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Ya'll need Mises.

File: 2b8087046d9753b⋯.jpeg (6.66 KB,259x194,259:194,images.jpeg)

 No.105819 [Open thread]

>could explain how private property actually prevents the spread of diseases as no property owner wants aero-aids flying around their property

>could explain how limited immigration, as a libertarian tenet (see Hoppe), could stop the spread of diseases

>could explain the obvious failures in government-run public health systems to do anything efficient with regards to Covid (or any pandemic)


>prefers to jump in the Trumpism/Republicanism bandwagon, go anti-vaxx and gets horny by spreading Covid like libs get horny by spreading AIDS

Why did libertarians go apeshit in the last 2 years? It seems like every libertarian these days has dropped perfectly sound explanations for the world - whether based on libertarian ethics or utilitarianism - in favor of some crazy mix of Trumpism, Fox News and distorted ideas of what individual freedom is.

pic unrelated

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This is what voting for "the most realistic candidate" or "the lesser of two evils" gets you.

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Does not help that the other 2 Right Wing Parties (Libertarian and Constitution) were for red flag laws/and or BLM. As for the vax it has been ineffective but as far as some of the other claims (it kills people, etc) I have no proof of that but some of the documents that have dropped for the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation make me suspicious.

As for Trump not a fan but still preferable to Biden even with all the BS (socialism driving at the speed limit). Also had a better chance at winning than compromised parties.

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File: dbeb73a2876cd19⋯.jpg (215.28 KB,1000x1000,1:1,qnnYC8vz1Ao.jpg)

 No.103855 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post something here each time you enter the board or else your mom dies in 24hrs.

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File: ef48065ffc19358⋯.gif (1.96 MB,498x281,498:281,98bc01fbdc6fc6217c72c17f3c….gif)

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File: 419ebab028a09ea⋯.mp4 (10.59 MB,640x360,16:9,hoppewave_the_art_of_physi….mp4)

We should bring back Hoppewave in 2021

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because he has no balls. cia did those shootings and pretended they were anons here to shut .net down and everyone knows


/pol/ board here is /pnd/

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File: a44cd9f3f6c74e2⋯.png (142.34 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Hoppe_WP2.png)

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File: 35626eafbae75ce⋯.jpg (143.1 KB,530x558,265:279,msanmaahdhty.jpg)

 No.105816 [Open thread]

Assalamu'alaikum, my brother who is blessed by Allah the Almighty, since currently my social network accounts such as Twitter and Instagram have been suspended and blocked and one of them is by Facebook. while on my other Instagram they filter and block from embedding hashtags in posts. then i can no longer for a while,

to gather movements through virtual networks, to carry out a revolutionary movement against globalists and their legs, including the puppet governments in our country which are controlled by them, so that they implement the jahiliyah system in our country. and the only way is through the power of the world community, especially the lower & middle layers.

which they realize that injustice, arbitrariness and also tyranny of injustice have occurred in their country due to corruption and a wrong system, as a result of the rulers no longer willing to submit to the rules, laws and orders of God.

and where at this time, damage, crime, and immorality. also heresy is rampant.

we do have to mobilize & mobilize mass demonstrations across the country and put up a fight against the tyrants who are the slaves of globalists. and practices of corruption and economic monopoly and banking, which are based on fraud and usury practices, all of which we have to tear down & destroy.

Their beast satanic system, as well as all their agendas, conspiracies & evil plots, we must defeat and eliminate.

maybe this will lead to greater conflicts and wars, but you know this way is the only way that can overthrow their great strength, both in weapons, logistics and production units as well as their industry. most of us may be broken with them, but our whole soul is still free from them

, and then for those who survive this first day of destruction (modern century) they will give thanks to God and give thanks for the struggle and the shed blood of all of us. this is the day we can be free from the restraints of the tyranny of the rebellious rulers of God's law,

which they love to do damage and injustice and enslave humans to lead astray and ally themselves to Satan. as a result of their offers and threats and restraints, it is possible that someday we will sell our faith in God. to the wealth and prosperiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

 No.102898 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Any thoughts about Tucker's snide against Austrian economics? (~3:55)

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Comparative advantage explains such things. Prove it doesn't exist or git out.

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File: a245c3cceb47983⋯.png (12.2 KB,200x252,50:63,descarga.png)

Even republicans dislike lolberg retards in 2020. Looks like we finally won and lolbergianism will be finally condemned to the trash can of history!

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because "reputable economists" are court propagandists who serve the state

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>establishment republicans' policy positions are always implicitly (and sometimes even explicitly) Keynesian, and have been for a long time. That's why they make it their number one priority to push for mass migration as a way to boost GDP. There's nothing implicitly "Austrian" about forcing people to accept latecomers against their will en masse and telling them it's for their own good.

>By contrast, the original German version of "Human Action" by Ludwig von Mises was called "Nationalökonomie". Mises defined nationalism as an extension of every person's right of self-determination, which he viewed as impossible absent freedom of association. As a self-described "classical nationalist", national unity and the right of national self-determination guided everything Mises wrote. He saw national unity as being a necessary prerequisite for casting off the despotic rule of … foreign occupiers.

Critics use Austrain and Keynesian economics interchangably when they're not.

Fundamental differences between Austrain and Keynesian @3:20 https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=symk3IZCxM4

I embed a (longer) Ron Paul talk on Austrian economics.

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dr. paul shifts from libertarianism to economics @25:12

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 No.105812 [Open thread]

hello 8kun

i didn't wanted to come here

but due being torpedoed from all boards on 4chan for my thread i decided to take a risk to post here

link for my thread


i'm asking local anons for help

to spread the message on other boards and sites

and revive /MAG/ Magic Army General on /x/ board due fundamental importance of such

i hope you're smart anons and able figure out what this thing is about

besides of it i'll try to answer some questions if mods will be merciful

if you'll be interested we can be accessed via attached links



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File: ce92e843a5d1efe⋯.jpg (297.26 KB,1045x1322,1045:1322,Complete_COVID_Test_J_M_Ne….jpg)

 No.105778 [Open thread]

Literally can't travel to some states (and MANY countries) w/o having some kind of negative covid paperwork. I'm not going to a hospital or any other place with SICK ppl to get tested for something I know I don't have. Bought a fake covid test more as a defense mechanism in case some libtard state required it. I used fakecovidtest.com but there's a couple spots for it. Control starts with some fake virus that everyone will need to be 'vaccinated' for - don't get caught.

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there was a story about this recently in TX actually..

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tons of stories like this going around - with the bullshit fake 'second wave' talk the govts are going to lock things down again and continue the control scheme

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yea same shit is happening for xmas - soon theyre gonna require the 'vaccine'

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I'm sad to hear that. COVID is a bad thing in every way.

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Tests for the appearance of ko are something mythical and implausible. Many countries are trying to make their vaccines the best-selling. That's the problem. But also because of the covid tests, a lot of countries have closed their borders. For example, the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, I had to return to the Russian Federation to renew zagranpasport, but with the help of https://www.russia-travel.com/passport/ I was able to do this remotely.

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File: 9da25cd299867c8⋯.png (621.43 KB,917x644,131:92,Window_Reaction.png)

 No.105595 [Open thread]

Are you one of these fake ass "libertarians" who suddenly like government and authority just because the people rioting are lefties?

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Who would centralize it if it was voluntary? I am actually curious how that would work, because that would entail someone or someones having complete control over economic decisions, in turn being somewhat like a state. Wouldn't that be more like minarchism?

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Technically yes. But it's unrealistic to say that 100% of the population is going to voluntarily follow any centralized organization.

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That is the only good kind of libertarian there is.

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Sure. Leftist are far worse.

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im not one to associate with the political compass, i think its idiotic and tribalist, BUT i think there should be change in out gov, nad i dont mean the nice guy way of "vote them out" i mean real change

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File: 413a62426cb0369⋯.png (599.59 KB,1400x548,350:137,authority.png)

 No.105800 [Open thread]

Paraguay and most European countries have disappointed me. The only countries that have seen bright spots are Uruguay and Mexico. Who else has impressed you?

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File: 2cf9bde1cbd5ee3⋯.pdf (124 KB,Presentment_Process_Power.pdf)

 No.105798 [Open thread]

I have a message for everyone. The right of presentment in the Fifth Amendment was removed, made "obsolete" in 1946. I discovered it because I began hunting the domestic enemy in May 1970. If I was smarter, I would have discovered it sooner.

Presentment is a right of the People to independently investigate federal government wrongdoing, with complete subpoena power, without asking permission from or the direct ion of , the federal court or U.S. Attorney.

What was taken from the People was the actual power, the police power, from the hands of the People and consolidated it in the judicial branch.

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 No.105792 [Open thread]

Mysterious illness in India sickens 200, kills one December 2020! watch the video here >> https://invidio.us/KeNDGLbpbBQ

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File: 0ffaad764f066c5⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,4000x2666,2000:1333,judyshelton.jpeg)

 No.105786 [Open thread]

I know this might not be kosher, but there was one reason and one reason alone that I decided to hold my nose and vote for Trump, and that was Judy Shelton. I made a promise to myself that if someone put forth a good faith effort towards seriously reforming the income tax or Fed, I would vote for them. Trump actually decided to try and put a hardliner it so he was one of the only Republicans I decided to vote for. I also liked how Trump was trying to bring the troops home (but the Somalian stuff complicate things) and abolishing the Patriot Act and going after the FISA courts was great.

But I sit here and Republicans are bashing her for supporting the gold standard. Credit for those who did vote for her, but Mick Romney decided to be a bastard like his father and fuck over any progress. I am so frustrated with FUDs that I say we ship them to China, because that is how useful they are. If we are going to have a digital dollar, can we at least have an advocate for gold and for greater financial freedom?

So overall I am disappointed that at the very least she did not get appointed to the Fed board. I guess it is time for Washington to burn to the ground.

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> I guess it is time for Washington to burn to the ground.

If they don't do it themselves

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File: 4d06cfbc83bfb96⋯.png (1.11 KB,151x151,1:1,netflix.png)

 No.105761 [Open thread]

What do you think of the Libertarian Sub on Reddit and Reason writers defending it? I can see scenarios where simply having contraband content should not be illegal, whereas distribution/production is. I really don't like the government intervening in the marketplace, but I do wonder if this is an instance where they went too far. Another thing, does the US government have the right to fine or arrest someone if it was done outside the US? I don't plan to watch it as I don't want to support it but want people's thoughts.

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Well does it go against the non aggression principal?

It depends on how far you you want to stretch or squash the meaning.

Were any of the kids taken advantage of?

Could the film promote crimes of pedophilia?

But should we aresset people before they even commit a crime?

Personally I think it is degenerate, and I won't be supporting Netflix. But arbretrary government ruling I'm against, especially without direct proof of it harming anyone.

If cuties were a book, there would probably be less outrage.

I agree with >>105764

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Most libertarians are conservative, so maybe you are onto something, lol

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File: 53673d8f9782b7e⋯.png (440.5 KB,699x607,699:607,DE24E0C9_B8A0_4C55_9CD3_04….png)

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File: 5b6365ee14d745d⋯.png (327.36 KB,699x607,699:607,1601672101704.png)

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I think the exploitation part should be investigated. I think there is potential and that is my issue. I don't think it should be retracted but this does seem like a border case to me that depending on the surrounding circumstances could trip over the fence.

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File: ce92e843a5d1efe⋯.jpg (297.26 KB,1045x1322,1045:1322,Complete_COVID_Test_J_M_Ne….jpg)

 No.105777 [Open thread]

Literally can't travel to some states (and MANY countries) w/o having some kind of negative covid paperwork. I'm not going to a hospital or any other place with SICK ppl to get tested for something I know I don't have. Bought a fake covid test more as a defense mechanism in case some libtard state required it. I used fakecovidtest.com but there's a couple spots for it. Control starts with some fake virus that everyone will need to be 'vaccinated' for - don't get caught.

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File: ca713836870e86e⋯.jpg (1.97 KB,125x75,5:3,1595327155300s.jpg)

 No.105704 [Open thread]

Really missed this site and glad it is back up. What is on your mind? Also how are you advancing liberty in your own life?

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I'm married now

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At the moment I am just trying to be self-sufficient. I did buy some gold and crypto, I suppose that is something.

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I bought a little before the uptick. I personally would like to get into Agorism and counter markets but most my ideas seem elaborate as it is. Also taking some classes so I can eventually permanently work from home and travel.

On a side note do you think other commodities will moon? It seems that gold and silver are the first to moon then the rest of them do. I am trying to stock up on commodity stocks atm as I think a lot of them are undervalued imo.

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My condolences for losing all your liberties through the plantation.

I have freed myself from toxic women within my environment and progress my workouts and regulate my energy levels.

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File: 265a063f35d363d⋯.png (273.12 KB,2048x2048,1:1,stop_it.png)

 No.105638 [Open thread]

When is everyone going to realize that we are in a spiritual war for our very souls?

please read and watch all of this. Extremely important:





Floyd knew the man that killed him, and that corrupt possibly fake illuminati deep state satanic globalist cop dude killed the innocent floyd because corona meme is getting old, and the bad guys want to start a race war so that they can make a civil war and then have china attack when we're not paying attention.

right now we're in:

cold civil war

global cold war

psychological cold war

spiritual cold war

with who?

evil itself

black lives matter are the same exact people as antifa, and they're all funded by george soros, the clintons, the obamas, the united nations, the bidens, and every other illuminati bad guy. all satanic globalist communists.

they want division,

they fear our unity, regardless of background or color or whatever.

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non argument

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Communists are poor fucks. Not rich fucks.

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>Communists are poor fucks. Not rich fucks.

The top leaders are rich as fuck while they let the rest stay dirt poor so they are easily controlled.

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Spirituality is obscurantism.

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