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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 6844b77456afff8⋯.jpg (208.95 KB, 783x1179, 87:131, serenity_oh_no_the_holy_bi….jpg)

File: 604ce9a8d8d3aab⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 900x873, 100:97, serenity_vs.jpg)

File: 9e6cf8d00232772⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 114.97 KB, 639x899, 639:899, 776900_Christianity_Jesus_….jpg)

1c34f9  No.16913376[Last 50 Posts]



>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese

https://nichegamer.com/2020/03/17/persona-5-royal-gay-npc-scene-alteration-revealed/ http://archive.vn/41se5

https://twitter.com/CensoredGaming_/status/1240378770164518913 http://archive.vn/fskGp

>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"

https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2020/02/18/love-live-sunshine-mall-poster-removed-following-complaints-of-sexualizing-minors/ http://archive.vn/dV96y

>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing h e was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

•://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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475597  No.16913382

All hail the Holy Bread

Also Benis

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4dcb0e  No.16913391

File: 34004bab6456e23⋯.png (509.45 KB, 800x5000, 4:25, 08chan_Briefing_v3.png)


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248946  No.16913392

File: 13a96731d4eaa95⋯.png (2 MB, 1980x1280, 99:64, MajinBuuSuperKid.png)


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2f8e7b  No.16913400

File: 0509083a27bf35e⋯.png (29.47 KB, 734x627, 734:627, Matt_Uelmen_1.png)

File: 219b59bfec92357⋯.png (40.26 KB, 524x530, 262:265, Matt_Uelmen_2.png)

Let's try to have this thread less drama-inducing, shall we?



Supposed Diablo composer Matt Uelmen was asshurt on twitter dot com for some reason.

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1c34f9  No.16913401

OLD THREAD: http://archive.vn/6pyIN

Bunch of things I want to say, later. But for now:

If you're reading this Acid Man and Mark, I have things I'd like to discuss with you going forward.

We're also being watched: http://archive.vn/U6wRT#selection-60322.1-62013.30

What I intend to say involves a smooth transition without getting involved in further roadbumps for the sake of the community at large.

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83820d  No.16913402

I hope Mark takes all the GamerGays with him.

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3a9fc7  No.16913406

File: 5890aced911b6a9⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2099x2880, 2099:2880, D737B867_216B_43AE_975B_60….png)


>We're also being watched

Hi mom!

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fe3dc4  No.16913417

File: 1f4a75f2ec2f946⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1996x3000, 499:750, 21.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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a68d2c  No.16913421

Updated previous bread


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2c3ce6  No.16913422


>being watched

Being watched by retards looking for a laugh and e-drama doesn’t mean anything.

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0189df  No.16913438

File: f18ebc1ff1c61d3⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1168x1652, 292:413, What_the_FUCK_are_you_sayi….jpg)


What the fuck is that about ?

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1f0e7b  No.16913443


People who flip out like this tend to have a bunch of cheese pizza somewhere. At least, the pattern seems to indicate such. The only alternate reason I could think of is that he's secluded himself from absolutely everything but CNN and social media for the past fifteen-twenty years.

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d4bbc8  No.16913444

File: 644759ac0113889⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 846x1024, 423:512, 644759ac0113889dd95acedfd0….jpg)

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d4bbc8  No.16913448

File: 8e2b6f7f17d7b60⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 680x388, 170:97, 2c1.jpg)


Depends if the new BO is friendly to GG.

If the new guy said "That's it! This zombie movement has gone on for too long!" and bans GG threads, then it may cause concern for the anons in these threads.

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0189df  No.16913449


You might be exaggerating. If his screams were specifically about women respecting or rape culture, I'd agree with you, but is there anything of the sort in there ?

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785854  No.16913450


You'd think he'd shutup if so,but people are weird.

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bb452f  No.16913451


Certainly possible, but I assure you there are plenty of demoralized individuals who have extreme difficulty believing that the television news is anything but the factual truth. I've known a few in my time, you can show them with proof and still they can not escape the grasp their conditioning has on them. I believe narcissism has something to do with it, not allowing the individual to admit mistakes or being vulnerable. We have all seen the doubling down of sjws, they do not have the ability admit fault. It is truly the most pathetic thing to witness, pride all the way to the bottom.


I doubt it would come to that, though it would make the shift elsewhere much easier and keep more numbers. Rebuilding seems to a theme right now.

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cb1fc2  No.16913453


>that pic

>Chad acceptance

Wow, he’s just like me!1! Fuck.

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c20f06  No.16913455

So… Ron tried to contact Mark and Mark replied with some spergness about why he lied? That sure is a fine example of burning your bridges.

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785854  No.16913458


Train him with cake treats?

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160779  No.16913459

File: 99cba812f894885⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 978x550, 489:275, Kyle_Larson.webm)

Did you guys hear about Kyle Larson? That shit was funny. Kinda hate how people lose their minds over this kind of shit now.

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87d125  No.16913460

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group

☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone

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87d125  No.16913473

File: 3a35ebcd139cd11⋯.jpg (744.63 KB, 800x1128, 100:141, Sora_used_Tranny_beam_.jpg)


>being eStalked by trannies who obsessively watch everything you say or do to use against you later

>but they totally """"don't care""""" or anything

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0269df  No.16913475

Had no internet the past week. What has happened in the world?

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2f8e7b  No.16913477

Posting if fucked for me


Mark didn't actually sperg out there, it was one of the few times he was actually pretty level-headed and raised legit objections (from his point of view) that I would defend him on. Ron didn't even bother to disagree, contradict or elaborate however, just ignored him completely because "D&C, other board owners told me things so no" like it even mattered. And then seemingly after he done so still kept up the facade that he was in contact with Mark. It was shady.


goddamn webms take forever to load for me. Anyways, who is speaking here? I'm guessing Kyle Larson? Is this one of those online NASCAR things due to Coronavirus? Regardless his career is over, a shame.

>that one guy who went yikes


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87d125  No.16913488



Krakatoa exploded, half the volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire are erupting, the Yellowstone super-volcano had an earthquake swarm, the Long Vally (Mammoth Lake, CA USA) super-volcano had a earthquake swarm, Chernobyl is on fire, and the middle east is covered in locusts. Oh and Mark got fired.

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93b31b  No.16913491


Then I'm finally a chad in some aspect? Holy shit.

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ffae28  No.16913497


Best case scenario: One of the vols gets the BO and things carry on much as they have before.

Worst case scenario: A /cow/ fag or one of Fredit's lackeys gets the BO and intentionally destroys the board for spite and luls.

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c20f06  No.16913498


I mean in their last talk.

Ron went in good faith saying that the quarantine was the one talking and if they could talk, just for Mark going yeah, but why have you lied about me? etc.

It wasn't exactly a sperg out but for fuck's sake, wait a momment and have some good faith.

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0269df  No.16913500


Im catching up on the mark thing now. He wants to make his own site now? It doesn't seem like anonymous anything is flourishing on the internet anymore. I'm in a remote part of Europe for a job and it's difficult to get internet. I just realized this place is sadly the best place to get world news for me currently.

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160779  No.16913501


>goddamn webms take forever to load for me.

it still took long to load? Even back then on 8ch I always tried to make my webm's as small as possible in size so they would load faster. Knowing the loadtime issues 8kun has I even reduced the resolution from 1080p to 978x550. That's a damn shame

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5dc171  No.16913512


>It wasn't exactly a sperg out but for fuck's sake, wait a momment and have some good faith.

Mark planned this entire charade for a week, he wasn't going to let anything but more money dissuade him from splintering the board.

Too bad for him he is too autistic to moderate and grow a community and nobody actually likes the fat kike enough to follow him.

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ffae28  No.16913516

File: d5ae0da249a0d76⋯.png (7.41 KB, 710x113, 710:113, this_is_Ron.png)

Hold on to your butts. Codemonkey may be about to do something silly.




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c20f06  No.16913521


The fuck is he talking about?

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d2f8dc  No.16913528


I am going to guess that they're talking about loli/shota (eastern or western), and whether or not USSC/SCOTUS (United States Supreme Court/Supreme Court of these United States) struck down law that banned such.

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4efd99  No.16913530


Banning loli, because he's now getting convinced it's illegal.

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ffae28  No.16913533

File: bf093fbc2bb7386⋯.png (7.61 KB, 1410x100, 141:10, _1_v_Open_Letter_to_the_Ad….png)

Some fag is trying to say loli is illegal in the US and Ron is "looking into it."


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d2f8dc  No.16913538


The only guy to be convicted of it involved importing physical lolicon doujins into the country, and he was in a military court (due to his military status), which is different from civilian courts. Every single other case I have heard about, the defendant possessed actual CP (meaning actual kids were harmed) in addition to loli/shota (pure fiction). Every single time (afaik), if they were able to put charges for the loli/shota, they drop them when sentencing and only convict for the real shit. Federal and state prosecutors are afraid of some laws getting challenged on 1st amendment grounds, as it'd mean they would have a slightly less heavy law book to throw at actual pedos (20+ years (or better yet, life imo, why do we let consumers of actual CP, and besides them actual child molesters, out of prison again?) isn't enough?).

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b9bb48  No.16913539

Looks like the enrichers are (or were) rioting in Brussels.



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81100f  No.16913541


>bans GG threads

Wouldn't that be just like cuckchan?

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ffae28  No.16913544


Notably there's the case of John Black/Natis that got investigated because of his art to see if he was using CP as models they cleared him. He only got vanned because his PD3D scumfuck of a girlfriend black mailed and abused him with his art and he got depressed and drunk one night and said fuck it downloaded a nudist collection from a FBI honeypot site.

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b6eb04  No.16913553

>The options so far are:

>/a/utistic shithole

>Nu /cow/chan, which is about the same as going to kiwi farms, or Josh's Infinity Next 2: Electric boogaloo

>Zeronet, a massive commitment, and will likely end with everyone seeding CP if it ever gains any kind of traction

>Mark, the massive fuck up who can't hold a board to save his life

>Gamble on whether this site turns into cuckchan 2.0 or not

What a truly disgusting situation this is.

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ffae28  No.16913557

File: 20744ffb0a22107⋯.png (10.14 KB, 1012x218, 506:109, _v_Open_Letter_to_the_Admi….png)


This nigger is pushing hard.

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17ce39  No.16913558

File: d6a589bf0e13e12⋯.png (121.45 KB, 390x394, 195:197, Screenshot_2020_03_29_Watc….png)


Don't worry. It'll only take Ron a few weeks to look into it.

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ffae28  No.16913559

File: e41d6641e4649fe⋯.png (6.87 KB, 1409x97, 1409:97, _v_Open_Letter_to_the_Admi….png)


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2f8e7b  No.16913562


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Obviously the only thing they would be talking about is what just transpired so why wouldn't Mark bring it up, especially give his side of how shit went down? This was the time to duke it out. That's the point of the talk to come to an understanding of the whole situation and maybe meet in the middle after they go back and forth. Ron didn't even bother. He didn't even deny anything either.


It was an unusually long load for a webm. Maybe it could have been on my end and not qchan as a whole

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6533df  No.16913566


>Ron didn't even bother.

I can see why. Mark was pretty agressive in those twitter dms.

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258cbf  No.16913568


What makes you think GG threads are welcome on smug or cow?

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ffae28  No.16913571

File: 4330ea864952786⋯.png (41.92 KB, 1407x140, 201:20, contracted_a_lawyer.png)


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f53092  No.16913575

File: 55c29268a5e7406⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 166x166, 1:1, Confused_Monkey.jpg)

Wait the fuck happened to fatchan did he just delete it after making that whole message and everything he's gone just like that ?

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c20f06  No.16913576


Well, smug has a gamergatehq board, but not too sure if it's good.

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ffae28  No.16913578


Him and Acid are working on a plan.

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d2f8dc  No.16913585


more opaqueness, more "plans".

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ffae28  No.16913590


Mark took advice given to him by several anons and is decompressing for several days to collect his thoughts and actually figure out how he wants to proceed. Acid wants to make literal redchannit.

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b6eb04  No.16913594



Not even talking about GG. Just options in general.


I can't imagine there'd be anything concrete when the consensus to even START a plan is only a few hours old. Not that a 4th Mark chan is all that keen an idea.

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5dc171  No.16913596


I'd laugh my ass off if you retards went to Acid just to be under the fat kike's gunt.

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2b05a3  No.16913602


They were allowed on julay forever and instead of using them people spammed the board to death and came back here to post screenshots. If you shit up a board don't expect them to remain friendly. The current BO is easy to convince so you can probably get that ruled changed.

Better yet stop complaining about other boards and just make your own somewhere or stay here.

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ffae28  No.16913604


>Better yet stop complaining about other boards

Well if the other boards would stop coming here to make a stir then they wouldn't get complained about.

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5dc171  No.16913611


>Well if the other boards would stop coming here

Nigger do you even know why the webring and bunkers were made in the first place?

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93dfa3  No.16913630


>The question is, what do we (8chan #GG) do?

The only way to do something about it, there would need to be an alternative way of funding the site on top of what Jim is looking for. Donations are a pretty decent boost in revenue but the main issue with that is the fact that 8chan is effectively blacklisted. So a lot of the platforms that would allow for such a thing will refuse to touch it. Having something like Paypal would help a fair amount but I think it's pretty clear what their stance is. Wouldn't hurt to try to go that route, since the site has changed both in name and in owner. Bitcoin can serve for donations, it certainly helped HW, but very few people actually have Bitcoin on hand. And those that do have it may not be willing to part with it.

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701a8c  No.16913631


Imagine projecting all of cake kikes shortfalls on other board owners and their moderation styles. You people were a fucking menace to other boards who were getting their shit sorted and dealing with their faggots and userbase.

You ni/gg/ers did the same marxist shit and believed in direct action instead of believing in alternatives. And none of these alternatives were any good for these generals because of arbitrary reasons coming from shitstirrers that slowly hijacked the threads.

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dd14de  No.16913632


Belgianon here, let me explain

>Youngster rides on a scooter at night in Brussels, cops want to stop him to check his papers and if he fits under the quarantine restrictions

>He runs away, cops call a second car to stop him since he's riding dangerously

>So dangerously that he actually doesn't see the second cop car and charges straight into it, killing himself on the spot

>Voices erupt on FB, asking for the cops' removal since "they endanger the kids, think about the kids !" and push for a protest march in Brussels, despite the quarantine

>Most people in said protest march are only there to throw cobblestone at cops and generally trying to attack them, with no reason given

>In the end, 50+ arrests done, mostly mudslimes with a background of attacking police at every opportunity

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87d125  No.16913635


>babbies first meem

How cute.

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87d125  No.16913644


Well, he's safe from the virus now, right?

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dd14de  No.16913645

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301091  No.16913652

Does someone have most of Ron's posts capped in the Open letter thread? I want to see get up to date, but half his posts are gone because mark made the thread a fucking cyclical.

Now he's talking about looking into the legality of loli again? Jesus fuck.

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87d125  No.16913666


The problem is that there's nothing to "research" as loli is legal in the US, full-stop, but it's hard to get a lawyer to definitively say "X is legal", because there's always weird edge-case exceptions. Also, I don't have full confidence that Ron is smart enough to see through all that "muh tracing" bullshit.

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9481be  No.16913676


He knows full well it's legal, he just wants an excuse to please the qoomers.

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0189df  No.16913679


Dude, Mark has shown that basically every single private conversation you have with him will NOT be private before long as he'll just share it publicly. There's no point chatting with idiots begging for confrontations instead of resolution when you know every word you'll share will be used and twisted with others.

Mark is a sperg. I liked him as a BO but he's sure as shit not in the right there. I trust Ron a lot more as his only issues are Jim being a boomer dunce and the lack of contact and transparency. Both of those things are "fine" as long as Jim is kept under control and more time is spent on answering anons' worries.



Then go convince Ron of that in the thread instead of complaining here about other people trying to push him away to the "loli will bring us to jail" crowd.

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c96659  No.16913682


He said shit was fine on prolikewoah. This site is the issue. Works on my machine™ can only defend this trashfire for so long.


>instead of using them people spammed the board to death and came back here to post screenshots. If you shit up a board don't expect them to remain friendly.

I've heard this a dozen times and there's never any proof of it, or probably any way to prove it.

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1cd1e1  No.16913720

This is gonna be a rough two weeks

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0189df  No.16913726


Not really. Nobody needs to give a shit, anon. Until loli gets you banned or the GG threads get deleted, nobody needs to care.

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1cd1e1  No.16913728

File: 734735da2c912c8⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 252x255, 84:85, shiggy_diggy_looks_at_your….jpg)


You trust Ron despite the fact that Jim is bankrolling the site, the fact that Ron barely communicated and that cake kike would constantly nag him just to get him to come here, and that Jim outright told people statements that contradict with Ron's.

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1cd1e1  No.16913729


Mark LEAKED conversations from Jim outright stating that the administration only cares about newsplus and he even admitted on YouTube that 8kun was no longer a free speech board, and that loli = CP. Not to mention the fact that Jim outright said "delete v", and that Ron was caught stretching the truth. The only reason loli boards MAY be coming back is because of cake kike. Otherwise we would have no loli boards at all.

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0189df  No.16913730


Well, I don't really trust Ron all that much; just a lot more than Mark is my point, as Mark's proven he's sneaky, a lair, and a sperg, whereas Ron's proven… well, not much, but at least he's not a doofus who screams and yells at any opposition. And again, as long as Ron himself doesn't do reprehensible shit, I don't care at all about imagining what Jim might do to his cock and balls, anon.

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0189df  No.16913732

File: 817782948df7b31⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 646x767, 646:767, Y_yeah.jpg)


Oh boy. Mark, we know it's you. Stop using 8chan if you hate the site this much, please. Stay home and relax for once. You need help.

If you're not Mark I never thought I'd meet someone whose mouth tastes more of jew cock than a rabbi self-fellating's

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7b0dff  No.16913735


>Nu /cow/chan, which is about the same as going to kiwi farms

What is kiwi farms like?

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1cd1e1  No.16913737


>Everyone I don't like is Mark


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6026bc  No.16913740

So Mark went AWOL? Why the hell did he stop his plans with fatchan all of a sudden?

Did glowniggers get him?

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5dc171  No.16913741


>Why the hell did he stop his plans with fatchan all of a sudden

He went on a banning spree then went into a sugar induced coma after deleting the board.

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93dfa3  No.16913742

File: cd98a26ccdc8ca9⋯.jpg (364.05 KB, 500x692, 125:173, Chad_epidemic.jpg)


Plans are pretty easy to make. They may not be very specific, since they haven't had enough time to be thought through, but it is easy to figure out at the very least a broad set of possible approaches.

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b6eb04  No.16913745


You said the exact same thing over at fatchan, Mark. You're not good at this "How do you do, fellow anon?" shit.

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65b1ef  No.16913750


Maybe he slipped into a cake induced coma for real this time.

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1cd1e1  No.16913752


>Did glowniggers get him?

Yeah, basically. They're all over /v/ right now.

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0a9e28  No.16913756


>/v/ is one person

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c96659  No.16913760


Do soft bans by board exclusion not count?

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fae1b5  No.16913761


>Why the hell did he stop his plans with fatchan all of a sudden?

God knows, he just disappeared and deleted that and the prolikewoah boards.

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b9bb48  No.16913763



I suspect hotwheels's interference.

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c96659  No.16913764



Nice to see one of these that still has a layer of irony. Normalfags didn't get this meme and ruined it.

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4abf74  No.16913765



Unless Ron can convince Jim that his plan of having 8kun make big advertisement money works out I don't give this site long prospects.


Mark deleted the board after being subjected to full Kathy Newman style struggle session where all kinds of old logs were dug out and partially misrepresented and then Mark went berserk and try to ban everyone including those trying to stand up for him. He is NOT a good leader under pressure.


That's the most meaningless sentence I ever heard.


The Prolikewoah board wasn't deleted, but the admin there locked it.

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b6eb04  No.16913769


The last thread talked about it. Long story short, Mark is a retard who, when presented with a valid question decided to NUKE THE ENTIRE THREAD and ban everybody. He came here saying he couldn't handle, or some shit, and told everyone he was going to delete the board despite people telling him not to. Now it seems he's lost fat/v/.

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b6eb04  No.16913770


The last thread talked about it. Long story short, Mark is a retard who, when presented who asked a valid question decided to NUKE THE ENTIRE THREAD and ban everybody. He came here saying he couldn't handle, or some shit, and told everyone he was going to delete the board despite people telling him not to. Now it seems he's lost fat/v/.

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665cf5  No.16913771

File: 76b4fd7d9eac4f9⋯.png (229.99 KB, 554x299, 554:299, ESOtm32XYAI8eh8.png)

I'll become the new BO and make /v/ great again.

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65b1ef  No.16913772

File: 3effe113b2c02d0⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 403x403, 1:1, there_must_be_more_to_life….jpg)

Has Ron talked about site performance at all since he came? This was the only reason I wanted him to talk to us here, and instead it turns into this unholy shitfest.

If Ron can fix this shitheap of a site to not break down and take 10 minutes to process my posts then I couldn't give a flying fuck what his father does to the other half of the site that's filled with Qtards, so long as he doesn't start banning loli because of concern trolls.

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4abf74  No.16913773


First sentence errata: "works out" -> "won't work out".

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0189df  No.16913775


He has, and explained that the recent bugs were fixed, and that the new software was gonna be used very soon.

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65b1ef  No.16913777


>very soon.

Any actual date? Because "Very soon" is what we've all been hearing since December.

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0189df  No.16913779


Well he merely said they were done with Odin right as urgent bugs on the site appeared, and that were fixed like yesterday. So… yeah, "soon". Sorry.

Nice trips

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9481be  No.16913780


With Ron, you're better off just ignoring measures of time like soon and a week from now. It'll be done when he gets it done if ever.

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c96659  No.16913781

File: fc8044f173ec62b⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1000x7011, 1000:7011, fc8044f173ec62b8a9506d80d0….jpg)

To the anon from the prolikewoah bunker GG thread that said SuperiorDragon was no longer the BO of julay /delicious/ and has been gone for a long time


>Euphoria quit, Speedy passed the job onto me, and I'm always looking for new volunteers.

He's been the BO since late last year and nothing has changed since. I'll also reiterate the shit I talked about him.

>Unless there's been some change in the past few months, Julay/delicous/ BO is a fag named SuperiorDragon. He recently acquired the board while 8kun was still getting up and half functional. Shortly after acquiring the board, he removed the previous BO from a moderator position over a slight mistake that arguably wasn't one, before "generously" giving the position back. He once threatened to ban UnterAlterBach altogether over pic first pic related.

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0189df  No.16913782


People say loli being allowed somewhere is the actual "measurement" of free speech, but frankly, it's more than that : it's unteralterbach.

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f5a081  No.16913783


What if I told you they aren't and fucked off long ago but are used as a boogeyman to blame any time your vols fuck up?


>I've heard this a dozen times and there's never any proof of it, or probably any way to prove it.

I'm not crawling archives for it. I know what I saw and other anons saw the same thing. Nothing is going to convince you so feel free to stay here. It's like the lies about sites in the webring hating loli. When all you have to do is go visit them to see multiple active loli boards and meta threads full of admin/vol capcodes telling people demanding it be removed to fuck off.

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82dd38  No.16913784

File: 393a35067bc3f54⋯.png (626.61 KB, 717x537, 239:179, 393a35067bc3f546c486c63305….png)

>these last few hours

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2fafac  No.16913786


>and that Ron was caught stretching the truth

Oh no. Ron said "weeks" instead of "a week". Seems like Mark is in the safe even though all Ron's complaints are still true.

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c96659  No.16913787


It's sad the prolikewoah bunnker got locked. It was nice having a GG thread on a functional website. Now I get to return to constant file/page/posting errors.

status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


status: 0


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0a9e28  No.16913788


Just gotta wait for acid and cake kike to make a website, I guess. This is why I hate glowniggers who cry about everything.

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f5a081  No.16913790


I've been having the same problem all morning but if I change my IP it suddenly goes away. I'm starting to wonder if it's a form of shadow banning.

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0189df  No.16913791


Really ? I don't have that issue. Works on my machine, anon !

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665cf5  No.16913793


So you're telling me you would follow Mark? Let me ask you, how does the taste of kike chode taste? Kosher I'm guessing.

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fae1b5  No.16913795

File: d0df083e5939935⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 1586607397.gif)


>ron is fixing everything

>captcha service crashes

>it's gonna be fine in a week

>images don't load

>odin soon fellow anonymous posters

>status: 0


>just wait another two weeks and he'll bring back /loli/ and /delicious/ and everything will be fine!

>six months after migration was requested and six months after these technical issues have started

It's all so tiresome.

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1cd1e1  No.16913796


Ron's complaints aren't true. Mark didn't leak the logs until he got fired. Additionally we don't know the situation with his job, and the logs he showed with Mark not doing anything on newsplus were also fake, considering the username, and that it's not a popular board anyway. Besides, even if he got fired, /v/ had nothing to do with it. stop making me defend cake kike you nigger

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0a9e28  No.16913800


Mark's reliable. Just don't go in the meta threads when there's a shit fit going on.

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e68de6  No.16913801


>Mark didn't leak the logs until he got fired.

What is this attempt as revision? Everyone saw him upload the .pdf before he was fired. Tons of people were following those threads.

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c96659  No.16913802

File: 4bf61fddd4ad504⋯.png (45.38 KB, 821x397, 821:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c200e7b892fb01e⋯.png (30.19 KB, 821x396, 821:396, ClipboardImage.png)


It really is. I have high speed internet and other websites work fine. It's just 8kunny, and just since the server crash in January. And apparently it's also "just a small minority of anons" experiencing these issues too. I'm willing to bet many more have theses issues, they just left this shitheap of a site over them rather than dealing with them to complain to administration in the technical issues thread for months on end like me.

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0189df  No.16913803


>Mark didn't leak the logs until he got fired

that's verifiably false. he started sharing private convos with him days ago and only got fired yesterday, anon

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c96659  No.16913804



You're both wrong. Mark leaked a censored log about "fuck v, delete v", and leaked the full uncensored log after being fired.

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fae1b5  No.16913805


>everyone saw him upload the .pdf before he was fired

He uploaded it after he lost BO access. The post in which he first put up the .pdf stated: "Well, since there's no reason to protect Jim anymore, since he won't even pay me a last paycheck"

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1cd1e1  No.16913806


>What is this attempt as revision?

I can say the same to you, he leaked the entire log as soon as he was fired. Which was why he said. "Well I guess it's not worth protecting Jim anymore." Despite him only sharing a small part of the conversation beforehand.

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1cd1e1  No.16913807


You mean "two weeks" anon, right?

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738c02  No.16913809

Does anyone here think they're up to the task of being a board owner?

It might be hard to rally people behind Mark at this point even if we decided his occasional sperging was better than an unknown. If we're going to migrate, whether to an 8chan successor or just to a board on one of the existing webring sites, does anyone here think they'd be able to do it? Would the guy who founded /mg/ recently be up to owning /v/? Or just an anon who posts here, possibly after some private correspondence to make sure you're a long-time poster? (If we were really worried it was a trap we could put Acidman as the technical board owner but not have him moderate at all, just as a failsafe if the board owner decides to ban GG or something. Or have him own the site but not the board if he's planning to launch a 8chan successor or a new site for /v/.) If it was successful we could try to recruit existing 8/v/ volunteers to help out.

Also I don't actually know anything about the julay/v/ board owner, is reunification with them an option? Apparently they currently have 88 users and 8 PPH. Are they one of the bunkers that bans GG and, if so, would they be willing to change the rules to allow it and related subjects (like threads about games being censored by SJWs)? Though depending on the reasoning banning it in the first place could indicate they're not trustworthy. Some of those users are probably just because they're the main 8/v/ alternative and might decide to migrate over anyway if we make our own board.

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2fafac  No.16913810



Ron said that Mark had been planning to leave 8kun for weeks and that the stickied thread was just a attempt to have him seen as a victim, not to actually make the site better. Mark came over, said that he had actually been planning it only for around 6 days, but then actually proved that the rest of the things Ron said were true.

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67e01b  No.16913812


I see. That's not very convincing. I hope he drops by again today.


As much as I find the current shitflinging useless and petty, how on earth can you call him anything close to "reliable"? The dude couldn't find his way out of a wet blanket if left alone.

The only reason that /v/ didn't go up in flames for five years under him is because by and large he only had to clean up the occasional shit that spilled.

When the time comes to stay calm and collected because the daily routine of shitposting gets disrupted he's the first to sperg out and make things worse, and anons have to talk him out of it. We did fine despite mark, not because of him.

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1cd1e1  No.16913813


It only proved that he was leaving 8kun after Jim basically shit all over the site.

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93dfa3  No.16913815

File: 9fa82022cd7c8c0⋯.jpg (623.4 KB, 1050x1900, 21:38, Get_a_load_of_this.jpg)


>That's the most meaningless sentence I ever heard.

Those are two sentences. But, since the second sentence is providing you with difficulties, I shall make it easier to understand:

>1. They (plans) may not be very specific

>1a. since they (plans) haven't had enough time to be throught through

>2. but it is easy (general statement) to figure out(,) at the very least(,) a broad set of possible approaches (to solve problems)

There really aren't that many different approaches to most issues. Jim and Mark are having problems regarding finances but not all financial solutions are going to be equally viable. So getting donors would prove to be a more adequate solution than Jim doing a live strip-tease show for money. Both can earn money, obviously, but it is also clear that there aren't really that many viable methods for solving that problem. And I didn't need five fucking years to realise that Jim doing nude shows would not be sufficient or even desirable. You personally might need five years to figure it out but most people don't.

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3a9fc7  No.16913816


>I'm not crawling archives for it.

If some Anon on /animu/ has enough autism to provide links and archives proving that the Dolphinpedo exists, then you should have enough autism to back up what you're saying.

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82dd38  No.16913817

File: d8be232ed90b206⋯.jpg (335.03 KB, 600x590, 60:59, 73a14925cec42e198af97efa8b….jpg)


>We did fine despite mark, not because of him.

is that Battered (wo)man Syndrome that people are somewhat rallying behind him?

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665cf5  No.16913818


I'm pretty sure julay/v/ hates GG threads. It's times like these where Ron has to fucking pay attention what goes on here. Here's a thought, if Ron had been presented with proof of all the absolute scummy and retarded shit Mark has done over the years do you think he would've fired him as BO? Probably if there wasn't some friendship between them. Even after all this Ron said he was gonna reach out to Mark which kinda sounded like he wanted him back as BO. If Ron were reliable and actually easy to reach I wouldn't have any problem making some random anon BO. If that anon stepped out of line then Ron would deal with it, but that's if Ron actually gave a shit what goes on here.

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7256d7  No.16913820


Fatchan allows board creation (up to a limit of 20 boards and after that a case by case basis) and I really like the look of the place. A not-Mark BO over there would be ideal IMO.

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9849e2  No.16913821




<mods fuck over /v/ because of political bullshit


</v/ fucks over mods because of political bullshit

It's almost poetic

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93dfa3  No.16913823


>Even after all this Ron said he was gonna reach out to Mark which kinda sounded like he wanted him back as BO

It is easier to just scare Mark a bit by taking everything away and then have him come back. It is simply a hassle to babysit a replacement while you have other more pressing issues to attend to.

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fae1b5  No.16913824

File: 76658ea7e4cc9ba⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 777x704, 777:704, big_think.jpg)


>Here's a thought, if Ron had been presented with proof of all the absolute scummy and retarded shit Mark has done over the years do you think he would've fired him as BO?

That's something I'm wondering about. If Mark was as consistently incompetent and fucking stupid, as we all know Mark to be sometimes, and as Ron keeps saying he is, why the fuck would they keep him on the payroll for this long? With the way Jim seems in the pdf, I doubt he's the type of guy that'd let Mark's fuckups slide just because they're "friends". Why would they keep him on a 2k$/month paycheck, if he, apparently, never did anything right and was ignoring all of his /newsplus/ and board claims duties and decide to fire him just now?

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1cd1e1  No.16913826


>We did fine despite mark, not because of him.

Yeah, because with Mark we still have had console wars, undertale threads, sales threads, wojacks, template memes, or communication with the board. Give it the fuck up. He's a sperg but give credit where credit is due.


Because Ron is full of shit.

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c20f06  No.16913827

Smug doesn't look too gamergate friendly. There IS a gamergate board, but there is no activity and there is no gamergate thread in /v/.

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1cd1e1  No.16913828


no communication with the board*

Arguably the only reason ron came on to give us updates was because of cake kike.

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f13523  No.16913832

File: f08122440c1082b⋯.jpg (25.46 KB, 403x335, 403:335, hold.jpg)

So we gonna hold until 2 weeks or what? Will lolis and shotas be back?

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42205a  No.16913833


What are the chances it has to do with the Americans with Disabilities act? I doubt it, considering they aren't all in the US, but it's a possibility.

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738c02  No.16913834


Because people trust 8kun staff less at this point and because he didn't do anything to justify being removed as a board owner. That's why I'm thinking about a third option as an owner of a non-8kun board that hopefully everyone could get behind, rather than waiting around hoping the technical issues will get fixed someday and that they won't give /v/ to someone worse or ban loli or whatever. Even if we don't migrate now we can have a fully established bunker ready for migration that everyone knows about when the next crisis hits, like /a/ did when 8kun went down.


Well, if they allow a gamergate board they would presumably allow a video-game board that allowed GG. The issue is just that they might not want a second videogame board and I don't think they have open board creation.

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1cd1e1  No.16913839


Mark will probably be back in a few days, the kike's been through worse. Still, what worries me is the glows trying to ruin everything.

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c96659  No.16913840

File: f807e0cef2fde50⋯.png (119.82 KB, 1799x621, 1799:621, fuck_8kunny_by_Reanon.png)

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c20f06  No.16913842


There are three or four videogame boards I believe.


Maybe he might suck Ron's dick a little so everything gets back to before what happened a few days ago? Still fired but being allowed to keep his board.

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6533df  No.16913843


>Mark will probably be back in a few days

He wont. Its better that way.

>because he didn't do anything to justify being removed as a board owner

He didnt do his job. Thats enough of a reason.

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665cf5  No.16913845


>he didn't do anything to justify being removed as a board owner.

Holy shit how long have you been fucking lurking? Prior to this he's done plenty to warrant being removed. Everyone here just had to put up with his shit because if people said anything they'd get banned.

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67e01b  No.16913846


>was because of cake kike.

Only because I and others continuously bugged him to finally fucking contact Ron for months. If not we would still be stuck not knowing what the fuck was going on and Mark would be cooking up plans to make a bunker without us knowing why, besides the technical issues that have been here for months.

Ever since November I've been hounding Mark to be more open about how he is communicating with Ron/Jim and to yank their chain more to actually talk to us, and every time I asked he kept saying "Yeah, but Ron is always busy" and moved on doing whatever the fuck else.

Only now, 5 months later, he gets anything meaningful out of Ron, and it's accompanied with this entire shitfest.

I'm all for giving credit where credit is due, but besides not completely fucking over /v/ every step of the way, I find it hard to say anything positive about Mark other than that he's a retard who sometimes makes me laugh because of how stupid he is.


Not like we have much choice but to see where this ship lands. I'll lurk everywhere and keep posting in the vidya threads here that interest me.

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738c02  No.16913847



Being fired is not a sufficient reason, board owners were traditionally not removed short of making the board unusable or failing to delete illegal content. I'm not saying anything about his quality as a board owner, I'm saying that people don't want 8kun administration removing board owners because they criticized the site or suggested off-site alternatives while keeping their 8kun board usable.

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6533df  No.16913848



forgot to put you in my post

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8252dc  No.16913854

What a fucking mess. Well, if any new bunkers come up, I'll check them out. So far, things are looking bleak.

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c5417c  No.16913856

File: 807181f77ae1934⋯.png (235.03 KB, 424x681, 424:681, qftapkdq.png)

Videogame boards are in such a weird state. There's a bunch of them but all of them suck cock in different ways. Even if Mark isn't the BO we want, there's still reason to go along with him because all the alternatives (including this) are worse in some ways. Of course he's worse than some others in his own way.

I think the board in prolikewoah (after mark moved to fatchan) gave us a glimpse of what we actually want, but unfortunately the admin isn't interested in hosting it.

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9849e2  No.16913857

File: b671f2b4ba36180⋯.jpg (184.64 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1499442423678.jpg)


Maybe consider the fact that Mark TRIED to nag Ron to come over here and only successfully getting him a handful of times. He even says it as part of his "open letter".

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4abf74  No.16913860


Then you bear at least part of the blame for shit turning out the way it did. It would frankly have been better for Mark to stay put, develop his bunker to be ready to rock at a moment's notice and gather juicy logs. Hell, he should probably wait for Jim to do something stupid, like go full OhInternet or just shut the site down in a fit of rage. Then we could all have a laugh at Jim's expense.

The only downside would be that Hotwheels would be awfully smug about the whole thing, but that is a given in all circumstances.

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60c86c  No.16913862


Considering how the cake fag sperged out and deleted both his bunkers I don't see how you can think he is a viable BO.

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226a30  No.16913863


I'd do it, but I have a fulltime job and a life.

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665cf5  No.16913864

File: 9cf375292cfc603⋯.png (44.92 KB, 1487x280, 1487:280, 9cf375292cfc60393fe7aa6544….png)

File: d33eff9c4110dd3⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1500x8000, 3:16, d33eff9c4110dd3b33cc27878e….png)

File: 507b48349821229⋯.png (89.06 KB, 464x992, 29:62, mark7.png)

File: 9b4c6c929882781⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2114x1457, 2114:1457, mark9.png)


I get your point but he should've been fired long before any of this happened. If he had been a BO who did a good job and everyone liked him for it, then I would've felt sorry.

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9849e2  No.16913866


You mean despite everyone in the last thread telling him to "take a break"


>now the tarrant tards are here

Welp, it's been fun.

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c20f06  No.16913869


Well, if we are honest, we have to admit Mark pretty autistic over Ron. Not that I excuse him, but maybe this might have gone for so long Ron was fed up?


I don't dislike the guy. I'm sad he was kicked out because they both got some little cabin fever and couldn't tolerate being in quarantine.

I don't want to be Blackpilled, but this might be the end of Gamergate. At least we laster 8 years or more.

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1cd1e1  No.16913871


Because he's fine unless you spam threads and act like a retard.

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5dc171  No.16913874


>but this might be the end of Gamergate

>removal of a fat kike is the end of gamergate

absolute state of battered ni/gg/ers


Which is why he was banning people every 5 minutes on fatchan despite them doing literally nothing right? Whats with this delusion of mark being an even acceptable BO.

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60c86c  No.16913875


Him taking a break and deleting your fucking bunker at the same time is not the same thing, are you retarded?


He acts like a retard himself constantly, an attention whoring, money grubbing fucking jew retard.

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3a9fc7  No.16913877


>absolute state of battered ni/gg/ers

You're the ones obsessing over Sargon, like anyone even gives a shit about him.

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2f8e7b  No.16913878

File: 7566c58ccfce88f⋯.png (115.01 KB, 600x776, 75:97, Zoe_1.png)

File: de3c18fdbb2b931⋯.png (109.85 KB, 592x840, 74:105, Zoe_2.png)


Zoe Quinn trying to make the Tiger King about herself for some reason.


You consider that aggressive? Really?


Mark got what he deserved for not planning but how can you trust Jim and Ron? Were you even in that thread all the way through? How Ron wouldn't even acknowledge the Streams of his father contradicting him at every turn and deflected, didn't denounce Jim's stupid plan of /newsplus/ and qfags, finally admitted why some boards were gone confirming previous explanations were lies and didn't really address anything other then trying to shift blame to other people?

Not only do I not get people's desire to defend Mark, but I also don't get people's desire to defend any of the 8kun's administration like Jim and Ron. This site is fucked.

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c20f06  No.16913879


>absolute state of battered ni/gg/ers

It's not because of Mark, it's because this will sure split the group, and with Ron and Jim now saying that loli is child pornography that doesn't give confidence.

If the next board owner just gives the impression that he is going to do something against these threads this will send others away.

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665cf5  No.16913880


He was mass banning people on fatchan for asking him fucking legitimate questions. When questioned why he was banning people he said "as the question with full context or get banned". How could he say that when he wasn't giving full context himself? Even so he bans people here for retarded reasons too, don't fucking deny that.

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738c02  No.16913881


I only see /vg/ grouped under Smug in the webring list. Regardless, isn't smug a hacked-together mess of software anyway? Even on the rest of the webring I only see julay/v/ and specialty boards like /hgg/.


>I think the board in prolikewoah (after mark moved to fatchan) gave us a glimpse of what we actually want, but unfortunately the admin isn't interested in hosting it.

Prolikewoah is just a Lynxchan install, so all we need is a new board owner and either an existing webring site or for someone to set up our own site. Julay.world runs Lynxchan as well. Fatchan runs jschan and has automated board creation, do we have any objections to jschan? I would probably lean towards Lynxchan just because it seems more widely used, though Mark apparently thought the jschan moderation tools were better. I don't like how replies are under the post on fatchan but that might be modifiable and is a minor point anyway.

>I don't want to be Blackpilled, but this might be the end of Gamergate.

Only if the new /v/ owner bans us, and even then we can go to a bunker. Ultimately we're mostly considering migration over 8kun's technical issues, distrust of the administration, boards not being migrated, and stuff like loli potentially being soft-censored, not because we can't post here at all.

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5dc171  No.16913883


my post didn't even mention sargon

Are you sure I am the one obsessed with him?


>and with Ron and Jim now saying that loli is child pornography that doesn't give confidence

When they told you /pol/ was not getting reinstated that gave you confidence? Or how about the fact that this site has been a complete shitshow since inception with no signs of improvements?

None of those moved people but now that the cake kike is unhinged surely gamergate will die.

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35480b  No.16913884

File: 20a8f39a3c19351⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1750x1483, 1750:1483, a7c8250330735a0a5aa3c8591f….png)


Jim only said "delete v" after hammering Mark to get off his ass, and do what he was being contracted 2k/month to do. In private comms. Which he backtracked to saying get back to work.

Jim wanted Mark to get newsplus to functional. Because after news is functional, he can at least get advertising, or paid links from partner alternate news sites.

And he doesn't care about /v/ because right now he can't sell vidya to /v/, either through ads or by setting up shills in /v/.

Tired of "Jim is an idiot because he cares only about newsplus" narrative. When it is closer to "Jim can't get Mark to get newsplus in bare functioning order for 2k/month" and "Jim wants to get newsplus functioning before looking to sell access specific boards".

All this because Mark went from volunteer janitor to paid shill.

Doesn't excuse the loli is CP, or "not a free speech site". Both of which are death knells to a site. There was always 2D deleted on sight, brought up realistic Sherry CGI porn before because even Mark deleted that

Ron can't cover for what Jim says on stream. But is currently playing tard roundup, because of how monumentally Mark fucked up.

At least Ron is consistent. And doesn't post self damning discord shit.

To quote a fa/tg/uy.

>Baron Mark, I have evidence you have been conspiring again this kingdom to see to my removal for the past month.

>What foolishness, Prince Ron. You shame me with your words. I'll have you know I have only been conspiring to see to your removal for the past six days!

Which only happened after his cushy fap and sleep all day shill job started to be threatened.


>The Prolikewoah board wasn't deleted, but the admin there locked it.

That's because it was only ever supposed to be a temp measure. And he is locking it before deleting.


Whatever, 2-3 weeks seems like a good timetable with Ron. Because he literally has to clean up Mark's shit, while continuing to fix the site, and from the sounds of it if can be trusted get freedom of speech better locked in. And doesn't really change hanging out on the webring and here at the same time.

write all this shit, get posting errors up the ass, maybe will spend more time on bunkers this week

Happy Easter all the same.

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8252dc  No.16913886

A solid alternative would essentially be a BO who takes the one solid thing Mark did, getting rid of cuckchanner scum, and stays hands-off otherwise. It seems simple but the time sink required to be a BO is what's keeping most people away from doing it. Though really, someone should step up and do it, make a fatchan bunker or whatever else. I get the feeling that people who don't want to stay here and don't want to go to Julay are numerous, if not the majority of regular posters in these threads.


> Whats with this delusion of mark being an even acceptable BO.

Nothing he's done the past week has been acceptable but have you ever seen the state of any other board on this site? Do you really think the state of /pnd/ is acceptable? That's why people put up with it, because his overzealous moderation was preferable to every single fucking thread being overrun with BASED BOOMER ZOOMER DOOMER COOMER COPE SEETHE WOJAK WOJAK PEPE TARRANT


>Prolikewoah is just a Lynxchan install, so all we need is a new board owner and either an existing webring site or for someone to set up our own site. Julay.world runs Lynxchan as well. Fatchan runs jschan and has automated board creation, do we have any objections to jschan? I would probably lean towards Lynxchan just because it seems more widely used, though Mark apparently thought the jschan moderation tools were better.

As far as I've seen, many people dislike Lynx. I'd certainly prefer any alternatives as long as they actually work.

>I don't like how replies are under the post on fatchan but that might be modifiable and is a minor point anyway.

Probably a CSS change, shouldn't be that hard I hope.

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e5a0ee  No.16913887


So…you're basically responsible for Mark losing his job? At least according to your own words.

Judging from those chat logs with Jim it seemed pretty obvious that Mark's job was very shaky and not secure at all, plus there's the virus shit and lockdown in New York happening now with everyone losing their jobs already.

And yet you kept bugging Mark to bother his employer constantly? Since November, even.

Mark is a retard who can be very easily influenced, that should be clear by now. By constantly bugging him he clearly started believing that bringing up these complaints to Jim and Ron was more important than his job which now ended up in him basically blowing up and getting fired. And all that without even preparing for it by having his own site ready already or anything. Now he has nothing.

Mark's an autistic moron who is going to have a hard time finding a job and feeding himself, people are already predicting him to end up on the street soon. I wonder if he'll reconsider whether these complaints were worth losing his job over or if he'll ever realize this happened because of you. Again, according to your own words.

>Only because I and others continuously bugged him to finally fucking contact Ron for months.

>Ever since November I've been hounding Mark

>to yank their chain more to actually talk to us

And you're so grateful to him for constantly bringing up your complaints and giving up the arguably coziest job in the world during a record-breaking unemployment meltdown for you.

>I find it hard to say anything positive about Mark other than that he's a retard who sometimes makes me laugh because of how stupid he is.

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c20f06  No.16913888


Well, to be fair I just went there for /tg/ and I'm probably will be staying only on /tg/.


You could argue that /pnd/ is /pol/, and what I'm saying little acts might finally break the camel's back.

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6b3128  No.16913893


>Whatever, 2-3 weeks seems like a good timetable with Ron

Nigger its been a fucking year and this site is still in the trash heap, its barely functional even now.

>Deplatforming issues

will keep anything good that used to be uncensored on 8chan, off this site.

This isn't 8chan, its 8kun, and its shit.

Mark deserved to lose his job as the /jewsplus/ guy and the claims shit if what was said there about his performance was true, but that has nothing to do with him as a board owner for /v/. He broke no global rules. He wasn't being paid for /v/. They overreached their power and did some authoritarian bullshit because he made a meta complaint they didn't like.

Removal of a board owner for what is essentially admin drama should fucking worry you, or did you forget what Jim did to /sp/ and shit when he came.


>you could argue that /pnd/ is /pol/

waste of hitler trips

>/pnd/ is always right

doesn't have the same ring to it and it never will, /pol/ is the name it always should've had, there was no reason to change that whatsoever

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665cf5  No.16913894

File: bb91be56836f4f7⋯.png (65.43 KB, 846x713, 846:713, bb91be56836f4f79893a79c058….png)

Mark was clear about burning the bridge himself but still wanting to be a victim. What was that saying again? The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. At this point I'm thinking anyone who is a shill for Mark either doesn't know of all the shit he's done over the years, or they're Mark himself. Acting like GamerGate threads are gonna disappear because the kike is gone is just niggerpill-tier thinking. If /v/ got a new BO and GG threads disappeared, THEN talk about alternatives. Even then if we found an alternative site that allowed GG threads and Mark wasn't there, that would be ideal.

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3a9fc7  No.16913895


>When they told you /pol/ was not getting reinstated that gave you confidence?

They never said that. They just said that it was up in the there, which is part of the reason people are furious.

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6b3128  No.16913896

Fucking christ my post didn't go through again, that's the 3rd fucking time I wasted posting a wall of text

this site is fucking dogshit now and that will never change no matter what that retard Ron promises

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4abf74  No.16913898


I was around there for the seance and while I think Mark handled the situation about as wrongly as he fucking could I understand where he was coming from.

People were willingly taking everything out of context, much like Kathy Newman did with Jordan Peterson. (And if you wonder what happened with Jordan Peterson, he had a mental breakdown and now stays at some drug rehab center somewhere in Russia).

Like, there's an exchange where Mark is trying to get it through Jim's thick head that he is not going to get any money out THQ-Nordic, but somehow anons there were claiming that it meant Mark had taken money from THQ-Nordic.


I know it's kinda cold, but even though I think Ron genuinely wants to do the things he claims to want to do he's still subject to Jim's whims and I think he somewhat overestimated his own technical abilities, much like Pigfood Josh did.

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b6eb04  No.16913900


Speaking of, wasn't the Board Owner of /d/ saying he was lined up to take over /pol/ not too long ago.

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5b02f2  No.16913902

OK, I'm lazy and the only thing I want to take away from this drama is this:

Is Mark fucking gone yet or not?

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226a30  No.16913903

File: 455dbd6b9d7e880⋯.jpg (175.07 KB, 818x503, 818:503, pathetic.jpg)


Imagine trying to make yourself the center of attention during the worst pandemic in 50 years.

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6b3128  No.16913904


>Pigfood Josh

>overestimated his technical abilities

Josh took the money and ran, we never got even a semi-functioning product out of that. Hotwheels turning traitor doesn't change that Josh is scum and Kiwifarms is cancer.

Ron isn't as much of a lying faggot as Josh, but I expect we'll never see anything good come out of this shithole and


>wait until the worst shit happens before we find alternatives

sure that's a good strategy, we're dealing with a staggering intellect here.


Supposedly he's taking a break or something

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c20f06  No.16913905


You are wrongly thinking that anyone who things that this might be a hard blow to gamergate means some support to the jew In fact I could argue it would be his fault but it is naive not seeing that splitting the community ONCE AGAIN might be a hard hit.

I hope I'm wrong and I would be the first to admit it if I am, but don't tell people there aren't reasons to fear.

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b6eb04  No.16913906


>Is Mark fucking gone yet or not?

Not as Admin.

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b6eb04  No.16913908

*He's gone as admin

Fuck i need some sleep.

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35480b  No.16913910

File: c054fce9938b77e⋯.jpg (757.55 KB, 712x1200, 89:150, 2a4c09d92a3da816ce21dd6a02….jpg)


Fucking hell, habit of appending backslash to shit. And haven't had to



>no global rules

Motherfucker, he was literally testing the waters to get donations for his own site, and not only looking to coordinate with other BOs, but was talking shop in these threads, and the technical thread.




But let's say "it was only a bunker good sir". And my phrasing of reviving 8chan was only drunken hysteria.

The removal of Mark is is also removing a hostile, paid employee from all business operations. It's like saying the guy found poaching business contacts to set up his own competing company is still able to organize the company softball league, because softball league rules weren't broken.

And to be crystal clear, because I love being right. I literally was the one saying that Ron was going to talk to Jim about traitors in their midst two breads ago.

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4abf74  No.16913911


If you mean from this site: Yes. I don't even think he posts or lurks here.

If you mean from the imageboard scene/public life: I don't know. He's claiming he's "working on something" and apparently Acid is involved which doesn't exacly inspire confidence.

If you mean from the land of the living: Probably no. He doesn't strike me as a suicide risk.

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5e61d8  No.16913913

File: 40dd70fe593ec08⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1280x1298, 640:649, 1729afab7d1d1846f87d4163d3….png)

Normally I stay out of GG threads because your Mark's special snowflakes and for some retarded reason it's important to him. Also I don't really give a shit at this point. I suppose everyone has their thing though, so in some way I can understand it. I have a soft spot for /v/ sings after all. But this one time I gotta say a few things and get them off my chest.

I will readily admit that Mark does retarded dumb shit sometimes, and not only is that undesirable in itself, but also projects an image of disorganization for the whole team. However I honestly think he honestly cares about this community. By that I don’t necessarily mean /v/ as a board, but the community itself as a whole. I think his rules are a bit strict sometimes, and he makes mistakes, but he also gave an extreme of agency to the board vols.

There is a few basic guidelines still, coming out and posting as a vol is taboo, since it fucks up threads and such for example.

So in the spirit of half breaking agreed upon rules I'll say I'm a vol but not under mod.php, and also because I feel like being quasi anonymous. I don’t jump on here very often as a vol because of shitty life circumstances, but I do spend a lot of time lurking and occasionally posting.

Regardless of that though, to believe that Mark had a grand scheme planned out for a while to strip users away into his own walled garden to reign as cake king for a pathetic power trip is really a huge leap. Since the initial failed launch of 8kun there have been a myriad of of problems with the site. Lack of board migration, lack of board creation, modding being hit or completely broken seemingly at random, overall site speed including on the mod side, the incident with the random board, the lack of communication or blatant stalling techniques from Ron, and recently Jim's showing of utter contempt for the sites users, both from the slack log pushing 8kun as buzzfeed 1.5 and his clown show of a stream. All this and whatever else I can't think of at the moment paints a rather grim view for the long term outlook for this site as a whole. There were signs before too of negligence, like /pol/ becoming global and various things prior.

To think that having a worst case scenario plan C at least being considered is naive at best, and drooling retard at the worst, and it has been lightly brought up for quite a while. It only makes sense.

As for Mark though, he seems to have had something of a stress mental break and was convinced in the last thread to take a break to sort his shit out. And I think that is for the best overall. In some ways I think he should have kept fatchan up because one or two guys from the vol team could have done minimal work just scanning for obvious things. But at the same time he jumped the gun and should have taken some time to come up with a cohesive plan for a board, done it when he wasn't so stressed. Instead it was half baked, he couldn't resist jumping in and doing his frantic modding rather than letting someone else watch it while he took a break and calmed down.

Personally I think he should have kept vch or something akin to it on life support and improved on it. If money was a problem, I would have gladly helped to fund it in some way. It was a fairly comfortable place even if the mod tools were a fucking pain in the ass and the whole setup was goofy.

To be frank, I wish he would have talked about all of this with each of us individually before he pulled the trigger. Perhaps he did talk to some and I was missed, or maybe he thought I wasn't trustworthy enough. I don't know. But I think it was likely the former and he was caught up in things and not thinking properly.

But that’s just my hot take on things as they stand. If you want proofs, too bad and go fuck yourself. Your not getting it.

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35480b  No.16913914

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39b1a7  No.16913920

File: 9998ccbeeb4e8e6⋯.png (107.74 KB, 1883x335, 1883:335, 1378.png)

Good post from fatchan. Fuck this situation.

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3a9fc7  No.16913921

File: 9f5fdefcb98a027⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 20070727_Anonymous_on_FOX1….mp4)


Suppose to be: >>>/d/32794

>>You should probably go around to other meta threads discussing the site both here and on the webring and announce you have /pol/, especially on /pnd/. Ron's silence on the issue and implications given that /pol/ is not migrating are very upsetting for a lot of anons, whether or not they even used /pol/.

<I'm hesitant to do so because, as I said, I only blew the lid on the news originally due to the hilarious circumstances of it in relation to the post I was responding to. And, that being said, Ron's email said "I'll likely give it to to unless instructed otherwise", which means who knows what at this point aside from the fact /pol/ is confirmed to be coming back…and I'm first lucky sucker to get screened about it? In addition, I probably set myself up to fail anyway with the news (Rather than doing the smart thing and keeping my mouth shut until more was confirmed) because if Ron and Jim do decide otherwise, then I'll end up looking like an idiot (Well, more than I already do, that is). And, Ron really doesn't have much excuse for being so quiet about everything when the past few days on his Twatter feed are filled with posts about Corona-chan wanting to give everyone the uWu-flu.


<No one is going to be happy no matter who takes over /pol/. You have the Q-fags who are off in some fantasy world where the Trump is sending telegraphed messages to their hearing aids, you have /leftypol/ who austically screeches about and bans anyone who expresses a viewpoint that's the littlest bit right of Stalin, you have the Stormfags and nu/pol/acks who are just as bad as furries about expressing how much they hate niggers and Kikes, there's (Of course) the feds who want to turn the site into a honeypot, then there's the fags who want to go full “No fun allowed”,…I'm sure I'm leaving out a few other notable ones…, and that's on top of the fact that there's going to be all those Anons crossposting from Cuckchan (Which isn't a problem itself, use whatever sites you want, but that isn't going to stop anyone from calling you stupid, it's all the cancer that's brought in relation that's the issue) and those newfags who start posting on the site because "Le Ebil 8Kun".

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5dc171  No.16913922



>unironically defending cake kike

what a surprise

did he tell you to post this meaningless wall of text from his discord?

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4efd99  No.16913923


>If /v/ got a new BO and GG threads disappeared, THEN talk about alternatives

Ah yes, we'll discuss that in the then banned gamergate threads. We actually had admittely underdeveloped contingency plans in place when we were deplatformed last time, except none of you retards saved the image guides that got posted every so often so no one found their way to 08chan safely. Make backup plans BEFORE your shit gets burned to the ground, faggot.

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93dfa3  No.16913926

File: f1b378b0d606a09⋯.webm (7.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, If_YanDev_could_code.webm)


>Josh took the money and ran

You are overestimating is competence. Let's not forget that Josh programmed it so poorly that it was leaking not only IPs but also revealed what images were requested by which IP. Which he did because he was too retarded to understand how or why someone might restrict that only to those with admin privileges. An issue that he was refusing to fix and was outright defending. He was undoubtedly a lazy cunt that spent all the money he was given, but he was also just bad at it. Before pigfood's abomination I had never a single fucking time seen someone actually defending IP leaks.

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6b3128  No.16913927


>testing the waters

Where? I ctrl-f'd donations and didn't see anything about that.

Testing the waters implies he actually opened something for that.

8chan is supposed to be about freedom, nigger.

>/a/ BO gets removed

>/sp/ BO gets removed

>now /v/ BO gets removed

>/pol/ has its name changed

>loli boards are gone

>and on top of this the site is barely functional

but they can do whatever they want because they paid Mark, so any rights he had prior to being employed are revoked because 8chan is about freedom, right?

Calling 8chan a business is giving it far too much credit. This is petty fucking drama, Mark's "employment" was so fucking tenuous and shit it was embarrassing to both parties.

Ron is literally Jim's fucking son.

A fucking business, give me a fucking break.

This is a podunk place that didn't need to have any of this bullshit happen, but it fucking did.

8chan's administration team isn't big enough to even have a softball team and yet you act like its a real business?

Just spitballing the fucking idea of starting another place due to frustration is enough?

I guess using and/or advocating for the webring automatically makes you hostile to 8kun in general then, and you deserve to be removed utterly and entirely from it right?

>coordinating with other BOs

they're just people doing it 4free, which at the end of the day makes it more drama-tier, and if they're unsatisfied, then its the administration's fucking fault for it then, not Mark's.

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665cf5  No.16913928

File: c32a3d28d7388de⋯.png (21.89 KB, 662x478, 331:239, end_it_all.png)


I just want to go to a /v/ without cuckchan meme spam. A /v/ where you can make a thread where you don't need to write a paragraph of filler to justify the thread existing. A /v/ that feels alive where there aren't 10 dead threads and nobody posted in them in days. A /v/ where someone can have a dumb opinion in a thread and not have their post removed so you wouldn't see a bunch of replies to a deleted post which looks stupid as fuck. A /v/ that still has GG threads. And most importantly, a /v/ without Mark.

Is all this so much to ask for?

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67e01b  No.16913929


>Then you bear at least part of the blame for shit turning out the way it did.

<I am responsible for Mark's spergouts and cooking up plans to create another exodus which obviously doesn't sit well with the people who pay him


>So…you're basically responsible for Mark losing his job? At least according to your own words.

What is this bizarro logic where asking someone to do the job he's literally paid for means you're responsible for getting him fired? How far up Mark's ass are you that you absolve him of any personal responsibility? Are you brain dead?

>And yet you kept bugging Mark to bother his employer constantly? Since November, even.

I don't know if you were here throughout 8ch's shutdown and the time we spent on vch, but communication was practically 0, so you're god damned right I ask him to actually do his job and whenever he came back with nothing to go back and tell Ron to stop being a faggot. He took the position as middle man between us and Ron. It took months for anything to come out of him regarding that. Whatever retarded shit he said to Ron or Jim to piss them off is absolutely his own doing.

For you to somehow absolve Mark of all his own failures during all of this, his sperging out because he's apparently so special that he can't take any responsibility for his own actions, or anything really, is absolutely absurd, and I halfway suspect you're trolling right now.

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5466b9  No.16913930

File: 541a1ddb4afb52f⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 680x635, 136:127, did_you_just_say.jpg)


>in favor of 3 word threads

>is against meme spam

choose one and only one

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6533df  No.16913932

File: 57e8280efe8fdfd⋯.png (78.26 KB, 846x713, 846:713, ClipboardImage.png)


>You consider that aggressive? Really?

Yeah i mean it was pretty aggressive. Mark should learn how you have a conversation. Ron comes in and tries to talk with him and he starts piling on Ron. I understand why Ron stopped talking to him. He was trying to have a discussion but Mark just couldnt calm down for 1 second.

Here is the conversation in question. Ron comes up with a light conversationstarter.Mark replies with: "You didnt have to lie about my claims man, i barerly got any emails and you know it"

"Also you shouldnt have locked me out of /v/ either"

"thats just petty"

Now lets start with Marks first message to Ron. Instead of starting the conversation like a normal person Mark goes in for an attack. He calls Ron a liar and says Ron "knew it".

Now lets review the second message Mark gave to Ron. "you shouldnt have" Mark is in no position to tell Ron what he should and should not have done.

Then the final message. "thats just petty". Again with the insults. What did he think that would accomplish? Ron actually tried to start a conversation with him and he was just a cunt. If i were Ron i would do what he did and stop talking to Mark.

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738c02  No.16913934


Would you or another of the volunteers be interested in being a board owner for a /v/ bunker, whether by creating a new site or by making a board on an existing site like Fatchan?


It seems like it might be difficult to rally people behind Mark at this point, so I'm considering a neutral option without him involved. Even if people don't migrate now it could be set up and made known to all /v/ posters for if things on 8kun get bad enough, like how /a/ had smug ready. Would being a bunker board owner interfere with Ron giving 8/v/ ownership to a volunteer and risk it being handed to someone worse?

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665cf5  No.16913935


>He says this when we have lol threads that are filled with non-vidya related shit

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93dfa3  No.16913941


>>/pol/ has its name changed

The issue is not the fact that /pol/ was renamed but rather that ALL /pol/ related boards were removed. Simply having a name change is not a problem in the slightest.

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4abf74  No.16913942


Note: I said partially. Mark is a flaky sperg who can't handle a real crisis situation. It was probably going to be shitshow anyhow. But you were egging him on to take a stand before he really had any plan at all.

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5466b9  No.16913943

File: 7a16956559e412a⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 500x625, 4:5, mad_haruhi.gif)


Lol threads are cancer but they work as containment threads.

"What videogames let me x", "what does /v/ think of y" and one and done threads are inexcusable garbage that should be banned on sight.

If you refuse to add to the conversation you yourself created, you should have never made a thread in the first place.

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3a9fc7  No.16913944


>>/a/ BO gets removed

Because the rulecucks broke the rules.

>>/sp/ BO gets removed

This is news to me.

>>now /v/ BO gets removed

That's already been explained.

>>/pol/ has its name changed

To which everyone is telling Ron to shove it.

>>loli boards are gone

He has three weeks.

>>and on top of this the site is barely functional

That part is inexcusable, as everyone has agreed upon.

Also, are you typing on a phone?

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35480b  No.16913946

File: 23cc583d3b44c98⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 50.58 KB, 1462x265, 1462:265, 0.png)

File: 458420840c94cd5⋯.png (593.65 KB, 672x880, 42:55, spoonfeeding_1.png)





Better proof is still the post Mark made trying to say Ron is lying about a few weeks, because he is that much of a retard. Or making posts at loleron to check email in /a/ meta threads.

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1cd1e1  No.16913950


>It seems like it might be difficult to rally people behind Mark at this point, so I'm considering a neutral option

That's not a neutral option.

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665cf5  No.16913957


You know what website removes your post for not putting effort into it? Fucking reddit. Hell and you're going a step further and wanting people to be banned for it like some obey kike like Mark. You act like anons can't one and done their thread description and still have conversations with other anons in their thread. This rule and /a/'s rule of being a grammar nazi is one in the same.

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6533df  No.16913961

File: f287f854869b69e⋯.png (372.79 KB, 833x716, 833:716, ClipboardImage.png)


Mark got someone to write an article about him.

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6533df  No.16913968

File: eefad8e63556dbb⋯.png (18.75 KB, 805x102, 805:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0c72942b3fa5b2⋯.png (16.38 KB, 805x102, 805:102, ClipboardImage.png)

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4abf74  No.16913975


You can count on OAG to jump the gun on everything.

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5466b9  No.16913977

File: dbb4511d68cdb15⋯.png (63.65 KB, 240x308, 60:77, vomit_2.png)


>You know what website removes your post for not putting effort into it? Fucking reddit.

Are you delusional or have never actually went there? This is demonstrably false I have no idea how to even respond.

And what is wrong with removing obviously effortless threads?

Whats the difference between a soyjack mocking intendo and a 4 word thread asking for the board consensus on a specific videogame ?

Both of those took just as much effort to create, and inspire a similar quality of discussion, a shit one.

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60c86c  No.16913978



How much did he pay for this shit, goddamn.

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8eec20  No.16913980


What could possibly be wrong with

>G4ME is out, let's talk about it.

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c96659  No.16913982


>You know what website removes your post for not putting effort into it? Fucking reddit.

You know what website is based around users creating their own subsections? Fucking reddit. :^)

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5cdb3a  No.16913986


Far less than LOL, thats for sure

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5466b9  No.16913987


The least you could fucking do is post your own opinion about it in the OP.

If you can be replaced with an algorithm that automatically makes an empty thread every time a new major release comes out you are worthless to the board and should not post on it.

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000000  No.16913988


>runs back to Acidman

>now is getting OAG to write articles about him

also holy shit this site runs so much better under TOR


>soyjack mocking intendo

The mocking nintendo part stings you more than anything else no need to pretend otherwise now that your cake kike isn't here to defend your shitty company.

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826d5b  No.16913989

File: 2196e38ff2a8515⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 564x753, 188:251, 2196e38ff2a85157f9056e5330….jpg)



I don't really give a fuck who was right or wrong, but the writing has been on the wall for some time about this place and Jim comes off as a crazy peice of shit. And as far as defending Mark, I don't belive he is that huge of a problem, the biggest problem I have with mark is his cult following of people sperging about him and spamming making my life harder. Which is something that will unfortunatly follow him wherever he publicly goes. I have my problems with Mark too, but it is from a different perspective. I feel that lauding the removal of our resident jew is shortsighted. He may have made mistakes, but his feelings I thing were genuine, for example when the topic came up of GG threads, he was adamant that GG was integral to the founding of the site and deserved a place to call home. Some people might not agree, but it is a respectable position in my eyes.

I guess what I'm saying is don't always assume the worst because that is all you ever see.


Probably, I can't speak for any other volunteers however. I do think it should be a collabrative effort in some form as starting a board is a large commitment in many ways. I feel bunker is mandatory, but it should evolve into a stable comfy board from that.

Anyway, I posted that to get that off my chest, not to get replies. Please read it if you want, but don't reply. And keep in mind I only speak for myself. I'll come back and look at the thread tonight like normal.

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67e01b  No.16913991


Throughout this shitfest I honestly wished I was in Mark's position so I could call Ron a nigger myself. Mark being on Jim's payroll obviously means he should go about it smarter, but there is not a single reason why he couldn't pressure Ron into coming here sooner without potentially burning all the bridges like he did now.

I will absolutely take responsibility for asking him continuously, because that is what we needed since five months ago (and frankly from the moment 8ch went down).

Hell, he was already announcing his plans to quit and make his own site with blackjack and hookers when I told him he should try less drastic approaches first.

Up til a couple of days ago I was more behind Mark and thought Ron was just blowing him off each time because he was too nice about it. I'm still not really sure what Ron's deal was all this time, and for him to say "Mark did it all" doesn't fly with me either. Neither party is free of blame here.

>before he really had any plan at all.

And that sadly is a common theme with him, but I'm not his daddy.


Talk about adding fuel to the fire. I doubt Mark would ask OAG to smear them like that though.

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000000  No.16913993


>And as far as defending Mark, I don't belive he is that huge of a problem

Yeah no shit, you're his little butt buddy doing it for free.

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5466b9  No.16913994


I don't give a fuck what company you mock, I care how you mock it, soyjack is not an acceptable form of content to be on an imageboard that cares at all about post or thread quality.

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665cf5  No.16913996


>Whats the difference between a soyjack mocking nintendo and a 4 word thread asking for the board consensus on a specific videogame?

One is a shitty forced meme and the other is an honest question but the OP doesn't want to take the time out to write walls of filler text, don't be a disingenuous kike and insist they're the same. And reddit absolutely does remove your post if you didn't put "effort" into holy fuck, you've evidently never been there. And also Mark was inconsistent with this rule anyways considering you can look at the catalog and see threads with effort into them but they were still anchored.

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000000  No.16913997


>I don't give a fuck what company you mock,I care how you mock it.

Keep telling that to yourself. Too bad for you now you don't have the protection of the king kike.

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2fafac  No.16914000


>Guys, I realize that mark has problems but he genuinely liked /v/ and he wasn't that bad

How many times must we bear this tired excuse, repeated multiple times over our last years?

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e55891  No.16914004

File: fdc525eabf3d6c5⋯.png (126.16 KB, 724x1000, 181:250, 53754488_p0.png)

/animu/ here I'm just going come here and say good luck you faggots as many places don't want to deal you guys due to either straight up disliking you or not wanting to deal with the spergs who hate you (super spergy Jualy posters and some other brands of turbo sperg). The meta on our bunker just wants to wash our hands of you and the people who hate you as the autism is simply to much to bare at this point, my honest advice is to either try to revive vch.moe or make a bunker on some stable software and never have anything to do with Mark or here again. I'm saying this as some of you anons are decent posters and should leave this shithole site and not bother with Mark as his retardation has burnt you.

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5dc171  No.16914005

File: c8b7003ec7de1ab⋯.png (17.86 KB, 709x489, 709:489, yeah.png)


What you mean you didn't enjoy the fat fuck power tripping and going on banning sprees after every single fuck up?

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000000  No.16914008


vch.moe was mark's hugbox

He is going to try to scrape off users from here when he has his shithole set up by spreading his usual disinfo. Heres hoping people are more perceptive of his tricks then but considering the state of this board, its not likely.

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701a8c  No.16914009




Pay attention as we watch a narrative be formed. take note on what bullshit they get wrong and put people on a shitlist if they fuck up with their reporting. Now you will see how the other side works.

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8eec20  No.16914011


thank you.

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475597  No.16914013

File: c96967e0f92e0b6⋯.jpg (107.83 KB, 1200x544, 75:34, EKmmgPpXYAA1Kyw.jpg)


Pretty much gotta see if this ship is really going to sink and ban loli or if we can get anons to swim over to a new site or board.

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fae1b5  No.16914016


Isn't Gahoole still the BO of /tV/, even though his pinned post advocates using tvch over 8kun?

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67e01b  No.16914017


Thanks, guy. I understand their perspective, I'm just sad we've become so fractured.

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665cf5  No.16914019


I don't feel sorry for the nigger cattle who are gonna follow him and deal with his same shit. It's like some form of stockholm syndrome with them. They're used to being controlled by kikes.

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c20f06  No.16914022


Am I the only one who believes that leaving might be a defeat? I'm feeling like a sailor who has to jump ship and give up the war or be shot in the back of the head by the whatever is the equivalent to janitor on a ship.

Is painful how anyone who supported the whole movement finally ended backstabbing it.

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0189df  No.16914024

File: 5d2f6e5a00b0fb8⋯.jpg (542.81 KB, 2229x805, 2229:805, Leave_me_alone.jpg)


Anon, I didn't defend Jim and Ron, and as I explained in another post, I didn't say I trust Ron, I said I trust him a lot more than Mark by now. That's quite a different point, you'll have to agree.

Also I haven't followed shit about Tiger King so Literally Who mentioning whatever about it is the furthest of a shitI can give.


Holy shit. That pretty much seals the deal : 8chan is the best place on the internet right now since OAG hates it.

This might be the dumbest continuation of this drama. Seriously never could've expected it to fall this far.

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9789f0  No.16914026

File: 249cf344628f02c⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 508x434, 254:217, half_aids_hero.jpg)

>Brain damaged jew is gone.

I see no problems.

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2fafac  No.16914032


Was leaving 4chan a defeat?

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4abf74  No.16914033


It just bothers me that you are forced to declare enmity to someone just to get some peace. It reminds me too much of the game the SJW's are playing.

Also what's up with those "super spergy Julay posters"? If they're actually mainly from Julay I'm worried. For Julay that is. They don't deserve to deal with this bullshit either and Robi (and even Jewsh) are decent people. There's a lot of comfy, well managed boards there but I guess theres a part of their userbase that is obsessed with "getting back their rightful users or something" and I feel there's probably some /cow/herds who wants Mark's head on a pike to parade around as a trophy.

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53d324  No.16914035

File: feeb6c2287dd47b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 882x1560, 147:260, cuckchan.png)

File: 33725f99ecfaca0⋯.webm (2.23 MB, 360x294, 60:49, cuckchan.webm)

File: 5622f6be47626d7⋯.png (429.45 KB, 872x3728, 109:466, reddit_vs_4chan.png)


> this shithole site and not bother with Mark as his retardation has burnt you.

I'll leave the site when shit becomes unbearable from either the moderation or the userbase is completely fucked.

Jumping the gun without any real reason is just going to further fracture the community. The reason the first /v/ exodus worked was because the staff was actively fucking with the userbase and blantant inability to allow anons to talk about things they very specifically don't like.

GG was a very clear case of staff not allowing people to talk shit due to the fact that they were taking bribes/blowjobs for favours. Doubly so once shit like specific pictures not being allowed due to ==COPYRIGHT== of all things. If the same follows here and we're unable to simply jump to another board, then plans for another Exodus should be made.

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c20f06  No.16914037


I see your point there. But where to go?

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3a9fc7  No.16914042

File: 2eeb729b4755ef6⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bully.mp4)



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04294d  No.16914043

File: 050a308376a14d0⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 460x784, 115:196, The_Rape_of_Proserpina.jpg)


>he has three weeks

Did you miss the part where he was in the Open Letter thread being convinced by boomers that 18 U.S.C. § 1466A renders loli illegal and is currently waiting to hear back from a lawyer about the issue? There's no "muh three weeks" anymore, Ron is courting the idea of banning loli right the fuck now.

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ffae28  No.16914044


Well too bad for you Soyjack still gets banned by the vols because it always amounts to raiding and derailing.

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92a9a1  No.16914045

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c5417c  No.16914046



There isn't the same kind of incentive to leave as there was with 4chan. Even if the admins are fags, 8kun still """works""" and allows gamergate threads. People won't be very unified in leaving even if it would be for the best.

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738c02  No.16914047


So I started looking up where other imageboards are hosted to see if they met your desire for not giving them your name and Julay.world, Endchan, and Fatchan are hosted via Frantech Solutions (AKA BuyVM.net). They allow you to pay with Monero, though possibly just for their Luxembourg location, it's not clear. Their other locations are in the U.S.


>In a world rocked by online surveillance and corporate bad behavior, privacy still matters. BuyVM takes your privacy seriously. We run secure systems with staff trained to handle customer accounts properly.

>We offer high privacy emphasis hosting in our Luxembourg location. We support many cryptocurrencies ranging from Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, and many more.

They don't have dedicated servers but they have something called "Dedicated KVM Slices" that supposedly provide a dedicated CPU and, dedicated server or not, it was apparently sufficient for those other boards. Those can be coupled with their "block storage slabs" for more storage. Do you think they might be suitable?

Floridachan.org is hosted on DigitalOcean. I wouldn't mention this but it led to me discovering that Bithost.io lets you pay with cryptocurrency for either DigitalOcean, Linode, or Hetzner. I haven't looked into their policies.

Something else you could consider would be just using an old computer or something, at least at first, and upgrading your internet to something suitable for a server. However you would likely want to conceal your IP, such as with a DDOS-mitigation service, and I don't know if any let you use their services anonymously (maybe Cloudflare since they apparently protect lots of sites on Tor that do illegal stuff like sell credit-card information).

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699b73  No.16914048

So it seems fatchan's admin is currently considering remaking /v/ there with a different BO


He's actually talking to people there, and this might be a chance to get a neutral place to go to if shit gets even worse.

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3a9fc7  No.16914051

File: f17caf6bc233471⋯.webm (555.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fuck_you.webm)


>Panic and scream, you fucking goy, before the deadline has passed

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2fafac  No.16914053

File: 573eb7663c9354c⋯.png (198.46 KB, 431x528, 431:528, PonderingGirl.png)



Remember when you didn't want to leave to the current gghq board because it would "fracture the community"?

Yeah, you probably should feel dumb for that.


Dunno lol.


Or you can just wait for fatchan admin to do something apparently.

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c20f06  No.16914054


Well, I guess you are right. If there is gamergate and some mild shitposting is allowed I guess there is not a big problem, but I'm not happy having a Gab pulled on me.

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e55891  No.16914055



Many of us just can't stand Mark's stupidity but we also can't stand the fuckers who keep sperging over him 24/7. Make a bunker and wash your hands of 8kunt and the fatkike, keep to yourselves and just maybe take a page out of our book and take it easy.


Make a bunker or a imageboard about /v/ shit that you can post in peace at.


This site is still a broken mess of code and the admins have done very little to inspire faith.


/animu/ and our sister boards on our bunker just don't want to deal with anything related to this shit anymore.


Anon at this point this site is a ship full of torpedo holes and you should find a new place to post.


Maybe this is the chance for you to find a new /v/ free of this drama.

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fae1b5  No.16914056


So, uh, Cake Kike was removed from the BO spot for breaking no rule whatsoever? Or is Gahoole being left alone, despite breaking rules?

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8639f2  No.16914058

I haven't been able to browse the site in weeks. What's happening now?

Is the site dying? Where will I go?

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35480b  No.16914060

File: 1915d415278bc1e⋯.png (467.06 KB, 702x874, 351:437, 3e9521ab6a0d188f58150addfb….png)


No. Not alone. One of the main reasons haven't fucked off completely yet.

If this site dies, it will be used as proof that deplatforming works.

But this site has been dying for years. >>16914043 is just more fuel on the fire. There's a sliver of hope that Ron turns it around.

Pretty much going to see how /animu/ treats the situation.

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738c02  No.16914062


The reason Ron gave for why he was removed was because he was fired. Even though theoretically board ownership is a separate issue, most board owners aren't employees after all.

My impression used to be that you could sticky another site as long as you continued to maintain your 8kun board, but I'm concerned they're going to crack down more and more on migrations rather than fixing the issues that make people want to migrate.

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000000  No.16914065


>This site is still a broken mess of code and the admins have done very little to inspire faith.

They fired mark but then again they did have him employed for years

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9789f0  No.16914067

File: 1aa6d173ff73364⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 433x218, 433:218, unimpressed_cat.jpg)


>This site is still a broken mess of code and the admins have done very little to inspire faith.

Never said it did you fucking imbecile. But the jew is gone. Thats one less problem.

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0189df  No.16914068

File: 08505fe779995e5⋯.png (697.5 KB, 350x861, 50:123, CAUSE_HE_S_NUTS.png)


Nah, it's just drama. Mark's been given the boot and deserved it. People are worried the board could be given to a faggot who forbids gg threads or loli. They're also uneasy about the position against lolis of one of the top guys up there, and the time it's taking to bring back both /pol/ and a loli board, the excuse being "we don't have a network provider who'd keep us running yet if we have a board dedicated to loli".

So basically, we'll know more in a few days/weeks, and it'll either all be resolved or it'll go nuts over the lack of loli/pol/Mark. Some people are talking about a new exodus, some say "wait and see", some don't give a shit regardless.

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67e01b  No.16914070

File: 715d4a08a283556⋯.jpg (79.06 KB, 674x915, 674:915, shit_s_on_fire.jpg)


Shit's on fire, but maybe not truly fucked. Everything seems to hang on what Ron decides to do from here on and if he truly becomes for transparent with us. Regardless, we should figure out where we make our new home if things go south.

It seems like the owner of Fatchan is considering allowing a /v/ board without Mark, and since it would be a fresh start that seems, to me, the best option right now.

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53d324  No.16914071

File: 2feda536297e394⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 600x452, 150:113, brb_gassing_myself.jpg)


Bully me,I deserve it.


He's "looking into it".

Whether that mean's he'll ignore it, need further convincing or just find out they're full of shit,we'll see if he backpedals on his promise for /delicious/.


>even worse

Things are looking grim, but adminstration and what you can post are practically the same.Problem is when things actually start happening.

The worst thing right now is obvious newfags popping up and lowering board quality while meta threads and drama are draining the enthusiasm of the board dry.


>Anon at this point this site is a ship full of torpedo holes and you should find a new place to post.

If most of the userbase is still here and things are functional enough to see new posts being made, I don't see any reason for further fracture.

Another bunker on standby is not a bad idea, but thinking everyone should move there after things have been improving is retarded.Bullshit of significant proportion needs to actually happen for people to give up on the place, Mark acting like a faggot and placing himself in a position he would harm the populace is stupid and relatively isolated for the people that bothered enough to come here.


Mark has been kicked out and Vultures are attempting to claim spoils as if Mark is 8chan.


It's almost like lying and niggerpilling to demoralize the populace in an attempt to get to people to leave is an effective tactic.

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93dfa3  No.16914072


Leaving is definitely a defeat, since you are setting a precedent on how to get rid of you. Which they will use because it works.

Sure, the new place you go to will have higher quality that you wouldn't have otherwise gotten, but that is very short-term thinking. You are further fragmenting in the hopes that you will be left alone in the comfort of your bunker. Which, given how that type of strategy has worked out for people in the past, doesn't really paint a pretty picture for the long-term.


In part, yes.

Posters have experienced much greater quality after leaving but the attacks have grown in intensity after leaving, not subsided. They are attacking the site to get rid of the posters themselves, the site itself means fuck-all to them. Let's not forget how this place has died down tremendously after it got shut down because Jim got scared shitless. And the quality of the board didn't skyrocket as you would expect from smaller user numbers, since you are still dealing with the exact same people. Transition to a new site is a selective process by which you can change the userbase tremendously but it is in no way a guarantee that things will actually improve.


>Remember when you didn't want to leave to the current gghq board because it would "fracture the community"?

Not exactly the best example considering the fact that gghq is dead and that GG is left to a singular thread on /v/. Which is also conveniently the largest board on the site.

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c96659  No.16914076


He's supposedly asking lawyers to confirm for him, and some anons are posting the court cases that say otherwise in that very thread.

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e55891  No.16914082


>I don't see any reason for further fracture.

Anon this site doesn't work half the time and the leadership straight up is dodgy about major shit, I'm just saying you guys really should find a way out.

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c5417c  No.16914084


I want us to leave 8kun behind. It would have been best for everyone to stay in the webring instead of switching to 8kun when 8kun came up, it's obviously a better solution than this website, yet here most people are.

People are just somehow autistically bound to names or something, a lot of people seem to express interest towards Josh's 16ch or whatever right now even though WE KNOW HE'S AN INCOMPETENT FUCK. I can only imagine it's because he calls it "16ch" and people think that's what magically makes it some 8chan successor.


>you are setting a precedent on how to get rid of you

By fucking up the country you live in? In real world you solve this with a revolution and replace the shitty government with a better one, but you can't do that online. I hate this argument because it's basically telling you to cuck yourself into a hole and keep living with all the problems instead of solving them.

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475597  No.16914087


And it took forever for an to show up with the relevant info >>16914010

Then to top it off the boomer faggot that convinced ron to get a lawyer to look into it. Just goes "lol guess you were right" >>16914023

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000000  No.16914088


>a lot of people seem to express interest towards Josh's 16ch or whatever right now even though WE KNOW HE'S AN INCOMPETENT FUCK

battered ni/gg/er syndrome

defend the incompetent kike, tolerate a non functioning website and then plan to move on to a well known incompetent retard's site.

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4abf74  No.16914089


Don't forget it also hangs on what Jim decides. He's the one paying for shit and is Ron's dad to boot so Ron cannot just leave him behind.

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4dcb0e  No.16914094

File: 3dca27ff0d64a92⋯.jpeg (118.4 KB, 960x738, 160:123, Asuka_all_this_crap.jpeg)

So here's the poop we've worked through: Pending what happens with the loli situation and general community mood, because neither of us wants to start yet another dead site nobody's gonna use, we've established the following criteria:

>A familiar domain for 8chan users

>New site running on Lynxchan with the performance of the prolikewhoa site structure (who also uses Lynx)

>Encompassing 8chan's original Chad features (5 uploads/8mb webm with sound)

>Hand's off administration based around Global Rule 1, with caveats for emergencies like rogue mods and unstable BOs

>Lower cost platform supported by donations

Basically reviving 8chan 2014. Between us we have the pieces already assembled and are putting them together now. We'll both be watching the situation here to see how things unfold and launch a prototype site in the coming days. If it does take off then we'll have a turn-key option to expand it to a dedicated server with non-Cloudflare DDoS protection and run full-tilt boogie.

I think that's a reasonable plan. This way we don't have our dicks hanging in the wind, we're not jumping the gun and rushing things out in a crazy fashion, and there's not a ton of drama around it fracturing things further with 8kun.

I'd be interested in everyone's opinions.

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fae1b5  No.16914095

File: 7eb14579e56158e⋯.jpg (20.51 KB, 315x326, 315:326, YAMERO.jpg)


>i was merely pretending

Gas the boomers.

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000000  No.16914100


So just another "bunker" site in the webring?

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665cf5  No.16914102

File: e0a9ff0d89d878d⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e0a9ff0d89d878db1baa6bf21a….jpg)

>China gives the world a deadly virus

>Bernie drops out of the race

>Everyone gets $1200

>FF7 Remake ends up being shit

>Mark gassed himself from 8kun

This all feels like a fucking roller coaster. I don't know whether to celebrate or feel depressed.

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ffae28  No.16914103


Well that's actually extremely reasonable.

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4dcb0e  No.16914104


One that will turn into a full site the instant enough people are using it. But its not going to just be a couple of boards like most current bunkers, board creation will be an option.

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67e01b  No.16914105


> a lot of people seem to express interest towards Josh's 16ch

I highly doubt that.


True. Given how he seems to view the site's future as a "news site" he might just tell Ron "loli isn't worth it, just ban it" as he already said he views it as literal CP.

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6d4d01  No.16914108

File: 692dc28ccf113f8⋯.png (500.79 KB, 2000x1053, 2000:1053, Kallen.png)


>There isn't the same kind of incentive to leave as there was with 4chan.

Maybe not yet, but I think we can see pretty clearly that it's coming up on the horizon. The administration here is not accomodating of free speech, and the site has been broken for months now.

This is my personal opinion (so feel free to disagree and call me a faggot), but I think the priorities for a board should be, in this order:

1 - Accomodating site administration

2 - Working site infrastructure

3 - Competent BO

My reasoning is that without accomodating administration, nothing else matters. Things may be fine in the short-term, but there will eventually be a breaking point where another exodus is needed. They don't need to support gg, or even like us, but they need to be a staunch supporter of free speech for ideological reasons, and not just in an attempt to cater to a market to make money off of us (ie. Jim).

For number 2, obviously we want to be able to post and not have images and webms take forever to load. However, if we have number 1, but not this, then code can be worked on and bugs can be fixed until we have a working board. It's important, but a temporary lack of it can be fixed without scattering anons to the wind or requiring another exodus. At this point though, 8kun has been broken for so long that all good faith in the administrations ability to fix/maintain the site infrastructure is lost.

For number 3, Mark is a sperg. But he's also been open and communicated with us. We need a BO that isn't a sperg, won't freak out, won't take seemingly random actions with little warning, and is open to communicating with us. I don't particularly care (right now) if Mark is replaced as BO or not. I think the first two priorities greatly outweigh this one in both the short and the long term. If you have accomodating site administration and working site infrastructure but a bad BO, then it's straightforward enough to either replace the BO or create a new board on the same site.

On 8kun, we clearly have none of the 3. So what reason is there for us to stay?

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fae1b5  No.16914109


Yeah, all of that is fine.

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ffae28  No.16914112


We're not moving to julay/v/ no matter what so just stop the shilling.

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93dfa3  No.16914114


>to cuck yourself into a hole and keep living with all the problems instead of solving them.

What "solving" are you even doing? Did you set up some server infrastructure? Did program some new open source software that would eliminate all these issues? Because all I am seeing here is that you simply connected to a different IP and declared victory. Your bunker will eventually come under attack and it will cave to the same pressures because simply hopping onto a different site doesn't solve any of the underlying issues. All it does is leech off of someone else that is still naive and a lot less broke. Which you declare as a solution because he is currently not caving yet.


The main issue is that we don't have anyone that would be willing to take the initiative. Something like webring very nicely alleviates the financial burden of creating another imageboard and ensures that multiple sites can share their userbases. Main downside to that is the fact that you can't control the functionality of the other sites and you are left at the mercy of whatever moderation you are dealt. Personally I wouldn't find the downsides to be that bad considering the alternatives but I can definitely say others will feel more strongly about it.

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000000  No.16914120


I don't want you ni/gg/ers shitting up the web ring, you're like locusts who ruin everything you touch. Enjoy your company with pigfood.

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2fafac  No.16914121

File: 1441a8c00c1333b⋯.png (123.31 KB, 300x345, 20:23, ahem.png)



>But if we leave you are showing how to get rid of you and…

We already showed that we don't want to be under a website owner that doesn't care about us when we left 4chan. Also? Not wanting to be under someone that doesn't care about you is a GOOD precedent.

How many layers of meta drama are you in right now that you can't see this simple truth?

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7b0dff  No.16914125


>Everyone gets $1200

I thought NEETs who never filed taxes (on account of being NEETs) were disqualified. Like me.

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2fafac  No.16914127


>Leaving is definitely a defeat, since you are setting a precedent on how to get rid of you


>Your bunker will eventually come under attack and it will cave to the same pressures because simply hopping onto a different site doesn't solve any of the underlying issues. All it does is leech off of someone else that is still naive and a lot less broke.

Do you even know what the issue is? I'm starting to feel like you don't.

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6d4d01  No.16914130


All of that sounds good to me. Can you explain a bit more about the following though?

>not a ton of drama around it fracturing things further with 8kun

When you say fracturing things with 8kun, are you referring to 8kun administration, or fracturing the existing 8kun userbase? If administration, I'd say fuck 'em. If the userbase, then yeah, that's a concern. But if there's a better run site that functions properly, I expect people would be willing to migrate to it.

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c5417c  No.16914132


>Which you declare as a solution because he is currently not caving yet.

So basically everyone will eventually cuck out and we'll forever be ruled over by kikes and there's no way out of it.

Even if that's the case, the webring mostly solves that problem because it's compromised of multiple websites that any individual can expand at any time. If one gets fucked, you just make a board in a different part of the webring, the amount of "moving" you have to do is only marginally higher than switching between different boards in 8kun. The admins will also be pressured to be good since they're surrounded by competition.

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7b0dff  No.16914135


Where can we go then, assuming this place's days are numbered? Everywhere else is poz.

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35480b  No.16914138

File: 954a42b3b8aafde⋯.webm (10.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, news_04_12_20.webm)


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ebe56d  No.16914139


Your NEETbux paycheck should be getting an extra $600 per check though.

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4dcb0e  No.16914141


Basically I don't want to rock the boat too hard and turn things into yet another internal war. Not between the site and 8kun or between pro/anti new site anons. Think more of a friendly rivalry than whatever >>16914120 is.

A new site is a community for everybody. Regular anons get a home base that runs well and is self sustaining, and Jim and Ron would have the userbase they are catering their advertising to, with less bad blood than a major split would cause. In theory, everybody wins. It might be unattainable because anons are short tempered and quick to hold grudges, but its still a good goal.

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ffae28  No.16914144


Then, once again for the hundredth time, why are you here? People wouldn't say anything about you guys if you didn't come here to antagonize the userbase and then run off and play the victim or go "proof? ;^)" when someone calls you out on your shit.

This behavior makes it more likely not less likely that someone will come and shit up the webring.

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5466b9  No.16914146


I wonder how many hours will it take me to load this webm.

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8a6df5  No.16914147


>the instant enough people are using it

so, never

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665cf5  No.16914149


Stop trying to sound like Solid Snake.

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226a30  No.16914152


Lots of people get disqualified from getting it, plus it is NOT a stimulus check, but a forward on your next tax return.

Notable people who don't get it are students, the wealthy, dependants, and deadbeat dads who don't pay child support.

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87d125  No.16914153

File: 133ab46caa83c13⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1500x2133, 500:711, words.jpg)

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3a9fc7  No.16914154


I remember hearing about a little know site called 4chan. :^)

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93dfa3  No.16914158


>We already showed that we don't want to be under a website owner that doesn't care about us when we left 4chan

You only guarantee they will care beyond the first couple of brief moments is that they haven't done anything bad yet.


They do not cave yet because they are not put under the same pressures. They can reap the benefits with none of the downsides because they haven't expanded sufficiently to warrant any response. Pigfood can certainly sing the tune of free speech while he still doesn't experience any major pressures, but we don't know how he will act when he does. You are simply gambling in the hopes that he might retain a larger portion of these ideals when the time comes to collect.

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ffae28  No.16914159


>Where can we go then.

I don't know but julay is clearly not going to work. Even if we get a /vidya/ board set up there that allows both GG type threads and videogame posting julay/v/ and /cow/ will just come in and shit up the board because they just don't like us. It's never been just about Mark or just about GG, they hate 'US as a userbase.

It just isn't going to work and if we went there it might end up erupting into a big civil war that impacts innocent boards on julay or even the whole webring.

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53d324  No.16914169

File: 3a173a681af4e2d⋯.png (165.95 KB, 395x317, 395:317, jota_optimism.png)


>Basically reviving 8chan 2014.

That is a dream long gone. The anons, the environment and the board culture for it aren't there anymore.

People used to be full of hope and a strong sense of people united by somewhat common ideals despite differing opinions on things.

Now I don't even know who's who anymore.


Those are nice general statements Gease-fag, where's the oasis that has all three?

Julay,the biggest alternative, can be at the mercy of one fag and I doubt it can stand even the population here right now./cow/ are also unbearable faggots incapable of acting like human beings.

Cripplekike abandoned us the moment shit went bad and later stabbed us in the back.

Josh is also a faggot who also failed us and I generally don't trust Foxdick Farms for being /cow/-lite with a lot more tolerable posters.

There's also the issue that Ron is not just handling posting,but also DDOS protection not at the mercy of the masses. Anything using Cuckflare is at their mercy and anyone else is at the mercy of their providers. This is without getting into domain names being simply fucking denied and stolen if enough bad press hits. Where else can we find servers for imageboards with the features here? How do you convince anons to leave without an event horizon that broke the camel's like cuckchan's fuckery?

Without any money on the table and someone willingly risking their livelyhood,these are all empty words and a pipedream. The webring is too fractured and some of the faggots there are too high on their own fumes to have fun posting there, constantly having seperate /v/s fractures the userbase and people don't bother responding between sites is autistic and fractures any sense of wider community.

God, all this this "we" shit trying to assume a consensus is fucking tiring.As if this shit is worse than the billions of times this place was said to scrape IPs or sell info or host glow-in-darks when this site came back up. Or when niggerpilling about boomers outnumbering PPHeven if most of it is barely comprehensible cuckchan-tier garbagge and spam no one cares about from the rest of the site.

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000000  No.16914176


>Then, once again for the hundredth time, why are you here

Why are you here? Weren't you going to join pigfood's site?

>when someone calls you out on your shit

What "calling out" are you going to do? You've been tolerating the king kike's filth for almost half a decade now.

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f13523  No.16914186

File: 8483d8de48c9c33⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1636x1500, 409:375, punished_v_fallen_gamer.png)

>seeing anons trying to survive without compromising themselves

You and I, we endured fucking 6+ years persecution and bullshits. At this point even the fucking death itself cannot stop us. Keep up the good work.. Until the kingdom come. We will revive the fucking 2014 8/v/, in this life or the next.

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4dcb0e  No.16914187


I agree with you on many of those points, but even after the fires died down 8chan was comfy right up until we got deplatformed and lost it. It was home.

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000000  No.16914189


>You and I, we endured fucking 6+ years persecution and bullshits

But anon don't you know Gamergate is going to truly die now as we no longer have the tumor known as Mark Mann protecting us?

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83820d  No.16914191

File: 7cf316cab7525ff⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1821x903, 607:301, Capture.PNG)


I checked out what threads 4cuck has up right now and I wish I didn't.

The webring fags probably think that only this or their own brand of no fun allowed can exist.

Don't feed the TOR nigger.

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f91b96  No.16914193

File: 1d1f2b00fe44ba2⋯.png (811.55 KB, 1524x1024, 381:256, 08Tan.png)


Nah, I'm good.

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392827  No.16914195

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738c02  No.16914196

File: fe67c8a5191eeee⋯.png (19.11 KB, 960x193, 960:193, mark_alternative_site.png)

Incidentally I just realized that Mark talking to other mods about making an alternative site 6 days ago was treated as some revelation, but he was openly discussing it with users the same day.


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ffae28  No.16914199


>Weren't you going to join pigfood's site?

I never agreed to that. /v/ is not one person faggot.

>What "calling out" are you going to do?

Calling out what you're doing right now. You /cow/fags come in, shitup the place, antagonize everyone, and then when someone says fuck off julay you absolute mongrels go "dude I'm not julay:^) stop being paranoid ni/GG/ers you have no proofs GUNT GUNT SARGON GUNT LOLOLOLOLOLOL".

Get the fuck out.

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60c86c  No.16914206


Why did Mark namefag so fucking much? He never understood our culture.

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665cf5  No.16914207


>That image

Jesus christ imagine going on a website where you say the same shit to the same people over and over again for years.

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000000  No.16914211


>Calling out what you're doing right now

More like attacking a boogeyman to avoid facing reality.

You'll run off to Acidman's site the moment your king kike makes his royal decree without a single thought. Keep dreaming about your persecution, maybe it'll make you feel better when you're on another shit site under incompetent kikes.


>Why did Mark namefag so fucking much

He was a tripfag attentionwhore on 4cuck. He hasn't changed a single thing about him.

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6d4d01  No.16914212


>Those are nice general statements Gease-fag, where's the oasis that has all three?

You're completely right, that oasis doesn't exist right now. But just because it doesn't exist right now doesn't mean it can't be built within the webring. Notice that my post didn't advocate moving to any of the existing boards, I'm trying to convince the anons that were posting in favor of staying on 8kun. I'd take an uncertain future on an uncertain board over certain betrayal any day.

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699b73  No.16914226

File: 0c344ce5096c70b⋯.png (227.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, depressed_sniper.png)


God that's cancer. If the new BO shows any sign of allowing that, this place will die. There HAS to be a competently run backup with no spergs on it somewhere, and if there isn't, one really needs to be set up. If Ron doesn't follow through with his promise, their needs to be somewhere safe to regroup at.

I just wanted to talk about vidya. Is that so hard to ask?

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c96659  No.16914227

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000000  No.16914229


>I just wanted to talk about vidya

Whats stopping you right now?

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c96659  No.16914231

File: 14a7006463f19d5⋯.jpg (79.14 KB, 330x409, 330:409, 1470917561913.jpg)


>I checked out what threads 4cuck has up right now

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33e2bc  No.16914235

File: 15be8bb5e3041e3⋯.gif (794.47 KB, 320x286, 160:143, 5US.gif)




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f13523  No.16914240


>and I thought my grammar was improved and well-blended among anons for about a year until now

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93dfa3  No.16914243


Webring may be shit but compared to the alternatives it is the most viable. Personally I think 8chan should be integrated into the webring as well instead of having that as a separate entity. It will still bear the majority of the userbase and it will increase the load on the servers (and the owners) of the rest of the webring. but I see this as the most viable option.

>Cripplekike abandoned us the moment shit went bad and later stabbed us in the back.

That is incorrect. He most definitely cucked to the point where you start wondering if he hasn't been replaced by a bodysnatcher. But (as deserving he may be of the hate he currently gets), he did hold for fairly long when you consider how much earlier he could have gone the direction he has now. I can get that you may written that for more dramatic effect, but you shouldn't lie when doing so.

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ebe56d  No.16914249


>There are anons considering this to be an acceptable compromise with a potential new 8kun /v/ BO so long as there's only a little bit of it.

Yeah, nah. "A little is okay." requires 4chan-style posting to have some self control. But "self control" and "4chan posting" are mutually exclusive. I'll wait for a brand new alternative instead, i.e. maybe fatchan if it takes off, or stop posting altogether.

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87d125  No.16914254


It's Marche rusing again.

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33e2bc  No.16914255


Neither will survive if they all remain separated. The webring is nothing more than a false sense of attachment that'll quickly fizzle out once each site start fighting amonst themselves.

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60c86c  No.16914262

File: c868f03031fdeef⋯.png (207.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, _.png)


>spamming the GG thread is a sign of understand imageboard culture

>a thread usually filled with tripfags and namefags

As much as GG is our heritage, these threads are fucking garbage.

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2fafac  No.16914263


>Complaining about (4) when this post is your (1)

Wait a second.

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b16dd7  No.16914264

ded mark lamo

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7b0dff  No.16914273


Not eligible due to not being crippling levels of autistic or whatever that SSI response said. And as >>16914152 detailed, despite never working I am a dependent.


Insofar as I know (not that I saw this so may be exaggerating), all forms of censorship discussion is forbidden by pain of permaban and "soy" is wordfiltered into "based", so no.


Julay/v/ doesn't allow breaking news of censorship and/or other forms of poz? No better then 4chan it sounds like.


Do they not have a /vg/ specifically to prevent these single post styled "threads"? I'm convinced the place has been taken over by literal children.

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fb3450  No.16914280


does anybody here even know how to set up a new image board?

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93dfa3  No.16914284


By having infinitechan serve as the central hub (since that is in effect what it would become considering relative size) it can offload some of its own operating costs and thus make it less likely to bend. It might still bend, since it doesn't exclude that possibility and reduction in cost still means there is cost associated, but in doing so there it at least some reduction in pressure. There is also the benefit that boards Jim refuses to bring back could be maintained by others. But with that comes the issue that Jim might see it as being no different from simply having the board on here and thus refuse. Main downside to merging is the fact that people aren't exactly thrilled about julay coming here. But if those people are planning to leave this place anyway by splitting off into another branch, we may as well give it a try.

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2543b8  No.16914285


How big is your trap folder now, gook?

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33e2bc  No.16914289


>we may as well give it a try.

If webring style collectives couldn't survive the cancer year of 2008 and what came after, it won't survive now especially with a userbase that's extremely fractured.

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c96659  No.16914290


>>a thread usually filled with tripfags and namefags

Until this shitstorm, Acid had vanished. The only name/avatarfags left for ages now are Reanon, recognizable by his verbose posts anyways which are the only posts he avatarfags in, and Gookanon who is recognizeable by his grammar and doesn't flagfag unless he's making a post about the state of Korea.

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8b88be  No.16914291


Mark couldn't administer fatchan for 1 day how the fuck would it ever take off?

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c5417c  No.16914295

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ebe56d  No.16914296


Because fatchan's admin is considering bringing back /v/ with a different board owner. >>16914048

There is no website yet, so there's the "if" in "if it takes off." And the same can be said about every other option currently available.

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f13523  No.16914299

File: a951bd77bf07ca5⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 100x96, 25:24, a_picture_fot_ants.jpg)


come on anon i think everyone here is now on edge now because of the drama i dont want to do identityfagging at the state of emergency anons will irritated it's fairly bigger now and i dont watch them dont believe the anons saying i watch them its conspiracy theyre only for collection purpose i swear


>implying we're better than boomers when it comes to techie thing

Most of us here can't even visual basic, nor can afford servers. It's more than about setting up an image board, it about setting up an image board that aren't breaking and can contain all of us spamming png porn images at incredibly hign speed.

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53d324  No.16914310

File: e7a0b5900f6a2d4⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB, 600x360, 5:3, If.mp4)


I don't disagree,thing is home is where the anons are and all these vultures,cuckchanners and people genuinely afraid of the future with plans so general and with no clear direction, hastily acting like all hope is lost.

Urging to post elsewhere in some retarded wish that this place will die and not bring the vermin they despise with them.Or some half baked idea that rushing out the door without giving others a proper reason that have been tolerating this place so far.


Setting up a safety net is fine, giving anons hope without a plan to action or a promise to follow up might as well be writing fanfiction if you're going for effect.

You only state general standards, no software or even a general place to host servers on. Funding is easy to talk, but not everyone can put their money where the mouth is, and a paper trail destroys what anonymity there is.


I fucking wish we can manage, finding genuine anons willing to talk and learn the board culture is difficult.

Hope we can manage to make the closest thing to that, at least.


Problem is most of the webring wants to be replacement and not play second fiddle. In mocking others for site loyalty they act superior over the site they are loyal to.Another issue with that plan is that nobody knowing about the webring is the best defense it has, associating with the main site lies in direct opposition to that.

>That is incorrect. He most definitely cucked to the point where you start wondering if he hasn't been replaced by a bodysnatcher. But (as deserving he may be of the hate he currently gets), he did hold for fairly long when you consider how much earlier he could have gone the direction he has now.

I meant with the infinity next bullshit and generally getting buttmad about /hebe/,but very well. My point was that those sites being smaller makes doesn't make them immune to just being left behind and how even alternatives can fizzle out.I simply think Ron and Jim are the ones least likely to topple over with the longest life-span so far and that people are overselling the webring due to paranoia that they'll turn us without anything truly solid. It's not like we can find much else where we can be anonymous with decent DDOS protection,decent file size limits and have a decent population and quality for free.


Fatchan is fucking ugly,I don't get how anyone can bear using that shit.

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4abf74  No.16914314


The fundamental grievance many Julay users was that Mark chose to return to the rebranded '8kun' instead of accepting the bunkers and the webring as his new home. In hindsight they're sort of right, but this has metastasized into some sort of irrational burning hatred where Mark is now the origin of all evil which must be destroyed.

They have a bunch of other grievances with him such as Mark mentioning the webring in a Twitter post (which is what got vch shitlisted for a while) that can largely be summed up as Mark being sort of dumb and impulsive.

Also why are people so fucking attached to the 8chan name and branding? It'll do any new imageboard more harm than good.


To his defense he was undergoing a major nervous breakdown, but he has been getting less and less competent as a moderator for a while now. Less likely to delegate to his vols for a lighter workload. More likely to shoot first and ask questions later. More collateral damage in moderator actions and such. Also giving in to the whiners and anchoring/banning Undertale/Deltarune threads on sight because of "muh Tumblr" always sat wrong with me.

If he gets a board up and running again I fear he will be under siege from the faggots hell bent on seeing him burn and will freak out again.

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87d125  No.16914319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim is livestreaming again. Communicate your displeasure.

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c20f06  No.16914326


Fuck him. He would just probably laugh and send his groomed children to shit on the board.

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ebe56d  No.16914332


>Communicate your displeasure.

No, thank you. And that doesn't have anything to do with Jim banning all forms of criticism and critical questions in favor of basking in the adoration of his fans like he did in his last stream. I just don't want to.

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87d125  No.16914333


>The fundamental grievance many Julay users

…is that Sempai never noticed them. /cow/ never "needed" a reason to obsessively eStalk someone. What a load of shit.

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f13523  No.16914334


>a fucking mason preaching about 'Paganism'

That is like Satanist preaching about Jesus. I wonder how's his degree in Freemason right now.

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c20f06  No.16914341

So, is smug, and by proxy julay, controlled by /cow/? Because that might be something I wasn't aware of.

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ffae28  No.16914346

File: b60565d85b17b0a⋯.png (16.67 KB, 152x204, 38:51, but_julay_doesnt_come_here….png)

It never ends this shit.


They were going after Mark and the GG thread before that even when it was just 8/cow/. They're fags that live off of drama. They can't stop themselves from soyjak posting and bingbingwahoo posting, half out of raiding for the lulz and half out of some retarded crusade against "rulecuckery", i.e. any board that isn't "/b/ but with x". I'm almost certain that they are also the posters that shit up any threads that are even tangentially loli related.

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a84382  No.16914350


>muh Bible readings

Clearly Jim has changed his tune ever since he got his new boomer friends. I don’t think he’s even reading chat anyway so unless he gets flooded he’ll probably ignore people.

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33e2bc  No.16914351


Only julay.

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475597  No.16914353

File: 0dff0403892c02b⋯.png (486.53 KB, 688x880, 43:55, 0dff07.png)



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fdcaaa  No.16914358


Smug is controlled by /animu/ I believe and they're also anti /gg/ for some reason.

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fae1b5  No.16914360


Julay is /cow/

Smug is /a/

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3a9fc7  No.16914361


Wow, that looks just like GameFaqs.


>I don't see why there can't be a compromise for GG threads.

Because the moment Anons drop the name, then those who have been opposing it the entire time can use it to mean WHATEVER they want without any opposition.

>Re-focus them on games journalism and censorship within the games industry

They're still mostly about that.

>and anons doing their due dilligence to limit threads from going completely off topic

Unless it's a relevant discussion, the most "offtopic" threads get is when you have fags either raiding the thread or posting porn.

>it still gives the threads a purpose without putting them in a limbo where they can effectively only exist on an ib run by mark or someone from the threads.

GG started well before Mark, and will continue on after he's gone from administration (The same way that Kikewheels and Moot weren't the one-all-end-all).


>Communicate your displeasure.

I'm leaving that to Ron since he has Jim's ear and knows what will happen is shit doesn't change.



Didn't /cow/ just start out as a lot of people just laughing at and chronicling CwC, which then mutated into a bunch of e-tabloid writers trying to find their next "big catch"?


Smug is owned by tr/a/sh, they have nothing in common with Julay.

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ffae28  No.16914362


smug is not. They are controlled by Headmeido of /a/. smug isn't really a bad place but I don't think /v/ can fit into their "utopia with a death penalty" board moderation.


It sort of is controlled by /cow/. JEWS specifically I think. the thing is that the administration is not in one accord. Some of them are really unhappy with allowing /delicious/ and /furry/ on the site. Frankly julay is a pressure cooker and it will probably pop some day.

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c5417c  No.16914367


>Smug is controlled by /animu/

Prolikewoah is /animu/, Smug is /a/. I don't think Smug is anti-gg specifically, they just ban political topics.

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a84382  No.16914370



No, that’s controlled by the old owners of /a/. It has been their bunker forever. They used it for r/a/dio threads even when they still owned the board here when 8chan started to shit itself. Also host their GNUSocial instance on the same domain.


Literally /cow/‘s bunker. Owned by the /cow/ BO. Not sure how you missed that. It’s the top board on the site and all over the front page. Even the name is /cow/ related.

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475597  No.16914371

File: 57203b8cd276ab3⋯.jpg (136.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, EGmapCQUYAAV0ln.jpg)


Isn't great that anons on the /animu/ bunker pretty much realized Marks a sperg but also that the "people" that hate us are also massive fucking spergs too. >>16914004

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33e2bc  No.16914372


/cow/ got co-opted when ibs became a thing. Whether its was goons or /intl/ is up to you.

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c20f06  No.16914373






Why are smug, julay and anime boards together? I guess Smug doesn't have a /v/?



>No Rules

>No GG threads

How can a community be so butthurted?

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000000  No.16914374


Thread made 18:50.

In the OP he wants you to come to julay/v/, but the image attached is the supposed "proof" that julay was dataming. Why would he advertise julay and post "proof" julay is dataming? Meanwhile


Thread made 18:40

Just the like the other thread this OP posts the second half of the supposed "proof" that julay is dataming? Only this time he's advertising cirnochan, a known site of the Dolphin.

This isn't someone from julay shilling, this is standard Dolphin antics.

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93dfa3  No.16914379

File: ca44139619c238e⋯.webm (298.57 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Asian_people.webm)


Well then there's 08chan or just waiting to see if Ron can dig the site out of the hole it is in. I think Ron can do it but in this vulnerable state you never know.


>most of the webring wants to be replacement and not play second fiddle

And that is a problem that needs to be solved. Because it kind of defeats the purpose of a shared network to have people fight for dominance. If they can overcome that, I think it could serve as an adequate solution that wouldn't require people to be on Tor by default.

>I meant with the infinity next bullshit

He could have betrayed way fucking earlier than that. And during the Infinity Next bullshit he still held fairly long because that was incompetence on his behalf (which also cost him a decent portion of his already dwindling funds) and not active malice. Falling into IRC faggotry is braindead retarded, however calling it a betrayal is a bit of a stretch.

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b6eb04  No.16914381


>Didn't /cow/ just start out as a lot of people just laughing at and chronicling CwC, which then mutated into a bunch of e-tabloid writers trying to find their next "big catch"?

The original userbase of /cwc/ had long since been spent by the time they reached 8chan. Multiple board moves and drama had whittled away the userbase down to nothing, and those who replaced them were Kiwi Farms users

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c20f06  No.16914389


Don't know how /cow/ started, I guess it started just watching autistic people on the internet for laughs, but then they turned into autistic fucks themselves and just became into a low quality /b/ who loved sucking Jim's cock, also I believe it got filled with Goons, Revolt or whatever faction of the week that wanted to break up Gamergate.

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fdcaaa  No.16914390


Thanks for clarifying.

>I don't think Smug is anti-gg specifically, they just ban political topics

I feel like this is simply an easy way for them to hand wave concerns about them not allowing /gg/ on their board. Why else would you put an anti-politics rule in place during an age where politics have never been more relevant to imageboards?

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665cf5  No.16914392

I always thought julay was a dumb name for a website. Like why the fuck would you name your site after a name chris-chan was yelling as he was fucking a pillow?

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301091  No.16914393

File: 5e6ec83c2fd443c⋯.jpg (107.76 KB, 850x1169, 850:1169, consider_the_following.jpg)


I still think if we're going for a bunker/potential new home Fatchan will be our best bet. It's a fresh start on a clean board, no one related to any of the current drama is there as far as I know, and we won't have to deal with a population that's already there shitting everywhere about us coming over.

Are there any objections to Fatchan as a place to stay if shit goes further south?

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33e2bc  No.16914398


>Owned by the /cow/ BO.

It isnt.

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738c02  No.16914399


Smug has /vg/, I think it's moderated by /a/ people and bans "political" topics including GG. It's pretty inactive.

>Why are smug, julay and anime boards together?

What do you mean? Julay and smug aren't together except on the webring, which is just different imageboards linking each other.

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4abf74  No.16914401


The real painful compromise to make with GG is their need to deal with normalfags within normalfag space in order to accomplish anything.

Also I think GG'ers should have some leeway to discuss censorship and gatekeeping within other media fields such as anime, comics, films and such. Hell, most real work GG has done recently have been in the anime localization space which does have some relevance to Japanese vidya arguably, but still.




I would really advise against equating Julay as a whole with /cow/. They affect the general tone of the board less than /pol/ did with 8ch, but there are a lot of anons there that dislike Mark and 8kun for other more legitimate reasons, even if they are being entirely unreasonable about it.

Also Smug did fucking nothing wrong. It's a small board striving for a very particular board culture and we do not fit into it. If you leave the HoiHoi mansion alone they will leave you alone as well.

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33e2bc  No.16914406


>Marks a sperg

We all knew that, he's just so incompetent at doing anything that it indirectly lead to rather stable /v/. He's the retarded jew.

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3a9fc7  No.16914409

File: 3586d3b118d068e⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 990x720, 11:8, berd_power_61L0SfeBNXk.mp4)


And, some madman did it: http://archive.vn/JYykI

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a84382  No.16914415


>Why are smug, julay and anime boards together?

Uh, you mean the webring? It’s just a collection of IB’s that link to eachother. Was created after 8chan initially went down to let anons find the bunkers of the boards they used since they weren’t all hosted at the same place. Hell, both of Mark’s now defunct bunkers on PLW and Fatchan were part of the webring. That doesn’t mean he is actually a /cow/ user.

Not sure how you missed all of this. Where the fuck have you been for the past half year?

>inb4 you went to cuckchan when the site went down

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c20f06  No.16914417


>If you leave the HoiHoi mansion alone they will leave you alone as well.

I don't even get near anything that isn't /tg/, and as far as I've been it is nice. I missed som actual /tg/ talk.

I'm just confused why do they share a web ring. I guess their disgust to Mark and /v/ is bigger than shitting on eachother?

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33e2bc  No.16914421


>I would really advise against equating Julay as a whole with /cow/.

There entire administration is based in /cow/, Robi (site owner) got his name from a retarded aids infected Indian wrestler that was involved with Internet Bloodsports. So when people say julay is /cow/, it is /cow/.

>Smug did fucking nothing wrong.

Hoihoi brought upon infinity next, its really difficult to forgive that.

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c20f06  No.16914423


I just played videogames. I fucking found out about 8kun on the wikipedia, for fuck's sake, even after months checking both twitter accounts almost daily.

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83820d  No.16914425


The benis and Phil Collins spammers people are in for a rude awakening.

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c20f06  No.16914427


Did what?

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33e2bc  No.16914429


>I'm just confused why do they share a web ring. I guess their disgust to Mark and /v/ is bigger than shitting on eachother?

Again its a false sense of community, after 8ch went down people wanted to stick together, so the webring was made. Mark was apart of it too, they honestly let anyone one in if they ask.

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665cf5  No.16914430


Oh boy let's see how long this lasts.

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b6eb04  No.16914431


No, they were always autistic fucks. damn near every thread was filled with shit like LETS HIRE HOOKERS TO DIG UP PATTY, calling each other ALOGS or some shit like that, they hired a mod for no other reason that he was a fucking chris chan troll(and he was a tyrannical faggot of massive proportions), one of the users there cucked the founder(a Mexican tryhard) IRL with a girl the spic was lusting after, and IIRC, they lost 789chan because the users there were going after one of the admin's buttbudies.

>Don't know how /cow/ started

It started out as a dedicated Chris-Chan board, but as Chris-chan news started to dry up the owner at the time(some faggot named Seanie B) changed the name to /cow/.

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b6eb04  No.16914432


No, they were always autistic fucks. damn near every thread was filled with shit like LETS HIRE HOOKERS TO DIG UP PATTY, calling each other ALOGS or some shit like that. They hired a mod for no other reason that he was a fucking chris chan troll(and he was a tyrannical faggot of massive proportions), one of the users there cucked the founder(a Mexican tryhard) IRL with a girl the spic was lusting after, and IIRC, they lost 789chan because the users there were going after one of the admin's buttbudies.

>Don't know how /cow/ started

It started out as a dedicated Chris-Chan board, but as Chris-chan news started to dry up the owner at the time(some faggot named Seanie B) changed the name to /cow/.

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ffae28  No.16914433


Is this going to be the start of another retarded internet shitfit?


>If you leave the HoiHoi mansion alone they will leave you alone as well.

This is why I like smug, regardless of their feelings about any other community or board they don't go out and fuck with them. They just do their own thing and try to stay comfy. Why can't julay follow their example?

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53d324  No.16914434


>He could have betrayed way fucking earlier than that. And during the Infinity Next bullshit he still held fairly long because that was incompetence on his behalf (which also cost him a decent portion of his already dwindling funds) and not active malice. Falling into IRC faggotry is braindead retarded, however calling it a betrayal is a bit of a stretch.

I meant that him practically abandoning us before and after that. Everyone knows when he actually betrayed us.

I'd argue him selling off the site and not buckling down to be somewhat reasonable,but proof that he only cared as long as problems won't have arisen for him. Even after the BOs were the only reason he got out of his Dad's abusive house


>Also Smug did fucking nothing wrong.

Besides being massive faggots and the whole locking the board thing,I'm inclined to agree.

I appreciate what they did when all went to shit in gathering everyone together, but the posts and posters there are unbearably boring.The cafe threads when shit went down were the comfiest thing though.

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699b73  No.16914436


If we get a good BO, fatchan should be a good place to settle to if things get worse. It looks pretty good to set up in.

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4abf74  No.16914438



Do you think someone is smart enough to do this as some sort of ebin troll?

…Oh come on who am I kidding. It's 2020.

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475597  No.16914439

File: 42bbdff6d745e54⋯.jpg (50.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2e5c.jpg)


Dang anon their gonna be violently murdered over there.

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8eec20  No.16914440


>Hoihoi brought upon infinity next, its really difficult to forgive that.

>site is shitting itself

>nobody knows what's wrong

>entire site rewrite is planned, it's a steaming pile of shit and doesn't even fix anything

>turns out it was /a/'s bot that scoured posts so frequently it was DDoSing the site

Every time I remember that I feel a deep sense of hatred. I wonder if that's partly what's happening now.

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665cf5  No.16914442


Because julay is populated by /cow/fags. They're like the TMZ of the internet of course they're gonna stir shit up.

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000000  No.16914444


The webring started after 8chan was deplatformed. Eventually in the gigantic clusterfuck of many refugee anons in smug's meta threads the idea of post-8chan surviving was a collection of imageboards so no one person had to handle the burden of so many boards popped up. Smug's admin contacted Julay's admin and they each developed their versions of the webring respectively, smug did the vichan addon and julay did the lynxchan addon. So they became the first members. Once prolikewoah, anon.cafe, late/, and vch popped up, they joined the webring too. Other existing imageboards joined too after some anon advertised the webring model around.

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a84382  No.16914446

What the fuck is Fred’s issue anyway? The last I heard from him he gave the copypaste account to Jim and fucked off (causing a week-long panic). I don’t remember him possessing any ill-will at the time, just indifference. But looking at his Twitter it’s all posts about how evil 8kun is and how much he wants to ruin the site. Did Jim try to steal all his shekels or something?

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2fafac  No.16914449


>Open the thread without archive

>Only person being killed so far is a julay user that didn't recognize a joke

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8eec20  No.16914450


I'm pretty sure Fred became friends with the usual SJWs and felt the need to destroy 8kun to clean his name, like such a thing is even possible.

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b6eb04  No.16914451


The little faggot started chugging soy and hanging out with /leftypol/. His hatred for Jim burns so deep that he helped deplatform 8chan and had vox do a video painting him as the victim.

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87d125  No.16914455



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33e2bc  No.16914456


>What the fuck is Fred’s issue anyway?

He drank soy and got infected with /leftypol/.

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301091  No.16914459


He was always a snake and the wizards warned us. We didn't listen.

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4abf74  No.16914469


What I know is that he has a personal vendetta against Jim and is willing to sacrifice just about anything to get at him.

The MSM are just convenient allies to him.

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8eec20  No.16914471


if a mod actually went there and it's not just up because there's nobody to delete it then I'm a little hopeful.

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33e2bc  No.16914482

File: 62686192d0b56c4⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 417x300, 139:100, 746ab8658344f0d9f466e37c78….jpg)


>I'm a little hopeful.

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699b73  No.16914485


It wasn't a mod, just a user. I still up so far, but I think they're going to constantly bring up Mark and just brigade the thread, and just shitfling in general

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a84382  No.16914491


But he never clarified what kicked off this vandetta? If he wants to ruin Jim I feel like revealing whatever pissed him off so much would be the first step rather than sucking MSM cock and allying with people who hate free speech. Kind of feel like making a stupid Twitter account just to ask him but I feel like he wouldn’t answer me if he hasn’t said it already.

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475597  No.16914492

File: 12777ce2e6308d6⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1277.jpg)


Pretty much a given.

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8eec20  No.16914496


Fred won't admit what his beef is because saying that his motivation is destroying the evil criminal site because he's such a good person is more useful.

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4abf74  No.16914504


That's what we all liked to know in'nit?

Frankly at this point I'm almost imagining Jim touched him somewhere inappropriate which is totally ridiculous, but Jim is a totally ridiculous character, so who knows?

That would explain him getting into Christian cults and SocJus as both prey on molestation victims.

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1c34f9  No.16914507


I remember him saying that it was because Jim was being disrepectful to him and treating him like a child by invading his privacy. None of you remember sim saying something along the lines of that It was vague, but it somewhat makes sense given how Jim views the rest of the site now. Just not to the extent of allying with news networks and DDoSing the place instead of going further into detail and helped displaced anons make their own sites.

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8eec20  No.16914509


>shitfling in general

turned out to be true, no need to keep trying, we are not welcome there.

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09f37e  No.16914512

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d7b6fd  No.16914520

File: 34d702155afb5e8⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 661x529, 661:529, small_dog_kissing.jpg)


I'm from Julay

I honestly wouldn't mind seeing you folks around, truthfully if you created a vch.moe again AND got rid of Mark, it would be the best of both worlds.

You should still join the Webring either way, for the sole reason that it helps us both grow.


I understand what you mean, it's against cuckwheels, isn't it?

He's already a nobody. While he's one of the causes of the death of 8chan, he's not the sole one to blame.


If you do so, please still join the webring federating system. It helps us both and relieves you of having to create miniature boards that already exist.

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3a9fc7  No.16914521


Isn't that the same personality disorder the Chelsea suffers from?

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4abf74  No.16914524


That's actually the primary reason why I don't trust Jim. His Youtube videos and the leaked logs gives me major Cluster B douche-chills. I have him pegged as a Narcissist/Sociopath, which means I feel really really sorry for Ron.

I'm not so sure about HW though.


Chelsea is full-blown narcissist and so is Literally Wu.

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33e2bc  No.16914527

File: 28b233bc2baf61c⋯.mp4 (274.03 KB, 360x360, 1:1, how_about.mp4)


>I'm from Julay

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d7b6fd  No.16914528


>The webring fags probably think that only this or their own brand of no fun allowed can exist.

Why do you lump together several websites just because a single board owner wants to have stricter rules on his own board? You can easily ask for one. Better yet, take over a dead one.


>Webring may be shit but compared to the alternatives it is the most viable.

If you want to make it better, you only have to help us out.


Actually the purpose of the chan federation is to make it so all the websites are loosely connected. Enough that anons can just migrate from one to the other if the website falls from grace or goes offline, but not so much that they can't interact - indeed, boards will show up between different websites, so you know whose site has the most active, let's say, /x/ board.


Can't you just meme him into being a joke?

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c20f06  No.16914529


More like everyone, especually confirmed if Ron and Jim are pulling a Gab on us. Fuck, I'm repeating myself too much.

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8eec20  No.16914530


Seems easy enough, but getting someone with both the initiative to create a vch and the self control to be better than mark is gonna be an issue.

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33e2bc  No.16914536

File: 715af0161f07626⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1432517177926.jpg)


>chan federation

Oh fuck its the /leftypol/ tranny again.

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33e2bc  No.16914539


It wouldn't matter, mark or no mark, they'll continue to shitpost regardless.

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cd421b  No.16914543

File: 2b9636ab5e6474c⋯.gif (10.01 MB, 340x465, 68:93, 76275102.gif)


I don't really understand how it went unnoticed for so long. Like no one saw that /a/ was using way more resources than they should for their user count.


My guess would be that he was did not get the position he wanted after Jim bought it but the hole in that is that you would think he would have tried to burn it a lot earlier.

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4abf74  No.16914545


If you're actually a Julay-anon I have question i'd like you to answer:

What is your major beef with Mark?

I know it's deeper than just /cow/-led IBS or Mark being comically incompetent.

Was it that he went back to 8kun and abandoned his bunker and thus the webring?

Was it him advertising his bunker/the webring on Twitter?

Was it the Gondola Merchandise fiasco?

Is it just dislike of Gamergate?

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e14031  No.16914547

File: 1a3de8e22ebeb8e⋯.png (302.96 KB, 628x720, 157:180, 112451371711965143600.png)

Ok I saw the OAG article, what the fuck is going on? Is the dream over?

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d7b6fd  No.16914548


I am sorry, the ACF is the commies. Webring's another thing entirely, but it's a misnomer, since it is a Federated System of Imageboards. But the name "webring" calls to mind old systems, so it's more of a nostalgic name than anything. I wouldn't touch the commie bunker with a ten foot pole.

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33e2bc  No.16914550


>I don't really understand how it went unnoticed for so long.

Blame the cripple and his eagerness to stop upholding vic software.

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53d324  No.16914553

File: cd83776fab292eb⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 905x960, 181:192, areyouout.jpg)


>Taking OAG seriously

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d4077c  No.16914554


No, just Mark got booted.

Who will be next BO is unknown at the moment.

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87d125  No.16914555

File: ec1dc2a18d129ea⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Transgender_Starfleet_Prid….jpg)


>the tranny federation

oh no.

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e14031  No.16914557


Billy is a good boy, goes to church every Sunday.

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738c02  No.16914558


We're trying to get a bunker together so that if things get bad enough or fail to improve we'll be ready to migrate. We need a prospective board owner though. Unless the new /v/ board owner bans GG we can at worst theoretically stay here, but people are pretty tired of the technical issues and 8kun administration. Bunker possibilities include fatchan.org or a new site.


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93dfa3  No.16914560

File: ce114def98688f4⋯.webm (1.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ant_colony.webm)


>Like no one saw that /a/ was using way more resources than they should for their user count.

If people aren't actively monitoring for lurkers, it can slip by fairly easily. Considering the fact that HW only ever paid attention to PPH and UIDs as indicators of activity, it makes sense that he wouldn't have observed activity from lurkers. I can most certainly bet that Ron doesn't watch lurker activity either beyond just overall load on the entire server.

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c20f06  No.16914561

I'm seeing in some meta thread that some fires started in Ukraine near some nuclear plants, then some faggot posted that Ukraine is going to kill russia with that.

See what happens with all this drama? we miss the fun stuff.

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475597  No.16914562

File: 1f8d179cf2e7362⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1060x1800, 53:90, ERAlngTWoAAlLzb.jpg)


Killed by Red spy Corona-chan

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4abf74  No.16914571


There's some forest fires in Chernobyl. People are worrying about irradiated ash being blown everywhere.

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baacef  No.16914573


So I managed to contact Fred (it was actually really easy, he responded almost immediately). He said is main issue with Jim and Ron was the fact that they didn’t take his suggestions on site reforms after the San Jose incident and blew him off. He said these same suggestions were mostly implemented after the site went down and came back up. Sounds like he just had a change in perspective after that whole fiasco and tried to get the site changed accordingly.

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87d125  No.16914574

File: 9b016779f2b31ce⋯.png (371 KB, 900x900, 1:1, laughing_stalker.png)



It's not just a forest fire; it's a radioactive forest fire.

Gamergate memed "The Zone" into being.

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c20f06  No.16914576


That would be fun to talk about. How long until everything is definitive and we can get back to normal or not get back at all?

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8eec20  No.16914579

File: d697a1c2f425b47⋯.png (748.99 KB, 960x435, 64:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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c20f06  No.16914580



So, when will hobo mercenaries get into Chernobil to kill mutants and search for some floating stone that grants monkeypawn wishes?

To be honest I know little to nothing about stalker.

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8eec20  No.16914584


Play it nigger

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475597  No.16914588

File: 047a57b24ef9fb6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 272.11 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Soy_Goblin.jpg)


Ask him if he plans to go after all "Immoral" anons and imageboards or just anything Jim&Ron do. For instance he is going after Ron for trying to defend loli posting.

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93dfa3  No.16914589


The fact that some random Ukranian thinks the forest fires near the sarcophagus is some 88D chess is not as relevant as you may think. The only thing it would do is irradiate a pretty huge chunk of Ukraine, the entirety of Belarus (thus Belarus even more depressing than it already is) and then a smaller chunk of Russia.


Not really much of a zone if the radioactive material in the zone itself is reduced and the radioactive material outside of it goes up. I would get it if the sarcophagus itself were releasing material but I don't think that is going on. At least not yet.


It is more likely that hobo mercenaries leave Ukraine and kill mutants in other countries. Also just fucking play it. First unmodded and unpatched, afterwards with whatever else you want.

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33e2bc  No.16914592

File: 035efb7291e799a⋯.jpg (138.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DZvDUO4U0AA7G6I.jpg)

File: e5be3c6412a37fa⋯.jpg (8.25 MB, 1764x1226, 882:613, v7lb0zl2.jpg)

File: 040634e2229cde7⋯.png (39.74 KB, 557x512, 557:512, 1570848876412.png)

File: 99e03da5162fc20⋯.png (13.28 KB, 470x221, 470:221, Screenshot_2020_04_02_Fred….png)

File: 3161ef9cf1ef145⋯.png (12.23 KB, 892x181, 892:181, 1418019847827.png)


>So I managed to contact Fred

Bull fucking horseshit, he's a malicious little gremlin that doesn't care about anything outside his personal grudge. He'll lie, cheat and whore himself out to get what he wants.

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baacef  No.16914601

File: 49ad64ae4b7a16f⋯.jpeg (221.37 KB, 750x777, 250:259, 46A4EC3F_2E42_4C14_83E2_E….jpeg)


I mean, I suppose he could be lying if you’re inclined to believe so but I definitely spoke to him. His Twitter dm’s are open so he’ll probably reply to pretty much anyone with questions as long as you don’t come out of the gate swinging (like Mark did when Ron tried to talk to him).

He’s talking about Jim and Ron in this reply by the way if it needs clarification.

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699b73  No.16914602


Holy shit, did the qoomers really fall for that shit? They can't be that stupid.

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4abf74  No.16914609


Given that Qanon is basically just doing the Styx Hexenhammer trick to appear knowledgable, yes they are.

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ebe56d  No.16914611


>First pic.

Had I not known about Fred's innate snakery and the Q cult, I would've found that picture to be a horribly sad attempt at getting attention. But because I do, it's also hilarious. The Q cult fell for it too. Whew.

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33e2bc  No.16914613

File: 7b6e5ad0fc6280b⋯.jpg (499.71 KB, 609x210, 29:10, szndlmf5.jpg)

File: b31d5a5f7e9d3c4⋯.png (14.41 KB, 572x168, 143:42, Screenshot_2020_04_13_Wear….png)

File: 538a8c5d2352fe6⋯.jpg (127.32 KB, 1080x1048, 135:131, EVY1_oXXgAIo0oK.jpg)


>I mean, I suppose he could be lying

He is lying, the dms are only open so he can whore himself to anyone willing to listen after what happened these last couple days. And pity points always the pity points.

4cuck still allows loli on some boards

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33e2bc  No.16914617

File: dcd678bc3039cc6⋯.png (29.76 KB, 609x210, 29:10, Screenshot_2020_04_13_7b6e….png)

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475597  No.16914620

File: efaed7a3eb4a4a2⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 1422200618398.jpg)


What a two-faced little nigger he is.

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f91b96  No.16914621



They do the tumblr thing, as in outside of /b/ some boards tolerate it, but if it garners any attention whatsoever, or if its reported, they'll purge. People have gotten artists to stop drawing by reporting the stuff they posted.

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33e2bc  No.16914624


>They do the tumblr thing

That should tell you have shit 4cuck has actually become.

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d7b6fd  No.16914626

File: 2ad79761a56186b⋯.gif (1007.16 KB, 500x589, 500:589, 2ad79761a56186babcce3daca7….gif)


>What is your major beef with Mark?

I don't have any with him per se. I mean, he fucked me over on 8/v/, MULTIPLE TIMES, even on vch, but I've been taught that if someone's a jerk to you it's really not worth your time.

/cow/boys just get mad at him for the same reason they get mad at anyone. They find dumb people funny and the dumber the things they do the more they obsess over them. Similarly, a few of them take pleasure in screencapping literally ANYTHING /gamergate/ related, it's sort of a meme to them because, from what I could gather, they think it's insane that people would still follow Jim and Mark, so they cherry pick rather autistic posts from GG and repost them there, with barely any conversation.

As with most things, I don't think it's the majority of the webring users, just a select few and (((dolphinfag))).

>Was it that he went back to 8kun and abandoned his bunker and thus the webring?

A portion of the Webring is angry at Mark specifically because he advertised it on twitter and lied to Julay's owners on a few occasions (which is why they delisted vch), also because he never intended to keep a bunker when everyone there was asking him not to delete or at least keep it as a public bunker on 8kun. There's also the issue where he himself attracts his entire clique just by being anywhere.

>Was it the Gondola Merchandise fiasco?

I completely forgot about it. I don't think anyone on the Webring cares, or if they did they moved in because of it.

>Is it just dislike of Gamergate?

Naw, from what I get some of them think that if you follow a cow you're a cow yourself.

Me, I don't really care. I just wish anons from 8ch would go back to being united. Also hotwheels is a faggot and should never be trusted.

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8eec20  No.16914627


>Styx Hexenhammer

literally who.

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33e2bc  No.16914629


> he fucked me over on 8/v/,

So its an emotional connection.

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fb3450  No.16914630


sounds autistic, no thanks.

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d7b6fd  No.16914634


As I told you, I don't really care. He came knocking and someone answered the door.


No more than the average imageboard autism.

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4dcb0e  No.16914635


Nah, I just post anon. I could get into the whole story of my excessive namefagging back then, but its all old news.


Based on the sudden changes in their language and memes a year and a half ago, /cow/ inherited a lot of ggrevolt's userbase after their own board died. The Internet Bloodsports shit drew them in like flies until they displaced a lot of the original /cow/boys.

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fb3450  No.16914637


i guarantee you if i made a vidya thread on julay that it would have AT LEAST 3 retards screeching and spamming that annoying ass rainbow text.

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87d125  No.16914638

File: b7c4751263dbb14⋯.png (597.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Dawn_of_Culture.png)


>4cuck still allows loli on some boards

Fuck that.

A big part of why I stopped posting there (/jp/, /m/, and /k/) in 2013 and even stopped lurking (/h/) and have no intention of going back, wasn't so much over the loli-ban, as the inconsistency over the loli ban. Before I left for good, most of the threads on /h/ devolved over arguing "is this loli?" or not leading to a retarded amount of over-moderation "just to be safe", while at the same time, there were always no fewer than three Pokegirl threads active, which were "fine" despite the characters being not-even-borderline-loli 11-12yearolds. Those lolis were allowed simply because the mod team liked them and the flagrant hypocrisy pissed me off.

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fb3450  No.16914640


also, julay looks ugly as fuck.

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475597  No.16914641

File: 70d6e9d4f2b2be1⋯.jpg (162.51 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, 1459746163112.jpg)


Is that why the sperging always felt so familiar?

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d7b6fd  No.16914642


>annoying ass rainbow text

That's custom css just on /cow/. Plus /cow/ stays on their board and doesn't spill over like /pol/ did in here.


Again, use alternate CSS. Most board come with two already. Similarly, fatchan does.

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33e2bc  No.16914645

File: 8251b5e66eca8b7⋯.jpg (361.35 KB, 991x1082, 991:1082, 825.jpg)


>Plus /cow/ stays on their board

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fb3450  No.16914646


still, i dont like the julay / /cow/ userbase, its full of mega turbo autists that cant control their own autism.

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ededef  No.16914652


That default Lynxchan frontend is a deal breaker in general. If they had KC plugin it would be a little more comfy, but still not as nice as OpenIB.

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0c2197  No.16914657


Can somewhat attest that. The diaper-fag menace in julay kept spamming boards like /liberty/ with diaper edits of everything. kinda funny but also annoying when the PPH is low and half the posts are shitposts

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4abf74  No.16914659


Youtube Eceleb of the cancerous sort. Basically a kind of right wing political commentator. He used to be decent for American political commentary before his head dissapeared permanently up his own ass.

He has this trick where he occasionally says something meaninglessly vague. Then when a news story breaks he comes out says "Hah, I called it!" Faggot is also really disingenuous. Like, he's this totally principled libertarian "live and let live" hippie-of-the-right until he picks up that the conservative blog-o-sphere has gone with the no-fap nonsense and suddenly he's anti-porn, and of course he "always thought that way" because he got it figured out, man. And he claims to have all kinds of esoteric occult knowledge. You probably seen a picture of him once or twice. He's this lanky long-haired bespectacled dork who likes to go around shirtless with a leather jacket.

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e55891  No.16914660


>its full of mega turbo autists that cant control their own autism.

Why other boards don't want to deal with them and why people don't want to deal with 8/v/ remnants as you guys attract the autism.

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d7b6fd  No.16914661



Hey, I'm not trying to get you on julay. Just on the webring is fine to me.


There's ongoing discussion on whether to keep this /v/ or rebuild it from scratch, I think you could drop by and give your own opinion. Frankly, my only goal is to take you guys off of Jimbo/Cuckwheels/Mark's clutches. But you're your own masters, so choose whatever you want to do.

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ededef  No.16914663


>Just on the webring is fine to me.

Pretty much the only site on there I use is smug.

But I wasn't here a few days, who the hell is in charge of /v/ now?

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fb3450  No.16914667


also, i feel like theirs a hidden nihilism in the /cow/ mindset that is really off putting for me.

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d7b6fd  No.16914668


fatchan's /v/ is currently admin run because the admin gave it to Mark and he deleted it shortly after, causing the admin to get obviously angry at him for spitting on his generosity

/animu/'s I think is just locked indefinitely for similar reasons

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33e2bc  No.16914672

File: 08d3bbe8b661174⋯.png (22.19 KB, 361x254, 361:254, 08d3bbe8b661174ba7f9a98c89….png)


>my only goal

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4dcb0e  No.16914674

File: 196c42ff6c832d7⋯.jpg (132.48 KB, 818x1091, 818:1091, tamam_ayla.jpg)


Why else would old /cow/, who was always friendly to us and laughing at the same SJW retards as us, suddenly decide they hated us right around the time IBS was starting and their board was growing really fast?

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f91b96  No.16914675

File: 679b24d64643d30⋯.png (766.85 KB, 1900x960, 95:48, lolireport1_result.png)

File: 1fdd2a7ee0f7eba⋯.png (1.24 MB, 3466x2641, 3466:2641, lolireport2_result.png)

File: c66d458262fd5f3⋯.png (52.01 KB, 457x928, 457:928, list.png)


Technically tumblr was more loli friendly than 4chan, since despite it having been a breeding ground for social zealots they never seemed to actually go out and report the loli that was on there, and since they had no filtering automation whatsoever, you had hundreds and hundreds of blogs dedicated to it.

Years ago, before GG, when I still browsed halfchan's /b/ there was a time where some guy went all out on trying to get as many blogs containing loli shut down on tumblr as possible, going as far as to write a report bot that would not only report the actual poster, but anyone who reblogged it. He documented his work in /b/'s loli threads while he spammed them to the bump limit with other stuff. I still have some of the pics.

He was quite dedicated and must have purged a lot of artists' blogs along with the general hentai collections, as I can remember people having gotten real fucking mad about him gloating over his victories.

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bce62d  No.16914676


Didnt julay also have a merch store like Mark pitched, it was called the guntporium isnt it?

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d7b6fd  No.16914680


yes, they sell horrible /cow/ memes

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bce62d  No.16914683


So why do /cow/ make fun of Mark when they have a Guntporium thats actually enforced, anons just told Mark to fuck off with it.

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87d125  No.16914684

File: e81e58104c06827⋯.png (13.82 KB, 721x779, 721:779, katamari_viv.png)


Old/cow/ were a bunch of "Fun Allowed" trolls who poked autistic internet attention-whores into doing stupid shit.

Nu/cow/ are a bunch of "No Fun Allowed" trannies doxxing each other over petty bullshit.

The disgusting /cow/kiwifarms/SAhelldump/ggrevolt/IBS/julay katamari has devolved int becoming bigger/worse turbo-spergs than the autists they were supposedly milking.



It's fine when they do it™.

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f91b96  No.16914685


Funnily enough, the only political commentator I know of that doesn't have a vested interest in porn but defends it, including loli, is a guy called the Britisher.

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fb3450  No.16914686

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3a9fc7  No.16914689


>Frankly, my only goal is to take you guys off of Jimbo/Cuckwheels/Mark's clutches.

The latter two have lost all power, the remaining former is hanging by a thread.



>Monetizing gondolas is a soulless crash grab

<Monetizing /cow/ meme isn't

Talk about the irony.

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6d4d01  No.16914691


Yeah, the prolikewoah board is currently locked. Here's the archive of the latest thread there: http://archive.vn/GO5TK

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fb3450  No.16914694


its not a soulless cash grab if its ironic :^)

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ffae28  No.16914695


I miss mint/v/.

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3a9fc7  No.16914697

File: 0a0364f9a932b7d⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, smugdancin.mp4)


It's not soulless if it didn't have a soul in the first place.

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93dfa3  No.16914701

File: a71e8bba2b695ee⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The_time_has_come_and_so_….webm)


The archive part is a valid criticism. I have used and still use 4plebs to find shills by their posting patterns and observe their activity. Which is retarded, since I end up having to look through archives for halfchan to find shills on fullchan. The archive services for fullchan were incredibly short-lived and somehow managed to be less functional than the site itself. That being said

>slow boards for true anons

Ah yes /p/, the board where true Anons such as myself regularly go to for insightful discussion. Everyone remembers the good old days of opening up /p/ every four or five days to see what new posts about photography there may be, right? Surely you can't have forgotten about all the great times spent there.

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93b31b  No.16914702


They used to post thicc lolis on /tg/ and call them shortstacks also.

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475597  No.16914703

File: e6b266918e3d910⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 708x540, 59:45, 1907552_994326233930661_64….jpg)


That makes sense.

Well I Hope everything works out for us anons.

Good to have you back man.

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ffae28  No.16914704


That makes sense. When I complain about julay or /cow/ I'm not really talking about every board or every poster there but there is certainly a gang or clique of posters that have nestled in there and use it as a base to launch their autistic shitraids from.

It would also explain why they are so obsessed with us now too.

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1c34f9  No.16914708


That reminds me, remember the "Bureau for Memetic Warfare" board?

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ffae28  No.16914709


I'm not sure if I'm OK with this sort of /tot/ content.

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c96659  No.16914731

Ron's talking to two lawyers on whether loli is legal according to US federal law because of a concern troll, and they might tell him it is, causing him to "update site policies accordingly", aka ban loli completely.









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c96659  No.16914733


>and they might tell him it is


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4dcb0e  No.16914737

File: a0c2091f23ae85f⋯.png (409.87 KB, 800x1101, 800:1101, Birdy_sit.png)


I like doing things for the community if they really need to be done and aren't just fluff. I always have. I have a very full and busy life now compared to 2014, but this place and you guys are my only home on the Internet. If I can help save it, I will. Simple as that.

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87d125  No.16914738

File: 030c1a9beac8ef1⋯.jpg (214.36 KB, 629x636, 629:636, baby_peach_drinking.jpg)


I initially was looking for a Transgender-pride Starfleet flag for the Tranny Federation is mentioned I damm well know it exists, but found that trans-pride onsie and thought it was infinitely worse due to >implications.

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475597  No.16914739

File: 87ded264b7c3aa9⋯.png (55.57 KB, 796x324, 199:81, 87deead40b.png)




Yep fun times no good will come of this. A loli ban will signal true free speech is dead on the site. And if not banned the cripple will still whine and cry about it to anyone still listening to him as a way to hurt the place.

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3a9fc7  No.16914740


>And if not banned the cripple will still whine and cry about it to anyone still listening to him as a way to hurt the place.

Why not just spam him with all his previous posts about how he was promoting lolis?

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93dfa3  No.16914742

File: f09c9108a29420b⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 600x656, 75:82, f09c9108a29420b5720860af74….jpg)


You're not supposed to remember that

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475597  No.16914747

File: 1c9e0fc8710889c⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 599x585, 599:585, 1c9e0fcd8.jpg)


People have told that he had fucking /hebe/ on the site during his rule on the site. He just shrugs it off and everyone leaves it be because he's a fucking "changed man now born again christian furry and shit lib now" and that was the old him.

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5cdb3a  No.16914749


Wasn't /hebe/ created by non pedos in attempt to show a double standard?

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3a9fc7  No.16914752


>and that was the old him

Yet, he is trying to take down a site that he now has nothing to do with as it was the "old him" that did everything. Anyone ever point out to him that he can't have it both ways?

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1c34f9  No.16914753


Found them as

@EconomicHitList on telegram

One of the reasons for staying here, (me at least) between the rebrand and the admin leaks was due to hope that so many lost boards would be migrated. Now it's looking less likely and can only imagine how many were lost following the shutdown. Now that we're at this point, it seems that many will continue to be divided, especially if they rarely or never used /v/ to begin with.

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475597  No.16914756

File: cadfda258d6df1a⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 196x200, 49:50, cd5.jpg)


No fucking clue just that it was a place anons said to go to if you wanted to get vanned.

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ffae28  No.16914760

File: 04c2c55a7c9616a⋯.png (4.61 MB, 2036x2036, 1:1, 1586656833.png)


How the fuck can Ron be the admin of a site for years and not know the law in the US? How is this the first time he's encountered a "loli is illegal" shitposter? He doesn't even have the excuse of being completely clueless and disconnected like Jim is.

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98da3a  No.16914764



Nope. NEETs don't get a single cent. Only tax filers registered with the IRS. And if you file, chances are they'll try to fuck you even if you only ever made a paltry sum from a hobby at any point in your life. Filing with the IRS is just like shining a spotlight on yourself and spreading your ass cheeks to get hammered with a brutal dragon dildo.

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ffae28  No.16914767


>Filing with the IRS is just like shining a spotlight on yourself and spreading your ass cheeks to get hammered with a brutal dragon dildo.

Only not in a good way.

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475597  No.16914768


He does not give a fuck.

I don't have the twitter screen cap of it but maybe some other anon has it there is a quote of him saying "Being consistent is something I don't care about".

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5cdb3a  No.16914770


More so a cactus than a dildo

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4dcb0e  No.16914771


No idea. Like many, I sympathized with the little cripple until he decided that it was okay for all of 8chans little rare communities to pay the price for his autism crusade. I can't hate him, because he's the reason we had a home in the first place, but I'll never forgive him for giving it to us just to destroy it for his own selfish vendetta.


I know even a new site is probably going to have to ban jailbait boards like /hebe/. User board creation will be a big thing, but to minimize the number of dead and abandoned boards it will probably be a step or two more difficult than original 8chan was. More "send an email describing your board and the kind of content you want, and if its within rules [short list of rules] it will be approved and made for you with your credentials emailed back to you."

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9d6d8f  No.16914779

File: 54c386c79f008ea⋯.jpg (164.57 KB, 967x384, 967:384, ahh.jpg)

What the fuck is VALORANT?

Trying to browse crafting videos on twitch and this shit I've never heard of is everywhere, is there some massive astroturfing going on?

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475597  No.16914782

Ain't it special the /v/ on the /animu/ bunker is locked and going to be deleted on Wednesday but the retards that hate us are still going there to be massive faggots. https://prolikewoah.com/animu/last/1.html

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1c34f9  No.16914783


It's catching flack for its anti cheat software that runs and negatively impacts performance even after exiting the game.

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fae1b5  No.16914784


Yeah, the anti cheat software that digs through your computer while the game isn't running at all, and also probably digs into your computer and refuses to leave when you uninstall it.

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bb452f  No.16914785


Personally I think this site should be just for the unlisted board, as everything else suffers for it as it is the legit priority and any loli shit into meta or payment processors having terms of service reasons to shut down. Considering the behavior of all past and current admins, seems like a lot of attention and drama is being stirred up in a preparation for something happening likely with the unlisted board. God knows Fred won't shut up about it and Mark or Josh Lee Harper say little about his transformation into a female raccoon commie christian honeypot for vice journalists and haxors too dumb to figure it out. Anyways, it don't matter, none of this matters.

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ffae28  No.16914787


I hope this a teachable moment to /animu/ about julay and how they shit up everything autistically.

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475597  No.16914788

File: 1f2202411307673⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 918x597, 306:199, _Internal_Screaming_.jpg)


Anyone that tells them they are faggost is slave of mark in their eyes.

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ec78a0  No.16914790


>…is that Sempai never noticed them.

He came to complain directly to the anons on the /cow/ board multiple times. There are logs of him doing it three times just since the start of the year. He showed up one night and ruined a sokunigger tournament just to whine and demand the /v/ board over there. They're going to laugh and fuck with Mark because Mark has directly provoked it.

I don't care about that I just want to post somewhere that isn't broken. You can lurk more than one imageboard at a time. /v/ is splintered over at least 5 boards that I know of right now not including places like Acidkike's CP honeypot. I just want anons to regroup somewhere. It has been 8 months. Everyone complains about all of the boards being slow and the fast one being broken most of the time but they just continue to D&C each other because there are too many faggots that want to be the next board kike.

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33e2bc  No.16914792

File: 4a16383413640b8⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 523x521, 523:521, 4a16383413640b8286b039ab44….jpg)


> Mark has directly provoked it.

>Acidkike's CP honeypot

>continue to D&C each other

>Julay did nothing wrong


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a574b1  No.16914795


It's probably a backdoor for the chinese to spy on you.

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699b73  No.16914802

File: 9fe07f7f162d9e3⋯.jpg (135.8 KB, 391x517, 391:517, so_happy.jpg)


the fatchan admin seems to be ready to set up a new backup /v/ for us, or at least unlock the old one with a new BO.


He's allowing loli and /gg/ threads, so it looks like it'll be a viable alternative if Ron screws us over.

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e55891  No.16914804


There you go!

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93dfa3  No.16914805


Considering the fact that the parent company for Riot Games is Tencent, that is probably the case.

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87d125  No.16914815

File: b6528280efb31ca⋯.jpg (93.56 KB, 567x839, 567:839, 57302722_p43.jpg)


>always accuse other of what, you, yourself are guilty of

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4dcb0e  No.16914821

File: 49d6305d9fd7229⋯.jpg (747.64 KB, 1920x2640, 8:11, 0ea0a8de819d32257f3cc87491….jpg)


>/v/ is splintered over at least 5 boards that I know of right now not including places like Acidkike's CP honeypot. I just want anons to regroup somewhere.

That's the plan. The thing is, the only thing uniting 8chan anons now is the legacy of the site we lost. Something has to bring that back, and remain stable and weather the storm to prove itself.

And 08 never became what everyone feared it would. The fact that you have to connect your own computer to it and actively seed CP to other IP addresses to attack it with such scared away the attackers, too. It turned out that self-moderation worked perfectly, but too many people were too chickenshit to try it. Nonetheless, 08 will exist basically forever as the doomsday fallback site. Because nobody can take it down, not even the person who created it. Not even with a gun to the head. Its wonderful.

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09f37e  No.16914823


That's actually the primary reason why I don't trust Jim. His Youtube videos and the leaked logs gives me major Cluster B douche-chills. I have him pegged as a Narcissist/Sociopath, which means I feel really really sorry for Ron.

I'm not so sure about HW though.

I got the exact opposite vibes and think you're fucking retarded. Hotwheels is a crackhead, of course he has a personality disorder you stupid fucktard.

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ffae28  No.16914827


Who's the artist?

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f91b96  No.16914829


>The fact that you have to connect your own computer to it and actively seed CP to other IP addresses to attack it

Bullshit, you can choose what you seed, block entire board and users. It's the fact that people dont want to be responsible for their own security and that its not on the clearnet/easy to access which deters people

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3a9fc7  No.16914833

File: bc25a58ebb6ac6e⋯.png (113.08 KB, 256x231, 256:231, All_I_know_is_suffering.png)

>Decide to watch a random episode of the new Whose Line that's on

>The "main four" are there

>The jokes feel hollow as fuck

Is this what despair feels like?

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738c02  No.16914834


He's still looking for a suitable /v/ owner though.

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4dcb0e  No.16914835


I was referring to someone who wanted to attack the site with a CP flood anon. From the point of view of a normal user, you're correct.

From a CP spammer's point of view, they have to leave their system on and seeding CP for every pic they post, meaning that not only are they just going to get blocked and ghosted, but that they'll have tons of open connections to the seed network to help track back to them if they make even one tiny slipup. Trying to spam over TOR would take forever and be self-defeating given how fast they'd get blacklisted.


No idea.

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1c34f9  No.16914837


The Literally Whos or what?

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475597  No.16914840

A wild Ron appears.


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3a9fc7  No.16914841

File: 44d740fefe0e727⋯.mp4 (10.77 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Whose_Line_Is_It_Anyway_Vi….mp4)


<The "continuation" of this show.

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636d70  No.16914846

File: 357933e997c9f5e⋯.jpg (402.26 KB, 1840x1840, 1:1, 357933e997c9f5e2c5df9888ad….jpg)

File: ee75577d41892ec⋯.png (103.56 KB, 970x494, 485:247, oh_fug.png)

Ruh-roh, guys. A new sheriff is to be appointed, it doesn't seem to be Mark and he's been posting with an >Italian flag. Is this the time for concern or is it good news?

spoiler: BANIC

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475597  No.16914850


Where is this happening I can't find it in the thread linked here >>16914802

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8eec20  No.16914851


no red flags so far, but of course there wouldn't. Gotta wait and see.

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ebe56d  No.16914854



It's not official yet, but it looks like that's the only anon stepping up so far.

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1c34f9  No.16914857


In their meta thread

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636d70  No.16914859


it's in the meta thread, right here https://fatchan.org/t/thread/186.html


I agree, as he puts it, as it is he's just talking the talk, we'll see if he walks the walk also

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04294d  No.16914864

File: a30bf74c219289f⋯.png (104.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, cute_frey_frey.png)


>fat/v/'s fate is in the hands of a wop

It's ogre

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475597  No.16914866

File: 936e0ba4ce3a0a0⋯.png (83.96 KB, 719x326, 719:326, 2150abdea.png)




Gonna be honest was hoping for something more like the prolikewoah /v./

Fatchan kinda I don't know didn't feel right maybe it was the way it looked or maybe because when Mark made the fatchan /v/ was when he had his breakdown. Meh I don't know.

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636d70  No.16914867

File: 54ab30565ef375d⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 640x566, 320:283, 54ab30565ef375df52826809d4….jpg)


M-maybe he's just posting through a VPN!


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ebe56d  No.16914868


I don't know either, anon. Everybody doesn't know right now, and all choices are a dice roll.

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4abf74  No.16914874


Bonegolem is a wop and he never let us down as far as I remember.

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6533df  No.16914878


I dont trust it. ;Mark was appointed BO on there in the first place so whats stopping him from just getting appointed again. For all we know Mark is on a vpn. He is just an awful BO and i dont want to use any board he moderates.

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ffae28  No.16914879





I thought Italians were called wogs?

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17ce39  No.16914882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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636d70  No.16914886

File: 2d5d23f218f2db4⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 493x496, 493:496, the_wop.jpg)


No I think that's just a term for southern europeans in general


If it's actually Mark, hats off to him, he's got me and everyone else fooled with that acting, imagine it actually being him and him secretly hotpocketing pretending to be a wop for years.

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e55891  No.16914887


This is some insane paranoia.

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33e2bc  No.16914888



>This is some insane paranoia.


Yeah there's something fishy going on.

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738c02  No.16914889


It's just one of the cock.li domains.

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6533df  No.16914890


Its called common sense. Just think about it. They appoint mark the BO. Mark deletes the board and spergs out. In comes this new guy (who is totally not Mark). The timing is pretty suspicious. And as >>16914888 said


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6533df  No.16914892


>one of the cock.li domains.

Well obviously.

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475597  No.16914896

File: acc2757173de69e⋯.jpg (616.4 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, acc2757173de69e39470f7c1d6….jpg)



Seems kinda try hardy.

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e55891  No.16914899



I feel you are being extremely paranoid and letting Mark live rent free in your heads.

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8eec20  No.16914902


I would be mome worried if someone used a gmail account.

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6533df  No.16914905


>rent free

I dont think you know what that means.

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6533df  No.16914909

Im just not going to trust a site that would ever give Mark BO.

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4dcb0e  No.16914910

File: 25819f0a0b524bb⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 600x450, 4:3, MOME.jpg)


That's really, really fucking worried.

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1c34f9  No.16914911

File: 96db16fe6265496⋯.png (85.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, erikainblack.png)


I'm not sure whether to agree with your trips or not.

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475597  No.16914912

File: e339e38ea30f961⋯.png (23.05 KB, 982x546, 491:273, dca4d4286a.png)



What if they had hotmail account.

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e55891  No.16914914


Seeing as you are convinced this Italian Anon is somehow Mark I'm going to say rent free man.

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8eec20  No.16914917


When did they stop distribution? 2012? feels like eons ago but doesn't strike me as particularly noteworthy of course that may be because my main email is hotmail.

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8639f2  No.16914918


Not AOL?

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4dcb0e  No.16914919


I can always tell when I'm dealing with boomer shops on transfers, because their emails are always something like luckyfrankpawn@hotmail.com or bubbajoesoutdoors11031948@aol.com.

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2f8e7b  No.16914920

File: 529b22d8b082e3c⋯.png (92.51 KB, 595x709, 595:709, Vox_1.png)

File: d0f79a5de790a74⋯.png (125.47 KB, 590x855, 118:171, Vox_2.png)



Vox using the pandemic to e-beg




They talk about 8kun all the time and Kevin, the writer of that article, clearly browses this site, he takes rumors from here all the time to post (he did it for Doom Eternal for example, may have done it for FF7 Remake as well), them talking about 8kun drama isn't new.


Sounds thin-skinned on Ron's part then. There is literally nothing else to talk about outside of what went down, and Mark went right to the point of what happened and his point of view. And who's bitch enough to not take getting accused of lying when Ron did the same and the word "petty"?

Just sounds like to me Ron couldn't come up with any real concrete answers, like he couldn't in the thread when he was getting contradicted by his own Dad.

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6533df  No.16914921


You are gullible

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c96659  No.16914923



Wew laddy.

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4dcb0e  No.16914926


Ow the edge. I dunno, I can understand them getting someone else since mark shuttered it and there was some interest, but something about this does reek of tryhard.

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e55891  No.16914927


I'm not a sperg who sees Mark in every shadow.


It seems like someone with an edgy email name which is pretty par for the course IB wise.

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6533df  No.16914929


>and Mark went right to the point of what happened and his point of view

No he didnt. He went straight to insulting.


Its called being professional.

>And who's bitch enough to not take getting accused of lying

It has nothing to do with that. Ron tried to start a conversation with Mark and Mark start accusing him and insulting him. There is no reason to converse with a hysteric man.

>Just sounds like to me Ron couldn't come up with any real concrete answers

No,its because Mark was being a hysterical cunt.

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636d70  No.16914930

File: 4dd1273ad00ff13⋯.jpg (19.93 KB, 428x243, 428:243, 4dd1273ad00ff13ed2ef91e1c2….jpg)


I mean it's just one of the cock.li addresses, yeah, they're all over the top. I have a hitler.rocks myself, I don't really see it as a redflag. Besides, he said he just made it to communicate with the admin did he not?

holy shit fuck this fucking captcha what the fuck it's like I'm inputting nuclear codes

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33e2bc  No.16914931

File: e6e8d65dcf60400⋯.png (764.3 KB, 960x632, 120:79, Screenshot_2020_04_13_Scre….png)


> is pretty par for the course IB wise.

<Hello fellow Channers, don't mind me I'm just a Hitler loving memer like you.

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301091  No.16914933


It's literally just throwaway cock.li domain. Are you going to nitpick down to the molecule now to find things you don't like? That's a good way to stay in this situation forever and have nothing improve.

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475597  No.16914935

File: 2d884bda5db4da9⋯.jpg (269.32 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Ddrn_f7UwAAJ0Pj.jpg)


Same anon. Sometimes I feel the old age.

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8bbf21  No.16914936


RGE is talking about 8kun on his livestream right now.

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c96659  No.16914940


Mark said Fatchan was better than prolikewoah. I don't think it was. Fat placed a lot of things in weird locations and for any posts already made before loading a page, the reply links were duplicated in order. It was also every so slightly slower than pro, which was damn near fucking instant.

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475597  No.16914941

File: 3586e78685180f2⋯.png (204.78 KB, 739x823, 739:823, 1874a9.png)


I laughed but it's like really anon easy back take it easy don't try so hard man.

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8639f2  No.16914944

File: 07d1d5cb925e93d⋯.png (32.71 KB, 255x924, 85:308, ClipboardImage.png)



maybe rape.lol or nigge.rs would've been more professional.

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475597  No.16914945


*I really need to triple check what I'm typing. Holy Fuck

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33e2bc  No.16914946


>Mark said Fatchan was better than prolikewoah.

In terms of modding tools, with the right CSS fatchan software could work.


>Not waifu.club

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86bc8c  No.16914947

File: 5a298cc2ff96bbd⋯.jpg (67.87 KB, 450x424, 225:212, Spaghetti_eating_Ginzo_Bas….jpg)

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301091  No.16914950


I'm quite partial to cumallover.me and nuke.africa myself. Really gets the right mood going.

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636d70  No.16914953

File: 2c39c10338d46cf⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 2c39c10338d46cf2d9a28debce….jpg)


>laughing at me

not cool bro!


cumallover.me takes the cake, also I'd like to point out how he's made 5 posts all with the same ID and flag, either he's really Italian or this is a very good ruse

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d4bbc8  No.16914955


>with the right CSS

You mean /animu/'s minty colored css?

Just apply those colors on fatchan.

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fae1b5  No.16914962


Wonder if Mark ever actually washed those glasses, since there's ACTUAL FUCKING CRUST forming in the corners. Too bad we'll never know now :^)

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ebe56d  No.16914966


Then I'll admit to Mark fooling me, and how he shall continue fooling me because you're not swaying me into not using this hypothetical fatchan /v/. And when Mark inevitably remembers he's retarded and loses the disguise, then anons can mock him for how, despite having the skill to trick an entire website into thinking he's an Italian moderator, he doesn't have the skill to manage a small anonymous imageboard for video games.

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406bdd  No.16914968


That could be promising, every other board appears to be being gay and dramatic.

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87d125  No.16914970




>Worthy Oriental Gentlemen

It's a British term for turks, arabs, poos, pakis and every other South Asian generic brown person. Technically not a slur unless you know the alternate acronym.




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86bc8c  No.16914995

File: 3adf7eb6877589d⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 1973x1420, 1973:1420, World_map_1980_s_england.jpg)

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7026f1  No.16915032


>of course that may be because my main email is hotmail

I feel you anon, I have a hotmail that's just my full name@hotmail.com that I made in like 1999 that I still use regularly.

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e55891  No.16915036



Do you understand why we don't really want to deal with you anons? This shit follows you.

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475597  No.16915039

File: 2303af5a3800f78⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 500x360, 25:18, 61f209c510b.jpg)


Sorry for the retards anon they may plague you for awhile even now that we are gone. I really don't know why we are cursed like this. I just wanted to be comfy.

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000000  No.16915041

Well well well, what have we here?

Looks to this old /pol/ack like cakekike fucked up the old wrecker con.

So Mark was on the site's payroll (Friend of the Captain face) and was trusted to handle certain matters, like board claims and migration, hotpocketing /newsplus/, and general public relations. Mark then decided to advocate for the users (Friend of the Crew face) about ongoing problems, problems caused mostly by his failure to do his own job, unbeknownst to the users. The con relies on the duplicity going unnoticed until the mutiny is complete but Hotwheels leaked that cakekike was on the payroll as part of his own efforts to D&C the userbase and kill the site.

So anons are now suspicious of Mark-the-paid-hotpocket already and cakekike starts working to recruit BOs for his mutiny. At first no one really cares because it's just cakekike being cakekike, but then Mark posts his "open letter" to the administration and the mutiny is on!

…except that the site administration was able to reveal Mark's duplicity and Algorithm Ape promptly began to address the concerns, including demonstrating that claims and migrations are fine by immediately handling a few long-pending claims and even restoring a nuked board from backup. Algorithm Ape now had to go back to doing Mark's job on top of all his other work and showed just how little work was expected from Mark when stuff started going through almost immediately. Mark was, of course, promptly fired for not doing his fucking job and trying to blame his boss for his job not being done. Chutzpah truly knows no bounds.

In short, cakekike was being paid USD$2,000 a month to hotpocket /newsplus/, handle board claims, and generally be the public face of the administration. He really did hotpocket /v/ for free. Except he didn't actually do the work he was being paid to do and instead publicly blamed the site administration for his own job not being done. Ron and Jim finally had enough and revealed the duplicity and fired Mark's fat kike ass and here we are.

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33e2bc  No.16915043


>Looks to this old /pol/ack

Yeah sure thing mister oldfag.

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4dcb0e  No.16915050

File: 624b3b9d73aabfe⋯.jpeg (84.21 KB, 1000x706, 500:353, a01ebd4680559e5d534c2d82e….jpeg)


The truth of it all is somewhere in the middle. The relevant parts of the whole thing are, is censorship about to increase on 8kun, are /v/ anons and #GG secure in posting here, and are the sites technical issues getting fixed or do the boards not matter apart from BoomerNews and Q?

None of those things are looking real hot, regardless of what Mark did or didn't do.

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475597  No.16915051


Just realized Ron is talking to anons again.

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87d125  No.16915053

File: b7aba5b7b60a2b3⋯.jpg (64.11 KB, 654x539, 654:539, Consider_The_Following_par….jpg)


Identify where Portugal is on that map and become enlightened.

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33e2bc  No.16915055


Dont forget Jim overrules anything Ron says, Mark could've accepted all board requests but its up to Jim if they actually go through.

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406bdd  No.16915063


There's no "did or didn't do" about, the sperg got his own ass fired and posted prime evidence as to why himself. At least he said he's taking a week off from trying to run an active board last thread. Jim and Ron need to get on the same page about global rules shit though.

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33e2bc  No.16915067


>Jim and Ron need to get on the same page about global rules shit though.

They need to fix the fucking site and return the loli boards.

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e55891  No.16915071


Mark is a dumbass but the shit Jim is doing has a vote of no confidence from anyone sane.

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475597  No.16915073


So Ron want's it in writing form lawyers to show Jim and the Boomers loli is legal. >>16914997

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406bdd  No.16915075


Not saying I trust the madman either, that's why I'd like to seem some clarification between what Ron stated and what Jim had been bullshitting about on his gay hobby streams.

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33e2bc  No.16915077


They've been running the site for years, they should fucking know already. They're only doing this to appease the Qboomers because they consider loli as cp.

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33e2bc  No.16915078


Jim controls the money, he gets final say on everything. And he wants to convert 8kun into a Drudge report clone.

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475597  No.16915080

File: bc56b08bfc6e3aa⋯.png (634.14 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Oy_Vey_Goi.png)


And the Qboomers upon finding out it's legal will most likely get mad and ask why is it legal.

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81e9c9  No.16915085

File: 03c1975f148cd6d⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 227x255, 227:255, Disturbed.jpg)

>>16915077 (nice)


I know it should be expected but considering the fact the they lose their shit over this not realizing that it's their right as American's to enjoy loli lewds is a bit troubling. I can accept them not liking it but willingness to ban art over perceived offense makes me suspect these old fucks don't really value the constitution much if at all despite their age. It's not a pleasant thought and makes me wonder if I'll become like them in the future.

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4dcb0e  No.16915092


To put it in perspective, these were the same boomer moralists that drove all porn underground in the early years on the Internet. In 1998 if you wanted porn every site was unlisted from Yahoo, Askjeeves, and the other search engines, most of them required credit card verification (with no oversight, so scams abounded) and most of the "free" ones were click farms. You'd click a thumbnail and it would load a popup page covered in ads that said "click 5 ads to continue" and it would set a cookie that would load the pic you clicked on when you went back to the page. Or load another page of ads. Sometimes in an infinite loop. While each one also opened multiple popup windows (tabs weren't a thing yet) and maybe gave you a virus. The very few real, good porn sites were closely guarded secrets among the small communities that used them and could be shut down at any time with one complaint to the host. And don't even get me started on USEnet porn. You've heard horror stories about Limewire? It was nothing.

Being an Internet oldfag was suffering. Porn online, of all kinds, is practically Saturday morning cartoons in terms of accessibility today.

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c96659  No.16915094


>They've been running the site for years, they should fucking know already.

It wasn't an issue until Jim said it was a no-no on stream. He's ignorant of most of this site. He sees it as a place for ad space and /newsplus/, nothing more.

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3a9fc7  No.16915103


>He sees it as a place for ad space and /newsplus/, nothing more.

Why not monitize /pol/, then? Have magazines and papers pay to have their articles stickied and promoted on the front page with a link to said article. That's all he would have to do.

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000000  No.16915106


Does posting without javascript help?

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33e2bc  No.16915114


Because 8ch/8kun is blacklisted, he wouldve needed to sanitize /pol/ of all the nazi shit, convince journos to take an imabeboard seriously and had to to deal with the blow back if any of those "news" orgs had an issue with an 8kun board aka the loli boards.

Ron's been promising shit would be back in a manner of weeks, later it turned to months and now we're nearing an entire year. Mark's a fucking sperg and should've done the shit that he did when he had a site/bunker ready, but regardless he gave the logs confirming the worst for the site and Jim made it worse by going on his boomer rant.

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3a9fc7  No.16915116


> he wouldve needed to sanitize /pol/ of all the nazi shit,

Does that really matter as long as you're the one having you information "prioritized"?

>convince journos to take an imabeboard seriously

They already do otherwise we wouldn't be on this site.

> and had to to deal with the blow back if any of those "news" orgs had an issue with an 8kun board aka the loli boards.

They don't have an issue with Twatter or Kikebook, and there are straight-up porn accounts on those sites and even worse 3D content on there than the most degenerate porn we have.

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0cb099  No.16915119

File: 78b4da3d1d926dc⋯.jpg (108.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, adagaki_disgust.jpg)


>he wouldve needed to sanitize /pol/

Forget about sanitizing /pol/, the senile fuck wants to sanitize the entire site to sell ad space on it. How fucking out of touch do you need to be to think that's feasible? I mean, 8chan has been marked as non-kosher by the media a long time ago and getting a re brand isn't going to fool anyone.

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33e2bc  No.16915121


>Does that really matter

Its a legacy board of course it does.

>They already do otherwise we wouldn't be on this site.

Only when a sperg decides to either off himself or a crowded building. Besides that only leaves the youtube channels wanting to do those "Top 5 scary stories from 4chan" would bother to take the site seriously.

>They don't have an issue with Twatter or Kikebook

That's because they have clout, they dont have clout in a 8ch style imageboard. If a comicspro decided to manhandle /co/, they probably could've done it on 4/co/ because the administration is that petty but on 8/co they would've ran the fucker out.


>How fucking out of touch do you need to be to think that's feasible?

When it takes a retarded jew to leak irc shit to warn everyone of the coming disaster.

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ffae28  No.16915125



I don't see how that's possibly going to appease the boomers. Boomers are psychologically incapable of understanding the Voltaireian concept of “I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. They are way too selfish and shortsighted. More to the point it won't stop them from demanding that Jim should ban it even if it is legal.

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33e2bc  No.16915131


>I don't see how that's possibly going to appease the boomers.

It won't and it'll fail miserably.

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000000  No.16915132

Ron on the possible loli ban



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ebe56d  No.16915133


I'll admit this guess is way, way out there. But for Jim, with the Qboomer love and Jim's occasional preaching/tangents about some sort of Christianity/pagan hybrid on his YouTube streams, my guess is the ultimate end-goal for Jim and 8chan is a transition into a cult leader who survives on scamming his loyal whales over empty promises. Like Star Citizen, but not funny.

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3a9fc7  No.16915135


>Only when a sperg decides to either off himself or a crowded building. Besides that only leaves the youtube channels wanting to do those "Top 5 scary stories from 4chan" would bother to take the site seriously.

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm talking about. You remember that Evolve shill talking about how companies do even shill on imageboards as a way to keep a topic in the public's eye? Then, you also couple that with the fact that we still need to get out news and information from somewhere. So, what you do is you setup a model companies where pay to have threads automatically stickied to the front page over whatever article/video they want (With the limit that it is required that they link a story to prevent them from curtailing discussion, and any new threads they make are automatically unsticky's the previous one they made). It keeps discussion going with current events, and doesn't override user created threads (Which all take up the second page onwards). And, you only do this for the top 5 boards.

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33e2bc  No.16915139


The issue with paid threads, they would later demand the mods to silence the differing opinions. They're paying hard cash for it, why not some more for manufactured praise?

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3a9fc7  No.16915141


I agree, that's the biggest problem. And, at the moment, the only solution I can think of is make it where the cost to have these stickied threads greatly outweighs the amount of money they would be receiving from their site getting all those additional clicks (Because these wouldn't be archived links).

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c96659  No.16915144


No. I'm half sure I told you this months ago in the technical thread, torfag.

status: 0


The periods of nonfunctionality are getting extremely long. I typed this reply almost immediately after the torfag's post appeared. I can hardly post at all at this point. Really wishing the prolikewoah bunker wasn't locked.


You're late. >>16915051

But not as much as I will be when this post goes through over half an hour after I was originally ready to post it.

Another 10 minutes waiting for a sys page to load so I can know my post will go through. If this takes over an hour, I'm going to go look at loli porn, and maybe it will work when I come back.

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c96659  No.16915146


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17ce39  No.16915147


>8ch/8kun is blacklisted

So why the fuck is he wasting his time?

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c96659  No.16915154



Now even a function sys page doesn't indicate when the post will go through and

status: 0


will stop. Only choice is to click New Reply dozens of times until it works for tens of minutes at a time.

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0cb099  No.16915156


Jim really fucking seems deranged in the conversation that Mark leaked. At least to me he seems manipulative and schizophrenic as fuck, mostly by the way he talks/writes.

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5cf274  No.16915157


/m/ BO already left to moderate a board on the webring. I don't know if the rest of /m/ will follow.

But other BOs are remaining here hoping that this is all a nothing burger.

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33e2bc  No.16915161

File: 93e9f22beb574a7⋯.jpg (113.44 KB, 780x1092, 5:7, EUFO9F6WsAA5sac.jpg)


>is all a nothing burger.

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d4bbc8  No.16915162


I'm afraid they'll try to get it illegal through their congressmen.

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b6eb04  No.16915163

If you haven't already, try clicking both New Reply on the top of the page, AND Quick Reply. For some reason that makes the post go through in the first time or so.

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33e2bc  No.16915164


Posting is fine on my side, only the refresh button is broken for me.

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17ce39  No.16915169


I just line up the Quick Reply's New Reply button with the Error Response's Button and mash my mouse like crazy.

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3a9fc7  No.16915173



Never mind, I think I just found the solution to the "demanding additional moderation" problem.

First, to be "fair" to the companies buying the sticky position, you make it a rule that the BO and vols have to moderate all those threads as if they were a legitimate thread. Along with that, you have it be a rule that all these threads automatically unsticky after 24 hours if whoever bought the right doesn't make a new thread within that time (With the rule that the companies cannot repeatedly make threads of the same subject). Second, you have a process where companies bid to have that right. That way, the price of having to deal with "unmoderated" opinions is only worth however much the companies think it is worth bidding for. Then, you take the top 5-8 bidders, and they get the right for a month. And, to prevent echo-chambers, the companies bidding cannot be owned by the same entity.

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4dcb0e  No.16915176

File: 66e570012e0511f⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Corona_chan.mp4)

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000000  No.16915188


Then check out the hidden service version of the website.

<large files are utterly broken

>switching the file's url to the clearnet version fixes it

<noJS posting is broken and still requires you to manually edit the post form

<noJS lurking is utterly broken because of the ?PageSpeed parameter breaking all reference links

>posting is smooth though

<?PageSpeed makes opening new threads a pain in noJS mode

>captcha is easy to load

>posting is still smooth

>DDoS affects you no where nearly as it does to clearnetfags

Avoid the Lokinet version though. It's on an old and defunct version of Lokinet.

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1c34f9  No.16915190

File: 0324f0e076419d9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 387.89 KB, 838x1105, 838:1105, MafiamanMark.png)

Congrats to the new /v/ board owner on fatchan:



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6b2998  No.16915251


not when they "reverse-psychology" shill, even shitting on a game keeps it in the consciousness compared to complete indifference. gw2 had suspiciously go mentioned a lot more around the last expansion launch, good or bad.

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d7b6fd  No.16915290



Come again? What is it?


Yeah, I don't like muh official products either, but for one thing they're ludicrously overpriced (which I guess it's done on purpose to fish out potential lolcows), and then there's the fact they take in donations from people who actually use the site instead of qoomers who'll go away once the hype train stops.

I mean, at the end of the day it's the same goal but with a different means.



Probably because self awareness is a dying art, I dunno, I'm not here to defend /cow/ as much as the webring itself. It's like disregarding 8chan entirely because /leftypol/ was a community that was in here.


Oh, I think I know the guy, too. I mean, I can only think of two people who write like that and are Italian and crosspost.

You're in good hands if that's the case. trust me goiym


/ita/ is surprisingly active for a regional bunker, nowhere near the latin american ones but still.

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4fe723  No.16915306

What the fuck happened?

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0269df  No.16915323

File: 76bb783a3d3c4b5⋯.png (195.01 KB, 957x661, 957:661, qq.png)

Taking this with a grain of salt but it would be nice if it is true. Can anyone attest to this?


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c20f06  No.16915325


The quarantine triggered Mark and Ron's spergness got fired and probably kicked from the board. Now we are panicing because we don't know what is going to happen now.

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93dfa3  No.16915334


It's not that far-fetched for him to seek to rebrand.

>different name

>different leadership

>different rules

>different boards

You have to take into consideration that most people, especially companies, are not from around here. A company would need to have active input from highers up to re-blacklist the site (for which they would need to be paying attention), since to a regular paperpusher lower down the ladder it is effectively a completely different entity. A lot of articles, blogs and posts about 8chan haven't been updated to 8kun, meaning that some of the bad press was left behind. Not all of it, but shit like /pol/ being a board filled with mass shooters was stripped. At least temporarily.

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ffae28  No.16915358

File: 4574e9ac6e53e1e⋯.png (2.58 KB, 483x244, 483:244, _5_v_GamerGate_NotYourShie….png)


prolikewoah has a nice comfy green board theme.

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bb9274  No.16915363

File: d47af69630a9346⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 213x255, 71:85, open_wide_onii_chan.jpg)

Did Ron say anything recent about loli?

Is he still consulting lolyers about the legality?


On jewtube at least, tons of ecelebs, THOTs and vloggers are complaining about a 75 to 90% drop in advertising shekels, even on channels that have nothing to do with news or politics.

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ffae28  No.16915370

File: da4af302e74e95d⋯.png (5.03 KB, 976x83, 976:83, _1_v_I_JUST_WANTED_TO_TALK….png)

File: 322c419fed94bff⋯.png (129.34 KB, 1058x321, 1058:321, _v_I_JUST_WANTED_TO_TALK_A….png)


>Is he still consulting lolyers about the legality?

Yes he's still talking to lawyers. He apparently believes it's legal but he want's it in writing, possibly to silence anti loli complainers or maybe just mollify Jim.

Also the anti loli fags are shitting in the "I JUST WANTED TO TALK ABOUT VIDEO GAMES" thread. They're either concern trolls trying to convince Ron to ban loli to destroy the site or Qboomer retards that have escaped containment.

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4b6b35  No.16915371

File: 0be27929f8b4f91⋯.png (421.08 KB, 673x680, 673:680, tomoko_puke.png)


Rebranding was never the issue, I think even the densest faggot here could see why that would be helpful. The issue is the months of downtime to do so, the site running like it's on 900 baud, about half the staff communication that 4chin got which was already too little. You can ignore all the drama and it's still nerve wracking

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f4c25b  No.16915385

File: 32f6fc58aa6ad59⋯.jpg (3.97 MB, 2399x2650, 2399:2650, vtest_.jpg)

Am I really the only one around here who HAS A FUCKING JOB and has no problem with an 8chan Pass?

I paid for a 4chan pass the moment it was created, because I was SO FUCKING FUCK FUCKING TIRED of that Captcha BULLSHIT.

A couple of dolars, and be able to just post a godamn comment whenever I goddamn please, without having to jump through that Captcha bullshit? HERE, TAKE A PATHETIC FUCKING DOLLAR COIN I WOULDN'T BEND DOWN TO PICK UP BECAUSE I FUCKING WORK.

After so many Captcha-less years on 4chan, you're goddamn right I didn't tolerate that necessary evil when it was first introduced. Kept the spammers out, but real fucking people with real fucking jobs who are ready and willing to pay to avoid infuriating inconvenience? FINE. DO IT.

What I'm saying is: make an 8kun pass already because after years of dealing with this Captcha shit, I'M FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING TIRED OF IT. TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY AND MAKE USE IT TO MAKE THIS PLACE STABLE.

Fucking Urethra Franklin, I hate Captcha.

Let me post. I'm not a hobo who gets evicted if I don't get paid for 1 week. Take this pathetic coin that means fuck all to me and let me shitpost about vidya.

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ffae28  No.16915387


Don't even joke about that shit.

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86bc8c  No.16915390


t. gachafag

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8baaae  No.16915395

File: e228c67c3424fee⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 48.38 KB, 300x328, 75:82, loli_inside.png)


>Implying anons would actually buy a pass

>Qboomers would be the ones buying the 8kunny pass

>Qboomers would be pandered more too by Jim

<Boards will still not migrate

<Images will still take longer to load than an average boomer's lifespan

Pic related

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b0d394  No.16915399

File: 41790b01123a2ab⋯.gif (137.13 KB, 340x340, 1:1, lithuanian_smuglo.gif)

File: 42aa4d1a40f972e⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, laughing_anime_girls.jpg)

File: b6bda9f5da1c477⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ika_laugh.jpg)

File: 0b54a4b496cb205⋯.gif (344.38 KB, 220x213, 220:213, aqua_laugh.gif)

File: d5b049de4e31252⋯.gif (230.24 KB, 500x281, 500:281, laughing_shoujos.gif)


>I paid for a 4chan pass

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fb3450  No.16915402


nice bait take your (you).

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f91b96  No.16915422


>Qboomers would be pandered more too by Jim

Implying that's not already the case.

Look up 8kun on any other search engine or social media. It's all Q-this and Q-that, to the point where you have be careful not to scroll past a rare post or video made that isn't Q bullshittery.

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3a9fc7  No.16915504


>Am I really the only one around here who HAS A FUCKING JOB

Yes because I just lost mine yesterday.

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9481be  No.16915560


I have a full time job and there's no way I'm spending money on this shitheap with an admin that contemplates banning loli.

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53d324  No.16915566

File: 09e6bccb8c1faca⋯.png (30.44 KB, 732x600, 61:50, Really_tired_of_your_shit.png)

Jesus fucking christ where are all the newfags that don't understand general board culture or conduct coming from?

Did cuckchan catch wind of this shit and decided to make a home here?

Was Mark right all along?

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b6eb04  No.16915593

Fatchan /v/ has now opened under new management.

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406bdd  No.16915597

File: 43e70d4c9da2ebe⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2000x1975, 80:79, aeiou.png)


I've been trying to figure if he's mental or drugged out of his gourd. He seemed to be able to pretend to be human in his interview after the hearing at least.

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406bdd  No.16915599

File: d5414a156f4fb90⋯.gif (429.24 KB, 200x183, 200:183, shruggin_rangers.gif)



Well the guy didn't seem like a huge faggot lurking their meta thread.

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0dc164  No.16915600


>Was Mark right all along?

No shit

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406bdd  No.16915602

File: 6042c0e4a3f75dc⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1279x693, 1279:693, ClipboardImage.png)

Sounds reasonable.

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b6eb04  No.16915603


Nah, spaghetti nigger seems like a decent BO so far. The rules he posted allow for GG threads, by the way.

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636d70  No.16915604

File: 43bbfba5759914e⋯.png (113.36 KB, 915x645, 61:43, hehe.png)


>first thing he does is fuck up immediately and has to remake the thread

oh boy

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0dc164  No.16915606

File: 756621b5145feaa⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 600x800, 3:4, penn_jillette.jpg)



>cuckchan memes

<this is a tough one.

Into the trash it goes

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406bdd  No.16915611

File: 78157cab69ab15f⋯.png (388.84 KB, 953x1024, 953:1024, cake_bully.png)


I kind of agree though, it should be done via community bullying more than anything.

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d4bbc8  No.16915618


So self moderation ala /a/nimu?

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406bdd  No.16915622


It also loops back around to Rule 5 there like stated, if someone's shitting up multiple threads with nothing of value in reports they'll still get weeded out.

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636d70  No.16915625


>I didn't read

even though it's more reading between the lines, it seems pretty clear to me what he's saying, and I think it's not wrong

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6533df  No.16915627


>this is a tough one


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8eec20  No.16915632


>I want my mods to have the power to delete things because they don't like them.

fucking europeans.

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0dc164  No.16915637


Sure thing (((Anon)))

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d4bbc8  No.16915643


It works.

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699b73  No.16915649

File: 42cbb23fd67f389⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 630x630, 1:1, good_sip.jpg)


Sounds reasonable to me, light bullying should handle any posting cuckchan shit, and spammers who shit up multiple threads get the banhammer.

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636d70  No.16915655

File: 8bc8621b4db369a⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, yd.jpg)


OY, I mean, HEY what are you accusing me of

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ecc03e  No.16915661

File: 4e72653f983e00c⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 640x479, 640:479, captain_falcon_disgust.jpg)


No shit. Not only does the "anti-cheat" run at fucking kernel level, Riot is owned by Tencent who are already known for datamining the shit out of Chinese users.

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82dd38  No.16915665

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it sure feels like

>they will destroy themselves. no work needed!

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406bdd  No.16915666


I guess that wasn't so much a rule as a conduct clause, but it's there in relation.

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636d70  No.16915667

File: 3324d9a0db50eba⋯.png (9.46 KB, 369x311, 369:311, 61b.png)

>Oh, I think I know the guy, too.

>you're in good hands

pic related

Also, according to his last post it seems like #GG is gonna stay

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d4bbc8  No.16915671

File: 71c44530934022d⋯.jpg (723.34 KB, 1280x1821, 1280:1821, 23.jpg)

File: a87e5627eab3d6d⋯.jpg (523.72 KB, 1280x1820, 64:91, 24.jpg)


I had aa feeling most of the cuckchan meme posting is to get on Mark and userbase's nerves otherwise it would have naturally fallen out of use here.

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6533df  No.16915685


>Mark and userbase's nerves

What do you mean? Mark openly welcomes cuckchanners. So how would he be bothered by it?

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d4bbc8  No.16915691

File: 0c1e67794743452⋯.jpg (132 KB, 391x440, 391:440, Musuko_ga_Kawaikute_Shikat….jpg)


Dude banned wojaks. You tell me.

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699b73  No.16915697

File: bb9c3d5c8b27923⋯.gif (112.15 KB, 500x370, 50:37, Anime_girl_80s_dance.gif)

So should we set up a thread on fatchan now? it seems to be working fine for a backup and they're allowing us there.

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c20f06  No.16915703


Would anyone continue making threads here?

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6d4d01  No.16915714

File: 15b887c8b382d61⋯.png (421.7 KB, 604x604, 1:1, 1572198114462.png)


Yeah, I'm in favor of the next thread moving to fatchan. As outlined here >>16914108, there isn't a good reason for us to stay on a broken website with an administration that we can't trust. It's worth keeping in mind that Acid is still working on an alternative, as mentioned here >>16914094. When that's up and running we can re-evaluate where our long term home will be. But for now at least, the board on fatchan is functional, which is already an upgrade.

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406bdd  No.16915736


I mainly wonder if they'll handle the traffic, depending if a lot end up using it for more than a bunker.

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0189df  No.16915749

File: d133e808e107948⋯.webm (1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RAPE.webm)


We're approching 700 posts fast

We're also already on page 5

to those crying about fatchan, see you in a few days when you visit back here I guess; hope the place is sweet for a while, until it starts fucking up under the traffic load

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4ccb58  No.16915752


Ron is on a time limit, where the some claims, like loli, are being worked on. If Ron makes a legal framework for loli, that means he is one step ahead of fatchan.

Also, Jim is the worst actor on this site, does anyone know anything about the character of fatchan's admin?

There is also the small matter that time will tell whether the BO on fatchan is better or worse then the future BO here when it goes to claims. Already have seen some bullshit on locked threads here post Mark. Like the anon that wanted a regular music thread, and not limited to either "blood pumping" or "motivational".

Meaning, for at least two or three weeks, say make parallel threads. Is it so wrong to just treat it like a bunker for now, but cross post enough so that it isn't dead?

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0189df  No.16915753


whoops, forgot to take off the flag, my bad, didn't mean to use it there, sorry

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54b4c5  No.16915762


I'd argue for the same procedure as when 8kun and vch.moe were both active: parallel threads, thread archives and important posts mirrored in all active threads. We can't drop redundancy when the permanence of each part can't be taken for granted.

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475597  No.16915779

File: 9ff1bce98588a15⋯.png (690.87 KB, 1492x591, 1492:591, 9ff1bc159.png)


This would be for the best so anons can find each other and know what's going on with everything.

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699b73  No.16915805

File: a4a8cbd9852a1f5⋯.jpg (549.12 KB, 1000x793, 1000:793, Anime_NEET_Girl.jpg)

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3a9fc7  No.16915847


>Meaning, for at least two or three weeks, say make parallel threads.


That's what I'm thinking about doing, which is also what I did back when 8kun first came back online.

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ffae28  No.16915865


We're still having GG threads here too right?

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33e2bc  No.16915870


I hope so.

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ffae28  No.16915871

At least for the time being I mean?

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33e2bc  No.16915875


I see why not.

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475597  No.16915879

File: d8411fd631a48ee⋯.png (295.48 KB, 714x508, 357:254, EHpAAr1UwAM25VA.png)


We really should. >>16915779

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406bdd  No.16915889


I'm not entirely bailing for the next week or two to see if anything gets settled.

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bc268d  No.16915913

File: 26afd900f0e3972⋯.gif (426.63 KB, 200x198, 100:99, HehHehWaitOhShit.gif)


>Identify where Portugal is on that map

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699b73  No.16915914

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