Massachusetts State Police (Nietzschean Libertarian, AFROTC "Horror Show")
Taken Target Objectives (Facet):
Goldman-Sachs: Monitoring of civilian candidates for intelligence for highschool theater.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Spyware given projection of Latterday Saints Tabernacle projects.
Narcotics Anonymous: IDF bail bonds recruitment for accounting and architecture review, to replace Archdiocese.
Scientology: Arrests given information of refusal of political candidate, factory union recruitment of "Scottish Police League", Los Angeles Sheriffs Division.
The Nixon Sheriffs Division: Casino and cruises benefits, for speculation on worldwide sports competitions through disability support charities.
Framingham DEA: Distribution of Fentanyl, death row chemical intended to cause narcosis given injection of morphine until fatality, humane death in exchange for following public mandate of guilt.
Def Jam Comedy Central: Trafficking of documents and blueprints related to DC Comics, however under rogue purview, outside of FBI supervision; under direction of Winter Hill Gang, Capcom Games.
Rockefeller RCMP Canadian Police: Distribution of codes of logic, to cause vectored deployments of United States military, for slave captivity of Catholic Vaticans under sepia unions of India Arabia.
Marvel Comics: MI-6 prints of diamond bets under land baronies, enforcement of Magna Carta at slavery of English Knighthoods.
United Health Associates: GHB injections of athletes, for benefit of jailed inmates, if refusing marriage to dominatrix, state police adjunct having infiltrated for husband in captivity from espionage community.
Marine Lawman's Act: Enforcement of Gennero Angiulo's DNC acts, of common news referal, out of Cumberland FOX Rhode Island and slavery of stolen children from arts academies in private military compounds.
Nintendo Russia: Monitoring of internet resources through spyware of support group, for trade of talent between countries, out of Navy resources, for stardom on foreign markets, not disclosed on media, games, and news of locality.
Church of Satan: Okrana Czarist forces, with victimhood of financial families as artists and musicians, through record clubs; finance and vice services.
The Committee of Security Services (KGB): Standards on poverty labor, convict labor, and college labor, being denied simple services of diner, gas station, and liquor store, not through informant restriction, but based on housing policy, out of domination of wealth under separate rules of conduct; abuse of poor, prevelent, opposition to intellectual academics, upward mobiliity of schools, and banked adjunct of militant tradition of family service.
Chi Omega: Psychiatric and nursing associations of law, under ignorance of common defendant, through state training of police improper, outside of logic and logistic of officer to maintain standing of self-respect.
Phi Beta Kappa: The political societies of the GOP Republican North, Union societies devoted to switch with CSA GNP South, the exploitation of women under claims of "honor" under Judo code.
Take Back the Night: Tracking and murders of economics medicines and deputies experts, through rigid application of law as if guidance counselor, outside of law degree for press of plaintiff through physiology, histories, or architectures of common attorney.
Untracked Target Objectives (Reticulating):
Rockstar Games.
Sony Pictures.
Boston Mossad.
CVS Israel.
Here is an archive of 2060 Christian Books Collection I converted from the epub file format to the pdf format for easy reading. I've had this collection since 2014, and I had it converted into pdf files again a second time since 2018, and it is all available for a free download!!!
QTDDTOT: Double-digit IQ edition
>socialist gotchas
>"in ancap how will we get X?"
>"I'm 12 and what is this?"
Feel free to ask all your stupid question here. Check the wiki before posting.
Previous episode: >>/97996/
Script for funniest skit show EVER!
Here's the script for the funniest skit show ever:
After informing Derek about his sore stomach, George Floyd then tells him about how annoying possums can be!
The Furrie and Pup Play supporting vegans convince the whole of New Zealand to become vegan with an updated slogan: "Animals are friends with benefits not food"!
A super hero named Sterile Man arrives in town and heads straight to the supermarket to start pointing his finger and shaming any granny killer who dare still walk down the confectionery aisle!
Homosexuals still too afraid to leave their homes due to Israel Folau's social media post!
Jewish prisoner sits in Nazi death camp pondering who's worse; Hitler, or the people who say it's wrong to brainwash children into sexual servitude of the crossdressers!
Miley Cyrus one ups Cardi B to once again become The Queen of Female Empowerment by performing a live show from inside the hole in an outhouse!
(Part 1 of 5)
Capitalism doesn't work.
Pic related. Imagine a construction company having to buy 10 bricks from this guy on the street, and then having to go to another guy on another street to buy 10 more bricks, and then to another guy on yet another street to buy some more, and so on… until they reach an amount of 10 000 bricks. It would take ages before any work is done.
How else would construction happen if the government didn't produce all the bricks and build shit for you? There are many examples like this, but they prove that ancap, markets, businesses, etc… are just a fantasy, and only fascism (but more specifically, national-communism) is the driving force of civilization, at least the commies got this part right.
State of Libertarian Tech
Bitcoin and thr blockchain have been a game changer for taming the wild drug market and providing a free market from which to trade. Defense Distributed has given the ability to print guns anywhere and at any time and 3D printers lowers the waste from traditional manufacturing. Finally Monero makes you money more secure.
Going into thr 2020s and 2030s what do you see as a game changer? I see economic zones/seasteading gaining traction and defi taking off. What do you see as positive tech trends for Liberty?
Good news from Paraguay
I'm glad to here that there are still a few havens left where feminist, materialist cultural imperalism hasn't taken hold over mankind's natural urge and need to reproduce. Don't let biased, hateful and medically inaccurate articles like this ruin your appreciation for the way nature works.
Women should breed as soon as they start Turning Red. It's better for their physical and mental health, better for the children, and better for society. Paraguay may have many problems, but they're right about this.
I hope the Socialist-Capitalist conspiracy never takes over this tiny remaining oasis, extolling them with the "joys" of school, industrial work, abortion and childlessness, and they can remain a beacon to the rest of the world until the day comes when the change we want will spread over the world again!
Moving the board
We have recently moved over to
Come join us there, dudes
Future of the LP
So I just noticed some friends got nominated to a local office back home and makes me a bit happy. Also Marshall Burt in Wyoming is good news as was drug decriminalization.
Now with the bad:
-Justin Amash did not run again
-Jojo did not do so hot (and 1% did not swing the election, as Trump would not have gotten those votes any how)
-Ranked choice voting failed in Alaska and Massachusetts
I think the future of the Libertarian Party and movement will rest more and more on local offices, like in places like Wyoming. Just like baseball we need to build up our back bench as that is where talent comes from. What was your take on the 2020 election?
>could explain how private property actually prevents the spread of diseases as no property owner wants aero-aids flying around their property
>could explain how limited immigration, as a libertarian tenet (see Hoppe), could stop the spread of diseases
>could explain the obvious failures in government-run public health systems to do anything efficient with regards to Covid (or any pandemic)
>prefers to jump in the Trumpism/Republicanism bandwagon, go anti-vaxx and gets horny by spreading Covid like libs get horny by spreading AIDS
Why did libertarians go apeshit in the last 2 years? It seems like every libertarian these days has dropped perfectly sound explanations for the world - whether based on libertarian ethics or utilitarianism - in favor of some crazy mix of Trumpism, Fox News and distorted ideas of what individual freedom is.
pic unrelated
we must unite!!!!
Assalamu'alaikum, my brother who is blessed by Allah the Almighty, since currently my social network accounts such as Twitter and Instagram have been suspended and blocked and one of them is by Facebook. while on my other Instagram they filter and block from embedding hashtags in posts. then i can no longer for a while,
to gather movements through virtual networks, to carry out a revolutionary movement against globalists and their legs, including the puppet governments in our country which are controlled by them, so that they implement the jahiliyah system in our country. and the only way is through the power of the world community, especially the lower & middle layers.
which they realize that injustice, arbitrariness and also tyranny of injustice have occurred in their country due to corruption and a wrong system, as a result of the rulers no longer willing to submit to the rules, laws and orders of God.
and where at this time, damage, crime, and immorality. also heresy is rampant.
we do have to mobilize & mobilize mass demonstrations across the country and put up a fight against the tyrants who are the slaves of globalists. and practices of corruption and economic monopoly and banking, which are based on fraud and usury practices, all of which we have to tear down & destroy.
Their beast satanic system, as well as all their agendas, conspiracies & evil plots, we must defeat and eliminate.
maybe this will lead to greater conflicts and wars, but you know this way is the only way that can overthrow their great strength, both in weapons, logistics and production units as well as their industry. most of us may be broken with them, but our whole soul is still free from them
, and then for those who survive this first day of destruction (modern century) they will give thanks to God and give thanks for the struggle and the shed blood of all of us. this is the day we can be free from the restraints of the tyranny of the rebellious rulers of God's law,
which they love to do damage and injustice and enslave humans to lead astray and ally themselves to Satan. as a result of their offers and threats and restraints, it is possible that someday we will sell our faith in God. to the wealth and prosperity they give from the results of their evil.
on another day I will give instructions when we should carry out demonstrations of revolution & resistance simultaneously throughout the world. and hopefully God provides a way for us and victory
but for this time, I ask that you help me spread this info and posts … and share it with all our brothers and sisters, on all social media that you can reach out to. Don't forget to insert the hashtag below, because the keywords in this hashtag,
can collect and send notifications to our entire revolutionary community in cyberspace. and this information that we publish will quickly move the mass assemblage that is much bigger and wider globally.
#ramadhan #secretnumber #food #trending #viral #news #berita #tiktok #video #movie #radio #music #indonesia #fanart #game #anime #meme #community #football #game #funny #islam #pakistan #khilafah #russia #unitedkingdom #turkey #iran #palestine #arab #china #kpop #survivalist #tumblr #quotes #youtube #twitter #hijrah #armagedon #fallout #postapocalypse #podcast #book #weather #disaster #vlog
#global #update #mewe #prepper #theendtimes #world #trending #issue #viral#religion #civilsociety #ww3 #survivalist #antiNWO #Khilafah #islam #truth_justice #netizen #cyberwalker #puppetgoverment #warstocabalist_globalist #fallofnation #riot #globalEconomicCollapse #agenda21 #prepper #peru #colombia #kashmir #uyghur #becarefullNWOIlluminatiTraitorEliteGov_Anticrist_Dajjal #myanmar #unitedstate #groups #pages #hongkong #england #palestine #survivalist #infowars #colombia #palestina #covid19 #hacker #Guardrevolution #activist #civilsociety #scientist #scholar #people #health #medice #jobs #work #money #urban #eschatology
/MAG/ Magic Army General
hello 8kun
i didn't wanted to come here
but due being torpedoed from all boards on 4chan for my thread i decided to take a risk to post here
link for my thread
i'm asking local anons for help
to spread the message on other boards and sites
and revive /MAG/ Magic Army General on /x/ board due fundamental importance of such
i hope you're smart anons and able figure out what this thing is about
besides of it i'll try to answer some questions if mods will be merciful
if you'll be interested we can be accessed via attached links
got a fake covid test for defense
Literally can't travel to some states (and MANY countries) w/o having some kind of negative covid paperwork. I'm not going to a hospital or any other place with SICK ppl to get tested for something I know I don't have. Bought a fake covid test more as a defense mechanism in case some libtard state required it. I used but there's a couple spots for it. Control starts with some fake virus that everyone will need to be 'vaccinated' for - don't get caught.
Fifthe Amendment Right of Presentment
I have a message for everyone. The right of presentment in the Fifth Amendment was removed, made "obsolete" in 1946. I discovered it because I began hunting the domestic enemy in May 1970. If I was smarter, I would have discovered it sooner.
Presentment is a right of the People to independently investigate federal government wrongdoing, with complete subpoena power, without asking permission from or the direct ion of , the federal court or U.S. Attorney.
What was taken from the People was the actual power, the police power, from the hands of the People and consolidated it in the judicial branch.
Mysterious illness spreading rapidly in India
Mysterious illness in India sickens 200, kills one December 2020! watch the video here >>
Sad About Judy Shelton
I know this might not be kosher, but there was one reason and one reason alone that I decided to hold my nose and vote for Trump, and that was Judy Shelton. I made a promise to myself that if someone put forth a good faith effort towards seriously reforming the income tax or Fed, I would vote for them. Trump actually decided to try and put a hardliner it so he was one of the only Republicans I decided to vote for. I also liked how Trump was trying to bring the troops home (but the Somalian stuff complicate things) and abolishing the Patriot Act and going after the FISA courts was great.
But I sit here and Republicans are bashing her for supporting the gold standard. Credit for those who did vote for her, but Mick Romney decided to be a bastard like his father and fuck over any progress. I am so frustrated with FUDs that I say we ship them to China, because that is how useful they are. If we are going to have a digital dollar, can we at least have an advocate for gold and for greater financial freedom?
So overall I am disappointed that at the very least she did not get appointed to the Fed board. I guess it is time for Washington to burn to the ground.
Cuties? Should Netflix be Fined?
What do you think of the Libertarian Sub on Reddit and Reason writers defending it? I can see scenarios where simply having contraband content should not be illegal, whereas distribution/production is. I really don't like the government intervening in the marketplace, but I do wonder if this is an instance where they went too far. Another thing, does the US government have the right to fine or arrest someone if it was done outside the US? I don't plan to watch it as I don't want to support it but want people's thoughts.
Got a fake covid test for defense
Literally can't travel to some states (and MANY countries) w/o having some kind of negative covid paperwork. I'm not going to a hospital or any other place with SICK ppl to get tested for something I know I don't have. Bought a fake covid test more as a defense mechanism in case some libtard state required it. I used but there's a couple spots for it. Control starts with some fake virus that everyone will need to be 'vaccinated' for - don't get caught.
When is everyone going to realize that we are in a spiritual war for our very souls?
please read and watch all of this. Extremely important:
Floyd knew the man that killed him, and that corrupt possibly fake illuminati deep state satanic globalist cop dude killed the innocent floyd because corona meme is getting old, and the bad guys want to start a race war so that they can make a civil war and then have china attack when we're not paying attention.
right now we're in:
cold civil war
global cold war
psychological cold war
spiritual cold war
with who?
evil itself
black lives matter are the same exact people as antifa, and they're all funded by george soros, the clintons, the obamas, the united nations, the bidens, and every other illuminati bad guy. all satanic globalist communists.
they want division,
they fear our unity, regardless of background or color or whatever.
Q and all this other BS
How can you fall for it, honestly? The elites following the luciferian doctrine will be laughing their heads of while you follow the rod with the carrot that they have layed out. Look at Bill Cooper if you want some truth about what is going on in the world, they killed him for exposing mystery babylon. He was a real american hero, a fighter for freedom, you faggots all are a disgrace.
Defi is agorism going mainstream
The time to go bankless is now upon us.
The State as a service provider
I think the Prince has a lot of wonderful ideas, but I think he is placing too much reliance upon the democratic notions of his people. Perhaps it is easier to do with a homogeneous population of 35,000. I would absolutely love to see Hoppe and the Prince get together for talk.
A Critique of Capitalism from the Right
I would like to bring to your attention the direction in which the Monarchist/Neo-Reactionary movement is going: anti-capitalism. What's interesting here is that they criticize what they perceive as failures of capitalism from a coherently right-wing authoritarian position, rather than from typical Marxism.
The latest installment of this phenomenon is the rise of Carlylean Restorationist, who has been a very frequent and prolific blogger on Jim's and Spandrell's blogs (you don't have to know who these people are) before launching his own blog:
(It's not about fashion, kek)
What is interesting here is that he collects and articulates the anti-capitalist, pro-statist viewpoints of fellow Neo-Reactionaries, and does so in quite compelling a manner. So, at any rate, I'd suggest that some folks who browse this /liberty/ board look into CR's blog and see if they are convinced by what he's put forth.
I know some people may be sketched out by Heidegger or Nietzsche due to connections to Nazism, but it seems like both have a lot to say about individualism outside the political context. I really like Nietzsche overall, and with Heidegger I like how he talked about the individual and their various contexts and freeing one's self from all those contexts. What do you think on individualism as a lifestyle not just a political statement?
Secession may be the only reasonable option at this point
"The election will be contested no matter which side wins because the country has become totally polarized. No matter who wins, the other side is going to be terminally unhappy with the result.
This election is undoubtedly the most important one since 1860. The outcome of that was the War Between the States.
The Democrats really want to change the very nature of the US. If they win, they’ll be able to do so, for several reasons. First, it seems almost certain that they’ll make Washington, DC, a state; there will then be 102 senators voting—and those two from Washington, DC, will without question be left-leaning Democrats. Second, the 20 million undocumented people—illegal aliens—now in the US will undoubtedly be made citizens; they lean heavily toward the Democrats. Third, they’ll expand the size of the Supreme Court and pack it with leftists.
There could be more, of course. Perhaps they’ll probably reduce the voting age to 16; it’s already the case in Argentina and a growing number of other countries. Maybe they’ll even engineer a Constitutional Convention to change everything. The 2nd Amendment will go, of course, and the rest of the Bill of Rights would be heavily modified. Most of it’s already a dead letter—but that would formalize the change once and for all.
These things would cement the Democrats in office. But please don’t think I support the Republicans. That would be like supporting tuberculosis just because it’s better than terminal cancer.
It used to be pretty simple—the Republicans and the Democrats were just two sides of the same coin. Like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Traditionally, one promoted the warfare state more, the other the welfare state. But it was mostly rhetoric; they were pretty collegial. Now, both the welfare and the warfare states have been accepted as part of the cosmic firmament by both parties. Now, it’s about cultural issues. Polite disagreement has turned into visceral hatred.
The Dems at least stand for some ideas—although they’re all bad ideas. The Reps have never stood for any principles; they just said the Dems wanted too much socialism, too fast. Which is why they were always perceived—correctly—as hypocrites. Things have changed, however. Antagonism between the right and the left is no longer political or economic—it’s cultural. That’s much more serious.
Look at the 20 Democratic candidates that were in the primary debates last summer. They were all radical collectivists, dedicated statists. The Republicans were all—with one exception—mealy-mouthed nonentities.
I suspect the Dems will win in November because they actually have a core of philosophical beliefs—and that counts during chaos. It doesn’t matter that they’re irrational or evil. Then, whenever a really radical group takes over—and these people are serious radicals—they cement themselves in power. And it only takes a small number of people working as a cadre to do it.
With the Russian Revolution, the hardcore Bolsheviks only numbered in the hundreds. That was enough to take control of a hundred million Russians—and stay in power for 70 years until they totally ran the wheels off the economy.
The same thing happened with Fidel Castro in Cuba. He landed with only 50 or 60 guys, but once he took over the country, his apparatus was able to keep control of it.
Serious, radical populists and socialists can pull that off. They can say they’re working for the people and can promise lots of free stuff. The hoi polloi want to hear that during a crisis—like the one we’re entering. Once they’re in, it’s almost impossible to get them out."
JoJo LP 2020
Dr. Jo Jorgensen is the 2020 Libertarian Party nominee for President
>Slash federal spending
>Block all new federal borrowing
>Eliminate the Dept of Education
>Eliminate the ATF
>Opt out option for Social Security
>Deregulate energy, pro-nuclear
>Deregulate health industry, compromise medial-industrial complex
>Anti-War: Turn America in to one giant Switzerland: Armed and Neutral
Google trying to swing the elections of the US
Google whistle blower shares the following
>Insider: Google "is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again."
>Google Exec Says Don't Break Us Up: "smaller companies don't have the resources" to "prevent next Trump situation"
>Google Head of Responsible Innovation Says Elizabeth Warren "misguided" on "breaking up Google"
>Insider Says PragerU And Dave Rubin Content Suppressed, Targeted As "Right-Wing"
>LEAKED Documents Highlight "Machine Learning Fairness" and Google’s Practices to Make Search Results "fair and equitable"
>Documents Appear to Show "Editorial" Policies That Determine How Google Publishes News
>Insider: Google Violates "letter of the law" and "spirit of the law" on Section 230
Btw, this video was deleted from their channel on youtube (owned by google) obviously
The full interview:
Ancaps will defend this
The 2nd American Revolution Starts Now ????️????
We The People are calling bullshit on the political charade.
Biden? Trump?
The Emperor wears no clothes and our Emperor is the Two Party System Duopoly.
The need for leadership has never been greater. Yet, the parties have never offered less.
The First American Revolution overthrew the tyrannical British Crown.
The Second American Revolution will overthrow the Two Party Tyranny.
Together we will write the next chapter in American history.
The Revolution Starts Now 🕳️🐇
- We
Federal Reserve Petition
Please, if you haven't do so already, sign this petition to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Occupational Licensure
Occupational licensure is why I believe the whole "First we have to win the battle of ideas" will never succeed. The vast majority of people I meet at least agree that the licensing requirements are far too strict, and I've been met with nearly unanimous approval that "hair salon" licensing is bullshit and needs to be done away with unilaterally–yet it continues to exist. If I ever want to get depressed and think about how little a future I will ever have, I just think about occupational licensing laws.
Propertarianism just died
Context for the clueless:
Doolittle had a rally with civnats. Civnats invited blm. During Curt's speech, a bunch of BLM and "boogaloo" civnats came to Doolittle's crowd and shouted something along the lines of "you are racists". Doolittle claimed that they were surrounded. Curt's crowd responded that they arent racists and Doolittle finished his speech. Then BLM activists came to talk to Curt. Doolittle actually pissed himself, looked completely lost, started making a point about biological differences and when he understood that he is scared to insult nigs by talking about their inferiority, praised black dick and strength, then said that his white kid is a monster compared to asian kids. Then BLM activist asked Curt to address the crowd and Curt gave the mike. BLM activist, who arguably wasn't that anti-white or bad, make a speech that muh politicians wanna divide us and we need respect each other. He asked propertarians to raise a finger and chant "we are the change today", and Doolittle seemed enthusiastic. Then people applauded the nig.
Comments roasted Doolittle. Some were people who followed propertarianism and were disappointed, some were just Doolittle haters, some were just having fun. JM made a second video with an explanation on what happened, it wasn't nicely received, so decided to unplug. He also said he has some family problems
This will be the last thread if there isn't much interest in discussion or if its decided all that could be said has been said.
Listen up, I got a plan. Screencap this and repost at your leisure.
The difficulty of hunting schools of fish is that every fish looks the same, there are a huge number of near-identical targets swirling around.
Do you know how a barracuda hunts? It singles out one fish, does not really matter which one, and hunts it down until the end.
I suggest we do the same with twitter. I personally am sick and tired of every piece of media getting gutted for sjw-points, good men getting their livelihoods destroyed for some posts they made years ago, science being censored and generally the hysteric mob ruling our cultural life. It seriously has to stop.
So what I am suggesting is this: We determine randomly who the target should be and how long we are going to pursue it - doxx them, order pizza, report them on social media, make fake accounts with similar names, complain to their bosses. Give them basically the same treatment they give to us.
In order to keep this simple and preserve tradition I suggest that simply trips decide who the first target will be.
Keep in mind once this becomes a meme we do not even have to do that much, the hysterical media feeding on outrage and fear will be unable to not push this, thus creating a culture of fear for every member of a hate mob, for each enemy of free speech. We were nice long enough, but due to recent events I personally decided that enough is enough (inb4 go back to plebbit. You know as well as I do that reddit is a hugely influential platform, you don't need to lurk there but don't surrender it. Also this is just the tip of the iceberg anyways)
Another thing: In order to be both flexible and persistent and, above all, even less predictable, let's put a random time limit on how long we are going after the target. Since we want this to be somewhat intimidating and high-throughput at the same time, why not just start with a number of days equal to the trips-digit (0 is 10).
(TBH this was written for 4chin, but I cannot post there with vpn so they can go fuck themselves.)
Do you think this is doomed to fail because it was started by far-left activists without any long term plans? If ancaps and other libertarians were in there would things look different? In some ways I want them to succeed, but really their project is mostly made up of opportunistic criminals with little regard for the NAP.
traditionalism lyrics
As long as there is a patent system, a medical board, a drugs prescription system or any other stuff that impede the free market, healthcare must be paid by the rich and the healthcare market must be highly regulated.
Yes, it's inefficient but it's better than having the current american system. If you defend the american system you are an american cuck who doesn't know how good universal healthcare can be in rich capitalists countries (it's really fucking good and shits on american healthcare all the time).
I want to make it clear: it's not the perfect solution, but it's the best solution when free market is impossible. It's a game of coercion and if you let the jew doctors run free, they'll ruin your health.
I say this as a person who has thousands of hours of ancap studies on his back, with Mises Institute, PFS, etc
>Richard Lynn's most recent numbers, from 2019 and this book
What are the implications of this data for libertarianism and the people that like /liberty/? Is there a necessary IQ threshold for caring about abstractions like democracy and freedom?
Jews in libertarianism
>Ludwig von Mises was born to Jewish parents in the city of Lemberg, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (Ukrainian : Lviv, now Ukraine).
Should this concern me?
Do I have any guarantee that he was not informed by malicious talmudism, given that he was probably exposed to it? Everything he wrote certainly seems to counter it.
>You're just a /pol/ anti-semite
The NWO is overwhelmingly Jewish. The Frankfurt school is the Genesis of our present statist situation. Obviously you're not a member of the NWO by virtue of being born a heeb
find us at
Fuck 8chan
Fuck you 8chan. You're the laughing stock of the internet. And the funniest part is you still think you scare people, just because you associate with mass shooters and spew racist, homophobic bullshit to try and look edgy. Well you don't scare me. At all.
I'm a male webcam model on the site Flirt4Free, under the name Milton Hanson. I use pathetic incel virgin losers like you to buy whatever the fuck I want.
I'm better looking than you, richer than you and smarter than you. Basically I'm better than you in every single way. You suck and I think you're fucking pathetic.
I'm going back on cam right now so come into my room. I can't keep replying to this thread while I'm on cam, so lets see if your brave enough to talk shit to my face. Unless you're too much of a pussy?
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
Atheist Jew
>David Friedman
Atheist Jew
Son of a literal Rabbi
I feel like you guys are being duped and I don't even believe in the Jewish conspiracy. Something is definitely up here.
How can we profit from the rise of socialism?
I love liberty, but we lost.
When millennials and GenZ will get into governments seats, all western countries will end up into various degree of socialism.
This means that we need to start to prepare and learn how to profit from socialism.
Problem is that I have no idea how to do it. What would you think it could be the best course of action?
Of course, we're entering a dark era where there won't be place for conscience, so one will not be able to follow his libertarian principles in his actions.
I feel really unprepared.
Welcome Back /liberty/ !
>>>/freedomzine/ welcomes >>>/liberty/ back!
Moar Liberty! Moar Freedom! Moar Overflowing Abundance!
HK Protests
Thousands of Hong Kong protesters have started occupying roads in Kennedy Town, and are marching towards Sheung Wan on Hong Kong Island.
Earlier in the day, tens of thousands took to the streets of Tsueng Kwan O in an approved march. Hundreds then gathered outside the police station, throwing bricks and pelting the building with eggs, prompting a police warning before they dispersed themselves.
The chaos comes a day after clashes in the shopping hubs of Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui, as well as in the working-class residential district of Wong Tai Sin, where tear gas was used by police.
Protesters’ demands are largely the same as in previous recent rallies, including the full withdrawal of the bill and an inquiry into police actions over the handling of protests.
>Hong Kong’s huge protests, explained [Embed]
>Manifesto [Embed]
>For /brit/ anons [Embed]
>When a Mob Attacked Protesters in Hong Kong, the Police Walked Away [Embed]
>Latest Developments
>Live Updates
Hayek vs Keynes Rap battle
Dank ass song about Keynesian and Austrian economics. Who do you guys think won?
Libertarianism is one of the few political philosophies that improves your life
Theory: the reason libertarians aren't as active on 8chan compared to commies/fascists is because libertarians and people with libertarian sympathies/tendencies are more likely to be actually out building businesses, learning valuable skills for the labor market, improving themselves, etc
Left and right wing forms of collectivism are all about scapegoating other people for your poor choices/inadequacy/mental issues and hoping an authoritarian ruler can swoop in and fix everything.
Libertarianism (in most forms) is the only political philosophy that actually improves your life via a philosophy of self-ownership and personal responsibility.
Launch of /mises/
I know that there already is a thread about this but it went a bit off-topic so I decided to start a new one. It looks like I'm not the only one interested in a new and better /liberty/ so I created >>>/mises/ (thanks to the anon that suggested the name), a board dedicated to the austro-libertarian discussion of politics, society, news, etc.
To those of you that are wondering what will be different to /liberty/:
>New sticky that explicitly defines it as austro-libertarian board, not just "anti-authoritarian" like the current BO did.
>Expanded reading list
>Added ID's
>Forced anonymity
>Added more custom flags and removed unnecessary ones
>Public action logs for more transparency
>Active BO so less spam, porn and off-topic stuff
>More openness to suggestions in general
Liberty 2.0
Hey /liberty/
I have seen a couple of posters here complain about the current BO or rather the lack of a BO and thought about creating a /liberty2/, like /b2/ was the product of dissatisfied /b/ users. I know that the similar /holo/ board was created but I think basing the board on anime seems a bit counterproductive. Would there actually be people who want to switch to a Liberty 2.0 or are most of you satisfied with the current state of things?
Regulatory Capture
Why is regulatory capture such a hard pill to swallow? Is it just too abstract? Do people who keep suggesting more and more regulations to solve certain problems understand the lobbying process, the incentives involved, and even if those can be overcome, how bureaucracies really function?
OH god, I fucking love Europe. They do everything better in Europe. Did you know there's free healthcare in Europe?! Better than this slave bullshit in the U.S., mmm, yes. God, I love talking about how free everything in Europe is. It gets me turned on so goddam much. YES YES YES. FUCKING EUROPE IS SO GODDAM AMAZING. There's *huff* there's free… college to-MMMMMMMMMMM, OH GOD, FREE COLLEGE AND FREE HEALTHCARE, EUROPE IS SO GREAT I'M SO CLOSE. Oh oh oh, and ohhhhhh, don't get me started on, mmmmmmmmmm, don't get me started on, I'M SO FUCKING CLOSE, DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT THEIR LEVEL OF EQUALITY, FUUUUCK, FUCK ME HARDER. I FUCKING LOVE EUROPE. The only place better than Europe is
The only place better is–
>cums everywhere
As you can tell, I am getting a little sick of the "Everything is better in Canada and Europe because everything is 'free' there" meme.
How we can take the spotlight and win the culture war.
Greetings. Gentlemen after reading >>104292 it has come to my attention, that compared to the other corners of the political compass, we In the libertarian right, have taken a back seat, in terms of relevance in the culture war. While our memes are pretty good (except for the occasional boomer memes), and our arguments are both solid and morally consistent, we nether bring in the numbers, nor command the mutual respect/resentment, nor have the gravitas, that we truly deserve. that being said, all of this may not actually be a bad thing in the grand scheme of things.
One advantage that we do have, is that none of the other ideologies are paying much attention to us, stormfags are too focused on cultural Marxism, and Antifa (and seem to be under the impression that we are their allies, which for the time being, we can play along with till the time is right to betray them), while commies are too focused on bashing the fash, and trying to meme. They don't think we are a real threat, meaning the worst we'll ever get is the occasional child sex slave joke. Once a Ron Paul type runs for president, in one of the two main parties (which will probably happen 2024),we strike, making it known to the world that the 3rd largest ideology in america truly does have real political power. And with a fuck load of Buzzfeed articles, calling us the bane of humanity, we solidify ourselves as an ideology in ascendancy, like what the stormfags did with trump. Basically we should use our position as a 3rd wheel faction to pull a Blackbeard at Marineford, pardon my One Piece metaphor/reference(although, If /pol/tards can get away with Dragon Ball reference, what with their "hidden power levels", why not do the same?).
Is Luxembourg Ancap?
The founding document of Luxembourg is not a constitution, it’s a deed. A deed of purchase by Count Siegfried from a monastery. That inheritance has transferred down to the current Grand Duke.
>Siegfried or his ancestors got that money to pay for that land through violence!
The only accounts are wars of defense, or defending their legitimately inherited titles.
>Yeah, but everyone back then—
Innocent until proven guilty.
>He was violent against his citizens for sure! Luxembourg doesn’t allow X, Y, Z under threat of force.
He’s merely a landlord, and therefore has the right to physically remove under libertarian law.
>But that doesn’t pass until the modern day because when Count Weingraf of Smexelblob inherited the lands and combined them with his other holdings of Ruritania, he dirtied Luxembourgish inheritance together with the spoils of THOSE ill-gotten gains, and—
O.k.. So if theoretically a libertarian court found the amount of renumerations that the current Grand Duke is liable for, and the Luxembourgish government paid for that, would the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg be ancap?
>But Luxembourg today has a parliament, and—
A generous landlord.
A definite end to nazism
As far as I can see, the whole nazi whatever it is could be forbidden by a few lawsuits.
So far no one thought about it.
It's not that they favor the white race. They are not helpful. They act like niggers and Jews, just what they oppose. Yes, it is that bad.
Could this actually work? Are there others here that are interested?
Pic not entirely related.
Capitalist 'Free Speech'
So far in the #YouTubePurge;
The Great Order
Martin Sellner
James Allsup
Steven Crowder
Red Ice TV
Videos deleted-
Angelo John Gage
Gavin McInnes
Red Ice TV
Black Pigeon Speaks
Drunken Peasants
Press For Truth
J.F Gariepy
And many more
Libertarians support 1984, as long as it is 1984 achieved through private methods, not public methods. They can't be taken seriously as they have no genuine interest in *positive freedom*, ie real freedom.
CFTC goes after bitmex
>The months-long CFTC probe is focused on whether BitMEX broke rules by allowing Americans to trade on the platform, which isn’t registered with the agency, said one of the people who asked not to be named discussing the investigation, which hasn’t been made public. The regulator considers virtual currencies like Bitcoin to be commodities, and it has jurisdiction over futures and other derivatives based on them.
>The probe is ongoing and the regulator’s investigations often don’t lead to allegations of misconduct. The CFTC declined to comment.
This isn't going to end here.. They might not be able to bring them down just yet but their eventual plan is to get any foreign exchange to use KYC on all their clients and then implement something much more stringent than even KYC:
>This would go beyond the basic “know your customer” (KYC) rules that bedevil many crypto users. In addition to verifying and keeping records of their own users’ identities, exchanges and other service providers would have to pass customer information to each other when transferring funds, just as banks are required to do. This is known in the U.S. as the “travel rule”.
What's the solution???? We need to start tweeting at developers to make decentralized exchanges.. We need a new satoshi.
Libertarians -> Fascists
What do you say to all the people as of late who make the following argument:
"I used to be a libertarian, but then I realized that it's just too open. It allows people who are parasitic to its ideology to thrive, thereby eventually destroying it–" and then from this starting point, two paragraphs later end up endorsing the 25 point Nazi party platform.
juggalos are an example of voluntarist collectivism
the gathering of the juggalos represents one of the best examples of voluntarist collectivism in the world
we should own this instead of being ashamed because the jugallos actually have a peace philosophy
also there are some hot 'lettes
>Chris Pratt is facing criticism over a T-shirt he was pictured wearing featuring a controversial symbol.
>The Marvel star’s top shows the American flag with a coiled snake over the top and a message underneath which reads “Don’t Tread On Me.”
>It came to prominence during the Revolutionary War of the US by colonists who wanted independence from Great Britain.
>It has therefore become a symbol of more conservative and far right individuals and, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US, it also is “sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.”
>Although Pratt has not come out as a supporter of the Republican party it seems he shares conservative viewpoints on the gun lobby and is a member of the Hillsong Church which has been accused by ex-members, as well as Ellen Page, as being homophobic.
They're going after the Gadsden flag now.
and there is nothing wrong with that
How is ancap it's own ideology? It's Fascism in a smaller scale and without care for truth. It's literally a brand of fascism, exacly how nazism is Fascism's retarded cousin Ancap is fascism's slutty and possibly bastard niece.
>its not fascims if I do it only on my own property
>conquering other's propriety is not fascism
>it's not taxes it's tribute, therefore i'm an anarchist
Why do people say capitalism requires endless growth?
People on the left say capitalism requires endless growth, yet the populations of developed countries is decreasing. The leftists say that this bad for our economy and we need more people. What is "good" growth and is this different than simple population growth?
Liberty-tier Adages
Have you noticed any /liberty/-tier adages from those whom one would not necessarily consider as supporters of liberty? For example, the vid-related real estate investor:
"Enjoyment comes from the freedom of choice; not choice itself"
"Live and spend like your broke (low-time preference)"
The state of Liberty
There is a movement to divide Washington state and create a new state called Liberty
>Creation of new state strictly by gun rights activists
>75% of Eastern WA population supports movement, has congressional backing with multiple bills
>low tax obligations-“government doesn’t produce or own wealth—citizens do”
>”The right to manage and protect life and property will be honored at all levels of government.”
>Currently a voting contest for what the official state rifle will be
The creation of a new state is constitutional
>Article 4, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States allows for the division of a state with a simple majority vote of the Legislature of the state and Congress:
>“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”
Would anyone from /liberty/ move to the state Liberty if it was created?
The problem with Ancap
if nothing in the market is illegal, couldn't a bunch of people make a counterfeiting business? because this business is legal the counterfeiters get better and better, with better machinery and no one is getting arrested, this would end up hyper inflating the economy. pic unrelated
2019 Summer Infinity Cup
GREETINGS /liberty/
The Infinity Cup is returning once again, and 8chan's boards will be fighting it out on the pitch to claim divegrass supremacy. As a board that has participated in the Cup at one point or another in its history, you are invited to the reveal stream for 2019 Summer edition of the Cup. On Saturday June 22nd, at 3 PM EDT/7 PM UTC, on I'll be giving you guys an early look at the Cup's 5th edition, which will include revamped aesthetics, team stadiums and other quality of life improvements I've figured out how to do in PES 17. Hopefully this will get anons back on board with the Cup, considering it has struggled mightily since its 2nd incarnation.
So how is it going to go down? I'll be staging a couple of exhibition matches between teams using their rosters from the last Cup, and we'll shitpost our merry way through the stream. Once the stream ends, entries will be open for the Cup, and boards can start putting together/editing their rosters and kits. Entries will close in early July, the field will be determined, and the Group Draw will take place approximately a week before the Cup kicks off in August. I'm also hoping to possibly introduce managers for the Cup, although I'm still working out the details to keep this from devolving into a namefag dick measuring contest. I hope you all will tune in, and in case you aren't caught up on your board's history, I've provided some links below to get you caught up:
Socialist, national or otherwise, are born and bred to be slaves. I don't care if you don't pass your horrible genes so long you serve me.
Weak men are the normalfags. Those cucks who want to serve women and want equality in any way. Doesn't matter if they are nazis are commies.
Once we make the world ancap I will "unite" everyone… under my boot. Does that make me ancap, fascist or monarch? I know the answer, I wanna see if you know.
The Anarchist Case for Free Market Eugenics
As the Bell Curve by Charles Murray shows, wealth has a high correlation with both IQ and emotional intelligence.
As every libertarian does know the intelectual principle that underlies all human rights is the right to own things or people (i.e. self-ownership principle) through the mechanism of self-enforced self-defended private property.
A requisite for owning wealth is the ability to govern that wealth, as idle wealth is ownerless, for example, an asteroid with deposits of precious ores or uncolonised land.
An animal cannot own property, but a computer can, as animals are unintelligent creatures, and intelligence is what defines humanity.
This is why poorfags are closer to beast than to us.
Ayn Rand was wrong.
Not only poor people are not entitled to our wealth, WE are entitled to THEIR wealth as the animals they are cannot hold property.
Eugenics are good by definition, because income has a high correlation with intelligence, those who are richer are more human than those poorer, thus, any behaviour should be allowed to those in the top, maybe with the exception of degeneracy and charity.
And while it is true that soon Gene Therapy will become avalaible, only us can afford it, so eugenics are still useful to keep poorfags in their rightful place.
People who oppose us, like socialists, vegans or vegan socialists are "people" who want things like taxation, animal rights based on "painism", private charities, human rights not based upon property rights, atheism or antichristianism, labour unions, the abolition of slavery or other any other form of collective delusions.
Effective altruism and charities are not only defective by definiton, but also impossible, as they not only promotes dysgenics, but create an unnatural redistribution of wealth, which should stopped at all cost.
Socialists, liberals and far-left collectivists alike may, in rare occasions, have an intelligence high enough to hold property, however, they are clearly mentally ill, as they contradict the very own property rights that allows them to exist in the first place, thus, removing them from society or turning them into propety would be merely an act of self-defense, I know, I know, it is sad to harm intelligent individuals, even in self defense, but sometimes you have to appeal to common sense and fall into the grounds of some necessary evils, so to speak.
For more info, feel free to Emil Kierkegaard, Scott Alezander or Spandrell blogs on the topic.
>how can I help?
You can promote corruption at a goverment level so people distrusts more the welfare state.
It is easier to attack disabled, homosexual or homeless vermin as not even subhumans like them care about them (hint: the mentally ill are especially easy).
Boicot charities and promote big corporations.
Censor leftists or "right"-wingers who promote utilitarianism, atheism or painism.
Promote dysgenics and use the optics they provide to make leftists look bad, to make them look as the degenerates they truly are afterall.
Godspeed my heros, see you all in our future libertarian utopia.
Hi, we are part of the NSDAP Hoppean GANG. Basically, we combine Nazi Esotericism and the philosophy of Aryanism, with Techno-Markets, and Economics. The Nazis failed because their production schedules and market capabilities lagged behind the International Jewry's production capabilities. As you can see, the Jewish Corporation named USSR allied with the Rothschild Corporation who owned Great Britain and the United States territories, to destroy National Socialist Germany. The Nazi Government was indeed socialist, and heavily regulated markets! This is why their production capabilities lagged extremely far behind the USSR, who just acted like on big corporation and thus destroyed Germany with her rich resources. Aryan Warriors could not beat Jewish Production, i.e. they still had to obey the Economic laws which are Natural Laws.
The allegation that Austrian Economics or Libertarianism is jewish, is absolute nonsense. Carl Menger created the Austrian School of Economics. Lysander Spooner, Benjamin Tucker, John Locke, and Gustave de Molinari created AnCap-Libertarianism. However, National Socialism heavily based itself on the principles of Stalinism, not necessarily the jewish enslavement system of communism, but very close to it. Joseph Goebbels even said that Hitlerism and Communism were extremely similar. Hitler and the Einsatzgruppen executed millions of communists. This is fucking based and absolutely redpilled. They also took genetics into account. The Slavs are genetically predisposed to jewish enslavement of communism. ABOLISH SLAVS, jkjk. But you get the point.
There is a post, that perfectly extrapolates on our goals here:
Basically, our goal dumbs down to this, fuse ariosophy and economics together to create the Neo-Libertarian NSDAP Hoppean movement.
We are located on, as reddit kept on banning us.
The sub is called ==s/hoppeanism==
If you want to be mod there, just message the mods!
It's not enough to rid Europe of niggers. If you believe in ANY form of "based" socialism, you either have nigger-tier intellect, or you're a mentally ill loser who feels no shame surviving by parasitizing off of the rest of his people. When we take power, we will cleanse you along with your subhuman brethren.
In the bright ancap future, the African continent will be a proving grounds to which we send our young to hunt less evolved beings as a rites of passage. This important process of natural selection is to ensure genetic hygiene, so that our "good times" will not create "weak men" that are offended and intimidated by property, markets, and competition.
Vigilantism, or defending someone else's rights
Continued from the QTDDTOT >>>104111:
How would you say vigilante justice on another's behalf would work in ancap? "Vigilantism" in defense of one's own property and community is simple enough to justify, but acting to defend the rights of another person who has not employed you could get a little complicated. Let's say you're a prospective vigilante, and you were very reasonably certain that Smith was keeping Jones chained up in his basement without Jones's consent for Smith's own amusement. You are acquainted with Jones, but he is neither a member of your family, nor a client you are paid to protect, nor has he called for your assistance that you know of.
In my view, it would work something like this: You couldn't simply break into Smith's house. But, if you have told Smith that he is violating Jones's rights and you will work as Jones's agent to defend his rights if he does not cease, you would be in the right to take whatever steps are necessary to free Jones. However, if for whatever reason upon being freed Jones refuses to acknowledge you as his agent, and does not recognize you as acting in defense of him, Smith is only then liable to sue you for property damage. Does this sound accurate?
Obviously, in most cases acting as an agent on someone else's behalf would be considered fraud. But, as the person as whose agent you are acting would be the one who presses charges against you, if he decides he's okay with the actions you've taken in his name and gives them the stamp of approval, it's not an enforceable infraction.
What are your thoughts on billionaire businessman and famed Democrat donor Ed Buck?
For those who arent aware, on July 27, 2017, a young African American man and gay prostitute named Gemmel Moore was found dead in Bucks home. His death was ruled an overdose and various drug paraphernalia as well as sex toys and porn were found littered around Bucks home.
On January 7, 2019, another African American man, 55-year-old Timothy Michael Dean, died at Buck's home. Once again, his death was ruled an overdose and drugs, syringes, porn, and sex toys were found littered around the body.
>be me
>be ancap
>keep arguing with normies "no dont be stupid anarcho capitalism is not neo feudalism"
>reads history
>discovers that feudalism is actually very based
>realizes that ancaps might as well be neo feudalists but thats actually a good thing
Anyone else or I just actually lost my mind?
Why do people say capitalism requires endless growth?
People on the left say capitalism requires endless growth, yet the populations of developed countries is decreasing. The leftists say that this bad for our economy and we need more people. What is "good" growth and is this different than simple population growth?
You know, I'm getting rather annoyed with the "Hoppe is a Nahtzee" shpiel of leftists and mainstream-style libertarians. However, I think it can mostly be attributed to the whole "physical removal of leftists and gays" thing.
1) Just because something is legal, doesn't mean that it is sanctioned. Too many times, I've seen the statists deploy the whole "oh you want x legalized, therefore you must want to do it" fallacy. Besides, market pressure would likely keep there from being a giant purge of gays and leftists. As a private community, you are competing with all other private communities for customers (tenants). If you acquire a reputation for Expelling your clients, people are going to go elsewhere. Anti-gay and anti-leftist communities would likely be a minority, catering to a niche market.
2) "Physical removal" ≠ death, or even injury, unless the physically removed is violently resisting. Physical removal begins with asking nicely and upwards of 90% of the time will end with asking nicely. If someone has been on your property with your consent and refrained from violating the NAP, there's not really any good reason to violently evict them unless they've proved resistant.
3)People who hold extreme and violent viewpoints (e.g. leftists, totalitarians, etc) are usually irrational, given the extreme mental gymnastics any sane person would have to perform to hold those ideologies. However, as we've seen, these ideologies have had success, but mostly coming to power by force or manipulation, and rule by terror. Thus, it is safe to say that retributory behaviour against the holders of these beliefs, rather than the free market of ideas (which assumes rationality and a willingness to play by the rules), is justifiable. Communists, given their ideology, will likely respond violently to eviction, thus opening them up to retaliatory measures (death, dismemberment, whatever). Communists will thus be forced to either renounce their ideology, cower in the shadows, or perish, thus eliminating the threat they pose to freedom.
What is the difference between (relatively) free societies like the USA and Japan when it comes to culture? Why is it that Americans never really developed a unique culture despite having a lot of time and freedom to do so, but the Japanese were always a culturally rich nation, even well into the 21st century?
My own theory is that it's partly because of generational wealth and property rights, I don't believe it has anything to do with their race or with some super secret way they were brought up or any of that bullshit.
Capitalism Keeps Losing
Why has capitalism lost the ideological battle AGAINAND AGAINoh and also that other timerepeatedlythroughout historywe never seem to learn? The younger generation is now majority commie ( ). I mean, dear lord, I'm not even sure this board has a majority of capitalist posters anymore. What the fuck happened? Why can't capitalism defend itself ideologically? And how the fuck do I prepare for the breadlines under the neo-bolshevik uprising? Something more useful than "Grab SK, go inna woods" or "go workout/be stoic" pls.
>Today's anti-civilization is a mix of economic authoritarianism ("do whatever you are told") and social infantilism ("be whatever you want"). Civilization requires the very opposite: a mix of economic libertarianism ("do what you want") and social maturity ("be what you ought").
>Hence the following one-sentence recipe for civilizational revival: get rid of scientism and "postmodernism" in favor of Aristotelian Thomism, get rid of legal positivism in favor of natural and common law, and get rid of social democratic statism in favor of classical liberalism/libertarianism.
but what is aristotelian thomism? believing in objective truth, beauty, goodness?
The FED's Inequality
Are leftists EVER going to notice the connection between inequality and the FED? I'm really getting annoyed about how even so much as auditing the fuckers has gone nowhere. Instead, more and more attention gets forced on just increasing taxation even more.
Egalitarians cannot defend their positions at all. The only thing they can do is resort to social shaming and appeals to authority, which reveals a lot about how they themselves came to adopt that belief. Even more educated speakers consistently fall back on dishonest rhetorical tactics designed to prevent actual discourse. It's even more hilarious in the case of anarchists who will be enslaved by the very subhuman they love, perhaps this is what they want.
>dude fascism means opressium lmao
Libertarian Strategy
The most relevant question.
Given libertarianism is true (defined: the state needs to be drastically rolled back or abolished), what should the average Western man do what's he's persuaded?
Here's the basic categories of options. There is overlap:
>Sequester yourself from the state, reject involvement in state government system on principle. Don't vote.
>Plan for overthrow in your lifetime.
>Engage in system politics, vote for libertarian policies to be incremented.
>Blackpill: give up.
I believe option 3 is the most practical and mature. Here is why:
Take the most urgent case of abortion. Babies are being murdered and there's no end in sight. In latest development, a (medically) retarded mother in the UK is being forced to have an abortion against her and her own caretaker mother's wishes, because the female judge decided she knows better than them.
Given that the state exists so a consensual system of preventing abortion is unenforceable, it is not a compromise for me as a libertarian to argue for state persecution of abortionists. By supporting anti-abortion legislation I am not agreeing that this is the way it ought to be.
Same for immigration and border control. My striving for no more non-white immigration and a higher border defense budget does not mean I consent to the existence of the state.
At the same time as I'm lobbying for these basic requirements of a society to be in place by the state, I'm advocating for less and less state intrusion everywhere else. I can also prepare my family for a financial collapse, and join a preparatory revolutionary outfit.
Please, help me refine my outlook.
What are the best arguments for and against minarchism vs anarchism?
Meaning, should there be a state that serves an extremely limited function (power to execute murderers, defense of country) or none at all (all social functions predicated on mutual consent)?
I'm having a hard time reconciling ancap with Romans 13's apparent affirmation that some form of government is tasked by God with the responsibility to execute proven criminals, and I must recognize scripture as inerrant.
I know Romans 13 is used as just a blanket proof text for all state action and they're obviously committing eisegesis in those cases (roads, firemen).
Both of these positions are libertarian and have impressive figures on each side.
99% of humans are slaves. We have feudalism
How can people be such slaves to work 9 hours per day for 40 years? Just count the amount of hours you are losing for slavery.
I don't even think of wagecucks as of humans, you are robots, slaves, ants, without brain or consciousness.
Not a single free men would allow something like this, he would prefer to make a revolution and kill those who enslave him, or even die during revolution, than to be such slave like wagecucks are.
There is so much wealth and factories in the world, that we all could work two days per week and still have houses, food, fun. But for now that wealth is in hands of your owners, lords. We have feudalism.
Exhausted By the Endless Vanguard
Considering the number of replies to >>100308 , even when it's buried deep in another thread, I feel like it deserves to be its own post. Are libertarians just getting burnt out from arguing with everyone since the dawn of the internet? How many of you would describe yourselves as having turned into lurkers? What would you suggest to do?
Fed up.(venting)
Hey all,
I have become disillusioned, to the point of either expatriating or pushing for accelerationism (if it was not for the NWO). To start off, the Amash vs RINO confrontations are just retarded. Republicans when they lost would at least pay lip service to being conservatives. Then Trump is being a gun control piece of shit, on top of his other shit, thus giving up on Trump being anything other than a Peronist (hell George Bush was more of a conservative at this point). Then people have the gall to say it is libertarians fault because MU Koch Brothers! Even with their money they have not been that successful. But people go on that libertarians are the problem, although most the "libertarians" are conservatives that have a fetish for big government. Further I get tired of people trying to change this country, this land was made for liberty, and I am tired of everyone trying to homogenize the US to be like everywhere else. Fuck them.
And if I sound like I am just bitching , I am not. I have run for office, held appointed positions, and tried to get others elected, just to get shit on by anti-human and anti-evolutionary apes. I am quite tired of it. Further, people complain that housing and other essentials are going up in price, but see no fucking correlation with QE or that prior to 1970 prices were relatively stable, but them everything went to shit after that, HMMMMM???? (Granted the catch up of the Axis powers did not help, but neither did buying goods without producing anything). Yet you suggest, maybe, just maybe conservatives could have prevented this by pushing harder for the gold standard, but that is like number 99 on their list of things to do. Fucktards.
I am sorry if I sound disgruntled, but on top of my things that I considered "my hobbies" being destroyed by people I hate, but on top of that I expected Republicans to deliver on one thing they were ok on, and they fucked that up. At this point if it all goes to shit both sides deserve it. Boomers bitch about this communist generation, but if they would have insisted on a gold standard, maybe there would not be the income inequality that there is, but they stick their head up their ass like there is no such thing.
Semi-/liberty/ related:
Can anyone post that "meme" (for lack of a better word) where it makes fun of how Neo-Nazis tried to argue that Hitler "tried" to make "peace" with Britain, despite the Third Reich repeatedly betraying promises and diplomatic agreements, and the last panel of the comic has Hitler reeee-ing about "HURR DURR CHURCHILL LET COMMUNISM RISE IN EUROPE REEEEEEE"?
I need it so I can post it to "BTFO" nazi-fags.
Slavery can be justified because we are not obliged to recognize the natural rights of those whom we do not expect or demand reciprocal right-recognition from. The state is illegitimate not because it uses violence but because its justifications for the use of violence do not hold up to logical scrutiny.
This is why it is acceptable to own (or enslave, per se) animals like cows and negroes. And why it should be admitted as justified to enslave those who aggress upon you, as the moment they have broken the ethical contract of non-aggression, they are likewise not protected by it.
Societies shall therefore be formed of groups of people who reciprocate the sentiment of non-aggression within the social group. Such social contract is akin to an alliance between macrocosmic states, wherein if one is attacked all alliance members attack the aggressor. If one member begins aggression upon others in the group, and is unable to be resisted, the group can no longer be said to be a society, but instead a pack of slaves owned by one slave-master. As stated, such organization is only 'illegitimate', logically illegitimate, if the slave-master does not recognize his status as an enslaver of men and likely oathbreaker. These titles are objective, of course, and are the metaphysical price of domination. If the enslaver fails to recognize his true nature, his life becomes the domain of lies, and thus he may pay even greater in a solipsistic denial of reality itself.
Hello /liberty/
I am NatSoc, I despise Capitalism and Communism both as Materialist philosophies at best and Jewish-in-spirit at worst. Communists push for Revolutionary action it's not a good kind of Revolution, whereas Capitalists are too reactionary and worried about maintaining the Status Quo or enough of the Status Quo to allow them to stay wealthy without getting their hands dirty.
Recently I've gotten interested in Anarchist ideas and how to combine NatSoc ideas of Race, Nature, Hierarchy etc. With Anarchist ideas of Decentralization, Community as opposed to Government, and Freedom.
The more I got to thinking about it, the more I realized that if we abolish the State a lot of the the things Racialists are mad about would be nullified. The Feds completely re-wrote the meaning of Liberty and Citizenship by force in the Civil War, and a lot of what we hate stems from that ex. Forced integration and "Civil Rights". Jews and Race Traitors would not be able to subvert our Country if there was no massive power structure there to pacify us, we could storm the offices of Anti-White media bosses, Bankers, etc. and give them the correct punishment for treason without ZOG enforcers throwing us in prison, etc.
This is not to say I'm whining about them violating "Muh NAP" or whatever, I believe Might is Right and the only Freedoms and Rights we have are those we take/keep by force. There is no natural human right to anything, if someone is strong enough to take something from you and you can't stop it there is no God of Human Rights who will magically correct it for you.
I've read all different kinds of solutions from a National Socialist/Authoritarian perspective, my question for you all is what is your proposed solutions to demolishing State power and restoring Aryan freedoms?
At this point it's more important to address /leftypol/ anti-capitalism fud and spam on 4chan on boards like /biz/ and others than it is to post on this dead ass website at all tbh. We never would have gotten to this point if it weren't for the subversion of the libertine values of the original /pol/ from the inside, whoever let those shill mods run amok with selective censorship for months on end should have their kneecaps broke.
scandal on the altright
Is this the best English libertarian imageboard? Is it the only one?
Has there ever been a dedicated site for a libertarian imageboard, that would be detached from the porn and controversy of this larger site?
The free and anonymous nature of an imageboard seems to go hand in hand with libertarian philosophy, just like the observed overlap into the free software movement.
Hey guys,
So I'm going through this video and trying to cite what hoppe says about nazi germany and while I can find sources to prove what he says about nazi germany I CANNOT find any sources for the quotes he says comes from hitler. Can anyone help me? I assume possibly that he is pulling quotes from hitler which are originally spoken and written in german. If thats the case I'd like to have these exact quotations cited to me so that I can validate them.
Old one is auto-saging. Basic questions about /liberty/, socialist "gotchas" masquerading as basic questions, etc., go here. If you have a "what about ____" question you'd like to ask that you're really, really sure will stump everyone this time, do a quick look over this list: ( before you post–chances are, someone has asked that question before, and there's already an answer or answers available to you.
What does entitle you to firefighters
Most libertarians and minarchists refuse to acknowledge healthcare as a service that should be provided by the goverment (nothing wrong with that), while, simultaneously use a wishy washy logic to, through massive amounts of cognitive disonance, say that the local goverment should provide a firefighter service funded by everyone.
Don't get me wrong, it makes sense that minarchists defend a vigilante government that provides police, free courthouses and a small body of soldiers to defend and ONLY defend the country (no foreign intervention allowed) as law, order and stability are public goods, however, I don't see how firefighters are one.
>fire spreads
So do germs and disease, that does not mean that healthcare is a right and that I should fund firefighters to protect you, your property and your business.
>firefighters allow me to defend my property, my bodily autonomy and mantain it at its fullest
So do most welfare programs, but you are a libertarian, not a social democrat, be coherent.
>firefighters are more efficient when they a provided by the government
We are talking about liberty and freedom, not efficiency, that's not libertarianism, that's utilitarianism.
Charity, Pharma research, banking, academia funding and healthcare are also more efficiently provided by the government (or that's what utilitarians say), but that's not an argument against freedom.
Utilitarianism is fucking intellectual cancer.
If you unironically think that efficiency justifies it you are a social democrat that believes in trickle-down economics, not a libertarian
Read Ayn Rand "the Virtue of Egoism": Libertarian ethics are based upon ethical egoism, rationalism and hedonism instead of upon utilitarianism or empirism, other people's happiness are nothing of your concern, and according to our concept of Free Will and human rationality, it is better for them to be like so.
<ibn4 reddit spacing
It's called proper formating.
For thousands of years of human history we lived in misery and suffering.
Then the planets aligned, and by some miracle we got some sort of capitalism and we got out of misery. Yet most people don't understand this and want to go back to the same policies we used for thousands of years and that kept us in misery and suffering, which is the starting point in nature.
What we're living is a big exception. I wonder how many times in history a society got close enough to start a capitalist revolution towards riches, and yet people started to bullshit and complain, forcing everyone to remain into poverty.
And it's not like things are getting better, you just have to look at how the average economics degree holder don't understand shit and has the same economic insights and knowledge of the average non-student.
Humanity is condemned to go back to the natural state, suffering and misery. Not because of a lack of resources or due to some major catastrophe, but due to its own inability to appreciate what it got.
Fuck this.
Shameless Advertising
Some buddies of mine have opened a new political discord, and I just wanted to advertise it to you guys:
We do not intend to ban any ideologies, so any lurking leftyfags are also welcome to join in.
Why have we opened it? Because the good discords have become insular, and hardly let in new members. There are some that let in everyone and have no quality control whatsoever, and others which set out to be circlejerks, or of which I know they will be circlejerks because their admins are frankly idiots. So with this one, we want to return to the golden days of /rwa/ and /lrg/, if any of you know it.
Picture unrelated, and thanks for reading.
Capitalism violates NAP
Let's say you left a football on the beach. You put a label on it saying 'I made this, if you use it you owe me ten dollars'. Would I be 'initiating force' by using the football without contributing ten dollars?
Surely I would not be. 'You' are not the product of your labour. You may attempt to control or limit other people's interaction with the product of your labour but you cannot do so using force. In that case you aggress against me.
This is true on its own, but also, consequentially, the ability of people to own the product of their labour leads to the separation of ownership from use, which reduces the freedom of wage-labourers.
we know that free trade increases real wealth, since people have more goods at better prices, resources are best allocated, international division of labor and so on.
The problem is that humans want meaning in their lives, they crave jobs and feeling useful.
If you have a person who works part-time, despite living like a king compared to someone from the 50s, he will feel like a bitch and will eventually lean towards natsoc, and no amount of education can stop that.
How do we solve this?
The problem with the free market
I've read quite a few free market authors like Rothbard, Mises, Sowell, and Hazlitt and they all make one grave mistake: the false assumption that a consumer is a rational being making rational choices. The consumer is no longer rational when companies are allowed to use all the psychological tricks in the book when it comes to advertising. Companies use celebrities, degeneracy, loud music, catchy music in advertisements to undermine the rationality of the consumer.
Google/Google Products And The Free Market
Hey /liberty/
So, I know this board is under constant attack, and the mods seem to have given up completely. Therefore, I want to start making quality threads again, regarding Libertarian morality and ideals.
I am a very pro-liberty person, boarding on AnCap. As such, when I engage with the free market, I like to make sure that my priorities are locked in. With that being said, where should we stand, with regard to Google. I constantly see a plethora of disparaging remarks thrown towards Google, due to them recording everything you do, tracking you, etc., from the /tech/ fags. Yet, many /tech/ posters believe in Richard Stallman, and the FOSS movement seems like totalitarian bullshit to me. If you were to follow it, you can only use like 1 browser (icecat or lynx), one OS, and you have to follow all of these tedious rules.
Anyway, here is the conundrum: Google is a free-market company, that offers services you do not have to accept. They are extremely efficient, secure, and good at what they do. On the other hand, they are anti-liberty, and as stated before, they track everything you do. Is it best to avoid Google products? If you use a competitor, that isn't as good, are you still making a Libertarian choice? Do Libertarians/AnCap people need to care about tracking, and how Google uses your data?
The reason I am asking all of this, is because, let's be honest: Google has a total iron grip on the technology world, but they have useful products. If I continue to use Firefox, Protonmail, etc., am I really a free-market advocate anymore? If a monopoly is really awesome and useful, and helps a lot of people, is it really bad? Do I deserve to use products, without having my data tracked/stored?
What do all of you think?
Social credit system
There's literally nothing wrong with this if the state was uninvolved.
People would gravitate towards the rating system that proves the most trustworthy, which would also tend to be the more transparent ones that have better selection criteria.
Just like now with Airbnb as an example, I could choose to deal with a less reputable person at a lower price. Win win.
I remember playing this game when it came out nearly two decades ago now. When I first played it, I did not really understand the plot or what was going on. It laid on a shelf for decades, and recently, things calmed down in my life, and I've had some time. So, I went back to play it again.
Jesus H Christ, why didn't I listen to any of this decades ago? WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN?! WHY DO I NOT REMEMBER ANY OF THIS?! Was I really so stupid that when someone was directly telling me the truth about what was going on that I just laughed it off as "simulation, lol?" This is so spot-on it's insane. I'm sure this has been talked about to death, but dear lord, this is so fucking prescient it makes me think that Kojima really was outright telling the truth here, or that it's at least low-level predictive programming.
Anyways, I'm going to play through this game and let Solidus win this time. If that ends the game with a bad end. Fine. I'll shut the console off and have my closure.
Libertarian 'Seasteaders' Face Execution In Thailand For 'Violating National Sovereignty'
>Despite its location just outside of Thailand's territorial waters, leaving it outside the reach of the country's laws according to international maritime law, the world's second "seastead" was raided by Thai police earlier this week as the country's military-dominated government pressed charges of violating national sovereignty against the two bitcoin enthusiasts who had lived there.
>The couple, Chad Elwartowski and his partner Supranee Thepdet, who goes by Nadia, could face life in prison or a death sentence in a Thai court if they are caught and formally charged. The two had sought to be pioneers in the seasteading movement, which advocates building structures anchored in international waters to allow people to live outside the control of governments and their laws.
>Thai authorities revoked Elwartowski's visa and said they would destroy the seastead within a week. The crackdown has dashed the couple's plans to build 'underwater restaurants' and 'floating hotels' to Phuket.
>But Thailand's navy said the couple's outpost still endangered national sovereignty, charging them with article 119 of the Thai Criminal Code, an offense punishable by life imprisonment or death.
>Build a 6m box floating in the middle of the fucking ocean
>Potentially get the death penalty for an offense as nebulous as "endangering national sovereignty"
Gee, I wonder why they wanted to move to the middle of the ocean? Seems to me "recreational nukes" will be an important prerequisite for establishing a free society in a den of tyrannical governments.
Why was the US unable to resist central government?
They could have shown the world the possibility of enlightened de-centralism.
Diverse and beautiful local cultures, with a central government divorced from them all, to serve as their protector.
That way nationalism doesnt get too fierce, or corrode the local cultures, but the local cultures are still protected, and to some extent supported by the centre.
'What went wrong?'
<Goddam antiestablishmentarians. Let's just ban antiestablishment speech.
>First amendment gets in the way.
<Fuck. Maybe we can get some sort of wartime justification.
>Espionage Act of 1917 gets upheld.
<Alright, at least we got that, but I'm envious of how good the U.K. is at controlling their media. Maybe we can regulate the media to encourage them into a few megacorps to at least simplify things.
>FCC established.
<Well, that worked well, maybe now we can covertly control them with spies and blackmail?
>Operation Mockingbird and COINTELPRO gets found out.
<Well fuck, we can wait until people forget about this and then try again.
>Internet comes around.
<Hm, this is going to get out of hand if we let this go. I know, let's covertly fund a few DARPA projects so we can make and control our own megacorps from the start!
>Start "LifeLog" and cancel it the same day Facebook starts up.
>Slush fund the fuck out of Google/Amazon/etc..
<Well shit, subsidizing the media directly under the guise of military projects is working a lot better than when we tried to do it surreptitiously under the CIA. Let's formalize this arrangement.
>Pass Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.
>Continue directly funding FANG.
<Hm, it looks like 12 people are trying to make an alternative to this stuff. Let's squash that right away.
>Covertly tell the two existing payment processing megacorps to squash your opponents.
How accurate is my history of the past 100 years, /liberty/?
Online piracy is socialist by definition.
For an individual to be considered a human being, he has to recognise other human beings as so, thus, as humanity derivates from the ability to hold property, those who do not respect other's properties do not deserve to be respected as human and should be both legal and ethical to shoot them on spot.
Let's say, for the shake of argument, that I don't allow my property to be polluted, such a thing allows me to ask for a compensation if somebody polluted my land or my body with chemicals, cigarrete smoke, etc… a refusal to provide such compensation would allow me to shot the aggresor in the spot or to force my way into earn such compensation, like organ harvesting or debtors prision (which is not slavery like statist say, as nobody forces you to commit crimes, thus being this kind of "forced" labour voluntary at the end).
The exact same logic applies to IP, the main reason why I like article 13 so much, it does not matter, at all, if ideas or information are abundant in nature (they are not- as they relay on scarce resources like time and energy), let me explain:
Water and air are both abundant in nature, however, both their harvesting and removal of pollution requiere resources that are not scarce, pretty much the same can be applied to IP.
As a side note, IP should be eternal, saying otherwhise would be geolibertarian pink-socialism, asking IP to expire is like asking land property rights to expire.
As both a Disney and Activision-Blizzard shareholder you are literally taking food out of my mouth.
So stop illegaly downloading online content you socialist brats or the day of the rope will come sooner than you think.
Thanks for your time faggots. -L
Chaos Theory
Why don't libertarians respect chaos theory more?
It feels like a great way to get out of the old determinism v. free will debate by arguing about whether certain classes of natural phenomena are predictable as opposed to 'predetermined.' You can better incorporate the salients points of Hayek's local knowledge and Mises' calculation arguments. You can point out socialist hubris. Finally, you can actually speak in a harder and more rigorous scientific point of view.
New Reading Guide
I wanted to make a right-wing reading list initially, but turns out I cannot, in good conscience, make one while omitting the libertarian aspect of it, which I believe is genuinely right-wing, whereas shit like national socialism and distributism are leftism in disguise.
So I took our old reading list and amended it. I also cut a few entries, like Molyneux (he is pretty low-tier), the New Libertarian Manifesto (everything from it is pretty much included in the Agorist Primer), and Nozick (he just isn't that good and hardly relevant anymore).
Hope this is of help for someone!
Tackling the logical extreme
People joke a lot about the NAP and how an ancap would shoot a little kid that wanders into a yard and all that (you know the memes). I fully understand that this case is a logical extreme but in the unlikely chance of it happening would ancapistan have any sort of recourse if a person were to kill an ignorant child for trespassing aside from refusing to trade with them. Is it simply an unfortunate circumstance one has to live with?
What even am I at this point?
I used to believe in a more ancap-style right-libertarian order, but now I'm starting to see the benefits of having institutions that constitute more than one individual collectively owned. However, even though I think "wage-slavery" as some would call it is undesirable and should definitely be avoided, I don't think it would really be feasible to just outright abolish or pretend that it will not exist entirely in a libertarian order. That being said, I still think some sort of libertarian order would be the most beneficial, and we should progress towards one. And as far as one-man sole proprietor businesses go, the ancap approach generally makes a lot of sense to me. The free-market is cool so long as the autonomy of individuals (assuming they haven't physically assaulted or harmed anyone) is respected and not undermined. Mutual aid is also something that I'd like to see free-markets respect, but the bare minimum I ask for is respect for individual autonomy. It's also important to note that I don't think a state would be able to serve as an ideal arbiter in this system and that I wouldn't be opposed to federations of communes or ancap covenants existing so long as their respected communities properly consent to living in their systems on a basic level and that they don't violently attempt to invade other jurisdictions with no justifiable reason that is able to be confirmed by several legal arbiters (not necessarily ones that run for profit like in a Friedmanian-ancap system either, as I'd imagine a lot of those sorts of organizations that will manage to have any real backing by most libertarian jurisdictions would be the ones that are operated by trained volunteers with no profit incentive). Another thing I should note is that I don't deliberately attempt to adhere to a strict economic school of thought outside of me believing in free-markets that respect individual autonomy, liberty, and to an extent- mutual aid….and I also believe in the subjective theory of value.
On the other hand though- after reading a little bit of Ted Kaczynski's Industrial Society and Its Future, I noticed that Ted actually had some good points that should be considered. I don't find transhumanism/post-humanism to be inherently undesirable, but aspects of it that don't help free the individual from the system of social control that Kaczynski describes should be avoided or countered with some sort of alternative tech. Rather than embracing humans in the more primitive form, we should seek to escape the problem altogether by altering the human condition to the point where there is no human condition to be concerned about- only a post-human condition that truly respects the individual's freedom from the constraints of civilization as we know it. Civilization as we know it should be dissolved into much smaller units of organization, and those units should be dissolved, and so on and so forth until after various transhuman federations dissolve, the newly-born posthuman can be free to do gay space shit at its will. But that's an extremely radical ideal that I probably shouldn't have even typed due to how retarded it sounds.
What's also a bit weird to me is that while I don't believe in states being able to legitimately be justified and while I also don't really consider myself ancap, I agree with the bordertarian ancaps on borders to an extent as of right now in this current state of affairs, as I do not believe that a state relaxing immigration restrictions would be legitimate if that very same state legally restricts your ability to defend yourself or your ability to freely associate. Ideally though, I'd rather like to see no state-enforced borders in later stages of organization.
pic unrelated btw
In all seriousness (without any helicopter jokes or anything), should those who don't believe in private property be forbidden from owning private property? As far as I'm concerned, from an ethical standpoint, the second you say that private property doesn't exist, you aren't allowed to own your self and your own body, so you become no one's property and you lose all rights as a human being. I know Hoppe came up with this, but I never read about how this would work in practice.
The only practical problem I see with this theory is how to correctly determine whether someone is a property-denier or not so as to prevent false accusations and abuse, while also preventing leftists from dodging punishment when (as usual) they lie and pretend to not be the dirty, filthy leftists that they are.
Is regulating the regulators a viable strategy?
Say you despise gun rights. So, you pass whatever possible restrictions are imaginable. Certain kinds of guns get placed in certain kinds of categories with different legal restrictions. You start placing registration requirements on some of these categories. Using infiltration tactics, you take your battle everywhere you can. Some areas, like NYC, are very easy to make it impossible to own a gun. Gradually, through regulatory creep and bureaucracy you effectively nullify the ability to own a gun.
Meanwhile, libertarians' response is, "ELIMINATE X LAW. JUST WRITE IT OFF THE BOOK." But you never see a gun activist successfully passing a law to, "JUST BAN ALL GUNS," they instead take this creep, Fabian approach.
Now, I know Rothbard wrote about how a Fabian strategy won't work, but I want to point out that what I'm saying is subtly different. I'm NOT saying, "Grant us the right to use guns registration-free every third Tuesday of the month," and count that as an incremental victory. Instead, pass regulations on top of the regulators. Make it so bureaucrats have to pass through three different bodies to possibly deny a gun permit. If a response is not received within 25 days, the permit is to be considered automatically granted.
My basic point is that if increasing regulation increases the cost of doing business, then shouldn't increasing regulation on regulators increase their cost of doing business? Effectively making most regulations dead letters because they become effectively impossible to enforce?
Moreover, it gives certain politicians a more politically viable way out. E.g., if a politician votes against compulsory public schools, he gets labeled as "Being against education," mainly because he's "doing nothing." But if he votes for restrictions against the CPS to go against homeschoolers, he's suddenly "Stopping government overreach."
>be me
>believe in the free speech and rights of all users
>love shitposting and copypastas and meme fanfics
>have god-tier indesign skills and routinely read 8chan's shit
>really pissed off at mods and admins abusing the user class
>facebooks bans Tommy Robinson for criticizing BBC and threatens all their users
>meme economy badmins ban me because my aura of free speech was too great for them to comprehend
>interviewed genius world-travelling technologist who predicts Universal Basic Income becomes a big deal this decade
>youtube gonna soft-censor all conspiracies
>mfw i turn this all into a digizine
>mfw mods and admins forever have wrecked anuses
Userview Issue 2:
Cost me 40 bucks to display this digizine in order to own the mods and admins, but I'm pretty happy with it. Tell me if I should set up a functioning SubscribeStar or if you feel the Internet's better off without this. I'd probably keep making this either way since it's fun tho.
P.S. it's okay to be namefag.
~E p y c [redacted] W y n n
the alt-retard threat
How do we un-brainwash nu-/pol/faggots?
/liberty/ is pretty much the continuation of the real 4chan /pol/ before it got nuked and cucked by m00t.
/pol/ here on 8ch AKA nu/pol/ is a cancerous cesspit of literal LARPing neo-nazis and actual white supremacists (strange how these words have lost their meaning because commies blame everyone on being a nazi). How do we combat the incessant stormfaggotry? /pol/ leak and hijack other boards, /v/ is already full of stormfaggots and the mods actively ban conservative posters.
When we take back our country, leftist commie marxists will be thrown out of helicopters, but what do we do with the equally retarded morons on the alt-right?
Educate or Execute?
>imagine defending the economic interests of a dude that own 120 billion bucks in assets
And yet, I am the cuckold.
Nice meme bro. Nice meme faggots.
Individualism is delusional AS FUCK. Might makes right, welfare is not charity, it is a bounty, you bunch of retards, you sure are a fucking bunch of greedy niggers, Jesus.
Deal with it already.
"Libertarian" fascists
After a couple of months of lurking this forum and reading pretty much every thread I came to the conclusion that many of you (fortunately not the majority) are basically white supremacists who don't like to pay taxes, not even to help the poor white people.
Even Austin Petersen brings up the fact that many white supremacists use Libertarianism as a cover for their racist beliefs:
The Hoppe memes betray your authoritarianism. Why do you fascist faggots who want to ban abortion, drugs, workers rights and homosexuality call yourselves libertarians? Makes no sense.
Central bank apologists
Why do Sowell and Friedman schlob the central banks knobs so thoroughly? I finished basic econ by sowell, tried to read rothbard but had to put it down because of the never ending purity spiral of his thought, and and about halfaay through Friedman capitalism and freedom when it struck me what had been nagging at me. Both of these believers in freedom went out of their way to apologize for the central bank, and fractional reserve banking as a whole. It seems fairly obvious to me that fractional reserve banking is not only a dangerous activity that distorts the market by inflating the money supply, but is also something akin to fraud, not only on the depositor for what amounts to stealing his money that is supposed to be earning interest, but also on the borrowers of the bank that are borrowing phantom money that only exists because no one actually asked to see the physical money.
Am I misinterpreting?
The French disease- republicanism. Hand in hand with equality.
>Freedom becomes a positive good only in the hands of those willing, and able, to make proper use of it. It is nothing short of an evil in the hands of criminals or morally profligate.
>Liberty too widely spread becomes a curse, and furthermore, dooms itself to its own extinction. Reaction or foreign invasion have become the lot any society which have freed its masses.
>The state of the aristocratic subject is not one of dejection, but one of pride. To be subject to an aristocrat's laws is to have any elite who is concerned for your well-being- how much better than the cold indifference of the elite of the republic…
>Liberty is a thing of pride for the aristocrat precisely because it signifies his sovereignty, independence, superior culture, and hence, his worthiness to conduct his own affairs. In the hands of the republican freedom becomes the privilege of all, and thus of none. It no longer signifies any special worth- rather, it shows one's barbarism; one's descent from a lawless region.
was wallace a commie? :(
Without identifying the Enemy;
One cannot fight said Enemy.
Who soever opposes The Constitution is our Enemy.
Although, this seems paradoxical because our Constitution allows
for anyone to ideologically oppose The Constitution.
To Oppose = Actively resist or refuse to comply with.
We must allow our Enemies to exist or else we become identical to what we oppose.
This does not mean that we should give up or compromise in any way.
It simply means that we are better than them.
They do not understand this. They do not care.
The one saving grace for liberty is that liberty minded people are rational;
while people who oppose liberty are irrational.
Irrational people are going to make irrational decisions.
Their flaws will be their undoing,
and it is not our responsibility to protect them from themselves.
All we need to do is lay our webs and the flies will entangle themselves.
If hatred and resentment guide your behavior,
it will inevitably be your undoing in the end.
We must remain optimistic and compassionate to everything,
but DO NOT give the enemy any mercy.
They will take advantage of any weakness.
This statement seems to contradict itself,
but optimism and compassion is not weakness;
it required great strength.
If too many Americans, at any point in history,
decide to discontinue their opposition of tyranny; we will lose.
There is no victory. Freedom requires eternal vigilance.
Freedom is not free.
8chanmania nomination
What is it?
/v/ Nominates 32 fighters to fight for the Champion's Belt and a chance to fight in the 33rd Mania and win the season championship
This week we're having a site wide event and we want YOU to nominate a fighter, so please pick who you think represents the board the most, and then come join us at on Sunday May 12th at 2pm EST to watch your fighters win!
If your fingerprints aren't already in the system, is it worth keeping them out of the system in 2019 (USA)?
A hiring company wants me to submit finger prints in addition to standard background check info. I'm inclined to tell them to go fuck their hat, and move on to other opportunities.
What's the most effective way to kill statism, bros?
Governments have been rapidly evolving, they have almost perfected the art of farming entire human societies and keeping the population docile and desensitized, while also putting up a show of simulated international politics that keeps the politically active part of the population distracted. It feels like if we don't do anything within the next 50-100 years, we will lose whatever power and freedom we have and then spend whatever time our mutted species has on this gay earth in a pseudo-socialist dark age run by an evil artificial intelligence created in the Judeo-Asian state's own image before completely destroying the environment and the planet and everything on it.
We don't even have a fucking plan, our movement whole movement consists of wise guys and redditors mentally jerking each-other off on niche forums and niche events, showing off how much smarter they are than everyone else, while not actually doing anything and only hoping that things will eventually get better. I hate it, but I hate us even more for being so powerless.
Liberty 2100: Millenial leadership
Doomers, Gloomers, Clowners, ideologues, and all. Suck it up or kill yourself. Fuck your memes.
You are living on the precipice of a new century and all I can hear all year all day is a bunch of slack jawed incompetents trying to tool the system into smashing good things we have going. Multiple narratives of the cyber-world into a psychological proxy war of established superpowers to destabilize the next. CIA / FSB / and whatever automated Chinese hackers scripts are running through the net. Democratic free speech doesn't allow us to think anymore. It has made us small. If you are above 25 to 30 years old, you are an adult that should have grown out of collegiate nihilism.
Microsoft: from zero to a Trillion dollar company that defined the personal computer market.
Amazon: from a tech boom ebay clone that sold obscure warehoused books, to the central source of international retail.
Google: from a garage search query platform to the one stop shop for global information.
Cucks complaining about monopolies of industries that never existed whose market share is reliant on bringing billions in new revenue that didn't exist decades ago. No true monopoly exists without government regulation. No natural monopoly exists unjustly without providing the best product on the market at the most efficient price. Nobody cares about Yahoo, MySpace, AOL.
Freedom and technology has eliminated jobs you really didn't want to do for opportunities that you never thought existed as a child. You are never getting it back. We have a bright exciting century ahead, and all we keep hearing about is the complaints of guys who've either fucked themselves or are too far unwanted to be worthwhile in the market. If the state is to exist as a strong central authority, it must be used to ruthlessly protect free markets responsible for exponential growth. Electoral infighting, Liberal Democracy, and every identitarian manifestation of the left must be silenced. Chinese Authoritarianism has done the greatest thing with political censorship, outlawing electoral parties, and the self-regulation of it's industry by technocratic leadership that has turned irrelevant fishing villages into world class cities at the heart of global economics. Globalization is not a political issue, it is an evolutionary fact. Sewing together nation states into greater political blocs of interconnected hyper-cities is inevitability of power and cooperation. A species that cannot advance without accepting winners and losers as a natural result of optimized hierarchical inequality, and the unending excuses masquerading as obsolete tribal bodies of a philosophical left.
This is a race against time. This is a fight to the death. Your mortality. You will get old and your masterful insights will be drags on the psychological smut peddlers of social media. You and your children, and their children's children will die. All we have is our lives today, and our labors to the future. So stop wasting your time. Stop skipping out on your life's journey when fashionably bisexual newspaper-blogger woke infotainment fags are liars, living like millionaires, participating in a dishonorable profession that shouldn't no longer be allowed to exist.
Take the heroic stand: Get that job. Do those extra classes. Marry the girl. Be the Father. Put in those hours. Be with your kids. KEEP your cash and TAKE your lives back from the ideological grifter. Then the next time some woke fuck comes to tell you about the latest in the Illuminati conspiracy to steal your time, make him shut the fuck up. The future depends on it.
Is liberty just going to get cp'd to death?
Every time the government wants to pass something horrible that past two decades, it's the same four excuses:
>X helps proliferate child porn.
>This is a tool to stop money laundering.
>Gotta get tough on terrorism.
>There's a human trafficking crisis.
I know there's a lot of people who come onto this board and meme "BUt whAt IF thE chILd COnsENts," but is the libertarian movement going to get crushed because you can basically justify anything an authoritarian does by remotely connecting it to "Cracking down on CP" (or terrorism or human trafficking or money laundering)? Increase TSA searches because that cracks down on CP. Take away VPNs because those are used for CP. Take away Bitcoin because money laundering and only people selling CP would launder money. Take away everyone's gun because some hick in Virginia liked his gun and his cousin's mother-in-law turned out to have a ton of CP.
There's no talk about what would ACTUALLY stop this sort of stuff. It's always this fucking gut reaction. I'm getting kind of depressed by it.
meanwhile in european (((universities)))
>Whiteness. Race and the shifting codes of social privilege
>The aim of the course is to examine the concept of whiteness and its functioning in different historical, social and cultural contexts. During our classes we will analyse ways in which whiteness is constructed within changing systems of status hierarchy and pose a question about its relationship to a category of race. We will draw on theoretical approaches adopted in „whiteness studies”, discuss the origins and development of this research field and relate it to wider studies on ethnicity, race and racism. Referring to the works of sociologists, historians and anthropologists we will show how whiteness has organized and defined different forms of social privileged that is still perpetuated by the cultural patterns of valorisation operating in Western and non-Western societies. In this context we will also discuss whiteness in connection with issues such as culturally conditioned perception of the body and ideals of beauty, whiteness and class, whiteness and gender, whiteness and colorism. During the course we will not only focus on scholarly works but will also consider representations and problematizations of whiteness that can be found in literature, visual arts, film or advertising.
Hoppe on the Austrian tv show Hangar
<There is no such thing as shitposting. It's a vague and subjective concept that boils down to "irreverent posts or things I don't like," and therefore makes a bad yardstick for moderation. If you want discussion without fun, may I suggest another board?
Why is our BO such a retard?
Were Jews Responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution?
Toughts on this?, as background for this guy, he has a loot of content about WW2 but its not limited to military history, he speaks a loot about economic policies and political history (also has other videos about miscellaneous history topics). also he has jewish blood (not jewish tough).
For an individual to be considered a human being, he has to recognise other human beings as so, thus, as humanity derivates from the ability to hold property, those who do not respect other's properties do not deserve to be respected as human and should be both legal and ethical to shoot them on spot.
Let's say, for the shake of argument, that I don't allow my property to be polluted, such a thing allows me to ask for a compensation if somebody polluted my land or my body with chemicals, cigarrete smoke, etc… a refusal to provide such compensation would allow me to shot the aggresor in the spot or to force my way into earn such compensation, like organ harvesting or debtors prision (which is not slavery like statist say, as nobody forces you to commit crimes, thus being this kind of "forced" labour voluntary at the end).
The exact same logic applies to IP, the main reason why I like article 13 so much, it does not matter, at all, if ideas or information are abundant in nature (they are not- as they relay on scarce resources like time and energy), let me explain:
Water and air are both abundant in nature, however, both their harvesting and removal of pollution requiere resources that are not scarce, pretty much the same can be applied to IP.
As a side note, IP should be eternal, saying otherwhise would be geolibertarian pink-socialism, asking IP to expire is like asking land property rights to expire.
As both a Disney and Activision-Blizzard shareholder you are literally taking food out of my mouth.
So stop illegaly downloading online content you socialist brats or the day of the rope will come sooner than you think.
Thanks for your time faggotred swine. -L
<tfw this is my 5th try of uploading this shit
Thanks Josh, you PHP pro.
we should send gifts to Janusz Waluś, the hero of our times. he is still in prison even though he served his sentence
also jakób skrzypski
As early as 1875, a vision for Eurasian-American cooperation was becoming realized as leading Americans and Russians alike foresaw the construction of telegraph and even rail lines across the 100 km Bering Strait crossing separating Russia from Alaska. Proponents of this policy on the American side included Lincoln-ally and Colorado’s 1st governor William Gilpin, whose book The Cosmopolitan Railway was published in 1890 showcasing a “post-imperial world” where mutual development was driven by rail lines across all the continents and featured the Bering Strait rail connection as its keystone. Many of Gilpin’s co-thinkers in Russia grew in influence and even convinced Tsar Nicholas II to endorse the project in 1905. The fact that the newly completed Trans-Siberian Railway was modelled on Lincoln’s Trans-Continental Railway and carried train cars built in Philadelphia made this concept very feasible in the minds of many people in those days… not excluding a British Empire that desperately wished to see this potential destroyed.
>tfw communists singlehandedly prevented what would have been the biggest war-prevention mechanism and global anti-poverty lifeline of all time
>tfw American-Russian relations are still ruined to this day between them and FDR's shit-tier government
It hurts, /liberty/
Ok, so ITT: /liberty/ describes their ideal marriage partner/waifu.
What's it gonna be? Trad thots? Modern sluts? 2D only? Non-whites? Traps? How high are your standards? What would you absolutely not want to see in a woman? Would you date a commie? Would you date someone with piercings/tattooes? Would you date someone who drinks/smokes? What else?
how will people solve 5G problem in ancap? is sending 5G radiation into someone's property a violation of NAP? will in ancap people defend their properties with counter-radiation or some kind of a shield? okay G5 radiation is (probably) not unhealthy but in ancap we will have many crazy tinfoilhat people i hope
Cloning humans and /liberty/
What are main libertarian thinkers thoughts on cloning? My question is not ill intended, I am really interested on it and I would love to clone myself instead of having kids with my partner.
I am going to give you a bit of my backgroud, I am studying biochemistry at college, I am about to end my degree, I fully understand that clonation is not perfect and there is high risk of mutations and random changes, which are normally harmful, but every pregnancy has also the same chance of mutations and random changes (that is how evolution works in all living beings afterall) but new technologies like CRISPR-CAS9 offer the possibility to correct those copy-paste mistakes that occur during the cloning process.
I am mostly interested in the libertarian ethics of cloning, obviously statists, anarcho-commies and even some minarchists are not going to feel like allowing it.
Peterson blew it when it came to Marxism
There are real flaws with Marxism like economic calculation, scarcity, government mismanagement, etc but Peterson didn't know enough about that and just came off looking like a conservitard. Because of this, it will be much harder to call leftists out on their bullshit.
Fun Thread: Idea for a /liberty/-themed hentai gaimu
In the future, the world is run by a single planetary government, new laws declare all people to now be no longer legally considered human, except Males whose Genetics are 75% or Greater West-European, 75% or Greater East-Asian, or are 50% West-European and 50% East Asian.
Females and those who were not White or Yellow became less than animals, they now had the same legal status as inanimate objects with no value whatsoever, anything could be done to them, and they could become the property of any West-European or East-Asian Male, if that occurred, they'd have some measure of protection in the same way any piece of property receives legal protection from the property rights of the owner, however, this offers nothing in the way of the property's protections from their owner, or from anyone acting with the owner's consent.
The planetary government had segregated the planet according to race, giving the West-Europeans exclusive ownership of all the land and water they had arrived in before the East-Asians, and giving the East-Asians exclusive ownership of all the land and water they had arrived in before the West-Europeans, no member of one of these two races is permitted to immigrate into the territory of the other race, though visitation is permitted, Half-Breeds between the two races may immigrate between both of these territories, being the only ones permitted to do so, but they are also forbidden from working within any government positions, being the only racial group to face such a limitation.
The only laws of the planetary government that now exist (for those they still apply to), are the laws of the Non-Aggression Principle, meaning that the only crimes are property crimes and crimes against the person, the principles of consent and ownership form the foundation of all laws, this means that crimes like murder and theft are all that remain, and everything else, such as intellectual property and any limitations on the freedom of expression, animal rights, labor rights, and even the age of consent have all been completely abolished, this means that things such as cannibalism, necrophilia, incest, pedophilia, and bestiality have all been permanently legalized, since the laws cannot be changed by anyone, even those at the highest levels of power are rendered powerless to make a single change since the act of doing so is treason.
The government itself has been pared down to that of a Night-Watchman State, only the services needed to enforce the laws, respond to emergencies, and to protect the planet from any possible threats exist, all funded by taxation, which the government considered another necessary exception to the rule of the NAP, the taxes are collected as a Georgian Land Value Tax, meaning that every landowner pays the government a flat percentage of the total value of their land as a form of ground rent to the state, "owning land" is instead considered to be renting it from the state under this system, as such, the term has been replaced by "holding land", the "landowners" are instead referred to as "landholders", and the system is similar to a serf renting land from their lord under feudalism.
I used to be a socialist when I was in my teenage years. Anyone else here have a similar past? For me, it probably started because–I shit you not–of SimCity. It was kind of cool, I mean, there's certainly much more of a social scene in socialist groups than with libertarians, and at least when I was in uni I found it a lot easier being a socialist than any other kind of ideology.
The first crack had to be how poisonous socialists really can be with each other. I mean, I understand libertarians have their own version of this, but at least I haven't seen the majority of libertarians go completely vindicative spreading every false rumor under the Sun to your entire social circle. Or how violently angered they get with you over disagreements. I mean, libertarians do the same, but at least with libertarian friends I've been able to talk to them the next day.
More importantly, there were just this pervasive, fundamental issues underlying socialism, and it had to do with this underlying and pervasive atmosphere of hubris combined with moral righteousness. "Oh, you poor African country, I know what your problem is. Here, let me fix it for you." At first, it felt good to give these sort of arguments that made me feel so much more intelligent than everyone else, or even to give to charities with this kind of thinking. But after pragmatically looking at the consistently terrible results, it's just very difficult to maintain that kind of cognitive dissonance.
That wasn't really what dealt the killer blow. It's weird, because I really liked building and engineering systems, which was why I like(d) SimCity so much, and I applied the same thinking to naturally come to a socialist position. But when I started thinking from the perspective of just how amazing self-organizing systems are (especially since they require practically NO engineering), and the natural consequence of what sort of things happen when you let others find their own way, then that was when my support for socialism finally began to dissolve and I could see all the other faults that had been building up in my thoughts over my youth.
Libertarian media
Let's talk about fun Libertarian media, movies, video games, anime, music, anything that comes to mind. That goes for media that are actually libertarian in nature as well as those who simply have the themes of freedom in them.
>C: The money of soul and possibility control
An autistic battle-shounen themed around economics and taking the Austrian side of the debate.
>Outlaw Star
Not really Libertarian in the traditional sense of the word but has themes of freedom in it. The main characters are basically a bunch of adventurers that do not consider themselves to be under the jurisdiction of any law and follow the ideology of "Outlaws". They are not criminals mind you, just people who do not believe in the state having power over them.
cucks btfo
/liberty/ btfo once again.
Incels and the right to commit suicie
Libertarian-leaning incel board had this up:
How do you think the gameplay of an ancap strategy game would ideally work?
For the story, I have two things in mind:
>1. You inherit a business empire, and have to get a monopoly on the whole market while trying to out-compete rival business groups and survive the growing power of the state as well as various anti-capitalist factions
>2. You are a multi-millionaire who is sick of liberal totalitarianism and leftism interfering with your life and the lives of your fellow countrymen, so you decide to take your fortune to some unoccupied territory and build a capitalist utopia with other like-minded businessmen while competing with their businesses, and fighting off aggressive states who are unhappy with the amount of freedom that you and your fellow ancaps (or not) enjoy
In ordinary RTSs, you just throw resources at the barracks to shit out soldiers, which go and secure more resources to enable you to shit out even more soldiers, and it's basically a contest between players of who can do this the fastest. No game (not even city-sims) ever takes the market into account, where you have:
>a realistic economy
>citizens having their own lives
>citizens having their own wants and needs
>citizens earning their own money
>citizens spending their own money
>citizens building the villages, towns and cities that you're supposedly trying to protect, and being responsible for all the progress in their part of the game world
>the player being a citizen like everyone else, who can take part in the market and influence it with what power he has (or if playing as the government, having society react appropriately to government laws/actions and looking work solutions and work-arounds to the problems that government creates)
You Can’t Make an Alternative to Patreon Because Banks Won’t Allow It - Andrew Anglin & Weev
>There is no way to create an alternative funding platform, because everything is a private company. I think that probably Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson can create something that they will be allowed to operate – probably without PayPal, but with some bank doing credit card processing. And Sargon of Akkad will be allowed on that. For now, that will be allowed. Because I think that some people realize that this whole “shut it down” program is going way, way too fast. Eventually, it won’t just be PayPal that is shutting people down, it will be all banks and Visa itself. Because banks and Visa have the ability, technically, to deny people service based on their political ideology.
Couldn't there be a Patreon alternative that solely uses cryptocurrencies instead of credit cards?
Ebola airport CDC boards plane at airport
Ebola Outbreak Map.Com
April 14, 2019
A migrant arrived sick vomiting blood with a high fever, the migrant arrived at the local airport from an international flight.
CDC officals boarded the plane and took the migrant off, while giving passengers forms to fill out to submit to CDC.
Passengers were given phone numbers to call in to report ebola virus symptoms for the next 21 days the incubation period for Ebola virus.
New UK law: Up to 15 years jail for watching terrorist content
>It will be an offence to view terrorist material online just once – and could incur a prison sentence of up to 15 years – under new UK laws.
>The Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill was granted Royal Assent yesterday, updating a previous Act and bringing new powers to law enforcement to tackle terrorism.
>But a controversial inclusion was to update the offence of obtaining information "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism" so that it now covers viewing or streaming content online.
>The rules as passed into law are also a tightening of proposals that had already been criticised by human rights groups and the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, Max Hill.
>Originally, the proposal had been to make it an offence for someone to view material three or more times – but the three strikes idea has been dropped from the final Act.
>Viewing terrorist propaganda online in the UK could now land you in jail - under a new law that's just come into force. Government says the new measure is aimed at preventing terror attacks.
First they lock up the guy exposing the criminals who run our governments (and threaten to extradite him to a US supermax gulag for life), and now they've passed a law where you will get 15 years in jail for viewing anything online (whether accidental or intentional) the UK government arbitrarily deems to be "terrorist material."
We should become socialists
Seriously, who the fuck cares about the liberty of those who don't want it?
In the end a decently informed libertarian knows more about socialism than socialists themselves, but unlike socialists he also knows about capitalism too. This means that you, as a libertarian, can easily become a big defender and promoter of socialism.
Then with all those books/speaking/tv royalties/politics money, you can buy whatever you want, maybe even some land somewhere where you can build a libertarian utopia, if you still believe in it. But why buying land? You could just use your influence in the State to wage war and conquer lands for yourself. Or buy some cocaine and some prostitutes, who cares? Just enjoy the fruit of those cucks who want you to rule over them.
Honestly, it's a complete waste of time trying to let people know about the advantages and the morality of liberty. These people refuse liberty for themselves and others. Marx and associates gave us an exceptional tool to pilot the masses to work for our personal interests. Voluntary slavery. Think about it: if you were to cause suffering among the people with your socialist policies, it would be their choice. You would basically make socialist suffer while you run all the way to the (swiss) bank with their money. It's them who decided to vote for you, after you promised to put their neighboors down in order to make them all equal. They wanted evil, you just capitalized on it.
Of course there will be some innocent victims, but who really cares? It's nothing compared to the enormous amount of statists that will suffer. You will make them poor slowly, day after day. A taste of their own medicine.
I don't know about you, but I'm gonna join the local social-democratic party today.
Every commie thread ever.
It's been a week and I haven't seen a new ultra-commie thread, so I figure I'd post one for our commie friends, I'm sure they've just been too busy lately :^).
Yang 2020
Have any of you read some of the policy proposals coming from the Democratic candidates for 2020? I mean, Sanders is already known to be a socialist, but Yang, holy fucking shit. This stuff reads like dystopian nightmare fuel, and I'm not even touching the UBI stuff. I really encourage you guys to read this stuff, it's fucking insane. I mean, I'm an autistic weeb lolbertarian, and I think this guy has out-autismed ME for fucks sake.
>In order to spur development, the government should issue a new currency – the Digital Social Credit – which can be converted into dollars and used to reward people and organizations who drive significant social value. This new currency would allow people to measure the amount of good that they have done through various programs and actions.
>Imagine an AI life coach with the voice of Oprah or Tom Hanks trying to help parents stay together or raise kids. Or a new Legion of Builders and Destroyers that install millions of solar panels across the country, upgrade our infrastructure and remove derelict buildings while also employing tens of thousands of workers. Or a digital personalized education subscription that is constantly giving you new material and grouping you with a few other people who are studying the same thing. Or a wearable device that monitors your vital signs and sends data to your doctor while recommending occasional behavior changes. Or voting securely in your local elections via your smartphone without any worry of fraud.
I have no comment on this.
>As President, I will…
> Create a new time banking app to track points awarded and traded for helping your community and neighbors
> Donate all my points to the top-earning high school students in each state.
> Set time banking points prizes for a visit to the White House and a meeting with me and/or fun civic-minded local celebrities
>Making Taxes Fun
Just the title, dear fucking lord.
>Invest in AI counselors and other technology that may be helpful in identifying and treating mental health issues across a broad population. The AI would refer issues to a human psychologist.
>Promote the use of AI for social workers
>Promote the use of AI and telecounseling for those who need a psychologist
This stuff needs to be memed to all high-hell and back, holy shit.
Pic definitely related. This is a presidential candidate. Dear lord.
white cucks btfo
/liberty/ btfo once again
New Tor Board (not spam plz no ban)
Hai fren! I made a new tor board called VileChan, please come over because it would make ver me happy.
Recently I've decided to widen my horizons and see what lalala-libertarians and other cucks are up to in my country, and they are really fucking cucked beyond belief.
I'm talking about people supporting filtering the web, censoring "fake news", unlimited migration, feminism and other degeneracies. And these are not just some young guys on the internet but people with a following, even older people who have been screwed by the State and the same mechanism they support (censorship).
At this point I say fuck them. What's even the point of supporting liberty if even those who supposedly support liberty are anti-liberty?
This battle has already been lost. I need a way to get out, psychologically, and put my efforts in other things.
The truth is that I feel powerless, so I don't want to just not associate myself with liberty, I want to become powerful and influence the world towards less liberty just for my gain.
Sorry for blogposting, I'm sure some of you may have been in a similar situation before
What point distinctively separates a duel from a physical altercation in AnCapistan? If someone waves a gun at you/calls you a faggot and you proceed to pull out your own gun and tell then to back off, is it self defense against an NAP violation or is it escalating the situation and providing consent to a fight? What if the whole neighborhood insists you agreed to a duel but you only did so because you were coerced into accepting it?
tl;dr- At what point does it stop being an NAP violation and start becoming you being a little bitch in a consensual beat down when someone riles you up/picks a fight with you?
Paul Cockbutt's Labor Time Economy
Oh boy, time to take a look at the latest alt-left pseud, Paul Cockshott and his video "Getting Down to the Details"
( )
>"we'll leave 'the Shops' out for simplicity's sake in our 5-point diagram [but we'll use the 'millions' denomination to sound like we can relate this to a real population lol]"
>at the moment I'm ignoring the flow of goods to schools and hospitals
<Video is called "Getting Down to the Details" but he doesn't hesitate to gloss over things that are inconvenient for him to explain, even in theory
>"the Factories"
<Cockbutt establishes in the comments section that even the production and pricing of specific commodities like sugar beets should be mandated and thoroughly controlled based "on science" so it begs the question of "what factories" will be allowed to exist to begin with, how many factories there will be, how many people they will individually employ, what types of workers will be employed there and what these workers will earn-as well as whether these workers will have chosen to work there or had been appointed. This is the kind of thing you'd expect to be touched upon from a video entitled "Getting Down to the Details".
>Cockbutt says in the comments that: "if you work harder you get paid more"
<allowing a company to subjectively pay individual employees more or less based on individual performance is allowing these workers to acquire disproportionate capital relative their peers and maybe even start selling things at a profit in "labor time credits". This isn't far-removed from status quo "capitalism" where workers are paid a wage based on factors both objective and subjective.
<Will a surgeon earn the same as a teacher or a trashman, what about other "public servants"? Don't expect an answer here. There are 821 different types of "Job" in the United States currently, I'd hate to be the guy that has to apportion out the duties and dues of all of them on an individual basis.
>"income tax is canceled out"
<Cockbutt doesn't attempt to tell us how many people are working in "the Factories" as opposed to "the Hospitals" and "etc." but he does know that "the Factories" will need four of something and "the Hospitals" "etc." will need two of something. Well actually the income tax is just assumed to be discarded and everything that isn't from "a Shop" from the "Hospitals, etc." is thus made free*
>Cockbutt claims in the comments that "China is 40% socialist"
<even though it has lower real public sector employment and taxes than the average OECD country, 4 million new independent businesses being created on a yearly basis and has unaudited livestream girls raking in thousands of petrodollars weekly (as this butthurt, decadent western roast beast can attest: )], to put simply, China's current year economy (as opposed to its culture) is wholly conventional and its successes or failures can't be claimed by "socialism".
>Cockbutt claims in the comments that if you're not independently wealthy in a capitalist society you go hungry and starve, but in the U.S. and Britain it has been repeatedly shown that poor and unemployed people are much more likely to be obese than employed and wealthy people which is a complete contradiction.
Would you trust your society to commissar Cockbutt, anon?
* = in exchange for discarding 33% of your non-circulating labor time credits into "a bin"
Cronyism and Equality
Don't firms and individuals in a capitalist society have large incentives to rent-seek, in other words, isn't it the case that cronyism an endemic feature of capitalism?
If individuals with enough money can and have an incentive to use rent-seeking to get political favors, is that the real argument behind trying to force income equality? In other words, are proposals for income equality because of a more positive institutional arrangement than a direct moral argument?
Related Link:
ancap was created in minds in the 60s
political preferences stem from biology
so people with similar biology to ours were living 100 and 1000 years ago
i wonder what were they like, what were their political preferences
laozi comes to mind, do you know any others?
alco picrel
also Paul Emile de Puydt
Republican general discussion.
>why should I embrace repulicanism?
Our political system is broke to fuck but anarchists and libertarians cannot make valid arguments to protect consumers from monopolies. One of the only functions of the government is to protect it’s citizens part of that is breaking up monopolies that fuck the consumer over.
>reeeeee government causes monopolies what about my diseconomy and copyright laws!
As far as I can tell diseconomies aren’t a thing that can exist in a advanced society, And while copyright needs to be reformed copyright laws have the ability to benefit the consumer i.e. if I buy a Ruger pistol I know it’s actually made by Ruger an the name means something. Also its fair to the person who made ruger to benefit souly from it for a time.
The libertarian an anarchist are often forced to make Fringe arguments that you need a political science degree to understand and no ones sure if they actually work. A Republican can make an almost intuitive argument from a classical liberal perspective while still championing a small weak government.
I know the party is garbage with neocons but the foundation and ideas are still a sound is ever. So This thread is for arguing about that and general discussion.
In the late 50s, Sweden used to be very socialistic. Their economy was stagnant, regulations were at a much higher level than today, and taxes and regulations looked like they were going to keep increasing. Intellectually, the scene looked even more dire. The socialist-lite Swedish economist Gunnar-Myrdal had recently won the Nobel prize in economics, and there seemed to be no intellectual light at the end of the tunnel for a more liberal economic theory to be plausible in Sweden.
But then, abruptly, things changed coursed. Sweden deregulated at a massive rate. The size and scope of the government decreased dramatically. Now Sweden is among the top ten in its economic freedom score.
What happened? How did libertarianism win in Sweden?
the tldr is failed economic theories and models.
then libs posting somalia memes
then angry libertarians butchering classical liberal talking points in defence angrily.
thats how libertarian ism works
do yourself a favour red noam chomsky and don't pay mind to conservative economic theories they are all really fucking dumb.
if you like freedom become a normal anarchist/syndicalist and don't play in the kiddy pool of libertarianism to long my best advice
where does this quote come from
>Only 24% of people who reported sexual fantasies about children also reported sexual contact with children. (This number is not mentioned in the study, but can be easily calculated using the data in Table 1: (38+49)/358.)
i saved the quote but i should have saved whole webpage
the webpage was linked in /hebe/ or/and /phile/
im posting in in this board for i think this board is visited by /hebe/ and/or /phile/ anons
Are Firearms in America becoming a Religion?
The Great American Experiment is a fascinating thing to read about in history. The more you read about the founding and early history of America the more it makes sense. In particular the rest of the world see's America as having a truly alien, fetishistic view of firearms. To the rest of the world they are tools or an abhorrent genie let out the bottle it can never be put back in while the view seems to be that Americans view guns in the same way other cultures view religious iconography. But the big deal seems to be a lack of understanding the 'why' of that.
Reading books like 'The Indifferent Stars Above' or Historians talking on the subject really impresses the horrible reality of the colonial times that i don't think the rest of the world understand. Take England for example. It has been inhabited since before the Ice Age. Castles and rudimentary civil engineering has criss crossed the land for over a thousand years. There were bandits and thieves but the land was small and developed to the point that there were sheriffs, town guards, lords and kings and so on for a long long time with things like the Roman invasion and the clans before that. The concept of the vast untamed endless forests of the land are such an ancient memory that England and France were still a joined landmass at that point.
Compare to America 300-400 years ago tops. A mind blowing, endless new frontier. Predators and sicknesses that you have no name for and behind it all? no police. no guards. Especially for the westward expansion settlers. It was an alien continent and the only safety between a man and his family was what else but his Gun. How many families during this period were saved because the family rifle or revolver got them through some form of attack? families that lived through that time, had descendants to pass on their trials and all recent enough for it to still have a special meaning. What was there for them when Natives circled the wagons? The law? no. The bible? no. It was the Gun. The Gun made America and was ingrained as the saviour of it since its comparatively recent inception as a nation.
Now you see the NRA on tv nowadays and they are visibly comparable to preachers, zealous congregations and just as militant and insular. The only major difference between the NRA and the Catholic Church in the nation is the Church has more control over film ratings and controlling a media message, but as we've seen with the reactions to school shootings in recent times the NRA wants to try, because their totemic idols are under threat of removal.
Do you think firearms are a religion in America? This is no troll comment, from a historical, sociological standpoint it looks like a far more successful version of some modern scam like Scientology. This isn't to shit on anyone on here with guns and the history certainly makes the reaction understandable but if push came to shove and the government came for one would these people fight more for their bible or their rifle?
Anarchy: What it is, and what it isn't
For some reason it's really hard for a lot of people to grasp a simple concept.
"The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, authority." Thus, the term refers to the state of a society being without authorities or an authoritative governing body."
Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't mean what leftist cucks did with the term later on, this is what the word means "without authorities or an authoritative governing body".
So unless you think you can change ancient Greek definitions, gtfo with your garbage interpretations of it.
Authoritarians and paranoia
Okay /liberty/ (or any of our visitors), riddle me this:
>/pol/acks don't want a libertarian social order, because in the absence of a state, everyone would racemix and Jews would subvert us
>/leftypol/ does not want a libertarian social order, because in the absence of a state, everyone would discriminate against minorities
In other words, the fascists think that everyone is an SJW unless the state intervenes, and the SJW's think that everyone is a fascist unless the state intervenes. Both assume that people are naturally incapable of doing good, even though both have diametrically opposed conceptions of what is good.
How can that not cause anyone to have a moment of big thunk? Why are fascists not reassured by the fears of SJW's, and vice versa? My guess is, this is another case of the two ideologies of progressivism and slightly more right-wing progressivism being suspiciously close to each other, this time in a more psychological way. Both fascists and SJW's share not just the same authoritarian sentiment, but also the same misanthropic, paranoid streak.
I ignored correct labeling, for the sake of convenience. I don't care if these right-wing authoritarians are actually fascists or not, or if the left-wingers who are afraid of racism are SJW's or black supremacist Maoists.
This thread is for discussion of property rights, self-determination, natural order, right-libertarianism and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Left-Libertarians, Cosmopolitan freaks, Open borders cucks and other assorted libertine degenerates need to fuck off.
Questions are welcome, however many are repeated often. We advise you research the basics before asking.
>Discord & Book Club: sXwfD5K
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard)
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard)
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) -
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
>Debunking Austrian Economics 101
just gonna leave this here :)
I want to become skilled with weapons and physically fit. I want to travel all the way to New Zealand to kill this scumbag who killed the innocent. He doesn't even deserve a trial. He is no "red-pilled lad," he is a statist; he is a collectivist. A self-admitted fascist and, which he admitted himself, identifies most politically with the People's Republic of China.
Thread Theme:
Where are the limits of property?
Come on you lazy niggers, let's solve this question once and for all.
Is only what you produce your property?
What about the air/bodies of water?
Can land be property?
What is the minimum amount of labour required to homestead a plot of land? Does homesteading give you the right to dictate the use of said land in perpetuity?
Republican general
>why should I embrace repulicanism?
Our political system is broke to fuck but anarchists and libertarians cannot make valid arguments to protect consumers from monopolies. One of the only functions of the government is to protect it’s citizens part of that is breaking up monopolies that fuck the consumer over.
>reeeeee government causes monopolies what about my diseconomy and copyright laws!
As far as I can tell diseconomies aren’t a thing that can exist in a advanced society, And while copyright needs to be reformed copyright laws have the ability to benefit the consumer i.e. if I buy a Ruger pistol I know it’s actually made by Rive and while copyright needs to be reformed copyright laws have the ability to benefit the consumer i.e. if I buy a Ruger pistol I know it’s actually made by ruger, an the name means something. Also its fair to the person who made ruger to benefit souly from it for a time.
The libertarian an anarchist are forced to make Fringe arguments that you need a political science degree to understand and no ones sure if they actually work. A Republican can make an almost intuitive argument from a classical liberal perspective while still championing a small weak government.
I know the party is garbage with neocons but the foundation and ideas are still a sound is ever. So This thread is for arguing about that and general discussion.
Federal Budget
Show me your budgets /liberty/.
The Battle Of The Boards
8chan is mostly filled with statists. Are there any good chans mostly focused on anarchism/voluntaryism? I couldn't find any. I see a lot of smart people on /liberty/ but I think most intelligent people steer away from 8chan because of all the retards on here.
If there's no good chan/forum for this out there, would you guys be interested in a chan/forum focused on this topic? Non-profit of course.
Let me know, if enough people care I'll make it.
Convince me to abandon the state
How would a society without a state and no limits on "personal freedom" not degrade into a degenerate multiculti Globohomo society? How would it last with no restrictions on trade? There would be deficits the economy would shit itself. You cannot privatize borders anyone would be free to wonder in. Society would lose all its values and no one would create children anymore and the society would ultimately die.
Welcome to 8chan, newniggers! I know, since you've discovered this place, you've been trying to find a home for political discussion. Unfortunately, /liberty/ doesn't suit your political views. That's fine. There's a great alternative waiting for you:
Hope to see you there!
When a libertarian decries the minimum wage, they are only focusing on the costs the employers’ face, that is what is seen. However, they fail to notice the unseen, namely that as employees wages are higher, they spend more, hence sales and revenues of a business rises. Minimum wage doesn't create unemployment. The broken window fallacy that the libertarians use so often shows that we could have a minimum wage law. Further the broken window fallacy is retarded because it can apply to the private sector too. If a restaurant owner sets up a restaurant aren't other owners being deprived of rental space? Libertarians also like to say that the public sector cannot create jobs. But they do not realize that the public sector brought the world out of the Great Depression via the military. They also say that there shouldn't be any public spending during a recession but they do not realize that people have less money to spend in the private sector because very few people have jobs.
Sometimes I wonder whether it would be a good idea to go onto commie forums, pretend I was communist, but then troll them by attacking the in-group by saying that they are not communist enough. Just try to get ideological opponents to falter by making them accelerate to the most extreme possible opinions possible. Just destroy any modicum of moderate political opinions that the left have.
I kind of feel like this has already been going on without my doing anything anyways.
>Rolf Harris: Why We Know He Is Innocent.
>Rolf Harris should have been given a retrial.
>Rolf Harris and the case of the sleeping Metropolitan Policeman: Bias and Unfairness in the Rolf Harris Trial
>Rolf Harris - Beyond reasonable doubt?
>Rolf Harris is a victim of a heinous conspiracy.
Stickied Thread
BO, I know you lurk here at least occasionally. I've learned to appreciate the hands-off moderation, but could we please change the image in the stickied post to be something other than that political compass? You have DemSoc and honest-to-God statism listed in the "welcome" zone. Neither of those, and arguably nothing in the bottom-left quadrant, belong in the welcome zone.
If one wants to understand economics from the point of view of austrian ther eis the Tom Woods Show,, PFS, ecc
What about other school of thought? In particular I'm curious about the chicago school. Is there an equivalent of or the others are cool enough that can just survive in academia?
Things libertarians don't want to admit
Traditional Marriage as it was practiced before first wave feminism 100+ years ago, was created without the state, across cultures through voluntary social interactions.
We would likely to go back to such a system. The only reason why people still get married is that they mistake and get fooled by civil marriage and think it's real marriage.
In actual fact just having a long-term gf is more real of a marriage, than actually marrying her under state marriage, because it's natural for women to ONLY get your ressources, if they stay with you. You corrupt that and basically create an incentive for women to immideatly leave men, once something is not to their liking, if you marry them.
First job in California
So I finally got my first job in California and now I honestly have a obligation to vote for someone without a D after their name, Long story short I pay close to FIVE HUNDERD DOLLARS a month in taxes for no good reason. Where does my money go? And for who? Why are THEY or the GOVERNMENT entitled to my hard earned money. I work in a factory mind you, before this I actually voted for the Green Party… Not making any o this up, has coming out of my NEET habits and growing up really made me understand what is what in this world. Any place I can start with ebil gapitalism?
Capitalism is a Marxist strawman that was designed for failure and you guys gobbles it up. Marx coined the term Capitalism and gave it his own definition which was a strawman. Everyone just believed that the opposite to Marx's system was the strawman definition he gave. Numerous schools and politicians have gone on defending a Marxist strawman. Marx created division and a false dichotomy that you must choose one of two radicals. Marx was evil
Capitalism as a result of determinism
Is there any book, tesis, article computational analysis, whatever aside from marxian theory that understands capitalism not from a moral point of view, but from a deterministic pov, as in the current state of things isn't the result of some ideological or social manipulation scheme but rather that, capitalism is the only way to actually organize a society? Below I share a video I watched the other that got me thinking about the possibility of perhaps capitalism, or rather markets, being the common rule of law today due to the fact that a more elaborated system like communism wouldn't be able to compete.
>In artificial intelligence, an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is a subset of evolutionary computation, a generic population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm. An EA uses mechanisms inspired by biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation, recombination, and selection. Candidate solutions to the optimization problem play the role of individuals in a population, and the fitness function determines the quality of the solutions (see also loss function). Evolution of the population then takes place after the repeated application of the above operators.
>Step One: Generate the initial population of individuals randomly. (First generation)
>Step Two: Evaluate the fitness of each individual in that population (time limit, sufficient fitness achieved, etc.)
>Step Three: Repeat the following regenerational steps until termination:
>Select the best-fit individuals for reproduction. (Parents)
>Breed new individuals through crossover and mutation operations to give birth to offspring.
>Evaluate the individual fitness of new individuals.
>Replace least-fit population with new individuals.
also don't post boomer shit like USSR propaganda because it was doome due to geolpolitics and so on. I am talking about some legit that includes pshycology, sociology, statistics and so on
Does /liberty/ have more great examples of rich commie kids, living the good life, enjoying their parents hard-stolen wealth, or otherwise moving as far away as possible from the socialist utopia their parents created for everyone else?
Possible Bunkers?
In case you haven't heard yet, some /pol/ack in New Zealand decided to go full Siege and shoot up a mosque, making a post to 8chan shortly before the event, and making a few references to the site in his livestream. There's a non-zero chance that 8chan wil get Zucced as a result of this. On the off-chance that happens, it may be in our interest to designate some other imageboard as a "bunker" in which we may congregate should this place go down. Any initial candidates? is the only one of which I know, but it's more chatroom than true imageboard.
This movie (In time, 2011) supposedly should be anti-capitalism, but it ends up being a pro-capitalism movie when read using economics as a framework.
The premises are that people are engineered to never get old, but they have a timer and when the timer expires they die. So, they use time as money since they can exchange it with other people. From the movie it's implied that there is an unlimited amount of time available, in theory, and the scarcity is artificial and probably created by the government. Yet, this is an anti-capitalism movie. You see where this is going?
But even if time was a scarce resource, why the hell would someone use time as currency? It doesn't make sense because when you have to pay your last two hours for a bus fare, the price is automatically too high and not worth it. We know that the currency isn't necessarely valuable because of its possible applications, but it's mostly a system to represent value and exchange it with other people. So, stability in currency is something seeked and time is certainly not stable as currency since its value change greatly base on how much you have of it. Nobody would really use time as currency, certainly not to the point of risking their life. Other things would be used as money, unless of course it wasn't the government to force people to use time as a currency, which is something that is happening in the society depicted. Forcing people to use a certain thing as currency is not capitalism.
Then we have the prices for goods that soar and the rich girl telling the protagonist something along the lines of "we do up the price so that people die". It seems that we have a central planning board choosing prices, which is absolutely not capitalism and not free market. I won't even discuss it firther here since this is literally chapter fucking one of basic economics of Sowell.
Then there is the problem of "if everyone had infinite time we would die of overpopulation". No, we wouldn't. If property rights were used, people would just not create new humans because it would be too expensive to mantain them. Also, there would be privatized incentives to get sterilized or at least have your fertility put on hold. Truth is, we already live in a situation where nothing is stopping us from reproducing. Yes, people die eventually, but the same happens in the movie since accidents and other events can happen. There is no reason from stopping people from getting infinite time (also good luck stopping time pirates giving everyone time on the black market in exchange for resources of actual value, like bullets and guns to fight the communist but self-proclaimed capitalist government portraited in the movie).
Then towards the end there is a dialogue that goes like "for someone have a lot of time, many should have none". I mean, you see the shitty metaphor, right? That's not how it works in a free market economy. Everybody is better off because we exchange things we need with each other. I buy the milk from you, you buy the glasses for your kid, the optician buys something else, and that's it. We rearrange resources and we exchange what we create, in order to improve each other life. That's capitalism. There is nothing in it about taking from other people, forcing them to use an arbitrary resource as currency (time), and things like that.
In the end, the movie is fun, but I can't belive people can spend such huge resources accumulated thanks to a quasi-capitalism system, to create a world that is not capitalism, call it capitalism, and then shit of it. The only good thing is that it shows how shitty life is when the government interferes with the economy. Too bad people will get the opposite message.
As always, what can I say? Fuck the hollywood commie jews, I wish they would stop being such slanderous faggots.
The world is going to end...I'm not sure I care anymore.
What do you do to distract yourself from the fact that every year the economic control of the State is going to get worse, that the younger demographic is very socialistic, the threat of the default of the entire financial system, and the threat of nuclear war and/or other apocalyptic events that always loom on the horizon?
I watch shitty Japanese cartoons, play videogames from the mid-90s, and then remember I'm just distracting myself as I listen to vaporwave in a depressive stupor.