>generational wealth and property rights
This is the more direct cause, but of course these two things could not have arisen in a consummate culture.
>I don't believe it has anything to do with their race
The mountainous/islandous terrains and hostile climates of Europe, Japan, and the American colonies provided the selective pressures that pushed them towards the freedom-friendly policies they have now (or used to have). Race is also shaped by those pressures. So it's not irrelevant, but it is not nearly the be-all-end-all some neetsocs pretend it is.
>you can't tell it has no culture.
This was not the original claim.
<Americans never really developed a unique culture
All of American culture(s) comes from Europe. The Transcendentalists, the Romanticists, the Modernists, etc. were mostly European (particularly Anglo) in nature. I have a hard time pointing to an American figure whose art, prose, poetry, politics, inventions, etc. did not draw mainly on European heritage.