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Ya'll need Mises.

File: 1a43ea1e0d0a538⋯.png (27.24 KB,1000x600,5:3,BITCOIN-NS-FLAG.png)

 No.95378 [Open thread]

You Can’t Make an Alternative to Patreon Because Banks Won’t Allow It - Andrew Anglin & Weev


>There is no way to create an alternative funding platform, because everything is a private company. I think that probably Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson can create something that they will be allowed to operate – probably without PayPal, but with some bank doing credit card processing. And Sargon of Akkad will be allowed on that. For now, that will be allowed. Because I think that some people realize that this whole “shut it down” program is going way, way too fast. Eventually, it won’t just be PayPal that is shutting people down, it will be all banks and Visa itself. Because banks and Visa have the ability, technically, to deny people service based on their political ideology.

Couldn't there be a Patreon alternative that solely uses cryptocurrencies instead of credit cards?

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It worries me how libertarians are ignorant of how the State works. For all the hate we have for the State, I must say most of us are ignorant as fuck about how it works.

You faggots should really learn how the law and justice system works, then compare it to those of european countries, and then maybe you will stop shouting slogans like some deranged leftist and bring something useful to discussions and even your daily life.

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>cash-less currency, social credit system and universal income

That is the future of the western civilization after the debt usury racket nullifies the economy. And crypto is a test run, and will be outlawed once the official currency launches. This is why the west is getting violently destabilized, to prevent retaliation once the west realizes that the jews have stolen all their wealth and freedoms.

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these ressources will be owned by someone. what central ownship will do is alignment. however there is nothing inherent about central ownership that causes the ressource to be used in a good way.

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Make a cryptocurrency bank?

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File: 7993ea10bcd5f2c⋯.jpg (70.8 KB,453x399,151:133,Capture.JPG)

 No.101206 [Open thread]

Ebola Outbreak Map.Com


April 14, 2019

A migrant arrived sick vomiting blood with a high fever, the migrant arrived at the local airport from an international flight.

CDC officals boarded the plane and took the migrant off, while giving passengers forms to fill out to submit to CDC.

Passengers were given phone numbers to call in to report ebola virus symptoms for the next 21 days the incubation period for Ebola virus.


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https is really only necessary in websites with sensitive user input.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.101164 [Open thread]

>It will be an offence to view terrorist material online just once – and could incur a prison sentence of up to 15 years – under new UK laws.

>The Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill was granted Royal Assent yesterday, updating a previous Act and bringing new powers to law enforcement to tackle terrorism.

>But a controversial inclusion was to update the offence of obtaining information "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism" so that it now covers viewing or streaming content online.

>The rules as passed into law are also a tightening of proposals that had already been criticised by human rights groups and the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, Max Hill.

>Originally, the proposal had been to make it an offence for someone to view material three or more times – but the three strikes idea has been dropped from the final Act.


>Viewing terrorist propaganda online in the UK could now land you in jail - under a new law that's just come into force. Government says the new measure is aimed at preventing terror attacks.


First they lock up the guy exposing the criminals who run our governments (and threaten to extradite him to a US supermax gulag for life), and now they've passed a law where you will get 15 years in jail for viewing anything online (whether accidental or intentional) the UK government arbitrarily deems to be "terrorist material."

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North Korea is democratic too, they have it in name

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Why shouldn't they? What you are seeing is the natural outcome of mass democracy being allowed to run amuck.

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for political gain.

why would they be honest?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In a computerized civilization, encryption is the fundamental building block of liberty.

Julian Assange

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Well shieeeeet

So much for not using a VPN

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 No.95855 [Open thread]

Seriously, who the fuck cares about the liberty of those who don't want it?

In the end a decently informed libertarian knows more about socialism than socialists themselves, but unlike socialists he also knows about capitalism too. This means that you, as a libertarian, can easily become a big defender and promoter of socialism.

Then with all those books/speaking/tv royalties/politics money, you can buy whatever you want, maybe even some land somewhere where you can build a libertarian utopia, if you still believe in it. But why buying land? You could just use your influence in the State to wage war and conquer lands for yourself. Or buy some cocaine and some prostitutes, who cares? Just enjoy the fruit of those cucks who want you to rule over them.

Honestly, it's a complete waste of time trying to let people know about the advantages and the morality of liberty. These people refuse liberty for themselves and others. Marx and associates gave us an exceptional tool to pilot the masses to work for our personal interests. Voluntary slavery. Think about it: if you were to cause suffering among the people with your socialist policies, it would be their choice. You would basically make socialist suffer while you run all the way to the (swiss) bank with their money. It's them who decided to vote for you, after you promised to put their neighboors down in order to make them all equal. They wanted evil, you just capitalized on it.

Of course there will be some innocent victims, but who really cares? It's nothing compared to the enormous amount of statists that will suffer. You will make them poor slowly, day after day. A taste of their own medicine.

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna join the local social-democratic party today.

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I don't. Only humans should have freedom, normalfags can't even make use of it.

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I agree with this sentiment. That's exactly why I advocate for infinite freedom. Normalfags will always find chains to bind them. The problem is when they find chains to bind you, too.

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> normalfags can't even make use of it.

because they are not pedos like you?

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wow you proved him right

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problem is that right now there is no way to get to infinite freedom. The sanest course of action is to understand how the State works and try to pilot it to get closer to freedom.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

 No.101239 [Open thread]


It's been a week and I haven't seen a new ultra-commie thread, so I figure I'd post one for our commie friends, I'm sure they've just been too busy lately :^).

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File: 9c62f3e01c62d72⋯.jpg (7.32 KB,280x136,35:17,korwin łapie się za głowę.jpg)



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When you run out of arguments you just imagine socialism with robots

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>It's been a week and I haven't seen a new ultra-commie thread

That's a good thing, you dumb nigger.

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Even that would fail.

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File: 5361aa65f5e87a1⋯.jpg (424.93 KB,1550x864,775:432,yang2020.jpg)

 No.99844 [Open thread]

Have any of you read some of the policy proposals coming from the Democratic candidates for 2020? I mean, Sanders is already known to be a socialist, but Yang, holy fucking shit. This stuff reads like dystopian nightmare fuel, and I'm not even touching the UBI stuff. I really encourage you guys to read this stuff, it's fucking insane. I mean, I'm an autistic weeb lolbertarian, and I think this guy has out-autismed ME for fucks sake.


>In order to spur development, the government should issue a new currency – the Digital Social Credit – which can be converted into dollars and used to reward people and organizations who drive significant social value. This new currency would allow people to measure the amount of good that they have done through various programs and actions.

>Imagine an AI life coach with the voice of Oprah or Tom Hanks trying to help parents stay together or raise kids. Or a new Legion of Builders and Destroyers that install millions of solar panels across the country, upgrade our infrastructure and remove derelict buildings while also employing tens of thousands of workers. Or a digital personalized education subscription that is constantly giving you new material and grouping you with a few other people who are studying the same thing. Or a wearable device that monitors your vital signs and sends data to your doctor while recommending occasional behavior changes. Or voting securely in your local elections via your smartphone without any worry of fraud.


I have no comment on this.


>As President, I will…

> Create a new time banking app to track points awarded and traded for helping your community and neighbors

> Donate aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>How does any of these neuanced policies help us other than putting more power in the hands of the state?

>You've already established a new state sales tax on Amazon stuff that increases costs of goods. All new taxes go on the shoulder of consumers.

I think OP is making fun of Yang's policies, not supporting them.

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Where programs from the past this insane or is it a new and scary tendency?

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I don't know. I mean, there are plenty of insane things in history, though. Like that time Caligula went to war with Poseidon.

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Some socialist shit in the 20th century got pretty bad, but this insane level of government intervention is a comparatively new idea historically. The state didn't even exist as we know it until the 1600s, and even after that rulers were relatively hands-off compared to contemporary ones.


> I mean, there are plenty of insane things in history, though. Like that time Caligula went to war with Poseidon.

That's largely an ahistorical legend, created by successive mistranslations. The original order was to tear down huts on the coast of Britain, which got misinterpreted as collecting seashells as trophies, due to the similarity in the word for seashell and the slang for the legion's portable huts. Then someone took collecting seashells as trophies to mean that Caligula was collecting war trophies from Neptune.

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File: 8107cab0284b0f9⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,480x360,4:3,Yang2020.mp4)

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 No.101207 [Open thread]

Is he ancap?

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File: 1ed36079a1b5f7e⋯.jpg (177.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,1470124184588151269.jpg)

 No.101201 [Open thread]

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Just glancing at the table of contents…

There's not very much surprising here. Members of different groups tend to act with an in-group preference towards that group. Different groups have different characteristics imparted onto them by biology. These aren't earth-shattering facts, and they have no unilateral implications where policy is concerned.

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File: e631ac05867f858⋯.jpeg (9.58 KB,175x288,175:288,howifoundfreedom.jpeg)

 No.101128 [Open thread]

Does anyone else like the book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World?" Any other Brownouters?

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File: a5de3a563936cc0⋯.png (273.34 KB,592x724,148:181,libertarianism and islam -….png)

No but that title sounds like "how I accepted being a slave" unless it's about doing illegal stuff. Is it? If yes I will read

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File: 315988a13be34e5⋯.pdf (1.37 MB,Harry Browne — How I Found….pdf)


The Table of Contents should answer your question pretty swiftly. You should also read the whole book.

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Ayy thanks!

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File: 5709e063eb91a47⋯.png (834.9 KB,1760x720,22:9,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.101170 [Open thread]

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File: 47609c2bfc621de⋯.jpg (192.71 KB,710x577,710:577,44443TN 364.PMG.jpg)

 No.100784 [Open thread]

Hai fren! I made a new tor board called VileChan, please come over because it would make ver me happy.


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The link goes nowhere OP

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Can't say I've tested the link but you should try using the onion router, as that's what it's meant for. That is unless you tried that and it just didn't work out, in which case wew lads.

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damn, im glad you explained what tor meant to people here.

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File: 889a02e40e6677c⋯.jpg (109.5 KB,918x804,153:134,peacin.jpg)


You betcha fren

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File: 4887e846fe8f7e9⋯.png (108.3 KB,570x389,570:389,nixonGoldShock.png)

 No.100934 [Open thread]

It surprises me that socialists don't understand how they're responsible for how wages have stagnated for the past 50 years.

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File: c865e57df24ecc2⋯.jpg (42.01 KB,672x453,224:151,somethingHappened1971.jpg)

File: cf279d7588c9e41⋯.png (110.65 KB,780x439,780:439,somethingHappened1971-2.png)

File: 00f0be50765917a⋯.jpg (372.26 KB,2067x1562,2067:1562,somethingHappened1971-3.jpg)



I can find more graphs to support this thesis. Something happened in 1971.

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pic 1. Johnson's Great Socoiety beginning in 1964

pic 2. Termination of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, which leads to…

pic 3. Debt Bubble buoyed by the petrodollar

This is just a simplified model of events and there are many more causes and factors in play.

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>The gap between productivity and compensation is the largest it's been in 40 years

>This proves that compensation tracks productivity perfectly, and people are just getting paid in benefits instead of cash

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The graph is closer than the one in OP, suggesting that compensation has been much closer to productivity than is otherwise implied. The reason for the gap may be found in the fact that a large portion of nonwage compensation is state mandated–workers don't have the option to select a job which pays entirely in cash rather than benefits because such jobs have been legislated out of existence. Since every worker must receive part of his compensation as benefits that aren't perfectly substitutable with one another, every potential worker who wishes to quit one job in order to seek another, better-paying one faces switching costs–there's some uncertainty as to whether or not the benefits received at the new job will be better or worse than the ones in the current job, as one cannot wholly discern the quality of benefits before experiencing them. Further, one cannot accumulate benefits in savings the way cash can be, which means that there is no stockpile of benefits on which one can draw during periods of frictional unemployment the way you can with cash. All of these factors mean that being compensated with benefits rather than cash makes workers less flexible with their employment decisions, and thus much more wage-inelastic. This results in them being willing to accept a lower wage when the government mandates them to take a portion of payment in benefits rather than wages. And this increased inelasticity is the reason for the increasing gap between productivity and compensation.

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File: 44dbf27ca9c9edb⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,1024x416,32:13,xcaxw5p6klc21.jpg)

 No.101093 [Open thread]

Recently I've decided to widen my horizons and see what lalala-libertarians and other cucks are up to in my country, and they are really fucking cucked beyond belief.

I'm talking about people supporting filtering the web, censoring "fake news", unlimited migration, feminism and other degeneracies. And these are not just some young guys on the internet but people with a following, even older people who have been screwed by the State and the same mechanism they support (censorship).

At this point I say fuck them. What's even the point of supporting liberty if even those who supposedly support liberty are anti-liberty?

This battle has already been lost. I need a way to get out, psychologically, and put my efforts in other things.

The truth is that I feel powerless, so I don't want to just not associate myself with liberty, I want to become powerful and influence the world towards less liberty just for my gain.

Sorry for blogposting, I'm sure some of you may have been in a similar situation before

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File: 15292b2b7593031⋯.png (1.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ape to ape transformation.png)


>The truth is that I feel powerless, so I don't want to just not associate myself with liberty, I want to become powerful and influence the world towards less liberty just for my gain.

And join the dark side, the side of trannies fucking themselves in the ass with a ten inch dildo just for fun, all subsidized by the tax payer? In that case, you deserve to feel as hopeless as you do. Have you considered that? Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, faggots who want to join the tyrants don't deserve to live in a libertarian paradise in the first place?

Let me tell you something, anon: You are probably an alright guy, who has busied himself with politics for far too long. I see that time and time again, more often than I used to, and it's beginning to annoy me, big time. Just take up a fucking hobby and go to Church on Sundays, then watch a show and forget all about political analysis as you do so. Find a girl you love, and make plans to have wonderful children, for the sake of it, not to "uphold your race" or win some demographic war, just because you like the idea of going to playgrounds with your children and watching them laugh. Then you will gain both a newfound appreciation for doing good, because you don't want a world that poisons your children, and you will also begin to look at things once again without your political glasses on. The political order may be shit, but the entire point of libertarianism is that the political order is not everything. You have a life, anon. Don't waste it being gloomy about election results like a faggot. Leave that to the left.

Pic unrelated but my contract dictates I must use it.

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you're right, if I wasn't completely unsatisfied with my life I wouldn't even care about politics. After all I started caring only when I became unsatisfied.

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File: a00be29ce453d06⋯.gif (1.43 MB,320x240,4:3,thumbsupcomputerkid.gif)


Got you buddy. As I said, do something more fun and uplifting for a bit, lift your spirits up, then go back to the politics. The world is actually a very nice place to live in, we have flowers and shit and lots of kind people, even with all the trannies and antifa around. Do it for the flowers and for Beppo, the kind janitor. Don't let them down.

Also, yes, I can actually be that sappy. Love myself some damn flowers.

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File: 481f49fc81d1148⋯.jpg (301.69 KB,1024x676,256:169,1554766895.jpg)


The other faggot is right. Take a break for a while, or find a creative outlet, if all you do is consume politics all day while being powerless to change anything yourself, you're setting yourself up for depression. The political situation in your country can radically change for the better like it changed in mine, so don't assume it's all fucked just yet, maybe everyone is just waiting for a hero who's not afraid to put himself out there and call out the hypocrites, maybe you could become that hero.

Now having said that, get the fuck outta with your blackpill bullshit and come back when you don't sound like a bitch, I will not help you indulge in negativity, and I'm ashamed to post on the same board with such hopeless fucking pussies.

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File: 1936073e740eaa4⋯.jpg (208.37 KB,960x1280,3:4,1936073e740eaa424996f2c6c9….jpg)

 No.100848 [Open thread]

What point distinctively separates a duel from a physical altercation in AnCapistan? If someone waves a gun at you/calls you a faggot and you proceed to pull out your own gun and tell then to back off, is it self defense against an NAP violation or is it escalating the situation and providing consent to a fight? What if the whole neighborhood insists you agreed to a duel but you only did so because you were coerced into accepting it?

tl;dr- At what point does it stop being an NAP violation and start becoming you being a little bitch in a consensual beat down when someone riles you up/picks a fight with you?

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There's a pretty clear-cut difference between defending yourself from aggression in the present and initiating aggression against someone who has wronged you in the past. I'm not saying that vigilante justice is morally wrong, mind you, but it is a NAP violation.

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File: 21e457f7a3c4845⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,598x792,299:396,1514477945235.jpg)

A threat of violence is a NAP violation. Just like in the US right now, you have full authority to act first to shoot a thug pointing a gun at you. Also just like right now, an investigation would be held to determine if the force was justified. The difference is that the investigative body isn't a state monopoly.





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You're missing the deeper meaning. It's not about whether it is an NAP violation or not, but what variable allows someone to ignore the NAP violation. Clearly ignoring it implies either…

>A) The individual does not recognize it as an NAP violation

>B) The individual recognizes it as an NAP violation but allows it anyways

If A, one can ask "why is it not?" If B, the important question is which variable is making the individual ignore a clear violation of the NAP? Did the guy have it coming? Is it retribution? Is society filled with people who hate the NAP and don't follow it? (If the latter, they must have some system of morality/ethics otherwise society would cease to exist, but in AnCapistan, why WOULD they have a competing set of ethics/how did it survive to let it flourish in society while also allowing a flourishing society?)

These are the important questions, anon.

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A duel implies both parties consented to the duel. Like in olden days, one man would challenge another man to a duel. If the other accepted than the duel is on. But if the other refused than the initiator cannot take further action. He gets the satisfaction of making the other man look like a coward, but at the end of the day no one gets killed or wounded.

If the duel is refused and the initiator gets butthurt and attacks the other man anyway, than he violates the NAP.

>what if he waves a gun in you face?

Than that can be perceived as a clear and present threat and violates the NAP. The only reason anyone should ever pull out a gun is if he intends to use it right then and there.

>what if he calls you a fag?

Than he calls you a fag. It may hurt your feelings for a bit, but I wouldn't call it an NAP violation. Sometimes you have to put your pride aside and be the bigger person in situations like that and walk away. If you want to make a duel out of it you can, but it makes you look petty.

I hope this helps.

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why is vigilante justice a nap violation? is institutional justice a nap violation too then?

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 No.100761 [Open thread]

Fucking hamsters will live in ancap utopia before humans.

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Haven't been there since 2015

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Yet I still remember that post you made, about giant guinea pigs

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File: 93bcb8df30367ed⋯.jpg (58.76 KB,700x477,700:477,64.jpg)


Ahhhhhhhhhh, hold on motherfucker… this takes me back! Are you talking about that one "unusual pets" thread they had? Damn, you have great memory.

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File: e8c9db08ed0ebbd⋯.jpg (129.99 KB,1280x960,4:3,intellectual capivara rea….jpg)


>why do you like capivaras?

>they are like giant guinea pigs, only a faggot wouldn't want a giant guinea pig

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what the fuck is it doing?

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