>then why has violence fallen dramatically over the last 300 years? has society becomes more societal?
I am very skeptical. The 20th century was one of the most violent in the history of mankind.
Other than that, yes, people have become more societal overall, we are taught how to get along with each other more than we used to, and in fact more than is good for us. Unironically, people these days are too complacent. Just a few weeks ago, I was told by a social worker that I have no right to self-defense, that is how complacent people are. The very idea that sometimes, violence might be a solution, is appalling to many.
>There will be no police to enforce laws that protect you from niggers, commies, fascists, etc
The laws don't protect you, the police does (currently, more on that soon). South Africa, Honduras, Germany and Sweden have esentially the same legal protection against homicide, yet their homicide rates a very different. The reason is partially culture, partially that the police in Germany and Sweden actually does its job (kinda). There are many factors that influence crime rates, the law isn't one. To act like "the law" mysteriously protects you as soon as the police enforce it is to get things exactly backwards, it's the police that protects you by enforcing the laws, not the law protecting you by being enforced by the police. You got me? To say otherwise is essentially allegorical. There is nothing wrong with it 90% of the time, but this discussion is the rest of the 10%.
Now, after we've hopefully settled the semantics, let me point out that ancaps are big fans of personal armament precisely because it enables you to defend yourself from niggers and commies, and that we have always maintained that a private police works. There are several historical examples, from the railway police to some startup firm in America that was set up by cops who got sick of how inefficient the police force was. Throughout the past, in many areas - even civilized ones - you couldn't count on the police to defend you. Defense was, in the first instance, what you owed to yourself. There was no institutionalized police at all, sometimes, or if there was, it couldn't get to you fast enough to defend you from robbers and indians.