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File: 573a0cbb180cb9e⋯.jpg (181.9 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, THQ-Nordic.jpg)

7353cf No.14325146


If you don't know anything about these publishers Koch Media and Deep Silver are incompetent kikes that published mostly shovelware and got some games from THQ while sitting on some IPs.

They made Volition make their latest garbage game I can't even remember the name and they're stuck doing nothing with Dead Island 2.

They also made the remnants of FreeRadical release Homefront 2.

THQ Nordic is actually half decent and has released a ton of decent to good mid sized games from Spellforce 3 to Elex along with rereleases of older games to modern platforms, and they hold a shitton of IPs now and are actually doing something half decent with them.

These fuckers just bought out the kikes and everything they own and are now teasing a new game by Volition and a new game by the FreeRadical remnants, Dambuster Studios.

This is good niggers, this is really good.

Its a decent company buying a shit one and making some good out of it for once in this shitty industry.



62b466 No.14325160

File: eab3327b8dff670⋯.png (42.57 KB, 750x542, 375:271, (wood erecting).png)

459f8d No.14325172

I'm okay with this until further information comes to light.

5c274e No.14325174

Nice. Its always a joy to see hopeful news while wandering in this sea of despair

85ed0c No.14325182

THQ coming back from the dead, interesting.

THQ Nordic patched Red Faction Guerilla to have DX11 support and some new multiplayer features.

92edca No.14325187


If it's anything like Agents of Mayhem it's going to be trash

>Dambuster Studios

Might actually be decent

But I wouldn't get my hopes up personally.

All they need now is take the Timesplitters IP from the turkroaches at Crytek

32db51 No.14325202


Timesplitters 2/FP on PC with proper M/KB when?

41cc8b No.14325209


How is THQ still alive? I thought they went bankrupt a long time ago? Or is this just a completely different studio LARPing with the name?

fdc527 No.14325211

File: f8db4420c708baa⋯.jpg (424.23 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, a new hope.jpg)


>one of the few hope in this god forsaken industry gobbled up one of the most horrible Jewish company in this industry

Good company acquiring greedy bad company? Is this the real life?

63b109 No.14325213

File: bff6e904d2980ef⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 300x349, 300:349, 1258971219950.jpg)


You think THQ Nordic are making a play for the ""AA" market as it were, they have a ton of IPs now so porting those to PC in HD would be a revenue stream but also backing things like Spellforce 3 gives them credit when a studio wants to publish something.

7353cf No.14325215

File: 9b032643bf88153⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 354x264, 59:44, Quaaludes.mp4)


I actually thought they still owned the IP despite Crytek Uk being shut down.

But just checked and it's owned by Crytek GMBH, such a shame.


Not until Crytek goes down, which is likely to happen since they're fucking broke.

Hunt Showdown is downright desperation at this point, hey, maybe THQ Nordic will buy them.

32db51 No.14325225


> Or is this just a completely different studio LARPing with the name?

This, they're still doing some decent work as a publisher/dev so I'm not gonna shit on them just yet.


>Not until Crytek goes down

I'd have thought the TS IP went with the Homefront 2 team considering they included that easter egg in the game and the inability of Crytek not being jewish as fuck.

7353cf No.14325226

File: c5dfee383bbeaaa⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 286x250, 143:125, FACK.jpg)


>Or is this just a completely different studio LARPing with the name

It's the later since Nordic pretty much bought everything they had that wasn't outbided by another company, like the kikes at Gearbox did for Homeworld.


>You think THQ Nordic are making a play for the ""AA" market as it were

They are, just check their catalog

Its full of mid sized decent releases and some shovelware.

Most things are for a niche audience though, I mean, these fuckers released an expansion pack for Titan Quest in CY+2

85ed0c No.14325234


Nordic Games aquired the THQ name and some of the IPs in the auction.

f05a32 No.14325235


Different company that just brought thqs remains, actually a good buy, the company failed on the backs of 100 mil homefront, still confused how that got a sequel and like 1 mil unsold udraw tablets for x360 and ps3, fuck ups killed them in spite of steady profits from other titles and licensing deals.

7353cf No.14325238

File: 163d0ad817b98af⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 763x211, 763:211, Kikes.JPG)


>I'd have thought the TS IP went with the Homefront 2 team considering they included that easter egg in the game and the inability of Crytek not being jewish as fuck.

So did I, but them closing Crytek UK probably means by law that they keep the IP, despite not having the funds to do anything with it or doing anything with it even with the funds.


8068f1 No.14325298

File: 1eb03fc0badbcc4⋯.jpeg (84.71 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, sippycup.jpeg)

THQ Nordic has been doing good shit of late which can only mean one thing

we're all going to be let down eventually

Still, hopefully we'll get a few good games out of them before then. Deep Silver has some decent shit in their library that never realised its full potential, hopefully THQ manages to fix that shit up the way it's done with Titan Quest and Darksiders and shit.

7353cf No.14325321

File: 6c5ce9befb5ad6c⋯.png (486.63 KB, 625x790, 125:158, I can't believe you've don….png)


I just want a new Joint Ops

2c7218 No.14325353

One thing of note is that Volition and Red Faction are owned by the same company again as a result of this. That's nice I guess, even if Volition has been kind of crap lately.

Maybe Nordic will continue their trend of fixing old games and make Saint's Row 2 on the PC actually work. Unless the Volition title is a remake/master or Saint's Row (1+)2


Well at least with the condition of Crytek and Nordic's expertise at company firesales them buying the IP down the road is decently likely.

47cf99 No.14325355

File: 331153bb6f21bad⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 475x493, 475:493, 193675592617.jpg)


>joint ops

>made and published by novalogic

>thread is about thq

r u dum?

7353cf No.14325359

fdc527 No.14325365

File: 75122492bdde6a8⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, slowpokeman.jpg)


>now knowing they acquired novalogic

4d42ee No.14325371



More of a reboot. Had nothing to do with the first other than Norks vs US, and instead of being a 3 hour interactive movie it's a fun 30-50 hour far cry- style game where stealth in half the game is actually important.

7353cf No.14325375



If I want to kill Norks I just play Crysis

8144fb No.14325393


>THQ Nordic is actually half decent and has released a ton of decent to good mid sized

THQ Nordic is a great publisher with terrible devs. Something I never thought I'd say about anyone, but it's true. From a publishing angle they do everything right. Their games are usually either DRM free or at least lite (eg steam but no extra shit), they support their games after launch and they don't seem to be compromising for "wider audiences" or anything of that nature. They aren't pushing excessive DLC or microtransactions and I don't THINK their games are being unduly rushed.

On the other hand, all of their games still manage to come out sub-par or shit anyway. They are very buggy and often very bland as well. Elex and Spellforce 3 being the crowning examples of blandness and buggieness respectively.

62b466 No.14325416

File: b524fd964baf80e⋯.jpg (79.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1516890322.jpg)

42273f No.14325422


Lovely. Deep Silver published Clear Sky.

7353cf No.14325430


Well, they have 4A games now

That's at least one decent dev now

42273f No.14325435


Deep Silver just published Kingdom Come.

7353cf No.14325441

File: d643b6db7a66698⋯.jpg (36.65 KB, 291x433, 291:433, BigSmoke-GTASA.jpg)


They also published Mighty Number 9 and Ride to Hell Retribution.


The physical versions, yeah

8144fb No.14325451


Just a theory, but I think they might be acquiring these studios after all the real talent has left. When a studio fails those who can will either abandon ship or be moved by the publisher, so whatever is being sold likely only includes the people who couldn't make it anywhere else.

209966 No.14325455


>They're going to be releasing Darksiders 3 soon

I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm hoping it has mechanics closer to the first game, and it adheres to established lore more. I'm not partial to the numbers crunch that 2 had, but I also need to give that some more attention too.

7353cf No.14325459


>likely only includes the people who couldn't make it anywhere else.

How do you think mid sized AA releases work?

8aff56 No.14325494


That's not necessarily a bad thing. The reason why most AAA games fail so spectacularly is because publishers make their studios hire cheap and eager college graduates who lack any sort of work experience, because they think that an employee is simply a drone you can replace. Andromeda is a prime example of what happens when your entire team consists of those people and an animation lead who has no credentials.

If THQ Nordic aren't a pack of retards they'll put a few decent people in the leading positions and end up with at least halfway decent games. You can train any talentless hack to do a good job, but it takes time.

ad02b3 No.14325499

File: 27e356ed7028b0f⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 586x649, 586:649, 2b ok.jpg)


I'm fine with this.

e33011 No.14325516





>Not knowing the entirity of Timesplitters 2 is hidden in the game files of Homefront: The Revolution

83bdbb No.14325520


I thought it was just a demo.

32db51 No.14325522



e77f86 No.14325526

File: 481b3fdfee5abc6⋯.jpg (190.48 KB, 650x389, 650:389, laughing boys.jpg)

>Koch Media


e33011 No.14325543



Fags went in and found the files when they removed Deunvo.


bc1493 No.14325548

Homefront reboot about fighting off the Commie menace and saving the USA when?

e33011 No.14325551


Don't think anyone will make a game where you have to destroy California.

32db51 No.14325559


>The TimeSplitters 2 demo appears to contain all the files from the unreleased full version of the game, but it is unclear whether full functionality could ever be restored.

Fuck me.

29d30a No.14325566

File: 06c85da68076bea⋯.png (53.19 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>agents of mayhem shit the bed so hard, the whole company ran back to a failed also-ran to try to recover

Holy shit.

6d2723 No.14325682

File: ac8b3c6b06ff69e⋯.jpg (538.16 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, IMG_20171101_114751.jpg)


THQ doesn't develop, they have studios but they haven't done a whole lot recently and SpellForce 3 and Elex were amazing games you bitch.

421b94 No.14325687


> Deep Silver publishes a game made by a Gamergater with them also using stuff from Koch Media

> A larger publisher comes out of nowhere to buy them.

Really activates the fucking almonds.

6d2723 No.14325701


>Larger publisher

Wew. THQ Nordic is tiny in comparison to Koch and DS just did so awful these past 2 years and dug their own grave, with the games by them constantly having day one DRM, Denuvo, bad developer relations and being rushed.

Also, DS is only publishing physical releases.

88c51f No.14325757

Is it the return of AA publishers ? I hope so. I remember all the somewhat janky but really fun games that used to be published late-90s/early and mid 2000s.

d77626 No.14325758


>Is it the return of AA publishers ?

We can only pray it is anon

8144fb No.14325762


Elex was terrible. I will admit that unlike Risen 2 and 3 I was actually able to stomach finishing it, but it was not a good game by any stretch.

Spellforce 3 is kind of good, but almost completely unplayable due to bugs in every single quest line. They've patched a lot of them but there are still showstoppers and it's hard NOT to be completely locked out of building companion affinity.

I never said they developed. Like any publisher, they own or otherwise fund development studios. Those studios however have turned out consistently bad games in ways that I cannot possibly blame THQNordic for outside of their choice of people to use.

6d2723 No.14325820


Elex was my RPGOTY 2017, but whatever. I thought it was a solid game, cool world, plenty of C&C, no level scaling, good quests, good factions and relatively unbuggy. I think it was a great game. I have yet to play SpellForce but I am buying it soon since my friend loves it.

27b2e9 No.14325859

Did Nordic basically just acquire the entire western AA market?

0117d6 No.14325873

now will we finally see another Saints Row that isn't shit?

I just want to bust skulls and larp as a gangbanger in muh vidya

6d2723 No.14325874


There's still Focus Home Entertainment who have Styx, Spiders Studio (The Technomancer, Mars: War Logs, Bound by Flame) and some other stuff. Kickstarter is sorta the new AA in many ways but AA is sort of making a comeback, so yeah THQ Nordic is one of the biggest players in AA at the moment.

6d2723 No.14325877


Apparently Volition is working on something and it might just be Saints Row. Wouldn't be surprised if it was, but who knows what direction they will take with the game.

63b109 No.14325880


Considering how many people are turning away from AAA and their focus on multiplayer and lootboxes, companies like this can step in to reap profits, even if they're only re-releasing HD version of old games.

1760ff No.14325987


>>14325877 (checked)

>AAA company kikes cucked.

>potential for good to descent games.

>a new saints row that might be alright.

This timeline is looking good so far tbh.

999329 No.14325989


sounds like they just throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks.

494408 No.14325996


Their last game Agents of Mayhem which is Saints Row meets Overwatch failed so fucking hard they had to let go a lot of their devs, so chances of some quality Saints Row sequel that isn't shit is kinda unlikely.

8144fb No.14326001


That too, but that at least is much better than the alternative, which is refusing to try anything new at all.

Then again, they are all about established IPs and even Elex is just more of the same (but worse) from the studio that made Gothic and Risen

999329 No.14326012


I think I'd rather have a publisher that does more than push out 4/10 games the hipsters praise endlessly.

1f68f8 No.14326058

>A thread full of cautious hope on /v/

I like it, I'd like to see more of it.

But on the topic of "THQ Nordic", I would like to know where the money for all these IP grabs is coming from. To my knowledge, during the fall of THQ, they were buying up IPs and studios left and right from the liquidation sale, Volition and the Darksiders franchise chiefly among them.

I think it would be pertinent to do a little digging, see who runs the show. Essentially, shake the tree and see (((what))) falls out, if anything.

8144fb No.14326078


Not a bad line of questioning, but their business model does look like they should be able to pull off what they are doing with their own money.

Basically, they sell large numbers of low-budget games and use the profit from that to buy IPs and produce even more low-budget games, growing exponentially. Considering THQ was a liquidation sale and Nordic pretty much only bought the shit noone else wanted, I expect their money came direct from sales of games under the Nordic name. They've been getting bigger as THQ Nordic, so they likely have more money to make bigger purchases.

That, at least, is the way it SHOULD be. Feel free to do some digging and find out if that's what actually IS.

633a77 No.14326082

maybe they will finally do something good with these properties

e33011 No.14326107


THQ Nordic buying lots of cheap IP's and doing remasters/fixes for them that keep them alive is printing them money. Red Faction, Darksiders, Supreme Commander, even the Delta Force series is giving THQ Nordic a steady cash stream without really having to spend a penny.

ffdac6 No.14326136


Did they made any significant changes to Red Faction 1 or something?

63b109 No.14326158

File: 6254e57c39e1904⋯.jpg (254.59 KB, 700x455, 20:13, 1-2.jpg)


Okay. So let's get some things down.

>In 1990, Swedish entrepreneur Lars Eric Olof Wingefors founded LW Comics AB, a company to sell and trade second-hand comic books.

>Lars sets up his comic business to start selling electronic media. Cashes in with the late 90s/early 2000s demand for Vidya.

>Loses company to please use archive.is but buys it back for 1 kr.

>At this point, they're still just selling games for their own brick and morter and online stores.

>But then Lars launches another branch as a European spanning publisher. Announces in 2011 that he's bought out JoWooD Entertainment, which include Spellforce, The Guild and Gothic among it's titles.

>2013: THQ goes bankrupt after multiple errors that it's execs couldn't stop. The auction for the game titles are held. Violition and Saints Row go to Deep Silver, Homeworld goes to Gearbox.

>Nordic though, acquire the most form this deal "US$4.9 million. Included in the deal were over 150 individual games, including the Darksiders, Red Faction, and MX vs. ATV franchises." They also got the rights to use THQ when they wanted too.

>Nordic Games acquired the Desperados franchise, consisting of Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge, and Helldorado, as well as the game Silver, from Atari, SA

>hey acquired the games The Moment of Silence, The Mystery of the Druids and Curse of the Ghost Ship, as well as the commercial rights for the trademarks Overclocked: A History of Violence and 15 Days, from bankrupt German publisher DTP Entertainment.

>acquired a number of franchises from bankrupt German publisher bitComposer Entertainment, including the Jagged Alliance franchise.

>they acquired all intellectual property from Hungarian publisher Digital Reality, including Sine Mora.

>2016: The change to THQNordic. Lars says this is because people still recognize THQ and we paid 5 mil for the rights to use it so why not use it.

>He went on to state that "on a personal note, having worked in the industry since 1993, I have a lot of respect for what THQ accomplished in the video game marketplace. Their licensed and eventually hardcore games portfolio provided a lot of fun to millions of players, including me."

>acquired all intellectual property and assets from now-defunct NovaLogic, including Delta Force

>announced that they had acquired Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy from Mobile Gaming Studios, and Legends of War and War Leaders: Clash of Nations from Enigma Software Productions.

>Actually released an HD version of Sphinx.

>2017: announced that they acquired the Rad Rogers intellectual property from Slipgate Studios.

>acquired Black Forest Games and Pieces Interactive alongside the studio's intellectual properties. They are best known for Giana Sisters and Magicka 2 respectively.

>announced the acquisition of Koch Media for 121 million EUR (150 Million US)

>"THQ spent $50m making Darksiders 2, we can produce a product of the same quality but for a lower cost. $50m is ridiculous, I can't afford that. Many of our IPs will only generate $50k a year, but it's still money. Sure, it's amounts that EA and the big guys wouldn't care about, but now we have hundreds of IPs, and in a few years, we'll have a few hundred more. It will add up to something much bigger." -Lars 2017


This guy… has been waiting a long time I think. Lars started out with comic books, then sold games, then aquired the IPs he could cheaply and now he's spending 150 mil on buying out Deep Silver. THQNordic has grown in the last 5 years.

63b109 No.14326165


>Over the years, the company added new goods to its portfolio, and established several stores over Scandinavia. In 2000, British retailer Gameplay . com acquired Nordic Games for GB£5.96 million in shares.

It was the actual webiste that bought out his company

8144fb No.14326187


50k a year doesn't pay then salary for a single programmer

bd67ed No.14326198


>>Loses company to please use archive.is but buys it back for 1 kr.

e33011 No.14326205


Mainly compatibility fixes.

63b109 No.14326208


My fault, I put in Gamezonedotcom and it got word filtered.

8c7ab2 No.14326214


he might mean $50k left overall profit after all other costs

e33011 No.14326215


50,000x150 isn't something to be sniffed at.

63b109 No.14326220


Should also put, Lars is an "Investment banker?" He has a group of holdings, not just THQ. So that's probably where he's getting his money from.



It's still a revenue stream. And considering this >>14326215

That's 7.5 mill a year. Starts small but it snowballs.

8144fb No.14326227



How many of those games can one programmer manage? The more you have the more staff you have to hire to patch and maintain them. Once you abandon them they stop making much money, so that's not an option. Maybe they have the dev studio's under contract to keep these games making money, which isn't factored into the 50k?

8f1729 No.14326236


>elex is shit


>even Elex is just more of the same (but worse) from the studio that made Gothic and Risen

t. never played elex

It sounds to me like you people are fags who can't handle the eurojank.

e33011 No.14326238


>Once you abandon them they stop making money

Err no that's not how things work. A lot of these games can be left to run idly and print in the skekels with absolutely zero investement. THQ Nordic is essentially selling second hand games and has maybe one or two small dev teams fixing up games that need fixed to be resold.

Are you under the impresion that their new games are only raking in 50k?

633a77 No.14326279

if they carefully keep releasing new product

without like wasting 50million on Darksiders 2 (even thou the game is good it didnt succeed) and coming out with devices that dont sell

i think we might see return of mid-budget titles, they of course have to keep this up with steady releases

999329 No.14326288


europeans aren't exactly known for making good games, even back 20 years ago. there's a reason euroshmup is its own genre and is generally looked down upon massively.

8f1729 No.14326289


THQ Nordic has been doing steady releases since forever. That's their entire idea, I'm super glad that they also are willing to support small RPG projects like SpellForce and Elex.

7f54db No.14326389

File: 6d23f27ade07cb6⋯.jpg (39.86 KB, 201x203, 201:203, Sawyer.jpg)




>Taking risks and seeing what gets popular is bad

>Europeans aren't known for making good games

Let me guess, you're a shit eating weeaboo that plays the same iterative fucking garbage year after year and thinks Japan can do no wrong.

Likely thinks the whole western industry is also shit despite having no taste.

Now am I right or am I right?

999329 No.14326407



>a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of a rehash

>taking risks

Is this even a discussion worth having if you think that elex isn't gothic for the 7th time?

8f1729 No.14326413


Elex just used the tried and true core of Gothic and put it in a new setting with some new gameplay elements. There's nothing wrong with that. Do you want level scaling, random loot and QTEs because it's so modern?

999329 No.14326417


>Elex just used the tried and true core of Gothic


>the same iterative fucking garbage year after year

I do in fact think there's something wrong with rehashes, yes. I'd much rather see new ideas explored in the game industry. You know, risks instead of continually trying to bank on the nostalgia of "remember gothic 1/2? we made it again, just with a different name."

f9d135 No.14326420


Needed jetpack upgrades. Such a waste.

8f1729 No.14326432

File: f3e43703282e6e6⋯.png (1.78 MB, 3249x2437, 3249:2437, f3e43703282e6e6611a9e41911….png)


>year after year

<when PB titles come out on average every 3-4 years

>new ideas

<when jetpack, ranged combat and verticality was explored far more than any previous titles

>bank on nostalgia

<when they never even tried to bank on nostalgia

You sound like a retard. You are basically saying that if someone made a new Ultima it should be made by Bethesda, be open world, have random loot, level scaling and the world should be procedurally generated. The gameplay core of Gothic (no level scaling, tough as nails until you build up your character, amazing sense of progression, choice and consequence) works perfectly and there's nothing wrong with reusing it, it's what the fans want and pleasing the fans should be your number one priority since they are what keep you afloat in the first place.

999329 No.14326444


So essentially, its ok when eurodevs do it, but bad when anyone else does. Do we have a name for people like you?

8f1729 No.14326468


Jetpack boost sometimes felt like you didn't have enough, they should have added a way to keep your thrust vertical instead of horizontal to cover large distances, there sort of is a way by aiming a ranged weapon while jetting, but it's not really the same.


I never said if it was good or bad. I just said that using a core that works isn't a bad thing, there's a difference between rehashing and making a new world, new lore, new enemies, new weapons, new characters and new everything, but just reusing the gameplay balance of being weak shit until you build your character and then wiping everything and just making the same game all over again. Have you ever played Elex? Of course you haven't. You probably only play weebshit and "good" AAA EA shit like most faggots on this board do.

8f1729 No.14326510


>thrust vertical instead of horizontal to cover large distances

Wew, other way around I meant.

7353cf No.14326542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>its ok when eurodevs do it, but bad when anyone else does.

Except Nips do the exact same thing and are praised.

And I'm one of the guys that praise them for that.

Get some fucking taste and a brain while you're at it.

d939fd No.14326549

I hope they keep Volition far away from a new Red Faction game still.

a02d82 No.14326554


>its ok when euro trash recycle the same game since 2002 despite 7/8 of their attempts being shit

We all played elex when it came out. Most people realized it was just risen/gothic with sci fi. Its ok when theres 7 bad games with the same formula and 1 ok one though, right?

8f1729 No.14326583



At the moment they've made 7 games, first two Gothic games were good and first Risen was good, I enjoyed Risen 2 and 3 but the popular opinion was against it but Elex was received as a 7-8 out of 10 by actual RPG fans, so 4/7 is a good result I'd say, especially since Gothic 3 had development issues and had to be rushed out of the door and Deep Silver and Piranha Bytes had disagreements over development.

a02d82 No.14326608



Whats a dynamic ip newfag

>enjoying any risen game

Someone with such shit taste isn't even worth listening to.

8f1729 No.14326627


>whats a dynamic IP

The thing you say after someone calls out that you are a samefag.

>Someone with such shit taste isn't even worth listening to.

I'm sure you are cool for just going along with the popular opinion sweetheart.

e6185c No.14326630

File: 5ae91471cc6fdbd⋯.jpg (203.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_6030.JPG)

Guys, you realize what this means right?

Saints Row is finally back in the hands of THQ. Deep Silved owns the rights to Saints Row, and since THQNordic now has Deep Silver, they have Saints Row back.

e6185c No.14326633


*Silver. God damn I can't spell.

63b109 No.14326636


Not just that. Big games like Metro Exodus are sure to turn a profit.

44fd63 No.14326647

File: 1ac021b6ef146e0⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, silved.png)



84e9eb No.14326649

Not surprising

Their CEO all but admitted he wants to dominate the AA market

370e10 No.14326659

File: ae3e98d6702403f⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1280x923, 1280:923, 1501443027375.png)


I don't have much to add to the conversation other than pointing out that you're fucking retarded.

>So essentially

Phrases like these usually leads to people warping what the other person was trying to say. No retard, he's saying that building upon a static foundation (that fans enjoy) isn't a bad thing as long as you put effort into everything else.

39d5a5 No.14326661

>In a surprise move, THQ Nordic acquires Kich Media

Was this faggot so surprised he forgot how to type

Either way, this is rather interesting news.

2018 is kicking off with quite a few bangs it seems.

d939fd No.14326665


If they let volition handle it fully; it will be complete trash

If they get one of their own directors and producers to manage the whole project we can actually see a real SR3

1de19d No.14326674


I wouldn't mind a release of Saints Row 2 with some much needed fixes. The orginal PC port was simply atrocious.

8f1729 No.14326679


I don't believe that Agents of Mayhem was made by Volition willingly and it was a Deep Silver idea, but you never know. I hope that they can return to roots as SR fans have been begging.


Also a PC port of Saints Row 1.

23f8fc No.14326681

File: 41200fd6742c612⋯.jpg (126.82 KB, 350x739, 350:739, 1416814898768.jpg)


Remember though the original THQ is dead, however THQ Nordic has been pretty good in at least keeping a bunch of older games updated and in circulation as well as porting older titles to newer systems. Personally I hope this means we can finally get an SR1 port or at least a fixed version of SR2 on PC maybe even add the dlc that is still exclusive to the console versions.

This also means that Red Faction & Saints Row can be part of the same universe again.

c6cbe4 No.14326687


It's funny because it's under completely different management, but they have managed to acquire all of THQs IPs except licensed shit. So they are like THQ reincarnated without the "used games sales hurt the industry" assholes in suits. I have some hope.

485b5a No.14326689


THQ Nordic has been doing this for a while now and I can't say I'm displeased with it. It seems like they actually like to make and publish video games.

They also made Bugbear get off their lazy asses to finally start working on releasing Wreckfest in full instead of keeping it the literal wreck it's been.

As long as they keep doing this and keep making half decent to decent games while actually putting in effort then I'm all for it.


Fuck that, I want a new Delta Force, nigger.

7353cf No.14326778


>Make new Delta Force

>Use the base of that game to make Joint Ops

Why not both?

27cd47 No.14326789

File: 74e01937330a4be⋯.jpg (90.51 KB, 607x743, 607:743, mystery druids.jpg)


Based Swede? On MY board?

485b5a No.14326810

File: 4f57021f24bd0ed⋯.jpg (307.33 KB, 1600x1640, 40:41, 4f57021f24bd0ed3184c3e0598….jpg)


I can dig it.

3283ab No.14326837


kike detected

dfd9b1 No.14326864


>In May 2014, they acquired the games The Moment of Silence, The Mystery of the Druids and Curse of the Ghost Ship

Yretery remake when?

7353cf No.14326865

File: 4b7aae5ac0046e6⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 620x355, 124:71, Dominions-5-Warriors-of-th….jpg)

File: bed511bdc15a5f2⋯.jpg (441.8 KB, 1539x2232, 171:248, total_war_warhammer_box.jpg)

File: 372c6bc420b01e1⋯.jpg (270.26 KB, 1063x1500, 1063:1500, WRD_CoverArt_EU.jpg)

File: ee3e4a88668a6fe⋯.jpg (103.88 KB, 500x708, 125:177, crysis_box.jpg)

File: 7a4c55a7f81b264⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 672x372, 56:31, World-in-Conflict-672x372.jpg)


None of these exist apparently

70c094 No.14326868


THQ is a vengeful phoenix. Had their IP's bought by incompetent losers after their death only to buy them back after being resurrected.

A great story of success and redemption, if you ask me. I just hope they'll get the TimeSplitters devs to do something cool this time and not a shitty sequel to a shitty game fucking nobody asked for.

27cd47 No.14326882



I sometimes wish there was a quick way to check how big % of a studio is actually the same as when they did their last hit.

7353cf No.14326884


>A great story of success and redemption, if you ask me

It's not the same guys

THQ is just a brand and barely anyone if any from the original company works at THQNordic right now.

It's just a rebrand

880169 No.14326887

I'm still reserving judgement until they bring Destroy all Humans back from the dead, preferably with the original devs somehow.

eadfd8 No.14326926

File: 731ed35f7b1b44c⋯.jpeg (23.3 KB, 450x461, 450:461, CF37C497-5DB4-4F1D-A88D-C….jpeg)

Does this mean we’ll finally get Ride To Hell: The Other 99%?

c6cbe4 No.14326937



This, they aren't even the same company. THQ died rightfully because the execs were kikes who thought you are a criminal if you buy used games.

7353cf No.14326986


Original THQ took some changes and published some top tier games though.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Supreme Commander, Homeworld and Dawn of War/Company of Heroes come to mind

They were like Sierra but with more licensed garbage being pumped out at one point.

c02a78 No.14327026



I remember playing lode runner (some number?) in windows 95, good times.

c6cbe4 No.14327045

File: a050bd013a435b6⋯.png (323.81 KB, 1440x2092, 360:523, 20180214_123119.png)

File: 0f5082ea9d5c025⋯.jpg (189.34 KB, 1327x613, 1327:613, Screenshot_20180214-122823.jpg)


Yeah, they published some of my favorites but the execs became massive kikes over the course of seemingly only 2 or 3 years. Pic related and this is only the start of it. I seem to remember one of their suits writing an editorial that was supposed to make people feel bad for buying used games but I can't find it now.

fdc527 No.14327055

File: 6364f0e46f62deb⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 540x296, 135:74, angry screech.jpg)




Maybe after next expansion

633a77 No.14327060

this outfit is apparently based in Austria thou

a0a708 No.14327067

File: 61f0cd367b3bb5d⋯.png (655.59 KB, 800x585, 160:117, feelsrad3.png)





>Both franchises get rebooted as one

>Spec Ops style

>Combined arms warfare at its finest and shiniest

>Back to fighting in Indonesia

>Still fighting rebels trafficking drugs and shit

>Story-wise the rebels are backed by Norks and Chinks

>Basically Neo-Vietnam

>WW3 is raging in the rest of the world with the NATO forces being mostly looked over by the rest of the world, staffed by mercs and such

>Both sides commit all sorts of atrocious war crimes

>NATO can use things like WP and Napalm, gas with NBC suits to counter it, interrogate NPC civilians, burn down the jungle FC2-style etc.

>Rebels can get absolutely fucked on drugs and go into Obrez and machete-wielding fits, use punji sticks, dig tunnels, drive suicide tuk-tuks, etc.

>In a singleplayer campaign, the rebels could be trafficking what is essentially Nectar from Haze

>In a campaign start out as a gook child soldier fighting for the rebels in a rebel-controlled village that sometimes gets shitstomped by NATO forces, later defect to Indonesian government forces, being everything that Haze wanted to be, but failed at

>Multiplayer is the same tacticool chaotic fuckfest it's always been with extra war crimes

>Uses Euphoria physics for extra CUHRAYZEEness (Think of dynamically dangling from a Blackhawk fast rope after its tail rotor was blown off causing it to uncontrollably spin before crashing into an Indonesian orphanage)

I'm not sure if it would be awful or fucking amazing.

0019c8 No.14327084

>No Battle for Bikini Bottom remaster

Wake me up when real news happens

fdc527 No.14327089

File: 3e2875a4993bf43⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 640x696, 80:87, [Angry Screech].jpg)


>Spec Ops style


4204e8 No.14327107


>This also means that Red Faction & Saints Row can be part of the same universe again.

Holy fuck I didn't know this. I need to play Saints Row ASAP.

a02d82 No.14327115


Where do you think we are? Eurotrash cock gobblers like yourself are the popular voice of the board. I think even most pirahnah bytes fans have higher standards than you.

a0a708 No.14327123

File: 8e3537ef2ab0251⋯.png (71.07 KB, 853x543, 853:543, RadBear.png)


That's the point.

I don't mean just making a 6 hour long rendition of Heart of Darkness with no relation to the original series though.

I just want more interactive war crimes.

1f579a No.14327137

File: 8e29f83302d58e4⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 600x687, 200:229, hope for man.jpg)


>actually good news in the industry for once

1f579a No.14327150

File: d72d073cc9a25be⋯.png (367.75 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Nice.png)


>all the dumb "LOL SPACE ALIENS" and "LOL SUPER POWERS" shit might actually leave the Saints Row series

880169 No.14327175


I wouldn't count on it, Volition's method of making saints row is akin to DBZ style power surges. We gotta add more, more broken powers, more reddit memes, more 4th wall breaking, more meta, more reasons not to ever use a car or a real gun, more ways to rehash that one map we made for Saints row 3 without the casual noticing, more setpieces, etc. I'm pretty sure at this point the option they have left is to just reboot, but if they go back to saints row 1 where it's just a normal GTA game, the normalfags are going to hate it.

880169 No.14327186

>normalfags are going to hate it.

*and thus will either end Volition definitively or they just go back to making more WACKY ZANY SAINTS ROW GUISEZ for the remake of the sequel.

Forgot to add that last bit.

83bdbb No.14327226


At least they have a way to make it different from GTAV: Being focused on giving the player tons of things to do from the start instead of just adding new cars to online every few months

d01451 No.14327263


Shit that's neat.

51cec1 No.14327410


I'd really like to see another good Red Faction game but I don't know if they ever embraced it properly and would not just make it full stupid and self-aware at this point. Who knows if anyone from those days even still exist on those teams too. I'd settle for a remaster of SR2 at least, what a mess of a port I know I specifically do not want to see a SR/RF crossover bullshit thing..

f25b0d No.14327425

File: 23f1e0461236520⋯.png (242.76 KB, 578x667, 578:667, NEVER EVER.png)


>mfw Nexus 2: God slayers

>mfw Nexus Prequel: Corporations wars

dca217 No.14327453


>For once

>Good things happen less.

>The Mega Man version of this image gets posted less.

I knew there was a reason.

712110 No.14327474


Darksiders 3 is going to be garbage. The videos they showed killed any and all hope/hype I had.

27cd47 No.14327514

File: a517e35fd74e537⋯.png (6.69 KB, 381x45, 127:15, ClipboardImage.png)



Go to C&C thread, hit CTRL+F and search "burgers", watch webum.


And the worst part is that they'll release it anyway, because they've sunk too much money into it by now.

c43a34 No.14327564

>THQ returns out of fucking nowhere

>they rebuy relic

>they make a good warhammer game again

Oh God make it so.

7353cf No.14327569


>They rebuy Relic

Sega owns Relic, it's not happening

27cd47 No.14327571



"""Relic""" isn't the guys who made Homeworld or DoW anymore.

481e49 No.14327572


Let the poor Anon dream.

434863 No.14327581


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

c43a34 No.14327587

7353cf No.14327606

File: b2f378d2b057b8d⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0227_014_0.jpg)

File: 8d93c6093abfb77⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DIu_PbgXgAAfDJq.jpg)

27b2e9 No.14327612


This. Closest thing to old Relic now is Blackbird Interactive but they don't own the rights to Homeworld. That said they have been scaling up their operation in the last several months rather significantly, so I wonder what's next for them, not counting the NASA collabs they've been doing of course.

a0a708 No.14327697

File: 08599d685e14299⋯.png (72.71 KB, 853x543, 853:543, RadBearAmended.png)

873cac No.14327755

I want a new red faction game with all the good shit from Guerrilla with a less empty world tbh

24bb54 No.14327784

File: 555a7d1897fbcab⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1442486586625-0.png)

>new Delta Force/Joint Ops

>maybe a real Saints Row 3

40ee77 No.14327865


totally not unnecessary bloat

7353cf No.14327897



e33011 No.14327906


>The entirity of Timesplitters 2 is potentially at our fingertips

>Unnecessary bloat

Think about what you've just said.

880169 No.14327919


You need to up your bait game.


Really if anything Homefront is the REAL unnecessary bloat.

c6cbe4 No.14327928

File: 50309ba4936c021⋯.png (239.02 KB, 600x542, 300:271, bdb4b26da58def1de84943515b….png)


>old Relic

>nothing but white dudes that like Warhammer

>new Relic

>half numales, a quarter asian manlets and a quarter womyn

Total mystery as to why the new games are bad.

7353cf No.14327930

File: b815ecea77d6823⋯.png (170.98 KB, 500x1022, 250:511, Computers for the rest of ….png)

873cac No.14327959


I didn't even insult Guerrilla you sperglet.

29d30a No.14327973


>Deep Silver publishes a game made by a Gamergater


485b5a No.14327974


>>new Delta Force/Joint Ops

As much as I would love it if they actually did this, I wouldn't seriously hold my breath for it.

7353cf No.14327978


DoW as a franchise is likely dead

Just like cuckchan, the place where you got that image, is dead.


He's talking about Vavra

c6cbe4 No.14327985


I wouldn't count on it, time to download more Soulstorm mods.

7353cf No.14328056


>Cuckchan bastardized rendition is Wojak

No fuckoff back to your shithole

>if mobas werent popular they wouldnt even make dow 3

I'm 50/50 about that it might actually be the case but I can't be sure.

IF it was true it's fucking retarded

Total Warhammer and Battlefleet Ghotic came years before it and proved them wrong.

3f0a14 No.14328075

File: 99b0284661d8193⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 400x323, 400:323, mccainmouthgape.jpg)


>"THQ spent $50m making Darksiders 2, we can produce a product of the same quality but for a lower cost. $50m is ridiculous, I can't afford that.

Holy shit, a publisher CEO who can actually budget things properly.

3f0a14 No.14328092


>A lot of these games can be left to run idly and print in the skekels with absolutely zero investement

That's one of the big pros to creating PC games now, instead of only making money in the first week of release, years later you can just throw that same game on a Steam sale several times and get free money doing jack shit.

7353cf No.14328161

File: ab78b7afd8277eb⋯.png (71.02 KB, 500x503, 500:503, good night 4chan shite.png)


>it makes sense from the suit point of view

Can't disagree with that, cuckchanner

880169 No.14328199


Wait, why is he a cuckchanner for posting the feels meme again?

7353cf No.14328242


It's a cuckchan derivative that's being cuntposted there.

f25223 No.14328295

File: 03be89fc3c000c7⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 240x240, 1:1, shrug cat.jpg)


Might be interesting, but then again maybe not. thqn never released anything of interest to me so it's whatever.

192038 No.14328318


Now if we can just zombie resurrect the corpses EA keeps in its basement the same way.

b1cfa9 No.14328334

File: e6aecde22a3e066⋯.webm (5.48 MB, 640x296, 80:37, Freespace 2 Admiral Aken ….webm)



c11934 No.14328362

File: 1345d97c5725ed9⋯.png (507.76 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 086D7778-FF10-4678-8764-A8….png)


Wait that means THQ Nordic has now owns the whole of the Red Faction series including related games like Saints Row.

I'm OK with this.

d939fd No.14328393


Never because Interplay is still alive and owns the IP.

7353cf No.14328419

File: 7221d99ea604f23⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 500x684, 125:171, Make it Swole.jpg)


Interplay is selling all their IPs to the highest bidder though.

I don't know why THQNordic haven't gone around to it, I heard they're asking for pocket money.


033c4b No.14328489


call me a faggot but i found the superpowers fun desu

4e7ea0 No.14328505

dc74df No.14328526


>This is good niggers, this is really good.

You can't name a single person or personnel particularly responsible for any of the gaffes you mentioned. The conclusion being you aren't qualified to forecast whether this business action is good or bad.

Please realize this soon.

c11934 No.14328571

File: aab09a99a74a8cb⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 400x1103, 400:1103, aab.jpg)


So you would rather have niggers shooting people for no reason over super powers and dildo bats?

Fucking off cunt.

fd429b No.14328581

File: ff9e6081357b637⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, Mirror Broken.jpg)

File: 1a3266a056967cf⋯.jpg (510.65 KB, 1041x1600, 1041:1600, Swole Picard 2.jpg)

File: ba425e3e30d971b⋯.jpg (274.05 KB, 500x769, 500:769, Swole Picard Cover.jpg)

File: b12194c953ae248⋯.jpg (380 KB, 1041x1600, 1041:1600, Swole Picard.jpg)

File: 117d7ee33cb3bc8⋯.png (427.01 KB, 600x731, 600:731, swolecard.png)

7353cf No.14328611


What is he trying to say?

And that's a dev executive from Grimlore Games cakeboy, not a THQ publishing one.


>you aren't qualified to forecast whether this business action is good or bad.

In the long term revenue of both companies?


As a consumer who cares about quality control and new products?

I am


Swole Trek is best Trek

880169 No.14328638



I hope Sonic isn't going to get pozzed by them, the last thing the poor bastard needs now is more cancer.

ef364a No.14328660

File: 22476e5764b51c9⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1168x1192, 146:149, 22476e5764b51c95c77100d7bb….png)


Swolecard best Card

Best Trek too

dc74df No.14328666


>As a consumer who cares about quality control and new products?

Concern without investigation and reason is nothing more than panic and empty speculation. Come to the table with something concrete.

1676bf No.14328910

I never liked THQ, but i do know Deep Silver is another cancerous IP prison and a notable flopfest company.

Glad it's the goy outbuying the kike this time around.

8ffc9a No.14329228


Why does that sound familiar?

f05a32 No.14329240


A new entry anyway, ive seen better selling more promising ips with actual value get nothing like homefront the why. I also played the game andi can only say the people looked pretty nice, it was mostly trash.

1f579a No.14329241

8ffc9a No.14329245


I've seen a lot, your point?

f05a32 No.14329254


Id buy the fuck out of kingpin and descent if i had that sort of cash, id even try and do a re release of descent to undermountain. Also stonekeep.

1f579a No.14329255


>I've seen a lot


880169 No.14329256


THQ used to be a prolific shitposter of games, only unlike most license whores, they would occasionally pull a decent game from their ass, like the Granstream Saga or that one Spongebob game that's worth a shit, and near the end of their life tried to do original games, and fucked up horribly with something called uDraw.

126c63 No.14329260


>I've seen a lot, your point?

You slut

8ffc9a No.14329261


Ah okay, that makes sense


Do you look at dicks and immediately like them? That's strange, you are strange

e33011 No.14329266

File: 61ceb75313d905e⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1819x571, 1819:571, 61ceb75313d905e729c989c644….png)


If it's done by the people who made this I think you don't have to worry about poz, only Swole Sanic though seriously writers from this don't seem to be from their regular poz crowd

133ac8 No.14329280


Is that real? It looks so awkward, like they edited in pictures of Card instead of drawing him.


I thought he was Locke from Lost at first.


>I've seen a lot


62b466 No.14329283


They pretty much did trace over scenes from the show on many panels, but this is an example of good tracing.

e33011 No.14329293


>Is this real

Swoleness is as real as true gains get.

8522c7 No.14329298


looks like Hila Klein (jew). I would have posted it on H3H3 sub if I had some fucks to give

1f579a No.14329302

File: d002739d2c51b26⋯.jpg (20.17 KB, 530x464, 265:232, bert.jpg)


>Do you look at dicks and immediately like them?

I don't look at dicks in the first place, anon.


I'd say you'd be banned because >muh nhatzees but they're probably such fucking memesters that they'd let it slide

6c3a0a No.14330175




a7ee30 No.14330201


>Earthworm Jim



>Heart of Darkness

>Citizen Kabuto





No anon, you're shit

f25b0d No.14330235




are we talking about the same game?

23f8fc No.14330315

File: fe0a57414c5bd6f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, 206420_20170305172646_1.png)

File: 93c8ff5ac767ce2⋯.png (79.11 KB, 291x343, 291:343, 93c8ff5ac767ce296fe4b1d0cd….png)

a7ee30 No.14330379

File: 17fa431b9e03386⋯.png (9.65 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 17fa431b9e033864d9b831d133….png)


>It's real

f25b0d No.14330427


>no qt AI companion

what is that battlezone?

62b466 No.14330461


Saint's Row the Third.

23f8fc No.14330486

File: 190091e5d4efa52⋯.png (741.6 KB, 767x720, 767:720, a6c6f79483354c00a1327f3b91….png)


It's SR4 actually

1f579a No.14330487


That's Saints Row 4.

The game is fucking stupid.

f25b0d No.14330488

File: cb3202c50f8e879⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x385, 100:77, 1432228752515.jpg)



Those fucking faggots

450dc1 No.14330494


you forgot Fallout and Jagged Alliance

a7ee30 No.14330591


They don't own those anymore

7a7927 No.14331808


How the fuck do you not know that Fallout is now owned by Bethesda?

5e3419 No.14331915


Life's better when you pretend it isn't

d29a4c No.14331982


Better than 3rd. 3rd was not only a massive disappointment, but also a completely shit game in every way, on it's on. 4 at least tried to be Crackdown.




Very nice

d29a4c No.14331986


I only clicked two fucking post numbers. Someone else is going to take responsibility for this.



84e9eb No.14332037




Hopefully never

FS3 would never live up to expectations

882a20 No.14332061

Does that mean we'll get to Cheeki Breeki in the future?

7353cf No.14333926


Please no, S.T.A.L.K.E.R in current year would be impossible to achieve again, they could make new game with the Xray Engine which would still have massive limitations and would likely be too similar to previous games.

But an actual sequel would be impossible to be good.

38a534 No.14334185


I'm sure Stalker IP still belongs to GSC and not to THQ Nordic.

f25b0d No.14334267


>FS3 would never live up to expectations

yes it would!

fdc527 No.14334306

File: 689309afcdc3ba6⋯.png (877.4 KB, 600x882, 100:147, waning hope.png)

fdc527 No.14334307


fug i forgot to remove the flag

de69f4 No.14334375


I hope they do a true sequel to SR2. Resolve the story and go back to SR2 levels of customization and stuff to do.

2c7218 No.14342575


Holy shit! This car has a CD player?

I'd prefer they made a Saints Row: Vice Kings prequel instead of something in a modern setting. Historical settings are fun for GTA-likes

8ae388 No.14345294


The new character they added looks like she's supposed to represent blacks.


I really hope I'm wrong about thinking the Timesplitters Rewind team is gonna fuck up.

46454c No.14345547

File: ce014a8bda64180⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 480x475, 96:95, 1498328248648.jpg)


>Red Faction and Saints Row may still return.


6e19e7 No.14351698

File: b6651756e7b9773⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 427x304, 427:304, Ahh.gif)

Shit's getting interesting, lads.

b2c881 No.14351770

File: 7d6c2b90efce2fd⋯.jpg (203.97 KB, 977x600, 977:600, dex.jpg)

I just want a FUCKING conclusion to Dex.

880169 No.14352053


>Swole sonic & Buffles

Sounds like a fucking god tier comic now that i think about it.

23f8fc No.14352262

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

4fef8d No.14352650


>Holy shit, a publisher CEO who can actually budget things properly.

I thought the majority of a games budget goes to marketing, while shit in the actual game usually has recycled or straight up stolen assets. Unless it's something that spirals out of control like Deus Ex.

b2c881 No.14353804

File: 185a07b90895e3a⋯.gif (498.49 KB, 500x281, 500:281, sick of this.gif)


I've seen that video several times already, and I STILL get pissed when Volition tells the story of how Saints Row 2 happened. They were so incompetent, so goddamn lazy that they couldn't even be fucking assed to change an animation or two and just left it the fuck in. It wasn't even supposed to be the actual fucking ending to the game, but they were THAT FUCKING AWFUL at their job that they let a mistake dictate the ending of and backstory for two of their most important games.

God, the series is a fucking fluke and I have zero hope for a legitimate third title.

b3fcad No.14364030


Creative Assembly needs to get the 40K license

7353cf No.14364713



Total War is fucking shit for 40K

Eugen Systems however need to get the 40K license and make a Wargame themed 40K game.

594aa6 No.14364751




I'm unsure if it means anything since he was also a part of Agents of Mayhem, but it seems like something is happening.

7353cf No.14364848


I just want a good game

87fc0d No.14375475


was there another joint ops gamenight for /v/ mod 2.5?

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