the anime enthusi….png)


Emmafag was the sudocuck this whole time?

4bbf95 No.321306


Ah, i don't know what Zachary's stance on slasher and giallo is

Since that thread was during Zachary's peak autism when robertsfags were posting all over the place to trigger him i thought somebody remembered that discussion and thought i was him


Wouldn't surprise me tbh

Wasn't sudocuck also the original truthseeker?

3bd6d4 No.321307

File: 202319488c36ab5⋯.webm (11.06 MB, 240x176, 15:11, TruthSeeker btfos capital….webm)


>Wasn't sudocuck also the original truthseeker

No, that was some autist from /co/ and /leftypol/, hence his shitty loony tunes comics that everyone made fun of.

He also fucked off/possibly committed suicide over a year ago.

4bbf95 No.321308

File: c1d4acfd4d0436c⋯.png (336.37 KB, 1024x776, 128:97, This kills the sudocuck.png)


But wasn't SC also a leftypoller?

I thought he made the first few comics and then sperged out when everyone started claiming to be truthseeker

b12336 No.321309


Not sure, did he even know about /cow/ until he became a lolcow himself?

I think he might have copied the reddipol insult from someone else (or is from trannypol). Don't forget he isn't exactly the creative type, and has trannypol leanings. He is, after all, a product of racemixing and soy.

3bd6d4 No.321314



No, he got banned from /pol/ over two years ago and decided to throw his never ending shitfit on /tv/. He admitted it in a thread during one of his first sperg fits.

I also lurk /leftypol/ so I can screencap retarded stuff and I've never seen his shitty portmanteau posted there.

b12336 No.321317


That was SC, right?

3bd6d4 No.321320


Yes. Still don't know why he chose /tv/ though.

I used to think /co/ attracted the biggest autists, but /tv/ blew that assumption right the fuck out during and after the election.

Maybe it's the utter apathy of the BO and the vols that allows for a melting pot of spergery.

b12336 No.321324

We should probe his Pennsylvania relatives.

Also have you guys noticed he likes to pretend he lived in London for some time? You can see him doing it on the Letterboxd screencaps and on 4plebs too.

b12336 No.321325

What a piece of work


b12336 No.321328

b12336 No.321357

>zachary gets a taste of spam from a /b/ased /b/tard


9f96f0 No.321380

File: 4198a8e20f51399⋯.jpg (4.24 KB, 133x200, 133:200, 1413802215861.jpg)


noice, fitting since /tv/ is just /b/ with less CP

66ba88 No.321387





No. There is >>>/television/ . It's fucking dead but was made from the start to be what /tv/ is supposed to be instead of /leftyb/. Also:


28b1e5 No.321492


someone posted a webm of either a Watson lookalike getting fucked or a very well done deepfake lol

his comeback was a chart of the highest grossing actors where Cate Blanchett is the top female lol

28b1e5 No.321506

File: ff3a812a6e32f1e⋯.png (31.7 KB, 860x287, 860:287, f262c64c-3c3e-47e0-a7b2-fd….png)


pure gold lol

297b97 No.321544

28b1e5 No.321565


lol, in one of the threads listed in that search they called him out and linked these searches:



The thread in question is https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/82501953

878db9 No.321584

File: dfbec2200eeeda1⋯.jpg (109.89 KB, 1200x1183, 1200:1183, Crv8az4WgAArKEb.jpg)



I think even other anons on /tv/ are catching onto this lolcow.

1d1e0a No.321640



Reminder that he got triggered because I said the Robyn banner was savage >>>/tv/1125224

1d1e0a No.321648

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/89157710/#89157710


1d1e0a No.321649


It gets better, I found the previous thread to that one that triggered him, he apparently got banned in the middle of it and started ghostposting. And all it took was saying "are the rumors true" with a pic of Emma Watson.

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/89156296/

818c5b No.322045

I think this is him too >>>/tv/1129857

Minutes after he showed up defending Watson in

>>>/tv/1129878 and >>>/tv/1129880

db4670 No.322210

File: f227d5e7256bb22⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 4500x3003, 1500:1001, neon-demon-45-wtf-watch-th….jpg)



What about Endchan (endchan.xyz) or 99chan (99chan.org) /tv/ as a possible refuge from Zach's autistm? Endchan lets you upload files with no size limit. Not sure how active Endchan or 99chan is at the moment, since I haven't been a visitor there in quite some time.

818c5b No.322216

So I reposted >>319592, which had this reply earlier >>319634, on >>>/tv/1130388 and got this very similar reply >>>/tv/1130404

818c5b No.322218


Which makes me think Zach is effectively the OP here >>319503

db4670 No.322231


>upload files with no size limit

OBS! I dun goofed: the file size limit on Endchan /tv/ is 350mb.

818c5b No.322246



What's the pizza situation on those?

I don't feel like having pizzaspam tbh.

And what is their privacy and malware record like too?

db4670 No.322252

File: ee5c766632be7df⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 540x540, 1:1, elle fanning neon demon.jpg)


They have no unnecessary scripts running, and I have never seen cheese pizza on any of the boards.

When news broke that Jim had some kinda datamining scheme going on here at 8chan, some anons decided to move and set up shop elsewhere. Some of us decided to check out Endchan.

I’m not sure what the vols/BO are like, but the main rules seem very similar to the one here at 8chan.

66ba88 No.322253



>controlled opposition pedo-supporting site on a suspicious domain hosted and maintained by pantyfa

db4670 No.322257


I take it you can back up that? I'd like to see some evidence before condemning the site.

66ba88 No.322262


>site allows pedo cocks

>look up .xyz domain info

>drybones is pantyfa

818c5b No.322270


>pedo cocks

I love these word filters lel

db4670 No.322271


>site allows pedo cocks

>look up .xyz domain info

Please do share your sources for this. I'd certainly be interested to know.

818c5b No.322275


he probably ran the whois on the domain

as for the pedo part idk

db4670 No.322277

File: 05e674aed050c9f⋯.png (436.96 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 05e674aed050c9f62604303e65….png)



Probably Jim doing some low energy damage control to combat the claims of datamining.

4601f8 No.322300




db4670 No.322334

File: 6174ad0a3f2c1cf⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 526x268, 263:134, Chad Radwell golf.gif)



Consider your dubs checked in return.

Think we can get some more lulz out of this cow still?

Doesn't look like 99chan is a viable option to turn to btw.

4601f8 No.322369


I'm trying to get to him by posting the other Roberts

4601f8 No.322372

db4670 No.322382


Daddy, auntie, or Dumont?

I'm not sure if he is more triggered by Roberts or Stone tbh.

4601f8 No.322391



4601f8 No.322398


Oh and I think Stone triggers him more. He had an account called "emmastonecantact" after all.

Did I cross the line when I brought up his dead grandpa?

ab4c68 No.322462

The fact some random dude is getting blammed for my shitposting is hilarious.

t. watsonfag

db4670 No.322484

File: 1208637fa01742a⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 601x508, 601:508, 1459013894569-3.jpg)


>some random dude


>ID: ab4c68 (2)



Nah, you shove your hand into a beehive, you better get preparded to get stung.

da25f6 No.322786


>Nah, you shove your hand into a beehive, you better get prepared to get stung.

I guess you're right. As a stonefag put it, "talk shit, get hit". And this guy's autistic behavior went well beyond talking shit. I wouldn't mind him talking shit if he didn't disrupt the whole board spamming his autistic faggotry.

da25f6 No.322823

da25f6 No.322826

Check this out too

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/93260118

Zachary seems obsessed with someone he calls "Bruce the megaautist"

00f250 No.322939

To whoever is pulling those "wtf Emma Watson got harvested? I'm a robertsmissile now" you're obviously getting to him but it's too childish and almost cow-worthy in its own way.

66ba88 No.322953


>trying to stop people from doing effective work

eabaf3 No.323169


I capped this image a while back from a watson thread, assuming it was the then unnamed Zach due to buzzwords he used.

What seems to be cuckposter prime is active here right now >>>/tv/1129689 (warning, large amounts of cuck porn) and using webm's dated around the same time as the picture here, highly suggesting that they're the same person.

Now, either this means Tenda was just backing up his hapa brother in his fight against those rednecks, OR cuckposter and Zach are the same person.

ab4c68 No.323239


Smiley is on the board stirring shit too. I have seen a few of those retarded oathbreaker memes and someone crying about loosh. There are a few autists pushing this shit storm.

39fe3d No.323264


>you're obviously getting to him

Some times you've gotta fight fire with fire.

4968db No.323536


>I farmed the lolcow so hard I became the lolcow myself

At least he's not paying the lolcow like those idiots did with CWC I guess. I laugh at both sides of the CWC situation BTW.


Fair enough I guess.

4968db No.323557

The Watsonpost pretending to be a flat Earther is mine, I want to see his reaction

8a8136 No.323613


>not being a stonehead


df2f71 No.323643


Feel free to post her on /tv/ and praise her movies, it triggers him to no end. Also mention that Watson has no Oscars and is still butthurt about losing the La La Land role.

62a00e No.324203

Zach is back, shitting up both Roberts and Stone threads

62a00e No.324580

>pines over

we got him lads



62a00e No.324602

Another thread died, here's the archive is here


62a00e No.324607


Same as http://archive.is/2e4m6 but with the newer posts and missing some pictures

4e8672 No.324613

Jesus tittyfuckign Christ. Does he come to /tv/ every single day to spam his has been waifu?

62a00e No.324622


is he spamming her in the catalog? I haven't checked outside the threads I have open

62a00e No.324652

He's having a major meltdown in >>>/tv/319092

Feel free to drop by

f150b1 No.324688


I meant to say >>>/tv/1133522

f150b1 No.324689


I think he's abandoned the thread by now though

5308c9 No.325078


PA has nominally the same firearms laws as texas, even in some cases less restrictive (you can open carry anywhere except in vehicles or philadelphia without a permit as well as carry in bars).


>Can't make this shit up.


>And the topping of the cake is, gets a bachelor of arts, can't do OC to save his life or even recognize art when he sees it. Ironic.

so he has a BA but what was his major? he might have done an arts degree in music or something.

299bb7 No.325094

File: 46e07bfcb593286⋯.mp4 (46.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Do It.mp4)

436df0 No.325108

He's snapping again


ab4c68 No.325325


If he had a degree in music he wouldn't praise Beauty and the Beast.

436df0 No.325351


How does that work in the US? Can't he be just a plain "Bachelor of Arts"?

436df0 No.325672


Aren't Genders Studies majors BAs?

436df0 No.325760

File: a8b7ae467a56005⋯.png (61.12 KB, 1121x613, 1121:613, 65fc6601-c6c9-4421-a546-ec….png)

File: 2eb77a29df5d56c⋯.png (30.49 KB, 1125x466, 1125:466, 2c1915d4-cf16-4fbd-ba87-d6….png)

File: 0df97474e4d3f5b⋯.png (66.67 KB, 835x634, 835:634, d7664fac-5064-46d3-b9d9-46….png)


Let's make some guesses. It must be some of the majors in either of these lists.

5308c9 No.326075


boom roasted


in the us, undergraduate (4 year) degrees are usually either bachelor of arts or bachelor of science, various majors are placed under these. Bachelor of arts for instance might include literature.


I wanted to believe you had shopped "happa waifu obsessions" or something in there.

436df0 No.326130


>I wanted to believe you had shopped "happa waifu obsessions" or something in there.


>Bachelor of arts for instance might include literature.

In a similar vein to the other roaster, he wouldn't praise the books (although he claims the movies are "much better").

436df0 No.326511

436df0 No.326512

436df0 No.326517


Just noticed Zach's posts had been hotpocketed already

e856d9 No.327543

He's shitposting on /tv/ again.

caa2a7 No.327562

caa2a7 No.327589

Is this him?


e856d9 No.327597


He's shitposting on every thread and trying to derail the conversations with some political banter or Emma post. There's also someone making a lot of /leftypol/ and /pol/ threads and trying to stir shit up, although that could be another guy since he's making them quite rapidly.



345cb2 No.328188


Beauty and the Beast actually has good music though lol.

fae049 No.328251


Yeah but he praises the singing

345cb2 No.328289


The singing is worse in a ton of things I've seen, who cares.

fae049 No.328309


Hey Zach

fae049 No.328312


Can't believe this wasn't archived yet

eabaf3 No.329193

After an initial spergout, followed by an interracial spergout I think he might have fucked off (temporarily) or switched up his posting style significantly (unlikely as spamming emma threads was basically his entire reason for being on /tv/).

Even the last spottings of him are a bit dodgy, either he was already trying to switch up his speech patterns somewhat, or they are just other people.

On the plus side, /tv/ is a lot more usable now that half the catalog isn't filled with watson threads.

01af10 No.329267


>After an initial spergout, followed by an interracial spergout I think he might have fucked off (temporarily) or switched up his posting style significantly (unlikely as spamming emma threads was basically his entire reason for being on /tv/).

Which one?

>Even the last spottings of him are a bit dodgy, either he was already trying to switch up his speech patterns somewhat, or they are just other people.

I think it's other people

>On the plus side, /tv/ is a lot more usable now that half the catalog isn't filled with watson threads.

Agreed. I suspect he went back to reddit as he's been told to do for ages.

I think maybe showing him we know where he lives and mocking his grandfather might have been the straw that broke the camel's back. It's one thing to be mocked and partially doxxxxed like 4chan did, but after people have your address and know so much about you it starts getting spooky.

I suspect some of the current shitposters are copycats because you don't see the qualities he used to exhibit.

He claimed that the chans were reddit and got proven wrong the hard way.

eabaf3 No.329409

File: 4a7032a268559ac⋯.png (852.73 KB, 688x586, 344:293, aweapontosurpassmetalgear.png)


>Which one?

Think it was a couple threads about a week ago, (((suddenly))) a whole bunch of watson threads appear, with him obviously being the poster where we where pushing him a little too hard on the doxxxxing front.

This goes on for half an hour or so, until he stops posting in the threads and suddenly the cuckposter starts spamming porn while screeching about how he was destroying all those stormweenies.

I quoted the thread here >>323169 but it's obviously 404'd by now, didn't consider making an archive due to half the thread being his cuckporn.

That's the last time I was sure of Zach posting, it'd make sense for him to be the cuckposter, it fits as far as their hatred for anything even remotely /pol/ goes and it works out timeline-wise, but it's hard to do much more comparison of vocabulary as they both seem to have disappeared (they both type almost exclusively in lower case and have a tendency to repeat the same strange buzzwords though).

>doxxxxxxed like 4chan did, but after people have your address and know so much about you it starts getting spooky.

I never really understood how 4chan didn't do the extra 2 google searches to properly doxxxx him, they had his first and last name, should have known the state and city he lived in from his livejournal, just enter "zachary hasbrouck connecticut" and you got his adress, phone number, middle initial and the names of his parents.

>He claimed that the chans were reddit and got proven wrong the hard way.

And if he would have just stayed there, this never would have happened, pretty sure you get banned there at even the first signs of trying to doxxxx someone.

eabaf3 No.329419

File: 9a031b551f4b91a⋯.jpg (297.5 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 9a031b551f4b91a94fcabc79a9….jpg)


Oh and to add to the cuckposters behavior, when you accuse him of being Zach, he will respond with:

>everyone is the same person

Which is ofcourse the exact same reaction Zach has in his guise of emmafag, while if you accuse him of being Tenda/Bettendorf, he won't even bother to respond (not to mention that unlike for the emmafag, we have zero evidence of the cuckspammer actually being Tenda).

ee06b5 No.329423

He's back on 4chan.


015d33 No.329428


>Think it was a couple threads about a week ago, (((suddenly))) a whole bunch of watson threads appear, with him obviously being the poster where we where pushing him a little too hard on the doxxxxxxing front.

>This goes on for half an hour or so, until he stops posting in the threads and suddenly the cuckposter starts spamming porn while screeching about how he was destroying all those stormweenies.

>I quoted the thread here >>323169 but it's obviously 404'd by now, didn't consider making an archive due to half the thread being his cuckporn.

>That's the last time I was sure of Zach posting, it'd make sense for him to be the cuckposter, it fits as far as their hatred for anything even remotely /pol/ goes and it works out timeline-wise, but it's hard to do much more comparison of vocabulary as they both seem

Found the archive


I wasn't sure it was him but reading it now again it makes sense, because he got butthurt when called out and tried to say "nobody has heard of him".

>I never really understood how 4chan didn't do the extra 2 google searches to properly doxxxxxx him, they had his first and last name, should have known the state and city he lived in from his livejournal, just enter "zachary hasbrouck connecticut" and you got his adress, phone number, middle initial and the names of his parents.

4chan is cucked when it comes to doxxxxing, ever since gamergate. Also wasn't the livejournal your own find?

>And if he would have just stayed there, this never would have happened, pretty sure you get banned there at even the first signs of trying to doxxxxxx someone.

This is the answer for your previous question. Also I just found out some stoner has been reposting the info about his livejournal lol.


Exactly, see



I'll check it, meanwhile the fixed link is this, just paste on your address bar and delete the space:

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv thread/94585398/

015d33 No.329430


>I'll check it, meanwhile the fixed link is this, just paste on your address bar and delete the space:

more like replace the space with a slash

19f16c No.329431


old /tv/ is being flooded with harry potter trash again so theres a very good chance he went back there

015d33 No.329432


>cucked by ericposters

Best timeline hahahaha

942e96 No.330286

942e96 No.330287


This one is about to die

942e96 No.330364


Posting the archive because it's too good to miss

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/94167076/

44d9c7 No.330635

Why does /tv/ attract these people?

6c6034 No.330828


idk but he's having a meltdown again, this time triggered by Roberts

I thought we had managed to make him fuck off but I was obviously wrong.
















6c6034 No.330843

He's still at it lel. Gonna archive the Roberts general because it was the mother of all meltdowns.



6c6034 No.330846

Zach's meltdown on Best Emma v13:


6c6034 No.330853

Same copied and pasted post.


And he continues to paste the same thing on Best Emma General v13

f7509a No.330854




That spam was also on /v/ for a bit, i should have archived it. I suspect it's the work of another /cow/ named smiley.

6c6034 No.330860


If smiley is a watsonfag too it makes sense. But he's targetting the posts where people shit at Emma Watson specifically.

6de2aa No.331439


Seems like you were right at least about it not being Zach, because the vol or the BO deleted all the posts by that IP (I assume) and the obvious ones by Zach stood there.

eabaf3 No.331533

This thread is zach gold https://8ch.net/tv/res/1144758.html

Preemptive archive in case of shoah http://archive.is/DItk7

6de2aa No.331618


Let me update that preemptive archive


2e0ee5 No.331639

This is his voice. He mistakenly left his voice on the L4D2 gameplay that is still up on his youtube channel(which he will delete once he reads this post). I edited the audio where he only talks over https://vocaroo.com/i/s1hUjgzSz8uI

Here's the full uncut 12 minute video


eabaf3 No.331641


Was considering doing so, but unfortunately no new zachposts since then outside of watson spam.

Interestingly enough, most of the spam was deleted from the thread, but some of it and a lot of the clearly zach messages are still up.

Either Zach's preemptively rotating proxies (he has been banned a million times after all), the janitor was selective in his duties or there's more then one crazy hapa spamming watson and talking almost exactly like him.

eabaf3 No.331649


That's one low t individual alright.

Good to be able to confirm that he swears like a call of duty kid in real life as well.

2e0ee5 No.331652

Oh and if he tries to pull the "thats not me" excuse here' is the archive page of the video on his channel


eabaf3 No.331677

File: ae3868d89261909⋯.png (5.39 KB, 393x392, 393:392, de2c43c8e37c6117a6d40374ec….png)

File: 0279dd3c34d0e74⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 888x873, 296:291, so red it makes you wonder….jpg)


Anon, he will ALWAYS pull the ">everyone is the same person" excuse, it might very well be the most used sentence on /tv/ since his anonymity got completely destroyed.

6de2aa No.331685

File: df52833b1f9f616⋯.png (129.6 KB, 988x968, 247:242, da53f352-4fde-40e9-ac1a-fe….png)


Nah, the one I mentioned wasn't spamming Watson, just the autistic text in this cap. And although he mostly seemed to target Best Emma General specially viciously and Watson threads, he also targeted other unrelated threads. I'm still on the fence to whether it was him or not, but obviously the vol or BO just clicked "delete all posts by this IP"

2e0ee5 No.331703



Funniest line from him. It sounds something Harvey would say to Watson on the set

eabaf3 No.331715

File: 93d0de371c48e00⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 645x511, 645:511, polledits villainy.jpg)


Wasn't the pickle rick spam from yesterday? I don't recall seeing it in todays threads.

I expect that's another guy at least, but then, Zach must be fairly familiar with proxy's by now so it's never a certainty.


Sounds highly exploitable for a short webm.

6de2aa No.331752

File: eff6d7fe439c560⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 640x427, 640:427, supreme.jpg)



6de2aa No.332237


It's just the time zone I think

b732bd No.332260

File: 5166c2986ec568c⋯.jpg (205.28 KB, 600x799, 600:799, punished_happa.jpg)

File: 26ba609bbe57d22⋯.jpg (152.61 KB, 600x799, 600:799, punished_Zachary.jpg)

File: 1e1d035f2c2dc32⋯.jpg (673.07 KB, 761x1077, 761:1077, half_blood_prince.jpg)

Have some rare Zachs.

6de2aa No.332274


Saved them all, the first one I saw it first on your /tv/ post tbh.

>soyboy 6 gorillion autism


also wtf is that thing in the background of the first two pics? literally twingo upholstery tier

6de2aa No.332394

Mods have been shoahing Zachary's posts again, he had replied "green eyes master race" to this >>>/tv/1143794 and it's gone

6de2aa No.332399

ab4c68 No.332416


100306 No.332538

File: 9801b02d0b60a91⋯.png (895.91 KB, 932x600, 233:150, creep.png)

Emma I…

3400a1 No.332766

File: 5d81ba66e90c424⋯.png (514.53 KB, 935x600, 187:120, delirium.png)

File: 916261e436ccf6f⋯.jpg (647.06 KB, 718x1045, 718:1045, 1488014474699.jpg)

File: 291458f14e318cd⋯.jpg (318.52 KB, 718x1045, 718:1045, 1488581759411.jpg)


Oh shit dude, I had forgot about his instagram.


>drinks delirium

He's like a meme made true, second pic has been around for a long time but the first time I saw them was on this site a few days ago.

After some investigation I think he might have made them himself, given the reactions to some comments.

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/80348482/#80348948

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/89121659/


This one is pure gold

>Image is missing rick and morty and watching your wife get plowed by her bull at the end of the night

>the only way people can stomach Harry Potter is by getting high and drunk beforehand


this one is good too

>This a christian board fuck off with this bullshit

For the whole thing check out this link


3400a1 No.332775

File: 147c2a708e6242f⋯.gif (993.17 KB, 200x200, 1:1, tumblr_nhi5z7gfIm1tjgejbo1….gif)


Oh, I fucked up two of the links.

So apparently Zach is not just a loser but a pothead loser.

And his pics with those meme filters are hilarious. If he ever showed up on /p/ he'd be mocked non-stop. Halfchan /p/ that is, because fullchan /p/ is dead.

I had called him out on "posting snapshits on instagram" in the past, but wasn't sure he actually did it kek.

9ffc93 No.333094


For all your linking pleasure, and a safe storage space for your most coveted Zachs.

3e6516 No.333116


kek, simply ebin

3e6516 No.333210

File: edf033def511ea6⋯.jpeg (615.81 KB, 1995x2900, 399:580, es.jpeg)


>those banners

>#1 Emma Stone fanclub

Sides in orbit

3e6516 No.333234

The new banners are even more hilarious

d059e3 No.334160

I think he might be going at it. Just about every thread has a "Zach is /tv/ and /cow/'s boogieman" post now.

c6677c No.334174


Even if we get some false positives it's still fun because people get mad at being called Zach so it's win-win. Lulz are what we are here for.

d059e3 No.334181


I guarantee you it's him. Nobody would actually get mad at being called Zach except for redditors conditioned to reply to everything in order to fluff their post count.

c6677c No.334206


Well, there was his butt-buddy from the generals.

Funny that he copied that term too.

So far I've observed him copy these terms:

>cutie patootie (some stonefag posted it and he posted the same thing with a pic of Watson like 5 minutes after and the stonefag called him out)

>OBSESSED (copied from me, replaced his RENT FREE)

>butt-buddy (copied from the other anon who often posts in the generals)

It's fun because it's very noticeable that he doesn't use it until he sees them and then starts spamming them at every chance he gets.

ee06b5 No.334213

Look what I found.


He definitely made that board.

ab4c68 No.334223


I've been trying to get him to pick up tongue punching fartboxes but he hasn't so far.

Someone on /a/ in the FranXX thread has though.

c6677c No.334235

File: d0a899652179c24⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 500x290, 50:29, varg.gif)


Yeah that's absolutely him hahahahah

The thing with hapas is that they're so utterly devoid of creativity that the most they can do is express their butthurt in a pathetic way that only gets them laughed at. He probably created that board to prevent anybody from doing it before him and putting Watson in it. And maybe he thinks he can obtain some IPs out of ignorance of how 8ch works.


>I've been trying to get him to pick up tongue punching fartboxes but he hasn't so far.

What? lol

I haven't even seen that being posted.

Is it an /a/ thing?

ab4c68 No.334247

File: 5018b9fe84143b3⋯.png (261.2 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Literally Me.png)


I guess now. I mostly stick to /animu/ lately but I went to check out the Franxx thread on /a/ since no one on /animu/ had watched the new episode and I saw someone posting about wanting to "tongue punch 0ni's fartbox and pilot her butthole." Meido delete shit pretty quick but it might still be up. I just noticed he been picking up slang and retardedly misusing it and I was hoping he was dumb enough to parrot that on /tv/

ee06b5 No.334506


He's talking to himself.

Also note, he calls himself Zach with k replacing h.

3f24c2 No.334512


He's going on a rampage right now, responding to every bait thread, bait post, and anything he thinks is baiting him. He really loves his whole "it can't just be one person" excuse

e1e846 No.334526


Why is the concept of timing your posts so hard for spergs to grasp?

I samefag on /tv/ all of the time and have literally never been called out on it because I don't make twenty responses in two minutes.

If they learned to space their posts out depending on the speed of the board in question they wouldn't be spotted so easily, but they don't, and you can tell the time of day just by seeing which spergs are spamming their particular shitposts at any given period.

eabaf3 No.334543

File: 8bc624512d1db3f⋯.png (197.95 KB, 1021x755, 1021:755, now hes just straight up a….png)


Dude, he's creating ENTIRE threads just to talk to himself, this is honestly getting creepy, I'm pretty sure he's even trying to impersonate stonefag over here >>>/tv/1150615

Also a tie in, currently this thread >>>/tv/1150653 has the post I capped here, we know Zach is active right now, and in a thread about him you have someone admitting to constantly needing VPN's because of interracial porn spamming.

Zach, the guy who gets constantly banned.

7e31a9 No.334553


I'm not sure, could be someone who realized that Stone is his most sensitive trigger

eabaf3 No.334556


Considering noone is posting Stone right now it seems unlikely, I don't think there's many if there's even more then one to begin with.

However we have a very active Zachary, who is constantly talking to himself and pretending to be multiple people.

Doesn't he have a history of trying to falseflag as a stonefag before?

7e31a9 No.334559


>Doesn't he have a history of trying to falseflag as a stonefag before?

Not that I remember, plus I'm not completely sure the VPN cuck is him.

e1e846 No.334560





Wait a few hours and see if it all just stops suddenly.

Bonus points if you figure out which timezone he's in.

eabaf3 No.334565


We already know, he lives in Stratford Connecticut, so EST.

And as to it all stopping suddenly, it already mostly has it seems, now it's just people pretending to be Zach because it's kind of amusing.

eabaf3 No.334597

Dumping a couple of tonights quality zachbreads.



88c01e No.334707


That's really it, /b/ used to be the designated garbage can of the site but because the BO and vols have a policy of "no heavy modding" the board suffered during 2016 when all the politic shit started flaring up. Autists from /leftypol/ realized they can get away with shitposting on it as long as its (vaguely) /tv/-related cocks. The latter is funny because they usually delete shit that isn't /tv/ related, like /v/ and /meta/ threads, but stuff like say, the recent spamming of Amerimutt shit, as long as its attached to a movie-related thread, is deleted. They do seem to be awakening a bit, but it's only a matter of time before /tv/ collapses from its own weight. There's only so much shitposting you can do before you clog the toilet.

8d0b47 No.334832

File: 8f14fa5b3c2a749⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 291x295, 291:295, `.jpg)


There's rarely any cp on /b/ nowdays.

7e31a9 No.334939

7e31a9 No.334944

File: 5902056e0c83965⋯.png (16.1 KB, 623x166, 623:166, c080cf1d-8e37-41c9-9302-d2….png)

7e31a9 No.334948

File: 2e4b9605e6e5e41⋯.png (5.3 KB, 378x84, 9:2, ac2c9033-689b-4db2-b450-81….png)

f689b8 No.335685


>I had called him out on "posting snapshits on instagram" in the past, but wasn't sure he actually did it kek.

Found the post, became relevant after some of his shitposting again today


2cdde2 No.335731

If /tv/ would turn IDs on he’d shit himself.

2cdde2 No.335732



Own up anon, it’s you.

7b282a No.335890


I know a lot of my own samefagging would be exposed, but I'd fucking love it if whoever the BO is now (is it still the tranny fucker?) turned on IDs just for one day.

eff9e4 No.335997


As far as I’m aware, Zerosugar is still BO. He logged in to retain ownership but then disappeared again. I guess the leftypol snoutfuck caused him deep psychological trauma.

eabaf3 No.336166


Zach's already way ahead of you, ever notice how when he gets banned only certain blocks of his emma spam dissapear but theres always some left?

Always lumped into blocks of images, almost like the guy switches over every couple of minutes when he starts spamming because he's been banned god knows how many times by now.

8a4502 No.336185

File: 7658e50d1fcaac9⋯.png (5.7 KB, 205x246, 5:6, SOYJAK.png)


>2nd pic.




8a4502 No.336188

f689b8 No.336189


top lel

isn't the girl Kelly by the way?

f689b8 No.336190


>when the fantasykino hits

8a4502 No.336196


>I used to think /co/ attracted the biggest autists, but /tv/ blew that assumption right the fuck out during and after the election.

The biggest anon autist ever spent his time on /sp/. The UTC troll.

ea04ee No.336416


I was going to mention the Philmarilion archiver (who was also from /sp/) but then I read your post again and read that it said "anon autist". I think this one was a tripfag.

d059e3 No.336421


Mark here. I've worked with the mods of /cow/ and backtraced your IP. Either delete this image right now or I'll use my info and connections to make sure you can never legally buy another Nintendo product for the rest of your pathetic life.

ea04ee No.336447

fc249f No.338162




I have my doubts since both Emmas are Americans and he sperges out about "Amerimutts" constantly, despite being a hapa.

8a4502 No.338253

File: 98ce66b57e9d059⋯.jpg (8.12 KB, 194x259, 194:259, har__140220004150.jpg)




>Easily triggered by pics of her with Harvey Weinstein.



4db0af No.338509

Behold, some posts here


that then got hotpocketed were defending Led Zeppelin, presumably by Zach (based on the fact they got hotpocketed)

8e9b32 No.340341

94d036 No.343026

It seems he's at least driven to the point where he's not spamming watson anymore, might be the fact that it gives him away immediately or simply a response to people calling him out for spamming his shit where it doesn't belong.

Either way, it's a sign of progress.

e80bca No.343103

Just went over to 4chan and found this



e80bca No.343104

e80bca No.343107

File: cdbcbbafba9b2b7⋯.png (120.28 KB, 1259x465, 1259:465, based stoners.png)



pic related

f18f8d No.343192


He's back on old /tv/ spamming harry potter threads again

e80bca No.343210


> spamming harry potter threads

Links? I only found this one and doesn't look like his style

https://boards.4chan.org/tv/ thread/95045426

f18f8d No.343229



All should be in separate threads. One of the biggest giveaways he was on was the amount of potter threads were being made.

and with the amount of threads that have been spammed in the last few weeks it looks like hes back

e80bca No.343233


I never thought of using that pasta to find threads, very clever anon!

e80bca No.343237


Most seemed to be from random shitposters but this one is definitely him:

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/95036334/

bcb067 No.343403


>Even if we get some false positives it's still fun because people get mad at being called Zach so it's win-win.

t. zach

f18f8d No.343598


It's him.

https://boards.4chan.org/tv/ thread/95045426#95062855

4a13d6 No.343610

File: 0cc21cb9e48d006⋯.png (16.18 KB, 1257x209, 1257:209, 0bc65334-049e-4383-9685-47….png)

File: 0cc21cb9e48d006⋯.png (16.18 KB, 1257x209, 1257:209, 0bc65334-049e-4383-9685-47….png)


yeah it's definitely him lel, he threw me off with the OP but couldn't contain his autism when people criticized his kiddie flicks


>implying I'm Zach


debf92 No.344034

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/95089936/

Seems like people are calling him out on his shit at the sight of a Harry Potter thread, I hadn't seen this before

debf92 No.344052

He's active >>>/tv/1164599

debf92 No.344053


Actual link: >>>/tv/1164591

debf92 No.344303

22a636 No.344624


The thread where Zach got challenged to a deathmatch

f18f8d No.345088

https://boards.4chan.org/tv/ thread/95139471

He's at it again spamming his old threads

769616 No.346039

eabaf3 No.348415

So anyone know what his particular beef with robertsfag is? He seems pretty mad /tv/1169183

eabaf3 No.348515

File: ae3868d89261909⋯.png (5.39 KB, 393x392, 393:392, de2c43c8e37c6117a6d40374ec….png)

And what do you know, more interracial spam, right about the time Zach stopped spamming the best emma and sex godess thread.

I wonder who could be behind this…

e392ec No.348520


Perhaps the die was cast when I outed him as a redditor and autistic ghostposter in his Emma Roberts thread and cucked him out of digits repeatedly, while calling out Emma Watson on getting harvested. He then learned I'm a natsoc and being a sjw hapa kike like he is it likely made him mad.

And I'm faceless to him, while all of 8chan knows his face by now. First he called me ugly, and recently he switched to calling me a dyke, which is kinda dumb given that a pic of my (clothed) torso was posted many threads ago. It's impotent rage at someone who is everything he hates.


Really activates my almonds.

e392ec No.348540

He's going off the rails here, have fun:


96ebf9 No.348719


>and recently he switched to calling me a dyke

If you really want to fuck with him go on over to that female /r9k/ shit site lolcow farm and ask the admins if you can create a thread on zach.

96ebf9 No.348729

Also Zach getting bullied girls would come full circle if the thread gets made on lolcow farm

576dc9 No.348736



That's a female site?

I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me lol

not that I've been there many times, I'm more familiar with foxdick farms

96ebf9 No.348740


Yes, those broads are much more aggressive than guys when it comes to julaying cows.

576dc9 No.348742


Wew, who would have thought women would be better and more heartless than us at this.

If posted there he'd probably get harassed IRL instead of being just threatened that we'd do it like we've done so far.

335f1a No.348743


Ouch. If you actually want to run him off the board thats the way to do it. t. lurker from /tv/

I shall remain neutral.

576dc9 No.348748


idk, seems too aggressive

if he becomes a major pain in the ass and systematically shits up the whole board disrupting conversation that would be the nuclear option, but I'd rather not have him exposed to getting swatted or some shit. In the end of the day I pity him.

335f1a No.348749

747099 No.349472

His worst meltdown yet, 127 posts

































































































































747099 No.349773

File: 1f943223aa7879f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x14259, 1280:14259, meltdown.png)

b51036 No.349866

File: 8ef27d56c14c267⋯.png (91.21 KB, 400x400, 1:1, transparent zach2.png)


Jesus christ, cheers for saving that wall of autism.

747099 No.349897

File: 364e0fe4eba5914⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x14239, 1280:14239, 127 posts.png)


You're welcome, have a better version (no duplicated navigation bar). Thanks for that rare Zach, it might come in handy in the future.

b51036 No.349924

File: f70fb969e6dd1a2⋯.png (83.09 KB, 945x404, 945:404, deleted before i could rep….png)


Cheers, so, as you likely know, /tv/ was spammed with interracial porn the last couple of hours.

In the best emma thread /tv/1169183 , these two relatively innocent, but clearly Zachlike posts get made.

Moments later, before I even posted my reply, they're both gone, while at the same time the interracial porn is deleted (largely this thread /tv/1168810) once again reinforcing the theory that Zach is cuck spammer/cumskinposter/leftyfaggot.

ab4c68 No.349932

File: febc5d80985ffa5⋯.webm (10.92 MB, 782x720, 391:360, Okkusenman.webm)


It's the same person. He doesn't even try to hide his IP. He never gets issued a ban so usually after a day or two he comes back, on the same IP and does it all over again.

ab4c68 No.349933

File: febc5d80985ffa5⋯.webm (10.92 MB, 782x720, 391:360, Okkusenman.webm)


It's the same person. He doesn't even try to hide his IP. He never gets issued a ban so usually after a day or two he comes back, on the same IP, and does it all over again.

747099 No.349935



Most of his spam is gone too, our thread is at 200 posts now lel

747099 No.349943


Another possibility could be that Zach's autistic spam tipped the cuckposters on the fact that the mods were away, but I don't discard your theory.

b51036 No.349946

File: 244d65e3fc84bdd⋯.png (27.1 KB, 432x827, 432:827, gotta be proxies.png)


Looks like they finally cleaned up properly, good on whatever mod was willing to put in the effort.


Dude, he gets banned ALL the time, just look at my view of the wall of "emma roberts sucks" quotes, either theres actually more then one autist behind this, or much more likely, he's regularly switching proxies.

ab4c68 No.349957


Deletions are not bans, anon. Shit very very rarely gets banned. I think the last time was when someone was posting CP in the bottom of the catalog and I only caught it because I had been shitposting about aikido or something in the thread and came back to HARVest my (you)s.

Anyways I have exhausted my shitposting meter for the day. It's time to play some games.

b51036 No.349966


He doesn't get banned for the watsonspam, he gets banned for the interracial porn spam.

We already know the IP that posted the emma roberts sucks spam kept rotating, EITHER there is actually a whole bunch of people who did that spamming, or Zach is just hopping proxies, exactly like the cuckspammer does.

747099 No.349970

File: 5a680aff99464f4⋯.png (44.7 KB, 480x1999, 480:1999, quotes.png)


>Dude, he gets banned ALL the time, just look at my view of the wall of "emma roberts sucks" quotes

it's bugged, press F5

look at this

747099 No.349974


>We already know the IP that posted the emma roberts sucks spam kept rotating

It didn't. That's how the thread went back to 200 posts.

Sometimes when many quotes are posted in a single post they get bugged.

b51036 No.349988


No dude, it's working fine, it looks like this >>349970 for me now too, what happened was not everything got deleted earlier, likely because they remove by IP, which also explains why these >>349924 otherwise harmless posts got removed.

747099 No.350012



747099 No.350024


Are you sure you aren't confusing "bans" and "global bans"?

747099 No.350025



I'm saying this because the margaretfag is always complaining about getting banned

747099 No.350067

File: 4fd9318059f34f7⋯.png (31.12 KB, 649x236, 11:4, 5e26152d-e16b-4346-8d53-b0….png)

A case against the hypothesis that the mods are using the global "delete all posts by this IP" function instead of "delete all posts by this IP in this thread" function.

I was replying to Zach there and I'm certain of it, yet his post in that thread didn't get shoah'd.

298005 No.350254


Some images were lost due to late archiving but it's better than nothing.

70d537 No.351152

0080d5 No.352625

I think we're making progress. He still spams threads to bump limit but this time he did it by spamming pictures of Emma Roberts that he believes that make her look bad, in an Emma Roberts general. He's staying on topic. I'd say that's progress.


bcf5a2 No.353842

A thread that's about to die, Zach bragging about how Emma Watson deepfakes abound.


His contradictions are quite astounding, on the one hand it bothers him that she had sex with Harvey Weinstein, on the other hand he actively seeks porn of her. It's quite creepy, I must say.

baa418 No.354335

File: c4bd9e5d411c168⋯.png (9.29 KB, 1400x100, 14:1, haha.png)


8cba9e No.354345


I'll call him out on it using that screenshot

7c5d2b No.356843

File: a99a97d88bde4c9⋯.png (45.12 KB, 1006x246, 503:123, zzachhachino.png)

File: a24a69ba22a8261⋯.png (151.11 KB, 1008x943, 1008:943, you never go full zachary.png)

File: 76063fec9941082⋯.png (908.52 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76063fec9941082⋯.png (908.52 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Just had to cap this, expanded version included.


7c5d2b No.356902

File: bfcaa0df815eea2⋯.jpg (110.73 KB, 598x448, 299:224, bfcaa0df815eea248f72997921….jpg)

File: e1444e65ec11f9c⋯.png (440.78 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, a005150bf22357bdcb6cd21177….png)


Well shit, guess I exposed myself as part of the Horzbol gang due to ctrl+v misuse.

7c5d2b No.357101


Looking at it again, what made him flip quite probably wasn't my message as much as his own implicit admittance that he is in fact, Zach, in the post before he completely lost his shit.

Likely just a slip, because it is pretty weird to constantly be denying you are yourself.

f2df29 No.357118


He's been using that garbage as pasta for a long time already. I hadn't seen his reply where he calls us "cuckchan refugees".

He's been getting pretty mad at the Maisie threads too.


>Horzbol gang


I just learned about pasting a screencap there btw, seems useful

f2df29 No.357120

I was the one saying that Varg is easy to b8 btw

f2df29 No.357124


Oh and I'm preemptively archiving that

7c5d2b No.357147

File: 74db5407ee8640b⋯.jpg (169.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, angryzach.jpg)

File: 8a34debbe31b291⋯.gif (7.2 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 8a34debbe31b29130eb68b2d96….gif)


I thought usually his pasta's where more redtext and capslock, but I could see him having a couple txt files with autistic rants to paste.

And yeah pasting screencaps can be pretty useful, as long as you're actually intending to do so.

Too much to explain the whole bloodsports and horzbol things, just check the Jewtube Rational Septics threads, also great if you're looking for very entertaining podcasts.

904cb9 No.357168


>I thought usually his pasta's where more redtext and capslock, but I could see him having a couple txt files with autistic rants to paste.

He probably managed to overcome the limitations of his tiny manatee brain and realize that redtext spam was far too obvious

>And yeah pasting screencaps can be pretty useful, as long as you're actually intending to do so.

It will come in handy no doubt

>Too much to explain the whole bloodsports and horzbol things, just check the Jewtube Rational Septics threads, also great if you're looking for very entertaining podcasts.

looked a bit into it but I guess I'll have to watch some stuff rather than just read threads to fully get it

7c5d2b No.357177


I dont suppose you can point to any other places he's used that particular copypasta?

But yeah, considering how quickly it's posted after the comment before, it pretty much has to be a pasta.

And if you wanna watch any of the bloodsports stuff, just start here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUH-tWHbr8 Richard Spencer vs Styx and Sargon, absolutely hilarious shitshow.

904cb9 No.357200


Here >>>/tv/1180221

904cb9 No.357201


>But yeah, considering how quickly it's posted after the comment before, it pretty much has to be a pasta.

>And if you wanna watch any of the bloodsports stuff, just start here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUH-tWHbr8 Richard Spencer vs Styx and Sargon, absolutely hilarious shitshow.

I'll look into that my dear vol :^)

904cb9 No.357205


Preemptive archive in case of shoah


904cb9 No.357212

File: 163a7649e34adeb⋯.png (67.46 KB, 1230x239, 1230:239, ClipboardImage.png)


BTW 4chan has some similar posts, I think he's emulating them

9ab62d No.357563


Either he's emulating them or they're his creation to begin with, just occasionaly making new ones when the autism hits hard.

To be fair, I have no idea how common they are, if they're pretty popular he's probably just emulating yeah.

0f5121 No.357570

File: e817aaeb53f8c09⋯.png (27.16 KB, 1223x138, 1223:138, ClipboardImage.png)


This one is old but you can find vertical versions of it and stuff. Whining about memes has been going on for a long time.

0f5121 No.357943

File: 9b05a2d388a495f⋯.png (13.5 KB, 1149x88, 1149:88, ClipboardImage.png)

Look what I found (I was looking for Harvey nicknames to troll in halfchan)


I hadn't made one post in that thread and only today I learned it existed, but Zach was triggered as fuck in it. This is one of the most ironic posts, he's talking about "living rent free in your head" and I just learned about the thread itself today.

I don't think I ever managed to trigger this cow before.

0f5121 No.357944


Meant to say

>I don't think I ever managed to trigger a cow this much before.

5bf533 No.358501

He had another meltdown last night on this thread: >>/tv/1180273

Tried to play it off as it being other anons but all his defining characteristics are there. His trademark insults, red text, Emma Watson spam, bringing up and getting triggered by national socialism while redtexting (probably the biggest red flag).

43d819 No.358525


Looks like it's 404'd, don't suppose you made an archive?

7f81b8 No.359019


He's did it again, LOL


7f81b8 No.359027


No, I just fucked up the link


b637c7 No.359443

He's ghostposting again, also he's on /newsplus/


7f81b8 No.359464


And he's mad on /tv/ too!


ab27ed No.359616

I waited too much to archive this one


dcefa5 No.360146

File: 0663743de0dd155⋯.gif (369.99 KB, 300x302, 150:151, aving_a_giggle.gif)


>He's ghostposting again

I went and saw some of his "new" material

dcefa5 No.360292

Archived before the images get deleted


78bbed No.360874

Bumplocked thread, archived.


2fa6b2 No.361435

>people on halfchan are bringing up Zach's review of The Circle every thread he shows himself in


2fa6b2 No.361448

File: 8a34debbe31b291⋯.gif (7.2 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 8a34debbe31b29130eb68b2d96….gif)

Found a little jewel from October


68d8c8 No.361531

Supposedly this is him speaking like Gollum, i could be wrong though.


5867aa No.364152

He's active again










He is very likely the guy who made the thread about GaHoole2 here (and the multiple threads on /tv/) too. Too scared to accept the challenge yet too angry and desperate to not try to divert the attention from him and to not try to ridicule the only guy who showed his face while calling him out.

f077b5 No.365181

f077b5 No.365461

4ab4a3 No.365754

4ab4a3 No.365755

fa18e4 No.367502


Zach is active right now, feel free to julay him. I've been having some fun, he's clearly steaming with rage. I wish every cow was this much of a hothead.

d9e1cd No.379758

He's finally gone back to old/tv/ for good

0d1df4 No.379903

de61fe No.383657

He's going wild on ghost /tv/ again

2fca12 No.510601

does he really live in england now

76b104 No.516354


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