You're a confused voluntaryist.
>I used to believe in a more ancap-style right-libertarian order, but now I'm starting to see the benefits of having institutions that constitute more than one individual collectively owned.
Collective property rights are perfectly acceptable in libertarian thought, and imo preferable in some instances; aquifers, urban infrastructure and militias are all good examples.
>The free-market is cool so long as the autonomy of individuals (assuming they haven't physically assaulted or harmed anyone) is respected and not undermined.
The best way to ensure that is what happens is to distribute law enforcement. Read the machinery of freedom, it's online and very straightforward (kinda like an anti-Kapital).
>the newly-born posthuman can be free to do gay space shit at its will.
Read Accelerando, by Charles Stross
>I do not believe that a state relaxing immigration restrictions would be legitimate if that very same state legally restricts your ability to defend yourself or your ability to freely associate
That makes you not stupid.
You wrote a rambling, incoherent blogpost.
Don't blame people for not taking the time to work through it.