>why should I embrace repulicanism?
Our political system is broke to fuck but anarchists and libertarians cannot make valid arguments to protect consumers from monopolies. One of the only functions of the government is to protect it’s citizens part of that is breaking up monopolies that fuck the consumer over.
>reeeeee government causes monopolies what about my diseconomy and copyright laws!
As far as I can tell diseconomies aren’t a thing that can exist in a advanced society, And while copyright needs to be reformed copyright laws have the ability to benefit the consumer i.e. if I buy a Ruger pistol I know it’s actually made by Rive and while copyright needs to be reformed copyright laws have the ability to benefit the consumer i.e. if I buy a Ruger pistol I know it’s actually made by ruger, an the name means something. Also its fair to the person who made ruger to benefit souly from it for a time.
The libertarian an anarchist are forced to make Fringe arguments that you need a political science degree to understand and no ones sure if they actually work. A Republican can make an almost intuitive argument from a classical liberal perspective while still championing a small weak government.
I know the party is garbage with neocons but the foundation and ideas are still a sound is ever. So This thread is for arguing about that and general discussion.