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File: aa2278ce0761ce4⋯.jpg (220.64 KB, 800x504, 100:63, Untitled 1.jpg)


They learned nothing


They can't ruin something that is already ruined. But you're right, Netflix is cancerous.


File: 004b7489cba2d26⋯.png (442.68 KB, 2150x972, 1075:486, dani smoosh.png)

>No archive

>No damn link either




Jaden Smith as Kirito. Ellen Page as Asuna. Would you watch it?





pick one

also, who cares, this isn't something anyone would fake


File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)


>this isn't something anyone would fake

Then why didn't you post the source of your information?



>Then why didn't you post the source of your information?

>who cares


File: d592156089739f2⋯.png (432.65 KB, 1462x557, 1462:557, THIS_IS_WHY_YOU_ARCHIVE_OR….png)

File: b06a9494aa59db2⋯.png (600.71 KB, 1829x550, 1829:550, I_want_to_kill_myself.PNG)

File: 5b67727e1a2993e⋯.webm (10.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Driv3rGate almost forgott….webm)

File: 3801a19f43c07a8⋯.png (88.41 KB, 703x909, 703:909, 'Ghost Stories' did not fl….png)

File: fd4aaec69b5a72b⋯.png (178.04 KB, 2391x795, 797:265, Archiving 101, your tools.png)


File: 1aab98b96199ed9⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 619x767, 619:767, 1aa.jpg)

>No archive.

I'm disappointed in you OP.


>this isn't something anyone would fake

It's easy to fake screenshots.



I wasn't talking how easy it is.

This isn't something anyone would fake



Then post the fucking link.




>Breaking news, water is wet



I'm not here to hold your hand


File: 01d2fb2aff8fdfd⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 360x326, 180:163, 01d2fb2aff8fdfd1c1bcfacbf6….jpg)


>OP posts a picture

>Anons ask for a source

<I don't have to prove myself to you faggots

Great thread OP. Good job!


So we're just going to shitpost until BO or his vol friend edits the OP?


File: 4475f9964d9be90⋯.png (32.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1237087812470.png)

The purpose of archival is either to deny pageviews to clickbait sites that depend on pageviews, or to keep proof of something that might be deleted once the author realizes their mistake. For something as benign as news about netflix making ANOTHER anime adaptation, archival isn't really necessary. BUT OP is still a faggot for not giving us any kind of link, archive or not. If you start a thread about some news, post a fucking article.


File: 1208637fa01742a⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 601x508, 601:508, 1208637fa01742a9ea29f930fe….jpg)

and you will all watch and pretend it's good like Ghost in the Shell and Death Note.



>something that nobody did

your point?






Go back to cuckchan with these low effort baits.



imagine being this mad



I watched the live action GITS and was disappointed they changed the plot completely, but mildly impressed that they managed to keep specific action scenes from the anime movie and make them relevant to their new plot. That kind of inventiveness wouldn't have been necessary if they just left the plot the fuck alone though. I thought the visuals were pretty mediocre, it didn't wow me like Fury Road, Tron Legacy, or Blade Runner 2049. Even the original Matrix had better, more cohesive visual style. Obviously don't give a fuck about the acting "talent."

Didn't even realize death note was already released and don't plan on watching it.


File: deb6fbe1721e825⋯.png (48.18 KB, 304x94, 152:47, New Faggot Peak Reached.png)

Might as well post a source (Not OP's source) since OP is too much of a faggot:





Are you retarded? Both films were destroyed to shreds for pieces of garbage they were. Even normalfags hated them. Kys.


File: f509c2f4a7abda5⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, really_activates_the_loli.jpg)


Someone watched live action GitS and Death Note?


There's nowhere to go for that Franchise except up, so I have no problem with this. It'll probably be shit regardless, but that's the natural state of SAO. It's not like Netflix is ruining anything.




According to my friends, GitS was "perfectly mediocre" if you ignored it was supposed to be a GitS movie. I tried watching the Death Note movie, and it was actually more of a Final Destination-esque horror movie. It had potential to be a good movie, if they hadn't been hung up on calling it Death Note.



I never understood the reasoning behind live action adaptations of anime besides attempting to re-brand anime as something that is more normalfag friendly. If you're watching an anime and you think it would be better as a live action movie, you probably just don't like anime.

I've never personally watched a movie and said "man, if only this was an anime."



>get normalfags into actual anime and ruin it see the translation discussion thread

>get more shekels without having to make up new shit

>try to open another front because we all know (((hollywood))) is failing with their propaganda bullshit -and the fact that china, a massive market for that crap- hates fags and nigs- and actors think they're humans worth existing, so they don't want to go down

Actually I do think that sometimes, if simply for the fact that you can do so much more with anime (or cartoons or even flat out cgi) than with live action, simply because you're only bound by artistic skill and imagination, rather than what a human can actually do.

And hey, it's not like your average "blockbuster" isn't 90% cgi where it counts. Why even bother with humans.



> If you're watching an anime and you think it would be better as a live action movie, you probably just don't like anime.

There's plenty that would be great as live action, andcould easily end up better. Monster is basically just a live action show, except with only having the detriments of being animation without any of the positives of being live action.



How does live action make it "better"? It doesn't make sense unless you need your dose of (((Hollywood))) celebrities.


File: bf1d0e9733c3bf4⋯.jpg (66.9 KB, 615x301, 615:301, 0c13ab725dcfbc801066fd933c….jpg)

Netflix's Sword Art Online Live-Action TV Show Won't Whitewash Asian Characters

"I am not interested in whitewashing it."


It's still netflix and SAO shit, but at least someone is taking a stance like this.



The one time they bother with that shit and it's with the show with no integrity to ruin in the first place. It's not worth the effort.


File: ce3f1d2562a02c0⋯.webm (11.21 MB, 320x240, 4:3, practical_effects_vs_cgi.webm)

File: 159b8a5399b5cd7⋯.webm (3.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Film live forever.webm)


>Actually I do think that sometimes, if simply for the fact that you can do so much more with anime (or cartoons or even flat out cgi) than with live action, simply because you're only bound by artistic skill and imagination, rather than what a human can actually do.

They actually can do a whole lot of amazing stuff with practical effects and real people. The problem is the work and effort required to do it. And, it's not only the work, but also the money. When they were developing Star Trek: TAS, they loved the idea of animation and how much more they could do with it than live-action, especially since Star Trek:TOS was a low-budget series back then (IIRC). However, today, technology has progressed to such a point that even a "parody" series like The Orville still has some damn good production put into it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And, to top it off, practical effects are not as expensive as everyone makes them out to be (At least, not anymore).




I personally think that people who demand live-action adaptations either want their favorite actions scenes from the anime depicted with photorealistic special effects, or they cannot get over an immature mindset that cartoons are for kids and they are a kid for watching them.


live action adaptions are garbage, no exceptions



>I've never personally watched a movie and said "man, if only this was an anime."







Anime is an entire animation philosophy designed around being as fucking cheap as possible. It's an entire industry of tricks and stylized effects made to make it cheap as fuck to show shit happening. Some anime have weird shit that wouldn't work in live action. A Gurren Lagann live action would look awful and out of place. But something like Monster or Baccano which have plots and visuals that work incredibly easily in live action could easily come out much better by using actual fucking actors with acting ability, rather that then trying to convey emotions on a character's face but being limited because you only have the budget for 5 frames of animation.



I have a normalfag friend who liked live action GitS and has only seen a few episodes of SAC. But he's a contrarian who often decides he's going to like things before seeing them merely because I predict they will be bad.



>was disappointed they changed the plot completely

They did that when making SAC. Nothing new there. What they did wrong was turn it into a generic sci-fi action flick with an amnesiac hero and removed the core themes and ideas that made both the manga and the anime great.


You forget that live action simply can't capture the same tone and atmosphere as anime. In 99% of all cases, even anime that don't have unrealistic visuals or off model chibi comedy would still not directly translate well. The same could be said of adapting books, but books don't have audio/visuals. Anime do, so there's very little reason to ever do a live action adaptation.



But are they going to blackpaint it?


File: 4b3d87369354a1c⋯.png (193.15 KB, 418x314, 209:157, 1449193759469.png)




>terminator genisys


File: 3760b905992078c⋯.png (140.1 KB, 927x498, 309:166, Screenshot from 2018-02-15….png)


>He doesn't archive everything.



You're trying too hard.



>In 99% of all cases, even anime that don't have unrealistic visuals or off model chibi comedy would still not directly translate well

What's your fucking frame of reference for that claim? The Japanese live actions made with no fucking budget by nips that don't understand how filming works? The 3 fucking live action anime adaptions that were created by scraping the bottom of the barrel of "IPs we haven't used yet" and hiring some random fuck that knows nothing about the franchise that the movie is supposedly based off of?

What kind of retard do you have to be to think that Monster couldn't be done in live action, or that westerners would be unable to capture the spirit of Tiger and Bunny? There's a lot of anime out there that isn't some weird ass culturally specific show.



>that Monster couldn't be done in live action

Never said that. I said there's very little reason to do so. Reading comprehension.


Why the fuck do the characters have to be asian? There's nothing inherently "japanese" in SAO for that to be a prerequisite. It takes place inside a fucking video game. I know it's just for virtue signalling, but still.



>It takes place inside a fucking video game

It takes place in Japan you dumb fuck.



You answered your own question.



Does the setting not being in Japan changes something big about the plot?



Kill yourself, you dumb nigger. There's nothing inherently japanese in it. It could have taken place anywhere. Nothing about it being set in japan is crucial to the plot. The author was a jap so set it there. It takes place inside a fucking video game. There's no fucking reason for a western adaptation to set it in japan.

I swear to god, people like you were born by mistake.



Not that anon, but I'd agree that making them all asians serves basically no purpose. The story itself is not a "Japanese" story. The story is not improved by making sure all the characters are Japanese, nor would it be detrimental to have them not be Japanese. If you had a Darker than Black or a Black Lagoon live action, I'd consider it super important to make sure the nationalities of characters stayed the same, because the interplay of them bouncing off each other is important.



So you liked live action Ghost in the Shell I take it?



That was trash for numerous other reasons, and the Nips didn't care that Johansson got the part. Actually, they expected it because of the "Hollywood whitewashes everything" meme, and the aspect that it's a robotic body that can be altered or switched out at any time (AFAIK).



To get the Chinese audience.


File: 7a73286d5620bfe⋯.jpg (384.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Tom Clancy's Line Simulato….jpg)


>There's nothing inherently japanese in it. It could have taken place anywhere. Nothing about it being set in japan is crucial to the plot. The author was a jap so set it there. It takes place inside a fucking video game. There's no fucking reason for a western adaptation to set it in japan.

Well, didn't the game adopt every's "real" appearance once the bomb was dropped that "You're all stuck here". Also, it has been proven multiple times that majority of player bases do play as a "white character" every time they're given the option to create their own character. So, they could also be doing this just for brownie points. However, hilariously enough, they've also backed themselves into a corner with this statement because since they're Japanese characters, in Japan, playing the Japanese version of the game (Unless the game is selling worldwide this time), everyone will have to be speaking Japanese all the time.



>Well, didn't the game adopt every's "real" appearance once the bomb was dropped that "You're all stuck here"

The only reason for that was so they could have their shitty love story without worrying it was a long term catfish.



>it’s another conspiracy theory thread

Stop making these. Netflix is a meme at this point.


uu fucking kikes



>it’s another conspiracy theory thread

Then prove it's just that or you'll get a streisand effect.



>they're Japanese characters, in Japan, playing the Japanese version of the game (Unless the game is selling worldwide this time)

Do you really have any faith in Netflix to stay that loyal to inconsequential details?

The MC will be a nigger living in LA, Asuna will be a fiery latina girl, and the game will be a worldwide release for maximum equality points. But everyone will speak english because it's a shitty netflix adaptation that won't bother hiring other nationalities of voice actors, and they'll never explore the language barrier concept.



And here I thought there's no way SAO could have been any worse






Did anyone here actually watch the live action Death Note. How bad was it? I think I might just watch it tonight for hilarity only. Make a montage of the worst scenes.


File: 8454c04e20ceeba⋯.png (64.8 KB, 327x316, 327:316, interesting.png)


Do it.



>for hilarity

You will find only depression.


File: dee2422565d7792⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 1280x571, 1280:571, 230071067-3.jpg)


>How bad was it?

This is L






Ironically he was the only one who actually felt like his original character.



not really


Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The part where the shinigami shows up in front of light. He sperged out and screamed like a girl.



I tired to. I got like 15 minutes in. It's just really bad as a movie. The only draw is Dafoe as Ryuk and even that isn't impressive or interesting. The actual plot seemed to have nothing to do with the plot of the anime. They made Light into some edgy beta scene kid and everyone else is a nigger. The score is incredibly generic too. One of the best parts of Death Note was the score. I listen to that shit all the time.




>Shit Art Online

And nothing of value was lost




Back to >>>/reddit/



It's almost like people in charge were 40+ somethings that haven't seen an anime in their entire life.


Did anyone post the live action fullmetal series they're starting?



And most likely have an unfounded sense of superiority that they're just adapting some weird shitty mongolian wood carving, so it's okay to change anything that actually has any relation to the original source material.



Netflix didn't make it, it was made in Japan but Netflix secured publishing rights for us dumb roundeyes.

The movie is shit and barely covered the Marcoh and Tucker bits, but for some reason has the animated dolls in it



Looking forward to two years of semen making a gloping sound as it pours into Asuna—I mean Annabelle.



>They learned nothing

>thinks this is not what they wanted to do

If you really know how (((kikeflix))) works, then you shouldn't be surprised by this move



please indulge

as far as I can see, they found a popularish thing and gave the producers shekels to make another so they can get more shekels by distributing it


I’m retarded so someone please summarize just how much of a threat netflix may be.


File: f7561d4efe31f6e⋯.jpg (144.23 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, MV5BOTY0NTMzMDAxN15BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: 2d113d187ca1f2a⋯.webm (9.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The Couple Open Relations….webm)


>please summarize just how much of a threat Kikeflix may be.


Also don't forget about the leftist bullshit rhetoric in Devilman Crybaby, and I'm not just talking about the buttsex.



I get that they’re pulling a bunch of bullshit here in the west, what I’m concerned about is (((them))) getting a foothold in nipland.


File: ec510fafe282d8c⋯.png (149.5 KB, 785x1220, 157:244, charon.png)

File: b3a7fc43be1828a⋯.png (126.75 KB, 788x1222, 394:611, charon 138.png)


What were you talking about then? Was it elements from the manga or some of the original content?



<as far as I can see

>being this vaguely positive about kikeflix




kikeflix getting a piece from soros' 18 billion funddumping is probably the signal to go all out, after realizing japan have some kind of involvement using these 'strange moving pictures from the far east' in his mind. That, and also funding other places, with the majority of those shekels going to shill companies like shareblue, and other related groups funding (((independent journos)))



I'm worried about Netflix and their interest in Anime, bros. They have the money and the (((motivation))) to really bastardize the Jap cartoons. I really don't want to see politically-correct, feminist anime. Maybe it's just a matter of time until the waifus turn into sluts that are "healthy at any size". Fuck it all. The world has gotten depressing, and now they seem to be coming for one of the last refuges from leftism.




I highly doubt it. The producer admits it won't be able to support every studio in Japan and yet to be seen if they start pandering to the Netflix audiences (which is also unlikely). They don't make nearly enough money to fuck with the industry on a grand scale, nor would they be willing to spend that much in the first place.

Netflix simply offers their service as a platform. Bear in mind that it paying for animu is mostly to pander to Japs, so going full Western mode would be counterproductive. Animation in general is perceived as childish in the States (at least), so it also has that going against it. Amazon's efforts fizzled out when they had to can AnimeStrike for being a shitty double-paywalled mess; China matters a lot more to Japan than the West right now.

Worst case scenario is that they'll fund a few shows to appease their faggot subscribers, which are bound to flop in Japan, anyway. If the industry ever began to gravitate towards such a blatant counterculture, it's assured to crumble, and that's a fact even a retard can understand. Japan would only ever do this if they wanted their legacy to implode, drive up employment, ruin thousands of lives, make otaku go apeshit crazy, and kill a significant part of their culture that's been going on for half a century. Lastly, any Nips who respect American media in the first place are a very tiny minority. We're talking like 6% of the population who actually trust them.

TL;DR- It's still speculation and uncertainty as of now, but how Japan will handle this is another matter.



The Japanese are incredibly proud of shit they produce as well, I doubt there will be many that are willing to bastardize their products/vision, except for the most money hungry execs (fucking capcom).



> I really don't want to see politically-correct, feminist anime.

Those already exists. They're called Legend of Korra and RWBY. :^)








YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes, very much anime. It has bug eyes, characters sweating when confused and people falling backwards as punchlines and everything else anime has but with western influence.




Not anime. The term used however is Americanime which are American cartoons that try to mimic anime.



Japan calls Western cartoons anime too you know.



article only highlights complaints about shekels and overworking staff which is status quo; does not mention anything about muh equality or lefty faggotry


they didn't insert any rhetoric that wasn't already there



>literally shilling

Fuck off, kike.



Let's see what kikeflix is guilty of :

[1] producing cancers (live action adaptation of existing animes)

[2] producing shitty anime adaptations (Devilman Crybaby, Blame! etc)

[3] trying to take control of the anime industry through fundings

[4] being owned by a Jew

Why are you supporting all of these, cuckanon?



nice opinion fag

still not seeing any real argument against (((kikeflix))) bux going to anime other than FUD that it will corrupt the industry towards (((western values))) but any instances of that occurring remain to be seen.



>[1] producing cancers (live action adaptation of existing animes)

>[2] producing shitty anime adaptations (Devilman Crybaby, Blame! etc)

there are plenty of jap produced ones already, what does it matter if there are a few more kikeflix funded ones?

not to mention do you believe that kikeflix had a hand in the making beyond providing the funding? did they blackmail the director into adding or removing scenes? did they force the animators to choose a certain style or lower the quality? the animators were given the same time allotment any other studio gets, maybe they should make shorter episodes, shorter cours, or bargain for a longer development cycle if they can't handle the pressure.

>[3] trying to take control of the anime industry through fundings

if funding alone controlled the anime industry then why isn't every single show lovelive / idolm@ster?

>[4] being owned by a Jew

oy vey



also as to why I'm "supporting" them, I'd prefer more anime vs less anime – more chance one of them will be good.



You're either naive, dumb, a paid shill, or actually someone from kikeflix.

>instances of corrupting industry towards western values remain to be seen

Remember that time when UN proposed a ban depicting sexual violence to Japan?

They failed, and had since been attacking these through video games; to varying degree of success.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then just go back to from wherever you came from.

>oy vey

>also as to why I'm "supporting" them, I'd prefer more anime vs less anime – more chance one of them will be good.

>do you believe that kikeflix had a hand in the making beyond providing the funding?

>did they blackmail the director into adding or removing scenes?

>did they force the animators to choose a certain style or lower the quality?

How naive can you get? Since they're the ones who give the studios money, they can easily force the studio to comply to their demands.

That means they can force the studios to push their political propaganda with a snap of a finger. Not now, obviously, since they need to get more studios in their pockets before they start some shit up.

Remember that the ones who started the war on games were Jews.

>if funding alone controlled the anime industry then why isn't every single show lovelive / idolm@ster?

Because these are big titles which can easily overshadow any new competitors, you philistine.

Also, why do you think there are a lot of shitty LN anime adaptations lately? Money, of course.



>do you believe that kikeflix had a hand in the making beyond providing the funding?

>did they blackmail the director into adding or removing scenes?

>did they force the animators to choose a certain style or lower the quality?

>still not seeing any real argument against (((kikeflix))) bux going to anime other than FUD that it will corrupt the industry towards (((western values))) but any instances of that occurring remain to be seen.

Are there any guarantees that kikeflix won't start corrupting the industry towards western values?

Are there any guarantees that kikeflix won't meddle with the production and narrative of their sponsored anime?

Of course not, and since kikeflix is owned by Jews and kikes, I have every reason to be paranoid.

Now fuck off, shill.



>if I uses (((brackets))) I will totally fit in guise



>Also, why do you think there are a lot of shitty LN anime adaptations lately? Money, of course.

I think you missed my point; the sales for love live and im@s completely eclipse the sales of any other show, therefore if they want to maximize profits they should be making lovelive season 15 instead of LN adaptation that barely anyone likes to begin with

violet evergarden has anti-war sentiments (of which there are many non-kikeflix examples like sora no wo to) but other than that its just autistic CGDCT, devilman crybaby has some faggotry but again it certainly isn't the first. Both of these got sorosbux but don't explicitly promote lefty ideologies.

>the UN is the same as Kikeflix

come on now. I suppose you won't be satisfied until something like Tenshi no 3p is funded by kikeflix


>are there any guarantees they won't





That may be true, but some of them may not be so willing to let them run their products to the ground; Nips are super stubborn about what or who’s in control of the income and output. While you say “…yet”, don’t forget that their target audiences (otaku and such) come first, as they’re the ones that throw money at BDs and merchandise in the first place. If ANYTHING disrupts the flow of consumption or production of shows, there’s going to be hell to pay. For example, take a look at what they’ve done to paraphernalia when word gets out that their “pure” idol has a boyfriend or secret lover.

>>15955 gets it.



>if they want to maximize profits they should be making lovelive season 15 instead of LN adaptation that barely anyone likes to begin with

You're vastly underestimating the Nips' shit taste.

Also, the reason they're not focusing solely on lovelive/idolm@ster is because they're trying to expand their target audience, you know, like what kikeflix is doing by pouring their sorosbux into the anime industry?

>UN isn't the same as Kikeflix

So they coincidentally and mysteriously had the same agenda?

If you're not a shill, then you must be retarded.


You simply can't give any counterarguments anymore, can you? Checkmate.

There's simply no guarantee that they won't fuck us over, which means kikeflix has the upper hand.

If there's a deal where you're at a disadvantage, but you make the deal anyway; that makes you a retard.


>don’t forget that their target audiences (otaku and such) come first, as they’re the ones that throw money at BDs and merchandise in the first place

How naive. Their priority is money, not their target audiences.

If kikeflix is able to pump their ideological garbage into these shows, and successfully change the target audience from otakus to western SJWeebs, then the otakus are done for.

I'm not sure whether you simply lack foresight or you're just another shill like >>16094



>If kikeflix is able to pump their ideological garbage into these shows, and successfully change the target audience from otakus to western SJWeebs, then the otakus are done for.

How are they're going to do that? Japs don't even know what SJWs are, let alone knowing their bullshit.



>Japs don't even know what SJWs are, let alone knowing their bullshit.

The keyword here being (((western))) SJWeebs, not nip SJWeebs, you illiterate nigger.

It's just like games really, how the newer installments of a series becomes a more dumbed down version of the old installments, just so make it more appealing to the masses. In this case, they make it more SJW friendly, turning off otakus but attracting hordes of rabid SJWeebs. Suddenly, anime is not for the Japanese anymore.





File: fd121d2ac81c891⋯.png (897.87 KB, 1000x1450, 20:29, All Female, Fuck you.png)

File: f3a9cc072305b0e⋯.png (245.35 KB, 1125x507, 375:169, Second richest person in J….png)


>Japs don't even know what SJWs are, let alone knowing their bullshit.

Yes they do, they just don't give a fuck unless it directly concerns them (Like when Tumblr attempted to raid Pixiv). They're aware of the problem, except that problem doesn't concern Japan yet so they don't care.



>All those NTR artists

I believe this.

>Yuzuki N' listed twice.

Why though?


It's also worth mentioning that there's more and more Japanese live action series and movies being added with the Netflix Original label. Most of these seem to be ones that were already completed and kikeflix just paid for the rights to, but there's an increasing amount that are being funded by them.



>not Ellen Page as Kirito

Shit man, have you seen the faggot lately?


>SAO is inherently Japanese

>but Death Note isn't, apparently

seriously nigger



I will always hate that image, because out of all the artists they listed, they picked a fucking deviantart tier image to represent them.



This. The industries usually laugh them off. It's not the first time this happened - Japan has its domestic groups doing that and mangaka (notably the women in that circle) have been mocking them since at least the 70’s. And people who respect American media in the first place are a tiny minority. We're talking like 6% of the population who actually trust them.


Not him, but both of you aren’t wrong. However, knowing otaku, there WILL be hell to pay if anything interferes with their shows and waifus. They’ve done shit like destroy idol paraphernalia (if it’s revealed that she has a boyfriend or a “secret” lover) to burn down a mangaka’s apartment for creating an NTR doujins of Rem.

Moreover, the Yakuza runs the majority of business in Japan, especially with involvement in politics and the entertainment industry (including idols, gravure/JAV, hotels, shoots, etc.). They won't allow any funded politicians or shady competition to creep in on their profits.



>when Tumblr attempted to raid Pixiv

That sounds like it would have been a hilarious failure, what happened?



Except the main issue with these kind of films is the casting of niggers and other ugly minorities for the sake of diversity when the original characters cleary had light skin. I wouldn't call it whitewashing since anime characters often have facial features that are not seen among east-asians anyway, their fault for hating themselves, not that of film directors. Kirito obviously looks like an asian kid but Asuna has light-brown hair and a long face.

Actual Japs probably don't care about this shit anyway, only white and jewish social justice faggots.



It was a hilarious failure.



Feminism/muh patriarchy is a non-issue in Japan. It has other things to focus on than just this.

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