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File: 0c59035885adf79⋯.png (320.2 KB, 515x719, 515:719, EVgi_RdUMAA4IiK.png)

File: 30dcbc9f971dedb⋯.jpg (144.17 KB, 710x988, 355:494, EVgi7tVUUAAHC9K.jpg)

7bab19  No.16914292[Last 50 Posts]

https://twitter . com/DmnPix515/status/1249787590716174336

Press F, boys.

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227fa9  No.16914301

inb4 Never heard of him, the only soldier I know is the guy from Overwatch!

RIP you magnificent bastard. Easily the best class in the game.

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d226d1  No.16914306


This year continues to get shittier and shittier.

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bc721f  No.16914315

File: da080ef283a3221⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 668.22 KB, 990x1080, 11:12, vw5upxj4nfyy_1_.png)

Oh Soldier. Who will they ever find to replace you? ANYONE!!

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523168  No.16914321

2020 sure is FUBAR.


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9e9864  No.16914327

Well that sucks a dense chode, may he rest in peace and his family find solace.

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ae26dc  No.16914328


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3f356e  No.16914331

File: ff1569820285c19⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 485x488, 485:488, 1W9KtM29KLPpfcBlUqGz70_TPj….jpg)

Good, no more subpar TF2 updates

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37e29e  No.16914355

File: e5096fb07b2ea81⋯.png (112.5 KB, 304x441, 304:441, 1439091714509.png)

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540bf3  No.16914363


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3c7a78  No.16914366


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cfdc1c  No.16914368

File: b37469a152281da⋯.png (29.36 KB, 265x116, 265:116, ClipboardImage.png)

This is so sad let me press the sad emoji

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8f0195  No.16914376

Shame I liked his lines and he never came off as a faggot, I wonder if they'll ever do anything with TF2 now or ever.

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97dc7a  No.16914388

File: f38919362ce1755⋯.png (10.92 KB, 511x332, 511:332, ClipboardImage.png)

I guess a red spy made it into the base.

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063e7b  No.16914394

File: 5fd5fb0ee14e151⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 149x255, 149:255, face.jpg)

I don't feel empathy for people i've never met especially on the internet but out of all news about people dying this one is actually sad.

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51284f  No.16914395

File: 8ae565946064fb6⋯.jpg (203.41 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, gosling_goddammit.jpg)

God dammit

The damn commies got him in the end.

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85ea2a  No.16914396

File: a193cfdcbf7fbbd⋯.mp4 (598.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, SCREAMING_EXTERNALLY.mp4)

God fucking dammit.

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9f5a11  No.16914397


>I wonder if they'll ever do anything with TF2 now or ever.

TF2 pubs are currently being overrun by bots called some variation of "NiggerKiller" that use aimbots which ruin the game for everybody, and crash the server if you try to votekick them

Valve has yet to do something about this, which is why news of Soldier's VA dying really feels like TF2 as a whole is dead

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e224c5  No.16914404


>which is why news of Soldier's VA dying really feels like TF2 as a whole is dead

He was like 79.

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51284f  No.16914408

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9560b1  No.16914410

File: bf56dfa6a222143⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 680x442, 20:13, goddammit.jpg)

The chinkniggers can't get way with this!!!

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9e9864  No.16914411

File: e6736194b0eb2fd⋯.webm (1.29 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, a_gondola_denied_of_an_im….webm)


>The damn commies got him in the end.

Fuck, this makes it worse.

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9f5a11  No.16914413


>He was like 79.

Because of the Kung Flu. It's one thing to die from natural causes, the guy was suffering from heart and lung issues for like 10 years, but dying from a new disease on top of that leaves a bitter aftertaste. Like he could have lived a while longer if it weren't for that.

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19103e  No.16914424

File: 857f2c7b1785df1⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 719x693, 719:693, ES8y63CXkAANNkj.jpg)


I wish I could avenge you by annihilating those commie bastards but I'm just an autist on a mongolian cotton picking board.

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e224c5  No.16914487


Old men usually die by their late 70's from shitty health, hospitals are counting any death as a 'conora death' for more cash you stupid fucktard.

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9e7392  No.16914495

Sad to see good people go. Why can't corona-chan kill the shitty people instead? At least he won't be forced to promote feminism like that one character in Battleborn if Valve ever does a TF3. Valve seems to have a tendency of not pushing the momentum of a franchise and letting it die off or releasing a sequel a decade later. I used to remember people talking about Portal 2 and TF2 thirsting for updates but now I don't hear a peep about them. I'm sure the fanboys will holla when TF3 or Portal 3 even gets a teaser but will actual gamers care? They've turned TF2 in hat fortress and ruined the balance last I played it and don't forgot the disaster that was Artifact. Half Life Alyx is praised but does anyone believe they have the chops to make actual games with how sparse they've been at developing their main games and solely relying on Steam money to chug along? I'm just not seeing the passion in Valve anymore.

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8cc90c  No.16914499


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444bd3  No.16914506

File: 0f88e4bbfc64b6f⋯.jpg (62.97 KB, 544x626, 272:313, 1468027109550.jpg)

You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best.

God speed, you magnificent bastard.

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ae37f9  No.16914508


Reading Gook comics

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4bc497  No.16914510

File: fe9bf8489ff392a⋯.webm (1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, F.webm)

This a tragic day, Gentlemen & Ladies.

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1a1d7a  No.16914515

File: d7da03b378b10ad⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 500x532, 125:133, d7da03b378b10adf747e8a8811….jpg)

God I hate chinks like you wouldn't believe.



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88215e  No.16914518

I care more because he was Peppy. F, I hope those chinks pay for their crimes.

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9f0cfa  No.16914541

File: 01c952ab3165abb⋯.png (325.29 KB, 567x572, 567:572, EAOUBwxXYAAenxp.png)

Fuck this year man

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df7f92  No.16914564

File: 6303ead19cb16e9⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Send a billion crit rockets China's way.

It's what he would've wanted.

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235c11  No.16914569

File: 22f2bb7f27231d3⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 435x344, 435:344, finnish_special_forces.jpg)


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728c5e  No.16914572

File: a921c843697ff74⋯.png (431.64 KB, 532x535, 532:535, engie.PNG)


His American boot kicked their asses all the way back to Russia.

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728c5e  No.16914575


o whoops bump

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83c149  No.16914583

File: 921a8c736aa528b⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, soldier_cuts_onions.gif)

I hate everything about this year.

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b7cfbe  No.16914585

File: 40379663f557746⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 639x595, 639:595, 1294808601571.jpg)


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529deb  No.16914586

File: 2f2999356f1620f⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 900x1007, 900:1007, IG_feels.jpg)


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8e5b7c  No.16914595

File: 6add925d37800c0⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fuck.jpg)


I swear to fucking god I am done with fucking Chinks. The amount of people dying because of these absolute fucking imbeciles.

If I see one in the street I might end up in jail.

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6ad7a5  No.16914603

File: ae67d69c5a8f681⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 367x323, 367:323, ae67d69c5a8f681f0e84582a66….jpg)

Apparently this is incorrect. A friend of Lowrie, Rick May is actually the one who died.

Soldier is alive, cupcake.

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6ad7a5  No.16914605

File: 25faa595476321e⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 850x752, 425:376, bef06ce1ce641d1a4f9f36808e….jpg)


I mean, this is even whats being written in the OP image, if anyone ACTUALLY READ IT.

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9f0cfa  No.16914606


Rick May is the voice actor for Soldier and Lowrie is the voice of the sniper

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b8b205  No.16914607

File: bc9123658559dec⋯.png (833.32 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, HE_HATES_IT.png)


God damn it, he was my favorite voice actor in that game too. I know he was getting old, but he sure as hell didn't deserve to die to this fucking chink flu. I guess stars and stripes didn't beat hammer and sickle this time

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46442c  No.16914618

File: 97750ed5d89d68a⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 512x392, 64:49, Gekigangar_III.jpg)


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b9b199  No.16914619

File: 4aca9fd167b525f⋯.webm (523.17 KB, 360x360, 1:1, china_is_asshole.webm)


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255db7  No.16914625

File: 1eb3a612401cb50⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 771x291, 257:97, mods_are_faggots.JPG)

why are 4mods such shit?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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46442c  No.16914648


>admitting to crossposting

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255db7  No.16914664

File: 384aa3e97a45b51⋯.png (350.64 KB, 500x738, 250:369, 3c4.png)


i know, but im to pissed to care.

fucken commie flu,

This shit is why China should be brought to heel and crushed beneath the boot of America

Those fucking gooks can't put a leash on their own pandemic and shit like this happens

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6ad7a5  No.16914677




Oh wait you're right. I'm retarded. Carry on.

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3a9642  No.16914681

File: 51e7067cfb8d0a0⋯.webm (1.78 MB, 853x480, 853:480, soldier.webm)

I heard he already had problems with his throat making him unable to scream which was bad enough and now he is dead.

Rest in peace man, you were my favourite character.

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eedba6  No.16915113

File: 934349155567a8f⋯.png (277.76 KB, 500x356, 125:89, long_sustained_yelling.png)


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ffe889  No.16915143

File: 4de8564a7ee8b6a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)



>Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

<COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

So basically a hospital doesn't even need to know whether a person was even infected to report that they died from it.

source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/coronavirus/Alert-2-New-ICD-code-introduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf

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728c5e  No.16915148


>Old men usually die by their late 70's from shitty health

Not in first world countries.

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cce873  No.16915153

File: 9b8b8742bc690f8⋯.png (117.45 KB, 415x374, 415:374, solider.png)

You were good, son. Real good. Maybe even the best.

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f8ad54  No.16915158

Oh fuck, this one hurts.

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f8ad54  No.16915159



Would you niggers fuck off for once? This is not the time nor place to debate this kind of shit.

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df7f92  No.16915165

File: 09e80ad1da3d52a⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1034x832, 517:416, ClipboardImage.png)



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a291ea  No.16915167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rick May was also Peppy Hare and Andross in Star Fox 64.

He will never say "do a barrel roll" again.

This one's for you, soldier.



IIRC he had throat cancer. Nolan North took over the role (and did a great job mimicking Rick May, could hardly tell the difference) in Expiration Date.

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167f27  No.16915181


>Who will they ever find to replace you?

Valve already has a replacement, it's the guy who does the voice of Nathan Drake.If you want to hear what that sounds like go watch that Expiration date special.

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cd12e3  No.16915186




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abdf69  No.16915192

File: 06fe1d3b6b29652⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 540x407, 540:407, 745b693bda928cc5d58e5e8fc7….jpg)


Rest easy Soldier, there's no spies in heaven.

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3f356e  No.16915200


kung flu

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529452  No.16915214

And you faggots said coronachan was based

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cce873  No.16915221


Happeningfags are always retarded. They completely abstract the deaths caused by viruses to real-world people.

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7edd3d  No.16915238








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cce873  No.16915241

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227fa9  No.16915247




>my friend Rick May has passed away

>Rick I wish for you to know eternal peace

Uh huh.

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cce873  No.16915419


I believe Nolan North filled in for his screaming parts.

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d041ec  No.16915441


Fucking Chinese people let their supervirus out of their lab and now it’s killing people who actually matter. I hope Trump decides to finally nuke the chinks after the quarantine ends. War is also one of the four horesemen like plague so fingers crossed.

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91e0a2  No.16915485

File: 2a6d3575edccf76⋯.webm (363.1 KB, 1920x816, 40:17, Personally_I_think_you_re….webm)



>cardiovascular problems + cancer



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cc78dd  No.16915488

Would anyone care less if he died not from covid?

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5d2a8e  No.16915500



Interesting to see a bit of his backstory.

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5d2a8e  No.16915503


I suppose the general population wouldn't but being tossed in the Corona-chan pile will probably get his name out there.

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580e76  No.16915508


At this point if you decapitated yourself with a chainsaw your death would be attributed to the kung flu.

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08a5fc  No.16915533

File: da39edb88380224⋯.png (238.67 KB, 324x512, 81:128, megakek.png)

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79e9a7  No.16915535


Then there aren’t any first world countries, you subhuman retard. Fuck off back to reddit.



Kill yourself.

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5d2a8e  No.16915546

File: 280154fcf36c03f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 894x894, 1:1, Coronachan_.png)



Wu Flu

Kung Flu

Shanghai Shivers

Asian Affliction

Slant-eye Sickness

Fu Manchu Fever

Coolie Cough

Oriental Onset

Beijing Bug

Rice Rabies

Gook Germ

Mandarin Malady

Lo Mein Lung

Cantonese Killer

Dim Sum Diarrhea

Guangdong Gout

Confucian Cancer

Szechuan Sore Throat

Terminal Taoism

China's One Corpse Policy

Wu Ping Cough

Bat Soup Poop

Jinping Sting

Hubei Herpes

Boomer Entomber

Teriyaki Terror

Egg Roll Toll

Pu Pu Pandemic

Wonton West Nile

China Curse

Peking Plague

Bat Stew Flu

Mongolian Measles

Chengdu Chest Flu

Dog Meat Diphitheria

Sino Sneeze

Lo Mein Pain

Chop Fluey

Sicken fried rice

Ow chi lung

Sweet AND Sour Sicken

Rangoon doom

Bamboo shoot poops

Rice noodle rickets

Finger trap clap

Genghis cough

Hong Kong Fluey


Wuhanic plague


Bat Stew Flu

Ping Pong Pandemic

Moo Goo Gai Pandemic

Panda Pandemic

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235c11  No.16915554

File: 2344b63cf0f478a⋯.jpg (355.93 KB, 1560x1442, 780:721, giggle.jpg)

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5acb18  No.16915562


I've floated the idea of referring to it as 'Xi Jinping's Legacy' but that might be too abstract.

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cce873  No.16915563


Are you the original guy who made all these? I'm seeing these old reaction images popping up a lot again

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9560b1  No.16915568


Commie cough?

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cce873  No.16915572

File: 5c3174e5a262d17⋯.jpg (162.17 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Unhappy_soldier.jpg)

Guys can you leave the COVID-19 discussion to the dedicated thread?

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5d2a8e  No.16915574

File: dc34aa5179701bb⋯.jpg (231.35 KB, 964x807, 964:807, mvm_sold.jpg)


Very nice, well fitting for the Soldier.

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df56c9  No.16915589


>, and crash the server if you try to votekick them

They already fixed it.

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c52bc7  No.16916715


>did a great job mimicking Rick May, could hardly tell the difference

Speak for yourself, I never stop hearing Deadpool every time I see that scene in Expiration date. I'd say soldier needs a recast for another gruff old guy voice, but jungle inferno is probably the last major update.

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bc6a24  No.16916744

File: 9bd3603b146ebc0⋯.png (883.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Great, now we just need Corona-chan to purge the rest of the video game industry.

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000000  No.16916781


…and I don't even play TF2…

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529452  No.16916819


>People with all those things are more likely to die from corona

>nah, it wasn't corona

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1bab5a  No.16916824


I love "Fu Manchu Fever", has a nice ring to it and sounds catchy

However I've been thinking of "Pooh Fever", "Winnie Fever" or something similar since it would probably trigger the bug people more

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1bab5a  No.16916854


or "Winnie the Flu", though of it just now.

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a690cc  No.16916892

Brought a tear to my eye, rest in peace you magnificent bastard.

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32c93b  No.16916932


more like "Fu Manchu Achoo"

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5f2282  No.16916962


>fight with cancer for years

>you get put in a hospital

>you catch corona because hospitals are breeding grounds for viruses of all kind

>you die

>doctors put corona as the cause of your death to pump the statistics of the fashionable new disease

Why are people on imageboards so gullible?

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540bf3  No.16916966


>dies of wu flu

>doctors label his COD as wu flu


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567348  No.16916995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ffe889  No.16917024

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529452  No.16917470


>You die from corona

<Nah, it wasn't corona

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7e424c  No.16917520

File: df04209fe9e7e26⋯.jpg (129.97 KB, 960x876, 80:73, 1434339321119.jpg)


Even though I agree with you that the (((WHO))) is definitely inflating the statistics for their agenda, this is still sad, anon. Whether it was cancer or Kung Flu doesn't matter; a great voice actor who voiced a pretty memorable character died. To that end, God speed Soldier, you magnificent bastard.

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70473d  No.16917538


Hopefully Soldier can finally convince Sun Tzu to dig himself out of his grave and re-conquer China. Bonus points if he can get him to shove a crit rocket straight up Pooh-bears ass.

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0bcc87  No.16917548



Almost all these people who died of your meme virus are either super old, super sick, or both at the same time. Pneumonia death rates plunge because doctors attribute all deaths to meme virus without testing, because why not. The only time where conspiracy retards and mass media can be singing the same tune and crying about a deadly disease, but for different reasons. I only regret that imageboard users, who are almost always doubting and criticizing everything, now eat it up like good doggies. Have you really learned nothing from 2016?

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d8d730  No.16917555

File: fa5754f920d31ba⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, d3bh0qs_12ea0ca4_ebac_4396….jpg)


>not censoring his trip

ha ha get filtered

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540bf3  No.16917578


Okay Wang.

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b9b199  No.16917600

File: 3a5487490e403c7⋯.png (385 KB, 702x540, 13:10, f227585fd3fa64143c53e2f2e1….png)


If you're gutshot and going to die in the next minute of blood loss but then get shot in the head, did you die from blood loss or a shot to the head?

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2d8e05  No.16917604


You would have died from the shot to the head.

I agree with you, but thats a retarded comparison.

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8c1b32  No.16917607

File: de1c3220860d0c7⋯.png (280.91 KB, 533x320, 533:320, ClipboardImage.png)

You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best.

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529452  No.16917787


What are you even trying to argue nigger? Everyone knows that corona only kills old people, Rich May WAS an old person. And when he died from corona you say "he died from cardiovascular problems + cancer" as if we didn't know that and as if corona wasn't involved at all. I point out that those things would make him more succeptable to corona and you agree but then still act like we're gullible for believing an objectively true fact.

I can only guess that you're under the impression that we believe that corona is an apocalyptic virus that can kill anyone and that Rick May was a 20 year old man in his prime with no negative health conditions whatsoever. How you could possibly get that idea is beyond me but if i had to guess I'd say it's because you're a subsapient negroid chimp.

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bd54a7  No.16917804


LITERALLY talmudic judaism spewing out of your ass.

The talmud says that if ten men stab someone, but he lives through the first nine stabs, only the person who stabbed him last is liable for murder. Fucking kill yourself, yid.

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463a5e  No.16917828

File: 6042d2e4a88a5f4⋯.gif (844.25 KB, 268x278, 134:139, gg_no_re_gif.gif)

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b9b199  No.16917845


If you don't want Jewish logic don't go spewing your Jewish logic to me :^)

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c07d5a  No.16918317



Nolan North gets the character right, but he screws up the sound. Needs a better replacement that actually sounds like the original voice.

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3c92a4  No.16918631

File: 4c6232deb7883c9⋯.png (385.04 KB, 767x707, 767:707, Killer_s_Kabuto.png)

"Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little bit more about COVID-19 than you do, pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that nobody could compete against him in the ring of honor. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. And then he herded them into a wet market, and then he ate every single one."

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523168  No.16918861

File: 111bac71d0322cf⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 384x522, 64:87, instant_racial_hatred.jpg)

>Rick May dies from covid-19

>Keiji Fujiwara (Reno in FF) dies from cancer

>Paul Haddad (Leon in RE) dies from cancer

What even the fuck is going on these last few days

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cce873  No.16920523


ok schizo

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baa61c  No.16920703



Add Flu Manchu, Egg Flu Yung, Chow-Mein Strain and Yellow Fever to the list, and strike off Teriyaki Terror, you insult the Japanese with that one.

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26b5e9  No.16920761

File: 0af9ee607317f4c⋯.png (126.65 KB, 226x251, 226:251, no_longer_running_on_empty….PNG)


>Leon's original VA passed away

Great. As if I didn't hate this day enough already.

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19103e  No.16920798

File: 3ccdde18f15e4ac⋯.png (346 KB, 551x370, 551:370, EV7cTylXYAEieT_.png)

Not only are we losing beloved voices in the industry, we are losing fellow gamers too.

Fucking hell China. Fuck you so much.

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