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Ya'll need Mises.

File: c58f85b7798cc0f⋯.png (179.26 KB,500x733,500:733,ancaps dreams comming real….png)


>ancucks thinking they will survive without their mommies

>ancucks thinking they will survive a week without laws to protect them from big mean fascist and commies hordes

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File: 11a96c1c14d63da⋯.jpg (203 KB,850x1055,170:211,__original_drawn_by_mimyo_….jpg)

>ancucks will survive without their mommies

Said literally no ancap ever. Unlike leftists and statists, we actually love our moms because we didn't replace them with the state.

brb, mom needs help showering.

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File: c26189eb8638982⋯.png (17.13 KB,625x626,625:626,1419790019621405663.png)

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The problem with anarchy is and has always been that there's a lack of communication and organization under anarchy vs under a state. This lack turns into real world performance problems when it comes to waging war, an anarchic state has almost no ability to go into a state of 'total war'.

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ancaps are smart enough to pretend to be zombies. zombies with guns though.

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Fuck off.

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>thinking you need statism to protect your self from other kinds of statists

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>truth is bait

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Well, it's true in a way. If you are being protected by one gang, you're being protected from another.

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File: 8914328d0c8c9f2⋯.png (34.68 KB,625x626,625:626,1401441795343.png)

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You're not protected from statism though.

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