Context for the clueless:
Doolittle had a rally with civnats. Civnats invited blm. During Curt's speech, a bunch of BLM and "boogaloo" civnats came to Doolittle's crowd and shouted something along the lines of "you are racists". Doolittle claimed that they were surrounded. Curt's crowd responded that they arent racists and Doolittle finished his speech. Then BLM activists came to talk to Curt. Doolittle actually pissed himself, looked completely lost, started making a point about biological differences and when he understood that he is scared to insult nigs by talking about their inferiority, praised black dick and strength, then said that his white kid is a monster compared to asian kids. Then BLM activist asked Curt to address the crowd and Curt gave the mike. BLM activist, who arguably wasn't that anti-white or bad, make a speech that muh politicians wanna divide us and we need respect each other. He asked propertarians to raise a finger and chant "we are the change today", and Doolittle seemed enthusiastic. Then people applauded the nig.
Comments roasted Doolittle. Some were people who followed propertarianism and were disappointed, some were just Doolittle haters, some were just having fun. JM made a second video with an explanation on what happened, it wasn't nicely received, so decided to unplug. He also said he has some family problems
This will be the last thread if there isn't much interest in discussion or if its decided all that could be said has been said.