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/liberty/ - Liberty

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Ya'll need Mises.

File: 4d06cfbc83bfb96⋯.png (1.11 KB,151x151,1:1,netflix.png)


What do you think of the Libertarian Sub on Reddit and Reason writers defending it? I can see scenarios where simply having contraband content should not be illegal, whereas distribution/production is. I really don't like the government intervening in the marketplace, but I do wonder if this is an instance where they went too far. Another thing, does the US government have the right to fine or arrest someone if it was done outside the US? I don't plan to watch it as I don't want to support it but want people's thoughts.

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Marketing is exploitation.

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Fining netflix for cuties is arbitrary legislation even though the morality involved in the smut is objectively wicked. There should be no mechanism where netflix is fined other than private film associations or loss of individual subscribers

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There's a reason why lib right is stereotyped as the pedo quadrant.

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Well does it go against the non aggression principal?

It depends on how far you you want to stretch or squash the meaning.

Were any of the kids taken advantage of?

Could the film promote crimes of pedophilia?

But should we aresset people before they even commit a crime?

Personally I think it is degenerate, and I won't be supporting Netflix. But arbretrary government ruling I'm against, especially without direct proof of it harming anyone.

If cuties were a book, there would probably be less outrage.

I agree with >>105764

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Most libertarians are conservative, so maybe you are onto something, lol

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File: 53673d8f9782b7e⋯.png (440.5 KB,699x607,699:607,DE24E0C9_B8A0_4C55_9CD3_04….png)

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File: 5b6365ee14d745d⋯.png (327.36 KB,699x607,699:607,1601672101704.png)

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I think the exploitation part should be investigated. I think there is potential and that is my issue. I don't think it should be retracted but this does seem like a border case to me that depending on the surrounding circumstances could trip over the fence.

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