You know, I'm getting rather annoyed with the "Hoppe is a Nahtzee" shpiel of leftists and mainstream-style libertarians. However, I think it can mostly be attributed to the whole "physical removal of leftists and gays" thing.
1) Just because something is legal, doesn't mean that it is sanctioned. Too many times, I've seen the statists deploy the whole "oh you want x legalized, therefore you must want to do it" fallacy. Besides, market pressure would likely keep there from being a giant purge of gays and leftists. As a private community, you are competing with all other private communities for customers (tenants). If you acquire a reputation for Expelling your clients, people are going to go elsewhere. Anti-gay and anti-leftist communities would likely be a minority, catering to a niche market.
2) "Physical removal" ≠ death, or even injury, unless the physically removed is violently resisting. Physical removal begins with asking nicely and upwards of 90% of the time will end with asking nicely. If someone has been on your property with your consent and refrained from violating the NAP, there's not really any good reason to violently evict them unless they've proved resistant.
3)People who hold extreme and violent viewpoints (e.g. leftists, totalitarians, etc) are usually irrational, given the extreme mental gymnastics any sane person would have to perform to hold those ideologies. However, as we've seen, these ideologies have had success, but mostly coming to power by force or manipulation, and rule by terror. Thus, it is safe to say that retributory behaviour against the holders of these beliefs, rather than the free market of ideas (which assumes rationality and a willingness to play by the rules), is justifiable. Communists, given their ideology, will likely respond violently to eviction, thus opening them up to retaliatory measures (death, dismemberment, whatever). Communists will thus be forced to either renounce their ideology, cower in the shadows, or perish, thus eliminating the threat they pose to freedom.