>So, since society can't handle these subtleties
What does this mean? Who is "society," and what about it can't they handle? Idiots are not a threat to anybody besides themselves without a government to enact wishes on their behalf.
>and instead support policies that would help us have more freedom in this unfree world.
Any policy that moves us towards a free market and away from democracy. The less democratic a government is, the less incentive it has to become a socialist shithole. You cannot legislate a government into obedience. At best, you can create a government such that the malicious state actors further their own interests by exploiting you less. Monarchy, not a constitutional republic, is the closest thing to such a government that exists.
>yes, regulations work. The government exists and it will exist for a long time. So, you either push to have regulations to limit the power of the government
You can't ask a government to limit itself, it's nothing more than fanciful naivete. Any limitations you create will be reinterpreted to be expansions of power within a handful of years, if that. Look up the Commerce Clause in the Constitution if you'd like to see how 'limiting' that document has really been. Hell, look at the Constitution itself. No one who shills for the Constitution as this great limiter of government seems to remember the fact that the Constitution was the result of massive power grab on the Federalist's part, who replaced the Articles of Confederation with something that gave the federal government a lot more power. Less than ten years into our Union and we had already witnessed a total failure of documentation to limit the government.
>Why the fuck are they so shitty when it comes to law
Libertarians are intimately aware of legal theory. It is precisely because they are so knowledgeable on the subject of law that they understand what at a useless farce it truly is.
>If you look at US history, time and time again the government tried to take away free speech
Considering the things that will happen to your life if you make even a single observation about mean IQ scores I hesitate to believe this.
>or gun rights
You mean like how the NFA was repealed? And the GCA? And the Hughes Amendment? And the George Sr/Clinton import bans? And the Obama import bans? Not even the AWB was successfully repealed, it expired. It had a ten year limit and that limit ran out, without any action being taken against it.
>That's how it works outside the fantasy world where suddently everyone becomes ancap due to some cultural revolution.
Stop thinking about things in terms of revolution. No good has ever come from a revolution, especially not a people's revolution. Those who seek to overthrow the central government end up replacing it. The path to freedom is secession–to minimize or eliminate the authority of government on your locality, on your everyday life. The American war for independence, for all its flaws, was able to secure some degree of freedom for its proponents. This is because it was a secession from England rather than an attempt to overthrow it.