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Ya'll need Mises.

File: 862e5e987895cb1⋯.jpg (46.05 KB,640x545,128:109,ronpaul.jpg)

 No.105511 [Open thread]

Welcome to /liberty/, your board for libertarian discussion.

Now on 8kun!

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julay.world/liberty was the biggest but they had a big purge

That board was migrated to hoppe.sama but they had technical problems

The same board migrated to 8chan.moe/liberty

For whatever reason that group does not like 8kun. There's also decidedly more anime and larp posting.

There's also 9chan.tw/libertarian

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File: 7e74d43b0056f69⋯.jpg (144.05 KB,838x996,419:498,wesker.jpg)

 No.105858 [Open thread]

Taken Target Objectives (Facet):

Goldman-Sachs: Monitoring of civilian candidates for intelligence for highschool theater.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Spyware given projection of Latterday Saints Tabernacle projects.

Narcotics Anonymous: IDF bail bonds recruitment for accounting and architecture review, to replace Archdiocese.

Scientology: Arrests given information of refusal of political candidate, factory union recruitment of "Scottish Police League", Los Angeles Sheriffs Division.

The Nixon Sheriffs Division: Casino and cruises benefits, for speculation on worldwide sports competitions through disability support charities.

Framingham DEA: Distribution of Fentanyl, death row chemical intended to cause narcosis given injection of morphine until fatality, humane death in exchange for following public mandate of guilt.

Def Jam Comedy Central: Trafficking of documents and blueprints related to DC Comics, however under rogue purview, outside of FBI supervision; under direction of Winter Hill Gang, Capcom Games.

Rockefeller RCMP Canadian Police: Distribution of codes of logic, to cause vectored deployments of United States military, for slave captivity of Catholic Vaticans under sepia unions of India Arabia.

Marvel Comics: MI-6 prints of diamond bets under land baronies, enforcement of Magna Carta at slavery of English Knighthoods.

United Health Associates: GHB injections of athletes, for benefit of jailed inmates, if refusing marriage to dominatrix, state police adjunct having infiltrated for husband in captivity from espionage community.

Marine Lawman's Act: Enforcement of Gennero Angiulo's DNC acts, of common news referal, out of Cumberland FOX Rhode Island and slavery of stolen children from arts academies in private military compounds.

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File: fa5caaf2902e77f⋯.jpg (57.68 KB,750x562,375:281,Prophecy.jpg)

 No.105857 [Open thread]


Here is an archive of 2060 Christian Books Collection I converted from the epub file format to the pdf format for easy reading. I've had this collection since 2014, and I had it converted into pdf files again a second time since 2018, and it is all available for a free download!!!





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File: e2ae5c49697b682⋯.png (444.73 KB,800x542,400:271,1561431829.png)

 No.103575 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>socialist gotchas

>"in ancap how will we get X?"

>"I'm 12 and what is this?"

Feel free to ask all your stupid question here. Check the wiki https://archive.fo/bbtHt before posting.

Previous episode: >>/97996/

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The monopolies of big tech companies are protected by government regulations and patent laws.

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Their Monopolies have more to do with them being pioneers.

No matter how shitty Youtube's moderation gets, removing regulations wont destroy it because it already has almost two decades worth of content and loyal users.

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Not the same guy but just had to say that if aforementioned regulations were repealed along with the annual subsidies removed, youtube would probably cease to exist as a platform.

With the way that youtube as a business model works currently it's actually rather unfeasible as a service, in fact it's not even remotely profitable as many have already pointed out. Google actually LOSES money operating youtube.

If subsidies were pulled out from under Google, they would either have to change how they do business so that profits can actually be made (ie: Stop screwing over content creators, political channels that are disliked by management staff, etc) or they'd have to radically rethink how something like Youtube would actually even work (think of Bitchute for example). The latter is more of a realistic option seeing as how even when the issues mentioned in the former didn't exist it still wasn't all that profitable regardless.

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Does there exist anywhere a list of times when the US government violated the constitution?

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What difference would be noticed if government price floors on agriculture were removed? If a price floor is somehow desirable, would some private organization take over that role?

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File: 287d77ded5970e8⋯.jpg (8.78 KB,220x291,220:291,220px-Lord_Keynes.jpg)

 No.103798 [Open thread]

I want some goddamn answers!

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The left embraces keynes without reservation

it's either that or mmt

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File: 980679476756380⋯.jpg (134.27 KB,1024x737,1024:737,ss.jpg)


he cucked out and said he's never going draw loli again. he also deleted a bunch of stuff off his web site.

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He also turned into one of those artists who just draws the same thing over and over again. (Lesbian ass worship)

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Well that's unfortunate. He's not even in a country where he has to care, right?

Were all the pictures he removed the ones inspired by real people (Keemstar's daughter, LtCorbis, some others I can't care to remember)?

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So in other words, fighting the Jews using statism will and must result in using the same Jewish strategies? That's actually rather profound.

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File: a56ac6ac1ea6314⋯.jpg (4.48 KB,250x190,25:19,1690161661226266s.jpg)

 No.105852 [Open thread]

Hey guys, i'm looking to learn the secrets of this world, and whatever else qould be useful to me.

If you teach me something useful, i'll teach you something useful.

Sosalekashae at protonmail

Send an email

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File: de8c23080f8b6b2⋯.jpg (262.12 KB,1280x720,16:9,photo_2022_11_03_04_10_04.jpg)

 No.105851 [Open thread]

What will happen to federal owned land once anarcho-capitalism is established?

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File: 246b9c94b6f2ebd⋯.jpg (36.39 KB,920x920,1:1,17d05e3728c24fc07e844cde8a….jpg)

 No.105835 [Open thread]

Here's the script for the funniest skit show ever:

After informing Derek about his sore stomach, George Floyd then tells him about how annoying possums can be!

The Furrie and Pup Play supporting vegans convince the whole of New Zealand to become vegan with an updated slogan: "Animals are friends with benefits not food"!

A super hero named Sterile Man arrives in town and heads straight to the supermarket to start pointing his finger and shaming any granny killer who dare still walk down the confectionery aisle!

Homosexuals still too afraid to leave their homes due to Israel Folau's social media post!

Jewish prisoner sits in Nazi death camp pondering who's worse; Hitler, or the people who say it's wrong to brainwash children into sexual servitude of the crossdressers!

Miley Cyrus one ups Cardi B to once again become The Queen of Female Empowerment by performing a live show from inside the hole in an outhouse!

(Part 1 of 5)

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Principal pats herself on the back for the success of her Islam Positivity program after asking a kindergartener from a non-Islamic family "Who's this other little girl in your drawing holding daddy's hand?" and hearing her reply "That's daddy's second wife I dream he has, because after learning about all the people who say Muhammad is a hero I want daddy to be just like him"!

Intersectionality realises that it forgot to include gingers in the movement so the pride/BLM flag gets updated with little polka dots to represent their freckles and Ronald McDonald is deemed their spokesman!

Parents discover that their 5 year old boy has somehow made his way onto the roof of their 3 story home and is yelling out that unless they buy him the frilly pink panties that he needs to be his real self he's gonna jump!

Rapist gives his thoughts to an interviewer about how he feels after watching Slutwalk storm through the street: "Not bad, not bad at all. My only complaint is those few tiny pieces of clothing they kept on. Hopefully next year they'll be back even sluttier. But for now I've got to find something to do with this raging boner they've given me"!

Independent reporter who published an article highlighting the fact that the identical twin studies prove the Gay Gene theory false watches all the heads of the Antifa mob who awoke him with their "Anti-gay! Anti-gay! Anti-gay!" chant physically explode after asking them what they have to say about the Islamic nations which throw homosexuals off roofs!

The lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 246b9c94b6f2ebd⋯.jpg (36.39 KB,920x920,1:1,17d05e3728c24fc07e844cde8a….jpg)

After being lectured about how we consume too much garbage and that we have to cut back to only the bare essentials for the sake of the planet, a questioner asks "Are there any tv shows which you consider essential?" and is given the response "Obviously the Tim and Eric Show"!

Bogan can no longer sleep due to being haunted by Eminem's lyrics attacking faggots, that he's been blasting out of his car for the past 2 decades, after voting for a politician who's calling for prison time for those who refuse to be a part of the crossdressers fetish, who bought him with the promise of more dole money!

Therapist starts giving his sexually abused clients the same healing advice which is given by the BDSM proponents: "I'll tie you up, unzip my fly, and knock you around while you recall your trauma and work through it"!

Psychic realises he can hear the voice of a passer by's immune system asking him "If this pathetic prick won't even fight back against pedophiles taking over the whole world why should I do anything at all?"!

Harvey Weinstein travels back in time before the accusations to identify as an Islamic woman!

Black rioter stops mid way through lobbing a brick through a shop's window to question if maybe acting like a criminal doesn't help eradicate the white supremacist prejudice that blacks are criminals, then decides to do it anyway for the Nikes!

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Arts department replaces all their professors with tape recorders that repeat "Any notion of beauty is a system of oppression" all day long!

The excitement on Steve Smith's face when he hears that any male capable of uttering "I'm trans" can now freely stroll straight into Boob Central!

Woke woman cheers and cheers as they give her a tax cut to make up for the gender pay gap, then races towards her front door for a shopping spree, only to have acid thrown straight in her face the moment she opens it by one of the Islamic terrorists they/she let in!

Martin Luther King speaks to us about his dream of living in a world free from kink shamers who say things like "Yo plantation pornography ain't cool man"!

The year is 2030, and everybody except the elites mysteriously grows a beak, and after much talk about how it happened some begin to unravel the mystery as they start to wonder if maybe the pharmaceutical giants, who think it's cool to watch boys grow breasts, and who've had the power to force needles into us every 6 months, are behind it!

Cop pulls his gun on a 12 year old girl who thought she could still get away with calling something retarded after new laws pass that replace all of the patriarchy's fascist old free speech laws with big tech's hate speech policies!

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File: 246b9c94b6f2ebd⋯.jpg (36.39 KB,920x920,1:1,17d05e3728c24fc07e844cde8a….jpg)

The Not Fake News Network sets the record straight regarding Bruce Jenner's Woman of The Year title: "I'm not sure Caitlyn deserved that title. Is she brave? Yes. Is she stunning? She certainly is. But was she really Woman of The Year?… She surely would have been a top 10 contender, but I don't think she quiet earnt that number 1 spot, and I'm not afraid to say it"!

Lord Jacob Rothschild forces all the lunatics who claim that the banking system doesn't grow anything other than the proportion of the wealth that they hold to slump away defeated by demonstrating that as they make new money out of thin air the crops magically grow more produce!

The show comes to a close with:

Man who changed his name to Mr. True Patriot no longer keeps us waiting as he finally puts down his beer, closes his pornhub tab, puts on his armoured vest, picks up his trusty shotgun, and liberates the world!

This is the shows theme song!


I haven't finalized the intro yet, but it will include Mr. Trololo waving his finger in disappoint, the super moonwalk, and other classic internet phenomena!

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 No.94960 [Open thread]

Capitalism doesn't work.

Pic related. Imagine a construction company having to buy 10 bricks from this guy on the street, and then having to go to another guy on another street to buy 10 more bricks, and then to another guy on yet another street to buy some more, and so on… until they reach an amount of 10 000 bricks. It would take ages before any work is done.

How else would construction happen if the government didn't produce all the bricks and build shit for you? There are many examples like this, but they prove that ancap, markets, businesses, etc… are just a fantasy, and only fascism (but more specifically, national-communism) is the driving force of civilization, at least the commies got this part right.

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>I also mentioned the influence of Proudhon's thought being most prominent on EVERYONE but communists.

On everyone but MLs. Most of communism is nonmarxist, and marx, actually, ripped proudhon off more than once.

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>Capitalism was originally coined by Louis Blanc and Proudhon

Wrong. Don't even need to read the rest to know it's wrong.

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<I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Capitalism is in fact, GNU/Capitalism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Capitalism.



>Doesn't even make an argument about anything

>Expects people to argue with him


>Strawmanning this hard

>Not even able to tell the difference between an insult and an argument

>Leaves after expecting people to argue with him over literally nothing

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Luckily, I bought a prefabricated house, and I don't have to build anything from scratch. The only thing I'd like to make repairs inside the house, because not everything suits me.

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File: 6047a2420391f94⋯.pdf (Spoiler Image,291.8 KB,Petition_to_the_LORD_God.pdf)

File: 0585ce059a850ee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.4 KB,1596x1076,399:269,Throne_of_God.jpg)

 No.105844 [Open thread]

Let anyone who is willing read this petition,

and with understanding bring it before God,

for His help.

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File: 9453488ab2e8511⋯.gif (215.76 KB,180x180,1:1,1647376601450.gif)

 No.105843 [Open thread]

Bitcoin and thr blockchain have been a game changer for taming the wild drug market and providing a free market from which to trade. Defense Distributed has given the ability to print guns anywhere and at any time and 3D printers lowers the waste from traditional manufacturing. Finally Monero makes you money more secure.

Going into thr 2020s and 2030s what do you see as a game changer? I see economic zones/seasteading gaining traction and defi taking off. What do you see as positive tech trends for Liberty?

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File: 978f6e70c43ef3c⋯.jpg (120.85 KB,1204x803,1204:803,1638643131882_1_.jpg)

 No.105826 [Open thread]

I'm glad to here that there are still a few havens left where feminist, materialist cultural imperalism hasn't taken hold over mankind's natural urge and need to reproduce. Don't let biased, hateful and medically inaccurate articles like this ruin your appreciation for the way nature works.

Women should breed as soon as they start Turning Red. It's better for their physical and mental health, better for the children, and better for society. Paraguay may have many problems, but they're right about this.

I hope the Socialist-Capitalist conspiracy never takes over this tiny remaining oasis, extolling them with the "joys" of school, industrial work, abortion and childlessness, and they can remain a beacon to the rest of the world until the day comes when the change we want will spread over the world again!


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File: 978f6e70c43ef3c⋯.jpg (120.85 KB,1204x803,1204:803,1638643131882_2_.jpg)

I'm glad to hear that there are still a few havens left where feminist, materialist cultural imperalism hasn't taken hold over mankind's natural urge and need to reproduce. Don't let biased, hateful and medically inaccurate articles like this ruin your appreciation for the way nature works.

Women should breed as soon as they start Turning Red. It's better for their physical and mental health, better for the children,and better for society. Paraguay may have many problems, but they're right about this.

I hope the Socialist-Capitalist conspiracy never takes over this tiny remaining oasis, extolling them with the "joys" of school, industrial work, abortion and childlessness, and they can remain a beacon to the rest of the world until the day comes when the change we want will spread over the world again!


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While I can't speak to this aspect , literally on everything but weather Paraguay is based (taxes, gun laws, low cost of living, renewable energy, ease of residence, etc) and I plan to get residency this summer. Wish me luck.

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Nice, think of me while you're getting your first 12 year old pussy there.

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File: 407f4c694aa2f67⋯.jpg (88.74 KB,1170x782,585:391,montenegrin.jpg)

 No.105834 [Open thread]

We have recently moved over to https://8chan.moe/liberty/

Come join us there, dudes

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File: d36a8038dce30d1⋯.png (1.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,vlcsnap_2021_04_23_02h36m5….png)

 No.105807 [Open thread]


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It truly is scary how 1984 is at our doorsteps.

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File: 9ec2207289c2e02⋯.png (2.43 KB,151x112,151:112,lib.png)

 No.105784 [Open thread]

So I just noticed some friends got nominated to a local office back home and makes me a bit happy. Also Marshall Burt in Wyoming is good news as was drug decriminalization.

Now with the bad:

-Justin Amash did not run again

-Jojo did not do so hot (and 1% did not swing the election, as Trump would not have gotten those votes any how)

-Ranked choice voting failed in Alaska and Massachusetts

I think the future of the Libertarian Party and movement will rest more and more on local offices, like in places like Wyoming. Just like baseball we need to build up our back bench as that is where talent comes from. What was your take on the 2020 election?

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The big debate in the presidential nominee was "radical" (mises caucus) versus "moderate". Jojo was the moderate candidate.

I think her turnout was good but underwhelming and we'll see a mises caucus nominee in 2024.

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File: bb1de22097c3414⋯.jpg (31.3 KB,397x400,397:400,1604563560788.jpg)


Well Jojo did good, just not good compared to Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson was a weird case where the LP party got a lot of spite votes from both parties not liking either candidate.

This time around we had 4 years of Republicans praising Trump as a Messiah and Democrats in the media calling him litterly Hitler. Essentially indoctrinating both sides back into bullet voting for there shade of authoritarianism.

Libertarians were on the ballot in every state which is a great milestone, and she has gotten the most votes than any candidate except for Johnson (again, it was a weird case).

I agree on running more in local offices. Honestly it shouldn't be that hard, depending on where you live, sometimes no one runs against the local representative. Just got to put your neck out. Even if we don't win, you are againing mindshare and showing that the Libertarian party is active and means business.

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File: 9887f0c972b51ce⋯.jpg (317.78 KB,1400x1400,1:1,gas_digital.jpg)

dave smith and michael menace

or we get put into camps

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Please redpill on Michael Malice. What is his angle?

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I have since watched his videos and not bad. I like Dave Smith a tad more though.

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