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/liberty/ - Liberty

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Ya'll need Mises.

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 No.103997 >>104100 >>104282 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

What is /liberty/'s thoughts on Sargon of Akkad, Richard Spencer, and their debate? What is /liberty/'s thoughts on the related video?

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 No.103998>>104098 >>105009

>Sargon of Akkad

Fairly typical big-brain centrist that would be utterly forgettable if gamergate hadn't given e-celeb status and made him too big for his britches. He started to believe his own stage persona, and reached the incorrect conclusion that being very good at taking down unhinged third-wave feminists--the lowest of low-hanging fruit–meant he was actually a skilled debater. It was both hilarious and a little bit sad to watch him single-handedly destroy UKIP.

>Richard Spencer

Disingenuous faggot and a not-so-crypto commie. His laughable pan-European plan to save the white race is just the European Union but with mildly fashy aesthetics. That he can't even define what "white" even means only makes it less credible. He easily won the debate with Sargoy, but that says much more about Sargon than it does about Dick here.

I don't have a whole lot more to say on either of them, but then neither of them are figures with very much substance behind them.

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found this on (((/pol/)))

absolute state…

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What does that mean?

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 No.104098>>104250 >>104284


>not-so-crypto commie

Spencer is one of the few where calling somebody a crypto-fascist is entirely appropriate.

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>>103997 (OP)

Since this is an eceleb thread, what do you guys think of vox day? I've started to read his content, and get the impression that he's a redpilled libertarian Christian that really dislikes mgtow. He writes well and puts out daily content, so I like his stuff.

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Hes literally the epitome of a pretentious pseudo intellectual eceleb weirdo

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Not quite, he's almost the opposite in fact. A crypto-fascist is supposedly someone who is fascist but never identifies as such and only uses dogwhistles instead. Spencer is someone who is very outwardly fashy and doesn't so much dogwhistle as he does bullhorn, but in actuality he's a social liberal who wants the EU but with different aesthetics and implicitly white gay men.

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Besides his love for roasties and talk about how men should man up and marry whores, what is he wrong about?

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>>103997 (OP)

Why should I give a shit that some stormfag and "kekistani classical liberalist" had a bitch slap contest on google hangout? And wasn't this like a year ago? Why are we bringing this shit up now?

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A """crypto"""fascist pan-europeanist who wants to empower a new racial aristocracy to… stop degeneracy and stuff.

His politics, as is the case with most of the detritus that's come out of 4chan /pol/, isn't very coherent.

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It’s sad because Dickie had some mildly pro /liberty/ views and even gave a good talk at the PFS. But this was before he got his twaty haircut and became a Worf for the MSM - a puppet to be brought out whenever the right needs spanking.

Soygon might be worse because he hangs in circles that are very familiar with fringe thinkers like Hoppe, but never acknowledges libertarianism. At least not that I know of.

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The fact that you think having a healthy sex life is something wrong is a testament to just what an autist he is and the sort of people he appeals to.

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It's weird since didn't he meet up with that one libertarian Polish politician?

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