>Cuban migration to the US has pretty much stopped since Cuba's standard of living met a parity with the US some years ago
Things that never happened for 500$ Alex! Seriously, what fucking fantasy are you living in, you delusional retard? There's nothing that supports that notion, nothing even close. And even where they supposedly do have something comparable (ie: it was a meme for a while that they had really good healthcare) one look under the hood proves otherwise.
>And yes obviously because of Venezuelas issues people will migrate abroad but this is not different then any other third world state
Amazing! It's almost like Socialism and government interference turned one of the richest Latin American countries into one of the poorest in the fucking world! I wonder if it's the same with most of these third world countries… What do you know! it is.
> High taxes aren't capitalist
They're not, you fucking idiot. High taxes (let alone any taxes at all) are an interference with the market and guess what that means? It's a problem of interference with capitalism by the state, not a problem OF capitalism. Wow! it's almost like (as per everything else you say) you don't actually have a fucking clue about what you're talking about! Gee golly whiz! Kill yourself. Better yet, go ahead and tell me next about how expropriation is also a problem of capitalism. Dumb fuck.
>Hyper-inflation can't occur under capitalistm
Gee, if there was a market for money, it's almost like people could opt to choose another currency, oh wait there isn't one in Guatemala. Damn, t's almost like they have a central bank… What a shame.
>It maintains a capitalist economy and has been under a right-wing capitalist goverment for decades at the behest of the US
> governments, an institution that operate on principal as a violation of the market can be capitalist
> not only that but coups funded through taxation are capitalist now
This has been another episode in how to spot a retard 101. Thank you for tuning in Ladies and Gentlemen! Once again, you have proven without the shadow of a doubt, that not only do you not have the most simple understanding in regards to what you're talking about, but that you're so incredibly inept that you're willing to mouth off and display it. Bravo, you fucking retard. Kiss the barrel end of a mossberg and never reproduce.
>The Chinese communist party has always ensured that capitalist class existing within china is firmly under the boot of the dictatorship of the Proletariate unlike Venezuela which still allows its capitalist class to act independently (Thus why we see them being so uncooperatice with the Venezuelan goverment)
First of all, learn to fucking spell you absolute moron. It's bad enough having to read your autistic justifications as it is. Secondly, what in the fuck are you talking about? These businesses get expropriated, nationalized and become dysfunctional, this isn't firmly under the boot of a dictatorship? At least with the Chinese, it's just more or less facing the problems of an incompetent and invasive government alongside Keynesian economic traps (not that you'd even understand that, you're so fucking stupid).
>also do you have any evidence for your claim that "All food oil and Land" is being expropriated by the state?
I love how you attempt to quote me and it's not even a real quote but I'll go with it. Yeah, and even the most brief searches can get you the results that you're looking for. I've even already talked a little about how Venezuela's major agricultural companies have been screwed right into the dirt by nationalization. What do you want to talk about now? How landmass has essentially been used as a political weapon? How the assets of oil companies from both foreign and homemade companies has been expropriated by the state?
Again, grow the fuck up. The sooner you get out of your fantasy, the sooner you'll see what's unfolding right in font of you.