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File: 931cab4b86d92d5⋯.jpg (183.44 KB, 842x927, 842:927, DaBUefEU0AAqZCD.jpg)

50f88a No.14723484

Titties and Wrestling


May Event Schedule

04/30~05/08 - A Thousand Reasons

05/09~05/14 - The Girl who Leapt Through Mountains (rerun)

05/15~05/22 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (rerun)

05/23~05/30 - Unite and Fight (Water enemies/Earth favored)

05/31~06/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

50f88a No.14723527

File: 924e0b32650a54c⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 990x558, 55:31, DbIhIiRVAAIv7Jq.jpg)

From last thread

May news


Both Sarah events will be added to the side stories this month. Maybe Sarah will show up in a future event since they really want everyone to know her story up until this point.

Confirmed that every 3rd rerun of a xeno will get a new weapon. Next xeno will be Ifrit and he'll get a new weapon.


A tier is now 1 - 5000.

B tier is now 5001 - 12000

C tier is now 12001 - 20000

Top 20k is now top 30k

Top 30k is now top 50k

Top 40k is now top 70k

Top 80k is now top 120k

Even more exp buffs

Next Ex2 class is samurai. Start farming distinctions and the light katana.

Sturm's sword will get its FLB this month.

You will now be able to have more than one cosmo weapon.

Auto attack can be switched on or off between stages

If someone just used phalanx in a raid and you go to use it, it will give you a confirmation popup to try and prevent people wasting them.

New party set symbols

Next chapter of the main story will be in July.

Some weapon skills will also be buffed.

The following characters will get a balance patch:


Io (summer)


Percival (summer)



Chat Noir




Eustace (both versions)





De la fille (summer)



Zeta (summer)



Danua (summer)

Cagliostro (halloween)

Black Knight




b47874 No.14723668

Daily reminder that Aliza is a thot.

17fd3e No.14723811

File: c68df889299ab84⋯.jpeg (898.64 KB, 1286x964, 643:482, 6f7a2e1439d0ca3c9f8ce5e3f….jpeg)

4C2A5EAA baha hl maybe free horn

5166bf No.14724083

(68) get out

10baea No.14724421

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Singing titties.

97c35c No.14724606

File: fdb1296194bb5b5⋯.png (280.22 KB, 371x415, 371:415, question.PNG)

Is there any element that benefits at all from a gw axe mainhand or does it not matter at all because no class uses axes that can't just use better swords?

608b14 No.14724627

Easiest way to unlock luchador? Starting from square one.

17fd3e No.14724644


taht weapon is absolute garbage


speedrun your rank to 101 acquire prestige through hl raids , get a elechanged class weapon, do rose queen hl for prestige and distinctions

e5fe78 No.14724649

File: db358ccffbd7202⋯.png (139.96 KB, 640x688, 40:43, spoonfeeding babies.png)


The best choice overall is wind. You mainhand your GW weapon to fight the eternal, so wind is naturally the best choice since making the weapon as the same or the weak element is a recipe for disaster. Theres also the matter that xeno vohu manah is coming, so it'd be nice to pack a wind axe. The real blackpill though is that you will use none of the GW weapons except the GW dagger as you progress.

f285a4 No.14724653

File: 5d6144d4d604e57⋯.png (804.81 KB, 473x689, 473:689, cucouroux.PNG)

thank you based daily draws

now I can continue saving up for fenrir's eventual release

608b14 No.14724684


any way I can get a leg up pre rank 101 besides hoarding CP?

17fd3e No.14724693


what do you mean?

608b14 No.14724704


Well, I'm quite a ways from rank 101, so is there any way I can be progressive so that I won't have to grind quite as hard when I do reach that rank?

b47874 No.14724705


Farm coop for distinctions, they actually drop more than once a century now.

Also get good grids. You need to beat a boss battle to unlock each class. Wind is the easiest grid to do since the drop rates for Tia guns are so high and because Tiamat is the weakest boss.

b47874 No.14724721


While you're there, you need to farm materials for a Class champion weapon. It takes a lot of materials and I guarantee one will fuck you up.

You need:

200 showdown animas

70 coop items

30 distinctions

25 creeds

30 of another coop item

The specific item depends on what weapon you're unlocking. You need to unlock 1 CCW to unlock the boss battle that unlocks T4 classes.

89ea38 No.14724727

Is the Cerulean trial the best way to get scrolls and tomes?

17fd3e No.14724739


you get most mats from doing events and murdering common enemies, you do trials if you only need a specific item or you are desperate

b47874 No.14724767


I like Maverick and the Apsaras one. Both are gamechanging but you can only use it in one element which is a pain.

b47874 No.14724774


Cerulean trial is for absolute beginners. Past rank 20 you should farm Angel Halo on Very Hard for most of your mats.

08c2a5 No.14724910

Finish my six fist by the end of the day.

6b3e1c No.14724925

File: 0d441a0482f9d55⋯.jpg (89.53 KB, 950x940, 95:94, 0d441a0482f9d5543297760c7d….jpg)

File: 6fdec3d5fa33d69⋯.jpg (326.88 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, Co-Op Drops.jpg)


Don't rush it; you'll grow to hate the game if you grind that hard with no breaks.


He could just have his guild or if he doesn't have one, post for help and have people carry him through Cocytus for the drops.


If he likes gun classes then he'd be better served with Nebuchad.

b47874 No.14724935


Gunslinger 2 will have to come out though, and we have no idea which team would work best with it.

7c0fe0 No.14724962

Did anyone get kicked out of Kihou today?

e5fe78 No.14724996

File: 9e6a7f7fb797193⋯.png (196.13 KB, 488x388, 122:97, granstare.PNG)


Were not kicking anyone out Hitler, when a space is available we'll let you know, but were not going to kick out any of our active and rad as fuck members to make room for you. That wouldn't be fair at all to them.


Who even are you?

7c0fe0 No.14725004

File: 94b24eb3073cbac⋯.webm (4.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, waiting on an opening.webm)


>Don't rush it; you'll grow to hate the game if you grind that hard with no breaks.

This, but unironical. I ground hard to 101 and by the time I got there I had completely burnt myself out and so I stopped playing for six months.When I came back I had been kicked out of best crew. So I have spent every day grinding at least 12 hours a day in the hopes that when a slot does open up with them again I will be strong enough to be considered.


No, you are a faggot. I saw you screaming and crying and throwing a shitfit like a faggot


The one that was screaming and crying and throwing a shitfit in the threads for like a day and a half

0bd499 No.14725019

File: 51aec784137fc51⋯.png (275.07 KB, 339x550, 339:550, 51aec784137fc518167498f2b2….png)



No one knows who the fuck you are, you are making shit up.

2c1a07 No.14725140

File: 8d54720b9ae2533⋯.png (132.26 KB, 372x340, 93:85, 8d54720b9ae2533b359e336391….png)


I was the last member to join at the end of Valentine's GW and I'm still at the bottom of the members list. I'm thinking you must've forgotten the actual name of the crew that did kick you

4cffad No.14725265

File: 51aea1fcf512e08⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 1200x907, 1200:907, degenerat.jpg)


who are you where were you kicked from, you've been on this shit since late january, kihou doesn't know you, infinity doesn't know you, and you weren't on crew 3.

4cffad No.14725295

File: a1f2f8f233c333b⋯.png (292.21 KB, 860x542, 430:271, a1f2f8f233c333bd2e3822f0b3….png)


End this shit then and post ID faggot. What do you even have to lose. You have been nearly four months like a broken record about getting kicked, tell us who you are maybe someone might remember you

4aa4f9 No.14725314

Any chance you'll get banned for having two windows open at once? For playing poker/leveling up weapons while doing a raid, for example.

7c0fe0 No.14725350

I want to touch Zeta's titties


Naw dude, totally cool. Everyone does it.

89ea38 No.14725369


>Naw dude, totally cool. Everyone does it.

News to me.

dd4cf4 No.14725383


who the fuck is this guy

7c0fe0 No.14725424


Yeah, I am running tsuntsu, zooeybot, and multi-monitoring right now. Only way to efficiently play this game.

4cffad No.14725507

File: 05f8be2c8e46285⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 05f8be2c8e46285e0049b14235….jpg)


Are you daft or what. Post ID. Who are you, who kicked you, if you wont bother answering anything might as well shut the fuck up and stop being an assblasted faggot.

cd46cf No.14725541

Would increased drop rate journey buff help with Omega Weapon farming?

2c1a07 No.14725567


No, because the added 20% would only change the drop rate from 2% to 2.4%. If you were to use it for omega weapon farming I'd just one punch and leech as many as possible.

The buff is great for material farming though.

4cffad No.14725568


Yes, and a good weather vane crew effect helps, go leech mode with Hawkeye and White/Black Rabbit

7c0fe0 No.14725580


Yep the 1st chest is on about 1% drop rate. tenjew, Vyrn, Rabbit/MoonRabbit, and Jouney drops all increase the likelihood of it dropping.

7c0fe0 No.14725586


Also Olivia

cd46cf No.14725595

File: 8ad3782d8c82372⋯.png (291.01 KB, 776x868, 194:217, 8ad.png)




Thanks, now I have new found motivation to leech off as many raids as possible for omega weapons .

7c0fe0 No.14725679

File: d9fa4ccf074eb9b⋯.jpg (858.58 KB, 1001x1456, 11:16, __zeta_granblue_fantasy_dr….jpg)

I got another SSR Cucouroux gun off my event meme ticket. Does anyone know what inert effect is?


If you want to fill your dirt grid fast only put lvl 60 Yggs in your raid finder, pop 999 berries, load yourself up with a the above listed stuff and play as a bandit tycoon. Those raids get bot slammed hard so you will only have time enough for one attack. Throw out Bounty Hunter IV and don't even wait to see the animation finished, just move on to the next raid. Every four or five raids wait for it to finish and then clear out your pending list. You should be able to MLB six Yggs swords in a day or two if you go at it hard. You can't use this shit on Mag II weapons since they only drop off red and blue chest so your best bet if you want those sweet sweet katanas and horns is to grind out your Tia guns to 4*, 4* Tia, and run a strong wind meme in 30 man coop. Brodia goes down fast in coop so don't waste your time slotting in Korwa or Melissabella as their wind up takes to long and Mellisabelle's animation drags on forever. If you have Zoi you can run her along with a Niggerdog and backrow her after conjunction. Use tactical relocation to bring in Gawain and blast his nuke. Then you just auto attack and throw his shield up when you have to. You will get at least one red chest for your hosting, but the blue chest is randomly weighted towards higher contributions so if you can rank up some decent honor even if you don't MVP you still have a shot at it.

e5fe78 No.14726048

File: 8c4bf6e15974df6⋯.png (302.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bRTbnJH.png)

>whiny kihou-complainer got baleeted

Feels good, mang. Thanks mods.

94588c No.14726069


Wait till you need T1 weapons for magna fire and water. The chest have a ~10% chance but the weapons appear less. Or T2 who is not Athena for whatever reason.

708811 No.14726086


Coop zeph farm for samurai distinctions

7c0fe0 No.14726102


I'm flush but when you start farming for Esteem and Darkblades make a post and I will come help out.

7c0fe0 No.14726442


Sasara's laugh is too cute

97c35c No.14726639

Baha HL: 941D2902

The Lord rewards suffering with dragon horns

7c0fe0 No.14726936

Farming Knight Esteem in EX6-1 77789

10baea No.14727239

File: 128f3a457254253⋯.png (91.73 KB, 278x281, 278:281, ly swir.png)

There's so much I need to do before golden week ends, but can't get the drive to even start.

7c0fe0 No.14727274


Drink as much coffee as you can, skip school or work and grind your ass off. You have about 27 and a half hours left of 1/2 off.

7b2eec No.14727469

Holy crap, what is it with Rose Queens and being 3/6 composed of leechers today? Is this the way it normally is?

7c0fe0 No.14727485


It's almost always like that. Rose Queen weapons are usually most needed by the weakest players.

7b2eec No.14727494


To be honest, I wouldn't have as much problem with a few rank 101-110 lowbies popping in and expecting a carry while chipping in a bit for damage as the several rank 150+ doing a wanpan (and then the raid inevitably failing).

7c0fe0 No.14727508


Best bet is to jump in coop and look for a room leader 170 or higher then. They are usually ones that need one or two of a specific commendation and don't want to gamble however much time it would take running coop EX missions to get them and would rather just get 6 rounds of JK done and over in fifteen minutes or so.

2e2dc2 No.14727557

File: 5b01bab9b90633b⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, funfposting.mp4)

I got a god damned R codex from the melee token. Jesus Christ I just can't believe this it's crap all of it it's crap I just don't have any luck guess it's time to Farm Rose Queen

89ea38 No.14727565


The first two melee tickets I got gave me Rs. I don't even want to try for the 3rd. Plus I can't even manage the third tier to efficiently grind for it.

8dde01 No.14728144

File: 6613682920dfdd1⋯.jpg (114.9 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Golden week.jpg)

Who's ready for another magnafest?


7c0fe0 No.14728150

708811 No.14728159


daily 10 draws from the 3rd to the 9th. 1/2 coop too.

2c1a07 No.14728166

File: f55586f88922524⋯.gif (147.7 KB, 279x320, 279:320, f55586f88922524a06f224e08d….gif)


>daily 10 rolls

I knew the daily single rolls were just to avoid giving too many rolls during legfest.

7c0fe0 No.14728178

File: 4aea3fc77b04852⋯.webm (12.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Corridors of Renge.webm)


Celebratory Renchon?

ff11e1 No.14728192


Oh god… time to race some more.

8fb92e No.14728318


We're a fighting game now

ff11e1 No.14728372


I'm signing Account 9 up for this shit.

There won't even be a challenge.

7c0fe0 No.14728464

lmao some faggot just made a board to tell us to get off /v/ but didn't understand how hotlinking worked so he posted the link on my board to test and see if it worked. His history on /tv/ is waifuposting, reddit screencaps, and unironic tranny posting.

89ea38 No.14728586



I just finished trying to get it setup and it turns out that it's a bot you pay for? I'm not missing something, am I?

10baea No.14728591

Seeing a bunch of dancers in alex, is it something with JK's dagger?

7c0fe0 No.14728616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'm not missong something, am I?

The fact I was shitposting, dude.


Windancer meme

89ea38 No.14728719

File: f39a4d15e1b62a1⋯.png (369.64 KB, 457x565, 457:565, earth characters.PNG)


>The fact I was shitposting, dude.

Fuck me I guess. So, with the next Unite and Fight coming up this month I want to see if anyone has suggestions for team comp. For the longest time it has been Yaia, Catherine, and Almeida with some rotating SRs in the back lines up until I got SSR Eugen.

7c0fe0 No.14728776


Don't get ahead of yourself with all the ten draws we got coming. Which weapon did you pull off of the last GW? Do you run Yggs or Titan?

89ea38 No.14728823

File: 29e63047c8a5420⋯.png (139.07 KB, 474x213, 158:71, Golden Axe.PNG)

File: 4c416143267f97a⋯.png (270.97 KB, 473x417, 473:417, blue golden gun.PNG)


>Don't get ahead of yourself with all the ten draws we got coming. Which weapon did you pull off of the last GW? Do you run Yggs or Titan?

See related pics, and I'm still running Yggs.

7c0fe0 No.14728836


Get Esser and Sasara done now during magfest. You probably didn't 40 box the axe but you can get her to 80 and start farming the silver relic. Esser will help you farm shit. Also if you haven't unlocked tier 4 you can grind out an Oliver to help too. You are going to want to work on your Windmeme too. Xeno Dirt is coming back and you will want both the weapons for GW. You hit 101 yet?

89ea38 No.14728875


>Get Esser and Sasara done now during magfest. You probably didn't 40 box the axe but you can get her to 80 and start farming the silver relic.

Been working towards the Mats on Esser. What do you mean by silver relic by the way?

>Esser will help you farm shit. Also if you haven't unlocked tier 4 you can grind out an Oliver to help too.

I'll keep Oliver on mind

>You are going to want to work on your Windmeme too. Xeno Dirt is coming back and you will want both the weapons for GW. You hit 101 yet?

Nope, I'm sitting at 82 right now.

7c0fe0 No.14728941


When you level your jewtenshoe to 80 you get fate where you battle them. To level them to 100 you need to create a weapon soul. You do this by farming angel halo nightmare for silver relics and shards. You use these, the star fragments you get from reducing the ten element changed GW weapons you 40 boxed, gold brick, 30 distinctions and some miscelaneous shit to forge a golden weapon relic that you reduce for the weapon soul that unlocks a fight between the jew and their weapon that gives you the 5* unlock. Things will get a lot better at 100 when you gain access to prestige and you can buy pendants instead of farming them. But I guess that isn't much of an issue now as when I was under 100 as they actually drop freqently enough that farming them is feasible.

89ea38 No.14728982


That sounds like a massive pain in the ass. I still get my ass wasted by Angel Halo Nightmare.

7c0fe0 No.14728997


Yeah, don't even bother doing nightmare until you get the jew.

89ea38 No.14729170

File: 14ea596011dffa3⋯.png (273.16 KB, 470x550, 47:55, HAHA.PNG)

e5fe78 No.14729259

File: 7d9dbd378ffaa37⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1512432398298.jpg)

89ea38 No.14729845

File: 335a6b928075660⋯.png (331 KB, 470x467, 470:467, and it begins.PNG)

I would've been in for some serious suffering if I didn't farm the belle. It has probably taken me at least 10 hours total to farm all those fucking weapons.

aec4fc No.14729847

>It's a new character from the free roll

I'm ok with this.

aec4fc No.14729857

File: ff9b7390f8048b9⋯.png (835.3 KB, 480x666, 80:111, Zahl.PNG)


forgot pic

8fb92e No.14729886

File: 77c3c2605c51268⋯.png (615.17 KB, 480x835, 96:167, 3ssr.png)

205acc No.14729956

File: 7faac96734fdfbd⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 423x272, 423:272, 1418534947498.jpg)


Now I have 2 AKs.

What do I do with them?

675c1a No.14730008


get more

b47874 No.14730011

Got Grand Eugen, is he any good?

d320b5 No.14730013


Fuck off fags.

708811 No.14730156

File: 317ede74ce2e3e9⋯.png (403.71 KB, 393x697, 393:697, 3 ssr.png)

>get nothing on my main account.

>alt gets this draw

b937cb No.14730207


>Being this mad

Check 'em.


89ea38 No.14730371

Is there a reliable way to gather blue dragon scales, or am I fucked?

708811 No.14730401


wait for the water trial to come around

94588c No.14730429

File: 80fe218607b5cc7⋯.jpg (115.77 KB, 319x440, 29:40, Naru.jpg)

File: 2a0f3397b194bc9⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 322x442, 161:221, Razia.jpg)

>It's that time again

>Naru and Razia will do anything I ask

Sweet Jesus.

7c0fe0 No.14730655


Keep up the grind good brother. HH

89ea38 No.14730735

File: 6855b4df47bcd3d⋯.png (847.72 KB, 483x673, 483:673, cucouroux.PNG)

File: 5a19a8b4f7fa3bb⋯.png (763.98 KB, 480x673, 480:673, metera.PNG)

>>14730655 (chekced)

Thanks m8. It helps talking to others that have done it. I just did my 10 pull and here's who I got. Funny enough though, I already have Fire Metera.

7c0fe0 No.14730754

File: ed23fe96f0d2706⋯.jpg (96.8 KB, 545x779, 545:779, __henrietta_marielle_and_s….jpg)

ayyy I memepulled Marielle and Henrietta while I was taking my morning dump.

Now I just need to figure out if I have Shirou.

708811 No.14730768

7c0fe0 No.14730805

File: 17c48382b8bc050⋯.png (563.85 KB, 635x630, 127:126, DATABASE DATABASE.png)


They are from Burger Simulator 2013



04d954 No.14731254

hi guys how's infinity doing these days

04d954 No.14731268


For the purposes of longevity you should definitely just set aside a [JST] Friday and slay dragons for a few hours. Getting a buffer of ~100 dragon scales on every element helps immensely in that with the exception of Light you should generally passively gain back any scales you use in big purchases before you need another one.

Light sucks, as you'll need 50 Scales per GW Weapon you Awaken, which you'll probably get several GW Daggers and that's before 40-boxing any 5* characters.

7c0fe0 No.14731290


Not just the light scales. You need to run Aurora trial whenever it comes up because whorls, orbs, and scrolls get ate the fuck up.

04d954 No.14731299


Those too. I really hate how Light gets shafted in pretty much every conceivable way by design. You don't have big dark or wind or fire weapons that you're Awakening by the dozen that cost you hundreds of whorls for the element you won't even be using it for..

89ea38 No.14731373





Should I prioritize Aurora or Violet trial then?

2c1a07 No.14731375

File: f0be2d04377d440⋯.png (153.92 KB, 469x356, 469:356, Ramen.png)


Why do Aurora Trial when you can get the same and more from Angel Halo for half the price?

7c0fe0 No.14731415


I wish I had know three days ago that coop would be half off and saved myself hundreds of elixir.


Orbs if you need them and a much better drop rate on scales.


Why would you ever need to run Violet? Prism chips are the only thing I ever don't have thousands of and if you are going to need them you can get 90 a day trading down so just plan ahead.

7c0fe0 No.14731419


Oh, and tomes

89ea38 No.14731429


I can reliably get rainbow prisms another way that isn't grinding out Violet?

04d954 No.14731435


AP efficiency and time efficiency are two very serious things to consider. Sure, you could run Angel Halo and get more resources, but it's an enormous waste of time relative to doing Aurora whenever it pops up.


If you're really low level then Violet is OK, I did a bunch of it for my first GW character, but honestly once you get to higher level stuff with extreme grinding you'll be swimming in Rainbow Prisms just from any raid in general. Try farming 10 Bahamut Horns and you'll get like 200 Prisms in the process.

2c1a07 No.14731446


I hope no one farms tomes considering you can buy ten for one cerulean stone.


Mega leech the raids you want drops from, you'll get rainbows in the process. Also leeching GW EX+ is great cost wise as they only cost one EP to join

89ea38 No.14731467


>Try farming 10 Bahamut Horns and you'll get like 200 Prisms in the process

Those are from Proto Bahamut right?


Does that include the Omega raids?

2c1a07 No.14731477


Yeah, omegas have a chance to give you two rainbows if you're lucky. The SR fodder isn't a bad either

04d954 No.14731487

File: eb08160359b59f5⋯.jpg (6.07 KB, 94x106, 47:53, ss (2018-05-02 at 08.38.18….jpg)


Like seriously, they're pretty bountiful once you reach the kind of grinding HL players do. I nearly zeroed out on Rainbows after unlocking my latest Eternal and in less than a week I'm at 95.


>Those are from Proto Bahamut right?

Yeah, and you need Bahamut Horns to host your Proto HL which will forever be super relevant because Host and MVP can get Golden Bars. So for example today I got my 3 Proto Bahamut hosts and did three co-op trains for a total of 90 Bahamut battles. With three hosts, I came out with 4 Horns and I want to say it was probably 50-60 Rainbow Prisms but I don't keep close track of them.

Or like for example if you're farming Ecke Sachs to make an actually decent Fire grid or Auberons for a Varuna grid, you're going to do somewhere in the range of 100 T1s to maybe see a weapon, or some shit like that, and I think you can see up to two Rainbow Prisms from each T1 battle.

Again, if you're low rank and this sort of grinding isn't on your radar yet, Violet Trial is 100% OK, I did it for my first Eternal and I don't regret it at all. Eventually they're a non-issue though.

89ea38 No.14731526


>Again, if you're low rank and this sort of grinding isn't on your radar yet, Violet Trial is 100% OK, I did it for my first Eternal and I don't regret it at all. Eventually they're a non-issue though.

Yeah okay, I'll keep that in mind. I can at least host Proto Bahamut raids then.

04d954 No.14731535


It was more of an example of HL-tier grinding that will incidentally drown you in Prisms. You need like 12 Bahamut Horns to make your Ultima Weapon and it's a huge pain in the ass. Of course, doing your hosts will help but you don't have to go out of your way if it's not your target. Any Omega or higher leveled raids will drop them.

04d954 No.14731538


The only exception is Grand Order, but she drops Blue Sky Crystals.

7c0fe0 No.14731550


Don't host Baha on your own. Use coop so that you can leech up to 29 additional raids at a time. It's a lot easier than waiting for them to pop up in raid finder.

50f88a No.14731578

File: 1dc7901b7f6f4c8⋯.jpg (119.44 KB, 462x1200, 77:200, DcFQ12xU0AEpXBN.jpg)

89ea38 No.14731641


>Don't host Baha on your own. Use coop so that you can leech up to 29 additional raids at a time. It's a lot easier than waiting for them to pop up in raid finder.

Thanks for the tip, this shit is lucurative.

7c0fe0 No.14731654

File: c76f39a8fd75ec2⋯.png (444.23 KB, 541x992, 541:992, placebo pill.png)


heh, tell me if you recognize something in a few minutes.

7c0fe0 No.14731662


Shit, nm I am autoing my way through GO, not Baka.

cd46cf No.14731742

File: e9b578f61163fd4⋯.png (533.96 KB, 485x665, 97:133, 3.png)


I couldn't do Yggs Omega because i wouldn't even have a chance to touch the boss before it went down, so I went after the next best thing, Yggs Impossible 3-4 minutes in the raid when the boss is sitting around 50% HP. After 2 and a half hours of non stop Yggs farming with boosted item boost drop rates, snowflake main hand, and Vyrn item drop weapon equipped, I got 3 yggs sword and 5 bows/dewbranch. I guess that's a success? I'm just glad that I have a decent earth framework now, I had to fill the gaps with garbage weapons until now. Still going to try and get some more swords though before Guild Wars comes back.

7c0fe0 No.14731798


Yeah that's pretty darn good. Omega is hard to catch outside of Japan because of the latency. Try to get your fist to SSR and skill up it and your dagger. Might want to choose the Sword or the Dagger, probably the sword since there aren't any good erune in dirt. Then replace the Axe with the Yggs you are mainhanding with the Xeno sword that is coming out. Good start my dude. Also if you are running draphs and people try to coda the sword. It will go from a 15% Atk bonus for Draphs and Humans to 32% at sk15. All those extra SSRs you got make good food for the fist and sword.

cd46cf No.14731920

File: 19567c03aa8ba29⋯.png (429.22 KB, 456x644, 114:161, 12.png)


That's good to hear, I thought the drop rate was pretty underwhelming considering how many runs I did but I guess with a 2%+ drop rate it's pretty standard. For the fist I'm just waiting for the rotating earth trial to appear again, but I'll definitely upgrade it whenever I can. Character pool wise, my team is pretty garbage, I know Ayer is pretty good but I don't have much to support him with other than the Tank draph with substitute. I used to put Hallessena instead of Razia, but I figured having Razia would be better because it'll allow Ayer to dip low while she grabs aggro. Also my earth grid is pretty weak, so I don't do decent auto attack damage anyways. If you can cobble up a better team comp with what I got, then I'm more than happy to try it out.

94588c No.14731956


I think a good front line would be Ayer (Attacker), Razia (Tank), and Yaia (Buffer/Healer) with the backline being Dirt Vas and Halle (should probably 5* her before GW), you know, because RNG and all that shit.

7c0fe0 No.14731976


I would definitely run with the Baka Sword. If Yaia is 90 she can dodge tank for the team during an enemy trigger or ougi. Slot her in second then Vaseraga. Vaseraga can draw more agro than Razia and tank it better but lacks her substitute oh shit button for when you absolutely have to shield Ayer. Razia can do some decent damage with her second skill but the biuld up takes way too long for her to be a reliable damage dealer and she goes back to base damage after it is used. The uptime on Soul forge is a excellent and Vaseraga will offer more protection over a longer period as well as contribute more damage throughout the fight so over all he is a safer bet. Finally throw Ayer into the last slot. If you have the Baihu Fangstaff you can add even more hostility to Vaseraga and play Ayer a lot closer to the line. If you have Spartan you can mainhand the Xeno sword and have a secondary substitute character for when Yaia is on cooldown.

cd46cf No.14732083


Yeah that sounds like a good combination, I'll be sure to MLB Halle while I slime blast whenever this 1/2 Co-op event happens. I was going to try and get Thereo, but I'm stuck on getting 100 Lumi Anima on the 3rd upgrade and I'd rather just focus on developing my grids than doing Revenant stuff at the moment.


This sounds promising too, I'll try both and see which one I like more. I still need to unlock Spartan, that would probably be a goodfit for Ayer. I don't have any fancy weapons yet, other than some premium weapons and 6 Ygg Swords.

94588c No.14732112


Once you get Threo, I would replace Ayer. They both do the same thing though Threo is kinda reliant on enmity from the grid than Ayer is (meaning she lags behind in Magna II unless you do a Titan grid).

650732 No.14732163

File: b14df234b393912⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 599x510, 599:510, b14df234b39391229819f85c50….jpg)



Imagine going to casino and playing blackjack and only getting 14 or 15 every single time.

7c0fe0 No.14732164


Use the Oliver to unlock Tier IV. You will actually use it on the regs even off element for farming. If you want to get real fancy make it fire so you can front line Esser to use with it with when you unlock her. Once you unlock one Tier IV class you can unlock all of them. The spartan sword isn't anything special to talk about, and you will usually end up using a spear for Double Trouble II or a better mainhand sword, like a Atma, instead.


Sasara is nice for her plain nuke which will make farming shit easier. Also just wait until right before ougi to use her first skill first to get the DATA buff then her third skill for a 3000HP shield. When you ougi hit her second skill for hostility down and Jammed to play it real close to the limit with the shield as a safetynet. Yaia's ougi will give you 50% DEF up which will help ensure your shield lasts a little bit longer. Then you don't have to rely on your grid having Baal Axes for emnity.

cd46cf No.14732181


Sounds good, for now I'd think she would be better than Ayer because of my grid but once I develop it more I'll follow your advice. I'm unable to get her though before GW starts.


Already got Tier 4 Classes with Berserker and Luchador, but I got 7.5k CP to spend still and spartan sounds good enough for me to grab. Was also going to pick up Sage and Elysium too, but Elysuim boss battle is really hard for me since I don't have any Harps that'll fully utilize Superstar's bonus skills.

94588c No.14732249


Perhaps I should have clarified myself better. I meant that in a Magna II Earth grid Ayer's better because he has a Jam buff for multiple turns while Threo only has it for Ougi nuking and GZ is kind of unappealing in Stamina without a lot of heals to bring her HP back up. Does that mean she's bad? Fucking hell no, but I don't think Threo's play style fits in the new Magna meta for Earth, which is 4 katanas and 2 horns.

But I'm currently building a Primal Earth grid because I luckshitted a two AKs with on being FLB.


Despite you what you hear about Magna II, I wouldn't rush to there yet. FLB any Magna I weapons you have and skill level them to 15 before even doing Magna II shit. It's immense pain and misery here.

7c0fe0 No.14732256


>I luckshitted a two AKs


ccf763 No.14732285

File: 0e995f59431fd68⋯.gif (425.43 KB, 900x540, 5:3, 0e995f59431fd687e28a83eb0b….gif)


I just luckshitted a Murgleis. Finally water is going somewhere. Now I need a water summon, Ebisu ain't enough.

7c0fe0 No.14732298


I pulled a Freyr yesterday and two SSRs characters today but Grand never ever

8dde01 No.14732302


2 AKs isn't enough for a Titan grid, you want at least 3. Even then it's not great


Murgs aren't useful without Varuna or a strong enough elemental summon.

89ea38 No.14732356


Status update: Proto Bahamut trains have got me all the merits I need to finish the weapon and I'm now more than halfway done with the rainbow prisms I need. And I have more rusted weapons than I think I need.

89ea38 No.14732360


I forgot to add that I'm one apollo anima away from making my first Grand Order summon item.

f285a4 No.14732417

>jp wiki gives Cucouroux an 8.5/10

I don't understand this, she seems really good and better than some of the other characters they have ranked higher

7c0fe0 No.14732423


I still don't know what inert is. She is a souped up version of her SR except for that.

7c0fe0 No.14732431


Oh shit, nm it is on the wiki right now.

f285a4 No.14732469


Inert just negates the enemy's attack that turn and sometimes lasts an extra turn.

Her powderkeg skill (at 5 kegs) seems to inflict da/ta down and some other skill that has been missing in the trial battle I've been testing her in

Her 2nd skill is a stackable atk/def down that keeps hitting for 4 turns and applies more atk/def down stacks, not to mention after every ougi (2 times) it increases the damage of both the skill and the damage over time effect

Her third skill is a unique atk/multi attack up and boost dodge rate buff that you'll probably want to use on her anyway to prevent her from losing her kegs

Inert alone seems like it has its uses depending on whether or not it cancels out hp triggers, the rest of her skillset makes her a good debuffer/nuker

8dde01 No.14732477


The third effect of her first skill is delay.

7c0fe0 No.14732486


Good on you man. She seems like she would compliment Silva pretty well from the fifth position. Use Silva's fourth skill pop Cocouroux in for three turns to apply her stackable debuffs, build up some kegs, delay, and nullify an attack on ougi. Silva pops back in and you continue rampaging.

7c0fe0 No.14732548

File: 2a9c46568f9010b⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 700x434, 50:31, __makira_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

I just MVPed my first UlBaka.

I know that isn't impressive to most of you, but it is a big milestone for me.

7c0fe0 No.14732552



Now it is even less impressive

9a1a85 No.14732690

How many colossus sticks and snek daggers do I want to use in a grid?

7c0fe0 No.14732692


All of them

b47874 No.14733254


HL Lumi

Who wants a chance at a Lumi sword?

89ea38 No.14733600

File: a21c26db31f9910⋯.png (272.6 KB, 470x412, 235:206, First cosmic drop.PNG)

Got this from my Grand Order train. I can't help but feel I might have gotten the short end of the stick.

2c1a07 No.14733610


Consider it 81 free stones, unless you have some use in mind for it.

89ea38 No.14733632


What do you mean by 81 free stones? Oh, and is it safe to use the Yggs Omega bows as skill fodder or should I try to figure out how to make that cosmic bow work with the Yggs bows?

d255df No.14733778

File: 978228a14682a8e⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 522x653, 522:653, capture_002_03052018_15293….jpg)

Finally my first eternal! I'm moved.

3cd0e9 No.14733789


The cosmic bow isn't used in any common grids. It is safe to reduce for 81 bow stones.

d68241 No.14733796

File: 2d754ecbca7f850⋯.png (1.31 MB, 459x1708, 459:1708, GOmas.PNG)



You can reduce it for weapon stones, since it counts as an MLB weapon, it will count as reducing a 3* weapon.

6b3e1c No.14733850

File: d6532ff564d7261⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1000x1383, 1000:1383, d6532ff564d72616009d677b57….png)


Only ones anyone ever use are swords and guns. Only ever hear about Bal being used though.

3e2aae No.14734263

File: 87a4e50c584e75f⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1005x1080, 67:72, CdHlbwz.png)

I used to play for a little bit a year or two ago, thought about trying it out again for a while but I've forgotten how to play to be honest. Saw a ten draw up and it lured me back in.

So I'm shit and pretty casual at the moment and not even sure if I'm staying, anyone recruiting?

3e2aae No.14734292

File: afe66e497e7ec52⋯.png (82.59 KB, 645x614, 645:614, 1518206395402.png)


Balls forgot about my ID.

ID: 17588406

aec4fc No.14734785

File: f06ef7e87df56d3⋯.png (5.35 KB, 1347x79, 1347:79, 01 gw rolls.PNG)

I just managed to get back home in time to roll the alts, gotta say quite a strong start all around

89ea38 No.14734981

New day, new 10 pull that only results in a couple moons.

b47874 No.14735006

File: 4b80b5619faf281⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180504-061421.png)

So anything I picked up here any good?

aec4fc No.14735010

File: 485614669a6c09f⋯.png (7.77 KB, 1353x108, 451:36, 02 gw rolls.PNG)

Day 2 and the legfest is already over.

People are going to have to luckshit hard from now on.

e549e6 No.14735027


2 days of nothing.

The usual I guess.

aec4fc No.14735046

File: dd9ae76275aed53⋯.png (66.48 KB, 457x119, 457:119, Six.PNG)

File: 3508c84d572498f⋯.png (193.04 KB, 479x589, 479:589, Six Get.PNG)


>Bad-ish summon and low tier characters

Man, I hope you're in early game so you can at least get some use out of them.

Otherwise no, they're gonna get replaced by pretty much anything else..

On an unrelated note, I treated myself to a 4th Eternal and I'm planning to get 3 more before 5*ing them.

b47874 No.14735057


The fire guy was the third fire character I got, which finally filled up my fire team.

He has hostility and a way to heal himself. Which is great because I had Aoidos who kept killing himself through the multiattack skill being too much of a lure.

7c0fe0 No.14735092

File: 20162d37b0eec19⋯.png (489.99 KB, 625x656, 625:656, that little shit.png)

File: 20982d1a552c3ca⋯.png (709.22 KB, 639x860, 639:860, free draw.png)


Rebalance soon. Also you going to pick up the costume?

Also is anyone else getting doubles this event? Like they screwed up the draw tables or something? I got two yesterday and two today/

aec4fc No.14735142

File: e35b552619b4008⋯.png (551.56 KB, 487x436, 487:436, Seox run.PNG)


I already picked up the costune.

I couldn't run the gauntlet with my dark team because I had no melee characters, with Six, this shit got fun.

7c0fe0 No.14735179


I've been running water and it has been pretty cake as long as in the second half I only take the 5x bonus on rounds I have ougi ready. Katapiller, Socks, and Yngwie make a pretty well balanced team with a water six fist. I might run dark with Cerberus, Orchid, and Six once I unlock him.

3e2aae No.14735240

File: b70589a71b16987⋯.png (148.38 KB, 482x283, 482:283, FUCK THIS GAY EARTH.PNG)

Anyone got a link or infodump about how best to go about doing the grandsky rumble? Those character tickets look nice but I'm not really sure how to go about making a grid for mixed element melee chars, or even what kind of team to use…

aec4fc No.14735252


I made a melee team of every element and ran them thgough the Rumble with decent enough results.

Points wise, I just took whatever highest multiplier was available. I'm sure it's not the correct way to do it, but fuck it, it was fun.

Running Wind through this shit was the most fun.

3e2aae No.14735261

File: 5a27c6390cb2bc3⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DP0ntssW4AAaWf7.jpg)


Cheers something like that was what I was thinking. I should have some decent melee people available. Thanks dude.

636111 No.14735461

File: 165f2ea28a594fd⋯.png (316.45 KB, 536x383, 536:383, 4seh7fyh7sf87gyehr.png)

I feel like the free rolls only give me shit I don't need.

My 10 roll today gave me Ilsa and SR Carmelina. This is almost as bad as when I got Mahira with my free 10 rolls around Christmas

Meanwhile my fire team is suffering. It's the only element I have that I can't make a full party that excludes characters with "limited" usefulness.

3e2aae No.14735529

File: 6c817419a2c38a6⋯.png (306.48 KB, 575x339, 575:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b2caad1b5384a6⋯.jpg (260.63 KB, 1157x951, 1157:951, 4XGhrw6.jpg)

I'm so going to get assfucked trying this melee thing out.

b47874 No.14735548



You'll be fine. Don't bother much with the Multipliers, they give confusion way too often. You can still get 5000 per battle if you win without multipliers.

3e2aae No.14735562


Thanks man that's a big help, I just noticed all those bonus things and they confused the fuck out of me.

b47874 No.14735594


While you're here, why aren't you using Lyria? She's great for this event.

7b2eec No.14735601

File: d24709878762c47⋯.png (341.64 KB, 408x400, 51:50, 408px-Kirari_Moroboshi.png)

File: e520a8457d069ed⋯.png (116.47 KB, 408x400, 51:50, 408px-Urkin.png)


Alternatively, if you have the Kirari Moroboshi or Urkin summons from their respective events, you can slot them and use their calls to break the confusion on your party, as they deal a small amount of plain damage to all members and as such remove the effect. I was using the Urkin to get the max multiplier on the last fight while grinding the event, though I was rolling with a pretty decent team so the other debuffs didn't really bother me (Orchid/Cerb/Azazel).

33b1ad No.14735603

Anyone want to run assstaroth?

3e2aae No.14735618


Don't have her sadly.


I do have those but Kirari is probably level 1 or something. The urchins might be useful though will give it a try once I've gotten a feel for this.

I can finish hard so I could just grind it out slowly as I suspect extreme is going to rape me.

b47874 No.14735648


Just do the Lyria side story, that side story also gives you a summon that you really need.

3e2aae No.14735664


Oh thanks didn't know there was one out.

8fb92e No.14735683

File: 8327d0a71b4ee6c⋯.png (423.41 KB, 584x570, 292:285, abusedbeato.png)

>Have a spark ready

>Really want Cuc

>But don't want to spark

>"Fuck it I'll just draw until I get Cuc then keep the rest for my spark"

>Took 238 rolls (including the free ones)

>Only have 91 rolls left

At this point should I just finish sparking or keep them. There's no way I'm sparking this summer anyway…

4cfe3c No.14735687

File: a387715704ab635⋯.jpg (252.06 KB, 1200x1312, 75:82, 1525309721837.jpg)

What summon can I use to substitute ebisu, I know for a fact thats keeping me down in water. I'm running Grand Kat/SSR Lance/S.Izmir

e5fe78 No.14735701

File: bd9110682c954a7⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 269x467, 269:467, 1513753890006.jpg)


Finish the spark, post results. You're already too far gone.


Anything with higher than 50% elemental water attack up. Omega leviathan summon is probably your best bet on a short notice. Varuna is king.

7c0fe0 No.14735703


Snow White. You get the same defense down but also a chance for 3 turn individual sleep.

4cfe3c No.14735706


only thing I got a mlb cocytus


I dont have anything but cocytus 3*, ebisu 2* and snek 2*

7c0fe0 No.14735716


MLB snek and friend Europa

7b2eec No.14735719


Your choice of summon depends more on your grid than it does on what party members you are running. If you've got an Omega (dagger) grid, use Levi. If you're mostly Normal skills, hope you have Varuna. If you've got a mix, use the highest +elemental that you have.

4cfe3c No.14735732

File: 03684dfed65de4b⋯.png (611.49 KB, 448x792, 56:99, ywn be comfy with these gl….png)


let me show you my gearset, then, but its majority Hoarfrost shite.

4cfe3c No.14735802

File: 7e8baed0c45898e⋯.png (548.52 KB, 477x597, 159:199, I dont even know what the ….png)


heres the stuff

7c0fe0 No.14735834


Just how? Not even a why, a how is all I can muster.

4cfe3c No.14735862

File: 656ba1bc1a3f69f⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 198x225, 22:25, 1430111959047.jpg)


I couldnt even kill any pinya when the event went, and top bad luck for water, I guess/

7c0fe0 No.14735868

File: be429227b451976⋯.webm (3.36 MB, 720x576, 5:4, FUCKTHISGAYTHREAD.webm)

7b2eec No.14735879


The state it is right now, best bet would be to stick to +elemental (so in your case, Cocytus or Ebisu, and attempt to get them to 4* or 3*, respectively). Best improvement in the near future would be to get more Levi daggers, raising their weapons skills, and and start replacing the weapons with Normal skills with them. Once you get 6ish daggers in there, swap to Levi and you can start uncapping them.

4cfe3c No.14735912

File: 99eaa6239135bd3⋯.png (1.4 MB, 802x1200, 401:600, We'll meet again, don't kn….png)


what does normal skills mean? and I cant get kills on Leviathan for some reason, also my dirt team sucks. I got yaia, cagliostro, and razia, who makes everything so slow I barely get to touch Leviathan

483049 No.14735934


normal is any skill not marked as omega or EX

7b2eec No.14735957


Some required reading: https://gbf.wiki/Weapon_Skills

tl;dr; is there are three different types of weapons skills: Normal, Omega, and Ex. If you click the little Skill button in the lower right hand corner of your grid, you will see icons for the skill types you have equipped. A little omega symbol in the top left of the icon means its is an Omega (also called Magna) skill (which for water is Ezili), an EX icon means it is an Unknown skill, and anything besides that makes it a Normal skill (which for water is Water, Tsunami, and Hoarfrost). Magna summons increase the effectiveness of your omega skills, Varuna/Titan/Hades/etc. raise the respective effectiveness of Normal skills. Your overall damage is based off of your (omega skills added together) x (normal skills added together) x (EX skills added together) x elemental damage mod.

8fb92e No.14735958

File: 17c4946b441d1cd⋯.png (393 KB, 449x883, 449:883, spark.png)


I sparked

4cfe3c No.14735972

File: aa79d5a0e30fb1a⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 640x570, 64:57, 3dceb30d4e598976b8eee3a8d4….jpg)


Just post a cookie cutter build, I cant be doin with this.

7b2eec No.14735991

File: d035eda0f4c5a39⋯.png (86.3 KB, 930x792, 155:132, basic water.png)

4aa4f9 No.14736056

File: f72bbb94a24a2ea⋯.png (671.87 KB, 528x768, 11:16, murg.png)

This is your daily reminder that memerolling is a good idea.

e5fe78 No.14736059

File: 18b2100ff683761⋯.jpg (149.06 KB, 1040x780, 4:3, 1492268881918.jpg)


If you ever get varuna, consider yourself saved. Murgleis is the most powerful water weapon in the game, and things good enough to pad out a varuna grid can be obtained F2P. But thats basically a dream, for what you have now, you might want to start moving towards a standard leviathan grid. You'll want to farm 3-4 more levi daggers (DO NOT UNCAP WITH THEM UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL THE ONES YOU WANT, skill level is more important than MLBing each one), keep your water book for an EX modifier, coda that baka dagger,and consider picking up an atma/ultima sword for another element like wind or earth. Theres a decent amount of sword users in water, and they'll benefit from having the atma sword in your grid.

Another thing to note, please never ever ever uncap a murgleis with another murgleis. That is an extreme waste. Please use damascus bars with your murgleis in the future. If you ever roll a varuna and you've wasted murgleis' by uncapping one with others, you will regret it.

6b3e1c No.14736105

File: e7c35eaae3c3e30⋯.webm (11.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Platinum Sky - Bea's Eter….webm)


Treat monkey well!

708811 No.14736157

File: f4cc8954100cb1a⋯.png (245.97 KB, 494x389, 494:389, basic levi grid.png)


Here's what a cookie cutter grid should look like. Ignore the weapon numbers underneath. I just shopped over my grid

10baea No.14736199


Where does Atma go?

b7610a No.14736205

File: 1e3f8c7334266ed⋯.jpg (432.71 KB, 1256x1280, 157:160, 1e3f8c7334266ed16d9b498f86….jpg)


I got a demi Varuna on a whim from the WMTSB2 back when I was just starting to play because she was the only female summon.

How do I make a viable Varuna grid?

Also, does the skill level increase the attack value of my grid as a whole or of just that particular weapon?

e5fe78 No.14736279

File: f165d9bb061e4f8⋯.png (63.37 KB, 461x344, 461:344, katalinahop.PNG)


Well, you'll only be using an atma if your team is made up of characters who all use a particular kind of weapon. Dark, earth, wind, and fire get more use out of an atma sword than water. If you dont have three or four water sword users, you should just use a second EX. Mainhand should probably be your murgleis, its a great weapon.


Next time RotB comes around, you'll wanna grab one or two of the water axes, and possibly the shellfists. You'll want non-ancient auberons from Macula Marius, and next time it pops up, you'll desperately want to farm the fimbuls from Fenrir. Any damascus bars you get should be poured into your murgleis, at FLB the hoarfrost's might gets upgraded from Big II to Massive. It will also get trium when you get it to level 150, which is triple attack chance for the whole team. Its wonderful. If you ever work up the autism to farm the eternal Uno 5*, he is a match made in heaven with varuna, quite literally water's version of summer zooey.

e5fe78 No.14736291


Didn't see your second question, the weapon skill increases the damage of your entire grid. It is far more important to have 5 0* weapons with SL10, rather than a single 3* weapon with SL10. There are only a few exceptions, like Magna II weapons and luminiera swords.

94588c No.14736301

Which coop quest drops murakumo replica and/or samurai distinctions again?

6b3e1c No.14736460

File: 64fbb227dd54e7e⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 1200x1647, 400:549, 64697060_p0.jpg)


You have two pics in this thread:



8dde01 No.14736504


But Auberons suck though.

2315d4 No.14736534

File: c2e80faba399fb6⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 500x331, 500:331, 46e59e601a6ffc25f7c92b74a7….jpg)

>tfw MLB Varuna with a Xuanwu Mace Malus and I just pulled a Murgleis

>now I just need the rest of the grid to make this shit workable

Of all the times to want a Cerberus and Fenrir event.

e5fe78 No.14736546


They're okay if you're waiting for fimbuls or RotB maces

708811 No.14736552


chev axes are better

e5fe78 No.14736561


If you need a little bit of survivability, an auberon or two isn't a bad thing to pick up.

7c0fe0 No.14736650


Mainhand Murg and play ZA GLORY for that sweet sweet ODA resonance.

89ea38 No.14736671


I just finished farming the remaining 77 dragon scales I needed, ask me anything.

89ea38 No.14736676


I didn't mean to point it at that point, but whatever.

7c0fe0 No.14736703

And fuck you all. Because of this Murg talk I pulled the 3000 crystals I was sitting on now I can't recruit Six.

btw I drew Reunion and Tuskiyomi

4cfe3c No.14737075

File: 9178e5ea7668ad5⋯.mp4 (590.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, flavors.mp4)


lmao just luck shitted tsukuyomi from a single pull

7c0fe0 No.14737095


Oh yeah,I just pulled Monica and Fenrir

4cfe3c No.14737125

File: dea750b2e33fb1f⋯.png (408.76 KB, 501x552, 167:184, tsuku.png)

7c0fe0 No.14737140


I totally didn't even want Lecia or Tsukiyomi.

7c0fe0 No.14737401

File: 5f758ba30af0a30⋯.png (222.1 KB, 622x441, 622:441, キタ!!!!!.png)

e5fe78 No.14737651

I have a buckaroo who might want to get into granblue autism fantasy, can account anon give me a list?

aec4fc No.14737668


Gimme 5 minutes

aec4fc No.14737694

File: 0426c98ba83e4ee⋯.png (92.68 KB, 1637x704, 1637:704, Giveaway Accounts.PNG)


I wanted to put them all in a simple list and had to do some cleanup.

7b2eec No.14737968

Anyone know if Chevira's Aegis Merge defense bonus stacks additively or multiplicatively with DEF EMPs?

b7610a No.14737972



Thanks for the help, mate.

854258 No.14738152

I want to know the changes they are making to best Onee-san, please Cygames, just tell us already

acf433 No.14738167

File: cdb4a93f148ab10⋯.png (25.82 KB, 414x78, 69:13, winner.png)

Enjoy second place fgt.

d255df No.14738223

Is there something like Viramate for AndApp?

7c0fe0 No.14738334

I want to fuck Pengy

10baea No.14739236

>five harps short

Next time little tater.

89ea38 No.14739572

At what point should I stop caring about the rusted weapons? I have a massive pile of them after a few trains of Proto Bahamut.

cd46cf No.14739627


From what I understand you need a good amount of them for golden relic weapons if you want to save a gold brick from the step. I'd say to keep them in your stash and uncap them as you make room, never know when you'll need it.

50a8bf No.14739646

File: 877c627d59aac2c⋯.jpg (406.49 KB, 1380x650, 138:65, watergrid.jpg)

File: 6e0a9ce85a4026d⋯.jpg (505.73 KB, 1308x874, 654:437, waterteam.jpg)

i need some water advice. The Devil on hard gave me too much trouble, I cant easily farm the ex raid of this event and my in overall does so little damage. I think it has to do with my team comp, I can't use drang fully unless I grind 30 more chapters since his fate is gated by the story. I just need to build a team with what i got. Decided to level up that drang ball since gacha gave me 2 more that are sitting in my inventory.

e5fe78 No.14739663

File: 02bee18e08ce8d5⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1522757860946.gif)


Your first step should be to farm MLB lrviathan so yiur leviathan daggers are boosted. Second step is to uncap charlotta. Thord, put lily in the back and give Romeo his support EMPs, he can guard the team from fire attacks well enough on his own. Lastly, never ever use those drang balls to uncap other drang balls. For all you know they could get an FLB and get an insane skill, and you decided to waste two of them.

50a8bf No.14739669


I havent used the drang balls yet.

89ea38 No.14739814

File: cfcb2dab01b80d1⋯.png (378.25 KB, 481x344, 481:344, draw 5.4.18.PNG)

Now I have a Sutera to go with both Meteras.

0bd499 No.14739880

File: f459d723f96e923⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 609.89 KB, 1280x1837, 1280:1837, 16.jpg)


Congratulations. Be sure to make her watch

aec4fc No.14739910

File: 5ed2d3bd57b9de4⋯.jpg (668.8 KB, 1982x952, 991:476, Month 13.jpg)

It's been a while since I last did this and to be honest, I wanted to wait until the end of the free rolls but it's just not coming.

So I'm just gonna ignore the rolls and see what the fuck do I have to do next.

Next GW is dirt and I think I got that covered already. Besides, there aren't many dirt characters I want and I can live without Dirt La Fille and Yugu.

I guess my next step is to get ready for UBaka HL for a second Atma and get a Fist this time, Fire, Dirt and Dark would really enjoy that.

I also want to go back to collect more Eternals after 5*ing Song. I just got Six and Uno and Siete are next. All thile we all wait for more info on the Arcarum Characters because come the fuck on it's about damn time they start revealing them.

89ea38 No.14739957


I still don't know how to feel after reading that doujin. I think I'm gonna need quit my Eternal grind for a while and focus on getting Sword Master so I can slimeblast. I'm gonna drop below 100 half-elixers soon and I just hit rank 90. I still feel that my grids are lackluster though.

3e2aae No.14740071

File: 92bd34d47aeac6a⋯.jpg (475.19 KB, 1000x1289, 1000:1289, 1516791899361.jpg)


Damn you, I hate rolling with a boner I think it's bad luck. Speaking of which…

3e2aae No.14740094

File: f83ad907bc5fa30⋯.png (624.52 KB, 593x745, 593:745, ClipboardImage.png)


And there it is…

Still at least sigs a cute.

35a6fb No.14740098

File: d6f3ba803d9e56e⋯.png (853.5 KB, 638x889, 638:889, coco.png)

3e2aae No.14740102

File: 19bf84d1dc8b485⋯.png (189.75 KB, 477x403, 477:403, BIiBKdw.png)

cdcb4e No.14740384

File: 1640d5add53a24e⋯.png (899.36 KB, 1345x564, 1345:564, unknown-14.png)

who do i suptix bros?? dirt dlf or dijon? or thor? or someone else?

7c0fe0 No.14740402


Dirt le Fine to go with Brodia for that sweet sweet 10/15 50% Dirt up, shield to maximize Brodia's first skill's utility, and Sword prof. Then you just need Seig or Sasara for a full sword frontline

2c1a07 No.14740433

File: 84eb34516709cc9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.88 MB, 1006x1500, 503:750, ClipboardImage.png)

High quality censoring. Forgot to spoiler the first.

4aa4f9 No.14740642

File: c2c6539f31a4f16⋯.png (628.44 KB, 472x652, 118:163, ring.png)

File: cec4d6c33e0ff04⋯.png (440.04 KB, 633x758, 633:758, cec4d6c33e0ff04b59adcf001a….png)

So how about those intricacy rings?

e5fe78 No.14740665

File: 77a5a71e8c46b1e⋯.png (557.88 KB, 473x799, 473:799, dirt.PNG)

File: e0c2a000ad52030⋯.gif (444.94 KB, 500x362, 250:181, giphy.gif)


Meanwhile, from my coronation ring

7c0fe0 No.14740685

Did anyone else have one-click stop working for quick skill buttons in Viramate yesterday? I was hoping it would unfuck itself but it hasn't so far.

3e2aae No.14740696

File: 7e2277f9ccd7d97⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 4wyjz6mzrn3z.png)

I don't even have a clue who I should be using my rings on.

7c0fe0 No.14740702


Who do you use the most. Who are you going to be using end game? Like I don't even care about using coronation rings as soon as I get them because they dorp like candy.

3e2aae No.14740715


Ah thanks I'll juts blow through those then.

As for who I use dunno, just whatever element is needed for whatever event is going on. I guess I'll spam coronation rings in my teams and hold off on better ones for now thanks.

Never used one before so maybe I'll get good luck.

7c0fe0 No.14740725


Basically I just use one across my core characters and save my higher tier rings for my best character. If I get a shit roll on one character I used a coronation ring on I will come back to it after everyone else.

4aa4f9 No.14740726

File: e77e2798e216879⋯.png (347.77 KB, 700x643, 700:643, 8df1dc55f38a51930ee678ecd4….png)


Delete this.

3e2aae No.14740729

File: 5e31b91fa8b96c4⋯.png (664.1 KB, 578x825, 578:825, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, turns out my luck runs shit as usual.

89ea38 No.14740748


I got the same exact thing, except that I got a 9% boost to charge attack damage cap

10baea No.14740754


I gave the best ring to Zoi, because she deserved it after building my manga grids all those months ago.

2c1a07 No.14740768

File: 17d5321d0a92814⋯.png (621.81 KB, 612x870, 102:145, Lineage ring.png)


Did I win?

3e2aae No.14740778


I'd be happy with that.

10baea No.14740816

File: ee3161289521f76⋯.png (166.31 KB, 621x483, 9:7, zoi ring.png)


Not sure who to give the second one too.

7c0fe0 No.14740860

File: ab8babfae1a22da⋯.png (905.38 KB, 646x894, 323:447, coronation potato.png)


No dude, if you are are going to use a coronation ring you need to do something like this.

3e2aae No.14740874

File: 649f03b5475c41f⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 640x479, 640:479, oCKvqEi.jpg)

89ea38 No.14740889

File: 23fe3a2d32a73c3⋯.png (123.48 KB, 446x343, 446:343, all of the tiamats.PNG)

What should I do with these spare Tiamats? I keep betting rained with these instead of actual weapons.

2c1a07 No.14740896


Enjoy your 105 quartz, you'll need it.

7c0fe0 No.14740901


reduce them

3e2aae No.14740917

File: 4c17e4ca80b5e7e⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 560x315, 16:9, HEADACHE.gif)

Ugh just realised I've been just starting blankly at the screen eating bbq crispy peanuts instead of grinding for the past hour.

I really need to learn how to grind properly again.

7c0fe0 No.14740922


Dude you need to take a break. That happens to me after a week of hard grinding. Go take a bath and drink a couple of beers. Just get away for an hour or two.

6b3e1c No.14740928

File: 7cf2c69b9db295a⋯.jpg (651.9 KB, 2048x1154, 1024:577, DcCQgmvUwAEhHj4.jpg)

File: 421f8303000afaa⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 626x634, 313:317, DcCQhe7V4AEmjFU.jpg)


Grinding what?

329e56 No.14740931



>this is your brain on gacha shit

3e2aae No.14740932

File: f5582b272140553⋯.png (186.11 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 1478252982573.png)


Thanks but I just came back from like a year or something like that break. I've forgotten how to knuckle down and just get my current goals done.

3e2aae No.14740933


Just getting this event done, gotta do everything basically.

cd46cf No.14740974

File: 2ea317edf184fd0⋯.png (22.28 KB, 235x252, 235:252, ygg.png)

File: 304ec6fdbd5bb9c⋯.png (19.55 KB, 262x312, 131:156, baal.png)

I was looking up some stats, and I saw that Baal has a 10% chance to drop an SSR chest while Yggdrasil Impossible has an what I'm assuming to be 2% chance of dropping an SSR weapon. Is it more efficent to just farm Baal for the dirt sword? I'm fine with getting weapons other than the sword because I need fodder anyways.

708811 No.14740982


that's just the percent chance of the chest dropping. It doesn't detail the chance between a champ merit or an ssr weapon. Champ merits will be the more common drop in that chest.

e5fe78 No.14740985

File: d26cd921a89a78d⋯.png (26.11 KB, 589x392, 589:392, d26cd921a89a78d2a17bfef563….png)


Thats a 10% chance at dropping the chest that has a small chance of containing the SSR weapon for baal. Most of the time that 10% chest will have the champion merit. I think the total chance of getting an SSR off that chest is like 0.3, whereas the yggdrasil chest whenever it drops will always have some SSR thing inside it.

cd46cf No.14740994

File: 62871a2cf5fe7e7⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, american.jpg)



Thanks, I'll just stick with Yggs Impossible then

0bd499 No.14741052


If you are hoping for random drops without MVP go for Alex instead. Not only do you get anima for uncaps but Alex weapons are better than Ygg's weapons. Alex drops both either way.

d68241 No.14741075


You would still want to get an FLB Ygg sword grid before even trying to go for Alex weapons, and your going to need to farm Ygg a ton anyways for the earth quartz.

cd46cf No.14741080


Yeah I been leeching for the past few days with Snowflake main hand, Dragon Bar Z S10, bringing Bounty 3, and with Journey Drop boost. Only have gotten 4 swords but a decent amount of other SSR fodder to level up those swords. I'm rank 117 so I'm unable to participate in them yet, but I'll keep that in mind after I slimeblast again for a couple of hours.

7c0fe0 No.14741104


Alex weapons only drop for red chests. Rare chests drop Yggs stuff.

0bd499 No.14741107


blue chests too, if he has a good wind grid those are not hard to get.

7c0fe0 No.14741110


True, but honestly it would be worth it enough just to get the anima and 4* Yggs summon and a Yggs grid.

7c0fe0 No.14741112


>and a

for a

cd46cf No.14741143

File: 7af8145f74299fc⋯.png (469.92 KB, 466x736, 233:368, wind.png)


My wind team is pretty medicore, I have some slots I still need to fill on my weapon grid before I can do much with it. Also my wind character pool is small. I'll just stick with Yggs until I can reliably contribute to Alexiel

94588c No.14741179

Astraroth room: 5B88A

7c0fe0 No.14741194


Wind meme for Brodia is dancer with a Love eternal, (GW knife is acceptable if you don't have LE) Seofon, Niyon, and for the fourth man Mellisabelle, Lanchan, or Yuisis. You will want Arthur and/or Charlotta in yoru backline for the passive charge bonus at the start of the raid. the details change a bit depending upon your grid and such, but that is the general idea. You need to be real careful about when you use coma though.



Trummy what the HECK are you doing?

89ea38 No.14741219

File: 282498cf2a30b20⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 288x485, 288:485, why.jpg)

>last couple of days I've been riding in 30 man GO trains no problem

>today all of a sudden every nip ever is gating GO trains with rank 101+ reqs

>right as I'm so close to making a cosmo weapon

>right as one train would give me the last blue sky crystals I need for my revenant weapon

7b2eec No.14741233

89ea38 No.14741591

What Cosmos weapon should I make first?

7c0fe0 No.14741627


Depends. Balance Gun is usually the go to since Light has a lot of balance and some of the better early game wind characters are balance.

8ccb41 No.14741867


I dont know a proper way to level up. I want 105 fast to do HLs

b756b8 No.14741869

File: 2ef2008981f4dd6⋯.png (43.45 KB, 640x253, 640:253, IMG_2780.PNG)


7c0fe0 No.14741909

File: 925e1fab7c9af4c⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 588x140, 21:5, What did he mean by this.jpg)


If you are going to leech shit like that you can at least use a class that can contribute. Running hermit is dumb as HECK, dude. Since it is 1/2 coop try slime blasting instead of jumping into late game content and slowing everything to a crawl. I left because I only scored half as much honor as the room leader while running a support class and they didn't need to support two leeches.



f285a4 No.14741918

File: b1f1d2630fb29a0⋯.png (545.29 KB, 460x609, 460:609, b1f1d2630fb29a0c606cf81415….png)


fuck off luckshitter

cd46cf No.14741924


Find someone to slimeblast with, it'll level you up very quickly, give you a net postive on AP since it drops Half and Full elixers, and its other drops are worth a lot of rupees, after 3 hours of slimeblasting I got like 2 million from the drops. Now is the time to do it since its 1/2 AP on Coop for another 3 days.

2c1a07 No.14741948


HL sucks. The raids take forever, they don't drop SR fodder, and the centrum chests cock tease you every time. You're better off working on grid improvement than grinding ranks for the sake of ranks. If you still want ranks now go farm the mats for an Eternal.

2c1a07 No.14741954


>they don't drop SR fodder

They do, but with their length you could farm five from normal omegas with the time spent in raid.

89ea38 No.14742035

Can you only have one cosmo weapon at a time? I can't seem to grab the one from my share chest.

650732 No.14742038

File: 1b53a2966306a63⋯.png (322.64 KB, 364x604, 91:151, 1g152780.png)

Oy veyy :^^)

7c0fe0 No.14742045


Right now. Soon you will be allowed two. I recommend if a cosmic sword balance comes up you snag that as end game for light is sword and balance is common as fug. I reduced my balgun to snag a balsword the other day ago and I have no regrets.


wew, lad 10/10

e5fe78 No.14742055

File: 6562910aa78ffd6⋯.png (331.08 KB, 468x428, 117:107, temp.PNG)


89ea38 No.14742070

File: eab651f6c5cc643⋯.png (211.65 KB, 470x530, 47:53, cosmic blade.PNG)


This can't be coincidence. I hope they implement that change soon.

7c0fe0 No.14742082


Saber, not katana

aec4fc No.14742222

File: 8fd6838908ba762⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180502-161626.png)

File: e7d083678f74e31⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180501-102008.png)

File: f6f4a34638380cf⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180501-101935.png)

I haven't even used my Intricacy yet. I think I'll give it to Threo.

But man, these lesbian cats sure are in sync.

89ea38 No.14743523

>>14742222 (checked)

Progress update on my eternal before I nap.

150 Rainbow prisms remaining

60 antique clothes remaining

41 leviathan anima remaining

386 water orbs remaining

398 water whorls remaining

I'm so close now, it's fantastic.

7c0fe0 No.14744920

File: ee1e991431d0ecc⋯.png (636.4 KB, 635x943, 635:943, ZA GLORY.png)

So I am running my Zeus lightmeme with a Chev Sword grid, Cosmo Sword Balance, Xeno Sword, and ZA GLORY mainhanding a Devilry Ridill. Is it worth putting 3* in Spec Wpn DMG I and II? Will the damage be worth eat up six of my twenty-six *s?

7c0fe0 No.14745010


>Spec Wpn DMG I


For some reason I thought it was double sword

10baea No.14745473

File: 6b913f5b59cf628⋯.jpg (884.32 KB, 1290x1821, 430:607, dusa.jpg)


Was considering a atma fist as well since I got lucky with V.Medusa What element you looking at? Earth seems good, but with the sword already being earth that's a bunch of mats on one element.

7c0fe0 No.14745540


In light try running Zoi with Ferry. You have a four turn warm up if you bring elysium with a clear. You hit Ferry and Zoi's third after the wind up and you get four turns of beast mode with a nice Ougi finisher. It works really well on mid length fights where you can afford to have the wind up time but will want to end the battle around turn ten or eleven. Also Summer Heles isn't the best in metagame now as OD gets broken way too fast to make her kit useful.

7c0fe0 No.14745644

Which is a better mainhand for a fire Lucha running an atma sword grid with Therese, S. Bea, and Sturm; Champ Belt for the 2/5 counter and 1 turn sub with one hit hype protection or Firey Six Fist for the 3 hit ally counter on ougi?

b47874 No.14745906

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Because someone in crew chat wanted to know.

b56c7e No.14746018

File: b149b03ecee8240⋯.png (463.39 KB, 479x674, 479:674, GBF_2018-05-06.png)

After 3 days of nothing.

Thank you RNGesus

10baea No.14746045

File: b8ea400855e8b88⋯.jpg (135.7 KB, 850x744, 425:372, cold.jpg)

7c0fe0 No.14746047


Gram is an alright kinda sword. Delay, Big enmity, and small DA is nice. Needs a 4* to see if it shines in Hades.

Anyone up for ASStaroth?

27b898 No.14746076


Sure, go ahead and pop a room.

7c0fe0 No.14746112

7c0fe0 No.14746135


buffed up the room with max pots, two revives, and max power.

7c0fe0 No.14746341

Fuck my life. All those buffs gone.

27b898 No.14746376


Can't trust randos I guess. You should get back into a crew you can do this with.

7c0fe0 No.14746409


No room for me and my nip crew is just too weak to do anything with me.

ef07e1 No.14746472

Where do you get the arcarum summons? The wiki says you trade for them in the shop. Do you have to beat hard mode before they show up?

ef07e1 No.14746486


I just found it. What kind of retard would think you get the arcarum summons from the arcarum shop, right? Haha.

cd46cf No.14746810

So if I want any of the Ideans, I have to grind a specific Arcanum boss until I have enough to trade in for an uncap?

7c0fe0 No.14746840


Yes but they can also be found as field treasures with the associated route. I didn't find them much in normal but as you progress, to hard and eventually extreme, they will be less rare.

aec4fc No.14747226


I'm not sure yet.

In Fire I'm using a Shiva fist, I prefer the 20% TA up to the 30% DA. We also need to see how the Ghanda fist turns out after the buff.

Water doesn't have (or use) melee characters that much and mainhands the Xuanwu fist for Uno aniway.

Dirt might be a good choice as neither Medusa nor Yugu have self data buffs (and I just found out the Uriel fist Elemental Atk up is only 10%).

Wind doesn't really play melee.

In Light you get Amira and the maids, but the Huandlong Gaultlet is a decent enough MH.

It might work in Dark, but it doesn't feel necessary as dark melee characters all have high data.

Looks like Dirt is the only element that can make good use of it.

I made my GW Fist Dark for Seox and I have another to elementalise but I have no idea what element to make it either.

7c0fe0 No.14747287


Water fist is pretty decent. I element changed one of each for the inevitable reduction and my water one gets the most use due to using Tag Team to get some extra juice out of Silva's 4th skill. If you time it right before a boss charge attack you can swap Vane in, activate his enmity, get nailed, God mode it, Ougi and two solid attacks out of his turbo mode before Silva jumps back in.

7c0fe0 No.14747294


Shit never mind. I am sort of zoned out and thought you were talking about BW fist and not atma.

50f88a No.14747382

File: 23380a35a429ddc⋯.jpg (182.05 KB, 1072x757, 1072:757, Dcef9OSVAAAwYa6.jpg)

File: 4621a03dc696874⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 306x592, 153:296, Dcef-9QVMAAwxhj.jpg)

File: 70728e3ade38e25⋯.jpg (21.48 KB, 295x176, 295:176, DceiROyU8AEiEgU.jpg)

File: 4942ce4f0311d75⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 316x278, 158:139, DceiSmhV4AAjaZ0.jpg)

File: fdc68150ea85ca2⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 313x278, 313:278, DceiT7zVwAE--Jl.jpg)

Just solo your U.Baha HLs

1ee128 No.14747541

File: 0c3075f3754f0a9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 72.72 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 52f2ef8d5b3574977ca838211c….jpg)

Lyria is for the lewd.



The menus are the worst thing about this game.

50f88a No.14747709

New thread


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