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File: ccc94f4b6f824a3⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 789x477, 263:159, hLHGQwd.jpg)

ea139e  No.319503[Last 50 Posts]

Do you deep down like making fun of and laughing at lolcows because you feel insecure about your own mental illnesses and want to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them?

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48e1e2  No.319508


>t. cow

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1a2d18  No.319515


I do it because it's fucking funny, you turbo autist.

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ea139e  No.319525


>because you feel insecure about your own mental illnesses and want to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them?

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48e1e2  No.319538


>you have to be mentally ill to find mental illness funny

You didn't laugh at Dr. Phil 's interview of Shelley Duvall?

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ea139e  No.319544



>to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them?

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48e1e2  No.319547


>to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them

I'm not just not as bad as them, I'm good. But I've always enjoyed schadenfreude. Screw moralfaggotry.

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e16cef  No.319582

File: 057e5aada9b8ec4⋯.gif (153.94 KB, 267x199, 267:199, op chisels a statue.gif)


Why are you such a whiny moralfag?

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f143b5  No.319592

File: 6fa0f6e91864596⋯.jpeg (104.04 KB, 1200x653, 1200:653, 2D12F4BA-76EA-42A5-BB63-3….jpeg)


>this much projection

The old adage is true that you have to be an even greater autist to document a wild lolcow on the internet, but what we’re doing here is almost no different than the writers of scriptures of millenias past. Sure, it might be seen as useless and counter-productive, but we do it for posterity’s sake and to have a laugh at it all the same time. Someday, people from the future could look-up on these wild rides of no-bodies and be glad that somebody out there recorded the antics of a mentally defecient person on the internet.

People might forget, but thanks to advancement to data storages, these records will continue to be stored long after we’re dead

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ed7ea2  No.319630

File: e783d760085857a⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 540x586, 270:293, Twitter fanarts on tumblr.jpg)

File: 5aff79b791f750c⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 792x909, 88:101, let's not laugh at cringy ….jpg)

File: 0c418216c1d2ba3⋯.jpg (101.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, let's laugh at waifus, twi….jpg)



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44ac20  No.319632

I think they're amusing to watch and observe when I'm not working.

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a5b7bd  No.319634


>this much self-importance

>from making fun of nobodies online

jesus christ

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299a1d  No.319636



You're from Max's clique, right?

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34d381  No.319643

You're looking for foxdickfarms.

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fd99e8  No.319645

File: ec2b9c4e2c12ac4⋯.jpg (269.06 KB, 550x744, 275:372, you are now fucking around….jpg)

It's not insecurity. I see things in cows that I also recognize in myself. It's fascinating to me how low I could sink if I just let the more spergy parts of myself run wild.

It's also really fucking funny. It's the modern day freak show.

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a2f22a  No.319646


It's always funny when pozzed Westerners, particularly women, come into contact with Nips who don't give a shit about their unnatural and unhealthy view of the world.

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fd99e8  No.319648


I like how they feel fine with talking shit about the "perverted" Japanese and their "misogynist" culture, but don't say shit about Arabs because they have brown skin.

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2cfabc  No.319649


Please take your Freudian bullshit outta here, I don't make fun of people like CWC because I'm secretly an autistic tranny Sonic fan, I make fun him because he's an autistic tranny Sonic fan.

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a2f22a  No.319653

I'm trying to figure out which cows would have the mental wherewithal and self-awareness to post something like this, but would also be dumb enough to think it would get them anything but mockery.

I want to say Britbong, but that's too easy.

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fd99e8  No.319654


I'm guessing someone from the Soulbrotha thread. They like ebin Spongebob reaction images, don't they?

Maybe a liberalist. It seems like the kind of half-assed armchair psychology Vee would try, but there isn't enough typos and bad grammar.

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243717  No.319660


>I want to say Britbong, but that's too easy.

No mention of of 'bt.fo', 'sta.lking', 'defaming', 'slandering', 'hiding behind anon', 'pedo imageboard'. So no, doesn't look like BIDF.


I've heard stories about people starting to get /fit/ after seeing chris-chan for the first time. Certainly felt the urge myself.

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2cfabc  No.319663


Will the mods ever remove that b t f o filter?

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d2b901  No.319690


this and the totalbiscuit threads are red flags for manlet posting

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9322be  No.319763


It's obviously Anthony LoGatto.


How badly do you need to say it? As badly as Britbong and the BIDF, who literally can't not use it in a post?

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2cfabc  No.319765


Hell, you don't even need to remove it, just make what it filters to nowhere near as long. It's gotten obnoxious at this point.

Does anything else filter to "PLEASE STOP TROLLING.." other than bee tee ef oh? Because I regularly notice people post links that have something in them which catch the filter.

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fd99e8  No.319766



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9322be  No.319769


Yes, /­­thread does. Both are BIDF valedictions. I'll consider changing it to something else.

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def6f1  No.319834

File: a0b39e2ed879678⋯.png (263.39 KB, 520x377, 40:29, d3a.png)

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6a0206  No.319866

Wasn't Zachary complaining about /cow/ having no lives on /tv/?

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e38c6b  No.319868


He did? kek

Now that him being a hapa is out of the bag we know why he got so asshurt about national socialism and /pol/ as well.

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6a0206  No.319876


I mean I assume it was him because someone asked what /cow/ was, other said it was a board that makes fun of spergs and then someone replied that /cow/ had less life than such spergs or something like that. Can't find the post though.

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6a0206  No.319893



I found it >>>/tv/1114379

Right between two obvious posts from him

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a9a200  No.319955


I don't really mock any of the cows, I just sort of observe.

It's fascinating.

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273e68  No.322220


Look at these:





What gives?

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e9f48f  No.322282

I met a couple of you people from here. You guys have girly voices. Prove me wrong. Post vocaroos.

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588e60  No.322286


>doxxxx yourselves

No thanks

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cf2b88  No.322577


I do it to help them learn to stop taking shit so seriously and get off the Internet because they're overusing it.

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ed7ea2  No.324511

File: 5aff79b791f750c⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 792x909, 88:101, let's not laugh at cringy ….jpg)

File: 8f3143eef284907⋯.jpg (108.18 KB, 800x800, 1:1, let's laugh at cringy art,….jpg)


Is this your twitter?

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34d381  No.324565


Go back to mewch, smiley.

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979c69  No.324587


Nike Bates ate shit on film to serve as a legal defense against paedophilia. Chris-chan pierced his taint and is so dirty that it got infected and he thought he grew a vagina. If you don't think that shit is objectively hilarious stupidity then you are dumb,

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979c69  No.324589

File: be429227b451976⋯.webm (3.36 MB, 720x576, 5:4, FUCKTHISGAYTHREAD.webm)


literally me

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002028  No.324628


Chris is much worse. He gives other autistics a bad name with his antics.

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acf41a  No.324636

File: fdecc4f27ef3974⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 640x426, 320:213, STRONG LATINO WOMAN WHO DO….jpg)


>Do you deep down like making fun of and laughing at lolcows because you feel insecure about your own mental illnesses and want to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them?

First day in the neighborhood, friendo?

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db8377  No.324658


Anyone have that video of that guy in his bedroom and the fbi comes knocking on his door and he starts destroying his computers and this song is playing in the background ?

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beb8a5  No.324660


>somebody copied my shitpost

Tippity top jej


>not having the spirit of julaaaay

Get the fuck outta here you thin-skinned faggot and go back to cuckchan / plebbit or whatever shithole you came from

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1ce586  No.324661


>Tippity top jej

yeah, I did. And got an eeringly similar response which makes me think it was Zachary

>Get the fuck outta here you thin-skinned faggot and go back to cuckchan / plebbit or whatever shithole you came from


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979c69  No.324669


It's the dude from The New Guy, right? Somebody was shitposting with it on /tv/ the other day ago. I can't find it.

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db8377  No.324671


>The New Guy

YES just found it on yt with that

thanks anon i'll suck your dick

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979c69  No.324675


Don't be gay, anon.

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979c69  No.324676

File: 41f8ee941b490e6⋯.webm (6.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jay pee.webm)

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ba0ff8  No.328191

The people here are definitely the most autistic anons on the internet second to only /r9k/

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c53c3d  No.344131


Being a moralfag basically means you aren't an edgelord from /b/

You'll realize once you grow up and stop posting on /cow/

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9ad666  No.344138


joke's on you, I was never a /b/tard

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b3063b  No.344386

That might be true for the anons who obsessively document everything about some of these spergs, but I'm pretty sure most here are just regular people that come for a laff.

Your question is retarded tbh, I can find a crazed sonic fan hilarious without being suicidal tier mentally ill or some shit.

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a68e04  No.344593

File: 7706d5755b8232d⋯.png (32.22 KB, 1172x675, 1172:675, 1489684574287.png)

I don't make fun of them.

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46d396  No.344636

File: a3d62684a599cad⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 3036x4048, 3:4, IMG_20180201_202408.jpg)

>no, anon. you are the cow

>and then anon was a sonichu

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bd89a8  No.344726


thats a cat

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27cf9e  No.344731

I just really hate Britbong

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02e1c6  No.344780

File: 3f33a5ef051c56d⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 3036x4048, 3:4, IMG_20180201_202421.jpg)


I don't believe you.

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3b9ec4  No.346360

File: de0dac3d7ada07c⋯.jpg (166.7 KB, 763x949, 763:949, CSLewis.jpg)


>once you grow up

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

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484a17  No.450043


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dbee2e  No.512857

Was this thread introspective?

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0842ff  No.512886

File: 92c0efe6e07c4a6⋯.png (417.55 KB, 700x683, 700:683, tumblr ppg.png)

File: 9a0d1d9c5a93e56⋯.jpg (854.87 KB, 1280x1664, 10:13, canceronpa.jpg)

File: d499f80a1d30956⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 500x400, 5:4, kek la kek.jpg)

File: 92d7cb2c08bc88f⋯.jpg (200.71 KB, 474x700, 237:350, krillin tumblr nose.jpg)

File: f210fafb71baa23⋯.png (126.75 KB, 640x818, 320:409, rcdart2.png)

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9ce07f  No.512887

File: 792d0239eb827c2⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 300x287, 300:287, [003832].jpg)



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0842ff  No.512892


t. that kid that got bullied for being obnoxious as hell and got a victim complex

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380eb5  No.512894

I got somebody has bullied me on this page 😭

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a70575  No.512896

What's t. lol

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0ea78d  No.512898

File: b39a8e12dc76775⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 360x264, 15:11, 0417815cc07c464597b1c6c6ef….gif)


No to all of that. I don't laugh at most cows. I like the ones with slightly more than usual mental horsepower spinning their tires in the mud. What tickles my fancy is watching them squirm, attempting quarter-assed damage control and diversions, trying to explain away their behaviors when faced with archived posts or anything to highlight just how full of shit they are. It's the brief sparks of self awareness that make me laugh. See inflation bear, endomorphosis, peter coffin and bryan. Being criminally insane like sick nick, endomorphosis or seattle4truth is entertaining but it all ends when they murder their parents, smear shit on their dick or run from the law over stupid shit.

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50dea8  No.512972

Is foxdick Farms really this desperate?

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9e8149  No.605737

File: cad4cc4a9a9fb8d⋯.png (130.66 KB, 583x282, 583:282, FartArt.png)


What's wrong with having a innocent chuckle at lolcows? It's not like we want them to suffer horribly and wish ill on them. (For the most part, unless it's something like Kero the Wolf or other horrorcow types.)

> want to feel better about yourself, knowing you're not as bad as them?

I see nothing wrong with this, it's a great self esteem booster.

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49fe43  No.605745

actually if it is good lulcow they are just funny

like sonihcu has made me laugh wholesomely generic just a LOL as that

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fc1d1e  No.605750

>Implying /cow/ can be worse than kiddy diddlers, furfags CHRIS FUCKING CHONG, Timbox and countless others

Oh look we have a Mr Moral here, make room guys!

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16ee0c  No.606154

Those smart enough to do a task but not smart enough to see through lies will always have money and media attention fawned upon them. Those smart enough to do many tasks and see through the lies are destroyed or enslaved, your only choice often is to slide through unnoticed while other stupider people walk right into the cage.

Anyone telling you any different is lying to your face or delusional.

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7474de  No.613489


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